Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1884, Page 4, Image 4
TTIE OMAHA DAILY BKE MONDAY NOVEMBER 3 , 1884. THE DAILY BE Oiufthn. Olllco , No. IHO Karimm B Council lun > onioo , No 1 lcn Htrcct , Near roft lwy. New Vork Offlco , Itootu 06 Trlb. . BnlliUng. | mblhhod every irntnlnR , except Sunday' enl ) Monday morning dally. ISMS rr MAIL. Oni Teat 810.00 I Three Uonthi I IliUoiuni t.OO One Month Vet Week , 25 OouU. Ttni wnstUT m , ruKLUnio BV T , WJDKMBAI TMKS rOSn-Att ) . BtTcat n.001 Three Months ( UMonthi. l.MOnoltonUi. | CORRIUrtKDIISCI. A i OomrnnnleMlons relating lo Ncwi and Edlti niters should bo ddre cd to the Eurroa or ton. 1CTUSKSS rjrniBS AHBirlnr 9 Letters and Remittance ] ehonli tdir M < dlaTniiD PoMHm-to Coxrisy , nMJ Drill * , Checks end PostoflSco orders to bo made | able to tie order cl tbe company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PRO ! K. HOSHAVATHIl , Kdllor. A. K. Fitch , Mutineer Dally Circulation 0. Box.IS8 Oniftha. Neb. VOTE for the § 50,000 paving bonds. Tun vote of Nebraska will bo ab ( nr , ooo. Is whom do you put your truall n Colonel Smytho. DON'T forgot o vote against the rs road commissioner amendment. VOTE for the $50,000 paving bone Public improvements arc what make t city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .loiiN M. THUU.STON and his coon sto have boon "called back. " They ci now take a rest. THE editor of the JixccMor Is nnxio to know what a mugwump is. Lot hi look in a mirror and ho will find out. A CONOUESSMAN who has not boon bis scat two-thirds of the time ought bo retired. That man In. ) im Laird. THE candidates for vice president ha' boon particularly fortunate in tbis can paign in escaping sbnndal. Xot ono thorn has over had a woman jcrapo on li hands. THE people of Omaha have soon tl bonofita of public improvements , nt they will no doubt vote for the § 50,0 ( additional paving bonds to pay for woi to ba done next year. was hanging oronnd the Was ] ington bar-rooms ni ht and day , an then ho wants the people of the Sccor district to believe that ho waa nbsoi from the house on official business. Von : for William G. Whitmoro for tl legislature. IIo is a ouooessful farmo and intelligent and honest man , and hi had legislative experience iu Moasachi settj. No bettor man can bo elected ' the leg islaturo from this county. DON'T forgot to vote for the propoi tion to allow the board of education expend § 45,000 , of its own fanda , for tl erection of tvo now school houses nr the Durchaso of school house sitoa. AV need additional accommodationa for 01 increasing school population , WILL the 10,000 republicans in tl Socoad district , who entered their pr < test through the ballot box two yea ago against the gravel train and saloo bumtnor candidate , allow themselves 1 bo whipped in by the political bulldoze : this year , and vote to disfranchise tin district for another term of congress ? THEIIK have boon parades of all kim during this campaign , but the Bolva Loci wood procession at Marnhalltown on Ft day night last is entitled to the first priz Two hundred men drcsaod In the muc abused "Mother Hubbard" garment an ladies' haw paraded the streets with brass baud * a drum corps , and numoroi transparencies. Du. jMiLLEii is needlessly alarmed evan < an unfounded rumor that the troops ni to bo called out at Fort Omaha to charg upon the varioua ballot boxes In this cit on election day. Without paying an attention to the opinion of Aaaistar United States Attorney Bartlett and th adjutant general of the department t the 1'latto , it is only necessary to refer t the constitution of Nebraska , which aaj that no soldier in the regular army hn the right to voto. If any soldier doc vote ho is subject to criminal prosocutio just the some as any other illegal votoi l to the Chicago Times. COUNCIL BI.UKKH , October Hl.-Govcrnc EhermMi lias ordered the Mierlir hero to ni point forty deputies for encli of four wards c the city , with authority to arrest nil police men interfering at the polls. Tlio mayor i responsible for the peace of the city , and nc thn governor , ndtho Buerilf and lilt men wi not be allowed to Interfere with the police. It is evident that Oouncll BIulTi wlllb the scene of a terrible conflict on oloctio day between the sheriff and his army c deputies and Major-General Vaugha and hia hostr. Hero is an excellent or. portunlty for the gallant mayor to ami his authority and maintain his dignity If blood dooen't flow , beer will. A rnoi'osmoN will bo submitted to th people on next Tuesday to rant franchise to the Omaha cable railwa company. The partloj interested iti thi enterprise are nearly all Omaha men o wealth , and moan business. If grantot a franchise they propose to begin worl on the cr.bJo railway at an early day. In atead of asking the city council to gran therm a franchise , they have resolved t < aik tbo people , which they are allowed tide do under the law. The cable railway i a public Improvement that will call fo ; the expenditure of a great deal of money and the people will undoubtedly vote foi he franohite. 