Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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PAID UP CAPITAL . $350,000
SURPLUS MAY 1 , 1884 . J 20,000
Trcshlont. Vice President. '
tut K. lliydcn , ABsl t t kni ? Acting C shlor.
The Bron Bank.
INTEREST allowed on tlmo deposit * npon
tavorablo terms and npon Moonnta of bnnka
nd bnnkero.
Bonds nnd County and City securities bought
and sold.
In its treatment of customers Upmost Hov
eral policy is pursued consistent with safotd *
and sound banking , and wo invite corrosponcs
enco or porsonnl inquiry in connection there
' "T4 * ? ' Yonn , Oct. 30 , Money Easy , at
1@2 , closed li@2.
Prime paper B@G
Sterling Bills weak and lower at 4 80 } ;
demand , J 83J.
Governments Strong.
llailwaya Steady ,
Stocks Strong. Business was slightly but
the market far from active. At the close the
best figures of the day were generally cur.
rent. Compared with yesterday , prices are
1 to 1 } liighoi.
3's 100 }
4Vs Coupons 113f
U.S. new4's 121 *
racificG'sof'95 127
Central Pacific 37J
Chicago & Alton 129
do do pfd 145
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 118 {
Delaware , Lackawanna & Western. . . . 10-1
Denver & Kio Grande 8 !
Erie 13.
do pfd 27
Illinois Central 110 ;
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 14 ;
Kansas & Texas 1C ;
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 67 ;
Louisville & Nashville -5 ;
Michigan Central Gl
Missouri Pacific 92
Northern Pacific 18
do do pfd 43j
Northwestern SO
do do pfd 125
Now York Central 80
Oregon Trans-Continental 13
Pacitic Mail 62 }
P.D.&E 13
Pullman Palace Car Company 113
Kock Island Ill
St , Louis & San Francisco 21J
do do pfd 38j
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 75jJ
do do do pfd 103
St. Paul& Omaha 20
do do pfd 88
Texan Pacific
Union Pacific
Wabasli , St. Louis & Pacific
do do do pfd 10
Western Union Telegraph ( if )
O. R. &N 07
* Ex-div. tasked.
CHICAGO October 30. Flour Quiet and
Wheat Firm , ruiet | , opened e to Jc lower ,
rallied Ic , eased otf and closed 4c over vestor-
day ; 717G cash ; 74 | October ; 75J No
vember ; 7Gf@7G5 ; December ; 77J January ;
84J May ; No. 2 rod 70 , No. 3 red , 05 ; rejected
od red , fiO@51.
Corn Dull , firm ; November declined ic ,
rallied c , and closed if over yesterday ; the
year and May ruled quiet and steady ;
cash ; 12 bid October ; 42423 } November ;
39J@3'J } year ; 3737 January ; 39j@39 §
M ay ; rejected , 39.
Outs Dull nnd steady , Jc to Jo lower : 25 ] @
25J cash ; 23j@25J ; October ; 2oJ < a25J Nov -
v ember ; 2GJ@27 December ; 25 @ 23J year ;
29i@29t May.
Jtyo Dull and lower at 50.
Barley Dull ; (2J. (
Timothy Slow and easy ; prime , 121 ,
Flax Sued Slow ; J@lc lower ; No. 1 1 33J
@ 1 33 .
Pork Steady , IOc to IBc higher ; lr > 00 cash
and October ; 11 37ifell 10 year ; 11 r > 0@ll 55
January ; 11 GOgill G5 February.
Lard Brisk , Be to 10o higher ; G 90 cash
nnd October ; G 82J@G 81 November and
Decomb r ; G 95G 974 January ; 7 05@7 07i
Bulk Meats Shouldo s G 23'aG ' 33 ; short
clear 7 75 g.7 80 ; short ribs 7 15@8 75.
Whlaky Sto-vdy at 1 13.
Butter Quiet ; good to choice creamery
i 3aj.
Cheese Steady ; cheddars ll@12i. Skim ? ,
s Easy ; 21@22.
'Miles Qmot and unchanged.
Tallow l uiot and unchanged.
J\eoipts , Bhlp'ts.
.Flour , bbls . 19,000 20,000
Wheat , buahola . 1H.OOO 17,000
Corn , bushels . 111,000 , 392,000 ,
Oats , bushels . 115,000 70,0(0 (
Rye , bushels . 8,000 3,000
Barley , bushels . 32,003 20OuO
CINCINNATI , October 39. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red 77@79.
Corn Firm ; No , 2 mixed 45 ,
Oats Easier at 27@U7i.
Rye In fair demand at 55.
Barley Easier ; extra No , 3 fall , CS
@ 71.Pork
Pork Dull and lower nt 14 50 ,
Lnrd Firm at 7 00.
Bulk Meats Steady ; shoulders 5 75 ; short
nlM 8 25.
Whisky Steady at 1 11.
NKW YonK , October 30. Wheat Spot
cloHtd without dtcidod change ; options
tembur closing 80 } ,
Corn Spot Jglo ( lower ; receipts , SS.OOO ;
pxpciit" , 13,000 ; unfunded 52 ( 531 ; No. i
BSJ'feOS ' ; December closing at 50j.
OatH } @ 4 higherreceipts ; , 107,000exports ;
127,000 ; mixed wesjtern 31 33 ; white 32J@
Hay Firmer ; timothy 10 00@1025 ; ,
Bran Steady atf > G@57.
Corn Meal -Dull ; 2 35.
Eggs Unchanged ,
I'ork Dull nnd nominal ; now mesa , 1C CO
@ 1G 75.
Lnrd Higher ; western steam spot 7 SO ®
7 55.
But'er Quiet and steady.
KAKSAH CITY , Oct. 30. Wheat Lower ;
cashfi3i November 53JJlecomber ; , 55.
Corn-Lower ; cash , 32 © 33 ; October 32 ;
\ / November 28 Lid ; vuar 2G bid , 20J naked ; |
May 28i 3
Oftts-Quiet at SH bid , 22J asked.
TotKno , Ohio , Octob r 30. Wheat-
Market dull nnd prkex a elmdi ) lower ; . Mo 2
red , cash October and November , 711'id ,
Corn-Dull ; No. 2 , cash II bid.
Oats Quiet ; No 2 cat > h 27.
ST , Louw Octol > er 30-OAi.L BOAHD-
Wheat-E ier nt 77J for November ; 79J@79f
for January ; bt jS90 ( for May , .
Corn Steady at 33g < g33i for the year ; 301
for May ,
Oats Quiet and unchanged. i
Rye -Nothing doing ,
Barley Stonily ; GO@77Je
Butter Unchanged ; dairy , 18@2. " > c ; crean
nry , 2G@30c.
1'Ves Lower ; ISJc.
Flaxseed Firmer ; 1 31
Hay Steady ; prairie , 0 50@10 ; Timothy
10 00@13 00.
