Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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* ar'Cbte11 ' Gordon In tlie Hand ;
of tiie Reft Is ,
ihartoum Fallen andthoGarrisoi
After a Brave and Persistent Defense -
England's ' Greatest Here Forcec
to Yield ,
Trie Terrible Struggle and Final
Oaptnre ,
Tlio IJiiMiucrssfiil Soi-tlc Fiin tlio
llclontiuwil Oily The Darkest
Stain on llritatu'd IX-
Special telegram to TUB 1H.K.
CAIIIO , November 2. A spao'al disj ivtch to
tha Khodlvo from Dongola conveys a graphic
recital of "Chlnesa" Gordon's captuio ns told
by au arch sheikh who loft Shendy October 7.
As lougassavon weeks ago runs the storj- ,
on account of the scarcity of provisions sen
ius disaffection arose among tliu garrison
Ihis feeling was shared by the ollicers , who
in a body informed Gen. Gordon that the time
had como to give in. Gordon trlod to calm
them by siylng that the relief expedition had
reached Dongoln. The demanded that ho
shoul 1 order an advance to meet it. Gor
don finally agreed to this and ordered
Colonel Stowatt to prepare the boats nnd
before the bravo olhcor had completed his ar
ranpameuti , some 8.00D of the girriaon wont
over to the rebels and Gordon found himself
with about 2,000 whom ho could trust. With
this remnant of his force ha dropped don. n
the Nile toward Shendy. The banks immo
djatoly swarmed with rebels who throw con
tinuous showers of spears nnd arrows at the
retreating force and many were wounded and
some quite seriously.Vhpn Shendy was
reached it was * in possession of the rebels ,
There they were met by an effective artillery ,
fire , in trying to evade which many boats were
grounded on the opposite bank of the Nile
and their occupants taken prisoners. Gordon
ordered a return to Khartoum rather than
expo e the remainder of IIIH command to cer
tain death. At this time Col , Stewart's boat
was far in advanca of the flotilla. Ho is known
to have passed Berber , but boj-ond that
nothing is known of his fato. The
other boats wore followed by hordes
of rebels. The command Behaved nobly , but
the fire w'S so hot that Gordon was compelled
to surrender. Gordon was immediately placed
under a strong guard and convoyed to the
Hnhdl'a headquarters. The ether otlhers and
men of his command are still prisoners at
By Associated Press.
Pvuis , Trance , November 2 , 1881.
A dispatch from Cairo to tlio Morning
News sjj'i , . The Mahdi in the beginning of
Septemhe , hearint ! of the advance of the
British forces made a supreme effort to reducs
Khutouni , which place at the end of Septem
bervis siirropmlod by 150,000 rebels. Tha
sti.nlies | falling , the garrison began to waver.
A deputation of officers complained bittoily to
Gen. Gordon that they had been deceived by
the promise of British assistance and they ac
cused him of aiding the deception. The depu
tation nUu cemanded that a retreat ba made
to Dongola and threatened that if this action
was not taken , they would. Gon. Gordon
thereupon i onsented to the plan propo ° od.
a panic niose and 8,00j soldiers
1 civilians deserted in a body. Two thons-
fanwhile I remained faithful 'and embarked
h Gordon Tha tebols were advised of
it had occurred and harassed
. retreat to Shendy , where masses
of the rebels provided with artillery disabled
the flotilla. Only Colonel Stewart's vessel
succeeded in passing Berber and shortly after
ward it was wrecked. The remainder of the
flotilla was obliged to return southward and
on reaching tihendy t ] > o entire force was cap
tured. About the 5th of October General
Gordon was sent under a strong escort to the
Mahdi's tamp win re ho is now a close pris
* v LONDON , November 2. The foreign ofhco
discredits the dispatch to the Puns Morning
NOWB announcing the capture of Gen. Gordon.
A dispatch to tha Daily News from Debbeh
ti&ye : Thajpowdrfnl Takara tribes iniinlral to
Hit ) .Mahdi have captured 1M Obeid. It is
said tha Mandi'a preititp is waning among the
tribes between Debbeh und Kl Obeid ,
German Keiulisla Elections.
Bums , November 2. The election for
members of losulted .as follows :
couseivutiiea , dj ; centre , ! )3 ) , imperial , 21 ;
national" , .tj ; German liberals , 81 ; Poles , 10 ;
Volkttirter , 'J ; Alsatians , II : Guelphs , 5 ;
socialist ! ) , 10 , including Liebknecht Ninety-
Boveu becord ballots are > ot necessary. So
cialist committees have instructed their sup
porters to oppose m these second ballots the
candidates who rofii'od to record themselves
ngauixt tin ) re nuactin/ tha socialist laws
atd ilia levying of fieeh taxes. This order is
especially aimed nt the conservatives.
F LONDON" , Nov. 2. India ndvaea rtport
riots of Arabs at Hyderabad during the Mo-
hurrum fedtival. Klovc-n policemen were
killed and many wounded. The Arab" looted
tliu police stutlon and several hou = n. A
panic was created in the city , shops ahd
I10US98 were clo-ied and troops from Golconda
restored order. A council , at which the
Ni/iin presided , ordered an inquiry into the
l fair
A 11 ul r < i i
CAllio.JNovember 1. Colonel Wilson tele
graphs from Ambnkol tliatmen from Khar-
T.OU1U report they siw Colonels Stowartt'oivor
and Herbin aboard the fctsainor wrecked some
days ago atVady Garna. Tlio same men report
port Gordon's steamers brought four hundred
thousand bushels of grain from Sunaar.
