Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1884, Image 1

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    3MAHA *
HE *
A * , Jfc. .ilV IT
Tlie Record of Hot ana Spilled Blood
" in the
, Further Developments
0\ \ Louisiana Riots.
Prooi That it Was a Bourbon
All Republican Participants Held
Under Arrest.
Dark Democratic Intrigue at the
Chicago Polls.
Canadian ColoniMs Negro Murder
liiK Ucinocruilo Kcpculers at
Several I'ointa ISto.
NEW OULKASS , November 3. Felix Bio
thloro , postmaster at St. Mnrlinivillo , makci
the following statement concerning tbo Lor
oanvillo affair : "Saturday , November 1st , 1
left St. Martinsvillo in compaLy with mj
uncle fur Iioioauvllle. I had hardly gone twt
miles when I met a fnond living near by wit
stopped mo and asked mo whore I was col eg ,
1 replied , 'to L ire < iuvill > j. ' He eaid , 'don't RC
there for I have bean notified by the principal
democratic leaders thatthey are to bo un hand ,
for they Intend to prevent the republican
meeting from taking pln'e. ' I arrived in
Loreauville and wan aaktd by the most promt'
nout mon democrats of p > od standing ,
'what nre you lookiug for ; theto may bob'ood-
shed , for the drunkards are drinking heavily
and want
At the sams time I saw trom twelve to fit
teem persons yelling and shouting and going
from one saloon to another until about liu
o'clock in the aflernoon , when Judge Fonto-
lieu and hid crowd arrived atd entered the
j ixid of Alfred Gonzoulin to hold their meet
ing , the use of the yard having been secured
for tint purpose. On their anival , I Raw and
heard soruo parties calling repeattdly , 'Come
on boys. ' They came from a .rog ehop be
longing to St. Clair Dngan , about hvo hun
dred yards from th * meeting place. On their
nrriv.ilJoe Gil faux fireil the first shot. Shola
were returned by the attacked party. Some
400 or 503 shots were fired with the result , in
dead and wounded , reported in the papers.
The attacking partita then went to their headquarters -
quarters and returned with ten or twelve
guns. They surrounded the duelling of Gou-
withia their roach , even thu&a who went into
the bayou whtn trjiug to faye themselves
About hfty of the a ute miliu'a caino out at
5 o'clock fronlelieu men exclu-ivaly. taking
them prisiners upon Judge Uates' verlal
o-rler witiout deputy theriUs to rt-preseus the
United States authorities. This was stated
to me when en route t New Iburia with tne
prisoner.- ! that same ui lil by the lieutenant
commanding ,
KE\V OBLEANS , November 3. Governor
Kello/g closed i.U cauva'S last ni ht mid left
for loeria p r ah , the scene of the late trouble
A dispatcn from New Ib ria s.yi. Tna fol
lowing aM thu ua um of prisoners now in the
piriah prism h-re , m p irtiuip mts In the L c
reauvilie riut : Jud a Foiiteheii , Alph Fonte-
lieu , Albert F.mti-li-u , Eugene Daiuiers ( col
ored ) Atohunz Mixqucz Aba Palllult ( ol-
ored ) , D irsey Gibsou , Eugene Couway , Tuu-
tant Bieiiveuue , uf tit iMurllnville ; Alf Gou-
zalin , Dick Walkar ( colored ) and J. B La-
\ beaux , of St. Mary's. Tne preliminary ex-
nuituutiun of tin piison rs was not hud to
day , : n was expected , otving tj thu abs-nce of
tha district attorney. Consequently , the
prUuiors will have to remain lu piison until
after the elpc'.ion. Tiny are too leadtug
white and colored republicans of the pariah.
The coroner's inquest has ben l ostpoued
until Wednesday.
New York Colon ! * ' * .
Ntw YOKK , November 3 ICnowladga was
obtained tj-day by city r.ulh nitusi that fifty
men registered from a tmiKlx hotua in which
not Una of thain resides. Ddti lives ex jact
to execute abu ; a beach warr.iu.ti da
ting thu day ,
Cooping up ilio Nojro Voter- .
NEW OHLKANS , November 3 Over 200 col-
oriid nun were arrested liy the police in the
1st con re 8ion il diilrict since jt'sterday noon ;
ara "dangerous aud BUdpic OIH char.ictir * , "
having uu usiulo maun of supp > rt. .Many uf
them Wtro committed tj pmou by the re
A DPinourBliu Diirltoy'ij Doom.
LYNCnuriio , Va , November 3. Henry
Nentoii ( colored ) was Bhot in Wjthe county
to-day. Newton , whose dutj it wai to iclievi
another collier ubuit 12 o'clock , was on hi :
way for that purpose when he was Rrod upon
by partieo cjuro > lud iu tbo hru h The Hhot
did nut tike elfict aud hi ran back home , and
at da\ light Kguiu start d out , when he wjt
that djvvn by uokuuivii ptitiei. , two of whom
he saw. He n.ys tha' li , < lifolmj baen throat'
encd bya nuiiibsr of repub ijuiu on account
uf bin tlouiocrutia
MONTHKAL , November 3. - A large numlici
of Canudlaus have gone and are going to ( ! ! (
fcront puti in tha SUttw to talca p rt in the
elections to-morrow , aoma lave k-ono to ro
coid ua votes. Octteis 1 1 uurii for candidates
No SorloiiB Ti'nuiii. ) K\iiuctcil nl
ClllC.f , ' ! ) .
