BKE ITOIDAY , OCTOBEH 24 18H.1 RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. OLARKK , Proprietors. Suporiunndont U. P. RAILWAY , 7TH & 18TH HTBES'Ifc I MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , MILL FURNISHINGS 0 * ' ALL KINDS. INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Olotl : STEAM PUMPS STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. O are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract f01 the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changinp Flouring Mills , from Sfcona to the Roller System. C "Especial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any pur po'e , and estimates made for some General machinery repairs attended promptly. Address RICHARD & CLARKE , OniahaNeb \ WHOLESALE ; DEALEKS IN and 344 If road way. nOUNOIL BLUFFS TOVA Waves , Switches , Whatnots , LangW'y and Pompadour Frizzes , ALL KINDS OF MAIN STREET , OODNOIL BLUFFS MRS. L A. WARBURTON , ASH10NABLE DRESSMAKER. Gutting and Fitting a Specialty. 230 IIKOADWAY COUNCIfj BLU1T3. > MRS. S. J. NOKEIS , Latest Styles Milline Having opened in a now store I invite the inspection of ladies. MKS. S. J , NOItlCIS , * ! : tO llrondwsy , Oounoll A. F. G. EDOAII , 0. B. BESWICK , Manager. Assistant. Secretary. Council Bluffs Detective Association Will do all klnto of detective work for lUnke , Knprefn , lo'cKr ' l > ) i anl Kail nay companlo ) , Merchants , llmulactoiles , Corporations , 1'nbllo and 1'rlvato limtltutlonn and Dlstilct Attorneys. Htolen rrapcrty recovered - covered ColIcctlonB m de , Jllsslnir friends found. Divorces | ) rocuroil. 8500 reward offend ( or the arroat and conviction ol any person or ] > crnoiiB ( raululently roproaootlnj thU Aflsoclatlon. All coramunlcatlona utrlctly coufldeotlnl , Olllco : Jlosonlo Tcmulo Council IlluHu Iowa. 1' , 0 , Dox 1293. MANDEMAKEKS & STA R BUILDING A SPECIALTY , 201 Upper Broadway Cor. Stutsman St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Orders in the city or country solicited. Prompt attention nnd patisfaction Guaranteed. Plans and specifications furnished freo. if > COOKING AND HEATING BTOVES Botb new and Fccond liand , ranging in prices from 9S.50 to 825 each. Take advantage nnd call early to obtain the best bargains , I am making u bi reduiilion in - A < t nciJ tlio room to tlUplay u > ) stocl ol stovts. ' A. J.MANDKU Council Blufti , Iowa , , V COUNCIQLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. THE OOMMEROIAL MEN , TIio Arrangements llolrjj Hindi * ft ) Their Cumins Next AVcck. The following letter ia bom ; ; circulate and receiving the signatures of the whole aaln houses in thia city : To Mnyor W. 11. Vnughan : Wo , the undersigned wholesale morchanta o Council lilulls , Iowa , will cheerfully cal our traveling salesmen in on October 27 , 23 nnd 20 , 1881 , nnd will hnvo them nt the abating rink with their aamplca on exhibition ; and wo will do our boat tc ld and assist in making the first United States commercial gathering to bo hold in thia city , n success. THK Mayor W. 11. Vnughan : Dear Sir We , the undersigned , will cheerfully entertain the commercial men of thia city nnd thoao from abroad , nud the press of thia city at our hotels , respectively , nt a free nnd complimentary banquet , to bo hold at each of our hotels on October 2th ! ) , 188-J , the laat day of United Stntoa commercial inon'a gathering - ing hero. The banquet to commence nt 1 o'clock p. m , , nnd to lust until ! J o'clock p. m. You nro requested to extend n cordial invitation to those taking part in the United States commercial men's path oring , to bo hold in thia city on the 27th 28th nnd 20th dnya of October , 1881. P. BKOHTELK , Bechtolo Hotel. MAHK DUUYEE , Ogden Houao. G. W. FnnousoN & SON % Pacific. The first United States commercial