Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Omntirv Oniou , M > . i t l F rn m St.
Council I Bluffs Ofllcc , No 1 1'cntl S
Btroet , Near 11roa lw y.
New York Office , lloom 05 TrlUnno
mbUshcd trttj irrrnlng , K ctpl 6cndaj Th *
enl ) K6nday morning daily.
One 7c t . CltttO I Thrco Month . | .00
tUKontM . "J " ° ' ' ' " ? nth . If ° °
1'cr Week , SB Cents.
Tna wmniT w , rn usu D ivsar WIBKIBDJLT.
BI Te t . 12.00 1 Thrco Months . I 60
. . 1. 00 | One Month. . . . 0
A , OCKmanltitlcns relating to Now * andKdltorlal
* uittcrathauld bo addressed to the KDITOU or Tin
All Cuslncra Letters and Remittances ihonld be
Hdroswd to Tux BM rtmutuirni OOKPAHT , OUAIM.
Drafts , Checks and Poctofllco onion to to made pay
able to the cider ol the company.
K. llOSHAVATKIt , Keillor.
A. II. Fitch , Mnnnjrcr Dally Circulation , I'
O. Box , 488 Omaha , Neb.
would think from reading Jim
Laird's homo organ that Van Wyck and
Kosowatcr are running for oliico in the
Second congressional district.
uddrcas the democrats of Umalm nozt
Monday. Wo suppose that ho will tell
them all about civil service reform.
THE Chicago Jlcruld , having hoon
aaltod by a reader why the term "widow"
is applied to Butler , that paper replied
that ho acquired that fltlo booauoo in a
speech aomo years ngo ho oaid ho was
like n widow ho know what ho wnntod.
"Wno enters hero loavnahopo hohind , '
the inscription which the poet's im
agination placed over the warmest plao
that ho could imagine. "Who enters
hero loaves neap behind , " was the inscrlp
tion over ( ho gateways of Ohio jast prior
to the recent election.
TUB recent supreme court decision in
Pennsylvania oustalning the claim o :
the state to tax through olooplng-cars
receives an ofTsot ia the decision ofJudgo
Stanley Blntthowa in the case of the
state of Tennessee against the Pullman
palace-car company , brought in the fed
eral court , to compel the company to pay
a privilege tax on its cars , The court
holds that such tax can bo collected only
on cars run exclusively in the otato , and
not on thoao running through the state ,
The question now urines , at what place
can the sleeping-car companies bo com
pelled to pay taxes on its through cars ,
and if there is any such designated place ,
does the company pay its taxes on such
care ? It would nocin that the head
quarters of ouch companies are the
proper places for them to list their
their through cars. For instance , the
Pacific Pullman car company has its headquarters -
quarters in Omaha and keeps and repairs
ita through cars in this city , and wo
would suppose that hero is the proper
place for it to pay its taxes.
THE registrars should publish their
Hats promptly so that every voter can
see that ho is properly registered. An
other object in promptly publishing the
registration lists is to afford the people
n timely opportunity to discover if there
are nny illegal voters registered. The
now law provides that the residence of
every voter shall bo given. As there are
many changes of residence during the
year the registrars cannot bo too caraful
in making out their lists. Heretofore
the usage haa boon fo leave the imblicn
tion of the lists until the very last mo
raont , and then a great many persons
have discovered that they have not boon
registered , and consequently this has
caused much annoyance and confusion on
election day. As this is a presidential
year the registration will bo very largo ,
but nevertheless there will bo a largo
'number of voters who will neglect to at
tend to this duty until it is too lato.
Every effort should bo in ado to got every
voter registered before election day.
THE Br.i' propoaos , in the iutovoata of
the public welfare , to propound to every
candidate for the legislature a for ques
tions concerning measures and reforms
which the people of Omaha and Douglas
county desire. Wo do not propose to
, trust to luck or accident or the poraonal
standing of any candidate , The eltiaons
of this city and county want to know defi
nitely to what those men are willing to
pledge themselves in the noxtlogialaturo.
Ono of those questions will bo the aboli
tion of the present Bjatom of city assess
ment. Another will bo the reduction of
the number of justices of the peace to
three or four. A third will bo a ohango
in the royonuo laws to provide for the
taxation of the railroad depot grounds ,
I. machine ehopj and other property not
. actually used for right of way , the same
as other property U tared. A fourth
question will bo the reduction of tlio pas
eager mileage rates to three cents a
mile. A fifth question will bo the revision
of tholawaso as to provide penalties against
railroad discrimination and extortion
Theeo are some of the questions that
legisUtiva candidates will have to an
awer BO that the people can know exact
Iy how they stand. Any man who is not
willing to declare himself in favor ot
thoao measures will bo sot down as op.
posed to the best intoroats of the people ,
and consequently he cannot expect their
support. The railroad bostca in select
ing their candidates ascertain beyond a
shadow of a doubt just how they stand
on all question * affecting the railroads ,
and the candidate wJvo cannot fully sat-
Itfy them by his record and by pledges
aa to the future never receives their sup.
port. Uovrft is tirao for Uio people to
protect tlietnielvea in the satno way , and
if they don't do-it they have only thorn
! to blurne for
Wo have received a letter from a post
master in the Bocoud congrcssionnl dis
trict , whoso name is withhold for obvi
ous roaoonsBayinglha t at a recent political
meeting in that district one of Jim
Laird's strikers stated that THE BUG had
retracted all that it had said concerning
Lilrd , but , no the postmaster oddn , no
ono believed the statement. TUB But
has told nothing but the truth about Jim
Liird , and it has not retracted ono word ,
nor docs it ptoposo to stultify itself in
any ouch manner. The fact is that
Liird's circulars mid explanations arc
audacious frauds. His veracity is quoted
very low aud it has boon questioned oven
in the courts when ho wa.t practicing
before Judge GAslln. His defense is a
tiasuo of falsehoods from beginning to
on.l. IIo says that in the Stinking Water
mattbrho was exonerated by three gov
ernment oflicern. Who were ihnno ofll-
con ? Two of them wcro ofllcora of the
McCook land oflico , who were themselves
implicated in the fraud , and the other
was Starhuck , wtio in ado the surveys for
the Laird-Kelly gaug from Uostingo.
