8 THE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY OOTOBRJl Sfi IfiM Ladies' Children's and Misses' Cloaks , iETO. t. 1517 S.RMORSE lulu St. 1517 Wo have this season enlarged both our room and stock of Cloake , and to-inorrow ( Saturday morning ) and all next week , will offer SIPE3OE-A.L : : ZB IRG-.A.iisrS : IltsT .LL IKZIZCsTIDS OIF CHLO ATTS S. IP. IMIOIRSIE ] < Ss OO. Bargain Number 1. Q 85 Senl Plush ClouVs , with quilted satin linings , senl ornanicnts and deep rolling rr , every garment 12 to 48 inches long , a rare bargain $34.00. Bargain Number 2. HOSSIAN Ciucuh.uts. 100 all-wool Diagonal Fur Trimmed Ilussian Circulars , perfectly finished , at 87.50 , really worth 810.00. Bargain Number 3. 50 tTRht-fitting imported Paletots made of the finest German Diagonal imported this season. Our price is $10.00 , actual value § 12.00. Bargain Number 4. 50 imported stoclnner , full weight , street Jerseys , with coat , finished backs , beautiful quality , § 9.50 , worth $12.00. Bargain Number 6. 40 all-wool fm'sh diagonal Eussian Circulars , deep fur collar and fur nil round bottom and up front , for $10.00 each , reduced from 315.00. 20 Seal Plush Sncques , reduced to 835 00 , bought to sell at 840 00. 20 Seal Plush Sacques , reduced to § 40.00 , bought to sell at # 50,00. 15 Seal Plush Sacques , reduced to 845 01) , bought to sell at 860.00. 25 Seal Plush Sacques , trimmed with beaver collt r , cuffs , 100.00 , bought to sell for $75.00. Bargain Number 6 : 50 Black Diagonal Russian Circulars trimmed with deepest fur trimming on front , bottom and side' , a beautiful , rich , warm garment reduced to 815.00 , actual value 820.00. Bargain Number 7 : 30 Ottoman Silk Kound Circulars , quilted lining , trimmed with fur all round , $10.00 each ; these are really worth 15.00. S. OCJ. 1'HE DAILY BEE. Saturday Mornincr October 25 , LOCAL BREVITIES , It looks n if winter had paaso : ! and ngalu here. Tbo criminal docket has been put over until wcok nfUr next. Whatoveryou do , don't forcot to register no tint you can vote without troublo. Wm. Gaport , on Twalfth Htreot , rejoices in the advent of a ten-pound boy. In order to be turo of n vote BOO to It now that your name is registered. Lot every voter register. District Attorney Godwin IH ottering a diromo for a judRo who ia not too dullcato to try tha Cbaao caso. The Udius of the Tlrst M K church hnld a JKorary unciublo TIiuruday.iilKht , nud It was u vorf enjoyable nffuir. It is very Important that every voter should register. Do not forgot this nnd BOO that your uamo is placed tipsn the registration list , flow Ii the time to register. Do not ucfjlt'Ct this important matter but BOQ that your name Is enrolled upon the registration books , Storm doors were put up nt the poatollico building yesterday. This Un now d'puturo and will makq tiling were comfurUblo for all concerned , Some of the delegate's of the Sixth ward deny fiat thay were iustruatod to vote for Hodman for commlBsIouor , und can vote for whom they like , Tterj will bo a regular mooting of Until Itbbcka't , lodge No. 1 , in Odd 1'ollow'n hall , at 8 p. in. Batuid y evening , Oat. 26 , 1B34. A full atUrylanco is ttiuu | ted. An engineer named Robert McKlnlcy , was bidly hurt ht the Union 1'aclfio ThursJay , by a flyinj ; lever , which cut him in thu bacV and lu > ad. He In at the hosp.Ul un dcr tlio c ro of Dr. Mererr. Great care fchnuhl now bo taken with chimney * . Befoio the wlnUrflru In started It will bo a good Hea to look carefully to the iluea nnd see tint lliey era all rlnlit ly Ink Ing a little care with the ilnoa it may eave u loss of ptopei ty by Ore. "Tim Snake Dance of the Morjui Iiid Ian , " by Cajitsln John G. Uoutko , U. a. A. , oppsara