DAILlTBKESi SATURDAY , OCTOBER 25 18S4. 7 CHAS. SEIVEEICK , i fiax * e UPHOLSTERY AND DUAl'EUIES , I'ASSKNOKK ET.CVATOUS TO AM. FLOOU3. | 1M8 , 12CS uncl 1210 I'Arnam St. , Om hl , Neb. GERMAN D. WYATT , * 3T" " LUMi kJS ? 03 m . O mW H X 5 Ha w B OtTMINGS AND 20TE BTS , , OMAHA , NEB , * r g f.-n ; t ii ft n x fix fh K tiS'ft f ? tftt V3 ' > ' .Hhlfc&&ftG.G KRlAtifch vyM. P H | . ' \0 nrl f ' 1 ! n5''T t ' f ' 1'1 jf' ' . > lll'lujl ' Pp IlT ! J' < "HH 5 > * ' ' ' ' ' 'JAM ' „ ( onTllr .M ri I t.AvUlill - p- oa , & S3'J ? * - 32fs / 1M ! und JE0 Il nuy Elrcet Catalo fmc'ih d ties crcn ippllatlen. r. 3\ \ J BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , JDc&fncn , Lang nnd Norvono Diaonaoa Speedily and Permanently Cured. Fatlontt [ 3nr cd at Home. Write for "Tns MEDIOAL-MIRSIONAJIY , " for tlio People. Oousnltatlon and Corroapondonca Gratia. P. O. Box 'J92. Telephone No. 20. | HON. ED WARD RUSSELL , Poatmastor , Davenport , naya : " Physician of I 3t c - AblUty nud Marked Succosa. " ' CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , f rltoa : "Au tionorahlo Man. Fine Snccsoa. Wonderful Onros. " HotzraS to 6. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. apodal a vortlsomente , euo as Lost , Foncd , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wonta , Board- top , etc. , will be Inserted In thla column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PEH LINK for the flret Insertloa and FIVE CENTS PEU LINE for each mibsequcnt n- eertlon. Leave odrcrtlaomenta At ourofflco , No. Pearl Street near Broadway WAHTB. xf ff iKHfloji Hna i W a man lth V > Pinill family. Hcforcnco ? Riven. Aililroi or call at No , S12 Mnth a\cnuc , Council DliifTs. HKNT A suite ol rooms In ccntril location FOH Knqulrcof Dr Ilanchctt , No. 12 1'carlfct COATj Aiiftis , Capital Ccntcr\illo mid other soft Iowa coal Kept ktOcorgo Hoatona , 623 liroad- Hay. Telephone No. < 10. "T > UASONADLE PUICK8 I'air wdKlit nnd meai- l\j uro t Oeorsfo IIinton'H coal and \\ood } ard C.8 uroadnay. Telephonu No. 1 0. F Ion SAM : KKASONOILI : . coirco roasting , xnlco and ( 'rocerv bui-iiichs. Only onu In loun lcaxKii , ill health. Addrib * U. I. Williams , 18 North Main bt , , Council FOll SA1.K A fotMmld.iioii business thouroiifihly ebtablbheil , uith lent of building , ceutnlly locatud , Adurtsu Dubiness , DKK olIlLC , Council liluffo. . iNI' llio Urvia rack u h and machinery , 1 catcd In thla city. Cap 160 hou'i ) po Jav. Ddell & Day. 1'KLi * .vury uuuyin Cuuiicll illullato tiKe WAfl . nellvored by carrier &t only twenty oenta a week , O I LI ) PAPERS For bah at 13XB offioo , at 2C cents n hundred COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following MO the tlmea oi the arrival and de parture of trains by central standard time , at local depots. Troluu leave transfer depot ton rain aea earlier and arrlvo ten mlnutca later. cnicAoo , BUIOIHOIOJI AND QVISOY. L AY . ARKJVI. 6:35 : p m Chicago Kxprona 8:00 : a m 9iO : a m Faet Mall , 7:00 : p rr 7ilOam 1'Mall and Kxprcaa , Ti'Opm 1S:20 : p m Accommodation. 2:40 : p la At local depot only , KAKOA8 CITT , MI. JOB AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. 10:06 : a m | if all and Kipreaa , j7:05 : p m 8:06 : p m Pacific Eiprm , 6:60 : p ra CmOAOO , klLWAnKBII AND 8T , FACL. 6:26 : p ra Express , 0:05 : a ra P16 ; a m Kxpreaa , 0:66 : p in OniCAOO , ROCK ISLAND AMD FACIF10. 