Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1884, Image 1

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Kew Yori City's ' Slnpoiiilons DGDIOK
slratijn in Blai c's ' Honor ,
The Campaign's ' Most Imposing
Night Spootaolo ,
The Splendors of an Orienta
Pageant (
Thousands of Mou in Seriot
Shouting the Triumph of Repub
lioan Arms ,
A Grand I'anoi'anilo Array ul' No\\
York's Fl > rlitiiif ; Itoptiblii-ans
lUnint's Speech ,
NK\V YORK , October 31. Thu parade in
honor of B.nino to-night 'u con-iJerod the
greatest demonstration of tbo kiud thut ever
took place hero. Thn night was oxtiomely
unpropltious for Mtch nn iitfair. The rain fe.1
in n drizzle must of thu time nnd the tt cuts
with slimy mud that made walking diUinilt ,
but the enthusiasm of the legions of parmleiM
and the world of people who blocked tlio side
walks was not to bo quieted by any untowart
action of the ole-ments. The right of the col
umn rejtod on Kitty -fourth btreet and Fifth
avenue , past ilu revioKin ; stand near thu
Worth monument. The strceto on both side )
the nvenuo were made blight wi.h all kinds
of light and illumtiiating powers , and the nat
ural U.irknesi of iho ni > > ht was tmnoticoablo
in tbe district covering several miles. A few
minutes btfora 10 ul.iino cann from tha J'ifth
avenue hotel arm in arm wuh General Lloyd
Aspinwall and made his way to a portion ol
the bland , n sort of kiosk he was to occupy.
Hera ha was joined by William M. Kvartj ,
Cyrus \V . Field , Whitelaw Keid and a few
cithsis. The main pjrt of the stand was
crowded. The drizzle hnd ceased by this time
nnd mauy ladieo occupied seats ou tin stand.
The procession , aa tuual , was head d by a
bquad of police. After them , wearing white
trousers and tall bear-skin hats , came the
JJIaina and Ligan "Old Giutd" of the
Eleventh assembly district who took up a pu
.sition facing tno reviewing stand ns a guard ol
honor ; Chmf Marshal General Joseph U.
Carr and stalf , escorted by _ ten squads ot First
aud Second assembly distiiU ; city truop-
mounted on gaily compaiiaoned staeds
caino next and called out cheers by
their splendid appearance. Uilmora' baud
was stationed in tno orchestra built directly
opposite the reviewing staud aud tlio salute U
gave the opening uf thu procession made tha
people almost wild with ex.itomont. Tlin
other asaembly district organlintions followed ;
then the Irish-Ameriu n in lepoudeutt , bank
ers ai.d brokers followed ai.d uftur themcamu
the leproaontativea of the Kloveuth und tjec-
ondelisiricte , mora Irith-Atiioricans , lirst and
second divisions , dry goo. s Uluiue aud Lo/aii
clubs ; tha carpet trade aud Oolninuii collate
club of Btudents ma la a splemlid turnout.
They bora torchea null lautoriis and were hats
made up of national colors ; next came the
intd cal colluf u btii'lants ' aud momnera of tin
facjliyof ColainbiA colle o iu dark c'othea.
and wearing tall hats. Ano'her body of
police told tuat aaothcr divifaiou was approach
ing , and iu u mmiaut the PhilndelpuU la-
vincibles , armed with axes , uud the 1'hila
delpliia youn ropublicnna marched by with
militiry precision , calling out cheer upou cheer
of the packed mass of apeutators There w re
about two tnousand Philddelphlana. Thoj
were only equalled in a pauranca by the
John J , O'liiicn association of thi
city. The InviLciblea woie capes uf
gold aod both org.iuizations carried
toiches. Following them came the KJisoti
plectiic light company. Kach man were iu
ilia helmet an incaUeacent lamp , fed from a
wire stretched along a lope uorno on their
sliouldorH and connected with a dynamo wiih
the wagon , In a hollow eijuare , tao machinu
being driven by steam , an engine which cir-
ried a caltiopa playing "deo the ojinpiering
hero come " is it passed Ulaino. Tlm _ jewel
ers , insurinco men , old giurd of 185U , and
war veturauB with the bar astuciatioa und
lilaiuo auel Logan clubs bioiigbt up the re ref
of this diuaicm. A battery , headed by a
tinnspireucy inscribed "Uiack Jack's gram-
nur nt bliiloh , " and in the rear a
formidable pitcn of cannon , mad"
Blame ana all other * upeetatO.'H lau li
heartily. Ammg the vicitor aelegati in
was ono from H.isiimw , Michigan. Tne ap
pUuse of the night , nticr Jil.iiuo , neemoj in
tiu reserved for tbu John J. O'jinuu lunt
Mr. O'liritm ia chairmau of tbo
couuty commlttuo. JCvcrj1 b dy seumud chuer-
iug him and tliom. Tno procudiou waa a HUU-
cation of snluudor.s an surp iioi , was
pronounced wall worth trawling
to heo. It was very Uta whau the last corpi
paawd thu ravimMtig niud , yet ISIaiiu re-
tnaiiied to ilia cloiu. s aiiiingly ouo of the bait
plo.ned of the upuclat'jr .
