Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1884, Image 1

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Blaioc's ' Salnrflay Ovalion iii Connecli-
cnt and New YorK Cily ,
Grandly Enthusiastic Reception
at Now Havoii.
Denouncing Burohnrd's ' "
Bouianisni and Eobollioni"
Cordial Public Greetings Along
the Eoadi
Blaino's ' Quiet Sabbath at Now
York ,
liisli Catholic Aoknouloilfjiiieiit of
BliiinoN TilbcrAl nnd Patriot iu
Nli\v YOIIK , November L DIaino left the
IMtii Avenue Hotel this morning with I'ost-
muster Mauley , drove to the depot nnd took
t ) o U o'clock trmn for Hartford. I'rom there
ho goes to Now II uv on , then returns to Now
Vork , stopping .it Bridgeport and othct places
along the route.
NBVV IL EV , Conn. , November 1 BInino
did not appear at any stition iu response to
calls until he reached Hartford.
MKIUDEN , Conn , November 1. At Now
Haven the jsud largo crowd gathered nnd
cheered onthdsiaatically ns lie appeared on the
platform ,
H.VHTtoui ) , November 1 As the train
Htopted cannon fired n B.iluto nnd the crowd
clis red. Ulnino aud Gen. Framont , .iccom-
panicd by Sen itor Hivv ley , were driven ton
stand in front of the court house , where sav-
oral thousand had gathered. Along the route
vvero plumed knights and ether cluba. Gen.
Hawley introduced IMaino , who enid : The
people of that splendid section , the state
of Ohio , which waa anciently n colony
of Connecticut , commissioned mo by
their vote in October to bear to
the mother stata , in whoso capital I
now stands , nssurauco of theit loyalty to Now
Kngland teachings and principles. [ Cheers ] I
atn hero to day to receive from you the asinr-
ance that the mother state herself is prepared
to prove her fidelity to her own history and
examp'e. [ Cheera ] If there bo any state m
the Union piofoumdy interested in the nidus
trial nnd linanci d ) atems of the Umtsd
States na these systems exist to day , Con
necticut H tint state , for her maivelous in-
dmtriea have been built up under the influ
ence of n protective tinlf , and her great
financial center , for which radiate inlliionccs
LO extensive with the union , has received in a
full meisure the Leueht and blessing of _ the
great financial system which the republican
] > arty his gion to the country , [ Cheers. ] The
iiatiiuil canvass , notao tear closed , concerns
in n wide ineisuro ovcry man , woman and
child. There is not nn industiy that will no
1)9 affected by its decision. Ihere is not n
paper dolhr whoss valua will not bo chinged
by n wrong decision. The industrial and
financial ayatoma under which 0111 great na
tional progress has been achieved during the
last twenty-throo years are peculiarly the
work of the republican party , for in every
step of their enactment they were resisted by
the democratic party. Have the \otera of
Connecticut stopped to reflect what v > ould bo
the influence upon their utateJif ] there was
such n changa iu the tariff as tlio democratic
p irty in congress came within two \otes of
effecting last v > intei ? Have 3011 stopped to
think what would be the effect of the
\ abandonment of the present currency
system of the United SUtes which
would ceitamly follow if the dem
ocratic pirty should come into power' _ That
currency syetom , ns it stands to diy , is cer
tainly tbe most remarkable iu the hi tory of
world. The greenb wk circulation of between
three nnd four hundred millions is held steadi
ly at pr with gold by the readiness of the
government with its turplus com in the treas
ury to redeem nv cry cent on presentation by
e\changiug n gold dollnr for n paper dollar ,
while the nati mal bank * stand roadv to piy
ever their counters for their I ills iither the
coin or the greenback note , \\Inch ia immodi
atslv controvertablo into com. 'iho only aug
gfstiou that has come fiom the democratic
party during this cnmpjign , directly bearing
ou this important question , is the c mtimnlly
repeated decimation of ifendncks , the demo-
ciatio candidate tor the vice prea'dency , tint
the first me.isuro of Ins pirty if elected toolhce ,
would be to get rid of the surplus held in the
vaults of the treasury , the purpose of which 1
have indicated , liUino out OH to say tint
f HendnckH1 recommendation waa aJopted
the government would ha niiable to redeem
he greonbicks in coin. Oao of the first nets
of the states rights democracy , if given con
trol , would the restoration to the states of the
power to establish state hunks When Abra
ham Lincoln waselocred thrn vvero nearly sJO
broken state banks in the union , whoso sue-
cessho failures had involved during the last
twenty jears of democratic nde in tliU coun
try a total 1 IPS to the poaplo of two hundred
million dollais. If jou phce thin ominous
fact against the experience of the 1 ist twenty
jcura of our history , curing which no man
lias lost a shiD'lo dollar by the urciiln
tion of national banks , you will find , I
think , conclusive aigument in favor of main
taining the present financial bystein. [ Cheers ]
As the train moved off the crowd choeroa
heartily , At Meriden a large crjvvd greeted
ISIaino enthusiastically , ilo spoke brielly ,
betting forth the advantages to Connecticut in
maintaining the protectlva nystem , and de
clared thu most important issue of the cam
paign to ha tin tariff ipioation.
