Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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Democrats in Linovilli Banners
and Torches.
Dslogatos from Various Nebraska
Towns and Villages ,
AnKnthunlnstloMcotlnc with lions.
Popliloton , KcntlovulHl Miller
If the republican parade nnd rally of
last Thursday evening was the grandest
political demonstration ever soon in
Omaha up to that time , it was pimply
the glory of a fleeting hour. The demo-
crata of this part of the ctato , mortified
nt the magnitude of bit Thursday qvc-
ning'a procession , endeavored las
nigho to surpass it , not only in number
but also In brilliancy , and their effort
wore crowned with sltcnal success. Th
continuous tramp of horsemen am
shouts of the people , long before the
procession had formed into line , for
shidowod the coming of the greatest po
litical event ever witnessed by the citizens
zons of the Gate city.
At 8 o'clock sharp the procession was
put under marching orders at the head
-i. quarters of the central Cleveland ant
- . Hondrioks club on Fourteenth nnd Har
noy streets. The line was hoadcd by the
Musical Union band , followed by the
company of Old Veterans , with Mat !
Claire nnd John A.Croighton as captains ,
lu this company , ono hundred atroug ,
could bo aeon many of the old-timo dem
ocrats ot this county , prominent among
whom were Samuel J. Howell , John I.
Redick , Doctor Link , James JMogarth ,
William Snowden , Col , Miller , Dr. Goo.
L. Miller and many others.
Next came the Central club captained
by James Oreighton , ita president. There
were about 400 in
this company all wearIng -
Ing rod caps and capos. The numbers of
this detachment were considerably in
creased by putting in those who belonged
to no club or had no place in the pro
A part of the Ff th word club number
I. ing about fifty followed the Central club
and under the command of J. E. Oorby.
Next in the order of the procession
was the Blue Caps or the Young Men's
Democratic club headed by the Sullivan
drum corps. This company was eighty
in numbers and presented a splendid ap
pearance. It was commanded by J. J ,
Galligan , assisted by Messrs. Monyhan
nnd Curtin. All were blue caps and
cjpos and their style of march and manly
bearing maJo them the lions of the
Next came thd A 0. H. band , follow
ed by the Irish American club 300strong. ]
This detachment was commanded by C.
V. Gallagher with Phil McShano nnd
Pat Ford as aasistants. The whole com
pany were red caps and capes and carried
The Bohemian band protected the rear
of the Irish Americans and was followed
by the Gorman club of the city about 200
strong. This company was under the
command of Phillip Anareos and Julius
The delegation from Council Bluffs waa
next , numbering 450. This detachment
was led by the Bavarian band , followed
by the Council Bluffs escort club of 54
mcmbern. This company were white
waist coats and red and white caps nnd
created n fine impression among the by
Then came the Council Bluffs Cleveland -
land and Hendricks club marching to the
muaic of the band from that city. This
whole detachment was captained by
Wells Cook , president of the city club ,
with J. W. Poregoy and Pat Lacy , as
sistants. The Blair club followed seven
ty-five strong , headed by the baud from
that city , with Chris. Rathman , presi
dent , as captain.
The Nail Works company came next. .
Those men all carried broomss symbol
ical of their intention to sweep the coun
try , und many were red caps and capos.
This company of ICO men was under the
command of H. P. Haya and John
The Danish club , 150 strong , captained
by Charles Raimuesen , president of the
club , was followed by the North Omaha
sewer gong , eighty-five ia number , under
fho command of R T. Shannon , with Will
Ryan as assistant. Theao mon all carried ;
shovels and gave vent to their patriotism
in frequent cheers for the democratic
The Water Works gang of thirty-fivo
mon commanded by Walter \ValIaco was
protected from behind by the Sixth
wardj club 100 strong with its martial
band and captained by J. H. Winspoar ;
Bray ton's carpenter company of twenty
mon came next. Thoeo artisans all
carried eaws from n sash swung ever
their shoulders , and torches and was
commanded by F B Bray ton.
The Fremont Cleveland and Hondricks
club brought up iho roar of Brayton'a
company nnd numbered 170 mon. This
detachment was under John Shorvin ;
and was led by the Herald drum corps of '
that city. The men were blue capes and
red caps and added much to the
dignity and appearance of the procession of
The Papillion company oimo next in
line numbering CO members with Charlea
Bohrondt as captain. All were sashes of
the national colors , and rod caps.
The Plattsmouth club followed the Pa-
pillion company under ita captain J. S
Farthing , and composed of 200 mon.
The U. P. band , next , headed the
young men's cavalry club 200 strong.
These men were all mounted on fine
horses and were bright uniforms , commanded
mandod by Messrs. Darrow , Keller ,
Newell and Lowo.
