DAILV BKBVEDNESDAY \ , OCTOBER 22 1834. RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors , Superiunndont I. U. P. RAILWAY , 7TU & 18TH BTUEEIS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , EOLLER MILLS , MILL FURNISHINGS On' ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Olotli STEAM PUMPS. STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. 1-4 [ V ] BHI jbmj "We are prepared ko furnish..plans and estimates , and will contract foi the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , from Stona to the Roller Syotem. B Especial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any pur po = c , and estimates made for some General machinery ret/airs attended promptly. Address RICHARD & CLARKE , Omalia.Neb Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of the arrival and de parture of trains by central standard time , at local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton mln u.08 earlier and arrive ten mlnutvs later. oniOAOO , BOiujijaroH AND qoinor. LIAVI. lurri. 6:35 : p m Chicago Express 0:00 : a m 0:40 : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 : p rr > 7:10a : ra I'Mall and Express , 71'Opm 12:20 : p in Accommodation. 2:40 : p m "At local depot only. KANSAS CITY , BT. JOS AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. 10:05 : a m | Uall and Express , ,7:05 : p m 8:05 : p m Pacific Express , 6:50 : p m CHICAGO , MILWAUKKS AND 8T. PAUL. 6:25 : p m Express , 0:06 : a m 0:16 : a in Express , 0:56 : p m CHICAGO , SOCK ISLAND AND rACIFIO. 0:80 : p m AtUntlo Exprcus , 9:06 : a m fl:25 : a m Day Express , 6:51 : p m 7:20 : n to "Dos Molnes Accommodation , 6:05 : p m At local depot only. WABiBIJ , BT. LOUIS AND rACIFlO. 1:20 : n m Mall. 4:15 : p m 6:10 : p m AccommoJat.ou 0:00 : a m ltOpm : St. Louis Express 3:45 : pm 4:50pm : Cilcajto Express 10:55am : At Transfer only cnioAao aud NoimrwKSTB&n. 6:30 : p m Express , 0:60 : p m 82i ; am Paelflo Express 9:05 : am EIOUX CITY AND rACIFIO , 7:40 p m St. Paul Express , 8:50 : a m 7)20 ) a m Day Express 0:50 : p m CNION rACIFIO. 8:00 : p m Western Express , 8:35 : a in 11:00 : * m Pacific Express , 4:40 p tu 7:40 : a m Local Express , 0:64 : a in 12:10 : a m Lincoln Express , At Transfer only. DUMMT TRAINS TO OUAIIA. Leave 7:20-8SO-D:30-10:30-11:40 : : : : : a. m , 1:302:3 : : 8:30-4:30-6:30-8:30-11:05 : : : : : p. m. Sunday 9:30-11:40 : : a.m. 1:30-3:30-6:80-0:30-11:05 : : : : : p. m. ArUvolO mln to bcforo Icavln ttinn J.H. TATE. WA11B WIHTKNB Practice In State and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Room 10 , " Shufrart'a Building , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOW THOS. omoia , OFFICER & PUSEY Council Bluffi I * . Establisheo 1856 Dealers In F tlgn and omestlo Exchanzo an lrreo Secuiltl JACOB SIMS. K. P. OADWKLL SIM8& CADV/ELL , COUNCIIi BLUFFS , IOWA. Office , Main Street , Kooms 1 and 2 Shugart & Mo- Mahon'aDIock. Will practice In Btate and Federal J. J. STEWART , Federal and State Couits. 601 liroad y , otcr Savlngn Dank , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTIOK. Special & vortleemente , BUO ne Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board- \ng \ , etc. , will bo Inserted In thla column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the drat Insertion and FIVK CENTS PER LINK for each Bubsoqucnt n- scrtlon. Leava advertisement ] at our office , No. Pearl Btroot. near Broadwav WAin'8. 71 OH KENT A. suite of rooms In central location. 1 Knqulrc of Dr. Hanchett , No. 12 Pearl St COAL Anrus , Capital Ccntcrvllle and other soft Iowa coal kept &t George lleatons , 623 Broad way. Telephone No. 110. T > iASONABLEPUICK3 Fair weight and mcas- J.V uro at Ueort'u Hcaton'a coal and wood yard 623 liroadway. Telephone No. 110. TTIOH 8AI.K HEASONABM ] . Coffee roasting , -L1 eplco and grocery Imsincss. Only ono In tout Kcason , ill health. Address K. L. Williams , 18 North Main St , , Council Dlulld. FOll SAIiK A commission business thourouKhly cstablWinl. with rent of building , centrally located. uusiness , DKK olllcu , Council UluIIs. T710K SALK Oil KENT The Oms Packing h J ? and machinery , located In thin city. Cap ISO hogs po'clay. OJell& Day. ' ' ) h\ery bouy m Council illuHa tu take WAN'l'Kl . Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents a week. OLD PAPERS For ealo at Una office , at S6 cento a hundred AFTERNOON KVIININO ' mission Admission Free to Ladles each morning and Tuia- day and Thursday afternoons. Utu of Kkatai 15 cents. A. F. SCHANOK , H. II. MARTENS , Manager. Proprietor , tJ. BIG DRIVE. AT HOMER'S. 23 Maln Street Council Bluffs. nJ Hilton M n Mrs , , , , , , , .PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 322 Middle Broidv 7. Council Bluffs. COUNCHJLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. PICKED UP BY THE POLIOE , A Number of CARCAwilloh Attract tlio Attention of tlio Ditto Coats. John McDonald as n plain drunk was yesterday fined S7.CO while Bon Potoraon who had an extra touch on his drunk had to pay fifty cents extra. Ofllcor Dunn picked up n follow who garo hia iinmo as James Donahoo and who noted suspicious ly. Tlio follow had some shirts and shoes and Dunn said ho admitted that ho had stolon. Ho is being held for further investigation. The follow who gave his nmno a Boomer , and who hns boon arrested for vagrancy and picking pockts , Is to have his hearing next Saturday afternoon. 0. DoWitt and Joe Brlpga have boon arrested on suspicion of having boon connected with the diaappcarancu of an overcoat and other articles from Mace Wiso'a livery stable. The case was set tled up before Juatico Vaughan , and the matter dropped. A man giving his nnmo as W. Morris , and apparently n llttlo rattled mentally , was gathered in ycatordny , ho being found wandering about in n , bowlldorod atato , with no coat , or vest or shoes on. Ho said ho canio from York , Nob. , and that ho had boon at Lincoln , where ho had done something for which ho had to jump the town , and wonted to go from here south. The man will bo held here until moro can bo learned of him. Frank Smith , a light colored darkey , who trusts a good deal in hia nwaclo , was before Justice Sclmrz yesterday for na- ( mulling Andy Neatly , also colored. The assault appeared to have boon unpro vokcd and a fiuo of $5 and costs was 1m posed. Smith , not bping nblo to pay was sent to jail. Ho is said to have boon in a recent racket In Hod Oak and to have successfully defeated the attempt of the officers to arrest him. IIo did not propose to submit here , but the officers wore a little too brawny for him although ho is about as largo and stout as an ox. Wm. Barrett Jones Moore and Frank Barnes , who were arrested for stealing a pair of shoos of George Blaxsim on Main street , were ycatordny found guilty before Jnatico Schurz and given a short term in jail.L. L. Arnold , accused of picking pockets , was before Justice Vaughan yesterday. Ho was aliened to plead guilty to larceny and waa sent to jail for twenty days. Arnold on the night of the great demo cratic demonstration relieved J. U. Will- mott , of Boomer , of a pocket-book con taining about $5. THE COMMERCIAL MEN , Preparations For Them Gathering Hero NoxtAVcclr. The gathering of commercial men from all parts of the United States on next Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday pro- misca to bo an orent of importance. .Ar rangements are being made for their reception - coption on Monday. The skating rink has been eecured for their uao and for the exhibition of their samples. The citizens who have carriages are expected to tender - dor them for the use of the traveling men during their three days stay hero. On Tuesday evening there will bo a skating ; arnival , and on Wednesday evening a janquot. In fact everything possible is promised to make the affair