Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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A swltcli Enaire of iho B , & 1,1 ,
Jumps lira Trad
Ami Dcaih ItcsuKs toYIsoii | , tli
r , nuil Mnllii , tlio
Another ono wm last uij > ht added t
the long nerloa of railroad accidents whlc !
of Into hwo been frequent along th
liuco iu this htate , and resulted in th
death of two men.
At nbjttl 11 o'clock last night the pco
plo of the city were startled by numorou
shrill railroad whistles and the though
of fire near the depot instinctively fol
lowed. It was BOOH repotted , however
that an accident hnd taken place near the
U. P. bridge , nnd upon going to tha
place the aceno of deatli was discovered
Itappears from information given bj
the in on employed about the B. & M
ynrda that tlio pony cngino No. ! ) ( i belonging
longing to that company had gene dowi
about 10 o'clock into the lower yards
after a train of empty freight cars. Thie
train wai made up of twenty cars , twolvi
of which were drawn by the engine ant
eight wore placed in front of the pilot
and pushed by her. The cars in fron
were to bo taken to Gibson station to bo
fiido-trackcd , and those behind were to
bo taken up into the uppur yards. The
train thus made up started out of the
lower yard nn Mm main line for Gibson
station.Vhon immediately beneath the
Union Pacific bridge , nnd going at a rate
not to exceed ten miles an hour , the
engine was thrown from the track with
two of the -sara and the
As to the CIUBO of the accident there
ecoma to bo n dilfiironco of opinion. A
few say it was caused by a misplaced
switch. The plausible and probable
theory seems to ba that it resulted from
several causes. The rrnin track upon
which the train was running at the time
of the accident is considerably curved.
The running of cars mid engine at o
reasonable rate of speed oven would
create a great pressure against the rails
to shove them from their place. It is
thought either the switch pin holding
tho'rails in their place broke or dropped
pnt and released them from their fasten
ings. Ofhora say the switch was not
locked , but no proof could bo found that
such WAS the caao.
So soon as the whistles wcro heard the
nvntchmen and those about the depot ran
down to the scene of the accident. The
engine was found just north of the U.
P. bridge with her pilot turned directly
toward the east , with the tender jammed
into her cab. Thn engineer , whoso neat
woi on the right side of the engine ,
on her loft , below the cab window.
When found ho was lifeless. The work
of extricating his body from the wreck
was done by the use of axes
in cutting away Iho wooden sides of
the cab. This took considerable
time but waa filially completed. The
fireman all this time was in a standing
position batween the boiler head nnd the
tender. When found ho was still living ,
but the gauge cocks of the bailer were
constantly escaping steam upon him and
nothing could bo done ni once to help
him out of his perilous position. When
found ho was still conscious and replied
to the questions asked him bj signs ,
speaking only once. When first found
and when the steam was playing upon
him in its greatest fury ho asked the
men who \rero at work about him the
number of pounds pressure in the boiler.
Ho was told it was only thirty pounds.
said the brave , unfortunate man , the last
words that ever passed his lips. Fully
threpuartoru if un hour were consumed
injjcttiug the bodies out of the wreck ; but
beioro the work of extrication was com
pleted , the bravo fireman had breathed
lib kst.
The bodies were tikon out , and laid
face upwards upon the sand and their
coatn thrown over them. Liter a couple
of doors were brought from a now build
ing close by and the boclina laid upon
them. The engineer was found to bo
enrolled nbuut the breast nnd , us it ap
peared , ho waa caught between the
boilnr head nnd the tender , and uftor-
wnrd thrown out by the jumping of the
engine. The fireman was principally
injured about the breast and abdomen ,
bus it is thought the occasion of his
death vras Iho escaping steam.
The unfortunate men were 0 0. AVil-
son , thu engineer , and D. B. Mitlm , the
firmnnn. Thu former lived at Fifth and
Division streets and leaves n wife who
has been confined to her bed by sickness
for the last three months. The fireman
wan also a man of family , leaving n irife
and ono child about three months old.
Main'had ! been married about iifrnen
months and resided at Fourth and Wal
nut streets. Both were young mon not
over thirty-five years of ngo. Up to
2:30 : this morning their families had not
been notified of the mournful news
which sooner or later must be imparted
4.0 them , and methods at that titno were
being devised by their friends to break
< the information to the widow and
and friends. Wilson was a member of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi-
neons , and it it thought ho had a fair-
diced policy upon hia life. The engineer
had been in the employ of the company
for eoveral years , and was looked upon
as & trustworthy arid reliable employe ,
nnd was a sobar and industrious man.
ilvlin had been at work for the company
only nbont eight months , and was much
loved bj his fellows and co-laborers , and
was always found at hii post of duty.
