OMAHA HAILS' HJEJfi FRIDAY : OCTOBER H 1884 THE DAILY BEE Omalm Ortluo , Mi. 1 Fwrnitm Bt. Council IBInflaOfllco , No 1 I'cml Street , Ncnr Brotulway. Now York Offlcc , Koom ' 05 Trlbnr every trctnlnp , ci pl Bnnikj * Teat oat ) Monday morning dail ) . IBM rr Hiir. Ono T r . , ? 10CO I TLros Monthj . W. llzllontnj. . . . . . . . R.OOOno | Konth. . . . . 1. Per Week , 26 Cents. rat vstitiT Hi ! rcBUsniD inrar WIDHMDAT. niMI fOSTTAID. On * Tear . t2.0Q I Three Uonthl . I KlxEonths . 1.00 | Ono Month. . , . ooHEsroninmci. A i OommnntcMlons relating to Ko vt and Kdllorl cutltn should bo addressed to the EDITOR or Ti ttxx. tnuxcsa All BnslneM Letters and RemltUnoo * ehonld 1 aldrcs-ed toTnn DB PonLtaniKO OoxrAnr , OMAN Drafts , Chocks and PostofEco ordori to bo tnado pa kbit to the order of the company. 1HE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROP ! N 13. HOHKWATKIt , Ktlltoi1. A. II. Fitcli , Mtvnnp-cr Dally Circulation , 0. Box , 488 Omaha , Neb. Tun alight wave of the bloody shirt b Blalno at Fort Wayne has md the snm olToct upon the domocrata as a rod re has upon n bull. Gnovr.ii OLF-VKLAKD depends too muc upon the Boochcr family for hia oloctiot The latest campaign document is h ! letter to "My dear Mrs. Becchor. " r. CUJMMINOS , formerly of Omaha has obtained a judgment of $25,00' ' against a Now York policeman and : dressmaker for false imprisonment. Shi will probably havn some difliculty in col looting the amount of her judgment it Now York , but if it were in Omaha ch < wonld have no trouble , as our policomor and dressmakers consider $25,000 a mere triflo. VAN WYCK'S little crowd assures us that throwing rocks at their chief dooc not hole Jim Laird. Bless your mull Jim does not want any help. Ho is tak ing ample care of himself. It's Van Wyck that needs help and wo are helping him down from the polo of reform , because the higher ho climbs the grcatorhls expo sure. IIo will look hotter and fool bet tor trhon wo are done with him. Lin coln Journal , Hoop right on. Van Wyck can stand it. When the people have to cheese between - twoon Jim Laird and Van Wyck wo know the result. ' MB. WEAVEII had bettor keep cool , or ho may lese that $10.000 which ho Is offering so generously to any man who cm substantiate a questionable transac tion cither in his public or private affairs. Within the past ton days wo have boon informed by a late partner of Mr. Slocum , of lUchardson county , who had § 70,000 or § 80,000 of surveying contracts under Boss Cunningham , that Slocum , undar direction of the late Senator Hitchcock , paid Weaver § 2GOO for his alleged political services , but , to Mr. Slocum's disgust , Weaver , wo are told , after pocketing the money wont back on Hitchcock as ho did on General Thayer and other leaders to whom ho was under obligations. BEE does not propose to intorlero with the course of justice , nor interpose any plea In behalf of any man or sot of mon who wonld accept bribes for their votes or influence in the city council or anywhere olso. But qulto apart from the partiality which the late grand jury has shown for Councilman Woodworth , there seems to bo a disposition to single out Councilman Bohnas a special target. The three indicted councilmen are charged with accepting money for their iulluonco and votes. It is not material what amount any ono of them has accepted , the of- fonoo is all the same. But why Kaufman and Loodor should bo indicted for a mis demeanor only , while Bohm is indicted for felony , la something that needs ox- iplanation. Is there some mo'.ivo behind all this , or is it merely accidental dis crimination ? By the way , why did the district attorney notify Ex-Councilman McQuckin who was indicted last spring , that ho would not bo wanted during the present term as his case would not bo railed. TUB republicans of Douglas county will have to put forward their very best mon if they entertain any hones of elect ing their legislative ticket this fall. The democratic candidates for the state sou- ate are very strong mon. Both John A. McShano and Fred Mob have served in the state senate and have given evidence of their unswerving fidelity to the inter ests of tholiMionstituonts , The ; nro both popular , and it will bo very diflicult to match them. The democratic house ticket , however , is by no moans what was oxpootod. "Six of the eight candidates are entirely untried in public life. They represent Iho various olomonta of the democratic party , but they do not possess the experience necessary to the making of good laws' Messrs. Turtle and Clark were members of the last legislature. Mr. Turtle is not very brilliant , T > ut ho is Baio and sound on most all important questions. Mr. Clark Is intelligent , but not safe and not sound on the question that is most vital to the people of this state , namely , the regulation of railroad tolls. Tire years ago we opposed him and other heavy shippers who were candidates , both on the republican and democratic ticketson the ground that their relations to tbo railroads were suh as to neutralize their mofalnoca to the people. The records of the lost Icgislaturo fully sustain our objection. Every heavy shipper with the exception of McShano , voted with the railroad attorneys from first to hut , and