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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1884)
THE DAILY BJLJbJ-COUNCIL BLUFFS MONDAY , NOVEMBER 3 THE DAILY' BEE Monday Morning November 3 SUltSCniITION KATES. . . n..rl - - - - - - - 0 oontg pet wee By Mill * 110.00 per > oa OITICE : KO , 7 Pearl E'.roo ; , Hear Broadway. MINOR MENTION , The council ia to meet to-night. The police tnndo 122 nrroats in October See J. Iloitor'a now fall stock of cloth Only three drunks spent Sunday in the calabooao. The republican rally at the Masonic temple to-night. Permit to wed has bcon Riven Jnmoa Quillon and Clara Wailo , both of BUn don. don.A A serenading party of young ladioa nnd gents wore making the rounds Saturday evening. The three electric lights hung across Broadway last night wore used by per mission of three 1'usuy men. J. M. Adams has returned from an eastern trip , having boon purchasing inoro goods for the Boston shoo store. Mr. Roagaii has concluded to go on with the paving ot the dummy depot and will put a largo force on Monday. A now lurn-tablo wiw put in yesterday nt the Ogdcn hoiiso by the street car company. It was made in Denver. A twelve pound daughter arrived at the homo of J. P. Filbert Friday night. Mother and daughter are doing well. A man giving his name as Fitzjorald was arrested yesterday for sneaking a pair of panU from Marcus' second hand atoro. The democracy holds forth at the opera liouse this evening with Congressman Pusoy and John N. Baldwin as speakers. There was a row at the Colorado House last evening in which beer glasses were thrown lively. Only one man was arrest * cd. Charles Riley was thrown from a horse the night of the parade , striking heavily on the stone pavement , but luckily es caping serious injury. Some one burglarized a bee tree belonging - longing to W. B. .Gappy , of Avoca. Ho had C. Swift arrested for the larceny of the honey , but a jury acquitted. Some of the friends of young Walker , the tclophono manager charged with em bezzlement , are trying to club together in furnishing the required biil to secure his release. Mr. Rico has so far recovered from his illness that ho was able yesterday to hold Borvlcoi at the jail for the benefit of the prisoners it being the first time in nine weeks. Some fellows who probably thought they wore funny , but who were really downright dirty moan , atolo ttio"gas jot letters in front of Blxby'a atoro on IIol low 'eon night. The republican clubs have passed rooo lutiona flaking the basilicas moil to close their stores and ofliccs to-morrow , and all tnrn out to aid in a fair election and .honest count. The democrats are trying to rob County Clerk Street of his good nnmo. Some thieves broke into his liouao Satur day night. The only nrticlo missed waa Airs. Streot'a cloak. Mr. Robert Beocroft and Miss Nancy Conn , \Yintoraut , Iowa , were united in marriage Saturday evening at the resi dence of the groom , 728 Mynstor street , iho Rev. T. S. Bovoll oilidatiiig. William Richardson , who has bcon employed in the city's surveying party o : late , died yesterday at the residence o : John Nicholson. Lfo had boon 111 but a few days , pneumonia being the cause o his death. Woathorboo & Bennett Imvo purchase ! for their city livery atablo on Main otroot the finest five light landonti over brought to this city. It ia , indeed , a beauty , and was manufactured by James Cunningham & Son of Kicheator , N. Y. There waa a very happy surprise party upon Miss Emma Palmer at her resi dence on Bluff street Saturday evening. About twenty-five couples were present , with Glon'a orchestra , and dancing and feasting , and a general good lime ensued. Col , Root , the United States marshal of this district , who , while in the city , eaid that ia the saloona do not cloao in Council Blufla on election day ho will BOO to it that they are closed up fur n good many days after that , and closed tight , too. too.The The mayor says the aalnons must and shall close tight to-morrow , and aooms determined to have the election conduct ed properly in all respects. If ho suo- ccodfl it will put to ahamo those who have talked eo much about Council Blull'a