Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1884, Image 8

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Tuesday Mornipg Nyveniber 4 ,
Vote early and you will bo sure you arc
At Ic.vt two notuy publics should bo at
each polling place in order to facilitate mat-
tcra and < eo that all voters who are not regis
tered can bo sworn in.
Tlio nil-lit mail narvlco on thai ! . & M
\vlll not bo put on for few days us yet owing
to the lack of sufliclout postal olcrka to
properly work the nulls.
If you wantto , vole oatly ,
M there will bo a big jam. In the Fourth
ward It will bo nocosiary to cast ono ballot a
rninuto in order to cast the full vote.
There will ba no mooting of the 0. K. of
A. this evening. The regular meeting ,
owlns to election , will bo postponed until
Tiiraday , the llth Inst. T. ! ' . DUKNNAN.
Tlio street railway company yesterday received -
coivod n number of now cars to rim upon the
now lines which will bo put in operation soon ,
The now cars are of n llttlo dilfercnt pattern
than the old one ? , bat are equally as altr c
The art idea of incorporation of the Homo
fire iniuranco company , with Chariot L. liar
Lor , J.IH. L Ljvott , Alvin Saundcra , Jon
than 1" . Gardner os incorporatorii , were filed
In the county clerk's oflico yesterday after
The polls open nt 8 o'clock this
morning and clone at C o'clock p. in. , so far an
Jiationa' , atato and county tickets are can
cernocl. Upon the city bonds thu polls will
ba open until 8 o'clock. The polls will OJIOM
and close by sun timo.
Sunday n young man named Krank
! Kvans , received a severe scalp wound whlo
fighting.with another party , whoso nama could
not bu learned. Ho was carried into Dr.
Spaldlng'd ollico , on L'arnam direct , where a
gash tun inches in length waa sowed Tip.
The [ Swo3ish Baptist church on
toonth street , between California nnd Web
tor , will hold meetings Tuesday , Wednesday
Friday nnd Saturday evenings at 7:30 : , gUif-
loront speakers will bo present , among them ,
Missionary Mitn Anna 1 ! , Nelaon , All Scandinavians -
dinavians at a invited.
How can Parka Godwin hope to booloctod
inview of his shameful treatment of Mrs.
Hill , in inducing her to trust him for board
until the amount ho owes her is upwards of
$500 , whenin place of making an effort to pay
her , hu pleads the atatuto of limitations and
mortgages his personal effects so an to pruvent
her from realizing a dollar.
MrB. Lucrotia Burroughs , a former resi
dent of Omaha , but recently of Springfield ,
Sarjiy county , has assumed control of the W.
G. T. U. dining roomi in this city. The ladies
of this organlzat'on feel greatly encouraged
ever iheir past mccees , which lion oicoedoJ
their fondest anticipations , and will go on
with their good work with increased vigor.
How dons It occur that Major Newell ,
who Htands indictoJ for embezzlement , was
never brought to trial , nnd has been allowed
to leave without renewing h'sbond. ' This 11
one of the caies Mr. Godwin hau iiovcr
aoemed inclined to proeocuto. Dam ho not ro-
Karil embezzlement n crlmo which nhould bo
visited with punishment , or han his education
° n thia branch of the criminal liw been neg
lected ?
C. S. Ueynoldp , Krcmont , 1) . S. Bell , David
City , D. F. McFarland , Lincoln , registered
yesterday at the Millnrd.
W. L. Baker and K. T. Bartlett , traveling
agents for 0. J. Hood & Co. , nro In thocity
dlttributliig their piiutod matter.
Mias Genclvo Ingorsoll formerly of this
city , but who has boon studying for the stngo
in New York city the past few mouth ) , ar
rived in Omaha last Friday evening , on a visit
to friends. She is stopping with Mrs , Goo ,
John Cuvanngh , thu gentleman who HO ably
filled the poaUicn ot catchur In the Union
1'acllic base ball team , lofc last o veiling for
Maryville , 0.1. , wheroho will spend tlio win
ter with his brother , nn old'timo lualdont of
tlio "ulopo. "
W. 0. Mills , ono of the mibitantlal young
men o ( Lincoln , In tlili state , and brother to
AesUtant Union Pacific Yurdirmtot Day
Mills , of this city , passed through Omaha
yesterday on route to Marion. Ohio , wlierd ho
will bo united In murriago to au cutimablo
young lady of tbnt city.
