Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1884, Image 1

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Io an and Mflricfcs Bolh Canvassing
[ ] in Illinois ,
Tin Former's ' Enthusiastic Eeoop-
tioii at Pcoria ,
Dastardly Attempt to Wrook Lo
gan's ' Train ,
Hendricks Addresses tlio Labor
Unions of OkioagOi
Nauseating Eo-itoration of His
Favorite Falsehoods ,
llt-t Uldictilous InstiitomiMit \ < r , Do-
Illioratoly Misleading Arguments
liOGAN IN UjlilNOlS.
PioiltA : , Ills. , October 22. The demonstra
tion iu honor of Lsgau lo-day was the largest
and moat imposing over witnessed in this city.
IIo WAS met nt Galesburg by n reception com-
millo numbering over njhundred [ from llio
various organlzat'ons ' and escorted hero. At a
point ono mill west of Knoxvi le , a dnstardly
attempt wus made lo wreck Ihe train convey
ing the party. The train wasrunning nt the
rate of forty miles nn hotir nnd upon rounding
a cur/o thu engineer noticed nil obstruction on
the truck. Ho put on breaks immediately but
did not succeed in bringing Ihe train lo a
stand until the engine had run over Iwo of
four ties which had been laid across the rails.
The IIQUM of Iho diabolical att ° mpt on the
lifd of Gen. Logan nnd escort spread rapidly
and nroiued the most intense indignation.
The arrival of the train shortly after 3 was
announced by the blowing of whistles , nt all
the matmtactories along Ihe line and Iho
wild cheers of Iho assembled thousands.
Lo nl and visiting clubs formed in line and
escorted Lopau to the hotel where ho dined
The line of march was thronged with people
who cheered enthusiastically as the carriage
conlaiuiog Ihe general passed. An immense
crowd was awaitlog Logan at the Wigwam.
When he entered the band wai playing and
the vast intorio rang with cheers. When the
escort had filed in th TO seemed not an inch of
standing room to sp < re. Fully four thousand
people w re crowded together In a graceful
speech Miss Bull Minor , in behalf of the
Union Veteran Club , prosnntod General Lo
gan wilh a larxe cquaro floral ornb em , his
name In letters of blue on awhit-i groun 1 , and
in behalf of the Young Mtiu's Republican club
with uu elegant baskes of 11 iwers. Being in-
troduoi'd with a few eloquent remarks by
Hon. Washingtm Cockle , pHtmastor of- this
city , who has been u votar over fifty yours ,
General Logan thanked the club heartily for
thtir ihral tributes und paid a handsome
compliment to the young lady who in tdo the
predantntion speech. Logan was very hoaree ,
having made thirteen dpoechea yoiterday and
spoken alroidy three times to-day , but with
an efVort he brought out his voice and made
him iclf heard all over thn wigwam , speaking
more lhan nn hour. He first reviewed the
tariff question , to wh'ch most of his speech
was devoted , then replied to certain remarks
of Ilenrlricks' . Tha tatter , * he said , hid de
clared thit the repub ic-tu party hud been
robbing the couut-y by piling up Burplus in
the treasury. Logan stated if thny had piled
it up it was because tlify had money to pile
up , while if the democrats hid not it was bo-
causa they had not had money Replyiug to
the statement of Hen Iricks thnt ihuBinphis
amounted toSlOU.OlO.OOOhesaidthalSt-'O.OOO-
000 was the reserve fund for the redemption of
\ greenbacks , nnd S 40.00 1,000 had silver ei.rti-
ncalrs nnd corlificalesof dojosits. The latter
s clrcnl'ited every day among the people as
money , and the balance ho s "id was ht-Id to
pay bonds and interest Ho 6tn > po < ed , he
aid , that when Hendricks sttid , ' Turn the
rascals out , " he meant the republicm party.
If so i-h'jiild tlioy bo turned out becuuo the
republican putv had pi evented the spread of
slavery in the terr toriea ; because Ihoy had
achieved nation 1 honor , glory und tuccess ;
because when rebellion undertook to Hlriko a
deathblow ut. the republic they maintained it ;
had power inherent in itself to nave itself ;
because they hail givfii tlio country the belt
currency the world had nver known , and be
cause they had raised four millions of human
being * out i f thu deep gulf of despair into
free American citlzaiiship. Tha dnmooratic
party , tie Buid , were troulioR sixtef n yoirx in
the rear cf the r publicaiiH , und had always
opposed everylhitu tlmy had ovtr douo until
it had been uccoinpli-hrd.
ClliOAiiO , October 22. Hon. Thomas A _
Hendrlcks spoke hero to-night on an in i'ntion
from tha trade and lalior iinions. llu anivo 1
at i'ullman this inoinlng At noon about 300
woikmou nf that riiiburh nnd the neighboring
towns of Keii ingtoii and Itosulunit assemble. ! !
in front of tno h o1 nnil Governor lloi.dnuliH
; iddrr.-jecd them brii-lly f < oin tlio balcony. This
nf ernoiiu n comiuitteo of the In'mr uni ms
went to Pullman nnJ n-cnrt-il li'in into Iho
city , nrrivinu ut 5 10 , Tha t mo of hl.s arrival
was not treiHrnlly known , coiisorpicntly there
was n" demo Btiution ut the depot. Ho en
tered carriiii/o with the u mu.itteu audvii
driven to n hotel.
