Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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IN OMAHA Niil. :
. . * BOTTLES.
Krlnngor , .
Calmbnchor , Bavnr
Pilsner , . . Bohomir.
Kaiser - . . . * . . . . - .Brnuu
Buclrroioar St , Lou
AnhauGor. . . . . .Sfc. Lou
Boats. . . .
Sohlitz-Piluner Milvrnuk
Kruq'a Omni
Ale , Porter. Domestic end Klri
Wino ! VD. MA.URKU ,
VT Innrlryllio nLOOD.Tcc
lata tfio LIVER ami KIDNEY
ana VIOOH of VOOT1L Uj
iicnsla. Want of Appetite , t
I -nek of HtrcnRl
V \
curcil. lionco , uiusclcsn
Iii'rvp9rcoolvoiio > ylon
UnlUuiia tlm nilnil n
Fupullcs llraln l'ow <
\l \
! SnncrhiKlroni coinplalt
oaa * mr uauty poeiillurto
Bnd In DIU II ! iHXEBtJIROK TONIO n rnfn n
fp ! ' -iy euro , till en a clear , licolthy coniplc-xln
Ifrociuont urfcniptsnt cnojfMHim oiilym
lotliopopiibrllycirilioorlBlnul. Do not cxpci
n -poioiiKi.
- . IlnrlnrJTert Oo.V
* HeriljnurmlUrdi to-rb Ir.
ff St.J al . Mo..for our "DJUSAJI UOOK. " H
. . yn uJlot ctronco and tueful lnlormuUoa.tnn.jJ
(517 ( Ht. ClmrJps S . , St. Louis , Ho.
-'t'llf l Cnllrrf , ! < < lcn long
> n gnl r cro'lunto of t e - ' ' ! ;
&riRdJ I" tli0ff [ > ceinitrftlmu > t of Cimortir , Novn , Hk
anj 111 0"l lll l lik than in ollirrrtlJ.trlBDloBt.JMD
oil lirtllHkuolf.
Mflty Il > lM ihpwaliflnil lr
Nervous I'lOStrJtlon , Dclililty , Mental ai
Physical Weakness , Mc-rc < jrlul and other Allc
lions ol Throat. Skin or Done } , Dlootl Polsonln
Old SorCS anil Ulcers , hm ttr M llh nnptrallel
vuecooi n tatnt Itlrnllllo t > rltioir'i ! . HK'clTrrliiUl7.
Diseases Arlslny 'fcum ( nillscrctlon. Execs
Exposure or Indulgence , hich ITOJUCPjm or i
fotlo li ) | rflretHl uirtouBiimi , ( UliltltT , ( till of nil
KiMldefcctUo cittnury , | > lmt > ti < i oil the up , | It/ltcal tlcei
ftTcrvtontutb * ocl ly f r ffninlM oofurlti 0fltlcmict
rcnclorlni ; Mnrrlnco Improper or unuappy ,
pfrtnaDCBtl/turv < i , rnmril ! < i(3ii ( l gei ) n Ilio utove.M
IB ictlM flivelii | > p , rrcuta any addrrn. Coniullattnn aV
ttoeorby maltrrM. LuillitTltutl , Utlto r r queiUoui.
A Positive Wrhron Guarante
cltci In all cortUnc * c * . MMteloei ( tent Tcrjbtn )
famphlrta * Cnpllnh or Oorman , 04 pacca , <
criblnc above dfieaaco , in maloor fomulo.FllE
WO r r . Hot rl'trl. Ilioitnlfd lii cloth nod UK bin Jl
tOc , rooDOjcr poitkgtt Rttmc , Aprr coTtri , yte. TliliM \
eooulni kll lt > o curlouf. doubtrnl or inuuUltlre v&ct
know. A book or errot | nl ru ( to all , UctlUi , llaw
uo t > nm u > d/ lie tilvloo ,
Oenonl Ecalen In
Iliivo tor oale tco,000 r.oidu ciololly Mlccied Ui
o EMtorn Ncbiujk\ low frlco and cm cuy leri
Improvoa urma lor Bile In DouijUl , Dotle > , Ooll
Plitto , lluit , Cctnlnif , H .rpy , WuhlOEtou , litil
Siundcro , uid Uuilor Jounthg.
Tirc3 ptltl la r.11 putt o ! tlio Otatt , *
Maccy loMiod on ror rovoJ lni'U.
Notury Iiibllo alwcy * In office1 ContaponJ
Cor. 10th and Capitol Arcnuo , treats all auea Cr
plod or Ucfermod , klsoditcaaea of tto
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organi
Ail aue < ot Curvature of the Spine , Crooked Fe
Leg * and Arms , Dlieues of the IIIP , Knio. ai
Ankla Join la Also Chronlo affections ofthoLlvi
ilhoumatlam , Paralysis , I'ilc * , Ulc r , Catarrh , Aat
ma and Ilronohltlt are all treated by nevr and su
oeuful methods. All diseases of tno Ulood and Url
try Organs , Including thotM resulting from Ini Isci
lion , or exposure , are eafel ) and successfully treat
and a cure guwanteod. Young men , middle age
and old men suffering ; Irora Weakness and Neno
eiluujtlon , produclui , indigestion , Palpitation of t
Heart , Despondency blulnesa , Lo s ol Htmory.lA
of Eocryy an < i Ambition , can l > e restored to heal
and tiger , U CMO In uot too long nrgleotc
The Burgeon la charts I' a graduate ot JiOi
son Medical College 1895) ) and has studied I
profession In London , 1'arli and Uerlln. If afflict )
call or wrlto full description of your cose , and mot
doe mar I e lent you. OonsulUtlou free. Addn
Omahi Ulspenaary , Or unM' lllock , Onuba , N <
. Office bourn 10-12 a. m.l-J tnd7-8y , m Buod
10 a m.
tfl.8e.nd for trcitUa either on mala dleeaus
* IU jrmltles
, , , , i
( Clout , Aitlimi. llottl dl . . DI KiMi | , l imi'lpill < u , J.