Tin * German Duello ,
BFIU.I.V , November 1. Proffewor Sell wen-
ninger , Bismarck'-i physician , challenge , ! Du.
bois lUymond to tight a duel , the mrolfessor
having taken offense at remark * of lleymond
on his appointment to a chair in the Berlin
university , Heymond declined to tight.
Our .lullcl's Triumph.
LONIIOK , Novomher 1. Homeo and Juliet
was produced at the Lvcomn theater this
evening. Mary Anderson' Juliet perform
ance was a tr inendous nicceex. Minister
Lowell was present. Miss Anderson was re
peatedly called bc-foro the curtain.
I'm I I'M Troubli'Minio Hiiltliy.
1'AKUii November 2 , The decision of the
court in the Patti divorci case will ha givtm
November 7. The court will grant a divorce
> n the dei..nad of the Marquis of Caiix ,
Dead ,
J'Aitlh , Nodembir 2. Augusto Emmanuel
Vaiicorboil , manager uf the i'arU opera houeo
Is dead.
Kansas City Journal ,
\ / Nhvv YOIIK , November 1 To-night c'osed
v thy presidential campaign in tins etato as far
ui speech making and torchlight procesfiniiH
are concerned It oxplrpd in a hla/o of glory
Mr. Blalno who.aioi * nurly this morning and
devoted the day to brilliant work in Connect )
cut , r.turned to the citv nfc nightfall , and
mad/i hix final nuecch to tli Now \ urkern at
ths Aca-iamey of Muhlc The building wus
crowed to the door' , and thousand * < > f pdrsons
unable to gain udmlsRiuu v/alted without ,
blockadinff Fourteenth and Fifteenth
treats and Irving place jn their auk.
' * ty to eee Ilia nt-zt pretidmt ,
At the same tima tlis domodaU were giving
tljtir tinal jnrado j > J'ifth a f ue. I'or'y
thimsand Tmninany mtn vvoro in line iiu
K vo acrcditiWop'vrAdo , It wn apparent to
Mi , however , that their ocvulonal th cri for
ClevcUml > ronothlnRiii compitisun
Riven their own county ticket , lloth nitinnn
republican and democratic hendipmUM vvoro
open to night , Imt no Im-iiiMi v\m ttnii < .ictn1
The fight hai been made , -Pid nothing n m
but to vv ait the results f Tuo d j < battle.
I IIAI11MS .lONt- .
was found at the Academy of Mu tc mcrtitiR
to-niRhi ; and n ked hovi ho n-garili d the litua
lion. ' liliiitu is a < coo 1 n * olectc 1 , " iilcKli
chiirmnn tcrselj.Voshall cat rv JCow York
tata by u goo < majority , nnd No-v .Jersey
Connecticut and tudian.v will vote the same
way. The rtpiblioan parly o > u nffir.l to Uuo
N'ow York and New , li i oy and > ct win , bu
it dotM not intend to losr nlthorof tin < a ital < M
Thlistatoisccitainfjr Mr Hlaiuc. Only the
( nieition of nnjority nmuins , and Tuosdnv
will gottloit. "
Senator Unrman to-night concluded his fiita'
Clovohnd ontimatc. It Kivoa Clov eland Vt !
ilectorilotoq , the solid lonth. New York
Ciiinactlcnt , Nor ? Jersey nmllimunn. Hlsei
titiiito H not b into nut Viy Ssnatnr Harmun.
vv ho doei not set mm h hope on 1 tuliana , bill
\vho clnuni Iho remaining doubtful Ptatoi and
t\vo or three of tha 1'acllic cjast onot. Uettlng
men have called a halt , anil are taking fovv erne
no clnnce' . 1'rolnbly 5 0,000 was wageict ;
to day on the general remit at the rale ot two
to ono that lilaino would ba ulectcd. On thu
result in this ftlto It is even in > noy. The
ctmnaigii h vs provid tha bittercitotio in Now
York's history , Apirt from the oloaiout of
slander dragged in , it hnttarvidto split the
democratic tactlona in Now York city to Bt
serious an extent that peice cannot bo patched
up in yean to come. When the county democracy
mocracy , Irving Hall and clti/'tii' factions
nominated a i democratic ticket in op
position to Tammany a fortnight ngj It was at
nt tirst feaiml that Tammany would cut Cleveland -
land to a man , Such a step vvoull not only
have lost Covoland Now York county , hut
hopelessly swamped him in the utato. 13y
stronuom offorta the Albany Nation interested
Tammany , and secured proa Isci that Clov eland -
land should not bo deserted by tint organisa
tion. Ids pretty ciitain , however , tint not
to exceed 0 per cent of the Tammany men
will support the governor's ticket , They have
risked their all in this campaign , and mutt
cirryNow York city or else go down , wlnlo
-hdrmnb como into power. It moans the
listributlon of SUf.lOU.OOO in patronage to
Tam\nany. It is clnrgod openly by the
county demcciacy that
A DE.vt.
113 been made between John Kelly 'and the
republicans , by which torma ho is to deliver
30,000 votes in the city to Blaine for a llko
mmber of republlcia votes for Ills county
ticket. Tammany indignantly denies this
: hiuge > , but as the republicans put a weak
.icket In the Held it is berne out in , ian >
essential Ifoaturos. If Cleveland's majority
n Now York county falls below CO.OOO , the
charges of a deal will bo substantiated.
