OMAHA DAIIJ3EE TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 4 2 Science of Life Only $ I 00 BY MAIL POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF , , A GREAT MEDICAL IVOltK ON Kxhin tccl YlUllty , Kcrvotii and Physlcil Doblllt ) Premature Decline In Man , Krrora of Youth , and thi nntolJ mlerlc4 resulting from InJIscrctloru or exec oc < 3 . A book for nory man , yonnp , mtildla ngrd and old , It contains 1 ? & proscription * for all Rcul and chronic dlacMOi each ono of which It Inraltiable So found by the Author , whoso eipcrlcnco for 1 ! j c\ri li lucn M probably nocr Micro fell to the lot of any pbwlcian. 800 pagra , bound In twnutlfu ) French mudln eranoaaod covers , full , [ jilt guaranteed to bo a finer work In c\ory soneo , machanlcal , lit crary and prof ceMoral , than any ether work oldln this country for (2.50 , or tbo money will be refunded In every Instance. 1'rlce only 81.00 by mall , pout paid. Illustrative luimple 6 cents Send now. Gold modal anardod the author by the National Medic * ] AKKOdatlon , to lh officers of which ho refers. The Science of I.llo should bo ro > d by the roans for Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief , It will benefit all. London Lancet , There Is no member of Bscloty to whom The Scl enoo of I-JfowlII not bo useful , whether youth , par ent , puardlan , Instructor or clcrrym ( ti , Argonaut. Address the 1'cabody Medical Ink.ltuto , or Dr. W II. Parker , No. 4 Uulfinch Street , Union , Jim. , who nuy Ixi consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronlo and obstlnatoUiscuos that have baffled the lUIl of all other phyi-IIC/il / clam , a epeclaltj : Such treated success tlCHL ful without an Instance of failure. TUVCCI Cful MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CROViYSE'S BLOCK , Car. 18th and Capitol Avenue , treats all cases Crip pled or Deformed , aljodlsoisoa of It Nervous System , Blood , and Urinary Organs All awes of Cuwturo of the Spine , Crooked Feel tags anil Arms , Diseases of the Illp , Knee , anil Ankle Jointa Also Chronlo affections otthoLhor Ilheumatlsm , Paralysis , Plica , Ulcers , Catarrh , Asth ma and Bronchitis are all treated by now and suc cessful methods. All diseases of tno Dtood and Urin ary Organs , Including thono resulting from Ind lucre- tlon.or < ntpo tire , are ealolj and succowfully treated and a euro gutrantood. Young men , mlodlo aged , and old men suffering from Weakness and Nervous oxbaustlon , product indigestion , Palpitation of the Heart , Despondency Dliilnoss. Loss oIMomorj'.Lack of Energy an-l Ambition , can bo restored to health nd tlgor , If oaeo Is not too long neglected. Tlio Surgeon In charp It a graduate of Jeffer son Medical College 1885) ) and has studied his prnfoss.on In London , Paris and Berlin. If allllitod , c-ill or wrlto full description of your oaao , and medicine - cine may bo Bent you. ConsulUtlon free. Address Omaha Dispensary , Crounse's Block , Omaha , Nob. Offlco hours 10-13 a. m.l-B and 7-8 p. m Sundays. 10 a m IB.Scn o treatise either on tualo illseasis or del irinltlo 1EO ) The nco of the term " Sha Lino" In connection with 111 nav corporate name of a nroatroad uK s conveys an Idea of tut what Irnr required by the traveling pub PltUe lic a ShortLluf.O'ibk . Tlmi Bkund and the best : I UijrjX3jS' Taxi : tlons all of which are luiO' Ken hod by tbo reatoei railway lu America. Nos CHICAGO , HfflL WAITKEE And St. Paul. II owns and operates over 1,600 miles ol ortbcrn Illlnolo , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa akota ; and as ts maui lines , branches and oonnee- oos reach all the great business centres of lh ( Northwest and Far West , 11 naturally answers lh ( description of Short Line , and Best Itoute between Chicago , ilUn-aukco , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Ohlcago.lIilHaukce , La Crosse and Wlnona. Ohloago.Jillwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendala Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Htlllwalei Chloigo , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkoth. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknaha and Ooonomowoa ChicagoMilwaukee , Madison and I'ralrledu Chlsa Chicago , Mlln-aukoe , Owatonna and Kalrlbaull. Chicago , Belolt JanosvlUe and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , Ilockford and Dubufjue. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Ocdai Hinldr. Chicago , Council UlufTs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Hook Inland , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis Davenpoil. "almar , St. I'aul and Minneapolis. Pullman 8 copers and the Finest Dining Carl In the flcrld are run on the mainlines of tlioOIIIOAQO. MILWAUKEK AND ST. PAUL IIAILWAY , andovorr Attention la paid to passengers by courteous omployoi of the Company. 