ClllUAno , Novemter 3. The board of c nm
ty cmnmiteioneM thirt evening appointed 2uU (
Bpecial cju t b'oi ' to oerva at the polls to-
inoiTon' . Uaitol b'tatjs Marsh < 1 Jones ha ;
uppointe.i a large number of deputies , sup
posed to Ice ubjut 1COO , part of whom will bt
scutioned uttio ; pjU | aid ( ) r ; grouped 111
ililferont stictioiiii uf the city ax a roiorve
forcu , uuder thecommund of Gen. Jonupr
Stockton. Tlio connorvotlvo opinion of bith
psrtiiM to-night is that tlif ro will bo no moro
trr.uhldUitn tmial to-morfow. It lint Mon
jalnlng nil n'chl ' , i\nd at thl hour ( midnight ]
thu rain Is still IMl.n ? .
Special to the BEE.
Qt/KHKC , Cftiuda , November 3.-That the
British Canadians are taking an active Inter
est in tha elTort to defeat lllalno Is now Mt'
tlott bayond the shadow of ft doubt.
traini were quietly loaded thN morning with
Canadians bound for tha ntftt.H at this city
and Montroil. rhopiojngem weio inado up
from Orangemen and ngeiit * of the British
government. The former will work with
members of that organic itlon in the state of
Now York nnd the Utter with tlio frf o trad-
trs Tha greatest inti'rost has been fliown in
the Uoinlnion since the nomination of Blaine ,
and the developoinonN today show tht a
eccrflt and wo 1 organized movement of very
considciabld dimensions has resulted in the
dfparturo of these two bodioi of men. The
OraiiRcmon fear HUlneV pronounced friend
ship for thn Irish. Thu Kucllxh aRonti rcpro-
sent the Cobden club and 'In ' general free
tr do sentiment of that county and have
plenty of funds which thy will distribute
under tha guidance of Canadian friends who
know bettor than they where money will do
the most good. Aside fr m the Irifh nnd
fri > o trade IMMIFS there U a base but fierce ad
ditional motive for their opposition to B'ainc. '
It is conceded that the fdct ill it Dtaine'g
mnthfr was a duvotod Catholic , nnd that a
number of hi ) living relatives are if the fame
faith , will in tha fdvtnt cf hla ilection give
that church a , oci l primlnenco antl pollutal
rcstigo In the United Statw ) such as it linn
1 ver heretofore enjoyed Thov will doubt-
j us poll a largo number of fraudulent votes to-
Special Talegram to THE HER.
CHICAGO , November 3. It has leaked out
late to-night that the democrats have put up
a job to carry the city by fraud and give the
ticket such a majority ineide the city limits as
to mateiially enhance the chances of the elec
tion of a democratic ftito ticket. That
scheme is as follows : The United Stjtes super-
visois of election are appointed to eee t' a fair
v tpand count on the c mgro-8menas th'y are
United St tes officers. The demnc'atic judges
hive been instructed to count tha c Jii res-
sional vote first , and hiving comoteted it , to
invite the supervi'Ois to gt-t out , leaving them
free to work a crooked count on tha rat of the
ticket. They are also instructed to in-ist on
this , and if the United SUto marshals under-
tnke to int rfere to arrest them to ptibmit as
the vote cannot bo canvassed without them.
I-l\ounlinff tlic Law in Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI , November 3 S ventpen per-
Rons were arraigned in the United States
c.urt to-day charged with violation nf the
election law . One of them was Thomas
Crgjn , a member of the Ohio legislature , lie
was charged v/iih two oif. se , one of as
saulting a deruty inar-hil ami another of prf-
v.iuliifj a citizen from votine. Over one
liundred pereoui so far luvo been indicted.
Jjix-cly Times in New Jers y.
TIIKSTON , N. J. , November 3. Twenty-five
men , charged with being reoeater. ' , were ar
rested here this morning , and sent to tha coun
ty jail fur rive da > s. The country for miles
ar < und if ll'i > de < l with tramps nni each party
is bitterly ch-ir ing the other with un uttemp :
to colonize. A number of f ilso rigii-tratioLB
have been discovered Governor Abbott tele-
grauh ° d Prosecutor Boisley to remain in hii
office all day to-morrow.
Polltlus and P
OTTUMWA , I.JWM . , Novdmb r 3. While the
eheritf of this rounty and his deputy were av
tendiug a political rally at Uloouifield , all the
in the county jail escaped.
Civil Ui-lK.s ?
NEW OBI. EANS , November 3. J. H. Ack-
len , states to-night , th it 1 , < CO colored repub
licans in the 1st cjngr f3ional district hnvo
been arrested and ( \rd now in piisuu in this
city under the vgrincy net.
WASHI.-VOTON , 1) . C , November 3. Gener
al John Newton submitted his annuil report
of the coast dtfunes. Ho urges the haibirs
uf our principal seaports be made impregnable
to attack , by hdJitional gum of heavy calibre
and other appliances knoun to modern war
fare. Past events ho Bays , by co means jus
tify the assertion nude that our c. > tlo abd
grain are so necesiary tn nations that they
cou'd not engage in war with the Unitad
statin for .1 tbort peril. d without interrup
tion of their supplies of these
* iticlen. It se'ins to be forgotten tint a do-
fci-iit upon our a ast to hold our unprotected
cities U'.dtr the guijs uf a tiouile Hut would
cmiBUino but a few months , and in the mean
time cotton und grain in sutliclcnt quaiit-ties
alight bo obttkiud elsnwhere. Thu inoltrn
xjbtuin is to muko wa- sudden sharp , deceive
and to make the beaten paity puy thotx-
peiifej. ' ) he bojrd ot enAineers for
l rilh'caUur,3 } : i\i prepared an ap-
prixiniHtu e.stiina'o of the os.
of f > rtifimtioni including annainents of mod
ern imiko and heivy gun < and nllul mortirs
for I'uitliin ' , liuitun , New York , I'luUdi-l-
phu , lialtiinnre , Hitniptou KoulNetv Or
leans , San Frauci-co and other place * . Thu
estimate for preliminary works , earth and
masonry \\ith < mt niio- , machinery , and emu
to i > erve us an emplacement frr tuin. Total
estimate , i < eluding r.iin iiiionH S 3.48S ODD :
estimate for einplacjnn nt for guns Including
armor Runs and nuchio ry ? 10lJSSi 00.
