Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1884, Image 1

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How Congressman Laird , tiio Paired-
off Legislator
Did Not "Soalp" Rosewater and
Stickal ,
Pusher ! to the Wall in Pair De
bate ,
Amid the Spectators' ' Derisive
Demonstrations !
He Assails His Conquerors With
Puerile Malignity.
Answer ti > the Tijliif
in the Oinutia Kcinilillcan and
JjlES XAlIiBl ) .
1 IASTIKOH , Neb. , Octobar 28. Tha scalps o
the Kosewnter and Stickle crowd dangle a
tlio belt of congressman Laird this morning
Stickle' . ! friends refused at first to n joint debate
bate with Lwrd at Kdgar last night , but whet
told of Iho probublo efftcr , reluctantly consent
id , but telegraphad for Itosowator , who np
peared. The rink was packed with democrat
and BOioheads from all ths ndjoiniug jirccinet
nn i towns. Kosewatcr and Stickle demandei
two hours to halrd's one , Laird being the onlj
speaker on the republican bide. Tho.object o
Itosewater was to break up the joint debate
and then declare that Laird refined etc. Rose
water got terribly punished. Ho was do
notmcod as the Judas Iscarlot of the republican
can party , and was berne down with his He
an 1 tortured beyond description , llosewate
injured Stickle by declaring that Stickle win i
republican. The democrats are disgusted am
the republicans made solid for Dawes and th
whole ticket. Laird is working like n boave
and was elm rod to the echo.
KAIHHONT , Neb. , October 21. Stickle
Itoiewater and a school-boy from York held .1
meeting here to-night The opera house wa
fillfd with republican ? , all for Laird and n
few democrats. The speaking created no en
thusiasm till Hoaewater made an assault upoi
upon J. W. Eller for supporting Laird. When
Kller , being called for , took the platform
Stickle , llisawater and tha Bcbool-boy grow
aick aud tbo audience cheered. When two u
three Urlies with restless children left the ha !
they pretended that tha meeting was closed
ami took their hats and silobtlv stole away
The proceeding made votes for Laird.
The above dispatches appeared iu the Oma
ha Republican and Lincoln Journal o
Wednesday morning. Although Mr. Rose
water is in Lincoln , where ho spok
last night , we have learned from an
other source "tha facts in tbo case , '
showing that these duoatchc ) are a tissue
of bragndoem falsehood from beginning to
end In thu lirxt place , as to the juint dobat
nt KJgar , Mr. Stickel was billed to speak n
the rink on Monday evening. Tha friends o
Laird posted Laird for the sama hour am
plnce , and then notified tha nuti-monopolj
committee that they had a challenge to
Stickel or any other nun. The committti
telegraphed to Mr. Roaewater at Om ha , 10
questing him to send Senator Van Wye ! : to
lldgar. Mr. Van Wjck was in .letTersoi
c-ouuty at the time and could not come. Mr
RoseH.ater thereupon clotarmined to go htm
naif , lie arrived acKlgar in the evening aftei
Luird was ou the ground. Mr. Lilrd wag
\erymnch rattled from thost rt. T ho t\vi
comnntttcs nrrangod the following program
ma : Stickol to speak ono hour , L.iitd thirty
minuteRjte Mter forty-fivo minuter , Laird
fet ty-livo minutes , and Rosbwater to close in
fifteen m nute . This took up the time from
S o'clock ta 11:15 p. m. The nuk wat packed
with 1 OtO or l.liOJ ptoplo , among whom weio
n large mimbar of ladies , who icmaiaed until
the end. .
Mr Stickel iu bis address directed himself
to general issue. ) , his position in this cam
paign , his nomination as an nnli-mouopoli-t ,
-und conclii'ltd with an appeal for support. Ho
hcarcely rcfcned to Land bayond inciJentally
HSating that ho was a , eorpoi.ition nttoruey ,
aud the pi-opio of tha district being mostly
farmers tlmuld Bend a farmer to cjngress
Htea'l of n cm por.ition lawyer.
Mr. Laird followed with nn abiihixotalk
-vboiit Stickel und Rosowutor , after which ho
udiculed fusion tnd denounced all statements
about his record as bate fabrications.
Air. Rjcewntcr now toolr. the floor , an 1
picking ui ouo of the supplements issued by
Laiid iu his own vindication and spread
broadcast by tha thousand' , ho proceeded to
analyze the document. This supplement is
directed at the UKK , nud is called iv "pulvur-
xer. " Mr. l.'osewater lead various extracts
from it , in which I nird claimed to have been
uiUrunreiiPiicod. Mr. Rosewater hhowcd
thtsj stitjinutita to be falsa and fra dnlent
in o\try particular. Ho convicted Liird
on bis btalomcnts and compelled him to ad
mit that there wera errors in this bupplement.
Ho next proved Mr. Liird to bo it monopo
list from bis udmUMon that ho paired with
Regan on nil propositions to forfeit laud
.grants , and all hurbnr and river bill ? . Then
.Laird pretended that puirs in the house ivcnt
only on political Jsuo , and Roitowater there
upon showed him to bo nn nnposter on that
point , became if it were true , nil his p
tenttea _ for absence \vere false as to Regan
Laird , who u 1 torn to p'cces , followed
with n veiy venomoin snaech. He wns so
completely ubod up that in Ins lonly of forty-
.ilvo minutCH ho indulgdd in baldly anything
but perboual abnte and villilicAtiou. Hu
.called Ruscwuter a .Jud-.n Iscariot and n trai
tor to the repubbcin party. Incidentally , ho
) < r duoed n bill \\hlch ho claimed to Imvo in
troduced ciuly in the session to forleit the
Uriiuii 1'acific land grnnt.
Jt BOWnter , iu his clohing speech , remarked
thst the .Indus IscariotH were tlioso who had
sold out the party 11 tha c rp iratloim in this
Btato for halaiRM nnd othrr p y , and that thu
men who ivoro b Idly lighting this class of
tiaitors had the morn ! courage to Bland up uud
iftttrt thur , 1 < M nccordiiig to their con-
HcienUoiH bt&tf. Ho picked up tlio b.lf which
Laird lad thwi'hed bhowed thut It was No.
