Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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017 St. Chnrlos S' . , Sf. Lonli , Mo ,
4rrgnltr triflo'tr of l Jettrtl Collrctl,1t litfn lonrtt
r ti-lln Ihoirct ilrcuracmr.r Cut K tn,8 ii
ftriiiliub1 > iMM ihan in , oth-r rh-.Ulio in Bt. CLi , . * .
M fltT r t " tM > V
Ncrtout Picslr.illcn. Dcblillr. Menial nnd
Physical Weakness , McrcurUI nnd other Aflec *
lions ot Throat , Skin or nones , Blood Poisoning ,
eld Sores end Ulcers , * r * - > iih cnrtntitirf
tn - > > * , rnlai * tilrntlilMil - ' . > * > 'elt rtlr tHj.
Diseases Arising ( rum Indiscretion , Excess ,
Cxposuro or Indulgence , vhltti rrtxincejme of u >
l llo ln fff , en tit'icDinc * * , del Hit ; , din m of tlttl
kDddrTretlTp mrmftrImplf | * F.J th r- . , fti/Mct.1 doc y ,
ttTcnlon tothff orfrt7 of rricklri , conlirUi r IdrMeti ,
rtnderlncr Mnrrlnto Improper or umuppy , an
--frra of irjtnr-4. rir.Mti.n | > ( r cnttie nVotr.-tnl
" ! i ftl4 tDtrlt. | , frrelo Aftr fedilr. * . . roniolliilloa Mt >
nttcrtiji.islirroo. nidlntlloJ. UrIUi for , HMIOOI. |
A Positive Written Guarantee
frlrfi In ftllcnhiMftASc , Mrdlelnei-eflt cTcr-nber * .
. l\amphleli , Encllsii or German , np c i , < ! * >
/ * ebine nbovo due ea in male or fc.m.lrllEK. .
IWp-itrt. floprlitK. llltiit-ttr < l laloth ti > 4 [ III t > lD.ln >
lkVjrr < .nercrr < .iuj t i iuMr cover. , Jin. Till U J
CAoUtDt 11 tb rnrlooi , doubtrnl or InqtUltlfa vkot M
know. A boot , f trrlt Im-TMt to IU UtiJll , DcMV-j
' .1
Erlangor. i'avario.
Cnlmbnohor. Bavaria.
PilsneroBohomian ,
Kaiser ' - . . . - . . . . t.Brnmon ,
Bucliveiser St , Louis.
Anhausor. . . . _ . .St. Louis.
Best's. . ' . . 1 , . . * . . . . Milvraukep.
Schlitz-Pilsner . - . . . .Milwaukee.
Krug's Omaha ,
Ale. Porter. Domestic and Rhino
Wine. PD. MAUKEK ,
iai3 Farnam St
"Hot-licit Foal for lafkntf tt
tJ iLanjr llrcsvrtlirk
' /.v.7oo ir , j/ ) . ,
Wi . sMij
If 'l drucilitl. ITIc-
'III 4 na lMnn. h-nt
.JU. I. * Ulallfor amount It ,
Wlll purify tlm DUOOD.'rcRU'
late tha LIVER and KIDNEYS , Cf
nnd VIQOn. of VOUT1C Ujn-
l > cBlaVamofAmictlle | , in Cl
illKostlon , J.nck Hircnfftli , Clt
iiirj'lr < . " < i1 2liiKnl)5oliilclr t (
cured , lioncr. , luuaclcsanu w
IICTVCS rocch o newforce ,
JJi.livens tha mind nntl
_ Bujuillcs Jiralii 1'owcr.
BullvrliiKlroni coinplalnti to
j > oculiarlotlielr _ _ ijc will all
i'a.'T n naftf.ttnd
euro . < ffi OS a clear , licolUiy complexion. do
Frequent -.Kcnn. ts nt oo-njt rfplUiiK only add
to Iliopopnbrlly of.Mio original Do not cipcrl- HIm
' . _ m
KondyourniliIrei < U.'J'lj I > r. IlartnrMed Oo.V ]
y.LmlB. Jlaitor ir "DWJAM BOOK. " ! 1 CO
Fall of ttranna and n-O al Information , free. . * f all
Will euro lf-rYotinos-I.umI > irt , UhonmillimI--ml-i.K we
Neiirftlcla , BclRtlcn , Kl&i * > , 8p nntl llvnr iltmimttik , rin
Clout , Anthma , Heart dli.iMx , DIri U , rou > llpn11 u , Krjr
hlpclaiCatftrrh , J'llM , Kplleu x , ImuMttu ) , Duinti Airii\ eel
IToUpnui Uteri , etc. Only n-UnlUo KHclrlc licit In Aini-r-
lea that Mniii th UlecUlclly Dtl u Eii llim tlinniEli ttio air
bod/ , and cau l > rocUatu d m on kaot u ( by tbe paileut. io :
YTlntor la coming , iheeoasoao thoyo for aches of
nnd natal. In view at this fct wo nay buy ono of
Vt. Uoroc'u Elootrlo Delta. By BO doing you will in
vold lUicumutlnm , Kidney Tioublon and other Ilia am
iliat Ooth la heir to. Do not delay , but eaU at our
AOaoanndoxamlnabolta , No , HK ( Douglu ttroot , r t
0. P. Goodman' * , 1110 Farnam St.Omaha. Neb. Or-
donflUedO O l >
Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis r and ofno
The DOW extension ol tbla line bom WakofleU np au
through Concord ud Coleridge
lUu-cho ) the boil portion ot the State. Bpochvl ex
ounloa ntea for Und lookorl orcr thin line t 80
\V-vyno , Norfolk uj Hartlagtoa , ndl DIali to 80ne
prladpu poli.U on tbo ne
Tnlu over thl 0. , Bt P. M. & 0. Railway to Cor aiP (
niton. Stout Cltjr , I'onca , Ilutlogton , Wayne and in
Nortolk ,
Ooxxxxoot At 331a.Xx- tifi
or Fremoat , Oikdi , , Ncllgh , und through to V l- fitl
entlne. tl
* WFornlei -.ndtormitlon cill on t <
J , ISftRMSTRONG , M. D. 1f 1f
Practice Limited to Diseases of the f
Eye and Ear.