The coroner was notified of the acci
dent , but hud not arrived at the scone of
death at 2 o'clock this morning.
v , O'llrlen Concluclcd. " The
i JJeloro
In the diatriet court yesterday after
noon the case ot Gaslni sgaint O'Dricn
af er a trial of four days reached sconclu
aion in a verdict for the n'alnt.'il. ' Tl.ij
finding of iho jury if it bu tujti.uicd by
the ootirl of last resort will rest thu bao-
lute title iu the pluintiir in thin tuit. Tr.o
property invnlvud in tlm cuiao b obi'ut
tea acres of valuable * laud near Jiunscoiii
park within thu corporation limits oft
Omaha , Oil the rssuh cf this cuit dc. '
pcnila about twenty ncros moro vhoso ti
ilo it has boon ngrocd by the paitics ti
this csuso shall stnnd or fall with tint o
the ten acres , The Ullo relict
upon by the plaintiff to sustain his nctiot
of ejectment eorvod through n deed fron
11 m. .lames K Ncrth given when hi
was a mini r. The dflfonse not up wai i
revocation of Iho deed by Mr. Nortl
uftrr ho became of iiqc , nud that of nd
verso jinueasion. The court hold tha
Mr. North hai ati'jit upon his rights bj
not soomr revi-Kiiig hidrcd , and Hit
jury found the defendant had not occu
pied the premises for ton years , the tian
necessary to give title by ndorao posaca
dion.Boforo Judge Wnkt > K-y the oiso o
DoJgo against thn Uituha & Soulhnrcat
era railway C3tnpi\uy wao being tried ti
the court. This c\si > invohts the title ti
the lot upon which the B. & M. dope
noiv stands. It is chimed by the plain
l ill'that ho was n mortp.iRor of this lo
when it was condemned in the cuuntj
court for railroad purposes. That after
ward the condemnation money \TM p.ii :
over to thti holder of thn tillo nnd tin
railroad wont into occupation of tin
promises. _ The pluintill' now nshs tt
turccloao hia mortuazo , nmouatiuir ti
about 82,000.
The trio of liquor venders , Tom Oal'
Ian , Raosmus ILianiusaon nml Ooorgc
Goislor were brought before Judge Wcus
yesterday afternoon on warrnuta Issued
on complaints oworn out by the city mar
shal. Those men wcro charged witli
selling liquor without license. The cnac
against Uismujson was continued fit
thirty days , Andrews diguing his bail
bond in the sum of § 300. The other
cases will come up for hearing this morn-
in ; * .
Kflio Taylor , the woman charged
with an aasault und battery upon the
Dispatch reporter , waa fined § 15 and
sosts , which she paid. The case against
lior husband continued until Novem
ber 8. Ills bond , fixed at § 200 , was fur-
mahed by A 13. Coggoshall.
Complaints by George S. Brown wore
lodged ngainst Lizzto Howard for receiv
ing stolen goods , and againat Charles
Tracy and I3urt McCoy for their larceny.
It appears that on Wednesday last a bolt
sf twenty-five yards of velvet was taken
From the complainant's atoro. The
matter was kept still until a clue wai ob
tained , and last night all throe -rroro
arrested. The woman was released to
ippoar this morning. The velvet was
: ound about 10 o'clock in the garret of a
louse on Harnoy street , between Four
teenth and Fifteenth.
Ilcr's ' Distillery Parlially Dtslroyei liy
The Still IlniiKo TKiiitctl by
from die Cliimiuy
SI ( ) , ( ) ( ) ( ) .
Shortly after 2 o'clock this morning
ho engineer at Iler'o diotillcry discovered
; hat the loof of ono nf the several build-
ugs which compose that lurgo cotablish-
tnont was in flames. Uunning to the
engine room ho opened the whiatlo valve
ind sounded the alarm. The loco-
natives took up the signal
and in a few minutes the
department were aroused from box 1 ( > .
Cho fire companiea responded promptly
> ut the No. 2'a in leaving the house ,
lad tlia misfortune to break the shaft of
.heir cart and the men were compelled
o abandon their apparatus and confine
their assistance to efforts i- < aid of the
others. Already the lUmcs had
) eeu communicated to the roof
Df the four atory brick strncturo
which servos tho'purpouo of an elevator ,
ind the still houao , where the fire origi-
lated , waa fuat reducing to ashes. For-
unately the atoro house and stoop vats
svoro untotichod and the fireman were
jiivod the pains of fighting bxlazing alco-
lol. Three streams wo o brousht
o play on the burning build-
ng3 and the fira liciit nloadily
Juvvn. The prompt and oflioient
lerviccs of the firemen in this na in all
saaos ia worthy of much pruiso. Mr. Her
iva3 on the ground , being nppiiscd at hio
inino of the threatened destruction of
tia businesa. He was unublo to gauge
ho exact amount of thn loss but estimated -
od it at about g-J0,000. Ho waa alao
inccrtaiu of the insurance ho carried
iftvhiK neglected a niviaion of that item
nf his aliain. , but euipcctcd however that
ho loss wan covered by at leant nn equal
imoiint ns it had boon his custom to hold
lolicica of about § 10,000. The origin of
lie fire is unknown , but genomlly aicrib-
id tnapurks from the chimney of the
iistillcry as ihu furnacen were burning
[ till blast.