/ ! , ( ! . ; ) , , rd had been introuuc'd in thu month
of Muy wli n i ingrf i was about toadjoutn.
There h.ul previ .utly been introiliiced U SJjjS
bills and this U'll had no show wluiovcr of
becoming u Invat.d Laird know it. Ttio
contents of ihe hill word ouch tliat e\ety In-
tillin [ AIK ; nivould umsjdo that it couiiinnt
accoiuplit-li tha objtct fur winch It
purpaitod tt > U ) drawn , bccauxe
the i uii.'i'uio court had idioniJy
decided that the UnWn 1'aclliu lands under
mortgage cou'Jd not bo f i felted , out tint ( Jie
c"tniany ) could bo compelled to tnko ou
patents by piylng for the ourx fys Su-h bill
were already jwmlirjg. nnd if Laird'
bill had passed it would ba\e beei
a rlend letter. Ko'cwaler showei
Laird up In a very mieuvinb'o licht
particularly when he aiil tint Laird lint
stRted in another place to n nmtv of Sw iln
that if he was not elected they would eacl
have to pay from $ JOO to § 1 lOi ) direct taxo
on account of tbo nbilition of the tnrilf , H
evcoiiated thn Stinking Water pro-emptor nui
proed thftt 1 .aird's to cillod vindication wn
gotten up by his confcdernt s In fraud nnd hi
political creatures In tlu McCook Und ellico
When llosowater ciiiclidnd , l.alnl was PI
mad and used np that lu indulged in the call
ing of names nnd swore a blue ttroak all th
way to his hotel. The people ndmitted tha
ho had been completely laid up.
Now , as to the 1'airinont mooting , wliicl
Inu been equally iiu'represcnted in the Re
publican and Journal , The oper
lioiuo was ctowdcd , all Btaiidiug roon
being taken , Stickol spoke fifty inin
nutes. Ho was foil ) A ail by .liuhjj
Hednick , editor of the York Times , when
they call a boy , who fcpoko for thirty minutes
Rosewater nn\t spoke , occupying nn hour am
n quarter. The impressible Kller wns thei
called for. Ho began n long hnrongue , whicl
giadually diovo everybody cut of the hall.
A TIllllt'TK 1'ItOM Till : MINISTKIi
NKYOIIK , October i9. ! A number of Xow
York cloigymen of various denominations thi
morning adopted ro3olutioii3 ttronsly eudors
ing the republican nominees and declaring
they believed In their personal purity and do
nouucing the democratic candidates. Rev
Dr. Burchard , presented tbo resolutions to
lilaino iu bohnlf of thu deputation. Tin
Utter responded thanking the cUrgymcn fo
the great compliment which ha know to bo ex
tended him as a representative of the lepubli
can i ally , who : o creed nnd piacticoj nro it
harmony with tbo ciurchp ! . Ho dolled nny
man to point out it single measure of thn
party which could not chr.llungo the approba
lion of the Christian ministers nnd the npprovn
of God. Mr. liinluo further Raid , "You cat :
no moio separate n party from its lustoi ;
than yon cau a man from his character
What I mean by saying that tariff is the con
elusive isttuo is that it stops to the forefront
not in exclusion of n thousand other importan
iisucs but fur this uitical occasion , and nt tin
close of this great camp dgn it stands forth n
that Issue which represents bread to tlu
hungry , clotning to the naked , prosperity
to the entire peoplo. Therefore I lepeat
that tha great conflict of ' 81 ends
with the people of the United Stairs standing
face to f.vco in two parties , saying whether the ;
will adhere to that policy of protection whicl
has trebled tbo wealth of the United State'
in twenty years , or whether they will nbandoi
it nud return once more to the failing theorj
of free trade. ( Never , never ) It involves otho
issues too. No nation can grow so powovfu
ns the United Stales has grown nnd H grow
ing without continually enlarging its iclation
with other nations. As these relations become
como so onlurgtd they bccomo compli ntei
and therefore ttio foreign policy of the Unitai
States goes right nlong with its douiesti
policy , suuploment and courplemeut , wo can
not in any aifair our destiny and our pohcj
sepcrata the ouo from the other.
Special Telcginm to Tllit Br.K.
Al.vswoitTU , Neb. , Octobir 23. Hon. Wm
Neville , candidate for congress in this district
has 1 een hero hick and in my care for the p
tendajs , und not able to transact nny busi
ness or ovou read the jjaoers. lie is uo
rapidly le : oveiiiig , and will bo all light ngui
in a tow dcyp. Mr. Neville wnhes ma to B.IJ
that the slanderous charges against him in th
Omaha Republican ttditoiial of October 28 un
nb'O.utely false in every pnrticnlar. Win o .
hi\o always been a republican , 1 feel tom
palled to ilononnca this method of preferring
charges against a man who is cnnl'mid to hu
room and HO far away from home that ho conic
not have time befoi o election to send aud pro
cure proof of the fulsity < .f the charges.
M. U.
Special to tha Siou C.ty Journal.
ItACiiMiroN , XKH. , October 28. Ono of
tha parties connected with Ire lynching of th
Swiss who .shot Deputy Sheriff I'hillipa when
attempting his arrest on Monday list , has
uado u confession , exposing all v.'lio took'
n the hanging. It is rumored tint the names
of fifteen uf the participants have been ob-
. amed , nnd that the diattict attorney is dk"ly
: o take action against them , 1'hillips is .
thouht t ) 1)0 out ol : danger , and highly Jon-
deuins the banging , enyiug that the man was
> artly justifiable in sliooting under the cir-
mu.htnucas. The Swiss wns very roughly
mtidled , and wns nearly dead from idmso be-
ore being hung. Considernblo excitamoct
irovaiU ,
Vlla litf tli < - Ijef-
MADISON , Wis. October 2 ! ) . Col. W. V.