G03 Farnam Street , OMAHA
Dr. Toungs Electric Belts.
iioou , f AK J ll o
II O O V A K U il I K
' '
bo cureJ , ma rcoottr
iitterer < haw they mar
Heath , StrCDKtb and Uanlr Vigor , Wltliour Tim
AID ox MKIHCIKX , will be tent Ireoby pott ou rucelpt
rn\eloiie. Adilrrm ,
clttiiopcd \
ML II. YOUKU , 116 Oiu Street , New York.
oct-SO m 1m
Chemical Dyeing
, AND-
0. T. PAULSON , 1'roprletor.
Ccntlerreoi' Cloth'nx ' Cleaned , Dyed and Repaired.
I dlcD * Vn-uei Ckan l and DjeJ , without lUpiJlne ,
Flutr.u Cl' Dtd or Cblore4 any ihade , to tample ,
Hlllii , YeltkUaac Laoet ClvuioJ , Ie < i uid lie-tic-
1212 Douglas Slreet , OMAHA , NED
The Cenlecary of JDDF cns Philan
thropist ,
Notable Deeds of Charity ill His
Grand Life ,
Iltl Uovo Tor Iho Dmvntrotlilon ami
1 < * I'oncciitcil of lllHltnrc.
Wmtcn for Iho lcn\or Opinion.
"And wboro ehall Itrncl lave lior Hooding
fotl !
And when ftlmll Xion's FongH ngaln teem
And Juda'g mchdy once moro rojolco
The lionrli thnt lenpod before Its heavenly
volte ?
"Tribes of tlio unndcnng foot nnd weary
brciut ,
] Iow shall TO flee nway and bo nt rent ? _
The wild doro hath lior nest , the fox hi * cave ,
Mankind their country Israel but the grave"
On the SI.MI of October , 1784 , was
born a man whoao noble instincts , whoso
great love for ; his race , led thoao blood *
ing foot , not to the gravobut to lifo nnd
comparative happiness , . -un the 24th of
this month wo shall bobold a voluntary
outporingof love , or rcspoct , of adora
tion and honor to aman whohaa boon nor'
mittod in his usefulness to lire the allot *
ted three score years and ton and _ to add
thirty years to those , nnd is still living to
lift up th'o downtrodden , the nick of
heart , the wronged and shackled of all
climes. The electric sparks * ot divine
oympathy emanating from this great soul
arc making the rounds of thfi , world ,
wherever love for . ono'n kind
has taken root , and is firing
their hoarta , making thorn akin in
doiug'liombgo in a spontaneous1 tcstimo'
nial'to thp contonarinn , whoso hand has
never palsied In doling out sweet charity
and justice to his follow men ! * Ills
riches are not so great but that they are
overpowered by the wealth of thousands
6f others ; yet they seem everlasting in
the good they do. Ilia title not so proud
only as it has been conferred by a grate
ful sovereign for superior achievements
in the battle for good , but that it bo
syornhadbwed by elder ones. His raob ,
Ilia people , once despised , driven out of
the country where ho now sojourns an
louorcd citizen. Wo first hoar of the
Montofiorcs in England after the .Terrs ,
through an eloquent appeal to Cromwell
jy Manaosah-bcnJsraol , had been read-
nittcd to this land. Ho lives in a conn-
ry whcro only a dccadopast no Jew could
it in parliament , and yet ho has lived to
oo not only that consummation , but ono
if this hated race occupy the chair of
ircmicr with a dash and lincsso which i
hallongcd the admiration of the world.
lo saw the same "Jingo in Polillca , " as
iia traducoro are wont to call him , sail
to. the Berlin congress and legislate
liore for thoao poor whlto slaves in south
rn Europe , who , for their religious con-
ictions , nro hunted down like the wild
heir alleviation , and if Benjamin Dis-
loll lived to-day that treaty would bo
opt inviolate. Those poor Roumanian
oddlors and those Russian refugees , who
ave "but the grave" or dishonor Tor
icir wives and daughters , degradation ,
orsocution and poverty for their pardon
ould bo bettor protected ? Lot us thanked
od that about the tima when the groat-
it philanthropist of the ago , Moacs
[ ontefioro , first aw light , nlreftdy a f roe
juntry had boon established , which w s
> become the mecca of these beings for
hoin this man was to labor unceasingly ,
Do not drop a tear , a flower or your
ocd of praise upon great worth until it
iall Jiavo ceased to borbut pause hi your
lily tuinoil , and with your clrildron
ion your knocp , toll them of this man
Israel whoso inoxhanstiblo bouofi- :
ncco have taken root in nl soils , among
1 people , no matter what their creed
toncao. Wo charaotorlao well-doing
"Ohrbtian charity. " Why any oao
ligion obould have a corner in this wo
uld never quite understand. But hi
arity kncws no confession > it is uni1-
rsal , and therefore God-like. His lifo
ono grand sermon of the good and )
autiful a Samaritan quietly doing his
irk. Therefore , in this agoof mate-
Hum and o * scepticism , of grcod and
f , toll it to your children , as an ox-
iplo wo.cthy of emulation , haw a man
living amongst us for the upual' period
a century , aud yet stands iciniaculato
charnctor.No ono can point to a
lirchupou hi > noble wicutchooDfbut as
3ollosBUB , noi unlike the oca wo nro ,
icing at Bedloo , with the torch of
lorty lighting : up the world so for-
aching and ondnriiig aio his WDcka.