their votes on other question were traded by the railroad managers to Boia Stout and the Lincoln ring in exchange for the votes of the Lancaster county delegates. TOE HEAL QUKST10NS AT ISSDJ According to the Omaha RcpuliTtct John M Thuraton , the Union Pact windmill , spoke at Seward exclusively < the tariff because his audience was i agricultural assembly. Why Mr. Thui ton should attempt to entertain Nobraol farmers with long-winded disaertatio : in favor of high protective tariff Is som thing that might puzzle the average min ni that subject is not of especial intorc to tbo farmers of the pralrio state Wha'ovor is good in high protect ! ) will bo looked after and secured by tl combined capital , and the great weal and influence of the eastern and midd states. Mr. Thurston , however , evidently endeavoring to attract the t tion of the farmers from the quostio that they are really interested i such , for instance , as the questions i transportation and railroad rogulatio which are of much moro importance our people than { no tariff. The princip struggle in Nebraska and all the nort western states is for cheaper transport tion. It is high time that the farmo and producers were protecting their ov interests , not only in theory but in pra tico. The railroad millionaires usual have no politics but their own interest Jay Gould sot them the example , wh ( ho said that in a republican district li was a republican , and in a domocratl district ho was a democrat ; bi everywhere and at all times 1 was an Erie man , The railron bosses make contributions to the can [ > atgn fund of both political partici ind are nearest allied to the don iitttit party. They make no mistake n selecting candidates. They secure th lamination of their pliant tools , and the ho party masters ask the people to oloc hem. Are the people of Nebraska gc ng to submit forever to railroad dicta ion in politics ? Do they propose to al ow the railroad bosses to continue t iack primaries and conventions , un hus force upon thum obnoxious candi latos ? Are the railroads to bo pormittoi ny longer to elect and corrupt our log ilators , our Rtato nxooutivo officers , am 'ur congressmen ? These are some of th ital questions for tlio farmers , the pro ucors , the shippers , the merchants , tin lanufacturerH , and the taxpayers am ho people generally of Nebraska to coiv idor. Look for a moment at the second con rossional district. Are people prepare ; 9 ro-olect James Liird , whoso fisit nomi ation was scoured by fraud and by tin id of the railroads , and whoso sccom omlnation was obtained in the same wai nd with the same assistance , bocausi is course has bcon so satisfactory to tin lilroads' managers ? The two great rail Dad companies of thia state are non sing every means within their power tc aturn James Laird to congress , but we innot believe that the people of th < ocond district will trample upon tholi wn vital Interests by electing him. II hey desire to aid in elevating the mot 'horn the railroads demand , they an b liberty to do so , bnt wo never wani ) hoar thorn murmur afterwords , man who deserts or betrays or opposes 10 railroad interests will never obtain icir assistance the second time , party or ) party. A representative may betray id oppose the people , and they are ox- ictod to bo mildly ontroaiod or forced ' cry of party to do what their judg- opt condemns. If the people are really IToring from railroad domination , as oy claim , can impudence and doapot- a gJ further than to ask or force the oplo to elect the mon whom the rail- ids domandr nnd who have time nnd lin betrayed the people ? A NOTED CENTENAKIAN. rho distinguished Hebrew philanthro- it , Sir Moses Montofioro , will attain 3 ago of ono hundred years to-day and ) event will bo celebrated on tha 26th il 27th by the people of his raoo in ndon , Now York , Chicago , and other go cities. Thia eminent contoaarian i man who has amassed great wealth , t it is not on that account that ho haa [ uired a world-wide fame. It ia-hio ilanthropy thab his made him beloved hia own people , and respected and nirod by every ether civilized race , roughout his long career ya boon a vary benevolent man , and deeds of kindness will never b < far- ton. Truly it to said that the eld is bettor for Sir Montofioro'a.lifo , I all must vrith that there were many re like him. His-father was nn. Eng- i merchant , and traced his auocntry ik to Spain , from the time that hi Dfathorfi.woro driven by persecution to i into Italy. It waa iif Italy that Si ? OB was born and passed hi& earlier trs , receiving hia education aud bogin- ig his busluvsa career thoro. Ha mar- d in 1812 a slstar of Nathoa. Meyer ttuchild , founder of tho. London inch of the greatest banking establish- int in the world , It has always boon 9 dream of Sir Moses to BOO Palestine a scat of a Jewish empire-with Jorusa- n as its capital , and ho lias given the at labors of his Hfo to the accomplish , jnt of these objects. In 1872 ho made i first trip to Palestine to make a per- nal investigation of the causes of the jcct condition of the Hebrevrs residing that country. Ono of the results of is investigation was the establishment the Palestine fund for their relief , of lilch ho has over since been the admin- Irator. No