Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1884, Image 4

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Onifilin Oinoc , > > . inn Furnam fit.
Council Bluffs Oillcc , No "t I'-cnrl
Btrect , Near Brnnrtway
Now York Ortluo , Hooxn 0.J
trorr rromlng , ' . < > epl Snndt T
col ) Vtocdij mtramg : < S ! Iy.
xnxs M VMU
One Tear. , , . . . . . . } 10.P2 I Thtf9 Months . . . . . . 13 ,
. 6. < XM Onn itontlu. , , , , . . , 1.
Ter Week , 25 Cenls. J
ee T tr . fi.00 I Tbrw Konthl. . . . >
U 119-attb. . 1.00 1 OtraUnnih _ . . . . .
A i Com vranl ? lfon reltUrv to HrKt a'id Editor
Rilttn ihoald bo tdflrcatoi to Ilio Koran. or T
Mrnsu * tvrnu tj
Alt Unflnw tijttern lad RcnUtar.een Bhonl < t
iddrmcd to Win Em ItnUBntM ! OntriSTi O" ' "
Drafto , Chocfta Mid VG&offlco orfcra to t , made v
tbl to the cider of the company.
CO , , PROP ,
A. II. * Fitcli , Manivpf r Dalr ! Circulation ,
O. Box. 488 Oimrm.
03EWAR13 li
A bogus anti-monopoly ticket , tl :
name of Chnrlou n. Brown , candidal
for confess , baini ; omitted , has boonput I
circulation in this district. Votora shoul
carefully look out for this fraud. .
similar Iriok wilt probibly bo attomptoi
intho second dlstuct.
TO-DAY tolls the tale.
for 'Blttin'o i'L''jjan.
YOTR the republican electoral tlci'fet.
TJIADK isTery brisk 'in Omaha politf
cal circles.
THE occupation of the campaign liai
Is about at an end.
A ma stock of campaign lies will be
-disposed of to-day.
a candidate who ia running to
day will bo walking to-morrow.
\ViiQ are you going to veto for , for
county commissioner ?
THE HE la no fear of any blood flowing
\Omaha to-day. Boor will flow just as
Tun fight between thu candidates for
\onor is very lively although It is a
\1 ieiuo.
tfls preachers who have been trying
nHha campaign can now begin to turn
attention to religion.
tRY uroto cast in Omaha for A. .1 ,
) r is a vote to continue n man in
BS wlif takes his inspiration from
Thurston and Tom Konnard.
Canucks may shout for Cleveland ,
, cin't vota as they shout. En-
Ijecta are taking altogether too
rest in American politics.
TOUT has iuuod an order to all
srs at the IMatto river atone
p vote ngainst Charles fl.
his is a free country , isn't it ?
A. 0. Troup for the legisla-
an honest and intelligent
, jand a good lawyer/ Won
\n \ as Air. Troup in the logia-
number of votes cast fet
70 was 8,412,005 , and in
,210,970. The prospect *
10,000,000 votes will bo
IYTUK wants the Gorman
whamed of the name of
'a father brought from
n ho carao west changed
, . - . . . > 4ro etato | ivo Blaine
and Logan a majority t .0 republicans
will exclaim in the language of the im
mortal dramaMat , "Now is the winter
our discontent-mado glorious by th
sons of Now York. "
IT is expected that tno streets of Ohl
cage will be printed rod with the bloo
of excited partisans on election day
and arrangements have been made fo
the reception of an unusual number o
patients at the ho'spitals.
TJIK pulpit and the stump never became
came so inlimately associated In the his
tory of American politics as they hav
during the campaign just closed. It wa
diUicult to toll whether thooloricalpocko
contained the bible or the American
will bo the
rejoicing o.
tons of thousands of tomuorato minded
people when this wretched campaign o
talsohood aud defamation is over , " say.
the Now York Commercial Adverting
"No presidential canvass has eve.
rivalled that of 1881 for these unlovely
qualities , and wo oincurely pray1 tha
the United States may never BOO sucl
another. "
TUK presidential campaigns are altogether
gother too long. A candidate ought note
to bo expected to survive the attacks o
bis ot omios for a period of six mouths ,
The long campaign is the outgrowth of
the days when there were no railroads or
telegraphs , but now that those annihilst-
era of space cover the country , by a vaet
network , the newa is dispatched to thu
most remote corners within a few hours
There is no longer any necessity of a
campaign of more than thirty or sixty
days the shorter the batter. A short
campaign will greatly reduce expense * ,
and will do away with much worry and
excitement which ( end so much to un
settle business and cause a general dull
ness ia trade circles ,
Any impartial observer of the politic
machinery now in motion in Now Yo
cannot help acknowledging that the int
cations are strongly in favor of its bail
carried by the republicans. In the fit
plftco the state novcr has gene democrat
imd twvcr can go democratic without
rousing majority from the metropolis
effect the republican majorities In t
provincial districts. Without the T/jti
Did of Tammany this largo do\mcral
rote cinnot bo obtained and it fjoea wit
out saying that ClovcUud is very far frc
having that heartfelt support of t !
