8 THEDAIL * J3EE--AVEDNESDAY OOTOBEH 22 1884 THE BEE . Wednesday Morning Ootobor 22 LOCAL BREVITIES , Ilcroaftor the C.upantors' and Joiners nmon , No. &S , will meet at 7:30 : sharp nt Ihci hall. Jwlgo Weiss garo hli decision Mondn in the case of B. 1J. 1'rench , charged with ob strolling nsldoHalk nnd discharged the defendant fondant upon conditions th.it ho would kcc the walk reasonably clean. Ten now members were rccch otl Into th I'ltBt M. 15. cliutch last Sabbath. The growth of this church during the past year Ins been remarkable. Now members are ruccicd nenr y every Sunday. The funeral of Mrs. M. 15. Toloy , wife o G. W. Folny , occurred Monday nttcrnoon a 2 o'clock from her la to residence , corner o Davenport , nnd Jefferson streoto. She was 3 yearn of ngo. Tlio distribution of mail from Iho Soutl Omaha { test office brgan th'a morning The mail wilt bo taken to that point once n day from each way on the Etrom.iburg run , it closed ixmches made up nt the depot , Some people think docl'ri' charge * are high in Omahn but a unit in the U. S. cour dovolopoa the fact that n San Frnncitco docto charged a Ncbniika man 8J,003 for three months' attondnncf , mid got the monoy. The following marringo licenses Imo boon isiued by the county clerk : Henry Winlcrbin nnd Sllss Ulizi Growcock , Nils Nilson nnd JUtfl Anna 0. Hcnscn , nil of IDlborn et.ition ; Andreas A. Wcgnpscn nnd Mira Ifnunchcn Traulscn , both of Douplaa county ; 1'otcr Kwnuson nnd Mica M.ittio Lnracn , both of Ir- vhigtonNcbt ; and Jlnrcus McFaddcti..and JlIIss Slimiio Batten , both uf Omahn. The weather yesterday hid n tendency to put n smiling face upon nearly every business man hi this city. The dry goods merchants were etandiig out in fiontof their places of business , rubbing their hands nnj chuckling in their uloovrs ns they thought of those big piles of fall nnd winter goods which will begin to disappear In n tow daya if the cold snap only holda out. The conl merchants are in the best of humor , nnd can scarcely keep from sing ing , "Ohl happy day. " Ono nnd nil predict good times ia the near future If tbo weather clerk will only Icccpn stiff upper lip nnd not l > a led away on another summer jaunt. The wayfarer who vlalts Council Bluffs and through nny unfortunate eccentricity or irresponsible circumstance nttrnctn the atten tion of the Ilnwkoyod police may indeed bo said to travel n "Jericho road. " The authori ties over there have n pleasant way of snatch ing up visitora nnd detaining them in durance vile untili'thoy ' c n substantiate or disprove sorno lurking suspicion that the caller is not all right. Within the past month there ha\u been at least n half dozen victims on this side complaining of the ( Marshal ) martial rule prevailing in the city over the way , and the consequent nuspenaion of the habeas corpus law. Constabulary vigilance is nn ndmirnblo virtue in young and thriving communities , but -when it comes to carrying it to nn extent sub verting the fundamental principal of the Magna - na Charts , the Declaration nnd nil the great Palladiums of our liberties , the metropolitan guardians nro overworking themselves. JPEKaONAU Mr. W. A. TJ. Gibbon returned from n trip to Hastings yesterday morning , Mr. Hnrvoy Storck , n prominent lawyer of Chicago , is at the P.ixton. Chlel Skinner , of the Council Bluffs police ( force , wns in the city yesterday on private business. Mr , Henry Lee , Fanny Davenport's loading roan , anil Mian Blanche Weaver , of . the same company , nro nt the Millard. A despatch wns received yesterday by Mra D. G. Hull stating that her father , Moses K. Conkling , of Binghampton , N. Y1 , was lying at the point of death. 8. Sloman , Hastings , Albert W.'Crlten , Hallimouth , 0. 