Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Cor. 10th rul Capitol A nue , tronti ll CMC ) Crip
l > lcdor Deformed , ilsodlsoncs ol tt
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs
All M f of Cnmttuo of the Spine , Crooked Fcot
I , W M. . Amu. DlMMet of tin lllp , Knee , and
AnVlo Joints Al ° Chronla nflectlons oltlio liver
IlheutnUUai , P r lysl8 , Piles , Ulcora , CMmh , Asth
tn Vnd Btonchltl. ire alt tro ted by new and I suo-
f l method ! . All illscMcs of tno niood nJ Urln-
irr Orz nt , Including tho. . resulting t , om Int l.cro-
"onror exposure , are Mfelj and successfully 'treated '
ImUeuroWriknteod. YounR men , mlrtdlo aged ,
in old men ufforlnc from WcakneM nd Nonou.
exhaustion , produc- ! , . , nllKM on , PA plt < n o { the
Hcatt. Dojpondoncy UliilncM. I3 of licmory.Lftck
of Knew in ! Ambition , c n l.o restored to health
ndtot \ , II CMO Ii not lee lone neglected. .
TOO RurRcon In chiriro Ii a Kr < lu tfl o Jjltar.
. Hud ed hi.
, on Modioftl ColloRe 1885) ) aj.l hw
urofosslon In London , t'arli and licrlln. II ainittod ,
caller write full description of your caw , and rnodl-
clno may bo sent you. Connufutlon Irce. AddroH
Omaha filspenmy , Croun.o' lllock , Ornalia. Keli.
Offlco hoort 10-1J . m.l-S and 7-8 p. m bnndayi.
o tro&tlso either on mala ilUoasss or
dct tmlttn
KrlaL.gor Wavnrin.
Culmbaolier , Bavonn.
Pilanor kBonommn.
Kaiser Brnraen.
Budweiser St , Louis.
Anhausor. . . . _ St. Louis.
Best 8. . . . Milwaukee
Schlitx-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Kruc's Omaha ,
Ale , .Porter , Domestic and Rhine
Wmo.TD. . MAU11ER.
1213 Farnnm St
Boyal anil U.S. M ll Btonraor *
ThtRMnt , Germany , Italy' Holland and Franet
Steerage Outwird,820 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , 9lR ;
nicurelon , 839 , Including bedding , oto , 2d Cabin , 050 ;
Hound Trip , 90.00 ; xcurslon , $100 ; Baleen from $60
lo ISO ; Excursion 110 to S160.
jaTPoter Wright Sons , Oon Agents. CD Dro.v !
wny N. Y.
C ! Jirol. ! Ilamllton 6 Co. , Omaha. P. K. Flo
mm & Co. , 03 N. 10th Struct. Omaha ; D. K. Elm
til , OmihaA ntj. od-lr
General Ccic ! ; < In
Mavo for late MO,000 aores oarolnlly Beleoled laodi
D Kutorn Kobruka , atoi \ > prlca ana on OMy tornrr.
Improvoa larini tor tale In Dounlat , Dodge , Ooltsx
Platte , Bart , tumln ; , ( Jarny , Waitunjloo , Utrlck
Siuudors , and llutler Oonnllea.
T * M pild In all part ] of the Qtall , !
Money loinod on rap roved farina ,
Notary I'ubllo ttlvrfcya In office Comnpond
Chemical Dyeing
0. T. PAULSON , Proprietor !
GcnUeacna' Cloth'nfr ' Cleaned , Dynl and Heptlrod.
dles' Drcaaea Cloanrd and Dyed , without Hipping ,
PlumeaCliamxlnr Colored any abade , to eainplo ,
Hllkii , Velvets me Laoea Cleaued , Died and Ue-tln-
1212 Douglw Street , . OMAHA , NED
Chicago , . St. . Paul , Minneapolis aod
Tbo new extension of thU line from WakeCtld DP
through Concord and Oolerldgo
TO TT A. HLrHmXTC-t-'Z'OKr ,
IUach a tha beat portion of the Btato , BpeoUl ei
oursbn rate for land taoLw * over thia line t
Wayne , Norfolk and Ilaitlugtoa , and \1a Illalr to a
prlcdpal polbta on the
Trtloaovar tht 0. , St. P. tt. & O , Ilallway to DOT
Bk-tou , Sioux City , Ponca , Htrtlujton , Wayne and
Norfolk ,
Ooxxxxoot ftt Etllr-
, cr Frt'mnt , OikJt.e , Nallgh , and tbiough to Val
( antlno ,
jgvynriaUaklllnandformatloncall oo
Western Cofnice-Woiks ,
It I till pooglu Bl. Oman * , Nib ,
Qalvanueo iron
illudowi , Tintati , Tin , Iron U ) d
-or.r.ecnf < raUnt Mttal.lo BkylUht ,
atct.t u ) JuiUd Kachati Uwaud Uraoket Bhel
tbitbore Ilia it
Ncrvou ! . iosr oij t ) ljnl ) ) ' Mental nd
Phvaltal Wtaknc-i-i Me 't.irl-l anil other Aflcc.
tlonVot Throat. SKln of Ooncs. Olood Poisoning ,
and Ulcwi. ' , ' ' '
old & r.'jVW.'JS' . .
Diseases Arising ( rum Indiscretion Excess
E posu or indu.sunce . j ; ; irf' ; f 'rtg3
ircl'tt'I . l J wli , ' l'l'7i
' ' - " ' " - IP1" " ! | j'
5Jwln , ' 'I' " "I I'lMlM " > " ' ! * f M " .MA.
rendorlne Marn ae : Inprrprr or tinutppy , "
I frmiiitl i'S ' " , ' l'i iliipl | cKi ! | ir"H > nlli Vet , wnj
Ii. l IIK. . i f. ' " ' nT..Mr. . . . ; or , > ell llo H
iwefhynivlfrwllntl 'I nw ' " ' ilont.