' " About 5OUil , people oasembled In Armory D
in the overling tn luittm to the democratic can
didate for vice pn-i-idont , the h 11 > ein < completely -
pletoly tilled. Gov. llendrlcka wan received
with murkod demonstration- ! upp auso
When tlm nolee m t-idcd , and nfter ralvr ing
to hl-t action in cingredi in b. hilf uf the
workinginen , ho to ik up the ( pje-itioii of
civil service rsform , ua exemplified by the re
publican p i' r.y , Tn.i rep iblio ins hu'l buuu in
power fur twen'year' , and in the lac oof llio
vigorous proscription decUrud in it labt plat
form la behalf nf uform in thocivil _ BOIVICO ,
wlut in fan t by tuin. It nixanl iinpirtijl-
ity in uppoin . .iiieutfido'ity ' in nor
vice. It forlmdti ( lit mo of olli-in
to perpetUHto'p'.wfr ' or n-curo pilv to
gain , Tha republican party did dot recognize
the e principles In thi ) ro cut ileotion in
Ohio , tha Bt < ln WHS nvnirun with fo er.d "f-
licoholJer.H , nuriy of thuin not citizens uf the
htate ; with officers , ulio Inctoad if
Berviiu thi giivarnm'nt were plotting
to co tlnuo thi-nnulvo-1 in po er Couhi *
party ba trustml win en would o induct elec
tions ni they had boon condiuUnl in Cincin
nati ? The people demand nun-partiznus at
HIP poll" . Instead of thnt , $ vast number ( if
republican partlzann , were stiit there , armed ,
tinny of them unfilperaons for the posilions
hold by them. The ie n t was riot , and blood
shed. Could tint Ohio conduct her oUctioii to
results without intciferenco fiom bit-
roau olllcers from Washington ? It wns
the duty of the government ti see tha laws
executed. They were violated nt Cincinnati.
Invhwoftho dignity and fairno * * which
characterized the prevent administration , the
democracy looked hopefully lo him in Iho belief -
lief Unit lie would not allow this wrung. ( Ap
plause. ) Thoi'pca'ipr ' ' hen look up Uio tatilf
mication , lie said lhat In thu platform of
the rcuubllcana , the promise- was mndu to
correct thn irregularities nud excuses of tar ill.
This idmlttod that Iho present laxn'ion was
uiuqunl and unjiul because it levied in excess
of the noedi. The speaker said , "nineteen
years have oUp-od fluco the civil war , vet the
ranublicnn patty , confopslng lo inequality nnd
injii lice , in ila taxation nt the end ef.that
rime asks you lo conllnue in power nnd
promi'cs lo remedy these ovlls Will you
trust it ? ( No , no. ) The republicans worn
trying to tnnke the people believe that demo
cracy , ifil seen1 od power , would Inauguriilo
free trade. That stnlotncnt win not true
The democratic party was not in favor of
freotrndo. It had always favored raising the
revenue for the government by means of
tiriff. Whit the piuly did clalni WM thnt
the nmountof tarilf being collectfd phould bo
reduced. The rtomocmtlt ; point wai thiil
tariff should bo reduced to the 'iv ts of the
government , economically administered.
In support of this ho had
the words of no les high
nil authority than President Arthur , The re
publican party was collecting SS.'i.OOJ.OOO
yo.irly above the needs of the government.
The points In the democr.tlia tar ff plank
were : laxatioti must bo limited to tha needs
of the government i c mnmlcntly administered.
2. Taxation must bo for public purposes only.
3. In changing the law care iiiu-t bo exer
cised not to injure tha interests of
labor and capital interested. 4. In
levying taxes , articles nf luxuiy must
bear the highest rate nnd arti"lps of neco'sily
the lowest. The peaker commented on thojo
articles one by one nnd asked tha assent of
his audience to them , mooting with enthusias
tic response in each in-tanco. Ho next took
up the navy plank In the republican platform
nud sild in demanding the Htrongthcnlng of
the navy lo lls former force it mndo Iho do-
nmnd of itself. When the last democratic
Becrotary of Iho navy loft tha office , ho left
many vessels Hying Iho American 11. xg on
the high HOAS. The republicans hnd
nppropri ted four hundred millions for Iho navy
but no navy was Iho ro-mlt. Ho then related
Iho cnso of Iho seizure of the Austrian Kostka ,
nnd his subsequent roleasn on ddinand of Iho
democratic seerelary , Mercy , who sent nn
American man-of-war toonforce hisi.'omand.Ho '
supposed this was the powerful nositi in to
which the republican pirly demanded reslora-
tion. [ Laughtr ] When Grove Cleveland
[ applause ] should become president of the
United State ho would appoint a secretary
of Iho navy who would see to
restoration of Iho nivy when congress
should make nn appiopriation. The speaker
did not believe Unit the democratic party
made nny mUtake in nnrninaling G rover
Cleveland. Ho would not , however , press his
" pinion on his hearers as they might think him
partial. Ho would merely refer them to the
lar e body of indcpend'-ut republicans who
believed him the best man for thd place. [ Ap
plause. ] Hu preceded to urge tha need of a
phango in Ihe government nnd closed by urg
ing all tu go to Iho polls und vote and BOO t > > it
tin1 : none but honest votes be counted. [ Loug
continued applmno. ) Gov. Heiidricks wax
Followed by H-inry Watlerson ,
nnd ex-Governor Jno. M. Palmer. After the
meMing , Governor Hendricks proceeded to
the I. ( } ? club homo from the balcony of
whi.h ho spoke a fsw wor Is to a great crowd
of people blocking the streets for a , ronnider.i-
ble distance each way. lip wni followed by
several other speakers brielly and then ra-
viewed a procession of Cook county democrats
and C evelund and Hendricks marching clubs
with about 4 000 in ine. At the con < luslou
of this , he drove to the armory of the first
regiment of cavalry where ho was enthusias
tically wel rimed by the young democracy and
t 11:30 : addressed to them n few words on
democratic principles.