pleasant and irofitablo to the commercial tourists. PERSONAL. W. A. Berry , of ft. Dodge , is nt the Odon. W. S. Strawn , of Red Oak , was at the Ogden - den yesterday. A. T , Elwell is happy ns the father of a boy who arrived Monday. W. 0. Waite , the agent of the Union Square company is at the Pacific. Hon. John Van Valkenlmrf * la making hia lieadquarters nt the Ogdcn. L. Matthewa and W. W. Matthowu , of Cirecly , la. , are at the Ogdon. S. Jj. Winter and wife cf Woodbine , Iowa , were at the Ogden yesterday. L. G. Tyler , of Dunlap , lawas among yes- .enlay'a arrivals at tlio Ogden , J. H.llead and wifoof Dunla ] > , were among huso at the Ogden ycaUrday. Dr. J'2. P. Macomber , of Uonnott , Neb. , was at tlio Pacific house yesterday. II. W. D'odd , editor of the Sword and Hoi- net , Ft. Madison , is at the Ogdun. It , V , Jones , of Carson , the republican can didate for county supervisor , was in the city yesterday. Mrs. J. II , Keith , of Sioux City , arrived icro yesterday on a visit to her sister , Mrs. A. 0. Cowles. W. A , Fry , of Heed , Jones & Co. , of Oma- tin , was in tlio city yoatorday and wont o\it over tlio Wabash , J. 0. lieagan , onoof thopaving'contractors , iias gene to Sioux Falls to hurry up the stone , i that work may not bo delayed. II. J. Chambers , of Avoca , who ia to bo the next county recorder , was shaking hands with Ills republican supporters here yesterday. U. F. Clayton waa In the city yesterday , and saya ho never saw the republicans of southwestern Iowa BO enthusiastic as they are over Blftino. Harry Walker , of Mt. Pleasant , Is in the city attending the Odd-Follows gathering , and is accompanied by his wife. Ho is a veteran Odd-Fellow , and has been given almost every honor In the order. Ho is also prominent In the Knights of Pythian , nnd has occupied the position of Grand Keeper of Kecords and Seals for twelve years past. Ho ia ono of the best known men In the state , and Is a thorough worklcgman who continues day after day at his trade of bricklaying , and is not ashamed of toil und sweat. Scrofula diseases manifest themselves In the warm weather. Hoods Sursupar- 1 a cleanses the blood and removes ovary taint of scrofula. Democratic The following are the delegates to the democratic township convention which moots at the court-houeo this afternoon : , , , Dawson , Friuk Swan , ( i. A. Hohnea. Second Ward-W. K. Vaughan , John ] , . Tom.Joton . , W. A. Mvnste-r , Win. IJrix , Win. Lacy. Jack White. Wm Jetton , J. J. Stow. art , Jacob Neumayor , Ira Hendrleka , James , ' Vu"ry WlBaer , M. F. Itohrer. Third Ward-Fral Lamb , Sr. Fred Laii.b. Tr. , .Theodore Lund , A. O. Graham , John Green , L. Bvivntngtn , G , A. Fox , Oliver Lower , George Blnxsim , Keating , F. W Sofltmnn. Fourth Wnrd-J. W. Sclioontgon , W. . . , U. T. Connors , J. I1. Ciulmorc , Henry IVwchftl , John J. Fraincy. John Clmrchlll Win. Gnlvin , .Inmes Miuldcn , John Stclllin Jnko Aitpol , V. GannoudoV . S. Amy , 1. Troop , 0. Wesley , J. U. Deitticli , Henry Nutt- IjlmcTln ilnkliiK Powders. Prof. 11. A' Witthnni , M.D. , Medical rnivorslty , Buffalo , N. Y. , who ia the highest authority , says that "Calcium Tartrato ( improperly called Tartrato of Limo , ) ndvortisod as the Hmo found In Jinking Powders is derived from the wines that produce Cream of Tartar. It is a constituent of the grape and other fruits , nnd is absolutely harmless. Ankcil for Conl nml C5ot Grixvol Stones , 1'ortlnml Orogouinn. Coal is growing in favor in this city , and Bomo tire now using it yho never used it boforo. A family of this persua sion , living in the southern half of the city , n f ow days since , ordered a load of coal and nbout two hours after n load of broken atone for repairing the street Was dumped in front of their door. The family supposing it was the coal ordered , sot to work nnd packed it into the collar , the mistress of the house remarking , "Now , I guess I won't have to keep fillIng - Ing up the steve every five minutes. " And ono of the boys , who was working like it Trojan , said , "Why , this coal is not the least bit dirty , like some. " A big Bouttloful of the rock was taken into the kitchen and poured into the steve , but did not BOOUI to kindle readily. The reason was understood when a little later the conl man arrived. The rock had to bo carried out on the street again before the controstor could bo pacified. Thin is a true story. How Woman WllVor from Mou , At least three men on the average jury are bound to disagree with the rest just to ahow that they've got minds of their own ; but there is no disagreement among the women na the merits of Dr. Plorco'a "Favorite Present ion. " They are all unanimous in pronouncing it the best remedy in the world for nil those chronic diseases , weakness and complaints peculiar to their sex. It tranaforms the palo , haggard , dispirited women , into ono of sparkling health , and ho ringing laugh again , "reigns aupromo1 n the happy household. HENRY SINCERE , DYEING , CLEANING , REPAIRING , KEPAIIUNd AND TAlLORINdlDONE ON SHOUT NOTICE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. /tarSpoelol c ro la taken In Dyeing , denning and Curling of I'lumos and lips. 12th and Fornam , under Nebraska National Bank. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The ( Inn of Stover & Blltorolf baa tills day been dltsohcd by mutual consent , Mr. J. A. S ten or pur- chaatd the Interest of Mr. Fred liittcrolf , for S50CO. Also debts are paid by J. A. 8to\cr to whom all outstanding - standing ] should be paid. J. A SIUVKK. O 15-3C KllKIl lllTTKROI.K. OFFICE AND UESIDENOK 1617 Dodge St. , - Omaha TELEl'HONE KO. 111. Office nnd Residence , 920 South Tenth Ptreet. Or All call ! promptly attended to day or nlf'ht.T 2 Special attention given to tlio diseases of Women and Chlldrcni Rmjng'-HiniiesiiG New Attadunenls Warranted 5 Years. iSOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. E. LOVKJOT , 112 3.15th Street , Omaha. MHO ISIfNACQU/ f ITH THr QIOChAPHVOfHir POUN > tnv WILL CtC BY IXAMIN.NQ THI9 MAP THAT 7HC CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC th een'rnl rtinltlon or lla line , conncctn the Kuat ttnt\ \ the Vve'it by the fihortest route , and oar- rtim r'BK'cnirora , ultnout olianco o ( cars , botwacn L'nlcujo and Knnoi City , Uauiicll Ulinli. Lcnvoii. ivsillj. AlcliUon , Mlnneaiiolu nnil tit. Paul. It ( . onacuta in Union IJmiotn ivlth till the principal Unfa of road uoivtctn Ilia Atlanin unit the I'nolnu ( Jceano. HH equipment in nnrlvtflcd anrt rnagnln * mill , bnlnn conip7ot.il * / Host O'omlorlalilo nnd a " - ! l ( u ) Day Uoachci. Ilaifuinoont llorlou Ho- DllUinK Clialr Can , I'ullnuM'a Vrolllctt 1'alica SU'CMm : firi , nnd tlui Host Line nf JJIiiluu Can in ilu'V/orlc1. Thrco Tj n ( it " WI3ionrl : Jllver Volutr , Tw- " ' - Viliouuil AlluncapolmaniJUt. . ' . "ALBERT LRA A I'cwand Direct Line , vlulloncua and Konk kec , h u rtucntlx I" ' " " opuocd U-lwccm lllcliuioud , tonoltNJWportMcjw ; , Ciiatuiioon ] , Allanttt. Au- ctuii.Naiilivilli.I.ouUvilloLcxinitonCiMolnuatl. llH aud Ladyctto , and Oiiiaim. allnneai > - olu anil Ht. 1'aul and mtormedlute pomK. All Throuc ! > ' Vravcl on * 'am fi . ' for iilo nt all prlnclparriokct Omoe ln the United btau-u and Uauuda. uhcclct'il IhrouKh and rates of fnr ! way * HI loruu uu uuiapotltora tlialollvr 1cm advaa > UKCl. for detailed Inforiuttton.cet the Mopi and Fold. tmufthe GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE &t your ncr t Ticket Offlco. or uddrcx R , n. CAULC , E. ST. JOHN , ' ' UiulTll.Afui.Xr4. REAL ESTATE WILLIAMS'BLOCK Cor , 15th & Dodge Sts , Do Not Forgot tlio Plnco to Buy Improved or Unimproved Property. Aero proporty'farm , to leaio a lot , to rent n hoii o hat o hoiiio rent oil , to buy A hoiuc , tell the ono you Intvti , Imvo tlio title looked up , l > core pttrchvlni ; , Iho paper inailonftcr > u IIMO purohawl , or ny luilAtlal work ilono. Tlio pUce to go U to S ( n Uosnnl. Wo ha > o l rtraln In every part ol the city anil II wo fall to tlml a pl co to suit ) on , ) on imistRO out lido ot rtcbriukn to flmt one , na weecll onp.