being a riotous city. Burglars on Filday night guined an entrance to the residence of Mr. French , of Cas&dy , Orcutt & French. They secured no plunder having been appar- paronlly alarmed. Burnt matches wore found on the stairway and the door had been forced open with a chisel. TUB BEE man mot jcatorday a quint commercial tourist who has traveled lately 1,700 iii'lei ' in this district and mingled with many men of both parties , not as a politician but as a business man , arid bo declares that thii fight between : Pusey and Lyman is a oloce one , and thai neither ono will get 200 majority eve : the other. The mayor's orders for olojUou day np pear o'.sowLore. Ho earns ilnjotod t < poe thai or. or i pretoivit.aal all partie treated fairly. There was n rumor las ! night that a largo number of depui shorifls nnd United States msrshals wil bo appointed , The mayor says that i ouch a casn ho will change hia orders ai regards the number of police. Crock well's awning caught fire th night ot the demonstration , and ono man started t turn in an alarm , which wouli have caused n sad disturbance of th parade , but Marshal Ouanolla , though i democrat , ran after him nnd stopped him The burning nwning was supprcsco quickly , without the department turn ing out. Tally ono for Ouanolla. The Olobo had to spend most of it space Saturday in hewing about the re publican demonstration boinc n failure , Why can't there bo a little decency nnd fairness oven In politics ? A paper whicl ; makes such statements which the poopl in the city know to bo falao , just makes n laughing aleck of itself , and ns it has n readers outside of tlio city , it misleads none ono , and docs not help its own cause. Sunday wns largely devoted to politics hero. At the hotels nnd on the otroe corners were lit ! to groups of excited talk ers. At thu corner of Main and Broad wny there were nbout fifty who blocked up the sidewalk nnd opont an hour or two in chin music nnd making n few bota. The money put np was even , no odds being given on either sidn. Most of the beta were on Now York atnto nnd Iho congressional contest. The police have arrested n man nnmod " 'rod Brown for atcaling the horse of the emigrant , Jackson , last week. The lorao wns nick nnd while Jackson was vor to a drug atoro for remedies , Brown . rns walking the horse around , nnd nt- empted to ride ttio animal off , but on ho road the horse dropped dead. Brown amo back to the hotel Saturday to got lis valise nnd overcoat , when ho was aptured. All fair-miudod , honest citizens , of whatever party , nnd there arc plenty in > oth , nro nnzious for a square , honest oto. The republicans have canvassed bo city , and have prepared lists so that icy may know who have the right to otc. They propose to look out sharper or ropoatora and illegal voters , and if uy such appear they purpoao to have lorn arrested and purpose to prosecute jom. In doing so they should bo sure ioy nro right , nnd then every honest man will bo glad to have them go ahead. ? o ono who has a vote need bo intimi- atod , however , or afraid of trouble , for lioro nro enough true citizens in both tarties to see to It that every voter has a hanco , and that every crooked move on ither aide Is checked. ' TH10 BltVYOU'S Whereas , on the 4th day of November , 884 , occurs the important election of a irosidont , vice president , congressman , tate , county and township oflicers , and as good order should bo dojlrod by nil patriotic , law-abiding , honorable citizens ; hat a full and honest vote can bo in diligently polled , and recognizing the 'act that the name and reputation cf our city ia of moro importance than the olec- inn or defeat of any special candi- Intos , and fully realizing the re- ponsibility resting on mo to see .hat the pooplo'n rights are fully protect ed , Thorofuro 1 have ordered the chief of police to select five competent special lolicomon , regardless of their political doae , for each voting place , or a total of Avonty specials , and I have also ordered lim to secure five light express wagons vitli reliable drivers , to bo used nlono or police duties , to-wit : Taking prison ers to jail and convoying police