A Positive Writren Guarantee
rlri lnHlfnr Mpf > n Midilie. . ' III
KOMIJM , ( ncrlalM ll'oilMIrl In rlnttiaMflltbltMnt
WVn.fJ . M ' ' ' l l' ' " * , * ' " '
ewitlni i" I"l < "i' l " ' , , " " ) " , ' a l U
11 , w A book of r. l Ul ' < l I" - UsallA , Onj ! *
illo- ' ' ' " krouvtcil IT lie ailtloa
SciGllCGOfLife'OillVl ' 00
Kxhaustod Vitality , Ncrvoin nd Phynlcal Dohllltj
'romaturo Decline In Man , Krrorsot Voiitlianil tin
untold miseries resulting from In llnorotloin or ei
eon c . A book for etory man , youiiK , inlddlo a cd
and old. U contains I7S prcjcrljitloin for all Mill
andchronlodlKcascseach onool which In Imalnnblo.
Sofounil by the Author , whoso experience for 17
years In such an probably never ocforo fell to the lot
of any phtslcian. BOO pae ( , bound In boautlfu
'ronch mu Iln omnoBsod covers , full , K" ' ( ruarantcod
o bo a finer work In every eonso , nmchanlcal , lit
erary and profcBslorul , than any ether work sold In
Ills country for S2.M , or the money will bo refunded
n every ItisUnco. Prlco only Sl.OO by mall , j > os
laid. IlliiBtratlvo sample B cents. Send now. Hold
modal awarded the author by Iho National Modloal
Association , to the olllccrsot which ho refers.
The Science of Mfo should bo read by the vounir
or Instruction , and by tha afflicted for relief. It will
Msnellt all. London Lancet ,
There In no member of society to whom The Bcv
enco of LJfo will not Ira UBcftil , whether youth , parent -
ent , guardian , Instructor or clcrym ( a. ArRonaul.
Addros ) the Pcabody Medical Ink.ltuto , or Dr. W
I. Parker , No. 1 Dulflnch Street , Poston , Mass. , who
may bo consulted on all dlncaBos roqulrlnff ( kill and
experience. Chronlo and obstlnatodlBcascs that have
bahled the eklli ol all othcrlphys-UCKI clani ,
a vpocialty : Such treated success | ] EH L full ;
without an Instance of failure. TUYQPI C
Will pnriry llm BLOOD.-rjP'-
l.ito thu LIVER nml KIDNEYS.
und UttxTimi : Tim HJJAi/nl
mill VIOOIt of VOUT1L Itjf
ii'pal.i , Wnnt of Appetite , in-
il Kcsllon , Inch ol HlrcnRtli ,
enroll. Hones , iniisclusnnil
Ui livens thu ml i'l nnu
Biipnllca Uralii POWIT.
Snllci Inn Irom roiiiplnliitB
' TOKIO mln imil
unii InDIl. IV imni'BlUOM
rMlycuro. ; . ( illtfiinrlvnr , healthycomplexion.
Kreiiiiont fcK.MiiptH nt c-v- -f.'niiiK only ii'lil '
In Iliupopularityiirtlinorlplnnl. Do Hot experi
* * Hcmd yimrnildri-Mto'lhnllr. "i"'l'rJ ) l OV" :
StJx > ul , Mo. , for our "DHEAM IIOOIC. " ,
iFullof otninuH nntl moilal IrilormUMOQlina.J
QtJrVin your mldrcn * to Swift Specific Co. , I ) rnwci a
DJulllJ Atlanta , On. , for nil IntercstliiL' trmtlun nil
Illooil mid tiklu Diseases , which they will mull frco
Inflammatory Rheumatism.
I ns altacki-il Inntulntor ultli Inflammatory rhcn-
jimMHiu of cutoru tjjio my llrst norlom lll'lcsn ' xlnco
1S70 : I hail \nrloii3 klmls nf treatment ulth only
tcinpnnirv relief. After HOUMI weeks Inn I reduced
In wclnlitM pinimlH , had no htreiiKth nor npfetltu
nnlILH Krnulni ; weaker c cry day In thlsrnnilltlini
1 lieKan Snlft'H.Snuclflc , nml III three ch\s hinii | to
linprino , nnd in threu ueckH Iuw I free from dlienMa
anil iii | attendlnir to my regular lui.-lnem. .My | | > e-
tltu retvuiiiHl ami 1 rapidly L'lilncd my llcih I II.IMI
Mftlteil thin loni ; to ho certuin that my emu UUH | > er-
iimnent , N. U. ( loom K MI , Attorney nt I.uw ,
Uiimxttlck , ( lii.JiiuuEO , 1884.
1 ha\n had rheumatism f or forty jinrx , nnd ha\e
been rellcnuil with n fewliottlugof S. S S I conulder
It CIod-nenil tothunllllcted.
J. I ) . WALI.KII , Thommuii | , Ca , AUK. IB , ' 81.
Jirl\ea on Horllck'a Food , " wrlto hundreds of
/rutcful mathers. Mothi-rM milk rouulna no
Urch. An nitllldnl food for lufnnlH choulil
routiiin rni starch. The be t uud mobt nutrlUouo
in li UliBn B" _ H _ ?
Btnreh nnd niiulwi no i ooklmr.
Itixximuii'iuliil liy I'liiHlelaiiM.
Uliihly ln'iiellcliil to Jiiiniliie
Mntlu'm M n ilrliiV. Vrlco Ui
SucrtorWooU uUioTrentiiiiiiiiof Chlldnii , Inv.
"K lllr dlMilril alul liu. Illoul , " ( J M'Jllfjr ,
' ri'n 1 U > ll lh'l cniilJ tM ilrilrcJ. ' ir. H" . Kld ( ,
fttlim , A'diiftii.