Dii nearest paraloll in our day. and in ov
is country , is the } ate lamented PoUr QC
) opor , whoso simple , father ) piotcc- \ ,
> n , wjioso lastbig practical inau > vunoniB
charity that true clmrity which do n
it doqrado , buV olovatcu ; th&t chariiy c ] , i
nch helps nutu to help himaoif , Of
id docs not sinkJiim beneath the bur- OfW
u of of obligation this our cwa Potur W ;
) opor uudorotood BO well.Vo have
ul John Hopkins , PoaboCy , Judah ta
) uro. Amorlcihao hardly n town wbaro
mo kind aouV in departing does not
trpotuato his name in ohvurchos nd
yiuins or gonrrously-cndowud colJagos-
id libraries. "Xot to how many caa wo w
rint who poiaonally gava not only
lOnoy , but their moral support , their
mo ; who would go , right nmoiy the
1th and allliciion , direct to- the heart of e
10 disease , probe and euro-it by appeals
) the proper authoiitloa , when fooelblel w
The good deeds of Poatnlozxi in &wltzor- \
uid speak for him to-day yci ; and g
'roobol , who wanted only to make a ,
hlldhood liappior , gava ns the taautiful , c ]
Cindor-garton. Poor aa ho was , yet ri
rom his store-house of love ho gave /
rooly , Ho is as muih a boaefactor ol 0
nanklnd. Florence Nightinjcalo and the r
trmy of uoblo women who succor tha „ ,
tick and the dying these weet Slater * t
af Charity , roinistoriun auuols all c n „
bo placed bcsido this truly good cian j
whoso encomiums 1 bat feebly pro
"Konnst du das Land , wo dlo Cttronon
bluohu ,
Im diinVuln Laub dlo Oolil-Oranpou tluohn ,
JCIn Bantter wluduiu blatieu Hiuitnol wuht ,
Dlo Myrto atoll nnd lioch dec I.ohrbeor
bkjit !
Kennst ilu c wohl } "
In tuls land of which Mlt-non sings
these soft , beautiful words , at Lenhotn ,
on the 21th of October , 1781 , "Rachel
RIocatta , gave to her husband , the mer
chant , Joseph Elias Montofiorn , his first
born eon , and they named the child
Moses. " If at this child's cradle it could
have boon foretold to these parents what
a pillar and strength ho wan to ,
how high their hearts would have beaten !
Moaon , the lawgiver , was not to neo the
PromUed Land ; but this namesake , over
five thousand of , years later , is also lead.
Ing his people out of the wildernow , but
into a land of promise , where milk and
honey flow for all willing and ready to
do their share ,
Wo have soon that the Montefiores tot
tied in England in or shortly after Orem
woll'n time , and thatthoy were of Italian
it cl : . It is siii llwt EMgUnd's commer
prospcrily dates from this period , for
the Jews , being debarred from all other
professions , united their ofTorta upon
trndo. Thcso restrictions woto placed
upon thomfovorywhoro. Vet , adding in
sult to injury , thia very fact has bocn
thrown up to thorn. Whether England
became n "nation of shop-keepers"
through her own narrow laws , would bean
an interesting subject of investigation.
Later on , when these barriers were re-
movodwo find thorn working successfully
in the arts nnd sciences , and among thcso
the Montofiorca distinguishing them-
"Mosea Montefioro received a com
mercial training , nnd was admitted to
membership in the Stock Exchange. In
1812 ho married Judith , daughter of L.
B. Cohen , Em. , nnd the sister of Judith
united the Montofioro and Rothschild
families by becoming the wife of Nathan
Meyer Hothschild. In 1814 ho was
elected Gabay ( or treasurer ) of the Portu
guese synagogue , and in 1824 assisted in
forming the Alliance insurance ofl'ico , of
which no was elected the first president ,
which position ho has hold to the present
time a period of sixty years. Ilia in
tegrity nnd courtesy had intrenched him
in the esteem and friendship of all with
whom ho had dealings , to an extraor
dinary degree. "
Coupling the Montofiorcd and the
Ilothchilds these two philanthropic
names whom wo' find working together
for the common good it miijlit not bo
out of place hero to comment upon the
fact that ono of our ablest divines in this
city , lately , in his first lecture on "cen
tralization of Wealth , " was undappy in
his choice in singing out the Rothahilds
as ono'of the common enemy. It may
have boon force of habit. "Rich as a
Jew , " ' 'rich an the Rothchilds , " has become -
come almost an axiom , to toll you that
the majority of Jews are not rich at
least to that degree thought by the
world would hardly bo croditodr But
that thesh 00,000 of people this is
ibout their number , moro or less
nako themselves so felt that
; helr numbers seem ton times greater ,
: annet bo disputed , Neither can the
inormous wealth of the Rothschilds. I
rill admit that a million uncut In erect-
ng stables would bo better applied to
enomonts for the poor. But lot us
muse a moment longer with thrso Crini-
1303 who are alap the M.usonaa of our
ay. George Eliot gives it pretty picture
f iho liomo-lifo of ono of them in "Ban
al Dorondn. " As she was on honored
uost there , she ( now whereof oho wroto.