Turf ,
BRIGHTON' BEACH , October 22. Mile and a
furlong , maiden three year olds and upwards ,
George M. won Bay Mi ler second , King B.
thitd. Time , 2OOJ. : Mile and a furlong ,
Belling , Craflio won , Knos second , Greenland
third , Time 2:00. : Mile and qinrter hatidi-
cip , all hges , lirouehton won , Blun Boll second
end , Ceiitunniul third. Tune , 2:1 : 'J. Seven-
a'ghlhs ' inilo , three year old * und upwards ,
Lizzie Mack won , Montauk second , Torpedo
third. Time , 1H1 : | Mile nnd a quaiier , over
five liurdlo * , Konhoster won Pawnee Becund ,
Krupj ) Gua Ihird. Time , 2:23J. :
AV. C. T. U.
ST. Lens October 22. The AVoman's
vJhristian Temporanca Union mot this morn
ing Miss Fr nci < K. WilLird , of Illin.'is . '
p ctidnil. Appropriito mottoeti covered thu
nido of the st i e. Referring to tha prohibi
tion morttinout the curmuitteo on plan an
nounced the appointment of ether committees
had been postooned. Miss Willard delivered
thu minimi address.
The topioj touched upon in her address
wciro the evolution of home , the scope of the
relative p-iwern - of th > i National Woman's
Christian Tenipuiauco Union departments of
work , finaiiiM , homo of our ( iwn , township
organ izition , word's woinanV Chnet'an ' tern-
po anco union , our niiioual memorial and
goept'1 politics.
tIiilvci'-ili-.iH in Council.
PKOIUA , October 22. The national Uni-
versdist convention assembled in this city
to-day. Tno attendance is largo , At 10
o'clock theconvention was formally organl/.od ,
Proadent. Rev. .1. D. W. , T. y. of Boston ;
Secretary , Rov. L. W. Brighair ) , of Klgln.
Committee. ) were appointed on public service ,
and on election. An niiHiidmont to the con-
stitnti in was adopted fixing the elo aiunon Iho
third day of the HtB-tion. At l : 'M commu
nion Korvlro W.IH iidminlsterod by the Hev. R ,
S. Ralph , fol lowml ov .ai able practical nor-
moil by liuv [ ) , D. Sweet-ier , 1) . 1) , ef Phila-
deliihin. Adjoiirnud until 2 p. in ,
Two Diimoumtiu O
NEW YOIIK , October 22. At the Klghth
congreshloiml district county democracy moot
ing this evening , the chairman unnouiced lhat
tlmoportof tuo conference committee in fa
vor of thi nomination of u ncinhlyiriau Charles
Rull'y ' adopted Thereupon th d lagutlonii
. f. in IllH Hixdi and JCigluh m.emuly districts
withdrew und undorsuu the Tammany noini-
; nee , a S. Cox.
' Small ul tlio
< PAIIIS , Ostobar 22 Sarah Bamhardt has
ftono to the Heasido. Physicians order absolute
I quiet for u long lime , * - * , u
Tlio New York SHU'S ' Stunning Denim-
elation of Maud ,
Oondomncd for His Gross Private
Immoralities ;
For His Vitiating Example to Am
erican Youth ;
For His Sordid and Unworthy
Ambition ,
Dana's ' Gloriously Pungent and
Scathing Invective
| ] iMlr1l < M TH'llvorH Illiuaoll'III nil In.
iprvlow Itntlcr ] Dciioiinocd : is
a l-Vnml Other I'ulltlcal
Special telegram to TlllTUKK :
NKW YoitlC , October 32. The Sun in a
double hoa-led Bays : "Al1 Against
Cleveland. " The working men nro nil opposed
to Clevel-ind's election because they earnestly
beliuva ho is their enemy and a frlond of their
oppressor ? . Among the virtuous women of
the country , the great majority nrooppontd to
Clavoknd'd eloctioa bscauso they cannot for
give hi3 crimes against women , or keeping his
infant BOH for a prolonged period in n poor
huiisi when ho WAS perfectly able to support
him in a dilforont manner. The oarneat ro-
ligiouB men of the country nro ngninst Cleveland -
land bccauso of his mode and habits of lifo ore
hostile to nllrclivioiH and moral princip es
nnd because his election would bo equivalent
to teaching the young men of the country to
take 110 thoiif lit of virtue or honor , but to
follow blindly the impulse of oyery viciom in
stinct nnd then expect lo bo rewarded by pro
motion to thn highest distinction nnd greatest
power in the gift of the American po > ple.
Against mich farces AH thosa it is impossible
that an attempt to make Cleveland president
cun bo successful.
Special Telegram to Tan HKB.
iuuido October 22. Thomas A. lion-
d ricks Btoppcd olT the train this morning at
L'ulbnau , iu order to take n little rest before
his appearance at Chicago to-night. Mr.
Ilenrlricks in looking very pile , and his voice
seams tired , but ho pays ho Is fooling remark-
ly well , con'ideiim : the work helms done.
Spooking of Uio Ohio election , ho said : "I
own 1 1 id rather expect the state would go
dcmofrn'ic , but that was hoping agilnH hopa.