Bran Firmer ; f > G3)r ! ) > 7c.
Corn Meal -Steady ; 205.
Pork Firm ; new IUPM 17.
Lard Firm ; western steam ipot 7 Do ®
WltHky-1 13.
LlVKItrool. , October 'M. UroadstulFj 1)u1
anil unch i gcd.
Wheat Winter Csi 3d@Git Oi ; Rpring.Ga Gdfo )
011 7o.
Corn Finn at CM d ,
NKW OlU.KAS's , Octolmr 30. Corn-
Quiut ; in sacks new yellow lower at CS ; uow
wliito f)0c ; old white 58 ,
Onti Western , In gocnl domatid at 35@3Gc
Corn Meal Lower ; i ! 7o2 80.
Pork Dull aud lower at 15 7fi.
Lnrd Steady ; tierce refilled 7 75 ; Keg
3125 ,
Whisky Steady ; western rectified 105
@ 1 25.
BAI/TIMOHK , October 30. Wheat Westori
lower ; No. 2 wlutor , roil spot 81J@82J.
Com Western uomlnallv steady ; mlxci
Oat Dull but firm ; western wliito 33@
35 ; mix-ed 30@3' ' .
Kyo Quiet nt G3@G5.
Eggs Firm nt 23c.
Whisky Steady § 118@l 19
MILWACKKK , October 30. Wheat Firm
. < To. 2 Milwaukee 73 } ; October 73 ; November
ber , 73J ; Dpcomber , 7oJ.
Corn Quiet and lower , rejected nt 42 ]
Oats Higher ; No. 2 , 2S delivered ; No. 2
white 28i@30.
Kyo Fair demand ; No , ] , 52 ,
Barley Knsier ; No. 2 sprini' 51
CHICAOO , October 30. Drovor's Journal re
ports ;
Hogs-ltoceipta 10,500 ; nctive , nnd lOo
higher : rough packing , 4 10@1 00 ; packing
nnd Bhlpping , 75@5 00 ; light , -115@4 70
Bkips nnd grassora , 3 CO ® J 00.
Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; weak , active ; experts
ports G 25@G 75 ; common to choice shipping
4 10@G 00 ; Inferior to peed cows , 200@1 09
Btockere , 2 ! )0@H ) 75 fenMors 3 8J@4 50 ; Wyom
In ? , I 15 ; Montana , 5 40 ,
Sheep Keceipta 3.0UO ; weak ; common to
good , 2 00@3 60 ; good to choice , 3 tO@3 80
lambs , 4 00 @ 4 CO.
ST. Louis , October 30. Cattle Ko-elpts
1,200 ; easier nnd not lower ; nnthea scarce am
the demand 4light. _ Exports G 30U 76 ; com
mon to choice shipping 4 CO@G 25.
SllKur Receipts faOO ; best grades firm
others dull ; common to choice 3 25 ® 4 00.
Hoas Receipts , 7GOO ; nctive ; Yorkers ,
4 40@4 55 ; packing , 4 50@4 SO ; Ihutchers ,
4 G0@4 90.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , October 30. Cattle
Receipts , 2GOO ; good natives scarce and
firm ; exports G IDfijG 3 ; common to choice
shinping , 5 20@G 05 ; cows , 2 70@3 25.
Hogs -Receipts , 4,600 ; firmer at lOc higher
at 4 35@4 GO.
Sheep Receipts GOO ; firmer nnd lOc
higher ; fair to gnod , 2 D0@3 35 ; common to
medium 2 00@2 GO.
Prices ,
Friday Alorning , October III , J
The follcwinp ; prices are charged retailer !
by jobbers , wholesalers and commission iner
chnnta with the ) exception of grain , which SB
quoted nt the prices furnished by the elevators
nnd other local buyers :
Flour and MillBtufle
"SWinter Wheat Boat quality patent at 280
@ 2 90.
Second quality 2 20@2 50.
Spring Wheat Best quality , patent , 2 80 ®
291) ) .
Second Quality 2 15@2 CO.
Bran 60c per cwt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 90c ,
Corn Meal 1 00 < 3t 10 per cwt.
Screening G5@7fio per cwt.
General Produce
Apples Receipts continue heavy , only
choice stock saleable at ? 2.2j(5S2.75. ( Bulk re
ceipts selling nt 25@GOc pur bushel , ncc rding
to quality.
Be.ins Only clean stock saleable. Navies
( clean ) per bushel , 1.50@l,75 ; medium , l.ZDff1
Comb Honey In goo 1 demand. Receipts
very email ami inont with ready sale at 18@20c
In 1 and 2 Ib frames.
Beeswax In good demand. Choice bright
per Ib. 2G@28c ; common to good dark pur Ib ,
Butter- The weather is now cool enough to
fthipin rolls altogether , \\hich lm\o decidedly
tha preference over bulk , if they are only put
up in proper shapo. Itisnbsi lutoly necessary
that each roll ( hould bo wrap ) o I in muslin , in
order to get full % : iluo for the butter. It uill
prevent tlio rolls from crumbling up or becom
ing boiled , and if nicely packed in n box gives
a neat nnd clean nppuar.mcc , which helps the
sale of butter wonderfully. All choice butter ,
however , meets \\ilh ready sale , while strong
and poor is % ery ilnll. Creamery fiodi , 27'iQ '
28 ; creamery ice house , 21fl25 ; choice daily ,
202good ; table , 1517 ; fair , 12 11 ; in
ferior grades , GJ59. (
Cidur "Ohio" per bbl. $7.00 ; "York ,
State" per bbl. SS.OiJ ; noi J bbl. SI.75 ; con
densed per la 85c ; crab apple , per gal. 35c.
Cheese Full cream , WH UTII , 12c ; Wiscon
sin new 12c ; young American , 12 n 13c.
Ivgits RecoiptH ure daily decreasing , nnd ns
oiitBido dein .iid is growing heavier prices are
boiinil to a Ivnuco rapidly. Sales have an
yet not been made above 20 cunts , but they
will not Hell below 22 cents nfler this.
Hay Baled S7.00@8.00 loose , 85.00 n
G.OO.Mapla Sugar Pure , in bricks , per Ib. IGc ,
Ohio. 13c ; Htnull cakes 12Jc.
Onions. Market biro nnd demand good at
at f 0 cants p r bushel.
I'orooiwClioico dry in fair demand , at
2(22ic ( per 11) .