11EDHKM NKBUASKA. The republicans of Nebraska who not ma'xo a living out of politics are c fronted with B grave problem. They liovo in the cardinal principles of the publican early , mid nro not yet rcadj hand over the nflairn of the nation to domocralic parly. They know that change merely for the snko of a chai amounts to nothing. But when pa leaders urge them to vote nn unscratcl ticket from president down to coui commissioner because tin's is a preside inl year , they very properly hosiln They are ready to c thcif votes for Blalno n Login , but they are not prepared have Ncbratka roprcscnlcd in congr by unprincipled railroad capp nominated in packed conventions ngai the known wishes of the party. They i not rcndy for the sake of their party re-elect moti to congress who havoaho a reckless disregard for t material wclfnro of the produce Can they conscientiously vote for the : publican state ticket when they km that the convention was under the cc trol of John M. Thurston , the polilii boss of the Union Pacific , and Captt Phillips , the political boss of the Bi lington & Misssuri ? Can they vole I Ed. Iloggon for nocrotary of state wh they know that ho was an active associn of Qlcn Kendall in the school land ro borioa ? Can they support Win. Lcoso f Utornoy general when they know that 1 was nominated by fraud when tin know that Frank Hansom , a very cot Detent man , was counted out bocnuso 1 s a pronounced nnti monopolist at rlond ofSonator VauWyck while Locso i bricflosa lawyer who never had a cai > oforo the supreme court. Js it not tl ) lain duly of honest republicans tor mdiato such candidatcsandby administo ng the physic of defeat to teach the rai oad bosses and dishonest loadora thi hey cannot foist rascals and imbocili ipon Nebraska because this is ( residential year. Why should the 'oto for crooks and monopolists on a ; ount of Blaine and Logan ? Why ahoul hey hand over the state government 1 hiovoa and imbeciles for two yea ; ongor ? Why should they send any ma o congress who is owned by the railroac ml in collusion with land-grabbora ? Th icxt congress will have nothing to d riththoprosidontlaHssuoand very little nything with politics. The next congrei rill bo a legislating congress and Nobrask ughtto have thrco members in thi iody who are loyal to the interests of tli ooplo. Our state house should bo cloa d of crooks and jobbers. The thiovi hould bo impeached or ii iicted and prosecuted , and the echo inds leased by fraud should bo rrcovort ! iy action in the courts. Can this I , ono by electing cadidotos who are tl lolitlcal creatures of the railroad bossi nd jobbers ? But what about Dawcs and Mortoi ho ono a man of straw who did nt enow enough to protect the people fro ; no organized gang of thieving specul ; ors , and the other a notorious monop ist of more than ordinary ability ? B ween thcso two it is Hobson's choic , nd ouch voter must decide for himso rhothor ho will scratch or swallow tl : loso. loso.Don't Don't forgot the legislature. Dcfoi very candidate who has a bad record , i rhom you know to bo wavering In h onvictions about the necessity of railroa ugislation. Don't lot Nebraska rcmoi ndor the heel of the monopolies for tl : .oxt two years. OMAHA AND LINCOLN. What has Charley Brown from Omahi .ow . running for congress , over done fc janaistor county that the people slioul upport him ? Every time ho wn out up here to the legislature ho trio irst and last to remove the capitol , t ill the appropriation bill for the noi rings to the capitol , to do anything an vorytlung against Lincoln and Lancas or county in his power. Thcso ar ilmn , unmistakable facia and cannot b leniod , neither by him nor the party h olongs to. * * * * * Vhoin does ho expect to work foi Us dear old "OmahogB , " where ho ha 3on taught and learned to kill Lincoli very chance ho sees fit. Yes , of course o nays , "I have to do as my constituent ill mo. " Yes , poor Brown wants ou oto in Lancaster county , and ho will go "in hia mind. " The wholi > uth of the Platte is up ti iiat scheme und rnckot , and when tin atos are all counted Brown will find ou lat ho has to stay in the "Omaha con ross' instead of the congress of the Uni id States. Wo don't want him , Wi 0 not want a man that works only for tin ty of Omaho.which ho haa always ahowi horover they send him. While wo al now ho can never got a republican vet , 1 Lancaster county , two-thirds of tin amocrata declare themselves ai-alns im. Now , brethren south of hero , aland bi leaver first and last for our success on ! atiro welfare south of the Platte am 10 state of Nebraska. Mnartn Jour 1. 