men' gathering in Council lilulTs , Iowa , Octobc 27th L'Sth and 2Hh ! , list of olliccrs , committees anil general programme : J'rosidciit-Ilon. , T. M. Philips General Manager Mayor AV. It. Vnughan Secretary ] : , II. Odoll. Assistant Secretary John Jay Ifrninoy , Ki Vica Presidents-T M Porogoy , J M Phil lips , Henry UUemnn , P C Do Vol , W C Wirto , C Gciso , Jno L'indcr. Jim Sclioiitzei ) 1i Kirtct , Henry Motcalf , J II Craig , A .1 Crlttonden , J J Lutr , J C Lnngo , .T li" Stewart art , Harry Birklnblno , John beno 1'dltorml Committed f'gdpn ' house , Harry Iluntor , Nonpareil ; K. N. Wittlcsoy , Glebe Pacific house , C. Best , Omnha lit raid ; H , W. Tilton , Bechtolo's hotel ; W. A Lynchard ; T. G. Speller , HopresentaUve of the press from abiond aio cordially invitoi and will bo added to the commlttup. Committee on reception nt the ditforout ho tcls in Council Blulls , Iowa : Oflden Home L. 13. Kmpkio , .Tolm Shont /en. Henry Eiseman , Wel > 8 , T. J. llsans , A , B. Howo. II. C. Atkins. Pacific House 1' . Ii. Shugart , John Glaus en.T. N. Cassady , D. .T. Fostei , L. C. Brack ott. J.Mnllcr , W. D. Cocko. Bochtlo'a Hotel J. C. HofTmycr , Willlnu Gronouoy , A. C. Graham. G. K. Board , Peter Beck , J. C. Dollaven , L. A. Casper. Committee to meet commercial men at the different railway depots , to-uit : Chicago k Northwestern , D. W. Buahncll W. T. Seaman , II. T. Hattonhauor. 0. H. I. k P. Hy. , S. S Keller , J. A. Me Clurg , J. N. Cassady , J. H. Craig. W. , St. L. & P. Hy. , W. A. Manor , Clms , HaavN. C. Phillip" . U. B. & Q. Railway-W. D. Hardln , T. W. Spotman , James Porterfiold. M. & St. P. Hallway J. J. LmV , J. C , Imtro / , C. A. Becbe. John Under. U. ] ' . Hallway Henry Vtn Brunt , E. L , Shugart , IH. . Mossier. Sioux City & Pacific Hallway W. W. Wai laco. A. Louie , Theo. Beckman. K. C. , St. J. & C. B. Hallway J. C. Leo , Thos. Cavin , J. B. Harold. I'llOOlUMME. October 2" , 10 a. in. , commercial men sere naded at the hotels. ] ' 'rom tha respective hotels , 11:30 : a. in. , carriage and buggy dmc around the city in company with the citizens committee1 , the balance of tlio day to bo oin ployed in showing simples and meeting OH merchants and business men. Second day , similar proceedings will bo h.it and giving the commercial men and all Mai- tors an opportunity toiew and inspect our waterworks , parks and other public improve ments. 3d and last day , October 2'Jtli. lOa. in. , serenade nado at the different hotels , 11:30 , committee- to accompany commoicial men in carriages and buggy dmc. Ono p. m. , dinner nnd banquet at the Ogdoi House , Pacific Houao and Bechtlo't ) Hotel luting until 3 p. m. 7:30 : p. in. the gathering will bo concluded by a grand nnd interesting skating entertain ment at the Mammoth skating rink on 1'ear street , to bo given on roller skates , lasting until 12 o'clock. All the skates have been leased for the free ueu of all visiting and homu commercial men. Our citi/ena nro cordially YlO invited to ho present , but the commercial men O will Imvo the preference of the floor nnd the Bkatcs. PIRE BUGS , jjr jj Tln > i IJii y l 3l 't'J AVitli Much Hue1- < ( "sh Another has be on added to the numorouo attempts at incendiarism here , and like most of those of late it proved unsuccessful. The building thus sought > o bo burned ia that occupied by Nash 3roa. , the horse shoora , No. 710 Broad way. The fire was discovered about 4 o'clock yesterday morning , the smoke ( ouring into the Colorado houao , the ad oining building , in Bucli quantitioa as to arouse the landlord , P. P. Kuhn and his rife , who thought the hotel on firo. investigation allowed that aomo onn hud crowded under the floor of Nash Bros. ' hop , gaining entrance at the rear , and to md aUrtod to blaze under the building