Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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IT CTTHE3 action. It !
I AM. OTIIEH MEDI. uro and erxxxly euro
CtNES FAIL , oa It nnd hun-
aniiAT ONCE on been currd
the K1DNETB , by It when
IJVEn nnd BOWELS - phyilclAnn And
ELS , rostorlriK frlcndi had
tlicm to * healthy clvcn them up
and a "SPECIFIC. "
It ClJIU'.SnllnUrQBrn ofllm Klilnryu ,
I-lvrr , Itlnililrr nnil Hrlnnry ( IrK'ni" )
lrnpny , Crnvi'I , Dlnlirlci , llrlu'il'M '
JllneiiKO , 1'nlnx In Iho Illicit , Inine ,
or SMc , Krlrnlinn or Non-ltc-
tcntlnn of Urlnr , NCTTOIIH
Il ra m , 1'cmnlo WrnUnr nc < ,
lxrrcn , .Tnllliillrc , IMIIniillK fix ,
Ilrnilnrlic , Sour Mnnincli , Djr-prp-
In , Con nt I p it t Ion unJ 11 Ion.
Ii. : ; AT imti.cisTS.
Send for Illustrated rnmplilot of BoUd Tc -
UmonUln of AbaoluUi Curci.
1'rot lilrnrc , It. I.
( ! 17 St. Chnrlrs S . , S ( . Lonh , Mo.
4 II tQi nmi .
t ciK1 * ! In II10 IC''trcll"lllDt of CHMONIC , NlKtoll , Hull
nod Mtoop Ihm.'Mlhan ID other rlijrkltlin lu Bl.lxiul * ,
Mrltr tT | * the * am' ' ml oil Irfldent * Ltiow.
Nervous Piostrallon. Dtlililty , Mental and
Physical Wiaknes , Mcicorlal and other Alice-
lion * of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , KIU unitd iih unrittiieioj
wemii.on Itlrit tlrolino prlncl-l.i. ri ' lrrrlvtt \ ,
Diseases Arising ( rum Indiscretion , Excess
ten-Ion to ( he votlrlvt lermlri. eoufuilo nf IJcM.eli ,
rtndoritiff Marrlntre Improper or unuappy * "
crmBDtiatljreurrd. I'i ifhlfi(5n ( t > Knr > n tb boTp , nen *
{ o ic IM envtlupc , free to anj < J < 1rri. Coti ultallon t f
ftoo or L/ milt free , an J1 nrUoJ.V rite for quotient.
A Positive Written Guarantee
rlrea In til enriMeeum WrJIcloencnt etrrywlitre ,
Pamphlcti , ncllsh or Uerman , 04 PACO * * ( le <
cribine above dUeaaeB In male or female , i'llEJi !
JW rstt One rt * ' Itlnitrfttfl ID elolkandclUtladlQie
f V. itontjcrio.iu ; * ; itiuraj ) f r cotrm. 25r. TLIi luri
coaUloi ll Ibe curious , doubtful or lauUltlTc ( ( w&Dt M
know , A toot ertrrat InHlfit lo all. , Bcaald ,
are lirowmd IT lu ailrlja
Science of Life Only $ 100
Kzhanatod Vitality , Nervoua and Phyalcal Dolillltj
1'romnturo Decline In Man , Krrora ot Youth , and the
untold miseries resulting from InJlscrotlona or ox
cessca. A book for every mm , } oung , middle aged
and old. H contains 176 proscription * tot all ami !
and chronlo diseases each ono of which Is Inv aluablo
So found by the Author , whose eijwrlenco fur 17
yean Is eucn ttsproiyably never oeforo foil to the lot
of any pb > slcian. 800 pages , bound In beautiful
French mutlln omnoesed coven , full , gilt guaranteed
to be a finer work In every eenso , machanlcal , lit
erary and profciuloral , than any ether work sold In
this country for 92.60 , or the money will be refunded
In every Instance. Price only 91.00 by mail , post
paid. Illustrative ( ample 6 cents. Rend now. Gold
medal awarded the author by the National Medical
Arwocia'.lon , to the oQIoorsol which ho refers.
The Sclencoof IJfe should be ruid by the voting
for Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief. H will
benefit all. London Lancet.
There ls no member of nclety to whom The Sol.
enoo of Life will not bo useful , whether youth , pap
ent. iruarultn , Instructor or clorgv ra i. Argonaut.
Addrcsi the 1'cabody Medical liib.ltuto , or Dr. W
It. Packer , No. 4 UulOneh Btnot , Hoston.Masa. , who
may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and
experience. Chronic and obstlnatodlscases that have
baffled the ikll ot all other ] ' > > ) IICM dans ,
specialtI Such treated luocosslltHL < ully
without aa Instance of failure.
w.m.&w THYSELF
Will purify Mm BLOOD.'rcpil-
unil Jti.Nrouu TIII : Hi'.Ai.TH
nnd V1OOH uf VOOT1L IJJ -
nilu , WunlofAlMO'llto. < "
l.ucli if Hlringtll ,
ciircil. Iioii23 , muscles anil
IHTV os u new lorcu.
. Jii livens tlrj iiilnil anil
_ _ . -S"l. ' TS * "Upnllto Jlraln I'IIVUT.
fa. B B- EunirhiKlrom tuinilaliils |
t . DB -
tii-Liillttrtii tliolrat'X wilt
Cad InDU. I' ' UTKlfBIIlON TONIO u tuft neil
"Cily euro , ( livesa ilcur , liuU'liy toinplt xlon.
rrtijuciit kticiupls ot t- > 4u > fk > uiiiK unly < l l
lo Ilia popularity of thu orlvlimt. JJu uutLXpvrl *
LQllll tllttliu OlIIIIINAI. AMI 1IK1T.
