Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1884, Image 3

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s i > a2V
PAID UP OAPITATj . $250,000
3U1U'LU3 MAY 1,1381 . 20,000
President. Vleo 1'irslilcni.
tnt K. Ilnyden , AnliUnt am1 Acting Cashier ,
The Iron Bank.
tNTKUEST nllovrod on tlmo dopogltg npon
lavornblo tarma and upon nououuta ot banlu
nJ baukera.
llonib and County nod Olty iccnrltloi bought
nd told.
In ita trontmout of ctutoniora the moat llby
-snl policy ia pursued consistent with tafotu-
and sound bnuking , and wo iuvito corroaponc
enco or personal inquiry in oouuoction there
Nnw YORK , Nov. 1 , Money Easy , at
Prime paper 5@6.
Storliug Uills weak at 4 SO ; demand ,
Governments Stron ec.
Railways Weak early and closed HtronR.
Stocis Opened weak and declined \ to i
in general list and 1J in reading. Keductioi
in passenger rates exerted rm unfavorable of-
foct. Near mid day the market bopau to im
prove and closed strong at tlio highest figures '
of the day. Compared with last night prices
are J to } higher , except Missouri Pacific , Erie
and Heading , which are J to 1 lower ,
8's 100J
4 VB Coupons 113J :
U.S. new-l's 122
Pacific G'a of'93 12
Central Pacific 38
Chicago & Alton 125
do do pfd 145
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 117. ) '
Delaware , Lackawannn & Western. . . . 104
Danver&ltio Grande 8 ?
Brio 13i
do pfd 27
Illinois Central 113i
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 13 ?
Kansas & Texas li ( J
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern CGJ
Louisville & Nashville 25
Michigan Central 53
Missouri Pacific 92i
Northern Pacific 181
do do pfd -13
Northwestern Stiff
do do pfd 125J
Now York Central 85JJ
Oregon Trans-Continental 12 (
Pacific Mail b'2J
I'.D.&E 13
Pullman Palace Car Company 1108 *
Hock Island llu |
St. Louis & San Eranciaco 21
do do pfd 89
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 70
do do do pfd 101
St. Paul& Omaha 28i
do do pfd 87 ?
Texas Pacific "J
Union Pacific G4
Wahanh , St , Louis & Pacific 4.
do do do pfd 10
Western Union Telegraph OOJ
o. n. &N 07
Ex-dlv. tasked.
CHIOAQO November 1 , Flour Dull and
f\ unchanged.
Wheat Quiet , steady ; opened steady and
advanced 4 , fluctuated and declined , and
closed i o\or yesterday ; ? 1J@74J for caan ; 7IJ
fe7)J ) for November ; 77Jfa ) tii f ° r December ;
7GJ ( < g77 January ; 53tfS3J for May ; No. 2
red , 75 , ' ; No. 3 red. tit ; rejected > ed , 61@52. '
Corn Quiet and steady ; November ad
vanced 4 ( < &jc | and closed jc lower ; the year ad
vanced jj@i and closed nehado higher ; May
varied but slightly ; 41 @ 41 cash anil No-
vcmbfi : 3'JJfe39ij for December ; 3Ui < 239J ! for e
yearJ7j ; ! ? January ; 3'Jj May ; rejected , 3 ! ) . u
Oats Steady , fluctuations fractional ; 23 ! | @
2."i J cash ; 23.rs25jj } November ; 2tJ ! December ; pe
Timothy Easy ; prime , 1 23. h
Flax Sued Slow and weal : ; No. 1 1 33. ll
Pork .Moderately active and ( inner ; 5@10 lln
higher ; closed easy ; 13 5@1350 cash ; llftO ll"I
@H C2J year ; 11 55@11 57 $ .January ; 11 05 © > r
11 70 February. "I
Lard Moderately active and 5@7' ' , higher ; it ial i
closed nasy ; 7 00 cash ; 0 85lJi ( ( 874 November ; al
l8"i ! December ; ( i'J0@0 ! )2i January ; 7 00& 10.n
70' ' February. .n .
hulk Meats Shoulders , C 25SSi ( ( 33 ; short ' 8 i
cleir , / 75@7 80 ; short rilu , 7 Q&7 25. ' 0
Whisky Steady ut 113.
Untter Quiet and unchanged.
Cheese Firm and unchanged , St ;
JIggs-Woak at 18@10. ! dc
"lliilea Steady and iincliangod.
Tallow Steady and unchanged.
ixecBtpta. Shlp'ts.
Flour , bbls 12,000 Ki.OOO >
Wheat , bushels 171,000 7,000 ! ) >
Corn , bushels .11,000 2.10,000
Oats , bushels 1C8.000 123,000
Hyo , bushels 14,000 fil.OCO
llarloy , bushels 43,000 IS.OoO
Si LODIS , November 1. Wheat easier at
77i for November ; 7'Jjj@79for / January ; 83 | ,
( ij'.IO ' for May.
Corn Steady nt 3g@33/for / the year ; 301
for May.
Oats Quiet and unchanged. in
Hya Nothing doiiifr. CO
Uarley Steady ; C0@77io de
liuttor Unchanged ; dairy , 18@25c ; cream clih
nry , 2C@30o. h
KROT Lower ; 13Jc. on i
Flaxscad Firmer ; 1 31. )
Hay Sternly ; prairie , U 50@10 ; Timothy ,
ci !
liran Firmer ; fiG@57c. ci1C
Corn Meal Steady ; 2 55 , nr
Pork Firm ; new mesa 17. 11dc
Ij'ird Firm ; western steam ipot 7 93 ® dc
Whisky-113. i
OALL ISoAnu Wheat Steady and slow at I
7lJWJ.t ! for ecemher ; 81 } for January.
Corn Quiet at 3i ( for November ; 33J for the
> ear ; 301iilii ( ! ( for May.
Oatu Nothing doing ,
KANHAB CITV. No1. . Wheat Lower ; 3
cash fi2i@r > 21 December , 61 bid , 51J asked ,
January GBi@SO } . ,
Corn SU'ady ; casli , 30i@31 ; November
274 b" ' . 283 aiked ; year 2fi | bid , 2iJ ( asked ;
May 284.
Data Hull and nominal ; ? 2 bid 22 } asked.
ToiEiK ) . Ohio , November 1. Wheat
Stoidy ; No 2 rod , cash 70i asked
Corn Dull and nominal ; No , 2 , cash and
Nnveml > er42 _ ,
Oats Firmer ; No 2 cash and Novem
ber 274.