sachems which means untiring work
the polls , liosidei the deep rooted di
affection shown by Tammany at ChicaR
the opposition of the Irish and go
oral G.\lholic vote because ot li
gubernatorial acts , the enmity of hbc
ing men of all classes oven' the pile
and workers on the water , the Now Yo :
politicians have too important local ma
tcro to oDgrosi their attention to spot
much time with Oluvuland or to hcaita
to trade him for the benefit of loal cant
dates. Late estimates have placed tl
oxpcnso of running the municipal go
eminent for 1885 at 833C07EOO. Und
the now law the mayor has the co
power of appointment which mcanath
in his hands is placed the disbursomoi
oQho immense sum. Is it reasonable I
suppose that the different factions 1
Now York city will resign the prospect i
; > elf for the purpose of securing a pros
dent ? The national government can cor
for very little practical benefit on tlio clt
of Now York , its only lying-in hospitz
or the political workers being the 'CUB
lom house. On tlio other hand th
nunicipal government has a-hundrod ho
sods i nourish pjut favorites whoa
lalaries are high , labor a leisure am
lonjulaltes limitless. Cleveland or hi
rionds cannot hope with any reason t
; ot oven the usual support of presidontia
rear from Gotham. Brooklyn politic
tro molded in the aamo manner an thosi
if her larger municipal sister and tin
amo causes will undoubtedly brinf
.bout similar results. So with [ tin
mailer cities throughout the state , or
fhich the democracy always relies ir
imes of political need. Troy , with iti
ron works and numerous manufactorict
nd great number of Irish Catholics , hat
cry little love for Clovoland. The aris
ocrata of the Albany re-
oncy and the upper tondom
liat the governor acaoclatcs with to
how that ho is a "good man" after the
oart of Mrs. Boechcr , will support
im , but what is their strength compared
rlth that of the masses that , oven in
do ahado of the gubernatorial mansion ,
ro shouting for Blaine ? Rochester , the
omo of Purcell , whoso defeat for the
( lieu of secretary of stale a few years
o , is laid at Cleveland's door , will op-
aau him atrongly. All the prominent
ialunon in that city and its thickly
ittlod county , Monroe , are out for
ilaino , and without their aid ono may
\y there is no democracy in the Flower
ity. Syracuse is really a republican
inniclpality , and the indications are
mt it will show its political strength
lis year stronger than ever before. The
boring and anti-Cleveland men have
) BBoasion of Utica and will aliow their
clings against the governor , notwith-
anding the fact that ox-Senator Kor-
in'a son was appointed ono of the state
ilroad commissioners. Even Bulfilo ,
ith all itn local pride to have another of
i citizens raised to the highest position
the land to occupy the ohair which
i Millard Fillmore once filled is ap-
irontly lethargic , and the fact is there
every sound and solid reason for bo
wing that Blaine will carry Now York ,
o democrat can carry that state with
o cities oven cool towards him , aud
hen they are riot only cool but opposed
most instanced , his political doom is
AMONQ the several propositions to bo
) ted upon by the people of this city and
lunly , the ono to authorize the county
immieslcHors to soil the old court house
opcrty should not bo overlooked. The
occods are to ba uood in the construe-
in of n retaining wall and other im.
ovomonta around the now court house ,
i case the propooition is carried it is tin
irstood that the city shall bo the pur
aoer of the old court house lots , upoi
lich it la proposed to erect a city ha
lilding in the near future. No botto
cation could bo had for a city hall thai
is. In the event that this arrougomen
carried out the city con sell the lot a
o southwest corner of ! 31x <
onth aud Farnam streets
ia expected that the board of tradi
11 purchase this lot for a chamber o
mmorco building. It Is hoped tha.
0 people will vote for the proposition
under the circumstances , the disposal
the old court house grounds is the
ry best thing that can bo done with
a property. Wo are assured by the
inmisslonors that the city can have
D property for just what the retaining
ill and other improvements around
a now court house will cost. If this sale
not made , the work on the now
art house grounds will have to bo deed
-od until next fall , when a tax wil-
vo to bo levied for the purpose , and
) city pays moat of this tax. In view
the fact that this extra expense was
ised by the city's change of grade
Farnam alroot , it is but just that
1 city should help the commissioners
at this time and prevent an un.
: os8sry delay iu the prpoeod improve-
lit , KosnvATtit abuits Copt. J. S
od for publishing the Knurin wan )
: lration list in the Hciiublloan The
plainly a ys the rogwtrur shall "pub-
the list in anino newspaper to bo so. f
cd ny him. " Mr , Hosowoter can
\ I i bill for printing raid lint to hit
nd Bohin. The councilman whom
crratcr could hold u club over ami
make them do as I'O w'rntl nro at prt
ont out on bail. . '
The law docs r.ol say -anything of t
kind , 1 1 plainly directa the rogtotrar
publish hu list in the paper dcsignat
br the city c&uncil , and every rogiatr
has the law tin this subject printed In 1
book \vhoro ho csa plainly BOO it. ft !
Wood Itnor a wfcat the law is well onoug
yet ho openly violated it by publish ! )
his Hat in a paper not selected by t !
council , and ho will have to foot the b
of that establishment. The ] ! ii : : wasdc
ignalod by the city council
the paper in which the registrant
llatashocld bo published. Everybody c <
acquenlly was looking for the Four
ward registration list , and wo of cour
published it , and the city will pay for tl
BIE' : < ) list and not for that published
the Itcjmbliran. Section 9 , Chapt
LXVI , laws of Nebraska , 1883 , says :
It shall bo the dutv of said officer
registration at least four days prior
each and every election hold in ouch cite
to make , or cause to bo made , a cortifii
list of all the names of persons duly re
Istcrcd by him as qualified voters in 1 :
election district , and cause the tame
bo written or printed , and made publ
by posting the same in at least throe pu'
lie places in his said election distrlc
where said registration has been mai
and publish the same in some ncwfpnpt
to br. selected by the council of such oit
in which registration has been made , ot
Tun Now York correspondent' of 111
Philadelphia Itccord rop'orts Gonori
Grant as sayjt0 mat since it has bocom
known that ho is writing a series c
o'lioloa for the Century , which are aftoi
ward to bo printed In book-form , ho ha
ho has had letters from all ever the cour
try from ox-soldiers who want to canvas
for the book when it is published. A
Gen Grant is to receive , as a atartoi
§ 50,000 for his war articles in th
Century , ho would rather write than b
DOUOLAH county pays from cno-tontl
to ono twelfth of thostato tax.and when slit
lends men toLincoln to legislate when it i :
understood that it is their manifest dutj
to prevent jobbery and extravagance ,
Charles II. Brown understands his dutj
md has performed it to the full extent ellis
lis ability. J f elected to congress he
Till bo just as faithful in the national
ogi.slaturo as he has boon in the state
TJII ; democrats or juoulsmna have
[ need the republican vote by the killing ,
f sixteen negroes , while they mourn the
ass of only three of their own number ,
'his wan the opening political matinee on
aturday. It is difficult to toll how many ,
lore persona will bo killed in that and
thor southern states before tha election
i ovor.
republicans down at Lincoln ap
oal to the republicans to support A. J.