6. B. UCIiniLL , Ocnl Manager. A. V II. OAUl'KNTEU. Qon' 1'ats. Agl. T. CLAnK.aen'lHopt. QEO. HKU.KF6IID , A s't Qeu'l. Pa Art. ; S. H. ATWOOD , 8. JPlattsmoatli , - - - - Nob. iiiADiBor TnoEOnanimi ) AMD man auoi ( HEREFORD AHO JERSEY GUTTLE' A.VDDUIIOOOR f JTVounj stock for calo , Oorrojpon'hnco sallclpto ) OMAFA Chemical Dyeing -ANU- 0. T. PAULSON , Proprietor * Onltl lltMIII Gcntlomcna' Cloth'ntt ' Cleaned , Dyed and Itrpilrod , 'ill IjnUos' Druucg Cleaned and Dyed , without lUppInK. PlumcaCliancdor Colored any nhaJo , to sample. , Velvets ano Laoca Clcanod , Dyed tuid lle-fln- Cl 1212 Douglas Slreol , - OMAHA. NED \\lo\o \ \ I Bpccl : PI AUNQ THE LINE 0V HIE Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis ! m curei IIloo OMAHA RAILV/AY. The now extension ol this line from Waktdold op I th * BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the GAN through Oonoord and Oolerldgo A ca o i null lUachei the best portion ot the Btato , Special ex ourslon rate for land toekera over tbli line I Wajno , Norfolk and HartUijtoo , aad vl Wall to a prlodpil jxjli.U on Iba SIOUX OITY & PAOIFIO BAILROAD Trtlni oier tht 0. , Bt. P. H. 40. Uallvrav to COT nuton. Bloux City , Ponca , Uattlngton , Wayne and liorfolk , 0oxa.xi.GOt t HEUafclx" 01 rcmont , OiWiU.0 , NUIfh , and through ta Vll [ entloo. ftSToiitUiallln indtortnitlon cill on 0 , &PEOHT , PROP , Jill Donjlu Bt. Omitu , Nur. UANurAoroRcaor Qalvamzco iron Cormctis e TDormsr Wlnduwr , Tintati , Tin , Iron an d C t "H' > ( iOrL' . fepeeat'i I'attnt MeUlilo HVjlUnt , HciitulJunUJ Ui--lictt Uar and Unoket Hhohluu' . a u-.ho ien ril tot ( of ths lm Hue ol icio.l - [ i , r ida .Uil tr bi , " ' ' IT CTOE9 WHEN action , It In a safe. ALL OTHER IJEDI. sun find uprtvly euro CTNE3 FAIL , M It nnd hun- ncta Din OTLT drcdji have unit AT ONOn on been cured It when XJV'Kll and DOW ilclnnsnnd ELS , rontorlne friends had them to a healthy _ . . -'n them up ] "to die. IT IS DOTH A "SAFE CURE" and a "SPECIFIC. " It CIUIH : nil lIHrat. of llm Ktilnoyi , J-lviT , lllnddrr nnd Vtlnnry OrKiiimi Ilrnpnr , < Jrncl , Dlnlirlcn , tlrlnlil'n Dlnoiuir , J'nlnn In tlio Jlnrli , l.tilnn , or Hide , Itclcmlnn or Nmi.Ko- I Icnllnn of Urlnr , N r\nni IHnrnftffl , I'cnmln VVnlcnrftncn , ItarrHrtm , .Iniindlrr , llllloiiinrxn , Hrmlnrlir , Hniir .Slcinmch , Ujriprp. uln. Ou n n 1 1 1 > ii 1 1 o 11 urn ! I'llun. | i.s WTAKE NO OTHER.59 B nd for Illustrated rnmphlot of Bolld To . tunoiilaln of Abgolula Cure ; HUNT'S iu.niiv : ro. , I'rnvldrnc-t- . 1. GOLD HEDAL , PABIS , JR79. BAKER'S AVnrrnnliii Cocoti , from ulilcli Iho cxrens o Oil linn brcn remove d. It linn thrt tlmti the ttrcnylh of C'ocoi inlic ullh Blnrc.i , Arrowroot or SiiRar mid In therefore fir moro ccouoml onl. It la ( lollclout , nourishing flr , iBllionlng , C'.i lly rtlc | tcil , a mlmlrnlily ailnplcd for Inialljs will IM for pcrHonii In liraltli. Sold by ( Jrorcrx BAKER fl nfl , . JliislGL NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY oncoEflsou TO DAVIS it swruEn.j Oonoj l Po )5 FAlUf AM ST. OMAHA. ro foi oil ) 390,000 acre * ouefntly sclented laadi tcrn Nebraska , at low prlco and on easy termi proved larms lor Bile In Dora In , DndgtvOc-Uax , Hurt , Onmuig , Sarpy , V9tHDfflon , ttcilok lers , and BnUer Bounties. oa paid In ell paits of the State ley loaned on mproved firms. nry : fublloalmvi In office ConorponA : PINE LINE OP . . : L ' TIIK ONLY EXClDbxVK IN OMAIIA' NUB , : 1 l n Boynl andU.B , Mill Btoamon i AILING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWEEN W YORK AMD MTWEB ! ' ; lhintOermany , Italy , Holland and If rant t orajfj Ont\v ril-:0 ; Prepaid fionjAntwerpJl | i ; reluu$30 , InoludliiKbcddlni ; , ctc,2d CabinCI ; { d Tvlp , 600.00 ; xoumlon , $106 ; bilowi from V .0 )0 ; Kicurulon HO to 0100. rcVsr Wright Sons , Don A ? cU. II Bioi d- 1. T. dwell. Hamilton k Oo. , Omaha. P. K. I lo li Co. , 203 N. 10th Street , Cuh | B , K. K lu ' ' Knt > . cd-ly OTIJ : \j Treat ice Hood Itolcotilng Is of Inton st lo nil rlaswa.Vlll nili'd f ri'O on n cclpt of jour address IB bwirr Si'Ecinu Co. . umwir : i , Atlaula , Ou. DNSTITUTIONAL SCRO'lilA- girl In my employ lias biwn cutvd of hat I l was constitutional Hcrolula by Hie line ol HnUtli lllc. J.O , MIDAMM. , Allat9i > iiaU > . , JuljJ5 , 188U RESCRIBED BY QHYSICANS. ! lave preHcrlbod BHifl'd SjiM-illo In innny ! I'oUoii and as a general tunic , and ll alter nil other rvuifdlua t-\il failed. H. M. SrmcKUM ) , M I\ f , ( lu. , Julj i FEARFUL BLOOD POISON ! neuroon my farm Ixn l > t > eu curud of a fearfu of lllood t'eUtm by the mo of threu bottled It'ulipecillo. AMUIKW J. llox.uin , r'onjtb , Da. , Aux 6,1881. \V1II pnrlfV I'm BUOOD. ' tltu LIVCRuml KIDNEYS uiul iti' . .IHIILJIIK itu/u-Ti null VIQCH of VOU'IIL iii-iiMu. Wamor.MiiirtHo , in i'.ilnn. l.