Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1884, Image 8
TllKtUlKYtiPl MONMXVV XOVKMBHIl 3 THE TATLY ) BEE. Monday Morniug Nyvoinbcr 3 LOOAL BREVITIES , -Tlie fnwrM of Kltra Mllcliel will ! from Uio rwUhnco of .1. J. Hrowtt , InO , Shoiiimiimonuo tlili nftornoon i\t ' o'clock tlio lutormoiit to IKin 1'rwiH-ct HlHcoiiwlMj Dean MlllMttURli wlN conduct the MrtlcM. - dipt.V. . . ' . llroatcli ii rnUllwl In * firi-a dial of crt < llt for lii | t of tli work In Mint Itifj the icinl | > lion ilelfc-Ulon to Counui HlulT * VfUlny. He did the Krt ler i > att o tlio work Hiul bfoftinn r 9 | > oiilblo for nil bilN The * UUo convention of tlio V. M. C. A will hold Us liny tcxtioiu in 1U room * Hotth o t corner of Viftwith anil rnnmin , ixni thcwo of the livening in tlio I'rfsbytorlni church. Ne\t Snnil.-xy v\rnli'B ' n Brand union moolinc of nil the tity clmrchsi w ill bo hch In tlio opera home. The fourteenth annual ball of the Dnran Knglno couuwny No. I will lie holil nt 1'al coner's thai ) , tlili menuiR N'o\ ember 3 CommltU'O of nfHinKcmfnU , Hint Honnoy I'eter Daiutall. TUos. McMillan. .1. Vamplcw. Supper will to giu-n in the hall. A * ! the "kids" hail moro fun thai : conlil well bo piled in thri'O plloi Kridaynlght. Oatw wcreimhinpcil , nigm wcro trnnnfi-rrcil null thing * In central turned topiy turvy. No rre ttrra t mad * anil ovorylnxly neomi'il to concede tbat it wai the "lio ) " 'night out. The extent of tindnmngo doiio \ > y tlio fire \ lll not oxcool S30.1W1 , fully covered by insunuico. Th'J two upper stories of thu ( till liotuif , alcohol hoiuo iitul elevator are do utroycd with the Jam's column. The distil tery will start nt thooarliwt posidblo ditto and all tlw I'tnployoi ii-o now busily ongaifoil pie pail" ? for the machinery that 1ms been order < ) d anil will soon ho hero. The Nebraska annUomry of JhptUt churchoj will bo hoi I iu the 1'irst Uaptlut cuureh In thia city , coinmencliiB Tuisday toornicjr , Xoteiubcr 4th. On Wednesday eve nloR and Thursday will bo hold the Sunday school contention In the iumo placo. On Thursday evening will opoa the seventeenth aanual meatlnp of the Baptist state conven tion. This meeting will continue through 1'rl tUy and Saturday. County Clerk Lea\itt and hi * clerks liavo btj.n busy to-day getting ready for election For each polling place envelopes , ncalltg wax needles , thread , pens and penholders , pencils and iu fact , everything needed will bo sup- ulied. The ballot boxes for the country pro- cinta will bo nont nut this ovunlng ; these in the city will bo taken out by Mr. Loavitt at eorou o'clock Tuesday morning , and it is im portant that ono of the judges should bo at each { Hilling place to receive tlio anno. A sotnatlomil story appeared In an even ing paporFriday to the effect that a married woman who was loft in this city by her Imi- band had been euttced to Mollin Wright's sporting house and that the landlady kept her trunk in payment for board. It now trans pires that the woman referred to his not Rot any husband , nnd that she wont to Jlollie Wright's and btggcd to stay , and that upon - taking her departure eho was not only allowo 1 to taka her trunk , but that the landlady re fused to take any pay for her board. The paper referred to tays that a gentleman iu thU city offered the woman money to 70 to her huaband in Chicago , but that she teftuod it and preferred to go back to Mollie Wright's. The Academy of Music wai well filled Saturday night to witness tha fint appearance n | Oaaka of Whitehall andSullj's negro minstrels. Tlio troupe in over fe.itnro equali the performance ] of the beat average burnt cork companlej and met with the h'arty sympathy and liberal applause of the whole house. The song and dance sketches are artistic , the jokca and tonga fresh , now , and excellently rendered , tie exhibition of -contortion give by Kirhi 11 "groit , " the specialties are all well presented , and tbo afterpiece , coined by local genius by