NKW TOiiK rnoncce ,
NKW VOIIK , November 1. Wheat Dull
and lower ; nptous wo k ; rfcoijiU 107,500 ;
"ciortii. 1G',0"0 ; No. 2 Airing , 83J ; No , 2
rod SSJ'irlbGj Decemlwr closing 85J ,
Corn Hjiot ifti higher and moderately
active ; receipt" , ( > 1M ( ; expoitn. nonei
ungraded 52i@5t : Duttiiubur closing at
Oats Steady ! receipld. 70,000 ; exports , >
none ; mixnl western fresh quiet and firm ,
Hay Firmer ; timothy 10 00@10 25 , \ < au *
Uran Stendy atfC@.17. u
Corn MtalDull ; 2 35.
Eggs -Woslrm frtsh steady and in moder
ate dcmnnd
Pork Dull and drooping ; nowines , Ifi f 0.
Laril Weaker ; wnstcm steam spot 7 10.
But er Quiet and steady.
nlfcOINNA I ,
CINCINNATI , November 1. \ VbutDull ;
No. 2 Mil 7S.
Corn-Dull ; No , 2 mixed HJ.
Oati Firmer at 27J.
Hyo Firmer at r > loJ5H. (
Barley Dull nnd uncliAiigod. No , 2 fall
71 72.
Pork-Dull nt 14 03.
Lml-Diillnt 7 CO.
Bulk Meats -Steady ! uliouldon 5 70 ; * hort
ribi 8 2 * .
Whisky -Steady at 111.
LlVElirooiNovembor 1. Breadsluira Dull
ami iloircsnPl. |
Wheat Winter Cs ld@Ci 4d ; sprliig.Gi ( id ®
Cd 7s ,
Corn 5i Od.
NKW Oitt.KA.xa , November 1. Corn--
Hood demand and scaice ; In sacks , white , low
er at I ) ' . ' .
Onts Western , quiet at 3Co ,
Corn > tealCJulot nnd steady nt 2 752 80.
Pork-Dull nnd lower ; 1550.
Lard Kaalcr ; tlerco refined , 7 75 ; keg ,
Whisky Steady ; western rectified 1 05
§ > 1 25.
BAI.TIMOHK , Novcnibor 1. Wheat Wos-
; orn fitmat.d quiet ; No , 2 winter , rod spot ,
Uorn rosterll steady ; mixed spot 52 year.
Oatt Firm ; western while , 33@33 ; mixed ,
Kyo Steady at GL' G1 ; .
J cgs-Firm nt 23@24c.
Whisky Steady 1 18@1 19
MII.WAUKKK. November 1. Wheat I'irm ;
So. 2 Milwaukee and November , 73 ; Decem
ber , 7-1 ? ! 'nimary ' , 75J.
Corn Firmer ! rejected , 13.
OntsEasier ; No. 2 , vvhlta , 27V@-'S1.
Ilye Quiet ; No. 1 , 53 bid.
Barley Lower ; No. 2 spring , G3jf@5ll.
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. Drover's Journal re
ports ;
Hogs-lloceipta 12,000 ; dull nnd lower ;
ough picking , 4 lOfi ? I 5i ! ; packing and ship-
ling , 1 G0@4 ! )0 ) ; light , 4 10@4 75 ; skips and
razers , ! l 50@4 25.
Cattle Hoceipts , 3riOO , ; active and firm ;
ixports , nominally 0 25@G 75 ; common to
ihoice , 4 25@G 15 ; inferior to good cows , 2 10
3)4 ) 10 : stackers , 3 00@3 03 ; feeders , 3 90 ®
50 ; Montana , 4 25 ,
Sheep Itoccipts 100 ; steady ; inferior to
oed , 2 iO@3 li ; choice sheep and lambs,4 00
34 GO.
Sr. Louis , November 1. Cattle ] 'oeipts
00. Dull and unchanged.
SHEKP Receipts 200 ; nothing done.
LAMDS 3 54 ( ) 25.
HOOH Receipts , 2000 ; active ; Yorkers ,
45@4 55 ; packing , 4 40 ® 1 G5 ; butchers ,
60@4 00.
KANSAS CITV , November 1. Cattle
leceipta , 3,000 ; exportsG 10@i5 35 ; common to
lioico shipping 5 10@G 05 ; cows , 2 60(33 ( 30.
Hogs Receipts , 2,900 , ; weak and lOc lower
33g4 ( GO.
Sheep Receipts , 114 ; nominally un
hanged ; fair to peed , 2 75@3 25 ; common to
ledmm , 2 00@2 50.
Wholesale Prices. J
Friday Moicing , October 31 , J I
The following prices are charged retailers Io
? jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer- 1
lanta with the exception of grain , which ia
noted at the prices furnished by the elevators
id other local buyers :
Flour and MillatuOa
Winter Wheat Host quality patent at 280
2 90.
Second Duality 2 20@2 GO.
Spring Wheat Best quality , patent , 2 SO ®
Second Quality 2 15@2 50.
Bran GOc per cwt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 90c.
Corn Meal 1 0K4l ( 10 per cwt.
Screening G5@7Go per cwt.
General Produce
Apples Itoceipts continue lioavy. only
loico stock saleable at § 2.231 2.75. Bulk re-
lipts selling at 25@GOc per bushel , ace rding
Beans Only clean stock saleable , Navies
lean ) per bushel , 1.50@1,75 ; medium , 1.2GQr >
41) ) .
Comb Honey In good demand , Receipts
iry small ami meet with readysaloat 18@20c '
1 and 2 Ib frames.
Beeswax In good demand. Choice bright
ir Ib. 2G@28c ; common to good dark per Ib ,
Butler The wca'hcr ' is now cool enough to
lip In rolls altogether , which hate decidedly
10 preference over bulk , if they are only put
) in proper shape. It is absolutely necessary
at I'nch roll should bo wrapped in inualin , in
der to get full value for the butter. It will
event the rolls from crumbling up or becom-
g soiled , and if nicely packed in a box given d and clean apponrance , which helps the '
lo of butter wonderfully. All choice butter ,
iwover , mi'eU with ready sale , whilu strong
id poor m very dull. Creamery fresh , 'M < a >
; creamery ice house , 2Ktf2" ; choice dairy ,
@ ; good table , 15@17 ; fair , 12 1-1 ; in. .
rior grades , ( iff ! ) ,
Cider "Ohio" per bbl $7.00 ; "York ,
ato" per bbl. SS.OO ; per J bbl. S1.75 ; con-
insed per la. 85c ; crab apple , per gal. 86c ,
Cheese Full cream , wofltern , 12c ; Wlscon-
n new l-\c' young American , 12 a Hie.
llgefl llecoipti are daily decreasing , mid ns
itsidu demand ia growing heavier prices are 1
uml toahuncu rapidly. Sales have ns
t not been made aboe 29 cents , but they
111 not Hfill below 22 cents after this.