man has over done moro r his own taco than Sir M sna has tor 10 Hebrews , His influence with the asha of Egypt and the Sultan of Tur- Dy in 1810 , after tlio maaiacro ntDamaa- is ; his untiling efforts with the Czar 'icholas in behalf of the Russian Jews i 1810 ; hii nblo and tuocoos- \ \ labor with Louis Phillippo , ing of Franca , In reference to the nuuo- Ion of 1817) and his pleadings with the IpanUh authorities in 1803 , all are ro < inombcrtd with gratitude and thank giving by the downtrodden of his rai who have been bonofittod through his o ortlons. In England , where ho has livol U greater pirt of his life , Sir Moses Mont fioro is universally lovod. In 1837 1 was knighted by the quccnand in 1810 si created him a baronet ns a recognition < his services in behalf of his rac BORROWED AMMUNITION , Wo have boon asked why wo don't koc on pitching into Morton. Wo simp answer that the fool friends of M Dawos won't lot us. When the Bi struck at Morton direct from the should these self-constituted gUardians of n publican principles arrogantly nssalh the BKB for slandering the school lar thiovcs , and while they are loudly pr claiming the BEI ; as a libeler of Dawi and associates , they have compiled tl BKF.'S scathing editorials about Mortc and published them as a campaign doc mont. Ono of thcso campaign shoo has just reached us , enclosed in an 01 volopo wilh the following letter : NnmiASKA CUT , October 23,1881. E. IlOSEWATEH Esq , Omaho , Nob. , Dear Sir : Enclosed circular came I mo in n state board of agriculture 01 volopo from Omaha hand-writing ui known. It merely shows that the opinion < Tun BEE is considered of weight in tl state by the machine managers < Dawrs and his ring. Yours , oto. , J. SinuuNd MOUTON. Under the circumstances it is no longc the province of the BEE to keep up ii fusilado , while it is between two firci The state board of agriculture and th Lincoln Journal have kindly relieved from thia duty. Wo have douo all ths could reasonably bo expected from a anti-monopoly paper. Wo have f urninhe the ammunition , and they find it mor effective than any they can got up , fo the people don't believe anything the say. WHY WE OPPOSE HIM. Wo oppose James Laird because h always is the boon companian of bar roon bummers , political dead beats and dlsso lute characters. A man is known by thi jompany ho keeps and Laird has altvay managed to bo in the very worst corn pany. Years ago when ho was a residen if Juniata ho had a narrow escape fron indictment for being an endorser 01 forged school district bonds and the enl ] excuse was that ho was imposed on by i jishoncst partner. When it was shown by an abundance > f proof that Lnird had boon a party tc ; ho Stinking Water pre-emption fraudf lorpotratcd by Simon Kelley , the Hast- ngs saloon keeper and a gang of Laird'c itrikors , our high-tonod congressman rlod to shoulder the whole job npon hia > rothor. Wo oppose Mr. Laird for re-election Tocauso in congress' and out of congrose 10 is a railroad lawyer. A man cannot orvo two masters , nnd whenever the orporations that employ and own Laird ommand him to dosori the people on ny question ho will do DO. Wo oppose Laird for ro-oloction bo- suso his career in congress ia woroo than blank. A congressman who haa boon bcont from hia post of duty more than alf the time and cither voted against the noifn wishes of his district or has edged nearly every important issue-has D right to aolt for n ro-oloction. Lasirbut not least , vro oppose Laird1 on : counV of the infamous methods by hich ho coourcd his nomination , gainst these methotfo moro thnn 10,000 'publicans ' entered their solemn protest trough kho ballot-box two years ago. In adbtriot whioh gave Garfield'noat > ty i.OOO majority Isaird received Joss-than 1,000 votes altogether , and only got rough by. a plurality. In defiance of- is robubn Laird inahU npon bolng sent ick for aaothor torm. This is the height" impudence. DuniNO iho next four years foaf His of the regular army will reach the 0 of sixty-four years , which will pui > em on tha retired Hoi. Theno Qono > 1 are Bristtdicr > Gcncral : Augur , , who * 11 bo sixty fonr yoaro old on July. 10 ; . 85 ; Major-Gonoral Pope , who willi ieh the r.go of oisty-four years on rch 10 , IBOBj ; Inspector - ( JonersJl ckott , April U ) . 183(1 ( ; and Mujor > Goi > - il Hancookv February 18 , 1882.- The tlromont of General Augur in.Jtdj xt will probably , pronoto either Col- ol Wosloy-Moreitt , oS the Fifth ca - y , or Colonel John. Gibbon , , of' ' the vonth infants ? , fa bo brtgadior- noral. Golonoll Gibbon is commanding a department of the Platte In > thoiab ice of General Howird. Ho is.tho ran ft- ; colonel' ofr the army , hia comaiio- in botring date July 28,13CCj or-toii ars lu advance of that of Colonel Mur- , t , houco the chances are greatly in. his vor. Qonouul1 Pope wsll probably bo ccoodod by General Howard wlio ia first the list of brigadiers , although there some talk of General Terr ; , command- g the department of Dt&ota , securing is promotion. The suicessorof In- , lOitor-Gsmeral Sackott'wUl lie an ofllcor ' his own corps , and aa Golouel Nelson . Davis , the ranking cslonol , is mark- l for retirement on Septambsr SO , 1885 , ioutanant Colonel Joiioa is very likely i bocoino Inspector-General. Tun Now York n , "whioh Bhlnos for 11 , " does not , however , shine for Ulovo- .nd. A Pnpnr Krnml. IJOHTO.V , OctobufS : ! . Win. II. ifcmnuy , ol 'ftilihiRlou I ) . O , has been indicted by tlio Fu'tuil H tales vraml Jury of the circuit on the liargo of ricIriuuliuK tlio nary dcp rlmuut , lu wat a. btallouer mid mmnHfd moat nf tlic lartiouerv used In the iliKucut de | nttiiiouti f Uio capital. 