Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1884, Image 3

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8UUPLUS MAY 1,1B84 20,000
O/W YATK8 , ' A. r. TOU7.AMM ,
Prctldtnt. Vlw Prcoliloni.
ent 1C. llaydon , Aeslitanl aniJ Actluft Cashier.
The iron Bank ,
INTEREST allowed on ttmo doposlta npon
fnvorablo terms and upon naoonnts ol banks
and bankera.
Bonds nnd County nnil City eoonrltioj bought
and cold.
In its treatment ol customers the moat Hby
erftl policy is pursued consistent with eafotd-
nnd sound banking , nnd wo invite corrosponce
cnco or personal inquiry in connection there
> .
NBW YOBK , Oct. 23 , Money Lent at 1
@ 2 , dosed at 1 ® ! } .
Prime paper B@G.
Sterling Bills Dull at 4 BOJj demand ,
* 83 ? .
Governments Strong and higher.
Ilailways Steady.
Stocks Stocks today were active and ir
regular , closing generally firm. Compared
with lost night , the closing prices are i to 1
per cent lower for Central Pacific , Missouri
Pacific , Quincy , Laclcnwauna , Louisville &
Nashville , Jersey Central , Now York Cen
tral , Texas Pacific and Western Union , and 1
to 1 per cent higher for Northwest , Ltke
Shore , Northern Pacific preferred , Pacific
Mail , Heading , Omaha preferred and Union
Pacific. Michigan Central i ! per cent lower ,
3'a 100
4Vs Coupons 112 ?
U.S. new4's 120J
Pacific 6's of ' 95 125
Central Pacific 88
Chicago & Alton 128J
do do pfd 145
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 1179
Delaware , Lackawanna & Western. . . . 103
Denver & llio Grande. ' . 0.
Erie 13.
do pfd 28 ;
Illinois Central 1' .
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 13
Kansas & Texas lti
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern OI
Louisville & Nitahville 2G
Michigan Central
Missouri Pacific 9/
Northern Pacific
do do pfd 42
Northwestern 85
do do pfd 123
New York Central 85 ?
Oregon Trans-Continental 12
Pacific Mail 62g
I'.D.&K 12J
Pullman Palace Car Company 111
Kocfc Island 110J
St. Louis & San Francisco 21
do do pfd 39
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 73 $
do do do pfd 102
St. Paul& Omaha 27j
do do pfd 8.13
Texas Pacific 10
Union Pacific 63 j
Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific 5
do do do pfd 10
Western Union Telegraph fi ! J
O. K.&N , . . . . ( W
* Exdiv.tasked. .
CHICAGO October 23. Flour Dull and
Wheat-Quiet , and unsettled ; opened firmer -
er ; eased oil 1J aud closed 1 under yettprday
73' ' . casoand October ; 7IJ \ember7GJ@70 ; ;
December : 7GJ January : 83J May ; No. a
red 75 7(1 ( : No. 3 red ( ia@0ji.
Corn Weak ; moderately active. October
' opened Ij lower ; declined 14 and finally closed
tf < * 2J under yesterday , November opened ]
' fSHwY.erj.ralligd-n'tttfle ; declined 2 fifliTclwocK
tfiTT" li lower ; year 4 lower ; May 8 lower ; 42 * 4iJ
cash : 428@42i October ; 42 November ; 38J@30
year ; 371 Jnnuary ; i'JJ539J ( May. Rejected ,
39.Oats Dull and easy ; | @ I lower ; 23 | cash
and October ; 25J5@2G November ; 20 } Decem
ber. 2dj | January nnd year ; v'J May.
Timothy Slow ; prime , 123.
Flax Send Firm and fnirly active ; No , 1.
I 3GJ al ! 3GJ.
1'nrk Easier ; modcratively actlvo prices
a tiillle early but deliiicd 10lGc , and closed
htt-iviy nt 1ft f > 0 ca h and October ; 11 7fi year ;
II 1IO@11 'J2J January ; 12 054 12 10 Feb.
Lard Quiet and fairly active ; declined Gffl
10ecloseU ; steady at 7 15 cash ; 7 10fe7 124
October ; G 074@7 00 November ; 7 to Do-
comb r ; 7 10 January ; 7 lfio.7 ( 17 February.
Hulk Meats-Shoulders , (1 ( 25@0 35 ; nhort
clear , 8 75fe 00. short ribs 860@1000.
"Butter Dull" and weak ; good to chpico
creamery , 20@23 ; good to choice dairy
Cheese VlrfTi and unchanged.
ERRH Firm nt 21J ( 2i ! .
Ilidea-Steady and undjapRod.
Tallow Steady and unchaBgod.i t _
'llecnipts. 'Shlp'ts.
Hour , bbls Ift.iOO , 10,000
Wheat , bushels. . . . , 2(8,000. ( 10,000
Corn , bushels 15S.4JOO lfi ! ) 000
Oats , bushels 140,000 215,0(0 (
Rye , bushels 12,000 4.0UO
liarloy. bushels 45 000 L'li.O.O
NKW ORLKANH , October 23. ' Corn-
Quiet ; in sacks , old mixed GO ; now whlto
Oats Western , quiet , choice 35 ( < )3G.
Corn Meal liaru.
1'ork In fair demand at liieher rates at
1C 00.
Lnrd Firm ; tierce refined 7 75 ; Keg B 12 $ .
Whisky Firm ; western rectihed 7 16
© II 25.
BALTIMORE , October 23. Wlieat Western
Jiill and e y ; No. 2 , winter rod spot 82@
823.Corn Western dull and nominal ;
Oat Quid and steady.
, Ityo Nitminillv steady ; 02(5,05. (
KngsQuiet ;
Whlsky-dteady 81 181 19
MILWADKKK , October 23Wheat Unfit-
fed ; No. 2 Milwaukee and October , 71jf ;
November , 72J ; December , 7itfiJaiiuttry ! | , 75J.
Corn - Lower ; rejected 4 1 1 , j
Data Dull und luwer ; No , 2 , 2 f.
llya-Dull ; No 1 , 64.
Barley -Steady ; No. 2 spring In fair de
mand at 6Hjc.