They wcro fit ofliccrs to exonerate Jim
Liird , The whole course of Laird coil-
victs him of lying. Liird claims hn was
in his seat all the time , but Mr , W. II ,
Morse , of Olarks , who In known to bo a
railroad man and working with the rail
road republican faction , has repeatedly
said that while ho was in Washington
for throe weeks last winter ho could not
find Laird , although ho made a
thorough search for him
half a do'/on ttmus. Other Nebraskans -
braskans have had thu same trouble in
looking for Laird in Washington. IIo
was hardly over in his seat or in hia com
mittee room. Where ho was is some
thing that will have to bo loft to sur
James Laird in his homo organ de
nounces Van Wyck , Rosewater and
Stickol as conspirators who want to send
democrats to congress , and who doslro t
aid the solid south , not with the shot
gun policy , but with slander and bull
dozing. Now if there is any bull-dozo :
in this state his name is Jim Liird. But
why should Laird and his frionda in the
Second district change their tactics jus
before election ? For weeks and weeks
they have urgently appealed to the demo
crata to elect Laird on the ground that h
ia a hotter democrat than Stickcl. They
have Bought to convince the demo
crata that there ia a conspiracy
agaiuat Morton , because THE BII : : asaaila
him , and therefore it ia the duty o
democrats to veto for Laird. Now that
they are on the homo atrotch they are
appealing to the republicans by waving
the bloody shirt. So far ns aiding the
solid oouth is concerned the defamers of
Gapt. Stickol are reminded that ho
fought for the Union throughout the war
of the rebellion , and participated in
numerous battles , and made for hinisol
a gallant record. The question , how
ever , for the republicans of the Second
district is whether they want a man in
congress who has such an unsavory re
cord as Jim Laird has , who haa boon ab
sent from hia scat two-thirds of the time ,
and who , when in his neat , does not ro-
prcsont the wishes of the republicans or
[ > f r.ny other class in his district except
the corporate monopolies.
IT is a noticeable fact that thoMormons
ire enthusiastically in sympathy with the
lomocrats. This is explained by the fol-
lowlngjfrom n Now York journal : "Tho
national republican committee is In re-
jolpt of information from n source they
: onsidor entirely trustworthy that nt a
jouncll of the , Mormon church hold at
Salt Lake City It was voted to give to the
latlonal democratic committee ono tenth
sf the church tithings amounting to a.
largo sum of money to bo used in ai-1-
ing the election of Cleveland , and , if pos-
liblo , n majority of both houses of con-
jross. In return for this contribution ,
the Mormon council secured u prnmlao
from the democratic committee that in
the event of aucceas Utah ahall bo ad
mitted to the union as a state. As anad-
litionul inducement fur Utah's admission
; hu council promised that oho will us a
lomocratio state Bond two democrats to
, ! iu United Stutos ooimto. "
Now that Vanderbilt has given ? 500-
300 to the Now York collegoof phjsiclana
ind Burgeons , ho ought to receive the
3cst medical attendance for himself and
family for the rest of their lives free of
jhargo. Perhaps ho has figured out that
t would bo cheaper to pay $500,000 in a
junch , than it would bo to pay the bills ,
From time to time , of high-priced doc-
JOHN KELLV'H Now York Star , ovl
lontly having in mind the fact that
Dlovoland's warmest supporter is IJonry
Ward Beechor , asks the following perti
nent question :
Lot's BOO , wasn't Henry Ward Boochor
the man who declared that the working ,
man who couldn't live on a dollar a day
wasn't lit to live ?
IT occurs to us that If as much effort
had boon made in behalf of the Nebraska
state fair as there is now being made in
this state for the Now Orleans exposition ,
our fair would have boon much moro
of a success BO far as exhibits are con-
; ornod , and the benefits to our people
would have been much greater.
THE people of Now York city are
: allod upon to raise $31,607,500 , or
icarly § 30 for every man , woman and
: hild , for local toxeafor ( the next year.
I'ho Commercial Advertiser Bays if that
s not a strong argument for a change of
slty government , then ono cannot bo
nado , _
Ir the Omaha BUK'H opinion of J. Ster.
ing Morton ii worth quoting by ropubli-
an p pori in thu second district , why ia
not the Br.F.'s opinion of Jim Laird
worthy of the tame endorsement ?
TiiiiEn-rouiitii.s of the grain cent cast
from D < ikoU this season ia being shipped
by rail to Duluth , and thence cast by wa
ter. This is a black eye for Minneapolis
and a big boom for Duluth.
THE slight wave of the bloody shirt by
Blaine at Fort Wayne haa had the same
clTocl upon the democrats us n red rag
has upon a bull.
Parliament was convened on Thursday.
The queen's opocch , after complimenting
General Gordon for his successful defense
of Khartoum , which , by the way , was
achieved without any help from her
majesty's ministry , asks the houeo of
commons to vote further appropriations
to continue operations in Egypt , while
the house of lords is politely requested
to give ita sanction to the extension of
the franchise bill. Victoria's inoasngo is
short and sweet , being moro praiseworthy
for what it omits than for what it con-
tainn. And now the struggle over the
franchise extension and ro-appomtmont
will begin in earnest. Revolutions never
move biskward , and there is no doubt
that Gladstone will succeed.