0 , 1'lerco , Valparaiso , A. W Dcitz , A. Sleinor , Ashland , J. K. Vnuder- mark , Vnlparaiso , Willliun Tnylor nnd wife , Kansas City , Mo. , nro stopping nt tlio Metro politan. Vnnny Davenport the eminent nctroes , nnd her husband , Mr. Kdwin H. Price , nro at the Millard hotel. They have a suit of four rooms , nnd Miss Davenport bus remained In her rtom nil day. Her meals have boon If nerved there , nnd ulio has refused to roccivo any cards , n fact which n certain reporter In this city found out by rather o hard experi ence. She is in line form , having reduced her flesh considerably. Mr. Harry Walker and wife , of Ml. Tlens tnt , Iowa , nro iu the city onn wcolc'elslt with Joe nnd D. P. Hodman , w ith whoso funi- iliea they are Wd iirm friends. Mr. Wnlkcr , who is nn Odd Fellow high in oflice in that fraUrnltv , nttonda daily its sessions in Conn oil Bluff * . This Is Mr. Wnlkor'a first Uiit to Omaha nnd ho is 1 i hly pleased with Iho bus juo""energy nnd thrift of her mci chants. Mr. Frank Bundle , tlio catcher of the Union Pacifies during the past season , for excellence- in which occupation ho fell n prey to pnbho familiarity , as all great men do , end was pub licly christened "Stub , " has been sworn In usbnllirf | In thedisttict court and u 1 11 servo in that olllcial capacity during the present sitting. Frank Is a handsome , nlca little fel low , n dude nnd nn experienced accountant nod lll doubtless mnko tuplcmlld legal fuuc tionary. TORIN SMITH Yetloiday mowing Oc tobtrSOttij Mr. Patrick H. ToMii and Mi 4. Klizabatli Biiilth wii o united iu tl H Imly bniiilu of wedlock by the Jlev. Father O'Connor. After the ceremonies r/eio o\er the happy counlu rcrnlrrd to their icsidenco on Call- forola : u d T vtlfth streetathero n bouutifu repa t wt had , coDgratu'ntiong cixclionccd nnd the presents , both nuiucroui nnd coitly were dnnateil to tbo bride und groom. Mr , and Mrs. Tobin left on the inorclnr train for the fast to enjoy their honuymooi with the veil withes of all thilr fiicr.ds , JOUN80K-UIi l > . . . . . . ' cvenijio ID Chicago Mr. Prauk 33. Jobncon oud Ml a Mfiria ller.d , both nf this plly , were uuitml in ninrriago The ceremony tnio pojformed by Rev. FJeetwocd , at hli n-sidenco on Lanley AVCDWO. The wedding was a quiet nflair and vi r npjy attended by u few of the f nlire k f iiajde of the contracliDg parlies. " " " T in f"n rf S. R Jolnuon.lho Rrocrr , and the bride is the of Byron Rf oil. The vomijj .ilo will ff < l a ni-ridij.f ; trJpn ( Mixico after which \i } 'y will rftnrn to this oily , arriving litre r.ticmt the lit of December. 6wAp SjaJ of North Carolina Tcbio- co , LOCAL LEGISLATION. The City Conncilmcn Sit in a Double Capacity. Adjourning as a Board of Equal- izationi Tlio Vftcunt Chnlrn AMI ! a ISnro Quo ruin of Members , At the mooting of the city council Ins evening as n board of equalization there wore present Messrs. iiechol , Fumy , ThrRiio , Woodworth , lladfiold , Hiucall , Locdor and President Murphy. Ej-JMr. Lcodor was granted thirty days leave of abaonco from council meetings , stating that ho thought it proper to do no until public clamor was over or ho was vindicated. Several of the council ex pressed regret and confidence in his no- quital of the charge of the grand jury. The report of the committee was pre sented but its reading temporarily defer- rcdfcto await the arrival of the city en gineer , and the board took a rocois ant was called to order as CITY COUNCID. The reading of the journal was dis pensed with. PKTITIONH AND COMMUNICATIONS , From the mayor vetoing nn item in an appropriating ordinance , viz : To II. T. Shannon & Co. , § l,827.2.'i for work on North Omaha sewer fur the reason that t was appropriated from the wrong fund. Veto sustained. From E. S , Brounan stating that ho considered § 0,500 as about a just com- lonsatipn for violation of the city's con- ract with him for curbing and guttering n St. Mary'n Ave , Referred. From James Neville , asking that a lydrant bo placed at Twentieth and Isrnoy strooto. Referred. From B. E. B. Kennedy , asking that amagos duo owners of lot 7 Nelson's ddition bo paid. Referred. From the city treasurer , that ho had laid damages duo from change of grade n Izard street. Filed. From the chief engineer , asking for a month's lonvo of absence. Granted. From taxpayers of Ilorbach's second ddition , complaining of nuisance in Hoy. Rofarrod. From Frank Murphy , protesting gainst the paving of the north end of ixteouth stront between Izard and