Heretofore the October canvass iu Ohio has
boon almost porfunct iry , hut thU year the re-
l > ublicans fought with desperation. CommU-
( inner Dudley was there and United States
deputy marshals , nnd by their uid the party
pulled through. But the excess of democratic
guln ovnr the vote of ' 80 shows that first votoia
are tending toward the democr4cy. At the
rate of the last four j earin 1883 , Ohio will
bu as solid democratic as Kentucky. "
Ilend'tclts profnsscd ignoiauco of the fight
in New York as far as details went , but was
of conrso confident of success and anticipated
that tin ) democracy would como down to Har
lem bridge nt least , even if not with a
The fight will be severe in Indiana , as between -
tween Major Calkins and Colonel Gray , the
candidate : ) for governor. I think Colnnol
Gray , the democratic candidate , h.iH the
advantage. Ho is a first-class debater nnd
until Calkins' illness was doing little better
than holding his own. The cmuo won't Buffer
any from any imaginary unpopularity of
Gray's. "
"It is often said that Indiana has ns often
gone republican as democratic. "
"I know. Indiana was a republican utato
np to about the time I was e'ected governor ,
but it never wu republican honestly. Fraud
triumphed , but th judgment of the mass of
the people win for tlio democratic party. In
' .SO the republicans won , by what methods are
well known hut otherwise the e has been less
fhiutuillon in thut stuto than many others of
those called 'doubtful states.1"
The conversation then turned upon the
democratic convention. The reporter referred
to having henid the delegates singing "Au.d
Lang Syne. "
Hendrlcks laughed and ca'd ' ho wi > s then in
nis hotel having n nap , Bocure in the belief
that'Senator McDonald hud baen nominated
for vice presi , ent.
Special to TIIU J5EE.
CIIICACO , October 22 Gen. Absalom SI.
West , of Olive Springs , JMins. , candidate for
vico-presldent on Gen. Butlor's ticket , walked
into the Uripg'n house this morning in n mod
est way and inscribed his name on the regis
ter. The rcport-r inquired of him :
"Do you bellevo that you will bo elected
vice-prcHidant ? "
' 'I have no mote hope of being elected vice-
president , " replied Genosal mut , "thtn I
have of flying to the moon , Had I thought I
Blood nny chavcn of being nlectod I should
not have accepted the nomination. I am bat >
King for a principle which 1 believe will final.
ly triumph. "
' What vote will the I'onpla'a llckot poll in
Illinois "
1 have not concerned myself about the vole In
this itlute nor any othor. It is a matter of BU-
promo indilf ruuco to mo who Is elected. I
Btiall continuo to doyoto my tinio to thn din-
B mlnallou of the principles in thop'atform on
which I stand. "
GtnernlVesl Bald that General liutlor had
made a full and satisfactory reply to thn
charge that his oxponuea were being paid by
the national republican committee. As fur
hlmsulf , he paid hU own bills wherever ho
went , and ho was no more u friend of the re
publicans than of th democrats. General
Wit ndmifcd to have doubted whether Hut-
lor mid himself would p6ll a Tfry largo voto.
lloovptywht-ro oncounttred objection un the
part of voters to throwing their votes a\v y ,
Niw YORK , October 22. The republican
county conu'iition nominated the following
ticket to-night : Mayor , Louts J. Phillips
comptroller , Charles Sp-rj jtlJges of tlio
c Jiirt of common plrac , George W. Blunt , Kd
wnrd O. Graves nnd J. 0. ,1. K-MtghUiii dU-
trict attofiiny , Col. Chnrlcs C. Swucor ; pr * i-
dent of the bonrd of nldormoo , Goo. W. Kll-
h , rd ; coroner , I'erdinnnd IMinann , Cul. Geo.
Uliss declared the ticket inferior to thoio noiu-
iivitod by the democrats mill was put tip oi'ly
to bo knocked down. John J , O'Hrion ans
wered Col , HUM with bitterness , f.ijlng ho
had no doubt the colonel lu > d rttaiurr I mm
the county tloiiiocMuyiu hi * PJ ket , Thodla-
cussion wan iiiilinatcd. Col , lilifsaad H few
others loft the hull. J ,
Under Dcnoimtnul.
Special Telegram to the I'KK. '
Nuw YOIIK , October IK ! . A coiumlttco of
the national Ubor pirtyli vo pre entoil
reol.ttious to llio doiuocratta n&tioiml com
mittee denouncing liutler as n .trjud.
AVAlt ,
I'Aius , October 2' ' . A uutjdtlty of the
committee on T miulii credit favordecislvo alien - -
lion and are willing to votj on"larger creillU
to enable the government to brn ! < the dilll
culty to n speedy conclusion.
PABIS , Oiitubor 21 Tamps 'n\i i Paris urge
the government to blo'ckado the poll of Pak >
Iml through which the Chiucsof Invadiufc Ton-
qnin obtain supplies. The Telegraph says the
cahinot his decided to 1 < end the" Tonmtln re-
Inforcomenla which Gou. Bricrp JJo l.lulo ro
1'otltlcnl Troubles In llcl luiii.
BIIUSSKLH , Oct. ; 2'Tho political formeiit
continues to develop sorloui outbreaks. At
Courtrai , Hasselt and other places collisions
occurred between the clerical * and liberals.
Shots were fired into the crowd-near Mallnes
with ( loudly effect ; ono killed , Jour wouuded ,
The Ktvilo Holge declares the conservatives
are Becking lo bring back the elnUtcr period
of 1789. The kiugRovo audlpnce to 1'rimo
Minister Mnlon. The cabinet' ' will bo Bum
monej immcdiaiely. A
TlioQuccn'B Ijlttlo Slice cli.
LONDON , October 22. Tlio 'quoen'o ' speech
at the opening of parahamont to-morrow wil
consist of only eight paragraphs , It begins by
regretting the necessity of convokiu parlia
ment , discusses the franchlso bill , and express-
o n hope that the measure will shoitly be
pa'sod. No mention is inndojof rodUtrihuiion.
Keferences are made to affairs at the Care anil
in Kgypt Gen. Gordon is eulogized tor his
gallant defense of Khartoum ,
Itcsts tlic Jfoad , Ktc.
Sr. PKTKHSUUUO , October 22. The police
sei/.od a secret printing proas on the Oth hist.
They dissevered documents with the press
which showed arrangements were being per
fected 1 1 make nn attempt on the czar's life.
Many arrests.
' 1'ho CoiiK" Oonforcnc' ' .