An eatimato of his majority in the county
) y the Tamnnny people to-night , places it
30,000 , In Kings county ( Brooklyn ) it is
irobablo Cleveland's majority will bo cut
down to 8,000. Suffolk , Queonsond Hichmond
will probably give him 3,000 each. This will
enable him to go to Harlem river with 10,000
nijouty. The democratic managers say that
10 will go there with 8"i,000. The remainder
of the etnto is certainly republican by 70,000.
I'hlB , in any event , would give the etate to
Blaine by over 20,103. These estimates are
3 ed without reference to the Butler or pro-
libitiou vole. The Butler strength is an un
cnown quantity in this state. It may urn
10,00. ' , and it miy go 80,000. Nino-tenths of
t , however , vv ill bo drawn from the demo
cratic ranlt > , The prohibition vote will h rt
the republicans to .v greater extent th in the
demorrato. It is expected to go 30,000 and
rlirea-fifths of it will omo from the ropub-
ican party. The "mugwump * element
among the New York republicans is very
hsht. Combined with the prohibitionists it
v ill not foot ui a total as great as that at-
iractcd from the demociats by Butler.
The AVer Id's Fair.
Ntvv OUIANS , November I. Col. Burke
iroctor general of the world's industrial e\-
loaition , announces that ns congress
neets on the day heretofore designated foi the
pening ceremonies and thiircfore the prosi-
cut and congressmen could not .then be
neaent. the formil opening will take place
December 10. Inhibits will bo received until
December 10 , with the understanding that
.hay must bo arranged in place by opening
Nnvv Om FANS , November 2. Director Oon-
ral Burke has completed a full reportof the
> regress of the preparations for the World's
Exposition. The main building has _ boon
omplpted and the exhibits are now arriving
or installations. The extension to the m i-
hinery hall , nn iron building , requires only
he eash and llooriug , making that hall now
about 1,0-18 feet in length. But little space
emains in thd machinery deiiai aient. The
lirectorgenoial notifies the stiti lOinmiseion-
rs that their rtxhibi'.s can como along at any
imo. The building will receive exhibits on
ho 10th of November. ! > erv state and ter-
itory is now estimated. Tno erection of
tables is piopresslnR rupidlj' , stables being
> rovided to ohovv 1OOU , horses , and suitable
tattle and horho birns and stock arena , half .t
nile from the track A Wisconsin dispatch
lays that Jay-Dye Sao and 1'hiHas will bo ox-
iibitoil. Ariangemouts are being made for
.he noted hordes. Tli9 stables aiol.hOOfeet
eng and live jtock exhibits aie the laigest
evnr known.
The Mexic in exhibits left the city of Mexico
) Uobor lilBt , via tha IMuxican Central rail-
oid and J/l 1'a o , Coinuii > sioiier.s from
'Vance , Mexico , Spain , Bro/il , 1'ortugal ,
Tapan , Honduras and Guitomula are hern and
arranging for the installation of their exhibits.
3urv o is arranging with Dia/ , who will bo in
augurated Decembci 1st , to adjourn the Mex
can congtoss ui thu 10th of December , and
also cx [ octs the Ameucan congress to adjourn
on the 12th tf December , eo tint the cxposi- '
ion will bo opened in tlio prntonco
if the presidents of the United
States , JkUxico , Central Aineiici ,
republic" , heads of ilepaitmentH and foreign
reprenont itivej. The action of the board of
ndiiagemcnt in d fernug the ojiemng until
President Arthur can inaugurate the oxposi
ion is warmly approved by the community.
Jis warm suppoitof the exposition is appre
ciated all over thu south and the management
declaitil it to ba a EOUICO of mteiipo disappoint.
nent to the pouplo if it opened without him.
The delay vv 11 enable the delinquents to pet
n position and avoid much of the confusion
ncidi'tit to the opening of the exposition ,
3urko reported to the management > eutorduy
hat if they would roof the park ovcri77 !
acres and give him sixty days the applicants
or spaca would fill it ,
si ITU i.vo niE iiouiiiio.v 1'jirss wirn CAM-
Special Telegram to THK BKK.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 1. If the readers of Tin :
! KK who occasionally glance at HOIIIO of its
democratic contemporaries , have recently
noticed evidences of unusual enterprise no
heir part In the publication of special dis-
ntcbeti , this will satisfy the natural curiosity
as to why and how they get them. They can
rest assured that they all como from the same
Kourco and that the organs which pub ish
hem pay nothing neither for the correspond
onU services or tbe telegraphic tolls. In a
vord , they arc prepared and the charges on
hem paid by the democratic national com-
mttee. In 1880 , that committed sent out tha
vloroy letter to marly dmnocratia paper in
the country and followed it up with kindred
natter from day today , though the membi ra
) f the committee know that it was a forgery ,
ftarnuin is pursuing the same tactics this year
and for the past week thesa j roparul mosnv
; < > have been going over tha wires , .hato Innt <
light ono of about two columns in length vvai
tent out presumably for use Monday morning ,
[ to nature lusnot been learned , but it is faire
, o presume that it is a campaign ho , intended
.o appear on the ov oof olectiun , too lito for
contradiction to have full i Ifect , in the
lope that It may brace up the almost hopelesj
iomocratlo tausf.