11U plan , a < tt'lewed , WM tc ocuro oruord from the < li'imrtmeut and ri'wlvc luymunt ( or the good * wllliout dvK onn * liom , A PATRhT'S ' PROTEST , Mr. William HnlhallProDOflDfls a NnB ber QncstiOLS to Irisli Ameri can Democrats , oney Denounced ns a I'Yati ' and Mrs. Vnnrcll Condemned Tlio Bcvero UflVels or tlio Tmto Procession. OMAHA , NEIL , October 22 , 1881. Totho editor of the UEK : I wish i say n few words to Mr. McSivoenuy frlonda in tins city through the colun of your paper. I did not intend to hai any thing to say on this subject if it wi not n fact that the friends of this impo ted fraud had the audacity , to hoi his nnmo on their transparencies , in th city on last Tuesday evening in the dom cratia parado. I would HI to ask those gentlemen a fovr qucstioi and have them answered : In the Grot place in what way was Mi McSvroonoy connected with a aoolot called the Irish exiles of San Francisci Oallfornia. Said society had boon con pouod of eleven members , of which tli notorious Colonel James H. Plyn we the loading light ? Second. I would like to know wlu became of all the money collected b those eleven frauds to aid the prisoner that was secured by the Catalpio froi the hands of the British government ? Thirdly. Why did Mr. McSwcenc leave California and go back to the ol country 1 I would like to have thes questions answered , It in time thn Irishmen in this and other lands bega to think and act for themselves.Y have boon swayed too much by party an party loaders. Now I would asti my fol low countrymen what has the democrati party done for Irishmen 1 Wo have bee : good and faithful adherents of this part ; and what have they done for us ? 1 what way have they bettered our condi tion at homo or abroad ? What apecin benefit have wo derived from the demo cratio party ? What allegiance do wo , a Irishmen , ewe to thia party ? Who claim have they to our undivided sup port 2 Tnoao are questions that I would lik to have answered by some of my demo : ratio friends in this city. I have been ; ; oed democrat all my life , but I am a present a republican , and I will toll yoi iho reason why. In the first place wi were told at the Chicago convention b ; Mr. Bragg , of Wisconsin , that the Irisi night go to hell. That the democrat jirty ; could got along without thorn ii , ho iitat placa was iho case of Mr. How < tt , of Now York. This gentleman wltl > thor members of congrooa waited or President Arthur to request of him t < ibtam a stay of proceedings in the caai if O'Donuellf from the British govern nont , and after waiting on the president , 10 ( Hewitt , of Now York , ) also waited in the British , minietor at Washington , tilling him not to pay any attention tc ho above mentioned' delegation as it war. > nly gotten up for political purpoaoa to ileaso the Irish so aa to draw a largo vote or the democratic party in the fall elec- loco. In the next place the English ircsa has advocated tho-causo ofGrovei Homeland und , denounced JUmoa C > . Maine. Now I hold it is the duty ol n Irishman toopposo any an all mcas- roa thai ) England advocates. Cannot the Ltnorican people elect a president with- ut England's dictation ? Da Amori- UIB forgot Mason and Siiddlo and the 'rent ' atluira ? Do the Amoricaaa for- ot thai1 the English pzoplo hold open lootings in both Liverpool and London ivorlng secession ! Does the American ooplo forget that England never lot a lance geby to heap all ) the indJRm- os that laid in ihoir power-on this coun- y and its pooploNOTT It n goinR io ask the question , : o the ATJtorican people gorng to vote for 10 Englioh candidate for president ? ho English proas wanted to know from 10 American people if it was the Irish pnamiten < of'thiu country that were go * ig to aoud'a president to Washington , lahmon , saturn England liar answer in ovember and lot her know that the iah are a. power in this land. Any { simian with ono spark of love in his ; art for the bxul that gao him birth ill not vote for the English candidate. For aavon < hundsod yearn England haa ) ld us in olavery. She Imadopopuhisd ur laud , che has driven us by starvation ) id oppression from our u&tivo shores , Lilos in O7ery. loud ; oho haa filled iur ison pouo-with the noblest. , of our Inn- ed ; she haa mnvdurod on the gallova ousnnds of OUST noble oona , and huu- uda of thoiuauda uioro oho has driven touxilo ; iho hna- robbed our matmiu ) . irea and dopopulattoct our countrj\by ; r free trade ayatoni , and ntaUo pau ots our laboring olawei by.taking fxm om the jrutookiou that our homo > n. istrios should have had. , alto haa Cone 'orythitiffAo ' oatorminito our race and ivo ua , if'pocaible , from the facivof o now [ an going to.oak in again , Irishmen of the IFnJted States , o you going , trrtoto for the Enpjiah ndidati for president o iho United atea , SUovor Clovelatd. If