3CANSA8 Cur , Oct 23. Wheat-Hizher ;
cash 54t bid. 0 > asked ; November 4ju03lcj
December , fi7i- . , .
r.Corn - Lowir ; OA.II SnJ 3'l : ( JHobcr , 'iOJ
bid , 3(1 ( ? i asked ; November 2B | 028 year 3 Ji
MaySiJbid. , ,
OuU Uull and noinina' ; 22 bid , 2 } atked.
NT. lotiii * I'Konuci : .
81. Louw. October 23. CALL BoAitn
Wheat Ei-ier ; 7 for Oetob r : 771 I" * * o j
v ember ; 7u8 fur D'-cemt r : WJ for M y.
Com HiKher : 37i@y74e for .November ;
358o for yt-ar ; 83Jo for January ; 3oio for
M y.
OaU Dull ; 2GJ for year.
llyo Nothlnp ( loins.
Harloy-Spondy : GVa 77J < J
IJntlorUndi.MiceJ ; ! dairy , lS3i"o ( ! cream
try. 2G@30o.
Iksc Lower ) IDJc.
Klatscocl Kirincr ; 1 31.
Hny Steady ) iirAlrio , 'JGO@10 ; Timothy ,
1000(3)1300. ( )
llran Virmorj GG@r > c.
Corn Mrftl SU-ady ; i ! i" .
Pork Firms now moss 17.
Ii d Firm : woitorn steam spat 7.05 ®
TjtVEnroor , October 23. llre.itlstuda
Dull nml lower.
Whpnt Winter Cs lU@Gd 8s ; sprint ? , GsId
© Oil 7s.
Corn fis 3 1.
TOLKIX ) , Ohio , Ootob r 23. Wheat -Qtiiot
ftnd weak : No 2 rod , c h and October , ? : ! < .
Corn Weak ; No. 1 ! , cash nnd October , 01
O. ts Uall No. 2 cash nnd October , 20 { .
CINCINNATI October 23.Vhont Quiet ;
No. 2 rod 7c78J.
Corn Dull : No. 2 mixed fit.
Oatu Weaken No. 2 mixed 27@27 | .
Hyo Steady ; No. 1 , fi5i uCO. ,
Unrloy-Kuir demand ; extra No. 3 fall 72 ©
73.Pork Dull at 15 75.
Lnrd Dull nt 7 00.
Hulk Moats Firm and uncli.iiifjoJ.
Whisky - Actlvo nnd firm at 1 11
KKW YOIIK rnonnoE.
NEW YonK , October 23. Wheat Spot 1 ©
Ho nnd op Ions jffi5)ljc ) lower ; c'oM'ng depressed -
od : icciplfl 171,1)00 ) ; exports. 100,0 Oj No. 2
spring , 83Jc : tiugrailcd red G'J1)0 ' ) : do crop In
field , $2i ; No S81J ; No. 2 rod , 85i@84 ;
December closing 80J.
Corn Spot Ic and option ? , JJ lower ;
heavy receipt' , 42 UO ' ; e\pntt' , 005 ; unerndoil
r > 5@69 ; No. 2 fiSJc ; job , 62J cC3 ; crop in Held
December closing nt 50J.
Gate Heavy receipt * , 81,000 ; exports 10 ;
mixed western 31@33 ; white 3ir4IO.
Eggs Western , freah itoadyvfth moderate
demand ,
Latd ] 'a lerwo ! tern utoam spot 7 70.
But cr Demand lair and firm ,
Pork Finn nnd fairly nctite.
CHICARO. October 23. Drovers' Journal reports -
ports :
Ilogs Receipts 22,000 ; opened strong
weakunodlBfellOc ; [ rough packing 40(2-11)5 ( ) ;
packing and shipping 500 5f > ( ) ; light-1 CO
@ 5 00 ; skills nnd graisoa1 00@4 CO.
Cattle Iteceipts 10,000 ; slow ; weak : lOc
lower : exports 0 GJftt7 0 ' ; common to choice
4 20@G tO ; inferior to eood cows 2 10@4 00 ;
stockera 3.30@4 00 ; feeders 4 00@4 70 ; Mon
tana 0 CO.
Sheep Ileceinta 3,400 ; all below boat dull
nnd lower ; infeiior to f irU 10@3 15 ; medium
to choice , 325 & 4 50
ST. Louis. October " 23. Cattle Receipts ,
1,700 ; slow nnd generally weak , good grades
in oenmnd ; exports fi SOffiG 75 ; common to
choice shipping 4 CO@G 75. Cows and poor
stuff , 2 COW2 153.
Sheop-Ileceipts 2,700 ; best grades firm ;
common dull ; common to choice , 22C@1 00.
.Lambs 3 00@4 5.
Hops Receipts. 4 000 ; strong : Yorkers ,
4 75@5 00 ; packing , 4 70@5 10 ; butchers ,
5 IBfeO 40.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , October 23. Cattle
Receipts , 4,401) ; natives higher ; exports 0 10
(0)0 ( ) 35 ; common to choice , " > 10@G 05 ; cows ,
2 CnrmS 30.
Hogs Receipts , 5.000 ; steady at 4 70 ® J
7 .
Sheep Ree'ipts 2(0 ( ; good nnd steady ;
fair to unnd , U 7Ug3 25 ; common to medium ,
2 00&2 50.
"Wholesale Prices.
Thursday Evening , October 23. |
The following prices are charged retailers
by jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer
chants with the exception of grain , which is
quoted at the prices furoishod by the elevators
and other local buyers :
When1 Cash No. 2 , GGJc.
Barlev r-n h No. 2 , 4Sc.
Rye Cash No 8 , 3Sc
Coin-No. 2 , 271c.
Oats-No. 2 , 2Ugc.
Light fine ISf lf c.
Heavy fine 12SD14c.
Medium 15 ( < nlGu
Hurry 2 to Co off.
Market improving.
- heep-3-OO-a 3-25 ,
Cows-27fi@3 25.
Calves -5 COtgC 60.
Floiirjand Mlllstufls
Winter Wheat IJost quality , patent at 280
§ 200.
Second finality 2 20@2 BO.
