Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday Morning October 22
B/JIiU Br Curler - . . . . $10.00 per
No. 7 re&rl Btroot , Hour Broadway.
See J. Roltor'a now fall stock of clo tha
J. R. Vaughan is just completing a
§ 500 barn.
The city council will moot in special
Bossiou Saturday evening.
The work has commenced preparatory
to paving North Main street.
Proparationa are being made for put
ting in the Szott street bridge.
Mrs. Berlin is making great improve
ments in her house on Vine street.
Air. and Mrs. Lund on Mills street ,
have boon gladdened by the arrival of anew
now boy.
Peter Hoffman and Rosa E. Nelson ,
both of Carroll , were yesterday given
permit to wed.
The democratic township convention
moots at the court house at 1:30 : o'clock
this afternoon.
The Acme club is to uivo n popcorn
social at the residence of E. D. Jlowo ,
So. 250 First avenue to-morrow evening.
The republicans of Had Oak have
changed the date of their rally to Oat.
28 , in order to take part In the rally hero
Oct. 31.
PorloyHalo , the architect of Barling-
ton , writes that ho will bo here at the
commercial mens' gathering next week
and will make an exhibit.
Tyler Cnmmings has concluded to drop
the typographical art and open here an
agency for the Philadelphia merchant
tailoringhouso of Wannamakor & Brown.
At the Catholic f tstival to bo hold in
Bono's hall Oct. 29th and 30th , a gold-
headed cano is to bo voted to the moat
popular candidate for president Blaine
and Logan.
Mr. Jorman has collected between
§ 500 and $000 of poll taxes in cash , besides -
sides what has boon marked ont. Ho de
posited $100 yesterday , and is still after
the delinquents.
Ror. Dr. McCroary , of Pennsylvania ,
the newly appointed pastor of the Broadway -
way Methodist church is expected to ar
rive this week from the east so as to occupy
cupy the pulpit next Sunday.
Aothor pleasant entertainment was giv
en at the rooms of the Y. M. 0. A. , last
ovoning. Next Tuesday evening a mock
congress is to bo held which promises to
bo. very amusing and interesting.
Mary E. Wells has commenced divorce
proceedings against Harper Wells , to
whom she was married by 'Squire Stone
in 1878. She claims that her husband
deserted her for two years without causo. ,
The republicans are preparing for the
greatest demonstration of the season
Friday , Oct. 31 , and it is oxpootod that .
excursion trains will pour in here more ;
people then over gathered in Council
Bluffs before on any occasion.
Mrs. Olanghossy , who lives south of
the Wabash depot , died yesterday of
cholera morbus. She loaves two daugh
ters , Sarah and Lizzie. The funeral will
be held this afternoon from the Catholic
The Ancient Order of Hibernians are
preparing for a grand ball at the masonic
hall to-morrow ovoning. A gold-headed
ebony cano is to bo voted to the most
popular candidate for concrcss in this dis
trict Lyman or Pusoy. The votes will
bo 10 cents each.
A number of have
property-owners ap
pealed from 'the. award of the jury in the .
matter of the condemnation for the right
of way of Indian crook. Among them
aroThomas Smith , Martin Hughes , Nathaniel
thaniel Woston. Mary Murphy , Sarah J.
Dunn and Ruth 0. Gardner , ;
Among the causes assigned for having
water works in Council Bluffi was the
assurance of insurance men that rates
would bo reduced. The water-works are
in , giving osoolbnt fire protection , but
whore , oh where , is the promised reduc
tion of inrnranco rates ?
There was a full house to hoar Hon
John Van Valkonburg last evening , an'd
the crowd was as enthusiastic ns any soon
here in many a day. As n spoaVor he
has few superiors in this campaign , and
the republicans gained by getting him to
address the voters of Council Blulls.
Says the mayor of Manning to the
mayor of Council Blulft , "how do you
manage to let saloons run , and maku
them pay license , under n prohibitory
law , while Manning'a saloons will pay no
revenue ? " The Council Blufl'js mayor
has sent him a copy of the celebrated
"pop" ordinance.
Van Valkonborgh is a happy , jolly ,
fascinating talker , and though neither
ornate in diction nor rhetorical in display ,
ho posscKsos a rugged eloquence which
commands the attention of his audience ) .
In a Pickwickian way ho shuts his OJCB ,
throws open his throttle and blazes awaj
at random , hittiug something every
mo. Slianandnxh Roportor.
The roller ekuto mn tly in favor seems
to bo the ono with 2.V inch brats lined
vrhcal * , the largest in u o. H. D Millar.