yen. do in have no Ibvo for the Itad that gave > u birt'j. , Wb. are ala\oa in our-own ad , iind wo should not adTOcato o cause of slavery in this DO audi indoppnduuB. republic In csuclufitau I witlu , to say that wove , vo have hai enough of petticoat goy- nmont at home ; wo don't want any in ia country. Mrs. Parnoll wouldigroat- uid ihooiuaoof Ireland by remaining hoioa and. her household fairx Irifibmon roe oot her oa > nccouni hcr.noLllrvrjoa ; bu4..wu doprccatp anJ ndoran her action In.talcing pAit in pa- , iciballaic in this , country , nad if the Ishmoaof Ohicag.aitroatod hca and the iCTrloi fraud hos , as tlxiy JOOTVO to bo troalod , they irould give iom tie cold shouldor. The democratic uriy will not nuke much coniUl ori of idic laisat imnortations. Ijrishmon leva lOiUud of t'leir , nativity an J their birth. to live m hopeo of toeing 2kor soma day iko her place among the nations of the urkh as a frca und iudepeadont republic. > nr earnest desire Is to 100 oiu people mn north to south and from easi to wcet no hoincvr.oiiiouB people ; to see tlio roou and the orangu intertwined and to 30 peaca and prosperity amongst our eoplo U > the desire of all true Irishmen , Yours truly , WJI.LIAJI MOIJUIU A Oetober U3. The auking liujsa of 1L D Coako & Co d Bt'lay Ua follow Inh' iiotico at tlicir usual our UiU mornings "Owing to our inability L > meet preening ( loreiuul , W6 deem It better ) r ull iutemU concoruod to suspend tempera lly. " Total liabilities , S1TO 000 , of wlit-.h aoOOOuf llyeoourid , It U buhated that he li'in lll lu tliuo l > nv all crudilora m full. NEW YOUK , Oetx > bet 211 , The failure ot 1U I ) . Ccoke & C J , barkers , of Washlngt n , duo tooiitetdodp'puljtio.'n. They lm\o bu tiromcters of the Kloririi Cannl company , ti WneMtRtou & Ohio rnilroail , both of whd wcro luavy drawcru on their resources. I.i Ulltio' , ? 150,00 j ; nssets , gooutitles of Imlc ulta vnluo. Tlio came of the fnlluroia mid by Mr. Coo to bo dno to general flulnltago ofalnc ? , n and the prevnlbiit dlttriHt throtit liout t cntmtry. IIo says that the ass'ts are me than ample to pay elf every liability. "BILIjY i'1-JIl" A So'f-Appnlntcd Oitnrdliin of tl IVixoo ol'tho Newsboy Frntor- nicy. 1'hiladelphia Record , "Now , thon.Raddy McGinty , Icapo the line , or I'll bo afthcr kickin' tlio ri white nnd blue sluflin' out of ycz. I1 spoke to yez once , and I'll Bpako to y no moro.1 The abpvo somewhat intelligent r mark , which was apokon with an air conscious authority , wan overheard I a Record reporter hurrying throuj Jay no street , above Seventh , on Satu day afternoon , where throngs of now boys wcro waiting for the last editions < the four or five afternoon papers whii have their distributing rooms on th narrow thoroughfare. The speaker was Wm. S. Herrity , short , broad'shouldorod and muuculi nowaboy about seventeen years of ng bolter kuown to fame as "Billy tl Scrapper , " and hia note of warning w ; addressed to a email specimen of carro topped humanity who had attempted I oust a still moro juvenile colored bqy 01 of his place in the line that was bcaic ] ng the distribution window of the Ito : oflico. At that moment two dimiutivo younj stors approached the "Scrapper" an each handing him a cent , took the places at the end of the line of boye.wli were making as much noise aa so man gigantic English Sparrows. ; 'Well , I'll toll ycz how I works it , said the sturdy youth in reply to a que : tion as to what ho had been paid foi ' yiz ace these kids comes hero to gt their papoa , and the big 'uns 'ud hav everything their own way if I didn't lee out and kapo ordor. They'd bo aftc pushin' the kida out of their places in th line , and scarin' awny the darkies an Rinornlly upapttin * tfyo whole buainut jiat out of diviltry. "And the little boyn pay _ you to kop order nnd protect thuin in their rights ? "Right ycz are , and it's chape at th money , fur I'm only after chargin1 them sint a day. " Hero ho suddenly dartc icrosa the street and cufTed a boy on th lioad who was wrangling with ono of hi little clients over some early oditioi papers. "Quit tryln' to chaae the kid jfer dirty duller. Paid fur yor place , di < ftzl an" what if yrz did , that's no roast ) ] rur ycz to chato Johnnie Baxter , ia it ? 3o then wont up to the window to oottli mother dispute , aud the reporter turnot ; o a small boy for further information. 'Oh , ho mokca about § 3 or § i a weol vt this job when thero'o anything goin ; > n that oolls the papers , and ho enl ; 7orka at it for two or three hours. It ho morning ho nolh paper himself. Whj a ha called the scroppor _ ? Why.j 'caust lo'a so fond of acrappin' of courao. " The .dmiring . youngster then proceeded tc oil how the Scrapper had fough cores of ambitious young pugilists from ho .anks of the newsboys and bootblacki nd had cosno out first in every encounter , "Olv ho'a n dandy , "Dtoll you , and he ights as fair aa they raako 'cm , " wan the ugh paisp with which the Scrapper's ittlo admirer wound up > hisaccountof the icro'a ctoinga. For O7or a year Mr. Ilerrity haa boon looping order and protecting- smallci ry from impoiition and the bullying ol ho largo ? boyo , and ho has become to be egarded as judge and jzry im all the fiuablos that take place among the horde f bays that,1 gather about the neighbor- oed mentioned. Ho takaa great pride i his fairnssoi The payment of a cent , hilo it entitles a boy to bo cnref ul ly iokod after for the day , does not allow : im to take any liberties Trith tli boyl ho have nob'paid , and any-movomeut oi lat sort is promptly stopped by the tapper's waming voice or muoculat : ma. _ m YOUR BAMjWM 'JffiflAT ' ! ] ! rnnilsnrf7ertl vU tt9 absolutely pur * THE TEST : JTV-n a ran top do . " > on a hut stor r.olll hcarrtt.tncm DM. * * ) thticovurunil'sincll. A clitmUtvlll HZ& bo r * . * ul toilitu < .t tliu rr caca of aminuula. DOTS NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. 