Spring Wheat Best quality , patent , 2 80 ®
! 9'J '
Second Quality 2 15@2 60.
IJran Cite par cwt.
j * Chopped Feed Per 100 lln. , 90c.
Com Aleal 1 IK ) cil 10 per cwt.
Screening C5@7fio per cwt.
Onnnral Produce
Appjos 'Kecoiiits contmuo heavy , only
] ioicotocc8uloaln | ! nt § 3.25 2 75. Bulk ro-
elpts s lliiif , ' at 25'iOc ' pt-r bushel , nco rding
u quality.
Beans In libfnd supply nand pnces lower.
) irty stock not wanto > nt any price. NaVies
: lean ) 1 tU@l bO per bushel- Mediums , 1 ! il >
jl 5 ; .
Conib Ifonoy In goq'l d.oiiand. IleceiptB
ery small and meet with ready pn.lo at A8@i0c !
1 and 2 IV trainee. ' ' , , * . : .
-Itl B od demand. Choice brighter
or Ib. 20@28cj common to good dark per Ib.
Butter Unchanged. Light receipts nnd
Lrong prices on all except inferior grades.
Ireamery , fresh , 27 < &i28 ; creamery , Icehouse ,
4@25 ; choicu dairy , ! 20 ,23j fuir to good , W@
; inferior grades , 0@9'
Clder-0lno" per bbl S7.00 ; "York
tate" per bbl. SS.Ov ) ; per i bbl. SI 75 ; con
ivoran dvatice. L'lices firm at ! 20c.
Hay Baled ? 7.008.00 ( loose , 35.00 a
Jelly In 20 and 30 pound pails , G a 7 ; m 2
i. jam , per duz , $ .5 > ; assorted tumblers per
) z SI 20 : Hchoom ra > er doz. § 2.00.
Ma pin Sugar -Pure , in bricks , per Ib. IGc ,
hio , 13c ; small oakot 12Jc.
ONIOXH- fulr deiimud at 40@0c per o
ishel. v 4
Porcoun In good demand at2 2jc. per
. < !
Poultry Qiilot. Old chickens slow at 3 00 1
ir dozen ; KpririK chit kens in fair request at n
[ JO per 'In/ ; ducks ecarco and in gojd do-
and at 3 00 per diu
Game It neeim tha weather U nvout ti >
iii'go ' to n 1 IW T tcuipnratna' , which will
iprovo the giino busluets largely and makit f >
iocs moro linn. Deer arid untelopo havuHU 1
r been very Hcarce , and lire iiiBtrougie- if
lest. Daer , mrc.i8 < , jior Ib , tl lilo unto- *
[ > e , caro.tfn , per 'b ' , Bu'Jci ( I'rjiiUi
r Auz , 2 bWo V 75 ; qu < iil per doz , 200 ; ai
esuperdo/ OJ'rf4 IX ) ; jack rabbit ) per
ic. 400o5f ( > 0 ; fa'lil OK , per Ib , ,
ipu per d'iz. ' , 1 25O1 60 ; ducks , Midlanl , @
Pg2 ( 0 ; tiularid luUecl , 1 CO ; email rat-
t , p r o/ , 1 OOn.1 L'O ,
I'lDVHlo M Hun 1 Ii. btcrm , 13o' I ) .
HlclcM , 1 c : O H. luriin , l'-'Jbhuullarfi ; , 6ju ;
ins oork , 0 1 0 ; lard , O&lOc.
1'ututooi Uuniaml Itm tuirly started and
.Imiigli rtcelp'.s ura not uverly heavy , buy-
i don't ti'im to lie nsir a * anxiuus to cl"to
r.'aiim at nellern , but are rather jiuticular
-I - iticllnt'l ' to | ) .u nuy card t'iat are not
Ictly cholno , Prices on clio'au lota free
mi small onu > i nud wilhuiit any l nu of rot ,
ngn fr'im ! H&'i s [ nr busliel , without giving
y decidrd prefeience to any certain vutlcty ,
i mixed lots , and poorer quality grnercilly , 10
ices aiouusettled. I'riwptctn do nut glvolpi
ich encouragement ( or higher pric , aud ' el
conaignori will probably do just as well now
ailMtr on.
OroctTH Iilnt
C.\VNKnl OOIw lT ) lersStandnrdporc.'HP ( ) ,
3 ' .HI ; ntrawborric" , 2 IK per cn o , 1 ! 2J ; nup-
Ih-rnes. 2 lt > , Her ca o , 2 5C ; ISartlett jiau * , per
owe , 580 : whortleberries , per case , .TOOjcirg
plums , 2 Ib , per OHO , 2 ! IU ; preen Raga < , 2 tb ,
per r4 , 2 "JO ; pine apples , 2 Ib per case , 3 20
@ 5 M.
KOCK Sisal J incli and larger , Oc , Inch ,
Ojcj J inch , lOc.
C\SDtKs-15oTO"-10 lb , 1C" , lie ; 8. , lie ;
boxoa 40 Ibs , 10 oz , 0 % lie.
MATCIIKS 1'or caddie , 3 , " * ; round , cases.
2 " > , " > ; pqtmto , case , 1 70.
SCOAHI-Powdered , 8jc ; cut loaf , 8c ;
granuUted , 0c ; confoctioncn' Afi8o : Stand
ard extra O , Oc ; extra 0 , f'Zc ; medium yel
low f > Jc ; dark yellow , c ,
CoffKKi Ordinary graded , 12 < ill2jc ; fair.l ,
16Jc , AlcLaiighlln'fl XXXX
15jc ; mltatiou Java , 10J@18ic ; Clark's
Aurora , 15)c. ) |
S\llt'P Standard Com. 33o. bbls ! Standard
do , 4J Ralloti kegs , 1 85 ; Standard do , t gallon
ko , 1 SO.
foiu In Ib paper * , 030 per ciwo ; keg per
Ib , 2Jc.