> lpclM , r t > r ( % . I'lloi , t l < llr | r. | 'I ' > H.U-IH , linn ti A
l-lli > HUt Uierl.ulc Oulj n-l.nliiu Httrlc Hi H i Am
lea tlifttlMiuilji tui l.lecti icllr nU ltmiii li iit liirfia'it |
tAffUil wu U rt.UuituJ fa wi lutuut { if tb ; iiileuu
j. , tlioMveoao th ) e > r lor ach
Acil tulai. InvUvbl Ihln Uot w my buy on
> r. Jlor-.e'j tltxtAi 1'flte , Dy to doln jou w
ftvpid ItUouis&tliui , ItUi.fy Troublin ind ointr I
tliit wb U Ltlr to Uvcot dd y , but call U o
oiSoe idex irJiuLtlti Ua , J4ZJ Uoiulu rtreet.i
O , r aeoimitft , JJJO YuuMR Bt.OmU , K b , ( )
0 D
AilvrrilnlnR Chrntc ,
"I Tins become so common to begin
nrUr.lo , in an elegant , interesting style.
"Then run it into some advcrtUemc
that wo avoid nil such ,
"And Dimply call Httcntion to the m
its of Hop lliltcra in aa plain , hon
tcrmn us possible ,
"To induce people
'To Rive them one ( rial , which
proves their vnluo that they will no
use anything oho.
"Tils llKMKDT so favorably notlcodln
n.oiu anil ( ocular , is
"Havlnp n larRQ sa'.o ' , nnd in imvipmntlnR
other mtxliclncp.
"Tlif ro I ? nn unn denying thu vlrtuca of
H l > | ilmit , ami the prnpiiotoM of Hop Hill
have fthown f rent fihrcwdncps nml atjility
"In cntnpnuniHnr ; a me-dliine whom virl
are so palpable In ovary ontniobicrvftlton.
DKIjSho llo ?
"Sho lingered nnd BUfTorcd along , p
inct away all the time for years , "
"Tho doctoio doing her no aood ; "
"And at laat was cured by this II
Bitters the papers eayao much about. '
"Indeed ! ludccdl"
"Hew thankful wo nhould bo for tl
medicine. "
"Eleven years our daughter suffered
a bed of misery ,
"From a complication of kidney , liv
rheumatic trouble and Nervous dobili
"Under the care of the host physicit
"Who gave her disease various uam
"But no relief ,
"And now t.ho is restored to us in go
health by as simple a remedy as II
Bittern , \vohadshunnodfor yoi
before lining it. " Tun I'Atir.NiH.
I'Vulicr IB Octllnu Wall ,
"My daughters say :
"Iiow much bolter father ia since
used Hop Bitters. "
"Ho is getting well after hia long si
foring Irom a disease declared incurable
"And wo are so glad that ho used yo
Bitters. A LADY of Utica , N. Y.
tfTNono genuine without ft bunch ol green Hi
on the white Ulnl. Hhun nil the Uln , polaom
BtuH with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name ,
Protection. No v
protcctlvo x '
chills anil ( ever o
ether cllic3B03 c
malarial rjpo exit
a II ntoUor'8 Hto
nch Hitters. It
llovcs constlnat
liver tllsorilcri rli
mtuHm.Udnoy n
lUJdcr nil u en
with certainty
I rompt 11 title ,
cl an o a < grattty
take plaoo In the
pcaraiico , an well
ihi ) ecnRDtlun of I
wan anil liwml
> allil , who uses t
( tanJard prnnin
o I health a
strength For c
hr all dm lala ami dealers cnerallr
. ,
outll. ut t Iiffj iiik , I UitW * , Irttf Lkd ACUI. to 1 ll
Ut > trd r fl1t l tf nlf Urttci Ae dtcf * luirtM t dtlictum C f ji
) | luiof vLkin rnt. , < ! to kll iutnm r Jrlnki. Try It , inJ
-f r , /ill or dnirflitfcr titftaidll
tikr counts i 7 cur ttrMrr
CirUlUtui > ufaclutcll > fMl.J O. n bUUEIirf. tN9. )
J * W. V7 rPEEiAlllTr ! COLD AQSliri
Science of Life OnlySl 01
A GUI' VT ItllUDlUAb WOlil
Kxhanatod Vitality , Norvoua nJ PhydrAl Dcbll
i'romaturo Doclliiu In Man , Krroraof Youth , and I
untold inlucrlos resulting from Indlncrutlona or i
xiwiea. A book for every nmn , young , middle ag
in a old. It contains 126 prescriptions for all nc
uid chronlo OlBcasog ouch one of which It hivalnab
jo found by tbo Author , whoeo oxperlonca for
fears la mich M probably nom cvforu foil to the I
) ! any phfiiloiau. SOU pagc , linuiid In beaut !
t'roncn nnulln ouinuBDod coieru , full , gilt guarantc
to bo n finer work In uvory eonso , machanlcal , 1
jrary and profemitn' al , than any ether work sold
.Ills country for ! . & 0 , or the money \\lll ho refund
n every Instaiioo. 1'rlco only 81,00 by mall , po
paid. Illustrative sample 6 conta. Hcndnow. Oi
inotlal awardotl the author by the National Modi
Aiwoclatlon , to tht otllcvra o ! w hlcli ho rcfrra.
The Holoneo of l.llo bliould liu read by the von
lor Instruction , and by the allllctcd for relief. It v
benefit all. London Lancet.
Tncro Is no inumbor of eoclcty to whom The fl
encaof Ufa will not bo unoful , wlictlicr youth , pi
cut , guardian , Instructor or clergjuon. Argonau
Address the rcabo < ly Medical fiib.ltuto , or Dr. '
II. Tarkor , No. 4 Uulllneh Street , Uo tonMa a. , n
limy lie coiibultrd on all dl ca t'a rciiulrtng skill
tixporlonro. C'lironlo and ohstlnatodlncMoa that ho
bullied the eUl ol all othi r | | I cUi
> upoclalt ) : Buch treated BUCOOJJ IILrlL fu
without an InaUncu of failure.
Ihlcap , St. . Paul , Minneapolis i si
The DOW oitonslon ot this line from WakoHtlil i
through Concord nJ Ooleildgo
ro aECjSLaei.'arira'ca-TPcaaM
UochM the best portion of the HUto , Hpoclil e
union ntei for land tookera orcr tbla line
V ync , Norfolk and Uartlnxtou , and > U DUIr to I
irmolpal poliita on the
Trains over tht 0. , St. I1. M , & 0. lUllwuy ID Co
> Xton , Bloux Utty , Pone * , llaitlngton , W yno at
lorlolk ,
C3o30.30.oot * t 331 .lx-
ii Piomout , Oakda.0 , Nollgh , and through to Yi
rrorr tes all In indfornutloa otll on
Dr. Younga Electric Belts.