-i'k ur d'llr > "M nli olultly ! L1 1,1 , IUll l'Ul Will K ' " " " ul"l'lallW will our nldrwi to'l hf ; J HOW TinrortillnrlllpM < if some A Kno\vn Mon In llnlhvny C r , Brooklyn Old conductors hnvo n largo fund ol information end anecdote , nnd It would astonish pcoplo to learn how criticnll. thoytwatch each individual passenger , ind how well they can describe the trnv- sling hnbita and idiosyncrasies of promin ent people. Men starting on a long journey nnd during ita progress are _ Buro to nhow BODIO individuality , and railroad men being exceedingly observant , can toll almost nt a glnnco whether n man ia uaod to being away from homo or not. Ono experienced conductor gnvo nomp of his a recollections in a recent talk with the a writer. Ilo commenced by comparing c Grant , Conkling nnd Blaine , flaying : t "Iloacoo Oonkling generally gota ono Boat d in a drawing room , nnd ho gota nil the t newspapers ho can buy , rnads them nnd ti throws them all over the drawing room in n mass ; beaido , ho always has n porlman- tcau full of law papers which _ ho d otrowfl nil over every scat in the drawing * room. Conkling is n very vain traveler nnd wanta everybody in the car lo look fc at him. Now , there's Blaine ; ho's just . the opposite , Ilo always buys the whole : ' drawing-room and shuts himself up , 01 lint Grant is n queer old fellow. When ho was president of the United States ho nearly always traveled in a special car , but now , unco ho has become n private citizen , ho travels just about the same as ordinary folks. You can always find Grant m the roar end of the smoking car : with n cigar In his mouth , nnd there ho sits with a hand on either arm of his > chair and mnokcs nnd smokes , seemingly oblivions to everything around him. lie never looks nt ono. Sometimes howill look out of the window for hours. When ho's not doing that ho'n glancing over n newspaper. Ho'a indiflbrcnt to everything that'll . if the train thing going on. Why , bt he's in stops ou the road in the open country for EOino minutes ho uovor moves , never inquires what is the matter , but sits and aniokes stolidly until the train starts , while nil tlio ether passengers put their heads out of the windows ergot got off to BOO what's gone-wrong. "I remember"continued the veteran conductor , * 'a trip to Chicago Grant made yc iu my car some time ngo. Ills scat waa CO in directly behind a lady who -was traveling i alone , nnd who , by the way , knew very na little about traveling. She bad her window - oei dow up for some time , and it was pretty chilly ; beside , the black omoke was pour At ing into the car. -watched Grant a little while and I uavr ho was annoyed , as so : bai the sin'oko nnd the chilly brcezo blow He right over him , Presently ho go5 up and , loaning over the lady's , put his band on COl 1 the catch and lot the window snali down. or dis The little woman gave an involuntary wit start snd turned aromd fiercely , but the Grant novpr noticed har and dropped Titt back into his chair. After n little while the lady hoisted the window again , and out on i some of the passengers who had Been the Urn affair , smiled at ono another. Then the aloi little lady beckoned to mo and said , > "Conductorwho is that hog back oj 'roq ' "That's Cfon. Grant , " said11. o the "Oil" ' oxctaimod the little vrornsn.and of o iho dropped the window immediately , alvi jirant heard the question , bui never lot m nnd wont on rending his paper aa if rani cati lothincphad happened. catiB "Herbert Spencer was the aoat lest- ticc OBS travsler I ever oaw , nnd Bob Inger- it t loll the teat. When Ingorsoll en tors a itclui ar to go on a jouiuoy , the first thingho lees is to hang up his big Bl uch hat , rep He .lion ho begins to znalco himfolf oomfpit- Sav iblo and toforo tha train starts ho jaot icts as though ho wore nt homoin his itndy. If there'suo ono on tie train hat ho kiic-rrs , il clon't tko him long k > of ilriko up an ac'iunintance , and everybody cur looms glad to know him. Ho'a a very phi oily , liberal' traveler , szoukos noly > oJl con ho time on the cars , and always Mrrios cal ; bundle of choice si rs with him. 1 N. 