Nl.vv HA\EN , November 1 HIaiiio made
the following nddross here : There has beou
placed in my handi , einco my arrival iu Now
iLtveii , un address fiom the clergy mo n
of this city , expressing their re-puct
and ciinfidencp. and through the per
eon who delivered it tlio assurance
that in matters of public light and In matters
of public partitipithm nndertho laws and con-
ntltntion of the United Stit-s , they kuovv no
eect , they know no J'rotfMant , no Catholic' , no
Hebrew ; but the equality of id ! , [ Good , '
"Cooil , " and cheers. J In the city of J Hartford
I had a letter put , in my hand * inking me why
[ ha I charged the dmuccratio party with bo-
in0' inspired by rum , Jtomunism and rebellion ,
( A voice , "Von iiuver taul that "J My an-
Hvver iu the unit pluco Is that they put In my
mouth an unfortunate expression of another
man , nnd in the next place It
gives ma an opportunity to nay at
the close of the e\mpiign that it
the public speeches which 1 liivo inadi * 1 hive
ti'frained carefully and instiuctlly frnn
makiiiR any di respfctful nllusion to the dem
0 ritic pvty. I dilfer from that party pro
f -undly on mallets of principle , but I line tm
much respect for the millions of my country
men whom It embraces U nssail thrtnvilh ip
ithets of nbu i' [ "liood , " "dood , " am
cheers , ] In Iho next place , I nm euro that 1
nm the last man in the United States ho
would mike n dhrespoctful allusion to another
man's religion , The United Stales guiranteca
freedom ot irllgioiis opinion nnd liof ; re the
law and under the constitution the I'rotcstatil
and the Ca hohc and the Hebrews stand enti
entitle 1 to absolutely the sumo
recognition and the aunt- protec
tion , Iloud cheering , ] ami if disrespectful
ulliiMon Is here to be undo against the icligion
ot any mm , as I IIHVO aivld , I nm tin * last man
to make it , for though 1'roteatunt by convic
tion nnd connected with a Protestant church ,
1 rlnuld esteem mjself of nil men the most
de-graded if under nny pressure or any tempt v
tlon I could in nny presencemakondlsrt ) > pect
ful nllusion to that ancient faith In which my
rjverod mother lived and died. [ Kiithushstic
and long continued cheering ] The question
now before the people of the United Stites is
not n rehgmus one , The cpitstloii to bo settled
in this election ia ono that cornea homo to the
door-sill and the fireside of every American
citieu. Wo have enjoyed In this conntr )
for the pist \\outy-tin eo jt-ars the
advantage of a protective tiriff.
There ia not n man within the
sound of my voicoj there1 Is not n mm in Con
nccticitt ; there Is not n man in New liagland ;
there is not a man in the United States who m
not directly 01 indirectly interested in the protective
tectivo ttiiff. [ Cheers. ] 1'hin then cpoko
at cjnstdorallo length on the tsrilf issue , and
piid n warm tribute to Ciou. J'remoiit , whom
ho introduced to the audience. Premont was
loul lly cheered. Ho spoke briefly in acknowl
edgment of the reception given him.
At Bridgeport there was a crowd numbering
many thousands and enthusiastically demon
strative , lilamo made a very short speech ,
aiuas the train moved off stood on the rcir
platfoim bowing his acknowledgments
tlio people cheered again and again. Again at
South Norvvalk there waa a grext gathering ,
and I31aiuo spoke briefly. At Stamford the
demonstration was said to bo the largest over
teen in that part of Connecticut. There was
great enthusiasm Aftar Ulaiuo'fl re
marks ho nud n hrge party
were Inndaomoly cntertiiiind at the
liouao of Samuel 1'et-sendeii , eecrotnry of the
republican national committee , Tno run to
NTew York w.u undo without nny other atop ,
and the train nrrivcd hbout S o'clock. lilaino
arrived at the 1'ifth avenue hotel and wont di
rectly to hia apartments.
NKVV YOIIK Novcmbar L At about 10
I'clock lilaine , accompanied bjDr. . Fordjco
Darker , was driven to the academy of music
where there vv.ia a meeting tinder the auspices
of the Blame and Logan club , of Columbia
jollega prraidi d over by president Dwight.
The building Una filled in evcrv part , and the
audience made * all kinds of enthusiastic dem
onstrations when Blaine appealed upon tbo
atngo and when ho got up to cpcak Iu the
courao of hia remarks JJIaino said : ' 'As lout ;
ia men of social and intellectual position
hiuk it ben ° ivth them to tike part in whit
ire so often called political ( ( piabbles ,
.hoy contribute t > make them squabbles
J'Good , " "good , " anl loud applause ]
It ia in their power to ruse them to the
lignity of contests involving gieat principles
and touching at every point the fate aud for-
, uno of the nation. 1 , therefore , confess , Mr.
jhairincn , and to no ono would I make the
confession more gladly than to him who his
joon the able instruct jr of BO many of the
iromiaing youths of the country , and whoso
vholo life u a sulondul example of the man
who makes conscientious use of the education
wherewith ho Ina been endowed , 1 confess
, h it , standing oaths eve of n great national
contest , in which I am supposed to ba per
sonally interested [ great cheering ] , but in
which , as a , matter of fact , I have no othr or
deaper interest than you. [ Renewed clicoiing. ]
I confess that I feel honcrod to stand before
; his audioncj ou this occasion , appreciating' as
[ think I do , its present significance , nnd , nx
[ hope , its far-reaching inlluencu. [ App nuso ]
If olhcOj high or low , bo taken .13 n personal
; ift or viowid as a mere porscunl promotion
t is honored in its character and takes its
ilaca with the lottery pn/es of life ; but if it
to held .13 it should ba hold , as a trust , the bo
stuvvment of which is free mid unxnight , then
ndeed ia the honor great , [ Prolonged ap-
ilauso ]
NKVV YOIIK , November 2. lilaino being
'aligned from the continuous labors of the
week did not leavehia room at the 1'ifth
iVvemie hotel to-day. List ovmiing a delega-
, ion of Catholics , headed by 1'atrlck 1'ord ,
c illcd to extend congratulations upon the
naniier in which ho had In Now Haven re-