AN niroriTi'jn
LONDON , October 31. Thorc wan un up
oariom cplsoJo iu tlio IIOUBH of coiiunoiia tlii
vcnloK tlutniK the debntu on Loul JUiuloliih
Jluircliill'rt i > ropes l to censure the lit. Itov.
Chamberlain fur tlie chare ho [ a nl-
to have had In pro'notinff riots at tnry
uthoringd. The subject waB brought up last
'uenJuy uvenlcg , when Lord lUndolph
Dluirclilll ( 'avo notice tliat ho would move an
mendment to tlio addre a in reply to thu
uoeirntpeeclicoiiKUringMr. Chainberlum'Tur
nclting by hia npoechus iiiterf renco with the
reetlom of political diaciinblou olid juUifyiiiR
iot and cliunrder. " The aiaoiiilinunt waa
noved , and after it had boon unconiled Lord
Jhurcliill boKan an oration in Ills customary
cln of wholesnlu and almost indlncriuiiimto
ttnclc upon the radlcal nnd llberala. TliU
van thoalffiial for a ntorm of mock applause
jid interjected comment from the homo-rule
wuchea. It won the iimt time ulnco thn
Uaamtrasun divUton that the IIHI | !
nomhurH had had a good clmuco to
we obttractlvo tactic * ) , und , na they
and not at all whether Churchill or Cliam-
lerluiu not the better nf the fi ht , they iceui-
d to enjoy the fun. Suddenly. In the imd.t
f Ute uproar , thcro ciimo from th'3 JrinU
lencbeH the mot nuourthly Hiiuud that h'H
vcr lieen heard in St iSteplienV. It WAH s'l i 1
Vfird , and blo'jd curilliag A ilo/.cn hberilH
limped to their feur , nnd loud vrlcH of
'Older ! " were uchood froni nil jiarta of the
ionic' . At laat Mr. JumeH O'Kolly , ttio mem-
ier fur Jt iBfcominun , who lianjua rtturnuil ,
ftor KOIIIO llirilling cxporlcnci-H an the Daily
VeuV coirci < | Kjiidciit in tlioHouilun , urnio and
idmittod tint iw\vsn tlio culprit. He mid
hut ho had only meant to lau h , but ho had
ii'fll away fruiu ( cM.j/uiuu . no ] err that head
ad uiicoiihdoiialy i-mplo > vd n scutid wlik-li
of H duty na u JaujJi among the K'tudaneiir ,
i d whicli hfliad learned wlulu witli them.
'hn pxplaimtl n wan rrcuivoil uithuruar of
th ilu utn ii
TH 1-3 IKIbnftlKItlCM NH.
NP.W YOIIK. October ' ! < ) . - Special to thn
? > uci > gu TJbiiLO. Ccnvlucing p/oofn of the
le'ctlat'ra ' cl tin Irl h Ameij'.iQ wtrking
men for Clovt'aml ami Ms free trndo prlnc
pies , Mill their < > lutlou to cut loose from th
tlit ? pirly that aupiwrU him , cmtimio to nou
In witli t'viry mail nt thn lip dqtmrtor < of th
Imh-Atncriuftti nnli CloveUnd union , Xo. 1
P.ut Tttoiity third shvut. Mr. Alct
antler Sulll\.iu h : > 3 icnohtnl t
ha\v to Irishmen how wldi prflA
U the lushAmericanuirklnRinou
coiulcmnatton f Clrvplnntl mul the frco trail
I'omooraey. ' I'or this piujmso 6 0 stirring pu
tr < t , "iclcctoil from the mass of lettt-ra tout b
lri h-Aiiu'tican intl-Clo\elanilltr' , are lipln
prlntfil a * n tiferenco fainnhlct , ItNcnllc
thn "Itish-Ameiu'iu Atiti-l'IotclAtid Uxtp.
1'ifty tlnunand c jiif WIM ro.nly for ilistiibi
lion ttvdau A leading Citlmllo iiow paii |
will nil ) i mio ( 'iipllc.itc of tln > coiiti-nM (
thn ronteiit * of tli" pamphlet ni n nupplciuon
Tinimmphlet lio\\8 ( hut nil OUT tlio countr
tlio movement of Irishmen ngiliisl Ule\cl > iL
U growing tn fnrmli'nblo ' prupoi tiniiH. Con
iipcticut IriOi'Aiiiprican nro worltini' Ilk
bi'avtrs to tlofeat Olpvplnlul. Tlu Chlmg
Insh-AniPilian workingmcn send this nssur
niicc i f wlmt thry are to do.