'cmombor one nlglik tlioro was a freight vrock , and our trahi. had to lay up , for hroo or fourhourj. . It was a tortibla Chit tight . the wind biaw a hurrican9s .anil 1 L ho rain carr.o down iu. torrents. Tnor- ; ; agri oil was ouo of- the paaaengors. Kvery- waj jody got tired. Nobody could got any- tint tody to talc ! < to. At lajt a wiry little Jud Scotchman , who waa traveling through hia i America sight-aooing , learned who luijor- ajjii ioU was , anili ho lacJclod him then and- did iaio. Ingwaoll wno-juot in the hanior , waa md in loaa ihwi tot ) minutes everybody imr i the car crowded , around hinv nnd eve ii tuned to him for over two hourj , aud < au hop aaaungcirs Doomed so phaaod and eni pen artainuJ tint they forgot all about the thh nnd thu.nccidoui.J of a "But Oscar \Vildo took the cake , and licar Wilde was moro bother than aHi thai ho women who over rods on n railroad "ad 11 o had nu idea that ho wa lha COB reatoat man that America hn3 > ever. mai icon , and ho put on moro aira than if ho J < w ! had boon the cz r of Itusoia and the ore- the purer of Gormauy , tolled inio otxx the Would you boliov-o it , ho paid the porter * tail uf the sleeping-car , to loll people * nt atr. . on lions alon ; { the line , wherever tbo train uu slopped , lhat Oasar. Wilde was ii the cur , was Ho wns Iho vninaat , moat conceited mule for 1 over saw. Ilo wouldn't driakw tor pna oul nf Iho glass nt > the cooler , but sipped Thi it out of a silver- and gold mug ho carried bw with hiia , and ho'd ait with the tipo of * his fln prs proved logolhor acA looic up in ' at the roof of ihu caa as if ho 77ua about tid to offer up n j-j-ayor. wai "The followlngriory is roiUd 9ox. . - President Ilnytva Mr. Ilayoi , thoa urea- ; of idpnt , was tiavoliiv nbsurbcd iu Uio af fain cf state , whun lie was i' litoly waltod upon by tha conductor ul tl-.o train nnd his ticket rcopealcd. i'lio praaldsat y . cxplninod uio hu was , bill * tho. conductor Bill H ( aaW that hia.ordais were imperlitvo. Do uf declared that ho- was oLViged to oiow cot BCinothiiifjat tlui end of the rout * fore huUr o cry pauengoi who traveled with him , Ur < Jid if did notmako'uny dilVcranco. who uo ' us- iho man wao , ho must cither hevo a. tick It t , n pane or iho money. An Proaldont lei ; iluyoo liad wither n ticket or n psis , ho leiDi reluctaiitly pulled outhlipcckottouk nnd Di counted oat. enough money lo pay his fare. Hayta was n 7cry close mnn in DiI money mailers , and ho was highly indig I nant at the treat meat ho hod uudorgono. ' At Iho end of the road hs atalked into the tllco of the president of the railroad nnd laid the facts Vofcro hiia , , whh a request o that thd oo'aduotpr bo cither dja- ihargotl or r prim ndod. The rnil > road olllr.ial cnlmly paid him back the injury which ho had given Iho : conductor fo ? his furp , nd Mr. JJnycH roauincd his journey iu a happier frame of mind , 'llio couductw , when ho found out t'jat the president of the- United Statoun& } \ inadu a copiplaint axuinst him , lo waa vorj appTohunaivo , and hJa fear of dtainiflr/.t vas by no means ullayud when hu rec Mvod n sumtnons from t'au president of th o road to go at once lo headquarters NV1" " ou ho arrived Mr. Hunts' etory wiva a rt > ( Vaati-d to him , and ho v.-as uslccl if lu anthing to Bay. Mr. Conductor touk the rules out of ) , U poclpt and road them , Maying that lit ! saw nothing in them that isumptcd f.oy poiscnuer , oven 6i > | hi h a potaonago ns the pieeidoiit of tin.-1 United Btutoa. He WM thtu toM thnt1 I so far from it being , the purpose of the prcildont of the dismiss him for I a broach of the rules , ho waa to bo im- I mediately prcWOlcd to a moro responsible | position , with n muo ! : l Bher "alBry. f ° r , 'iis faithfulness. "How do you got along with the tramp.'ng fraternity ? ' the writer naked the conductor of n west-going train. "Oh we . ave some funny adventures with thorn , " , ns the naw r"Nearly nil of these who ] > e.tlio' . ' { ; w y ! inv. ° money , and orofcr 1 ° take , th ° sk inci dent to otoaling a ri'lo tiinn to pay their faro. In an accident fiomo wopks ngo n boat was killed who hcd on his person over $300 and papers showing him ta bo the proprietor of a livery stable in Cali fornia. It is remarkable how' persistent some of them can bo. Six of them stretched themselves in the water tank of a dead engine that was being hauled in the middle of a freight train , and when discovered , refused to como out , nnd told the conductor that they wobld like to see him crawl in there nnd put them out. A bettor plan suggested itself that of pulling the engine up to the tank and frowning them out. They capitulated when about six Inches of ice cold