Mofor ( Jur'MHKAM
Ftulol Ktmuuimd tuwf alluioimauon , I
CPMT1 y01 } ' ( ' 'l * to 8 1ft SpcclHc Co. , Draw 1 1 3.
OunU Atlanta. Oa , fornn lnlrritliiL' triatlranu
Ulood and hklu JJluroftta. wulcb tUiy wfil mull fruu
Inflammatory Rheum Uism.
1 was attackfdlantMlnUr with Innamiiiator }
lun'lunuf Kvcre type iu > tlrtt ncrluus HI-lcM tincc
VfiQ : J had various kind * uf triutintnt ullh onlr
Urujionry relief . A fur wvin wt-iks 1 ruluixxl
in trl.'ht2i j"JunJ , had no ttrinirth nor ni'iitllo
and u iroultig wuUr tvcr } da > In this uiiidllloii
1 lj'anH lft'iihi > : lflc , andln thriv dji UL-UH to
liiiprott , and In turtw wctks I wu fruj from JUt-iAo
anil up utUtdlnir to no rttful r biulniM ily iK : .
lite rctvunul and I rapidly Kiilnul in ) tlf h I h aw
valted thUloui ; tobo urUiji that m > vuru vta | .r
ti , C. tiwjKieiktUiriifj atl
lck , Oa. . Juoo U , lti > sl
I halui rlJiumatl.m for forty v uir , and haiu
l * ii filleted vtith a ft Iwtlluof H.K H I u/n ldtr
it a ( iud-wiid to the afflicted.
J. U. WALLtk , 'llioui | > kun , Oa. , Aug. It , 'M.
< tirite < oo UorUclc's 1'uod , " wnta uuudruls o (
' - ' laatlM-n UotiM-r's uulk vuuulus no
Ail artmdi ) tuod ( or lufuuU tliouU
no tUrcct. ' 1U U t aud lut t uutrlU
! inlultliiJH um I j
by J'u
ivu ] tu 7 > ur > iu ;
dnuk. I'liu * 40
u V W u < .a7/i-ut . Jty
iift JiixA ou thv I tuttuilui vt L u , f ms.
t * * U
U til 1LM WiUi U dalict " If If KtU ,
t * * , JtA + l ,
- > lliuf l > taviaaiuttt II t tynM U W-
ufttUM 'if I iUir * M UtynM r
'AUlUMMitbrn .l ( > urMxi | > t f i rii * iu tiuoj
J'HI ) U > . , Uurluf , Win.
Business and foils "Make TMcgs
Win Nebraska Gily ,
< 1ro tli
C inpiilKn Chilis W
In Mi Correspondence to TUB HKB.
Arriving homo from my western trip
I find Nebraska City that ataid old city
fairly foiling over , politically speaking.
Blaine mid Logan , Clnvoland and lion ,
drloks , St. John , and various other cluba ,
all combining to "mako things hum.1
The tandem team , Poor Old Bon and
Lovely Belva , are the only presidential
candidates who have not n host of ad
mirers putting in all their spare time and
change , and a good deal they can not
aparo , to EOC who can make the biggest
aplurgo and bpluttcr. The domocrata
Rocm to bo ahead , so far as outward ap >
pcarnncos indicate , having a club of over
tOO members , a uniformed marching
club ot 200 members , a glue club , and n
drum corps , while the republicans and
St. Johnnies bonst of nothing more than
fairly nctivo cluba. However , the re
publicans are very sanguine , ( ditto the
democratic brethren ) , and with n con
fident air , when they ace the domocrata
out in all their glory and pomp , that they
are saving their "boodle" lor n grand
celebration next Tuesday.
The St. John folks of this country are
working tooth and toouail nnd propose to
poll several hundred votes for the cold
water man In this county. They have a
weekly organ , the Appeal , ably edited by
F. M , Warren , of this city , which is do
ing much toward influencing the vote of
the undecided once.
Apropos to the vigorous temperance
work which is now in progress a now
lodge of Good Templars has boon organ
ized and is receiving accessions at each
mooting and altogether is in a highly Bat-
It factory condition ,
The Press , since the change in pro
prietorship , has made many noticeable
improvements in Itself and office pertain
ing thereto. A now job press and typo
lias been added to the stock , the
paper itself enlarged to on eight page
find dressed In a now suit of brevier , the
office removed from the old tumble down
shanty which it has occupied since the
antediluvian times to moro comtnodius
and elegant quarters in the centre of the
city , and , taken all in all , the improve
ments in the Press under the now regime
of things are too numerous to mention.
The excursion to Lincoln by the
friends of J. Sterling Morton last Tues
day night , was one long to bo remem
bered by the GOO participants thereof
They had a regular ' 'monkey and parrot"
time , several republicans ( so the demo
crats sni' ' . ) getting full of "Oh bo joyful , "
nnd proceeding to run the train and all
aboard in a characteristic .democratic
manner. NVhilo in a political strain wo
might mention that the democrats had ix
polo raising a few weeks ago , and now
tiavo an ulcgant twenty toot flag and
pendant ornamenting the top of n seven *
ly-fivo foot polo on a prominent corner
of the principle street of the city.
The Nebraska and Iowa Packing com
pany also lot their colors shine In the
ahapo of a largo Cleveland and llond-
ricks flag which floats from a polo in
front of their extensive establishment
Phoenix like from the ruins of Cotton ,
Dull & Go's elevator which burned to
the ground a month ago , has arisen anew
now and mora commodious building
which opened up for business last week.
This is the first Instance of a case of
"hustling" or moro correctly speaking
business enterprise that wo have soon
displayed in Nebraska city those many
years , nad wo hope it may bo the advancu
guard 01 a spirit of "up-nnd-bo-u-domg-a
-tivo-noKs" which will will forever after
characterize the business men of our fair
Tom Wymond's elegant now building ,
corner of Eighth and Main streets is now
completed. It will bo occupied by
Messrs. Lloyd , Woimor.t Uttorback until
the now building which they propose to
erect is completed.