tte way , is stupendously mirth-provoking. This same company oppeara agiin Wednesday night In a benefit for the mother of James J5arrett , the unfortunate member of the company , whose death from diphtheria , n week since , was reported in these columns. Ke.xt Satur day night the troupe play at Dohany'j opera -houto in Council lilulTn. S re olio Seal of North Carolina Tobic CO. I'KUSONAI.S Mrs. S. Schlesingor nnd daughter. Miss Fannle , have returned frcm a thrco week trip through the east. Rev. 13. A. Foj-lestrom , the worthy pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church , was given a surprise party and a gold watch by tha joung people of his church on Friday evening , Andy Atkins , traveling agent of tha 1 ! . & . O. , li in the city , nnd announce ] 'M Intention to distribute 2.0CO red books throughout the city to-day. Mr. Frank Williams , advance agent of 'La- cy'j 1'lantera Wife" combination Is at tno MHlard making arraogempnU for the appear ance of his company in this city on Saturday next. next.W. W. W. Slabougb , K I. , a young man and ono of tha ambitioui young men of the West' ern Reserve In Ohio U in the city , looking after a suitable place for a location , Intending atnodUtant data to take Horace Greely'i advice to "go weit and grow up with the country , " X. D. Borden , Flattimouth ; John A. Arm strong , North 1'latte ; ! ' . S. Klfp-nr , I ! . I , Fuller , Weeping Water ; F , Reamer , Jr. , Husticira ; Harry Collioge , I.mooln ; Frank K , Caffey , Fort Robinson ; W , C. Curtli , Den vcr ; W. W. Fuller , Chicago , ai.d Mrs. L WcbdUr , Kir.sii ) City , are at tna Metropoll t n. Army Ordcru , Uccraits Patrick Htggina and Micbao Ljons , enlhted at Foit Douglas , L'tah ara aiaigned to company I , Sixth in fantry , First Liout. Willhm E. Holfman Ninth infantry , will proceed to For Bridgjr , Wyo. , and report to the com minding oflicar at that for assignment to thu temporary command of compiuy 0 Hinth infantry. The travel directed is necesiary for th public service. lUcruit E'iwin D , Waterhous ? , en luted t Furt Dnn lai , UUh , ia aaaignoi to company II , 0 ; > i infantry. The IB VO nf abjencj f rran ' " ) da ; XT wt a I > t Lieutenant F. II K Kr/steui lil t If Inn try , in rvrJon No. 10 ! ) . ( Utei Port Sidney , Neb . Ootr b r 31 , 18&1 , i extended t antyhr (2S ( > d < js , wi prrnUtion to aupljr tit Un diurt ri D vltinn fit the Mi touri , for au of one ( I month. Folof Nrrth Carolina Smoking To- is thu be t. GOING DOWN THE RIVER , Ttic Steamboat "Missouri U , S. " Moored al tbc Foot of Farnam , Tin1 CnptnlnM HiMiilnUceiiccs of Tom Ili'nton , Ycalorday afternoon while about BOO pprsonn were gazing intently upon the workmen engaged in placing the derailed H. & M. switch engine upon the truck , a uleamboat was scon coming down around the bend of the river. I > jforo tlio boat had reached tlio bank at thu foot of Farnam utrcet , the crowd had translorrod itself from the U. P. bridge to the place whore it was about to moor , and aoomcd lost in wonder at the epecla- clo presented. The bo.t proved to bo the ' 'Missouri I' . S. " which wont up the river three years ago hat spring. It in a stern wheel steamer with n twonoy-fivo foot jcam and ono hundred and forty foot tool. This boat was built by the I" . S. ; ovornmont to bo used on the Missouri n making a survey of the river and the alloy. This service , which was bran 3ver four years aqo , consists in moasur- tig the distance from bluff to bluff along , ho river , ascertaining the nature of the oils , the depth of the river , the mote- ial of its bed and in short all the facts ivhich make a complete topography of his stream. This work comes under the nginccrs' departmental Washington and ias been lending valuable aid both to ho government nnd the people living long the river bank. The work has icon fully completed from .Sioux City to 'iorro. Next spring the boat will again o up the river to Benton , Montana , vhoro tlio work