ICIecllon Day nnil SalnniiH.
Yeatorday afternoon Acting Mayor
Murphy waa visited by a committee of
thrco clergymen of this city and a com-
F imUoo from the Omaha Law nnd Order
League , to prevail upon him to take tbo
legal stops relative to closing the saloons
Ia consequence of the notice which
appeared in yesterday morning's BBE ,
City Marshal Gumming * was seen last
night roapectirig what he intended to do
should the liquor vendors see fit
to open their doors this morn
ing. That gentleman aaid if
the saloonu were opened to-day
the proprietors would do so lit their
peril , IIo continuud that Ihoao drinking
placon that wen * kupt orderly and quiut
would not bo ndisUirlii'd but tin HI other
wise would bnclotud up , It was the fouling
among certain saloon mm lant night to
open their donra thia irorning H thing
tint will probably bo done by every OHM
in thu city. It iu hard to cniijeclnro
what will ba the roeult in ciso thwy
should do eo , but it svomi to bo the in
tention of certain partirs to prosecute
Bl'ch iniodt'tnoaiiore , aa it was reported
upon good Hu'.hority I ait evening tlmt
the Lavr end Order LeaKiio had deputed
twenty " * p utera" to report all places
Belling liquor to-dny.
Ditiiut * ortlin DurnntH ,
1'he mpinbora vnd friends of the Durant -
rant Eoginu Co. had a most enjoyable
time iu Falconer's Hill Usft evening ,
The ccculon was the fourteenth nniiivitr-
eary of the company and a fitting cclu
bration in ibo way of a ball was given by
1U member/ . Fully 100 couples win-
prj-Mritt und ull vhd with caah other in
nulling the evening i/eajunt for thoio in
eUt'Liluiice , An < xnllmt programme of
30 danc wn t'iioihrnuuli ; with'ho par *
ty rint , ceparutiiy until , inrly morulM ; ,
Th cniiuniMoti ITI ( > rraii Hineiiin which
did ul much t < > maki > till ) cMfrtnimnmit a
niic8e WIT * P tor D-udul1 , U , H Turny.
U'ln-i iloSlilhn , .1 , Van pluw and Frank
Fclin * > ijr , Tim mutio r.aa Juniuhud l > y
The Bornl of Kflncalion Allows its Usn
nal Bills ,
l < "l\hiK up tlic HlK < i nnd I/.n I'd HoTici
Oroiurls liy KotalliliiK
The regular weekly mooting of th
board of education WAD hold last evening
President Long in the chair , and mom
ben Connoyor , Livcaoy , Gibbon ant
Copcland present. The minutes of 111
provioua mooting wcro read and ap
From Hone Hamilton , presenting ho
resignation as teacher , to take cliec
Nov. 14 , Accepted.
From City Treasurer Buck , present
SIR his ofllclal report for the month o
October , as follows : Total from last report
port and money collected in October
$73,30177 ; paid out in warrants , § 21 ,
087 33 ; balance in treasury , $52,217.41
balance inainliing fund , $207.87 ; bonds
on dopoiit , $07,000.
From Margaret W. Morley , offering
her services to teach elocution in higl
school , and it it bo not feasible to toad
there to instruct the graduating olaaa.
From Belle H. Lowlr , asking that her
salary bo increased to § 80 per month ,
as she is doing extra work. Ro-
From Olovo Bron. ' , architects , Dinting
that the contractorof the Qartman school
building had cxccutod $1,800 worth of
work since the last estimate , to 80 per
cent of which ho win onlitlud , provided
ho romdoy BOIIIO dufccta in the cornico.
From the aflicors of the gymnasium
society , petitioning the board of educa
tion to make an allowance for repairing
and fitting up the gymnasium , aa iU
members were willing to support a
gymnasium teacher. Referred.
From Dufrono &jMcndolcasohn , atchi-
tacts , stating that Ed. J. Brounanjwas en
titled to $880 the oiuno being 80 nor
cent , of the value of the work done by
him on the east aide of the High school
grouuds. Allowed.
Committee on clairnB ; recommending
the allowance of bills amounting to
$13,327.for improvements , repairs Aa.