PloKKt.MMedium In barrels 0 00 ; do In
half barrel * . 3 ! > 0 ; small , In barrels , 7 00 ; do in
half bnrrels , 5 CO ; gherkins lu barrels , 3 00 ;
do I u htlf barrels , 450
TKAS Gunpowder , good , 4S@iiRc ; choice ,
fiO'n 71'ic ; food Imporitil , 40 © IScj cholco. 00 4
f > 5c ; Young Hyson , goiul , 3flii50c ( ! ; cholro , (53 (
@l 00 : Julian , natural leaf , 75o ; Japan chnico ,
COWi75c ! Oolong goodS5f § l"o. Oolong.choico.
lO Ti jc ; Souchong , good , 3 @IOc ; iholc ? , 35
( o -loc.
KICK Louisiana prime to choice , Cl@7c ;
fair , ) ( ic ; Patina , OJc.
Fisil - No. 1 innckcro half brls. , 7 CO ;
Family i bbls 4 25 ; No. 1 kiU 1 05 ; fain , kits
CO ; No. 1 whlto fish , half brli , 0 f > 0 ; No. 1
kits , 05c. family i bbls 3 00 ; family kits and
pallR , ( ) ; No. 1 , trout , i bbls , C 25
WOODKNWAIIK Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; throe
hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; pioneer
washboards. 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; Well-
bucket * , 3 85.
HOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
Bttlnet , 3 CO ; Kirk's stindurd , 3 75 ; Kirk's
While Hussiau 520 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ;
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case Incase ,
3 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Au-
clior ball , 2 doz in case , 1 50.
OANDV Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twist
stick , lOjc.
VINKCUK New York apple , ICc ; Ohio ap
ple , 13c.
SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton , in
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy , CO. Cn , 3 CO ,
STAUCII Pearl 4\c : Silver Gloss 8c ; Com
Starch , 8c ; Kxcelsior Gloss , 7c , Corn "Jo ,
Sl'iciw Pepper 17c ; spice , 14c ; covoi 2Jc
aesia , luc. *
Dry Goods.
BROWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Atlan
tic P , Cc ; Atlantic LL , 5Jc ; Bnmswick , 74c ;
Beaver Dam L1Cc ; Lawrtnco LL , fijc ; Paci
fic If , 7Vc ; Itoyal Standard , 7ic ; Indian Iload
A , 8c ; Wauchusott A , 7tfc.
peroll II , 7c ; Salisbury K , CJc.
BLI-ACMIKD COTTONS Ballon 4-4 , CJc ; Bal
Ion , 7-8 , fijc ; Uumborland 4-4 , 8c ; Davoll UD ,
SJe ; Fairmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
9c ; Glory of the West , 8ic ; Golden Gate , 8Jc ;
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4.4 , 7Jc ; Lonsdalo , SJc ; New-
York M llls , lljc ; Watntutta , lOJc.
DOCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos
ton , 10 oz. , 1-1 ic ; Boston , < J oz. , lie ; Fall
Kiver , 8Jc.
DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West
Point , lu oz. , lie ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , lie.
TICKINGS Amoskeng , 1 c ; Continental
Fancy , > -ifc ; Cordis , lOtfc ; Pearl Eiver , ISJc ;
York , 12jc ; Hamleton Awnings lJc.
DENIVH Amoskeag 14c ; Beaver Creek
AA , 12o- Beaver Creek liB lie Bo.iver
Greek CC , TOc ; Paymaker ) , 8c : .Taffrcy U &
T , 12 c : .Talfrov XXX , 1 ? c ; Pearl Ktvor.
13c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , 1'c ; Warren BB
brown ) , lie ; Warren CC ( brown ) , lOc.
CAviJinod- Fifth avenue glo\o finish , Be
Kejstono glove finish , BJc.
O nsKr.lKANS Amory , 74c ; Hancock , Sc ,
Kearsayer 8 c ; Uockport 7c.
PIIINTS Aliens , fijc ; American fijc : Arn
o'ds ' , ( 'c ; Cochcco , Cc ; Harmony , 4Jc ; Ind'go '
7J ; Indigo 7-8 , 11 ; Indigo 4-1 , 12ic ; Steel
Kiver , 5c ; ( . 'barter Oak , -IJc.
PKISTS SHIRTINGS American , 5c : Co-
chi'co , Be. Gloucester Be ; Southbrldgo , 4ic ;
Waverlys , 4Jc ; Hoeedale , 4Jc ,
GINGHAMS Amoskeag Btuples , 8 c ; Bates
staples , 8c Lancaster staples , Sc : Plunket
plvids , ! ) c ; Hudeon chocks , ojc ; Amoakoag
PersmuB UJc
DitKS1 } ( Joons Atlantic Alpacca , 9Jc ; Per-
aiano cashmere , 23Jc ; Hamleton cashmere ,
ICjc ; IlumNton F-incus , HJc ; Hainleto bro-
mdes , 15c ; Arlington brocadd , 18c.