Vilas wan numiiuted by the democrats for the
ThuloiillrK Agrtrulturil nnd Ii\oStock journal of
ho ucht20 | > a L's HJ enlu uns , nit ami btitcheil ,
i axl ? lie form , his ft hanihomu illustrated 'coyer ,
nnilhiiB licun ( .HtaMliibed 'fi ' yi arj. 'Iho beet inulli-
its of ucntorn drmliiI'rult l/roulnu' / , Kto , anil tlio
, iv.-hti > kintcriHtof the KILSA ( jiailni ( and AK > \ -
cultural rci | is of the wvst , Mily ill-cmul mil ic-
io'vl , Noonuuho tlli n timer or plant , or a
act of 'ami ' ; who IPUIIHH liori-o , cmv pit ; or chicken ,
cmaflord to lie uitliout tlu liurol Kubraeka.
The Bssl ; Writers
'ontrllintu to it < "iwos , 'Jin IMitorKls are crisp , ,
uibliixul und tl tTo point , n ij puHlshcl at the
In tliu United tit ito i.
The Homo Circle.
) fartmcnt ) i f Oio Hural Iv' < braka Ii a r.peclal
( laturu wbii-h nluajn mates it a wikumo iliitor at
hcl-Viillly I'lrc'tfldu.
Agents "Wanted.
Co-1-in'n.i.jn than any o'hcr pulill'lirrs In nnifricu ,
nd Kl\e liookn , I'riAut Knives , \\atrJit-F , htc , J tut
oU.ju and ( iltli v. tin ta t , ljicn/'tiai.d / fcr u. '
HuntratuJ I'runilum i ! cents ,
The Weekly Bee
tH the U UAL NIIIiltAHKA 0110 jear cd".h lor '
i 25 , only Ii cents nKro ihmt the pilni < f th-j I'KB
lone. ) \ciy Hey and i irl wli > louin u * m i-ent-i
or ii'ont' ( ( outfit , ninplo cujthn and llustr-tcd
'rcni u-nMit , wiJI roctive an Uoifaiit tsaortnicut o
loauufiil I htuin Cunli AMfnn
I ti SMITH & CO , , KO , U S lith r.t , Oirnln ,
> < . i. . 0 : : .
Blairs Royal llcccplifln and Eater
foment in New York Gily ,
The Clergy's ' Addrass of Honoi
and Esteem ,
The City's ' Business Men's ' Street
Pageantry ,
Tremendous Domonstvation in
Eain and Mud ,
The Magnificent Night Banquet
at Delmonico's ' ,
The Urrat ricsldcntfnl OrnHii''s Itt-
ply to tlio Itimril I'rcsjrtcnt'a
We Iconic A
W YOIIK , October 2t. ! When lllnlnowas
In Chicngo last Satunlay ho receixod1 a letter
from NVilllam Al Kvarts and 'JOO other geutlo
men iu which ho wns united at Loliuonico'ri )
some night this week. Tlio loiter requested
him to lix the day when It would bo most
convenient for him to meet his boils. In
answer to the invitation IJlain replind ;
Hon. Win. M. Kv.irts , John Jacob Astor
and others , Now York : "I accept with
much pleasure your kind invitation to iliuo
with you next week , and indicate Wednesday
evening as one ngreeablo to myself , but Mini
gladly leave the assignment of tbo time to
yourselves. "
Such is the origin of the dinner uiven
IMaino this evening , The hour B3t for tin
dinner was 7 o'clock. At that time long \mo \ >
of carriages loft their occupants nt the doers ami
200 gentlemen were engaged in baud shaking
and preparing for the banquet. It wns r"UO :
when lilaiao leached the rooms and .1 feu
minutes later , as ho entered the "ball room , '
when ) rovers were laid , ho was greeted by the
hand clapping of othrs of the company , wlu
had preceded him and stood at their respec
tive places at ttio tables , libiuo wns escoitoil
to the post of honor by Win. M ! . Kvarts am
Cyrus \V. 1'ipld and took his seat as the loon
resounded with
The room wns elaborately decorated. The
tablej wera laden with rare plants , inter
mingled with delicate and artistic articles o
the confectioners' art. A monster bed oC elegant
gant lloword , bearing the initials "J , G. 15. '
in artistically ( lowered letttring icstod on the
table at which ISlaine was boated. A hand
some banner bearing th ? national phield am
representing the Ameiican eagle , holding it
it's beak a green garland , was suspended fron
the wall'tohiiul tlu presiding ollicor , Win , M
mi :
The distinguished guest of the evening
Ulaiue , gat immediat-ly to thn right of the
president. J ovi 1' . Jfortou , United State
minister to Kr.iuga , Bat on the immediate lefi
of Kvurts _ The other guests at the principal
table , and in order of tutting were : On the
i i > > ht Judge Noah Davis , presiding justice o
the supicmo court of New York , who sat HOT
to Jilainoj Kx-Gov. Coinell , of New York
Guv. Hoyt , of 1'eunsylyania ; Cyrus W. Field
and Ch.aa. j ] . Coon , assistant oecrotary of the
treasury. Oa the left : Itev. Henry At Field ,
] ) . i ) ; Kx-Senator ThaC. . 1'Jatt , Uxndgo (
John i < " . Dillon , Wm Dowd , and Addinon
Urown. Among the moro piominont of the
other gentleman forming the company were :
Whitelaw J'eid , Henry Clews , C'ornoli'.s ' N ,
I51if.3 , Jacob I ) . Vormlyo , L M. )5.itos ) , , ) . M.
Humiy Sinclair Tousey , D. A , Jlinkins ,
.lesao Selipman , Bnijtm l\es , Aug. Jvountxa ,
Tim' . C. I'lntt , Claicnco li. Poward , David
Dnwe , jr. , William If. Jfobertson , nnd D , 8 ,
When the guests were coated praej was eaid
byltov. Ur. liuuiy Al. Jfield.
It was ! ) :10 : when ] ' ; x-Secrelnry ] ] \ rln
rapped for order with his gavel and brgan hia
iiadre s. AH ho rose in his place loud npplau-o
greeted him nnd as he closed there were more
cheers. Three chooM for James G. JSIainu
ivoro called forand given with great enthusiasm
md were repeated in respouso to n voice from
iho loner end ' ' "
ahonting : 'Three moro.