. * & = g5Z5'P > ltt Wll TIIK CURR I
S rf * * ' ifj , TIT , U ) Or UA
"WAUH crrrciitc I lOOt ) ,
n o n r A.SDMIN
niHerer * ho * they may l < o cured , and rcoov
leath , Hin-ngth and Uanly Vigor , WITHOUT TI
LID or MKIUCIIK , will be oont Iron by pott on ro.fli
if tauitii.'il rn > flope. Adilresi ,
lilt. U. YOUNO , 4 < 5 Cana Htroct , New Yor !
H = t.23inlia
Chemical Dyeing
-AN1 > -
0. T. PAULSON , r-rorrl.lcr ,
Gfntiemcni' Clotli'ng ' Cleaned , Djed and II entire
ftllu' Ilrcwes ( 'lcaii > ii and li < d , without lllpplii
lumrnCI. anf J ( < r Colored any shade , to tauipl
IIUo , Velvets auS XACOI Clesotd , ld uul ilc'di
813 Doueha Street , . OMAJJA , NKt
Ulic Omni' Hlio Won.
Sim VJis n prflly nml fr nk coq
Ho WM n 1ml In lili Frohman yf r ,
Anil 1'ioy ' t < > d on Iho luwn by llin tcntiii
With iKibndy ni h to nt-e 01 hear ;
I'lio eim wsn lirlplit niul tlm tpn was clear ,
Ai lie fooltdhly bent Ills tnll yi'tirR ' li-ail ,
Ami ulifiicrei ! | | tbo rulia In licrlint'nlnR ct
Fur tlio did not know tlio KAWU , oho unit
Slio w.w r. prttly nnd frnnk cnqnctlo ,
And lior rlpo lips nut in tbo nceto t pi
Wliilo ovf r her pyw the nrcb brown tnft
Ax nhfi etudlwl llio moaning of "In"
'nut11 ;
Ati'l ' lull in ( liyncfs and half In iloubt
QiiO'tlnnpd , with low voice blRbly bred ,
\Vlmt this nnd wh t i hatn * nil nb-tit
1'orfhu did not know the gaino bo eaid ,
Sim wnn a pralty nnd frank coquette.
And her wriit WM round ns slio tried
ploy ,
IJut i over n ball ciuld ho touch nnd 'yet
Sim tip-oil vlth lur rackrt liis hentt n\\
Horvo and rotirti were ono that dayt
Bho in'fl'od till her dainty cliFckn grow i
Ilo wun l ho n t an n bold youth may ,
IJut tlio little niuld won the game l !
said !
Such nro Urn chanccRof war , I four ,
At tenniflvi ) ( n pcopli nt oJils nro sot ,
And ono is n Ind In Inn I'roshiniui Juar ,
And ono is n pretty nnd frank comiotto !
-II. [ K. M. In Lid
All hlindi.fl of pray nro ngain in high favo
Low draperies ttill prevail on wool drcf
I'oppy red \olvot U used In bltio cloth i
Now rcppod clolliD , called faille cloth ,
Wnmcn who have not fiuo toutli only lai
\vlth their eyes.
Corduroy vclvoU in fine liacw and un
volvctd , nro cmiiloycd In combination \ \
plnln or r < ugh cfotli ,
J'Htn I.nrrnVuo , n handsome yoiin won
in Now York , id serving her thud term in
[ lonltonUnry for burglary.
KngllBli women of fachion now wear n n
In onn oar nnd in emerald in the other , i
term them "danger signals. "
Clmnfjoablo hosiery Is nmong the novolit
Blno and gold bronze nnd reu , and red i
blno nro fiworito combinations.
The moat Btylitli collnra on dresses are w
very high , are mwlo to meet in front , and I
Loncd by two hooks and loopa ,
Among now fancies in dress buttons
IIIOPO inndo if pearls , both black and wh
Ulood stones and rubles nro also used for t
[ Hirposo.
A rough braid , tnfted llko Astraknn cl
mil atiout two inches in width , is nsod
trimming the now rough-surfaced goods t
Kbony , nnd other fine wood umbrella hi
lies , Imvo the monogrntn of the owner
with precmus stonep , such aa nmcthyi
rubles und emeralds .
The shot fffucU In silk nro gradually i
tnining n wider recognition of their r
jenuty. The now dork combination * * nro vi
.IF.c'.ivo nnd light up like Vonollan glus' .
The iiow woolen goods , mohnin ) , chovic
1 annuls , carnol'a hair nnd jersy o otha n < o
nady in the hands of our merchant ? , n
ihow now woaviugs , now colors and n
It Is growing moro nnd moro In favor
) iint or st in the floors of rooms wlien tl
ire not laid in ornamental liuo woods , n
hen rugs instead of carpets covering tlio i
.Ira . Hoer tire used ,
The lulest stjlo of ornament for tha h
uid cornugo conaiBts of ono or moro very la
) Inc ! crushed roscw , arranged with fin
oather tips nnd fronds , white , pink or bli
, ho frondx nhvajH whito.
Ono of the fn hionablo schools of Now Yt
ins introduced u now thing called ulumbrc
iomlincs' ' , which tcneheH the joung ludiea
ismimo g.nceful poits in bed , to keep t
uoutli ehut , how uot to nuoro , otc.
Skirts nro tucked or trimmed with rows
jraid , felf colored , or nilvir nnd block , broi
mil blnck , gdld with almost any color burn
muiR witli the goods , will nil bo titod , wn :
toims a , little Htrango after the braid craze
Killings nnd plontltifni of every sort nro
much used upon the costume na If this ntyli
[ lroBa-tiimtnIiignowlnconetdntvoguoforyc
liad just outered the minds of our doilgn
nnd iiiodistcH , nnd bad but recently bi
idded to their list of approval ! gamituro.
CrimHon curtains can bo made fiom the n
: ottun plush , orunmented with n border of i
jolcl plurli or satin , and looped b ck w
irlmson entin ribbuns. Tln-y can bo used
, ho bod-room , sitting-room or dluing-roo
md found botli warm and pretty.