6:50 : p m Atlantic Kxprosa , 8:05 : a m 0:26 : a m Day Kxprosi , 0:64 : p m 7:20 : a m * D 9 llolnea Aooommodatlon , 0:06 : p ra At local depot only , WABAtll , BT. LOUia AND FACIFIO , 1:20 : a m Mall , 4:16 : p m 6:10 : pm Accommodaton 0:00 : a m 1:30 : p m Ht. Ixiula KxproM 3:45 : p m 4:60 : p m CnUago Kxpitm 10:35 : a m At Trunsloronly iniOAOoand KORIIIH isTin-f , 6SO : p m Kxprtsa , 6:60 : p m 8:25 : a ni Pacing KxprcM 0:06 : a in ClOttt OITT AND FACIFIO 7:40 : pro St. 1'aul Kxprou , 6:6n : a m 7,20am Day Kxprcij 0:60 : p 10 UKIOM Mcino. Wuntcrn 8:35 : a m 11:00 : ere I'atlQo 4:40 : p bt 7:10 : n in 8:51 : a m 12:10 : urn Lincoln Kxprei ) , AtTriu fcronly. DWMT TBAIXii TOOUAIU. o 7:20-8:30-9:30-10:3J-ll:10a : : : : : , ra. 1:80-5:3 : : S:30-4SO-6SO-flSO-Hoa : : : : n m Sunday 0:30-11:10 : : .ui. 1SO : S:30-030-010-11:05 : ; : : p. ra. Arilvo 10 mln 10 hnforn Ipavln tlmf * N. tfCHURZ. OFFICE OVEU AliraUCAN CXPKE8S COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOV7A. . J.B. TATK. WAHB WIIITENE Practice In Stats and Fedcr&I Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Room W , ShuR.irt'u Building , COUNCIL BLUETS IOW J. J. STEWART , Tractlcoa In Federal and State Courta. 001 liroad way , over 8t > inga Dank COUNCIL BLUFFS I- - { IOWA. Mrs , flJ , Hilton , M D , . PHYSICIAN & SUMEON , 222 Mlddlo Brnart iy. Connrll AdmUnion Free to UvJIes each mornlnR anil Tues day and Uhureday aftcrnooua. Ueo of Hkatoj 16 cents. A. F. SCIIANCK , II. II. 1IAIITKN8 , Manager. Proprietor. , Eica M. D. or other tiimore reroovwl without Ih knllo or drawing o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Over hlrty ytf.it > iirtctloal experlanN Omca No. I'oarl troct , Council lllufla " BOOQE'S SIOUX .OITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant uarl Htrrct Council IllnflJ , lovta. W.R.VAUGHAN. Justice o ! fche Peace , Omatm and Council Blnffr. r.eil estito oollsctlon agency , Odd Fellows Illocli > \vr SmlnCT Ilnuk 3DK. O. O. 100 MAIN STREET , COUNClIi DI.UFF3 - - . IOWA COUMCIIJLIIFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NKWS. CLOSED THE SESSION , Tlio Ornntl Ijotigo of Odd l-Vllows tlidr Business nnd AO.Iourn. Tlio closing session of the grand ledge o ! I. 0. 0. F. of lown wns ilovototl largely to the passing of resolutions of thnnks , nud other finishing touches. On motion n special committee , con- listing o ] Kopresontativea John Merrill , Geo. Whipnlo and W , F. MeOtoary , WAS appointed to roviao the constitution so as to embrace nil nmondmonta now in force and such others as may have been pro posed , mnko such nnd other alteration ! ! as they may deem wise nnd oxpcdiont nud report the uamo ut the next session of the grand lodgo. llcpurtof the comtnsttco on legislation to whom was referred the resolutions from Indianola lodge , No. 70 , relative to public lectures , reported that the matter bo loft to the grand master , and that in the opinion of this committed no further legislation is required on this subject. Curried. ' On motion of Representative T. L. Jackson the grand secretary vr.u In structed to purcnaso n suitable regalia fer the grand chaplain. The special order having arrived , being - ing the nomination for grand ollicero , the following nominations were made : For grand master lloprcsontativo T. L. Jackson nominated Brother W. T. Holmes. For deputy grand master ' Grand Representative Block' nominated J. 0. Baker. For grand warden Repre sentative Weeks nominated E. W. llart- man , Representative Lowia nominated J. C. Longuovlllo , P. G. Temple nominated E. B. Gardiuo , Representa tive McCabe T. L. Jackson , Representa tive Masson nominated J. T. Waters. For grand sociotary Representative Bu- son