1.Why Why do the friends of Mr. Weaver ap eal to aooUonal and local prcjudio nd aeek to array the poopli ) uth of the PJatto and cltl jus o .Incoln . against Charles H. Brown las Congressman Weaver no other clain pen the support of the people of thi outh Platte country than their sootiona valry and the groundless jealousj jainst Omaha which has boon fostoroc | r her enemies over since the firs ittlors struck this locality ! Is Oharlei . Browa to bo slaughtered by his polili > 1 frlonds aouth of the Platte bocaino hi /cs in Omaha I Is ho to bo sacrificed t ( 10 bitter and vindictive prejudice whicl 10 Lincoln .fatirnttl has for years aoughi instil in the minds of the people at tin ate capital ? Is Mr. Brown to bo pun lied for his fidelity to his conutituonli id his fearless dofomo of the tax-payer Nebraska in opposing the aohomes ol under and robbery upon which tin incoln rings have thrived and grown t ? It ii not true that Oharles II. Brown tried first and last at every li latrjro to remove the capital from coin. His record in the state BO shows that ho voted liberal appro ] lions lo the state institutions only sought to cut down festim which ho know to bo oxtr.ivag It is true , however , that Mr. Br has Ktcadily and at nil times opposed penitentiary ring nnd nought to pro' the outrages , not only upon the citl : of Omaha , but upon the whole st whereby a tax of from $125 to $1 day is levied to enrich the ponitanl conlractor. It is true Mr. Brown posed the importation , into Nebraska the convict murdorora and dcsporadoc Wyoming , who wore for years kept in Nobmlca penitentiary , and finally cured the passage of the act ] hibiting the further Importa of such Workmen for I Stout to the detriment of honest labo with whom they compote. If then anything wrong in that Mr , Charles Brown is willing to take the responsil ty. Mr. Brown did oppose the caj job , first , last , nnd all the time , and i not to hia discredit that ho did Everybody in Lincoln knows that support of many members to the cap bill was procured by bribery and corr Lion , and no honorable man co 50 on the record smircl with the suspicion of bnlng bought up I udgo Weaver is deserving of a re-el .Ion why do his frionda and support look to bulldozes the democrats of Line ind tbo South PJatta country , by thrc itid intimidation Instead of appealing opublicans and good citiV.ons of all f lea to support him because ho ia wort ! lonost and competent ? Omaha haa no r y with the city of Lincoln , either at ommorcial , manufacturing or polit ! enter. Llnclon merchants and inanul uors do not compote with us , nor ro have any fear of be lutslrippod in the race for common upromacy. Wo never have had a st flicor since Nebraska became a atato ho union , and wo have not had a c < ; rcssman since 18"U. when the term ilr. John TafTo expired. A\odonot i loct political advantages from A Jrown'o election , nor do wo expect tl 10 would slight any other section 1 auso ho KVCB in Omaha. If Lincoln ound to poison the minds of the Sou 'latto country against us , aha may soi ay discover thatjsuch warfare does i ay. THE DISTRICT ATTORNEYS ! ! ! ! The situalion regarding the distr ttornoyship has assumed such form tl 'HE BEK can no longer take a neutral ilcnt stand. Upon the tonomination of Par Sodwin , wo were not only friendly d ioacd toward him , but were inclined upport him. The position taken iim , in urging for trial certain crimil asos , which wo j regarded as of vital i lortinco to the tuturo welfare and go [ ovornmont of the city , entitled him ti legroo of credit , which wo choorfu iccorded him. The endeavor , however , to dischaj lia duty in a particular case , or in a ci ain class of cases , can not outweigh t orious charges which are made ogaii .im . , and which are not only sustained ho judicial findings of the court , but a radically admitted to bo truo. THE BEE , consistent with its w nown policy , cannot support any m : nown to bo corrupt , or shown to bo d onost. The facts regarding Mr. Godwin , ni rhich are practically undenied , show hi D have boon guilty of converting to 1 wn use a largo sum of money collect s the administrator of an estate , and sing money collected by him as an i ) rney. For such conduct wo have fi uently demanded the disbarment thor mombora of the legal profeasio nd wo can not now , in this case , pursi : iy other course. The conduct of Mr. Godwin iu usiti Imiuistratlon money , in payment of h flrn personal expenditures , nnd wit ! aiding the same from the legal clalr its , who wore poor people and great i need of what was coming to them holly unjustifiable and without palli on or excuse. A largo number of otln mrgca are made against Mr. Godwii id strongly sustained which show hi i bo without that eonso of moral righ liich required of every man that 1 lould pay his just and admitted debt lie case of Mra. Hill , who for mai mra in this city has tolled early ar to , keeping boarders , IB ono thi lould have strongly appealed to h use of justice and long before th lould have demanded at hia ham mo recognition other than it hi colyod. After running up a boat 11 with Mrs. Hill lo the amount < tout 5500.00 , putting off payment froi no to time , ho finally refused to pi iy portion of the claim. Mra. Hill wi ion obliged to employ on attorney I 10 the claim , whereupon Mr. Godwi oadod the statute of limitations , whicl such n case , was an unjustifiable a < i his past. Ilia pica wi 'orrulod. Judgment was ontorc ; ainst him for over ? COO.OO and no ithst ng elocutions have iasuei id third parties boon garnisheed , in 10 dollar has Mrs , II 111 been ably to r < izo to this day. Wo find no fault with a man who b ason of poverty is unable to pay a dub it no auch excuse can boollerod by Mi adwin. Ho la a single man , has bee tting a good aalary , and ought at leaf have shown a disposition to do aonu ing toward reducing the cUim of hi iidlody , who ao generously"had m in the past. TUB apito work of the Fourth war < jistrar , Capt. J. S. Woods , was showi his deliberate violation ol the law which requires him to publish the re tration list four daya before election aomo paper dcoignaled by the city co ell. It waa the duty Of Captain Wo to ascertain what pnpcr had been so i Ignatod. As a mailer of fact Capt Woods was duly notified under an ot passed by the city council some 1 months ego whereby THI ; Br.n was dpi natod as the paper in which all elli advertising is to bo done at the ratci forcd by the publinhers in their bid printing in July last. Cnptain Wo know this as well aa any other roglsti Ho published hia notice to voters in 1 BEK together \vlth the others , but turned around und had the list of vet in the Fourth ward published in the J blican paper that docs not roach ( voter in the Fourth ward where Tun I reaches five. The acceptance of the c ditions impoaod by Iho cily council in resolution ordering the cily printing bo done in Tin : BEE was baaed upon i receiving nil the advertising fiat the c has to do during the period covered that resolution. Our rate for rogist tion lists is four and a half cents a li ; whereas the legal rate la ten centa ] lino. The rcdnclion on our part t conditioned upon the publication of the liata. Captain Woods having v latod the law , wo print the Fourth we list the same as if it had boon handed to this paper. Captain Woods can ni pay iho Jtcpublican tor hia illegal put cation. Mu. HAHIIY CtAUK.who is running i float senator from Douglns nnd Bar ; counties , is a bright , active and indi trious youngman.andif ho did not lack t legislative experience which every cam date for the state senate ought to ha wo should cheerfully recommend , him b Mr. Clark instead of first going throuj ono term of the house , tries to climb the top of the ladder at ono leap , and \ fear therefore ho la not the equal of M Ferguson who haa been in the aona several terms and haa made a fair rocor Much aa wo would like to endorse M Clark wo fool that it would bo wrong give him preference over a man of know Integrity and oxporionco. Mr. Clark young enough to wait. IT now turnn out that the oxtortiona assessment upon the republican cand dates was made to pay for Govorm Dawes' school land explanation in aboi two hundred papers. Most of these p : pora wore furnished with Dawoa' suppl mont by the Omaha Itcpublican , an this explains why Caspar E. Yout , chai man of the republican atato central con mittce , was ao anxious for a heavy a BCEsmont. A heavy draft has also bee made on the stationery department < the Jicjntblican. Pencils , paper , ink ei velopes , pens , blolting paper , otc , ha\ been sent to all the republican ceutn committees in the varioua counlics an precincls , upon the order of the sta : central committee. The campaign ce lainly has proved a big bonanza for tl Omaha Itcpublican , but Its proprloto have made the poorest fight for tl regulars that was over known In N braska. It can bo truthfully said , hoi over , that under the circumstances UK have done aa well na could have bee Dxpected , for no weaker ticket was ovi put into the Cold. It has simply been iofenaivo campaign from beginniug' ' and. Stickle , who is running again Laird in the Ud congressional diatric jarned his honored title in the rob irmy. Ho makes a strong point again Laird that ho voted to reinstate Fi lohn Porter , but neglects to say how r would have voted. Vote the atraigl republican ticket. JVaucc County Jutt ; irtl. This is a sample brick of the villninoi ics that have been fabricated in th sampaign by so-called republican papoi .hat are a disgrace to the party. Captai Stickle served for three years in tb Phird Wisconsin regiment , and was i oyal and gallant a soldier aa over stoi > od in shoo leather. Everybody wh Iocs not dance lo the music of the rai oad bojsoa ia n robol. THE Lincoln Journal printa a list c Candidates for the legislature , and marko horn either as democrats or republican ! t fails lo recognize the fact that ther , ro anil-monopolists in Nebraska. Fc natnncc , Mr. E. C. Calkins , of Bnfial ounty , has never boon a democrat , bu s n republican and an nnti raonopolisl ) avid Butler ia marked as a democrat mt ho doea not claim to bo a democrat 3. J. Ryan , of Fillmore , la marked aa lomocrat , but ho Is really a republican Ir. ArmitagOjOf Adams county , allhoug mt down as a democrat , ia an anti nonopolist and republican. The sam i true ot the houso. According to th rouriiil there is not a single anti lonopolist running for the lower house WHILE wo have nothing to say agains lost of the candidates of the so-calloi rorkingmen'a ticket , wo do say that th iokot was gotten up by a gang of politi al blackmailers , who blood caadidalea o 11 parlios at every election. The hones rorkingmon of Omaha take no atock ii uch aoll-outj , and their only safety is ii otlng the anil-monopoly ticket. If anj andidato on that ticket doesn't suit you Drateh him but don't give any counto anoo or support to shyster workingmei ho make a living out of politics. WHILE wo have said a good word foi Ir. McOullooh , it is well to remombci : iat Mr. Points , who ia a candidate 01 10 anti-monopoly ticket for countj idgo , ia a man of spotless integrity , ii hose hands the administration of the ea > tos of