An unpleasant sensation has boon
caused by the pulioation of the corre
spondence on the conference which Bis
marck has called together on the Cong
question. The tone of the letters be
twcou the French and Gorman diplomats
the ostontotioua addressing of Princ
Bismarck by M. Do Courcol as Mo ;
Prince , tends to increase the ouspiclo
that there ia a combination to attack th
colonial supremacy of England. Th
ministerial organs are doing their bos
to put a good face upon the thing , bu
the summoning of the conference certainly
tainly marka another date In the term !
nation of the epoch when England enjoyed
joyed the monopoly of the colonizatiot
of the uninhabited parts of the world
Both Mr. Gladstone and Sir. * Charloi
Dilko have made bold attempts to hoa
the pessimistic tone , which ia now
habitual to England. The prlmo miniate
declared that the strength of the ompl
waa increasing , and that the day had no
como vrhon England need fear to look i
the face of any country in the world ; an
Sir Charles Dilko , who haa always boo
known ai a curious hybrid between a rad
ical and a jingo , declared that the En
glish blood and tongue must remain , un
der God's blessing , ever dominan
throughout the world. The Pall Mnl
Gacc , which was the first to got up
the prevalent scare , mocks 11 these bravi
words as containiug a frightful mistake
which , if not promptly corrected , maj
involve England in overwhelming diaas
The St. Jnmos Gazelle , which ia con
ntitutionally saturniuo , improves the
hour by describing the danger to Englial
in India in the most lurid ttrma , ntut tin
government has at last been compelled t :
make some attempt to moot the curren
alarm by publishing some plans for tin
strengthening of colonial dofonsos.
It seems prohiblo that a representative
of the United States may attend the conference
foronco which has boon summoned by
Prince Bismark to consider the question
of the commerce of the Congo , if it
should convene. V/hothor the conference
will actually bo hold , however , there ia
some doubt , the statement that Ftancn
insists on broadening the topic to bo con
sidered , so as to include jtho Niger river ,
indicating an obstacle which may prove
serious. But Bismarck's ansuranco to
Lord GranVille that the conference would
confine itself to the purely commercial
phnao of the Congo question , will smooth
the way for several of the powers which
have boon hesitating to enter it , and the
probability is that It will bo brought
The appointment of an envoy from the
United States to attend the conference ia
quite another matter from the selection
uf an agent to represent this country as
mi ally of the International Association ,
B was done last aumiuor. Since then ,
the Congo question has changed , und ha
rapidly broadened into ono that deeply
interests the whole European world. It
is impossible to foresee what arrango-
inont Bismark intends to suggest , or
ivhat , as the Issue of the general deliber
ation , will become of the respective and
rival claima of the French , the Portu-
, 'ueno and the International Association.
Lt is at least to bo hoped , on all accounts ,
.hat if the conference should ba hold , the
issoinblud diplomats will hit upon a plan
ivhich will give rqual opportunities to the
: ommorco of each nation ,
Whether it is a Bound and aafo polioy
'or the United States to accredit an envoy
; o nny conference with foreign powcra ,
jioro is much reason to doubt.
The Irish nationalist party are In some
thing of a quandry as to the course they
ire to take. Mr. Gladstone has offond-
; d them by retaining Earl Spencer us
Viceroy , In the face of the accumulated
mdoncopf the hatred and disgust felt
l > y the Irish people towards his govern-
niont. Since the Cornwall gang were
whitewashed , and an investigation of the
Maamtrasna cases was refused , the dis-
{ ust has reached a liAlght which must
istonish oven hia lordship. On n recent
tour in Munster ho was grootnd with
black flags , cheers for Parnoll , and shop
windows shut as if in an occasion of pub.
lie sorrow. Ono gentleman was oxpollcd
from the local branch of the league for
ihaking hands with her majesty's re pro-
lontativo. although ho explained
; lmt ho was token by surpriao and TO-
jrotted the act. That auch a Viceroy is
Icing no good to the cause of alien gov-
irmnont , Mr. Gladstone should bo thd
kflt to aoo. It Is ho and not the nation ,
ilista who should bo anxious to have him
replaced by some ono loss offensive. But
the nationalists urge his removal , and the
? rime minister hesitates to perform a
[ irudont act , because it may bo taken as
i desertion of a friend under fire , and
losslbly because it may bo used against
; ho liberals In English politics. The
: orlos already be in to charge that a
Ivilmalnham tronty Is on foot , and that
.ho removal of Earl Spencer is to bo the
> rlco of the Irish vote on the franchise
Jill. .
That Mr. Parnoll and his friends will
rote against that bill under any circum-
itancos is exceedingly improbable. They
ook to it as a means to atronuthon their
> wn party in Ireland. It will give them
ho majority in several Irish countica and
> hup number of boroughe , now huld by
ho liberals mainly. If their vokrt wore
icodod to its repasBogo by the hou o of
loinmoni , they hardly would ho with-
told. The worst they can venture ia
tot to vote at all , and this will not
roakon the hands of the ministry. The
nil will bo much the stronger before thn
> eers and the oouutry if it passes the
house of commons without the support
of that Irish party , which has the moat
to gain from its passage ,
Franco and England freed Greece
from shameful oppression though Eng
land timidly disavowed , happily too late ,
the nnblo act of her bravo admiral , who
in 1827 with his French and Russian
colleagues , annihilated the Ottoman ( loot
at historic Navarino. The French people -
plo have always joined with French
scholars in sympathy with Grocco ; and
it is not unnatural that this sympathy
should bo reciprocal between two peoples
ples having much In common , Under
KingOtho , everything official In Hellas
was conformed to German models ; but
when his rigid and narrow-minded
authority was shaken off , Franco took
ogain her place at Athens. A French
military ami naval commission under
Gen , Vacsour and Admiral Lojctino Is
now about to sail from Marseilles , at the
request of the Greek government , to re
organize the Hellenic army and navy.
The death of that royal eccentric , the
Dnko of Brunswick , gives riao to a fresh
complication of Ituropean politics , which
may provo serious. It is true that the
dominions of the late duke are BO small ,
that ho might almost have seen their
frontiers on every side from his palace
windows. But oven a petty sovereignty
Is sometimes a bono of bitter contention
1'otweou considerable powcra. The next
heir to the duke , who , by hia still moro
eccentric predecessor , died childless , is
Ernest , English Duke of Cumberland ,
and titular Klngjof Hanavor. This prince
who ia second cousin to the English
Queen , might have boon to-day reg
nant , instead of titular , King of Hanover ,
had not hit ) father , the late King George ,
who waa blind politically , as woll.ns
physically , resisted the aggrandizements
of Prussia. Resist , however , ho did , and
as a consequence , Bismarck obsorbod
Hanover without saying "by your loavo. "
It is not probable that Bismarck , hav
ing ousted the English house from Hano
ver , will allow it to enter Brunswick.