"Alter tha IJUino paiadi \\i-lntho iron
mimUling the | H came to ti o conclusion that \v
could no longer vnto for t omncrncy mul frc
tr.ulo If va tllil wo bcllinu wo would g
begclng for broid or bo torcoil to C.iuntl
iniUrth' ( ) 15rit-sU Ilig. I votad foi Stophoi
A. Doughn In IMJO , but now It inn matter o
bread iml butler ( or the worUlngmen.
Tlio Jnttmna Iri-h-Aiuprlc'iH niu roportoi
solid MKaltmt Clnu-lRiul. In lettcra fiort
Turin liauto thry haxo declared tla'insi'hp
tint' :
"Tho man for whom lush-Amerlcaim rfui
to vote has i-Miiiplilio MiU ii.x-iowncrs niu
litgotry fpprci lly in hii treatinpnt of thn
Iri b. J'ntirily dcippicablo himsi'lt In iho gov
crmr'H chair , nud his jurty dodging uivi
tiimmlng on a'l ' leading ( iuc tiins uf the hour
it bccoiiu'.s u \ irtno to bo republican nnd con
demu bothp ally nnd cnndiilnto. "
A CAHI ) . To a'llio arn etilTorlnit from errors
unil liullicrctlonaol jouth , ncnoun Moakncai , carl )
ilec-iy , lioi of manhood , cto , I will fond n rocljie
that lll euro \ou , KltEfi OK CHAHOi : . This ( 'rc.i
remedy nna dltco\crod by a uiUsloncry In South
America. Kcnd < ell-aiklrc86Cd cnmloim to Hiv. Jo
ssril T. l.N'UAS , Htatlnn 11 K " - York.
r.T mill
Bill Nye in Now York Moreury.
Last Blay the Morniug Buzzard hni
the following "pernonal" with customary
oido heads :
"Returned The lion. Ephraim G ,
Brown returned on Inat ovoniug's ox-
jress , accompanied by his family , after n
long and pleasant visit oaat. Judge
Brown's coturu to hia homo is n most
welcome event to the citizens of the
town , and his family was most Badly
missed during the past few weeks. Wo
jladly welcome Col. Brown homo , where
tiis record aa n pure and noble cititizon ,
and upright gentleman , and unspotted
Christian kaa no endeared him to every
heart. "
Two weeks ago the Buzzard printer ! the
Following double-loaded editorial :
"Tho convention that nominated Eph
raim Guano Brown n ahurt time ago ,
thinking that the people at homo woulc
forthwith indorse ila action and rally
uound the deceased duck and soiled
dove , Brown , had bettor o i.nd soak its
threo-cornerrd head. Wo duniro to place
the Buzzird light with the people before
it ia too lato. The Buzzird bolts 1 1 !
"Was It using the wing of the party
well which is headed by tlio Buzzard to
treat it with cool contempt nnd to nom
inate a m < M whoho oatonaibla intellect
tins been softened by ago and alcohol
till ho don't know enough to came in
when it rains ? Will the conven
tion aeok to ram down the throats of the
party a man whoso social record ia noth
ing but a gob of slitno upon our national
escutcheon ? That is what it lian sought
to do , and the Buzzud desires to state
that it cannot bo led by the noao in tha !
manner. A year ago , vrhon the Buzztrd
was in the hands of the shcrill and tot
tering on its foot , wo might have boon
moro easily whipped into the party
traces ; but to-day , in the full eunli hi
of prosperity , with the tax-list printing
: or this fall , with the encouragement of
our paid subscribers and another man ,
wo co mo out boldly and bolt the uomina-
, lonl
"And who ia this Ephraim G. Brown ,
anyhow ? Formerly a pedagogue nnd
afterward a sheriff. That is not all. Wo
are on the track of an affidavit which
will open the eyes of the people na to the
! ormor history of Ephraim G. Brown.
"Who was it that twenty-throu years
ago sold the remains of his mothor-in-l.w
; o nn oloomarg.iriuo emporium , and now
las the audacity to come before the pen
ile und r.ak for the suffrages of has follow
citizjne ? These arc solemn questions
which the Buzzard proposes to propound
iom now ou till election , and when the
sun goes down on the eve of election day
lion. ( ? ) Colonel ( ( ) .ludgo ( ! ) Brown , the
white BUpulchcr , the upas tree , the botu
ioir , the Benedict Iscariot opokon ot in
Ecripturca shall bo relegated to thu
obscurity to which ho is no stranger.