In the HxccUior this nftwnoan. A bpttial edition of l. ' O I coilo | < ls to IHI print- txl and eimple coplen sent tu all I lie ofllcerd ol tha Department of the PJattc. Iho nctunl clrcu otiou of Mr. Chase' * pajwr has ala-ad , readied 000 topics , A Gorman - d ii-in Charles Aunnaii was conDdoiiccd out of 6330 eon ing up on thn Han * bil & .SS. Joe nud Thurrdiy , by thn 81,00 bond racket Ho met a nice looting muii who wu > ttlioo'iiniiif ; to Omulu nnd Imnud him liU ir.on-y. Ho wlllgtt it ba-.k la the mrcct after a long while. On the Ifith of tliU in > nth an Item an- I > 9 re < l in t-oIIM ) rouit hapjunln ? * statli'R ( hit a Mr . Tiavln had been Cued 55 conduct upon the street. This is not Jilts. A , M. Travis , who ii n professional nurse , but a colored woman. Mrs. A. M. Travis comes to Dinalm with the boit of rocoinmondatlons an u irofoBsional nurse and Is a graduate from the adlcs medical college in St. Louis. She isn middle ngod lady ami one to bo trusted In every way. Twnnty-six poojlo were brought in Thnra- day by Traveling agent .Rollins of the Union 1'aclfic. They are bound to California n search of a country whore the mercury gets a chance to thaw out nnco In awhile. The climate of Minnesota Is ton o\ ore for them , nnd they are gattlngout an fait aa posnblu. At n meeting of the Omaha Cricket nnd Athletic club hold Wednesday evening , n plan wan parti-illy - outlined to form a company with 85,01)0 ) capital , divided Into 'JOjfilmrea of 8-5 each , The club controls the park on Hhornun avenue , and if the Block project is carried Into clfo-jt , will put n good ball loam In the field aa a pecuniary investment. THE PACKING BOUSE , A. Strong rrobahlltiy Hint tliol&iHtrrn Gunllcimin will lit'iinu U. Yuatcrday mention was made that n party of gontlotnim from the E tat were in the city for the purpnno of leasing the packing houses at thu Union Stock yards. It is now lib > ut iv Aotllod fact that those gentlemen will take hold of the business. Mr. Ooorgo II , Hammond is t rgo t handler of dressed buof in the county. Ho is now killing 1,500 hold of oattlo daily at Chicago for thn Boston nnrkot. If ho cumes. to Omaha ho will beuin with 500 head , and oul.irgu gradually , until ho concentrate : ) his entire buaiuois hero. With u daily market for ovou COO head there will be a grout increase in the re- utiiptH at the yards , and a corresponding beneiit to Oaiahii. Stock own era will proftr to Bull hero rather than pay freight and additional yardugo nt Cnioigo , besides - sides tunning the risk of striking thn market when it is ovcrlo.ulod , and being oompulled to kuiip their catilo nt ( sniat ixnensiS or letting them go at n saunlioo. It is to ho hoped that satisfactory ar rangements will b made so that Mr Hammond will at unco take chnrgo nf tlin Blaughturuig housfe for in auoh on ovi > nt it Oinnot but work great oed f"r Omaha nud the great stock ruim-M of the W st Crow nnil 1(1111111111 ( Water. Special to Thu Boo : A Huoki'yp ' , Frank TsRgart , epoko hero last night to a good ei > .od uudlonco. Jt wja the only spnooh roado hero during - ing the oimpifun that was free from the Liini's hnlld zi'ia , innullinir charact r. U w n n Hlainuikiid Luyni nifotinu' with Liird li'f' 'lit , Jiuiicu It WH3 rnthor Mr 1'imjirt is a proinicinn yniinx at- tornov fr iu riastings und a thorough irillpTilnri 11rouurliirt : " ( t was the worst dish Jio i-rer li 'l 11 Bw 11ii r orow wnnlicd with Stinking Water " HESAUTITH. THE OMAHA CLEARING HOUSE , I'lio Olllccrs lOleotrd 'EhiirHiIay ' Kvo unit i liu Clpiirunuu JIouso ube > bo Opened No.xt'Xaomlay. A mooting of the various banks of this city , members of the Omaha clearing liouso , was hold Thursday evening in the parlors