Hay Baled $7.00@8.00 loose , $5.00 a
00.Mapln Sugar Pure , in bricks , per Ib. ICe ,
liio , lite ; small cakes 12 c ,
Onions , Market b.iru and demand good at
fO cents JIT bushel.
1'oi'COBNCholoo dry In fair demand , nt
32U per Ib.
Po'nltryiniet. . Very few live chickens
ivo been received lately , and dressed Is only
lining forward ilowly , lint is In pretty good
jmand. Chickens , nll\o , per do/en , S .M ;
itckens , d esuod , ii'r Ib. , 10@llo jturkeyH ,
ressnd , per Ib , 12 ( ! licj ! ducks , alive , per dn/ .
, 83.00 ; ducks , dreooud , pur Ib. , H@12c ;
OH8 , dressed , per Ib. , 12@liic ,
( ! ame haa been very scarce BO far , and nil
mls nro in strong rc < { iiest , Deur , carcaH * ,
3r Ib. , U@10c ; deer Hiddlos , jior Ib. , 10@llc ;
itolope , ciucasn , per 11) , , 8 ff'Jo ; antelopa sad-
es , per Ib , 12'413 ' ; prairie chickens , per
izanS2 C0@82 7C ; quail , $1.500 2.00 ; geese ,
jriio/.en , SH.OOaSl u ; jack rabbirs , per do/
, SI.OOtfS50J ; Bnmll rabbltH , per do/on ,
00@Sl 25 ; milnu , per dozen , S1.00@81.8.pi !
icks , mallaid , § 1.75@$2,00 ; teal and mixed ,
1.50 ,
Potfttoca Well assorted utock of good sl/o
ill readily nt 30@i5c : per bushel regvrdloas of
iriety , while small pottitoiit and mixed lots ii
ill only bring 20@25c , and are hard to dla-
u of at that.
Hwoot I'otatoes Only choice largo aalnblo
H@2c per Ib.
GrooorH Idst
CANNED toopH ! ( JvstorBStandardporcaBo ( ) ,
90 ; Btrnwbarrios , 2 Ib , per case , 2 20 ; rasp- !
jrriea. 2 tb , per case , 2 f > 0 ; California peara ,
ar caae , 5 80 ; apricots per case , 0 00 ; poache *
er case 590 ; ulnts clieriics per case , 075 ;
lums per case 4 50 ; whortlobernos , per casii ,
00 ; egg pluma , 2 ) ! > , per case , 2 90 ; ttreon
iges , 2 Hi , i > cr casa,2 90 ; pine applea , 2 Ib per
mo , 3 20' < z5 50.
VOVK Sisal i inch and larger , 9c , 8 Inch ,
ir M'eh , lOc.
OA.VIUKS Uojcen , 40 Ibs , ICs , llcRj ; , Ilo ;
axes lOlba , l oz,6i , lie.
MATCIIKH I'er cwldio , a. ' * ; round , cason
OS ; miuare , casei , 1 70j Oahkmli , CMIM 1 50"
SOOAUSI'uwderod , 8Jc ; cut loaf. SB ;
rauuliitod , ( ijc ; confectionera' A.Cjji ; Stand-
rd extra < \ lie ; extra 0 , C c ; medium yol-
w Cj'c ; dark yellow , c ,
COKKKM Ordinary grades , 12@121cj fair , 1 ,
13Jc ; good , ISJc ; prune , H@154c ; choice ,
C@l7c ; fancy green and yellow , Klfalijc ) ( ; old
overnment Java , 20@20sj Albuckla't
ed , Ifijc , SilcL.v.iS'hTrn'a XXXX roasted ,
U.fc ; iiiltttinn .lain , 10jf@isc ; Clark' *
Aurora , Ififc.
Si HI -ttuni1.inl Com. 33B. bbl ; SUiulnrd
dn , IJ gillnn kcr , 1 S."j t'limlanl do , I grtllnn
ki > g , 1 M
tomIn Ib paper * , 030 per c.vo ; ke per
Ib , 2Jo.
I'li-KKLs Mr-ilmm in bnrrol < , (1 ( 00 ; do In
half barrclf. 3 , ' > 0 ; snmll. In barrel * , 7 00 ; di > in
half liam-1' , 5 00 ; gherkins In barroli , 3 Oip ;
do In half barrel * , I M
\i-0iinpnwdor , good , l. " > @rMc ; choieo ,
( ! 0@7to ! ; giwA Knperial , IOJ | # ) 13c , choice. 0'W '
OSes Young Hy on , goixl , ; trtHWc ( ) ; clioloo , ( > " >
@ 1 00 ; Japan , natural Ic.if , 75o ; Jaimn choice ,
(10 ( 7110 ; OoloiiK goixl , 3o5 * l"c. Oolong.choico.
if , peed , 33(31 ( lOc ; choice , 33
(2 ( Itic.
Kii'K Louisiam prime to choice , GJfgl'c ;
fair , | tic ; I'atnia , OJc.
FISH No , 1 nnckero half brK , 7 Wl ;
Family J bbli I 23 ; No. 1 kits I 03 ; fam. kit *
GO ; No. \vliltoflMi , InlflirKflfiO : No 1
kiti , OSc. family i bbli 3 00 ; family kits and
lila , tU ; No. 1 , trout , J bbl' , 5 25
WooiKN\VAHK Two hoop pads , 1 S"i ; three
hooi > pails , 2 10. Tub' , No. 1 , 00 ; plom-or
washboards , 1 S3 ; Double ! Crown , 2 90 ; Well-
bucket' , 3 So.
SCAM Kirk's Savon Itnix-rial , 3 IB ; Kitk'it
satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's Btandnrd , 3 7 j Kirk' *
White Ku ian 520 ; Kirk's imtoca , 215 ;
POTASH PoniHylvaiiia cans , -I casnln case ,
3 Sfl ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; An
chor ball , 2 doz in CIHO , 1 GO.
CANIIV Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twist
stick , lOjc.
VINKOAII Now Yoik apple , IGc ; Ohio ap-
pli13c. .
SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ash ton , in
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy , GO. 61 , 3 GO
STAUCII Pearl l\c \ : Silver Ghvn Sc ; Corn
Starch , Sc ; IXcelsior Gloss , 7c , Corn 7Jc ,
SPICKS Pepper I7c ; spice , 14c ; covoi 29j
aesla , 15o.
Dry Goods
BnoWN SlIKRTlNns Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Atlan
tic P , Gc ; Atlantic lili , 5Jc ; Brunswick , 71c ;
BoaMT Dam LL , Gc ; Lwruico LL , GJc ; Paci
fic 11 , 7fc ; Koyal Standnrd , 74c ; Indian Head
A , Sc ; Wauchusott A , 7j'c.
FIXK I'KOWN ' SHKKTINOS Argyle , "Ic ; Poi
peroll U , 7c ; Salisbury R , GVc.