"How are wo to protect the purity of
nur American institutions if wo permit
ho election of a social pua cavity lido
iphrnim G. Brown ? Uotv could wo
ook foreign powers in the face when they
iked ua in broken Knglish about our
iloomargarine , and aneoringly r.akcd us
vhuthor wo wcro making jt thin eeason
moftt.y with or without mothor-in-lavr in
"It ia titno that u frco preea r.nd a free
uilpit and a frco pconlo should arieo and
ork Air. Brown baldhuaded. This ia not
i figlit bntwi'pn partica. It is n fi ht for
'IllNOII'LE ! ! 1 It is a conquest for a
PURITY ! ! 1 What do wo care for the
arilf , or the surplus , or the civil service ,
o long us the private character of our
: andtdato is smirched ?
"Our way is clnar and plain. No
mlrcli or no vote. Lat there bo no fool-
ahnoBU or funny business about the cam
laign. Let Oleomargarine Brown ro
nombcr this. Lot this stubborn fact
lash around lonely and desolate in his
ormontod brain. The opinion of the
luzzird cannot bo fought. When were
ro so lost to all honor that our support
an bo bought by a horse kleptomaniac
rtrhoeu lifu is in the hands of a dioorgan-
zed und incompetent vigilance committee-
YD will forward a str.tcd bid to Brown ,
ho alleged human being ; Brown , thu
lipod blot nn the face ( it nature ; Brown ,
ho social wart ; Brown , the political ex-
rescenco ; Brown , the accidental
ncubus of the country in which
10 lives. Until then wo shall
hont for purity in politics till our ton-
ila cleave to the roof of our mouth. Un-
11 then , with pen of fire and four line
lica letters of living light , wo will pro-
laini through these pat ea that our ballot
nd our latest breath are dedicated to the
nyous task of busting Brown. And
hould this announcoinont catch the eye
if Brown , and should Brown demur to
my of the sentiments which wo have
given uxpreesion to in the ioregonr. ; , and
i1 ! mid yearn fora pcrnonnl intorviuw , lui
A'ill tind ua lit the head of tlmntaini jerk-
ng the Arohimedrnn lovnr nf the Wofli.
ngton pri'tu , nmdy ut nil times to wcl
: emi > him with the thrco to-pic.i ; monkey
( rroncli and lo feed him the fdUu-hnartud
with hm own fulno tooth. "
Abigail .S. Culeo , of Moorostown , liar-
injfwn Co. , N. J. , saya , "Eighteen
nouUiB rgo I Iiad dropsy around tht
icart , Ihn iiraMxittlo of Iff.vr'H ( Kid-
iey anft Livn ] KKJIKHV givtt ( jrout re-
iof. I fnr.f I ono myory oxistbnca to
UNT'H f Kidney and J/ivcr ]
Contimtul from Seventh ra
The residence streets throughout th
city were n blaze of light , nnd most bri !
liantly illuminated nnd decorated wit
great tnate.
By 7 o'clock the incoming trains 1m
poured in the visitors nnd the slrcot
wcro soon filled with torches and th
parade took placo. Thcro wuro thre
divisions , each having n distinct line o
inarch. The first division \ < -na mule
command of Col. Lindt. It consisted o
the Bavarian band , the young men'
club of this city , McFaddon's martia
band , n troop of 150 horcomen , also i
delegation of Cf horsemen from Lewi
township , the boya in blue , thn liulepon
dent band under the leadership of l < 'roi
Burch , the Blniro nnd Logan clubs ul
this city , the colored club , nnd the mutci
from the institution , who were the enl }
quiet ones in the parade.
Boaido the music of the bands then
wna n tree full of bolls nnd mnuorou :
horns , In passing Mayor Lyman'a houst
there were ft few cheers mid fireworks ,
The second division under command oi
ll. U. Field , consisted of the Umnhr
delegation 050 strong , hcttded by the U.
P. band and Ool. Smytlio'a drum corps
They bore the transparency Oumlm and
Council Blull'i with two clasped handn.
The Omaha Young Republican club , with
its Bovonty men nmdo as hnndsomo nn
appearance os.onyin the lino. They
were finely uniformed nnd well drilled ,
forming hollow squares , the letter * B atid
L. They were followed by the Ancient
Order of llibornlans1 baud , the Fourth
ward republicans , the Omnhn Kxcolsior
baud , colored , ana the Omaha colored
club , seventy-five otrong. After Omaha
came the Logan , Harrison county club
with the Logan brass and martial bands ,
the Dunlap delegation with band , Wood
bine club with the Northwestern drum
corps , the Missouri Valley company with
baud , Little Sioux , Harrison county , club
with band. Then came the Glonwood
club , headed by a band and a largo frame
berne by four mon , on which was a trans
parency "A solid north ; keep the ball
rolling. " Under the transparency waa a
largo rod , white nnd blue ball , which was
kept rapidly revolving. The had forty
liunbcruix and 300 men in line. They
were followed in order by the clubs from
Stanton , Montgomery county , with band ;
Sidney , Fremont count , with b.ind ;
Macedonia with band. lied Oak sent a
Line delegation , headed by a company of
IS dudes , 1-10 ladies nnd ! ( ) Hun-
beaux , with thrco bauds. The Vail ,
Crawford county , men with
band ; Donniaon club , with band ;
The third division formed on Main
utrcut. It was under the command of
Col. Stpp. It was headed by the Oak
land dolcgntion nnd band. Thu followed
Shelby with n martial bander uud Capt.