"No lirillauof In fronouncluit II nrl'l' " ' J'
Ihluj ' K V lV6urn , . .ITrm. . V , r.
Mil Ixi unit lir mall on rcwlrt of rricw i i
IKtKMCK'S I'llOII < „ Itiirliir , i -
Tha Q ) of the torni " Mho
Line" In conaeclloa with Ih
oorjiotato name of a xrcatroad
convoy a an Idea of uat what
H HUH ! required by the traveling pub
I I ly Li llc-a ShortLlDrQulk Tlmi
i I 111 r nd > o beat 9 < > 3 > = .oJIa
a I B V tloii8ll ol which are fain
bed by tha icatcet lallwar In Ameilu.
And St. Paul.
It ovrai and opeiatM over 1,600 mllei of
orthero Illlnola , Wisconsin , UlnnoaoU , Iowa
akoU ; and M ts main lines , branchei and oonnte
om reach all the great business centrei of Ibi
Horthwtut and Far Wet , It naturally answora Ihi
detcrlptlon of Uhort Line , and Dost llouto between
Chloa(0 ( , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Chicago , Milwaukee , L * Croue Mid Wlnona.
Dhln KO , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Dlendal *
OblcaKO , Milwaukee , Kau Claire and Htlllwatef
Chicago , Milwaukee , Watuau and ilerrlll.
Chicago , Milwaukee , lleaver Iam and Oihkoih ,
ChloaKO , Milwaukee , SVauknaha and Ooouomowoo.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Pralrledu Chlin
Oldoago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbault.
Chtcigo , lltlolt Janes > lUe and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Klln | , llockford and Uubuijue.
Ohloo o , Clinton , Kock Island and C dai lUpldl.
Chicago , Council llluffa and Omaha.
Chlea o , Sioux City , Bloui Fallaand Tankton
OblcaKO , Mllwaukvo , Mitchell aud Cbamlwilaln.
llook Itlund , Uubuquo , St. Paul and Mlnnunolli
Daveiipoit , "kluar , St. Paul and Minneapolis
Pulluau 8 v p ra and the Flnnt Ulnlnic Cura In
Uie : tld ara run on the malnllneauf thoUHICAOO
attention U ptkl to paanou eratoourtooua niploei
of the Company ,
6. 8. UKIUIIIX , Oen'l Mananer.
A. V II. OAUI'UNTKIl , Qen' Past. AR !
r. CLARK , Oe''l Hunt.
OKO , HKII.FKOHD , Aaa'l. Oeu'l. Pit Agt
Plattsmouth NOD
, - - - -
i9llelit | *
How Ilio Sports arc Layiog tint Mono ?
on the Candidates ,
tntnciiHO Sums Held in UC T\O by
I'lnitilncnl SiorllMRM | Mi l' < r flic
ill' Coiri'luK Hell ,
NVw York Star :
"How do the election bets aland now ? "
tslcod The Star reporter of the roproson.
Lntivo of well-known bookinaking firm.
"From what 1 hear daily , looking nt it
n a atrlctly business view , and leaving
out my peraonal convictions entirely , "
waa the answer , "I strongly believe
IJlaino will bo elected. The bnttinR is
oven on this altito , nnd 75 against 100 on
ho general result , with Blaine the
avorito. "
"Ja businojfl brisk ? "
"Oh , dear , no. During the past week ,
or over since the Ohio election , the bets
iavo been moderating considerably both
n number and the iuV.0 of the piles' put
up. It's always stupid about this time.
i'lio greatest bolting is always done
about forty-eight hourn previous to oloc-
ion. That's the time the people got
loatcd up over Iho subject. Before the
Dhio election the bolting on the atnlo
election was three to ono in favor of the
ropublicana , and oven money that they
didn't have 10,000 majority. "
"About how much money do you know
of as being put up already ? "
" 1 think tliero'fl about § 110,000 on the
election in this house , but business is
juiot so far. Wo'ro glad that it is , too ,
) ocauso if it assumed any great proper-
ions vro'd have to quit it in a minute.
. don't believe there nro very many pri
vate bold ou t. It's hardly worth wliilo
to luavo it to the men themselves or a
stakeholder , whoso decision you might
cause to complain of , when it can BO easily
nnd surely bo arranged by bringing the
cash to a house like this , where the decision
a sure to bo just and the expense a com
mission of only 2 per cent. That'll no
outlay nt nil. "
"What la the largest bet you know of i
"Thoro is ono of $5,000 out , but I
couldn't possibly lot you into the tormo
of it nor the parties interested. "
At Ed Mallahan'u saloon , on Sixth
nvonuo , that veteran sporting man waa
soon."Well , you can say from mo , " ho exclaimed -
claimed , when told the object of The
Star man's visit , "that two-thirds of the
sporting men are putting their money
upon Cleveland , nnd in my own opinion
I don't think anything can stop him. A
man willing lo cover money that naya
that Cleveland is going to carry this state
will find all the opportunity ho wants.
The Blaine men ain't half aa confident aa
they wore before the Ohio oloction. "
Aa Mr. Mnllahnn conversed -with the
reporter a friend of his with Blame ten
dencies advanced nnd listened to his re
marks. A discussion followed in short
order , nnd the end ot it waa that u bet of
§ 100 wna mndo on Cleveland carrying
the atnto of Now York.
C' no of the largest better on the elec
tion In Mr. Al. Smith , the former manag
er of John L. Sullivan , the knocker-out.
Not bug since ho deposited $21,000 in
safe of the Gilnoy llouao , where bo is
stopping , for the purpose of laying beta
on Cleveland carrying the stale , in whole
or in part. Barney Biglin ia said to have
covered § 1,000 of it. During the latter
part of the paat week Mr. Al. 5-inith was
aeon and conversed readily on the subject
of his largo bot.