icar the front , where it would be dillicult o detect it. The Cro was put out bo- ) ere it had done any very aorioua datna o. Pho building Is owned by Oeorgo M. irown. THE COMING HUEEAH , I'lalHiruto I'rcparAliniiK ItoInK for tlir < Republican Dcinon- > Elrullon. Already much intoroat haa boon awak- enec. by the announcement that the re' mblicana will have a great gathnrir.g and lemonstration hero on Friday evening of lost week , October UJst. The affair promises * o exceed anything yet aeon in n Council liluil'a , Ijpccial oxcuraion trains oni to como in over all roada , rotuniing ho aamo night , and half ratea hiivo toeiicccnrcd , and bands are to bo carried reo. Ono of the novel foa- urea of the parade v/ill bo the articipation of several marching clubs ladies from eurroundint ; towns. Oov- ) y rnor .Shorman is to bo here , and will orvo au the grand rnarahal at > well as bo no of the atieakora , Among tlio other 10tables to bo pronont sro J. J. Ingalls , Jlark "K Carr , J P. Dollivur , Honutoru -Iiinderaon , of Nebraska , nnd Wilson , of owa , Mayor Andraon , JJon. John Green , lenry O'Connor. Judge JV. . MoDill , 'ol , John 0. votfur , Lieutenant ( Jov- rnor Manning , Judge Lyinan and John , Stone. The opera house lisa been secured na well na the halls , nnd there will bo n grand eland nnd floaU in the park. Hot colloo nnd lunch ia to bu aorvcd the torch bearers nlong the line of march. The republicans propoao to foavo nothing undone to make the oc casion the largest nud best of nil the campaign , Orders by telephone for Hour , feed , wood , coal nnd hny will bo promptly filled by Cook it Cooper , 700 Broadway. Stock Shipments , Tlio following were the shipments nt the Union stock yarda , Thuraday , October 23rd : D. Anderson , 1 car hoga , 50 hond , 0. it l' John Wiggina , 1 car hogs , 03 head , 0. IV IV , I * Charles Rudnt , 1 car hogs , 07 head , 0. t H. 1. U. Clark it Co. , 1 car hogs , 03 head , 0 , , t N. W. llottonburjjor it llughos , 1 car hogs , 00 head , 0. it H. 1. Dnmsoy Brothers , 1 cnr hogs , 04 head , 0 , it U. I. Oacooln Ranch Co , , ! cars ohocp , 211 head , 0. it 11. I. M. Wright , 4 cara sheep , 210 head , 0. it U. I. Horsftml'H Ac hi 1'lioRpttMc. VEUV HATIHFAOTOKY IN mOSTIUTlOV , Dit. P. P. GmtAUTiK , Detroit , Mich. , anya : "I hnvo found it very satiafnctory in its effocta , notably in the prostration attendant upon alcoholism. " JiAXI > ; W > NOl OIj1STS IV T13XAS- The KllVrl ol'FoucniB In tlit AVoatorii I'm tot tlioKtuto. Cor. St. Louis Globe-Democrat , There ia no doubt thnt the fencing of western Texas moana ouprcmacy to the cattle kings. The otockman , in Inclos ing hia paatnro haa gobbled up every piece of watered land in his ro.icli , nnd will find fence lines running zigzag to ward every point of the compass , so that every little water hole nnd pond may bo enclosed nnd taken away from nny stick there may bo on the outside of the pasture. When continued draught ( and thnthnppona oftou in thia countrycauiea ) the water on the high prairies to dry up the cattle king will round up hia stock , run them into his fresh pastures , where there will bo nn abundance of grow and water , but the poor outsider who la not wealthy enough to fence haa olthor got to sco hia otock die or drive them into some other locality for water , and that in thia country , in a droughty time , ia aorncUmos n formidable undertaking , Taking the fenced diutricta ns n general thing , they are unsafe ground for cattle herding , for a man who haa no pastures to fall back on ia liable to bo starved out at any time for lack of water , or even grass. It ia claimed by the advocates of free rass , also , that the leasing ot those atato lands for twelve yoara will retard immi [ gration , and poor men will bo kept out of sheap