Jooper , Avoca with n band under Cpt.
Consignoy , then Emerson , then Atlantic
with u bind , then delegations and baada
Tom Exira , Minden , Defiance , Wiota ,
[ furlnn , Carson Noola besides it's ' marching -
ing club had a juvenile club of sixteen
: > oj a , nicely uniformed. Thcro wns n
litnbcaux club of oovoutoon , from Atlan
tic , under Capt. Wiso. They attracted
much attention.
Till' Bets hnd an actual Count of each
division. The first contained 554 , the
second division 1,005 , the third division
2,150 , the women clubs 338 , and taking
Capt. Hubbard'a statement for the Coun
cil Blufl'j ladies as 175 , makoa actually
1,283 in all. The estimates of fair-
minded lookers on placed the numbers
at 8,000 and over , but the actual count
is enough.
The women made a pretty showing.
Carson and Oakland sent small inarching
clubs of the fair ones. Emerson sent u
strong club bearing a banner "Wo stand
by these who stand by us. " They were
slack hats and white plumes , nnd dark
drosses. Glonwood had the largest com-
: iany of women. They were prettily
jniformcd with rod hats and white
ilumcs , black Jersey jackotu , blue capes ,
i ml white cresses. Had Oaks pent MO
women drcssod in bluii caps , white cipos ,
rod dresses. Woodbine Bout a amall
: orapany. Audubon sent fifty six clroas-
ad aa guddessen of liberty , with white
3npea. red , white and blue dreassa. The
adiea sang campaign songa in the Ma-
! ouic tomplo. There were IMS womoii
rom outside , and Capt. II lib bard , of the
Council Bluffo club , plucuii the women
"rom hero at 175.
Among the banners nnd transparencies
vau one carried by the colored club , say-
ng , "Our Black Eaglo. Ho is ono of
us ; " n picture of various workingmen ,
with "Tno men who pay Piney'a taxes ; "
"Republic in principles saved the
JHIOII ; " also croasboncs and nonso , with
nscription , "Orovor died Nov. 4 ,
1881 ; " u beautiful plush banner , hand
minted , "Blainu , Logan mid victory ; "
Ills was from Atlantic ; thrco fine silk
banners from Wiota ; n picture of the
lomocratio frog swallowing the grocn-
jack rattler ; ' 'Froo trade and poverty , "
vith a ragged man louiiinu against n lamp-
lost ; n crow , marked "Democratic
liot ; " Vail , Crawford it Co. 'a mon car-
led a tattered luttlo 11 ig , which was
: arricd by the HCih Illinois in-
antry on the march of Sherman to the
a ; Cleveland and Uundricks uoing into
ho big end of a horn , to coino out at the
mall end , "Forgive him , ho was an
ufant of forty-two , when ho did it. "
There was too much excitement , too
nucli hurrah , for very ell'uctivo oratory ,
till there were speeches. From thu
' 'acific house balcony Major Anderson ,
fohn V , Stone , La Co Yonug and others
ddrossod the crowd iu the utreot. Gov
rnor Sherman spoke at the corner of
Sincrofc and Broadway , hut his voice
ould not bo heard but by a few. There
iras another gathering at the skating
ink Major Anderson also spoke there ,
lasonic Hull was the scene of another
noeting , the most enlivening part of
rhich were the campaign songs by the
idles. Jinlgo Cole , Judge Ly man , nnd
! ol , J. U , O'Kuefo were the speakers
liert' .
Whereas on the 4th day of Novornbor ,
881 , occurj the important oioction of u
resident , vico-prealdont , congressman ,
tatu , county and township ofiiior * , nnd
s g ml oraur nhould bo dcsirnd by all
latriolio law-abiding , honorable citizans
hat u full and hoiatt vote can bo in-
ell'gently ' polled , and recognizing the
act that the nnmo nnd reputation of our
ity is of nioro importanoo than the eleo
Ion or defeat of any special candi-
latca , and fully realizing the ro <
ponsibilny rt-uiing on mo to ni-u
hat thij people's rights arc fully protect
d. Therefore 1 Imvo ordered the chief
f polno toeeloot live competent epuoml
> oliC4iiitM > , regardluus of their pulitioal
dtns , fur .luch vnting ptuce , or n total of
wonty epeci xl , and I have alto ordered
lim ic ? tt-buro live light expresj
with reliable drivers , to bo used nloiu
for police duties , to-wit : Taking prisoiv
ors to jail and conveying police to plncci
where they nro nrorlid. Ono of the
regular policemen will bo placed in
charge of each not of specials , in facl
the department will bo full cnmpotcni
to preserve the best of order. ll
Is my further order that cvorj
saloon , or place \\hero beer , wino.whidUy ,
etc. , is claimed to bn for nilis , that nil ol
such phcoa must close their front niu' '
b\ck door ; , nnd must not sell anything
thing that ia intcxicating from d n in. It
S p. nt. on November 4 , 1884 , and nnj
P' licoman who faila to si < o thio ordoi
t bi'yod , or nrglecta to nrrcst nny porsoi
drinking liquor in the street , or in 11113
manner rcfutri to sen that the onllnmiciv
of our city are fully complied with , sut'l
police olllcer wil' ' bo immediately dis
charged from the fotro.