of again taking up the urvoy of the river and valley -rill. It ia bought it will take abouttnro years moro o complete the survey to the source of ) f tho"river. . When this service wai lone along the Missouri in this atato snly the river was worked , the valley , for some reason , not being surveyed. The "Missouri U. S. " ia novr on her way to Glasgow , Mo. , vrhoro she and her row will moot Captain AVeliman , civil uginoor in charge of the survey. The vork at that point will bo taken up ana ircotod toward the mouth of the river uring the winter. Captain Li Barge , a genial old gentle- nan of 70 and a man who has spent his fo upon the Mississippi and Missouri vcra , is in command. Uundor instruc- lens ho stopped at this point for mail orivarded to the Omahn ppstollico , but ot being abio to got it until this morn- ig , will Ho over until that time. Captain La Uargo has boon at work pen and along tnia river over since the ear 1851. At that time ho was In the mploy of the American Fur company , nd visited stations along the Missouri , mong which wore Bellvuo nnd Fort abeno , a short distance above Omaha. Ir. L ) Barge is a Missouriin by birth nd was reared In St. Louis , lie was roll acquainted with Ool. Tom Benton rhcn that great man was at the zenith of is intellectual power. "Tho Pacific atlroad , " said Mr. L * Birp.e , "was a homo about whir.h ho always loved to alk. " "You will aeo the day , " said 3dl. Benton in 1851 , "and 30 will I , vhon this concinent will be spanned by he Pacific railway. " But thit great run lived to see only the beginning of it favorite scheme. "Another great sprcwion of Col. Benton , " siid Capt a Birge , "was to point hu forefinger oward the west and say , "Iu time that ill bo the east. " Tha boat will leave this morning at 0 'clock. HIS VULNERABLE SPOT , In Ev-rollc'rma't Stint In tlio Uccl by a Ijlquor Vernier. Saturday night at about 7 o'clock Ales ndor Black entered the saloon on the orner of Thirteenth and Center streets E which premises ho is owner , and lots o a party for liquor vending perposos. 31ack demanded of the bir-kcopor , it is aid , certain advances upon rent not yet uo. Being refused Black seated hiimolf iear a pool table at uhich lion. I. S. lias- all , city alderman , and John Stevenson ivcro plajing pool. A quarrel was in erne manner engendered betv eon the ittor gentleman and Mr. Black , whotnin slows wcro exchanged until Black feeling hat his pugilistic prowcsa was not equal 0 the exigencies of the case and pro- luclng a pistol ho shot at Stevenson , > ut missed in his aim and , 13 Stevenson ran behind the bar to ch ain the pistol belonging to the bar- ccoper , IId. Stoyonson , however , so ured two or three shots ut the tluoing Mack , ono of which took effect in the ugltivo'g heel , Before Judge Andor- on , a short time after , Alderman lias- Ball swore out a warrant for Black's or- rc&t , which was served and thu prisoner reloanod upon $ . ' 100 bail. Subsequently uiplciom rumors came to the oar of the jondsman , and In company with an elli cor ho wont to Black's house , whore ho culprit was found and started to jail. n route , however , by some adroit ruse , 31ack evaded his captors and lied. Uo a still at largo. ( , ' < > itregilniikl ; | ! Services , In this church , at the regular morning service , Hav. Shorrill preached his usua able Sunday sermon to a largo congrega lion. The pulpit was boautifullyadornuc by a IIoral decoration made by Mrs. Clark Woodman and Mri. M , O. Cole. The decoration coniittcd of a man of beautiful cut ( lowers interwoven in such a manner BS to make the numbara " 18i ( ! ) " and " 188-1" plainly visible upon thum , the first being the date of Itar. .Shemll'a taking up hit work in thit church , Yesterday's lerinon was the beginning of liev. Sherilt's sutoanth year of Ubur with his Omaba congrexitioii , and thu members cf hii chu ch in grateful re membrance of hU past work hid presented sented him with thU token nf