fioholM except in compliance with terms " petition , which calls for Colorado andstono laid on not loss than eight uchea of sand , Referred. From Joseph Barker , a similar notice ith regard to Ninth street between Douglas and Capital avonuo. Referred. From Hchlesmgor Brothers and pro- orty owners on Loavonvrorth street sking permission for that firm to erect agon scales on Loavonworth street near 'hirteonth. Referred. The deed of Henry A. Delaney and ifo for right of way for a main sewer uown as West Branch North Omaha sow- r. Accepted and filed. A number of bills were referred with- ut reading. From the county commissioners asking Hit a change of grade bo made on Far- am street from the Troinor track to the , ty limits , so as to improve the country oad loading west from latter point. Re- erred. 1 < rom E D. Titus and others asking or a six foot sidewalk on north side of ) olawaro street and Franklin street from launders street to IVouty-oighth stroot. Inferred. From property owners along St. Mary's venue protesting against the construe- on of gutters nlniig said avenue from forest uvenuo to Phil Sheridan street or cross intersecting stroota of a width of ix foot. Referred. IIESOLUTIO.N'H. By Rodfiold The contractor engaged n curbing and guttering on St. Mary's avenue bo notiliod to construct the same f the width of three foot only. Adopted. A RKCKSS was taken as the democratic parade moved ut Sixteenth street. _ Mr. Kaufmann hero appeared In coun- il and was granted amonths leave of ab- once on similar grounds as in Mr. jocdor'u case Several side walk resolutions were ro- errcd. Resolution by Thrann to advertise for ale Lot 0 Block 20. Withdrawn. The call for committee reports brought none forth except from a special committee - mittoo which reported in regard to the iropoeod pjwing contract with James . < \ > x for paving ou ; iJth ( street in district o. 31 und on certain other ntreotn. They recommended a now contmot witn tyx und that the paving on Oth street in dinriot 28 bo constructed on aoaud foun dation 8 inches deep and in the other listrlcts n broken atone and saifd founiin. on bo used. The report was adopted. A special committee reported In favor of placing two iitroot lamps on Pleasant trcot , ono on each side. Adopted. OKUIMANUUH. An ordinance levying a special tax to my for curbing und ( .uttering done { on South Fourteenth fitreot. Passed. An ordinance levying a tax to pay for similar work on South Fittoentli stroot. An ordinance levying a t x to pay for similar work on Thirteenth otreut south of Loavonworth. Passed. Aft ordinance levying n tax to pay for ctubing and guttering on South Eluvnnth struct. Pasted An ordinance covering similar work on Twelfth street from the lorth line of Howard street Passud , An ordinance levying tax tpay onn iftlf the cost of yradh-g Vmtwi utroet 'rum Thirteenth street to city limits. L'naaed. An onlluancn appropriating tnonoy to ? ny R. T. Shannon &J Co for sewer work was rejected on account of error. An or din noa levying a tax to piy coal I paving Ninth street from Huruoy alroot oto U , P. right of way south ot Laavun- worth street. Patted. An ordinance appropriating various sums to p y for newer wuik , curbing anil yuttctintf , paving , etc. An oldiimi co uppropriating money to pay Uu h Murphy it On. for construc tion of emms in diuiiict thirteen was pasacd but nf lerwatd rucunsidttrcd urd ro fi'rred. An ordinance levying a tax to cr.vcr iho cost of Rowers in district No lit was ri'jectud until the buurd of iquilun- tiun nportud. An ordiii'inco upproprlating moupy to ? y Jt T. Haurman it Co. and suvurul otluir vaiinim hums. 1'aihcd. Anordinauco vHtabhihiDg the grade tf CJiurJcfl street was brouglit up on third rue din 15 und withdraw n. Adjourned to incut ut 7 o'clock p. in , TIM : IIO\BU oi' f QUA UKrioy WPS oalUil to onlcr agnia und Ihuir re port road and adopted , ' Ar'j l STBEET OAR ROBBERS , Tlilovcfl Ilrcnk Into Ilio Our Barn Anil Klllo Tlio Onsli JUoxcs , Monday nlghtthlovos broke Into the St Mary's a venue car barns and rifled the cash boxes of all four cara. There is generally in onch box about $15 