" 1'vo just como back from the races nl
Washington , " ho said , "and consequently
, don't know much about the politico
aspect hero , but the greater part of my
money is still without takers. So far
§ 7,100 has been covered , the last $000 ol
that going this morning. "
Pat Shoedy , Sullivan's present mana
ger , haa bet from § 1,000 to § 5,000 on
Cleveland winning the state and Blaine
carrying the election. James McOloud ,
tha noil-known sporting contloman , has
a similar bet on hand , § 12,000 being the
sum ho frnpora on the same results.
Almost daily largo numbers of
letters nro received by Mr. llich-
ard K. Fox , at the Police Gazelle oflico
from sports all over the country
who are anxious and willing to put up
the money earned in slugging matches
for bets on the election. They are about
evenly divided between the two candi
Two lottora seen will give a general
idea of the whole class. Ono tolls Mr.
Fox that Thomas Djlton , of Bethany ,
111. , is willing to wages , § 500 nn Cleveland -
land carrying Ohio in the November
election , and another from u feather
duster manufacturer in this city asks for
information na to how the writer can
place § 500 on Blaino. With his usual
diplomatic tactics the bashful nnd retir
ing editor of the Police Oo/.otto will try
and bring the money of the two gentle
men together.
Scrofula diseases manifest themselves
in the warm weather. Hoods Sarsapar-
1 a cleanser the blood nnd removes every
taint of scrofuh.
Scrilinor linn organized a lira department.
Thorn in tnllc of building a now teU'grapl
line butwceii 1'oma nnd Sioux City.
Vulmiltna clniuiH lo do inoro business thai
nuy other town DM IU Him of rtillroud.
1'rnirin flrea nnd political pnrmlea keep tin
country towns in n bluza of excitement
A throo-story nnd n-lwlf flouring mill la Lo
ing vroctoil at Apple Crt'uk , Holt county.
Klftoou cnr loads of sheep woru unloaded nl
Frumont the other day for winter feuding.
John Chain , n Ciornmii from Ohio , was rob
bed of $400 In onu of the boarding liomeu ol
The Kmnont uornml school la now In full
bloat , with bovcn professors nnd toachera uui !
tifty-ono utudenU.
( Jims. Fltzgernld , imuon , skipped out ol
Crete lunt week , leaving Boverui workmen
minus their wages.
Central Clty'd public school was dcstroyoi
by tin. , originating in defective line , iasl
week. Loss , (1,000. ,
Doc Mlddloton , the ex-lmidit , his atartoi
in btixlm'si at lilair. Ho haa bought a ehoot
ing piillory nt that point ,
.lumen Mimln , n dissipated Cretan , at
tempted to'Jiaiig himself in the cooler then1
The job wan not n suct-cm.
Mien Lrnirn Mchrens , n school toaclior al
Itiair , waa thrown from her lioreo lust Mon
day , Her collar bouo wan broken ,
A tram uiul wagon minus tha driver col
lidtxl with u train near C.ihnnbux uno day last
wool ; . Onu horio wan Itllled nnd the wagoi
knocked into kindling wood.
JameaVilliar.j , of Cuinlng county , clainii
to hivu himkud inul ciibbed 100 liiuliuls o
corn In ono day , last wool ; , and crows loudly
for BCIIIO pno tj beat tin tucord ,
A Ilttlo boy. eight years old , was nttnckoi
by a homo at 1'nnca the other day , who threw
him down , breaking his arm nnd uuhiti | ; nnc
brulilng him in u nhockiuK inanuor ,
Tha ImMiiets inon of West Point at a recent
cent incutiug decided til eecnru witter woikti
nod a proportion to vote SL'l > ,00) baud * for
tliat purpoeo will be decided to-morrow.
Several countloi uro shipping exhibit * ti tliu
Now Orlo.uu khow , henmlm und Ouuilng
connticwi havu ihlppeil levvriil carload * . Kif.
con csrloadt will leave Lincoln Uus week for
, hw caino destination ,
Two lnrglftMvpro si'lnre-l ' in Plultcmotilb
vhilooirtiiiRf IF 8110 worth of hard warn from
'ohtikon Hrcn'linnlwArost/irc They h il 33
< rm ' . 20 palm of xli-nrc , if razors nnd 2 guns
n their pack.
It ii aiil Ilio Rood i1ir > young. Yet Harries.
on , ( ingo county , tiiritraatnl prospers with
icithcr church or jiixlonn. priveynrd or hofl-
illnl , joil or calaboose , ofhc rs of the law or
iolntom of the In'v.
A woman named fJllmoro m > d on the train
Saturday bntwccn Kidnny and Chnycnnc. Him
vai trnxcllng with her hu nnd nnd nix child-
en from Otrgrm to Knri'SB. Consumption
wai tlitc.imo of her dfath
Tlio Jt. k SI , nnd f. P. tracks cro a nt
Irand Island. Tlio othrr day a train on the
firmer rood caught nn engine of Iho latter on
hn croj.iltitf nnd tumblnd it Into the ditch.
No ono was seriously hurt.
Tlio nnxv United Presbyterian church , of
Vnlioo , wai dedicated last Tufidny oxomng.
L'lio church , though not elaborate in ftf.a and
exterior nppenrjiiicc , ii onn of thn noatoat nnd
sonvenlcnt liouiui of worship in Wahoo.
John I. Dambaik , of Trcmnwh , Is no more.
: n onn of the litg tu which ho was subject , ho
cickrd over n lamp , r cattcred the blaring oil
over himself , nnd was tna Ud to n nut brown ,
' lo had endured flvo prcfidontlal campaigns.