nominated Wrn. Garrott. For gra nd treasurer Representative G. n. Jackson nominated A. J. Morrison. For grand representative , Representative Longuevilio nominated W. E. llarrimau , Representative tivo Prince nominated Wm. McCoy , Representative rosontativo Johnson nominated George Whipplo. Representative Schorador oll'orod the following , which was adopted : Resolved , That the grand secretary have printed 3,500 copies of the pro ceedings of this session , three hundred of which shall bo in the Gorman language. Representative Michael offered the fol lowing , which was adopted : Resolved , That the grand master ap point a committee on credentials naming the chairman thereof , and that the repre sentatives elected nest June bo required to mail their certificates to the caid chairman so that the committee may bo enabled to report to the grand ledge without delay. Representative Whipplo olio rod the following : Resolved , That the thanks of the grand ledge are eminently duo and are hereby tendered to the retiring grantt officers for the prompt and faithful dis charge of their official duties. P. G. 11. Hi-rtwoll offered the following - ing which was adopted : Resolved , That the thanks of this grand lodge are hereby tendered to the several railroads on which representa tives and others attending this grand ledge received a reduction of rates ; also to the hotels of Council Bluil'd for reduc tion of rates during this session. STANDING COMMITTEES. The grand master appointed the follow ing standing committees : On credentials J. D. McClcary , 11. Schultz , W. F. Treadwoll , L. Matthews , T. L , Johnson. On state of the Order II. Block , H. Stuck , Goo. E. Throop , D. S. Taylor , W. H. Barrett. On legislation Goo. Whipplo , Wm. F. Treadwell , John Schickotatiis , A. M. Head , B. L. Tiltou. On appeals nnd grievances W. E. Harrimnn , Wm. McCoy , B. S. Merriam , W. W. Moore , J. F. Nicaulin. On charters and by-laws J. W , How ard , Herman Manor , A. W. C.V coke , Wm. Robinson , II. Dunkon. On Finance Win. Musscn , John Van Valkonborg , Jnmca Schroedcr , E. S. Oresswoll , Ohas. Princo. On Correspondence R. L. Tilton , G. W. Merrill , Chao. Woaro. On Mileage nnd Per Diem 0. L. Roso- man , Thoopolis Shutz , N. S. Johnson , F. N. Whitney , W. H. Babbitt , 1 to 200. in clusive. On Returns J. T. Waters , J. 0Hot - aol , C. P. Luddon , J. J. Mclnlyro , F. L. Eaaly. On Districting State J. C. Toque- vlllo , G. Oanlield , W. C Lawio , G. II. Jackson nnd J. S. Stewart. On Election Returns T. J. Morgan , A. F. Kuulz , Fred Gurlons , C. M. Dyer. On Return , § 2 from § 200 upwards J. W. Campbell , A. J. Cr.itKonborg , I. U , Garretsou , B. II. Pordtow , C. Rath- man. EDUCATIONAL REFORM , Tin * Dclaurto System in America. The founding of a dramatic school in America ia naturally the occasion for much interest among the theatre going public aa well aa among all lovers of good reading and public speaking. There ia apecial interest , too , in the fact that our drunmtio ochool it taught according to the Dolaarto system. This eyatoui ia well known in European countries and ia daily attracting more attention thin tide the water. Francois Dolaarto waa born in Franco , in 1811. Ho was loft destitute nt a ten der ago , but while still a more child ahoived aign of the power which after ward opened to him the doors of the no bility and madp Louis Philippe acknow ledge hi man hia peer. Yoiira f pent in research and hard study enabled Dolaarto to elaborate u aynturu for the study of cxpreaaon which regener ated the