All the bar-tenders have donned St.
Tphn badges and propose to conduct a
vigorous canvass for the long moustachcd
Kanoan between now and the great Tues
The kids of the high school have de
clared for Cleveland and Ilondricks , and
liavo organized a 0. & II. club of . ' )2 )
inombcrswhich is now ready to ' "Rah for
Cleveland" on all noisy occasions.
Tno cily council huvo at last purchased
a now fire engine. It has been named
thu 11. F. Ondy , in honor of our present
The Barb Wire works have not yet
ntartcd , owing to the non-arrival of
the machinery.
The > obra ka and Iowa Packing com-
; > auy which quit work several weeks ago
in account of their ice supply failing ,
will resume operations for the win
ter about November 10th.
The now B. & M. round houao is now
nearly completed. It is a five-stall house
and is being very substantially built of
brick and stone.
The Nebraska City Distilling Co.made
their first mash last week and are now
steadily engaged in making antl St. John
joods , giving employment to a great
number of our heretofore unemployed
A now cooper shop employing about 25
lands has boon started in our city. They
will supply tbo cooperage for the distil ,
lory and packing company.
A n w ( louring mill with a capacity of
100 barrels per diem is one of the now
enterprises being hatched up by some of
our buslnecs men.
The now plow factory of 0. II. Krcson
Is now completed. It is two stories in
height , 25x2(10 fent with an ell 25x-10.
Mr. Kreseii came to our city a few years
ago and commenced businoiH for himself
in a little 12 x 20 frame.
Catron , Moore A ; Knyart is a now real
oatato and loaning firm with headquarters
at the Farmer's bank.
The grand lodge , I. 0. O. V. , which
met in ( hit city last week , wui the moans
of bringing several huudred strangers to
our city , all of whom were most favorably
impressed with the hospitality and ad van
tages of Nebraska City.
The governor has appointed Professor
Parmaleo of the blind asylum as a com
miislouer from Nebraska to thu national
astociation of reform and charities which
will be held in Louisville , Kentucky ,
next mouth.
Nebraska college under the now man-
igement ii rapidly advancing to the front
bank of the educational institution of
the utatu. Prof. Carey is the right man
in thp r/ght / place.
Within a radius of about eight block *
in the southern part of our city is sit
uated nearly all of our city' *
interest ! . The following
factories and businras enterprises being
situated in almost a continuous line fol
lowing the oou'so of South Table Crook
Nebraska City Distilling Co. , gas works ,
Nebraska Oily elevator , Nebraska City
cooperage , B , & M. round house , so p
factory , barb wire factory , Nebraska City
boiler works , B. & , M. freight and pas
sanger depot , Schmuko & Heiber's flour
ing mill , Cotton , Dun" & Go's , elevator
consolidated tank line company , Chicago
Lumber Co , Hoos' Brewery , Boyachlag's
' and Neb
brewery , Barthing's elevator
aska and Iowa packing company. Thoao
several institutions give employment to
upwards of 1000 hands and arc an im
portant factor to Nebraska City's pros
Prof. Howard Doono , a graduate of Har
vard College , is a now addition to the
faculty of Nebraska College.
Joe Stillson Potter , formerly editor ol
the News , is now city rustler for the
Press , and the name already begins U
show Joo'a earmarks. It usual quota o !
originalities i. o. about ono per issue
baing greatly augmented since .loo's ac
cession to the stair.
Gentleman George , of Ohio , addressee
the Untorrifiod at the opera liouso laal
night. Big preparations wore made in
honor nf the distinguished gentleman.
Moro anon , EVK SKE.
AiiKOHlurn IMItcrHfgn household wort
nil over the world.For over 50 yours It haa
advertised lUolf by itn merit * . It to now ad
vertised to wnrn the public against counter
foils. The gomitno nrtlclo Is manufactured by
Dr .T. G. B. Slcirort & Son *
Tin * Candidate.
Good mornlni' , my dear Mr. Smith ,
How well } on are looking to day.
If thero'd anything I can do ,
I'loono command mo at 0111.0 I pray.
An office ! Of course you'll ' Ret ono
Yuiuo juit the rlfjht kind of a man ,
[ 'II ffivo you n good position
In fact , the best one that I can.
[ 'vo long had my eye upon you
AH a man just after my heart ,
And If I Kotliuld of the cake ,
You Khali bite out the sweetest part.
The day IB quito warm , Mr , Smith ,
Let's go round the corner nnd "smile,1' '
A man I like bettor than you
I havn't mot for n long while.
Confound It ! thcro'a that Smith again
Jutt tell him that I'm not around :
A creator nuisance than ho in
In the city cannot bo found
iay after day ho posters ine
To put him in some position ,
over man tortured like I
Since thno of the Inquisition ,
And then for a noodle like Smith
To try and get put in a place ;
Though I'm mud , It quito mnki'B mo laugh ,
The thing's HO absurd on IU face.
A man with lens bratnx than an nan ,
Or eimso than n Rucking baboon
[ guupH nil the cranks from Nnpa
Will bo hunting positions BOOH.
[ San Francisco Nows-Lottor.
In the CambrUgo cemetery Is a porr tree
JI'J ' ycaiH olJ. It was eet by S. S , Stone In
Over ten thousand coplux of the biblohavo
been punted every day for the last thirty-four
Sainuol Sargent found n petrified dove In a
lielfnst , Me. , chimney. On coming to the air
the bird began to decay.
A splinter of a iloer'H hoof , with powerful
microscopes and polarized llilit ; la as wonder
ful to neo as the rainbow ,
Mr. IMwlnLowo again advocates the use
of explosives fur bringing about an Increased
rainfall In Now South Waloa.