UKUI.IN , October 22. Representatives o
Austria , Kussia and Italy , attend the confer
enca upon the Kama footiuir r.J" " '
of ether power * ? Bolgiiini * ? . ? .wbiitily ad
voc.ato the intcrcets of the African Interim
tlonal atsjciation. liipinarck is hero making
proparalious for llio conleienco.
Tlic UruiiKiviek Succisshlon.
LONDON , October 22 The Czar , Prince of
Wales , and Kiug of Greece are urging Iho
dukoof Cmnborland lo inako arrangements
with Kmperor Williams in regard to Iho
Bmn.wick sncceasion.
Tlio Cliolcrn.
ROME , October 22. During Ihe past twen-
ty.fonr hours there have been twonlylhroo
fresh cases of cholera nnd four deaths at Na
ples , and two deaths at ( Jo oa.
ROME , Octobar 22. During the past Iwen-
ty-fonr hours there wire ll'i cases and 31
deaths from cholorn throughuut Italy.
AVIi.y Tiwi-lyiii
LONDON , Oclober 22. The miuisteriallsts
declaie lhal Trovolyan'u withdrawal from the
chief secretaryship of Ireland is due to his
ill health , and does not imply that the govern
ment huB nny intention of discarding Iho
crime * ' act.
H ( > ] iiililliin Unity At. Xoi-lli IMu c.
Si > acial Telegram to TriB But.
NOIITII Pi.ATru , Nin. : , October 22. The
greatest ] > lltical meeting over held in Lincoln
county WUB the republican rally this evening
to greet George W. K. Dorsoy , candidate for
congressman from the Third district , A grand
torch light procession paraded our HtreotH and
escorted the speaker to the court lioueo which
was packed full , hundreds being
unnblo to pain entrance. Excellent
musio was furnished by the North Platte
hi d and the campaign gle club. The town
was ablaze with enthusiasm , The mcetlog
WUH addrossad by Goo. W , Iv. DjrHsy , J , L.
Webster and J. G , Tate , whose speeches were
applauded to the echo nud mauy convertH
gained to the roiiubllcan caiiHe. Harmony
prevails in the ranks of the republican party
and the home of Neville will roll up u grand
majority for liluino und Lugan.
Itiillcr at Home.
BOSTON , October 22 , Goiornl liutler ar
rived hero from his western trip nt 8:30 : p. in.
and immediately took a special train for South
Brainlreo , wliero ho addressed n largo audi
ence in the town hull , Buller'rf fpaocii was of
the Barno tenet OH tlio o ho has previously
made ,
Aniillicr ( irjili.
LONDON , October 22 , The man of war
Nelson arrived al Arangerl bay , and pro
claimed a ] ! rltinh protectorate over lira south
east coast of Now ( iiibifa.
A Mliiluiorlal Flop ,
LONDON , October 22. Rev.Slopford Brooke
Is about to leave the JJngliah church to join
tlia Unttailan. The mipporturx of Matthew
Arnold nnd others will drop him.
Cleveland's ' Filial and Confidential Let
ter to Mrs , Bcccbcr ,
The Lattor's ' Husband Exposes the
A Gentle Epietlo of Fninilinr
Oonfidonoo ,
[ ho Governor's ' Simple and Ohild-
. like Protestations ,
So Shooked at Foul Slanders
Against Him
Ho Seeks n Sympathetic lOur II ) r IllH
Nnrratlvo of I'nlu nnil
K \v YOUK , October 22. RBV. Henry Wnrd
Hi oi'acr In thecour o oi n political speech to-
light In tliu rinknt Brooklyn saidi Thonir
is murky with stories of Mr , 0 ovelnnd'a ptl-
Nile IIfo. "Hois BO cruel , no
jane , to ntrociou' , " M the
cockatrice's opgs , brooded and lintchfd
jy r.iflli niul credulous clergymen , tlioy
couldn't go.lo Mr Cleveland with nn homwt
nmiiry , but opened th > Ir mm to the harlot
and to tlio drunkard , ( SenmUont ] nnil
promulpiUod a letter to poison the faith of
holy men nud innocent women. Do timid
inisters over rdtlact Hint tlio guilt of the vice
or the crlnio mciuurei tlio guilt o { him
who rlmrgo. tt falsely. " [ Cheers. J Mr.
Beeeher then pimped , and HtopnhiK
: otho desk and in trembling tones Html : 'My
louored mid Moved wife , quite unknown to
n . niado cuttiiiRS from newspaper * , nil of
which wore in respect to the life of Governor
31ovoland In Alluiiy. She vent them to him
vtilh nlelltr lhat will not bo published , but
which would bn n gem in KiiRllsh lltcrnturo if
it were pulUhed. As quick as the mull
could return she rucolved n letter
truni Govuriiur Clovolnnd which I have hnd
jotweon two nud throe wookn mid which ho
meant to bo nnd marked "private. " but Biich
a complf xum has the ctnvaai taicon that I
telegraphed him two nights ngo to nnk if I
mislil use my discretion with rfgurcl to it.