The Crete Vidnlla day : "Krod Nye ii try-
ng to tell Jitdgu Drnko , for nlxteenlyears n ro-
.luhlican judge of the supreme courr , what to
i'iy. From our Htnndpoint wn must say that
1'rcd Nye , Intellectually speaking , la a "grass-
iopper tud.u
Martha Hones , n pportivn PltUcimmth fir
if 17 , WM arrested tlioro lust l-'nday for per-
lonntin n boy. Hhu tried to paint the town n
mid hue but the job was too heavy for her ,
ihi ! wag released alter exchanging the pants
'or the petticoat.
John dimming ? , a baggageman on the St.
[ 'aul road , while engaged in switching nt llos-
{ ins o i Monday evening had his right l ° p
crushed to n jelly from < nn ktua ; down , Ho
van takonto Norfolk , where the Injured mem-
jcr was amputated.
It in now given out that work will soon 1m-
, , 'in on the Nebraska Central railroad , The
: ompany i said to have n working fund of
51,000,00 J on hand. Contractors are % lowing
.ho proposed route to enable them to bid on
, hu work of grading ,
A brakeman by the name of Frank Mayors ,
well known nt Council Jllnlfs his recent home ,
and who has only been married a few weeks
wns instantly killed at Creighton Saturday
while engaged in switching cars. Two cars
tossed over him , mnngUng his body in a horri-
jo manner.
lioatrico has sixteen difTornnt manufactar-
ng ostablisbments , employing $80,000 capital
and 1)8 ! ) men , The Amount of wages paid par
vear ix 850,000 ; vnluo of raw material used ,
$100,200 $ ; nnd the amount realized for the
Manufactured products , 8200,500.
The Fremont Trlbuno figures that n good
ndijntrious lion represents considerable cold
rnsh in thosodays of lowprices. For instmico :
Kggs are now culling nt twenty cents. A dozen
of thorn will buy four yards of calico , n bushel
of eorn , PINO pecks of cats , n gallon of vincpnr
or kcroHeno and other things In proportion.
_ Bon F. Cobb , ox-polico judge of the city of
Lincoln , wna arraigned in the district court
Saturday morning on the charge of embezzle
ment , preferred by Davenport Bros. , capital
ists , lor whom Cobb had acted as ngent. The
ilefundant pleaded guilty to ono of the in
dictments and was Rontcnccd to thrco years at
mid labor in the Ktato penitentiary.
Near Paplllion , on the " 7th , the tl-yc.irold
boy of John Gallnghor , while nt play with
other children of the family , fell , striking his
liend on tin ) floor. His parents noticed that
liodld notriiunflcr falling , and picking him
up found the child dead. In falling the boy's
head came in contact with the floor , breaking
his skull. Tlio shock nroducod by his death
has prOHtrnted the lad'a mother , who is not
expected Lo Iho.
Tim Fremont Tribune sketches n drummer
boy in the following Htyh1 : "A traveling man
for a prominent drug homo in Omaha , on
Wednesday night , when ordinary mortals nro
in sweet slumber , gat down on the sidewalk
and howled a uorenado to the moon. Ho was
slightly under the intluoncoof Fremont budgn ,
and was picked up by n night olh'cor , who
gave him n berth in Curran'a hotel. Sequel ,
S3 and costs. Paid. "
Aleck Hudabeck is n rough and tuinbin citi-
i/.en of Plattsmouth , who furnishes considern-
bin oxcrclio for the polico. Ho is an ox-soldier
who takoj particular delight in thumping his
wife anil driving her Ifcr trom her homo. Ilia
latest fronk wns to mrado around bin homo in
full rcgimontiila with n shotgun on his shoul
der threatening to blow tha liver out of his
better half , but ho was landed in the cooler bu-
fore ho could satisfy his thirst for gore ,
The town of Odcll , Gngo county , is just now
in something of a muddle to know whether or
not it is legally incorporated. On the Kith of
Juno last It wai incorporated 111 a village
tinder the atnto law. Now comes Thoniau 1J.
Wnddell , whoso property is in the vicinity ,
wit * proceeding ! ) to annul the incorporation
on the ground that a majority of the property
owners did not sign the pstition. The rjuos-
tion will como up nt the net * form of court.
The Utica roller mills started up last week.
Many prominent citi/ons gathered in the mill
to witness the starting of the machinery. The
main building of the mill ia 28x 0 feet and is
four stories high , including the basement ,
which is tilled from top to bottom with ma
chinery of the latest pattern. The capacity In
Hovonty-fivo barrels per day. The cost of the
mill and elevator combined fa 823,000 , and the
grain capacity of the elevator is 10,000 !
Mrs. L , lUirdnn , of Crete , attempted to
expedite a fire with Icorojono. The usual re
sult followed The oil in the can did not
Ignite ; but what was poured into the Btovo
exploded , blowing the top of the utovo olFnnd
petting Mm. Hnirdon's clothing on lire. Her
breast , neck and right arm wem fearfully
binned. 'I ho nccidont in trulv n set loin ono
nnd it ! i very fortunate that it did not provo
IU. Kov , liithop O'Connor , of Omaha , with
eight attendants , dedicated the now church of
the San Franciscan order in Columbui Satur
day. This church building is of brick , iu
gothic style , and cost 4 ! 1 3,000. This order has
expended in the past four joars upon their
other building ! ) and grounds in the same lo
cality mi aggregatoof § sr ,000. Tlio buildings
of lliu order hero nro referred to with pride by
every citizen of Columbus.
A fanner out in Jlarlan county , ( lays the
Lincoln Newg , ) la tnrriblo mad. Ho had a
big pumpkin that ho intended to send for ox-
hinition among Nebraska products at Now
Orleans , but ho missed his cowa recently , nnd
nfter two days search ho found them penned
up meido the pumpkin , 801110 of the boys had
cut a door through the side , put the rowH in
nnd fastened the picco in again. Ho might
not have found the cows nt all , but the vine
was still growing , and it dragged the pumpkin
around over the ground so fast that the piece
jotled out.