to places vhoro they nro needed. Ono of the regular policemen will bo placed in charge of each aot of specials. In fact tbo do- inrtmont will bo fully competent to pro- icrvo the best of order. It Is my fur- hur order that every saloon , or place whpro boor , wine , whisky , etc , , is claimed to bo free for sale , that nil of luch places must cloau their front and back doors , and must not soil anything that is intoxicating from 5 n. tn. to 8 p. m" , on November I , 1881 , nnd any po liceman who fails to BOO this order obeyed , or neglects to arrest any person drinking liquor in the street , or in nny manner refuses - fuses to sco that the ordinances of our city nro fully complied with , such police ollicor will bo immediately discharged from the forco. W. R. VAUOIIAN , Mayor. November 1,1884. dlit Itonl Kutnto The following nro the real estate trans era filed for November 1 and reported to [ "UK BKB by P. J. MaMahon. John Lindor to 12. P. Oaldwoll , no } nwj yi , 7 , 43. 8100. J. 0. Orason nnd wf to C. I' . Brinton , wi lot 4 , block 1 ! ! , Grimes' addition , li2 HO. Joseph Grnson to C. P. Brinton , eJ ot 4 , block 1J ! , Grimes' addition. § 150" KllhuB. Baxter nnd wf to T. W l rlduo , wA nwj , and nwj awj 22 , 74 , ! )8 ) 2,500. J. W. Bower and wf to Henry Bower , wl swl. nnd i.\ " swj , and w.acj 14 , 74 18. § 5,000. S 11. Hopkins and wf to L. E. S Mitchell , lot ! ) , block 4 , Macedonia W. Tullons ( trustee ) to Nelson lots 1) ) mid 10 , block 20 , AVOCA S1UD. Our , To close the business I oiler my stock o : miscellaneous books , picture , fansy goods notlonH , llro screens , ciuels , willow niu cano high chairs and children's rockers ut priccx never known before in the west II ! } Siumati , paper , books and stationery ory , 501 Uroadwuy , Council Blull'a. Slocl. Sli ] > inniith , \V.W Smith 8 cam. 1511 head cattle , fo Unltah , U 1' . Duiinoriton & Co , SJ cirn hog , 121 head fo Ram ( ii'iipy , Chicago , vU It. I , O , L import 'i CM * | II > KN , 123 head , fur .T , 8 Mal'urlnii'J ' , Chicago , vU H. I , llcnlft'l'm ' ' k Co f ) car * cattle , IGSheaJ , Ham furSt .loo vln 1C 0. W J : . Biiiith , 'I cam Imgii. 131 heail , fo Martin I'ros. ' , Chicago , > i K I , J ) , llaudln , 13 ! can cuttle. 300 heuj. fi I ) . lUnUtnTttrklmia 11,1. 1) , Knnlun. 7 ( vim cittli ) , 1U8 hc < I fi AiUiim , Klilriilge & Co. , Chicago , via K. 1 ( Jrcen k H. , 5 cam cattle , Iu3 heiwJ , fu Orenn ft Hurk via P. & U , H. II. tUodilaril , 4 cam tliveit , Mil hi ad , . Hlmunun liroj. , Clilcu0i ( u * H. I J. 1) . Hunter , 7 car a oittlii , KI'J Iiuid , fur J , .f. Hunter , Uli'caeoia ' \Vuli. G.I ) Ituiiibfi'rd 1 cur liorn-u , 13 head , fur asme , Cijivigo , > ia Mil. "FOLLOWING EXAMPLE. " Hot , Jolm Todd'fl .Sermon at ( lie Con Church Yowlcnlny. The Dorvicca at the Congrcgatlona church yesterday morning were cspccl ally interesting. Rev. Jolm Todd , o Tabor , n veteran preacher nnd pastor officiated and delivered nn excellent ser mon , very npproprlnto to coicmuniot day. His theme was , "Christ ns nn Ex nmplo. " In his opening ho dwelt upon the power of imitation. The boy wns nlwaya trying to do what his father did Ho was nlwuys trying to put on boots would spend hours upon hours learning to whistle , wnntod to ride horse , just ns his father did , nnc the little girl directed her baby talk to her doll , prepared its dresses , got her lit. tlo broom to swcop , would try to BOW even with n pin , and was continually copying and imitating the maternal nets of her mother , The contrasts nnd strong est imprcsMona on the mind were made through the senses. The music , the bright colors , hunger , pain such mndo improfsiona through th senses , nnd It was only when the mind wns moro nd- vnncod that abstract ideas were gained , The kindcrgnrtun system has boon found ed upon the recognition of the power of object teaching. God in hia dealings with mon , had rocogni/.cd the great need of object lessons , symbols , etc , , in con voying nnd improaatng truths. It was in accordance with this principle that , "God was mndo manifest in the lloah , " nnd Christ wns given as an example tor man to follow. The speaker then dwelt upon various