and al of the change was taken. The boxes hac been taken from the cars and locked up In a liltlo room adjoining the office. This rsom had boon broken open and the boxes taken out in the main building and there broken open and pilfered. Several of the employes of the com pany were [ asleep in the building but none of them hoard anything of the in truders. The car drivers are responsible for their cash boxes and change and if the company hold them strictly accountable for this loss it .will fall pretty heavily upon them and especially as winter weather is just putting in nn appearance. It Mas thought by the police that thong ng of thiovca and burglars had _ been driven out ot the city and indeed it did seem so AS no depredations were re ported for some timo. If they WPro driven out for a time they have returned with reinforcements and it Trill bo a good scheme for the citizana of the place to kocp a good lookout for them and gtvo thorn a worm reception whenever they call. If ono of them can bo filled with cold lead it will have a strong tendency , o put a stop to the burglary business 'or a timo. Seal of North Carolina Smoking To- > acco is the best. 1'olluo Court. The police court room put on a com- ortablo appearance yesterday. AB ho gpng marched in they were permitted o hover around a blight hard coal fire which shod a warmth throughout the ilaco which was decidedly cheering. John O'Donncll was first called upon o glvo an account of himself and ox- ilain why ho had boon found in a state > f intoxication. IIo said ho lived at Missouri Valley junction and was a rail- oad man. IIo came up to Omaha for a itllo fun. IIo had had It and was now cadv to go homo. The judge permitted ilm to depart rrith a warning. G. D , llardy , Pat. Mahan and Michael HcShea were each fined $5 and costs for laving boon drunk. Pat. Roakbud , the notorions , was ar- osted Monday night for boating his wife 'his is a favorlto pastlmp with Rockbud tnd whenever ho gets a little full ho goes lomo and amuses himself by giving Mrs. lockbud a good trouncing. Ho was ro- cased a short time since from a three months' stay in the county jail for a aim- ! ar oll'enao. This morning his wife re used to file a complaint against him and 10 was discharged. YOUNG MAN. TUK VOLTAIC BICLT COMPANY , of Marshall .licliigan . , olfor to send their celebrated ELKO mo VOLTAIC BKLT and ether ELKOTIUO AP- 'LlANcus on trial for thirty days , to men young or old ) tifllictod with uervoua debility. OPS of vitality and manhood , and all kindred roubles. Also for rheumatism , neuralgia , laralynis , and many other diseases. Complcto obturation to health , vigor and manhood uarnuteoil. No risk incurred , as thirty days' rial In allowed. Write thorn nt once for illus- .rated . pamphlet , frco. 10,000 bushels Choice Winter Apple 'or salu in car lots or lois. Your bu ness solicited. J. G. WILLIAMS & Co. u27-lm Nebraska City , Nob. B. fc 31. Improvements. The B. & M. company is pushing the works on its stock yards extension as apidly as possible , a largo force of men ) cing employed. The expectation is hat. the track will bo ready for trains by ho middle of December , and the only hing which can cause a delay beyond hat date is the non-arrival of the iron > ridges for street crossings , which have > opn ordered from the oast. If those iridges arnvo by the 1st of December the road will bo fully completed by the ICth of that month. The tracks will run hrou h the stock yards and nlford all acilniea for loading and unloading cattle. For the present no dupot im- irovompnts will bo rando ut the yards or u the city. The company ia r.i present engaged in luilding n now round house in thu tiouth > artoftonn. It will have nccoinocia- ions for five onginon and will bo com- > le ted iu a few weoks. Buy B. II. Douglass & Son's Oansi- : um Cough Drupa for your chidrun ; hey are harmless , pleasing to thn taste md will euro tln-ir colds. DS. . and Crado Mark on cvorp drop. 1 lloiiuko at Homo. Judge Boneko returned yesterday : rom a trip through the state , where hems : ms boon making some democratic speeches. IIo suja that ho fools