low was this vast fortune started ] Not
y stocks and corners , but in a noble
und. Ansolm Rothschild ( red shield ;
once the name ) wns a poor man in the
eginning of thia century , doing business
i a small way atFrankfort-on-tho-Main ,
'hen ' , in ono of these revolutionary
phoavala of which Germany had
3 many , ft nobleman entrusted this poor
ow whoso people wora notallowod out-
ido of the gates after dark ; who were
opt in ghettocs by themselves ; like
uugs unclean , which , in contact , might
imtarninnto their kind ; panned in like
casts of burden , the remnants of whose
igos you can yet see to the man of thia
( Hpised people h intrusted his treasures
> r safe keeping during hie absence.
hero could bo no- other bond between
icso two but the honor of nnn to man.
o well did Mayor Anslom guard these
chos that , after innay years of strife , ,
ipy were returned intact. In gratitude
iis nobleman gave him a largo sum ;
etudes furthering his intorasts , at
B. was in n position to do
i. This was about ihc start of' the-
.otlichilclj , who , also recognizing' that
nity ia strength , have always worked in
innony. Oo to Frankfurt and ceo the
Dspitala for Iho sick ; the homo that
vo bion made happy ; the doworc * that
ivo been grren to young paoplo toholp _
albng their marriages. Tb Vi-
ina wllsro Ifco monuments of charity
ist. Tb > Praia ami to London , where
csptionrr ) not for the rich but for the
lor , are hold in bhelr palatiivl homes
lioio the aoounulated click of gold ' 2n s
mo mnoii- for their follow-inen. A
3tbichildois-no7or born , never married ,
ir buried , without ) the romombronco of
0 poor iii'lnryo'ium * . If the centraU- >
tion of wealth i acarao , until bettor'
mnuinistie-measurea prevail let us prey
at it romaina-in ouoh hands. 3 am notre
ro ao thea ? people's panegyrist , but
nply jive facts that ai ) the world may } ]
low. Contrast1 with , ihoao u 3towart ,
loahnta himaoif'andihia money up in a.
Id maible palaoor scheming how ho
uld Jew dow : { I uoo > th words advised-
here ) > a poor cloi ! liow 1 > 9could / !
> wu n naighbo > TrlioTfa5 trying tn-ranko-j
honest living.
To rotrnco our otopa. "VVo have wandor-
1 too lonj alrondy.onaidopath pluck-
g n ( lower here and there , and lolmosLJ
erlooking the roao in > Sir Moaoagar ! -
o , Lidy Juditbtwho-bloomod ao < o-woot-
i for him * , being n woman of great
aracter and luontall ? well endowed.
> this oouplo who stood tponaora in.
dhood , the W wain f ol having cliildrou
their own was doniodt While thia was-
Borrow to them , yet thole married lifo
BO a .happy. * ono. Haud in haml'thoy
cnt about their worka ol phllanthaapy
Siting , planning and dreaming jf- the
> od yet to bo done. 3Lady Judith --wrote
diary about their first trip to th Holy
nid m 1837whioh. wao.j > ilnted. Yftinext-
id this counlo in. Syria , in 1837 , . which.
M BulVoring from the havocs of the. !
lagup and oartihqualu. The towns of
iborias and Safod had boon swept. awoy-J
om the earth , and thtfou' living uouio
ft were reeked * with fever. ISvthing
nwtcd , , Mosea and hia wife prccaed for >
ard , and , onoampiugon Mount.Olivotj
egan Uioir missioa of morcjv "At
afod , " saya.Idr. Joeaph Guodalb , "ho
ave every applicant a Spania ! , dollar ,
aildronundar 14oscopt ( orplnaa , wliu
ocoivcd the lull niiiouut ) half a. , dollar ,
k whole da j was coiuumod ladealing ;
ut this munificout charity , v hlch was
opoatod in several towns. " Eor this
ct of bravosy ho was , upon his return ,
o London , knighted by the ( moon ,
ind oloctua shoriii * of London wui
kliddlosox. Three years later ho ia
igain ready to do battle for , his jjocoa-
: utcd pooyol. It is tho. sad. atosy.
Those xo-ouactmont only lately
illod oui papoio where finaticiciu and
irojudico so cloud reason tiat a M > cii&blo
roigu of terror sola in. At L utmicus ,
[ 'nar Thomas ( a Roman tttliolio ptioat )
ind hia aorvaut had dlrappeared. The
lows were accused of doing away with
them and using thcii blood for the
Pnuovor cakes. In tliij , lik * iu the recent -
cent cases , there were no grounds ad
duced for thorn to acausa upon. ' 'SUN ,
econcB just as we road o daily , coming
I rom Rutaift , were suacUd thoro.ho
infuriated populace nillaged , porBocatod
and murdorud these jw > r Jens for a
crime they wcro innocent of.
This treatment aroused the sympathy
of Europe for thorn. "A mooting
was hold In the. Mansion Homo , iu Lon
don , and Sir Moses on'urod to x ° to the
Eist and straighten in alters out in per
son , Thirty-five thousand Collars were
contributed by JOWBand Qoutilo$12,000
of which were paid by tha almoner him-
tclf. His ready hclpmnAe and M , Orom. '
, n French lawyer , repretontiug ' .ho ,
his appeal to the Patcha of Egypt Sir
MoRtsmado such a favorable impression
that all the imprisoned Jews wcro re
leased at onco. From Egypt ho went to
Constantinople , and induced the Sultan
to grant the Hatte-Ilomayon , thus estab
lishing , under the zeal of the Chief of the
Faithlul , not only the innocence of the
Jews , but their rights to equal privileges
with olhor people on Turkish soil. " Upon
hiajoturn from this errand of mercy all
denominations hurried to show their love
and appreciation. The queen tostiHod to
his worth in granting him the "high dis
tinction of bearing supporters to his
family arms a privilege which is only
conceded to peers of the realm and to
knighta of various orders " A solid sil
ver testimonial , weiqhing ( according to
Borne accounts ) 2,000 ougcos , was pre
sented to him by .a deputation
In his homo at Park Lino. It is said
to bo of exquito design , boautlfull carried
out a diminutive monument , three and
ono-half foot in height , The base rests
nt the four corners on four sphinxon ,
"typical of Egypt , which so long hold Israel -
rael in bondage. " Each succeeding design -
sign is'omblomatic of his different jour
neys to the East , the work accomplished
there , and the honors shown him. This
tribute to Sir Moses , together with num
berless engrossed testimonials from
crowned heads and associations of many
lands , can bo soon at she Rabbinical college
lego at Rftmogato , built by him.