Poultry Quiet , A nry few live chickens
have been rftcivinl latelv , nnd drusscd Is only
coining forward tlowly , ) ) iit is In pretty good
denmnd. Chickens , alive , per do/en , S..fiO ;
chkkciiH , d eseed , p r Ib. , l@llo ( ) jturKoys ,
dres < pd , per Ib , l'J@13s , ducks , alive , per do/ .
en , § 3.00 ; ducks , dieopocl. per | b. , ll@12s ;
? oo 9 , drexseil , per Ib. , 12@13c ,
( ! amo has been veryfccirco HO far , nnd all
kinds nro in strong reiiii'-it. | Doer , carcns' ,
per lh , , 9@10c ; deur smldles , per 11) . . 10@llc ;
nntulope , c.ircasf , per Ib , , 8 9c ; antelope mitl-
dies , per Ib 12'iA13 ; prairin chickens , per
dozen , S2 ( Jfl&Sa 75 ; ( | iiailS1.50riiW.OOjgeo ) o ,
| > er dozen , SS.OOraSI 0 ; jack rabbin ) , per ilo/-
oii , S1.00@S50' ; small rabbits , per do/on ,
SI 00@St 25 ; Btdno , ) .er . doj-Pii , Sl.OOgi.1.25 . ;
ducks , mallard , Sl,70@S2OOj tual and mixed ,
§ 1.50.
Potatoes Well assorted stock of good sl/o
sull readily nt 30@35c per bushel regvrdlois of
variety , while small imtntoiti and mixed lots
vtill only bring 20@25o , and are hard to dis
pose of at that.
Swnet Potatoes Only choice largo salable
at H@2c pur Ib.
CANNED ( Jeeps Oysters ( Htandardper ) case ,
JIX ) ; strawberrioH , 2 ll , per case , 2 20 ; rasp-
berries. 2 Hi , per case , 2 50 ; California pears ,
per case , 5 80 ; aprlcutu per case , 5 00 ; pone ho *
) er case G90 ; vvhita cher'ies per case , G 70 ;
plums per case 4 50 ; whortlnlM-rnos , per cane ,
00 ; egg plums , 2 tl > , per cane , 2 90 ; tneou
gages , 2 Ib. t'r cass , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 Ib per
cane , ; t L'O'uTi 50.
1'oi'K 8Ua ! J inch and larger , 9c , g Inch ,
ijr ipch , lOc ,
OANDI.KH Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , He ; 8s , lie ;
boxes 40 lb , 1G oCi , Me ,
MATCIIKH Per caddie , Sic ; round , cases.
55 ; fquure , canot , I 70 ; ( ) < hko h , canes 1 50
SciiAlts-Powdered , 8Jc ; cut loaf , 8c ;
? ranulatl , Gjc ; confectioners' A.GJo ; Stand-
ird extra 0 , Gc ; oxtru C , 5Jc ; iiiudium yol-
.ow. bfc ; dirk yellow , c.
rTKM Ordinary grades , 12@12ic ; fair , 1 ,
c ; good , 13 c ; primn , l4@15ic ; tholcie.
Tc ; fancv green and yellow , lifclG ( ; c ; old
Hou'rnmtnt Java , 20S20 : ; Aibucklo's roast
r-d , 15Jc , Mcl.anffhlln' XXXX
1 % ; inltntion , Invn , lCj@tset Clark
Aurora , lfJc ,
Sinfp Miml.irJ CIHII. 33. ' 1 > M ; Sfnndan
dn , IJ gnlliin kep , 1 8. " > ; Sj.mdaril do , I
kegs 1 M )
fonIn Ib papers , G 30 tier ewe ; keg pa
Ib , 2Jc.
Pli'KKI.s Mi-dium In barrel * . G00dr ; > li
half barrel' . 3 50 ; small. In barrel , 7 Ot ) ; do it
lialf bnrn'lo , 5 00 ; gherkins in barrels , 3 0
do In half barrel * , I 50
TKVS Gunpowder , gnod , 4"i@V > e ; chnion
GO@7Gc ; c od Imperial , 40@ I3c , choice , GVm
Ofio ; Young ly ott , gond , UlXjn'itVj choice , I"
@ 1 00 ; , Tapiti , natural loaf , 75fl ; .lap.Mi rluncp
OOO'oc ; Oolong , gowl , ? 5(3) ( ) l''o. ' Oolong.choice
( OJf . "i"c ; Smuhong , good , 3 @ 40o ; iholce , 3 , "
HICK lxuisiana prime to choice , GJ@7c
fair.j Gc ; I'ntina , OJc.
FISH No. 1 mickero half brli , , 7 W )
Family i bbls 4 25 ; No. 1 kits 1 0.1 ; kits
GO ; No. 1 whtto finh , half brl0 . 50 ; No 1
klta , Me. family i bbN , 3 00 ; family kits nni'
pails , lit ) ; No. 1 , trout , i bbl , 5 25
WOOPKNW.MIK Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; three
hoop pails , 2 10 , Tubs , No. 1 , U 00 ; ploneor
washboards , 1 83 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; Well.
buckets , 3 85.
SoAra Kirk's Savon ImH-riil ] , 3 45 ; Kirk'n
sitlnut , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
White Itudflinu 520 ; Kirk's cutocn , 216 ;
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case In case ,
3 35 ; Habbitl'a ball , 2 do * , in ease , 1 90 ; An
chor ball , 2 doz in c o , 1 50.
C.snMixed , llalSc ; stick , lOallo ; twist
stick , lOJc.
VINKUAU Now York apple , IGc ; Ohio np
pie. 13c.
SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton , in
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy , GO. GK , 3 CO
STAUCH Ponrl t\c \ : Silver Gloss 8c ; Corn
Starch , Sc ; K\celslnr Gloss , 7c , Corn 7Jc ,
SPICKS Pepper 17c ; spice , lie ; covoi 2J
nssia , ICc.
Dry GoodH
BROWN SiiRKTiN'os Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Allan-
Lie P , Gc ; Atlnntio Llj , DJc ; Brunswick , 74c
IJonver Dam lilt. Gc ; Lawitnco hL , Bfc ] ; Pncl-
! ic II , 7Vc ; Roynt Standard , 7ic ; Indian
A , 8c ; WnuclmsL'tt A , 7jc. (
FINK HHOM.vSiiKKTiNos Argyle , 7lc ; Pof' '
peroll R , 7c ; Salisbury R , GVc.
lii.KACMKi ) COTTONS Ballon 4-1 , GJe ; Bal
Ion , 7 8 , 5Jc ; Oumborland 4-1 , 8c ; Davoll 1)1) ,
3Jc ; Fnirmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
9c : Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gate , 8Jc ;
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4. 7j'c ; I.ousdnlo , 8Jc ; Now
York Mills , lllc ; Wnmsuttn , lOJc.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos
ton , 10 oz , , Hie ; Boston , i ) oz. , Me ; Fall
River , 8Jc.
DOCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , Ho ; West
Point , 10 oz. , He ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie.
TICKINOS Amoskeag , Hot Continental
Fancy , H3c ; Cordis , lO c ; Pearl Hiver , 13ic ,
York , 12Jc ; Hamloton Awnings , 124c.