Them estiiiuitoi wern rnida with care , and
it i < < holietrd the fi rtiticat OIIK i-'clmli' g guin
in all harbors on thu CJ.iat of Mitlident iniport-
aucu to tomtit an enemy o n bo preiurnl at it
nut not to i-xceed SfOJ.000,000
The following cbtinmto pifjured
for 8 * . anil 80 are made. Tim modification of
existing ( oits aud bjUrritu S > t',0 ' 0 ; preser-
Vktl > u i > f rirtitUatlmi i : pu chaie of
ubinminu unnei $30 ,000 ; comment &c , ,
; torpedoB Si.0,010.
1'rnillKioiiH I'o icstrl
Nuw YORK , November -N'oremac
to-d.iy , in hall , his fit rt ti biat
Weatoa'd rtcoicl , 5,000 miles in KO dayn. -
Klaiiio in Massachusetts Fires tbc Las
Enlhusiastio Reception Through'
out the "Bay State. "
A Slight Mishap nnd Elaine's '
His Expressions of Disintorestgc
Loyal Patriotism.
k * y *
Th-j Immensely Cordial Greeting
at Boston ,
Blnlnc ; In Vote To-day nt liln Home In mill There In Awnit
tlio r.CHiill ,
IttiAINK IiI-iVV12.4 NinV VOHK ,
NKW HAVEN , Cnnoticut , November 3.
Blaine nnd parly left New York at nine
o'clock this morning for Springfield , whence
they go to lioiton , making a short stop at
I53STOX , November 3 On arriving at
Worcester lilalno was escorted to ths stand ,
erected near tin trjck , and Introduced bv
Sonatir Hoar , lllaino spoke as follows : ' I
inver mnro sincerely icgrettfd the impair-
inout of my voice than at this present mo
ment , that I might make u fitting responto to
the most cor. ml and most el fluent greeting
what jour dlstlngui-hed chalrmin has given
me. I crave the power of expiiMtlnn tint I
might say to him in tbo presence of Worcester
audienca that hit presentations of the people's
causa in thin campaign constitute the political
literature of 1SJI. He knows better than you
ktiow how profoundly I thank
him , and I know bettor thin he
knows the full reason 1 have
for gratitude. Tha campaign is over. All
that has been pleasint in it with all that his
been unpleasant ; with all that has been im
portant with all that has beeli unimportant ;
ic closes to-day and ovoj though it may S' uuit
like the voice of egotism , I am proud to de
clare here , in tbe heart of the c nnrr.oiiwealth
of Massachusetts that notonca in a sinitlu in
stance has any poisonrd shaft reached me
here ( laying his hand over his lit-a t ) and I re
turn to i-y home not with a leen , uilt with a
greater appreciation of tha prandeur , the no
bility and tha ju itico of the American people.
To trjit people , of which Mm-achusetU loans
so distinguished and houorab'e ' a part , I eub-
mit , with tliB cauto I nm called to teptesent ,
whatever ot personal fortune I have at ttike ,
calmly , without anxiety and with abundant
readiness to acc ° pt with cheerfulness what
ever may ba the verdiU of the great pipul r
tribunal. " [ Cheein ]
Governor Robinson followed and epoko
very briefly.
AS the train moved off there wai another
salute from strain whittles , cheers from the
crowd aud a geuer 1 rush of people nea eat
the train to tli.iko hinds with lil due
At Niiti k there was n very large
crowd , one aecti u ot which was
c nioj d of Ilutler men who cheered fur
their andidata. lilaue npoke briefly 10 th *
people ne reit him , xprcsning reprdts thit he
could not utter with full voicj l.i ) thanks to
the republicans of Misi.ichusetU for their
vigorous , und as he hoped , victorious , cam-
paiijn. [ Cheers. ]
The crowd at Newton waj immenss.
Blnne was escorted to a large platform near
thedepitBUd intioijuctd , but just as he was
about to r peak tha platform broke down. Vor
n minute or two theie was a great deal of ex
citement. but LSUino sprang up m the j l.itform
and exclaimed , " 1'lIKBE IS ALWAYS ENOUGH
uro.v. "
Ttiis reassured the crowd , and Blaine wont on
tosay that he was console 1 in the bad condi
tion of his voice by reflecting that the time for
difcu < ion was pint. Tha verdict to 'e ren
dered to-morrow ha awaited ca inly and with
a leasonable degree of confidence. " ( Cheers. )
It was about 5-0 o'clock when the train
readied Uoetou. In the depot there was u
very large crowd who cheered loudly fur
Blame. Thi-ro Was also eome cheering
for Cleveland from one portion
of tbo croud i nd as the carriage containing
Blame , Lieutenant lov Ames , aud Henry
Cubut Lodge move ! oil a i.umbtr uf ma 1
I ) 05 a ran hfter it aud hiss d woile large crow Is
of people in the sTctti heerfd. lil.ino was
tiitn diiveu rapidly to the ' otel Brunswick
aniviogehoitly after 3:30. : Theoiduwalk nd
rteps in front uf the hotel and the nidttualk on
the o her Hide of the avenue was crowded with
men ami bo if who cheered Ulaine as he en
tcreJ , leaning upoa Lodge's arm. Kniiivni
Bljine hid joined ( he pircv at Newton. Oih-r
members of the f .mi y , with tlio x ep'ion of
MUB H.aUtj lilalii' * , who met her fatlnr at tbo
hotel , urrlvtul a few minutes later than Blaine ,
who went immediately to his apartments.