Neither the Duke of Cumberland , nor
the next heir after him , the Duke of
Cambridge , will probably over on joy the
diminutive a wools of Brunswick sovereign
ty. Brunswick gave its name to the
reigning family of England ; but England
will scarcely join issue with the Germans
in order to seat a great-grandson of
George III , on the duoal throne.
Every act of Russia in the far East is
at this time scrutinized with a predispo
sition to find in it some latent hostility to
China. With ouch a doairo ono may
easily see fresh menaces to Pokin in the
announcement that Yladivostock on th
Puciliu coast of Siberia , cloao to th
Coroa , ia to bo fortified , and that dock
yards and additional shipa are to pro
claim the power of Russia in that quar
tor. When M. Ferry has fairly won
Franco and the chambers to an open ad
vocacy of war ngahist China , u Ruesian
alliance , if such ia in the wind , may thai :
bo lesa inappreciable to the common ob
server ,
vlTho French budget commlttoo ha
pared , down unmercifully the estimate
of the minister of public worship. A
strong effort is now being made in Franr-i
bo put an end to the strange spectacle
presented in the official expenditure each
poor of millions moro than the revenues
riiia effort is not only wnc , but neces
iary ; for continued deficits must in time
Bankrupt oven so wealthy a nation as
Franco. The committee has pared
inow the allowance of the Arch-
biohop of Paris , never generous
in view of the charitable demands failing
jpon that prolate. It has also cut down
ho allowance for ' ' "
; 'repairing" cathedrals ,
fliis last action'will not bo received with
mmixod regret by thoao who deplore
ho wholesale "restoration "
, not always
visoly planned heretofore , of those won-
Irons monuments of architectural genius
diich Franco abounds as superior to
ho English cathedrals as Greek works
TO to Roman , and yet virtually unknown
n America.
To Opposes Improving tuo Missouri
to Hcli ) tlio Unllrouds ,
FALLS GUY , Nob. , October 22.
? o the Editor of the BEE.
I BOO that Jamoa Laird has boon ac
inaod of dodging the river and harbor
till , or the appropriation for Improving
ivera and harbors. If this is ao , and his
llstrict is west of the river , what can bo
aid of A. J. Weaver , whoso district is
ilong the west bank of the Missouri ,
rom Douglas county to the Kansas line
iiVocvor voted against the bill ns I am in-
ormed. and his excuse is that there was
\ big atoal in the appropriation , and that
10 was offered 8500,000 for tho. Missouri
Ivor , and that would not have amounted
, o much. Since the railroads have been
milt has Douglas , Sarpy , Cass , Otoo ,
tfeniaha and Richardson counties
10 interest in the improvement
> f the Missouri river ? Ten or
iftoon years ago there waa heavy
iteamboat traflio on the river and all the
owns on its banks prospered. Five nun-
Irod thousand dollars would keep a snag
mat running from Kansas City to Oma-
ia for about four years , and yet our con-
; rossman thought it waa not important
mough to give it any funda. Ilia ob-
oot was plain. It would deprive the
allroada of some freight and ho opposed
tin thotr bohalf. Had ho done other-
vise the railroads would not support him
For re-election.
Thin fact should bo remembered by the
'oteraof river towns , whoso prosperity
rould bo greatly increased by renewal of
radio on the river , and by farmers whoso
iroducta could bo moved to market for a
reat deal loss that the railroads now
bargo. Arago and Rule , two towns in
lichardson county were ilorishing towns
'oforo ' traflio was driven from the river.
t is a matter of aolf-interost for all vot-
r in the district to vote against Weaver
nd for 0. H. Brown , whoso public roo-
rd is a guarantee that ho will represent
nd support the interest ! of the people as
gainst corporations. ] } .
intl-TVIonojioly MeotlnjjB In tlio Boo
i nl IM rlot.
J , Burrows K < i , of Gage county , for three
earn uncretary of the State Fanners' Alll.
nee , will sprak on tlio political Uities of thu
oy In the Second a ngrctiilcnil district , at
10 following named dated iitul jiUwe :
llnrvnrd. Clay county , Friday , October 21
, ' : i p. m
Clay Center , Clay county , Friday , October
I. at 7 p. in.
Nulsnn Nuckolla county , Satmday , Octo-
> r 26 , 2 p in.
8u | cilur Nuckolla county , Saturday , Octo-
rtf ! > 2p in.
Klvertun , Franklin county , Honda' , Goto
r < ! 7 , ft p in.
Bloominpton , Itanklin county. Monday
ctoU'r 27 , 7 l > m ,
U i ublican City , Ifarlaa county , Tuesday , ,
otober 28 , 3 p. m , |
Orient ) * , llnijan county , Tuesday , October 11
! , 7j > . in. . f
HeruerClty , Fttrna.1 county , Wednesday ,
October 21) , 'J p. in.
Arrnpnlioo , Pumas county , Wednesday , Oc-
lotwr 29. 7 l > . in.
Cambridge , Fiirnai county , Thnuday. Oc-
tobcr 30. 2 ji. in.
Ax ell , Konruoy county , Friday , Octobei
31 2 p. in.
Minden , Kearney county , Friday , October
3i 7 p. m.
limiting , Adams county , Saturday , Novcm'
qer 1 , 2 p. tn.
Local committees are requested to < ; eo that
meetings are well advertised , and where con
nection cannot bo mndo liy rail to provide
convojanco for speaker to hia next appoint
liy order congressional committee Second
Unptaln .T. II , Stlcklo'n Appolntmcnta
Cnpt. J If. Stickle , of Thaycr county , nntl-
monopoly candidate for congress in the Ud dis
trict , will discuss the political issues of the day
at tlio following points in southwestern No-
brceka on the datea hero named :
Kud Cloud-Friday , October 21th , at " .gO
1) in.
Hon. James W. Davis will ncldrosi the
po-jplo on the political items of the day at the
following places people wlthour reference
party csspocially Invited ,
At Pawnoi City , October 21 , 7 1' . in.
At linrcliard , October 25 , 7 t > . m.