highly flittered with the manner tn which ho ia everywhere received. Ho also say * that the school 1 And steal ia u bltUr pill [ ut .ho farmers to stvallotr nd they are going to vote ngninat the republican utato ticket nn that account IIo fuels very hoptful and auys that ho ia now confident thul ttio domoorauo state ticket will bo olootod on tlio 4th of N SSf AbsoItateSy Pure , icl ( . ( .v.uti n \ r ikrlot , A ratryvl 01 fri tAft \ Aft xlli Mid wl < olcB > iuu tit. Moie vcoroinluJ th & bo ruliu-i ) l.ln' ) , ua.ii.ui'Ctb ; > ! t In cou | itlm | * lth li ) multltuJe ol lo tut.thuri o ) lif Ji ma , hri.At iii/uiicra Bjlit KU lo n > Ili'tAL ! MAtt.u . VOi'iIJCU UO , , ICO % Y I1 street , N , Y. THE NEW HOUSE. The SoDthcm Part oftlicCilyForliflGu Against Fire , A Bountiful New Engine Honeo Erected nt tlio Corner of EIo\onli and Dorcns Streets. for a long time Chief Knginoor Butler - lor haa boon trying to impress upon the city council the need ot moro engine hou ps. At last ho brought the matter before thorn in such a light that they agreed to erect a house in South Omaha. In accordance ) with such a plan a lot was purchased at the corner of Eleventh and Dorcaa streets , and after it had been properly graded the work of bulldinp ; an engine houao was begun. This now houao in now nearly com [ ilotcd , and will bo ready for occupancy n a short timo. Through the kindness of Assistant Chief Galligan a BIE reporter was driven out to the now houao and waa lormitlod to look through it. It is a fiuo looking franio structure , two stories in icight , and 24.\GO foot upon the ground with twenty-four foot stunding. The ceilings are twelve feet high , making [ iloaasant nd convenient rooms. 1'ho greater portion of the lower story will bo used for the hose cart. In the roar two stalls are built and on ono side of them is a place for drying hose and on : ho other is an apartment for grain bins md also n place for the storage ot hay. The stall doors are arranged in the same nauuor as those at engine houao Mo. 2 , and will work with the tapping of the song. In the rear part of the room is a light of Etaira leading to the second story. In the second story twenty foot lave been partitioned off in the front Dart for a sleeping room for the fire boys md the remaining forty foot will bo used or a hall in which political meetings and gatherings of citizens will bo held. From ho olooping room to the first iloor ia a irnsa polo , familiarly called by the fire boys a "skin polo , " which Is to aid in the npld transit of firemen from the second leer to the first when the gong calls hem to duly. Taken all in all it Is the best arrranged , nest convenient and largest engine house n the city and is an ornament to the southern part of the olty. In a few days it will bo oc- upied by the fire laddies. Mr Joseph Yandorford , now a member of company ? o. 2 will bo foreman and have charge of the now house. Ho will have but ono assistant for the present and the now company will bo known as No. 4. Old "Bolivar , " the .old bay stallion who has has boon in the fire department or about eight years and has run tonoar- y every fire in that time , will bo taken out to the now house for active duty ; horo. A single cark will be takou out md will servo the purpose there until a argor ono is required. Chief Butler hinks the water pressure will bo strong enough in that portion of the city so that an engine will not bo needed. The houao s plenty largo enough to put inanongino n MSG such a raovo should bo necessary , When the now house is occupied the city will bo divided up into fire diatricta , and each engine company will have Its territory to cover , and yet it will bo divided so that at least two hose carts-will attend. The boundary lines mvo not boon definitely determined upon as yet , but No. 3 company , which goes to all fires now , will not go down nto thu southeast part of the city , that ) art of the city being covered by com- mnio&No. 2 and 4. No 4. will not como urthor up on Thirteenth street than Jackson and not farther on Tenth street than the railroad crossing. The hook and ladder truck * will