BOSTON , November 3 At tha diiner given
Blaiuo this evening at the Hotel Brunswick
there were moro thtu2UOO g < mt . Am-uu
tlie prominent gentlemen Wiie , ] ) . H Hoar ,
A.V Beard , U. Worlhngton K. Mcl'her-
, < m. 0. A. Bustal , J W. Gaudier K. H. Bom-
p > nd ( . ! A Marsien. It was about ti ht
o clock when Henry C.bjt L < i Ige , wh i pro-
tidid , culltd the comptny to i rdi r He ealil
Lhut as ItKiuie was to review the great torch
light prix > d-iou , thera would not bi any gen
eral Kpeaking , but ha knew tlio to present
would be K really diSippiiutod If th r d d nut
hear from the dl-tmguished guest of the eve-
! ili > g U'hen Bl iue roie to respond ha wai
heartily cheered.
"Mr. Chairman und gentlemen , for reasons
whlcli I nee t ii'it stop to de'ail , a reception uf
this character In tin c ty uf liostm at tin
clisa of the mtloiml c.-iinpaUn is peculiar y
gruUful to me , und I thauk Mr. L idgH for
giving niBthu pportunity tu thauk you , [ Ap-
pluu < i > . ] Ills too l.ito to ar ue ur uveu to
ttito the grtut i Huei Involved iu thn caiiv s <
which clo y < to-niflit , \ ui I am sure till' tbo < e
Hrius consiilu u a dilferenci bttvverti the
ptititii so bruud , atd so deep , that their I'M- '
ciilini the one way or tlia othur will ntfroc for
weal or w o the III tory of thu U it oil States
for manv years tucomti. " [ AppUus * ] Blaine
then tuuchi-d ua the d t qer uf reat oiganio
cliMi i'S in the iuduitiiil yktumu , and liiuir
( itl cyntmiis and cjlitmued ai fvluwi | > :
| "In53 KO for m my own voict
could roach aud Intlu tico the just judgement
of the | XH > pl of tin Ifnltwl > < t\ff. \ I have f !
frtad it very freely , I h r H.-KT olfrred an
axlogy | , or npUnatUra fir tihintc wh t fem
of my closet friends rfrdc I M n rxtraord
nary nicn , In going before th * jw pc ! , ( tfint
what mnro freely , and oxtendrdly tlun IP
l > en the liAUt of the o ohown M the titp < li ) n eindlrUtM of the grca * . i. rtio , It'it I wil
y now 'hut I did it , and 1 l lrn to put tin
on record-I did it IxcMiw I i knight that th
peculiar character of tlm caiM w my \ * t
sonal jnstlHuition for doing it I am i pro
found bjl'i-verin ' n popuUr pnvornmsnt , am
I know of no'reaJion why f tlnnld tint fie
the Amtrictn ix > ople. IcliMl , too , for thi
jiorn riipcific reason that 1 believe then
was Fdnnger of the great lading < ) uB timi
which related to the Induttrnl nnd pr-tectlvi
tysti-tu of America liclng pirtially , or ix-rhap
wholly pxcliidr-d from that mnMderali in bi
th people , which the merit * dwerved and en
trmted as I wai with thn grnit function o
repicnenllng you , and nil members of tin re
publican party , I felt that I would In A apecu
degree , myself obtain a hearing
I have returned fomewhit weary ,
irinowliat broken in volca sin.
tn your eiri have already drifted , but I liavi
returned with nven ix mop- profound bliil
than I had in thn judgment , in the f.ilrno-s ,
in the impartiality , In the generosity 'f tht
great mass of American ciliicntlup , nd I gti
to my homo to-morrow not nithntit a fttronp
confidcnco In the remit of a ballot ,
but with n heart lint shall not
In the least degrcobo tro-ibl d by any verdict
tint may be returned by the preat .American
people , for I have in my entire cntirj canv < m
unconsdou-ly and completely lest mght of
myself and of whatever i r"wal fortune I
have nt stake , in : > far greater and fir grander
and far mure enduring H-IIP. which for tin
tlmP , I WM submitting to tin1 popular judg
ment. " ( Cheers )
Fr m thn dinner table IJ.ainn went to re
view B grand torch I'ght ' mores-ion whli h hi
did from thu balcony of HM hotel. To.moriow
hi will go hntnu to vote in Au tnta , leaving
Boston at ! ) :30 : a. m.
NEW YOIIK , Noveinbsr : i Btainn thh
morning txpre.-Mod the opinion ( hat the ro-
ro..iark of iJt. Burchard upon ' Hum , Ko-naii-
ism and rebellion , " would not cost tha nation
al ticket inure than 5UCO votes.
I'ALIIKII MOJS. , Novcmbar . ' . At Sprin-
fit-Id LUi , UO ] coplo wera On th streets throueh
which the proccseion pnsifd t ) the public
fquiro where a stand wao erecta > l from which
HlauiP , who was introduce I by Col. M tcalf ,
uf tipiiogh'fld , spoke. Ho wai rnthuslattictlly
greeted as ha cungratulatcd the people on so
laige and demon'tr tlva manifestation of the
repubhtan slrcogth ot Ma'jachuie'.ts. B ing
hoa o. Blaine excuted hlmtelf from speaking
further and gave wny , as ha said , to pome one
whole voica could ba heard by tha great crowd
Senator Halo spoke a few wnrdi when the
pirty returned to the train. They weru jiin-
ed by Hour and A.V. . Ueatd , of Boiton.
Tin * Boston llaniiu | > t.
BOSTON , November 3. Up ton > ar two hun
dred tickets were sold fopthe hinqunt in hou *
af Blaine at the hotel Lrumaick. The inten
tion WJB to soil out two hundred ticket' , but a
few more will be sold. There will bo but li'tle
fpeech-maklng. Henry Cbot litifo will wtl-
c ine the eue ta and Blaine , an i possibly ne
or two other' , will speak brntly CJovtrLor
Robinson , who cannot ba present , will bj rep-
tojented by Lieutenant Ames.