JOCO Fourth avunue , Council Biull't is
the > rostorn agent for theeo ekatcH , and i
having an immense Bucctaa in Bulling the
fiamo , Ilo carries a largo and well &
n < rt < > d etjok of club , hair club and strap
Hit ; Illuzii at Toronto.
TOKO.VW. October 2' ' , Thi jnatoflico
t'j ; ri-li | tffice , a 1 otnl , Imll , ind ton ttorea
viu.o Lurcuj to-day. J oia not known.
Council HIuIts Fire 1'rotcollon not a
Fcofolo as the Ofllclnl Organ
Icicrll > o8 ,
The tiny globular , whoso only claim o
distinction is that , as the only democrat !
paper in the city , it was nocossaril
chosen by the democratic council as th
official organ , has stirred up the animal
by a oonsational article , claiming tha
Council Blulls is only a fire trap , and has
no protection from big blazes , This calli
forth an article from an insurance paper ,
The Investigator , and it says :
"A Council Blulfs , Iowa , paper prints
on article headed "What shall wo do t (
bo Saved , " nnd goes on under this cap
lion to describe the condition of the cit ;
relative to fire protection. It is a vor ,
good illustration of the laxness of man.
another city and is threatened with a fat
which has overtaken town after town bo
fora it. The article in question gives
harrowing account of the dodcloncios o
the fire alarm , the hose and the appara
tus carts , trucks , otc. Of the former i
says :
The present fire alarm is not roliabl
and when an alarm is sounded there i
no tolling in what part of the city a fir
is in progress. Most of the boys are o
the opinion that no fire alarm would b
much bettor than the present affair. I
It is out of working order fully ono hal
the time , and the other half of the al
arms this year have been occasioned by
wires being crossed or while it is being
"Truly on interesting condition of af >
fairs in a growing city of 25,000 inhabl
tauts. The hose is in an equally deplorable
able state , scarcely a fire taking place
but that two or moi'o sections burst
'Rattle traps' are declared to bo proper
turms to apply to the apparatus which
ouQht to bo replaced with now and re
liable rolling stock. So far the screed
upon the department's equipment has
done its duty. But it stops short of the
most important deficiency in Council
Bluffs' fire protoctlon. The city Is rely
Ing wholly on direct pressure
for water supply. What will
it do trith its steamers solder
or out of service when the pressure falls
in the midst of a big firo. The town
never committed a more ogrogrious folly
than when in the prldo of its now water
works it decided that it had no further
use for steam fire engines. Neither
Chief Walters nor his excellent depart
ment can work miracles and the city may
bo forced into action on the subject in a
way totally different from what it now
expects. When the spring time comes
gentle reader , wo shall toll you about It.
Harry Birkinblno , the engineer of the
waterworks , has called attention of the
authorities of the way in which Council
Bluffs' Interests iras being injured by its
own official organ , and thus has called
forth tho'following letters :
Council Bluffs , la. , Oct. 21 , ' 84. J
Harry Birkinblno , Council Bluffs ,
[ own : Dear sir Your favor of yesterday
iccomnaniod by a copy of "Tho Investi
gator , was handed to mo while presid
ing at a mooting of the city council. You
un imagine my feelings when I road the
irtiolo entitled "Firo protection of Coun
cil Bluffs , Iowa. " I thought the matter
D sufficient importance , to road it in
spoil council , and the members at once
passed a resolution , authorizing the dif
ferent officers of the city to furnish
proofs that would fully contradict this
unwarranted and damning article. In
my inaugural address delivered the 17th
of last March , I loft no doubt as to my
oxaltcd opinion of the water works.
Reiteration , however , may do no harm.
believe the fact is generally admitted
hat this city has the best system of
rotor works in the west , and ono which
urnishoa ample fire protection. I have '
risitod cities and towns supplied from
.ho Missouri river , and Council Bluffs Is
ho only ono that is supplied with clear
rater. In all other cities the water fur :
lishod is muddy. ;
Chief Walters , of the fire department , ;
nakoa the following report to mo this
nornlng :
"Wo keep two steam fire engines in
irdor , for points not reached by the
nains of the water company.