Ills ronly was , "Oortaiuly If it is your judg
ment. " Now I rend Gov. Cleveland's letter ,
My Dear Mrs. Uoochor. Your letter as
you may well supp-so has affected mo deeply
\Vhnt shall I say to ono who writes like my
mother. I eay eo like my mother , but 1 don t
altogether moan that , for she died in the be
lief that her son was true nud noble IIB nha
know ho was dutilul nnd kind. I am shocked
and dnmbfuunclod by the clipping thut you
send mo , bceiiuso it purports togivo what n
mnn actually known , and not a incro
report as the other four or five
lies to which I havu heard about my life in
Albany. I Imvo noverseon any living woman
( whom Ibavo ntiv reason to suspect was In
any way bad. I do not knowr whtiroany such
woman liven. In Albany I have not boon in
any house excont the executive mansion , the
excculivu clmnber , the liret Orange club
horao service , at receptions Riven , anil I think
on other occasions , nnd the resiilcnco ol
perhaps fifteen or twenty of the bust cit./.ens
to dmo. Of conne , I have been to ch urcl
There never - wina jnou who has worker. :
hardcrormuro hours In the day. Almostnll my
tlinuhni beeiippmt in ihooxecutivo clmmbur
and I hnrdly think there lint buon twenty
nigrti ! u the twenty-one months I huvo livoil
in Alb.iny , unless I W < IB out of town , that I
have loft my ivurk earlier than midnight to
lind my bed nt the mniiBion. I am at
a loss to know how it la that diich
terribly wicked and uttoily baseless
lies can bo invented. The contomptlblo
creatures w ho com and pa's tmsHO tiling ap
pear to think that tinalfnir which I luivn not
denied make * mo defenseless against nny nnd
idl slanderers. AH to my outward lifo in
Bnlfiilo , the manifestation of confidence and
attachment which was theru tendered me
must bo proof that I have not led a dis < rnco-
ful Ufa iu that city , and ns to my lifn in
Albany , all stntomantt ) tint t nd to how
that it has boon other tlun laborious nnd
correct , nro utterly and In every nhadow im-
I do not wonder that your Rood hu-band I *
proploxed. I honestly think that I deserve
liis good opinion nnd nny aid ho is disposed to
render , 1 don't want him to think n y bottiir
of mo than 1 deserve , nor to bo deceived
Cannot I a/range to tea him and tell him
what I cannot write. 1 shnll bo in Now Yorlj
on Wodno < dny or Thursday nflornoonand th
evening I fhall cpcnd in Jirooklyn. Having
wiittun thin much It occurs to im thuc
Biich u long luttir to you is urinecOHBury ami
unexpected. It is longer thnn any 1 hnvn
over wiiltcn on the Bii'iject ' referred to , nud I
borf you to forgive mo If jnnr kind anil
touching letter IUH led mo into nny im
Youra very sincerely ,
( illOVKIl Cl.KVKI.ASI ) .
I have marked thin "piivnto " < m mutt
not infer that I at all doubted your proper
mo of it , ( J. O.
Mr. Ueelior added , "When in the gloomy
night of my own Hulftiri KB in yearn gone by
I Bounded every diitith of sorrow , 1 vowed if
Ciod would briuir tlio dny xtur of liopo to me
I would never sulfern fiiond or neighbor to
go unfriended Hhoiild u lilu n.'ipoMt acok to
criifih him , That oath I willrcgiird now , bn-
OIIIHO I know thn bitternoim of tlio vinioiiinui
lien. I will nUiid axalnal the infamoim lien
that Beck to Rtlng touoath a , man imd maxiutratu
worthy of better fnro : The spoulior thnn nnid
lint liin liold ppoech on thin nubject wan in npilo
of hia frlondx , who udvihod t > ildiuo lint ho utlr
Ida own sores. Ho concluded thus : "If I re-
fii'o to uxp ro to hliumo the "vvurni of liars
that grovel In the mud or tiling arrows at Mr ,
Clovi land from umljiish , may my toiiKiin cluavu
to the iiiof of my mouth wild my rirfht hand
forget its cunning , "
'OUTKNTS ( ) ! ' ULOOI ) .
Special telegram tn TUB llKK :
CHICAUO , Octuher 22.-Indications now
point to the proluhllity that the bloody elec
tion sccno ut Cincinnati will bo outdone hero
November . It Is not lit nil Improlublo
that on that day , tlioio will bo anywhuro from
ten to twenty thousand armed men at the
The democracy profcsu to Imvo reliulA
nfommtinn that Vnltod State * MurnhnlJonM
ntondj to appoint nn army of five thon-nnd
Ioiutio4 | for mo on election day. Ho wan
kcd to-day If thiavroro true. ] | n declined
.o any how ninny ho wnuldnnpalnt or whether
in intended to arm them. Ho Bald , however ,
ho u-ou'd ' not Kivo lulf of them to the demo-
crit.i. H In dUtcd that the d-mociatle torn-
nittco tin crt ten to niako ndnnandon him
Hut thupHity bo gtveu half .f thi'fo mt
ihnl.t and in case of n lolnal to ppply to the
'oilernl court for an older npiai him to
nako rucli n divWon iu hit npiointmintii | ,
[ fthoo urt rnfuies the rofiuo-t thn democrat
say they will take tii'asures for self-protection
mil , nn the city govormnentU democratic will
ask for the appointment of a many tjxsci 1
tulico ns deputy iimrnlinl.i nro nppo.utdJ. Tlio
lemocrats aNo nay they Imvo information that
the repitiltcau county Rlieiiff Intt'iula to np-
lolntnNrgo force of deputy nhcrltfn for tuo
it the i olU nnd nwrt t'mt In cnta this Is done ,
.hoy f ( vi no other courin than to otlnct it
jy asking the domociatlo comity lo.uu
o appoint nn eii nl ninnbor of ppoiinl
on U lo' . All tlunn nllegiUioni by thd
lunncrnta nrn clearly unduixwod by the ro-
mbllcaiiR to bo for the purpose of covnilng up
.heir own biwo designs. Theroii li-tlo doubt
that they Intend to RO thoappilntlva power
of the domocrntlo city and county to the full'
oat extent , running in thn wnrd thug , Btrikors
nnd ropeniern to crowd nronnd nil llio polling
ilncos and prevent the republicans from vot-
ng. Gmvo feim nre indiilgtil in by the law-
ibidiragcitlr.eliK of b th parties.
COUIMIIUH , Ohio , October 22. The follow
tig are the majorities in congrcesnonal dic-
.ricts. majorities.