Niw : YOIIK , October HI. At the business
men's meeting Una afternoon in GhicKerinK
hall , Senator oharman dollvercd aaulabura.o
nddret'ii , At tha conclusion of hia remarks
lilains came upon the etago. Hia appearance
was the signal for an exceedingly enthuaiustic
demonstration , lilalno piid aa eloquent tri-
hula to the services Secretary harmiu and
while doing so sketched the liua. ba-i | iollcy of
the rppubhcan pirty. The result of this poll-
ey , lilaina asserted , entitled the republicin
pir y to the p ilitlcil inlluencj wielded by the
buslnois men of the country. Contiiiing
Hlaino said : "and while I urn hero I nuy be
permitted to add that n-it alone in th
tiiiMicial and liuHlneia deputmont of
legislation , which intuiests every man ,
but in all tha great avonnni of lid ) , in all tha'
lola'es to tha cire r of u graat people. , trio
tu enty-three years du ing which thu republi-
Item i arty has bean in pnver are ceriainly
djalliigitlshed bayoud any eq'iul ' period in nur iry , aiving und uxcjitiug [ ul < n > o , the ini
mortal period which g > vo IH nu independen
nnd our coostltutl 'n. [ ( irsat apphuso ] At
no time cirtaiuly , h vet tlio cdueati nil inter
eats of tha poop'e Ijeem H i cro itly and so rauid
Iy advanced [ Appl in . | At no tune have
the spine of hum mty ami thn bonevolonc i ol
the po > plo been eo gchToiiily d vvlopod as
during tint psrlxl [ Api > iau o ] At no lime
ceirtainly , lui chri'tiin ch irlty made ho m vk
ed an uilva'ica at duri g the piriul in wlii b
thu republicin party ha i ndminittereel tha
Rovornit'iic [ Aplaius ] A nu time , with
in the memory uf any ouo who does me thu
1'onor to hear mo , has tliero been so
little blcclry in the country n tbiTuls to day.
( 'IJqod1 ! "Goodl" nnd nppUuso ] At no
previous time has theM bfcn an occmlon ol
g e\it public interest relating to the fate of
the governme-nt , in which upon the tame plat-
f u in , nnd for the same pnttiolic en 1 bus there
b en Mich iiirdial and hearty ro-oneratlon , n *
tin ro nowls ntn ng ths great religious domun-
Illations , 1'rottstnnt , Catholic nnd llcbrou- .
[ I ! real and prolonged niipItMiset ] Cer
unity , that Is Uo pi eat con.
summation which a republic pledge :
to civil and religiom libortVi fhould nlm at ,
and it will remain tlut letting glory of the re
publican parly , that that consummation ha <
bton nshlcvod ditiing its broad and wi o am !
liberal ndmltii < trati'in ot Uin national goverii
moiit. " [ Great applauio ng.iln nud rg.iln re
newed. ]
When ISIalnosnt down thcto were calls for
Mr. Kvarts , who respoinloil In a short humor
oils speech. Then GPU. Fremont wns ralleil
out and epoko brielly. From the lull Dlainn
returned to his hotel , where ho recciveil
callois until diuiier limit hatoi ho ro\locel
a great torchlight procession.
OLi.s-ms Ki.oquK.NT ANI ) HTinniMi AiiiniEs
iNDlANAfOLls , October 31.- General Logni
reached hero from Illinois thia morning. Grcal
proiarations [ had been made for his receinion.
T.ho procession was Ulo in forming , and after
orginizalion some delay wns had awaiting the
arrival of General l gan , who wns escorted
from Mr , New'd rusidunco by the rccopllon
committo' ' headed by M'nyor McMaster. The
procession , while nut the largest , waa the
inent , and presented the bos' npp arancu of
any ever witnessed in this city. Logan wns
eloso to the head of the column. He was
warmly received by the s cctxtors. So\eral
thousand people had assembled in the circle
urk when hogan arrived at H o'clock. Ho
was introduced by Senator Harrison. _ Login
spoke about an hour ntiel n-hnlf , devoting the
irinlpal poitlon of his remarks to Mr. lien-
Iricka makinc ; stronrr nrgumtnt in favor of
taiilf , In thu course of hisremnrks Logan aid :
"I want now to nay n word to tin-so soldiors.
1 do not want to appeal to thorn in a political
speech but now desire to say that I wish to
iod I could ti'ko each nnd every ono of you
jy the hand , but you must Uke the will for
the deed. Wo an all growingold , a few years
nero and we will be beneath sod , nnd there
will not bo n soldier left in this land that
ought to preserve the old Hap when wo are
fone. Now , my friends , when you were
> tnu > gling for this country , you had friends
) ehiml you and you had fome behind you
who were not fi lends. [ Cries "that's so" and
'llendricka. " ] The people that were your
'rienils then are your f rionds now. _ I do not
say that those who were not your friends then
nay not be your fiienda now. Why a soldier
should bo a democrat I cannot
understand. When wo are all gone , when wo
are bonuitb those little mounds that are above
our bodies. The people who come _ aud cast
lowers upon those little mounds in remem
brance of the deeds you have performed ,
vill not be yuiir enemies. These are thu onen
; o rely on. Hittiriea that arn written of .
four heroism will have to bo written by your
riunds ; the histories that hiyo been wiiiten
> y the o who are not your friends nro not as
complimentary to us old i-oldiers as it l
eoiiH to mu they ouzlit to be , but thit
which is coinplimentnry , that which BIO H '
you performed your duty honestly and neb y
are Ilia lines tlut aru penn d by tho-o moil
whose hearts when out with you while you
were serving your country , nnd by th * g , od
women , God blesa thun , who sent prayo s to
leaven for your prosperity nud preservation ,
j that you mightbo return el to your faimlitH
want you to rememb r this. I do not ask
on UHr.oaally for anythiig on oirth , 1 mom
inythb'g ' tlut is not proper for ono man to ask
of another , but I ak you ts romembir > < s > ou
grow old that friendihip wo received then ,
, hat friendship wo can rely upon in lif- < , and
lepeiid on after death. "
LONDON , October 31. Tha British cholera
ommiaaionera , Dm Klein and Gibbas , have
nado an exhaustive series of experiments at
lie birthplace ! of cholera in India , and are
ow preparing n report to the government of
lielr discoveiies and conclusions. They differ
n almott every respect from. Dr. Koch , the
Ueima < expert , ai.d it ia believed that their
3 port will not only prove of great value to
ia medical profession all over tha world
nit will also disprove Dr. KichV
licrobo theory. Dr. Klein is the mm
who , to show his conto.npt for that theorv.
ccentlv Bwnllowod a unuibfr of the L.'uilli
which Dr. Koch claims are thn germs of the
dolera. and without any iioticoublo result.