homos. With our experience of thia country vro do not think it possible For n "ooor" immigrant to make n living by farming these lauds. True , the soil is firzt-class , but the rainfall ia not hereto to make crops , and no water for irrigation purposes. The Dallas Herald , a short time ago published a description of "tho thrifty farms in the neighborhood of Big Springa in Howard county. " Wo would aay , right hero , those farms can not bo found , and farming and gardening woat of Abilene , in Taylor county , Tex. , haa BO far boon a complotn failure , and anyone coming hero with an idea ho can make n living out of the soil ( grazing al ways excepted ) will soon leave a wiser and aaddor man. Taking these facts , and fticts they un doubtedly arc , it ia a question -whether the advocates of lease law are not right when they claim that the law ia a good a one , for it enriches the atato school fund by the amount of rents paid by the loasooa , whereas , wilh free grass these eamo stockmen would have the uao of the range and pay nothing for it. Ilio Defrauded. Ijtulleu. Queen Victoria was recently swindled out of fifteen pounda by a beggarly scoundrel rrho pretended to want it for a charitable purpose , But many other women have boon robbed of health by Ylit vorwork and underpay. Enfeebled nnd it anguid women with shattered nerves 1 ind strength and comfort in Brown's > on Bitters. Airs , Amanda Layson Jrawfordvillo , Ind. , writes , "I uooa Brown's Iron Bittora for general ill loaltb , with good results , " It cuieil dyspepsia , wcakncaa and malaria. National ISol'orm nt Uniting ? . Correspondence to THE BEE. Nob. , October 21 , 1881 Two agents of the religious amendment movement have recently eon operating in Nob. , Rov. J. S. T. Milligan , of Kansas , and Rov. BE. A. jault , of Iowa. This movement is aim- ng to Eocuro moral anchorage for the ovornmcnt by having in the constitu ion a recognition of the Divine law na ho standard of legislation. The nsaocia- ion haa boon in existence since 1803 , and has a thorough organi/.ation. It ia vorking through the proes , platform : and pulpit to educate public sentiment the moat radical reform ideas. The republicans are ahy of the movement bo- causu they say it is ramming homo owdor for the St. John party. Rova. A. jiault and Milligau preached n the Baptist , Methodist nnd Prespytor- an churches on Sabbath , They hold a convention In the Congregational church Monday and Tuesday , and also a union icrvico Sabbath afternoon. The result ms boon tri awaknu considerable interest n the subject. Rov. W. V. Ringland , Ci irooidont of a young nnd promising Pros < ytorian college , heartily endorses the cause : so also do the pastors of the Bap ist and Methodist churches. The moot- ngs were generally well attended. Tlio poakora claimed that there was too much ruth in what infidels claim , that our orofathoru in framing our national con- titution retired fiod from politica , In ofusing to fjivo plhco to the Christian hoory of government , they incorporated the constitution the infidel theory , ml now infidola claimed that 11 our Christian usages were unconstitu- ional. Our government violates the SabbaUi by its mail service , its congress nd railroad corporations. The bible ia 3 icluclcd by force of Jaw from many of iiir nchools. The liquor trallio la licensed national authority and 00,000 lives lay the forfeit ovrry year. In aomo cities teal ho social ovll ia under the protection of ivvr nnd Mormonism entrenches iteelf bo- ind the constitution , na dooa the RciJ jbbalh breakers nnd j/rofc.no swearers , util the time BooiiiH to bo near , whoa J od by fires , storing , Hood a nnd earth- lukco , will blow us out of existence. oraotliing must bo done , or the moral uin will bo complete. Would not a de > aucheo