A 85-year-old lady attondcd a Newport d
lor the ether day in a drcas of electric bl
iiimson Blocking * , blue Bhoos , crimson fan u
ibboriH , with n , bow of comblnud blnn n
uiinsun In n point lace cap , which was fa
'tu'd with diamond pins in her snow-wh
inlr ,
Uound waists , the real old-fashioned grai
nether waist * , uro again vonue. A few s
hem to the skirt , with M wultiiig-cord , as thi
amo RraiidinolliciB did , but the majority lit
ho _ wai t a few inches longer than or bol
heir real wai t line , with n curve over f
ilw | , It n the eklrt In fastened over , while
> ult , with nwotto. clasp or bows and otds
Ibbon form n stylish finish.
Thoprotly nnilatyllsh woolen fabrics tl
ire now the rngoBeein to coinblno beauty w |
lomfort. Coml-mi < d with velvet or tliu m
ulvotfona they are especially lilted for 01
loot wear. Silks nnd Hatlns will bo left I
ho hotwu tl Is f > ea on , while choviotn , hea
noialrs , ho.wy twilled goods of Humbio da
rounds , with bright dashes of color , ni
ulnhtpliuda of queer combination will bo t
irnpi'r Ihing ior the piomonnd . Of com
his noei'Bmtitos prcnt plainni'sa in the mul
i | > , na heavy g tds do not nivo fati f etl
ihcn puckered and puirt-d. There nrn man
niwovir , who 1511 to the other extiomo ni
invo their ( lrcii > m BO nnrniw and plain m
Iniwu back BO tight that they can ccnrco
valk , ' 1 hi * co tumi , with the hugo humpi
lie buck that usually nccomunnltH It , is
Idlculous , to K y U.n loa t , Unit if Iho wear
iould lintHOohcri-olf na otluni ma her , tlu'ro
10 doublBliu would modify II to Homo uxtou
A very Important part of the biidoVi Iron
eau is garters. Thl la a compa atholy nc
unliion. The garters nro put tin In boxc
finch nro thomtelvoavfry ox ] > en Ive , and tl
utat cost Is all Iho way down from § 1 !
'heio are Bomo oven mort vnluitbln. A pn
i doccribed of dond white Bilkinbber , las
nod with tntchol bucklua of frosted gold B
'itli n tolit tire diuinoud , while on the opp
Ito corner Is n clear ruby. Another is a pa
f cardinal banns , claapod witli sky-terri
umls In frosted nllvo- , There is , indeed.
real n vailoty of thoao articles , that it won
0 Impossible , without taking too much Bpac
1 pposk oven bri , Hy of the different kind
It is na amtiing to undorulaud that the
roni expensive imd elaborate nlghtgoui
ir gentleman ns there arc for liulien. Tl
ery leathxtlo ynuug man can pay $50 an
1010 for Ins Bleep garment , If ho fools no di
osfd. " For low-cut cors. . , the newe
nicy ia n gold claup , deslffned aa birds , mln
bbit , pimkos , ote. These nro eet wli
iamondd , rubies and pearls.
Ithoa is touting In Mow Knglaud.
Dandmau ia still engaging a company ,
lluvorly'a Mliistrola will shortly return fro
! ngknd ,
Marie 1'roscott tliroatons to stnr after tl
lect ( ins.
Kato Castleton Is oxixictod to arrive in Nt
'ork oliortly ,
Kllio ] JI lor and Frank Weslon have i u
BefuUy produced "Called Uaek" in Si
'rancifco ' ,
FrJiik Mayn has finally struck oil wi
Noideck. " Ills hoii8rs of 1 itn bav.i bdi
irg > , and the plity Is iccoivtd with favor ,
Lillian lluut < U will return to Now Yo ;
i January noxt. "I'olly , " Solomon's now era
ra , In wliuli i-lio Is pluying the Ifadiuj ; role
london , KOEM fairly well ,
A hrilliatit urtUtlo career ia predicted f
lis Lou'to ' 1'arlii'r , u juuni ; American lai
ho iaHtudying for tliosta ju iu 1'uris , and w !
inku lier duljiit next ) oir.
( JiweiihltuboiiBtiiu , n pianist , 'best ' knov.
omliiii connnctlon with > axnor , for who
a nrrn > gcd tliti vocal ICDIO of "I'umlfal , " In
nniulttud inlcidoat Luci-ru , llowoaon !
i yearn of nga ,
Col. Moplcjon Iia contracted for a wast
I Itqlian opera nttlnUrury
. .j , next spring with Madamoi 1'attl t
NlUson in loading rolci ,
The pianist , Mr. HIIRO Mnnsfrldt , from f
Vranclfco , hag created quite a furore in I.i
7.ic , Germany , 'flic pre * of that clly onn ;
int'iiU him highly as a gifted and succtst
Thn latent Kngli h ftctnrs booked for '
American 6lnt > o nrt IMmund Toarlo , a con
nf Osmond T arlr , Kate Clint n aid Ir
Shirley , They h&vo bcon inched lo hupp
Mnc.lllslorl. ,
I'atll Itona , tlio dancing sonbrottc , hn < i bi
< m the * t g > nineteen yo i * , th ugh aha hoi
23 y , ntfl old. She ( hncul in thobnllctln L
don when 4 yonrs of age. Ho mother ii Mi
Cor ilo , Iho originator ot transformation da
Mme , 1'urEch Mad ) dramatic prlma dnni
who tnndo preat DUCCCM at the recent W
coitpr musical festival Imi hccn engaged
roloiit for the first philharmonic concerts
Now York nml Brooklyn under the tlirrctl
of Theodore Tlmm B , nnd alfo by the Hani
and Hajdon eoclely of UoHon.
Wilson Barrett's Hamlet is a genuine I
umph , and the talk of all London. The pi
I inotinlcd wllh cli boralo originality. ' 1
Danish jconcry la splendidly realistic , and I
dro'fcs of the clovcnlh century , with I
soldiers wcaiitiR skin * and hnt lltllo armor , i
oxtrotnoly picturesque. Mr. Barrett mnl
the ptinco very youthful at the outside of (
Negotiations looking to Iho appearance
Ming Mnry Anderson in a Parisian ihea
have heRim. Among Iho novel foaturca
Miss AndorBon's productions of "llomeo a
Juliet" are u highly rpaliilio fight botwcon I
Montagues and the Unpulots In the fust a
n very accurate reproduction of Iho equuro
Verona , the apptaranco of , ) ulict In tr o bur
nccnn In the garh do'crihod by old-limn to.x
a "MJsoiicorilla" being chanted while t
eno is In progrciu and a vocal accompa
incut to the minuet In the first act.