Vnnlltn.I.rimiii.Oriinice , etc. , flavor Cnliri ,
riMllllll , ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! * , . ! . , ! ! * lU'llclllt-ly IIIHl Illlt-
rally uitliulVull friiiuililrli llu-y ari-iiiuilu.
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
Chicago , in. st. Loula , Mo.
Ur. Price's Cream Baking Powder
) r. Price's Lnimlin Vonst Gems ,
Hot Dry llii | > Vi-u.l.
IirsiNKSS PAtl.l'llKM.
YOIIK , October 31. Tlio failures this
\vco1t wo 2(17 ( ngaltist 2fi8 for last week.
ST. loriH , October 3t The cutting of
pap'ongor tntos betwne-n licra mid Now York
ii'ached n point xvlilch thtp tout an rji'n war.
The unml cut is from S.M.'JS to § 17 bnttlcktt *
have been cold it Sift ntul Ilia Inill.uiapnli ?
road is ad ! to liavisolil thorn as low as SI'J
but this n not \eiilicd. Tlio scalpers are
olllm ? nt SU.
NKW YOIIK , October 31. The llallimoro &
Ohm mill tlioVtst Slid o cut passenger rntis
to § 13 r > 0. It iscxpectcd the l.ackawnmmatu !
Kriuill moot this r to. It l thought n ( ur-
tlior cut will bj innila to-morrow. Stocks 4(3 (
i.Je ! lower.
The West Shorn promises to kosp rates SI. 50
under the Now York Central. The luttor
threatens to follow every cut nuulo by compe
tition. Another reduction mny bo made iinj
NKW YOIIK , October 31. Alfred C3. hudiss
it Co. , commission merchant * , as igne.'d.
bllilloj , S100,0U ; actual asset ? , Sli.SoO.
ClIlCAno , October 81. It is otlicially announced -
nounced this uvcming thit tlio Burlington
road will put on a new dully fast trnin be
tween Chicago nnd St Louis , making tiia
Hiino time and connections n other IIIIOH , The
lirst trains will leave Chicago and St. l.oumit
S o'clock p. in. Sunday , November 2.
; THB COLOHADO root. .
CltTAfiO , October 31. The meeting of tUo
Colorado pjol Hues continued to-day ami com-
plelod its work , fixing the territory of the
pool as follow * : On tlmwust Denver , I'uoblo.
Colorado Borings. mid all points on the Dim-
Mr k llio Grindo nnd junction point ? with
Denver it Smith Park. On the south All
point * on thn Denver it Hio Grande nud At-
chiton , Toi > ulti\ & Santa Fo. All territory in
Nebraska mid Kansas and competitive points
on tlio Uni n 1'acllic in Coir ratio. The Mia-
ssuri river ia the eastern boumUry. Gi'orgo
II. Daniels was elected commissioner nnd J.
F. Tucker arbitrator.
MII.WAUKKK , October 31. The Milwaukee-
it St. 1'aul , Minneapolis it St. Louis and
Omiha roads tomorow restore to tirl II the
esstbound passenger ratoi fiom at. I'aul and
Minneapolis and maintain the under
lioavy penalty.
SAN FIIANTIHCO , October 31. The report
that George W. Hi tine hat resigned the
lommiasionorship of tlio Transcontinental
lUilroad association for the position of irallic
lunager of the Atlantic & 1'acilic ia con
firmed , It takes effect October 31st. The
association moots at bunvor December Kith ,
when a successor will be apuointed.
LONDON" , October 31. Chinese ) ndviceo state
that trjops nro blocking tli8Voo Sun river , in
which htanda Shanghai , and the mussing of
.roopn near Shanghai and 1'ekin Btill con
PARIS , October 31. The Journal dea Dobats
nies th > t Franco ia legally at war with
Jhina. Thercforo Knglaud has no reason tn
'orbid French vessels to revictuul at Hung
Toi'LOX , October 81. Two crui-nrs and live
sunboats were ordered to sail for China inimo-
HOME , October 31.Tho Propiginda hat
advice * from the province of Canton tint
many Catholic chip-la have been Hacked and
destroyed , 200 bounds of Christiana pillaged
and burned , women outraged ami men tor
tured for refusing to pu ticipito in Chinese
religious rites. Two mimioii-
histiop- > , thirty -
an a uii'l 700 Catholio refugees unived at
Hong Kong.
Till : ClIlKKrtE KMl'llKSS.
Tlio empress of China has offered ono-half
of her jewrlt for the defense of her empire
igitinbt the Freuch invasion.
CHATTANOOGA , Tenn- , October 31. Ike
I'a'n ' , ( colored ) hanged to-day for the murder
jf Hank Curien , xectinn bo < 8.
ATLANTA , Ga. , October 31. Gcorgo Hill
wns hanged in Cherolcpo ciunty to-dav for the
tinnier of William Jirjant by chopping his
lead off at a party Riven at hie own huiiH' .
NEW OHI.KANS , October 31. Albert nnd
3hartB ! Goiidiiiin ( cnlnroil ) were hanged in
it. ISenaid paiili > to-day in the presence of
0 peoiilo , for the minder of Ijouix Mnnpora ,
whom tlinv Juno ' 2'J Altert admit
ted tint killing Imt t-aiil tliut Charles was inno
cent and kicw nothing about the murder.