of the First National bank for the purpose of electing officers. The Flrat National , the Omnln National , and Com mercial National. All the prosnnt mem bers of this institution wore represented. II. Kountz , of the First National bank , was elected president , Frank IMurphy , of the Merchants'National , vice prcsiduit ; \V. T. IJrlow , of the United Sutua > u- tional , II VV. Yates , of the Nebraska National , William \Yullauaof the Omjliii National , were mndu n eoininittoo ot management with W. II. 0. Hughs aa manager. Thu clearing house will bo opened on Tuesday next in ono of thu roar rooina of the First National bank , now being fitted up for that purpose. The clearances for each day will bo made at 1:110 : p. in , thu iiiif ss done among the banks nf tor that hour going ever until the next day. 'J his institution will bo opou for the admis sion of morabdrs subject to these now belonging - longing to that institution. This or tor- prise , although requiring no capital , will , it is thought , afford grout convouienco to the banks of the city in the nay of facili tating business among them. PERSONAL ENCOUNTER , Nuwcpainr ItciircHuiHatlvo At- ly n Pi-ofrHnlomil aicutor from Oinalin. V ) Indopoiulout. persona in the state capital rink ate Saturday afternoon know of the lit- lo encounter botwcen 0 , L , Monroe and [ I , M. Sturgeon , city cditorof the Patriot. The first named personage has several .iinca given oxhibitionn nt the rink which , EO fur an hb skating was concoruod , were [ > orfcot. Ilia actions , however , whim off the skating floor have proven him anything but a gentleman , The truth us published In the papers concerning Monroe , and especially D publication in Saturday's Patriot , ware not roUshod by that purson , Oit Saturday afternoon ho visited tbo rink and beckoning to Mr. Sturgeon invited him into n private apartment where without any warning made a vigorous assault. The blown were warded off by Sturgeon who , how ever , was at a great dioadvanlage , Doing on skates , Mr. Hnuthworth , of rink minagomont , hearing Iho fraou , Inter fered and summarily ojectou the "pro- fi'stor" from the building , when ho f ll into Policeman lirown's hands , who arrested - rested him A charge of ast.iult w bitjory was preferred , but uftorwards withdrawn upon prouma to nlgn un apoloyy. Monroe , Avliilo weeping profuauly , ehowcd , his imutu OUR CALIFORNIA Mission Blankets ! 00 pairs 8 pound largest ) si/.eMcrim Wool Culi- ( rornia Blankets that are f worth 818. J These are n reat bargain and will not bo di'pl cated ngnin this sea on ns these arc a late shipment from the California Mill. Wo are direct agents for the California Mission Mills Blankets. : o-t CatMerino WonlMlsslon Blanketper ! ! pr 3 B 00 M " " " is to 2-1 " " " ' 15.00 3-4 " " " ' 1800 3- " " " ' 2000 Finest " " ' 25.00 M Mottled Grey ' ' 0.00 .2-4 " " ' ' 8.01 oil. " " Ciuimlns ' " 1200 1-4 All Wool S iret ! ' " 7.61 2-4 " " ' " 1000 3 j ii n i 'i 12.00 Jftlltorola Lamlm Woo ! , nlnk.bluo or ecar'ct 16 00 Ca Ifornla Crlli Blankets 81.00 Sfl.OO 7.00 " " " pink , blue or scnrlct , 0.50 (50 pairs Good 10 4 , 5 pound Jray Blankets , 82 reduced trom 2 50. 200 pairs 'lean wnolsixe , 6x7 ft. , Grey Blaukets , 52 50 pair. 100 pair * clean w olsize 6x7 ft. , 3rey Blankets , S3 50 a pair. 50 pairs 8 pound largest si/,9 3re.v Blankets , 34.00 a pair. 50 pairs 0 pound euro woolScarlefc 3n > y , Blue or rown .Blankets , size Jx7 ft. , at ? 