Mme. Matorna hai made pretty good tor ;
with the Metropolitan npern house inanai
niont , ao-ording tolho Kcuo Kroto 1'rpnaa
Vlonnn. In the fiwl place a deposit of S3C
was intulo to her credit with a Vienna bar
ing houso. Her engagement Is for tweii
performances , with nn option for twenty mo
Hho Is to appear In opera or concert ns dosir
nt 51,000 a night and 8500 for public :
hearsaln. The expenses of the journeys
four persona from Vienna to Now Yorlc a
return are to bo paid by the management , a
SOIIO a month for hotel expenses. Tht
figures have a comfortable look. The Moll
pohlan Reason will open about Jam 1.
Mr. Osmond Toarle , the handsome you
loading man of Wullack's theatrical compan
Is a fnf-ur once more. His present wife , w
was Minnie. Conway , haa just presented hi
with a son. Mr. Toarlo has now a wife and o
bpriug Iu every crand division of the oartl
surface ho has made his homo. A good sto
ia told of liltlo .Too Levy. Minnie Conwa'
lilllo BOU by her firsl husband , Iho famd
cornotlst. The child was pNyiiig in t
rotunda of the Windsor hotel at Oonvei
year ago lost spring , the very day his raami
was married to Airs. Tearlo. Ho was n prot
chick and altracted general attention. "Al
jonuginan , " cried ono pleasant old gent :
man , poizing Iho child aud Belting him ns li
his knee ; "who's little Loy nro you ? " T
precocious youth replied very prompt !
"i'loaso , sir , I waipapa Levy's little hey y <
torday , and I am pain Tearle's liltlo buy t
day ; I don't know whoso lilllo boy I'll ho t
" *
morrow ?
Tliere'n no 1'ookut in iv Slu-oml.
You must leave your many millions ,
And the gay and festive crowd ,
Though you roll in royal billions
Thoto'B no pocktt m a shroud.
Whether pauper , prince or peasant.
Whtther rich or poor or proud
Kememborthat tnereisn.t
.A ny pocket iu a throud.
You'll _ have all this world of glory ,
\ \ ith a record long and loud ,
And a p'aco In song aiid ntory ,
Hut no pocket in your shroud.
So lo _ lavish of your riches.
Neither vain , nor cold , nor proud ,
And you'll gain Iho golden nlchea
In a clime without a cloud !
f.ToiiN A. JOYCE.
An elephant herd Is always led by n , f oma !
never by n maiO ,
In n invo recent.y discovered in Kentucl
ire crickets as largo aa sparrows und rats
nig ns jack-rabb.ta.
_ A country road near Dublin Is slowly bur
pgup. It was couittructod of peat , nnd t
lire la gradually eating it up , burning tro
out by iho roots ,
At Charlotte , N. C. , is a fountain , whli
sends n ttieam liGS feet high , icy cold ai
clear ns crystal. It has Its source in the ndj
cent mountains , and Is said .to bo the bight
u the world ,
_ The coming giantess Is now developing in
village Iu Leicestershire , Kngland. Thouj
iaroly fourteen years of ago ehols BX fe
ivu mchos in height , weighs 252 pounda at
las only just commenced to grow.
A pair of partridges raado a neat In nbrui
leap In thu bnrnyard of n farmer in Wobat
lounty , Goorgiu. A pallet nested in the
uush heap aud lad two eggs , when she w ,
tilled. The inulo partrldgo took the pullol
) lnco and hitched out the two eggs , lie w ;
ery much attached to the two little chicken
ijid wht-n they wore taken from him Bhowt
0 much feeling that they \\eroroturnod
'urn ' Ho soon uflor took them off to tl
voods and they have not Lecn Been since.
An Ingoni us inhabitant of York count'
'ennaylviiiia , exhibits himuolf In n dm
ompuaud of rat skills , which ho was oolite
ng lor tlueo years and a half. lie made tl
hess hinibolf , eouBlotiug of hat , necerchle
oat , trousers , capo , gutters nn 1 nhoea , TJi
mmber of rats required to cumplote tno au
vaa 0.0 , nnd the person , who.i thus dreasei
ppearK uxaUly lilio ono of the Ktqulmuux o
eecnbed by lloss. The cape is composed clio
lie pieces of aklua imii eillutoly around th
ails , containing ubout GOD tails.
A curioUty was on exhibition at the Cor
ral Park nmnugerio the other day for a fe\ \
oura. It was n young male wiilnis , the mil.
no that hai ovurlircn pcun njlvo In this com :
ry. It beloiiRS tp Farini , the London dealo
1 nniiii'iln. ' It wn ? In chnrge of Joseph Uui
, - , a colored man , who cats and sleopa nith It
10 animal displaying the uiroution of n chili
ir him , Itspcma to uuderatiml ovorythin
tat Is uald to It , and makes bounds whic
Btrotig Imagination can torture Into imita
ons of the words boy nnd girl. It nlso kuse
i Imnils , plaja the tamborino , xhools of n pi
ul by pulh IQ n string attached to the trigger
nd does other familiar tricks of n like kind
L i < 1 1 months old , nnd weighs 250 pnunde
ho tusk nnd teeth nra just coming through
ml It lias to bo fed on ground fish. Its mnn
cr of walking Is similar to that of the yomij
ippopoUmus. It waa cap urod in tlio I'ola
: as by n whaler when n.onthsold , Its moth
was killed , nnd , when her body was talcoi
joard ship , the young walrus was found con
Baled between the body aud ono of iho for
ippers. The captain took good care of th
liy , with n view to getting for it the $5,00
hlch hns for yoara bean the ( landing offer I
Inglnnd for a live walrus ,
Last Saturday n number ot rorresontativa
F Iho journalistic world were invited to th
Vestmliister nnuarlum for the purpose of be
ig Introduced to some atrango little being
rho hud boon brought from the Innermost re
esses of the "Dark Continent , " by tlio iiule
atlgablo Furlni. They were described n
earth men. " and belong to n ruco which die
ennea with dwellings during iho Biiminu
ionlb , and l > orro\va nn nut-hill or Iwo \ \ he ;
ia muro inclement weather forces tho.n t
'ek BOIIIO kind of shelter. The blggo t c
10 otrthmen now on oxhlbillou hns only at
ill , eil to H height of four and n hnlf feet , am
0 U described aa a gigantic specimen of hi
nco. A six-year-old baby , who still draw
is Miateiuuco from imtiiro'n fo\mt , and wl !