Buildings and property , recommend
ing that additional hulp bo given to the
janitor of the High nchool during the
wintar months at a cent not ozcccding
$20 per month , and that ono ton of coal
per month bo given to tha jinitoro of
the Pleasant and Qartman schools.
The matter of the insurance of the
school buildings waa nest called up
During the nuxt forty days nearly nil of
the risks carried upon thu public school
buildings will expire , and thu question
is to what companies flhould have the
renewed insurance was discussed at some
length , Tno whulo maltar was finally
referred to thu president and secretary
to oil'ect the insurance ai they boat Daw
Special , reporting that the jmitors'
rooms of the Long nnd Loavunworth
schools are unfit for habitation and rec
ommending that separata building3 bo
otoctcd tor thorn to live in. Rjforrod to
committee on buildings and property
with power to act
Member CupuJand inquired ( ho coats of
building the retaining walla of the High
and Jzud schools. Mr.Conuoyer repurtud
the coat upon thu Izttrd school wall
would bo at least $1,400 , nnd the im
provements upon thu High school grouda
including curbing and guttering , retaining
wall and Mr. Craig'n work upon the
grounds would reach nearly $10,000.
On account of the so great cost of these
Improvements the committee on build
ings and property was instructed on mo
tion to ascertain thu cost of repairing the
louth wall of the High tohool grounds
ind report at the next meeting in order
that the board may vote intelligently up-
yn these oxpenai'uroa. '
The board then adjourned.
The Nuinliur I
The following is a list of the number
if rrgistored vctors in oicli ward :
I'lrst wind . lr.7fi
Second wikiil Klr t DhiiUt . t ) 1
Seoind watd-SoconJ district . 1)9 ) 1
Third ward . 1 I Wj
Koui th win ! . 1,27 1
Kiflh ward -Kiiat dlstrlut . 1017
fifth wudHio Jiid district . J.'JMl
Hlxth wuid . i,77 ;
Total . y,708
It is estimated by tlioso who are no-
quain nd with Omalm politics Hint not
nvor 80 per cent of the total nuuibsr of
tlioso registered will voto. Should that
e tiniato bo corroot , 7,750 votes will bo
polled , making by fur the largest numbur
ever recorded in this city.
Gront UojiiluiiiK AIIIOIII ; nil Olnii'ii'H cif
Hint tui Id til linn
Thoond of thu political Blrupr-lo is at
linncl und n n'gh of relief escapes thu
lips of every niun in Omaha Kk-oryono
with whom you oonvorsa tolls the tamu
story , " 1 om to glad that thii end hus
Bomo , for I w s never BO sick of any.
tiling in my IICo aa 1 um of the cam-
| > ain. | { It lias boon n campaign of mud-
throwing ami 1 am rrjoicud to think that
it in t un 1'iul. "
Thu murohanla lira nil hnppy to think
Unit the camp i ( n has cloictl und any that
it inny bo putsiblu to do aomo biuiiu'aa , a
luxury which they have not unjuyca for
aavoral months Nowhere has the dull
tliiu'8 bei-n nmro uotioea' ) u than npimthu
railroads. No ono liua boun tr voling ,
viTjboily IHIB rumaincd at homii to vote
To-day'a train wvatovcr the Union Pacific
did not have a atiii-lo elccjiiiig car paaioii-
yer.With ono accord the people of Omaha
rii o ihflr voices and exclaim , "Wo are
ylid it is over. "
FOR SAU'j ' A good family horao ,
bua'gy und harness. L. A , RATH ,
IIo\v A bunt i lie Coiiulj , lud i ) ?
To the JMilor of TIIK ! ! KK :
1 am surprised that BQ little has been
a&id in your paper about the onuty j'tilgn. '
ship , Jam told tint ttio youi.g htnyura
df Omaha propuao to stand at the pullc
all < l y to bullili r i vn'ora ' cud doft'ut
Mr. Points , Will our bimineta men und
working ptoplo allow thu l.iwyum to diu-
talo'.vhuii to ad nuiihter thu t'litatoa if
widowa tad irphitt' ( lltanoboJy ex
cept lawyers an interest in the courts ?