in the presidential chair , bo the ! C ( fitting finnlo of moral torpilndo nnd make its na n Sodom nnd seal our doom ? Tlmrston on Ilio Hullcr CountI'rtff. . John Jf. Thurston , the oilvor tongued political nttornoy of the Union Pacific rnilrond , addressed the people of David City on Monday night. The accom plished Kontlomnn'a coon storloa had n very ploaaing effect on the nudionco , nnd the people nbaolutoly forgot thnt the re nowned political boaa. whom the great corporation employe to handle. tholr con- vontiona nnd corrupt their logiehtors wna before thorn. Ho dooa nmplo credit to the great monopoly's judgment they know how to npprccinto braina shrewd cuaaoa nro they whom Gould condescends Utl employ. II o found great fault with the democrats for professing tariff reform tlP principles nnd then voting against the Mexican ' reciprocity ttoaty No , the democrats < nro not trilling with great questions ! in the interest of n few llllnoia plow factories nnd Jay Gould's Mexican rnilrond schemes. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. BpoclM \crtlnomcnt9 , euo M tl l , round , To Loan , Tor Sale , To llcnt , Want ) , Hoard- njr , tie. , will bo Inserted In thli column at the low rate ot TEN CP.NT9 1'Kll LINK for the flrnt Insertion MjJ F1VK CKNT3 1'KK tINK for o oh subsequent n- ( ortlon. Lome aihortlsementt at out office , No , I'oitl Street , near llrodw T WANTB. oili"fai1STi\JX" r"rmanx'ltfi II pnmll tmnlH Itcforoneoi nhcn. AihlriH or cull nt No , rilJ.sl\lin\cnuo ( , CoiuuU lllutls. TpOH IlKNT \ tulto nl rooms In cuntril location JL1 Kiiiiulio of lr ) llnnchott , No.12 IViulht COATi Anniii , Cftptlnl Ccntcrxlllo and otlirr poft locoal kept at OoorRO lleatonn , 02S llroad way. TcliplionoXo.no. RKASONAUUU'UIGKS-Kalr weight and mm * . nro at ileorgo Ilcaton'n coal and uood janl DiS Uroadnny. Tclcphonu No. 110. Foil HAM : UIASO.V\IIII : : . - coirm roastin . pplco and tfriwiH lm lnom. OriU 0110 In tonn Ittason , III licnlth Aildrcsd U. \Villlani8 , IS North Main bt , , Council HluRn. FOIl HA1.K Aconunlmlnii ImslnrsH tlionronijlil ) cstiibllxhid.uUli tent of Inillilliiir , rcntrilh ocatcd. Address IHislncsH. HKK ofllru , Council Ulutrn. tpOU HALF Oil HJN1' : The Orua 1'icliltu li JC nnd machinery , located In this city. Cap IfOhocs per day , Odrll & Day. Ktury hodym Council Bluils to tnko WANJhU . Dollvcrod by carrier at only twenty cents a week. LU PAPKIIS For ealo at lsi oiCco , at 25 ocnls / a hundred Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following nro the times of the nrrlvnt unil do * tarturo of trains by oontrtl standard tlmo , tt owl depots. Trains Iciruo tranntor depot tea mln u.09 cantor nnd nrrho ton mlnutos later. cmoAQOi BURUnarox AHB qui.ior. HAVE. 1ROIVII. 6:35 : pin OlilwicoKxiircsj B.OO u m 0:10 : ft ra Fast Jail. 7CO : | > n' 7:10a : m t'Uall and r.iprcas , 7t1 } p m 12:20 : p m Accommodation. 2 , 0 p In "At local depot only. EAN3AS CUT , ST. JOB AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. 0:05 : k m | Mnll and Kxprcda , ( I'M p m 8:05 : p m I'idflc KiprCBB , 6:60 : p tn I onioAao , uiLWArjRnn AND ST. TAUL. ( 5:25 : p m KxprctH , 0.05 a m < j 0:15 : a in Exproaa , 0.66 p m > CniOAQO , ROCK ISLAND AND rACinO. 6RO : p m Atlantic Exprcoa , 0.03 n m 0.16 n m Day Kxpreai , 0 r. * p m 7:20 : a m "Dc3 llolnoa Accommodation , 0.00 p m At local depot only. WABIBU , KT. I/OUIS AMD 1-AOIFIO. 1:20 : am Mall , 4:15 : p m [ 10pm AMoramodat on 0.00 am 1:30 : p m fit. Loula Kxpro'n 3:45 : p m 4:00 : p in Uhlm&o Kxpttsj 10.66 a in At Transfer only cmoAoo and Nouinwssuan. 5:30 : p m Exprosn , 8.60 p m B25 ; a m Paoino KxprcM 9 OD Mil B10UX CITT AND FACiriO 7:10pm St 1'aul Kxproes , B'60 a m T.SOara D y Kxprcsa O.tOpm UMOM rAOIFIO. 