esteem. lUr. Sherrill in returning thank * for the same ) wa deeply moved In the erumng H younx people's nor vice was held. The m ntirt ( irasj first addre ied by ( ianrgii T Howaer. who ai Jon irtontitied with tha Yauos ( Mcn'n CbriitUn AisooUtion of tnls city , and who , aft r serving that orgnrilzttiun foi t-rn y .ui in Cnictgo , has been olcotvd tr thu general mtorntnr ) thip < > f that tsiocu tc n in Cuicinnvi , er.Urioj { upon hu dn 1 tias at an'early date. * Oi < n O. O IIotrrd , who rapres ntw ( h You"g M n'l Carutian Ajsoclatui of Omaha , at thn iittarnlli > Ml vnMi ( Ion In Horlln tu AUR\IU Ul , Ka\ brief , a history ol his > l it to thai and the worktiiRs of that body \\c \ \ of the lordly hospitality in nhiah ho tntortaincd nnd the able nunncr ii which the convention was rtddtCMod lv delegates from various iiiartcrs | of ( lit globe , some spoikiiiR in three Ungiuco French , German nnd Knglish. H < address was full of interest from Its b ginning and was listened to by his and ionco , principally of young people , will the greatest attention. OHARIIY'S ' WORK , The Woman's riirlttlsn As'.oclntiiin' I'oi'tUi * Sloiillisnf Octo- tf f and Nt The following donationj have bn r ceived : From Mr. Pnndt , $5 ; from a frirnd , $1 ; a pocketbook cwnUiniDg $15 clothing from Mri. Harttaan , Mr * . Smilty , Mrs. Bennett , Mr * . Merc r. MM. Armstrong , Mrs. Beard. Mrs. N. PS- rick , Mrs Alice Brown , Mr * . Romwr , Mrs. Poploton , Mrs. Divison. Mrs. 1'w- kius , Mrs. Moycr and others. Ti uV > ! < ii from Mr. Vandereooi. sad now and then sent in a iev fc r trii association wishes to &sr-M : espeially to Mr. i'leaimtac , 'bo jlven thetn ntarly eTeata f.v .imo. To Mri. J. Miilird w * xr * grateful for sendin ? cailt t-- > the > It is very eiiy to lU TU c-i the brip rt have received but of tic beJp pro but of the work dana , ths i , If can never be told. Mioy pxsr and child hu been tn decoraforub'.e fall with the old clothing you hive to us. Great ha.3 been the demand foe old shoes , cloakt , hits and hoods for amall children. Cjuld you sro the good wo can do with these clothes you would never bo tempted to throw them away or to sell them , having once received their value , We find many needing a cook stove , Should any of you have one that you wish to dispose of , please send word to Mrs. Peysley , city hall , corner of Sixteenth and Parnain streets , giving her your address in full. During the last few months our matron's reports show that over two hundred homeless : \nd frlondlesa ones have received protec tion , given homes and permanent work. Most of these have boon poor women , , 'oung girls and children , a few youc ; men. Ono poor insane girl was cared for until icr friends could find her. NYhat would iavo boon her fate without help at the .lino needed' ' Could you aeo the grate- ulness of these poor people when helped , ind weeks afterward do they often return .o thank us for the assistance si von at the ight time , aoniotimoa dropping on theii cuces and thanking God for the ox- stenco of such an association. Could ? ou work with Mra. Poysloy ( only ono rook ) you would realize the great need > f a permanent homo large enough to : arry on this great work. Already a iart of the city has been canvassed yj a cominlttoa of ladies ap- jointed to solicit aid for this home , vhich wo propose to build or buy as soon 13 the city has been well canvassed. The unount already received and deposited in ho bank for this purpose and no other 13 J22IJ 93. For raising funds for our winter's work , wo propose 1st , a lecture ' 'Africa and the ay Gen. Howard upon 5oudan , " to be given , in the opera home November 2oh.Ye trust the people of Daiaha will attend thu lecture , enjoy it , ind at same time help a noble ciine. Secondly , to secure a room suitable for e-itauraut purposes , thin honing to he ro me self-supporting. Thirdly An appeal has been made to ; he Ministers' Aa-iociation asking the ninutera to interest