November 1 , 1881 dill
ME vr SAVOR The liiioat \yonniso foi
mo t. fish , and vcgotnblo salads , nnd r
superb table eaucp. U far surpasses nnj
homo-made dressing Kvorvbody HUus it ,
A Youthl'itl
CIIICAUO , October 31.-J , .1. Itallln 20 yearn
old , book Ken | > or for the Xntionnl Hank of
America , wn dlfclinrRcd two \wkn ngo. The
utlicrrn nf t o bulk no\v cl > na to lm\o dincuv-
n dfllicit'iicy of nit thousnud dollar. ) In
c'H uccounU mid \ull ciu < < u liia
Killfilvldi u HIM1U1I Hal.
TAM.OIISVIIl.K , 111. , October 81 Uiipetio
Durncr to-iillit ( hilled l.eroy llmiti-r , n
cspoctcil citron , with n Insoluil bit. Hun-
or fin cirryiiiR n torch in n political procos-
ilon mul imiutoutiuunlly lowered it till It
ouched Bornrr.
The Washington K\cninp Stnr'ii ppocinl
rom BulTido glvos nn interview with Mr.
: Aine3 N , Mntlhowrt , editor of the liuffalo
2xprcfl3 , In which liuexyi :
"I mil very hopeful that Mr , Ulnlno will
sirry the elate. I think ho will Imvo n inajor-
ty of from 1\000 ! to 60,000. I will bo more
urprisod if it goes bohnv : ! 0,000 tlnn nbove
> 0,000. I have no ligiucn on the probable in-
[ vpcudrnt vote in liuir.ilo , but nm Hattel'ind it
vlll IKI Binull. The chiitn of the i d > pundiiit
loininittco that they have ( ! 0OUO , nrvniCB enrolled
u the statu is liku the declnrntlon of HOIIIO
ouii mon liuro Hint they would ( 'Ct100
rcininieiit llulF.ilo ropubllcuna to HII ! - \ puper
Indicating CluveUn < t'n character. Tliny K"t
ixtcen naiiHH. Thut , I llilnlc , u ill be about
hu ratio of the Indrpemlcnt vote for Clevo-
ami to the claims uf tha leader i. The mile-
londcnt votj will bo luoro than olTaot by the
ilph defection from the di'inocrntn. 1 luvu
ut to ineet nn Irlxlmmti who U uot at liu.irt
or HUine. While I do not moot ninny , I
lav'ti mot Homo very Ititlurntinl onu < .
tliink the O.ith'illo ' hiiTiuehy ia for
tlaini' . Wo will entry UnHido , which K VU
Hnvclnml nbont fi,000 for Kovcrnor , liy
t l nst L',000. The county gave Ulovoland
" , OOJ , but Ulaino will got it , by 3.0JO. "
1'riiato advicciH from ICiio county nro to the
IVect that it hua bcun iccentlv discnvcied th it
ho lenders of the prohiliitiou inovoinoiit uro
n collision with tha ( lomocratn , ftiid thai the
nimuy no cteaiy to conduct Urn prohibit ) n
nunpiiien in Kiio county iu uup | lied bv tha
loinocrntic cnuuty comintttoo and by demo
cratic candldnti'H for county and district
illicoi. Tlio discovery IISH u inarled tlfuct ,
iVIiuio a week ngo there were in ono town u
mu-lred republicans who wcro determined lo
vote for St. John tho-o nru to-duy but fifteen ,
nnd U U believed Unit two.thlrdn of tlicau wi 1
alum to the republican rnuUu before next
KOMK , October 31. It ia olliciidly proimil-
; uted t rom tlio Vatican that the 1'opn never
Mentioned to liiohop 0'Farro ] , of Truiiton ,
Jnited Statuv , that ho jotlrcd that Irolniul
oliould bo freed from the rue ! of the Kuglleh
; overnmont.
TituNio.v , N. J. October 31. Hishop OTnt-
cl B.'IVH that ho lim no from the
'opouuch nn nniiounend In tlio illt-pUch from
toino to dny. The IHBhoji f\yn : that ho doen
lot expect any eticli mcniage , nu the I'opa
CIIOWH hu lnvi bei'ii miHruproiii'ntod nnd did not
ny wh'it ho wan reported to Imvo Raid in hia
uldrcsH Sunday.