BLKACHUO CorroNH Ballon 4-1 , GJc ; Bal
Ion , 7 8 , G'jc ; Cumberland 4-1 , Sc ; Davoli DD ,
84.e ; Fairmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
9c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc : Golden Gate , SVe ;
Hill 7-8 , So ; Hfll 1-1 , 7Jc ; Lonediilo , SJc ; Now
York Mills , llic ; Wammtta , lOJc.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , S oz. , lljc ; BOT-
ton , 10 oz. , 144.c ; Boston , 9 oz , , lie ; Fall
River , 8Jc.
DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West
Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , lie ,
TICKINGS Amoskeng , He ; Continental
Fancy , HMc ; Cordis , lO c ; Pearl Kiver , ISJc ,
York , 12Je ; Hamloton Awnings , 124.C ,
ya Amoskeag , 14c ; Beaver Creek
AA , 12c : Beaver Creek BB , llci Beaver
Creek CO , lOc ; Hnvmakora , 8c : Jnlfrey D &
T , 12Vc ; JalirovXXX , llfjc ; Pearl Hivor.
13c ; Warren AX A ( brown ) , lc ; Warren BB
brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc ,
CASIHBICS Fifth avenue glove finish , EC
Keystone glove finish , 5Jc.
0 nsKr JEANS Amory , 7jc ; Hancock , So ,
Kearsayor 8jc ; Itockport , 7c.
PIIINTS Aliens , 5Jc ; American. GJc : Arn
olds , Gc ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 4Jc ; Indigo I
7 c ; Indigo 7-8 , lljo ; Indigo 4-4 , 12c ; Steel
llivor , 51c ; Charter Oak , 4jc.
PIIINTS SHIKTINOS American , 5c ; Co
checo , Gc , Gloucester Gc ; Southbridgo , 4Jc ;
Wavorlys , 4jc | ; Kosodalo , 4jjc. I
GINCIIIAMB Amoskeog staples , S c ; Bates
staples , S.Jc : Lancaster staples , 8c : Plunket
nlfids , 9c ; Hudson checks , c4.c ; Amoskoag
Persians , 9Jc.
DitKS3 GOODS Atlantic Alpacca , 9Jc : Per
iiano cashmere , 23 c ; Hatmeton cashmuro
15ic ; Hninlitini Fancus , lljc ; Hamloto 'jro-
: aues , IGc ; Arlington brocade , 18c.
Dnaos AND _ t HEMICALS Acid. _ Carbolic
'Oc ; acid , tartaric , G5c ; balsam capabia , per III
> Gc ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12c ; calomel , per
b. 75c ; cinohonitlir , per oz , , SO GO ; chloroform ,
ior Ib. SI 10 ; Dovers powders , per Ib , SI 23 ; ra
ipsom salts , per Ib. 3Jc ; glycerine , [ into , per
b.2.r > c ; acetate , [ tor Ib , 22c ; oil castor ,
S'o. 1 per gal , 1 GO ; oil castor , No. 3 , per gal. ,
H 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , SI 10 ; oil origanum ,
> 0c ; opium , SI 50 ; quinine , P. & W ; and K. & .
3 , per oz. , St 10 ; potassium , lodiilo , per 9.-
) . , SI GO ; sallcin , per oz. , 40c ; sulphate
norphino , per oz. , S3 GO ; sulphur per Ib. , 4c ;
itrjchnine , per oz , , SI 35.
Paints Oils and VarnlalioB ,
OILS 110 caruon , per gallon , 12Jc ; 150 °
loadlight , per gallon , 12 c ; 175U headlight ,
> er gallon , lOJc ; 150" water white , 15Jc ; liu- .
iced raw , per gallon , ISc ; linseed boiled , per
rnllon , 51o Lard , winter str'd , pi-r gallon , 70c ;
S'o. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , GO ; oistor XXX , per galen -
on , 1 GOc. No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00 '
perm W. B. , pur gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. B. ,
> er gallon , G5 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ;
S'o. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ;
ummer , 15c : golden machine , No. 1. per gal.
on , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon
Oc ; turpentine , per gallon , lie ; naptha , 74 ° , N
ler gallon , IGc. en
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P , Ibm i
ic ; ivliito lead , St. Louis , pure , G c ; Marseil- m
JB , green , 1 to G Ih cans , 20c ; ] ( 'roncli zinc , at
roon seal. I'-'c ; French /inc. red seal , lie ; atbi
'Vench zinc , in varnish asst , 20c ; French 7inc , bi
i oil asst , IGc ; raw and burnt iiinbnr , 1 Ib
ans , lOc : raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke I'
rown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach ll :
lack and ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Ib
'russlau blue , 40 : ; ultramarlno blue , lfc ; ;
hromo green , L. ISI. & D. , IGc ; blind and
liutter green , L. M. & D , , IGc ; Paris greou ,
( c ; Indian rod , 15c ; Venetian red , Jlc ; Tus-
in rod , 22c ; American vermilhon , I. & P. ,
; yellow ochio , 9c ; L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18o
ellow ochre , 9c ; gildon _ oclire , IGc ; patent
ryor , Sc ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , ' ,
.ilnut , chestnut and a h , IGc. j.-f
Oak eole , 88o@42o | r.
.Juilook kip , 80o ; runner G5o to 7Ga ; hem :
oik calf. B5o to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o
0 24c oak tipper , 2-1 c ; alligator , 4 00 to G 50 ;
alf kid , 32@35 ; Oroleeu kid , 2 CO to 2 76 ; oak
Jp. 80o to 1 00 ; oak culf , 120 to 1 30 ; French
dp , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 1 20 to 2 00 ; run-
ota. 550 to 750 ; . .inin , GOO to 8 50 top. i
lings 9 00 to 10 GO ; B L , Morocco , SOo to 35c.
hiilo O. D. Morocco 35o : slnion. 2 G0@3 00
HAIINKBH , No. 1 at-ir oak , 3Gc ; No , 2 31c ;
Get No. 1 Ohio oak , d3o ; Wo. ao , Blcj No ,
Milwaukee 84o : No 2 do 33c.
No. 1 Pitta oak bar , Go | No. Bj Pitta o&k
iar , 84 %
AlOOnoL 188 proof alcohol , 2 20 pot wine
alien oitrn California spirits , 188 proof , i
18 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
67 proof , 117 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstlllod
rhlsklcB 100@1 50 ; Quo blended , 1 60@2 GC ;
Contusky bourbont , 2 00@7 00 ; { Kentncky
nd Pennsylvania rycvi , 2 00@7 00. ft '
BHANDIBH Importfld.nOfliaiBOOi doraeatlf I0
GlNa Imported , 4 G0@ii 00 ; domostlo , 1 40
§ 300.