all to work In the Denevolsnt societies in thU city. SiJ/ew low carry on the great work , willing lands are as much needed as money many : imc3. A home is wanted for two boys aged Lt and 15 years , respectively , ono an or phan , the other has a mother. Apply to the association room3City Hall. Please be ready to respond liberally to tbo ladies when they call upon you to build or bay a homo But it is not nectary to wait to bb called upon , you can send any amount however small , to the treasurer , Mra. G. B Kniaht , corner of Webster snd Twenty- second street , Omaha , and it will ba very gratefully received. TheOrriiiiiu Last evening the enlarged Stadt thea ter was filled bmh up and down stairs when Adolf Muellar'n popular play , "Dcr Muinoidbiuer , " was presented. Ono of the principal attractions was the first appearance or Ilorr Julius Kcsalor , the famous Gorman comedian , who sus tained the role of Mathiai Ferner. It was very apparent from the first that Mr. Keealor had created a very favorable impression on the audience and the ap plause which greeted him was both hearty and frequent. Ho is an excellent actor in his ! inu and will prove a valua ble acquisition if ho stays in the gate city. city.The The full force of the stock company very ably supported the guest , an thu Germans atylo a visiting actor , and taken as a whole the performance last night was an eminently creditable ono and was re ceived with groaf favor. Died. STANNAUD-Tn Una city , NovnmlxT L'd , at 1:3. ) . in. , .May , cluiiiht ; < tr of William and Katn SUcmanl , a 'oil 1ear and ii diiya. Fun ral to-t'ay , Nc tmbcr 3d , at 1 ! p. IP. , from the resilience , Nineteenth and Williams tr < rt. CAMKUON-IntliU rlty , N'nvomW 21 , n < UiKliter of JumeH ti , C.iineroa , aged t A tarn , ] < 'iim < ral to-day , November 3d. at 2 p. m. , friin thn residence , earner of Kin ) ; and IIIun < do ftlfB'l. JOHN'HON In thiicity , Novemlwr Ut , n ! llt'l : ; H. m. , M ry , ilmighter of Mr. and Mri .TohniM > n , gi > d 7 ) oar , I'imerft' ' Vday at 10 a. m. from thu rcnl- denco , 1 197 Buiith Koiir'eonth utrcet. Tito Ulcyrlu The 100 mllu race between Miss Ar- maindo and Willhm Patterson took place Saturday afternoon , thu onntestanti starting at 0.25. On the fiftieth mih the tire to the lady's b.cyclo broke , ant iho fell from her racing machine. An other ono wai ofTiuotl hnr , but she refused fused to USA it , saying ho had hurt hei knee in the fall. Frank Parmitltin , the refuroo , decided to withdraw the stakes , and declared Patterson thn winner of tin race , Mri. Anmlnd.'n objootions to thi contrary uotwith Undinr/ . IIP.IMAHTK StHTKU. Morlny , pupil of Henrietta Crane Kill givd intimation in the Dxla-trtu tyt tern of oratory F. r irfurniatioii rill a room 20 IIith ; Srlto. . | betwu. n 8 M an < 30 a , m. and 'J and 1 p in. , S ' 'irJ ' y 30 eod OMAHA'S MANUFAOTDUKS AU u\tiiiiii iii rixui-on ( oittio \ ( \ \ Oi IronImposition. . following stnllstlcs In rcgnril tc the inMHitoclurlnc intorosta of Oninhn wcro compiled by Mr. Clotii Chnao , cdi tor of Iho Onmhft Kxcolslor : At the request of .lolin M. Burks lv 1- , of Lincoln , sub-commissioner t ( secure mxtiut.tctiiritiK alatiatica nf the sUUe of Nebraska for exhibition D Now Orl iis , the editor of this paper has pre jr d n report covering nil the wanufActur'.Pi ' , indtmtrics of Omnha ThM dgu > vs will bo diaplnyod at thu gr * t lotithoru exposition to advortisD o r n4t rn uotrci > alia to the world T3 * siww.ii. ; is Avondorful. Exclusive of tl * U UMr. . cific shops the amoum of MftTxl inrstoil in the nine leading i J ! ciri . ( OniAlia 13 four million , ono i Amt t-s.i fifcy-tivo thousnud dollars. Ortc 5 fijTj > luuulroil hands nro cm * , vhoiu is paid $040,000 in Th # value of matorinls used i > .V)00 ! . , and the vnluo ol 4tilCU ) Htinunlly. t ) i exhibit in full bolow. hsa taken conaidorablo UTTIfv. . TKK 1'Al'KIMl HOl'.NK. iiwi fw.rc tablishmon(8 ( will ; 200 / > Tvbrtm $ T > 0,000 n yo-ir is paid in v-HC'f > n. CHfHtJi-l probably amounts to Sr.lfMIm ( ( , < : s.