Gliolura in Inilin. ; < -
MADHAS < Yn imusindly fntal
outbrouk of chuluru Imi occurred here , wliich
i ac ravatod by tlio dilllciilty of procuring
irnviiuoiiH , au tliu terror Htr ckun villa oia ru-
IIKO lo bring to ihi cilvtho cintonury Hiipply ,
LONDON , October III. The commoiin this
nvenin were nia'idy nucuplod In a dncn.inioii !
of the inerita of fair trndo la fron tr.nlo. In
.ho . dlcciHiloii it wa HUtnl ( hit uoniplalntH
veronuiln that ronti uoro dlinliiiHhint ; ovci'y
vhoro and cipi'.nl leu\liK Kn 'lund for prc.T'iit
nvchtinuit In "prnti'ctHiu' comitiicH. ICn
; linli tnulo lins MilF.Trd from foKil n conn
rilei ixnd pr.ituctivij diitifH. Molvor'a ainund-
nont lo the tiddicflH ir 'roltini ; the Hpscoh
intii thu throne , contained no rcferonca tn the
ignciiltnrjln d c'linnu'rclul ' depr Hilon uf the
cjuntry uud WIH rej"ct'id. 8li to ( i7.
'Tim KnlK'it ' of the Goltlou Circle. "
lNIHANAl'Ol.m , October III. Kv-joyernor (
Icndclckn deliveroii hpcechcH lo day in thu
lorthcrn part of the utato. At Kolcnmo hn
wan lucclvnl by nil Iinincnaociowd , out- )
nutoil at lO.OtO. Aftornhhort upeecli hu left
or Maiiiin , whoio ho aildremcd n lurgo an-
Hence. I'nini Murion Governor HundricUu
iruikodud to lilufton ,
ClOVI'lMlll'H J'lllllK ,
ALIIANV , N. Y. , October 31. Governor
Cluvt'lanil and party arrived hern froui Con
necticut nt lltt ) : this morning. Tint governor
I otica resiiinod hU uxocutivo dutlei. To-
nori ow ho goo i toNe w Yorkto review the Imil.
otia inen'rt jiuntdn. Ho KOCH to liulfiilo Mon-
ay and returns to Albany Ttieeday night.
Iho Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago !
Io ( ifnppclltf , Ilowflncnillvo , I'alulii
Ilio Uciul , with 11 ilull uimnllon In lUo
buck pnrt , I'M In under Iho nhouliU'r-
liluilo , Kiillnctiii nTlcr culliiBvllU ml In.
Incllnrtllon to exertion of body nrnilad ,
Irrlculillllyuflcinpcr , l.tnv nplrltn , wllli
iiroclliiir riiitvlnKiiculpctf < l Homuiluly ,
\Vcnrltii-NM , DI/v.liifHn , 1'luilorlnir in llic
Heurl , Jlottt bulbrolho cyu , Ilunduclic
iivnr l tin rluhl rye , KcBtlc nu iii will.
Utful drriuin , Illvlilycoloruil Orluc , mid
TIITT'S J'l I.r.H ai n rHprclully ailuptctl
to nucli rasoH , ono UONO uiluct.'j Hiicli n
Tliuy Iitrrruno t Jin .t pnitllo.oiid tau e tlii
mlylit ' 1'iiku tut rir li , nun lim n lrm 1
iiiirUlii-il.ini'l liyilii'lrl'oiiln A < linn un
UitAY JlAili or WIUHKUIH ch'iniot ; ( to n
r > i/Rnr JIMCK liy n hiuKio iipnllcution or
tills Drr. . It Jiniiartiiii nutiiiiil colorucu
iitbtiintaiifoiiNly. HeM liy ininletB | , in
untliy ozprtHson ifculplof 61.
fflttrrwy yt , How York.
Proprietor ? . Superinfmi'cut
TOI ; yau
rrriCr Q1J > < 5n , - . . " * wK !
[ fli a
( jelobrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Oloth
"We nro prepared to furnish pinna nnd cHtimntos , and -mil contract iov
rhe , erection o Flouring Mills nud Grain Elevators , or for changing'
Plourinpr Mills , from Stona to the Roller System.
jJ2T'J33pecial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any pur
pose , mid estimiiios made for some Qonoral machinery repairs attended
promptly. Aadrops
Visitors to the city and all others in nocd of Men's , Boys' and
rj AN&GO.
IIotiHO in the city nnd examine tlioir goods nnd prices. They carry th&
largest stockaud Boll lower than nny other house m the city.
Dca't forgot to call nt
rani iUT
L , A. STEWART & CO. ,
1013 Jones t Street , } ABKFOK UKU.OHOSS. { OMAHA HEB