5 a pair. GO pairs 10-4 heavy white Blan- : et"$2.50 ' a pair. lOO pairs 11-4 heavy while 31ani.et ? , S3.50 a pair. 50 pai.'M 11-4 pure wool white Banketa , 84.JM ) a pair. 50 ' 12-4. wool whi'e p'lrp - . pure , Blank- . SU.OO pa-r. They cannot bo duplicated else where , nearly double. cowardice by nigning the following ; To WHOM IT MAY CONCURS : I , O. L. Mon roe , now liofoto thu public ua n prufen imml skater , from Omaha N b , whilu laboring uudor undue oxcitmiient nutnruil public place of nmuaemuiit to the iletrmijn i pr iprlotora th rwf , and iuv.igtmmf H M Sturgeon , city editor of tlia IIiirriHbiUK 1'at- riot , into n priv.ttu ni.irtinouc | , id in limn- ncr thut vfi a ciiwurdiy , takun nt u tiinu whrn Mr. ytnrgaan IVA * at n total disadumtnen , Ktriko him a blow In the face. I rfigiot _ th it iho event outlined and publicly up I'ogizt to the goutloniHii for it. I ui'dcrstanil I lit ha. n * city oilitor , Hindu pnblic.itu n , which I will not nuke rt-ferunco to , nn I und rataud tlmt IIH luvl ninple authority to ju't'fy liim in tlio artirlu liu iiuda piiiilk. I deeply ivgitit thu ccurreuca nud * greo nut 11 inflict my pr' Bfliro i n Hurtltilmit ? audleucu , to leave Uio city at i nco anil p tv thu coats of the ih.irxo ux'.iiiibt mo. Kilned , C. Ii. MONROE. \Yitucdg , S. C Wilson , Mayor. Hind Car The atroi t cuv company Imvo w largo /orco of mill ut work on the Thirtemith alretit line uiid Hxpcct to Imvo cara run ning out thut line befuru the ( -round 13 fruzuti , The company 13 contemplating building tholljd line out aovon or oiyht blocks furthur north und then running itcro83 ( to connect with the Grcon line on Klghtoonth street. An ell'ort will bo inndu to build the line out r.irnam struct unit thonncroiu on TVomy-lifch utrout to connect with tlio St Mary's avenue lino. When thin is done ( and it la oxpoctud that ic will bo tlna season ) u largo Blmro of the Park iivenuo travel will bo done ever the now line und do away with BO much hard pulling up the St. Mury'o avenue hill. Ab.iut thirty men are at work laying track nud the work Trill bo ruahcdau live ly as possible. Absolutely Purea Thu powilcr novtti Mtrca. \ mtrrol ol pnro etnmi'tl. nnd uliolca ra.uow lloic oorrorotwl Hi the irlluan Irli 'i-nil viu'itlia ' 111 Ii ri'mi'HIt ' with the mulll'.Uildol lav Vt , h'iil ua'ulii aliini [ ) liv ) ) lu5 jnuitr .S'11 o Ij In i-niiu lljv\U llAal O yAOU.UO.lCft04lUtt ON. K. IMIOTiSIE &G CO. Great Value. 75 imported all-wool Tricot , Jersey , Cord , Diagonal and Mattalesse tight fitting French and German tailor-made Puleto s , beautifully trimmed and with all silk serge linings , only 30 and 88 inch bust measure -therefore , reduced to 812 (10 and 515.00 each. Not ono of them but what is worth $25 0 to § 40.00. For y ears S. P. MOUSE & Co. have made a specialty of Hosiery , and this department is noted for selling - the be&t styled , most desirable colors and Best Wearing Goods shown in Omaha , 'ihis season has proved fruit ful in bargains. Seamless ail-Wool Grey School ; Eose , | all * sizes , 25c ; LUome knit ail-Wool Colored Hose , Cashmere - mere Hose finished seams all colors and black , 25 to 35c ; Caahuiere Hose , seamless , all colors and black , 40 to ( J5c ; English Cashmere Hose , all colors and black , GO to 95c ; French Ribbed Wool Hose , all colors and , black , 50 to 95c ; A specialty in French Heavy Cashmere Hose with unbleached cotton foot , 50 to 95c ; In- | fanls Cashmere Hose , 4 to 5 , 25 to 35c ; Infants Cashmere Hose , double knees , 4 to 5 , 35 to 45c ; Infanta Finest Cashmere Hose , black and colors , 4 to 5 , 55 to (55c ; Childs' Cotton Hose in winter wt ight , blacks and colors , all nzes , 50 to 75c. A specialty of Boys Hose in grey and brown , mixed black and colors with dou ble knees. LADIKS llosn All Wojl Seamless Hose , grey or colors , 25c ; All Wcol Seamless knitted Eose , 40c ; All Wool Seamless L'ashmere Ilo-e , 50c ; English Seamless Cashmere Hoe , 65c. UNDEUWEAK Childs' Merino Vests , 10 , 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 28 , 30 , 32 , 34 ; Childs' Mesino Vests , 25,30 , 35 , 40. 