'eired to Kav Dr. Hiircmml's ronnrks at the
neotiii ? of ministora in thu city. In reply ,
lilaino "Itclleious libeity is the abso-
lite lavy of 0111 people ; freedom of couscionco
a the inallonibla right of oveiy Amoiicin
citi/9i ) , uitivo or miturall/ed Whoovei
violates tint freedom strikes the founditlon
of the republic AH a Protestant , I dun md
'or the Catholic precisely the same liberty of
iction , himo roppect for CODKC intious belief
.hut I claim for myself. Perfect religious
ibertv is the highest attainment of out free
constitution and that liberty implies mutual
.oleranco. respo.t for each other's rights of
conscience nnd generous sphit of curistian
charity. "
\ mil.E IlhMONM \IION IN IIONOll Ol1 ( I.I V 1'-
AIIIAMT , N. Y , Nov. -Cleveland left
lero this morning at 10 o'clock. The tune of
: ih dep irturo was not generally known so
there was no unusual crowd. Ho icviows a
parade in New York to-night , retuining early
Sunday morning ,
NEW YOIIK , Nov L The business men'a
Cleveland and llondricks club started uji
liroudway at .1.15 this ufti nioyii to bo re-
vlovwd bv governor Cloveland. The hrt
divisiun was in the following order- Mounted
[ iolico , Urand Marshal John 15. Woodward ,
proiiduut and vice pretldonts ot t'jo
various associations , west eido mer-
chanta' club Second division block oxchungo
club , stock exchange clerka. prodiico _ nnd
mailtlmu exchanues , Nuvv York mining ox-
chang- * , cotton oxehaiwe , inauranco mon'ri ua-
eocialions , lawyers' club , petroleum and block
exchange , cigars and leaf tobacco club , hide
and leatiiir aaaocl.itioii , dlutlllors , vvluo nnd
ijnrit exchange , Iron and metal , joimg men's
Induji ndent club , Columbia college Htu
lonti , medicalnasociituni , the Sullivan Cleveland
land and Hendrltku club , coal and iron trade ,
railroad omployca , printers , publishers and
paper ilex ers , batten1 , pottery and glaiHwaro ,
bank clerka , custom house brokers , txclian o
brokers , hard ware men , steamboat and trans-
portutiin coiiipanleu , carmen nuddrivorii , the
\Vtst Wanhliigton murki t men. The side-
wa ku vvero iinpastuUe. The line keopa step
to the cr > , in which the spectators jam ,
"Jlurn , burn this lotti r , "
Cleveland stood for ever three houra on the
review Ing stand , next to the Worth monument
until r n cuiopy of purple velvet , f tinged vvltli
gold , upon i ach comer of which was n golden
ngle. When hn took his position , sunn nftei
I o clock , Madison nqtinro before \ \ \ \ was
packed vvllh peonlo. Tbe grand atand on Iho
opposite fide of Fifth aviniio hi Id nt least ono
lhou aiul ladies vvith their escoits. A thont
In tlio distance , which mereisod to n roar us
Iho heid of the procession came Into \tovv , an-
iiotmcid the approach of Iho mass of men.
Cleveland stood up nml greiter ehtirn
broke forth , which vtero inereised as
Pat Oilmoie feiml his wand nud
Ins grrnt band sent out upon the air "llnll to
the Chief , lien Woodward , the grind imr-
nlnl , liorosalutod the governor nnd the latter
returned tlo taluto the crowd ackiiovvlcdeltig
the greeting with a cheer tint might nave been
lioird in Jersey. Wion Cleveland moved
from the stand nfter the procession pisacd
until he entered the Hoffman hou e the crowd
kept up n continuous cheer. This exception
ally gnat display in numbers , ns well na ap
pn iranca. h d not pissed nvv vy vv hen the
torches of the "Tamm my brivos vvero seen
waving wheresoever ono lo > kid ns different
ward and assembly di < tilct nssociitlons
wore mnkiiig thiir\vay to the rendezvous In
I'm ' neighborhood of Washington square' .
While those two monster demonstrations wfro
t ikmp place in Now York , Ikookljn , ovur tlm
river from Nevv York , was having a parade of
Its own and it is estimated lliit iiolloss thin
L'0,000 men vvoio In line , lirooklvn | > roper
was asxtatot ] in this display by delegations
from the country towns. The Hue of march
extended from the city It dl throurh circuitous
atieots to Willlamsburg , a distance of Ivvelvo
nnlos. Thcie was a Iromendous enthusiasm
all "long the louto
Nivv VOIIK , Ivovembor L The streets were
jammed again to-ntt'hl with people out to ROD
Tumminy pirado. The police Beemod worn
out In the struggle \vlth the people dining the
week to see Ulalnonnd Cleveland and the
grand piocessiona in honor of the candidates
for president. At 10 o'olock Governor Cleveland
land , nccompimed by delegations from the
business men'H clubs nnd n tiiu.vd of police ,
made his way to the rovlowing stand. Im
mediately nf torn ard ho was joined by mom-
IICIH of the > ntional nnd state executive
coir mitteep. The governor was continu illy
cheered until the procession nppearoj. John
Kelly and other members of Tammany society
rode nt the hoidof the lino. After them c.ime
delcpationa from the First assembly district ,
the young men's democntic club and the
Tldid and other district orgtni/vlioiia. A
largo majority of the banners bore legends re
ferring to issues and candidates. The
crowd made much noise. Cleveland ro-
peiledly cheered during Iho parade ; also ou
hia return to the hotel.
At VN\N. Y. . November U. Cleveland
eft Novy York City nt 8.30 this morning nnd
nrrived in Albany nt 12:15 Ho nt once wont
.o the executive mansion nnd spent the day
.here , resting with hia sisters , Mrj. Hojt nnd
Miss Cle\eland. The governor waa In excel-
ent health. Ho left foi liuffulo nt 10 30 to-
light. Ho will vote there early Tucad ly
norning and tika the ' . ) n. m train foi Alb my ,
arriving hero at 5:40 : Tuesday afternoon. He
v ill receive returns of the election at the ex
ecutive mansion.
MUNCH : , Ind , November 1. Logan nnd
Calkins , candidate for governor , loft Indian-
ipohs at 'J o'clock for a awing through the
cistern part of Indiana , There were grent
and enthusiastic crouds at ill the stations ,
nnd the decorjtions vvero profuse. The train
stopped at each place long enough for Logan
and Calkins to make brief rpeecho i. A glco
club accompanies the party ; also many dis
tinguished speakers , who are loft ono by ono
at the towns pissed tv address the great
crowds assembled.