sot j'li A.MIOIU&I
iiiovi.viisr or AD. VMEBICA.V IO.MJIKI.IK
S , November 2 , The commis-
Ion aj > f < omted at the last .set-tion of congress
o viBit i evico and the counlnuj of Central
and iSculii America , in the iritmnt othu
commerce of the United Stales , exp ct to
favo New Yi J ; nn the 10th mst. for the City
if Mexico , 'flrnco they w ill go t .San JVan-
: iici. ulieru thu Ujginosx nun of that city will
m hoard on trade fc'i'th thn nouthern conutrio' ,
Iho coimnidHion will th.n co to
juat5iaaa ) , then'ca t San Salvador ,
thence to Honduras , thonfo to
Nicaragua , thence to ' la Kica , theiuo
across the Isthnuis of I'aiiam * to A otic/uela
thence to thp United States of Colombia
tlioiice to Kcuadtir , thence to Bolivia , Ten
.and Chili , thence to thoAmhsto Mrndoz.a
thrnco to ports in the AtrtniUne I'epubllc am' '
theueo homo by way of the Brazilian ports
In the tltlTarent couutrics itcd the busines- -
moll and govcrnmpnt ( diciuls vvil bo calloi
upon t" express tticir views tolativo to tlio im
provotnent of UMOvlth ! the United Stnto.
and the advlsabiH of adopting treaties imila
t" the late Mexican troity.
WAU. STHKKT , November 1. The 1'ourtl
National bank has issued a notice to iti cor
respondents stating that the rate of interos
on balances wou'd ' bo fixed at 2 per cent ot
SoOO and upward" , aftorUct , 3 1st , until better
rates for moiipy can bo obtained. Thu is a ro
ducticn of J per cent. Aluut twenty other
interest-paying btnKs nto cinlemplatiDg t
light rednc'tion , but are delnj ing dotinlto ncc
lion until af or the clearing hou e mooting
next Thursday , atUiLh it is proposed to net
ns body.
WAsiusaroN , November 1. Tha docnno
In tlio public debt diirinc October WM 5S,307-
1'JJ ' ; the docrc.asi since .luno 30 , S , I3.,8'.IO,37J.
Cash m the treasury , 8131,000,000 , ; gold oor
titicstos , S12 000,000 ; silver cx-rtilicates , § 131-
fw'itO ; cuitilicatss of depoiit , 5 < l",8"jLOO ,
funding certitieites , ? W."iUl)0 ) ; legal teudors ,
S.IIC.bM.Oll ; fractional currency , 87,09 SO
THE u. A , M.'S isi i TUU.NX.
Cute vco , November 2. It is loarntd this
evoului' tint the trains which the Burl-
mgtoii will put on to-morro v bntvvoon Chicago
and St. Louti will play ii'i important part in
the passongtir rate war to western paints. It that the Builitigton will make
the same rates between Chicago and bt. Linus
it its regular ticket omco asio made by bro
kers over the other lines. This moms a § 3.00
rate between Chiogo and St , hems ,
O.\KL\vi ) , , November -Alex B.
hooper , mining speculator , tiled a petition ol
nsolvency to-day , liabilitesltuOJ ! ! ; assets
uukovvn ,
THK u u > u.viu
NEW YOIIK , November 1. The Now York
Lake Drio it Western met the cut of the Now
York Central by reducing passenger rates to
Chicago to $13 CO. It is announced that the ,
brmer road will meet promptly any further ro
ductiou. The Wc t Shore olliciala say they
will maintain a differential rate , which allows
.hem to sell SI , 50 lower than the Central ,
They are now sclfing first-class tickets to Chicago
cage at $12 ,
Ticket brokers Bay they will soil bolovv the
sonipaiiy rates under any circumstances. The
West Shore says it will adhere to the policy
of meeting all cuts.
The Baltimore & Ohio advoitlsos a limited
express to run between Chicago and Wash-
Dgtou and Baltimore , the run to bo made in
wonty-fivo hours , leaving there at 5:10 : p. in.
daily. The company advertises that there
vill ho no exaction of additional charges for
.raveling on tins fast special. The first tram
eav es to morrow.
Tno Now York Central reduced first-class
msenger rate to Ohicagj to $ l.i 50. The
irokers aio selling at M3 The Went Shore
s expected to reduce to § 12.
Brokers siy that if tbo Central persists in
allowing other roads dilfercntial rates to Chi-
ago , tickets will bo down to "i before Mon-
lay. The Pennsylvania road has not reduced.
Special Telegram to TIIK BKK.
LONMION , November 2. The pandmg clcc
, ion in the United States commands a 1 irgo
legreo of attention in Kngland and Ins caused
omo very heavy betting. At first the odds
vere two to ono in favor of Blaino. Now they
luctuatod from that proportion to oven bets
Chore aio many oilers of double odds on Blaine
jut they find ready takois. Manyibats which
mv o been booked are on the chances of Blaino's
) luralitv in Now York state , being equal to
that of Garfield's in 1880. Tbo Tall Mall t ! a-
7etto says : 'Tho chances are apparently In fa
vor of Cleveland , but in view of tlio fact that
lie republicans have been so often beaten on
laper and BO invariably won at the polls it is
very nnsafo to predict the result. "
Special Tel gran to Tim Bitr.