Miis , S. M. SIMPSON.
Ono nftliotiow Occupations In Which
( Jroccly 3In.ii Will Engage ,
Chigago Nows.
The other morning as a representative
of the Kansas City Star stood under the
awning of the union depot watching n
train olovrly pulling in ho discovered ,
among the many individuals who alighted
an elderly appearing gentleman , ono
who. perhaps , has on this mundane
sphere existed for a period of over fifty
years. Ho was not parlicularily struck
by the gentleman's hundaomo nppoaranco
but that which was the most impressive
was his ago , knowing that his experience
as a railroad man would naturally be di-
vnralfiod , moro BO than thnt of lib young' '
or associates , owing to the- fact that ho
had boon longer "on the road. "
'Iho scribe hurriedly started in qncat of
the party named , and as lie wended his
way through the dense throng of humani
ty , each ono of whom had perhaps aiked
this sumo man n question for the tenth
time , he at last reached the side of the
potorau railroader , and , gently tapping
iim on the shoulder , the reporter , for
: ho man hod a gruff appearance and'frown-
ng face , ventured to'aak if ho had jusfc
irrivod on that train ,
"Yes , " replied thocondnctor , bringing
nto use the stereotyped amilo which' ho
ip aptly prostws into use on all ccca-
lions , " 1 juofc arrived on that train.
Vnything npacial that ; yea wish to
snow ? "
"Was thoro- any oao o yonr train
rho by the ralli-oad men-are tosmed spct-
ers ? "
Here the tiokot-puncher slowly re -
novod his hat , disclosing to vrow a por-
ostly bald head , the general outlines of
iis features Indicating that ho v/na somg-
hing moro than ordinarilj-'intoHigont.
"J have boon on the road for over
wonty-Qvo yoarsy" continued 4Ho ques-
ion-anaworer , "and during thai- time I
iavo aovor oeon a man acting1 in the
apacity of a | spotter but that I > could
oadily distinguish from tha average one.
Jut aato yoinr question , I' do not think
hat there was ono on the train en this
larticular trip , bublilmvo isd them and
arriooV them for miles. "
"In what manney do they , usually act
0 ascertain whothcror not the ocnduc-
? ra posket the frjrea collbctod on the
rain ? "
"That ia a very difficult question to
uswor. They usually doviao a now
: homo oa. each trlp > Jor asaoon _ ao- > the
jnductoo cocornos acquainted with 01.0
rhlch'thsy are worliing ittnvols far in
dvanco cl them.
"l'irafcr there is the cauntz-jr. passenger
ho > geta on at a BMtvIl station , broath-
> 8sly > scr aibes into tvao. it , never having
imo-to'buy ticket , but closely watch-
ig.tho ona- who is aolleo ting faroa. Of
Qurao-ho haa to pay.hia i are to the next
tatiou-y wiiob ho > ory reluctantly con *
snts4o dot These nai in are omployol
y th&rmlaoad coinpanisi i fo the purpose
f finding out whotSoar not the con-
uctor-njijsopriatofi'to' b is own use any
f tb faces ho collc/cl s. In any case ,
bother a &wc In cillocSt d or. not , they
ivarlkbly/ send in ten lir report of1 so
iany fareoi collected'by. ' No. 10 , or what-
vor ! > la narabor m'ght t o. Ilhavo known
sveral' imiancoovh r o innocent men
roro disciaijjod on..afa fso report sent in
y sr ttoin. Aa they uro omployol' to
etect-aucii ihoy cl.vayii iropprt in their
lvorfor ou ) othorr roas on than to hold
loir voiry umalll aitu alien. At iimoa
lioroaru Jrotn two-to n car.but
nis-only occurs < doring heavy travel ,
larkag tlb passenger aoa&ca it is hard to
all 'who- are p&saoDgorc > < and who are
pottoro. ' "
"Htove > you ever mot any lady * 3pot-
era'during your quarter of a coiUury's
ravzU" jv.ltud tlCo roportca ,
"Ho , " rematkeil the conductciv "I
lavoiuovor soon any ladion engagad in
hiB.buainoaa. I have hoard ot their
icinji braployad by atroat railway pom-
lanloo , but noer have noi ono serving n
aUosod company in suoh an ofuslu. I
lon > 'b think thai , they would oiig&RO in
uch. a businosi , it buin j.-too little , for any
no to undertake except very unprin-
inled men. "
"Aro thiso spottora 3ioro vi yont
nm&stigatiog tno actc of the yonugior
oui'.uctora.than those oJ tbo oldar oneai/
"Oh , byfa * . Uponthia clau they rv > -
tf chloll for auccoss. The conductojs ,
ukon nanbody , are about as honest and
xuthfuhaa Iho ouoo * who closflly waich
Jioin. Tho.young conductor- cspeoi.