\\COO was used last year , i tit SM.OOO put in buildings. ' vi.lnr of pr.ducta nmonnts to 2,000- t'ifif ) j , 3.r. . l.n.l.f.T.r' WIRKIVMI'ANY. Ct.j > fU.X fv \ > 0 : forty hauda cmploy- * d. v-kcfiK , SIS.OOO ; value of material csfri , S20.\O.V product250,000. . A.T. > Tjkl CllACKKU OOMTAXV. C j ul , $ : : \000 ; surplus , $35,000 ; 90 o lih ) ompkvcj ; waijos paid , 810,090 ; ralae of products , § 100,000. This oomp ar h.\s been in bueinosa in ) aiiiba only n year and a half , mnnti- ictures ICO to 125 barrels of Hour every twenty-four hours Inlo SOO to ,000 boxes of crackers , and has a ca- )3city for J50 barrels. Tholr trade ox- ends through Nebraska , Missouri , Minno- ota , TO.XBS , Colorado , Idaho , Montana , ) akota , Wyoming , Now Mexico and Oregon. SMEI.T1NO M'OIlKh. The Omaha and Grant smelting and oGninp company has the enormous capi- al of § 2,500,000 , a sum moro than half ho combined capital of all other establish ments. It pays $250,000 in wages to 00 hands , and its annual products are aluod at SM.OOD.OOO SAIL WOIIKS , The capital ii § 100,000 , paid in ; 140 , auds are employed ; wages , § 80,000. ? ho value of material used is , old rail nd aorap iron , § 98,000 , coal g35,000 , miscellaneous $4 , 503 , total § 137,000 ; and 5259,000 represents the products. STOCK YARDS. The capital of the South Omaha stock yards ia put at § 500,000 ; 150 hands are imployod , $103,000 paid thorn during he year ; stock passing through is valued t $3 000,000 , and products are § 420- 00. i The buildings and land and tracks , reclusive of the picking house , coat about § 300,000. WHITE LEAD -WOUK.S. Capital , $90,000 ; 40 hands ; salaries , $20,000 ; ma'.efiala used , § 150.000 ; value of products , $250,000. WILLOW SPKI.VC3 DI-STILLEIIY. Capital , § 200,000 ; ninety hands ; sal aries , § 40,000 ; materials used , 210,000 ; products , -2,292,000 , including taset . ? he valce of the grain used average } orty-five cenU per bi'shel , and the pints manufactured in worth twenty- ire cents pet4 gallon exclusive of revenue tax. The revenue tax averaged per month in 1883 , § 150,000. The capacity of the distillery per day i.i , bushels 2,215 , gallons 208,800 , with storage room for 10,000 > arres ! of bonded whiskey. Fifty-five ons of soft coal per day h uied , and in 1882 , 1900 head of cattle wore fed from he slops. The average monthly a lea aat year vrero $150,000. LIIHEKD OIL WOHKH. The Woodman Oil Wurka employ sixty men at § 10,000 salary ; paid up cpital , SIM.OOO ; mitorials ujdd , § 350- 000 ; products , $5-10,000. C SATCBUAY , November 1. Board met pursuant to ttijouniment Present , C iMmijaicaar-i Knight , O'Keeffd and Corliss. Minutoi of meeting iicld October 25th read and approved. The clerk was instructed to return § 10 , the amount deposited in road 35 1 li to W. S. Barber. The following account/I were allowed : IIIUIH.2 KUND. Michael Fox , luitbor for county . $ 3 08 " " " " . 1'j | r Ailarn Htrlnglinc , Ininber for Cfjunty. . U'J 00 ISOAH fL'SO. Kar k Thelson , on account grading near Millard . 31000 Altxrt Timber y , crodlni ? in section IS 10 , 12 . 118 20 T. .1 Nolan , work on road . lit 50 N. If. TlinniM , workonroail . 1)3 ) 00 H. Wahlecker , work on road . I CO John Verbeck , work on road . ! ) OD Orcar Hill work on roul . 7 SO I aviil Hofman work on reid . 7 r > G 1) . Ueyo , work on rood . 1I CC Noliui , work on mail . ! ) 0 ! ) McCI noi < an , grading nuar Me- ru'fiaii'fl . . ( /IK II. Teitgo , work on roml . 30 00 II It . r , work on road . 1000 It. Thorn CM , work en road . 51 0(1 ( Nicholas Cruiut' , MO k n road . . ' ! ( > Of I' . I' , ( iilb rt , worlcon road . 00 00 I ) H. Drown , work on mind . > ! . ' { fit ) F. Mngio : grading In r o II , Hi , I' ' . . 1 'i ' < > ' < WllUnl WuUli , woik on ro.vl . . 'M ( X ) Jas. Wal.h , ( { rnduiK at CrotaloV Hill. l ! > l.r I.INKXAI. rU.NII , V. 1 * . Mfxirti' , ticket for jioor . 