Charlej made as ! > ilur Htateiiiont ,
WAHIIIKBTOS , l > . C. , October 31. Itepro-
HonUtivea Millikcn and Stewart , of the coin-
mi .tee on expenditure * of tin depirtment of
justice , liavn nlgnoJ a minority report on an
niviHtigntlon by that 'ommitteo at the last
Hfeeion of the prosecution of thu stir n nto
frauds. Thn report , pays : "Tho Har ronto
frauds were nndi ul led and enormous , but llm
irosfcutlon was not eucce.'alul. Thin want of
kticceca feema to l-ii dim not to any want of
imriif-fitDD H , tilnrcrity or tbditv on iho jiirt of
the pn'beLUtor , but rather to the nmsnittiilo of
tlio int'icntH involvrd and drfidenciux in the
criminal dtututcH of thn United Statea. "
I'opulnr Hlols In ( Miiiilloliii.
WINNIPKO , October 31. A crowd of 3,000
poopla assembled to-night and bunged and
burned In elligy Warden Miller , on account
of the II 'gging ' of I'linouer McCormlck for cs-
cajniiig from jull. They would alsn hava ap-
Iiliod the loMi to the attorxoy genoral'ri biy.'k
but ho wan in hiding , having received warn
ing. At the government i JliceH Prmnlrr Mor
gan WKH nrnilo to promlxn thut ho would con-
older the diAiniftful of Miller , unii K'IVQ aiiHwnr
within two d < iyn. The cxciturnnit was co In-
t-n e thut it wm ni'cemury to call out the
Ninuttcnth nattall n
M. Jllll.i rt ( lillV/lN- ,
FORT WAVSK , Ind. , O tober 31. St. John
addiofHid a larwo croud nt the acidemy uf
inunln this hftoiiKini and in tlio circuit room
to-night In euih tno * h ho nrrlgned the re-
pub'icuii ' party as a foe to temperance princ-l-
jiles , reHimibl Iu for the stagnation of buni-
nous. Ho , HevL'roly.CciitlcI/.ud civil sorvlco
reform. , , . . , , . . ,
Jim Sniids Brollibr Lou aDfl a Gang
Strikers to MiM ( ,
They Paint tbo Town Orinison
Bed ,
And Wind Up Howling in the
Doosnoy Outraged by the Con
gressman's ' Einissarinsi
Women and OliUdron Insulted-
Men Assaulted ,
A AVIltl ninl Dfinnnlncnl " Kl
" Spr 'o wllh ftiUil Ic < llcu-
tUin In Inili'd's Hi nor.
MuCooK , Ntb. , October 2'J , 1S3-J.
To thn Editor of the llKK i
The f tr fame of our lluutitlitng litllo town
Ina been no disgraced to-day by the hoodlum
gang that is running Jim Laird' * campaign
that I deem it proper that thn public should
know tli5 facts. Thu minis outfit took up
the Stinking Water claims in the Interest of
headed by his bVothcr Lou , arrived
in McCook last evening loaded inside nnd out
with Kelly' * Hastings white lightning. They
announced that they wore on their way to
.heir homesteads but intended ti atop over
' ' .Brother Jim. "
and eloctioncor for They
iroceedod to do BO in regular Laird style by
aioniouaiA' miusK
and painting the town red. Women nnd
children wcro insulted and iltizons peacefully
ncliiu'd kept out of the ) way of the gang
They electioneered for Jin } on the sir ot until
about ton o'clock when they took possession of
a well known hou o of prostitution and con-
inu d their electioneering until oven the
uwdy quarters they weie in hocamo too ra-
speclablu for the Laird whippers in and
irother Lou was forcibly thrown into the
street. Ho then proceeded with n demijohn
of whUkoy as a war club through the strceti
HiiouriNo ron imoi-UKR JKKJIBS ,
finally ho became so boisterous and vulgar
tlut the marshal locked him and two of hi *
crowd in the cooler. This is a now bu'l.linct
ind it was decided to name it nflsr the fir t
lersoii called to occupy its celU. ' 'My dear
irothar Lou" baiug tha ft st , thi McCook
coolei now enjoys the congressional appella
tion of ' 'Laird' * hntol. " Lair.ii was role sad
his inorniog on the payment of S3 and costs
nit j iat afterwards another of the gang was
nit infer insulting little girls -to till the
viican y. We don'e want any of tliU kind of
electioneering hero and won't have it , whether
t is for Jim Laird or any ono else. How line
t sounds on people's oars t j hoar a congrois-
nan'a brother sent out with a druukun gang
iround the streets in his frvor , and telling of
nsovvnupreos by way of artfumtnt nitoliis
liluess for re-election. _ V is true til it _ Buch
public decancy h"ould i ot bo tol-
nratoJ. 1 don't Hind ymi theao facts because
it waj Laird's brother , but because ho and hit
K ng are Hpeciilly delegated by the congrofa-
man to do his dirty work. They have _ been
luing it all over the diatricr , and are the iden
tical fellow * who to' ' k up iho Stinking \Vutwr
cluim- . They may inn the United Sta'on
and olIicR In Hastings , but they can't run Me-
Jook. The people are
and I know that Cjptnin Stirklo gained KO
votes by the outrageous conduct of the l aird
B.imi hfrH vo'terdiiy. Jllght hero I would Ilku
.o know if Jim Laird it not a rxilroad catidi
'late , why ho sent dialled F. Habcosk , cf the
Jnited Statw lund oil ! ! e , ono of
lis tools , to Tlioman Murphv nud other
railroad men to Bny to thorn at the
ast nrimaty in MeC lolc that if they votoil for
Gi 1in they would be epottcd and lo < o their
lositionaV Why wurn tlio superintendent i < f
ho 1J. vt M. telegraph Una ami I'f rry , nuppr-
iitondent of t e H. & M. bridge gung , imuln
udgca of thn last primary elictloi t Why
voio Ga lin ticketa taken Iroin rallioad men
ind Laird tickets biibiiicuted if James is not
iy the railroad ? Why did llfo-loni ? domorratH
vho hold lucrative po iiioiis on the If. & M.