Mr. McCulloch ia comparatively
stranger in Umaha. IIo wag appointed
at the instance of Mr. Poppleton at the
time the t' . I' , was condemning property
for the bolt line , and ho appointed ap
praisers that suited Mr. Popploton. Now
the people nro rnkcd to elect him in
profcrcuca to Mr. Points , an honcnt and
reliable man whom nobody can influence.
11 Booms to tno wo need juat such n man
in that placo.
In Memory of Mult ) Itcfiianl Carlli
Alai ! our little nnnM \ Rene
Nn mora hlscliildlfh yolco wa'll hear ,
For thn tnnstcr calltil liiln to his linmo
That'll free from sorrow , tuna nnd care.
Ah ! How wo shall tnlsi him everyday
As with tho'ochubby Immln and ftet
Were constantly ougagoil in play
Until his eyes were closed In nlccp.
And when In the mornlnR ho'd nwako
His voice , like inmic , brlflil { niidgay ,
Would through the housa tlio fllonco break
Proclaiming the dawn of another day.
And now In Kadncti wo are left
To mourn thn loss of nnn HO dcnr ,
For ohl 'tin hard to ho Ixrcft
Of thrso little cues that are no near.
But the Master rayo forbid thorn not
And lot tin thlldron comoto mo
Them will 1 lovu and niiVr c.ytt out
l'or they are Benin of piirity.
.Joiw 1' . STALET.
Omaha , Oct. 29th , 1881.
I'lio Dnyol' Italllo nt llruul anil a. Ijlsi
oftlio I'lncos AVhoi'o It Will
To-day 13 * election day and in view
f that fact and in order that thcro mny
> o no mistake aa to the location of the
lolling places a list of the same is given
Omaha precinct No. 1 , nt norlhnast corner
'onth nnd Jacknoii Kt.recti.
Omnha precinct No 'J Klection dietrict
Vo. 1 , ut No. 1210 H Thirteenth Htrett.
Omaha nrecinct No. 2 Kloctinn district
\o. 2 , nt No. 1813 Boulh sldo St. Mury'u avo-
ue , between Kightuouth and Nineteenth
Omaha precinct No. 3 , nt No. 310 South
'ivulflh street.
Omah precinct No.I , nt gliorilfd ollico ,
nirt hoiiso.
Omaha precinct No. D. Election district
'o , 1. nt 1 ' ! ! ' . ) Chicago direct , between
wolftli nnd Thirt enth.
Omaha precinct No. f > . Kloclinn dintrict
'o. L' , licdinan'rt food fctoro , corner T/.urd nnd
Ixteenth streets.
Omalinprocriict No. 0 , nt englno house No.
corner Twentiuth and Izard ttrccts.
Suratnga precinct at echool house near
1'Iorenco precinct nt school homo nt t'lor
Union precinct nt Irving ton echool houso.
.letrora.n precinct at tchool house in diatiict
! Jn. 41.
Dlkhorn nrecinct nt Klkhorn achonl houso.
1'lntto Yulloy precinct nt school house at
Valley htatlon ,
Waterloo precinct at school house at Water-
Chicago precinct nt school houeo at Klkhorn
Millard precinct at Millard itchnol liouso.
MciYrdlu precinct i\t McArdls echool Inuso.
Douglas product atelection district No. l , < nt
Election district No. 2 , at Caasaday'a school
101130 ,
West Omaha precinct nt Echool honso naar
The polls will bo opened at 8 o'clock
n the morning and coutmun open until
> o'clock in the ovonmg. The polla will
) o opened and clc nsd by sun time , which
s twenty-four minutes slower than city
imo. Mr. II. T. Lenvitt , the county
: lork , vrlll start out with the ballot boxes
or the city precincts at 7 o'clock
his morning. lie will not deliver
ho anne to any rtopt the authorized
udgos or clerks cf uloctnn , in order that
lioru may bu no irregularity , huncn it ia
mportant that at least ono of the judges
r clerko boat the polling place in each
f ard tvt 7 o'clock a. m.
Tlio ifiiiiiliopol Oninliii 1'upl'K. _ "
Thu following ia thu list of thu average
iaily attendance in the publio schools of
) maha for the week ouding October lat :
Ugh Echool 109 8
Central tcliool 'JU04
5.1-8 Bchool ; ) 10.1
Pouter fchool 211 5
) odn | Rchool li" > s.8
JoiiRlaN Kchnol 55 H
l i tniiin echool S'iO.a
zird school 583
In kson school 7ti,8
j koachool Oil !