At Humboldt , October 17. ! 7 p. m ,
At Falls City , October 28 , 7 p. in.
At Stella , October , 2 ! ) , 7 p. in.
At Auburn , October 80. 7 p. m.
At Nemakn City , October 31 , 7 p. m.
At Nebraska City , November 1 , 7 l > . tn.
At I'lattfjmoutli. November S , 7 p. ni.
Col. L. 0. Pace , candidate for Lieut , Gov
ernor !
Grafton , Oct. 25 , 1. p. in ,
Friend , Oct25 , 7 p. m
Nebraska City , Oct. 2f , 7 p. m.
Nowmarket , In. , Oct. 28 , 7 p. in.
Bedford , Ia. , Oct. 2U , 7 p. in.
Piiwneo City , Oct. 30 , 7 p. in.
liluo Springs , Oct. 31 , 7 p. m.
Sewnrtl , Nov. 1,7 p in.
By order of II. M.Vill3 , Chairman central
A Lively Itackct in the Third AVnwl
Thursday night Officer Buckley was
callodto Tenth street , between Douglas
Dodge , to arrast two colored prostitutes
who were drunk and making a loud
noiseHo placed the women under ar
rest , but they refused go and began
gan to fight the oflicor. Ono of then
got a board and struck Buckley with I
several times , once square in tha face
About this time the "coons" had swarm
cd around thicker than bees and ono great
big strapping fellow managed to strik
Buckley in the mouth , cutting his Ii
slightly. The oflicor then lot go of th
prostitutes and blow his whiatlo for help
and upon ita arrival the women won
taken to jail. They fought all the way ,
and ono of them waa nsarly ; naked by th
tirao they arrived at the jail. This tnor
ning in police court they were fined SI"
each and coats.
The neighborhood where theao women
were found ia doubtless thohardcatparto
this city and is n rondeavous for prosti
tutes , pimpa and gamblers. That tin
thing epould bo tolerated is a ehamo an
otcpa should bo taken to rid the city c
thpae peat houses , for such they aro.
Jamoa McGuire , a young thug , wh
makes night hidooua in the Fifth ward
waa arrested by Hollow , a block watch
man last night. Ho waa drunk aud nbus
iva and Hollow took him in. Ho wa
fined $5 and coats In'pollco court.
Smytha's drum corpf , a first-class com
panyand but recently organized , \7illturnoui
to-morrow night at the republican parade ,
The corps consists of four anaro drums , oni
bass drum and two fifers , The boys will b
prepared to turn out on any occasion , nni
will no doubt be appreciated. _ _
I have fried for eleven vtars to have raj wlfi
: urcd of a terrible skindiseaBu. The Cutlciira llein'
5)U ( Cutlcura Uoolvout , the now Iliood I'urlBer ,
intornallv , aud Cutlcura , the preat f-kln Cure , and
Uutli-ura nap , an c\qui6ito Skin Ujautifler extern
tl'jInto ) done In sU weeks what I have Irnd lei
tUvn ) ears to have dono. You shall have thn par
llo'ilirs s so n tu 1 can give tin m to vi u and avi
> ro so well k own lu thli pirt of the oountry. it vvil
licnollt iou , and the rcmidlcawlll cure all wh' > uat
Majivlllo , Ky.
luscdjKUr Cuticura Remedies for Illotchcs , ami
im completely curodto , my tnotprcsslblu joy. Cutl
: iimS < Hplstho best I liivo ever used and to 'lu
iroIcKslon It IK Invaluatla for cleaning the bUn ,
hi rtby rimovln ) ; all ' cork " grease , pal t , and all
: h * > tuO med by tuun , leaving the Ml pure and
vhltoand soft Mygreatittpleasurolaln recoininen
ling nicli an article. II M\CK ,
Champion Coinluut' Holler skater.
Young * ton u , Oalo.
I have had the Salt liheum for about three years
ind have spent time an I money to luvd It aurcd ,
without success , until I trieJ the Cutlcura It medics ,
ivhch nro dohiKlho woik. (1. J. YOUNG.
Uarabdeld , Ooos County , Oregon.
§ 200 FOlf NOTHINa.
Having paid about 3200 to first class doctors to
: ure my baby , without success , I tried the Cutlcura
Itemediee , which completely cured after tislnir three
! > ottlcs. WJ1. OOKUON.
87 Arlington AveChirlcitovn , Max.
Said i very where. Trice : Cutlcura , fOcts ; : SoapM eta. I'OTTinUllua ANoCuxM-
HI. Co , llnitoi ) , Ma .
Send for "How to Cure Skin Diieucs. "
ITTfTlTCUllA bOAl' for Hough Chopp J und
t U JL J , lUxhleiKd bhlo und Hands.
If a chIM Is properly
jo ) out , lupiy
childhood are the re
' eultH Thoutai ( Is of In
( llanti are ptovlsli and
fretful became they io
/being B'owly starred ,
/.OHlot ; to the Inabllliy
riof mother * to mpply
At ho proper nourUh-
3 meiit Illifitesro-'d will
, supply th dfdclency
. . better thu any otlur ;
jeeetl , ti ou andtluvu tici'n iucccklully icarcd on
lldge't Food ! lie llldzo' Vood litmtup lu CJnr ,
iur lzei at 35n and up ard. Hold by ' ' '
i'OOLUIC'11 A CO. , on label.
k U/BBffrTUEGY / ) ° CO' i J
. tJTSpoclnls will Positively not bo
Inserted unless pnla In i ndvnnco.
0NKV loaned on chattel ? . IHIIroad Tickets
M bought and cold. A. Foreman , 213 8. 18th
OMAHA Financial Kxcnii7e ! , la'go nr small loan
mideonapprovod security 1517 DjughuSU
\fONKY TO t.OAH Kinni of JJOU. itid 0)iwtiii )
ivl 0. f D 7ls and Co. , r.e l CaUto ted to
A. ent * ISIS V'lrnun 8t IJB-
\lrANTEI-A good cook. Mr. John J. Monell
2COSSI. Mary's avo. jsn28 |
AX7AN'Tii : ) CII rot clam table wallers at Danlmim'a
ro tauiantl61R Doilgo. 330-27
il A laundry girl nt the Omaha house
llarncy , lct. 12thand ISth. 831-2'ip
"V"\7AN > riD Younx man about seventeen s arsis
IT tant book kccj er. Address stating afro and
residence h ix 004 8S5-25p
- & Atlmicst 10th MM
California. 830 i7
\yASTKD-A good barber at < 12 south 13th St.