JJSJA Springfield oysterman has a fatherless
cliiukcn. It Is three months old , entirely
without down , and the odd ono of a brood of
Ono third to ono half of mankind die in In
fancy. 1'rovldenco thus kindly Interferes to
irceervo a largo part of tbo rncu from presi
dential campaigns.
A Bowery museum , Now York , advertises u
curiosity which ia half a man and half Leydon
Jnr. It IB strongly suspected that ho bolougti
to the Demijohn family.
Three different civil engineers bay omado cs
JinatOH on the quantity of water paver Niaga
ra J'nlls every ininuto , nnd there ia a dlller-
enco of two quarts between tbo highest and
the lowest.
A chestnut at the foot of Mount 1'tim ia beloved -
loved to be the largest anil oldest tree in Ku-
rope. It is hollow , and largo enough for two
carriages dm ing abreast to pans through It.
I'ho mam trunk lias n circumference of 2112
'cut. Tills gn//ly ia said to bo 92 feet in
A no\el euro for hog cholera comes from
S'oiv Jersey. The discoverer , Instead of wait-
tig for hit nogd to dm , buried them nlivo.
ca\ing their heads ubovo ground. Ho foil
hem in tins niionioloua position fur two weelis
and then resurrected thorn , to find tlum us
well OH over.
It ir milil that tbo French railroad coinpa-
lies are about to adopt nn vkxtric gatu opener
A. catch connected with an eloutria magnet
it-ops tin gate cloned. When u train ap
inmchcs It cloxiH the circuit , releases the
: atch , and the gala Ihcu upon , Thu last train
as it IIMHUS through opens the circuit , mid thu
; ito is again closed. The came apparatus
ings n bell violently on the approach of a
At tlio great Nuw York dog show two iw
tonalities of hair Jess dognliavo attracted much
attention. Thu lirnt tuition Ia Mexico repres
ented by hairless dogg with n peculiar leathery
kin and pleading llttlo boal-fiku ; oyua. Near
limn Is u peculiar dog vvhono whitonnd almost
lairloeH body in mottled with brown spoti
I'hls ia n rc > | rosontativo from China and might
10 considered un edible in the lion ery king-
loin ,
I'rom Wells , Maiuo , comes a remarkable
tory. I'or Homo tltno past the herring huvo
omaiiu'd uuay from nhore , and thu fishermen
i \o boon uuiiblu HO obtain them , except in
mall numbers. .Suddenly a few days ago
lioy began to como in , uum into the brake ,
n ImmuuHu number * , evidently frightened by
loqfisti aud I lut'linli. Thu number kept In-
crooalng , and when the tidu vent out left a
ilacu of about an aero completely covered
with the ( Hi. In some sp U where there
VM u depression in thu Band thu fmhvvaro
tiled in to thu depth of four or feet. The
armers In the vicinity noon learned thu fact
mil llotke.l to the beach and secured cart
oatli of the herring to bo used upon their
and us a fertilizer , Ono farmer obtained
sixty loadu ,
A. ValiiaUlo Ohlll Ton to llonil tills
JMO.NTOW.V , AUK. , September 2,1882
Mess , Ji. A. Jlobltwon it Co.
Oentlomen In reply to your favor of
ho JJOtli ult. wo will say that wo have
found lluyhca' Tonto ono of the best
selling Ohlll remedies that wo have sold
during thu past summer. Wo have had
many verbal testimonials from our friends
m 'o its ellicacy in curingOhills and Fever ,
and rrg&rditaia preparation nf much
nero tnan ordinary merit. Wo haw
sold (15) ( ) fifteen gross nf it since May
ttst , and have noticed that its snlo since
he Chill season has been over has con-
inued longer than any other Chill rcinu-
ly that we huvo handled , Wo like to
ell proprietary articles of merit , and in
elliiig Hughes' Tonio TTU fuel that we
are giving value received.
Yours truly ,
( Signed ) 0. J. LINCOLN & CO.
Prepared by H. A. Hoblnson tt Co , ,
iVholesalo Druggists , Louisville , Ky. ,
nd t retail by Schroter V
ucht , Druggintii , Omalm. llotails
81.00 per btlo , six bottles ;
$5 03
Who are our
Alciblndet. I Vnow ,
Hides the ftho t steed in town-
House" , lands and gems can show :
Yet , if his most noble fire
Had nnt hoarded np his pelt ,
Would the youlh Mono liavo l > een
A true gentleman liimtelft
Strip the man of all that come ;
With prosperity and see
If hU rvury action still
With nubility agree.
To < t him with the nelf-iamo things
That have tempted otlu-r men
Will the lolly nnd the low
Never change tholr places them ?
Alclbiades was wed
"J'was the talk of half the town :
Bonrla , and _ stocks , and lands endowed
HH fair brldo , whoso wedding gown
Wan n marvel of renown ,
All his frieniJc were charmed and said
"It is certain flho has uealth :
Were she poor she had not wol"
John , the cftrpontor , Ins wed ;
His wife with her needle wrought
Her ono cotton dre ? , and this
All the dowry that nho brought.
"I can work , " eaid John to mo
" .Sho will do a woman's part ,
While before she starved alone ,
Two of us can make a start , "
Which of IhosQ are goutlemon ?
Aklblades , wo know ,
From his father's well-earned fatno
And hard work of long ago ;
John a slmplu tltlo owns ;
Nutnra has endowed him , then
Ho will found n noble line
Aud his sons bo gentlemen ,
They whole deeds ibo\ reproach
1'rovu the honest hearts they bear
They whoso words are in nccord
With the action that they share ;
Thoiuh they come from out thu forgo
Grimy with their labor then.
Or stop froah from college halls
They are our first gtntlomon ,
{ San Francisco Call ,
The bj/mdo i not In fashion , nnd the brunette -
notte has como again. Biondts must dyo.