votn at the last M nbliciin priimry for Laird ,
f ho is not a It .t M too ? The fjct Is , thi <
irm Laird has already Fpont inurn money in
this < ampagn ! th'in twicu his aa-'ary , and the
question in , wheio does itcomofrom ? Wo
nit wo will hhow tbo "honorable Jim" that
, ho liontot fa'ino s mid worktra of thisdii-
, rkt do nut wiih to ho lepresontiid in congrrsn
> y any fiiicliHcallawagaa ho. Aa BOOH aa tlio
HIM ridta on Wednexlay next it will shimi on
[ /ninl dofo.iUd. It is a very ( ortunito thing
thut the brother-in-law of Mr. G V Hunter ,
wlioio wife waa innulted by the Luir.l gHiig
WUH not at homo la > t nvouing or thrtrn might
lavn bfen one lens in tlt9 Laird family , und
ivcii then wo would huvu too many of tlio Jim
cind in this section , FACTS.
Special telegram to tlio liKK.
NOIITII I'/.ATru , Neb , October 31. John
liratt , Dr. Clarke and otherH In reply to jour
liquify about curtain real cotilo trani actions
n wliicli Hnn , Mr , Neville was said to boa
party , wuld ray that during lait summer W
Nr , Frecnmn who us thut time was expected
La dlo , cuiiimlxiiioiieil mo to sell n piece of real
estate situated in block 103 , North 1'latle ,
Nebraska , My inUrnctiouH wai t ) neil at
oiico and for nil I could gut fur cash. I offered
the projiorty to Hovural dilfurrnt parties before
it was offered t'i Nuvillo , and Nuvillo roitod
the bent olfur by $10 > , paying forlt IJl.Oil.l
nul > jsct to a inortgagu ol ab'xit $2009. The
liegotfation * in otil trunxactioi ucru all made
with Nuvlllo by inw. Mr. Navido hud nu
dealing direct with Fieeman , Frntiinin
mudo the nalo bo aune ho wan expecting to die ,
.irtj hN nir.ilra wore very much complicatnd
and hd limited to leave hU widow nil tlif
ready moiipy huiMidd In fiurhrliipn that lil
crt d torsniuld lint roach It. I'tpptnitn lllni
i Inn iv four days after tlio sain win pun
eluded. I amcpiMRpd in bujing and selling
real ixt to , and am well ooUed in rrg , rd to
Ml tratiMers in ro l r < tate in lhi < coiiuiv , and
kn.iw that lhl i < the only c.i e In which Mr
Ni'Ulloncqunoil tltlu t'j lanl i- tate nt the
lmna.1 i > r 11 iljlng tnnti , nnd nny Insiuua
ton that Mr. Novillo's connection with
lliH trantactiouva < ought but h .n.irablo . i
I' famouMy filo. , In rcgiid to the Mtllz
i ; t itii mutter I received a letter undi'r date ol
Mill' i. 18St ; , from McitzbrolhorcliarRingthat
H'M ' had embezzled
n la'go 8111110 ! tnnnny
nndrefimad to nettle 1 turni'd the mattir
otcr to Mr , Novlllii who iiue tlgiiUd it and
while the mattir w s under Invi'BtlKniiini Kti-a
ent nn ngcnt to Mcitz nnd vlTcctcil a nettle
inont ,
[ SlRnedJ TIIIW. C. 1'ATrEusos- .
CiUKKNV , la , October SO.-Special to the
Tiibtim y. G. Blythp , of Nora
Spring * , county of Floyd , ainl state of lowfl ,
lirst du'y ' sworn , depoxus and nj > :
"TliHtduring tlu > war of the rebellion 1 was
n member of the Kirst Regiment Now Ji-rsey
Volunteer infantry , nnd tlut t the bittlo of
the Wilderiii's * I was ciptiiin of Comp.iny I' ' '
of Bhld ityimcnt : that nt fn'd bittlu of the
Wj do nous twit : the fith day of May ,
IStil 1 was severely wounded ! that shortly
after 1 wns granted lea\ to go to my homo
in linlvidero , N. J. , with eiders
to report wuekly In the hospital ut
Newark N. J. ; that uhan able to travel I
obtalnnil trantfer from the hotpltil at ;
to thu United Stntoa lumpital at Madison ,
Ind. , of which ho pltal my f ther , the IJov. .1
W. Ujj the , was chiplain ; that 1 wont with
my wife to my futlitr' * rehidencj at Hanover ,
Ind. , whrto 1 remained during tlio summer
ind fall of 1801 : reporting leguhtrly to the
lOHpitil nt Madlsun , until my niiHtor out for
Usability ; that during thu Minmitr or oatly
'all my lather nnd 1 wont to Imlimapolli on
i matter nf bn"iiH- t < ; that while there
Athor ha I occasion to call on
Thomas Hondrick.s , wluym brother wan
.ho husband of my father's siittcrI.iud between
whose family anil ours there existed a consequent
quent Intimacy : that , after the greet-
ng between fntiiernnd Mr , Hendrickn , fnthor
n trod need mo , when Mr. Houdricks declined
.o . greet mo nnd turned to pureun lili converan-
> ion ; tint I nt once left thn room , saying to
nther that I would moot him at a tpecifiod
mtol ; that father related to mo ano his family
afterward what occurred after I loft the room ,
ind which was in substance as follows : Mr.
londrlcks aid to him , 'I would b J fad ! to
lave you dine with HIP , but cannot invitu that
> oy wearing that iiniformj' that father In-
Imatod thut where hia eon could not bo
nvlted ho could not go , and loft him
[ further Btntu that I told Ida story
,0 General A. J. liakur some two years ngo in
ho courau of n social convers'ition ' , nnd that 1
ind no iaea then of its over being used as a
ampaiKii storv : that Octobei5 , General
5iktr , nt my oll'ici nt Nora Spring ; , asked mo
o repent tin Bt jry to him , which 1 did in sub-
tanco ns hnrein written ) and that I luvo
indo thi < ullidivit voluntarily , bavin ? boon
nformud that cortaln parties to whom General
Jaker and otherH have repeated the ubnvo
tatVmont and have denounced it ns n cam-
la'gnlie. S. ( ! . BI.VTIII :
' 'Sworn to and subscrilicd bafo > o mo and In
ny prencnco by S. G. lilyiho at Nora Springe ,
Ia. , thisy.Kli day of Octobor. A. D. ' 881.