Llutterworth , rep . 105
Drown , rep . IM'.IS
. 'ampbell , dem . 41' !
A.ndei > on , dem . HID
[ in Vovic , doin . IHW
Illll , dem . : ii)3l
Sunny , dem . 'intti
l.ittlo , top . 7IS
[ 'ooper , roi . 183(1 (
ItomeU , rep . ! 22l
KIHierry , dem , . . . . . -lit
'rhompsou , rep . IKWI
Outhwnlto , dem . -181
( Irosvcuor , rep. , . HlilS
Wilkin > , doni. , . 31118
( imldes , deni. , . 7-
Warnnr , dem. , . -1'
J. It. Taylor , rop. , . OIK
K. H. Trtylor , rep. , . yU ! > 7
McKinley , iep. , . 123
Koran , dotn. , . 127 <
Total republican majority . -I,1 ! , fill
Dcmocratio majority . 21,141
Keimbllcnn majority , net . 10,37 <
'i' j-aos.
In n little book just issued from the
prooa of Messrs. Scrlbner t Wolford
Now York , n largo number of practical
though novel , receipts are given for
making cakes of various kinds , from the
informal griddle-cake to the Btntol )
brldo-cnke , without egns. by the lining
of the Royal Baking Powder. Experienced
oncod housekeepers inform ua that thi ;
custom has already obtainud largo precedence
codence over old-fashioned methods iu
economical kitchens , and that the pro
duct is frequently superior to that wliero
eggs nro used ; and that loss bultor is also
required for shortening purposes. The
advantage is not alone in the saving ef
feet , hut in the avoidance of the trouble
attendant upon Bocuriht. fresh eggs itni
nnnoynnco of nn occasional caku epoiloi :
by the accidental introduction of mi e
that has reached a little too nearly the
incubatory period. The Royal Baking
Powder also invariably insures parfectl ;
light , oiveot , and ho'iideoiuocako , or
ivliun uaod for griddle cakes to bn cut on
hot oimblo3 their production in th
shortest possible space of tinio , ' nn <
limit on them moat tender nnd dtilicious , n
well as entirely wholesome. Tlioro is no
ether preparation likn it.
I In. 1 1 more Alilornuiit ,
BAI.TIUOUK , October 22. The election o
the first branch of the city council tm > k pl.ic
to'dny. The domocrnts elected olghtoei
inomherfl and the republicans two , the dem
ncrntio nmji.ilty on the total vote behig ! ) , r > ! ) '
The present braiicli term , which empires will
the current , month , conxintR of ten democrat ) *
and ten fu > ionists , compoHcd of six repuhli
uns and f > ur inilnpin dent doniocriits , The
ileinocnvttc nmjoriiy thnn was : I-I70.
K\ir. | sri It >
WOONHDCKKT , Oct ) b r 2i. Thievoi enturo 1
the oihco of Iho AilnniH oxpre-ii o > nnpiny lait
nii < ht , and took $12IHill in eoupmiH und bunk
bllU , This morning the doors of tin
ollico were lockml und the Hnfo doorn were
climnd but not locked. No tiMco of the
ltlppiiiK' tint liivinillli's. !
7 LONDON , October 22 , The last invinclblcv ,
tght in number , were n moved last evening
' oni Chnllmm toinmth'T '
SIOOO. Given
IfahimoruiiyliiJiirloiUHuhUHnecscun Lo found
liiAndrows'i'oiirlBnklnKl'owilcr. In imj-
lively PURE. JulUK ! < 'ndori > cilniidtettlinoiilulii
received irom Mich chemistsHBH , Dunn llayH , Jlo -
tou ; M. Dulnfiiiitulno , orOlilcnRo ; mnl UuMuyus
Jlodi ; , illlwaiikce. Novrmolil In liullf.
29 J Jtku Kt. ' 287 , lib' ' . * i " 'Jl J Water nt ,
Bnsiness al ihc CDi-aga stock Yards -
ami on '
A Quiet and Steady Day for Ohttlo ,
\ . Pinch all nround for Eeg l\f \ -
ulators. T
Brisk Trading in Wheat Thnfjii-
out Both Sassionsi. !
) aalings in Corn Irregular , with
Wavering Prices ,
) IH llnlo rMmln-atrl.v Sirnily Ilrlc
lOnsy. with a I'innur
Iiiird Steady.
OATTLl : .
Special Dispatch to Tim Brn
Cltlc.Mio , Oct. 22.-Thero were about If. ! )
cars of Texnua nnd we lerim nuiong the fres'.i
Ivalu , nnd thrtinmlity Rtnetnlly V ns con-
iderab'y balow thn xlnndaid. The general
natkot wns rather quiet yet prices ruled
slo.uly nnd Btrong on best natives nnd be B
rnngor whllo the latter attOaCOo higher than
a t week , especially good Tcxaus , the host o3
which are making It l > Ua 1 20. There seemed
to bn a largo supply of low grade Texans , In
cluding COWP , bulls and tailing that nro mak
ing 'J-IO to 320. Rccointof nativoi nro
( nulmlly Increasing , on fully half of thu7OCO
on pnlo to-day w ro of that discriptlon.