/eavcr because ho ia a republican , needy
ody can object , but when notice is
irvcd upon democrats at Lincoln that It
ill be too hot for them to live in that
ity if they dare to vote for Charles II.
Town , their own nominee , it is carrying
lings with a high hand.
Mu. II. G. CLAUK is n good business
tan , but as a shipper ho is dependent
pen the railroads , aud his legislative
icorcl shows that his vote could always
3 counted upon by the railroads. Wove
vo no objection to Mr. Clark person-
ly , but wo do object to sending him to
10 legislature.
TICK facile pen of General Brisbin is
DW devoting itself to the "campaign
gainst" Sitting Bull. Old Sedentary
aurus cooms to bo in more danger now
om the attack of the ton cent museum
id variety show managoru than ho over
as of the army.
IN the fall of Khartoum and the cap-
iroof "Chinese" Gordon Gladstone has
soaivcd a black eye. It is admitted
mt the Gladstone ministry will have to
J , and that the crisis in England in ut hand , as little or no excuse can
3 made for the Egyptian disaster.
Tun business men of Omaha owe It to
lonisolvcs to resent the sectional war-
re which the L'ncoln ' papers and poll-
clana , with Boss Stuut and Tom Kon-
ud at their head , are waging agaluat
liarloa II. Brown.
Tan heavy assessments on the rcpubli-
, n state candidates render it necessary
r them to bo elected to aavo themselves
om bankruptcy. This is the wrong
aaon of the year for a man to bo "bust-
BKLVA LOCKWOOD will not aleop nny
nljjht until she hears the result of the
action. In all probability she will bo a
foatod candidate. She can sympathise
ih Grover Cleveland.
To woiinow Grover Cleveland willed
od a Kuclld avenue like the Ohio city
his name to figure out geometrically
0 distance between Albany and Wash-
; ton.
BLAINB TTd ded woiniIor Mra11 to the
prosslon , ruin , Ilomanistn and rebel | .
1 of parson Euro hard imd they were
hteoualy rebuked.
rim BKE liaa paid considerable atton
n to personal notice of Omaha citizen
ely see publication of registration I
CIIK penitentiary potentate is evident
lotBrowu Stout. Ho ia of the rare
Torn Konnard ring vintaso of 1808.
fc will bo Jung time between drinka
the pot homo politician nftor to mor-
malm Shirt Factory Mmoved to 308
th Sixttxmth Struet , n3 ( it
Who TilthAiitliois Were nml Wli
They Head veil K r Them.
Now York < tr phie.
Foster pot $15 for writing "Old Fol
at Home. "
Charles Dibbln no ) ted several wcol <
board for writing "Poor Jack , " while h
publishers made 825,000.
Robert Treat Paine wrote "Yo So ;
of Columbia" early in 1800 , undtr tl
title of "Adams nno Liberty , " and 1
waa paid § 760 for it.
"America" was written by the Ho
Samuel Adams Smith in 1832 , and it w ,
first sung in Boston on the Fourth i
.July of that year.
"Columbia , the Gem of the Ocean
was written by Thomai A. Bsckot , t
English actor , who in 1870 waa a teachi
of muBio in Philadelphia.
The tune ofJohn Brown's Body"
of Methodist camp-meeting origin. . '
wan adapted to its present use by an o
ganlat in Harvard church in 1801.
Crouch , the writer of "Kathleen M !
vourncon , " received $25 for the orodu
tion and afterward became n beggtr
tramp , while hio publisher could luu
built o brown atone front out of i
"Tho Star Spangled Banner" wi
written by Francis Scott Keyo whil
watching the bombardment of Fort M
Henry in 1814. The song was prints
by the Baltimore American oigUt' doj
after the battle under the title * of M.U ,
defcnao of Fort Mollonry" " *
JjJCQjrfioP. Morrla wrote "Woodmar
Spare That Tree , " because the purchase
of n friond'a estate wanted to cut dow
a tree which hia grandfather had plantoc
His friend paid the purchaser 810 t
aparo it. Morris was so touched by th
story that ho wrote the song.
John Howard Payne's "Homo , Swcc
Homo" was written for an opera. It wa
first aung in the Convent Garden thoatoi
at London , and made a big hit. On
hundred thousand copies were sold th
firft year , and by the end of the soconi
its publishers had cleared 818,000 on it
The author of "Maryland , My Mary
land" lives at Washington. Ho write ;
gossipy lottora to the Augusta Ohroniclo
llis name is James II. JUndall , and ho i
a modest looking , dark comploxionoc
man of 40. Ho was very young when hi
wrote that beautiful poom. His idea !
ro broader now.
"Hail Columbia" was written by Jos ,
llopkinson in the summer of 1707 , and il
pres first celled the "President's March.1
tt wao always sung when Washington
same into the theater , and ono of the ob-
octs of its writing was the cultivation of
i patriotic spirit among the people of the
low republic.
A Curious Sea Monster ,
.from the London News of the World.
_ Particulars of the appearance of a on-
ioua aca monster , which has been seen at
ho Island of Yell , ono of the Saotlanda ,
ro reported from Lerrrick. The clrcura-
tanccs , which are taken from the nara-
ivo of mi eye witness , are aa follows :
'On ' Friday morning last a foreman coop-
r named Henderson waa standing along
rith oorao others on a pier at B. rra Voo ,
small biy on the southeast shora of the
aland of Yell , waiting for the arrival of
do local steamer , when suddenly there
[ > pcarod in the mouth of the Voo two
irgo dork colored objects aomo distance
? art from each other. At first they
ore thought to bo the sails of two small
oats , but this surmise was dispelled as
10 object neared the shore , when sum1-
ont was seen to show that It must bo a
oh of some sort. The creature gradual.
r approached , but suddenly made a swift
ash forward , when the immense flns
lat had firot boon soon proved to bo do-
rogsed to ono side , juatliken boat under
heavy press of canvaa. , The boaat ap-
jared to bo In pursuit of something.and
i its course came directly on for the pier
sad , where the amazed spectators wore
anding , remaining in its vicinity for
iveral minutes. The fore fin , which
iso from the surface of the water to the
aight of between throe and four foot ,
as shaped exactly like a boat's anil , and
ipoarod to bo of a dark and slaty color.