Kiigoni Iligglns nnd Charles Spolnnn. two
sports of Hastings , were engaged In caUoinining
the utmospheru of ono nf the dives of the city
last Monday night , with brentbs an atalo as
the lump hole of n whlalty barrel. The job led
to n row and the Innmtea wore driven out nt
the muzzle of a revolver. During the dobatu
as to who was bois of the ranch 8 | > elman
perforated Higeins with three bullets onu
through the cheek , another through the lung ,
and the third through the shoulder , Tlio
wounded man is expected live , while Spelman
Is in jail ,
Tin eo persons in lleatriro , the heir * of Cnpt ,
Moore , have just received their share of tno
Gnnovn award for > es8ols nnd merchandise
destroyed 1-v Knelish privateers during tna
war. The l-'xpiesi nays their claims were
based upon the loss of tfio shin Adriatic nnd
cargo , which were burned by the confederate
oiulaor Tallahassee just outside of Now York
haibor In 1801. The Tallalmsseo steamed al
most Into the harbor , cuptured the Adriatic ,
set thu crow adrift In n boat mid burned the
vessel and cargo. It was for ono-slxtcenth In-
ter' < ) t in theeo that Iho Mooit > heirs lm\o boon
Allowed nnd paid damaged to the amount of
87,000. The helm are \V. I. Moore , MM , Mo-
loney and Mm. tiarah Moon * .
l'lcaij iil AVnrilhlViim 1'Jciihnnt ( Jmvo.
The place ia in Punneylvonia , Mr.
Timothy Leek , who lives there , was fir
two years grievously vexed with dyspep
sia , Ho writes to euv that since ho has
tnken Brown'a Iron Bitters his troubh'a
are ovtr. He is greatly relieved , and
recommends thin tonio tu all -who are
troubled with dyspepsia or indigestion.
It alaa cures liver and kidnny complaints.
. Dubuijuo'fl now dinotory contiua 12 ,
l3'2i names , id this , it is ( intimated indi-
I oatei a pnpuhthn of over UCOO. ; (
Sunnijuonr I'jomlKCH nnil l'lp lKO
Mntlr liy Kcccntrlc iluinnnli } .
St. l.ouls niolwDfrrtocrat ,
The annals of chivalry abound in records
ords of vows , more or less romantic or
absurd. For instance , Queen Joan , of
Naples , at a grand feast nt her Cistlo of
Tarta , honored the Knight Oalpazxj of
Mantua by opening the ball with him ,
When the dance waa over the grateful
{ flight knult down before his Jroyal
partner , and to fitly express hia ocknowl-
jncntof the honor ho had received , ho
; ook ft Bolomn vow to wander through
; ho world , visiting every country
where fo.ito of arms were performed and
not real until ho had subdued two valiant
mights and presented thorn M prisoners
at his queen's footstool , to bo disposed of
nt her royal pleasure. .Sure enough , the
loughty warrior , after a year spent in
wandering oil over Kuropo , returned like
i cat with a mouse in her month , nnd
aid hia two prisoners at the fcot of
Queen Joan. The Queen tool : the gift
very gracefully and the admiring historian
ells u ? , "declined her right to impoao
rigorous conditions on her captives , and
? ave them liberty without ransom.
iVhothor they properly punisncd Sir
Jaloazzo for his interference with their
torsonal lights wo are not told.
Some regard a vow as n restraining
) end of a very clastic character , indeed ,
especially when it interferes with their
Benedick , when ho found his vow of
celibacy too great a strain upon him in
.ho presence of his Beatrice's charms ,
disposes of it fearlessly and finally with
, ho plea : "When I said I would die a
> acholor I did not think that I should
ivo till I were married. "
Often TTO have the loiter of the vow
evaded with some special reasoning , and
ho spirit then broken with impunity.
For instance , a modern Rip Van Winkle
vowed that ho would never drink another
drop of liquor as long as ho had n hair on
its head. A few houro later ho was mot
coming out of a barber shop with n poll
as hairless as that of a babu.
Yoltairo tolls in ono of his romances of
widow who vowed she would never
marry again "as long as the river flowed
by the side of the hill. "
Damsels in love often make strange
vows. Wo all remember the casi of poor
Miss flarrisham in Dickon's story who
was so overcome by her lover's failure to
appear at the wadding that she ordered
everything In the house to bo kept un
changed as it had been on that hapless
day. Years wont by , the woduiug toast
remained eot on the table , the rich cakes
molded and were eaten by the mice ,
while the poor , half-domonted lady
llttod in and out of her deserted rooma
of the house like a ghost , always wearing
: ho white dross and veil which she had
iut on to welcome the faithless lover whenever
never came.
A similar case to thia was that of a
lady of high rank In England , who , being
jilted by her lover , wont to bed and vow-
3d she would never got up again , and
kept her woid for twenty-six years , A
leas excusable case than thia was that of
man , who , finding that hia wife was dis
posed to donand too much hard work
from him , took to his bed with iho avowed -
od determination to stay there. And for
twenty-two years thia worthless old
scamp staid between the aheets while hia
wife waited upon him and fed him with u
persistent devotion.
Vows of perpetual silence are numer
ous , the only trouble being that these
who need thia vow most do not take ir.
Miss Caroline Brewer in 1840 vowed she
never would speak another word to any
humaii being because aho had a quarrel
with her lover. For thirty-fivo years ,
until the day of her death , she was never
known to utter a word. Some years ago
throe sisters lived together. Two of
them quarreled and vowed never to speak
to each other again. They did not speak
for over twenty years , when ono of them
died , the other refusing to speak to her
oven on her death-bod.