8ilitlUURL.\t33 HAS NEVERt Elit.V ll.STIOMB. : R million liniuM fof n. ( ] iurtor , o : ft century It hu tho-cuniiiiiiuMV rollablo test , THE TESTOFTHE OVEH. _ _ RICI2 BAltlN'O 1'QWDER CO. , ViKFItH OF Tbfl'r uf tt , tug it tltlltloui IIM ! t4ura I flmor known , > nil If. Price's Ibpiilin Yeast dems Fun Ujtit , llpaltiyi Ilroi'I..TSie licit Drjr Hop , " - - ' ' Yii-tln the FOR SAC.E BV GROCERS , ntQACO. OT. J.OUI3. TWNST B.A&E BUENEE. -AND AND ( EVERY STOVE WAHKANTED. ) SOLI ) ONLY AT JOHN HUSSIE'S Hardware Store 2407 CUM1NO STREET d tu th & ut ) fi iinelia Burrougti . OIVIOB AND HICSIDKNOB .617 Dodge St , - Omaha TtLKl'UONK NO , H < . SPECIAL NOTICES will p'osltlvoly not b Inserted unions pftKi in ndvnnco. TO T.OA5T-W : K > ! r lonnoJ on cfnltcK IUtn-s < l Tick * MONEY and cold. A. Foreman , ZW fl. Ill 7lt tf Financial litclnnic , IVRO or small IOM OMAHA mkdo on approved security 1517 Djuglat St. 742-lrn ? TO LOAN Inscnu of WOO. und ni.wn . MONK r D vl nnd r.a. , Roil EiJ t and r.i A. enia IMS Farnam 3J. pj t , ? WASTED. 17AXTKU-A K od barter at 412 south 13th SU " \VAXTED "Klrl fttH'a u hou e , Sontli loth S > P24-5I "XVMNTKD Immodlitcljr , good girl fet ironori > l housework , a. W. coi. UiHiorcUDt. 707-23 T\7ANTKD Girl far ( toao-nl houtowotk at ! 2I TT Doughs sited , nc Jcllcraon. "W-23p WANTf 1) A Jnb printer , None hut a peed eobt man need apply Aildresj "F/&II / , " North Bom N'ch. 771-27 - 104 S IPS WANTHD-Tttodliilnirrooiiiglrlsat -St. 8162J | > A salesman who iimlerstatnU the till WANTED liltiirc trade , no others need apply. M. K Mai tln,310S inthKt. 815-24 'I'O TAtLoaS Wanted uood bushclnnn an L prcsscr toork forndyo hotuo ono used to tin woik prcforr d , steady woik and Rood wigoa to on that will tulj. Turner's Steam Dj c Workj , St. J sot Mo. 703-23ji WANTI'.D Dlshwaslier.snnllijlrl and girl to wet lor hot boariUttho Emmet tfouso. 787-27 WANTED A Rlrl who It a first-class cook an Uundrcss. Apply X. E. cor. Chicsco and 21 : 7E023 \o girl for general home IT work , 1724 Dougbs street , cor. Zfllh. 780-2 i " \T7"ANTit ) Mlddlo aged woman , ooiy work f > peed wage * , HI south 12th bt. Cigar store. 707-23P WANTED A Rood Rlrl for general housework cor. Capitol avcnuu and 12tli St. 7f > 3 25p ANTF.D Sewlog machine hands at the Omahi hhlrt Factory. 60'-tf AN1EU Agents fur tlioMutua Hail Intnuuci Co. ieldrc33 the Company at Stuart Neb 032 im " . I'Jrst-clM p'aets foi \TTANrKD-Tnllors. - * sitting VV tailors fttSil 12th St. 033 lui D Agents to Bcllln Nebraska , a nowbool by a popular author. Jones & tlMClilcK. 211 N. 17th St. 847-23 WAMKD Lndiesor gentlemen in city or country toiakonloo , llclit andilca9tnt , work at thcii own homes , | 3 tofj a day cislly and quietly made work sent by u bit ; no canv-velni ; ; no stamp for replj PltasoaddreajllcllabloMan'l'g Co. , Philadelphia , Pa- , C02-lm WAirrCD-ABCotH to ecll Gatolj'a UnUoieal & 1U' ' catnronrnoiithly payments Call on or ad' ilroti VV. D. 1' . Lowry , toorn C , 119 uoith 10th St , Omaha , 371-lm VANTEDLADIES Oil OKNTLEUBN-In city TT or country , to take nlco , light and pleasant ivorknttliolr ownhomes ; 32 to5 per day easily and lulotly made ; worlt fcntby mail : no canvassing ; no itamp for roplr. I'loaso address Kcllablo Jlanf'n Co. , I'hlladelptilt , PA. BOHIm TTC AKTED Actuation as meat and pastry cook. V > Understands both European and American style : f hotel work. Axldrcci "Cook , " Bee offlco. 701. 23p AA ANTUDhit'iatlon'by a joun nian 03 liu ten- TT ilcriir dcrkln a. market. Uillnuorad- Iress A. Wolf 1512 Dadgi bt 8.0 23p ; "X" young UJy to do olllco work or Hnu nee llo work. Ain also a coin- ictent teacher. Addr ( .n "E. L. ' Bco olllcc. 793 24p Cl ANTED "ituatlcnliy an expirlcnccJ sroctrv T man , can Keepbooka If desired , Good references ; l'cn. AJdref8 "A. 11 " Bee olllco. 774-25p ri/ANTKD Position by a jounc man as clerk In TT store , best of cityrtferoncos ( jivcn. Address 'J'A. 1C. " al5 Opera Uouio Block. 7E4-S3p rvTANT'D A Bltuition l-y a younir man 09 8&lc - V V man In any store. Can funiljh thn befit of icf- rcrrcs. "A. H. " Omiha Bco. _ 705 22p nrTANTKD A situation by an experienced gro- VV cenrnan. Good references given. Address 123 orthJCth street. 764-25p rTTAKTED A B'tuatlnn ' by a first-class practical VV painter , canablt ) of doing all kind * of work in iat line. 744-22p A Y oun ? marrtcd man wants situation aa Dock- .JL keeper , in wholesale establishment In Omaha. dilrfH " 0. " care lice. 50. tl HIT-AXTED-Het of bnoKs or oliisr wrHiiig to do VV cloning * by llrat class book-KcMcer. AddrfMs J jr. " uoiiec' . S07-0p riTANTCD To runt a store or Itdlf of J'rtore , with TT fl-.turcs , in good business street. Address B. I. Council lilliir Bco olllcc. SOU 23 niTANIKD Families n want of fcTialo h"lp can VV be acciimdatod promptly bj Icarin their or- era at 217 N. mh ktrcet. 