Fawn-colored cainel's-haircloth will bo much
ured for traveling and promenade costumes.
There is no reason nhy the girls should netlike
like n coachman. Ho is just as partial to the
rlbbonn an they aro.
Pretty baby blankets are made of thin whlto
nilk Htutfod with pink cotton wool and tufted
with white satin bows.
Vecollcto ball dro' ses are bordered nil around
the low cut neck with a band of flowers , cither
roees , lilies or carnations.
Daisies nro Hold by the Now York florist at
$5 a smi.ll bunch. A few months ago that
amount would buy a cart load ,
A largo bowl or noup tureen is placed in the
center ot the tea-table filled with rosewater ,
and on its surface float n few perfect roses or
Many skirts are being made with Fono deep
llouuco extending almoet to the waist. Over
this falls a short overskirt , scant and slightly
The small capoti is the most favored bonne' '
but for those ladies who will have big bonnet'
the "fish wife" and Mother Ilubbard shape1
are shown.
Chrysanthemums are to bo very fashionable
this winter for corsage bouquets. _ Yellow ,
whitu , dulicata pink aud crimson will bo tin
popular ehadcs.
Stophnnotis.Ia beautiful white flower resetn.
bllng n hyacinth nnd vety fragrant , is used foi
bridal boiquets at this siasou , held by plush
ottoman ribbon ,
A red nnd white rose placed in a chariot ol
gilt Ktraw nnd tied by n eatin ribbon arc
ainonk' tha dainty trifles set beside the plate
at n dlnnco party.
Miss Frellngbuysen , the president's fiance ,
la n courageous girl to undertake to sew on the
buttons for a man who never has lesa than 18C
pairs of pantaloons.
1'olarian ia n now woolen stuff for jackets ,
uUttra nnd trimmings. It cornea in smooth ,
cnrlod , lloecy pile surface , imitating the skint
of the Persian lamb.
The fashionable colors nro , or will bo , iron'
rust browns , grays' ashen of roses , dark Kroone ,
migonetto and mushroom shades , gunch blue ,
Inwus and beiges.
CnirasB-woven , chevron , nrmuro , Venetian ,
bird's eyes nnd other fanciful weavinganro the
features in the now mohair and cheviot woola
of the incoming seanou.
Short jackets made of jersey webbing will
bain high fn\orto wear with skirts of Half-
wom dresBOH , or with accordion or .wn-plnterf
mohair and light wool skirts
No Norwegian girl la allowed to hate a beau
until she can bake bread and knit Blockings ,
iho bread nnd the stockings that fifteen-yuar-
old girls can make are unsurpassable
A number of girls on Murray Hill , New
York , who take an interest In politics wear a
deep red roao when they favor Blaine , and n
largo pink ono when Cleveland is tbo fa\onte
A lartro magnet made of sunset and heart's
deslro roses with n needle of violets and lilies
of the valley , was among the floral decoration
at n recent wedding and it was suspended
from the celling by n chain of beautifulI acquu-
ninot roses , and thu bridu and groom stood
joneath it.
An excellent way to sweep n carpet ia an
rollows : Sprmklo wet brown paper over it be-
roro s coping ; toir the wetted paper in
Mecca about the si/a of your haud aud throw
.hickly all o\crtho floor. The pieces gather
ip thu dust aud give a frcBh , clean look ,
without any danger of spoiling the colors.
"Yoa , brethren , " Bays the clergyman , who
a preaching the funeral eermon , "our deceased -
ceased brother was cut down ina _ ttinglo night
torn from the anna of Ins loving wifo. who
a thus loft iv disconsolate widow at the early
ago of twenty-four jears , " "Twenty two , if
roil piuosii , " sobi the widow in the front row ,
emerging from her handkerchief for an in
A plain an 1 straight willow basket , which
a very open , may bo made very handsomeby
L'tiibroiduriug n baud to bo plucud around the
jontro of the basket ; Una band may bu of silk
nr of satin , nnd it may bo of any width you
ilease , fix indies is a good width ; abovu and
lelutv this put plish bands of equal width ,
listen these with invisible stitches and put a
iretty bow of ribbon on ono handle only ,
A pretty frame fur a photograph may bo
nado out of the cover of u pasteboard no\ ,
Jut out the frnmo to fit , then cover neatly
with n plnco of garnet or dark blue eilk or
illesia O\or thlu paato maple loawx , which
nny bo gathered beautifully tinted at this
ICUHOII. The loaves should bo put on with thu
mints In ono direction. Cover with u coating
if copal vainlib. If desired , the framu can
MI mada oval or circular.
lit November.
'rom my lull circled home , this eve , I heard
i'hu tempest shmlng rn the windy height
L'hu first wild storm of Winter In Its flight ,
Seaward s though soma mlphty arctic bird
fad left its snowy nest , aim on the llrroil
Steep mountain summit paused one boisterous
fo fill the valley with its fiercu dollght.
Mi mt > , 1 thought , how everg plno Is stirred
[ 'ill all Itmleop storm-nnuclo is unbound ;
low every wav ing bough gives forth IU roar ,
/Vnd / the lira thout lu though somu harper
Laid ht < great hind upon the hills around ,
\ud druw a loud hymn forth , a voicu to
I'ar , far away. Iwynnil tbn world's dull shore.
IW , 1' ToirKU in the Century.
Kdwln Ilooth will probably retire from the
ilago after this eaaion ,
"ThuBevnn Havens" ru preparing towing
their way through the New Knitlund circuit.
A boy actor namtxl Whltesldes Is preparing
to play Hhakenpearean rolua In the Mint with
t drainatio compauy.
K 1) Vrito , aell known nowvpaptir man ,
ind for several u > ars.obn ) McCnllough's rep
reauntativp , will munsgu Mme KUtori'n tour.