-uyterms , anil In IIAWTUOllNE , one mile wrat ot the High School , wo will loll lots from $360 to ftWO R lot , and on monthly payments or Mill discount , for all each ; and OMAHA. VIEW : \vo mlloa north of the Vost.ofuca wo eell loti loin fioo to $3ffl ( mall tiaymonf ilonn ami ton or : wenty dollan per month , or for n ( mail imjmcnt. \ \ o u ill sell j mi n lot anil build j on a homo Mid } on can pay for It by the mouth , BO itop pajlri ; renl and own your own houeo anil get the nJ\ant ! > KO ol the rite In property. TABOll PLAGE. south Mid cut from the Test oflico. La In thli aililltlon neil from iM75 to $500 , ) half cath and two vcam on lialanco. DENISE ADDITION. K1HKWOOD , MEYER TILDEN'S ' all In the north part ol the city. MILLA11D it OALDWELL'S ADD. e on Sherman a\cn o the popular drho to Fort Omtha. Luts Iti tills addition are 1000 to fCW on oa > y terms , Lots In IIANSCOM ADDITION on the ro d to the park arc eold on ] eony terms , and so as no nay no pan sell } ou In any part of the city aud on easy terms as ono could wlsli. MAYFIDLD. I wo think the nicest acre property on the markc being only tn a mllca from the city and for $125 an acre. acre.TUTTLE'S SUBDIVISIONs s nearly all Bold , but no still have ton acres In thl addition for gala and can make good terms. Qoo < for September. No. 478 91,600 ; 2 lots on Georgia arcnno n corner In Hantoom piaoo $200 cash aud 2 yearn tlmo. A ba gain.No. No. 4BO $1,600 ; Lot (5x180 on Sherman arc nil o oneblock from Car line , two blocks from school DOS trout , choice. No , 220 $2600 , 2 nice'residence lot 1 In Shlnn'e add one on corner , terms very easy and cheap. $2,200 100x140 In Terrace add. corner , and near car line , bargain. $1,200 14x182 on Chicago St. , between 21th and 26th nice place to build a cottage. Aero property In farlc place from { 1,500 to $2,000 ami on easy terms. Mo. 222 $2,600 , Two lots and house of 4 rooms In Bowcrv'a Hill additionuooilslmJo and fruit trees &a small payment down and tlmo. No. 1M 1,000 , Ono liland twohouieion Jackoon street between 17lh anouSthSt. , and i block from St Mary's car lino. No. 102 $2COO ITousoof 0 rooms In I > a < c9 add. on full lot ono blook from car line , n ulco place and sold cheap on easy terms. $10.000 takoa a two story house and two acres o ornamental grounds and ono of Omaha nicest places and sold ou cosy terms , tatlefactory to thobujcr. Nice butlncHS lot on Dodge street to soli. Nlco business lot on Hurt Btroet to sell or lease. These are a few bargains from our extensive lUts and by calling at our olllco or writing us wo will give any Information In our lino. Wo are taking charge ot property for non-rcsldenta , as well as transacting ho business for our own townsman ami any buslnoa iitrustcd to our care will bo done toyou satisfaction wo think. Cor. 15Hi nnd Docile Sheets. WILLIAMS liLOOK. BROKERS , 1404 Farnam St.OMAHA PARTIAL LIST OF HPKCIAL UAI10AIN farming Lands , Improved Fnrma nnd Stock Farms in Douglas , Cans , Cedar Nanco , Thnyor , and Howard Oountloa. BUSINESS PROPERTY. For Sale RSiOS feet on 13th street , near liar noy , room for a brick block , of four stores which would rent readily. If not Bold within 00 ilayi It will be withdrawn and built upon. Bomb 41 ft. , corner alley 5WO. Inside 11 ft. , 95,2(0. 43 For Halo A bargain , 88x132 ft. on 14th St. , neat Jones St. Call and BOO us III regard to this prop crty wo have a bargain for you , 11- For Halo Good buslnoej lot on Cumin ? St , 66x132 foot C6.000. 01 Kor Sale Improved Farnam ttrcotprcpcrtynoM 12th street , 917,000. 17 For Sale 461x132 feet , splendid brlok Improve ment , as good business an la In the city 810,000. 