French ntago and bidu fair to raise the American theatre to a higher level. Not aatieliecl with the ability tu make beautiful and exprenaivu gesturcu himself Delanrto spent long ycnm in watch ing and stud } ing to find why a given moduli always means the samu thing. The lungiiDgo of gestures ho hnev to be the name in the bar barian and the man of of culture , except tliat"thu barbarian uto'l , tin a rule , bettor gestures than his civil'/.cd ' brother , b'mco the language of uobturo ia univcisal , Dolaarlo wieuly con cluded that there muni be laws governing the mo ions of the body as well aa luw.i governing the motions of machinery , and he net himnelf to work to discover tlioiu lair * . JIo prncliced upon Inn oivn bcdy And spoilt five years in chidying th phj Biology and nnatoniy of the muscles niul the result nna the mnst tnnrvolou power of puntotuimic expression. Hi eould briiifj tears to the ejcs of hia an dionce by the simple rntanig of his hmul Not cmtiaticd with the niMtery of the arl for himself ho continued his work until ho found the laws for which ho had boon socking. Lnwa governing the motions of the body nro as inevitable nnd uncle- ninblo ns the laws of phytics or choniislry and by means of thoao laws ho could transmit his knowledge and his power of expression to others. Ho not only know that a certain movement i f the face ex pressed turpriso , another rage , another delight ; that one gesture of the arm was threatening , another inviting , another pleading , but ho know why the dill' , rent motions produced the dlllcront oll'ects , .viul it was through this knowledge that ho waa able to tench to others the art of expression , Ho discarded all the existing methods of teaching gesture as inade quate to form nn nctor or speaker and from the laws which ho had discovered ef tlio natural motions of all parts of the body ho prepared n sot of gymnastics the [ > ractico of which gave freedom and grace to the motions of the body , These gym- nasties served not merely the end of ex orcise , but led directly to the gestures used by man in everyday life. Slow , rythmical motions wora practiced until , ho feeling of joints left the sludont'a body , his angularity gave way to grace , and what waa at lirst nn exorcise became .hrougli practice n habit of moving beau tifully. Besides walking with ease nnd grace the student found himself able to sommand an audience by hia more poise , .0 alt down and rino gracefully , to kneel , to fall , to perform , in short , all of UID actions nnd courtesies of ovordny lifo In n graceful munner. Uelsarto taught no one of hi * laws the "Doctrino of Special Organs , " that is , .hat each part of the body has its own nning when used in gesture , that walk ing with the head advanced created one impression , walking with the chest nd- vancod another , with the abdomen fore- moat ntlll another ; that each part of the body has its language nnd the motiona inndo by untutored man show to 1.1 a fellowmen - lowmon his character bettor than his words over do. A man tells lib whole training , whether roared In refinement or the contrary , by the bow ho makes or the way ho ollbra a chair to a guest. Dolaar to believed that by constantly practicing noble gestures ono could create the omo Lion expressed by the motion nud that ono \vh' > habitually hold himself in nn attitude of self respect and self-control would ultimately acquire those qualities if lacking , or strengthen them if weak. "Know thynolfl" Is n command which Dolsarto strove to obey. Self-knowledge noano