When ] ! lame nrosn ho was greeted with a
.vhirhvind of applnn ° o.
Ho said : "It is a preat rovcraul of posi-
ion ? , Mr. President ( .uldrorsiii ; M r. JIvnrls ) ,
.hat males mo hear you ascriba the le. derhip
umo. [ Applauso. ] lAir it lias bjcn my duty
mil my p easuro in tlii'ao long years to follow
fm\ \ [ applause and cli i'rt > J , to leain from j on
.visdum in jiublio nffnlrK , and join with "my
: ountrymen in asciibing to you nut merely the
; reat merit , of leadership in the uohlo-it , of
irofopflioiiH , but tj yield o r admiration
or the HiiiRular Buecesa which has given
o yon the opportunity to lead iu tlueo of
, ho most impjrtaut LI : CH over jileadod by a
nembor of the American bar. [ Applamo ]
Kirstin resisting your own party in wiiat you
agar Jed the impolicy if not thomadnoFsofim-
> eachiug a president , [ Ciien/f / " , 01 d ! good ! "
md cheers ] , second , in maintaining btforo the
roatest Intoniatiomd tribunal that has ever
ifsemblod iu modem time.1" , ths rights ef your
umritiy Mid obtaining iodrN for wroiiRH ID
icr that grew out of the civil war ; [ applaltsoj
md third , perbups n\ertimr nnuthtr civil war
ly pleading bfforo nn electoral commiprion a
loaceful Hottlemont of the imciieHt
lohtical discussion that ever aiosi jjetivooii
wo parties in the Unit d Htutei. [ Applause
mil cheers. ] 1 turn now from jour pr < suleiit to
hank i on , merchants end pr. fussiunul r. eu ,
eaders in the great and complex society of
S'ow York , to thank you for rmjeiving me not
nerely at this festal board , but also in that
nr rnoro imprcrsivu reception which tin clo o
if this rainy day witncmes iu your broad and
mniitif ul nvouuo. I could n it , i am Burn , by
my jio.ssiblo ttrotch of vanity , take this largo
md generous demor.strfltiim t' > mysjlf , it is
liven to mo only for the time
u n repreH'ntativo of the principles which
on and I hold in common , touching tliu-n
; reatmtero ts which imdurbo , in wo biiliovo ,
he prospprlty of the nation , lapplaiHoJ and it
i tittlni ; thnt the mutitipolin of the continent
hould load ; it is httiug that the financial < 'tin-
er of the continent t 'louhl ' lead ; it i tittlntr
hut tli4 great city , Ri'viiul only in tha world ,
hon'dglinexpressi'ii ' ' ) to tha continent of ils
'lews and its judgment on the Impjrtaut
juestlons to be decided on Tuesday ruxt by
tie Amuriovn people , [ chcotvl and , 1 venture
ikt that f ktKivf it no.veil ; n you , but
urn tbo Hpokchuian fur the pr > ent.
Vfciituro In remind you , men of Xow Yoik ,
'Jti ! jour wealth and your ju'.t inllueiico and
your mnguificont pre lgo ! , that soM-nty IIPI
cent of Iho rntit-e- property of tins city hns
been ncqulicd since Anr h m T.lncoln wns in
augnrated on the Ith of March , 1SHI. I
should not mention hero fact of per centogo
and of iUti llcs if It did not cany with it nn
argument nnd n moral. The common appro
hoiiBlon Iniegard to Netfotk is that It I
nlinply a grou commercial city , > gieat that
its experts and imports repiosot t Mi-poly the
major part of nil tlut is exported ( torn er Im
ported into the United State' . Thnt
wo all know. Hut wo MO often prone
to forget that Now York in tin- largest
manufacturing city In the we rid. with perhaps
n single exception , that of six thousind mil.
lions of minufnctures annually produced In
the United States , this grent I'.mpiio SUto
furnishes ono-lilth.or 51,200,000,000 , of which
this gient Kmpito City produces * VlO,000t W ,
and from the o facts comoi thnt great s.vtn-
pithy , that identity of Interest which has
moud the previously existing conthcts bo *
tweon what have boon known as Iho maim
factnrlug and commercial , Inletetts and has
taught us llioro can bo no ttuo prmpprity In
the country , unless the three great ( nteieats
comprehondcd under iigrlcuUme , m.mufnst-
utes and uommereo are nctlng In haimoiiy ,
ono with the other , and join lu tojethtr for
the common end and for the common grod.
ICheois. ]
Tin : nrstxKSB MKN'U I'AH.\I > K.
Notwithstanding the rniu the parade nf
business it on heroin honor of IMaine is pn >
nimnced by its projotors to be all they do-
sirod. Twouty.fivo thousand IB estimated as
the niimVr of men lu line aud the precession
occupied two hours nnd forty minutes passing
the invinwlng stand. Thu line began to
firm nt Howling Green about ! ! o'clock and at
3:30 : tbo procession began its much irp
Hroadway. At the Worth monument the
Htand had been erected and dojpit" the rain
it became filled , Uluinonriivodou tlo stand
nt 8:30 o'clock. In darknoa'1 , rain nnd mud
the marching euitimuxl until G.2J p. m ,
liroadway was lined with people from the
Howling ( ircon to nnd by the end of the
Worth monument , the reviewing ground ,
whllo huio and at other special points on Iho
liuo of march , people were masked in great
foice , and cheered Ihoso In Dm piocesion
moit hoartilv. Hhu'no was most cnthuaiastl-
cally cheered on his way to and from the ro-
\ lowing stand uud while there it seemed ono
continuous roar.