"J-3. S. WIIKKI.UR , Notary I'ublic. "
FOHT WAYNK , lud. , OctoU'r 31 Hen-
drlcka nddrcfBoil n niai nillctnt niidinnco bo.o
to nUrbt. This malcoa lila nlxth upoecb to-day.
At Marion the audience waa estimutud nt " 0-
100. After the inontlnt ; to-nl ( < lit , llendriokh
remarked , 'I cannot lay that I expcrionuo
futlguo , Thno ia nn rnrnos iieitH on the part
: if iho democracy that I have iiovor witnessed
before , the | ieople a > em to bo in advanci ) of
.liosu whom wo luvo imully rnjirdod ns
eailord , and it nets on mo like a tonic
I am holding out batter than 1 did
n 1872 , wlion 1 made tbo men
or governor The earnest detnrminntion of
the people for n chnn o < if adminiijtrntioii
vhich within the Inwt six d yshuschrystnli/.nd
iitu democratio confidoiica is wondeiful.
3vc'rythliig taken into consideration in tbo
towns visited , the crowds that have wcloomcd
IH thla day ia thn greatest day 1 have over
cuown as n candidate. "
I/diiiKlaiiii lOlcclion
NKW OIII.KAN.S , Octobsr 31. Judge 1'nrdco ,
of the United SUtcH circuit court , to-day do-
nod the petition of Unit.d Statin Supervisor
if Klcctions Morton that Stall ) .Registrar
! ro ntir 'Vhuw cati'o whv7 , < i2j names of il
legal , dead and other dufranrhi'i'd voterx
ound on the registration roll ft should not bo
traxcel nnd < ancelled. " The ju Jgo said he had
10 jurisdiction.
IMcCiillix.'li Bwdi-n In.
WAMiilNdfON , October 31. Secretary Me-
I'nlloch viBlti'il thn tr u nry this morning nnd
v s ipiabliid in the presence ) of ox-.Srcn-tnry
iri'Hham and n f--w otlnri. Ttio oath of of '
iioV.IH admltiixtorod by J. N. Fitzjutrlck of
ho appuintmniit division.
Catarrh Cured
Catairh Is a very piovalcnt disease , with
distressing and ofrunslvu Hymptonis. IIood'B i
Harsaparllla gives ready relief and bpccdy
cine , from the fact It aetsthiough the blood ,
and thus reachcH every part uf thu system ,
" 1 sulfercd with catarrh fifteen years. Tools
Hood's KarsapurllU and lamiioltioiililod'aiiy
with catarrh , nnd my general health In much
better. " I. W. I.II.I.IH , 1'ostal Cleric Chicago
& Ht. Louis Itallroad.
" I sullcrud with calarrh 0 or 8 yearn i tried
many wonderful cures , Inhalers , etc. , spend-
Ingncarlyonu hundred iJollarBwIthoiil benefit.
I tried IIooil'H , and W.IH greatly
Impruvcel. " JI. A. AUIJHV , Worcester , Mass.
Hood's Hirsnparllla Is rliaractrrlrcd H
three peculiarities : 1st , the combination ol
ri'ineillal agent * ; 2dtho proportion ! 3dDie
jirorcm of securing thu active incillclna/ /
qualities. The result IH a meillrliio of iinnsiii :
itrriiBlh , olfi'ctlng curi'S hitherto
Bend for book containing evidence ,
"IlooilN Hirsai : > arllla tone.s up my ysteni.
nilIlli-s my lilnod , hharpens my aiipetlfo. and
Hi'iims to IIIMO | mo over. " ,1.1' . TIIOMI-HUU ,
Kegislerol Deeds , IOHell , Iilatts.