"Wo have two hose reels and ono
ragon carrying 2,000 foot of sorvicablo :
Wo also have ono hook and ladder
ruck fully equipped. The commlttoo on
ire of the city council have ordered 1000
bet of now hose and a now hose wagon
iO carry the same. A patrol wagon will
icon bo ready for uso. [
The department is operated by twenty-
our paid men and seven horaos. The
ire alarm is not the best , but works
juito well and the fire committee are nd-
iing to and improving it from time to
.imo. Tim total lees from fire this year
ma not reached $15,000 and every loss
TOO fully covered by insurance. "
In fact there are but few cities of 33- :
)00 inhabitants that can boast of a bettor
ire department than oura. Each ono of
h two hundred fire hydrants in the city
ire as effective In time of fire as a
itoam Gro engine. The pumping appa
ratus that supplies the city consists of
two sots of compound duplex pumping
ingines , each sot bci g capable of de
livering throe million five hundred thou
sand gallons of water into the storage
reservoir every day There are two cen
trifugal pumps , each propelled by a high
speed steam engine. Iheso pumps have
each a capacity of delivering fifteen
thousand gallons per minute into the
subsiding reservoir , making the total 5
pumping capacity of our water works
forty-nine million gallons per day ,
Ihu fire protoctlon house con
tains the valves that are
closed in time of fire , thus
shutting ofl the reservoir aud allowing
'ho power of the pumping apparatus to
bo brought directly to bear upon the entire -
tire piu | ) system. This apparatus is con
trolled from the central police station , 2
The most surprising fact is that the
valves can bo changed in ono iniuutn by
the nflicor on duty simply turning two
small hand wheels. The power used to
perform the wnrk being nomproeecd air.
Of course you know nil oi this , but I
mention it to you oillolally that you may
publish this lettur if you wish.
Respectfully ,
[ Signed ] W H. VAUOHAN , Mayor. f
( touNCiLBujFPrilowA , October 20i88l
J S. litoomiiiKBton Esq. , editor "The
Investigator , " Chicago Ills. My dear
sir. My attention has been called to an
aitlclo entitled "Firo protection of Oouu-
ril Bluffs Iowa" in the issue of the "In-
vcstlgator" of the 18ih instant which
I can but feel does oninjustice , not only
to the city , but to the company thnt con-
ati'ulod tbia eyatoip of Water Works.
As my f-Uher und myaalf planed and
built this ajatom of water worko , now in
u cutsful operation in this city , ongl-
uvura of 'ho company have undurtaknn
ti answer the patt of the article In
r.'fcronco * o them , and have written
Mayor Yauglian , ns to the con
ditlon of the fire department ,
and herewith enclose a copy of my luttcr
to him and his reply , The following is
a brief description of the Council DlulT
water-works :
The wntor of the 3\Iissouti \ Ilivcr i
pumped int two subsiding reservoirs o
a combined capacity of ton million gnl
loin , 07 two Andrew * ' centrifugal pumps
each capable of discharging fifteen thou
sand (15,000) ( ) gallons per minute. The
water is pumped from the subsiding reservoir
orvoir into a storage reservoir by tw (
Knowlcs compound duplex pumping engines
ginos , each capable of raising throe anc
one-half million ( . ' 1,500,000) ) gallons o
water in twenty hours , The storagf
reservoir has an average elevation of 175
feet above the city , and a capacity of four
million (4,000,000) ( ) gallons.
The Birkinbino fire protcctloi
apparatus Is also connected with
the worke , so that the pressure is
increased in time of fire to 125 pounds to
the square incb. The apparatus is pro
vided with safety valves , to prevent rnp
turo /mains / , and an antomatio _ valve
( so constructed that it is positive in its
action ) that will open , should the pumps
bo stopped from any cause , and the on' '
tire contents of the storage reservoir is al
once available.
The works have twenty-two miles ol
street mains , composed of 30 , 24 , 20 , 12 ,
10 , 8 , 0 and 4. inch pipe , connected with
200 two way fire hydrants. Very re
spectfully ,
( Signed ) llAnnv BIIIKINBINE ,
Chief Jtnglncor.
Gorham , the photographer at 31 Main
treot , is now ready for business.
footing of ( ho Grnnil Kncnrnpmont
Hero Yesterday The Grand
Iiodgo Convenes To-day ,
Yesterday the grand encampment oi
I. 0. 0. F. mot in this city , and by
holding sessions morning , afternoon anc
evening completed this work. There
worn about sovonty-fivo present from different >
foront parts of the stato. Iloports were
received and considered , some res
olutions passed and amendments
to the constitution adopted ,
the following oflicors were installed :
Grand Patriarch D. K. Millard , of
Grand nigh Priest W. J. Moir.
Grand Hcribo Wm. Garrett , of Bloom' '
Grand Treasurer Thos. B. Evans , of
Grand Junior Warden W. F. Mo-
Orary , of Mt. Pleasant.