LouisviLn , Ky. , November 2. Henry
Watterson has just returned from a political
lilgrimaga to New York. To a republican
a warm personal friend it is allowed that ho
aid : "When I wont to Now York and found
animals arch-bishops , bishops and piiests ,
ind all or nearly all the protnstant clergy ar-
ajed on the Miln of Blaine , I said Cleveland
was bnaten and I say so now. He has never i fn'r fighting chance of election since his
lumination , '
A Ij.iild I'ovvVov a ) IMiiidi-n ,
Special to Tun But ,
MINDI s' , Neb , , November 2. I ast night
'our Jim ' imported from Ayi , Hastings ,
luniata , Konueaw Hnrtwell , Axtell and llol-
hedge hvo cais Idled with Laird strikers.
lalf of thorn were bo\n from ton to hltoen
cars old. who followed yelling for halrd and
'Milk. 'I hey gathered in the opera house ,
vlifro thov listjiicd to the dirtiest and most
oul-mouthed npeech I over listened to. I do
lot think Laird o\or equaled it ; ho anne
above himself in filth. I do not think there
were over lifty resident voters in the meeting ,
i'hoio wpro quite a number of ladinu and
children present whoso cheeks tingled with
ho croit inouthsful of blasphemy th it poured
orth like l.vv.a from this honorable gentleman ?
I'ho only redeeming feature of tlio occamon
MIS the music by the Minilon cornet bind ,
We have now socn the bulldo/ers in all tlioir
[ lory. StlcKel was che-ored on the etreoth by
Iccont men , while many votes vveio made for
lim bv Laird , Vorril ,
Tlio Glnh ovv Dlsnsfr ,
The rann whoso cry of "Kiro" CAiised the
laulc in the Star Iho iter last evening has been
attested. Ho was drunk when t.o rilsed the
alarm. Persons in thu theater at the time
IcBCribo the bccno on the staircasn ns terrible.
Pho steps were strawn v1th rilibons , hats ,
sucks and shawls , and the victims were first
ulfocatud and then trampled upon. The
lanlc lasted fifteen minutes. It is a note-
vorthy fact that the authorities had dieap-
iroved o the moans of ox it and contemplated
constructing nn additional exit from the
gallery , The scorns witnessed when the
eUtivos Identified the dead weru most affect-
ug. Among the victims were eight females.
Thatpuia , swoit , safe , and effectlvo Ame Icai
mtlllatloa of Witch Hoz 1 , American I'mu , Canada
Ir Mirgjlil , ainlCljver Ulnosiiii , ca'kil ' Smldid'a
laillcal C'uro for Uiturh , with ono box C'atarrhul
olvent and die Sinfordrt Improved Inluttr , nil In
nnu jiarlojjc , innj nuwtu hiul of ill druft'ilV for
xi 00 , Anic for Siiionl ( H illuilUuio | Local ami Constitutional rVeatmunt for
ti.iv form of C'a nirfo , frnin aSini | > loCo'ilor Inlliuu
zj to JosBof Hintll , 'Ju to , and lloirlnx Uonstillron- ,
c'lltle nd UaUrrhal Ciuiuini tlcn , m u\c y jucl.-
Clergymen , Vocalists ,
Anil I'jlillo Kpcakv t v 1'hont nuinlitr one tliclr pr < B
nit u ( .fulin. i aria ajerua tohiiifurdu Itujl , tl Cure
in G'ltarrli ,
lluv lr Wik'KlnHcavF "Ono n | tlieli t rcuicillo
o' CuU rh iuthobctt nnisdy wo Imvo found In
a li'o thnei f HtitlciniK * haiifinlv ltadlc l Cuit
i. i li-nrd i liu hi ad uu throat m thoruiuhb/ that ,
. ' ca h morning "ii rul' „ ' , tlirru tro no ui ) > ins
nut mention * and i fi dlnia'rt.ealilu ha kln < ililrliit'
ho Liitlriiil > v , lint tn uii | > IMuJ cnttd c.Ii lna ! cf
v.i'ro ' an I re up aitnr t ori ana
b Id In alldriwifcil , t'rko $100
I'olici Drii aiKi Clii'inlcal Co , Kosion
htoinacli ami
hhootlnu I'lins tlirouli tie ) , oln and
Uck trj ill upa ier I'Jao.t1 uvcr thu pit ul thu
t 'ir.irli lhi > pro'ciit arid turu AKUtt 1'aloi1 , II llou ! <
, rIc | I.hcr Ijomiilnulu , J4 | I rt'kc' tbo uritcml
rPtnatlruwil ill * ' "c I
"Hu i and ' \Vhito" is ono of the latest
books published by Fords , Howard it
llulboit , of Now York , It is ably mit
ten by T. Thomas Fortune , editor of the
Now York Globe , and is nn interesting
ns well aa valuable treatise on land , labor
nnd politics in the south. In fact these
subjects nro handled in n novel nnd c\
cecdiugly argumentative manner whlcl
suggests u now line of thought t > the
northern mind. It is n little volume but
distlncjlyjf ] thoj u/ii/m /
nttontion of the reading public is ovl
doncod from the fact that it hnn nlroady
reached its second edition. The main
object of this work Is to show tint the
great eocinl problem of the south 13 the
same n3 in every other civilized c immu
nity. It alms to provo tint the future
conlltet in that section of the tinted
States will not ba radical or political in
character but between capital and hbir
largely in favor of non-productive wealth
because of the undue advantage gnon
the latter by the pernicious monopoly m
hnd which limits production nnd forces
population disastrously upon subsistence.
Air. Fortune endeavors to create a sym
pathy between the labor vlouionts of the
north and the same elements in the south
s > that in some favorable contingency an
unity of organization and action would re
sult. "Black and White" is for silo in
this city by John S. Oaulfiold.
' Evening Host" is the title of ono of
the latest additions to the Young Folks
Library , and it is well worthy to hold a
place ninong the volumes which hav o so
far maOo this eoriospf publications BO de
sirable nnd interesting. The author. J.