LvniANAioili , November 1. Logan re
turned to Indianapolis at ! ) o'clock p. m Ho
las traveled ovtr two hundred miles in Ins
special car slnco morning. The principal
> lacoa nt which ho spoke vvero Aderoon , Mun.
: io , Nowcast'o , Cambridge City , C mncrsvillo ,
Kusbvillo , ( ! reanLurg.ind Shelbyvillo.
crowds greeted him nt every placa. Logan
Hjmls Sunday bora nt John C. NOVV'H rest-
lenco. On Monday ho speaks at 1'ranUin ,
DtiluinbiiH , North Areni ( > n , Seymour and
Mitchell , and reaches Cliicigo ou Tuesday
INDIASAIOIIS , Novembet 2. General and
M ra. Login spent Sunday quietly ut the sal
ience ot John C. Now nnd nttendod the
L'resbyteri m church in the morning. They
dined with Senator nnd Mis. Harrison in the
afternoon and received quite n niimbur of i. til
ers.mont ; these calling upon Airs. Logan
were Mrs , Thoni is Heudricks and Mrs Ji oph
McDonald. Login leives at ! ) o'clock Mon
day nun m ng , continuing Ins tiip through In-
1 laiii htopningat rianklin , Columbus , North
Vernon , Seymour and Mitchell. Ifo ruuclios
Chicago Tuesday morning.
AVcnllH-r To-la > .
Wviiu.M.TON , November 2. The upper
Mislssiripi valley slightly warmer , furvveath-
01ariablo winds generally fiom east to
south , lower barometer. Missouri valley
Bhghtly waunor , fair weather , east lo south
Catarrh Cured
Cat.irrh Is a ery prevalent disease , vvltll
distressing .mil offenslvo hjmjitoiiis. Hood's
SaisiiuirllU elves le.uly relief .mil speedy
cure , from the f.ict it acts through the blood ,
and thus reaches cveiy p irt of the sjslem.
"IsufferedvvIllir.itarrlififteenc.irs , Took
Hood's h irs ip irlll i.inil I am not tioubleil .my
with cjtarrh , and my t' IK .ilthli ninth
better. " J. W. , 1'ostul Clerk Chicago
A , ht. Louis Jtallroad.
"Uiifreieilvvltlicat.irrhoors jc.irsj tried
many viomltrful turts , inhalers , < tc. , oiienil-
ing nearly ono hmulrril dollars without benefit.
I tried Hooil'H Sirs.ip irlll.i , and \ grc.itly
linprov I'd. " M. A. Auui'.v , Worcester , Jlasa.
If noil's HirsipnrllK h clnradpri/i-d M
three pociilliiltles : iBt , the comlilnullnn ot
n agents ; I'd , the jirujmrtlon ; : iil , ( ho
jiroi-mt of Bcurlng the attlvo medic In/
iu ] illlli'i , 'J he result Is a incilltlno of nmisii i
ntrenglh , dfettlug euros hitherto unknown
bend for book containing addition il evidence ,
"Hood's KirsiP.inll i tones up my svstein.
pmllliH my lilooil , Hlnrpinsmv .imntlfe .mil
KIIIIIS to III ll\l- IIIO OVI'I " ,1 V lllOMl'riON ,
Jtegl , | or of lit eds , Lowell , 3\liss ,
"IIooil'H riirsnpirllla be its all others , nnd
IswniiliitHvvi iglit lu olil " I : , ,
Juo JUuk Street , New i'oilc City.
Hood's Sarsdparilfa
Hold by idl ilniRslstB , 61 ! six for $1. Mail i
onlybvO. 1.1IO01) & CO. , Ixiwcll , Mass.
Ono Dollar.
A Louisiana Political Meeting Tnrnefl
Into a Baltic ,
"A Thousand Shots \Voro \ Fired
Simultaueotisly , "
Sixteen Noeroes Killed and Others
Wounded ,
Three Prouiinont White Domo-
orats Also Killed.
Conflicting Accounts Locating
The Dcmournta Accuse ilio Itcpulill-
OIIIIM mill llin Uepulllo iw
Counter tlic Aooiisn-
TMK Itlor.
JSK\V \ OUT KANH , Nove-mber 1 A I'lciyuno's
Now Ibon.v special snys : At : i Kcllogg meol-
MR at Lironvlllo to day It scorns KOIIIO negroes
; ot title tlllHculty' ToaJtlfiwx ( stopped In
oipuot thoni , when hours bred on , the bnll
> enotrating hU lint. Ifo n turnoil the tire but
vtthout effect , liylhls time tlaio was agon-
ornl icaort to firearms nnd
TooCIlfoiix wna the first to fall , xliot ( lend.
ilo vv.ia ono of the boatciti/ens and n staunch
democrat. Sheriff Tl'eo. Viitor was brought
n here wounded , but uot dingorotuly. Par-
lien who brougnt him in say Captain It. Ioll ! ,
i democrat , waa nlao ahot dead. Abler lioutlo ,
i nrpm rolllicinn , mid thrco other noirroca
vvero killed Jules Meetojcr and < ludgu Kon-
clien are reported among the wounded , jv
area number of men uro under anus there ,
and the excitement ia at fever heat.
Tha excitement hero Is Siinads
) f armed men left for tlio scene of the conlhct.
The town \v ill bo picketed and patrolled to
Liter. A largo number of prisoners \\oro
trought in by armed men , but cannot aicortaiu
, ho number to-nieht. They are lodged in jnll
and guarelodii .Judge Thco. J'ontllon. Albert
l'uteleu ' | , L. tFontovol nnd I'hen/JKcnUon
are among the prisoners. The moat reliable
nnd impartial reports are that the republicans
went over there oxpoctiug tumble , and it
commenced among the ncgroos. Jndgo
I'ontoben is not wounded a ? at first reported.