" Hood's Kirsaparllla beats till otliiTR. ami j
IswiiilutMueilitlil. ! ; ; ] | | ! " I. llAitniNino ; ; , ,
\M \ IlaiiU Kticct , New Vork City.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hold by nil druggists. SI i lx for s. Maiia
unly bv 0.1 , HOOD a CO. , Lowell , Mass. j j
" - Ono Dollar. . i
it Tiir\T > von THE KIKKII ISTHII-
1.0SI.OX , Octibor 31.A Madrid illfpnlch
to the Stnudnril SJBTho tnootli'K ' 'f ' the eib-
Ineit council jostrrday ns pti'dilfd over by
Klog Alfonio. Sciior Klduayir , Iho minister
offorrign alUirs , subiuittrd the condition *
ngri-oil upon between I'mtod Stains mln
iHcr I'.unter ' , and Senor Alb.icnti-d , HpanUh
CoiiiniKiMoiipr , for n special trenty of com-
inereo wiih America. This will bo the
t.utlng point for now colonial nml tatllT policy -
icy in the We t Indies. It would
open up the Unstelinn col nioi to Ani-iicnn
compolitlon against HpaiiiMt impotts ,
mil it woiiM admit Oiibi hnd I'm ID Itico into
HID rohi'rlan which America i gradually form-
in * with Mcxie-i ) and other Sjiiiiuh-spcaking
countiioinrouiul thotJulf of Moxl-o and in
Genital Amutii-n , on n Imnii of rcciprowl con-
rm lous nnd di < crimnnlliig ! duties to i-xclu-lo
iMiropoati competition. C.inndii , Hritiuli Wrst
Indies and Ci-ntrnl Ameileim republics will
locoiyo ndvaiicfs from Yankee diplomacy
nhnrtjy. The special Anioiicaii cniuontiou
stipulati-s that its advantages Mmll npiily
only to the trade between the
Uintoil States mid 1'otto lllco ,
which is cuilod on iindor American and
SiunlMi HUBS respectively. ] ly Its terms
America will ndmlt Mipam , inolasscn , nnd raw
tubicco Ireo of all duty nnd the iluty on other
nrtiuli-s imported fiom West Imlios will bo ru-
ducfld Spain will plncc American 11 > ur and
coieals upon thosamo footing as these ini-
porle-d from Spiln and will make n Inruo re
duction on thodutlns on cattle1 , suit , fresh huh
nnd all but a ii-ry few American manufatured
Roods. Spain will nlno suppress uotisulnr
tounaRo duties which are levied
at American ports and promises
to further reform the custom honso , linrbnr
nnd sanitary u ulations and Cues in her col-
oiiipn. Only a ftroiiK ( f.ivcrnmant llkn that of
Senor C.uioviisdol C tlllo with ilo.-ilo
itli'H in both houses of parliament could van-
til ro to ittlrmpt Mich a depiituro from thu
tiuivalliiiK Ca-tlllinn ideas ot colonial policy
and frinii all ny toni of pioleclivo larilf The
convuntion is likelytu meet much opposition in
tllO COltCD ,
Allldavlt of l-'rcdorlck T. Hal pin :
"Stnlo nnd County of New York , HS : Krod-
crick T , llalpin , boliiR duly sworn , nays that
ho Is tha son of Maria I ) , llalpin ; tint about
a month or n little more ago ho received a lulo-
Kr.un from William O. lludnon from Allmnv ,
mines ting doponoiit to moot him nt the Holf.
man boiue , in the city of Now York ; that In
p ursuanco of said telegram he met the nald
illiam 0 , Hudson nt room 210 in the Hnlf-
111 in house , and convened with him in rela
tion to tbo nlfdlr of 0 rover Cleveland nnd my
mother ; that said Hudson then and them nnd
in my presence propnred n itatomont whli li ,
as thu friend of ( iroyor Cleveland anil
ouo interested in his election , ho re *
quested mo to have my mother
aivn ; that said statement so written by said
11 ml < > n in my presence , and then nnd tbeiu
dollvercd to mo ns aforesaid , was delivered by
mo to my mother nt Now Itochollo , N , Y , .
and is annuxod to Iho Ktalementmatlo by my
mother , Maria H. Halpln , this tiny , and torina
n part thereof , uommuncIiiR with the words :
'Havomikdu the statement , " and omlin ) ; with
thu , words : 'In HOVOII or vi ht years , ' and con-
taininp ; t'UhtDim pagus of lo 'al cap paper ;
th it my in ithi'r rclii3d to sign tmch paper ,
( 'lvlng aa her icasou that the Hlatements there
in contained were not tnio
' l enl ] KllKliT. HALPIN ,
"Subscribed and awori to before mo , this
12'Jth day of October , 1881.
"Notary public in and for Wtttchester
' ' ( Jurtificato li'od ' in New A'oik county. "
Mrs. Hnlpin wo * seen nnd usked what in-
llnnncoil her to thestatoinont net forth io her
iillidnvit publMied bv spoeinl report in the
columiia of the HKK Thursday. 'Will , " * ho
roplled "I did not Intend to pay anything
about the alfuir , for I have milTcred enough
idroHtly. Hut my father , who IH oged anil
lillnd , and my tuiummirried oidterd , who live
nt Williamnbiirff , have uixcel mo to do so ,
since Mr. Clovelaml , through such men ns
Hointio C. King and Hoiiry Waul Itoochor ,
liad attempted to pile tip mud on mo , My
uncle1 , Mr. Soacord , it at Mount Yornon , nnd
when ho hears of tliuco BlalemonU he will
surely i-end me away. "
At this iioint Mrs. Halpin hurst into tears
"lint I don't euro , because the oxiJtameiit
of tlm last three months has broken my health
and spirits , nnd to-day I urn ill. I do not ex-
licet nny rowaid from any political party , nnd
I shall make thoHO Hlaturrients nt all haxurds ,
be t e cuntoipiuncot what they may. "
"It is charged that } ou weio compromised
by Mr , O-car Kolsoin , of Uulfalo. "
" 1 never spuke a wuril to that man In inv
lifo. 1 know his wife becausoibo traded wlib
mo In Kiilfido. Tlia Htatimicnt I madu last
nieht In trui > , and notliiiii ; on eanh could
iiinko mo H'K.II the ono olfHrod by (3 1 over
Cleveland , which Is fa'su ' ia ou'ry pal tlciilar. "
"Where it '
your son ?
" ( ! o < l knoA'H. Adoiv mo to toll you the
mcanpsH of tin mun , Wliou f srnt for him
mid informud him ( if my roiidltmn , ho ni > l :
'What the dovll nro you blubbciiiiK alunu' '
You in t like n l > bv without teeth , What doyen
yon wiint ma to deV 1 tot no s tlsfaullon
from him , and novir Haw lam imaln tHi ) alc
to him. How he ncted town d mo after that
the world well knows. "
"Ho you can't tell mo unylhbiR about thu
"Only this : A filcnd of mlnu wroln to mo
from liufTulo thu otherday tolling mu that ho
tliero. "
"Jlusanvono induced you to mido thcuo
fctiiti'inont' ? "
1 No one. 1 never KD out of the house. I
do nut know nny politicians , nnd would not
make a htntenient li r any ouo. 1 dim't want
penny from anybody. If the statements I
liavo made will elo any party miy oud they
may have them as fii'eily us the air. "
IN ( ! I'Ult TIIU I'll ANi ; I.I N OOUNTT HTOI.kN'
Special Talegram to TIIK lii.'R.