illy honest , , fur he f sals titr.Wlty , oven
if inolinoditodo any/such a deci ? . The
: lass of'coaduotors who weald willfully
itoaLtho.number c&faros they collect are
tho&a wlM > would coannlt a tlrjf t of a { jroatpn
cUpjactoa and undov any Jand all condi
tions. Such mon. should , bo pumiptly ,
( llsdiaiged , and they usua'Jy arc. But
hi ! waav inatanoos the innocent ones
have to- suffer foaUio uiidorharul tricka
of a beguiling brother. "
Aithis juncture a largo , fleshy Judy
with three children , tuo birJ-cagoa , a
paioaol , and a.Iarga buadlo ruohod up to
his aide , commencing to make dib'gout
inquiries in regard to the arrival and do-
yarturo of eortsia trains , sajping that &ho
vraa on route to El 2 > on\drv county , Cali
fornia , and wanted , to know If ho could
toll her the exact ) iour o ? the day that
&ho wouU orrlva ihoro in order that aho
might telegrapb her husbind to meet
her at Uiu dearki.
that ho waa a martyr to the
the reporter waved him adieu , the
n acknowledged it with a pleasing
aiyj polite gosturo.
Cnnm "Weft Out nl1 thn Colil.
I TOKO.VOT , October 23.-Suow foil In various
parti on Ontario this moruiuR. BIx Inches
1 tell nt Urusiehi , nod It U ( till snowing.
Biased Bustle Ora tbe'
Candidacy ,
She Trims the HMI ol
Il5n , niul Talks ol Koine
anil Victory.
NEW YOUK , Oct. 19.
To the Editor of TIIK LKK :
As a woman in sympathy with a fol
low ( ? ) woman in all things good and
pure , your correspondent called to-day
on Mrs. Bolva A. Lock wood at the Fiftli
Avenue hotel , iu thia city , where she !
stopping , to gain , if possible , from her
own lips a better acquaintance with the
principles of the party of which she has
boon chosen representative. Meeting for
the tlrst time women are quick to im
proasions and lose little of detail , and 1
am free to say that it has bocn my good
fortune to moot few of my BOX with
whom I have been moro favorably im
pressed than with this pleasant spoken ,
quiet little lady , who is generally sup
posed to represent an aggressive an un-
fominlno party. However hard the
battles this woman may have been forced
to fight , however unjust the opposition
that firmness alone has enabled her to
ovcrcomo , they certainly have not ren
dorcd her one whit the less womanly , or
loss like the ideal wo have of a mother.
In reply to my question as to her
hopes and the principles of her party ,
she said :
"My hopes are boundless. My princi
ples nro the principles of my party and
are beat explained in this , " handing me a
copy of their platform.
"I am in receipt of lottora from all
over the country , " she continued , "ahow-
ing that the sympathy with our move
ment is greater than wo over dared to
expect. Wo have a full electoral ticket
in Now Hampshire , California and Ar
kansas. Wo have established hoadquar
tora in many largo cities all over the
country , which enable us to keep well
informed of the fooling , numbers , condi
tion and supporters of our party. "
When asked if she had soon in the N.
Y. Times of to-day , the statement of
General Parsona in regard to the treach
ery of Benjamin Uwtlor to his party , and
what aho thought of it she sai J :
"Moat astounding i ? truo. "
"And if proved true-would it surprise
yoo1 ? "
kI cannot say that itr would , althougH' '
the surprise would bo-tv painful one as
Groneral Butler is a friend of mine. But
his poaition , end the position of the party
of wiram ho ra supposed to bo the ropre-
ssntath'o is , it ecoma to rap , so uncertain
nd' ' their platform and principles they
have etrtabluhad cover so much ground ,
that oner cannot BOO just where or how
they are to bo applied , and iu many pointa
jcera to contradict thomaelTca. 1 cannot
ieo'oontinued Mrs. Loci wood , "just
ivhatMr. Butlers motivoo are or whar ho
expects to-gain from the ctaud he hau
taken , na his election to the presidency
is of course out of the question. Ha may
jf COUTDO asy the same thing of mo , " she
id , laughing , " but I oxpoot sot BO
much to accomplish a purpooa BOto es
tablish a precedent. To provo to the
people ( she fact that though a woman can
not vote sho- may bo voted for ,
thati though she cannot1 elect
it. other to office , she can bo olooted to
ind 'hold ofllce under our existing laws
and government. By coming forward at
this time the party i represent have beou
iblo to better bring their viowa and' ' plat
form before a greater body of people
than over before have aa it wore , tekon
advantage ofi a crisis to march many
miles nearer Rome and ultimate victory. "
When asked Bhe became the
next occupant of the White Hounp , she
would establish a Lucy Hayes kitchen
jyatom of temperance , she called atten
tion to the fifth plank of the equal rights
party , "of which , " she said , ' 'I am the
inthor , and which reads as follows :
" 'Wo fh&ll dia-oimtonanco by o\ory legal
mcaiio the llr.jior traflio , because its tendency
Is to ilstnoraliuo the youth of the land ; to
lower the nt.imlard of morality among tbe people
ple , and we do not bolo\o ! that the revenue
derived would feed and clothe the pan-
pers that it lojjcei * nnd the rfionoy oipondecl
on itj .caniinS iu courts , workhouses and pri
sons. '
I have been waited upon to-ddy by a
representative of the Manhattan tampor-
anco union , who requested mo to qpaak
nt their mooting to-night , but owing to
ongagemenia made , I was compelled to
decline. "
Mrs. Look wood also stated that she had
had numerous callers to-day , among
othors-ono who , evidently believing there
waa "nothing in a name , " ontared her
preeonco with "I am the cditc ? of the
IVibuno , Madam , and this is my , wifo. "
ThoVoicoof thol'eople.