, wan about thirty foot distant from the
'ter fin , which was of the aamo color ,
ut loss iu height by about ono foot.
Ithough it came BO close to the pier
sad that the spectators couid easily have
impod on it , nothing of the b idy of the
) h could bo soon except ft dark moving
ass , which appeared to bo considerably
roator in length than the extent to the
: is. Ita nhape , so far aa could bo aeon ,
ismblod somewhat thot of a whale.
. continued for some time to dart about ,
i pnratiit apparently of fiah , and -would
ako long circular sweeps , moving at
ich a speed through the water and
uising such a" violent disturbance that
10 sea would rush over tops of the fins ,
Inch were always depressed to ono side ,
liortly after the monster approached the
or Henderson had started out for a
ride , but could only procure an old
niblo-barrolcd gun , which ho loaded
ith shot. The animal was still close to
10 pier when ho returned , and ho im-
ediately discharged the contents of
) th barrels into the fore fin. The allot
ok oireot , for it ivns seen that the fin
Js completely riddled. The animal no
oner received this shock than it sank ,
id was never seen again. Its appear-
ice waa described by several old fisher-
on , all of whom concurred iu the opin-
11 that it waa what is known among
om as a'britidio.'believed by aomo to
i a species of basking ahark. What a
ngdio' la , however , has never boon BO-
ratoly determined. It ia generally do-
nbod as an animal with two immense
s stretching up like wings from a body
apparently vast dimonsiong , aud ia
; d to have on many occasions pursued
d destroyed boata at sea. "
oplo AVlio KponcI front l-'lvo > ( lnutoa
to Tlireo Hours nt
ilaiielphia Times.
Four men sat down to "tiffin" t the
llovuo cafe yesterday. "The proper
per just now , " said the clerk , "is to
r tiflin when you moan lunch , "
With a glass each of Chateau Lafitto
> quartet began feeding. The musical
onch clock in a corner of the pretty
ung room chimed the quarter past 1
0 oysters are aorvod , and the musical
ok has again chimed the quarter hour ,
riioro la a slight wait for the serving
the consomme a la Colbert.
Pho musical timepiece has chimed the
ir of 2 , played a merry little air from
1'illo do M-itlamu "
- Angot , and
tm > d again. Tuo attentive waiter has
fed the fish , Spanish mackerel ; then
wuio is changed , and champagne
BO its place cm the tablo. The bill of
1 cujgesta French pe s , ciulillowor nu
tin , potatoes in croquets , onions a h
tno , asparagus. Italian artichokes and
i friitoro.ith theno como bluo-
? od teal duck and b 'tied ' equuba ,
i a filet of beef u U _
thered in mushrooms. For Iho a&lad V
llo celery rnnyonaiso. I
f thia liwu thu nun rind mads long OD
slanting lines acrots the pavement , ai
the French clock hnd struck another hou
The dessert of walnuts , pecan nuta , t
monda and fruit hns corao on. A te * .
of Homan punch fitimulilcs the np-J ( > ti
for dntntica. The luncheon U alm <
over , the black coffr-o ia Crashed , cigi
arc lighted , and na the party rise fr <
the table the Umepioco muBioilly t
nouncua tlio third hour since they e
The clock registered 0:15 : when n i
porter entered the IVolMi atroet marki
Eight men aat at one eating counter. (
the opposite ftidu of the bar was an old <
ly countrywoman and a colored ma
The old woman was hard to plcaso , b
evidently settled on "Two fried eggi
and the colored man took "Btickwhe
and cofleo. "
At 0:17 : all were hard at jrork , neat
all having aupplomentod their ordc
with cups of coileo and buttered roll
At 0:27 : the customer whoso fancy was
tondorloiu steak , and the old woman t l
had ordersd the fried eggs were the on
people out of the ton vrho remained
the counter. The old woman had bet
heavily handicapped at thu start. Fr
minutes later the aleak-eater went 01
and ho wvj almoat immedlatoly follow i
by the old woman. The toadstool aea
were soon occupied by other ouatome
and the race for victunla began again.
"How long before the New York o :
press leaves ? " asked a breathless paosoi
gor at the restaurant counter of the Bros
atreol station yesterday.
"Half an hour , air , " replied the hoa
"Well , glvo mo a sandwich and a cu
of tea , " dropping his eatohol and inouu
ing a stool in his haato.
The door from the corridor Haw ope
and three commercial drummers cnterci
with their sample cases. The man In tl
load exclaimed :
"Wo have ton minutes to catch 01
wagon , old man. Trot out a half dczo
fried and a bottle of wlno. "
The order was filled , the drummoi
deftly surrounded their hasty meal an
were on board their train , with thrc
minutes to spare.
"Au , waiter , give mo a bit of chickei
with Saratoga chips , and a glass of A
derny milk , " said a dude , with a sing ]
oyo-glaos stuck in his starboard optic , a
ho parted his coat tail ever his ate < 1 an
stood there sucking the head of his ra
tan. Nine minutes larr r the c ) icko
eater wiped his lips , sot fire to a cigarotl
and toddled , mincingly , to the cars.
rnnllla.IomniiOrunBc. etc. , flavor Cnkeo ,
rauin..l > iiI.Hne , , AC..UI dcllcntcly unil nut
riiUyii.therriiU fi-om which they arc mmlc.
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
) r. Price's Cream Baking Powder
r. Price's Lupuliii Yeast Gems.
licit Dry Iloit Yi-u t.
YO r.OAI ?
/JONRTTOTX.4N In sums of SSIOand upwards.
'I ' O. F. Da\a ! and Co. , lltal Eitato aod Lp n
rcnls , If C5 Farraai St. 303 tf
/TONEY loaned on chattels. Ballroad Tickets
CL bought and uold. A. Foreman , S13 ! S. lath
> UAHA Financial Exchanso , largo or small loans
iiudnonapproied Boeurity i llleo hours 9 to 6
ekdaj * , 10 lolSundajB. 1603 F.rium Street.