The grand lodge is to moot this morn
ing at 10 o'clock. The lodge will bo oa
cortod from the Ogden house to the place
of mooting , and all members of uniform
degree camps and all members of the
order present will bo expected to meet at
Odd Fellows' hall at 9 o'clock to join in
the escort. The following are the local
oflicors and committees :
Hon. D. C. Bloomer , president.
Frank Grass , treasurer.
G. H. Jackson , secretary.
Finance committee , G. F. Smith , M.
F. Rohror and John Schlckotanz.
IIall commlttoo , D. 0. Bloomer , Thos.
Bowman , J. W. Porogoy and J. 0.
Printing committee , J. M. Matthews ,
A , J. Mandoll and Edwin Irons.
Hotel committee , S. S. Keller , T. C.
T. Bronnoman , J. Eponoter , and W. G.
Music , Wm. Troynor , Thoo. Beckman ,
Ed. Schickotanz and E. S. Barrott.
To The I'uhllc. )
On the 13th day of October , 1884 ,
Morgan O'Brien , a citizen of this city
nystorlously disappeared from his homo ,
leaving a wife and six children who are
'rantio as to his whereabouts. It is sup-
losod by his many friends that ho has
iranderod in the woods adjacent to this
lty. Ho was an industrious , sober and
oed man to his family. Ho was hurt
lomo time ago by a crash * on the Union
Pacific railway , and it is feared his mind
B affected and that ho has wandered
through the woods. I , therefore , earn
estly request at the solicitation of hia
wife and many friends a hundred
r "more citizens on horseback
ind on foot to report to mo at the build
ing and at 10 o'clock a. m. this 22d day
of October , 1884 , and get a description
jf said U'Briou and assist in hunting him
in the woods adjacent to Council Blufla ,
owa. Ho was soon at Mynstor Bpringn
ibout n week ngo. The tire bolls will
ring at the above hour.
W. 11 VAUGHN , Mayor.
Out ,
To close the business I offer my stock of
niscollanoous books , picture , fansy goods ,
lotions , fire screens , easels , willow nnd
ano high chairs and children's rockers ,
it prices never known before in the west.
El. E. tioaman , paper , books and station-
jry , 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Wheat-No. 1 mllllnR , CO@J5 ( ; No. S , 60 ®
jOjrojocto < M5.
Corn Ijocnl purposoi , 35pHO. (
Onta For local imrpoaoa , a5@-10.
liny 510 00@1200 per ton ; baled , BO@GO
Hyo 40@45o.
Corn Monl 1 BO per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prlcou at yards , G 00@
roo.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; roH
00 per ton
Lard Falrbank'e , wholesaling at OJc.
1'lour City Hour , 100@3 30.
Brooms 2 95@3 00 per dor. .
OalUo Dutrhor cows S 00@3 23. Bntcho
itourf. . , ! OOW4 25.
Shooji 3.50.
Hoga-4 23@-l 05.
puonuoit AKD vnoirtj.
Poultry Llvo old borw , 7oj upring chickens ,
2.r > @ 2 50 per dor.
J'oaclios-J bus. bnr , 1 00.
Luiauua 150 0)5 ) 00 S'flr box.
Uutter Oroamory , 18@iOoj ! choice country
fo.Kegs 10 pot dozen ,
VegotnbloH Potatoes , S0@-10o per buehol ;
jnlonn. 40@DOc per buj applflfl , clieii-o cooking
3t outiiiff , 2 50 ; bosun , 1 752 50 per
bushel ; Sweet uotntoos , 4 00 wr bbl ,
Wrought. lion ruugoa at reduced prices
t DoVol it Wrlcht's. & 04 Broadway.
Dr , "W. H. Sherradon
Masonic Temple ,
Council Bluffs Iowa.
. O. 0.
Fall Good
? Ilks , Press Goods & Movelties
is very complete in variety and excellence o goods.
Plushes Velvets
Oloakings , , ,
Eider , Down and Jersey Clot-h ,
Tambour , Turcoman ,
Curtain Goods , Window Shades , Etc , , Etc ,
Oil Cloth , Rugs , Mattings4 Mats , Etc. , Etc.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , 'Iowa :
Special Bargains In Wall
In order to make room for an immense stock of Spring Goods , I have decided to
fTtir all goods now in stock , at prices never before quoted in this city.
GEO. B. BEARD , No. 32 Main Street , next to P. 0.
. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , COUNCILBLUFFS
t 5. el.
Having opened in a now store I invite the inspection of ladies.
IKS. S. J. NORRIS , 230 Broadway , . . . Council Bluffe
Manager. Assistant. Secretary.