Uun9 Imported. 4 GO/58 00 ; Now England ,
'J94 00 ; domestic , 1 50@S 50.
CHAMPAONK9 Imported per caaa , 2800@
I 00 ; AjnoTlcan , per case , 12 ( KXaiS 00.
PLUG TOBACCO Climax 4Gc ; Uiilllon 15c ;
lorsoshoe , 4lc ; Star , 4ic ( ; Htidy , 45c ; Her
oy's , 40c ; Black , 3SIUc ; Spearhead , IGc ;
) ur llopo , 48c ; Plpor Heldsleck , Glc.
FINK CUT Common , 3'Jc : MediumICo good
5 ® 0o Hard to5eat70 ! c ; favorlto , GOc ; ila- )
nondCroun , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , GOc.
BMOKINO O , B. , 22c ; M Domchaum , SOc ; >
) urham 10 oz , , 51 ; Durham , 8 oz , ,
i5c ; Durham 4 or. . 67c ; Durham 2
it. , GOc ; Seal of North Carolina , 1G o/ .
lie ; Seal of North Carolina. 8 n/,4'lc : ; Seal of
S'orth Carolinia , 4 ( i48 ; Heal of North Cam-
ina 2 oz. , GOc ; O K. Durham , 4 oz. , 28c :
) . K Durham. 'oz.:30c ; Undo Nod , I'd
5c ; Tom and Jerry , 23c ,
I.nmtior. ,
Wo quota lumber , ( ath and ihlngle * on can
tt Otaaba at the following prloont
JOIHT AMD BOAMTUHO 16 nd under <
TIUDKI13 1C foot and nndor , 20 00 ,
TIMIIEB A.'ID JoibT 20 It , iaOJ ! | 21 ( t.
35 00.
Vtaowa No. 1 , 4 and G In , , 21 00 ; No , 2 '
BHKCTIH3 No. l(2d ( common boardi,20 ) 00) )
No. 2 , 18 00 ,
STOO IJOAltns A , 45 00 ; 11,40 ( X ) ; 0 , 85 00.
FLOOBiwa No , 1,40 00 ; No , 2 , 85 00 ; No ,
3 , 25 09
BiniKO , oJoar 27 00 | No , 21 25 00 ; No. 3. i
20 00 ,
- ! 37 00 ; 1,25 ,
, boat I 6UJ tlauimta , o ou.
rATH 3 25 per Mi
LlUt Per barrel , 1 SSjbnlk pet bmhcl , Ms ;
cotnoat , bM , 2 25 ; town pl * t r. bbl , 1 Ni hab
par t i. rW ; T : rcd fait , 100 Uvv , 8 * " > i < lr < <
bcAtil 86T ,
Hnrd\vnrr > List.
Iron , rntr * , I ! 30 ; plow ftp. . l fp cml cist Gc ;
ctuciblp , 7c ; upcclal or Uormtu , IV : cast too ;
do , lfixVil\vn ; ell | xikw , f < i , 2 2'ia3 00 ; lmln
per sot , I " 3 ; felloes , unwed dry , 1 10 , tdiiRiu ,
ouch , "O.iS'c ; ailoK , each , ? " > ; Mm.iro nuts pn
Ih. "iillo ; waihem , per Ib , 'MlSc' rlu-t , porlli
lie : cod chain' peril ) . Gal A nulloiblo , Sc ;
iron wrdges , Gc : crowbars , ( ' * , harrow tooth ,
Ic ; spring * tcol , 7 Sc : H'ltdi-n's ' horswhoo :
I 10 : UurdVn'N inulcshooi "i 70
lUuiiKii WlllK In car lnt , I (0 per 100.
NAIUH-Union , 10 to GO , 230.
SHOT -Shot , I S3 : buck hot , 2 10 : orlonti
powder , kegs , t > 10 : do. half Ucgs , 3 IS : di
qnatter krgs , I S8 : Waiting , key * , 3 33 : fun
per 100 foot , GOc.
l.KAi ) Unr 1 G3.
COAL Cumberland black n Ith , 10 00 : Mor
ri ? i mi liliwlmrK , 10 00Vhltobroa : < t lump
5 00 : WhitobroaH nut , 5 00 lown lump , 5 00
IOWA nut , 5 CO ; Hock Spring , 7 00 : Anthrn
cite , 11 2."ull 03 : Canon City , 7 00 per Ion.
White lo. l , ttct irtonch zinc. 10o | Par !
whiting , 24o ; whiting gliders , ljc | whiting
com'l lie ; limpblnclf , ( lOimantown , He
lampblack , onlinary , Oo | I'rusilAA blue , t6c
untrainarino\8c ; vandyke , Lnwi , Sc ; iiinbor
burnt , 4c ; mnbor , raw , 4c ; flunnn , 4o
plonna , rk , 4o | Pnrla green , goiuimo , 25c
P r g pteon. common , 20ochromopu ; n N.V" ,
2Ccj emoniORroon. K. , 12ot vonnillion , Kng ,
7Cc | Toriclllliin , AruCrloan , ISc ; Inillan , rod
lOcj rose pink , 1 lc | Vcn tJan roil , Oookaon'r
2fc | Venetian rod , American , IJ/c / ; rod loiil
7jc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yol
w , K. , 12c ; ochre rochelle , 3c ; ochro. Frencli
2fc ; ochre , American , 2c ; Wlntor'a mineral
2jc ; lohlgh brown , 2io | Sp.vitah brown , 2ic
Prlnco's mineral , 3c ,
VAHNIBllsa Bwrols , pc gallon : Fnml
hire , extra , $ L 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81) ) coach ,
extra , $1 40 : conch , No. 1 , # 1 20 ; Uamar
extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70cnjrhnKmii ; , extra , Ufa
shollao , S3 t > 0l hard oil finish SI AO.i
FLOnn Colorado , 100 Itw , ' 1 55 ® 1 05 ; pat
nnt , 100 Ibg. , 1 ! 10@225 ; Katun , 100 Hw , 2 75
@ 3 75 ; Minnesota , 100 Ibt , 3 HO ; griilmm , 100
Ibs , 1 85@2 00 ; rye , 100 Iba. , 2 3'C i > 2 50 ; buck
wheat , 100 Ibs. 7 50@7 75.
QIIAIN , KKKi ) , KTO Wheat , 100 lb > , 80@00o ;
3orn , In sack * on track , 1(10 ( lb , 1 25@1 27 ,
} ata , in nacks on truck , IMn. \ \ . pattern \\l\iti\
L 13tdl 15 ; Colorado white , 1 ll@l 15 ; mixed , .