D- girls at Hhven lioiiio. South 10th St.
WANTED A job printer. Nonobutagoodeobcr
man need apply AilJrcsj "Flail , " North llend
Nell. 771-27
TTTANTK D-Tvvo dining room ulrlsnt 104 H. ICtl
V > St.
A salesman uho undcra'nnds thn fur-
nlturo trade , no others need apply , M. P Mar-
tln.niOS ISthHt. 316-24
TyANTKD DlihuoshcMinallRlrl and K'rl ' to woth
II lor her board at the Kmtnet lmno. 7S7-27p
TIT'ANTKD A ( rood girl lor general hoiisuwork ,
> t cor. CapHcl avenue and 12tli St. 7f3 2Bp
"YTrANTKIJ Bowing machine hands at the Omaha
\ > Shlit Factory. 003-tl
vyANTKU Agents ( or the ilutiu IUU Innurmco
1 1 Co. Address the Company at Stuart Nell
Tailors. Flrst-clasj sitting p'aces for
tullors at ! K1 12th St. 03J Im
TVfANTED Ladles or ( fentlcmon In city or country
IT totakonlce , lUht and plcasint work at their
WANTED Agents to sell Grttely's Universal Edu
cater on monthly payments Call on or ad
dress W. D. r. Lowry , room 6,119 north 10th St. ,
Omaha. 371.1m
or country , to take nice , light and pleasant
work nt their own homes ; $ ) to $5 per day easily and
quietly made ; work icntby mail : no canvassing ; no
stamp for roplv. Please addr&w llollablo llauf'a Co. ,
Philadelphia , Pa. MS-lm
T\fANTED A situation bj an experienced l.ouee-
? > keeper. Heferi.nci8B.\cn Address Mrs S.K.
Oocd , Otturnw * Iowa. 827.29p
WANTKD Employment by n young UJy to do
olllconorkor line ncollo work AtnaUo a com
petent teacher. Addresi "E. L. ' JJeo cffico. 788-24p
TT7"ANTED oituatlcn by an experienced croccry
IT man , can kccpboolo ifdoiircil. Good rcferenrta
Rl\cn. Address "A. M. " Dee ofllce. 774 25p
WANTED A situation by an o\pcrl3ncvtl pro- Good retcrenccs given. Anilro'R Ii3 !
north ICthsticet. 764-25p
married man want3 situation as noolt-
keeper , Inw holeaalo cstcblUhmoat lu Omaha.
Address " 0. " care Boo. 830-tl
"VX ANTCD lloom er rocmi centrally loca'ul for
T T ligLt house kceplcg Address "I ) " Bee orlico.
T\7'ANTKD-.CCO tn i:20OCO on thirty , > l\ty or
IT ninctj da\8bc6t btcunty. Address "S " Reo
ollicc. S33 If ;
WANTtD Hooui and boird for elxcroan per
sons In private family or boarding hou'o
Terms rowoiiabie. Addresi Mrs. n. J. Dudley 21
north Main StCouncil lilullj Iowa. 63J7p
TT7ANTIU ) Hot of hooka or other writing to do
IT evenings by llrst-class book-keeper. Aildrcees
"J M. " t.iro lice. 807-28p
WANTKD Families n want of female Ivlp can
boacc"m.dated nromptly by leaving th ir or
ders at 217 N , If th street. 804-24p
rpUAVKUNC ! MfN wanting a good outsldo line ,
JL address "J II. C. " Ueo otllce. 769 25
VT7ANTED To buy a o ty lot to bo pa'd in weekly
IT ormonthly Installments. Address "II , IT " I'eo
ofllce. 012-tf
TTTANTKD ? 2,000 on flret-class city securltyfor 6
VV years , at 9 per cent. Address Box 020 I'ost-
odlco 708-tJ
FOU KKHT Honnca Lctc.
1,1011 KENT Two nlco front rooms In private f m-
JL1 liy , new cottage j block Nortn of St .Marv'savc ,
street can * furnlsbed or unfurnished. ' Apply tn No.
44U Convent St. &J2-2JP
TpOIl HKN'T New cottage : four rooms , hall , closet
Jpantrv and largo garret 833 Southed street
bctuc'tn Ic.ivenvvortli and Mafun. Iniiiirc | ncx
door north , O3'i27p
KPNT House Innul-c first houao nest c
Ilaiuld otllCB. E1030
TTiOIl KENT Furnished front room suitable lor
X1 two gentlemen , HBnTth 14th.Sc. E262lp
IlKNT Two or tlirodirrnt roonn furnuhci :
to gentloxan and wile , -115 Ua'.lfotnla St.
83 tf
' ivvoilouant inifiirtil-liecl fruut roouia
e'OHKlINI wlndoA-s , suitable fur llijht h urckccp
Ing Call at iiortbwts : corner IDth ar.d Califo'nta
t eetn. Slc-tf
FOH KBM'--ruml8hci ) room at 18IO IJodgostreet.
820 2p
77IOU UiN'T : Nettly fiiriiNhed rnoiiH new block.
J modirn improvtniun stonier Iftth and Cnpitol
ivc. , one hlo2K from 1'ost olllcu. priced rcjsonible.
l-iOll UKNT Nlrclj furnished room firstlloor , Hiiit-
J1 n' ' lufor two gentlemen 111 Sojth loth St. 81 31p
HK.VT A desirable front room on first lloor
FOIl for two genticinen 111 S. ISth St. 812-29
KENT Piirnl lied room and board S3 0) per
FOH . Very bust location , 1811 Davcnpoit.