Among Iho unlives on rn1o worn ninny go d
lots , ono xvhich iiTorogod over l.COO aud told
for 7 ITi. There WITO neernl other choice lots
of 1100 to 1 500 thai pold at n range of ( i 50
to U 80. There wan a fiiir display of second *
class native f leers Ihnt were sold nt C fiOiili 25
und tliorcnbouti , Common aiiu native Bloertt
WON plenty and ruled ua dull nnd cheap as
ever. Good to cholci' , 1,200 to 1,31X1IDS. ,
G OO.iG 50 ; Inferior to fnir 1,000 to 2,100 Ibs .
t 20.i5 to. Saler : - li 10 Tex ns , t ) 17 I hs. . ' 3 70 :
11-1 Wyoming * 1 , ( > 01 70 ; 1M cows 989 , 3 70 ;
170 Nebrn ka-'IVxaim J' , 3 50 ; 7K ! ) Nebraska-
'IcA-ntiH ! l 10 , 350 ; 1311 M.mtnnns 125:1,0.111 : , ;
71 Mimtauns 1'Jlll. 5 JI5 : 7-1 cows 1,1(18 ( , 3 'JO ;
113 Montuiins 1'J38 5 35 ; tO JlonUna-1,221 ,
5 15 ; M Wyoming 1,201,5 15 ; 1-13 Wyoming *
1,152I 75.
The market opened u shade , stronger wilU
( ( peculators onger ns buyniH nnd in some in-
ntnncv an ndiauosnf 5@10c was tBtiiblialicd ,
but , nfter the apeciilntoM had about bought
up the riceipts , they found Ihoy could
not i-o readily unload , bunco Ihey found lliem-
nelves "stuck" wilh properly they could net
roiili/.n on. Tto mnrket cl sed weak , willi
ppectihitnrfl willing to accept 5@10e lower
prices than they generally paid. Thu great
hulk was oncn sold at Iho ndvnnco eales nt
I 75 to1IU for common p.ickf rs , the Imlk
of the fair to good | .nckein f-elling
about r > 0. > and be t 6 10a5 Ifi. lltavv
nnHortcd hnrivy Bold nt 5 0@5 31 ; pack.
Ing mill 'hipping. 225 to . ' 125 llu. , 5 00@5-50 ;
liKlit , 155 to 'J16 ll . , -1 00@5 15.
win : AT.
The rnnrkclwns nctivo nnd stronger early in ai
thi session lo-d y , but closfd weaker ou the
regular board , with a decided rally nnd a bet"-
tor huw of ctrongih. At the 'nfteinooulEEa-v- , . .
Ht'.HKion ' therouns more doing on outride account
countnnd the local specnhitivo clement also.
In tight more freely. I'Yiieign ' ndvicrs wero-
nguin quoted dull nnd weak with moio inquiry
fur export * , however , nt homo ports Tlio
recoiiiti hero cnntinno largo , being -Ifi. ! ears
for tha pad twuity-fmir liuiira , but the ro-
coipU nt other mnrkets i-how n plivht falling
olf. The iiiuket open d 1 c Jo higher , eased
nlf Sc , Inter became HtroiiR under nctivo buy
ing , advancing Ic ; eaeed elf jjc , iliiotuutod
and cloned on thu regular bourd ut io over ,
yesterday. On the afternoon board udvnnced
4c ndditionnl , closing firm nt 7rijn ; for Novem
ber , 77A(2/77.c ( / } for December and 77ic for
Good Rpuculntlvo busineEB was Iranfaoted in
corn , lnt the feeling was nnselllul nndinor-
von. with prie-H Irregular. Within n , lower
rango. Hwc-ulntivo | idferings wore Jibetal. The
market opened u tdmdo better but undur , honvy
nirerinatH declined Ic for October. 1 jo for No
vember , Jo lor tlio your then rallied for
Octobar , lie for NovemliT , go for thn year.
Again doonned nlurply , ospoclully for N vem-
lt-r , closing lo lower for Novomben nnd Jc
lower for the year than yuit ril y. On Iho ll
iiftermion hoard nenr fuitucM were again weak ,
October d < dining Ac , Novemhiir declining Jc.
'Iho cliiHing iigmewnio -1-iio for October ,
liljo for November , 'l'Jio ' for the year , -10o for
ruled moderately ulendy , cloaincr 't 25 a for
Outobi-r 2 io tur November , 23/ic / for the
"ir , 2Uie for Aluy.
ruled cony on the regular boiird , b t bocarxo. .
tinner nn llio uftenn on hiinrd for d'HlunC fit-
Uiie-i. Cloned nl § 15.50 for Oclnber , § 11,00-
[ or Iho , § 12.0i 4 for tliinmiry.
ruled steady , cloning nt' S7.t0 ! for October
$7.071 for November , * 7.1U tor December , .
? 7..5 for.lanuary.
Tiinti i-s liiVhiii ! ijuarloi-s.
Li\lNiTOK : , ICy. , October 2i , T. 1. Caso' .
ub'u of tr.ilterx arrived in Lexington to-tiny ,
whom they will winter. Aniorg the most
noted are .fny-Kyo-.Seo and Vhillas. Mnii'l '
H. uirived hero yrBtordny in good condition ,
nnd will trot ngulnat her record next Thura.
Till ! Sciltt ( ! IW.
Coi.umiUrt , Ohio , Oclobor 22-Tho coies to.
teHL thti conxlllutioniility of lh Buolbi liquor
Ux IUAT was arguid In the knpromo aouit tliia
monjng , and. Mi ! > inttU d it noou. . At ducia-
011 in expected Tu ( day.
IMIiinlu OiuuiiiIn 'H
Niw : Youic , O , ti > bor -Mlnn'e . .
th'i nct/i'U to-duy oKiuined a vuidici of $23-
OHO a ( ; tins1 the police idli.-i and D 1.U Mur
phy , drowuakur , for fuUo nriitit und lui-
piisMiment ,
I'1 , I't'DIIKK'HN IVlllll Ijli"14 ' , ,
CniOAdix Octolxr Ui. Thti demoorb ) of
tiuThird Il'tnoinunnureHiionj '
iauiniiiatod Jnuifallillurd.
; _ , M
BecaiL&e e em- w
L , r ,
coHere recogaizeE
To 5eeaPer )