deceased persons will ba porfoct- ' aafo. Jlr. Points has always boon pro. ouiiced Iu his sympalhios with working , .on . and producers generally , and there no good reason why aiili-niouopolials iculd vote againat him. WHEN Fred MoU waa in Iho slalo i ate thirteen yeara ngo , ho voted for impeachment and conviction of school money Ihiovcs and opposed manner of jobs and corruption. He n man whom nobody can buy or b dowj , nnd , if olocled , will represent 0 hn with credit. JOHN BAVMKU wont to the legialat a year ago last winter to lobby throug bill that would have put into the pot of the clerk of Douglas county nl S12.000 extra foes. It ia almost necessary to ndd that JOHN was cl at that time , and cxpcclcd , lo bo elected. TOM BiivsNEU , candidalo for the le laturo on the republican ticket , will coivo the votes of the soldiers , an served through the war in the 214th i 128th Penntylvania , and made a g record. A Crattli of Trnlns. K.VLAMA7OO , Mich. , November 1. The I of two freight tniins comitiR from Stui Icmocrntic meetlnt ; elowi-d up at Nottn The engine of the train following cnxshml i tlio cabonso of the first train killing Wll ( Iroen , ( ieorgo Keens nnd fatally Injui Miiidon. Hank Statement. NKW YOIIK , NovcmliBr l.-Thu wseltly b statement shows reserve decrease § ! > 11l Tlio banks now hold Sil,28tCOO ; iu execs the legal requirements. TEST YOUR BAKING JWDKR rtr.indsnilvprtiftctl nfl at > ffniirtyi ] > uro THE TEST : PHeeneimtopdovnon a hot ftovn nntllhratoil.t cmuvo the co\er anil uncll. A clu'tnl-t will uot bo lUiruU to detect the linucnco ot ixmmunla. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. tS 1IULTIIFILNLS3 IU3 NEVER IH > b.S CjUtSTlON : In n million hornet for n quarter of a century It J loud the containers' rollnbla test , THE TESTJFJHE OVEH , 'RICE BAIQNG POWDER CO or Br , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts Tboitronr ( ttnottdrtltlou i)4lnalaraIflKTorLnonntiin l } r. Price's Lupulin Yeast QGIT lor Llitht , Healthy llrpail , Tl.o Best Pry llup Yeast In tlio World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. JUICAGO. . ST. LOUH ISCCUKSSOKS TO JOHN O. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS At the old etand 1417 Farnam ( Street. Orders clcgraph so tfcltcd aca promptly attended to. X ihone No. 225. _ SPECIAL NQTICEh JyTOVji-v TOIflAN In sums of f3COani ! upnari 1 0. F. Uz\\3 \ atd Co. , lUal Eitata aud to .genla . , 1C05 Far ram bt. 393 tl lyT ONEY loaned on chattels. Biilroad Tickc jJL bought and cold. A. Foreman , 213 S. IE Financial Exchanso , nrgo or small loa 3UAHA on approved security 1617 Douglas St. 742-ln [ JfTANTED ACistca33p ! try cook at the Cc V V zcus. 045-tf A urod coatmakcr , gocd ptices sttri it work and fae ( aid. J.V. . llearlc eatrlcs , Neb. 072 Op . \ 'ANTED Agirl for house worl : atN. E corn M is h andLea\cnuorth , mutt be a gocd oc aihcr atd Ironcr. J\ouo other need apply. OCO , \7ANTED A ( tcond band copj ol ccinpiled sta utcdO'Nt'jiftska. State puce. Adjiess "i . " Bee olllce. :0-Ip \7ANTFD-AbOliercook from the caet whoci li givcbcbtof reference , wiihcs a eitnatiin i ; ad cook In a hotil Inquire U22 south Ktn St. 0101 ] \TANTEI > A Hikt-claBH T. W. I trk .i II fi22 liroaduty , c'ounol UluOp. 00 1 \7ANTED Tra\clinc ; talesman to icll rubbi t boots an ] slues ou cnTimlsiIou. to tlin boot ai ioetr > dottrcughout thoNorih west. Ilcfertiicnar ured Addicts " 1 B. 1 * . ' Bee office. 03 Cj \ ANTEDInmeclattly , aK odcook , 1720 Cap f i tel a\enue. CSS-lp 'XT'ANTED A gfod woniiii cook at 67 toutli 101 'Vfctresr. ' Jlrs. Hill. 057I | \7 ANTED CSood girl fcr general hounmorl t > u t bo n g'-od cook. Applj at 2420 Harnc root , Mrs. J. Jt. Tburston. 053-tf AA.Vl'fcl ) A gotd glil tu do general huusewor Inalimlly of twj pcisumt. AJdresiA C I ) : o cilice , - ' In the Ofnts' Fiiinlshln Oocdi derailment , ilntt bo competent tno igh mm. None but the Icsi need arplj. The ho re'crcnces reiiulnd Kit AN K J. IIAMJE. 037-1 yANTED-Immedialdy , 8 good galvinlied Ire Comcena ) > er The highest wage ) will b iM 1 hco. iluetto i , So , Fremont , Neb. 029.4 \TANTED- A compjtent girlat north we t cornc > 18th and Capitol ao. Coed wagespald. VANTfcD In a fort-night by tiady eipeilence man , situation ai bretd and cake b kcr. Bel cis , Apply J. Irwln , Baker N ith Bend , Nob. 903.Jp \TANT ( D A goodactho woman to do thtmbe work , wagetjl.p r week. Apply at 912 Doua li tree t. 010-lp \rANTBD-At3IBN 18th Itrcet , OmTha , a gh 01 do geoenl hoinewcik. \rANSTED A neat girl to cook and walton Ubl in prnate boarding hxubc. Appl ) 8j5 north ICt ! cct , up-stnlrs. 