28 For Halo Mlck'ant corner on struct car line , 3Sx 60 Btora , two etury. and basement ! Bi40 , Good location (0,009. 18 For Halo Splendid business corner on 13th fit , lot G8xl2 , Btoro building and barn bargain $1,600. 7 For Sale A business property for (18,500 yield' Ing n rich Income of 1C per cent , not on Intent' inont. 53 Kor Hale On California , close to Ilelt line lot 4x132 , two story house and barn , 93.500. RESIDENCE PROPERTY or Sab wiUiiMilo n Ilulf-of Pootollloo No. 346 House and lot 8 0,000 -Iloueoand lot 3tOO 332 House and lot 2,800 321-Houso arid lot 2,600 300HouHO and lot , . _ 2,000 280 House and lot 8,200 202 Housoand lot 12,000 01 Two Houses , . 12,100 83 House and lot 8,600 68 Houao aud lot 2,200 79 House and lot 4,000 72 House and lot 8800 66 House and lot. . . , 4,600 63 House and lot 2,600 69 House 6iul lot 0,600 57 Housoand lot 6,500 68 Housoaud lot 4,600 835 House and lot 6,000 836i-Hou oand lot ' . ,400 55 Housoand lot , 6,000 651 House and to ; 8,000 < 0 House and lot 12,000 83 Housoand lot 6,600 IcoldoMCOB for aalo within n milo clrcloof 1'oatoilico and outaido of Half Milo. No 830 lUuso and lot { 2,800 07 Homo and 3 lots 6,000 88 House and lot 8,600 33 Huuuoand lot 8,000 SO House and lot 2,600 31 House and lot 2OM ! 00 Houkoand lot. . . . . 2,100 -Homo and lot 1,700 16 llou o and lot 2,200 70 Housoaud lot ,600 808 House and lot. . . . . ,660 09 House and lot < 8,000 BOfll House and lot , 2,000 75 House and lot 2,800 86 Hounaand lot , , 3,800 03 House and 2 lta 3.COC 204Houso and lot 1,700 278-Houto and lot 2WC i83 . .House and lot 4,000 23 Houio mil lot 2. ( < 00 .IVltosulfnoo Iota In all parts of the city and oil jKldlthm.Acro property mar the city. Prices acd ermitseult. THE CHEAPEST PLAGE US UMAHA TO BUY One of the Boat and largos ! ; Stocks in'tlio United States to select from. NO STAIRS 'TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER 1ELEVATOK , THAT IS THE NAME OF TH3TTOWN WHERE FOR ALL ARE They Can Enjoy Pure And nil o tlio good end pleusaul things that f go to make up a com plete and happy existence. The town of South Omnhn it tiiuntcd south o the city 'o Omaha on the line of the U. P. Railway , nud it is less than 2i nuloa from the Omuhn post oflico to the north line c i the town site. South Omaha is nearly "H miles north nnd south by 2) east and westjiuid covers on area of nearly four square miles , The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit Nearly 150 lots have boon sold And the domaud is on the incrcaeo The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion. The # 60,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. The $30,000 "Water Works are finished and furnish an abundant supply of PURE SPRING WATER. The B. & M. and Belt Line Railways have a largo force of men at work and will , in connection with the U. P. Railway , have a union depot1 near the park at the north oud of the town. Suitable grounds will bo furnished for Church and School purposes. Now is the time to buy lots in this growiugtCily. They will never be cheaper than they are to-day. C3PApply at the Company's office , at the Union Stocks Yards. Assistant Secretary. DIAMONDS ! DIAMONDS ! WI ! IIAVP. JtlHTSItKCHlVEI ) A DIIIKCT Illl'OHTATIONIOF Wo are prop n rod o. some Rnro Bar alns. Insnoctlon Invited. C. S. RAYMOND , COB. DOUGLAS AND 15TH ST3 PIANO They Are Without A Rival. AND- AND.ESX3 .ESX3 . IKTOISrES Have boon Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Priz Medals at all the prominent expositions of the World for the Last Fifty Years. And by tieiBjjfjM Living Most Perfect Piano IN- An oxaminntion o these magnificent Pianos is politely requested joforo purcliusingnny other inBtrumont. Goaernl Wflstoni Ropresoutatives. P. 8-Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS BUJHR BROS. , 'and ' ARION PIANOS , and SHONIWGEB OYMBELLA and CLOUGH & WARREN ORGANS.