watur fiad been soused upon thcmand ; all came 'orth like drowned rats , with the oxcop- .ion of n big Irishman , who could not 'orco himself through the hole until the jnginoer had lubricated him with black "Bootblacks that are up to the times lover pay faro. They wait till the rain is under headway , run along bo- ido a car , catch on to the irons of iho leer , awing themselves under nnd find a omfortnblo seat on n brakoboarn , whore hey while nwny the time playing cards nd sleeping and enjoying themselves as nuch as those- who irmy bo reclining on ushioncd seats immediately above hem. " DUIIKEE'H SALAD DUKSSISO & COLD ; iliiAT SAUCE. The universal favorite loth in the I' . S. and Great Britain. Vholc.somo , delicious , economical , nnd lutriclous. Saves anxiety , waate and ci rouble. 01 Saw , ) or. ii iiT Ion. Tcrloy Pooro in the Boston Budget , T u ? William E. Hobinson , an educated ol oung Irishman , who was the Washington orrcapondont of the Now York Tribune , the epring of 1840 , wrote eve ? the nig- aturo of "Persimmon" a sketch of Rop- jntntivo . Sawyer , of Ohio , in which ho "Every day about 2 o'clock , ho feeds , osut that hour ho is seen leaving his iat and talring a position in the window ick of the speaker's chair , to the loft. 0 unfolds a-greasy paper , in which is intahicd a chunk of bread nnd fiaunigo , some unctuous substance. This ho th spose.i of quito rapidly , wipes his Imnds ith the greasy paper For a napkin , and on throws it o-utof the window. What lo tlo grease ia lolt on Ilia hands ho wipsa his almost bald head , which saves an itlay for pomatum ; dis mouth nome- nos aor7cs as a finger glans , his coat ? eves and' pantaloons bolng called into qaisition B napkin , Ho uaea a jack- nfo for a toothpic1 ; , and then goes ono Moor again , and abuseo the whigs as British perty , and claims tbo whole 9tl Oregon na necessary for the spread of ili-atlon. I believe ho gees , like Chip- in , against cl the seductive nrta of odu- ; tion. " Mr. Sawyoran bringing this tn 4ho not - > of'tho nouns , distinctly admitted that was true , and had Mr. Robinson ex- iciod from the further occupation of his in . porter's aoat on the t&or of thohouao. _ was afterwards known ao Bi OW InvctmitoStrlctiii-oti - the I urethra , apoodlly and pBrmaaontly red by our improved mothodo. Pam- lol , raferencon nnd terms , two Ihroo- it stumps. "World's Disponcory Modi- nl Association , COrMain ; street , . ButSalo , Y , rh Into icago Efrlll. see that Oraugo- Judd is ciitiog an no rictiltural paper in Chicago. By the , did you o or bear- howhogoi his > o start It was nearly fifty voara ago. dd was aiyounj' rcan , nad'gnt it into head iiiat tJlorp wao a fio-ld f or an riculturniijournal in Now Yerk. Ho USI In't : havc > miich money b t ho had what butterbrains.As soon r > iho first or mbor of Iii pal ior wns ioaued ho wont er to the Herald ollico and prepared Bi "ad. " Jn his paliny days Judd'a nmanahip.Tras r opjrted to-dlscount any- on i ng Greolay eve r attomptad in the way ontn : artistic etching . Judd wrotohia "ad , " concluded by appending , something looked lilie ' "alt , " meaning that the d. " was to occ upy fifty-onolines. The aipositor , ioivovor , translated the irks ditiLMiiUj r , nnd-thn morning da's "add. " ppoarcd fifty-ono times iu Herald _ ID laot thab was aLeut all ndvorlioing matter tte ] paper con nod. I'taytp aaradin bold characters every peg ( . , and in nearly every col- an. Whoa J.udU BBVV fcho mistake ho v dumfound od , but whsa a bill caraoin moro tuvnt y than all the property ho ssesBcd ATM worth ho was paralyzed. o rusultt i > f the matter wns that every- ly was tall .Ing , about Judd's paporand got a looir , that in a short time brought wealth an d plenty to the editor , The lo of B-icco SB thus neeiJnntally Btartcd followed by Air. Judd until at ono no ho wa i worth SCOfliOOO. Ho'a down ain \ \ > a , but the old man has rjot lots. VJgOTVUt. fTOPIHAT COUGH iis'-a , ? Dr. I'rn7ii's Throat nnil J.unc B l .iniho only euro euro for ( . 'oi-efw , CoUa th * ) throat mul limg * . Do ncBlaat ii IUCi * ' I4 nmy Xtnvo 'atnl- Score * anil imuriMlaof nrfttofm puojile ewe Uioir lives to r. IVnziuu't Throat nnil Limp lialaam , ail- ' unily Alll own \xt \ wlthov.4it aftoa once i'VK it , anil < lUco\terio r ita muttuloiia > ewer , u put 141 in iu-flo fiiiiiily bottle * nail noli i llio em nil pr'xjo ol T5 cents yt-r bottlK Soli Kulin & . Co. anil C. V. GooJinau. liUubmv Chrcfllolo. Uo Dliln.X'WaiK to Ciivo It . The London Truth totta this story o i'rauk 1'ower , A well known EogXaii lovrannpou niaa , gifted , with nTivid isaag- nationA : little while bofwo ho wont Kgyiit ho wns cltting with BO UID ricnds. Yea kliow , ' ho said 'khat 1 ace held hiph rank in the Austrian ar- ny.1 The Irionda FAld thai they learned hi3 for the first tlwo , and ho prcceodcJ : NVull , 1 wunt Lack a few montln ago to Viouua , and wcut lo BOO n play at the Ihirt ; thiuter. 