DENIMS Amojkeag , 14c ; Beaver Creek
AA , 12c : Beaver Creek BU , llci Beaver
Creek CO , lOc ; Hnymnkors , 8c : Jnffroy D &
T , 12to JalfrovXXX , 12 Jc ; Pearl River.
13c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , 17c ; Warren BB
brown ) , He ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc.
CAMHBICS Fifth avenue glove finish , Co
Keystone glove finish , 5Jc.
O nsKr JKANS Amory , 7Jc ; Hancock , 8c ,
Kenrsayer 81c ; Rockport , 7c.
PIIINTS Aliens , 5Jc ; American 5Jc ; Arn
olds , Gc ; Oocheco , Gc ; Hnrinony , 4Jc ; Indigo
7 c ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12ic ; Stool
[ liver , 5c ; Charter Oak , 4Jc.
PIIINTS SHIRTINGS American , 5c ; Co-
cliBco , Ccj Gloucester 5c ; Southbridgo , 4Jc ;
\Vnverlys , 4 c ; Rosodalo , 4Jc.
GINQHAMS Amoskeag staples , 8.Jc : Bates
staples , Sici Lancaster staples , Sc : Pluukot
lUuls , 9c ; Hudson chocks , Die ; Amoskoag
L'orsians , UJc ,
DRESS Uoons Atlantic Alpacca , 9Jc ; Per
siane t cashmere , 23Jc ; Hamleton cashmere
.Clc ; IlamliUin Fnncus , HJc ; llamloto bro
cades , 15c ; Arlington brociulo , ISc.
Drugs ,
DRQas AND t IIRMICAI.S Acid , Carbolic
iOc ; acid , tirtnrio , C5c ; balsam capnbla , per lib
! 5c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib. 12c ; calomel , IIT
b. 75c ; cinohonldir , i > er oz. . § 0 50 ; chloroform ,
> er Ib. SI 10 ; .Covers powdors. per ) b , 51 25 ;
ipsom salts , jier Ib. 3Jc ; glycerine , pure , l > er
b. 2. > c ; lead acetate , per Ib. 22c ; oil castor ,
S'o. 1 per gal , 1 GO ; oil castor , No. 3 , per gal. ,
51 40 ; oil , olive , per g nl. , SI 40 ; oil origanum ,
iOc ; opium , SI 50 ; quinine , P , & W ; and R. &
3 , per oz. , SI 10 ; potassium , Iodide , pur
j. , SI 50 ; salicin , per oz. , 40c ) sullihato
morphine , pur oz. , S3 GO ; sulphur per Ib. , 4c ;
strjchnine , per oz , , SI 35.
Pnlnts Oils and Vnrnishoa ,
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 12.c } ; 150 °
leadlight , per gallon , 12fc ; 175" hendligiit ,
> er gallon , IGic ; 1JO" water white , 15Jc ; liu-
lood raw , per gallon , ISc ; linseed boiled , pur
gallon , 51c Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c ;
Sro. 1 , COc ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX , pur galen -
on , 1 GOo. No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00
sperm W. B. _ , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. B , ,
tor gallon , Gi ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ;
Sro , 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ;
lummur , 15c : golden machine , No , 1. pur g.'d-
on , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon
fcOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha , 71 ° ,
> er gallon , IGc.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P ,
ijc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 5 c ; Mnraeil-
ud , green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; 3'roncli zinc ,
jreen Boal , 12c ; French 7iuc , red seal , lie ;
I'ruuch zinc , in varnish nast , 20c ; French /ino ,
n oil asat , 15c ; rnw nnd burnt umbnr , 1 Ib
cans , IOc ; raw nnd burnt Sienna , IOc ; vnndyko
irown , lee : refined lampblack , 12c ; coach
jliick and ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ;
Vusnian blue , 40c ; ultramarine MHO , l c ;
chr < mo green , L. M. & D. , IGc : blind nnd
huttor gruon , L , M. & D , , IGc ; Paris green ,
fc ; Indian icd , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tus
can red , 22c ; American vermilhon , I. & P. ,
; yellow ochru , 9c : L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18o
yellow ochre , 9c ; gjldon ootirtIGc ; patent
Iryor , Sc ; graining colors , light oak , durk.oak ,
valnut , chestnut and ash , 15c ,
Lie tlior.
Oak aole , S8o@42c ; hemlock solo 28c@S3o |
lemlock kip. 80o ; runner 65o to 75c ; hoin-
ork calf. 85n to 1 00 ; hemlock nppor , 22o
a 24o oak nppor , 21o ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 bO ;
calf kid , 32@3 ! > ; Grolson kid , 2 00 to 2 75 ; oak
kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French
kip , 1 10 to 1 55 : French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rua >
ots. 6 50 to 750 ; jAlngs , 600 t = 850 top.
pinga 9 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , 30a to 35c.
0 bble O. D , Morocco 35o ; simon. 2 50@3 00
HAHNKSB. No , 1 star oak , 3Gc ; No , 2 34 c ;
S5ot No. 1 Ohio oak , d3o ; i\o. is uo , Hlo ; No.
1 Mllwnukoo aia ; No 2 do S3r ,
No. 1 Pitta oak bar , SGo ; No. Bj Pitta oak
iar , Slo.
AlOOriOL 188 nroot alcohol , 2 2G per wine
allen extra California spirits , 188 proof ,
18 per proof gallon ] triple refined spirits
87 proof , 1 17 par proof gallon ) ro-dlatillod
whiskies 1 001 50 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 5G ;
Kentucky bourbons , 2 00@7 00 ; [ Kentucky
nd Ponnsylvunln ryou , 2 00o7 ( ! 00.
BBANDIEH Imported , 0 00 ( 16 00) ) domoitlc
GINS Imported , 4 60@6 ( Hit domestic , 1 4U
@ 300.
RDMB Imported. 4 60fl 00 ; NewKngUnd ,
99@4 00 ; domestic , 1 B0@3 50.
CHAMPAQNEU Imported per cn. o , 28 00 ®
1 00 ; Amoilcan , per case , 12 003 lt ( 00.
Pi.uo TOBACCO Climax 4rjc ; Bullion ISc ;
ioraotlioo , 4lc ; Star , 4Gc ; Ruily , 45c ; H r
oy's , 40c ; Black , W9 l o ; Spparhead , 46c ;
Our Rope , 48oi Piper Heiduleck , G4c.
FlNK CUT Common , : i'Jc : ModinmlCo good
3S > bOo HardtoBoat70 c ; favorite , COc ; Din-
londCrown , 5Fc ; Sweet Hlxtnon , 5i > c.