John MeCullough is resting at the 8t James
lintel , Now York It Is now drfinitely di-cid-
ad that hu will not ast any more this noason
Kiiiini Abbott's poimlarlty teems to In
: rt'a" every neuton. llvr eng-igement Jiut
termlnutvd In llrooklyu u triuinplunt
Ma tJjer'jhteitburleeue | absurdity "We ,
Us & Co. " IIM made n decided h ' . , It openm
In St. Loui , nnd the press wlih one voice
endorsed It.
Henry J. Byron ii p tJmftted to have made
8100.000 play writing. Yut ho only left 520 ,
COO ntd his heir , no * xrnnt to know what bo
cftmo of it ,
The TTiost fiJtcn Uo stock company on res
ord Is that which has been formed to run the
Oaioty Theatre , in London , with n ctsh cap !
tal of 52" > 0,000
ITho five principal cities in the Unitoi
States which mak < n feature of Sun lay show
are San 1'rancisco , Cincinnati , St. I.ouis , Now
Orleans nnd Chicago.
Mine. Albinn will bo In this country this
winter. She wlllintkd n short concert tour
nnd will sing at the -Innuary Philharmonic
concert In New York tlly ,
Hobson k Crane will bo under the management
mont cf lirooks & Dlckson for the season o
1885-0. A grand spectacular revival of "Tho
Comedyof j'rrori" will bo the feature of the
A well known New York journalist Is writ
ing for ISrooks anil Dlckann , n btogrnpb o
Mine , lllstori , for which bo will bo paid $500
Thrco hundred thousand copies will bo pub
lished nnd used as advertising matter.
Mile. Hhon will co'ebrnto her onragemunl
nnder the management of Jns. W. Morrissey
bv the production nf n now play by the author
of "Ynmno , " ontitlrd "Arndla. " It will receive
ceivo Its Initial presentation the beginning o !
the Now Year in Jtoaton.
"In the Itanks" Is encamped In Haverluy's
tho.-Uer , Chicsgn ,
Klralfy Uros' "Ijieba , " haa gone on the
"Adonis" Is still the reigning success a the
llljou opera house , Now York.
In Wilson IJarrett's London company , sup
porting him in "Hamlet , " are flvo member !
who have played Hamlet at uome sta > o ol
their carors , and ono member who has played
every part in the plecn at different periods save
Hamlet himself. There could not have
chanced n more fortunate body of self-consti
tuted stage prompters.
A remarkable optical Illusion is exhibited at
the Now York Udcn museum. Suspended In
midair is the upper hJf of o buxom young
woman , with nothing whatever beneath it.
The phenomenon will smile , chat , laugh and
shako hands with you , nnd provo that she
really exists and is not a wax figure , although
she is in the wax museum. There is not the
slightest trace of any mechanical agency being
employed In the Illusion.
When the dramatic season opened , about
two months ago , there were 300 companies
which started on their travels. The number
has been reduced by the collapse of forty-one ,
Of the 209 still out 102 nro dran ntic compan
ies , twonty-sovon operatic troupj , nine mini-
strel or anlratlons , eight circuses aud twenty-
three variety parties. Moro than 10 per cent ,
of the companies which began the campaign
have already succumbed ,
Singing In London music halls , sajrs a cor
respondent of the Durntic News , is a prof
itable nvonue in which to earn one's living.
If a person has a good voice and a "fetching"
way , ho or she can sing at three or four lulls
each night , thus earning fromJL'30 toi'lOn
week. Emily Soldene had , during her last
n uslc hall engagements , ,1115 or 87(5 ( n nfght ,
whioh , by the way , she iuniatud on receiving
each night when her work was dono.
Ilerr Gercche , the now director of the Bos
ton Symphony Orchestra , tells tha following
story of his tympani In Vienna : A Mover-
beer festival was in preparation and the ro
Iienrsals were numerous and arduous , so that
all tbo musicians began to murmur save ono ,
thu impecunious kuttlu drummer , who was
noted for hi * propensity for borrowirg money
from uv ery member of the orchestra and not
repajing it. This earnest musician burst
forth : "But gentlemen , this is a debt which
wo ewe to Meyerbeer. " A howl went np
from the orchestra : "Why in thunder Mr.
L. , must you begin the payment of your d bts
with Meyerbeer ? " '
"Skipped by the light of the moon" ia ono
of the iiuut successful foil ins on the stage to
day and the young comedians Harrison and
Gourluy are working for it. Two years ago
John Gourlay wasn S7G a week man and Louis
Harrison waa doing a very modeiato business
in company with his slater. Following the
example of Kobsonnnd Crane they formed a
pirtULrrhip and went tu luropo ? for a play.
Dm dramatic authors wanted so much that
they returned homo empty handed. On ship
board they contracted ' Skipped by the light
of the moon. ' . It waa first tried in Troy , N ,
Y. Tbs sum needed to get there was § 17.
That night they had SIQUO in thp house. It
happened that some of the factories had paid
oil their hands during the day. They never
had a bad night during the first four or five
weeks , and in Philadelphia their receipt of
? 7,000 a week. In San Francisco they played
tea weeks toover § 50,000. Tholr profits for
the season were ! ? " > ! ) ,000 on a capital of $17.
So far this season they have dona good in
the face rf the presidential excitement. You
seu pouplo will laugh if they can.
The AVIslilxMH- .