When everything else fails , Dr. Sago's
Catarrh Ilomedy curca.
Sifni > r 15riii < > ll , ttio Onc-r Great Toner
l > lc < l Suddenly In Now York
On October : < > tli ,
There is only ono tenor living T < ttn-
borlik- who has tilled so largo n apace in
the record of Italian opera na Piotro Brig-
noli. Ho first came to America n gener
ation ago , nnd rapidly sprang ] nto public
favor aa Iho silver-voiced tenor. Ho was
In the front r.tnk when the American
Academy of Music waa opened , with
Urignoli aa Manrico , Guz/.oniga na Leonora
ra , and Adelaide Phillips as Azucena. He
sang with Paropn , Lagranup , Piccolomini ,
Kellogg , Albini , Nilaon. Di Murska , Van
Xandt , and nil the great prima donnas of
the last thirty years. Ho prefer ,
rod America as his place of resi
dency , though ho was for many years
leading tenor in London and Paris. In
this country ho has been in the service
of every imprcssario who haa given Italian
opera from Ullman to Maploson. Ho re
tained hia youthful appearance until the
last few years , and his voice was as sweet
as over and his delivery aa clear , though
ita force was impaired. Ho was last with
the Abbott company , but was not en
gaged during the current season. Brig-
noli waa married about ton years ago to
Misa Isabella McOulIotigh , a prima
donna but the union was an unhappy
ono , and she soon obtained a divorce.
Ho was about sixty years old.
t'lliKH ! 1M1.B8 ! PILiKS !
A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and
Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr.
Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called lr ,
William's Indian 1'ilo Ointment A slnglo
box haa cured the worst chronic cases of 26 or
80 years standing. No ono need sutler five
ml irntoa after applym ? thia wonderful sooth
ing medicine. Lutlons , Instruments nnd elec
tuaries do more harm than good , William's
Indian 1'ilo Ointment absorbs the turners , al
lays the Intonsajtcliing , ( particularly at night
nfter getting warm In bed , ) acts 1x9 a ] xniUleo ,
gives Instant relief , and la prepared only for
riles , itching of the private parts , and for
ootliino oleo.
Head what the Hon. .T. M. Coflinbcrry. of
Cleveland , says about Dr , William's Indian
Pile Oolntment : "I have used scores of 1'ilo
Cures , and it ntfords mu pleasure to say that I
have never found anything which ga\o such
immediate and permanent relief aa Dr. Wil
liam's Indian Ointment. For sale by all drug-
-luts and mailed on receipt of pricu. COo and
1. Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co.
0.1' . GOODMAN ,
Wholesale Agent.
&ra& Brass Fomn
_ _ . . _ .
103 South lith Street , OJlAiM ,
itanufiirtuwt of tr ! is Cast In t'l , Stino ( U. , , , , * ,
and all other Hue castlne * u niioclalty. t-peclal atten
tion ghon Iu ilia nun lictiuoofciitinjn lor | .utcnU
C'Mtiriru undo ut a f > w hour * ' uo'loe. Xjcik Mill
boclclhueJ uulttt tatlifactlon U ulirn
0. 11BUTK1.SO.V k fO.V ,
Succei on toMr , Ihco. O too.
ftl I
Thfa medicine , combining Iron with pnro
\-rrlaljlo ! tonln * , nuirkiy nml completely
fim-i ll > Nirpiln | , inll i" ll \Vfnltnrits
liitiMirpltliinilniiiliilliit lilllMiml l'i'\fr ,
mid Nnirnluln.
His nn uninlllnir remedy for Ilencsoftho
Hlimr > n nml Mti-r.
It Is invaluable for Jlcn ei pr-eullnr to
\A'itii"ii , anil all who Icml fertontnry Ihcs.
It docs not Injure the tctthcrime lieailaeho.or
proiltire con llpntlon othrr Iran mriliemriilf.
It enriches nml purlflei thel > looilstlmumti.
the appetite , nlils the n f Imllntlon of food , ro-
llrvi'i Kenrtburti nnd Itelrlilnp , mill ttNiigth-
en * tlio miKolei nnd nerve' .
Tor Intermittent Tevers , lassitude , iJiekoJ
Kiitr ; ? } ' , AOIt has no equal.
t.f The Ronnlne 1ms nbovo trndo tnnrk nnd
crcj cd red lines onvrap ] < cr. Take no other
riO.oi.lrhr IIIIIIUMIII.JIKII , ( I ) . , IHI.TIHOUK.tH' .
Ail undisputed In me BROAD CLA
liver oflcrcil lo Ilio iMibllc.
The Etcr-mehlps of this well-known line are built ol
Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are furnished -
ed with every requisite to make the pftssngo both
ifcfo nnd agreeable. They cany tbo United States
ind European rualla , and lc.i\o New York Tlmra-
days and Saturdays for PI ) mouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bourg , ( PARIS ) nnd IIAMIIURO.
Rates : Steertgo from Kuropo only VIS. First
Cabin , 855 , $65 and $76. Steertxo , V1K.
Henry Pundt , Mark HnnBcn , F .K. MooresM. To'i ,
tgontsln Omaha , Oronewcg & Schooiitgen , agents In
Council BluHe. 0. B : KICHAnD ft CO. , den. P os
ARts-i 61 Broadway , N. Y. Cbaa. Kozmlnskl * Co-
General Wcetein Aganta , 170 Washington St. , Chlca
hm $ Meal Institvio
Chartered by theStatcof 111' ,
ols for thccxprssspurposo
f Eivingimmediatc relicllG
a" chronic , urinary ana pri-
, ' Gleet and&yphilis in nil their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin nnd
Blood promptly relieved and
permanently cured by remc-
' " 'l'
. - - " -
. .
iv.vLi/-m-.iv jas *
SVcakncsn. Nt1n LossV. by Dreams , Pimples on
the Pace.Lost Manhoodj.vaitivctiiciiretlTtter&
iS7in cjrfwiJiirmiHi ; . The appropriate tc.r.edv
jat once used In cachets : . Consultations , per-
lonal or by letter , Sacredly confidential. Med-
-in sent av Mail and Express. No marka on to indicate contents or sender. Address
'in. ' JAMES.No. 2U4Wa3hinoion Si. ;
IJnri/niio Rnhilitiff"1111 penn u ntcar . liookfrta.