outlmie to do go for A couple of yoira : longei
1 a prominout nnd interesting member of tin
inipc , which Includes N'fini N'frrm , th
lifcf's favorite dnncerj N'co , n fairly well
i ado young fellow.batd to Im nblo to take on
uu Binglci-haudod , nnd N'icy. a eugaodiv
imo for ft pleasunt'looklng girl of twelvt
'he o little people ropro'ent n very | nw tvji' '
F humanity literally nnd ligiiraUvflv : bu
toy uppoar to bo Htho ami uctUo and pos
M < od < t'a fair amount of natural Intell'gonni '
ho Iwbv of six la already u favorita ith th
'y ' visitor' [ London Letter to I'hiladel
hia Telegraph. _
A 0 Aim , To til Mho am duavrtng frrm errn
ml luill crctloiia ol youth , nervous uuakncM , carl
wiyil m ol uuiuhooil , eta , I Mill > enj a reclu
ua dl > oovvroil by a ikiwloucry In Hout
inerlnt. Snd wW-idilrewil nieoi > o tohsv , Jc
ru T , IJCIIAS , Station U New York.
polled l.v n l-'ulr SpflnUIof.
At evening when the mm wni low ,
A prett ) tuatdon. bright nnd sweet ,
gJTook out the hrmcly garden ho o
To fprinklo tip and down tha ttrect.
Her lovt-r naw hrr nt the t * V ,
Arrayed in muMIn foft nnd white ,
Sim rosi n VCIIIH from ( ho fa
Upon his all bewildered fight.
HIT pretty fingers , ns ft band ,
About the homely rubber gracpod ;
Ho felt a * if the world were mttght
Could ho have btcu to rently cla'pod ,
The pparklirg waler as it rplachcel
W ai dead nnd dull Inside her eyes ;
tippling mu'lc had no luno
ompared with her awtet-volced repliei
How merrily > ho laughed in glee ,
A s up and down the dusty street
Shn turned the wntor from the hn e ,
Now bore , now there , now at hia feet.
Until thnro dainty lingers slipped
Good gracious , how that pit 1 did scoot
"Gol dnrn it , " cried thu fickle youth ,
"You'vo spoiled my forty dollar suit ! "
[ Cincinnati Merchant-Traveller.
1'onnsylvanln ppFndi nbitit nlno milll
dollari ) yoatly in providing for frco commc
schools ,
The llov. Dr. Halo's paper on "Half Tir
In School * , " In the recent Norlh American
mnrkcti by lih uaunl brilliant charnctcristl (
ixntl Is n valuable contribution to the currc
Jiicusslon of educational theories and P.mot
Girls should bo trained in some Kind
hand work , PO that , if nccossiry. they mi
liclp themselves. There ia nothing moro di
LrerBlnf than the helplcstnofs of well-to-t
women when miafortatio ovnrtnkoj thorn ; nt
inisfortuno may como nny day.
The discussion of toshnical odttcatlon in Ui
interest of n bolter class of mechanic ! h
opened tip a wide Held , and now it ia pr
msed to start practical schools in vim
, 'oung mechanics can learn to become mccha :
cal , civil nnd mining engineers , nnd f
.hrough the work of foundries nnd mnchh
ihopa , A G ( rman Commlesion , appointed i
; o over the whole ipioition , reports strong'
n favor of technical schools , but urges tin
, ho hours of study bo reduced to eight pi
week jn ordinary Bchools , to oightcen p >
wick in the primary Bcli.ols nnd to fro :
, wenty-six to thitty-t\vo in the highc
Elotocntary uducation will in another gei
iration bo almost universal ; but the higher ci
icatlon , that which gives n start in lifo , grov
iver costlier. Few cclf-educated or cheap !
iducnted men can hope to fnco the examla
, ions which afford th i only entrnncu to caree
inco cpon to chincc , favor , or birth. To ga ]
idmisaion to n eervico where ho may begi
vlth from ono hundred to thrco hundred
rear , and rlso to twelve or fifteen hundred ,
nan must have paid to echnolmastors , tutor
md crammers , n capital which a generatic
ir Iwo back would have been n provision i
inso of promaluro death or disablement , or tl
ouudalion of a fair fortune. In ono word , tt
leers that open lo ether than golden keys m
iver fewer , nnd Ihelr locks rustier.
The revolt against old time methods i
chooling ia becoming widespreadand althouf ;
ho chaugOB , being fundamental changes i
irincipal , must bo applied gradually , na the
: omo to bo undeistood nn J developed , yet tl
lew departure ii taking shape , and mail
chooli arc now being established nnd mail
aincd upon what may ba called the nalur ,
heory ot dovelopemcnt , instdad of Iho nrtlfii
al system of teaching. It cannot bo double
hat the curliest Inspiration in this directio
vn * the utgrowth of Girman philosophy nn
bought , nnd the principle which rutia throng
.ml iUumino.i the whole science of Iho now 01
icalion is most familiarly illustrated amen
is by Ihokindoigartena. lint in the pcrfei
urricuhim there ia no radical break botwce
ho school or the academy , The suino princ
) lo , that of dovelopement and the training <
ach perception and power na it is awakcucc
houtd obtain.
of the Clubber.
I nm the natty policeman ,
With my helmet and gloves and sash ;
The buttons on my coat B blue breast
Like stars in the hcnvona Hash ,
As I eilently pose on the curbatono
And twirl my heavy mustache ,
I twirl my blonde mustache ,
I nm the mighty policeman ;
I know hnw my great arms "mash"
The fragllo hearts of suburban maid j
Who " -tare as by mo they dash ,
While unmoved I pose on the corner
And twirl my blonde mustache ,
My beautiful blonde muhtache.