KIIANKI.IN , Neb. , Octolier 31. l.aiul paid
this week the amount of fchnol district bonds
in I'mnUIn county , rliugrd to Imvo been
ntolcii niuo ycais ugu bv him.
A ( i.lH Ildllbl' UllllllOCl.
MILWAVKKK , Ortobcr 31.At an e'arlr hour
this murniiiK iho huge purllier at the gas
works exploded with urtliiu forcn plinttering
wliidowK at a iliitancn of aildn bloclcri nway
No ono was injurod. The chuapin gas Ignited ,
but tlio airlval of the lire dupartmunt piovuut
cd tcri
All ( Julcl at Mculilpicotcn ,
Tuiio.s'io , October31. Advices from Modi-
IplcoleiiHiy : Thu Toronl' ) policemen landed
tliero without nai-tauce lining made. Many
rioters ware anealud.
PFOOTS of the stock and
Markets Yoitorday ,
Moro Favorable Barerainn fcr
Cattle ,
A Gold Day for tlio Hog Spec"
Wheat Deprj2-d ; and a Shade
Corn Dull JF,4 but Little. Deal-
On ( < * Uulo K | -1'orlc SlroiiKCi * wit In
All Tran , ' nis In .Innuru'y
Special telegram to TIIK HKK.
ClIICAtio , November 31. The new features'
11 the market WITO the ll > ; lit receipt * of nn
Livin anil the hoivy receipts of Texan ? , both
From the west and southwest. There \vaio ut
lenst 120 cars of Texans , and about 110 of
Northwestern rangorr. Tlio general market
showed considerable moro lifo than for any
day during the we'ek , nnd the fresh natives
on sale were more easily disposed of. Natives
wcro 10a higher and range cattle nasier. Good
to choice , 10 to 13.MJ pounds , 0 51o ] ( I ! 00 ;
common to fair , 1030 to liUO poiiiuU 00@
r > 30. Sales : 2SIJ Montana , 1WJ , 1 UO ; 101
Texain , U70 , 3 8 * : IfiC. Montana , IICHI L'5 ;
\Vvoming , 1183. 4 10 j 101 Wyoming ,1013 ,
4 01)10 ) ; Toxnn cows , Sl\3 , 310 ; 37sl Montana-
Tnxnns , 1(17 ( , 3 ! Kj ) 311 Nubraska-Toxana , lOi't ,
3 fifi.
lioeis ,
Tlio tnnrkot opened rather lirmor , on ac
count of the elmrp demand from speculators ,
but the latter teen found tlio pjck. . n were not
ready to follow and p. y the advance estab
lished , so the disappointed npo ulatori with
drew , nnd then began to Hull , xnd , in their
nmloty not to got " * tuolc"tlif y shuded prices
of tbo morning , and at the cloco , or near the
close , tbo general market was rather oaaior
than at thn opening. Hough a d common
pickers sold from -I 20nI CO ; fair to goud at
I 70 and best atI 8 n-l M. Famy as-
fortcd heavy sold at > l DOa1) 00 and these were
the outside figures for the day- Fair to irood
light made -It On I 70 mid fancy -1 80a4 85.
Packing and shipping 2.10 to 3 0 lbn , 4 70a
T ) 10 ; light KiO to211 Hie , 4 lo.vt 75.
Unrly in tbo day some lifo was shown in the
wheat market , but during the remainder of
Iho KU9i > ioii trading wna on n limited ( cale and
mainly of n local churacter Fluctuations
were ligh * , and tb markf t Averaged n rhnda
lower. Foreign ndvlcfH were ui'.iin of nil unfavorable -
favorable teno- , quoting ilull and uasiur mar
ket" , and the caigoes to nnlvo wen quoted
lower. Hocolits | cuntinun large The market
kot opened eaticr , Milled | J , ffld elf ft iijid
closed on thu regular noarel ; J mulsr yesterday.
At the afternoon hoision the market nguin
ruled i lower. The uluHmg liguii a were 7-1J o
7Ji ) for November ; 7I < A fur December ; 70J for
January , f
AfnderAto biiBlrefs wan transacle-fl in corn ,
clii'lly on rpeculative iiccoiinU. He-
cflipta were smaller Mid llnctuati mg
Klight , the mnrkut closlrg fJude under
yesterday at 41J for Octolh-r , 4U fur Novem
ber , 3Jftt3D ! ) | for the joar , 3'.ljl for May.
ruled onry , closing nt 'JH for November and
.hoyear , ' .life"yl ( for May.
Btrongcr , with trading nonfilled mainly to <
.Innuary delivery , tha market doting at 11 GO
'or year and January.
generally steady , closing nt I ! 85 for October ,
i SO for November , li 8a for December , I ! J)2i )
'or January.
KolilliMl AVIilloDfiink.
LilllUAioOctobor31. ( ThoJoiirnarBQuiuoy ,
111 , , special says n young iron from Fowler ,
in tbia county , sold n bor < o hero yesterday for
i17f > beunmo intoxicated , and uhilo in thut
condition was lured ncrcss the river on the
Ferry by a patty of roughs. Hia body wo
Fniiiid in tlio ri\i'r this morning wMi his nkull
cru hud. HH ! assailants nro known to have
taken tlio train on the .t St. Joe
railroad at midnight.
StOOO0 Given .
Ifalnmornnyiiijiirloii" ) RiiliMiijmcnii bD-founi4
In Androw.i * Pearl BaUinB Powtlor. . Ia io ; * .
lively PURE. Jit-Ins ? rn < lori > * lnii | < l testimonials
rt'celvi'ilTroin diieh cucmiiiR IU.S. UaiiB-lHyH , lloii
ton ; II. Ik'lafontaln/ ( "liViiRO ; iuJGuttuvua )
llode , Mlluunkeo. .NeverwiJl in bnlll.
J halto bU 881 , V