It Is usually thought that change of govern
ment mcous but little , that x\o como together
with our votes on n given day and count them
ns the sun goes down , nud one party goes out
uud nnothqr comes in , lint gcntloinen , it Is
worth while to lomombor that Iho United
States is proceeding to-day upon n given
bifis of public policy. I Anight siy , upon a
ghee s ries of public policies. Woha\o a
great financial system , we Imvo au hnpoitaut
national credit , we havolevviig _ ! of duties , at
has been so wnll described by your distin
guished president of the evening , po adjusted
thnt the industries of the country are fostued
and cucourngod thereby. Wo have
tin eu important constitutional amend
ments Unit , grow out of the war ,
upon which , nt this hour , nud in
hourannd days and weeks nud yours to folloxv
the great issues hcnfp'n this country. Are
we , if wo should bo invited to ftep down nnd
out , and our opponents to stepup and in ,
( laughter ) uio wo to understand that thcso
policies nro to bo reverted ? [ Cues of "Yea ,
yes. " ] Then if wo undoriitand that they nro
to bo reversed , wo phoukl. ono and all piop.iro
for a grand disaster. [ "Hear , hoar , " and
cheers. ] Ifttra Biiu'o ' illustration lot mn re
call to your minds that tha repeal of ten lines
in the national banking aut would restore ID
vitality and vigor the old state bank syttom
from which wo had happjly escaped , as wo
thought , for nil the remainder of our livos.
[ Applause. ] If theno poll io.i arotoLoro-
verssd , you will huva to.tee.ast your iiccjuntB
aud review your lodfjors1 ftud propai j for n
now , and I may say , dameruui ; departure ,
and if these pulicius nro not to
be. reviewed they will constantly bo bolter
maintained by the grout puity which otig- I them und has thui far mistnined them
with vigor nud MICCE H [ Applause ] AH I
have already said , wopolie of j\Tuw York ns
the great e\poititig aud iinforting tity , ami
from that perhaps wo often give that an ox-
iigzerntod importance , relatlviily tpeakinp , of
our foreign trade , beenisi thU nnignihcQut
mi'liopulij never v/onld Imo attained its
grandeur ami its wealth upon foreign tiado
iilono. Wo should navcr forget , iinpoitnut ns
that tnido is , reprcsentin ; , ' the enormous nun
of fifteen liunilrcil millionUullars nnnually , that
ituinloi into insignificance ami is dwaifed out
) f night win 11 wu think of tlniso vast dnniestic
oxehangcs of which Now York in the adinitltd
senior and which annual y exceed tivonty-
! ivo thoiiiinnd million dollars. [ Appluiso ]
Our foreign trudo naturally brines to our
eonuidcratlon the foreign relations of this
: ountry , so well doacribedby my dulingnli-hed
riond an nl vays Klmplo aud i mcere , It is the
safeguard of lepubhos that they nro not ad-
ipted to war [ cboors ] . I tn an axgieosivo war
[ chenri- ] and it is the safi'gu.iid ol this repub
lic that in defense or that in defensive war wo
can dufy the world [ loud ihecrniu ] , This na
tion to-day H in prod.und pcaco with tbo
world , but in my jndgi incut it baa bofoto It a
great duty which will not only make that profound -
found pence permanent , bill hhell set fuch an
example as will absolutely abulinh wsr on this
continent and by it < great fAiimplo nnd lofty
mn'ill precedent , tliall ultimately nbolieh it in
other continents , [ lireit and long con
tinued cheering. ] J am justified
in saying ( hut every one of too t-ovcnteen in
dependent pin\ers of North and South Amoti-
c.i mo not only willing but ready , and not
ouly ready , but eager , to enter into a Milcnm
compact in iv congress that may bo called , in
tbo niuno of ppn.o , to ngreo that if unhappy
( Illferentos Hindi urUe , as riill'oronces will nrife
butwoen men and natloiiH , they shnll bo et-
tied upon tha peaceful and Christian b.isia of
arbitration [ tJicat cheering ] And ns i ha\n
often fuld bofoiu , I nm glad to repeat In this
great centouf civib/ation and power that , in
my judgment , no national spectacle , no inter
national spectacle , no continental siiectaclo
could bo nioio gtund than that the tepiililicM
of the west rn woihl should meet logother and
solemnly ngrno that iioitnef the mill of North
nor .South Amcilca shull ! > " her ttftor Kt.uned
by a brother's blood. [ Prolonged chouiing. ]
in Illinois.
111 , October 29. The Hon.
ticks meeting hern In-day was ono of tha
demon'-trntions ' wil-
frcatoit politicil - ever -
lesscd in this city. It Is eutim ited that there
/ero fifty thousand pooplw iu tlio city. The
uuinois portion of the cl'.yVIIH profunoly
ocoratoil. Goy , Hon < liicUs fpolto Iu tlio
fturnoun from the holaiid hotel. Ho iriid
lint the republican party lud been in power
otig enrjiigh and cli'mld bo ari > 'iUd , Ho
v/olt upon tariff i-upvclully , nrgiung in favor
f a roduLtlon of the UXHH. Ho charged the
lipnbllcau pirty with pipundoiing the money
ppropriatod t > > build up the luvy , etc. , ad
atissum ,
i''cllo\v ( 'riiKsnuni ,
ii , Octobsr ! ! ! ( . The prois club met
Ida afternoon and appointed n cemmlttou to
raft it suitable mcinori-il up'ti the death ul
Vllbur J' . Ktoroy , proptintor of the TI'IIIPH ,
lid ono to reproii'iit the club ut the funuml ,
ivhlch Mill occur ut noon t j-murrov/ .
Maria llalp , ihc Hollitr of Cleve
land's ' CHOI ) , DCllfltlllCCS llilll.
The Long Burning Fuse Explodes
tbo Bomb ,
The Woman Ho Botrnyatl nnd
Ruined ,
The Child Born of That Foul
Betrayal ,
Ami DruliMl IH ( I'm mill. * . AilstMo
Coiulemn Cli'vi'lnml in Internal
Obloijuy nml Il Krnc < % .
M.UtIA 1IAI , PIN'S iVl-Mi'lDAVrr.
Special Telegram to THK UKB.
NKW YOIIK , October ! ! ) . Tlio long expect-
oil ball has fallen nnil Maria llnlpln , the
mother of ( trover Cleveland's sen , has como
out iu a long nlllda\il donouuclng Cleveland
in tlio roumlost terms , Tlio contents of this
nllidavlt is very closely kept by the journal
to which it was plven nnd It will prnbtbly ba
imp psiblp to get th' ! tc\t till the pnpor I n
< | Uostton i * out , but the nbovo is known to bo
ila ( ( timer.