The drays down Ilia atrcct como crowding
With Iholr rumble and clatter and splasl
I frown and n silence falls o\er
The teamsters burly nnd rash ,
And they paupo lo nwait my pleasure
While I twirl my blonde mustache.
I carelessly twirl my mustache.
I smllo at tha signal
AH lifo moves uu afresh ,
For law and order my glauco restores ,
Confusion nnd diu I abash ;
As I stand like a god on tin corner
Aud proudly twirl my mustache.
My monstrous , majestic mustache ,
Oh , I urn the model policeman ,
My duly nnd with never clash ;
For my pride it lies in the sUe of my thighs
And the city pays mo cash
For posing thus on the curbetono
And haying n blonde mustache ,
And Uvitllnc my blonde muttncho.
[ From the Philadelphia Timon
There nro C4G lady missionaries in India.
The now Christ Kpiscopal church at Bur
11 tun , Iowa , will bo dedicated next Christ
The I'rPHbUcrinnsof Pennsylvania num. .
; rod 8 , ( 'CO communicants iu 1310. There art
iw 2SPOQ.
The S'O prize for n Bormon on slander , of'
rod by Hon. T. H. Worrel , of Washington ,
w been awarded to Kov. G. S. Ballsy , D. D ,
lalor of Iho First Baptist church , Ottuinwa ,
wa ,
In the exploration of the old Tumpla area In
rusalem ono of the stonea phv.ed round
tout the low parapet dividing the court ol
entiles 1ms boon dug u i with tbo Inscription
Greek still leglblo , fortidding a Gentile nn-
ir pain of death , lo pass Iho parapet.
The Rov. Dr. Sankey , of Kocheater , N. Y
lie haa jint returned from tha Presbylorian
uncil at Belfast , Is reported to hnvo said n
wdayango : "I behovo the Proabyterinn
lurches of .Kngland. Scotland and Ireland are
ndin tow-rd ritualism Tory rapidly , Thla
especiullyso In Scottish churches , surprising
it may aoem. "
Pope Lee XIII. ia credited with tha inton-
Dn of creating a Swiss cardinal , In tin per.
n of Moiisignor Lachot , who was deposed
r Iho Vatican from the bishopric of 15er e ,
tettlomont of the ditOcultier with the
visa federation. The red hal is doMgnod to
inponBato hint for the loss of his Bee , as well
to reward hia serviaea to thu church.
liough Switzerland has never boon favored
f tha appointment of n cardinal , the ex.
nplo of Pope Plus IX in breaking n precod-
it in the capo of Ireland and of the United
; ate < Is cited tt justify the prospectl\o net-
n of hia eticcosaor.
How Woinou Uld'er I'rom Men ,
At least three men on the average
try nro bound to disagree with the root
ist to show that thoy'vo got minda of
tolr own ; but there is no disagreement
nong the women aa the merits ol
r. Pieroo's "Favorite Prescription.1
hey nro all unanimous in pronouucinq
the beat remedy in tlio world for al
loao chronic diseases , vreaknGEs and
luipliklnta puculiar to their BOX. It
unoforms the pale , hazard , diapiritcd
omou , into onn of epatkling health , and
a ringing laugh aiatn"roina ; ) supremu'
tlio happy hoiianhnld. _
Tli"V - k'u
Kx\r YOUK , Ojtoher 2J. Failures the last
ven days 'Jtb ; against 'J18 last week ,
Sviuct'3 * . October 21 S. Keplowich , Uro.
Co. , jobber J in jewelry , mspeiulod , Lla.
lltlfi , cnie'ituulii'd thouiiiul dollars.
TIM rncJlelno , combining Iron with pun
v mtablo tonic * , quickly nnil rnmplctol !
( uri'n llvnpriiilnt iinllwcitlnitVrnunr * * .
Impure lIlnml.UnlnrliiClilllri niul l'cera
titnl Noimilrilii.
It Is an unralllnK remedy for DIscnscs ofthc
KlilnrjH nnil l.lvrr.
It Is invaluable * for Plscn'cs pcrnllar tc
Wimion , nnd all who lend ( sedentary lives.
It docs not Injiira the teeth , cnu'soliondiirlic.Oi
Jiroduco constipation olxrrun mnltcinn tlo
Itenrlchctaml purifies the blood , stimulate !
Ilio nppctlte , nliU tliD noslmllntlon or rood , re
HOVPI Heartburn nnd Ilclolilng , mid ttrongtU'
em the musrlct nnd nerves.
1'or Intcrmtttctit Kuvun , I-ntsltmle , I.ack o :
Lncrpy , Ac. , It has Ho cqiml. v
XV The frontline 1ms nbovo triulo mnrk tint
( TUP. cil led lines on v rnppcr. Tnko no oilier
tud * oui ; br itiinn. * c irr.jiicib m. , iiALTinonr , y n
Lnd Mantel In me BROAD GLAIN > ene !
Ever offered to the Diibllc.
The ct amshlp9 of thin well-known line built
on , In water-tight oompattmcnte , and are furnla
1 with every rcquisito to maUo the jussigo bol
ilo nnd agreeable. They carry the Unltoa Stat
3tl European malls , aud Icavo Now York Thin
15-9 nnd Haturdaya for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Che
DurR , ( PAHIS ) and HAMltUllO.
Rates : Stccrigo from Eurorx ] only 313. Fir
auln , S55 , $ efi and $76. Btuetki < e , F-t1.
Uenry Puudt , U rk n nsen , P , K. Moorca.JI. Tel
rents In Omaha , Oronowei ; & Suhoenton , agonU
ouncll BlulTo. 0. B : IUCUAUD ft CO. , Gen. l'
gts. , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Cbaj. Kozmlnaltl & Ci
ciiotal WcgtcrD Amenta , 170 Washington St. , Chic
complicated forma , nlso a1
diccaces of the Skin nm
permanently cured by rcme
r. Semin.
veainea3. N nht LOSEU. . by Dreams , Pimples 01
.is Face , Lost Manhood , jusffiw// cured TUer
siioexpertnifiilttutt The appropriate r .r.ed ;
< at once used In eachCHce. Consultations , per"
jnal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med.
r'nen ' cnt by Mail and Express. No marks or
scuacc to indicate contents or sender. Addresi
x JAHES.No. 204Washinfllon St.Chicagolll
Fur M n. Quick , inro. life. Book m
ClTl-J ; . " , 1M Pullon 8 L , N.w Vor
An Interesting trcntlso on Blood nnd Skin Dlieast
111 bo mailed free tn any one \ \ ho will eend their ni
CES to thebwIftSDcclttiCo..Ura ; r3. Atlanta. Gi
Could not buy from mo whatSnlft'x Specido ha
me far mo It cured mo of Scrofula In its won
rin.tUcr I had with It fifteen long years
id lud tried all the remedies , only to br ak dewy
y health and makn n'o nlnxxt be iilrfs.