points in Christ's character which hia fol lowers should pattern after. Ho then ipoko of the anramont of the Lord's Supper , and the use of the broad and .vino as simple symbols. Previous to the administration of the lacrnmont three now members were ro- : oivod into the church. The muaic for the aorvico wan furnished } y a male quartet consisting of Messrs. Fudd , Fitch , Eoldon nnd Stacy , with Miss Fitch ns organist. Window shades at cost to cloao them > ut. P. 0. Miller 13 Pearl stroot. A brakeman on the Q , , while climbing m his train after leaving Oharitan , was tuockcd oil' by a post. Ho is not ox- icctod to survive hia injuries. Order hard wood of P. Overton. It is claimed that atroot-paving con- racts have been awarded in Ioa ) Moinea n a very loose nnd extravagant manner. ) no firm alone is said to have cleared ? 30COO on a single contract. I'latto Overtoil Ia soiling screened yontorvillo coal for § 4.50 per ton and hroiva in a bundle of kindling. GOMMKUOlAIi. COUNCIL BLUFFS MARKET. Wheat No , 1 tnllllnp , G0@li3 ; No. 2 , 58 ; S'o. a , 60 ; rejected 35o.lO. ( Corn Now , 2j@23. Data For local purposes , 35. Hay § 6 00@7 00 per ton ; baled , DO@GO. Kyo S'ks. Corn Monl 1 30 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prlcoa nt yards , G 00 ® roo. roo.Conl Conl Delivered , hard , 9 50 per ton ; eoit 1 60 per ton Laid Falrbank'e , wholesaling at OJc. Flour City flour , 1 oO@2 S3. Brooms 2 93@3 00 per doz. LIVE BTOO ? . Cattle IJutchor cows 3 25@3 73 , Butcher itoors , 3 7C4 00. Sheoi > 2 uO@3 CO. Hogs 400 ® J2i. PBOIIUOB AND rnniTS. Poultry Live old hens , Cc ; spring chickens , ! 10@30pordoz. : ! Butter Creamery , 28@30c ; choice country ! 2c. 2c.I' I' ggs 22 per dozen. Vegetables 1'otntoea , 30@40e per bushel ; mtona , ' 10@00c per bu ; npplos , chcico cooking ir eating , 2 25 ; bsann. 1 50@2 00 per jushol ; Hweot notntons , 24o Tier Ib , Mrs , HJ , Hilton , HJ , . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 323 Middle Broadwuy , Council BlnQa. BIG DRIVE. AT HOMER'S. 23 Mivln Street - . Council IJlufTa. Dr , W. H. Shorraden DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Hindu - Iowa , HDR. : o. o. 100 MAIN STREET , "OUN01T. IlMim - - . IOWA M Upper llnuilwiy , uiain to the I'ront. Htiiilr.ri'llctt mill ( Oinnmiil Kxninlnv , uuil e fo. juur-ihcM hutjoiic.ui Imy fort'i.'h at my place I i | oto joii n < follow * : 13 llHk-iaiiiilaUiUu arlnt . $1 o IftllK Whl'u mOmuutf r . 1(0 Ulurn l ltk'a liltulln > nliui wwifiir . 1 0 JJ liars fultK.t O'iul | ti Klrk'n IUii Un tulor. . 1 fc JJ lniHlilrk'8 MUU llhlU Bl | l | U ( . 1 | > Uupoiit'i * lieut powiltr jHf ) Hi . . . . * ISIidxoi ol iratcliM ( or . a xtrup L'aliotiil ( lioii.vilil'H | , pcr 'l . rn Kriipi ) ftraiiti'il ttrlctly puru Vrrauut mtple pt-rttal . 100 Forchaui ioral ( . . f,0 A ho. 1 KnjlUli ninantiUlli' ( or . 1 00 lewis' , fciiulno IU ro\o < t'r ' . 1 ( X Cuiiiel fil cU > oirlcs prrtoitctl. fi rani lor . . l ix aiii'd a Ih } liowpvictiuililto sinijiD lor. 1 (0 CunncilU Hi Utqualliy Tuimtori 10 ( or . . . . 1 no A No. l liltoll h , inrKlt. . 70 Tub torn , Lnr lanl Cll'iux , per pniiml . 00 T T. T. I 01 M neil you uovirillni ; tocmal ti.ljuii I&3to70oirlli. KlourVo mil tin culcliriltJ 1'atent Kuiicy tier \\'akei\it\tt\\MtKV \ \ \ itl\r \ Vupt In a I'ltut CIH | Irorvy , mil nitrrant i ut > tlilni ; WB tell Oouili ilu IKcriil Inu In 'j fart uf Ihu city. I alia liaiullu ( lUni'.an Mlt onu , Dry fci ls ml Notion * , lloi n I i auonl HKirlin.nt ol 'I'iimfro Itu ugnliai ; I wl'l not " 'lily ' l > u not unilituM < m nny vecuU. tmt vvl I ci | 20 [ lore Jilt lieh ant Coiiiruiltl'i liillneltt Wo ro now ru I'M i : anlinolo ) nl I ) 11 In lilriwncaiiKl | > athcKr ivtut lurnalniinorririito In tlm fit ) Mi u\n'im | > 4 arucrv Hiiht , with no KtiiU o'a ' > I uiuouatlul anil lllfu'l chuip l r U\HII. Cull hcu jcu wu'.t tliu l.e t otlliri ln < In 111) I1RV , J. P FILBERT , 2oOl'lHirllr adwaj- , - . . Cornell lllutf * Silks , Dress 0-oods & Movelties OF THE SEASON. is very complete iu variety and excellence o goods. Oloakings , Plushes , Velvets , Eider , Down and Jersey Cloth Tambour , .Turcoman . , Clurtain Goods , Window Shades , Etc , , Etc , STOCK COMPLETE IN VTOQUETTE , BODY BRUSSELS , INGRAIN & HEMF Oil Cloth , lluga , Mattings. Mats , Etc. , Etc. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa : H.H. HORNS & GO. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 9 S3 BP0.In'ty ' nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA ana \ t > nAt o XAltA O1GAUS. All Oigura aold by us are of our own manufacture nnd warranted as represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I 552 Broadway , " H. H. UORNE&OO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , I ; IOWA LANDSTROM , Fall Goods Hondy. Suits MnAc to Order in Latest Style on bliort Notice nnd n llcusonnle t'riees. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205Mmntitroot. . . . Council Bluff. BE. JUDB'S ELECTEIC BELT. 0,000 Elccttlo Belts fold for the Month of Sept , by us. ncfercnccs-Any of Iho buslnea , housea In Council Blufe JUDD & SMITH Proprietor , . baloBrooma 310. Droadwoy. Manufactory 30. Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS- KIEL'S SALE STABLES 441 Keep Horace nnd Mules constantly on hand which wo will sell in rotnil or wholesale lots. All Stock Warranted as Represented , Wholomlo andretall dealers in Ornln and Baled Hay. Prices sonablo. Satisfaction Omrantced. SOIKIliTJI'IEIEa cSs BOHLEie- Corner Fifth Avo. & 4th St. , Council Bluffa. SBI1XH & LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Mala street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Selecc From. LARGEST ANDBEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF In Iowa and Nebraska , and aold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffa , lowu. MRS , D , A , BENEDICTMannfactor , , ffletalic Caskets and Wooden Coffins of all Kinds. EuEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY.ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIG HT . 3.2 A 10-4 White Scotch Wool Blankets at § 1.50 worth 82.25. 1M White Half Wool Blankets at 82.25 worth $ S.OD. 11-4 White Blank-is , lienvyoighf , at 82.50 worth § 3.50. 11-1 Scotch Blankets a $2 00 , worth -53.01) . 11-4 Scotch Mixed Blankets , $2,25 , worth 83.25. 11-4 Scotch wool Blankets , 83.50 , worth § 5 01) . 11-4 lied Wool Blankets , § 8.50 , worth 55.00. 11-4 Grey Wool Blankets , $4.00 worth S5.50 , 11-4 Scarlet , nil Wool Blankets$1.30 worth $0.50. 10-4 White all wool Blankets , 54.00 worth SU.OO. 11-4 Fine all wool Blankets , $5 50 worth $7 00. 11 4 Fine Cashmere Wool Blankets $7 01) ) worth 510 00. 11-4 Extra Fine Cashmere Blankets , S ! ) 00 worth 812 00. 11-4 Nonpareil Cashmere Blankets , $11 00 worth 815 00. 12-1 Extra Fiiioun liiston , ' Cashmere Blankets , $15 worth § 31 WOOL FLAlfllWELS. All wool Scarlet Flannel at20c worth 25c. Ailvool Scarlet plain Flannel at ? 5c worth 35c. AH wool Twill iliume ! at 30c worth 40c. All wool Iwill flannel , ' 'Golden Cross" at 35c worth 45c. All wool Medicated flannel nt 4i > c worth 55c. This week we are making a big drive in The public are cordially invited to inspect our over varying stock irrespective of any desire of purchasing. Ladies white mrino vests , silk finish , f)0c worth 75c Ladies wliite merino vests , extia fine 75c worth $1 00 Lading all wool scarlet vests and pants at 5J each worth 81 50 Ladies woolen wliite vests and pants at $1 each worth SI 40 Ladies wliite cashmere wool vests and pants at $1 ( Jo worth 52 Ladies all wool medicated underwear at $1 75 worth § 2 25 Sltu's white merino shirts ncd drawers 50c each worth 75c Men's scotch wool shirts and drawers 75c each worth $1 Men's nil wool scarlet shirts and drawers 81 each worth 81 50 Men's medicated red shirts and drawers $1 25 each worth 81 75 Mea'a fancy stripe underwear 51 75 wi rtli each 8225 Men's camels hair shuts and drawers , all wool cashmere $ -2 worth 52 75 We have full line of ladies missei ' a , and children's CLOAKS : having purchased very lute in the season , wo are prepared to make LOWEIC PUICIJS than those who hought curlier. We are showing a full assort- nitint of RUSSIAN CIRCULARS , NEWMARKETS , pla'n and with coachman's cape. LANGTRV'S , PALETOT'S , MO HAIR SEAL and SILK SEAL PLUSH COATS. or Exjress Orders , Prompt COCKE&MORGAN COUNCIL BLUFFB , . IOWA