1OR llisT ; I'riek lu-Linent. Inquire DiugSturi
F Lorner lUih ard Douglas. 8 2 tf
IIKNT iluildenee on Dodjfe utr'tt , 11 rronn ,
Foil conveniences , range , hot and C'11 water , etc.
\lioLaiti , JloCague , oppoiite postolllcc. 789 23
KENT Three unfurnlihtd rooms for li-use.
FOK . Ilcemer's'block , cor , 6th and Honard.
IjtOH RENT A flve room cottage on S. W. corner
I ? Farnam and 2id. Apply to 0. It. DoaneACo. ,
) . W. cor. Uth and Months , 7sy-tf
RENT FuanUhed rooms 310 } south Uth
FOR , half block from Uoyd'a operabouso ,
ROOMS With board , ties rub o or winter- Apply
at tit ChailcallHtel. 7 Oi-tt
' Wllli bard , nlcily furnl < hed rooms
1 with gas and bath room , atS. W. cor. 14th and
loneittrecU. 7t7'J6p
FOR RENT A small room with or without board
1721 Douglas > t. 6S12Jp
RENT A brick c ttate of 6 rooms city water
FOR modern improvements 617 pc/month 4 , E.
orner of 8th and Hickory Bt. 761 25p
FOR IlKNT A fuiniihed room at 1318 Jackson at.
poll IlKNT rietsant rooms with board 10S ;
fT > Oll HUNT PurnUhcd room for light houitkeep-
1 lii ' . Icanant vuw of thu river , brldco and
lounill I'lulls. ' Southwest curlier Sth and Howard.
71,4. U
? RUST -Two furnished rooms at 1414 ti. 10th
1 Mrctt , id door R of Hickory. 7l/2 tf
HI'.NT Very do lr blo MunUbtil roiins c.n
I1 trully located. Apply al Atklnion'd ullllutry
lore , loth St 7CO-II
OR HUNT I'leasant lurnbliol room 1707 Can
t-t. 6 l.28p
i UH KKM 'Iwuor ruouu lor llht | h iUo-
. ' Ketphii Mi ; Charln . 041-21 p
p JJUHIIAY has iiooa j-uitunoi ; . Hprin | { vvatur.
T'Oll Hr.NT C(4t ( i-oclu\o IOOIDJ. J , I'lilwu Iloo
: lM28UithMh trcei.
,1011 JIKN1' ihrcenew I rlrk utorts on Cumlu ; n
. street , ono a corner , , opuotlto I' . O.
? OU SALK Two Moond bind IUAUOV , at iUhi. in
< & LrlcLuon't Mukic Stoic tu Ittb ft. tW-tf
FOR IlKNT-Su t of room ! and board 1812 Dc-dpr.
[ 33-Im
HENI lloomo In prl at mmliy with
IriOll 1 without board. Addrow "N. " lleo olllrc.
L7MIR11KNT l'l nosami organs from tw.i ilollarir
1 Up. A. Ho | > o , 1(10 Dodc. 4D 1m
jiuu KENT Two do Irablo rooms , Aim larse
.1. front parlor , suitable frr ono or two t-tntleiien.
Ic to I one quarter block from St. Maire avenue ,
620 I' etrcct. t.37 tf
FOR RENT A house with eightroomi. Wurron
Snlttler 213 South llthntrcit , 413-tf
> OR RENT Ha'f ol double botl'o , four rooms ,
17 Shlnn't -d addition , (11. a month. Ai ply room
24 , Omaha National Uink. 370-t
FOR IlKNT Hanaaiino furnished rooms 3101 St
Uth St. Mr * . M j fpfncor.
I70R RENT A furnished room 1608 Farnam St.
1 207-H
F OR ttKKT-Ono zrAtid square piano.
ofndholai rind Krlckson. 4ia-tf
ifs i A
R tiuir.ints and bakery onmbincd In Nebraska with
good location mid trade cstablhho i III cl , v of COOO
population. ( Mil.v llrst-clasa restaurant In thu phco
mid doing moro In Inkety line linn n I otticn In city
ciimblned Ice cream pailor In scaion. ( ) icn , Ice
houses and i'vcr > thing comp'cto. Will cell fiirnNhcil
and Ic'jve overj thing Ulllso'l ' fit n argaln and to
r'ghtni'xn with snullcaih payment and ualauro on
longtime so ptirchawr cm nnko It pay for Itself
W S WISH , I'httjmouth , Neb. 817-n 2-J
IpoltSALi : Vent , small hotel , long lease , cheap
1 rent. Capital necessary $2,000. Address "tf. K. "
Uco office. 702 2Sp
FOU SALE A good hnrto for caih. Inquire at T.
E. Uwor k'sgroccryitoro. 801 24p
J7iOH.S\LE 1 Fausago chopperliorso power ; one
riMidciIng kettle , one lud press. Apply at llrook *
1 } n Market , cor. 13th and 1'lerco
7\0ll SALH-SCO.COI feet dry lumber , Ath , Oak ,
J Kim , tlassnoott andSoltMiplc. K , A. ttliisin , St.
Charles , Michigan. 800 n21p
FOR SALK New bonllnga'liy. rvcrrthlnccom-
n'cto. Inquire at Meat Market , North 18th St'
FOUSUKOKHKNT-Ahou o of B moms haril
andsofivvatar,2lo swlth b.rn2l\30. RcntglB.
[ or month. Inquire north-cist ojiner 28th and
I'icrce St. 778-tl
TY"E-A quantity of job an I newspaper typo for
eaIo..Aleo a good Zither. 0. T. Bunco , ciro Ilea
ENGINE For sale , ouo new 10 H P. Portab
engine and boiler on sklda foreale cheap. Innul
Hlchards A , Clarke , U. 1' . U. V. 17th and 18th St.
POP. SALE Cottage of 5 rooms , barn , corner lot ia
Shliin'saddltlononly81.5 ; 0smalcosh ; ! payment
and balance monthly. Bargain. llcCaguc , opp.
poBtolIice. ( JlOtl
Foil SAU ; OR EXCII\NOE-A water power Qilst
mill icasonafor'elllriK given on application to
Oco. E t'raRS , Waverly , Neb. 004-lmB
FOU SALE Now phaeton" Inquire of Uoo. Hlg.
gins ut north- cost corner ISth and Dodge681tf
F IOIl SALE CO feet on Farnara ntrect between 28
audD. JL Lee , Orooer , 2M and Leavenvvorth.