L 101 12 ; barley 100 Iba , 1 30@1 40 ; bran ,
Mn , on track , 13 50(314 ( 50 ; chop , corn , 100
b , on track , 1 27 ( 1 J9 ; cho | ) , niKed , 100 Ibs ,
in tr.ick , 1 : ! l@l ) 35 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 1 G5
a 175.
HAT Baled , upland , ton , 13 00015 00 ;
ipland , loose , ton , 13 00@li ( 00 ; second bot-
om , baled , 10 tO@ll 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton ,
0 00@1100 ; clover , baled , ton , 1400 ; clo\or ,
ooso , ton , 13 00@16 00 ; straw , baled , on track ,
on , 000 ® ! ) 00.
BUTTEB Creamery , fancy , Ib. Si@IO ( ;
roamory , fine , Ibl0@l0 ; cruAinory , fair , Ih ,
2ir23 ; : dalrv , choice , Ib , 22' < 2li dairy , good ,
) , 1S@20 ; dairy , lair , Ib , 15@1G ; cookiui ; , Ib ,
@ 11.
Eaas State , candled anil warranted , doz ,
5@2G ; ranch , doz , 28@30.
CHEESE Full cream , 14Q15n : half o'eam ,
) , ll(5)13c ) : sltiin , Ib , 9@13c ; Swi B , domestic ,
b , 20@22c ; Swlsa , Imported , 31@32c ; t.lm-
lurgut 14@18e.
PODLTUT Live old chlckonB , doz,4 76@5 25 ;
A-oprlncp , doz , 3 05 ® 1 00 ; lixe dnclcs , do/ ,
00@5 25 ; live turkeys , Ib. , 15@l7c.
POTATOES Colorado , 100 Ibs , 95 © 100 ;
vvoct , f er Ib. , 3 © 3c.
VKOKTAIILKM Onlora , yellow , 100 Ibs ,
25(5)1 ( ) 5) ) : cabbwrn. 100 Ihs , 90@t 10 ; boots ,
00 IbB , 1 20ffll 30 ; turnips. 100 Ibs , 1 00 ®
25 ; carrots , 100 lbs.1 2 5@1 50.
GIIKKN VKQETAIH.KS Tematocs , per Ib , J@
c ; cucumber ? , doz , 5' 610 ; green core , do/ ,
0@20 ; Btring beaiif. gal , 20@22 : rolcry , doz
075 ; onions , doz bunches , 1822 ; parsley ,
0@12 ; carrots. 12@15 ; lettuce , 1520 ; egg
lant , dor , 501 00.
FnniTS Lomons. per case , Mo nlna , G 50 ®
00 ; oranges , Hodi , case , H 00&8 50 ; OTtattre * ,
.ouisiann , bbl , 12 00@12 50 ; npplos , fan-
y , bbl , 3 75SJ4 ( 25 ; apples , medium , bbl ,
23@3 EO ; apples , Bolletlower , box.l 001 50 ;
ears , box , 32u@3 EO ; poacheB , box , 2 25 ®
50 : California Kra ) > eB , box , Melvolse , Peru ,
luscat , 1 758A2 0 ( ; bananas , b mcli.S 00@5 ) ( ) :
uinces , bov , 2 60(3)2 ( ) 75 ; cranberries , bbl , B < fc
, 1550.B&C , 13-iO@UOO.
CUHKD MKATS llamii. sugar cured , Ib , 15 ;
ams , aweot pickled , Hi , Hfc Daonii , lireuk-
.at , Ib , 11 } ; dry fait sldoa , Ib , 11 ; dried
eef , Ib 10 ; lard in pails , lO lOJ ; lard iu
orco , 5I(5 ( U .
FIIKSII MKATH Dressed boot Colorado , poi
. GifiOJc ; ccoicooal , Ib , 11(5113 ( ; hogs , Ib ,
§ 84 ; mutton , 11 > , 5@rf ; lamb. Hi , 10@12J.
Jjlv aroOR Coloradj steers , per 100 Ibs ,
40@376 ; cows 100 Ib. a 003 50 ; choice
aal calves , Ib , 7CtSc ; nrioop , 2 00@'J 60. :
Hides. Dry Flint No , 1 , perlb , 10i@12o ;
'o. 2. Ib , 8@10 ; green fleers nnd branded
ilf. Ib.Ijatf4 ( : green calf , Ib , G ; green kip
, 0 ; shorn ) Mun. dry. 7 8 : door skins , sum-
i-r , Ib , lfl@18 ; door skins , winter , ib , 12(2)10 ( ) ;
itolojio skins' Ib , 1219 ; tallow , Ib , l@5.
Wool , Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 14@U ) ,
ick , Ib , S ; Mexican , 8 ,
Finn Mackerel , No.l , 1 50 , kit. moss ,
7.5ft)2 ) 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 60 ;
olland herring , ko7 , 1 GO1 76 ] trout , per
i. 17@18o
, a Joint ni ! . ! ton ! wmailoiitoil liy there
ro nl the htato of Nclirashn , at the
Seflilon tln'ronf , and npjiroMil I'thnnry '
tli , A. 1) . IKKI.propoiliii ; nn Amondinont to Section
iurlol ( Arilclu 'llireo 'I ) ol the UoiiBtltiitioii ol
lilHta'o. anil that Hal J eoctlon ns niiiended uliull
tail a fallow ! , tci-ult : .
"Soctlon 4 Ilio terms of olllco of inomlicrfl of tlio
eKlela'nru Bliall liatttii jcurs , anil tliov tlmll uaili
cel > u n salary of tiirco hunilroil ilcllnrs far tlnlr
r\lo s ilurinit nM term , and ton cunts for oicry
Ilo they shall trn\el In k'"l"k' to and rutiiriilnK from
10 jilnto of .nntlni ; of the l.csjls'.i'uro , nn tlio tuo t '
jiml r.mif. I'IIOMDMI iinHKxr.ii , tn .t nilther muni-
srtiof tlia Lculolaturo nor employes Hliall reculvo
ivpay or perquisites otlior'tlian Ihcl1 salary and .
lloi > nu. Kach Htiixlon , utccpt upeclM cnslnne , Khali ,
not less than sixty ilaju. Alter the uxplrat'on ' ol
rty dajn of the reiulon no hliln nor joint resolution
the nature nf hllN Bhtll liolntroiluo d , iniloaUho
ovrrnor uhall. h > Hpoclal mmsa 'o , call the attc'ii-
on of thnICKialaturo to the lucidity of intsliiK of
lav/on the sulijert matter cinhracod In thoni8iaip. ;
id the Introduction ol hill ! ) uhall liu rvstrlctod
lertto. "
1 ho ballots at the ( lection at which Hilil Ani'ml.