' envouworth echool 371 U
.onpr school l'U.7
'ocitic Hchool -IM.t
. 'Joasant school 19J
Total 4.-173
Thu per cent of daily attondancu for
ho same week WRI 05.7 , the largest per
icnt , Supurintendont James e.iyu , of any
mo weak sincu ho has boon at the head
if the Omaha schools. Thu per cent uf
ardiuoss was 4.5.
ii Not Ulli/.ei ,
L\t\io \ editor of the lint ,
The card in yosturday'n BBU pur-
lortiug to have been sent out by the
) ratigomon of Toronto h evidently a
raud for the roasnn that au Orangeman ,
is such , cannot become n oitizon of the
Jnitod States without violating the oath
if Ilia lodgo. The fundamental basis of
Jnintteiem is allrgianco to England. Any
nun joining nn 0 ango ledge must swour
kllugianco to thu liritish crown , no nmt-
or In what country , and to hooomo a cit-
' 3ii of this country hu would bu forced to
tipudiatn that oath. To do both is por-
< uy. Ilcncu the appeal of the Toronto
) Miigomun "t > ttioir bruthrun in thu
Jnited Statca" ia not worth a sec-
ind thnuuht. I1 M , RIcDo.VAaii ,
NoItCOtO HttllllXI H
OMAIIA , Nib. , Nov. 3J , 1881
The acting uuyor and city inurthal
rupeotfully call thu ntteution of thu
mloon kenpors of the city of Omaha to
loctlon 17 of ordinance No.183 , as fol
, ow : "livery parson who ahull Bull or
ivuaway malt , spirituous or vinous li-
; uora on thu day of any
fimral or apodal election , or
it any time during thu first
J y of thn wtuik , ooiiimnnly called Sun *
l y , thall foifiit and pay for uvor.v mich
jH'iDao thu auiu of ono hundred
Jullars. "
Tha wnman'a Chrlttun auocUtloa. v ,
luild their monthly iiu'etln ? thU after
noon at half | > a t 2 o'clock , in thu r vuatus in
thH Ci'y ' ha'l , Member * nnd frleudi are ro
I tu l < opro i.t.
.M. Wal'lier ' it Oo , will open , next
M uiday , Nov , U , nt U ir. 10.U and O.ipi-
lul avo. the fitiust Oiinfiictionury.
Utktn , Fruiis , Oivara. and Lidina * und
a' Osti > ra , 1 'it Oroam und Lunch
s in thu Outo City of Omahu
loill ; all wulcuiuu.
Ask your Grocer for HAMIIUKOKK soap ,
- *
LEG Estellc's ' Dennncialion cf HOD , C ,
B , Brown ,
A Stirring Appeal Troni n Working ,
man Down \illli BinnlNItoro
To thn Jailor of the IKE ! :
Whatever may bo said of the motives
of the mon yrho cnginocrod the late
workingmon'n convention , It is n fact
that the members of it word unanimous
in their support of the candidacy of
Hon. 0. II. Brown for congroaa. The resolution
elution endorsing his nomination was
adopted without n dissenting mice and
the choora which followed proved the
heartiness of their action. Yet , while
the applause was echoing through thu
city hallLcoEstcllowho wr.s endorsed by
the convention for district attorneystood
up in the Blaine and Logan headquarters
on Douglao otroot , and abused nnd villi-
fled the man who , of all others in this
city has proved by his deeds to bo a
steadfast , uncompromising defender of
the interest ! ) of thn whole people ; whoso
record In nnd out of legislative halls is a
continuousbattlofor the rights of the many
against the privileged few , nnd a contis
tent opponent of tlio oncroachmontn of
wealthy corporations. Mr. Eitollc
thought ho would make himself "solid"
with republican supporters of Mr. Weaver
but the method by which ho secured his
endorsement in the workingmun's con
vention , and his subsequent denunciation
of Hon. 0. II. Brown , will bo remembered -
bored with a vengeance at the ballot box
to-day. The mon who have heretofore -
fore sent Mr. Brown to represent them
in the legislature by overwhelming major
ities will repudiate the brkfkas shyster
'rom Washington county , n man whoso
cgal education and ortperionco would
lardly gain him admission to the bar of
, ho pollco court iu thia city.