WASHINGTON , November 3. A dccui n was
rendered by the suprema court of the United
Statei this afternoon iui > acothr of tbo long
series of casei which have crifen out of the
adoption of the fourteenth and fifteenth
amendments to the constitution. The present
case , which is that of .JohivKlk' , plaint il in
error og iust CharlfB VVilkin * , and which
came from tlio diuiict < f Nxnrnska nrui'
brought by an Indini against tha rpgnfar uf
one of tbe wards of the city of O.nli t for re-
fuslnc to regiiter him as a quahh d voter
therein. The question ! preio teil urn whnthrr
the pl.intitF in error Is a citizen of the Unittd
Sc.its , and whether l\i ha * been dented an >
right guaranteed him by the fifteenth amemt-
lha conuiiutl'n. The couil
ui'nt t-i fade al '
in a long and elaborate opinion by Juiticu
Gray holils first , that an Indian , who is I'orn
a member of one of tha Indian tribes within
the United States vvhiih still . xidts nnd
is recoitntzul by the government und who
has voluntarily eepartted h mielf from his
tribe and taken up bis residence among the
wbito cit zeus of u state , but who lia-i not
been na'ura'uod ' or taied or rec 'gnlzed by
ihe United Htatea or tha state , is net a cif-
7.jn of tire United States within the meaning
of tht > first section of the llth ameudme.t
Second. That tin plaintiff in eiror , not ba
incr a citizen of the United States , under the
l-Hli nnuudmect , h s betn deprived of LO
right BCcur d by the l'r > th am'ndm-nt , and
c.tnii..t maintiiu this act ! n. Tne judgment
of till ci-cuit is allinind. Jmticu Harlan
road a l' ' > ng d'fsentmg ' opinion in behalf of
Justice Woods and ' J "
An Iiiiiirtaiic | ) I'atoot Omo.
WASHINGTON , November 3 , The important
utent cao in which General J. Bu'.terworth
ommifnioner of pateuM ii plaint ill in eiror
gainst the United States. Hoe aid othen
nras b ford tha ( iipremo cuuit uf the U > ited
States to-day. In hii opini > n , Juitico Matth-
OVVB , hoMi that au appeal dwi u.t lie in pat-
nt ca < es to .ho eecrettry uf the Interior t at
In of pat-nt.i h H thu ex jtusive
ight to duildd for hnuselt wheih'r or n < .t a
> itent ought to ba Issued ucd the secretary of
he Interior lim no auilurily to levibW u h a
decision If tha c unimoiouer erin , the party
agrlevtd hai u statutory reiu-Jy hut thai
remedy Is not en appe > l to tbo secretary.
A Yniikcu ' ( 'oain.
TEIABKANA , November 3. Clurloa Mitch
ell , the ravisherof Mrs. Waddell , a wbit
woman , in Liitle Hiver county , wai ar
rested In th it county Sunday niiiht , und h <
conferied the crium aft > r a n.obuf ' 'IX ) tiiizen
mt u rupj around h's n > cU , and tltclartrd tha
In wouanVi busbaud hired him U > commit thi
critii-i. Wuddell wan also uirested uud botl
were hung.
A f'UltLMII IJl'llU.
WASiiiNaTO.v.November 3 In thu cnmlna
court to-day the ruse } f Win. Jomn , indictei
For aurau't ' and bittry wltll Intent to kit
Cliarlcs . ) . ( iuileau , oa the 19th of November
1SSI , was tiirtd. Altir au ub-i'iue uf twt-nt ;
minutes the jury fouu I u verd ctol not guilty
Onr lr vcri.
NEW QIU.YAN3 , November 3. Tin utree
railway drivers ktruck tu day for an Icc'Uis
uf W4gex aud a iifcreao of hours. Thu prjn
ent vvjgr * art ) $15 | < r mynth uud eiKhteel
huuiH. Thu wa tH wanted are $5U uud bfteei
hours ,
Tlif ? Close tf Itc Great Campaign
all Poinls ,
Locan Oonsos His labors 5 ;
Indiana ,
Butler Boosts Hia Boom by i
Bull ,
Olovolaml and Hondnoks Seol
Their Homoa (
Various Surmisoa on the Probable
Thu Outlook unit 1(4 ( Uronil Tlrlil i
Surmises Ontlier-
Inn Claim Kvcrjulicro.
n , Ind. , November 3. I.oran com-
iloted his tour through Indiant this evening ,
nnd is now here , a Rueni of Colonel Vori ,
awaiting the midnight train for Caicago. He
eft Indianapolis. Thn principal points where
stops were made won ) at Franklin , Columlmt ,
S'orth Vermin , Scyrrour , Mitclii > ll and Bed1
on ! . Them were iinmeiin < 9 gatlitMings nt facli
ilarc. At Mitchell , a bind of liiilo ( jlrli iu
vh't'i ' , uca'itu haM with the inscription ,
'Soldiers' Chlld'cn , " erreUd Locan nnd nude
lim a beautiful Moral ott"erint ; . Login , for thn
last three months , rm spoken from thrro tn
ifteen times nearly every day etceptl g Sun-
) ay < > . His voice ii still gond and ho prvMinti
n h\lo app < aranc . Logan etprouoi every
contidenco of success.
BOSTON , Novfinb r 3. General Butler ad-
dnvted n hrgo audience in the Mu ic 1ml 1 a'
Natick , this nft-trnoon. Ha wai warmly r
chived. He said in ln < speech : "They say on
he other side , Uat I have had money p td
no tn work in the interest of Blainn and the
epuUican ticket. l' rdon me. If I had re-
nalntd a ? my profession I could have earned
it the Inweat estimate , five dollnri for onn
lollar that my enemies say I have received. "
The ceneral repeated his well known tiritl
jewH and the remainder nt his address was
ub tantially the mail ai delivered cl-owhcre.
jiter in the day Butler spoke at Marlboro.
Spociil telegram to THE BEE.