45. 50. 55 , GO , G5 , 70 ; Childs' Cashmere V , sts , 50 , 65 , 60 , 65 , 75 , 80 , 85 90 , 95 ; Boys' Shetland Mixed Vest ? , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80,90 , 1 00 ; Boys' Seamless Mixed Vests , $1.25 to 1.75 ; Pants to match above. Ladies Merino Vests and Pants , 45c usual price GOc ; Ladies Merino Vests and Pants , 75c usual price 81.00. The largest stock of Underwear in Omaha , Childrens1 and Misses' Cloaks. We have , without doubt , the finest stock of Childrens' Cloaks in the west , and reiail them at half the- profit charged by regular cloak house ? , at all prices and for all ages ; and we make a specialty ot Young Ladies' Cloaks , From 14 to 18 years with or without Coachman Capes and Beaver Trimming. s. F. : MOBSE : ! &c oo riTHATCAN BE STHE-MICHIGAN'STOVE-COMPANYj- X DETROIT-CM I CAGO-BUFFALO' " ' OUC3 DY LANOFOITICK : Rural Tlio lovlln ? Asriciiltur.il ami I.I\o'ctocJt J'urnil o [ thuuutt.SO I'.iircH SO crilinnix , rut nml tt'tchod ' , n au'r. ' nu form , 1ms n Imidpomo , il nstratcd cover , nr il linn been cstablinhcil 0 jcnr * . Iho bcbt metti. oda of western f < . .rmcKrult Oroulnf , I'.tc. , nncl tlio- l.huKto intcTist ul the and' ' k Kreat Ora/lag Agri- u'lltural ri'ulom nf the et , atily ill-cimd anil HI \ic o < l , Noono who tll' ' a Mower or plant , or u foot n [ land , uhoounso lioti'o , row \t\g \ \ ur clnclicn ojiinllorcl to \sllhout the Hural N'ulirauUa. TSio Best "Writsrs Contrlbutat'i Irs pauiis , The IMltorlals are crisp iinblaHuil and to the jiolpt , It IB ( niVllshod at tha lo.v hiihfcrl tu.'i | < r'roilil.OD ' a > or h.i n lar/er rifculst ' n than that ol any other publication ot this Unilln the tt , anil ncciinlm a Front Hank uinoni ; thu bf t Arrlcultur l aiu IMO btocl ; Jour- Tlio Homo Circle. Department ol'tho Hnral Ncbra Ka h a fipcclal tcatniu winch thv.ijs maVcalt a uclcumc visitor at thiT.imlly f'lrcelde. Agents \Vo pay ro8tuu toi out ) I ocal ccnta & WifRfr Gush C'oinin'uhloii than anv o'hor iiubll'hir * /tmrrluf , nn'l ' K' ' O Uool. . frc rt Knhcn , WntclnH , Ho , IVrif toll ) ami ( liih who laVi H b.ciljitlons ( or us , llluitrutod I'luuilum I.i t 2 conta. The Bee Atvl the nrilAI. NKllltASIiA. one sear cash ( or $ i.'J6 , only " 5 cents umru th n thr ptico < > ( the l\'r \ > . .llano. \oryUny anil Irlh < i icnim us U > r nU ( or nKont' outfit , fainplu coplta uril 'llimtrttcd I'rcinHrn I.l t , Mill rootlvo an ck'nunt assortment ol Itonutilnl I Uture dull AiUlrns II H bMITll & CO , , US , lib S Uth EL , Otrolu , NoK in u 61 ISUSIDOYTHE LA RGESniAmFACTU RERS . . MM'aor ' FINE WORK IN PIANOS. OROAN'S , rtri. ons.&c. ' UN EO U AffLJLEraH > ' " " ' raH * "CLASS" , CHINA , 4o. , Ac.1 AWARDED GOLD MEDAL AN P NT 07 MAIL,20 CTli h LAR&EST STOCK OF- Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware * at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Oar 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Mraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES jg fi OTnynisnn onfi i. ro yS.STIlllDMD SCALES GouDtor , Hay , Stock and Raikoad Track. ADOPTED BY THE UNITED-STATSS GOVERNMENT- Ordera for rho Indian Deuartmcnfc given for Buffalo Scales ex clusively. Scale 1405 Strt-ot. OMAHA. 1NTE PALL WINTER. GREAT BARGAINS IN 1 ] -AND J Visitors t * . a i Stnfo und otlici in need ot' Men's , Boys' CloUiing. will do well to call on I Nil i The Strictly Ono Prica House in the City Iind cxnniiiio their gooila and price * . Th'-y carry the Uirgeal stock , and soil lower Uu u ftuy oth 'r house in the city. Merchant Tailor * don't fa I to call at , 1216 , FAS NAM ST , 1216