11 to Deo. 2
17ANIKI ) A inldillcil-sgol wcmati to take care
if child. CalUt 110 P. 56th stiuet , near
D A competent girl far general lioiifce
work , 2110 llurnoy itrcct. lOOO.Cp
'ANTKIi Twenty men for nilr-ail work. An.
ply froinOtj Sihia uvunlni ; . H. iUnnnviltr
a. ilthhtroiit. . ODT-SP
J"ANTEI > Man to put up btjvoj and do cen
r cr.M viorkarouad etoro. ilF. . Mania , 3io s
li ttrcist , 933 3
uTANTED A ( jooj llnxalcjmiii who understands
r the furiltiiro bu-iliiem aid can furUih H nt-
11 reference * us to ability and cliaiao ttr. SI V '
rtln , 3JO d. 15th trctt. 8DD-3
TAXTCD-Uoodfoitir at I'Axtkii llottl llirbcr
r Hhoji. 103 p
TANTBD-Ono to three Matcig. Dcataml Buiub
' AHtlumbulldlei ; . Council Illuffii. 0. fctraiio.
TANTED-Co k at Kmnsct Houss. Nomcn need
[ JWy- 113 8,1
TAKTKD-A flu : cla.n pastry cook at the fez-
r " " " ; OOS-tl
7ANTKD-A ifood co tmaktr , frocd prices ettadj
' .wo'k and fae , aid. J.Sv. Hearlck ,
trio , Nob. 972 Op
se wotkatN. E. corner
ISihandUatenworlh , must be a good coi k
her and Irocer. Note other need appfy. O69.ti
, ' TP A IIi t-cl ii h ber , t T. W. Ecrksm.
W2 liroadwty , coimo 1 liluffj. 88J 3
7A.VTKD Tr > elini ; lolejinaii fo tell rubber
boots ntl shoes on oonmleslon to the boot and
itHdo.tbroughout ihoNorih
west Uefercnc rc-
ed Addiess "E. Jl. ! . Bee olCcc. oisVp
rANTBU-Oood Kli | for ( eneral hou
' K odcook. Apply at ! 1J
U. Thur.ton. " BiS-if" '
> ir. nuu , wu
oftwopcisuni. AdduaiA Oil ,
pANTKD-hafi r n In the dent1 Fuinl.hi
Ooldldeia.tinunt. Slu-the conifcttLt tn r
imw. Nonobnttbolm needa ply. The bo.i
, K 'v nl U ircn
'Iho h.Klint wage , will b.
Ihco. I4ueltu * So , Fmuom , Neb. OiO.4 ,
ANTEU--AnntHfur | tlollutiu IInl Intur.uu
to. AddrtM the tompany at Stuart Nib
_ _ _ _ _ 832 1m
ANnDT ; llor . First-
t lor ! at avi ISthfit. flat 1m
nincli ) oriounc
iin cfik at itc- -
, fi to 4 adiy uwly uiulipivi | > ma i
* " ' ° ' ual'i ' " < > onaa bl sj i o a amp fur rm I
KolUU * llan IV Co , I'hiudilimlo , {
VNTSIAei > ntitOMiUuly'ii | uuiytiibai r.u
cat.rcnricuthlypayunuu C ll on . .r a
Vf.U. I'.Uurr , iwa'.iiCnsit ! ! lOUi
t Rn.i i
or country , to t&Ve nlco light and pleasi
ottnttliclr ownhomcsl ; tog ! per dayeislly i
qwtly made : work tent by mall. nocAnvMsIng ;
stump Inr rcplv. 1'lfMo address Reliable ManfV C
P * . RoS-
\\TASTEI ) A position by a smnelady nho I
T > inod stenographer an I tjpc-wllrr Kami ]
ith office uoik Aildre < i 1 * . p. Illerlxnrtr i ;
Calldri l tto t , Omalu Neb. 9 0 3 |
UAMH > iii a toit.iiiftnt hy Kt-niiv c > | < e.ttni .
man , atuition a ) lire nl and ciko biker. 1 !
cnojo , Apply J. Irwln , Daktr N < ilh Ilend , Nob.
WANTKD-Adituat'on ' bv a nrl-cla' talesm
In o'tthloc ' , g.nts furnish nj ; or dty Roodd 1)
of rcterourcBlvcn 1 uluunibistiml how tokcci
sot of books , Addr iL. S. M > er , care the Dee
107-4 |
\\7ANTKD-Dy a joung laily , a sl'tiatl n si bci
' ktcpsr or copjlal , Adifroij "X. Y. 7. " \
oUlcc. IDS 8 |
VyANTED-Sltuatlon a tCO * < rii'8J to smill ch !
l ren. MUMI tivcht. licit ot toltrciiccl clu
AdJio B "M. 11. " Die elllce. lui- :
U7AN11 , ! ) I'oiltl i pcrond xlrl prnato Jam
pro orrcd. hcloioncoighcn , InnulriattH
School bulldlnif. OJ3 ;
WANTKD-By a Rlrl aplaco Infinall famllr to
EnconJ or vcnorat lioueoucrk. Inqulio
518 Clark St. 071-tf
WANTJD I'oslllon as nurse. Uol .ron o Rlvo
Mrs. J. N. KiiiugMood , naa N. nth at. 1123.
"VI 7ANTiD A pcsltloa as b ok l.ocpcr or n sot
I T bockx to Keen or post In Uio evening , by a 001
pttent book keeper. Speak * Uctnnn and Englls
biatof rolcrenco. AddCE8" & J."BcoolHca.
054- '
VVANTi'.D-liy a Otiii.m widow lady a dtu tl
li a < housekiepor. Address irj. ! U. M. Pctci
postodlca. 9J7-3
A Kounc married nun wants situation 19 boo
keuper , In wholoaale ostablluhment la Omab
Addrccs "C. " care Uco. 8Bfl-tf
YX7ANTEt-SlfOO for 1 or two \earj IB p'r cent
M fl-it class stctirity. 'tmjiie"Ueo , ollice.98S4
WANTED Two day benders at 17-21 Douglas
\I7ANTED To rent a iinjiill ( urnUbeil hem
V would buy furniture if desirable ind ihea
Address "li. " drawir 22 , illy 010 I
\\7ANTED- * partner with $4OJO tobuy an Intc
? cst In an o tabllshed and good pajlcg busine
In Omtta. Additsi "Q , M. II" poftotllcc. E81- !