Jefferson precinct with fifty horsemen
and Captain Stratman's Sixth ward caval
ry cquad of eighty-five were next In the
The cavalry battalion of upwards of
300 horsomod commanded by Thomas
Swift followed the Stratmau'a squad. of
This company was made up from all parts
of Douglas county and the appearance of a
email army. The mounted battalions
were all under the command of Mr.
Swift who managed thorn with the pro
ctulon of an old time cavalry ruider.
The boilermakers came next , followed
by about 40 wheel scrapers ,
The whole procession was ended by as
the switchmen riding on a wagon with a
headlight on each end nnd drawn by four
The procession followed the line oi
march as published and broke ranks in
front of the central clnb headquarters
whoio add r eases of the evening wore to
Jbu made.
The meoling wns called to order by
Jamca Orvighton , who said the gathering
was one to show their strength. Flo flier
thanked the visiting delegations for tbeii
attendance and introduced
whoeaid ; Fellow democrat , it has been
many years ninco I have appeared before
the people of Omaha to make a public
speech , Ho was forced in looking ever
the parade to ono of two conclusions ,
either that the population of Nebraska
had increased wonderfully fast , or doino *
crate had become wonderfully plenty. Ho
was forced to the latter conclusion. It
has boon often said the democratic party
dead , but every four years It came up
for victory and now this time It would
have it. The republican pirly is the
outgrowth of slavery , nud was soon tilled
up with spoils hunters , who squandered
the results of the people's lojclty. lu
18G5 nud 13GG the niisaou of the ropubli-
cm party was ended. It encompassed in
187 ( > the rape of the presidency and now
sucits to perpetuate in the election of
Blnino. Its orators on the stump declare
that a fair election cannot bo hold , nnd
only lost last Tuesday in the name of
our government 2,400 men to guard the
polla in Cincinnati. The object of the
3ntiro legislation of the republican party
lias been always to the advantage of ono
man or n sot of men. When a party
gives to 0110 oot of mun immunities or
righto which another cannot have , you
will have to ralro hell for worsp logisl.v
ion. There is no future for this govern-
noiit except in a return o the old time
simplicity of the administration of Jof-
'orson and such presidents.
It has bcou said for years that when
.ho democrats came into power they
vould pay off the confederate debts , but
3laino ia the ftrat and only man who over
undo a proposition of that kind. When
ho was secretary of etato ho had the op
portunity to unshackle the fetters of
riah patriots lying In English dungeon ,
jut ho never did it. In conclusion ho
Mould say every citizen is interested lu
; oed government nnd our forefathers be
queathed to us civil liberty , subordinate
, o military authority. Ho felt that Now
fork and Indiana were aafo and if Moron -
, on is elected governor and Montgomery
attorney general they would reclaim not
only what has boon stolen , but would
also recover the plunder in the hands of
, ho robbers.
The uoxt speaker was.
Ho had came over to play the return
; amoof ] base ball. Ho had began to fool
.hero iroro no issues , but simply a
hoico between the patriot governor of
Now York and the champion bloody
hirtist in the United States. Ho had
icard stormy appeals made to the labor-
ng classes , but men should bo judged by
what they do , not what they say. Bliino
md built a residence in Washington
entlng for § 13,000 , and had said in sot-
ling its cost that no mechanic was worth
moro than § 2.00 per day and a laborer
SI. 00. When the 4th of November
omes Iowa , which has boon called the
Vermont of the west , will bo the Kon-
; ucky of the Missouri rivor. That state
will not allow colored deputy marshals to
hoot down her voters , The waters of
, ho Wabash will then bo taken to cleanse
ho White House , the senate chamber
and the supreme court room of their cor-
DU. oEouar. L , MILLKII ,
who next spoke , said it is now a qucs-
ion in a republican government whether
or not the people the sovereigns have the
ight to chancre its administration The
irao in not far distant -nhen if the fed-
ral invasion does not ceaao this great
and good government will go down in
haos. A statute was piusod in Grant's
administration allowing marshals to act
as guards at the election. John T. Hoff
man , governor of Now York , once said
o the loderal authorities if they Crod a
gun on the state authorities during the
election in that state ho would blow
horn and their minions into the sea. If
other states had such governors
no danger would follow from fed
eral authorities. Blaiuo as speak
er of the house never made an
lonest ruling in his llfo when a job
was at the bottom of it. The Union Paci-
le road knows what it costs to buy Blaine
o the extent of § 04,000. That corpora-
ion has bought and sold him fifty times ,
n conclusion ho would say he wanted
he democrats of Douglas county to bury
Weaver so deep on the 4th of November
.hat ho would never bo hoard of moro. ;
ho last speaker of the evening , told at
omo length the result of his canvass
hrouph ; the First district , prophesying a
victory for Brown in Novombor.
The old-timo custom'of expressing po-
ttical maxims , party watch-words , otc , ,
ras not in this case neglected and the
rausparoncies and banners throughout
ho procoaoion were numerous.