8W-31 VTANTED Agcnti for the Mutu lUil Inurtnc Co. Addre < u the Couiiiany at Stuart Neb _ 632-lm CANTED Tallora. First-clasi elttlue p'ace fo V ttllora at U/l 12th St. 633 1m \7"AMKl > Ladlesor gentlemen melt ) oroountr ; tolakonlcr , lUbt and llcaaint woik at the ! u hou ct , d2 to t5 a d y easily aud quietly made rkwnt by u ail ; no rani a iMri ; > o , ampler rupl : asv addreu Ueltablo Man f g Cj , I'liiikdclpnla , 1'ii OJMui _ - to Hell Oatvly'v Imlreibal IMu catoron monthly iiijuiviiU Call ou or ad aW. 1J. 1' . Lowrj , loom t , 119 noith 18th ht uba. Wl-lm , ANTKD-tiADIES Oil OENTLEUEN-In citj \ or ouuutiy , to tike nloo llgbt and pleauni rkattbvlr ouiihoiiics ; j | toJ5 per diy atblly ant Ittly made ; work Knt by mail no raiuiitJlng ; m mp far r < < plv. i'loano ddn-iu llelUhlo Mkof'c Co. lladfli-nia , l > * . hiix.lir i7ANTFD-By rourf la' ) willln * ofaov iilnu I to do at liutaj.gosu wilwr. Adirr j"il. u. " \\TANTri rofltloa jeoond girl r > rlvatcfai ! pro erred , hcicroniu given. Inquire at I Si heel build Ing. 1013 \\7ANTKD By a girl apUco Infmall famllvti V' ie nJ or general hriuicwcrk. Innulic MO Clark St. 07H \7ANTED Position M nur o. lloffrcn'c glv V ilra. J. N. Elllngwood , 112) N. 17lh St. 02 A \TANTir > A position a book keeper or ct Iionkn toVconorpoatln thoetonliiff , by ac pcUmt book keeper. Spcik Ocrnnn MI < ! Engl litBiol reference. Addicts "ri , J."llco ollloa. 954 " \VANTKI ) ny Geim n ttlilow liulr n sltiui i liouckic-cr. ] Addresi Jlrj. 0. M. IVt postoflice. 017. \\7ANTEU Aposl'lnn * * housekeeper by oncn thorauirhh uodcrstiDiljtbolmslnccs , Add II. / . lice clllco. 011-1 T\rANTKH Situation b ) ft nun atd nlfo wltli i' children ; rran to c.iru for hordfM , etc.noil \ to do houjouul , . Cin bo eacnat 212 S. 10th tr " \\AMio : cj competent printer , Mtnatlon M country olllro , tlioroithly ( umlcrstAtuls e\ < tiling connected ttlih running n country olllce , n rlcil. AddteM "I X. t , . " rnro of lice fli - IMWH situation ai cc Alouni-cmrticiiinnn cctalillahmctt In Omn AJdtosa "C. " care llco. 80fl-l Kiirutshcd kltelioa nnd Dinlot ( re In prUnto horse , EO'-il location for . ! } boo tn Addicts tor ono week , "il. M. K. " lice ell 034 VVANTED-SICCO for 1 or two \ cars IB p-r ccnl TT llr t cl.iMBCCtirlly. ' 'EinDltc"lee ! olllce. 09A - an intcroslln cll WAMTD-Tolmy . bu lncHi In Onnli.i. Ana stitlnu terms ' 'C. U."UtoclIlcv , Council illuffa.08S. 08S. A furnished rocniIth or wllli WANTED \\lthln tlx blocks nl the 1'oit olllco. . drcsi stallnu location and tsrnis "J. II. 11" llcooll : 96C-1 TA7ANTED T o clay bii tilcra at 1T21 Oouila' . V ' loo. : _ _ - a small furchhc.t hov WANTnU-loicnt It dcil bc ! tnd ( he AildrcM "II " drawir 22 , city. 070 t * . . . . . _ VilOU HINT : Tworoomslnrnlshcdor unfurnlsl X1 cheap , I. r light house keeping near depot . ' V. J. " Bco olEco. 077 KENT Two c'e ant rot ins In suite wllh m FOlt crn ImprotcraenU. lirunncr'ahlojk , H.V c lOlhand Da\cnpott. Itclcrcncoi required. ( j"6 WANTED-A i rtncr with ? 4,0:0 tobuy an Int cat In an o tabllshcd and cooil pajlng busln InOnuta. iddas0. M. H " poitulllco. 01 A need business minvlth ( mm < WAXTED capital , to lake rnc-lialf Int tet In it lust -class legitimate buelncns , located In < bcstpirtof Omaba. AddrtlB "IIP. " thli office. 930-3p Buslncfs. An actl\e merchint WANTED thorough bnelncts education and bablta c > tcmplatlng a change January li 1. 1835 , w i'hcs to p rhafc an Intcrot In a well established mercantile manutattuilni ; Luslncec , wculd buy cut a email b ness , has 810 ( MO cash , can [ urnlsh refcrciccs otahl orldcr nnd would cxpcctPJim To secuio reply , i dross qlvinc luil name und paitlculats , "Xlcrchat caio llco oltico. 850-Bt lowkt WANTED-SB.fOO to S20.0CO on thirty , fl\ty ninety daj a , best security. Address "S " B olllco. S39 1 Itylottobo pa'dlnweel ormonthly Installmenta. Address" ! ! . IT. " I ! olllce. 012-tl T\7ANTED J2.000 ou Drst-clasa city Bccurlty.foi T ycara , at 9 per cent. Address IJoi 6 0 I'OE " 1" ° _ _ 708-tl ron ESSr Bonnoa and iato. Foil KENT Single rr tuit of rooniii with Ba rocm furnishuj orunturi.lsi ) d atC07 south 20 at. 070 ; _ Knr rent forOcira. . 103 acres 3j mil I71AHJIS 1 N. E. KlKborn SUtloa. 100 acres I mile N E. Forest rlty. Kl ) " j mile * NV. . Florence. ICO " (1 ( " " " 101 " 2 miles south of Konnard. 160 " 4 mllesN.W. Waterloo. 4SO " neat Fremont. 110 " near Schujler. 160 " In Cedar Ccuntr. J03 " near Valparaiso. 160 " C ini'es south of 1'anpiUlon. 4J " 6 miles S W. Omiha. 2) " atHoicncoLiku. Botfgs & Hill. He Zstato 1403 Tarnam ht. 085-1 I70K UENT Pleasant furnished room.OOl N. 17t 538 Sp _ FOIl KENT House of 1 rooms $13 , house of ' roonis40 , desiiablecittago full lot * 20 , housa ooms'jlS , homo 4 rooms 10. B-illou Bros317Sout ' 3th St. 073-4 { poll KENT Two furnished roomi. will rent scp : rate or together reasonable , 1019 Douglas St 032-2 _ [ T'OIUIENT 10 room housa 2Ut and Burt $45. V 4 room house 2Stt ] and Douglas $10. 5 room hou'e north 18th St , S15. Bogga & HI leil estate HOB Fatnam St. 031-1 jK UEM rieacant furnished room nt 13C9C i bi Itolavo. 07fl-7p T\0lt UENr Aneweix riom cottage with wel ( 1 cistern and cellar , coal liouio within halt bloc ! f Curalnir sticet and block and a half of street cm iqulra cither nf Key cr In Da\Ia , room 12CiU"hto loc k , or at 020 \ \ heaton St. CiO-3 [ Tlun UEM'-I'or thrfomonlhsiifiirnlshcdcolttg L1 six rooms fine Ion , reasonable toiuis Ap IV I'axton & Qallaiilicr. Uth bt. 019 3p 7011 RKXT Klcoly ( urnl'hej room location ex i ? cello tat lllb HowiulSt. 913-3p j OK UFNT Houtobttwccn 22.1 and S3 on Le v J cnwcrth St. 051-lp 7O1UFXT _ rurnlshcU room 1414 Dodge etrcct Ojl-olj ) KENT Suite of futuUlitil looms with beard suitaljlo for man and wife or four liuclo gciitlo icn Address "S. " Dec ollico. ajl l 71011 KENT Ono uufurnUhcil room for house 'keeping. Becmcr'a block , cor , 6tn and Howard 00t : ( 71011 KENT rieisant rooms with board 105 N , - ISthSt. 