The people , , as a whole , noldom make
mistakes , and the unanimous voice of
praiao which cornea from these who have
naod Ilood'a Sarsaparillu , fully jattifies
iho claims of the proprietors of 'the great
medicine. Indeed , thcso very olaims are
baaed entirely on what the p/iople say
Ilood'i Stvr.ia ftrillii 1ms rlono. Send 0.
li Hood Co. . Lowell. Mam. , for book
containing stAtemontH of many cures.
( iettlni ; t'.VonVlth u
Afrioud of mine once went into the
dining hall' ' at a railway eating. aUtion
and- after repeated and vociforoxit efforts
to bo waiiot. upon , ho made ( v desperate
Bciroiro-upoii a pUto of baaus-far beyond
lua rotioh natuarlly. AVith both hands hoWled
Wlod iifl c-lcoko juat as the boll rang "all
aboard. " The lundlorJiclmTgod him tha
rogukuj dollar. Ho auurod him between
awixlhtws that he only had-koaiui , andlxit
a mouthful at that , but tho- landlord In-
' .siatcd upon his dollar , so bo paid it rat&or
than miss the traia. When ho hod
'roachoil ' a point wl ro the charges Cor a
'telegram ' would bo a-dolUr ho dispaAahod
to. ihn landlord aa follnwt :
"MYDKAU SLX1 still think ihoso
bo&ua were high.
Huiuim Calves ,
Au exchange says : - " Jx ins-tjntba o
the unhappy marriages result from
human calvoo being allowed to run at
largo iu society jmturca. " Nino-tentha
of the chrouio cr lingering diicuoa of to
day originate in impure blood , liver com
plaint , or biliousness resulting in scrof
ula , consumption ( which is but scrofula
of the lungs ) , cores , ulcoro , akin diseases
and kindred atl'ectipna. Dr. 1'ierca'a
"Golden Medical Discovery" cures all
thoao , Of DruRclsts.
the Ohulora Poor.
HAUHKILL H , Oct. ' 3 , Dumas , member of
. the municipal Roveriiinent , tied with 17,000
I frauca which were Intended to be dittribatcd
' araoyg the cholera HilTirf w.
-THE g
medicine , combining Iron with pnro
1 tonlf 1 _ , imirJtljr . . .n . .iVrnkiic nnd completely - . * < ,
It Is an undillliicr remedy for Diseases of the
Klilnr > n nnd l.lvi-r.
It Is Invnlimblo for Diseases peculiar to
V.'oinon , nnd nil uho lend fcdcntnr > - Hvci.
It < loci not InJnro the teeth , rmi'olicmlnclie.or
pmduco constipation other Jron ncitlclnn tlo.
U enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates
thonppctlto.nlds the n lmllntlon of food , re
lieves llcnrtmirn nnd llclchlntnnd strength'
cm tlio mtisclcf nnd nerves.
l-'or Intermittent Fevers , I ultudc , Lack ot
nnerBjAc. . , 11 has no cqiml. v
fTlio ppnulno hns nliovo trndo rnnrk nnd
crossed red lines ou wrapper. Take no other.
. ED.
AnSUndlspniedimiiB BROAD CLHIN * :
Ever oITerccl to the imblic.
3F.tvolK.otipn 23.757- .
The ttcamshipB ol thla well-known Una are built ol
Iron , In water-vtght comp-.rtmeB.3 , and are furnish-
cd with every JcrUi31to [ to make the passage bcih
cafa anil agiccaUe. Thar carry the United Stall-
aod Knropcan mills , nn V leave New York Thur3-
di > 8iuidtlaturdayBtor I1v mouth ( LONDON ) Chor-
bOHrx , ( PARIS ) and HAitEOKQ.
Rates : Stecrspa ; from Uuropo trcly Jia FlrsJ
CiMu , 9(6 , fflo and Klb. StvenxvTll ,
Uonry Pundt , Mark Ilauetn , F JZ. Moorce.lf. Toft ,
tgtntaln Omaha , Oronoweft & Schoentgen , agents in
Council Clufla. 0. 13 : HICUARD li CO. , Qen. I'usa
Agti , AI Broadway , K. Y. Cbas. Kozmlnskl & Co-
Genorol Western A3nt3 , 170 Washington St. , Chlca
. . artercdbytheStatcofllli.
ft .m ( , * '
- . ' " A / - ij/Sno'sIoi'ttiscapresspurpo'M '
ff , * "J . .1 VtlJWof givmrjimmediate rcliellc
-V/W f\Vv-J * wSKL"11 chronic , urinary ana prl-
; T "S , 'C . . llris.vats dlscssr" 7onOTl * r ,
/ cfimplicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin nnd
pcrmanenttycured by reme-
. dicB.teatrdin aJortyYcar *
\ * t > i > voull'ratiiee. Seminal
VcHkiicM. iNiRht Lossu. by Drcima , Pimples on
the Fare.Lost Manioodjf.osifw ! < 7/cured , T7era
isiiitrjcrmriiiiriitiiHl * The appropriate tc.r. dy
out once used In cachcrjc. Coonultanons , pcr-
aunal or bv letter , sacredly confidential. Ined-
'cincs sent bv Mail and Express. No marks on
oacxace to indicate contents or sender. Address
Uh.JAMES1No.2U4WahinglonGt.Chicagollj ,
IKWX ir i
An interesting treiitlcc on Blood nr.dSKIn Disease
nill be mulled free tuunyonu ho uitl fend their ad
ircea to tlick-ulftSicdlcC ) < ! . .Drim'T3. AtlantaOf
Could not-buv from mo v/iat ! SwtX'a Siccino ] ha.s
done for rrxi It cured ma ol Scrofula in Its worst
form , alter t had sufNred-wltli It fifteen 'oig ' jrara ,
and hid tr'ed all the remedies , only to brtak down
my health mid makn rro almost ho'plccs.