Uncos AND I HBMICAI.S Acid. Carbolio
'Oc ' ; acid , tartar ! > , BJC ; balsam capubia , per lit ,
> 5c ; bark , ennsafrag , nor Ib. 12c. ca1ot.el , per
b. 7Cc ; cinohoiiidir , per oz. , SO 50 ; chloroform ,
> er Ib. SI 10 ; Uovors powders , per ib , SI 25 ;
< psom salts , per Ib. 3Jc ; Blycerino. pure , per
b.25c ; lead acetate , per Ib. 22c ; oil castor ,
H"o. lpflr { gal , 1 CO ; oil castor , No. 3 , per gal ,
SIMO ; oil , olive , per gal , SI 10 ; oil origanum ,
jQc.oplum , SI BO ; quinine , P & W ; and 11. &
5 , jier _ oz. . SI 10 , potassium , lodiilo , per
T. , St CO ; Eallcin , per oz. , 40cj Hulphato
nprphino , per oz , , $ .1 CO ; sulphur per Ib. , Ic ;
trjchnine , par oz , SI 35 ,
* t * i -
' ' Faints Oils and VnrnlBlics ,
OILS J10 careen , per gallon , 12allc ; 150 °
loadbght , per gallon , 12jc ; 175U headlight ,
> er gallon , IC c ; 160s water whitn , Ifijc ; Jin-
oed raw , per gallon , C5c ; linaood boiled , per
allen , C8c Lard , winter str'd , ] > er Rillon , 70o ;
VTO , 1 COc ; No. 2 , 50 ; cistor XXX , pur gnl-
un , 1 Cic. ) No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , pur gallon. 1 00
perm \V. B. . par gallon- UO ; fish W. JJ ,
lor gallon , C5 ; neatsfoot extra , ] > er gallon , ! )0c ) ;
fo. I , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 3)c ) ;
uinmer , IBc : golden macbino , No , 1 , jierg.d-
in , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sporui , Kignal , porgillini
Oc ; tufpuutino , per gallon , 4c ; naptha , 71 ° ,
ar galhinj l ( c ,
PAINTS m'OiiWhlto lead , Omaha P. P ,
c ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 0c ; Marsuil-
w green , 1 tn C Ib can ? , 20c ; l''ronch zinc ,
roen Kjiil. 12c ; Froncli zinc , red seal , lie ;
'rench zinc , in varnUh usst , 20c ; French fine ,
i oil nsat , 15c ; raw and burnt umbnr , 1 Ib
uisi'10c ; raw und burnt Sienna , lOc ; Vandyke
rown , 13c ; rofinrd lampblack , 12c ; coach
lack and ivory black , lic ( ; drop black , Ific ;
ruB Ian blue , 40c ; ultramarine bhluM8c ;
ir mo green , L. M. & D. , ICc ; blind and
miter Rreen , L , M. & U , Kio ; Paris green ,
c ; Indian red. l c ; Venetian red , ! ) c ; Tus-
in red 2ic ; American vermlllion , I. If P
; yellow o lire , 9c ; L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18c
illow ochre , 9o ; g Idon ( xj'-rc ' , ICc ; patent
r , 8c ; crdining colors , light oak , dark oak ,
alnut , chestnut and mil , IBc.
TLUO TOPACCO Climax 4Bc ; Bullion 45c ;
orsoshno , Ho ; Star , 40c ; Hudy. 4fic ; Mur
y's , lOc ; Ulnfk , S- * * li o ; Spearhead , 4Cc ;
urlloim , 48o Piper Heldslcck , (5lc. (
FINK CUT Common , 3c : Medium ( Co good
, § M'c ' Hard to B-at70 o ; favorite , COo ; tlla-
ondCIrown , fi c ; Sweet Sixteen , 5 c.
HMOKINQ O. r1. , 2''o ; Mecrrchauin , 30c ;
iirhum 10 oz , , Cl ; Durham , 8 oz. ,
c ; Durham 4 o' , , fi c ; Durham 2
, , C'lc ' ; Sual of North Carolina , 10 nz.
c ; B < 'al of North Carolina , 4 oz , , 48c ; Heal of
orth Carolinla , BOi Sejl of Ni rth Curolina 2
„ BOc ; 0. JC. Durham , 4 oz. , 28o : O. K
iirhim , t o/30c ; ; UiicloNed , i'a 25o ; Tom
d Jerry , 23c.
alcohol , 2 20 per wlno
lion uxtra California ipirlta , 188 proof ,
.8 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
1 proof. 1 17 tier proof gallon ) re-distilled
ileldeu 1 00@1 M ) ; linn blended , 1 G02 CC ;
jntncky bourboni , 200'4700j JKontccky
i Peuosylv nla rye * , 2 00@7 00 ,
llEAl'DIKfl Imported , fif/iffJlflnOi domcnUo
CJlSS Imported , W/itt in/i / ttoraortlo , 11U
I 00.
a Imported. 4 60tj OOj NowKn Und ,
I 00 ; domojtlc , 1 606J3 50.
OiliMPAONEO Imported p'jr c u-f 28 00 ©
00 ; Lmuilcsn , per ca < o , 1 ? IK ) Hit ; 00 ,
uJock kip , tiOo ; runner HSoto 7Go | horn-
'k calf , a&c to 1 00 ; homlork upper , 'do
24 : oak nppor , 24c ; alHxator , 4 00 to fi 50 ;
if kid , 32a)3S ; Uruiwn ui ] , i' CO lo 2 7G ; oak
i , HOc to 1 00 ; oalc culf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; Froucb
i , 1 10 to 1 55' . French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ruv Si
t , G50to 7 GO ; .AQKI. ( COO ts8 50 top.
igi 9 00 to 10 50 } B L. Morocco , 804 to 85o.
ble 0. D , Morocco SSo ; aloiou , 2 60@3 00
ItAnsnw. No. 1 star oak , 3Ge ; No. 2 Slcj
85cj No , 1 Ohio oak , < i3flj no. a ao , Blcj Ne.
I Mllwankofl 34o : No 2 do S3c ,
No. I Pitta oaV bar , Gj ; Nc. BJ Plltn n.iV
bar , f4 % _
Immhor ,
W quota Inmliiv , inth and rhln : > bi on cart
Kt Omnltn at the following prtcosi
TIMBERS 10 foot nod under , 20 00.
Tittnitn AND JOIST 20 It , 280J | 2 ,
35 UO.
FBSCINO No. 1 , 4 undOlu. , 2 OOjNo. 2 ,
SnKJmsa No. l(2d ( common board ) ,20 OOj
No. 2 , 18 00.
STOOK BOAROB A , 45 00 ; 11,40 00 ; 0 , 85 00.
FLOORINO No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No.
SiniNO , clear 27 OOj No. 2 } 25 00) ) No. S ,
OKIUNO J , 37 00) ) 9 , 25
BHINOLM , boat 4 50j tlandard , 3 GO ,
LATH 8 25 per M.
LIMB Per barrel , 1 26 ; bulk tw bruhol , 85o |
couiont , bbl , 2 25 ; lowft plantar , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per bn. 50c } Trrod felt , 100 fes , 3 60) ) ntraw
cowid 8 &Ci
Ilonvy HnrcUvaro Lint.