[ louncii Bluffs Detective Association
Vlll do all klntis or dctccllvo work for UaukB , Expra u , Toleicrtiih an I Hallway oou > panlo , Merchants ,
ImufactorlcB , Corporal Ions. Put Ilo and Pilv ate Institutions and District Attornoya. Stolen pronorty re-
ovorid Collections made , lllosluu Irlends foima. Divorcus pnoureJ. $ il)0 ) reward oflored for the arrest
ml conviction of nny person nt persona fraudulently reuroaantlnj this Association. All communications
trlotlyoonliacntlal. Olllce : Maeoulo lomulo Council BlulU Iowa. 1' . O. Box 1233.
nd 344 P roadway. BT.UKF3 TOW A
NTaves , Switches , Whatnots , Langl/y aud Pompadour
Cutting and Fitting a Specialty.
' . ' 30 IIKOAUWAY
Justice of the Peace.
Omaha and Oonnoll BluffV.
citato oollectton agonoy , Odd Fellowa Itlook
E , Eice M. D.
' c " tumors removed \rltboatth
knlfo or drawing o blood.
Over hlrty years practical ei No.
I'oirl trect. Council liluOl
jarConoulUlloa tree
( n il dill , a y.
J. 7. FULLER ,
Commission Merchant
IVatl btrcvt Council Blulls , loua.
H.H. HOENE < § G 00. ,
Wo make n specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA and
YARA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by us nro of our own manufacture and warranted
aa represented.
OPERA HOUSE 01GAII HOUSE , I 652 Broadway , "
Boots , Shoes and Rubbers
All new and clean. LOWEST PIUCHS and shown In PLAIN FIGURES. Solid coals. No
shoddy. All work warranted. Wo are bound topct acquainted , It goods and prlcel
will do It. No trouble to show Roods. 1I&11 orders solicited , flood ) sent to k
parts 0. O. D. subject to approval. Call and look over our stock at
Boston Boot and Shoe tore.
417 Broadwny , Council Bluffe. E. B. ADAMS & CO.
Fall Goods -Ready. Suits Made to Order in Lntesb Style
en bhort Notice and a Reusonnle Prices.
205 Main Street.
0,000 Klcctrlo Bolta fold for too Month of Sept , by us.
References Any of the business houses In Council Bluffs. JHDD & SMITH Proprietors.
Saloarooma 319 , Broadway. Manufactory 30. Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS-
Keep Horsea and Mules constantly on hand which
wo will soil in retail or wholesale lots.
All Stock Warranted as Represented.
Wlioloiftlo nnd retail dealers in Grain und Baled Hav. Trices ten
eunable. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Corner Fifth Ave. & 4th St. , Council Bluffs.
SMITH & TOLLER , Agts. ,
7 and 9 Main street ,
A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Selecc From.
In Iowa and Nebraska , and sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Conncll
Bluffs , Iowa.
COST until all 1 Furnishing oro.dlsposcd Goods of. and Notions at } MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Manufacturer ,
urtnlnn , In Lace , ci'H , Turcoman , Etc. ] OlTclothB , Mattings. LinoleumsBto
hoicest and Best Selected STQOK in tha WEST ,
Dmo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our line.
hoapcst place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the
City. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies.
Mail Orders Filled PrompblyCardane
201 Tipper Broadway Cor. Stutsman St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS.
Orders in the city or country solicited. Prompt attention nnd satisfaction
Guaranteed. Plans rmd specifications furnished free.
Both new and second hand , ranging in prices from $3.50 to
$25 each. Take advantage and call early to obtain
the beat bargains. I am making a big reduction in
HL KT 31 " 3 ? TJ IFt-IE
Aa I need the room to display my stock of stoics.
Council Blufls > Iowa-
FAetalic Caskets and Wooden Coffins of al ! Kinds.
3XTo. 3.2 3XT. OVTiviaa. S3t. . C2ov.33.oil
W. P. jftliYSWORTH.
Prune House" ) mcncd on tha LITTLE QIANT trucks mil nuy | Jlst neo [ imlJJJver > njr kinti oi ground
IWIOK HOUSES raised. All work guaranteed AYtSWOIlTO , 1010 Nlnthtroet. :
Endorsed by FIUNI IJSZT ,
Unrivalled or Tone or Flnlehi
Be t Modern Price to Buy.
The Kimball Organ , o long and favorably known In the weit , Mwrnmenda Itsalf ,
STKWART. Sola Agent for above llnea of Goods. WarertomajI329 "Bra
lilulls Curreapondeuco Solicited , Ageata