CHICAGO , November 3.Tho campiipn was
nded this evening by both paitles and ill
hat remains it to cist and count the votes.
The democrats profess to ba happy. A tele
gram from Grain in Wii rtccivid thii after
noon to thi elfdit that the L.itionil democratic
commitUe are pleaied with the outlook and
are confident of the icsult. Dispatches from
the interior of tha state , they claim , also gave
ssuranca ol a dUkffected wish returning tc
Dlevflanci'n ntacdud. Chairman Oberly ol
thd democratic sUte commute' ! tigiixM out a
Miiall mkj'irity fi r Clevelauti in Illinois , and
sijs that if ha doeau't win herd ha will be du-
e.ted by only a snull majority. Oberly say :
We will elect at Ira S eight ciirgre < smen
vith a chance f < ir the nine , : i msj irity in the
n er li'iuso i'f the stati leeislalure and n
trnng probability of a map rity on tin j"iut
ballot , giving us the next United State ) sun
tor. " Drmocrats are figuring nn the pout-
iility of replacing the picnaut republican c m-
ureisnien lu both this und the Fourth dutiict.
leretoforo the Third his bfBti able to help the
candidate In the Kouitb , but now it hn two
candidates , ojch chiming to be regular repub-
l > -an which retricrs the election ot a demociat
> o sible , but tha r publicans claim certilntv
> i the Fourth diitrict. On behalf of the re
rablicans Onairman Jones is cltiming ever-
hing an I sajs that it will be a lindtlule for
h4 republican * ; that the fta'.o will go for
Ulaineby 4UOOtoOOOtOj ( th.t the rtpiblic-
am will havti a majority in the state legi-tl
ure and elect a nucceiwor to Logan in the
Jmtid States enatu , bnidoi winning back
hreo congressmen lost three yearn ago.
Tlio Wind-Up In Indiana.
Ken HERO , Indian * Nov -Logan and party
eft Indianapolis at 9 o'clock this morning
There was a la-g * partjr of pmrrluent ludi-
MIUIH with thu pjrty The first etopwasat
[ Vanklin whera n largo crowd Ratli-red. to
whom L"ga [ wkrt lor a fjw minuter. The
next atop waf ut UolumbiK.ll iiitcrveuini ;
s'.uiious were decoruttd und laiyu crowds
rathmd in apiw of the rainy weather.
I'cui.ia MOSEI iixi'ii.vDEi ) TO IIKLP CLETK
STIUCCSK , N. Y , November 2. Special ti
thi Chicago Tribune. All along the
canal gangs of mm have recently been set at
work on jobi trumped up for the purpose o !
jiving their votes for Cle > eland. A case wa
ferreted out hero U-day by a reporter. Sail
Suprintendent P. J. Brumelkaixip , one 01
Cleveland' warmest supporter * , has pUkec
up forty voM known to be fir sale , and
un lur promua tint they vote tha democratic
ticket M paying them th people's money
fur buildiuktliriuih the tat mantle-
a u < elesa load. Tiia repor er asked una nl
thu workmen what they were constructing ,
Ha wa about to re Iy wlien tha boss , I ) > ulel
Woodcallad out. 'Herel Stop thatl DJII ,
> uiiun > vver a d-d question I know tlui
mm. He is a rep"i-ta , and nebo ly p > aks 11
him but injhtlf. You i-aii't gdt auy in'erviaw
with m/ men " Woodi tneU to uxpluiu tha
tliH roul wus a uecerhlty.
An Irishman w. rkuu near by wii asked b )
tlie lupor'.rr wlut tliu men ere doin . ' 'The ;
Cleveland' welfare. Thr ]
ao : working for ' '
am all Cleveland men. All thu. Blaioe inei
you can find oa this maith you cm put u
y > tir eye. Tlrro Isn't u nan of thtin iln
won't vote for Clovt'land. I ; 1 < a kolt it a ]
they are having u\er there , too , "
' C > ul I I get a job hero , do jou auppotc ? '
aikixl tha rrpotter.
"Why , ct-rtaluly you could. Anybody cai
thit'd voter. "
An iutelligeut democrat of the sucond ward
Intcndl tf to to for BlMrw , < ii.
1-Thi < drxign M * ' * d * pi ral aUmpt on tri
patt of th ofrici.x' ' * to a lh ward. Thr
MO thut it l Inoki 'o ? llsrt ! fnr lh m und the
mint ral f tha win " 11" mn way. Tn thln
liotnln thnir raniw . " * "y nttnwrow. Ni
Iv nil theGetmint . n I I-Vench In thn wn
will votn for lil ln "id ' will many of th
Irlth. ThltwinMhbn 'iiH-t U h tr * ortt
InnVn tlM tn * > n t > nd fii > WHIInni Herror
me of the workmen , ck inwl l * l to mo thn
111 ftdnlge to ffitin Totes f"r Clavelanrf. "
Cli'veUtul fit 'ItilTdlri.
, N , ) omVr 3. "JlotrUntl arrlvei
i ro at 7..T thu morninjf with frisnd , Mr
Tutlull. H * t < rl il quietly to he t il rw
tturant wh rn Iw took a h ty me l : rpprilre <
; o liMrnom over hl otlico and ab out ten wa
it his desk Ho w. w'xr.ect < Hl to nrrivn th !
tltrrnnon atd prcpitrati wers n ' < ! fof hii
Mp'.liin. At II o'clock h < Mt th i oHlee anil
t.utt-1 lfl nrely t. ) th. > Tirft hon c. In roplj
to n rpifttion in t his hoaltli h < i lid ho wai
'nthetimst excellent h'alth and ' mor
h n plwed tn l .it lilt fid hmio IIR.I * nHe
ild the in t chror'iig nev * cnrnil to hi in from
itmoii nv r ; qturter and thi proi A ct * foi
, ho ucci-ai of thn iVmo ratlr ticket In e ! '
trd tirat r te. He dfrliaeil to utit.i his opin-
nn about tha utatoof N'o-v Ycrlc and ref irrml
, ho interviawer to Mci.uns. who , ho . M.