Slender and shining , prophetic bono ,
Wo pulled it the future to divine ;
Her bare pink palm , the bit in my own ,
Told that wisti and wlshbono both were
"What do you a k for ? " whispered my Koso ,
Looking up ehyly with eyes so true ,
"I wished,1' 1 nusworul , drawing her close ,
"i'ho woman I win might look like you ,
"Her eyes as brown as a forest brook ,
Her check a < pink as a sea shell's tint ,
A tender mouth , and a saucy look ,
And palo brown hair with a golden glint ;
"In short , that my fntura wife might ba
You , dear llttlo Jtoso , nnd only you. "
Hilling her face in my breast , naid nho ,
"Isn't that funny ? I wished that too.1
[ Harper's Maga/iuo.
Mar.joric's Kisses.
Marjorlq laiulm and climbs on my knee ,
Antl I kiss her nnil she kisses mo.
I Ii s her , but I don't much care ,
Because , although eho U charming and fair ,
Murjoim'ii only three.
] Jut there will como a time , I ween ,
When. I toll her of this llttlo scone ,
Shu will Simla nnd prettily blush , and then
I shall long in vain to kiss her again ,
When Marjorio's u % unteon.
Professor Luwls U. Packard , of Yale col
ego , the well known ( irei'k echular , died In
S'ew Haven , October U , lu the forty.ninth
year of his ago.
Prof. K. L O. Hoeluig , of Cornell Univer
sity , who Is now In Kuropo , making n special
study of the Irish longuage , has been elected
lonorary member of all the societies formed
'or the preservation of thu Celtic tongue.
Dr. Golle , of Par's , has found that twenty to
.wontyhvo per tent of children hoar only
within a limited range. _ A practical lesult ot
; his dmcov ery is that children are now placed
at such a distance from the t'acher's desk us
will correspond with their strength of Lear-
The public school authorities of Philadel
phia compliin becausa so many of their female
.eochers get married. Itisialil that a linn-
Irud young women leavotho schoolroom every
year for thu matrimonial altar , nnd that It
.hereforo be-cninoi impossible to keep a
corpse of experienced teachers in the schools.
Moniipnuur Capul expresses the opinion
.hat the frequency of tulcldos in this country
s nuo to two cnuiestoo much mental forcing
of the young , and too llttlo moral training ,
Wo bellovo that statistics will nhow suicides to
jo much muru frequent in proportion , among
residents of foreign birth ehan umong our own
lativu-born clti/uns This Is true at least in
jaa Fruncltco ; of 83 suicides during thu fiscal
, 'ear uuding lu 188,1 , t'J wuio persons of foreign
Jirth ,
Tbo Hotel Mail says thu Spunceiliin ntylo of
lenmanship in very prutty , but Is calculated
.s make all writing look iillko and destroy in
ilividna Hy or | x > ntnnul style. "Wo could se
lect at a gluuco " It says , 'from 1(0 hotel
clerks , in ery onu who lias been taught to vulto
[ rein thofu copy hooks , and thu ttylo of each
uould Iw thu Banio. Any onu of them iniCt |
sign a check for another , and it would puz/lo
.li < t ablaut bank cnthicr to dulcet It , The result
a thu same upon our school children , and all
are learning to wtitu the samtt haud , In tlmu
n J i lerk or book ktt'HT | will bo able to swear
to bis own handwriting , unlojs lieliiu n private
mark , "
Why aull'ur thu torturca of biliousness
when Hood's Sanaparilla will fjivo you
siiro relii-f ? Bold by all drujgiata. 100
DJSOH Ono Dollar.
r _ fl t J " " w
medicine , combining Iron with
V"petallo tonle" , quickly nnd rotnmctcly
( iirrs Dmprpilni indlir tl < > \\'cnlinr ,
I in purr Illiiinl , .Hiilnrliil lilllxnnit 1'cv rrn ,
mill Nrimil ln.
Ills nn uiifnlllnij rcmtdy for Diseases of the
Kliliir > H u nil l.lxer.
It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
\Voinon , and nil who lend tcdelitnry Itv es.
11 ilocs not Injure the tctth , cause
produre constipation ofArr Iran mtitlcmntto.
It enriches and purlflc.9 the Mood , * tlmulntes
Ihtnppotltc , aids the n ilmllatlon of food , re-
llevcs Hcarthiirn nnd Itclchlutr , nnd ftrongtli-
pus the imwles nnd nerves.
Tor Intcnnlttcnt Fevers , Lassitude , Lnckof
CnerRy , Ac , It baa no equal.
eu The genuine lias nliov o trade mnrk nnil
cro < icd red Unison wrnr > jx.r. lake nootlitr
n u mil ; IIT mien < cut IIUAL 10. , IHLTIJIOUF , fo.
Ever offered to flic utibllc.
The etoamshlps of thla well-known line are bnllt 0
Iron , In water-tight compartments , and cro lurulsh
idntth ever ; requisite to make the ptaaago hot
itfo and agreeable. They carry the United State
ind European mails , and leave New York Thura
Jays and saturdajB for PI ) mouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bourg , ( PARIS ) and rjAMHURO.
Rates : Steerage from Europe only SIS. Fire
Cabin , 855 , fflS and $7D. mcer KeU' .
IlenryPundt , Mark IlanEcn , K .E. Moorcs , ! ! ! . Toft
iltontaln Omaha , Qroneweg & Schoontfjcn , agents In
Council Bluffo. C. B : RICHARD Ji CO. , Don. Pas
Agta. , 81 Broadway , N. Y. Cbae. Kozmlnskl & Co
Qencral Wcstoin Agsnti , 170 Washington St. , Cblca
' Chartered by thsSiateof 111' .
jtnois for theexprcsspurpose
Tof clvingimmediatc rchclirt
'all chronicurinary ana prl-
svate dbcuGrf "onorrbccn ,
jGlcct nnd&yphilis in oil their
' camphcaled forms , also alt
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanently cured by reme-
, dicstestfdinaJ'orri/l" ir
- _ . . tbpeciail'ractlcc. bemlnal
VVealtncis. fNiRht Lossiby Dreams , Pimples oa
the Face , Lost Manhood , ; naif Iref ltd TAcr6
luintcxrcritntiidtHi. ilie appropriate tc.r.rdy
3Btoncc used in each crse. Consultations , per-
lonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med-
-lnC3 cent bv Mall nnd Express. No marks on
lac-incc to indicate contents or sender. Address
D. 204Washinglon Sf.Chicagoll ! ]
nni n ntcnr Hook frca.