WANTED A good business man \\lth from ot
totno thouiand caplia' ' , toitkorne-hilf Into
( St in t ( net class legitimate Implntfs , located In U
best p rt of Oinaba. Addrcis "U 1' . " tbli oitcc.
WANTED-Btsineni. An acthe merc-h nt .
thorough bi'tln s education and habits c-i
tomrhtlng a chance January lit. 1835 , wl hcstopu
rhato an interest ia a veil established mertanti.o . <
roanu'aitmlng ' Luslnc , wiuld buy out a small bu
ncsB.hns $10 UOO cash , can furnish references ota bis
orider and would ixpcctsann. To sccu'c ' recly , ai
dress d\ing lull name end paitlculaia , "Mcrchnnl
otto Bee ollice. _ 850-8t lanky
\X7ANTED-S5COO to SIO.CCO on thirty , il\ty (
TT ninetydajs , best securltj. Address " 8 " Be
otllce. S30-tf
\\7ANTEU-Tobuya Ity lot to bo pi'dlnwcekl
TT orrnonthly Installments. Address" ! ! . II " L'c
ollice. 012-tf
TI/ANTKD $2,000 on flrot-claes city necurlty.for
T T years , at B per cent. Addicts Bor 820 Post
"w _ 70e-tf
POK KEH7Bocsea csa r.ots.
FOll HhVI1 Kliuiltludroora with board , 1039 Do
\enport strett , bet. Kthand llth. ICO 4p
FOH UE > T Mi ily frri'ishcd tcon-e ( or single gen
tleincn in pilvato family , dei rablclccati H'.MOIHI
rats within talf block. Forparticulais iddr s"A' '
Utooiflce. 10l-4p
FiOlt KENT Tlic corner sttro 10th and Lea\en
woitti. Applj O. H. Peterson. 103 tf
F'OBBKNl1 Itonii" , 911 N. irth street , ? 10 rei
month. JihnBiadford.lOJ IBihSi j02-lf
ITOll KENT A furnUhcd roomat 1318 Jac fou St.
C _ 7iO-8p
IriOU liKNF Latge furnisl cd fror.t room , suitable
for one or t o gentlemen ; 1719 ( .hicago St. 902-tl
'Oil JI . > 1 Four uulurnibhed rooms at 1414 S. loth
b street , 2d door S. of Hickory. 792-tf
fTOIUlUNT With board , nicely furnlnhed roomi
L' with eas and bath room , at S. W. cor. 14th and
once strceti. 767-8p
[ 71011 UENT-Cottago of H\e rooms , desirable lo-
L. ' cation. O. F. Davis & Co. , : 05 Firnamtt.
rpOUIlENT Two e'cgint rooms In suite with m d-
L' crn IroprovemeiitH , top nror. Brunner'a block ,
. w cor ICth and Dodge. References required ,
975 4p
UENT-Tno nice front rooms In ptlvato fun-
- , , J ' ' rlll'jtr'ouee keeping or Icdzlng , new cottsgo
block north ofSt. JInry's ave. street cars. Ami y
" 7 011 IlENT Eirjglo rr suit of roomi with Bath
- room furnished orunluruishod atB07 south 2Uh
_ _ _ 970 3p
. /OK UENT Tnoroomsfnrnlsbedor unfurnished
J cbcaji , f r light hcujo keeping near dtpot Ad-
sf "P'.J. " line oil ce. 977.3p
rAJ.STMrr ! ? ! rect for B J Clr810' ftc s 31 miles
N. i : . Elkhcro St tioa.
103 acres 1 mile N E. Fore et city.
lili ' BmllciN W. Florence.
101 " U " " "
10) ' 2 miles south of Kennard.
10) " 4miIcsN. Waterloo.
4SO " tear l-remont.
I'O " near Sihujler.
100 " iri Cedar Ctuntr.
10) " near Valpiraiso
ICO " fl mi'es south of PanpiUIon.
49 " SmilofS . Oniiha.
" ! " " ' " ° cn Lalie. Boess It Hill , Heal
tate 1403 Farnam St. C85-1
U KENT Pleasant furnished room,60j N. 17th
8S8 8p
701. Un.NT-II'.use of 4 rooms S13 , houtu of 10
roonisSJO , d sl.ablscMtaKO full lot J20. ho 89 fl
> nsS15 ! , houjQ4rotma18. IWlou Bro 3i7South
"st ' 973.4
'OH KENT Two furnished rioma , w'llren sepa
rate cr together reasonable , 1919 Douglai St
'OIIK1JNT ' 10 r > nn ho'iss 21U and Burt 345.
4 loom housa C8tT and Douglas < 10
6 room hou o nor h IHth St . J15. Bocgs .tHill
il tstato 14W Fa mm St. 034"
UK HENT Plcaiant fuinlshed room at IStOCit
Jt ' av"- _ S7o-7p
IOIl KENr-A new six rrom 05t age with well
cistern and cellar , coal houte within half block
'Umlni ; it cet and block and a half of street cars.
ulre tlther of Keyer & Davis , room 12 , Cfolgliton
kora vvtuaton St. Otfl-Sp
OK KENT- For time months afurtlstcd cottice
ix rooms fine location , reasonable teims Ap
Kmoa QalUgher. Hth St. 949 3p
OKnENT-Nic.lyfurnlEed location
room ez-
oelloitatHlSHowird St. 94S-3p
) U IIBNI Ooe unfurnished room for house ,
wplnif. Beemer's block , cor , th and Ho ? rd.
room" wlth bott"l 108 N.
) It HENT-Flret-tla-s three
( fry brick ,
" * Urnlelc < J f ° ° tn at 1810 Dodge ( treet.