3 K K , K. Moons , titkpt fi > r | io.i . 7 75 Adjourned to November 5th. H. T. LKA > ITT , County Clerk. THE VICTIMS' ' BURIAL , Funeral Held Ycnlen1nyAI trr/ioon , tlinl nf Mallu Taking I'liii-i ! To-rtjiy , The lilt iad rites over the remains o 0. C WiUon , thu ill fated unuinour o the li. & M. switch engine , were heh yeaterday afternoon. A short samcu was hold at thu homo of the deceased a Fifth niul Divuvm ntroats , conJuctot by Ovurland \ < \ a N > . 123 , cd" tli brotherhood of buomotlvo vngineors Thu remains were nccompaniod to ( Joun cil Hlullit by twenty uight. member * o 'O ' crliMid Ijilgo an I wuro thwrn p'aco obartfu of Jh Uijy , J Kiel Tom KUodJi. II. 0 , OahOiv , Law Buuder Ifttul , 1 * Hrummols nnd I , . Arnold , n ftpuciiil escort nppoinlud by the brothiir hood of this city to nccompany the bod' ' to its final resting place at Shanandonh Invra. Besides the escort thn remain wcro accompanied by the wife , father brother nnd sistora of the unfortu imtn engineer and were Intorrci in the ccmotory at Shciiandoah , lown after a aormnn and the regular burin services had boon held in that placo. The members of the lodge turned out in their now regnlu purchaecd on last Wcdnca day , and all were expressions of deepen sorrow for the loss of their csteomod niu worthy brother. The funeral of Daniel Mnlin , the fireman - man , will bo held in the Blutl'4 thia after noon. A ahort service will take place ill his rosidoncp nt Sovrnth and PACtlio n ( noon in this city , after which the remains - mains will bo t.ikou to the Blulfs , ncoom- panled by a committee of his brother fire men , Ilia wife nnd othrr rolativca who reside - side in that city. The regular funorn service will bo held in the Baptist church jn that place , after which the Intcrmonl in the cemetery will tnkn placo. FOK. SALE A good family horjp , buggy and harness. L , A. RATH , Post Oflico Box HO. The Iowa City Republican editor wrotna strong article headed "Load Her l''or Bear , " but when the Industrious nnc enterprising compositor made it road "Load Ilor For Boor , " and the citizens came around Iho next day to call for aov- oral "aniiluo , " ho promptly wont out and nurdorcd the typo. Honl Kslnio TrAnsfcrs. Tlio follovring transfer wcro filed in , ho county clerk's otlico Tuesday nnd ro- ) ortcd for the BEK by tlio Amca1 real estate agency October Mlat , 1884 : Aug. Kouutzo ol al. to JolmMcShino , w. d. , It 14 , bll : 2 , Kouul/.e4th addition. $350. J. O'Connor otnl. to Convout of Mor- cy. part lot in soc. 22 , 15 , 13. § 1. F. T. Davis to .J. U. Erck , q. c. d. , t 4 and part It 3 , blk ! ) . § 1. J. Kmp and wife to L. A , King , w. d. , port sec. 23 , 15 , 11. § 1800. J. Barker and wife to G. E. Barker , q c , part sec 0 , 15 , 12. G. E. Barker and wife to J. A. Croigh- on , w d , part see ! , 15 , 12 § 4000. J. A , Ilorbach and wife to W. J. Stribblmpr , w d , lot 12 , block 3 , Hor- bach's 3nd add , 3700. Absolutely Pure. ht pownor never virles. A mrvol 01 purtlty rtngtli and wholcaomenei' . Hoie ecacomlcal than 10 ordinary kud4iuidcaunotbo ! Enid In competition with the n.ullituile of low test , Phurt uo'xlit ' alumur hotpliat jjowder , HolJ o'ly In cans UOYAL UI.1 Urt IEll CO. , 108 Wall rtreet N. K THKY MU3T B3 BED Dr. Youngs Electric Belts. ) OK TIIK CURB CIV MiK\oi vKi IIIKIIIM- \ , H OK MAS ( Kit ) , UKtKSXXI O t ) I ) V t \ \ iiH u inn o u V.O. A MKDrcAt. WOIIK 10 HE OlfKN AH < ibhowllljl nllortri Iwiw tncy miv 1 ) tiireil , and eoo\r leath , Htrcriuth and MailjVlor , \ ITIIOIT TIIK in OK MKDICLNK , will bo Hont freu by po.t cm receipt I atatnpod mvulono. Ail lrrs , 1)11. It. YOlJNJ , 1 5 Cana Ptroct , New York oot-20iii 1m J.T. ARMSTRONG. IKI.D. ? ractico Limited to Diseases of the Eye and Ear. 503 Farnam StraotOMAEIJ Rural Nebraska , The lenlir ; ; ABriciiltural and the Stock journal nf the west , 20 pantn fcj rulutima , rut and ktltcliod , n aicli no foiiu , hu a hamUoinu Illustrated ccner , aril h B been iHtahllahcd I5ytarj. 