7ho Kiuprosa of Austria was Bor.tad in & box aurrouudcd by her < li & and enjonioiu She recognized mo aV once , aad soul n chaiubarlain to * desire mo tr. como up to her. I found her Majesty alone in a imall retiring- room behind her box , and ahu pointed tea I seat.1 rl1i3n ho imuacd. 'Go on with your ntOiy , ' naiil a friend. 'Gentlemen , lie cun'iluued , 'na an ctlicer and a gen Human yuu mint allow mo to say BO Seal ot North Carolina Smoking To. bacco is the bet. AVHIKMJAKUO\V ' \iilnD'H I.fincsonu * Trip Ac-ross tin * Continent In li ! . " Ing. Denver N'ewe. A man named James Nolan arrived in Cheyenne on Sunday from San Francisco. The follow is tramping across the coun try with a wheelbarrow nnd is making the walk on n wager of § 1,000. From all appearance his tramp is n genuine .eat of endurance. Ho is lo arrive in Now York city in 125 days and has to walk all the way. Uo has nhoady con sumed about a month , his actual titno being thirty-eight days , so that ho fools ijulto encouraged over the prospect o boi.ig able tn reach the o.tstorn motropo lia in the tlmo nncciGed , His roughcsl trip thub' far has been through Nevada , where hoomul many of the roads very stoop. His avorajjn speed thus far has been thirty-fiva mile * n day. Ifo camps out when not able to got suitable * accommo Jations , and states' that with hier blankets tie sleeps as warm no could bo desired. Qo has a compass , a hydrometer and a thermometer , and takes obiervatiraa of iho temperature , winds and other natur- ki conditions. Mr. Nohn puahed out yesterday morning for the eaot trundling lis barrow cheerfully along. "Hnwdum I'sotl J This is ono of the latest idcns in inedl- iino. Dut whalovor you do with your lawdust , don't tnltn It internally. Bathe our head with it , stratch your buck with t , or niako a slicking-plaslor of it only lon'l swallow it. The great medicine for lobility , wonkncBS , dyspepsia , rhouma- ism and liver troubles , is Brown'a Iron Jitters * , Air. John Jenkins , of 138-Jef- oraon St. , Baltimore , aaja , "Malaria left no very weak. Brown'o Iron BiUars av ino health and strength. " "This is a protly limp of night lo bo oming homo lo your wife , I must say. " ' I know , zhal , my Hiio ) dc r ; bull boon iut with the proceali'ii , yo oheo. " 'What procession , I'd liiia lo know ? horo'o been no procession to-night. " 'Yesh , hao , my dear. Biggss' p'ooah'n f the cam ( hie ) pcigiu Took us flvo . oura to piwa given point. " "Jiow many rero in the procession ] " "Dud Ilaudall nd mo. " * 'And it took you five hours j paea a given point. Nonsense' ' " "No onsonao 'bout. it. my dear. Given point ash a a'loon , " [ Chicago News. Clients , "I baa become oo common to begin nn riicle , in an ole ant , interesting etylo. "Thon run it into some advorticoment ist wo avoid nil such , "A > nd simply call attention to the mor- s of Hop Bittero in ns plain , honest DI irma aa possible , "Tb'fnduco poop o "Togiro them- one tritri , whidiiso rovc3 their value that Ihoy will never 1 10 anything oho. "Tun U srn > T crably noMcod i n ill 16 papers , Kuligiuns nrxl eecular , in "Having a Inrgo gale , and is supplanting nil ; her medicine. ! . "Tliero 5s nji use deny i2cr the viriuesof tie op plnnt , : md the projir otors of Hop Bittara aliown shrewdno3 and * * vo great nbility _ "In comijounding a modiuinpr whceq virtnaa so i > alpablu to every one'aobaervjvtidn. " Ditl.Sho JUte ? "Not "Sho lingered and aufl'6ied along , pli- .f ; away all tho- time for j&ara , " "Tho dooioro doing her no poocV' "And at last vraa cursd by Ihkj Hop ittors Iho papon ray BO msoh about. " "Ibdeedl'IhdeetU" * "How thankfal wo aho-jld bo for Ihct oclicino. " ' er's Mioery. . "Qlovon yaara onr daughter auflbrod on bed of miaory , , " 3mm a camplitation of liidnoy , liver , . ' lor.malia trouble ; > nd Nervous dobilityt ' "Jndor the care of the best physicians "Who dkcaao variouo gave-hor unraos , "Dut no rolfef , "And now she is jeatored tsua in good- sallh by aa simple a remedy as Hop. ittors , that wo had shunned for years ifors using iiTiiE PAitEm. l ntlveriiH OettinK Wall. "My dnughtera nay : "How inuoh better father is ainco holed - led Hop Bitters " "Uo is getting wsSl after hip long ; s Cj ring irom a-diaciva ? declared iacurablo. " "And wo are BO glad that ho uaed yoEt ittera. A LAI > Y o'l Ulica , N. Y. without a bunch cl green Hopa tlit.whlto liJxl. Shtui all tlio \ It , jiolaouocu iffslih "IIo > ' or 'litps * in their maiu. IInstotU'r'8 htmr- ' ach lliUcrj Unallti blooil ilcpuri. tii ra- tiniiacathartic , anil nbiipviMuitl bllloua I'lW H.edlb UnlliL-ithu LcJ k-t f allliK iMiurpics o ! the Jibilltatcil anil checks | > reinitmoUii 1 r. cav. KakcrmiiU uo bilious rumlttent , avii [ ilBu ) > i3'.aa'iil bowel tia c o m p lai n 18fto , offli . 