024p vanling a good , oatslde line , JL addrow "J II. C. " Lee olllcc. 750-25 - lot to be prv'd in weaMy i-t TANTED To buy a c ty > > 1 or monthly inttallments. Addieen" ! ! . II " Bco Illcc. 613-tf _ D ? J,000 on flrH-clae3 city oocurlty.for & WANTt , at D per cent. Address Box 020 1'oel- nio.- _ 70fltf "o uuiiT--Mony.i vnn Loir. ' Vili'UENi "Two flinit nnturnlshtil front rooirs b' 1 with bay windows , suitable for light houfol.eip- as. Call at nortbucsioniiicr 16th. aid California SIH-tf UclJ. _ . 'Oil Kf.N'l uruIsllCll rcum at 1810 Uodgo street. I < 820 29p _ _ _ _ [ TMlt 11K.NT Nc l > furnUlied riwrns new block , P iiiudtrn iiniro\iiucji'8cornir | 16th and Capitol \c.ono block f roml'ost olllco , prices rcisonablc. - I OH KENT NMcelj furnisliid room llr > , t Hour , suit- L al'Iofor two cuitlomon 111 &oath Ibth St. 81. lp neil IMINT A iluslrablo front room cm first tloor U Hiltable tor guiitlcmcu 111 h. 18tb ht. 812-28 [ 7011 * KENT Fnrnl lied room and board S3 01 per L * week. Very best location , 1SU Dacnpott. . raoll IlKNT UrlcklniLUunt. IntiuIroDinghtnro [ } corner IQlhard Uuu laa _ ° ' ' - " QlOH llENT-Hnidonco on Podgo btnstt , 11 icomj. D all cimitnlonceD , range , hot and o"U water , etc. liolmin McCague , op | > oelto postolllco. 7CD23 rnOtl KENT 1'our unlurnUlicd rooms convenient D fjf hovSBleO ) Ing. Sli ) X lith Urcet. 701-3lp neil HENT Tlirco unlnrnUlicd rooms for house. L' kwpiDg. llcemgr'u Llook , lor.ltn and Howtrd. 703.11 [ 7011 HKNT PlthJo ooin fur ti n head of hornec , P vulh water , 88pe * month. II U. Copson , ! 5th nd rac'fto ' fct. 770-53 rjianilENT Afl o nom oottagoonS. W. corner L1 Karnnm and 22d. Apply to a. H. Doanu&Co. , . W. tor. UlU auJ Ucu.Ua , 788-tf HENT KilinUhcd rooms 8181 soutU J6lh POIl , half block from Bojd'd opuahuune. 700-1 f r > to3r3rtth7Ti''ttrdTilej ) rlbli "or wTiiteT AupTy Llatbt Cliiik'SllJtel. 7 CJtl - HKNT Tno unfurnished rooms lu eecond R-OU : , tuitali'o lor tuall family. Alio stab'orooin ) rene or two boms. Inquire at Meat Market Ii Sth bt eot 7CJ23p | 7Mit ) UeNl Willi beard , nicely fivnl'hi * ! ruonm [ ' uibhgasand talli room , at 8. W , cor , lllti and on u itrteti TtT'iBp 7OH IlKNT A small room nitn or ultbctit board [ 1 1721 Pouu'lM't. rSl 24p [ 71011 HKN'T A brick d ttazo 016 room * clly water [ ' andiucdern Improvcineutii } 17 i tmonth H. f. orncr of 6th and lllcl.urv I3t 7M 25p r01l ItKNT A fumlilied roomot ISIS Jacison M. L ? 72J-4p 7(011 ( H NT llcjdant rooaa with board 105 N Uthbt. 7"3 ° P [ TiOll 1U VT KurnUhul room for light hc'iii-el.eop- I1 Ing. leaNanti w of the ri\cr , bridgu and miiitll lllulh. houlliwosto rncrSth and Howard. riOll HUNT -Two furni.hcel rooms at UU S. lotb tlrett.'ddoor ti , ol Ilickop. _ 702 tl t. ll NT Very deilrablo lurnikiid locinaiii ' < rally located. Apply at AtUuMn' * milliner ) Inro. Hihbt > UKNT-Ploawu T.OR KENT To or Ttfcms for light 1 Keeping 2017 Charles rt \ UKIIRAY bw pee < t pasturinff. Bprtait water. JL ' ffOH Ht'wr CotWife of n e rooms. J. . " lloo 1' 1612sulh 6lh Rtrcet. 8J9 U OlTilF.Nr Ihrconeir brick tores on etrcet , cue a corner. opposite P. " 822 i.1 * ITOU DAIB Two ( Monil Jxinrf plinoi. i Kdholm X1 * EiICiMn'n Mania Btoro on 10th Kt PSO-H KKNT Suit oof room ! nr.d boaid 1812 IXxlgc. FOR 633-lm Oi : HUM llooufci In privai-i lainny wither Ifl ' or lthoutbcotd. Addrcui "K. " Dee ottt'v. 5.5-tf JJ1UK UKNT I'HDfSftii'-l orjons Tom two dollaic V Up. A. Hoqio , 1619 Dodno. 49-lm 11KKT To tle'lra'ole jooms , Also largo FOil parlor , suitable lor oncer tn o etntlcmen. quarter black ( mm St. Mat ) 8 moiinc , B201'Ioisir.t street. 637 U UENT A houeo with clfrht toomj. Warren FOH , 213 South 14th direct , 413-tl UiN"T ; Ila'f ' ol doutilo liou-u , tout rouiim , FOIl ; ' < ? ilP4ldltlmill , n mouth. Apply room ZJ , Omatit National B uk. 376-t KENT U nJ omofurnished rooms 3181 tl FOU St. Mrj. May 8pcncoi. 872 tf 1011 KENT A furnished room 1608 Farnam St. F E07-U ( poll KENT Ono jr na aquare piano. luquil * 1 ? oir.llioljiand Erlckson. 440-tl f OK SALE. I'OirsALK Ono of thirbcst res taurants and InUcry combined In Nebraska with It * * ! locution and trade ottabllshol In cllv of (1001 imputation , Onl ) llr t cla 9 restaurant In the place \nt\ doing moro In bikcry line thin ail others In city imlilncd Ice cream pallor In season. Oven * , Ice loiwts and evcrj thing complete.Mll cll fiirnlthnl mil Jcivo overjthing , Wlllne'l nt a i-argaln and tit Ighi man w Ith small cash pa > mont and balance on eng time. HO purchaser cm nnke It pay for Itself. , > V d. W1SB , I'lattsmoutli , N'cb. 817-n 22 ) ' Xcat , small hotel , lone lease , cheat ) rent. Capital noccssary $2,000. Address "II. K. " 3eo oinco. 