Iron , rates , 2 30 ; plow steel special cait. Cc ;
crucible , 7c ; special or Gornnn , 5c ; cast too ;
do , 1C.V20 ; wagon spokoc , set , 2 2Sa3 00 ; hubs
per sot. 1 23 ; felloes , saved dry , 1 10 ; toiiRties ,
each , "OaS c ; axles , each , 75o : i ° qvmro nuts pfr
Hi , 7allc ; waiherc , l > or Hi , SalSci rheti , pnrlb ,
lie : coil chain1 per H > . Oal'Jpi malleable , Re :
iron wedges , Co : crowbars , Co : harrow teeth ,
4c ; spring Blool , 7a8o : Burden's horseshoes ,
4 40 : Burden's inuloshoe * fi 70
lUluiKI ) WlHK In car lotj , I (0 per 100 ,
NAILS -Itntoi , 10 to GO. 2 30.
SHOT -Shot , 1 85 : buck shot , 2 10 : oriental
powder , kegs , C 10 : do. half kegs , 3 48 : do ,
quarter keers , 1 88 : blasting , ki'f-s , 3 35 : fuse ,
per 100 feet , 50o.
LKAD Bar 1 05.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor
ris run Blosibtirg , 10 00 : WMtobroait lump ,
fi 00 : nut , 5 00 : Iowa lump , 5 OJ :
Iowa nut , 5 00 : Kock Spring , 7 00 : Anthra
cite , 11 2Ball 50 : Crtnon City , 7 00 per tqn.
DtT t' lnt .
Whlto load , 8c | JTrenoh tine , lOoj Paris
TThltinff , 2Jc ; whiting glldors , l c | whiting
com'l Ho ; lampblack , Uormautown , 14c ;
lampblack , onlinary.tOo ; Pnisalja blue , f > 5o ;
untrnnmrino,1.8c ; vandyke , browi , 8c ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , -Io ; rlonn * bur at , 4c ;
sienna , rk < , 4c ; Parla green , gonuiuo , 25c ;
Paris gioon , common , 20echromo ; preen N. Y. ,
2Cc ; cniomo green , 1C , 12oiormillion , Kng. ,
7Cc ; Tormllllon. American. 18c ; Indian , rod ,
lOc ; rose pinlc , 14o | Venetian rod , Oookson's ,
2c ) Venetian rod , American , l c : rod load ,
7jc ; ohromo yellow , gonnlno , 20c : chromo yol-
w , K. , 12cocbro ; rochelle , Sc ; ochre. French ,
2c ; ochre , American , 2o ; Winter's mineral ,
2ic ; lohlgh brown , 2ioj upuilsh brown , 2&o ;
Prince's mineral , So ,
VAllNlsilEfl Barrels , po * Ralloni Fural (
tare , extra , 91 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , 81 ; coach ,
extra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar
extra , 81 75 : Japan , 70casrhAltum ; extra , 6Bc ;
ohollac , 83 60t hard ollfinlta 8160.1
FLOtra Colorado , 100 Ibs , ' 1 BS@1 GO ; pat
ent , 100 Iba. , 1 00@225 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75
@ 375 ; Minnesota , 100 Ibs , 3 90 ; graham , 100
Ibs , 1 85@2 00 ; rye , 100 Ibs. , 2 35@2 BO ; buck-
whont , 100 Ibs , 0 00@G 50.
GRAIN , KKF.D , ETO Wheat , 100 lb , 80@90c ;
x > rn , tn sackf on track , 11)0 ) Ibe , 1 25@1 30 ;
jats , in sacks on track , 1UO Ihs , eastern white ,
L 12S1 11 ; Colorado white , 1 1C@1 18 ; mixed ,
L 12@1 IB ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 S0@l 40 ; bran.
ion , on track , 10 5l12 00 ; chop , corn , 100
bs , on track , 1 30 ( 135 ; chop , mt.\od , 100 Ibs ,
m track , 1 30@1 35 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 1 G5
HAT Baled , upland , ton , 13 0015 00 :
jpland , loose , ton , 14 00@17 00 ; second bot-
.0111 , baled , 11 tO@lL 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton ,
12 0013 00 ; clover , baled , tun. 14 00 ; clover ,
ooeo , ton , 13 00@16 00 ; straw , baled , on track ,
; on , S Wt 00.
BOTTKR Creamery , fancy , Ib. 32(5 1 ;
: reamory , fine , Ib , 28@29 ; cronnery , fair , 1" ,
J2fc2.1 ; rtalrv. ch ice , Ib , 22"42I dairy , good ,
b , 17@18 ; dairy , lair , Ib , 13@1B ; cooking , Ib ,
EGOS Ststo , candled and warranted , doz ,
Jl@23 ; rancU. do7 , 24@25.
OHKBSK Full cream. i2il 1m half c-eam ,
Ib , Oillc ; sVIm , Ib , S@10c ; Swiis , domestic ,
Ib , 20@22c ; Swiss , Imported , 31@a2c ; Llm-
burger lh@29o.
POOLTBY Live old chlckonn. doz. I 7-5@5 25 ;
live fprlncp , doz , 3 l5'o-I ! ; UO ; llvu ducks , doz ,
300'g5BO ; live turkeys , Ib. , lt@10c.
POTATOKS Culoralo , 100 Ibs , 1 10gl ) 25 ;
sweet , rer Ib. , 235c.
VBOKTABLKS Ouloua , yel'ow , 100 Iba ,
L2501BO : cabbwo , 100 lha. i@l 25 ; hnoti
LOO IbH , 1 ? B(3)1 ( ) 50 ; turnips. 100 Iba , 1 00 ®
L 25 ; carrots , 100 Hi * , I ! CO ® I 00.
GIIKKN yKQETADLKH Tomatoes , pf r Ib , J@
Ic ; ru umbe , doz , 5'dlO ; grcoa cora , doz ,
10@20 ; string beaiis , gal , 20 ( < i)22 ) : celery , do/
iO75 ; onions , dnz bunches , 18@22 ; parsley ,
I0@12 , parrots. l'15 ; lettuce 15@20 ; egg
ilant , do50nl ; 03.