0.1 a m n n K tbo o > ! u \\luch it entirely ru- iuo > ii In iroploil < nn'trio'lierutlii ll\urand boMclB &ro nlily iUfcteil by the onmkliicil Inlliuuco of alunato , illctnml wat i , It 'H a > ry or tain l > y all drugyUtj and alum e rht rhtA Ouni f Til : - l u union liak. Ir II , < pa * t > . f < 0uau ' A > . t.ur ( * * ! ' * ' .i l' u tMtctrtV' ) aa i U.ttu'.Kllll til. J u 1 HjlUlJhfflO 't t - * 1 - - - ' 77. CO , r CtlHU ' lh ; > i iiJ ' * St. l ' , Yiosirattor . Ability , ficnlal and Phvslcnl VV aUnesfi [ tit. curlulnnil jthcrAtJoc- llon& ol ftuoat. SKlit or lUncs , oiii Sores nnd Ulcers , < . ircujvti V L M ( * , on * n fli'UtiU , * jHio'.j- . m 4 l'rl Diseases Arlslnu trum lnuUcr lion txposu/o or lnduts&acet. . i > t > iuro ' vtlu iiv | H'CU ' L iut Ur.KtlliVf , dill iiJ vld' cutv iJn. r\ yttJ oj ttu ft * , i. | Vj tirriVtiitola * vcU / * rienuic rcnUrtrinc Marri ? 9 impiopei or uauiPpv. u iruntaiiyrr. J. I'MftithM Wse ) tt k l l i , * i \ a tali 1 ( UUl V t ffv to li y \iri. . Ci * lUtiwU IV ff ; 1w vi ty i&Ail frvv. nuJiuvl > l Writ * t i * jAi. Uii . Positive V/rhren Guarantefj cnctt * kvUtartl l rt lit Ik nt * .8tcTtrjwhcr * . * or Uiruun.Uft i > acc , d * ' r13 s s ? 1 fiwKJi-tl , . " ' 'Jr. Tt. . medicine , romblnlng Iron with KCtoblo tonic * , fjuirltly nnd rornpletolj t tins IMftprpxIn , jmlinrMlnii < - ( H , 1 mjiiirnlllorMldtliiliirlntClillNnitil rcvern , , \nmilijln. . His nil unfailing rcmftly for Diseases of the KhlncjH nnil l.lvrr. It ta liunlunlilt for I > lsen cs peculiar to tVoinon , nnd nil uho lend > e < lentnry lives. ItiloesiioHnliiro tlittPCtli.foii'ehfn'liiclic.or produce comtlpntioit of/iT Iran rncillcmr * do. Itcnrlclicsnnil purlrVs the Mood , Mlmnlntrs tlio nppotltp.nUls tlio fwlmllntlon of food , ro- llovi" ? llcnrtburn nnd Helphlnsv tend strength- tin the muscle ? nnd nerjcs. I or Intermittent FcvcM.ljissltrxTe , iJirkof rucrRV , > Ve. , It lu'u no cijnM. St ) TliefffTiuIno Imsnboiotrndetnnrknml croiscil realities on nrapiic. * . Take no other n.d.cnlriir inwws IIIKJIICIL to , nminoiiF , r . .zfUMlsjntelintlie BROAD CUIh . ; eln tnc VSRY BEST OPE AND Ever offered tb-tlic uubllfco HAMBUR9-AMEEIOA5T IKKCT EINE FOR OGLANB , yiUNCB' AUD OEBMANT.f Tbo Btearnghlpi of this vcll-ny ! n line are bu'.lt eton on , In water-tight oompmtaioiih , nnd are furaish- with every requisite to make ih pr > ssago bhth ito nnd ngrjeabls. They tarry tCte United Stitea nd Kuroptno malls , and leave New York ThtJcu- kysandbntnrdaye for Flyaiouth ( LONDON ) Ciibr- 3urp , ( PAltlS ) and HAMHUHO. Kates : Sttersjo from Kiraps only ? 18. Ffcrt abln$56 , { Afiand $76. Steerage , 0' lr Henry PunA Mark Hanson , F'.K. > JooresM. Tc- , ontaln Omclia , Oronoweg & Sohoenfejeti , ngontu ) } ouncll Bluflfs. C. B : RICUAltD & CO. , Ocn. Fua K'ta , 81 HroaiT7C.y , N. Y. Cb-A llcamln kl & Co- L'ncril Weotern Ajcnta , 170 Washington St. , Clilca 0,111. . iies.tcstrdir. 'ajfoptyrc lira * * l > ici > lj'rt.ftlcv. Sstninnl /enkncss. NiRht Lcst - by Dreaais , Ptaplta on r Face. Lost Minhood , . sJ/t1FfJ/r < irjs < Tliert mnfjfnrrlint' ! < { . ' Tr s nppropriattr 3 > . . .T.eav r.concc ustJn eachci-se. Coniultaucas. pcr- r-il or by Icttrr , nocredly confidential. Kcd- 'Ues sent bv r.'fiil and Express. No inoTis on accaee to indicate ccr.tcniu or ccndor. . . i mnt. . i > urti Victims of } on tbJuhmpmdoncp.cftu tinn Norvo-e De- * lity. I'rematuro D uay. and all disoxvtts Itrouafel on ration or * xovtt.vil ) Ipnrnof RHORN 'SELEGTRGBELT ! > 11 euro Nprvoi ao , IjunNHjr' " . It'i ' incallvj- * ? -\lvsl3 , ; i.nilul'i. ' KM t , . i hiii AIH JIM I \ - it. Antiimii. ll . .i nvpiivii.i - ii ii liHiinril ) . h w. h i -I. IIM | i ii i U * u IliilllNlll 1 ll'li 11 * Otll Wl . I I C > II ll M All I ; | | i I. HAI- . Ill .mil in i-n. t.-.i i Ii i hll.c / , uiul cuu bj riicltdr uij lu un lliu.iiul tjy IQu i aiu nt. Winter Is cwn'ntf , ! it8oancno the you Itii aches il } > 2lu9. la vU > w eMs fact * o Bay 117 ono of llnroo'e Jdxitiio Belts. 11oo , dcUxt yon will > lil lUiounulh-m , SWnoyTrni.ble3 r.a > l other Ills t flesh la 1 lrto. Do not Jp.ay , but call at our iou anclexrciiaabslis. No. HJU Douu ! siicct , cr F OuiHlm.