UDrVOUS UGDIIIiycllI.l iseucj,160Fulloul5t.N.V.
Will cure Nlr o t 06s , fannbiiKO , UhomnntUm ri
Nt-ilrHljiln , Keiiltliil , Kldlio ) . hpllio mill I Ivi'r ill
Iiout Ahttim \ , Hfurt illi-i'iiHu Ilhpciii.1i , . f iiiiMtnnil
htp , IHH ( nlnrrli , I'llcH , > plipj v ln < i > KII > I l > nn
I'rulnpNiii I'ti'tl titiOni , h < IL-IUHK Mictin BiMin
lci Mint i-t > iids thn Klectrli it > aiul tinium IIKMI ili- tlic
buJj , ami cuu bo ructmr oil Ui itn Insutit by tbu puilout.
Winter la comlntf , the Ecason o the year for aches
anil pains. \lowof this fact no gay buy ono of
Pr , Homo's Electric lie Its , Dy o doing yon will
a\old Hheiimatlsm , Kidney Troubles and other Ilia
that llonh la heir to. Do not delay , but call at our
odlcoandcxamluo belts. No. 142'J Douelaa htroct , ct
0. F Goodman's , 1110 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob. Or-
Pliotnlx Awnranoe Oo. , ol on , Cath
ojtan torH. T , , Capital. ooo.ooc ,
coWercbints. of Newnk. K/ , Capital 1,276,000.
Hard Fire , PhlUdelfhli , tpltti l.JrO , CCO.
lemen'alund Gicit l
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 12
lo 14 Days.
TICKETS , 12.00 , . HALVES , ti oo
Hubject to no manlpnlattou , not oontrollod by th
partioaln Interest , It la tbo falreat thing In th
oatura of chinoo In eilutcnco.
For Information and partloulara apply toSUISEY ,
CO.OonAKont9 , U12 llroadnay , N Y. city.
K. KAUU & CO. , 417 Walnut street , St. Loul ) , Uo
or Frank Lobnuio , L. D. , 20 Wy ndottov Kan ,
| y i.1-mia & w Iv
Health is Wealth !
fiiarintowt niectUo for Hysteria , D ulnesa , Convul-
ilona , Klta , Nervous Neuralgia , llcadicho , Nervous
Prostration cau > e < l by the um of alcohol or tobbaeco ,
WakefulneM , Mental depression. Softening of the
brain , resulting In Insanity and leaping to misery ,
decay and death , Premature Old age , liaroness , Ions
of power In cither sex , ImolunUry LcuBoa rnd Bpcr-
matothoia caused by otorexertioutof the brain , aelf.
abufw or o er Indulgence. Kach box , contains one
month's treatment. ? 1.CO a loi.or six bottles for
li.CO.ecnt by null | rejvilj on receipt ot price.
To cure any cue. With each order reoeh cd by ns
for six bottles , acooui > llihedith { 6.00 , we will ( end
Hie purchaser our written guarantee to refund tha
money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Ouar-
auteea Issued only by JOHN C : WEST & CO. ,
HJy 23-mie.ry M EC ! Madlion St. , Chicago , III.
Residence No. HOT Jonei St. Office , No.iCI9 Fir
in Bt. Office hours 1 ! m , to 1 p. in. one in in t
p m. Telflfbo ce rrcffct 87iiilair.ce25 ,
The remarkable growth of Omaha-
during the Inat few years is n matter of
great natoniahmont to thoao who pay nn
occasional visit to this growing city. Tha
development of the Stock Ynrds the
necessity of the Bolt Line Road the
finely paved atroota the hundreds of now
residences and costly busineao blocks ,
with the population of our city moro than
doubled in the laat five yonra. All this
is a great surprise to visitors nnd la the
admiration of our citizens. Thia rapid
growth , the business activity , nnd the
many substantial improvements mndo a
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every Investor haa made a handsome
Since the Wnll Street panic last May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there has been loss domaud from specula
tors , but a fair demand from investors-
socking homos. This latter class are
taking advantage of low prices iu build
ing material and are securing their homoa
at much loss cost than will bo possible a
year hence. Speculators , too can buy
real esta * 3 cheaper now and ought to take
ndvant present prices for futnr
profi a
Th few years promises greater
Jvo pmonta in Omaha than the past
( i i years , which have boon na good ns
wo could reasonably desire. Now man
ufacturing establishments and lar o job
bing houses ara added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many in Omaha and through
out the State , who have their money in
the banks drawing a nominal rate of n-
toroat , which , if judiciously Invested in
Omaha real estate , would bring them
much greater returns. Wo4 have many
bargain -which wo are confident will'
bring the purchaser largo profits in the
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property iu the north and
western , parts of the city.
North we have fine lots ab reason
able prices on Sherman avenuel7th ,
18th , 15)th ) and 20th streets.
West on Farnam. Davenport ,
Cumiug , And all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , und with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the Avebtern part of th city
will increase in value.
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made iu this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price in a short time.
We also have some fine business
lots and some elegant inside resi
dence ? for sale ,
Parties wishing to in vest will find
some good b arfinius by calling on is
213 South 14th St ,
Between Farnham and Douglas ,
P. S. Wo nsk those who have
property for sale nt ft bargoiu to give
us a callWo want only bargains.
We will positively not handle prop
erty nt more than ita real value.