IR KENT-One dedrable room , suitable lor
rt"e l"
"clinirTaot i"Unnlre'y ! ' f 'nl > h " " > ' . S
-curiur 20th and Dave irt
p Btreet. 0 Mp
! IUlEVVKul,8iie , , , 0j , uii'uml hfd rooms
' ' ' " " "veulei-oaa. comfort'
larium , , , n0ic' ! - . homo
bluckjtbuveneiv Couit hou so. 93J-6p
" "Kw00' " hou'1 wthlar"onChorlM
* \i ! Si'0 ' 'C'r n'0"U'Kl'T'lroof ' ' ' II.
Avenue. SU-lp
H lll.NT A t o v i0ro room a d n-urii
n J.nuar > In .835 . , on 13 h botaeeuVllllam
u" > r > ni r at , Jatiper. . 0 0-tf
It UBNI-H onxrn homo wtticilUr and eld. I
: rn Jnmiliu n | Mia. K. i.cxldlt , 2Sth be-wteu
pwaiid HI as 8U. 9124
tUK.yr-riea.santfurnl.hwl room H. E onr.
th and ( Iowa U atretW. 503-tf L
UIKNT l-urnl holroom niul board J6 0) perl
. . try Lest : e.aUsu , JSli Ptitujcjt. It"
-P % b
IJiOR RENT Ltrge 'arnUhoil r om , first flwr ,
suitable fcr twogentlomcn , 1623 fe.venworth Sk
692 Sp
I.-'Ull ' UKM , newccttdge with four rcx3n : . Ifftri
A street bet I oavcnworth and ( lliWJIli Inquire | at
32210th fctrcetbct. Farnam md Ilarncy. A. K. Ish
IfOR HENT-T lepantlv furnished front room tAt
nd fouth ex o ur * , moicrnosnvcnlenc * * . S. W
corner l"th > nd Cass. mi.11
Thirteen rtwdwfllingi by C.T Taj.
Icr , corner llth and DjUil ( s. 643-11
IJ OK HKNT Iloufc " roomi RO ! lorallty by 0 , T.
Talrr , oirner 14th and Doujta ! . B4CMI
ITOR HENT Oil \U5-A hou > o of 6 rooms liard
A andeoiwnter,2lol ( § ith b > rn 21x30. ( Untilt.
iicr month. Inqulio nctth-owt comer lOth and
1'iftce St. 773.11
Ij > OH KENT Two or three irrnt room * ttirmihed
to gcntloxan and wile , 21(6 ( Ca'.ltoinla St.
i.ioll Hi.NT : i-rlck ba cment. Inquire DiujfStoro
L1 corner 10th acd liouirh * 8i2-tt
l OOMi-Withbnrd.daaubo or winter Apply
IV at Ht Chai lea lintel. 7 OMI
I710R KENT Very desirable lurnlslitd to. ( TR ctn-
L' trails-located. Apply at Atkluoou' mlllluorj
RtOro. Ifjlh St rro-tt'
orooma. J.rhh < ps Hoc
1612 outhtth _ street. _
I poll HUNT Suite ol roouit nml boattl lHi'2 Uodca
F lltn < Mand oruau trom two dollars
up. A. llospc , 1619 Dod re. 4S9-lm
iflOK HKM' Ila 1 of double bou e , four rooms ,
1 Shinned addition , 811. a month. Apply room
21 , Oraana Natioual Baulc. S70-t
Foil KENT HinJsomo furnished rooms StOJ St
16th St. Mrs. Hay Spencer. 37241
rpoil JIENT A furnished loom 1008 ParnamSt.
FOIt IIEJJT Ouo crud aquaro piano.
olEdholm atd : Hriokaon.
I irsTLtS fttbTtnd'Bnt"HoaVWuble'Tlciit'cr'i ' ;
parlor Stoves No. 62 , neatly now , cheap , Com
plete with a 1 lAtraj J. C. Cowlu , Uoom No. 7 ,
T > OH Si US A thuou hTy established Jaw
L builno't. For purlieu ars , address Mrs. GDO
Xitjncr , Tckamah , Neb. 1188
LANDFOU SALG-BOquortjr tccllons 1st dara
lanil lOlo''J inlles/rfm / Omaha , $20 to $30 per
ucrc. lung tlnio. Uafgi & 11111 , Kcal estate 1404 Far.
niuuSr. 871) ) 1
pHEAP L07H-100 good lotsln Park Frrest only 7
v blocks ( romSlrcutcir ilrooi south 13th St. . $150
to $260 per lot. Bo a&Ultl. BSO-1
FINK UKSIDHNCi : LOTS-SCO TOiy choice lots In
Omaha Vlewa'dltlon , only 3 blocks frem "New
Tu-mlnui , " c f both red and gicen car linen. JJCO lor
Intldi' , 00 for corner lots. Be s&llUI , Kcal cs-
ta o I40S Farnam St. OjJ-1
TN8IDK HEAL ESTATE-SO lota on Farnam.DouF
JL IM and Ucd o In Bogga &III1 'i first and secotil
additions S1000 to SI 00. Boggi k Hill , Ucal cetito
1418 I atnam St. 0:2-1
TTiOIl SALE Siloan with all equipment * ready for
JE1 lu'irois , locxtcd inaRO-d > NO raska town , not
'ar from Omaha. License RU rtiteed fljurcj nnd
lerms re.sonal le. For further infoiraat on apply to
John A. Frtjlun , who'tialo liquor dc.lcr , No. 1SD5
Djuglas St. , Oinai a , Kcb. DS7-1
FOK S\LE Detlrablo cottazaccod neljthbo-hood
SO C monihli payments. Billou Bros , 317 South
13th St. 075 4
I7WII SALF CottiLfe 3 room * 0 monthly pay-
X1 nients. Billou Brca , 317 south 13th St. 974-4
F01 S\LK Boat looted ro'ldenoo lot in Omaha ,
$30CO , muit uasold , Jlo si Hill. OS3-1
17011 S M-E OU IlENr A Lidles' B rdine Honsj ,
_ Rood Iccitlon. Address "F. II. " Bee otllso.
( ? OU SALE OH KXCIIANiJEFor horses or ROCK !