There in another clais of men in this
lily , oflico-holdora and men whoso deslro
'or publio oflico has become chronic ,
iponly boasting that tlmy can d liver
! rlsh republican votes to Weaver. Their
irincipal object in securing Irish-Ameri-
: an converts to the national republican
ickot is to throw them against Brown. I
lon't bohovo it can bo dono. Irioh-
.moricans of thin city , oulsido of the
iflico-holding bosses , never forgot
> steadfast friend , and will , I
in certain , giro Mr. Brown a
toarly unanimous vote. The big First
nust bo redeemed , ability must super-
; pdo mediocrity , and corporation nononti-
ios must give way to man who will work
, nd vote for all measures which will con-
orvo the interests of the whole people.
Rally to the polls then , mon who toil
n workshop and in field , and men of
msincss , and give Hon. 0. H. Brown
uch a rousing majority as will appall his
ippononta and bury his dofamora.
OMAHA , November 3.
An Kxlrnorolnary Career.
( Communicated. )
When "Oolonol" E. F. Schmidt alins
Imytho waa before the district court in
870 , at the time ho wasdiabarred for en-
cavorlng to obtain money under false
irotonsoa hia only defense consisted In a
written paper which was road by hia
lartnor , Mr. Baldwin , in the course of
rhichhosaid : "I have never ropresont-
d Ebhart in a professional capacity but
imply an a friend , and why a friend to
uch a follow , the following explains :
Wion I first came to your city , not
no wing man , woman or child , a stranger
raong strangers , and not knowing thu
oed from thu bad , I madu thia feiiow'a
cquaintinco at the Wyoming hotel ,
'hero ho was acting as steward. Daring
lioao days , a poor lawyer in a Htningo
lace ho ( Ebhart ) obtained for mo u favor
rhich my heart would never allow mo tu
irgot. 1 aftarwardn found who the ful-
> w naa when I bocair.o acquainted in the
ity. AVhilp I always treated him kindly
had 03 little to do with him as poa-
iblo. "
In view of the fact that this Ebhart
as notorious .ns the ohonpoat kind of a
heap znido gambler ; that Schmidt , alias
mytlio , aaru now learn , was a graduate
f uuvnral educational iiiatitutioiip , had
arvitl four und a half yours in thu uriny
uring thrco and a half ynurs tir.iu , eiirn-
ig tlio diHtliiotion of "Ooloniil , " had
radioed at thn Now York b r 2or thrdo
oara and at thu Iowa Inr for three and
hulf years , had otumpod thu oastcra
tatos fur Lincoln nnd thu western states
pr Urant , this ia a remarkable c mfea-
ion. But porhapa lie is miat.iltun ; poa-
ibly hu ia in error ns tohin fxtraiirdinary
xporionces in the war , at the bar and aa
stump orator , uud it iftuosaiblo ; iluo , and
uitu pnibablu , in view of thn reputation
o has slnco established in Oinuhn that
o found iu Ebhart a congenial uauorinto.
In ] M miioliii cttH.
Oharlod U. Churchill , who escaped
om jail in Lincoln , Nub. , July 1st , has
eon arresccd in Maeaachuiot'a. Churchill
aa an oflicor in tlia Nubraelta punitun-
ary , and in eomo unacoouatablu wa >
risonora under hia superviiuon cncapod.
t was finally euspccted that hu hud buoii
IQ nicMis ot granting liberty to thu con
icto , and ho waa accordingly arrested on
lie charge of aiding priaunoiM to u cij > e.