70J-2Sp SALE A good horse for cajh. Inquire at T. FOR IJwoMk's grocery ttoro. S01-24p I7OR SALE 1 Fausago chopperhorao power ; ono I ? rendering kettle , ono l rd | rcss. Apply at Brook. in Market , ror. Itltb and Pierce E02-U SALC-8CO.C03 feet dry lumber , Ash , Oaky POR , BasTOOod and Soil JUplc. E , A. fitln'on.St. Iharlcs , Jlichlpan. SOO n21p SALK Now bowllnga'ljy. Kvcrvthln ? com- FOR . Inquire at Meat Market , North 18th St ; 78l.2fn SALK OH HUNT A hou'o ol B rooms Imcl nndsofjwat3r,21otsvvlth birn 24x30. lle-nt 810. icr rnont'i. luqtiiro north-east corner SOth and 'lerco f r. 778-tl pV T. - v q iintltv rf Job and newspaper type for f fx'o ' .Uo a good Zither. C..T. Bunco , ciro Boo fllci- 755tf : Q ! , " > , ilNC Tor sale , ono new 10 II. P. Portab ! . < tuino and boiler on skids for ealo cheap Inqul llclurj , & Clarke , U. V. H. Y. 17th and 18th St. 030-24 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ raOH SALK Cottage of 6 rooms , barn , corner lot in P Shinn's addition ; only 81.5 0 ; small cash payment nil lnJanco monthlj. Bargain. McCague , opp. ostollicc. OlOtt [ JVOII SiLE OH EXCHANGE A water power Qist i ? mill , reasons for rolling gh en on application to oo. E. Eraffit , Wavcrly , Neb. e [ 7AOH SALE-Now phaeton. Inquire of Qoo. Hlg L ; gina at north-east corner lOtliand Dodge. TtOIl SALE CO feet on Fotnam street between 58 J andtO. M. Lea , Grocer,2Jdand Loavonworth. 633-lm 71OU SALE Kino biumojs chance at Grand Ishnd 1 Kcb ? j.COOonja the bank building 22x44 ; on llco building which rents for $15 a month ; a largo re nnd burglor proof sifo with Yale time lock cost ,000 , also very largo bankbook fire proof enfo , ink counter , desks , hud coal steve , In fact , a com- oto Innk outfit , together v.lth lot 44x68 on Locust reel. Title perfect. Terms J cash , ba'anca on ono id two } ears time if desired. Call on oraddro'sJay White , ( Irand leland , Neb. 022-tf TAOll RALE Clisap. nrestaurant In good Io catlo at 220 north lOtii at , 607-23 pn pORSALE A good frame house , 6 rooms , all In peed order Must bo mov cd at once Apply to o Wc.torn Newspaper Union , oor. 12th and llow- d streets. SH-tl SALE Cheap a second hand high top buggy. . Inquire at Slinpson'a Carrloyo Factory , Dodge , tw ecu 14th and 16th. 280 tf J > OH SALE 520 acres land on Middle Beaver , In ' Smith county Kansas , 250 acre under fence , : nty of Ih ing water for stock. Good frame house \20 , with Kitchen 12XCO. 290 acres In cultivation , ice jl.OOO. Terms i cash , balance on time to suit irchasera. Will also Fell CO head cattle If purchaser sires. Address Thomas Mltchcl' ' , Smith Centre , insas , or Fulton Si Grov e , Klerton , Neb. 257-lm 10R SALE 100 pianos and organs , boxes suIUtlo ' for ooal or feed boxes. A.-noaoo. 383.1m vOR SALE 150,009 brie ) : on cars at Belleruo. II. ! T. Clarko. 218-tt pOIl SALK A whole tock of clothing , boots and 1 shoCT , buildings at coct , retiring from business. H. Peterson , 801 south Tenth street 113-3m QK will buyn phaeton a 1818 Farnam St. 'dJ ' 635 tf _ 20th and Cumlng S.Pjri * * . POll SALE Two open aeccnd-nuid bu glrg end ono dollvoi y wigoti , nlicop , ot 1810 H noy Bt. Kl-il _ _ _ _ HTSOEI.I.AWEOPB. LlYourg man , goodT imian , wishes a situation as book ko | ier or copjistBeit ot references fnrrltli AdclnssF 1 ! Crowloy. care Dr. K. W. Leo. 2Cfc nth Utli street , Onuha , Xcb. _ 810 27p O T Bull dcij , aiitwars to nairo of lliilo , 2carn J old , whitowitli jtllow Hp.ttn . , cara cut. Hututii J Itain onndgctrewjrd. S23 tt ) IDSropchcdforniUDglot 2 st and Nlcholaa Sts. > 814 25p _ BKAHSA fQjAUl ) . TOTlfiK or LOhT NOTES 'Hiis reitilics. tint I i lia\o lost two lotcd pijaldo to mv order , ono idobj Jas. SMcnar for fcl.KOJ , ditcil May 23 , 183 * , d ilni ! 0 mm. after date with 3 per cent Intcrtbt , done for 81,500 undo bj Gcu Toiiipauii tliteil i > Oth , IBS ) , and dno 1 jcir afterdate with loner nt Interest. Thoomituiliavoiiotcrliceii endorsed Boldbr mu and all parties nro uarnul against pur- a lngthek'uiii ) . lluasonablo reward will bo gitcn ! thvir rccoi try. Au mtln bklemr , Ttkamah Neb. 813 25 OST A wino colored leatlar handbag on lOlh J btrcct , containing between to\en and eight Kara Finder w 111 n.ctUo liberal reward by re * ruing to tlili olllcc. OST Monday night , Jlosalo ear rln ? . en 10th - itreet , between Davcminrt and Cipltol a\or.uo. ease return to No , 1512 DmenportSt77023 | > T AboutOct 15th , a gold seal with inlatlih JO \V. Q. C , " Hcturn toBeuollleo for suitable ! ro- > rd. 7U3 23p kjoko for buggy. Owner can have 1 tha same by calllne at thu faint shop of ti armon ,0 , , No. 512 north 10th otrcut anil pay for this uo- o _ 777-23p IINNI'AI'OMS property toexchiiieo for Omalia roil estate I' . P Fa > & Uo , 1211 Farnam St. T40 25p PAJIILY Storage , steve repairs and general re. pairing , C. M Latou , 111 S. 14th Hi. 74C-nlp. fits , dCIIHODUll , Murnctlo 1 ten N.V. . coiner 20th and Cuai bt D agnoseg caHalrtic. 7 < ! Unir ) HIVY vaults , sinks and ccfsnools cl ancd at thi bhorteet notlco and at any time of Iho day , In .v * tlrclyordtrloM way without the lent nitle < atlon occupaotsoruiLjhbor , with our Impruvoil anU orltbs apparatus A. Evans i. Cj. , lota Caultol > _ _ 710nldp JIUVY vaults , finks and cuespoola cleaned with unit ry clearer , batlslietlon auarantood by F , Abelsuccnii6orto J. M , Smith , ) box 878. 0)3 nlOp UliniilBTAMI'rt : L IVn Printing Co , 502 tf r. 14th m Jones , ro. celvc4iatfi > iita tuIirlB ! , ( from y disiabu not Al.o aJttiou .s su ; otiK a JNDERTAKERSI At the eld stand U17 rorca-n Stuet Ordeiiby tm > u t UcittJ MH prouii.tlv tfV.p 4 - jt | , coo Ku , tii.