8:00 : p m Western Exptoaa , 6.33 a in 11:00 : a m 1'ailDo KxproM , i'40 p in 7:40 : am Local Express , 0.64 nu 12:10 : a m Lincoln Exprosn , At Transfer only. DtTHMT TIUIVS TO OMAIIi. tfl VO-7:20-8 : SO-B 80-10.30-11:40 : u. m. IW-2:3 : : 8:30-4 : 80-6.30-0 80-11:05 : p. m. Sunday 0.80-11:40 : m. lSO"3.30-5.30-O.SO-ll:05 : : p. in. Arilvo 10 mln to boluro leavln tlmo j.n. TATB. WAnn WHITENS T Practice In State and Fodor&l Courts. Collections ( irouiptly attended to. Room 10'Shufjnrt's Building , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOW J. J. STEWAET , Practices In fcdoral and State Comb ) . GOL Broad way , o\ur SnliiRU Hank. COUNCIL Hum's : - [ IOWA. Mrs , H , J , Hilton , H J . PHYSIOIAtt & SURGEON , 322 Middle nroo < jw v. Cnunoi. " AFTIIUNOON IVJNINU : mission 25c AilrnlsBloii I'roo to l.a'1109 cadi moriiliiK ' ' Tus Jay aiiJ 'llmreday iftcruoonu. Vta of .Skftlei ID cviita. ' . F. hClIANCK , II. H. JIAHTENS. Manager. 1'rujitlctor. or other tumors removed wlthoaUh Vnl/e or dr wlnif o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Over hlrty yearn pnctlcM cipcrlcnoo Offioo No. 1'earl troet , Council liluOi tarConoultutlon true BOOQE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Oommission Merchant N uitrlhtnU Council lllutti , Iowa , W.R.VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace , Omaha and Council Blnffr. eetatt ( villectlon ngenoy , OJJ Kollowa IJlock n vlnk'S Diuk OFKICK OVEU A11KUIOAN KIl'KKSS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 0 . , TEE CHEAPEST PLAOE U UUrlAHA TO BUY (1 ( Ono of the Boat and lai est Stocks ia.tlio United'State ? to nolccfc from. NO STAIRS 'TO OLIMB , ELEGANT PASSEN&ER 'ELEVATOB ' , They Are Without A AND- Have boon Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Priae Medals at all the prominent expositions of the World for the Last Fifty Years. And Ms Pianists IN An oxnmmntion o these magnificent Pianos is politely requested before purchasing any other instrument. General Western Representatives. P. S. Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHE BEOS. , 'and ' ARION PIANOS , and SHONINGER OYMBELLA and CLOUaH & WARREN ORGANS. f THAT 18 THE NAME OF THE TOWN WHERE Homes I I Air & Water ! And all of the oed anujpletaant things thnt go to moko up a com- nlotn and happy existence. The town o South Omaha is &iitmtod south of the city [ of Omaha on the line of the U. P. Railway , nnd it is less than 2J miles from the Omuha post office to the north line c f the town site. South Omaha is nearly H miles north and south by 2 j east and west , and covers an area of nearly four square miles , The stock ynrds arc at the extreme southern limit Nearly 150 lots have boon sold add the demand is on the increase The yards nro being rapidly pushed to completion. The # 00,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. The $ UO,000 Water Works are finished and furnish an abundant supply of PURE SPRING WATER. The B. & M. and Bolt Line Railways have a large force of men ab work nnd will , in connection with the u. P. Railway , have a union depot near the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be i'urniflhoa for Church and School purposes. Now is the time to buy lotslin this growing'city. They will never bo cheaper than they nro to-day. B31f Apply at the Company's office , at the Union Stocks Yards. M. A , UPTON , Assistant Secretary , RESTOH liOU EVEKYTUINaJK8TOLA8S. . - Nos. 217 and aitt S. Main St. , COUNCILBLUFFS HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS KnJotscJ by FBAM Lisrr , EMERSON PIANOS. UnrUalloJ or Tone or I'lnlnlic KIMBALL PIANOS UtstJIoJorn rncotollay. Tliu Kiinball Organ , eo long anil favorably known In the west , rnsQuunondi Itself H n\VAKT : \ , Sole Agent for above HUBS of Goods. War < ) rotm , .i329 ; U oimoil UluiTa Corroapoudouco Sollcitod , Ageata WaataJ ,