A. K. DngOH nnd St. Glair DtignH mo re-
lortod Bounded , Mony others vv era wounded
jut , they got oir. Moat reports agree that
jut as they stampeded after the first fire It is
mposaiblo to say positively howmnnynro
Nhvv Olir.KAN'H/Novcmber 2. Tunes-Demo- , Now Ibenia special : Judge I'ontehuu
ind eight or ton others loft hero thin morning
or Laroanvillo , 1'auaio Point , tliis pirlah , to
mid n political meeting in the interest of
Kellogpr , After the croud assembled a dia-
; urbanco was croateil by pinons. hallowing
"Hurrah for Gray. " ITdo Gtiilfoux rushed to
the scene of trouble ni.4 ' 7aa fired at , the bill
passing through his hat. Ho returned the
lire and ut tint moment there was
A GtviJiAii now.
nnd Captain Hell , n prominent sugar planter
and n democrat , JOB Uuolfaux , the leading
jray inin , .ind Oliver llouttt1 , colored , a Jvol-
logg supporter from Now Ibeiia , vvoio killed
outright. The woundul , as fai as known , are
Tides Mestaycr , republican c uididntu for slier-
ilf , who la t Hpring had his thit'h broken , ox
shcriir Yeutor , shot twice in the nbilomin ,
nnd about a do/en others slightly wounded ,
Six nogroeti were killed at ) far as known , The
perpetrators wcro surrounded and kept under
; nard until thu sh ° riu arrived to nrroat thoni.
A courier was dispatched to Now Iborla , and
n , \ Sow minutes alter ho arrived the town
vvna in
mi' unnrsr KXUIIIMIM
All drinking aalnoni ) vvoro closed by the
iniyor. l''ifty ' or seventy five men from here
left under orders from shoiilfs for the scene of
trouble. All vvoro armed with double bind
shotguns and rillm. They nrieatod Kimtellou
and Adolph liienvcuu , nnd hvo white mun ,
wlm nio now in the patleh nuilei heavy gmtrd
Tin < litnt bill c.imofrom the repnblicnn ranks.
Afti r this , it suiJ ,
Ln ) tlio bittlo liohl it IH Bind that a do/en
IIOIWH aru lying dead , It IH impossible to
learn how miuiy were wounded , and left dur
ing the excitement.
NKVV Out lAhiS , November 2. Information
from republican sources glvu quite n dllfi rent
coloring to thonlfutr which occur/oil .it L no-
anvlllu yesterday. Tlio Klulne and Login
and Kellogg ineotmu was being lield then ) ,
which , it 13 alleged WIIH broken np by armed
democrats who fired upon the inciting. Light
men worn killed and woundnd. All republi
can spoakorH vvero nrrostod by local milltiii
and comirlttod to jad without the authority
of law , Intense excitement prevails ,
l MIII r\orM ,
NKVV OIUMSS , November 2. A Times-
Democrat , Now Iberia , spOLialnavH that every
tiling ia ( | iiiot since the | ' 'UIISBO I'omt troublu
jnstoiday. The priionora aio still In jail , and
will probably have a hearing to moriovv , A many rupoits came in from 1'uu o J'oint
today. Nearly all are dilforcntaH to the num
ber killed nnd wounded. Coroner Manvlllu
came In late this evening ,
1 fo naj'H that tin 10 are Hlxtoon negroes are
cloud nnd two will to men. lie will holJ an
uunieat to-inorrpw ,
All in thii light whfin it began say that the
flint hhot came from n n < gro , who hrod at Jot :
( iilfonx , from hU poclut , Hull and ( ill-
foux were killed instantly and from tlio first
volley. The pistuU tnkoii from tin Ir bodies
nhowthat they hail not fired a shot whou thity
foil , ft Is not known how mnny weio killed ,
hut it IH certain that
HIMH'V , I-nollAlll.l T U\J1 , VVKIll MI.I.I'I ) ,
Nearly all these klllixl received wouniU
finm struv sliota. It ia reported that the
white republicans wore breast phi to-i. , liulgo
Koiitelluii'H clotldne WOH full of bullet holuH ,
but hlii skin was nutouchod , C.ipt Moll wat
to day at Ht. Miutinsvlllo and Jou ( Illfoux al
horfauvllle. 1'ell nud Ullfauv were two ol
Kaufso 1'olnt'a most lejpoctod nnd bolovoi
titi/uis. Tin Ir friends prenenl , six or oiidit
nieu , wcro HO infilllatod tlu < thny wont into
the bittlc rcgardlo i of ovrrjtluui ; and fouglit
hravnly , A eroit
until thn > emptied tin Ir pulo ! * , the iimjnnlj ,
howovnr , xtimpodiul. lluudioN of thpin
jump d into the bijou and unlnu bcilipjuomu ! .
i d did not get out , Dllicrs ran ; soinn tell
down on tliu vvnv and died , due negiov vt
found near by In hia eiluti doullthoiit n
brinso , No further trouhln n pxpt-ctod ,
CAl DAl'KVIN.S. ' .
Sr. l.ol'lM , Novembers. The rmo between
Tcotnir nnit O.uulnur , which was declared a
lie hat Siuiilay , Jwai rowed over at Crevo
Ciuur lake tills evening , letultlng in tiamlaur
reichlns : the home stake about it iiinrtcr | of n
inilo ahead of Tei'incr , At tlio turning ttnko
the bow of Toomer's shell wont under vvntir ,
and biforo ho had ntialghteund ( iaudaui
fully two leiights , hllo Teenier loit
, \Vlion ho arrived homo ho an
nounced Ida bovtvv.n vattrloKgul. The ex-
iimtnitlou of the nhovvcd peami in Its
bow and n good dr \\atiriuthoforunrd
coinp irtment. 'I'lio n fcroo nppointod n moot
ing at 10 p. m. . when ho would hoar the state-
mouts of both sulca .iud gtvo n decision.