-.u's , li'10 Farnam Jt.,0ir.t.'ii , i' < ob. Or- re ni'flil ' O O u y anlE itcnrinw Oo. , ol on , Qtv , iitm toin. eoooa.\ , Uerrlitna ( , ' Kcwti > t. is liT Royal Bfovaiia Lottery I { A OOVKUrCIF Yr ISOTITUT10N. ) nt llnvanu , Habu , Every ISi to 11 E-uys. CKKJS , j.oo , .nAr.vr3. ioo Hublfct to no manipulation , not controlled by tit trtiulu IntureitV It Is tl < I lro3t thlutf In t iturs ot chance Jn oilstccc * . FoMnformatlomnil purilcdlumpply toSHISlir , , O nAecntvl'12 LVoaamy , N Y. c.ty. KAUU & CO . 17 W nut Bircot.flt. Louis , Mo Frank Lobrrno , L. D , , SO WymJotto , Kin , 21-m.Ve & w Iv lealth Da , K. (1 Wiuiihi li axi AMD Buys Tur.uuiiviT , & iiarajittu.l BiiccUo for Jlyetcrla , U | IIOJH , Uoovul- Ions , H ! * , I < cr oud H uralgl , I' ailicho , Koivout rodtratuu c&uroj by iho uga ol rJcohul or tobtiuoo , 'alnIuAitsa , JlotiUl du rcfsloii. Boltwiliirf ui tbo rain , 'jojultlig In Iniquity an ( ' < icajilrv' to Kletty , ocfty mil Oeath , Prtiu&turo OU ngu , liaronaji , IMI Il'0\.crln ltliiifi , Iiivoluixary Lcmou Mid Bper- patKhoiawiucxl b > otcr oxutlontol lu ! tro'ji , self. Uuwcroisr Indulgence. ach bux , cuitalnv cnt oi\ith''i Wt-atm&nt , $1.CO k bnx.oi blx bottlei lor 'i.i-0 , nib oy itallreV4lj [ a rocUpt ol prtM. UR OUAUAMT4K 8U BOXBJ ra curl IDV rue. WUKc&ch cuJcr rccolted by an Mr Bis koUlin , Bcoor.ivlUhcd 5Cktxiv will hopurcb > icr our r.Ui.u giuiantoa 10 rotund the ucDoy lithe trratmtuicu'ooii not cOectaoure. Ouav intrtsIpnuxl only br JOHN C : WKST k CO. , ) y S8.mi ry 'fdi ' Maillaon St. , Uhlci o , IU. JAS.H.PEAI30UX id , PEYBIOIAB & llMlilcuoo No , 14C7 JanM Rt. 0 ffco , Xo.'Hl ! > fir 'm bt. Oil ! co tourt It ! ta. lo I | > . in. tn * I'1 tu ? I 1'iH T TfcJM't ' 'tottct VI ' | ti v\ ' ! ( . . The remarkable growth of Omahn during the last foTT yearn is a matter of great ast oniahmout to those who pay an occasiona 1 visit to this growing city. The development of the Stock Yards the necessity of the Bolt Line Iload the finely paved stroota the hundreds of now residences and costly business blocks , with the population of ou ? city nero than doubled in thu Itst five years. All thte is a great surprise to viahora airf is thf admiration of our citizens , Thlo rapid ? growth , the biasinais ncth-ity , nsd the nany substantial' improvements madn a ivoly demand for Omaha real * estate , and every investor hns tnndo a handsome profit. Since the Wall Sttoofc panic Z&st Mjy , with the subsequent sry of hard times , , : hora hacbcon less domniid froni'spocub- : ere , but a fair deir.nnd from investors looking homos. Thir latter class are taking advantage of low prices in build ing matcria ) and are securing thoit 'homes at much loao cost than will w > posciblo a year honoo. Speculators , too can buy real osta * 3 cheaper now aad ought t > take advant present piises for fatnr Jprofi a Th foyr years promise * greater vohprnonta in Omaha than the past i o yoari.which have beoa1'as good aa WB could reasonably dcsiro. Hfew nian > - Uibcturlngiostabiishinonts azd largo job biaj ? IIOUBM are added almost weekly , and- all add to iho prosperity of Cmntea. There nro many in Omaha and throughout - out the State , who have their- money let the banks drawing a nominal ? ate of n- toroct , which , if jcdiciously Invested in Omahn real' cotato , would bring them much' ' greater roturno. Wo have many bargafas rrhich' wo are confident will bring the purchaser ! brge profit ? ' in the near f ituro. Wo-havefor sale- the fines } ? resi dence property in the norlh1 and western parts of the city. North TVO have fiiia lots at reason able prices on Sherman , avenue , 1 7 > th , frSth , 19th and 2Ofch streets. West on Faruam. Davenport , Cltuminjr , and all the leading stre3ts in that direction. The grading oH Fnrnam , Califor nia and Davenport strseta has mode iccessible some of the finest and jlieapest re. idencH property in the jity , and wilh the building of the street car line out Farnum , the uro- perty m the Avesternpartof the city vill increase in value. We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The levelopments made in this section y the Stock Yards Company and ue railroads Avill certainly double he price in a short time. We also have some fine busines-j ots and some o'legant inside lence. " for sale , Parties wishing toanve.sfcwill find onie good'b tii u BROKERS. i3 Siiuth 14th S Bet * veeE > Farnlmuii and Douglas. P. S. Wo ask these wha have property or sale at a bargain fco give IIB a callAVp want only bargains. We will1 positrroly not haudle prop- arty sb rjoreihan ! its rerJl value.