JrtOK SALK Fine business rrmtico ot Orand Ishnd
1 Neb 85.COO DUJS ( he bank building 22x ; an
ofllco buildlnsr which renti f irSISa mouth ; a largo
Ire and burster proof safe with Yale time lor k cost
(1 ( , ICO , al'O icrv largu bank book fire proof tafe ,
bank counter , desks , bird coal stove , In fact , a compo -
po ! n bank ouflr : , together v.l h lot 4 0fl on Locust
street. Title perfect. 'Itrms i cash , la'anceoa one
anil two jcars time If ilc lrcd. Cation oraddro-s Jay
E. White , Grand Island , Neb. 622-tf
T71OR SALE A Keel frame house , 5 roorrs , all In
i1 peed order Must bo moved at once Apj-ly to
the \Ve.torn Newspaper Union , cor. 12th and Howard -
ard street ] . 311-tf
Fen SI.E Cheap a eacond hand hlijh top bujrpv.
Inquire at Simpson's Carriage Factory , Dodge ,
between I4th and 16th. 2SO-U
FOIl SALE 520 acres land on Middle Heaver , in
Smith county Kansas , 250 acre under fence ,
Jcnty of living water ( or block. ( Jood frame h tuso
B\20 , with kitchen 12x20. 'JOO acres In cultivation ,
price $1,000. Terms i cash , balance on time to suit
purchasers. Will al o cll 00 hca.l . cattle If purchaser
desires. Address Tliomoa MltcheP , Smith Centre ,
vansas , or Fulton & Orov e , Uiv crton , Neb. 257-Ira
F IOK SALE 100 pianos and organs , boxes euitiblo
for coal or feed boxes. A. Hosoe. , 303-lm
I , 'OH SALE 1GO.OOO brick ou cars at Bellevue. II.
T. Clarke. 218U
FOR SALE A whole took of clothing , boots and
shoes , buildings at cost , retiring from business.
O. H. I'eteraon , 804 south Tenth street. 113-3ui
; r will buy a phaeton a 131B Farnam St.
< -1 085 tf
_ _
F OR SALE-NnrthcaBt corner 20th and Cumlug-
C ° " 1MS Fftrnam 8lrect
878 W
[ 7IOR SALE-Two opou stconu-nand bugc'.cj anil
r rM delivery wagon , cheap. tlB13 Hunoy St.
, te' ! cu' " " " 1 made toordcr bv Sire.
W C. M. Itcihinood 1211 Capitol ove. tW.25p
A : Yoir K man , good psnman , wishes a situation as
fb ; ko'T ' ° r copiiit UM o' references furnish
d'fvAll c'lF P C ley- care Ur.K. W. Lea. 2CO
U 8reetf ( >
onjM , naha1Neb. _ _ 810-27p
L' ' " ' ! ! ! dor : nniive" ' " name ° ' "ii10. - \
old , white with vdlows.ts , , , ears cut. llctuni
toF. J Itainio und get ren.rd. 823.lf
TVDc'if0olvodfornmrBlot ' : 2 " ' " " Nicholas 8tg.
J-8I42-'P _ ' _ _ BEAKS &HOJAHI ) .
NOTIPjjor LOST NOrES-Thi * rcrtihm that 1
Have lott two i otesiwjalilo to mv order , one
made by JBH. Sk'enar for si 800 , dated May 23. 1S.S4 ,
awl d 10 1) ) mot. after date with S per cent Intere-t
SKl"hf0irRilKMi1,11'1110 ly "c" Toin Smn dSJd
May flth , 1881 , and duo 1 \ ear after date with 10 per
cent iitcrcbt. I'heso notes Imencver been endorsed
or unldbiMiio and all partlus .
against pur-
chasliisthubaniu llcasonaMu reward will bo KU"n
for their recovery. Augiutln
Hklcnar.Tekanuli Neb.
I O&T A wino colored leather handbag on Ifith
LJ htrett , containing between seven and eight
ilolars lindcrwdl receive liberal reward
by returning -
turning to this ollicc.
'A riNNEM'OLH | roperty too\chin'o ! for Omaha
74fl"5 f8Utu > F > * ' Ka > ' & Co mi Fornam M.
I FAMILY Storage , stove rcpars snil general re-
I airing , C M Hitui. Ill S. Uth St. 740-1,13
MI'S- SCHKODKR , Magnctle Healer , la now loca-
to N.V. . corner 0th and Cisa bt D agn isos
ll ai Btrco. 720 „ 17
PRIVY vaults , sinks and coispooln cleaned at thi
ehortest notice and nt any time of iho day , In an
jntlrilyorJcrles , way without the least moles ation
toccurmitsor neighbor * , with our Impmoil and
Jdorltss apparatus. A. Kvana & Co. , 1008 Caoltol
> ve-
_ 710-nlOp
PRIVY vaulta , sinks and cesspools cleaned with
laniUry cleaner. Satisfaction guaranteed by F.
i _ Abel(8Uco ( > , Horto J. M. Smith , ) box 878.
RUDDKIlSTAMI'S-On yiuanufacturas InOmalmi
lltcg Trliitlng Co , iOJ-U
At the old stand 1417 Farnara Street. Orders by
'hODeNil ' . ' . ' 5"a P"1 ! ended to. Icli
Oioo.o :
Practical Surveying
-BaulMgauu Commercial
U ( uWlld to thc 'ilCDUy '
| r
r Vocal -Jmls , Orrmau aud French , optional. j&
NEW STUIIENTS mu.t prctsnt thenwlvei dnilne
ID week endlnif Augutt 31 , between 0 and 12 a m. .
id they inmt ba ruidy to Uud examination to de !
lo their rank In the cour e
1'rof. I/unhert will glvi. due notice for the renirap
m of the fining eouree In Uhrmlnry. TuILto
ee , J u distinction on account of crwJ.
"f- WtuthiirjMet