knowledge of other men as well. The utudont of expres sion rcado n man by hia atop , the look or his eye , the tone of his voice , the movement of hia hands , with a scientific foundation for hia knowledge na ; ho electrician has tor his telephone or ; ho bridge maker for his plans. What Dolcarto did for gesture lip did equally well for the voice , ns will bo shown ater. Francois Delaarto loll his un- inished work to his BOH Gustavo Del- sarto who also died n few years ago. In .his country there nro but two teachers who have studied with either father or son ; Henrietta Crane who has taught the Delaarto system in : ho er.atcrn citea since the death of the poungor Dolsarto and J. Steele Mack- lye now at the head of the "Lyceum , " the Dramatic school recently started in Now York eity. A Valuable Olilll Tonic Road tills Testimony. UNION-TOWN , AUK. , September 2 , 1882. Mesa. Ji. A. Robinson < 0 Co. Louisville , Ky. Gents Yours In relation to flitr/hcs' Tonic I will attend to with pleasure. 1 have sold nearly all 1 bought of you , and warranted every bottle , and not ouo has over conio back for hia money. 1 am sat- isGcd it ia the boat Ague Cure that over was presented to the public. I have been in the drug business in this place over twenty-five (25) ( ) years nnd never bavo sold anything that gave such sat- afnction. Youra , respectfully , ( Signed ) Jos. ATKINH. Prepared by R. A. Iloblnson & Co. , Wholesale Druggists , Louisville , Ky. , and at retail by Schrotor tV : Bocht , Druggitita , Omaha. Jlotails nt Sl.OO per bottle , six bottles for § 5.00. APPOINTMENTS. Appointment ! ( or Gen. Clmrlou F. MnnilrrRon , Senator Mandor.-mn nnd other uponkcn ) will adilrepH the people at the following plucoH ou liu dates named : Arnpalinp , Oc'nlicr 21th. York , October 2"tli. Contml U ty , Oi'lnbur 28th. ( inind lulnnJ , October 20th. IC-ainey , October 30th. lloldretro , Nuvembor 1st. Appolntmcntn lor OisorKO AV. Doreoy ' and J. ( J.rjfnlo. . KOll CKO W. K. DOHSKV AND OKN. A. II , CONNOH. Kearney Friday ovi'iihur , October 2J. Schuyler Satunlay oyening , October 25. OKO. W. 1C. DOIIHEV AND OTHUll HriAKKUI ! , Albion Monday ovoninfj , Octobwr 27. Uluir Tnimduy ovenln , Octob r 28 , Dakota City NVediicauay ovonlntr , Octo bur 2'J. TiikamnhTliunilny evening. Octohor 30 , West Point I'riduv evening , October 31. Mr , Doraey will bo ucvaiiiimiilod by canjl- datca for Htato ofScoi , 0. K. YOST , J. W. l.oVB , Ch'n State Con. Com. Ch'n COIIR. Com , Campaign HpreolicH In Ilio Tlilril Con- DlHtrlot. lion , L. W , Odliornu will npoak an follows : Kidney , Friday ovonlnif , Oct. 21. OKulalla , Saturday ovonlbK , Oct 25. W. F , Nurrlx , at Decatur , Friday evening , Oct 21. JnOgu J. 1 ! , liarncH will spoalc nn follown : Kt Ifolena. Kriilay ovuriii ! | ; Oct , 21. NIobrara , nnturday evening , Oct. 25. Hartlngtnn. Tiietdnyovoiilng , Oct , 28. Coloridgo. Woilncsday livening , Oct. 2 ! . Wnkoflvld , ThureJay uvisnfnr , Oct. 80. .IncK-Bon , Friday ovinlng , ( Jet 31. 11 , C Drome , K , M , Love mid N , 1) , Jack- nun IIH followa : Airiaw ( > rth , Friday evening , Oct 21. Yulontinv , Saturday evening. Oct. 25 , 0. H Ywr , Chnlrnmn State Central Committee , J. W. Love , Chalniian Oifitric' Cnrnmlttoe , Hon. Win , Neville , nntl-inonopoly can'II Into for congrerx In the Third district , will uldrrfH the iH'oplo an follown : ilnukrun , I'VidiV ovenmx , October 21 , llurllrigton , Saturdny nvoning , Outobor 25 , Wuynn , Monday o\fuing , Octuber 27. Norfolk , Tutaday tumliur , Octoli r 28. Htuntou , Wadneiidjy