741-Sp _ 7IOU ItENT First-cl.vs tbico Itiry brick , mcta roof , warehouse , hjdraullo de\ator , cincrcti isimiiite. Haliroadtrasktodoor. Barker & Maj ne Itli aid Fsrnim , 02S-tf jlpll lit NT Thrso rooms , 2il lloor t f csttagohoiisi 004 south lOtheticct , nuar Lea > enwoith , fur shed or unfurnl.hwl , 030-lp OK KENT lurnlslied roomsat 1818 Dodgobtrcct jlOH KENT Ono deilrablo room , suitable for oni or two gentlemen , l/ot-atoj uuo-quarter bloct oni St. Marj's avenue , bath room and tot ni Id water , 620 Pleasant street. 637-11 TiOIl IlENT-iults of nicely ( urnlihcd rooms , t 1 K. corner 20th and Datecpjrt ttrcec. OU-lp fOll HUNT Nicely lurnlbhcd room. 117 soutl 1 )7thetreet. ) 013 ip r\OIUlENT Brick basement , 10CO Jackson street. I 8S4-lp _ roll KENT New cotta o , four roomi , hall , closet , pantry and largo garrit. 833 South 22d street. twcen lea\enworth anti llamii. Inquire next icr north. 635 Ip rOU UEXT Furnished and uiiturnlihed rooms with baud modern conveniences , homo comforts 00 Kuniiii , Week abe > u now Couit homo 032-Eip rOH HKNT-Uuu c , 12th fclrect neat Howard. Ap- to Wcato rn on up ipe r Un Ion. 03 < - < p roll KENT Two nlcily furnished rooms 1013 Dodge St. _ Utt-lp roll KENT -A dwelling hous containing nlno roomieoft and hard watiro , 1317 WutMcr St at $35 per month , posucsalon Nov. Ut. Inquire I. inner , 1315 Douglas St. 023 31 fOK KENT Furniibeil rooms 1211 Datencort 1 btreut. Kluiball Home , 811-4 rOIUlENT A tix room houno with barnon Charles bt near K'ng ' ; * 20 pir mouth. Enquire of II o u * Sd ami Michigan Avenue. b7Mp ENT- nc ( lore room and oltlcesuo-italrs in January lut , 1SS5 , on 13ih betc u WilllauH d Hickory ngu raat l. J. Ka per. 0 tf Mll KENT II eroem hou.o with celUr and cle tern. Inquire o ! Sim. E. l.odJU , 2ith between . and ChliaSt .import } . 012-1 oil 11E.VT Pleasant furnUhid room ( i. E cor ! 15th and tlowu.d btreeU (03-tf Wll KENT Kurnlihcd rocm mid board $5 03 1'or week. Very belt location , 1SU Da > enpojt. I15-5p IOK KUVf L rgo iuinlihe < l room , llr t lloor , > ultjbl fcrt ju < iitlemeu , 152 } te.tniMorth bt JJSp _ . i 10U RK.NT OH HALl llou * , . aim ct un ZuZZi 1-ith. pritx ] jl,7oj ; ruU | | 6 pir ; call a : Suuta 13tbttn-U tZ-lp ( > RniST-On nlco1j fiimlsho.l front rom for 1 F ortnogcnllemtn , 12Jl outn 13 > li ( treet , 2 doors * oulhof Ktsslor'8 Hill. f9i-lp IlEST With board , nlcelr f.unlslie'l ionm % I7OII and bath room , at S.V. . cor. 14th urn ) Jones Itrceti. 757-lp HEN r new mtUfro with fourrooiiK , lOtti Ijvill lict. tcMcnworth and Maion. Inquire fit 32J10th street Ut. 1'arnam and Harno > . A. KalUh. 87011 IlENT Klcgfintlv lurnlshtil front room ca t ipOIl cieoo iire , tnojerncsnvciilcncc * . S. W corner 17th and Cass. Ml-tf "I7IOK HENI Thlrt-cnrewtlvvelllDgsbyO. T Ta ) JL1 Icr , corner 14th and 1) ) > ujl s. S43-II 1OH IIBNT lloufo 7 rootM good lo.'Ality bv C. T , J1 Ta > l-r , earner 14th and Dotitfai. 840-tf JIENT OK \LK-A hou o of 5 roonn hard' ' 1 andtoflwater.ulotswlth Inrn 2lv3fl. Hrrit l6. per month. Inqulro north-caet oincr tCth and Plcrco St. "TS-tl IT'Oll ' UKNT Two or Ihrcoinnt room * ftirnuhed JU to gcntloaian and wile , 2110 California St. I7AOK ItEiNT urick tia-cmcnt , Inquire Uiug Store JU corner 10th ard Douglas S(2-tf ROOMS With biard , dcj r b o or winter1 Apply atut Chvles Hotel. 7 01-tt TJIOK HE.NTTwo furnished rooms nt 1411 S. Kith. JL1 direct , 2d door S. of Hickory. 702 tf HEN'T Fuanlshcd rooms S10J south 16th XTOIl ftrcot , half block from Boyd'a opsrahouse. 709-tt RENT Very desirable furnished rooms cm- FOR located. Apply at Atkinson's mllliniry store , 16th St "CO-n T MURRAY IIM good iiastunnc. Spring waltr. 050.M FOR HENT Cottage of fl\o rooms. J. Phlpps lloe 1612ncuth Dth street. 033 tt FOR KhNT Suite of room ) and board 1812 Dodgu poll KENT I'lunosandorgauu from two dollars 1 1 up. A. Uospo , 1610 Dodgo. 4SD-lm "IT'OK ' KENT Ha'f ot double lieu o , four room , JL' Shlnn's 2d addition , 811. a month. Apply room 2S , Omann National Bank. 376-t KENT Han.lsimofurnished rooms 31fli Et FOR HthSt. Mri . Slay Spcncor. 372-tt KENT A furnished loom 1600 Faruam St. FOR 207-tf FOR KENT Ono gr na square piano. Inquire olEJholin and Eriokaon. 41o-tf FOR BALE. T AND FOR SALE-BO qutrtar sections 1st data LJ 11 ml 10 to 23 miles frcm Omaha , f20 to S30 per icre. long timo. Bojtgj & Ulll , Heal estate 1401 Far- ] amSt. Q7a i L01S-100 ( jood lotslnPark Forest only 7 Oblocks from Street car llneon south 13th St. . J160 to $250 per lot Doggs & 11 ill. 930-1 FINK ItrsiDHNCi : LOTS 300oiy choice lots 111 Oma a View addition , only 3 blocks frem "Now Fermlnus" i f both rod and green car Hues , $4CO for nsldc , stoo for corner lots. IIcg < a & Uill , Koal ca- A o 1403 Farnam St. OJi-1 TNS1DE KEAL ESPATE-SO lots on Farnam.Doue 1 lai nnd Ucd.o In UOBRS& lllli'a first and eecoml ulditiona S1000 lo Sl'OO. Boggi & , Hill , llealcstito l4C8FarnamSt. OS2-1 rTlOH SALE Siloon with all equipment ! ready for JC business , locitcd Inagood Nooraska tonn , not ar from Omaha. Licence uuirii.tued fUuro and crms rosonallo. For further information applvto lohn A. Frcjlun , who'cjalo liquor dejlcr , No. 1305 ) ouglasSt. , Omarn , Neb. OS7-J ITIOR SALE Desirable cottazo gcod nelghbo-hood r tOic msmlily pajmcntj. llillou Bros , 317 South 3th St. 975 4 170K SALK Cottage 3 room SJO montlilj paj-- merits. llillou lircs. , 317 eouth 13th St. 1)74. ) SALK Best locited ro'ldeuoo lot in On-aha , FOA , murt bo sold. Uog < s A. Hill. 9SJ-1 moil S VLi : OR IlENT-A Ladies' Boardinu.House , i . good locitlou. Adilrou " ! ' . II. " Ueo cilice , 050 8p FOlt SALE Oil EXCHAXOEFor horses or good inuliM , a SJ.OOO tock of goods , consUtlni ; cf lothing , hats , caps , bouts shoes , and Cents' nderncirVlll tnKo SDIIIO horecsin part payment , art on four months' time baUrco cish. Ailarcss W J. E. ' Lock Box 21 , Onroa , Iowa. 018-11 WOIl SALE Nearly new , snlonclM bite burner , C" Elkhorucooklnj6to > o aud huuaehold frrniiurc , t24I7Ua\cnportitrect. 9131 710K SALE The oulco and business of the Oakland . ' IndeJcndent , Oakland , Neb. , nno of the bet ejlng ofliceain the west Will sell business with- ut ollice if dcslicl. Addresser call on Goo.V. . N rewbtcr , Oakland , Neb. 005 3 [ JESlAUllANT FOR SALE Onoof the best ro < i- V .X tuurants and bakery combined In Nebraska with vt 3od ion and trade cstablUho 1 in city ot 0030 opulation. Only flrst-chss restaurant in the place ul doing more in bakery line than all others In city , unbilled. Ice cream pallor 111 season. O\cnr , ice 0 ju = cs and e\er > thing complete. Will sell furnished l id lcaxee\crj thing.Vlllscll at a bargain and t < h I ght man with small cash | ) ajment and balance on ng tiiuu s.o purchaser cm miho it pay for Itself. ' . S. Wlt-E , I'lattsmouth , Neb. 817-n 21 jp , pOR SALE Two aeoond hand pianos , at Kdho.tu i 4f . &ErIckson' MiBlo Store on 16th 8k. 890 tr 710RSALE Restaurant with fixtures ; best trade f I A in the cityreason for selling , ill health ; address | M. L , . city. fOKSALE-I'our 18 foot , walnut counters , and SO feet of lirst ( .lass fcheh ing , ikslrab e foi drun.gro- ry or book ( .tore. Inquire at the olllce ot Congdon arkson & Hunt , 1324 i'.irnam ttrcet. SB'Jtf pORS\LE 1 sausage chopperhorso power ; ono rendering kettle , one lard press. Apply at Hrook- i Market , ror. 13th and Pierce S02 tf * OK SALE-SC0.003 feet dry lumber , Ash , Oak , Elm , Basswood nndSoltJUple. E. A. Stinson , fat. arles , Michigan. S00n21p E Aquintltv of job and newspaper tjpo for . sale. Also a good Zither. C. T. Bunco , ciro Bc ice. 7Mtf : _ 011 SALE Cottage ol 5 roonnbrn , corner lot In Shlnn's addition ; only $1.5i 0 , small cash payment d balance monthly. Bargain. HcCaguc , opii. stollicc. eiotf 10R SALE OR EXCHANGE A water power Gilst mill , reasons fjr felling gl > cnon opnllcatlan to o. E. Bragg , Wa > crl ) , Ntb. EOl-lru 1011 HALE New phaeton" Inquire of Ooo. Hlg- gina at nortu- cast corner 10th and Dodjo ESl-tt J _ _ _ _ IOK SALE-00 feet on Faroara street between IS. aud JO. M. Leo , Qrocer , 2dand Lcavenworth. _ _ S33.1m IOK SALE Pine busiresi rh uiro at Grand Island Neb. S5.COODUJB the bank building 28x44 ; an Ice building which rents lot $15 a month ; a largo ) and burglor proot eafo with Yale time lock cojt ( WO , nho very largo bank book fire proof safe , nk counter , desks , hint coal stove , In fact , a corn- He bank outfit , together r.lth lot 44x69 ou Locust cet. Title perfect. Terms J cash , la'ancoou nne 1 two jears time if desired. Cell on or addreM Jay mme , Grand Island , Neb. S22-tf 10R BALE A good frame house , B roorrs , all In peed order Must bo moved at enc . Apply to > Ucttern Newspaper Union , cor. 12th and How- I streets. si4 tl 'OR ' SALE Cheap a sucond hand hUh top buggy. Inquire at SlmpBon'j Carrlairo Factory , Dodgo. , wccn 14th and 16th. jso.t ! 'OK i SALE 160.00J brlcn ou cars at lieUovuo. u. T. Ch > rk . IOK SALE A whole lock of clothing , boots and shoes , buildings at cost , retiring from business. II. Peterson. 80i south Tenth street 113-3m DK will buya phaeton a 1310 FamamSt. tjtj. _ . _ 1336. Q 'OR ' SALR Northcaat corner 20th and Cumlng itreet O. V. Davis & Co. , 1MB Farnam atreet , 76 tf _ 'OK ' SALE Two opuu eeoonu-uuia Duguioa , LU one i dJllvery wa on , cheap , t 1810 Hirney K > . MISCELLANEOUS , _ _ niAYED-From mt lurn N , W , corutr SOlh and Dougl s.onu black Inrst , wo ght aiout 10,0 lux ill boc deformity under rleH j w. Any person I'ligBUdi ' hcrse , pleiso notify \V. J. W'.UIunu. ) phone3l3. _ nag tf N NEWCOUBhthobosi Rag Carpet \Vojvcr. . NW-c ! rjieforialoat35opor jard , 1241 Shcr ia > cnue. 052-lp AKEN Ul'-On October 'JS , a light 1m hone , hltaipitlnforehe.idaoiUwhitiMi t ju.tabo\u 'tllle. tV. IMiott , one tuile west of the liirra'K * . 2ttlew AJIILV Storairu , eto\a rcpa'ra and general re. pairing , O M Katon. I U S. I4th St. 74C-nl3 RS SCIIROpKR.Masuetlo Healer , I j now loca. to N W. corner 20lh anil CiiJ ht U'agnoseii ' ossufree. 729 n 17 ill VV vaults , sink ! and ceiwonUcleanel at th ) blurti'St notice and at any time of Hio day , In an ulj or ltrle t way without the U-nt molm'ntl'in ccupinUnr ntljhbon , with our laiirn | > al aail rkoiappiratui. A. EVJIU & 0) . , 10)3 ( IVt vaults , sinks arid co8i/jl | , uitmnnd Hitri unitary cleaner. SitUUctlon guaunte d by > ' . vbeliucoe Mr to J. M , Smith , ) box 378. STAMl'S-Oii yraauufucturtH In Omaha. lUia 1'rlntlng Co. V ) > tf