FIIDITB LomonH. per case , Messina , 7 00@
I 50 ; oranges , Hodi , CIHO , * 0 ( ) ' < r.8 BO ; oranpon ,
" ouiBiaua , bbl , 1.H' ' 0 , 2 Clr@2 75 ; applet , fan-
: y , bbl , 3 75@4 "C ; appl3a , modiuin , bbl ,
I 20@3 0 ; nnples l ! llello\vor , box.l 00@1 50 ;
> eara , box , 2 C.'i@2 75 ; poaches , box , 25@
! BO : California crapes , box , Melvoise , Peru ,
kfuscat , 1 75 2 00 ; I astern grapes , basket ,
iO@6B ; binanng , bioch , 3 00ffG ( UO : ( minces ,
ox , 2 B0fe2 75 ; cianbornos , bbl , B & B , 1000 ,
J ft 0,1500.
CuitBi ) MKATB Hamti. sugar cured , Ib , 15 ;
lams , BWtct pickled , Ib , lij1 ; bacon brqak-
ait Ib , 14 } ; dry tail sides. Ib , 11 ? ; dried
ieef , Ib , Hi ; lard in palU , 10@10J ; lard in
lorcos , vyn'Jl.
FIIKSII MIUTSDressed beef Colorado , poi
r > , CJ liCJc ; 01 oico vnal , Ib , 11(313 ( } ; hogs , Ib ,
@ 8J ; mutton , Ib , fi@ ; lamb. Ib 1 < I@12J
Live STOOK Colorado steern , ) icr 100 Ibs ,
40g3 ( 7fij cows , 100 Ib. ! ) 00i ; : KO ; choice
eal calves , Ib , 7fe c ; nheop , 2 00@ ' BO.
Hides. Dry Flint Xo. I per Ib. 10@12o ;
To , 2 , Ib , Stff'10 ; green rtecm and branded
ilf. Ib. 4 } ( < zf > i ; Krton calf , Ib , 0 ; green kip
i , C ; Riinni ) nUlnp , dry , 7 < ) H ; deer skiiiR , Bum-
IT , Ib , IC IR ; dorr skins , winter , b , llifirjlO ;
iituldpo skina' Ib , 12 19 ; tallow , Ib , t@5
Wool , Colorado No. 3 , nor Ib ,
uck , Ib , 8 ; Moilcan , 8. *
FIHH Mackerel , No.l , 1 40 , kit. mom ,
7C@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 BO ;
Tolland herring , kep , 1 G0ftl ( 76 ; trout , per
i. 17 < ai8o
The matt extensive mannlocturereol
hn HocketrauHcr Oonoral Aijunt or Nebranta au
WonUrn loua.
B. Tenth Street I . . . . 01IA1IA , NKU
ccsol I Illloid stid eel Tables umlnutirla
Ctnsr.v Dtilin In j |
Ute foi Ml * SOtl.MO aorc < oartrully Mltcted Unii ic
iintcrn Krhiiuika , at law prloo aad on tuy trmi | > i
mprarou laruu icr * lf > In UouglM , DoJi , Oolftx CD
ttc , Uurt , Oatulnt ; , Biniy , WaUUajtoo , tfarick 1 cli
indera , and Jjutltr Jour.tlos. I Oi
. , . . . _
- - - & - C1..t ! t\l
fooey loaned on luprored turn * .
fotary imbllo ajwave la ofCo1 Oonwpond
Railway Time Tablo.
In Kllcct Oct. let , 1SSJ.
Thfl attcntlan of thornclllnet ( iMlc li cAllc.l to
tha ftct thitt thl < l the enl ) Mini Vt * and uluolutjj
txirrect tlmo UMojiiiiilUhotl In HIP citv ,
All trains arrl < c at ami del-art from Oir.Mn hy
Central StainUril Tlnio.
Tralos of the 0 St. I' . M. * 0. atrlro t and ilo
| nrt from their depot , corner of Utti and Webster
utrcttt ; trAltm o , the It & M , , 0 , II. & ( ) . , and K , C ,
St , J. .to , it. fromtho 11. & U , depot ; all others Item
the Union 1'iclflc ilrpii'
a , Iiilhjh , except SUmihyje , except Sundij ; 0 ,
cxce ) > t ll
The 0 n tn nnd 5 | i ra Uiimmy tulns nlin nriho nt
nt tht transfer In tlmuti m ko oaatorn ooniicctlons ,
but not to chock b > n'ago
Dummy Trnlns tomoomnhantoio.son ,
D OJ , lu UO , 1. 19 a in , 1 U1 , S 00 , 3 ( X ) , 4 00 , A 00 , 0 00 ,
10 H5 llll On SuniUjstho SOOtind lOOOn 111 Mid
H 00 nnil 4 00 p in trains < U > not run. AtrU o nt ttnns-
lor ilcpot 13 tnluiitcs later : Dnmdway depot 0 inln-
lltos Inter ,
Lcnvo Council Din ft fl ( llroadwav ( 'ciwt ' ) nt 7 0 , H30
D 3D , 10 HO , 11 40 n mi 1 30 , 2 80 , B 3n. 130 , 530 , U 85
nuil U 05 p in. On Hunilnys the 3 HO nnd 10 30 n m
sr.d 3 80 nud B 30 p m trains " 111 not runArrho nt
Transfer 7 inliiutci lat < r , Omaha 0 lu'iuitcn ' later.
TrnnsforTrnl n a Lcn o Omaha nt a IB , a ts
10 06 n m , 4 26 , 0 10 nnil d 56 p in , dally.
Arrhont B 45 and 1115am , 12 25 , 7 35 nnd 8 IB p
ro and from Chicago \ la the Tripartite Alliance Lines.
| Mil | U-l. I N.\V I NV I ll-l I illl
Sunday oenlngnndMonday morning jalnaarrlv „
n corrcBpoaJInu ardor. C. U. ii Q. trains run at
The me of the lorm " Sha
Line" la connection with th
corporate name ot roatroad
convcjs an ltlc ot ust what
required by the traveling pnb
lie a Short LlD Quik Tlmi
and the bout WDXITiJ ) ,
B tlona all ot which are ( urn
hod by the reatcet mlln av lu America.
And St. Paul
It own ! anil oporittce ( not * ,600 mllojof
crthcrn Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa
akota ; anil aa la m&ln lined , branuhoa and oonnc
ou reach all the eroat builncaa contros ol Ih
Jortb est and Far Weot , U naturally answers tb
lencrlptlon ot Short Line , and licst Houto between
Chlcogo , Milwaukee , St. Paul nnd Mlnnoapollo.