: on'd hotter .in fr qimlion. Hu tf
m\\n \ * hero until to-n orrow whenho | will t oWs
a : his old p > > ldng placn.
IVsTON' , November H Lfadinij cl'flring
hoti'es throughout the I'nittd StatPt leport
th total groin nichanges ot tha week ended
November 1 , at 4& , a decrease of
37,7 | r crnt.
NEW YonK , NovemWr 3. The general p -
sengengoct of thnVst Shnrc Is.ued a forrrnl
order tusoil tickets toChicnun.tlrnt cla , at * 10.
The pi s nRer ngentx of the West Shore , Krie
and l.-ickrvwitiua , arn ftbuiit to hoi t a confer
ence. The New York Central his not in.ide
any now move. Th L vkawanna and Kria
met the cut of the Went Shoro.
NEW YORK , November 3. The Biltimora
4 : Ohio H preparing to run a limited express
between Baltimore or Washington nd Chi-
cjgo which mikes faster time thin any other
road. The fara will bo $1' ' . The 1'anniyl-
v inia roads aik $ 'J.S for similar accommoda
The Krio will meet the cut of the AVest
Shore by soiling tickets to Chicago for 312 ,
neconrt clrwsSll. The Lackauanna will fo | .
low suit soon. The Central officials .iy they
will do the ame as soon as they ara asiured
ilia above arj the actual rates.
Kuiix , III. . November 3. The market
closed quiet. Chees ? , regular galet : 800 boxs
of pirc > kims at i lyflc ; butter , 10.10J
pounds at 31c. I'nvata tales , 1.IUO boxes of
chow , SU.OOO pounds of butter.
MONTREAL , November 3. Tha customs and
inland r venue receipts at Montreal how a
falling off in October of 312" > , OOJ , r iinpued
Ith October ' 3 The ciutomx dccrnsa is
attributed to the peneral dullness of trade ,
bit claim that it wai cau ed by tlio
ricott temperano ) act and the consequent
shrinkage of the volume of buiinesa in tpuiU
and baer.
UUDHN. November 2. Frodei ick K. Allen , . uf th Y ung Ir.-l.ind srcltty *
waj urreited hut ni < ht on tne c targe of trea
son and felony. H was brought into ciurt
to-day and arraigned. He was reraaudfU to
jiilti ) await trial. Kvldeme N pn.dui d
showing that ha wrota letier.i to tne head
quarters of tha Fenians in I'.ris couraiiiiog
an a count of the re.-etpts of cuh for KenUn
purposes , and an account i f thx Avengen'
Mxpouees. Aaon the Avar gen tha num. a uf
J.M Mullett and Patrick Mulluy appea-ed.
Tim letter likewise detailed th ipiaiicity uf
< rms , belonging to the v ri ms Fain in cent ti
in Ireland , and tin nnmb r of mon c.uiprii-
Ing thain. At Kilkenny , it said , thsro are
33'J members ; at Dublin , 05 J , and at Lcuth ,
ickly Kin
, Novembers. Tin L' triot ayi :
King Leopold was att tcked S iturday wit i n
nervous disorder. His hea'tri ii much what
te d from ajxiety analog from the political
Mill Inoii * Pjruviniis.
, ( Vn Galveiton ) Novembir 3.
h' infantry bat.illion at Cuzco mutinied
recently. The tiprii lig was suppress ! by
the cavalry. Five trticvrj aud twenty soldiam
were thot.
LONDON , November 3 Tn Tunes coc id-
era the re { > oit that Kl'.arttu-u has fallen into
the hands of tbo rub-jU ai extremely doubtful
especially ai nothing h.u bi'eu h ird from
SVutseley on tha subject. Karl ( ! r < nvile ,
secret ity of at itj for foreign affair * , s.iid the
government receive I had , no lunhruiatlou uf
tbe news. A I ) ngoU dlKpitth ay < the
M.ihdi iiiullectn g fuit'-a aiuund Khartoum
aud bad Ulnmunod liurdi < n Co turrguuV- .
I'tie same dirfp < tch says a large force of rebels
were at Berber and lhat the rtl Tj had pon-
s'fslun of the wells un the cantvan r"U o lit'-
twten Dcbnich and Khartoum. AftT the
crupi hava ti'ii harvested itio Mahdi'd fulces
will ha Urgely increjstd
J-30 p iuThe rumor th t the Klu-dlve
had.ntntib telegram t < > tha govvrnni'nt anne
no incmg the fall of Khartoum has boon au-
thuritively denied. CflCRVaa nTOI'.IIS.
LONDON , November 3. A Timei' ' Alex
andra C"rr6xpomlriit " 'ate" tint up'ii careiul
liii'it-y ) In leirni that tha report ut the tall of
Kliutuum orlglrjutcd fn in ill1) fjllnwirj , *
ounv , aud gives it fur what it is worth : A
French inaictiint , formally Frtnh c 'intil ut
Khirtoum , learned from lUMneutfiTi wh'i lito-
ly urrivo I frum Ktuituuin tbut Ueii. liu dmi
wai in want of serviced und made .1 sortie. Ha
rea.hfd lerbirouly. ! Col. htf\Vait was ablu
to putb further north and linrdou tirt"d to
rt turn KUarluum , and whin near Shi'A < Jy
ha Ui'tu'd that Kuartoum ha-l beua hiud u
over tu the rubjlj. Gordon fuund bnmvlf un
able to ro'.ire or advauca and wa. ) killed tha re.
Itiii-ial oTSirs ,
Nfc'.v VuKK , November 3 - The ol
Virh'inu I.owoll 1'arrjgut , wldov of Adtuiru
Farra ut , tajk pi ice to-dav frum thi church
of tht Iticurujtiou. Tha body wo4 iuttxrct
\Voixllavt u tt'uietrv
fD5 timm Wfti is fce stuii
Pffidnce Harirti ,
Cattle Slow and at Lower Pricas.