Tlmoot r.vco , 1.0.1 ! I ,
Hotweon 10 nnd 11 o'clock , and nfltr con-
sldoiablo talk , referee G ilhwlur gavotlio race
to luitidmir nud dcclnrod nil botx nnd pools
oil , The declaring of bets anil pools on" , b iicd
upon \vhat ( inllngnor called ' unnatural" bol
ting which laalhged to bo the putting up of
moiipv on ( jnndoiir in iv tocret vv.iy by sumo of
the 'leomci puty. Niillur Tiemor lumtelf
( inudnur nor St. John , IriabickniH , nioxvid to
bo um-emcd in the transaction , hovvovi i.
ItrgnrdtiiK the condition of Teemor's
bout , Morriii thinka It w.ta injurid
in the boat house ot the Moduo dub , but
mikes no dltcct charges u amst any membci
of the club. The fact that Toomor was on the
water in his shell , inning befoio the ciovvd , 17
minutes prior to the start and la not known to
Imvo observed anything wrong with the hoit.
would Indicate that the jury waa unstained
during the racu. The decision of the referee
seems to bagoueially accepted ns just nud
proper under the circumstances.
ClIUHlH IKTl.l , 1I1HIIMI V llhhl ) . telegram to the DKI : :
TOHONTO , Ontirio , November J. There
invo boon sovcrnl mootinga of Orangemen hold
n different parts of Ontario , at which resolu
tions \voro adopted cilllng on the brethren in
the United States to vote foi Cleveland , The
ollownip appeal , made to brethren in the
stites , was passed at n meeting of Orangemen
lold [ in West Toronto , Wednesday night , a
copy ot which was Edit to different Orange
organi/atlons throughout the Unitad
SUtea : "Wo , uti/ina of Toronto and
moinbora of ] I the I.ojal Orange
Association of Itritish Not Hi America , dcsiro
, o nddresa our brethren and fodovv Canadians
n the United States as to the aland they
ihould take in American polities. Wo b < llovo
t Ia the duty of our brethren to strenuously
ipposo both by their votes and inlluenco the
election of James G , ISlame , the republic in
lomlneo for president , ns vvobollovo ho is an
enemy of 1 luglond nnd n friend of the demo-
fogic Iriah , and nn clfHpring of the Koinnn
( Signed ) WIIIIAM Slhcr.Aili ,
WM. GhouiiK ,
IH.NIU llKAHl ) ,
" ' v
i" IlENiir .Lownmt ,
THOMAS McCAt'i t. ,
JAMIS 1'ii'Kii ,
JOHN Covviicr ,
cuvrio KAitovAij Lovninma 10 ITH OHIO
Special telegram to Tin : ! ! KK.
COIUSIIILH , November 1 ! . The following
leeds no comment.
Natlwnal Democratic Kooms , Nnw York , f
October 18 ! , 1881. (
Samuel Stellinor , l < i | , , Chairman Demo
cratlc Coutral Committed , hiicas cuunty , To
ledo , Ohio , Dear Sli. The national committee
too , after having overlooked the entire ground
tint will bo contested with any hope of sue-
ess , have decided tint tlio ( U'ht must ho
made in Now Vuik and Ohio , The vote in
your Htato shows that the ma
jority agilnst the republl
cans by over 12,000. The vote in the national
contort will bo Holldincd as ag.unst the nipub
lic.iu tand id.i to. Wo will furnish yon all the
necoanry moans to iliumou full vote and do
all tint ! > ) iiccyrjBirv to Bin nro the electoral vote
for Clevoluiid. With Ohio v > o are victorious.
Oonmcticiit and Now Jersey aio agnlnnt 1190
nud Indl ma is doubtful. Our light must bo
made in youi stntn To fully coimerve to the
interests of the pirty you must lubt. If wu
make a strong ami Hicconafnl fight wo will
uury No Vork nnd with Ohio meet our can-
didites The n suit of the wtiolo contest
restn on the action ol Ohio. If jou are earn-
c t nnd work faithfully you cm cirry that
ttuto Wire 111 the roiiilt in your city nnd
county at the curliest moment
Youra truly ,
W. I ! llAUMJM ,
Chairman of the National Democratic Com ,
Sioci.d to THE IFE. !
Km i Kiiros , Niinco county , Nub. , Nov. ? .
Sheriff Xibbel roturncd from his trip south on
Thuisday last. Ho Htateu that the party imp-
po'i.d to bo I'urnival had loft before bo got
thcro and aUu that the landlady anil landlord
of the hotel Htud that "tho supposed Km nival
cimo therii bi foii > the murder took pinto " If
suili ia the t.nHO it ! KHVJ grout stupidity in the
southern autlioilthw who telegraphed lint it
wni Kiiniual , Ci'itain it la that whoever the
man was , ho had umplo notice from the pap rs
that Xihhol was ( omlng Sheriff Xihbul Hiys
that ho did not know that ho WIIH talking tea
a reporter at all.
The hhetiir is iloubth HH making a sincere oC'
fort to capture the murderi r nnd hhows an
I good judgment us the .nor.wo country pherid
on hi * firnt rlnnlny f > f niitliotity. Should ho
go again ho will nntniUottioo himself nnd Ida
imaMoii ns freely as on hi , In t trip. Ifj rrply
to thedlobo-Li-mocrrtt , In which , under Xlli
hoi ti ninio. the l linonsons are i > nld to bo nc-
i-c'inphct s , the follovs ing lujter has been draw n
1'illHlTOS , Neb.Ottohor.ll , 18SI.