MAKIA llAU'IN'rt Al'l'lll.Uir.
Special telegram to Tlltt UKK.
Cli ICARO , Oetber ! ! ! . The Tutor Ocean has
the followingTlio el-ito of Now York ,
county of West Cheater.
Maria 11. Halpin , lining iluly sworn , siytt
that 1 reside at Now Itocnelle , In the county
of West Chester , ut.ito nforcsniil. 1 ntu tlio
parson hosa nnmo ha ? boon published in
connoctlon with that of Grover Cleveland as
the mother of Ills son. 1 Imvo been imlircd
to remain silent while the dixgrnco and sufferIng -
Ing brought upon mo by Grover Clovolnnd
Imvo boon discussed by the public nnd the
press , and 1 would moat gladly lotnnin nih'nt
oven now but for the duty which I ewe to my
aged nil i atllictod fnthor , my children , nud
my Bister , to whom my troubled were un
known until mada public by publication n
few months afo. My duty to these relatives
nud to the friends who Know mo hoforo my
acquaintance ) with Grover Cleveland , whoso
confldcnco Imvo reached mo compels mo to
make n public statement nnd donlal of many
of the statements which Imvo been made pub
lic concerning mo nnd my character nnd no
tions while in Buffalo. I would gladly avoid
further publicity of this terrible misfortune if
I could do HO without appearing to permit the
concerning my habltsaml chnra < 'tor , espociilly
tlioso undo by Mr. lloraco C. King and pub-
Hi-hud with the alleged .ippiovid of Grover
Cleveland himself. Throe ktitemonts Imvo
been accepted by many journalH as true , and
nppoar to bo the detente or excuse of ( iruvor
Cleveland for h'n actions tjwiml and troit-
merit of mo , at wall as his ntnry as to my
habits nud character buforn nnd during Ins
aciuaintunco | with mi > . I did not bellovo it
pi > ihiblo that men Grover Cleveland could
nUoinpt to further blacken mo iu the eyes of
the wet Id and di-graco mo and my people
after all ho had compelled mo to eniluio for
him nnd their sake' . I deny that was
anything iu my actions or against my charac
ter nt any titno or nt any plnco , up to ho
hour I formed the ncijualutanci ) of Giover
Cleveland , which either lit ) or any other portion
tion cast the slightest idiiulnnr of suspicion
over mo. Up to tliat hour my hfo wua
as that nf any lady in the city of linlfalo , ft
fact which Grover Cleveland should bn man
enough to admit nnd I defy him or any of his
friends to atato n nltiglo fact , give a single in
cident or action of mine to whiili any one
could lake exception , I alwavH felt tlut'l hail
the coufidnnco and eBteom of my employerH ,
Messrs. Ilinnmi nud Ittlt nil' I Flint and
Kent , and thin 1 could not maintain if I had
been the vile wretch lite fiionds would have
tlio woihl boliove.
111 ! HOUUHT lAC < lUAlNT\NCIi
r.nd obtainu I nn introduction to mo from n
person in whom I Imd every confidence , and
lie paid mo very marked nttuntii n Jlis character -
actor , HO far as 1 know , was good ami his in-
HOtitiuii , 1 holiovud was as ] > uro nnd honorable ,
The circumstances under which
nro too revolting upon Grover Cleveland to
make public. 1 did not BCD Grover CliiveUnd
[ or live or nwuoki ! ) after my ruin , nnd then I
was obliged to send for him , ho limns ; the
the proper person to whom J could tell mv
tremolo. 1 will nut at this time dotall my
Biib'-o uent Hulfeihigs and
TIM : mum or OUR 1:0 :
on September II , ] ' * 7I , but I will say that the
statement published iu the Buffalo Telegram
lu the inn inn true Tliero Is not and nrwr
wns n doubt ns to the paternity of our child
and the attempt of ( jrover Clovelund or hiu
friomlfi to couple the naino of O.scar I'Viluoii ' or
liny 0:10 ol o with that of the boy for that
purpotio i i simply
INfAMOI.H AM ) I'AI.Si : .
Attached hnrelo is Htatiunonl prepared
nnd Hiibmittcd to mo by the fiiumln of ( iio\er
Cleveland to nign but I ilnclined to do ro bo-
C.'UIBO the HtiitoineiitH therein eontnini'il are not
truo" ( lilgned ) MAIIIA 1 ! . UALIMN.
Kignnd and tuvorn to before ma this "Mil
day of October , ISS'I ,
( .Signed ) OIIAH. ( I. HANKS ,
Niitni v I'libiic ,
> iovYork. .
1' K. HAI.I'I.V , I
Jl. ( J. lli.s-lHimON : ) , JWitnesses. .
I1' , S. llKNQUII , J
referred to in the allidiivit WAH 1111 Dxciilpatlou
of Cleveland , written by n lawyer namul
JlndKon. Slio refuhed to mgn It.
A aiiiiny ICuy.
Nrw YHIIK , October yj. Vha ropubllcnn
cciiM'titlon of the Jllovonth district eudoncd
Lho county democracy noinlnalioa of Col.Ti n-
man It , Morriiimn , uf the Now York Hun , for
JHK OUrllAHKUl 4 KI.I.OriO.N ritAUl'H r Illl :
Special Tulcgram to Till ! Hup ,
CIIKJAOO , October 'Jit. No secret isrmvdo byj |
iho democrats of their intention not to regard j
tha luuont action of the county board , which
ro\i o 1 the lint of election judges and guve
the republicans iepretntation. Tlio domo-
cwtlc Aldermnnlmww in ( no secret with
th county dfinocraey to jiublicly acrpil-
e ce In the clmngo hllo secretly -
cretly determining net to nbido
by it , betrnyed the fact yesterday. The
democrat * hud not intended to ( how their
hand so noon. Thov had proposed to wait till
election day , when the recent anlHtltutlou of
republican for democratic Judges wan to lie do-
elnred Irn' ular and the hrnt appointed judccs
nssUttd In asmnning their furmcr placei , The
demeernls now ndmit thlo , nnd tn\ further ,
thnt Uio chniigo of the polling place * inniln by
the county b.urd will not bo rocngm'/cd , That
the p ills will be held m the saloons nud out
of tlio way places first chosen , but
Rulnctpiently changed , wns o\deuceil ! venter-
day. The judges gnvo out that registration
would bo conducted n the now place * . In
tunny liiHlancen It wai carried on , not at the
poluLi deslgmted , but in the oaloons nnd al
loy * originally select' d. An a consequence ,
hundindsnro said to luvn been prevented
from icmsterlng. arrests of judges
were tnndn for the oirense , but men now It is
too Into tonccmoiodiess , nnd the vote * will
have to bo BWOIII iu. Thin will add to the
confusion of the polls and , by n system of ob
struction and delay , which the judges have
ngrood U practice , not inoio than halt the
\otorn In the piocinct wjll lm\o time to do-
poult their ballots. Tins will icsult In the
prncttcal ilisfr.inchiscment of hundreds of
\otei i , nud there la no remedy to prevent it.