be run to all fires IB heretofore. The now houao is > plenty argo enough to put In a single horse took and ladder truck and such a thing , a now contemplated , in which caao the jig truck would not bo run into the ex treme southern portion of the city. The now houBo when completed Swill lave cost the city about $ .4,510. All the vork , . except the bricklaying and plaster- ng , has been dona by Chief Butler and us men , so that the city bavo had to my vary little for the labor. When the now house ia in working or der the city will bo pretty well fortified against the demon tire , except in the ex reino ncsteru portion. Chief Butlur : ias not yet t'iven up the idea of an en gine houao at the head of St. Mary's Avenue onuo , and Buys that If the city will fur nish the place on which to build it and thu many to do the same , ho and his men will go to work and build a house this ill. [ Jo is very anxious to have a fine bouao built where No. 3 now stands , at the corner of Sixteenth and Furnnm streata. Ho hod at ono time , plaaa drawn for the building uf a house at this plaou but they failed to materialise. IIiu plans called fur a structure which would have cost between § 15-,000 and $18 000 , and would have been mi ornament to the city. 11 ? thinks , howovur , that it will bu only a short time bufpre the council will con * sHer it a necessity to build euch a build' ing. ing.lie lie reports nil the apparatus of the do pxrtmont in excellent shape and the department very tftioicnt. By the neir house it will bo necessary to increase the paid force two men. In speaking of a paid hook und Jftddi-r company to take the place of the volunteer I'innoer company , ho cruel that there should bo nt least six p id men upon the hook and ladder truck , but that hi > did not ext > oot to gut moro than three About the only now nppavatui which wit buvo to bo bought by thu or-culug of thu now hnuau will bo eotno not ? hose , am not u great deal of that. The city lias been very free from fires of late , but with the firut starting of fires lu the stove * the boys look for many a lively run , but are prepared now ffor whatever comos. Two Won nurium by Slack , While drawing off slack from the furnaces nacos at the Smelting Works Sunday morning , William Ktnnoy fell into the hot raotal , and was badly buruod , lie was taken to St. Joseph's hospital for treatment. Kinney ia seriously hurt bul Dr. Mcrcor , the attending physician , is hopeful of getting him around in good hcpu. lUomlay morning John Kieaer , another etnpli yu at the HmultingVntks , was huriiftl by alack , bin not euri'iusly enough to require treatment ut the hospital FOU SALE A geol family how , buggy auii Imrncev , L , A. RATH , Pout Ofllco Box 80 , -SOLD WITH THE 63EBNGTOE 3 THAT CAN BE = THE'MICHIGAN STOVE'COMPANY ; LAN © AB. ST. JULIEN , PROPRIETOR. S. W. Cor. 15th St. and Cnpltol Avonuo. On the European Plan. First olas * In crcty r-o sncct. Table supplied with game and all delicacies of ho Benson , where you pay ( or only what \ ou order > 1 > cr bill nf fare , llooms attached ( or transient ens- am. Will also keep day boarders at the most Bonaolo rates. MAQISTF.n OF PALMVSTEUY AND CONDITION AL.3T , 803 Tenth street , totncon rarnam and Her * nry. will with the aid ol guardian Bflilta , obtaining at ftonoRUnco In the pact and present , and on trtaln conditions In the future. Boota and shoos made o order. Perfect eattbfactlon guaranteed. OPENING AT THE 14 12 Douglas Street , Friday Evening and Saturday Nevfc. ALRflA E. KEITH. EVERYBODY INVITED. Tun nun ol tba Cjra " Sbo Lluo" In connection wlih Ih \ K corpornto n me ola CTDA ro J I U conveys an Idea of tutrhat required by the traveling pub lic Short Line , Quick Tlmi tnd the boat ol accornnodv tlons ill ol which HO { nic hed by the roatcst nlhvav In America. UHIOAGO , f fn , WATOEE And St. Paul. It owns nd operttcs ovei 4 , BOO nllea ot orthom nilnols , Wlaconaln , Minnesota , Iow Kkota ; aud as ia main lines , branches uid oooaBc * ona reach all the great buslnees centres of ( be forthwest and Far West , It naturally answers th < esolptlon of Short Line , And Best Iloato between Chicago , Milwaukee , St F&ul and Mlnncapolle , Chicago , LIHwaukco , La Crosao and Wlnona. Chloago , MUnaakoa , Aberdeen and Ellemltla Ohlcago , Milwaukee , Eau Clalro and Stlllwctoi' Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oehkotb. Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukiislia and Oconomowoc. , Chicago , Mllwaukoo , MaJlsoa and I'r&lrledu CUftn. Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatoona and Falrlbault. Chicago , Belolt Janea\l'lo ' and Mineral Point. Chleftgo , Ellin , Rockford and Dubuqne. Oblcago , Clinton , Rock Island and Oodu Rapldl. Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Ymkton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell ondChamberlaln. Rock Island , Uabuquo , St. Paul and lilnucapollj. Davoupoit ' alnmr , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman a copers and the Tlncst Dining Cora In ho n - rlil are run on the main lines of the CIIIOAOO , MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY , and every attention I > paid to passongerij by courteous employes of the Company. & . S. UERRILL , Oent Manager. A. V H. CAIU'EOTER , Don' Pass. Ajrt " 1. CLARK , Gen'l Supt. QKO. UHU.FFORD. Ass't. Qcnl. Pa A t. CLASSES RK-OPEN ON MONDAY , SEPTEMBEE1 Besides the advantag of a solid Kngljh and c l education , sped oaro will bo devoted to ShoO O 3. O IO. O O SSS AND TO Practical Surveying AND ALSO TO iHeepg , Banking aMComnial Tlvo nowprofceacrslu\o been added to tha faculty crtiilepurpoeo , 3T Voml tfuslo , German and French , optional , JS3 NEW STOliENrd must present themselves dutlng ho ntok ending August 81 , betweou Oanl 12 a. in. , nd they n > uat be ro uly to stc.nd examination to Jo- Iilo their rank In the courao Prof. Lambert will ( -ivu due notlco lortta resump ten of the evening courw In Chi'rulMry. Tuition co. No distinction on account of creed , aug , ID tu tlium H.\t At HOLL The Pioneer , and Still. Aliead , 100,000 NOW IN USE. Fast up r8iHii'g the lan(8t old Ift'liloncJ etoto and riU'KO' . It ht tlio eimpirtt anil mint efficient Bto\obiirnorHln the world , and "Ith i cw Improve muula houa lf t to c ] > cr.to Abaulutoly eata with tU inteni reserr Ir , now In use the iccond ae&soc Hllhout a tluiclo arcldeiit. iT8 nd ( or Catalogue. Price Lltt , Fta UUIJUVAl'OK bTOVKCO. , CLtVKLIND OHIO J. LiftRMSTROHG. M. D. Pructico Luintcd to Difieuses oi ! the Kyo aud Ear. CO.T Farnnm StrortOMAHA . Ylctlmiofouthulii ( pnideiir Ijlllty. 1'romcturu Hoot ) , anil oil ilUiu re I'to.ittit on by fuuU rotionor exit * awill tonruuf > c , br adamstae j , 11. UlOiVL'j.'WO * " " " - " ' " ' gLaer baugh & Taylor , " I LARGEST STOCK OF Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for Hie Indiim Deoartinout given , for Buffalo Scales ex clusively. Scale 1105 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA FALL ABTD GREAT BARGAINS IN ANB Visitora to the State and others in need oH MenTsT Boya' audildren't1 Clothing , will do well to call ou The Strictly One Price House in the City And examine their goods and prices. They carry the largest stock , and sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors don't fail to call at 1216. 1216 UPHOLSTEftY AND DRAPERIES , PASSENGER ELEVATORS TO ABL FLOORS. | 1SOB , 1CC8 and 1210 Farnara St. , Omaha , Neb ; GERMAN D , WYATT , 03 " m co g I w" > JEt E-t O 3 O a 0TJV1INGS [ AND 20TH 8TS. , OMAHA , . KEB E = C r * < rir t rT i > ayM Mfcv V . .U u * _ D V y \ Jr'f < ' & J % & = -i ffSf , _ KAED7A 7ruian : or ot BTaiOTLr \ \ Catalg 403 BRADY ST. , UAVEKPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. EuUbllshed 1878 Oatarra ; " - vfnoBS , Lung nnd NorvouaDUoajeeOpeodlly ud 1 oimancntJy Ouvod. Pat Ion U f U tHomo. \ . Wi.to fey "TnB MvwifiL-MisaioifAJa , " for the i'oopln. , j uit tlon and Oorrmpondcnce Oratu. 1' . 0 , Box Siia. Tilonhucoo. . 5 i HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , J' wtmaMer , Davenport , Bay : " I'livniclan of EX Ability ntt Marked Saccoa. " OONGRKStJMAH BfTJUPHY , Davemwrt J * An iaonotahUi Man. Flno Bncccaa. Woiidurfal Ourita , " Hournfi to 6 iisii EJissEraMasiatwrBiiya w ?