cut uliall bo HiibinlttoJ Khali ho In the follow InK
nn. "For ] iriiMined | Amendment totliu Conttltu
an relating to U'Kliilatho Dopartiiunt " "AKaln t
opowj'l ' Amendment to the Uoimtltutlon rolatln
Li Klxlttlto Hoiiaitment. "
WJIKIIKAH , njuin molutlon was adopted hy the H
'Ulaturo ol the flato ol Nolirotika at the KlKh * 1
tnth Hciuloii thcruol , ml a | ) | > rmitl 1'olminry'iilh , 1
D Ids I , pro ( inlnu an Aniimilmont to Kortloti Ono
ol Artlcfo Kite ( f > ) cl the C' < > n tltiitloii iJ M
ato. anil t'.iat luUl eu tlim ut amuidoU shall ruul an
'llow * . in.wit :
'huctlou 1Ilio Kkccutlva Doimrttnont shall con
it ol n ( Jmtnior , Lieutenant Uiivornnr , I'ocri.'tary
Hlnto , Aii'lltor ' ol I'uMlo Aci lutita , 'Iruasurur ,
iil > oilntun < lvnt l I'libllc liintructKin , Attonii'i ( leu- (
al. ( 'oiniiilstloncr of I'tlh lo I aiida aai' MullHnxn , | (
illlmrd of i ulU j Ooinuilmloncrii , i'hn ollliuro v
Lincil In tM BOCIloiiHlii 1 inch holil l.lsulllcu lor
iiturm o ( wojinrs from tto Hut Thiirmlat alter
10 flmt Tuoiilij In Janury next alter lilsolu-tl n
nl until hli Hucceminr In uluctcil ami ( | iullSod. I'RII [ l
IIKII IIOUMKII , trat the Hint tloctlnii ol unlil nlticnlH
lall ha tu Id on thu UrntTuosJay iuici Jhittio ) ) flrnr
omlay In Notcmhrr i > l IbSO , anil lath uuccvcdini ;
uctloiihhill he h > hl at thu eainu iclatlvo thno In
ith enii jiar thorualttir. All other olllccrx that .
ay Im provided fur liy Uw , under the provisions l ,
lU suction , h ll liethoHon In mich taaiiiar and at
ich tiinos , anil ihallholdthilr olllcen formicli leiik'tn
; tlnio at'iuaj Ijuircnlikd | hy law , aniUhall | > cr
unmich ilutltiHandrocelto mull coiii | > cn tlHi ( o
ay ho i > ro\IJt l lor hy Hw 'Iliu Oouinor , K'cro
ry ol HUtu , Auditor ol I'uhllo AcoountH , Trcanurcr ,
jiiiinlHHioNLr ul I'nlillc I indi anil Dullilhik' ' , a'ld At
irnuy ( ioniril , liall rraida at tlio eat ol i > ourmnimt
irlnn' their term * ol nlllcuand ko ii thu pulillo ro
irdu , li')0 > aanil | iaKr thuro , and the ollh.trn heriln
kinod flull | iurloiiii nidi duties M nuy tu required
f liw. " .
'I liu hallota at the election at which mid Amend
0 t ihallhomibinittixl nhall ho In In the folloulnx
irrn "h'nr propiwoi Amuiidinent to hoctlon Olio
) ol Artldu rlt ( fief ) thu Coiiitltutlon , untltlnl ,
CiuciithoDcpBrtiiiuiit. ' " "AKalii tp'iipr odAtfiouiJ
unt to Huetloii OHO ( I ) ol Artldu fho ( ! > ) ol the Con
Itullon.entltlol , 'Kxirutlte Department. ' "
Ihcreluro , I Jame * tt Ii ei , iot > rnor rf tlio
tatuol Nobraika , do herubv Klvo nutku.lii uu-nr
inou ultbtiectlondiiotl ) Artlclo I Illuvn (16) ( ) of the
in titutlnn , and tliu I roU loii nl an net entltlxil
\n Act to prlde thu nitmirr ol inoponliiK Ainund
lonUt'itho Uunatltutlon und nuljiiilttliiK iho nainr
1 thoHlectomoltliU tUtu"upprovcd Khnur.t 13th
U ' 877 , llutmM pnm'oa Aino idinon u will l > o
jhmltti'd to thu < | 'iullllud vnttraol thNSUtufor
illlluitlon or rfjotilon > t thu ( Jencrul r lei tlun to ho
old on the thduy ol Nmembur , A. I ) I SSI.
J - . In witneiM uhoroof , 1 tutu hereunto nt
HKtu. [ niylmnd and rausul to ho alllsod the'
. - ' i.rfat Si l ol thu Htateol Nolirankt
Innu at Mnco'n thin'Ih day ul July , A , H. Udl ,
liu KlKhtuunth > wirol th < Hiu u , ami "I the Imlo
undcncu tltlio I'mtud bttte'i , the Ono Iluudicd am' '
Inth ,
Ilythodorornor JASIKsW UAWKH , .
AITK/II. Kuc.u I' . KOUJKS ,
" l-u bevrctixrj ol btato
Uailwav Tinio Ta"blo ,
in nnvcioct. i t , iss .
Tie iltonllnn nf tlin tritt riling pnMio l r lloil I
tin' fAi't ( hit ttii l thi unit will l < t 'Mid aliwlntcl
eo.rr t tlniK 1 1 Ii | iiI'lKhi il in llu- ifi ,
All InliH Mine at nml dcput fiom Onmh > d
t'cntril st\ndinl 1'iinp.
frulrn of the l' St P M .t O. arrlvo At uml ilo
pirt from tin Iriloiwt , rorncr nl llih ml Wc'iiic
tro-ti ; trains o Ilio ll A M. , C. ll , t LJ , ami K C
St J M' | | f mm th < i II. &M. depot ; Ml olhrra fun
the L'nlnn ' 1'n Ilkil'pot
, li\iltli ; , ovept tntunhj ; c , nxccpt Sundnj t
oxpvpt Momlt\ ,
Ouminy Trnlns tonvo omnhiv t a40,8
9 00 , 1U UO , 1. 15 a in , I OD , S IK ) . 3 ( HI , 4 W , G 00 , 0 00 ,
08 , ' ) pin. On Suml.jstlio SOOnml 1000ft m nnd
' 00 niul 4 00 p m trains ilo not run. Anh o nt trnnn-
cr il.'pot 13 luliuitua Ktvr : llroajwuy lU'pot M mil
.lion Utcr.\ Council llliiRa ( Ilroiiln ny itoiiot ) at 7 20 , H SO
) SO , 10 30 , 11 40 n 111 ; 1:10 : , 2 30 , 3 30. 4 30. 530. 0 35
iml II 05 p in. On aumUjfl the S ! IO nnd 10 30 n in
mil 3 00 niul 630)1 m tmlni will not run. Arrive nt
'muster 7 mlimtoH Inti r , Oin'vlia SO minutes Inter.