VAT.VIi l < '
Cmr.MiO , Oclob rlhi. A largo bric'c build
ing sitivited on the south east comer of La-
Hallo nud Michigan streets , the lower tloors of
which weio occupied by hiilo dealers and the
upper portion by Pisher's cigar box factory ,
uuight lire nboutnoon and is at this hour
completely cuttoJ. Ouo man was killed by
jumping ami two otheiM smothered on the
utairs. The factory girls on the upper tloors
escaped with the Rrcatestdilliculty. It Is bo
lievcd all nra safe. The Ions will roach S1UO. -
too.Tho building was owned by Mr. Culver of
Culver , Page & lloyno , was iv live nlory
iitiucturo occupied by Sclmabol A : Co barbed
\MIO miti'ifacturera ; Campbell printing press
company ; Danbnfser Hros chewing gum
manufacturer ! ) and W. I'l. Vis or'B cigar
box factory. The latter was in the top story
and employed twenty one men and eighteen
girls , 'i'ho foriminn of the shop , .lames Carr ,
got all thirty-nluo nouls together in good order
and coolly led the bund to the tire ptolf stairs
mid safely to the ground. Troubled with
doubt as to whether any were loft behind , Uarr
quickly returned to the fifth story , but ro-
iimiued a few moments too late , nnd the flames
had cut elf every -wonim ef escupo. Ho bur
ned to the roof and amid the wild axcitomout
of thousands of people below , ho was thrown
a rope from the budding on the oppoelto side
of the street. Making the liuo fast ho com
menced his pcilloua dot cent , while
thn dromon held heavy tarpaulins
bonc.ith as a precaution. Suddenly the rope
snapped under the man 'H weight or was burned
by bursts of Carr's body shot down
ward , head foremost , and to the horror of the
people went directly through the tarpaul ns
and wns picked up from tlio stouoi , neck bro
ken nnd nmiinlod almost beyond recognition ,
Another thrilling sceuo was menuwhllo taking
pluco nt the II ro oscnpofrom tlio ehowlugi gum
iucloty. j'li hteou young girU panic otrickou
came dcu-n poll mell ami when within - > feet
of the ground the l.iit. eight jumped to the
pavoiuont falling in u confuted heap. Mirac
ulously none were Hcriously Injured , except
three who mceived painful cuts nnd bruised ,
Carr , whoso neck wan not broken in nt first
supposed , revived on the way to the hospital ,
but died this afternoon. It cannot bo uscer-
lamrd theio WM liny other loss of Hfo , The
losses and insurnuco are ns follows : llnlld
ing , luss $ li' > , OUl ) | Insuraiica § : ! 'J,000. Camp
bell printing press company , loss .S15,00i' ' ; in-
Kiirinco SI ( ) , i ) 0. Kclinubol iV ; Co , bnrlnc !
niro , le s S. < t,0M ) ( ; insuranca $ li,00i > . Fisher
& Co. , cigar boxes , IUHH Slri.tUO ; Insurnnco
? 10OUti.
MJC < \ \ IN llj
1111 : "III.ACK UA M"H' : m\urv : ISUOKI-IION IN
OCNIIIAMA , October W. Login and jiarly
loft here at D o'clock this morning for Carbondale -
dale , where a muutiiiR will bo held this after-
n on. The train arrives at Lnffnn'a birthplace -
place , Murphysboro , this nfteriioon. After
Thursday ho xvlll bo in .Imllairi till the day
boforn oloation ,
OAIIIIOVDAMC , Ills. , October 2 ! ) Kiom Con
trnlia to Carbondale General nnd MIH Lotin ;
went through the country of tholr With nnd
curly man ted days. Their Bpecinl train
itoppod at each intervening town nnd nt each ,
largo crowds wcro assembles. lrgan'rt old
com ados nt aims and former neighbors , irro-
npoclive of p.nty , roctixed the general iu a
lioarty manner. Air. higan npoko briefly ami
rnellngly nt ouch ttop. The puity nt lu
( u in wcromet by a reception cmmniltoo of
two hundn'd ' , chlolly from the
counties of the Twentieth congrfBrdonul
district , also by members of his old legiment
who had the Uttornd tl > g which they carried
dining the war. At Cuibmidnlo nn itnmaiiFu
ciowd wimiit the depot. A salntii of 1 ( > rounds
was lirod by ii battery mmiiied by old veto-
inns. All of the bolls of the cltr and whistles
of the different mnnnfactuiiiig ostabllsliinontH
lidded to the wolcomo. A brigndo of two
Ih iiisaud cavalry , composed of veterans of the
Into war and n gieat cmpiof fontinen were in
lluo. rjixteen speciul trains brought pro
nto hcio ' from nil adjaconl rountioa.
The city was draped with HUXH , bunting ,
Ktiotchorc , moltodi , etc. The locoplion Hpeccli
at Carliondalo ninli ) by Him. Itmnc ( Jlnmi'iitn.