L. Prott , tolla the story of n trip from
Boston to pass n vacation with his uncle
In the Blue lltdgo rccion of Ponnsylv nia
and what occurred there na if ho were the
actual participant , and ho does it in n
charming manner , The scenes are depicted
pictod with charming truthfulness , the
few characters that take part in the story
como upon the stage just nt the proper
time , nnd remain just long enough to be
Interesting. Nothing is overdrawn or
itrainod , but the thread of the narrative
is ns enticing in its homelike simplicity
as the smooth-flowing language rrovou
around it. "Evening llest" . is an inter
esting as well as instructive little volume ,
and vrould bn valuable in the hands of
any youth. The publishers are D. Lo-
throp it Co , of Boston.
"Old Caravan Days. " Mary Hartwoll
Oathorvvood has certainly added to her
reputation ns a loader in the clear honoy-
onod light writings of the day by her last
look named above. It treats of the snil-
ng of the "prairio schooners" forty yeara
ago when the boundary of its ocean was
very far to the east of hero. How inter-
eating for these in the west who are BO
amihnr with the "moving-wagon" of the
irosont perhaps by personal experience
o read a richly worded nnd smooth llovv-
ng tale of the way the old folks migrated
rom place to place in the days ngono ?
The characters in "Old Caravan Days"aro
rioasantly drawn and any ono who lias
ivod In the "older oast" will have but
ittlo dlfliculty in finding nn acquaintance
among them. The book is replete with
numerous illustratioiiH which are very
aptly drawn and ada undeniable interest
to the reading especially when in the
: ianda of the young. The "Old Caravan
Daya" is published by Latlirop & Com
pany , Boston , which is sufliciont gnaron-
: eo of Us attractive , mechanical arrange
ment and appearance.
' 'How they wont to Europe , " is the
latoat production of Margaret Sidnoy'a
irolilic pen and it is one of her most
sparkling little stories. Its aim is to
show how the household caif Ko kept
cheery nnd to aid its members to keep
, heir thought on n future of ouushlno.
' 'rom the lirat to the concluding pages of
.his little volume there is never a lack of
ntorcst and what is so often wanting in
ho light literature of the day wo find
loreiu sensible instructions of how one
lousohold in n community can assist its
loighborri in making the walk of hfo pass
.hrough rosy realms instead of being
encircled with thorns. In fact it toadies
is that toara have nn abnormal ixiatonco
n the majority of cascu in this world nnd
.hat . most people can on all candor wear
n ainilo if they wish. "Dow they went
to Eur'/po" is published in the boat style
of the well known house of D. Lithrop
t Co. , of Boston , and deserves to bo
voll rccaivtd by the reading public.
"Elsie at Nantuckot" is the latest of
ilartha Finloy'u tales of Elsie Dmomoro ,
and it-is ono of the most entertaining of
ho Borioa. Wo have yet to see either in
correspondence or book form or to hoar
rotn the lips a bettor description of N n-
ucket island during the heated term
, han that given in the w rk before ua.
! t is written in Martha Fuiloy's beat
ntylo , which is sullicient guarantee of its
worth to all tliojo who have over had the
ileasuro of rending any of her books.
"Elsie at Nantueket1' bring back the
summer pleasures of many most vividly
to mind during the winter evenings. It
A adorned with many truthful illustra-
: ions , and deserves n prominent place in
, lie homo library , as it is certainly calcu-
ated in every way to give pleasure to the
inmo circles This book is published by
Djdd , Mead it Co. , of Now York , nnd m
'or sale in tliia city by J. S. Oaullicld.
"Tho Viking Bodloys , " by Horace
Scuddor , author of the Bodley books , is
ono of Ilonghton , Mufilin & Co.'o latest
publications. No volume hi.8 boon
jlTered to the reading public during the
irosont season which is inoro attractive
in its general make-up whether wo con
sider the elegant binding , desirable typo
graphical work or numerous charming
llustrations. This well known No IT
York house has fairly outdone thorn-
solves In this little volume and were its
contents of only ordinary worth wo
vrould bo tempted to peruse the pages.
The author , Mr. Scuddor , has
constructed a homely historical story that
s well worthy to bo preserved in elegant
attire. Ho gives us an interest trip from
Hull , England , through Sweden nndNor-
way and describes men and places and
; ells of associated events which m dry
tistorical diction wo would fall to notice ,
jut under the niiignatisin of his pen become -
como pregnant with interest and instruo-
: ion , "Tho Viking Bodloys" ia for ualo
> y \V , T. Seaman , in this city , and for
pernonal reading or u present its claims
are not surpassed by these of any of the
10 ff nnd light literaiy works of the day.
roil WIHHl MIAIjhVK \OTi ; ?
MI.M.L we HKI.VK nun nuiii.iiM' ' of. IIIK
fo the Kdilor of THK ! ! KK.
FHKMOM , November 2 , The people within
.wi nly miles of tin HiibrjldUed hind and grant
railroad homo paid SU.fiO per aero fur IL'.hOO
ncrer , for ovcry ir ilo of inch ruilroad. Thn
oxceijs per acre over laridii outbids of the t&\\- \ \
road llinllh bellij & 1.'J5 per aero on ul ! eaid
ainoiiut , which e < | tus ! lli,000 per nuln of rall-
to 1)10 ) lr itod iS'at'c , t'lorobj' paying for
that Amount to the government , which pave
miiount , 12S,010 acres to such railroad' , after
InkltiR it thin from the teltlerc.
Till * land told by the raihoaiN nettc 1 tin in
not U n thnn S 1,00 per aero , pquil tn > 1 add
pir inilft , which would doubly Imlld and CM" ' ! '
any ono of ald railroad' . The Rift nf thn
people alonR their linetj and takim ftotn the
jiubllc liiuU the hpritaROof thfir dnldron.