, N.Y.
Manhood Restored ,
Victims of jouth fit ) imprudenco.cauBfnR N crvouiDo-
illlty. Prcmattira Jecnj. and all disnid ra brought nn
bylndiscrotlon oreieoBsvlll learn of iJ
tree byaddreaaingj. It. ItKUVKH
Will cure .Vcrvomnos , l.mntmco , llhoiiitiadim l'Arnly U
NetlrnlKlA , Scliitlnt , Kldliei. Hplno nlnl Ittcr ilihtuf-if
Hunt A.lhnm , llcnrlillh. in. ' nibu | | nl > , I Oli tll all II ) i
lu | > luf lutntiti Piled , ptlepij Itnpntiti \ Niui Ii A i
ITohiptui I lorl nti OnlKilumim I In. i ic I. llliiAintr
lea Hint MMnlit Itiu Klfrtrliitj inul niiir.nt.tiHlii II null the
liodj , mid inn bo rucburuud lu un lustuul by Ibu pmlout.
Winter la coming , the season o the } oar for aches
and pains. In view of thla fid wo Buy buy ono of
Dr. Horno'a lilcctrlo Bulta. ly ! eo doing vou will
avoid Rheumatism , Kidney Troubles and other Ills
hat flesh In heir to. Do not delay , but call at our
ufllco and examine belts , No. 1422 Douglas ftroct.rr
D. K Oooduian'u , 1110 Farnam St.Omaha , Neb. Or
lora filled (1 O D
rbanlz Asonrums Co. , ol on , OazJi
Assets ? B.HC4t04.
BBltohestot.N. Y. , Capital OOC.COC.
ao Meronints , of Nowuk , N. i. , Clpltal 1,576,050.
Hard yire , I'hlladclfhU , vlt > l l.ICO , CCO.
lemen's fc-nnil C cit l 1,119,915
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana , fiuba , Every 12
to 14 Days.
Subject to no manipulation , not controlled hy th
aitioaln Interest. It Is tbo fairest thing In th
iiiture of chance In existence.
Foi Information and particulars apply toSUISKY ,
30 .Qen. Agents , 1212 tlroadway , N Y. city ,
t KAUB & CO. , 417 Walnut street , St. Louis , Uo
r Frank Lobrono , L. D , SO Wyandotte , Kaa.
y 21'tnSte & w Iv
Health is Wealth !
DR. E. 0. Wnar'B Nnarn AND DRAIN TRRISMRNT , a
piaranteed iivoclllo for Iljsterla , Dulneas , Convul-
lorn , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous
rootratlon oatiMxl by the ueo of alcohol or tobbacco ,
Vakefulnoos , Mental depression. Softening of thu
brain , resiiltlnit In Insanity and leaping to misery,1
Jecay and death , Premature Old age , llarouest , Ions
of power In either BOX , Involuntary Losses aud Slier ,
matorhoracaui-ed by over onortlontcf the brain , self.
Urtwo or over Indulgence. Kach box , contains one
month's treatment } 1 00 a hox.or alx bottlig tor
16.00 , lunt hy mallptejulj on receipt of price.
To cure sny case. With each order received by user
or six bottle , acoonipllilwd with { 6 00 , a will lend
he purchaser our written guarantee to refund tba
mcuey If the treatmenidoes not effect a cure. Qua * .
intiHJSlwuul only by JOHN CYEaT & CO. ,
B Jy KS mio ry (02 Uadlaon St. , Chicago , 111.
Residence No. 1407 Jonei 1. Office. No.iCC9 Fir
in ht , OrCre hours IS ID. to I p. ui. an * fn ui ! t
p in. Tclrrbcne 01 office 07 , rnldcnce Ki ,
The romBrkablo growth of Omahn.
during the laat few years ia a matter of
groatr natoniahniout to thoao who pay an
occasional visit to this growing citv. The
development of the Stock Yards the
nocoBflitv of the Bolt Line iload the
finely paved atroota the hundreds of novr
residences and costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city moro than
doubled in the last five years. All this
is a great surprise to visltora and Is the
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial improvements made a
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every Investor haa made a handsome
Slnco the Wall Street panlo last May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there has boon leas demand from specula
tors , but a fair demand from investors
socking homos. This latter class are
taking advantage of low prices in build
ing material and are securing their homes
at much loss cost than will bo posaiblo a
year honco. Speculators , too can buy
real oela' 3 cheaper now and ought tj take
advant present prices for futur
profi a
Th foyr years promises greater
ovo'jpmonta ' in Omaha than the past
ii i years , which have bcon as good aa
wo conld reasonably desire. Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo job
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many in Omaha and through
out the State , who have their money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of n-
torost , which , if judiciously Invested in
Omaha real estate , would bring thorn
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains trhich wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits in the
near future.
We have for sa'e the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North AVO have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenne.l 7th ,
18th , IJIth and 20th streets.
West on Farnam. Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the leading streets
in thai ; direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in value.
Wo also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in tins section
) .v the Stock Yards Company and
.ho railroads will certainly double
.ho price in a short time.
Wo also have some fine business
ota and some elegant inside resi
dence ? for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
omo good b iir Jiinn by culling on u
213 South 14th St ,
Bob veen Farnhnm and Douglas.
P. S. Wo ask those who have
> roporty for sale at a bargain to { rive-
is a cnllWp want only bargains.
Ve will positively not handle prop-
rty at more than its real value.