Iu was lucked up in jtil , but madu his
tcapu. At firdt no truoo of him could bu
mud , but at last the ollicof * luarnod that
i homu was in.Uukbottoiii , MUBI , and
hey lought him at that placu , ilu had
onu , huwuvur , before thuy uoul'J put
heir hands on him. [ To wai nuxt track-
d to Boston. For a fjw wotkj past ho
, w biiiu oimi od in the pruduoi ) busi-
x'ss at the Dump , and. it was At tha plao >
hut ho was nrrosotod. IIo li' ' ! yoira of
go. Ho will ba hold until requisition
iipera are rarelveit fnxn the gwernor of
fubraska ,
In police court yesterday a good
iroivd was iu attendance , , both outside
ind inside the rail
Hibcrt Wild was charged witli dis-
urb.Mico of the > oane. but auccoided iu
latablishing hit inuoeonco and. was ilio-
P iil CassaJy , n lurmlesi crank , was
lent up to the county jiil tor aifo keep
1 * . B Murphy , Abel ThiUipj , ( coloroil )
M'nnio Wripht ( colored ) . Thoa Jorkoson ,
i'Vancis M rm trom nuil Joe Waring
iveru fm d 5 wild custa tash for disturb ,
iiifj of thi ) I'oaco.
Giutr. ' . 0 sen and Chas Wolla were arrested -
rested for ligh'-iug , the forruur was dis-
charged and the latter wa fined $5 and
coals ,
Molly Kernah , the notorious , was ar
rested for disturbance of the poncY/ She
pleaded not guilty and her case was coi.-
Mike Marlow was a pUin Slocumb and
was equeczed for $10 and crstn ,
Frank Wilson was arrested for being a
suspicious person. Ho had a nan pair of
slippers and a pair of shoes. Ilu said
that ho bought them , but they wcro sor.
eral sizes to small for him. Lie WAS held
pending an investigation.
Fred Goislor wna arrested for polling
liquor without a license. IIo vas ro-
Yesterday Pat Bird had W. S. Bon-
nntt arrested charging tint ho had ctolcn
§ 22 from him. Both nro in j.iil until the
matter can bo invcBtigutcd.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobao
B. II. Douglass and Sftns' Capsicum
Ctnigh Drops are mantifautured by them
selves and nro the result of over forty
years experience in compounding cough
mixtures. U
Itoal KHtntu '
The following transfer were filed in
the county clerk's oflio Tuesday and re
ported for the BuKby the Amea1 real
estate agency November lat , 1884 :
Undivided Pacific Hallway to J. C.
Homer , w d , lot 7 , block 41) ) , Platte Valley -
loy , § 35.
S. U. Taylor and wife to E M. Backus ,
w d , Inta 7 and 8 , block 40 , Platte Val-
'oy , $250.
E K. Mitchnll toJ. Tnomas w d , lota
in Florence § 25.
G. Armstrong nnd wife to S. L , Toudor
w ci , part lot 24 , block 2 , Anthony's add ,
$1)00. )
E. Mills and wife to II. W. Crorncr w
d , lot 7 , block 137 , $13,000
S. Blumlio and wifu to F. Bulda w d ,
lot 5 , block 7 , Wilcox'a add , $200.
J. 0. Donlso and wife to 0. AT. E.
Allen , w d , lots 7 , 8 and 9 , block 5 , Do-
nleo add , $1,750.
J. Morrison and wife to II. M. Liu-
bach w d , pirt lot 14 , blnck 15 , Improve
ment Association add , $250.
Ladies ! Pyhsiciuna and chemists have
analyzed Pozzonl'o medicated complexion
powder and roccomcnd ito use to their
wives and lady friends. What hotter
could bo said of it.
MtYUItltil ) .
WAKK-IIUKD-At Kovcre Miasachufetts
- - , ,
October 20th , 1881. at tha raaidouce of the
bride's patents , Mr. Myron L. Ware , of
Omuhn , to Mitts Ida J. llurd , of Itovcro ,
Kev. J. P. Bixby olluiatmg.
Absolutely Pure , ,
rh ! powder never vnrlas. A marvel ol pun ity
itrragth and wholcsomonoiv. Mom economical tlian
thoordlour ; klniNand cannot bo eyld In competition
with the multitude o ? low tort , sho't xta'xht aUimnr
phospbat powder , Soil o ly In cms HOYAL
UA KI O A 1) Kit CO. , If 6 Wall street N. K
Dr. Yourgs Electric Belts.
r tlcri'ri ho * tnoy mav \ < a cnrcil , and iaan > > r
llt-H th , Hirriith ( and llanlv Vinor , WITHOUT urn
tin M'MKniciNK , ulll bo Hon free by yo.t oa re uipt
A utiiniic'l iivt-1 inn Ad Iron ,
bit. K. YOUKG , 445 tuna Street , New York.