( 5 liibo Democrat , St. Ln us , Mo. : In jour
I MIO of the l7th ! we notice that nn Omaha
correspondent In rilicu up the Nnneo county
trncedy undo the atntemont that the people
mtnr in the vicinity of the murder bollivo
I mnivnl to linvo been itmrdi rod and tint ono
r.dmonmui , a neighbor , is the Rilllty pirty ,
N'ovvvo who ha\i > hend nil the ovidcnro as
rtdduc d bi'fiin' thn ononpi'a jury nnd well
knowing tint neither Ojvvahl or Arthur
Kdmonson havn mm moment boon by us or by
any one suspected of being In miy nianiiir
coiinoi ltd with the i rime , but on the contrary
these twojoung moiihavo romlored over } aa
oistinco in their jniwur to bring out
thu fnets rolntive thereto. They have
at nil times HIICI tliflr repldoiico
nmom ; us c minded thomirlviM in aiich n
Dimmer na to gain the mpect nud conhdonco
of nil ninl wo lullevolt la but just to them nnd
their iniiiy fnemla to Hay that the evidence
and clrciiuistancosconnectul vvltli this case wo
fully exoiu i > to thoni from any suspicion con
nected thoreuitli. lloplnp the Democrat
will PIVO this ns gprcdypuhlicntion an possible.
Wo conclude by dictating the inuoconcoof
the 1 Minimum bojs. ( Signed )
K. It SMITH , Coroner ,
S. 11 , I'KSSM , foreman coroner's jury ,
I. A. UKAOI K , jurymnn ,
K , I ) . (7ol ( ID , juryman ,
J. 11. JliNMtr , jiirjman.
Tlio rcinaming jurymen had not bid the
paper prtscnltd to them but will undoubtedly
ShorllTIbbel KVJH tint ho never mentioned
the IMinoiH n bojs nt all , nnd the cotro
spondeiit from Oimvhn to tlm Gl > bo Democrat
wan alone the originator of the statement.
County Clerk McClelland doon net acorn
dwcoumged ovei the rp | eitcd fnlluns to
capture the nssns'in , but saja ronovvedelforts
uill bo made. ( Julio nn < initiation is taking
place fro the neighborhood of the murder ,
over which the myatery ileepuna mid darkens
daily. _ _
v rni/B rmin sinu HT r.vui , is WHICH ONK
Si. 1'Atr , November L' . Tins afternoon n
party of nbout ono hundred inon vvtnt bj
atonmer about three miles down the Missis'
sippi to witnoas n fight between John S ,
llarnon , of this city , nnd Tom McAlpino , ol
Now York. After sumo discussion , 71. * C1.
llucho , sporting editor of the I'loneor Proas ,
uns chosen referon , and , T. S. Dickonaon , city
editor of the dl , 1'nnl Day , tlmo-kooper. Tlie
monweiool the nanio heigth , live foot eight
Inches. llnrnoa weighed 115 His ,
Mr Alpine 141 Ibs. It vv.ia
t o'clock when tltno waa called , liy consent
of both parties tlio rounds wore two minutes
each , Muriiils ] of Qiieonsbury rules. The light
vv.vs marked by umtluuims sparring for sl\
rounds without either receiving pumehinent
When the seventh began it was evident that
Harnen i..eint businois , and HC ircoly had the
round commenced when liainos sent n tonific
swinging right handur which took MeAlpmo
fauly ever the right ojo and ho foil like a log ,
where he liy fully ton minutes , totally imcon-
eciaus On cominc : to , ho pulled off the
gloves and gave up , liariicn did not rocelvo A
lit.i.sols soi ID ( on rilK in i'i iii.ioN nrKEi
Special telegram to TIIK Hi E.
Clilc'Ano Nov. 1. The republican Btato central
tral , committee 1m completed a poll of Illinois
They flay'tlmfc'outsldo of Cook county lllatni
will have a plurality of 118,000 to10,000. . N <
ojtunates liivo boon mido on the vela In tint
county. In 1K81 CJnrfleld's pliuahty in Mil-
nois vvna I0,71li. The returns of the poll by
precincts show dicided republican gains.
IjitlmatoH made from time to tlmo as the poll *
are returned nhow that the perconUcrn of
gain lioldt ) good throughout Should Cook
county allow n republican g.dn na largo in prop -
p ittion as that indicated throughout the Btitt
liluino'a majority would bo over DO 000. The
prohibition vote will not exceed IL'.OOJ. The
estunato of the liutler vote has not been
up , as it is toi much tcittored , and the m i
jority of the Dolls do not return any llutloi
votes. The ilomocr.its have completed their
I loll of the state nud claim n tot'il vote of ill- ! ' ,
1)00 ) torClovulaud anngiinHt L 1,000 fur lilalno.
M i : WAI : .
Special telegram to TIIK HKK
IJONDON , November H. A grave conlllct ol
iplnion rages in the French ministry ovei the
yhiuo o policy of M. 1'orry , ai.d the first novvr
ifaieversal to the 1'ieiich arms will bo the
signal foi n cabinet nphoivnl. Hep rtH nn
current m 1'aiia that the ititiiatioii is inucli
VVOIHO than the accounts piihllHhed would load
mo to ballevo , nnd tint China is dlsplajiiif ,
inoxpuctod strength and cnuigy , I it coouec-
lion with tliU subject , interact itttiches to thu
nliildcn uppearuiico in 1'arlsiau papora ol
stories of outrign in Moroc o on French citi
/ens. by the MilUn and his grand vi/ior , o
which the moht lurrowlng nccouuta me given ,
It Is suapectiid that M. Kerry Intends to back
out of the ChinoHO emhro lie under cover of c
Morocco divursloii which would involve tin
Hp mull dilliciilty , and thus withdraw tin
public attention from the east ,
IN-I AVV IT I l.hll ,
Clllc'Ai.o , Novombui 1 , The federal an
thorlties to night nrrostul John Stournt
brother in-lavv of Mayor Harrison , democrat !
cindidato for govurnor ; W , J , Cllngen , chr
of the Hmth Hiilo police court , and I'Vank ' A
OWOIIK on a charge of aiding nnd nbettlii
falsa regutration. The ofhclala decline t
in nko any public stitetnont e.\cept hi n got :
eral way tlnit their ovideiico la diioct and ul
tolnto. Ono of the detectives , named Doiip
IIIH , who la biippusod to have collected ovi
dcncn against thuso nud ether parties , waa ni
lusted by the city police on the Hamu charge *
but wai roluaied on bid , Thu three person
vvuro arrested by 1'idtud States olllcinU inn
t ikflii befoio the ujininiaaionur nnd tbolr bal
hxul atlJOU ( oath.