SMOKING -0. 8 , , 22c ; Meor i.liaum , 30c ;
) nrham 1G ot , , 51 ; Durham , 8 oz. ,
i5c ; Duiliam 4 o' . , 57c ; lurham 2
z. , GOc ; Heal of North Carolina , 1G oz. .
lo ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 in. , , I3o ; Seal of
s'orth Carolitda , 4o18 ; Hual of North Corona
na , 2 oz , , 50c ; O. K , Durham , 4 oz , , 28c :
O. K , Durham , 2 oz , : 30c ; Uncle Nod , J'n
5c ; Tom nnd Jerry , 23c ,
We quote lumber , iath
t Ornahn at tlio following prlooni
TIMBERS 10 feet and nnder , 20 ( X ) .
TlMHKU AND JOIBT ) It , VH 0) | 21 ft ,
FIIJOINQ No , 1 , 4 and 6 la , , 21 00 ; No. 2.
2000 ,
Buccnna No , l(2d ( common iK&rd ) ,20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
STOCK BOARDS A , 46 00 ; 1J.40 . 00 ; 0 , 35 00.
FLOODING No , 1 , 40 00 ; No , 2. 85 00 ; No ,
, 2500
SIDING , cloar-27 00 ; No , 21 25 00) ) No , 8 ,
000 ,
Q-J , S7008 } , 25
0 Smsmss , ( W ) ; UmUrJ , 3 W.
LATH 8 25 per M ,
Lt K Per barrel , 1 2,1 ; bulk par bn hM , S5c |
oomont , bbl , 2 2 ) Iowa planter , bbl , 2 fiO ; Imlr
par bu. We ) Totted lelt , 100 fti , 8 COt tr w
UOAfil 8 if.
lloivy Jlftrilvvnro Iilst.
Iron , rate , 2 30 ; plow steel special cv < t. Gc ;
crucible , 7c ; niH-clnl or liflrni'Mi ' , 5c ; east tuo ;
do , Ifa'jO ; wniron spokox , vt , 2 2.'a3 00 ; hulw
IKT not , I 2.1 ; fullow , wwisl dry , 1 10 ; tongue * ,
rach , 70a8.'c ; nxlos , cadi , TV ; muiro nuts
7nl1o ; washers , per Id , < il8r : rivrls , porlli ,
tie : coil chain' per u > , inl'Jc : mallc-iblo , So
iron wedges , Gc : crow bar , f < e : hnrrow Uvth
Ic ; spring stool , 7 8c : llurdrn's horseshoes
1 40 : Hurdcn'R imtleshoc ' > 70.
BAHIIKI ) WIHK In car lnt , 1 (0 i > or 100.
NAlt-S-lJatos , 10 to Gl ( , 2 3D.
SHOT -Shot , 1 85 : buck shot , 2 10 : oriental
powili-r , kegs , G 10 : do , lidf kegs , 3 IS ; do ,
quarter kccs , 1 SSs blasting , kegs , 3 33 : fuin ,
per 100 foot , 50c.
liKAIBnr 1 G , " .'rland blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor
ris run Bloxolmrg , 10 00 Wliltohront lump ,
5 00 : Whltobroast nut , r > 00 Iowa lump , 5 Oi ) .
Iowa nut , 5 00 : lli > ck Spring , 7 Oi ) : Anthra <
cite , 11 25all 53 : Canon City , 7 00 per Ion.
Dry l' ltn
White lend , Sot French tine , 10o | Parts
nhltlug , 24c | whltluK gildpra , l c ; whiting
com'l l o ; lampblack , Gcrtuautown , 14c
lampblack , ordinary,10c ; PniMl&a blue , f > f > o ;
intranmrinu,18o , ; vnndyko , brjwi , 8c ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; nmbor. raw , 4o ; clouno bttrat , 4c
ilonun , rkV , 4o ; Pat In green , goiuiino , 25c ;
Purls noon , oomnion , 20cchromo ; f cn N. Y. ,
JCc ; ohtomo green. K , , l"c. vermillion , Kng , ,
7flc ; Tormllllon , Amerioaii. 18c ; Indian , rod ,
I0c ; rose pink , 14c ; YeuuUiin rod , Oooksou'r ,
Hc > Vonotlnn rod , American , IJc ; rod load ,
7jc j chrome yellow , genuine , 20c : ohromo yol.
w , K , , 12cochro ; rochelle , 3c : ochre. French ,
'ft ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's tuluornl ,
'jc ; lohlgh brown , 21o | Hpmlsh brown , 2io ]
rlnco's mlnornl , 80 ,
VARNIBHSS Barrels. pt < gslloni Furnl
tare , extra , VI 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , 81 ; conch ,
utrn , 91 40 ; ooaoh , No. 1 , 51 20 ; Dmmu
iitrn , $1 75.Tnpnu ; , 70oait : < htUum , extra , 85o |
shollao , S3 50 : hard oil tinloh HI 50,1
FLOUH Colorado , 100 Ibs , fl 5501 G. ; pat
ent , 100 Iba. , 1 S10@225 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75
@ 3 75 ; Minnesota , 100 Ibs , 3 90 ; grnhnm , 100
bs , 1 85@2 00 ; rye , 100 Ibs. , 2 35 < i)2 ! ) 50 ; buckwheat -
wheat , 100 Ibs , 7 50@7 75.
GRAIN , KKKD , KTO Wheat , 100 Ibs , 80@90c ;
corn , In Rack ? on trnck , 100 Hn , 1 251 V7 |
onU , in sacks on trnck , UN ) Iba. eastern white ,
I 13fcll Ifi ; Colorado white , 1 14@1 15 ; mixed ,
1 10@l 12 ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 0@1 40 ; brnn ,
ton , on track , 13 51(314 ( 50 ; chop , corn , IOC
bs , on track , 1 27@1 J ! > ; chop. niKod , 100 Ibs ,
in trnck , 1 30@135 ; corn moai , 100 Iba. 1 G5
(3175. (
HAT Baled , upland , ton , 13 00@15 00 ;
iplaud , loose , ton , 13 00 ® Hi 00 ; second hot-
on ! , baled , 10 liO@ll 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton ,
0 00@11 00 ; clover , baled , ton , 14 00 ; clover ,
ooso , ton , 13 00@15 00 ; straw , baled , on trnck ,
on , G 00@9 00.
BUTTER Creamery , fancy , Ib. 3G@10 ;
renmory , fine , lb10@40 ; croimory , fair , lh ,
2'823 ; dnlrv. choice , Ib , 22@2I ; dairy , good ,
b. 18@20 ; dairy , lair , Ib , 15@1G ; cookimr , Ib ,
© 11.
Eona Stnto , candled nnd warranted , dor ,
52G ; ranch , doz , L'3@,0.
OHKKSK Full crunm , ll ( < 915o : half c'oam ,
bill(5)13c ( ) ; Mm , Ib , 9@13c ; Swics , domustlc ,
b , 20@22c ; Swiss , Imported , 31@32c ; Llm-
UurKOr , 14@18c.