evening , O tobor 2K , Wlnni-r , Thuri-day ii | i. in. , October HO , WuMt Point , Thnmluy ovonlng , Octohor I0 ! Oakhiuil , Friday hvt'iilng , Oct'il > or3I , Uluir Salurdty evening , November 1 , A lame back IH a tormwit , It is usu ally ascribtxl either to n ntruin or to rheu- natiam. Kino times out of ten it it < idnry disooso , liu wiao.in time , taki [ /U.NT'H / [ Kidney and Liver ] HKVIKDV for your Ume buck and avoid the dangers of rvhlch it la the warning. ITISASPEQIFIcJl IT IS RELIABLE , " " " ron - - .Kldnoy & Llvor Troubles , Bladder , Urinary fclul XJvor IMstvuo * , Drop y , Q revel and DlabcU * . HIGHLY RECOMMENDED , , It ourca nilloufncni , JIo.vliwJic , JnuruUoo , Hour Otomacli , Dfiiwrwln , ConiUpaUou n < ] IT WORKSPROMPTLY anil cum Intompcrnnc , Nervous Qencrnl Debility , EIOOMCO anil Female Woaknna. USE IT AT ONCE. It rcntorM U > o KIDNEVS , UVnn Mill HOW- 1.3 , to ft lionlthy notion ami OU11EO when all other innllotnra CU1. HululnxU 1iavol < ocn tarpil who have bccu dvcn up to dlo by frlouiU nni\ I'rlrciM.tiC. Bend for niiwtrateiiriimrililotto , HUM'S IIKJIKDV CO. , 1'roTlitfiico , 1C. I. B HOLD HV AT.T. DIHKiCISTS. CAPITAL PJBIZE $75,000 Wi.Tlokots only 56 , Bharos In rroportlouTM Louisiana State Lottery "IVe&oktrtby certify nat wetupirriti t\s i anjtmentl fer all fir Monthly and Semt-Anr.ual Viaumiiof the Lotttfutna StuteLjlten Company mi intitnon mnnnjt and control tht nreuinyi hc.inwlvH , and that the fame ara conducted u < ft oncsty , fairness , and in yood faith toaard ell iar ictcmd te authorise the ctmpariy to ujj thit eir- Ifoxtt , vithfns-simil'3 of cur lijrjafurji c.ttnt\td n itl adKTttsttn'.nti. " iT d COMHIS310NK113. lacoipoiMed In 1 3 ! ' : 55 Jcira by the 31 oJncutlouAl ou J ci\ritatlo ! purpocei wltt cup IMol 01,000 , nco to which a tcaciva fnuil o ( OT 550 , rOO hao cluoo been oildcd. By an ocrnholmioi ; jiopulai vet ? It : f.-cnUiUt wv ! iniilo n parl ol the nroeaut ttats casitltullon rtoptad Docicinbor Sd. A. D. 18TJ. Che only Lottery over voted on nnd en- doraod by the people of nny State. Il Dovot Bcalea or poitponcr. Its grand blnglo nnmbcv dra\ilugn tabe ; ; laoQ monthly. A cnlamlid opportunity to win ft 1'ortuao Llth Grand Drawing Olaaa L , In the Ao.id * oniy1 of | Music , Now Orlonua , Tuesday , No vember llth , 1884 17-ltli Monthlv drawing CAPITAL PRIZE , 875,000. 100,000 Tickets nt Flvo Bollnra Each. Frac- tioiw , in Fifths In proportion , M8T OF I'HIZCS. OAFITAA I'ltlZK . - . . . . C7BCCI dodo do do do . or sswo . isooc I do 000 . 10.COC 11 do 1000 . JO.OO : 8) do COO . 1UOOC 103 do VUO . KWC t03 da 100 . 0.000 t03 do 80 . Eli OOC 1COD do 26 . 25,000 AITKOXIIUTI01 I'llru. 0 ApprorlmMlon ftlua ol J760 . 0,7I ( U da do tm . i,5CI tt do do no . * , U ; ; t > 7 I'llrci nmonnUnf ? to . ? 2J5tK ArpMoatSoii ( or mta9 ! o olaho should bo ciidn cnjj o " 10 olflco cl the Company In How Oilcnnu. Foe further Inlunnaf Ion wrlfa clo.irlv gMog fall ttiUlrcB' . POST\r. Noli : I , i\prcs3 : Mnpcy Onlcrn , or \'i\v York KxchniiKo In uiillunr } ' lultvr. Curruncy jy rx | > nw ( all umis of 45 and njiuania nt our uz- Kjnto ) njdrta f-l M A. DAUP1I1N , or If. A. DAUHIIH , Now Oiloano Ln. 101 Hoventh tit. Wuhlnitton ) ) . U. M to P. O. Uinoy OidctH poyiblt nml nJJrcss tOKUtoro I I.ottorrt to NEW OIlLKANH NATIONAT , HANK , Mow Orlujiu , Iii. Ib DKUIL ) UV Royal Havana Lottery ! ( A ClOVKItNUKNT INBTITIT1IOH. ) Drawn ut JJuvana , uba , Every 12 to 14 : Days. TICKKTS , 12.00 , JIALVKS. 