Dct-21 m Hn
Practice Limited to Diseases of the
JOye ami Ear.
503 Farnnm StreetOMAIU
Nebraska- , ,
Tlio lonMi'i ; AiiriruIXiral and IhoKtocK j > mnil of
tlw west ; 2" " ) | > avi'n ' h ) coliri nn , rut and ttitchcx ) ,
uanlr. no lomi , h n a Imml-oiuu i'vmtr tij ! UUVIT ,
it.d h B be M irtUhlUheil fi\-ar' , . 1 hu lic t innlh *
1 1n ol wonlurii f rralnu , Fruit Orovintr , Kto , nnd the
Live Km kln'uriHti the K'uat Uiuznif nnd A \ \ - .
3'iltnral iilt ) " nfttawct nlily ili-ciixd a d to.
, Igxixl , No ono u ho t lid a 11 turr ft plant , ot ft
! x > t ot fatiil bo ovvaba norfu , ciw ( pl or cluckun ,
nn aCTord to bu without thu llurai Nubraaka.
The Best "Writers
-ontrlbutu to | t ' | i Bui , Th KJitorUl * nru rlip ,
llib'uvud nnil to tl'o point. It It | iuVlshoJ | at th'j
OA'ttutvcif t o-i 1)3 IB of 31 ojrw joir Ina l | ; or
Ircuu t 'H than thkt cif any < thir pi.liliutlori o (
.nls Und In tlio kt , and rccn lfii n Front IU' U
.ni-iu ilu b kt .Wnci.ltur < l i24 I , MI t'took Jour-
-Lli In thn 1'lliteii tititui.
Tlis Homa Circle.
LVpartmont i f ibo Uurtl Kcbra-kii li a special
lnuturo li'h thiajB inabcait a vul'.umo
Agents Wanted.
IUu > trolv4 Ciuoilum I.-Jt ! ! cunto.
The Weekly Bee
Aiul the It1 ItAT , NX.IIUASKA one > e r eah lor
VtM , oulU cents J ro Ilia thf pico | .l tlia I'd
oVmo } v rv ll. > y nnd Irl uhi teiius u 1O r nt <
01 agent'i outllt , ramulu oopln anj.
Warn u n List , ulll/octho n. > ccK ! iri astortuxut cf
lluautlluUUtura * 'ard . AJdmn
K U hUiniiCi ) , , U6 , MS U. HtU fit , Oicuha
LAri Lri No 69J.y.ns
nmAii kiNimnr FINE won KIN
/ J.WV UV4. l r * Lf'tkr Fair * t , < \
PIANOS , onoANs , n it. cns. &a
rfi4 M / > L-r.r u iuv
GLAUS , CHINA , Ac. , &C.
> UM I'AlTl tl U f.M.V IIYTIIX
RUSSIA CEJIDiT CO. , Glo t4trUia
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Neuraask
Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track ,
Orders for ludiuti Dcnartinonfc given for Buflalo Scales ex-
lusivcly. Scale
1405 Douplns Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA
Visitors to the Stale and others in need of Men's , Boys' amliJdren'c
Clothing , will do well to call on
The Strictly One Price House in the City
And examine their goods nnd prices. They carry the largest stock. aa-A
sell lower than any oth r house in the city. Merchant Tailors
don't fail to call at
1216. FAENAM ST. 1216
PASSFNQEU ELKVAT ITO ALL FLOOIIS. | 1COO , 12'8 and 1210 Farnam St. , Omnha , Neb.
" '
oa BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , D. 13. A. lUUblishod 1878 CutartJ.
Jcafnera , Lnug aud Nervous DIBCMCH Speedily unit I oruutneutly Onrud. Patient
r tc si Demo. Write for "Tut SJrnioAi-I 'iiViit"AKT , " for the PHIM Jo.
'oniiultitlim &nd Oonwponduiice Grat'a.0. . Boi i92. ! Tolcphmo Nu , 20.
RON , KD WARD RUSSELL , Poaiui jioi , Df.vonpuit , c < .vt : " cf
- . . Abiiiiy ara Maxki-d Sacoear ' OONOULdSilAN MURPHY , Davrbporl ,
AO f.on rablfi .Man. 8r > o ui. WondorfuCnrea. . " Hou 8 to C.