POULTRY Live old chickens , doz , 1 75@5 25 ;
ive springs , doz , 3 05C54 ( X ) ; live ducks , doz ,
500@525 ; live turkeyc , Ib. , 15@17c.
POTATOES- Colorado , 100 Ibs , 93 © 1 00 ;
woet , rerlb. , 3i@8ic.
VKOBTADLM Ontona , yellow , 100 Ibs ,
1 25@1 50 : cabbniro , 100 Ibs , 90@1 10 ; boots.
100 Ibs , 1 20@1 30 ; turnips. 100 Ibs , 1 00 ®
1 25 ; carrots , 100 lbs.1 2 5@1 50.
GHKKN VKQETAULKS TouintocB , per Ib , i ®
c ; rncumborg , doS'ulO ; gruon corn , do/ ,
020 ; string beans , gal , 20@2 ; nolery , doz
> 0o)75 ( ) ; onions , doz bnnclius , 1822 ; parsley ,
10@12 ; carrots , 12@15 ; lettuce , 15@20 ; egg
) lant , do50@1 00.
FBUITS Iiomons. i > or case , Messina , G 50@
1 00 ; oranges , Rodi , case , COJ8 50 ; oranpeH ,
Louisiana , bbl , 12 00@12 0 ; apples , fan
cy , bbl , 3 754 25 ; npplo" , medium , bbl ,
J2o@3 0 ; npplea.Bollullower , bo\-,100@l 50 ;
) cars , box , 325@S EO ; poaches , box , a 25@
! 50 : California Krnpos , box , Molvoisp , Peru ,
Muscat , 1 752 00 ; bananas , baucli,3 00@5l < 0 ;
luiucus , box , 2 50@2 75 ; crnnborrios , bbl , B &
13 , 1B50.B & C , 13 5)14 ) 00.
CUIIKIJ MEATS Hams , niigar cured , Ib , 15 ;
inms , BWtot pickled , Ib , 14J ; nncou. brenh-
ast , Ib , lit ; dry salt sides , Ib , 11 J ; dried
) oef , Ib , 1G ; lard in pails , 10@10J ; lard In
iorcos , fliffi'J .
FllKSH MKAT3 Dressed beef Colorado , jier
h. "llgGJc ; cnoico veal , Ib , ] t13 ; hogs , Ib ,
8@8J ; mutton , 11) , r.@B ; lamb. Ib , 10@1'4.
Ijiv * SIOOK Colorado steers , per 100 Ibs ,
T 1003 75 ; cows , 100 Ib. 8 00d3 ( 50 ; choice
ual calves , Ib , 78c ; flioop , 2 00@2 50.
Hldos. Dry Flint No. 1 , porlb , I0i@12o :
No. 2 , Ib , 8@10 ; green tteen and branded
alf. Ib. 4lfaU-J ; green calf , Ib , G ; gMon kip
b , G ; slionp slilup , dry. 78 : deer skins , Bum-
nfr , Ib , 1G@1R ; doer skins , winter , d ) , 12@1G ;
nntalopo skins' Ib , 12 19 ; tallow. Ib , 4@5.
Wool , Colorailo No. 1 , per Ib , 1414i ;
> uck , Ib , 8 ; Mexican , 8.
FISH Mackerel , No.l , 1 50 , kit. mesn ,
75 ( 2 25 ; Oalifouila salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ;
lollund liorriw , key , 1 COffil 75 ; trout , per
\\7HKUKAC ! , a Joint rc u.ton ! ! ttasmloiitod by the
V > Ujjlshtnro o ( the Htato of Nebraska , nt the
liilhtcoi th Sesi'ion thereof , ami ojijirovcd 1'oljrnary
7t'i ' , A , 1 > . 188ll > rope iiiK an Ainiiiiuinoiit to Hictlon
'ourdjof Anlclo rllircoi : ) of the Constitution of
ild Utulo , anil that Hail auction nu amended ahull
cad an follows , t" uif
"Soctlon 4 The terms of olllce of mcmhcra of the
AiKlal&tuio Bhall liatwo jenru. nnd Him ihall each
cccivu analarj of throe liuiidrod ilcllotH for thulr
crvla udiirini ; Kalil term , and Uncuntn fnr oM.ry
nllo they Blmll trnvul in KOIIK | ta ami retiinilnt , ' from
ho | il co of iiicctliiK "I thn Lol8'Atiire | , on the mint
isiial riu'o. ' I'lioMiifii llortKM'K , I lint nclthir IIRIII.
icrHdf tha LeilHlitiiro nor i > miiioyrH xhall rtcolvu
nvpay or piriuIsitfB | other than Ilic'l : Hiilory and
illeao. | l.acli bCHalon , otcopt Hicclal | BCHslons , nhall
m not ILHS than ilxtyilii } Alter the cxplratlimuf
irlj inj ) of thopcHsluu nolihlH nur Joint rmolutloim
f the nature of hlllt bhall liointrouuoi'd , union the
ioitrnnr Bliall. lij epudal mc ao | , call the attun-
Ion of lliu Lcirinlaturo to the nocesilty of puBlnK fl
law nn tlioniihjutirmtcruiil > raieil In thomixHa c ,
rid the Introduction of bill * uhall bu reutrlttuil
licrtto. "
'Iho lidllotsnttliodoctlon tt uhlcli Raid AIIKIII ! .