Mits hjizAitrni Dtu > it ,
Aaworth , Ga. , July ID , 3881.
Some eltrht \ cars ago I became tin victim ot a fear-
( ul Illood ? ol on , cominunlcatcd bt a nur < o to my
Infant , arultlicnco tliroaulrthe liroast add HI He red
( or six lorif.jcars Ihe Jlercurf and Potash treat
ment eccniod to cltho the polnon further Into my
Bjstem only to break out In worao i"rm on other
portions cl my body , 'Jlircn months ago I began
taking Swllt'a Spccillc , and It lias cured mo Hound
ind well. It Is Ihu greatest bkhsmu uh.cb ha ) cjuio
to manL nd in jcara Mlui. T. W LKK ,
Gieenvlllo , Ala , Sept. 4 , iaS4.
Fo ; nlx Auaikace Co. , ol on , Ca > n
Mtcaeatoi.K. Y. . Cnplttl
no kT roh nta. of Hovrtik. K , J. , CiplUl 1,276/139.
Irard Jttto , Pldldelfhl , pt ! l. . . . l.SOJ , 0.
iftnrn'd tnnil Oip'k l . 1 .39 .516
BolRl-in Boy I amlU.S BItll ( itoiimom
rheRMne > Oermany , Italy , Holland and Prcmct
Btoerago Outw nlttX ) ; ProprJj from Antwerp , tig ;
Kxcnrelon. (3D , IncJuUlncbod.lliiR , toK2d Cablti , $ 0 ;
Round Tr i , (90.01) ) Kzconlon , (100 ; fvkloon fiwn ( Ml
to ISO ; itxcurulon 110 to 1CO.
tfPtbt Wtteit * Bona , Ocn Ajntg. C& Urotwi-
w y N. T.
CildrjelL Iluallton & Co. , Oraiht. . P. K , Bio
ui k Co. , 03 N. 19.H Street , Omh ; D , II. Kto
ill , Oin haA 'uta. od-ly
Do. U. 0. V/nai'b Neatn JL-SD Ilium TR-UAVUUIT , a
| -iurantc d spctiUo for II ) ourla , U rjineu , ( invnil-
Uous , Kits , Norvmw Neura b. llevluho , Kervoui
trOBtrtUiau cau ( xl by the u > a ot alcohol or tabbacoo ,
WakelulDita. UeuUl deiiMiislnn. Soltonk ol tbe
brain , iMUlkinK In lusiaily and Itaplni ; to mliory ,
Jtcaj aud death , I'rcmature Old g , IUICMIOW , lam
oIpontrlaollhcriOE , UvclantiryLot 4tnd Spcr
tui firhor cnui > d by oxer oiertioutc ! tha brain , btlf
tbuaa oro\or InJuljjoiuo. bo * , oontaun one
ui.alh' trcatmont , 41.001. kox.or six bottlci lot
fi.W , tent by mallintpald ca rocolpl of prloe.
To cure iny cao. With each otiler iccvlred by
lor six bottle ) , aiajomi'llit.j wlUi fico , wo will r-tnd
Iho purohtsrr our written uar-Uea to rcfuoj. the
nicuev If thutrtatmcnitioodnot eUocta cure , t/uir
uitcei l uod only by JOlltt U : WEST & C-f ) . ,
TJy Bj-mi.i > ry Ml U JUou St. , Calais , ill.
. HeilJ-nco No. IID7 Jona St. M , No. UOJ rc.i {
/ m. B OrSco Uonrn U m. to and rcra t to !
i 4 uiu cif i
The remarkable growth of Oranhiv
during the last few years ia n matter of
great astonishment to thoao who pay an
occasional viait to this growing city * The
development of the Stock Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line jRoad tha
finely paved streets the hundreds of now
residences and coatly buslneso blocks ,
with the population of our city moro than
doubled in the last flro yoara. All thla
ia n great surprise to vial tora nnd is the
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial improvements made a
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every investor han made a handsome
Slnoo the Wall Street panic last May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there has boon leai demand from specula
tors , but a fair demand from investors
seeking homos. This latter clasa are
taking advantage of low prices in build
ing material and are securing their homeo
at much Icaa cost than will bo possible a
year hence. Speculators , too can bny
real est.V cheaper now and oughb to take.
advnn present prices for futur
I'i i few years promise/ / ) greater
v > - pments in Omaha than the post
' years , which have been as good as-
could reasonably desire. .Now man
ufacturing establishments and lar o jpb
bing houses are added almost wo&kly-and' '
all add to the prosperity of' Omaha.
There are many in Omaha and through
out the State , who have their money In ,
the banks drawing n nominal rate of n-
tcrcat , which , if judiciously invested in.
Omaha real estate , would bring thorn. .
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains Trbich wo are confident will !
bring the pnrchaaor largo profits in the'
near future.
"WVhrwofor sale the finest resi
dence property in the aorth niid' '
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lota at reason--
ible prices on Sherman avenue , 1 7th ,
18th , 19th nnd 20th streets.
West on Farnam. Davenport ,
Juminp : , and all the leading streets-
n that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
iccessible some of tbe finest and
sheapest residence property in the
sity , and with the building of the
itreet car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
yill increase in value.
Wfl nlso have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper-
iy in the south part of the city. The
ievelopinents made in this section
) y the Stock Yards Company and
; ho railroads will certainly double
, he price in a short time.
We also have some fine business
ots and some elegant inside
lencef for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will findi
ome good bargains t > y callingon u
S8out& 14th St ,
Farsilia/Q and
P. Sv We ask those wo have
ropwty for Kilo at a bargain to give
is u salt- Wp want only bargains.
We will positively not handle prop-
irt ? ah ujorathau its rr al valuo.