I1 mules , n 8)000 ) stock of goods comlbtlin ; cl
: lothlni ; > hats , caps , boots and shoes , and gents'
indenuar WH taKosomc horsoin pait iiavmetit ,
jartnn four rronths' time biljtco cash. Adilrcsa
Vf J K. ' Lock li < v 21. On nun , Towa. 9IS-11
IjiQIl SALE The ollice and buBiccssof the Oakl.uul
L Indudcndcnt , Oakland , heb. , nno of ihe best
icyinp olticcs in the west Will esll business with-
lutollico if dosiiel. Addresser call on Oen. W.
irettster , Oakland , Neb. 9053
LV tauranU and bakery c mblncd In Nebraska with
; oed location and trade cstabllshc 1 in ciiy of 0010
'opulation. ' Only llrst-clasa restaurant in the place
nd doing more in bakeiy line than a 1 others In city
ombined. Ice cream p.vlor in season. Oven" , ice
louses and c\cr > thing comp'ete. Will sell furnished
nd lca\eeerj thing illselata argain and to
ght man with small cash payment and balance on
Jin ; time so purchaser cm make it pay for Itself.
V. S. WISE , Plattamouth , Nob. 817-u 22
[ 710R SALE Restaurant with flxtuies ; best trade
L1 in the cltyreason ; for telilag , ill health ; addresa
| M. L. . city. \ggo-i
rOH SALE -Four 18 foot , w-ilnut counters , and 80
- ftet of first class sheh Ing , desiiah c foi drug.gro-
; ry or book Ftoro , Inquire at the otllce of Congdon
aikson & Hunt , 1321 Farnam street. boatf
7011 SALE 1 fmusage chopper , horse now cr ; one
. rendering kettle , one lard iiroas. Apply at llrook-
n Market , ror. 13th and Pierce E02-U
7 > 0r. 8AIE-8COC03 feet dry lumber , A h , Onfc ,
him , DnswoodandSoltiUple. K , A. tstlnson.St.
larles , Michigan. BCOnSlp
nY ° E A quantity of Jib and newspaper type for
. Bale. Also a good Zither. G. T. Bunco , c/re Bc
lico- 760:11 : ,
I\OR \ SALlOottaRo of 0 rooms , bam , corner lot in
' Shiiinsadditiononly ; l.S,0smaIlcash ; pavinent
d balante month'y. ' Bargain. llcCague , op. , .
stolllco. 19t' ,
poll SALE OR EXCIt VNUP.-A water power G.lst.
mill , reasons fjrftlllnj ; given on api llcation to
o E. Bragg , Waverly , Neb. COi-lm i
nOR HAI,15-Nowphaoton. Inqulroof Gee lliul
glnaat north-easteorner 16thand DodgoDSltf
> OR SALE ea foot on Farrmrn street bet-.vctn 28
aadSO. M. Ivce. Orooor , 2.'d anj Leavenworth.
. < J33-lta
011 SALE -Fine bunucM rhanco at Orand Ishn.l .
l > cb tS.ttQouja the hank building 2i44an
ice building hlch rent , fo , J5 | a month ; a ll ' 5
-and buruler prool safe with Yale time lork-co't
WO , al.o wry largo bank b ok flro proof fafo ,
ik counur , iKaki , hud coal stove , in fact , k coml
cit Tltfo" f101"0" ' " T''h lot4UMo"i Locust
white C < ? " ' "i"0 " ! , " dC8J.rod' Cell on or audros-s J."y
Grand Itland
, , Nob. fj22.
IOR HALE A KOO I frame house , 6 roorrs , all In
Fowl order Mmt bo moved ot once Apply to
Wo , tern Newspaper Union , cor. 12th and How. *
_ etrefct3- 814-tl
Oil SALE Cheap a second hind high top bugsrr.
Inquire at Simpson's Carriage Factory , DOUKO ,
neen Hth and 15th. zso-tl
HALE 1DO.OOJ brlcls on earn at Bellevuc. II.
OR 8 ALB A whole took of clothing , boots and
shoes , buildings at cost , retiring from business.
H. Peterson. 804 aouth Tenth street. 113-3m
> K will buyo phaeton a 1318 Farnam St.
iii _ . _ 686B
OR SALE TITO opoa aeaona-oand buggies aud
< J UW7 wagon , obo p , > t 1818 U rney SI.
KKN 1IC Ono roan cow. Owner can haiearne' '
iy proving proierty and p ylng damagcB J 11
> l orth , cor. Z2d sltiet uu St. Mary'a iveuji .
5 up
IliYEDFrom mv barn N , W. corner Sfllh and
) ougl a , one black h r . e ght about 1000 ltj .
II boco deformity uiderrlgit Jiw. Anypersou
. noify W. J. W.f.ham. .
phone 313. 938 t
, ' "S UP.9n O0'0" " * 8. I'Kht ' biy horns
hits ( pit In forehead and whits p t lu-t sboie
til la. W. Elliott , ono mile west ol the barrarka !
-ft lew.
, MLY Storage , steve repa'ra and gen ral re-
pairing. 0. M Katon , 111 8. 14th St. 740-nlg
118 SCimODEH , Magnetlo Healer , la now loct-
te N W. corner 20th and CMS bt D'agnosT.-
JtB"ee- 729-n 17
_ _ _
lVV.v1u"l',8'nl"and ' o poola cleaned at thi
hortcst notlco and at any time of the day. In an
Llyorlrles. Vwlthout the leatt molvi'atlon '
cupwUorntlshborJ , with our Impnuerl and
us apparatus. A. Evanj li Uj. , 1008 Ca.ltnl \
- _ 7IO.ilBp | .
IVY vaults , sinks and cuuapjols oman d with
iilUry cluaiier. S.tlbfuction guarante'id by K.
> cl , ( uejebtorto J. M. Smith , ) box sa 6)3 nlBp
IlIiF.U STAMI'S On y manufacturcra In Omaha
U.m Printing Co. fffli-tl
(3UOCKil30It8 ( TO JOHN 0. 'ACOWI )
the cliHtand UW Farnam ( Slrcet. Ordeni by