Aoworth , Ua. , July IB , ISS1
Rome eleht \ cars ago I became the > lctlm of afeai
1 Ulood I'olion , communicated b > a nurio to mj
font , ami thence throuch tbo breijt and i"Hffere (
r blx loni ; > oira. The Mercurv and I'oUsh treat
: nt eccnitd to ilrlvo the i oison further into m
stem only to brfak out In wona form on othe
rtlons of my body. "Jhren inontha ago I begai
king Swift's Speciflc , and It fiai cured me souni
d noil. It Is Ilio greatest blcxslng hrli has cum
mankind In j cars linn. T. W LIB ,
Grccnrlllo , Ala , ricpt. 4 , 16S-I.
aalz Aconncea Co. , ol oa , Cash
atohcotor.N. Y. , Cftpltnl . , COO,00 ? .
Herclunts , of New rV , N , I. , Capital 1 , 7SOOT.
rard yiro , Pblltdclrhli , pltil . 1.20D , CCO.
emen'stund C oit > l , . * * . . l.VSJ.Jlt.
ilgltin Boy l ftndU.8 , Mall Stonnora
cIMnt , Germany , Italy , Holland and franct
toorage Outward$20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , tig ;
DUralon , (39 , Including bedding , etc , 2d Cabin , tiO !
and Trip , 990.00 ; xounlon , 1100 ; Bdoon from | 40
JSO ; Kxcuralon 110 toKloa.
MTctei Wright Sons , Goo , Agent ! . ( & Broad.
Wdwell. narallton ft Of ) . , Omah . * 'P. ' K , Flo
ufcCo. , S03N. ICth Etrcct , Omaha ; D. K. Kim
, OmahaA ntn. o4-ly
leaith is Wealth !
tranteed speclflo for Hysteria , I ) tzlnceo , Convul'
us. Fits , Nen out Neuralgia Ilratlacho , Nfrvoui
wtratiou cawed hy the use of alcohol or tobbacco ,
Lktfulocra , Mental deprewlon. Softening of the
iln , refultlnif in insanity and leaping to misery ,
aj and death , Premature Old ago , Uaroness , loii
> OHcrln either sex , Involuntary Lcekes and Sper-
torboracau > cd by overezertluntcf tbo bnlti , ucl ( .
3 o or o > er Indulgence. K&cb box. contiluu ono
nth'dtientnjont. tl.CO a box.or six bottles for
00 , cent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlaa.
curesnr case. With each order receive J by n
six bottles , acoomplltbtd with SS.OO , ws will send
i j'urrhiKfr our written guarsnteo to refund the
ney If the treatment does not effect a euro Ouar
: tes Usucd only by JOHN C : WEST & CO. ,
02 Madison St. Chicago III.
y SS-mie-ry 4.i u , ,
JAS. fl. PEABOUY u. 11.
leildcnoa No. 107 Jones at , ffloo , No. 1609 Par *
S Office noun t ! m. to tn nd rom 2 to
) ! ) ) /or o.l ! ) 11 ,
The romnrkablo growth of Omaha ,
during the Inst few yoara ia a matter of
grout astonishment to thoao who pay an
occasional visit to this growing city. The
development of the Slock Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line Road the
Gnoly paved streets the hundreds of now
residences and costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city moro than
doubled in the laat five years. All this
ia n great surprise to visitor/a / and is thp
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
Rrowth , the businoaa activity , nnd the
many nubatantial itnprovomeuta madn a
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
ovcry Investor haa made a handsome
Since the Wall Street pnnlo last May ,
with the onbsoquont cry of hard times ,
there has boon loss demand from specula
tors , bub a fair demand from investors
looking homes. This latter claaa nra
taking advantage of low prices In buildIng -
Ing material and nro securing their homoo-
it much lees coat than will bo poasiblo a
pear honco. Speculators , too can buy
real esta' 3 cheaper now and ought ts take
id van t present prices for futuc
Tn foyr years promises greater
n-o1 ) pments in Omaha than the paat , i
i > years , which hnvo been as good aa i
( TO could reasonably desire. Now man-
afacturVng ostabliahmento and largo job
jing houses are added almost -weekly , and
ill add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many in Omaha and through-
> ut the State , vrho have their money la
.ho . banks drawing a nominal rate of n-
; ereat , which , if judiciously Invested In
) maha real estate , would bring them
nuch greater returns. Wo have many Trhich vro are confident will
wing the purchaser largo profits in the
tear future.
We have for SO.IQ the finest resi-
lence properly in the north and
vestern parts of the cit.y.
North we have fine lots at reason-
ble prices on Sherman avenue.l 7th ,
.8th , 10th and 30th streets.
West on Farnaui. Davenport ,
; , and all the leading streets
a that direction.
The grading o ffnrnam , Califor-
ia and Davenport streets has made
ccessible some of the finest and
hetipest residence property in the
ity , and with the building of the
treet cnr line out Farnam , the pro-
erty in the western part of the city
pill increase in value.
Wo also have the agency for the
yudieate and Stoolc Yards proper-
f in tlie south part of the city. The
evelopiuenfs miule in tins section
y the Stock Yards Company and
tie railroads will certainly double
! ie price in a sl-ort time.
We also have SOIIIH fine business
) ts and Rome elegant : inside resi-
3nce = for sale ,
Parties Avishiug to invest will find
line good bargains y calhngoii u
13 South 14th
Between Farnhnm and Douglas.
P. S. Wo nsk those who have
operty for sale at a bargain to given
n call'We want only bargains ,
e will positively not himdla prop-
ty at irorothnn its real value.