81.00 Hubjoit to no manipulation , not controlloJ | > y tli mttlejln Intoront It la the ft'.rodt thin ; In th latureolchaNuoln oslutonco. Korlnformatlotinnd jiartloulnri upply toBHISKT , CO..O n. AKunta , 1212 lcoailw y , N Y. city. X. KAU1) ti CO. . 417 Walnut street , Ht. Louis , II0 or Frank Lobrano , L. D. , 20 Wyandoito , Kun. y 21-m& < ! & w Iv UUMPHREYS For the Cure of nil diacascs of Horses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , HOGS , POULTHY. UBod Hucceasfnlly for 20 years Iry I'ur- mors , Stockbrccdcrx , Horse ] { .It. , itc , Knilorscil .t used by the U.S. < ovrnin' ( ! ( . /-O-l'amphlcN < t Churls sent t' ( n > . 'n ? $ HUMPHREYS' ' MEDICINE CO , , 100 Pulton St. , Wow York. Humphreys' Homeopathic i * < /r * HW ' ja , . & 4B < 04JWJlAa < iU * AH X , In a ueu 30 } < am. 'I'lio only miccciwful rruicdy lot Nervous Debilily , Vital Weakness , AIIQ rroHtrutloii ( UDIM over-work orntlicrrauHfn , ! fl IMTU1 , or ft viaUand Inrwo vial puwdvr for * 5 SuUHiV lluni'HhiM nrnMit pOhtp'ii lonn < tx < lpt < if i > rlci < . v\ddrfbH Iliiniiilir iyi4' lloiit } * < iiiitlilu LVON & HEALY , ' Wllliffijj jcu lt tf DAND CATAUOQUE , r ! ! , H'Jl' ' 'i VUUrnKrailnict f Jnilruu'nU ' , bulu , Cat * * CtlU , UJ. t-'lulUt CI.aQiJ ( * , Jlrutu M jOfV bliHi ttuj SuiiOry JUiil OutliU lt (4ilrl ( i ! . nltu InclvtiM JmUuctlo AiuiUur SP-S3-8S - ? CJ 2 tJ iijHjf ! ! SO ? SB * ' ? 0 O lilli ! | llii PP * siiia _ CO O sseglS-S SS 3 ' s ± Mg4 > ) ( JrJ s' ? 5 CL a | a | BJoOof Uutf 8 3 5 floats " & KlsriB J n - Sd ' 3o"28frgSca-SDtj' ( ; 82 | ig8aI > 22g SarSs SfiS Sifg nBto ISElgs § ig | | 5Sbl5Sg5S5 . .3 en g ( : gs S"4 o at'52 S * o u-3-B ap o 0 3Ul b 111 H QQ COo o B O o o They Are Without A Rival. AND- e been Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Prize Medals at all the prominent expositions of the World for the Last Fifty Years. And An oxnmmntion of these magnificent Pianos is politely requested before purchasing nny other instrument. General Western Eepreseutatives. P. S. Also Gen'l Agt's for KWABE , VOSE & SONS , BEER BEOS. , 'and ' ARION PIANOS , and SHONINGER CYMBELLA and CLOUGrE & WARREN ORGANS. TEAT IS TEE NAME OP TEE TOWN WHERE And nil of the good nnajplensant things that go to make np a com plete and happy existence. Tlio town ol ! South Omaha IB fciinatod south o the city Jo Omaha on the line of- the U. P. Railway , nud it is less than SJ miloa from the Omaha post office to the north line c f the town site. South Omaha is nearly H miles north and south by 2 } east and west.and covers nn area of nearly four square miles , The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit Nearly 150 lots have boon sold Add the demand is on the increase The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion. The (50,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. The $30,000 Water Works are finished and furnish an abundant supply of PURE SPRING WATER. * The B. & M. and Belt Line Railways have a large force of men at work nnd will , in connection with the U. P. Railway , have a union depot near the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be furnished for Church and School purposes. Now is the time to buy lots.in this growing city. They will never bo cheaper than they are to-day. HIT Apply at the Company's office , at the Union Stocks Yards. m. A. UPTON , Assistant Secretary. RUSMFINCt ft BOLTE , -MANUr-AOTUUEIlS OJT- Dormei Windows , flnUli , Window C piIron Oreitlnzi , . WcUHlc . Bky-ltgbti , &o. Tin , lien and SatlHoo ! ' Bin rtonth WH KtriM.t Onmli. NnhriuVl t , . , . .i , . , 1013 Jones Street , } K E icnosa. { OMAHA JNEB.