( 'illclllllllli'H IIIoOllj
" COI.IMIIDH , November 2. Shorilf 1 lavs kin
of C'liicinu ill , niidu a reipilsition on the go1
oriior for tioops on olec limi day , The go verm
repllml thut , ullor h and ilio mayor bad o
haunted theii resorcua uith dopntiua an
sptclal jiolleu they could have the .dd of tl
militia ,
he Ifflpdiog Dissolution elite Prts-
cnt Brilisb Cabinet ,
Irowdiiig Harbin gars of the Pre
mier's ' " 11 ,
* " * *
In Dooidinc Qufeion of
1 n
ho Disastrons' ' S-'aarrels iu the1
Oem DB ,
vershadowictenaoo of Popu"
lar Btfead Riots ,
llitid Tlin4 nnd Itnil ( ! ov-
ornniont Tin * Ciiln r Ni-otls
of n llun > jrv Populuoi * .
pcctal telcgiam to Tiuli ! r.
I.ONDOV , Noxcnibtr U , The Gladstone
ovoniment HCI ms going to Xo body
nn give the exact lenson for this universal
ouviction , but every bmly declares that he-
eela it in the nir. Things are ccrtiiijly going :
rong nil romul. Vague runiora of impend-
ug disaster in J'gypt hivu passed from the
arinrof Ciiro to the clubs of London , nnd
Ithough Khnrtuun may not linvo fallen al-
isndy , not ono inrtn in a hundred behoves
liat Wolaleyvill got there in time
otmoit. The fall of Khartoum just now
vould bo also the fall of Gladstone , in south
\frica , nvoidanco of war H apparently no
onger poaslblu nnd In a dob.ito m the house
> f commons Kit v\tdne day , the ministry
voro denounced with as much vehemence ,
rom their own , a ) from the opposite side.
[ 'ho debitto ju the Mnimtrn'ma ' minder case ,
vhilo leaving Lord Spencer unhurt In the
English opinion , ! I H spread an uneasy fooling
hat theio ia s muthing very lottuii in Dublin
Jnstlo and the attack In icfercu o to Mylca-
Uijco has hirdly p ecd nway when
ho relontlefs Kirn Ibtea threaten ti >
, bitterer nssault In cunfcipiunco of tlio extra-
rdinaiy rovolntioiia In letters published dnr-
ng the trial of Detective Inspector I'rcnch.
? Jio finally implied condemnation of Chamber-
aln's violent Innguagc by lofiwal ot BO many
ninicteriallata to vote against ChurclilU'a mo-
1011 of ccnMire , that oetentatious ahatuutl" ! ! of
jord llartingtou nnd Sir William Ilnicomt
rom debate nnd Clmmberlnin's nariow c-ecaiMi
jy the small majority of thirty-six pivo nn im-
> rcRsiou that there nru lutorind divisions which
ill precipitate minimstcrial dissolu-
ous , Over nil this struggle.
hrro hangs the droiid tpcctuclo of the ever
eopfiiing ngricultural and commercial de-
ireaston , and peesimists aciiuilntod with the
Igorlth ferocity of hungry LntdUlunen dream
> l 'jiscamfortingislons of the sccno which
nny bo mactcd during tlio com ! nn winter if
tirving men mo huhcd to fury by fierce po-
itical struggles ,
ST. I.Ol'lS ANM Illjll
rti'TM ) KLEtllON
ST. LOIIIH , Nov. L At a special moating of
; ho board of police commissioners to-pi bfcjto
consider pstitions signed by a umnber of
.itlzana nakt'nf ? that the police force ba in
creased to preeorv o order on election day , a
cHolution vvus adopted instructing the \ico
Hiftident of the board to nppnut a special
: > rco not to exceed 000 men , to bo used as ho
nay direct. M ho petition btattd that it was
ipprehended that thorp would ha trouble on
lection day In uimstquonco of ap-.iointment of
United States inarshnla nnd the alleged nt
empt of i pulilicnu leadiia to attempt to
orco the election of judges to receive ballots
> r priHideiilitl electois nnd congressmen of
lion whose iinmoH hnvo been stricken from
bo registration bsta by the board of luviaion.
uiAN. .
IJ011DN HI 11,1 HI.
Special Telegram to TIIK UFK :
NKVV Yoiik , November - I ) ininick Me
'nffroy his challenged John L Sullivan to
ight him , according to the niRidnr rules of the
simian jri/o mw , lor fr m $1,000 to § 2,500 aide
ido , tlm lixht to takn plnco in Colorado , or
vili.iu 250 inileB of K nens City.
UAI.IIJIOIIK. SW , November 1. Mt. Ver-
ion cotton inilla , n % Wooilbetry , posted no-
iccs that the vvagc'H of operative. ! would bo ro-
luctd tun and iifteon pur cent.
S1OOO. Given
Ifiilum ( iriinyiiijnrlons KiibMunifSCun U > faund
In AndrowB1 Pour ! Unking Powder. Ii. ijo * .
tlvilv PURE. JteliiKinihwMil.BiiiltifillinoiitiiU
n cclvcd mini sueh chemLstmisB.r > unnHttslIos.
ton ; M Delafoiirilno , ot I'liliugu ; i cl
llode , MllvviuikiVv TNld In bulk.
orriCAbo ZZIKWAU , ,
29 J jiVe jU 2ST. i > AJOl E. \ \ ahil at } ,
ere recocjniz
5eeafer )