Logan's rosponsii was full of pathos ami wan
cheered to the echo ,
Muiii'iiiiiHiiOUd ,111 , October 21) ) . Jjogan de-
liveud nu aJdrois ton largn audience , dwell-
inff on thi Importance of taiilf to tlio farnnr ,
as to the manufacturer.
Krom C'nrbondalo the parly cnmo here. Ho
was metut the depot by iv laigo nnmbor of 111.- .
( arly frlonds end neighbor i and drove out to
the tarm where ho wns bom , and thin evening
uddriHsed a lir ; o mmiber of people in the
pui.lletiuaiu. . ( | Jloijoert to liullvlllo to-mor
Tlio AhhlMmK Hi'u
WAHHiNoro.v , October li'J , The president
deaipua ed Aimistttnt Htcrttary Coon to act us
eretary of the tioaHury lu the ahs"iico of
Microtiry McO'i'illoch , An elfort was made to
Imvo the president deiignato Aeslstant tiecro-
tary I'Vench ' , but without , avail.
. .
- sca * - -
AVt'iifli r To-Day.
_ WAMIINTON , October ! ! ! ) Upper Misms
nippl nnd Miscouri goneriilly fair northwtHter-
ly wlndn , slight fall in tompernturo nnd firm r
northerly wind * bccommi ; variable ; nearly
Htutloiiury tcmpernlnio In the hitter ,
\ II-'liultliu.iM
NLV. Yoi.u , Octobtr 11)Tho ) rojnibliuiinH
namul John 0. O'Connor , Jr. , for president
of tliu b > ard of alderman , vice Lowla J. I'hl- !
lips doilmul ,
Wcanesila's ? ' Trauf 'cns ' at the Cii-
cage SloclJ 3ffls and
Onttlo Steady , ? at and Frao-
tionall ] ewer ,
Hogs fairly A1 & o and a Sliado
Wheat Depressed Under tlio Vis
ible Supply.
Oorn Kules "Tirod" to Very
Small Business ,
Sin-culmIIMIK lii Oats Confhioil to I\l \ y
Options Kj-o Slow nnd Dull
I'i'ovlsloiiH Stcaily.
Special.telegram to THK MKB.
CIIIOAUO , October 2 ! ) . There were about
200 cars of Texas rungo stock among the fresh
receipts , and there were about -l.OUO natives
out of the B,00 ! ) fresh receipts. The general
market ruloil steady and ( pilot nnd about lOa
lower all around. Good to choice , 1,200 to
1.S50 Ibs. , 0 COCalt } 00 ; common to fair. 1,000 to
1,200 Ibs.1 105 25. Sales 138 Wyoming.
1,222I UOj : i7'J Texas , 803 , 3 G3. Through
grnss Toxnns , 3 00 ® I 00.
The receipts were rather below thq estimates
and the market was generally fairly native ,
and n shade stronger all around. Common
and rough packers sold around about 4 25@
I 35 , and fair to good -10'g ) 1 50 , with best at
about ( JO. Fancy assorted heavy , abnoet
cipially as good ns Phlladclphias nnd sold at
170 ® I 85. Skips and light were plentiful
mid mndo rOaj-l 25 , while ) assorted light , of
200 down to 100 , and fancy assorted of 211 ! to
220 , sold nt1 CO nnd thereabouts. Packing
nnd shipping , 210 to 330 Ibs.1 55&-I 'JO ; light ,
100 to 2 10 Ibs.1 00 ® I 05.
ON "ciiAfJau.
To-day s mnrkots on ' hango were fairly ac
tive , though for n time , du > ing the morning ,
trading in wheat was Inclined to bo heavy ,
with corn holding up nbjvo yesterday's fig
ures. Kow outside intlnoncpei , beyond the
Now York flgnron , on the visible enpply , en
tered into tko deal.
opened weak and } 'dj | lower than yesterday ,
with tbo stock market inclined t' > bo heavy
and contributing n downwind tendency to
wheat. Statistician Walker , of the Now York
Produce exchange , figured out an increase of
2,200,00 ' bushels of wheat for the week , which
was s much greater than the Chicago figures
that for u titno the market was heavy and foil
oil . { f'JJS. Toward the close of the morning
session n good cxp-nt was repnrt d to bavu
sprung up at Now York , to whtuU our values
lonildy tospindod , futures closing steady nnd
not much changed from the opanlug li uies.
No. 2 spring wiii sold early at 753 , but eased
oil to 7o for caul i.
opened firm nnd fairly active , being sided
by much the s unu cauxos infliiGccing wheat ,
except tliut the New York figures showed a
( Jecioafo of 335,000 bnahols. There was mod
erate local buying , though out-ido figures
were not unstained within VH)1 ) in n upar
optiotiM , nnd within 4 in 'ong ' ' 'ellverics , oinz
to the lethargic fooling which M t in toward
the close of tlio morning session. Cash corn
Bold nt13 early to 12J later.
ruled htoiuly and fitm , closing very strong
for JMiiy , to which option the principal trading
was conlinod. I < inctuations for thu first Mis
sion wcro within i.
KYI : .
slow nnd dull , shippers generally b'ing out
of the market or roimcing thair bida October
was qnotably nt 51 , with November nominally
it i premium.
ruled Btcady nnd about firm early , closing at
L u'uluclc a sttnilo easier at a fiactiounl decline
Tom the opening.
Karpy I
Special to THK Buir.
1'Arii.i.iov , October 29. The lopublican
cnnventlen of Sarpy comity nominated A. U.
JUncocIc for the legislnturL' . Mr. Hancofk is
opposed by 13. T. Huff , of Springfield on the
democratic ticket , nud the fight is "red hot. "
Moth candidates are popular and nro making
u lhaly canvass of the county.
StOOOa Gtven
] rnUitn or any Injurious Mibslances can ho found
ii , Andrews' PoarlUnklnp ; Powder. Is IKJS-
tt ri'ly PURE. Jleingendorheil , mid testimonials
received iroin Mich chemists as H. Uauii Kays , lios.
ton , M. Delnromaliie , nf riilcauo ; and
iiudc , Milwaukee. Never sold iu bulk.
bl. 237 , b' . ' . WuUT 51 , , ,