% ' Aroundt
Hess advaj5 | Under the Light
! apply.
* _ _ _ - _
Election 1 lenient Paralyzea
Trndt : on 'Change. '
Wheat Ve Sull With Sm , ler !
C < im l-'inner Oatu nlii > I-'Inn And
fork nnd Ijir.l Iloii
tivcsrrini tt THK IE ! .
OC N.i'verob'sr 3rrronf ; tht re
; ripto were 35 1 cari e < ran n a x : ! . , 1 ' 0 can of
VtAni anil 250 westerns , le.ivinp orr1 ? about
Ifty cirs of Ml or a ct native' , cr only about-
I OtOuf the h-,000 freshrecoipts. Tha market
; encT.illj wa mthsr slew , nd p cw were ctt' '
.bo Trholo qucVd lower. There were barely'
utfiolr-.t numterii of natives tn make a- .
narUfit , and ertn ths IA won sal were not
eVly wanted , an there wm- sufficient nunv
Mr of gc 0 v estons for drCTtd beef operat-
irs to irlrct from- and iiria wai liulo or no
hipping demand. Low grade and medium
lattvo steem maj" b qu. twl around about
i I " 5'33 CO. Native butchers' clock w scarce ,
mt thera VAS no particular inquiry for such ,
m cinners and butdiera could ; ' hnd wh t they
wanted among thu Texir.n , All sorts of
rinp o t < ick nuy Iv quot l strong and lOc
ower. There wa < not imlBctnt bimn-Ji in
dockers and feed'rs to mak rnarket , and
iricea were gencral'v repurird on the down
turn Import etecre.4M u > tfiOO Ib * . . & > SO'
'cOfiO : pi or to choice rhlppinir , 1000 to 1500
bs. , SI - ' © li 15 IJacge cltre were In largo
ititiply and a shide In er. Tns talj-s inchi'Ja
11(5 ( Mont-ino-Tex.imi . , tfH Ib , . . , § 400 ; 233
Slimtino , U10 Ibi. , § 170 ; M3 Wyoming ,
1083 lb , SI C35 ; Wyoming < ( . 101'J Ihs. ,
? 39" ; 137 Montana. 1'JPI Hiv 1163 ; JS. > Ne-
) rask.vTexan , 'J-fJ lb . . S3 55Ul ; single win-
nr Texans , U.'iZ lbn , S3 ( i ; 4tX ) single winter
rxana , i'J. lb . , 33 45.
linn i
L'nder the 1'ght ' supply th values advanced >
> fi$10o and the i-iarkec clotml firm at an ad-
iranct' . Common nd rough packers sold
vound about &l 30 ca4 40 and fair to good
nixfd at S 50 © 4 fiO. and thi l > it at J5 " 0
d4 8i ) . while chuice and anaorteil heavy sold
it ? 4 SV < l4 00 , and the best picked would not
bring over $ . " Li ht s > rlt m de 3 * Wf& 4 M :
for skips ? I 50@i 00 ; for fair to common and
i-sorted jf 2CO were down t" 3-l > < ( ai " ' , aad
UHorted of 2 10 ujv to S I 2 < tt I > * S. Th-re wera
july seven or ei ht picking tirnu on the mar-
cot and they bongSt parnzlv. !
THK UA. ON ' 01S.i.XlK ,
The tiny on 'chunge wai t.h iraatctized tiy
sitmoidiuary dullueiThp near pri > enca of
fit cslun day par.i j red tradu anjl while the
market i ruled tirrn , trading VKI * limited.
J-'orelgn advices q/iottd a ipsict , dull , feeling.
n wbrnc. The rtceipti h re i hi wei a fa'Hng '
iff. ' 1 he miik'6 opened i > teidy , a-lvanced ijc ,
nd closed } c over t.-v urdav. * ) u the after-
loon boanl no charge occurrad , tha market
.1 ! .inga57l4c fore tli and Jf < K nber , "tij ®
6jC for IJecumbttr , 7-7ii ; for Juaiuiy , Sljc for
uled fi HIT , Influenced by tho- decrease in re-
elbt . Shipmfuts tNi ) ate.-idily dimin-
* hrd November udvanced Jc , closinir 5C
light r than Saturdiy. Th-j closing figures of
he day weraI'Jis for November , 3''ic f irDe-
cmbtr , S'Jel'.l c for tha yea > , and ail c for
inn , closing at li'ijo for November , -6io for
Jewniber , "S s fi.r th year.uad 'J'JJc for May.
irui , closinii at $ ll * > ) for the year , and $11 70
ur January.
irm. cloning a' ? 7 ( ! 0 for November , ? ( > 075
or Dfcemba ; , § 7 O.'i for January , and S7 15
or February.
Tlio Pre.slileut'rf Vote.
WAHIII.NUTON , November 3. - The president
eaves thin aftern. on f > r N-iW Ycrk to vott
* morrow , returning Tttur > d y
as HO u
StOOOi. 'Given
IfalumorutiytMjurlo * ul'tirc3ci , sa.founu
Jii Andrews'Pearl JiaJsfnsYowdi , Is DOS.
ini/lyPURE. liutnim' MMM. &iult iuionlula
ri-cviviil iroui KUcli ci-truO w u.4 S. Dunn toys. Uow
tun ; M. IK'laf'1'Um ' .i of I'liliuw ai > J , UUM&7U3
Uode , MUwauUvo. 5vvf rsol.l lubulk.
Lnio bt.
tc ertjcohere ,
e eru-
. cvji JYcvtif'tt-6vtci-
t'C-s.tsvK * : - f ;
lCt' Cs , O-IKTvy tv ei-tC tvt , V K