TmnsforTrnlnS Ia\o UinalmatS 16 , 8B3
0 US ft in , 4 US , ( I 10 nnil (105 | > in , ilnlly.
Atrlutnt 9-15 nml 11 IDnin , 12 26 , 7 35 nnd 8 16 n
'o nml from Clilcano \ IA tlio Trlpartlto Alllnnco Lines.
Mil I IM. I N-\V | N W | U.I | Mil
cptoinbcr. - 14 I tu IS I 0-27
) otobor 12 in t > -ll ! ( I 11 4-20 1
uinbor , , I 12n BUi : 10 I 1-2.1 Ui 8-21) )
) unilicr . | n i 7-2.1 IS 0-27 I VO
Sunday evening n < l Jlondny morning lalnanrrlv ,
i oorropondlnK order. C. II. & ( j , trains run or
11 v v , t v or
Oil VI \
OMllCClIllk' 111 I'lllllll Dl'pOlH lit IClllls.lH Cllj ,
Onmhamiil DUIIVUI ullli tluoiiKli tiiiins lot
Anil nil points In iliu Uioal AVost
g III ( iiiinil Union Dopolnt Chicago
with thioiifjh U.ilns for
XE w Yoit K , Ji o s yoy ,
And nil Ke ' " > rn Olllrn.
At I'oorln with Iliioi * ttmliiM lor iMillaiiii ; ) .
Us , Ciiioliiiiutl , t'olnivfJia , and nil points In
ho-imlli.ICnst. sr'TjuuN wltli tluoiiuli
tor all IIOUIIH cu" ! ) .
ii'Kiint : IMyCou-lii-H , I'uilor CIIIH , with Itn.
lining Chain ( seats 1 1 on ) , Smoking Cars with
Involving i'huliH , I'lillinaii J'al.ioo .Soi | > pln ) , '
in H uml tint tiiinoiiH i' . ii , Ac ; , niniiiK CIUH
nn dally loiini I fioinClilniKO and Kansas City ,
'lilfiiKoand Counell IllniN ClilciiKD and Ie.-
lolncs , UliloiiKo , St. .loHepli , Ali'lilnon and
opokii without I-IUIIIKD. ( Inly lliioiiKli llm
mini > K Hud- ; ( inn tiiilim lieluren Clikago ,
.ineiiln and Donvoi , and C'hk'iio | , KIIIINIIS
"ly nml Iioiu ir. 'riiiniiKli can Imtni'iiii
nillaiiniiolls and Counell Jllullx , via IVoiln
< ; oiNd rvdK'rii ANI > SOUTH.
Solid TialiH nl l.liunnt Day Couches and
'iilliiinii raliu'iislt'upliiKUiiiHuio i mi dally to
nil litiiii St. I.OIIIH ; via Ilannllial , ( Jnlncy ,
U'oknk , JlmlliiKlon , Cedar Itapldmind illicit
.ciitoSt. 1'uiil and Mlniie.iolls ] , I'niliir ' 'urn
'llli Iteellnlng ChaliH to and liom hi. l.nnis
lid I'coilu. Only OMII climiHOof CIUH bclucen
t. l.otilHiinil I Ion .Molnes , IOHII , Mneoln , No.
niiska.and Denver , Coloiiulo.
It tHiilio the only 'riiiutiKli Mini l ) ( Lwoon
It If * known IIH the Kroat 'I'llHOCUII OAK
IM : ot Ameilca , and Is universally ndmll
"d lo ho tlin
rinost Eijulppod Railroad in the World fo.
all classes of Travel.
Through Tlc-liois via this line ( nr railit ntiii'
t. U. coiiiion ticket oniccb..i the United Status
.id Ciinudu.
' . J. I'OTTKIt , 1'KUOKVAI. l.OWKI.L ,
ai , crr Ura
Children lllio It. Clio
li'tiiiliiK thin * In the
l o ol HtdKo'H Knod
\ dolly dlot Ix that It li
iritllyhiKto thotiHtu
\ I'llrtlioiinnro It com
iliiex all the dementi
or honii , iniitdo and
iliiu * ' an In no ( itlur
jnimratlon Then
uiMUot clilld'tn havu
on ren'cd u > on It
The iitfoof Uld o'ri ' lei il
.tu uitui i r inu cliuu , nun UK * mrthcr ollin
l o tin * tnnilitil ( li } iitloiilliit ( It os illruited for lu
ll I. . U , IIK.IIII , : i ; , ( Jc. , l Woinlil.76. WOOI , .
[ SlOCESSOltS TO TUB J. U. V , & II. CO. ]
Tbo uioet vxtvnilve rouiufkctureri ot
lolin Hockstriiw Cloncral A.'cnt or
Wvbtoru loHa.
.0 H , Tenth Htrcctl . . . . OUAIIA , NED
MTPllCH ol litlllariUnO. eel TVjIcsau JmitrU
For Hided , Wool , 1'olla , Etc , niul coiialgnmanta tnndo to us will receive [ prompt
attention , for which innnudinto loturna will bo inndo.
J3t/i Street , Bet. Dodqe and Capitol Ave , OMAHA , NEB.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground
li ia ( ho bunt nnd cliunjiuat food for stock of any kind. Ono pound is rqunl to
.hroo lion ila of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Oako In the Pall nnd Winter
natond of running down , will incronao in weight nnd bo in good marketable condl
, ion in the eprin . Diiiryniun , na well va othora , * ho uao it , cnn testify to itn inor
tu. Try it and judge for yonrsolvos. Price $25.00 nor ton. No charge for sacks
) I
II. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Chicago , Mnnngor of the
Tea , Cigar and Tohacco Departments. A full line of nil grades of
tlio aboxo ; alee Pipes nnd Smokers' carried in stock. Prices
nnd samulca furnished on application. Open orders
intrusted to ua shall receive our careful
attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Milwaukee. Wis.
GUNTHER & 00 , , Sole Bottlers ,
, ,
, A. J . ST11ANG & CO. ,
Double and Single Acting Power a/no Hand
Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Bono , Braeu and Ircu
at vrholoaalo and rotail. HALLADAY WJND-M1LLS , CHURCH
f-Oorner 10th Farnara St. . Omaha Neb ,
[ ENDORSED BY Y1UXZ. LlS'i'i' . ]
DOflTONQM rch Ut , 188' .
KMKHSON 1'IANO CO OUNTLIIUBX Your Initiurncnli , OusJ , Slums uJ Uurl M , r renlly not bji
utiuimutt auil uurl'vollwl fur Ucnuty of tone aud Uulih , Allow mo to.otfBjratultU you ou your sterling
> rouruui. OUBTAVK tiATTKU ,
u Rtrowt. Omaha ,
aucQ rs bth ami Do glaasttcota . OMAHA , NEB.