ChlcnBo.MllwMikoo , La Croeao nnd Wlnona.
ChltuRO , UUwaukoo , Aberdeen and Ellondalo
Clilcago , lllluankoo , Knu Clalro and Htlllwitor'
Chicago , Ullnnukce , WauBun nnd Merrill.
Oblcago , Mlhrnukec , Dcaver Dam nnil Oshkoih.
Chicago , MilunukocVauknsha nnil Oonnomowos
Chicago , llllnaukoe , iladlaoii and 1'rnlrlodu Obit
( Jhlcago , Milwaukee , Onatonna nnd Knlrlbaull ,
Chicago , liclolt Jnnesi lUo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Klk'ln , Hucliford and Uubiiqno.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar lUpldt.
Chicago , Council Bluff" and Omaha.
Chicago , Rloui City , Slotu Kallennd Tankion
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Hook Island , Ilubuquo , St. Paul nnd Mlnnoapolli
Davenport almar , Ot. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman B uvpers and the Finest Dlnltiit Cam I.
ho H . rM are run on the main lines ol the GlIIOAOO
.ttenllonla . paid to jioseengcra by courteous employe !
it the Company.
i. S. UEIIRILL , Oon'1 Uanager.
A. V II. CAlU'KNTElt , Goi. ' Pasr. Airt ,
! T. CLAUK , Con'l Siipt.
OKI ) . HKII.mmD. Alt' L Oon'l. Pa Act
Offco ! ICth etroot , lirnt door north
I'nrnnm In Boyd'o opera houao. Lcnv
irdoro at oflico or Saxo's drug atoro.
Telephone ICO.
H12 Douglas Street ,
'ridny Evening nud Saturday Nevt
I. W. 'Oor. inth St. and Capitol Avenue
On the KiirojiL'in 1'Inn. Flret class In crory r u
loot 'rabla'HUjiplloil wltli gamu anil all tlellcacloa ol
lOScaioDtKlioro you payfuroul ) liat vou order > H
jr kill of faro , llnums ntticlioJ for trantlout CUH-
un. Will also keep day boardoru at the tncvt
inaulo rates
ir , 10th and Capitol Avcnuo , treats all cairs Crippled
plod or Deformed , kino dUeaacg of tLt
Fervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs ,
Ml owes of Curvtturo Of the Hpmo , Crnnkod Foot
L'H and Anns , PIveaeeH of the III | > , Kocu , nJ
iTdo J Intu Also Chronla aOrctlonx of the Liver
lOUiiiatUm , Taraljuli , I'lliK , Ulcer * , UaUrrh , Abth
t and Dionohltli are ail trtatod by now and uo-
litul methods. All dlueaaoa of ( no lilood arid Urln-
, Orgitn * , InUudliiK ttiusu rcuultliiic from IIK lucre-
n or ei | > oiiure , are ultl ) and Huocewfnlly tiuatcd
d a euro guaranteed. Yciuni ; ineu , uiludlo ogud ,
d old men uflerlrit ( from Weakness and Nervous
htutftlcin , proouclus indlu | < tlonralltatlonof | the
Art , Uesiiondency Ululneaii , I/o olileincryLa < .k
Knirity au 1 Ambition , can be restored to health
:1 : ( Ivor , If uate It not too long neglected.
0 Burgeou ID charge l H ira < Juato ol Jeller.
1 Meaical ColleKO 189i ) and lias itudlod Ml
> feiaun : ! In London , 1'arli and Uerlln. If atHlcted ,
I or vt rite full de url | < tlori of your cue , and modl-
e inai ha tout you. Consultation freo. Address
uha Dispensary , Cruunse'n Illock , Omaha , Meu.
Ion boon ID-IS a. in. , 1-8 aud 1-S p , in buadayi ,
D a to , t
: & ,6end foi treatlK cither on male
ffl H" * Cl E1 A "IT * H B1 8TiP& M ITO Sa
, , , , W004
For Hides , Wool , Polls , Etc. , and consignmonin made to us will rocoiro ( prompt
attention , for which immcdlnto rolurna will bo rnado.
13th Street , Bet. Dodqe and Capitol Avc. OMAHA , NEB.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground Oil
It is ( ho beat nnd cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound is equal to
three noil' ' ds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Full and Winter
instead of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good marketable condl
lion in the spring. Dairymen , as well s others , who use it , can testify to ita mor
Us. Try it and judge for yourselves. Pricn § 25.00 per ton. No charge for oacko
ITT f91 ' ffUl O
Halls 'Safe
I i ETC.
V , .
STEELE , JOHftflSOfti & CO
n. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Chicago , Manager of the
Tea , Cigar nnd Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of
the nboxo ; also Pipes and Smokers' carried in stock. Prices
nnd BtiniDloa furnished on application. Open orders
intrusted to us shall receive our careful
attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Milwaukee , Wis.
GFM'EEK ' & CO , , Sole Bottlers ,
' I ?
lOa RRADY ST. , DAVENPOIIT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Eatablhhod 188 Oatarrfi ,
Deafnoen , Lnug and Ncrvonu Discnsos Speedily and ! ormanontly Oared. Patient *
nr cd at Hoiuo. Write for "THE MEDIOAL-MIHSIONABY , " for the People.
Consultation nnd Oorronpondonce Gratia. P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. 2C.
RON. EDWAIID IlUSaKLL , PootmRBter , Davenport , ayB : " Physician of
Kou Ability nnd Mnrkod BUOSOBB. " OONGRESSBTAN MUHPHY , Davenport ,
-'tai ' : "An ftonornhln Man. Flno Succonn. Wondorfnl Oures.1' Houra 8 to 6.
A. 1 , . STKANG & CO. ,
Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand
Trimming. , Mining Maohinoiy , BolUng , HOBO , Braim and.Iron
nt wholesale aud retail. HALLADAY WIND-inLLS , OHUROQ
Corner 10th Farnatn St. . Omaha Neb.
unco rt Oth and Douglas ttroeU OMAHA ,