ncnt shall bo siibmlttej ehall bo In the fullowliij , '
orm , "rariroiui | | > iil Amendinuit to tha ( tomtitu
ion rtlatliiK ID l , < ulilillvo Dcpaititiiiit " "AKaln B
iroirnol | AinoniJinout to the Constitution ii-latln
0 LKl l > tl\o Keiiaitiiitlit. "
WIIKHKAH , aj.ln resolution wan aitopiod by the
-trflnlaturu of the < -tatu of Nebraska at tlio Klk'h-
iinthBoshlon thoruof , und apprincil Fobruury 28th ,
. I ) 18Htl > ro < i/Blni ; an Amendmtint t Kcctlon "mi
) of Artlclo The (0 ( of tlio Corstltullon of uald
itato. and t'.mt said uoctlon tut amended uhall road an
u'UmiB , in.H If
'Stttlon 1. Iho Kxccullvo Department iiliall con
it "I n Umurnor , Lltiitunint Oinormir , Secretary
[ htiito , Auditor of I'uHIo AtwiintK , ' 1'rcanuror ,
nliciliitciidentnf 1'iiUlo IriitruLtion , Attornuj Men- , CoininUslontr nf Tub lo landxaui' llulMliiKH ,
nlllmrd of i < ullua ) Commlniiloncri" I'l ollliLr
anicil In thliiBuclli nnhal tach hrlil hlnullho li/r
Inturiu of wo jinra ( nun tto llrtt TlturMlat afttr
10 IIrut TnoiiUy In Jai nary next ultir bU c.ltrll n
nd until hln micLCHDor la clcctcil and iiualltlcd , I'ltn-
iiipii iinuKArii , ttatthu llrnl ( .lection uf said olliiclu
.all bo held on the llrnt Tuoilaj tiiceeruiii'the | llrnr
omlay In Nincinlior of Ifc f ) , nml tach BUCLfcdlnt ;
octloiiHhill be li'ld at the naino rulutlvo tlmo In
athuM'ii jcar thereaftiir. All other olllccrrt that
my bo provided for h > Uw , iniilor the | ir ivli' > DH of
ilx section , ulmll bo c ho.uu In HIK.II nianrii.r and at
ucli tliiiCH , nnd fhall hold their olllctu for nncli Icnijtn
' Jtlmo ai'imij bnprutldcd bylaw , amlithall per
Qimmith dutkiianilriMclto uncli compcnijitloii an
nay bo protiijud for bj hw 'Iho Ujtcrnor , Huro-
ary of Htute , Auditor of Pnhllo AccountH , 'I'ruaaiircr ,
y'ommliuiioiicr of Pnhllo I.indaand HulMlm , ' " , and At
torney ( Jeneral , shall rmldo at the cat of Kovvrninent
urlng thtlr tonnsof olllcoami kwn the public ro
.orila , boolmand pa pirn there , and the ollk.C'ru htrtln
lamoil chill perform auUi duties as may lu rcijulrud
iy law , "
'Iho ballotaatthu election Lt wMch mid Amend
loi.t ( hall ho submitted ihall ho In In trio following
orm : "Kor jiroposoil Amondmi-iit to Section Ono
) ol Article rlvo (6) ( ) of the Constitution , cntitldl ,
CiocutivcDepartment. ' " "AKatnitp opruvdAiiund
mont to Koctlon Oiiu (1) ( ) of Artlclo Five (5) ( ) of the Con
Hullon , entitle ! , 'i ; n-utlvo Department.1"
Therefore , I JamonV llauui , Uonrnor cf the
tate of Nobranka , do bvrobj nlvo imtlio.lii utcor
anco HlthHcctlon One ( I ) Artlolu KllUen (16) ( ) of the
'oiiHtltutlon , and the | rjtlnlonnof an nit tntltUct
An Ait ( o pr 'Vide Iho manner n > propinlnsi Amend
lontntntho C'cinstltutlon and bill mutiny Iho B.UIIH
1 tliu Hector iittlilu btatu"ap | > roteil Kchruart 13th
1) 'b77 , tlutx'Uil prnpo-od Amu nlineu a Hilt he
ubmltteii tu the ititllllod | vcternof thlj H to for
ailllcatinn nr rejection t thu Oeneral Election to be
eld on the 4th day of November , A , D 1HHI.
, , In witness win roof , 1 have licrtiintn fet
KB A I , V inyhauil ami caused t'l bu mllio < l thu
' 11 real Henl of Iho Htatunt Nebraska
Dnnoat Mnojln tliU 1-th day uf JillA , I ) . Hit ,
10 KlKhteenthcarof thf h'u'v , and of thu link-
lendenui if the Unlti/J htatu , thu Due lluudrtd am,1
I ! ) the Governor JAHKHV DAWKS ,
Aum : KU ARU I' I'.OUUEV ,
tD mo 3m 1-cw bvcrotary ot lit to
Bail-wav Time Tablo.
; 0ct. l t , IRS I.
The MtonllAn of ( no Iruolllnj public l < oftlloil to
the N't ( hut thl l tlir > nl\ ii | > l > nd rtlnolutclj
corroi t time t it l < > | iul > ll hcil In the riM ,
All trnltn arriin nt and ilcpart from Omnlil l > 3
CcntrM stinihnl Tinio
J Mini 11 the r M P. M. &O rirrUo nt vi < lo
pnr from thrlr depot , porncr of 14ih niul NMntrr
ulreits ; tr\lim o , tlio II A M. , 0. 11 & ' ) , anil K I
SI ,1. A C. II. from tin It. & SI , depot ; nil other * from
thn ITnlonruincdtpot.
RI IHihjli , iniiipt SutimUjj c , oxwpt Sundnj , tl ,
OKOfpt M.M1 < 11\ .
A. M. Union Pnclflc I A. M r. v.
Stf ) > Uicrland
Colorado Pxmow. 400a
O. & Rop. Vnllow.
Mall nim l.xpnw
O. A. M. In Nob.
7 tC 1111 Mill Kjire .
0 Ha Kxprm. . 10 COfl
Mlsoourl Pacific
10 J , ' . ' . IMKxprv . 060J
s'sSa Nljm Kxiirm. 0
C. B.St. J.A.K.C.
8 45ft 7 1M > Ma riittmnmitn l ! Xod 7 M
(1 { .Mi . .Vln I'ounrll llltilTv 7. SOU 7 8i
Wnbnsh Routo.
CluciKoKxpri" ! ' * . . . . 11 son
1 UOa . .Sit , LiHllrt Kxprmti . . . 8 60 *
C. M. A St Pnul
8 15o 1)1) 7 350
4 2M > Nlu't.t Kxp
C. R.lIc. . Pacific-
S Ite Day i\pro : * * .
4 SMi .N'ICht Kxprow
0 40(3 ( . . . Arcoininoititlflii . . .
C , & . N W-
S 150 . . . .HiV KxprtM .
. Miiht Kiprift . 9 4M
C B A. Q.
8 46ft 4 50n For C ) IIC KO \ In I'lutom'tli 8 400 7 R0
8 16 * 4 SSa rorChlrairoxUU. U t 7 S5
C St. P. M & . O.
Oc Sioux City fr 300
600 Oakland Atvotmnnilntlnn 10 BOi
lown Dlv. S C.&P
0 40n 8t IWil II iv KxpiuMi ) . 7 S5a
OWn St. 1'Mll Nlht | Kxpuwi
The R n in nml tii \ in dummy trains M o nriho nt
ftt the transfer In tlmo to make oaatoru connections ,
tint not to check IIB AHO
Dummy Trains tomoOnmlmnt 040.H 00 ,
0 00 , ID DO , It 15 ft Hi , 1 09 , 2 00 , 3 W , 4 00 , [ , 00 , fl 00 ,
1036 pin OiiSuml > atlio 800nml 1000n m AIM )
700 nml 4 00 p m trnliuu'n not run. Arrive nt trans
fer ili < pot IS mliuitiH later : llroailway depot 20 lain ,
UICH Utcr.
Ica\a Council muff * ( Hrondwuy depot ) t 7 20 , R30
0 30 , 10 SO , 11 40 ft i ; I 30 , 2 30 , 3 SO. 4 30 , Mil ) , 0 36
nml 11 06 p in. On binidajs trio 8 80 niul 10,10 n in
m ! 3 SO nml fiSOp m trains will not runArrltunt
Transfer 7 nilnutoi htf r , Omaha 20 minutes later.