Ought not thn hot nongh to satisfy tlie cor-
poratioiic !
It H lint , The people loin them bmild of
the United Slaloi rcpul to Irom $1,0 ( 0 to
SI ,000 , RO d for out in any money market.
pM mile ; thin Riving Mich railroad d mlilc
th < ir co < t aid tha money to build thorn at 0
percent mtorntt. Not avnn the 1ms bron
fully and fairly pud. Thrurvlltovl utock
holtlcH vv are not rich cr pitpHilmmtil nudoKo
by eoiiereislniial n tlon , Are jour candidate *
in the Tint , See nil and Third congi vMiotut
distueti frlondi to such a * fare nuuiptloinly
i verj-da\ Iho vvoalth thui wtiMichcd from
you mdvnir wivoi and chllilrou C m ldor
well before > ou vote on November I.
Una jour candidate for cmigreM nlnaja
livol upon his own Labors in an lionor.vbli pro
fp < mlnn by Imlmtrv and Inbnt * Or has he
lived by a MInc corporation''to puiw rich
from iprclal franchUo1 And from the uuuiej s
of jour tovvin , cltien cimntlei , state or I nitod
States taken by UxiUum and placed on deposit
posit hi banks to bo loaned on chattlo incut
gape * , iKindi , mortzagei and notoi to tin' vorv
pouplo from whom U has bsen illeetinl n <
tn\oH , dcpoiltcd without Intercut , huuod at
exoroitint Interest He c ireful \ourbal- -
lota , that you do not RIVO thorn to elect con-
Minmi who have thin well learned to hvo
at your expense.
Vote foi moil who will dealtny the power
to r.ib you Rtid j'our wivoi aud children.
You vvaut nuti-miuiopoly cttnijrriiinpn , who
will not only icfjuhto but reduce the ral * of
freight and passage on your railroads which
jou have doubly pdd for. You vv ant congress
men and members of the IcKUlatnii ) who will
lower interest and to ono togular , 'No special
ratss , " as required by vour nlat3 cointilution.
Wheat , cum , ami ether farm products can
lia trauapurle 1 at a profit from any part of
Nebraska tn Chicago for from tan to eleven
cents per huihel , and to the soabiird for twenty
ccnt . You pij' ulghtoon to tvvonty-tv\o conU
to Chicago and thirty-six tj fortv cants la the
sea ojrd. or nenily tiouhlo what H rcipmltoto
| iay fair dividends on the actuil cosla of rail
roads , "Paid by you. "
mil that when j-ou soil 1000 buihols of gram ,
it Is hold loss the freight , twenty conti per
bushel , or ten cents per bushel lens than you
ought to nell e.ach bushel , or ? 100 IOIH than
jou should soil 1000. This eamo excessive
charge is only greater on all wo produce and
nlnp of ov cry kind of produce , and on all the
machinery and merchandise vvliuhvvo btj' .
When you vote to support and elect n man
wholivoa by aKsIsliiig' corporalionn , you vote
'or him who is in nil ins habits and business
nte'resta in favor of thus robbing you of your
lonest earnings nnd iiiipoveiishing jour lam-
ly , "Ilo careful of yom ballots. "
G. 1C. N.
Spe'cial telegram to TIIK UKK.
iMUANAi'Oi IB , November'A The campaign
n Indiana has closed. The Indication1 ! are
regarded as jmrticulaily favoiftblo to lopubli-
cnn success. A thirtj' day poll Bhovvs the pin-
ality over the democrats at nearly 11,000
vIth the pieenback vote at about 7COO and
hu prohibition vote nt 2 500. Tlio dumocritR ,
on tlio othei hand , claim that their poll nu
ll ren them of .a plurality of about 8,000.
UimilH ) Al 1IDAVI1S Ol' HIS IlljlKKVIVIl M
AMI NiaiiarTOV\Aiii ) ins vvil K AMI LIIILD.
Special Tolegian to TlIK UKI .
CHICAGO. November 1 ! . A tranreriptof the
locreo of divorce , obtained from , lom ) St.
lohu hv his wife , Mary ilnno , for de-Heition , ia
mblished here nnd with it nro publlehod
illid.vvitHof .1 , II , IJrowor , stepfather of the
iesorted woman , and of hin wife , Margaret
I5rovver , as-uiting that fct. .John ill treated
lia wife , deported her and her uiilurn child ,
md never contributed to tliOHiipportof either ,
na you want them , by the dish nnd can ,
n bulk , by the pint , quart and gallon ,
at retail and wholopaln , nt
nol-it Cor. IGth nnd Capitol nvo.
.lust Hol'oii' Iho Itatltr , niotlu'r.
The following spoclal diapatcbfH to the
Cansas City TimcH from loading Now Y"orlc ,
'hiladelphia aud St. I < ouia ditors will bo
ead with interest :
Tlio Now VoiU "WorlM.tJ
Nl-vv YOIIK , November 1. New York , Now
Tersey and Coniucticiit aroKafoanil Cleveland
vill ba elected. The next lioitao will bo dem
ocratic , Mire. .losicill 1'uill/
Tlic I'lnladi'lplila
1'illiAiiKiilliv , I'u. , November 1-lVnn-
ylvnma will vote for Hlalna by Oarheld'u
n jorily. Now York SOOIIIH auro foi Chivo-
and. New JMHOJ' m hardly doubtful , and
jonnocticut in ( pnto ns likely to vote for
jlovehml aa forlilaliio. I think that Blaine
nbeuteu , All.K. . MtClUlll.