'Iho best moth' n In nf western f irnilnv , Kruit UrouhiL' , Ktc , and the IilvoHto , k Intuust of the ( Ira/ing and Ayii- cultural rrKlunn of the w t , ably ill-tlnU aid re duced. No ono who till. ) a ( lower cr plant , or a fi > oft of land , who nuntia her o , cow piic or chicken uin afford to bo without thu llnral Nebraska. The Be&t Writers L'ontribiita to It pajon , Tlio IMItorl-iIii ro crisp , and t'j thu poini , it ii publliiliud at the low DUbtcrlit o'i pr'toofil ' oou jcar hat a larger ilrrulut rn than thit of an > dthcr publication of thli * kind in tbo wbt , and ntetiplfH rt Front Jtank. unions thu bust Agricultural end block Jour- L&li In the Cmtcd Htitoi. The Home Circle. I > cpirtment < f the Kuril Nubratka U a flpohl foaturu whuiri Ua > j ruahea It a uclcomo vllitor at thur'amlly Klrtaido. Agents Wantsd. Vie ray IHMm toiH an 1 Local Agent ? a hluger Ca.M > C'oinni'ii lon than any o her publuhi ra In/iiiurloi and Kl/ii llnol. * , 1'c-Au Knitcii , WalcUc * , , KHKI Loll < > and ( ! iili uho ta t Kubicriptloim tor u- > IlluitraUd I'mrulum I.ut 2 cvntn The Weekly Bee And the III IUI , NF.IIHASKA one lear uioh for it 2i , only .ti ruriU m < ro linn tL > pi leu of the , llr.x alimu h very U ) ) > nd Irl ulo tends u 10 cent < cr attunl' * foutllt , tainpla coplra and 1 Hunt riled I'rvmiuni U t. ulll roccltu an cWiitnt asjortiutnt of lleautiliil I Icturo Card * . AddrefH II H H5I1TII iiCO , , UO , ICil 8 lith Bt , Ore h fv ub. m u WILBOR'3 COMPOUND OP PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. < 1H TIIK UKM INK AUTIl I.K TIIK ( IUKAT l > , pul.rn. I ' \\illnii < < > m ounil of i ml l.iur in kixl I.iinu ha ! induced ( uino unirin | ipltd | < n < j li AtUinj't t" iolii > ( irt a miiiilu urti. ! < l tliuis oui but niv | r'ti ho U ITirin Iron < ' "UKh . < itliU or < uuauinj I nit , fcbou d IK ) mrifii Hlmrv t ' i > nn liftMi thtA artii 't U r * | iur < n purHntf. IUcn i.Util ll < IIM. uru H IN ; riMMii IIHd.ti i . u > I tlio ( iruprlotur li * u nJ oiili'H'-u nnniroli ) K" * * " " * " ' " 1'idauin , ri i .iiifUliiH hixl . - at i 4 > ii i md Kith I'Ai pur. < ' l l.l \ \ \ \ \ > , In w ' > r I wit'i ' I i > tbiiiiiiilioil iiH * < ' ' y A t < n ' * } m , lift ' > a 'V Himebaugh ' & Taylor , LARGEST STOCK OF Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebrassk ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Eailroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT' Ordra for Mio Indian Deuartmenfc given for BuQulo Scales ex clusively. Scale 1405 Douglas Slreet. OMAHA. NEBRASKA FALL AND WINTER. GEEAT BARGAINS IN AND Visitors to the State and others iniieed oi : Men' ? , Boys' andilclren'p Clothing , will do well to call on The Strictly One Price House in the City And examine their goods nnd prices. Th y carry the largest stock , atrl sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors don't fail to call at L216. FARNAiW ST 1216 . At rfCflpJkwJ-XJ JCA&Tb W Jim C EAS. SHIVEBIGE , \ , UPHOLSTEftY AND DBAfERIES , PASarNOEIi KLP.VAT I TO ALL FLOOIIS. | 1208,12C9 on J 1210 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob. gfrjTOEVJsgTajTJaiuBBmBBBi . . . _ _ _ te3&i * ia ra qrfPHWjH J03 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. EatablLshod 1878 Catarrh , j DoafiieEa , Lung and Nervous Difletwujn Speedily s dl-ermanently Oarod. Patiuntt j nr id at Homo. Write for "Tiie MKniOAL-MisfiKXNAKY , " for She Pooplo. OonscltaLion nnd Oorroiipoudonco Oraiie. P. O. 3os 292. TeJephone No. 26. RON. KD WARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davouport , eaya ; " Physician of f tie * AOlUty and Marked Succees. " CONGRESSMAN K\HHY ) , Davonport.M1 " -'to' : " 'An jQonorabln ITiin. Fine Sticcoas. Wonderful ( . ' 'iron.1 ' UourflS to 6. B , : g ; j sr > > J ft * jftt O M * " > fv 3 < ? , O * * iL JLtMUlftlfl bflsiKtrtliC " ' ' " " " ' * snrl MM P 1. . ( c"-1 GERMAN D. WYATT , w g i S o GtfMIKGSANB 20TH 8TS. ( OMAHA , KEB