TrnnsforTrnlns i nioOnmiiB t8 ID , 86J
10 05 n in , 41:6,0 : 10 nml 0 56 p in , dally.
Arrh o nt 9 46 anil U 16 a m , lit 26 , 7 35 and 8 16 p
To and from Chicago \ la tlio Trlpnrtllo Alllanoo Line ? .
I Mil. I H-l. I N-W I N W | K-l | Mil
Septcmbor. I 21 I 7-28 14 D VU 13
October . .I 12 10 fi-'JO I 11 41'flHi If
No\cmlor. , | 2-23 I 0-3J 10 1 1-23 Hi 8-20
December . I 14 I 21 7-2.1 D IS 0-27 20
Sunday evening ami Monday morning jalnanrrlv
n corresponding order. 0. II. & IJ. trains run u/
Dr. Youngs Electric LJeHs. '
ton TUB
li , 10-it OK MAN
11001) , UKAKNKHti O
II 11 It \ A N N
MIUllll'lll. III11 0 K
BiilTorcrii hi v they m V ho cured , and re-oin r
llca'lh , HtrciiKth ami Manly Vltfor , WITHOUT TIIK
AllOK MKinelVK , will bo sent ( rcoby pojt on rocclpt
of etampe'd Mixjlono. Aildri'HH ,
ilt It. VOUNO , 415 Cana Htroot , Now York.
oct-20 m 1m
Thouiool tlio form" Hno
Line" In connection with tb
corporate imnio of a Kroatroad
conveja an Idea of uet whit
required by the traveling nub
llcHhort Line O-ikk Tlm
and the best : ! w : ) ioU
tlonu Ml of vhlch are fnm
bed by the roatcet railway In America.
And St. Paul.
It owns end operates over 4,500 mllea of
orthom Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa
akota ; ami oa ta main lines , branches and oonnee
one roach all the creat bunlnoBS centres of thi
Northwest and FarWoat , It naturally answers ( hi
description of Short Line , and Host Ilouto Iwlwcen
Chloago , Milwaukee , St. I'nul and Mlnnoapollt
ChlcaRO.Mllwaukeo , IA C'roiwo and Wlnon .
o , Mllwaukoo , Aberdeen anil Kllonclalo
O , Milwaukee , Kau ( Jlnlro and Stlllwatel1
tfo , Milwaukee , Wnusau and Merrill ,
coi Milwaukee , Heaver Dam and Oshkosh.
Chlcniro , Milupukee , Wauknsha and Ooonomowoo.
Ohlcot-o , MIlHaukoc , Madison nml I'mlrlodii Ch ! n
OhlcBKO , Mllwaukeo , Owatonim and Falrlbault.
Chicago , Hololt JancxvlUo and Mineral Point.
O , Klglii , Kockford and Uiilmquo.
O , Clinton , Hock lulnnd and Coilar lUpldi.
Ko , Council Muffs and Omaha ,
o , Slou City , Sioux Kails nnd Tankjon
o , Mllvtaukeo , Mltilioll ami Chambtrlaln.
Hook lolund , liibUU | , lit. Paul and Mlnnoapolli.
Uavenpoit "almar , ilt. Puul nnd Mlnnoapolta
Pullman 8 copem and tlio rincut Dlnlnif Cars lu
Jiou rid aroriin on tlio i.iiln line i of tluiC'IIIUAOO
attention Is paid to pauuenKurs by courteous omployei
of the Com | any ,
& , B MKKHIMi , Ocn'l Hanacur.
A , V If. OAUPKNTKn. Oou' Pass. Agl
CLAItK , Qen'l H.ipt.
( JKO IIKII KKOItl ) . Asa't ( lon'l. P * Act.
M Paul
Chicago , , ,
Iho new extension of this line from Wtkofleld up
through Oonoord and Colorize
Uachea the best portion of the State , Special ui
ourslon rates for laml lookora over tills line t
Wajno , Norfolk and HartluKton , and via L'lftlr to a
principal points on the
Trains over tht 0. , St , P. M. * 0. Ilallwav to Coy
nttton , Bloui City , I'onca , Martinson , Wayne auJ
Norfolk ,
01 Framout , Oakila.i , Nollifh , and through lo Val-
{ entluo ,
tarFnriateinllln audformatlon call nn
BTTMUer , Scenp ,
Meattire , Weigher ,
lrcdcr ; , Rice
Washer , 'J o ma to ,
I'uinpkin , H larch.
Win * nd Krmt
Strainer. ' 1 welv
mliclcs m one.
The Orts'.ot Csabl <
citha EtcTa.
Mor loll thin fttl
Dtlirrhlevet ( nil blftfrl
comMneclt lrverylxty
llVollieml W > inafci
lug a blllirf tnd Mlieri
fur hind nt | > owcf.
Wflte foi ciutogue.
Co , Clnclnntll , O. , + <
C > ISt.I'ewVeik.
Aftntl w nteil forcer
Kllclicn 8 | > c < l > lli > l
For llidi's , Wool , Pelts , Etc , nnd consignments mndo to us will receive [ prompt
attention , for nhich immediate returns will bo made.
13th Street , Bet. Doc/qe and Capitol Ave , OMAHA , NEB.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
It is ( ho bent nnd cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound is cqml to
tliroo pou ds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Onko In the Fall and Winter
instead of rnniiing down , will increase in weight nnd bo in good mnrkotablo condl
lion in the spring Dnirymon , ns well s othora , who UBO it , can testify to its mor
Ita. Try it nnd judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton. No chnrgo for Backs
Hall's ; Safe
W W 4 ui uiX JUJ&iJaSWfrAiffiasKiy tOrnM
n.B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood A Draper , Chicago , Manager of the
Tea , Cigar nnd Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of
the aboxo ; nlao Pipes and Smokora' carried in stock. Prices
nnd Biuiuiloa furnisliod on application. Open orders
intrusted to us shall rccoivo our careful
attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Milwaukee , Wis.
GrtTM'HER ' & 00 , , Sole Bottlers ,
. F.
lliOl AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TU ,
Double and Single Acimg Power ana Hand
Jlnyiuo Tnmnilngo , Mining Mnohlnory , Belting , Uo o , Brate nirt Jron
at wholesale nud. retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUIK.D
Corner 10th Parnam St. . Omaha
. Jb ,
Importer , Jobber and M > nnr.icturer' * Agent of
L/VMPS , 'ETC- '
Street , 13ot. Farnam and Iliiniey.
, 'lho I'.loctrlii Lamp
( , . - | Candlol'ouer
ro Gth end Dcughs atrooU OMAHANBB