Iiuliiiiuipolis / Scnl lin-1.
ISDI VNVI'OIH. November I. It IH my
udgmont that the < lomoci itic national and
Htatu ticket will carry this Htito next Tueu-
lay. .Ions C , SIIOIIMAKI it ,
Tlio Now Yoik Tribiino.
NKVV A'ouu , November 1. In the bo't judg
nont the Tribimo can loach from a thorough
md impartial canvass , iho Htnto of Now Yoik
s Hiiro to 1:0 doclih illy republican , thn country
ly a largiu vet than usual , Now Yoik city
iy a much tunnll ? r dnmocrntic vote than umial ,
and liionklyn poei-ibly a llttlu larger dc-mo-
crutic vote thin umml.
WIUIKI\W linn.
it. TjoniH Cilobs-Domocrat.
or. I.OIIH , 3Mo. . November 1 , My vlnw of
, liG result next TniMdny ! r < the dome
cratH nro twenty j .arn ahead of time in trying
, D elect a preHiuViit. Willi putiencn and good
> ehavlor they may malco it in 1'.HI , though
1 IIDLO not. The war IH not ovcryot. Bui
ISutlei has n butter chances of being made
irchangel when ho dies than Crover ! Cleveland
land has of being elected pitslknl next
Tuosdny. Now York is the only noitliern
state In which Clnvoliind IIIIH a show , and 1
don't think ho IIIIH much of a show than * ,
The republicans will carry Indiana , Now
Jersey and Connecticut. You had hi tier
look out for Nick 1'ord. If ho doesn't heat
tlio hourhonn ho will frighten tlum badly. 1
should not ho hurprined to eco him elected.
Missouri In tirndof the confi deracy and the
JtunoH bcij'H. Don't burn this letter , hut panto
It In your hat , for rcforenco , wlimi the lotnrns
como in. > l. Ii. McCui l.Adil.
Iho Greatest jaedjcaTTrlu h of the Ago !
Io Horiil > p tllUi liiivveUruillVK , 1'iiln In
Iliu lii'iid , tvltli 11 dull ncii ntlun In Iho
liuck purr , I'nlii mnlcr tln > uliouldi-r-
tiliuli ) , Jfiilliicnn iifiLTriilliiirvlU iKlln-
liielliiiillnn to oxnrllonof Iiudy or mind ,
Irrltulil Illy of lumper , l.ovviipiilUi trltb
11 focllniiofluivlnir iiruli'clrd onin duty ,
Wcnrliu , J l//lniim , Vlullcrlnir unlio
JIdirl , llotH lieforollii ) cyun , llnulucLo
iivnr HID rlulit uye , JtrNtlominuRii , vvllli
Illful ilKiiniM , Illulilytoloriul Urine , und
TTTT'H VHIH nrooBpcclally adapted
to Biich casoo , 0110 doHO oirectH Btich n
clmnKiioffciiliiiitoiistonUhtnoBUiruror (
I In y Iiirrenke tim A mitt lie , anil tauau the
body In 'J'ulio u I'll H | . limn tlio nvHiiu I
iioiirliiliril.nriil liylliLlrToiiln Aiilun on
1'rl ntlBo. I I fltiiriuyM..IV.V.
„ „ . .
liltxy JlAlll or UilisKriis < ilmii cl ( t" a
OW > SHV Jii AWC by a Ui > Kl" upiilJcutloii i
thli DTI : . II luipurti ) u mitiiraf ( olor , net *
iiibtantuiiPotiMly. holil by DniBKlBls , ' "
tent by tziireHson n i ulptof 31.
/Yloo,44 Murray St , Mow YorJi.
Visitors to the city nnil nil others in need ct' Men's , Boys1 ami
House in tlio city and examine their goods and prices. They carry the
largest stockaud sell lower Hum any ether house m the city.
Don't forget to call at
1210 lain
Are the Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest in Si/e and Lightest in
With no Httv I'rccBscn ol any kind can the amount otvvnrk itroiluwi at such llttlo expense , ( ten IOIIH ot ha\
anil ovorti , load railroad box tar , ) an ran l > o done with the IMol linjinuccl MnclilnoiVnrrronttclcrno
ealo For llhutrat ,1 now circular adilrcua , Oij. EHTEL& CO . IJulncj , Illlrcl- .
Mentlcn Oiiialm lloo. n Hum HttalilUliod In 1808.
1206 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb ,
.11 Line oi Just In !
Come early and get a selection from the most complotu and elegant stock of woolona wo
nave evorBhown- Lot im make yon a i ice , fined overcoat , line through with the heaviest
ilk , or a init of clothea unexcelled anywhere a good fit , well made and of fine material , a
v pair of iron oM Trousers , which will keep their nlmpo and wear till you tire of them ,
Wo uro propnrorJ tooffj. > omoRnro Burenlns. Inspection Invited
iiiwtut Hicham
JHOlsmi Of rAliHYfil H"Y AKD UOMU'IIOK .
Ali 31' , U3 tVntn tlrtuV , lit vmn I'ltrnant and lUr
nHj.ulll with Iho ftl'l ' el fiiarJli.n HlilU | , obUlulni |
t * > nunu Uiii-o In tlio ) .ti t tin ) fruHuit , uuil ou
i tUlnmuilj I-IHM lu thu 'iiturx , ll-iot * * nl xtuo
in I'D ocidu I'tilttt tallikcilci