The veteran Andy Jucksonians appro ,
priately carried the autiquatod and im-
nortal , "Wo are for llaform. " The re
verse of this banner bore the patriotic a
jernmu inscription , ' "Gob. hoim und
iagt dein mudor sio vollon nich. " .
The Firat ward displayed portraits of
ho candidates , and remarked among
othur thinga , ' 'Vindicated at homo by of
L92.000 majority , " referring to Clovo-
imd'a election to the governorship of
jtfuw York. Speaking prophetically and
with heroic truthfulness , this organizi-
ion also cried , "No moro salary grab ;
ring for us. " to
The Fifth ward , exhuming the alaugh a
orod McSwoenoy libel , said , "Blaino re- of
'used to help imprisoned Americans
abroad. " A whole platoon was detailed
carry a monster transparency , chltfly
pictorial design.
The "Bluo Cap" Cleveland club car
ried a big water spout gun at its head , an
unintentional reflection on Cleveland's
alleged private lifo.
The Irish club whoso presence , in the
memories of Nels n and Wellington ,
Waterloo , the Peninsular , the terribly
gallant charges at Fredericksburg and oy
countless fields of Irish glory ia always
inspiriting , bore many illuminated ban to
ners in their long columns. "A vote for
Weaver is a vote for corporation , " was
the most prominent legend and ono that
might moot moro general favor than any
The German Cleveland and Hondricks
club comprising many most excellent
citizens wore also well provided. Ono
banner stigmatising the exclusive conduct
the republican state convention , road ,
"No German need apply "
Council Bluffr by reciprocity had a
largo representation and many banners ,
chiefly devoted to references to the fab
ulous Elaine-Fisher atorioB.
The Nail Works rnon sustained "Mor
ton for Governor. "
The Sixth ward indulged in puns , aucli of
, "Blaino'a magnetism may draw money
but no votes. " Then seriously nnd correctly
roctly shouting , this delegation proclaimed
od "Charles fl. Brown , the people's
man. "
The public works brigade carried , for
torches and binnera , their spadoa , nf
ouco the insignia and practical accompa
nimonta of their vocation. to
Fremont in its ample rauka displayot
such words as "a public cifh'co is a public
trust , " "Money don't buy American
Freemen , " and then a list of candidntns
heading cho role with the honored and
respected Judge Beneto ,
Papilllon loyally adbwed to "Morton
our next governor " „ of
Plattsmouth , attacking Blaino's record
as secretary of state , remarked , "Blaino's
foreign policy is to Icavo Americans in
English prisons. "
The young men's Cleveland club , all
mounted , although without banners , re-
fleeted in their frank , youthful faces
tholrntaunch and dyspeptic adherence to
the democratic nominee ,
The ' 'Grey ' llorso" brigade loft their
political expression to their handsome
The Washington county delegation
supported "Morton for governor , and
tendered the poubllo the good advice ,
"Everybody vole for Godwin. "
The Omaha switchmen occupied a
wagon and illuminated with a big loco-
motlvo headlight , also proclaiming their
solidity for Cleveland.
Williams' grading outfit drove their
plows and scrapers with the pronounced
and bloody purpose of "digging republi
can graves. "
The roar , brought up by n private
vehicle under command of the opened
eoulcd gentleman , Mr. Charlie Good
rich , showered pyrotechnic glories in the
great pageant's train *
mi : rnocKsmox AS ir WAS.
The marching column was commanded
> y Hon. Wm. Paxton as marshal of the
day and J. E. Riley as field marshal ,
Che30 gentlemen woio assisted by a corps
of competent aides , all of whom helped
materially to give to the procession that
appearance of military precision which
ho columns of Thursday night were semi
mi oh wanting. The numbers in pro
cession surpassed the expectations of the
nest sanguine , and many days will pass
> oforo Omaha will again witness ouoh a
I'ostoflloo CliniiKca.
in Nebraska nnd Iowa during the week
ending October 13 , 1884 , furnished by
Wm. Van Vlock , of the post oflico de
partment :
Established Adrian , Brown county ,
Robt. H. Oloptou , P. M. ; Boomer , Cum-
ing county , Allen J. Fewer , P. M. ; Elders -
dors , Brown county , Mary A. Rogers , P.
M. ; Nunda , Loup county , Mm. Adda
Marstora , P. M. ; Somerset , Frontier
county , Gilbert L. Barr , P. M.
Postmaster Appointed Poach Grove ,
Sarpy county , Robt A. Rishol.
Discontinued Berne , \ \ cbstor county ,
Established Marsh , Louisa county ,
Mcsos Chilson , P. M.
tfAllBKRT In this city , October 20 , at 5 p.
in. , nt Clio Central hospital , Frederick Far-
bert , aged 23 years a nephew of Fred
Funeral takes place Thursday at 2:30 : p. > n.
rom Drexel & Maul's undertaking rooms.
friends invited. Interment at Prospect Hill
MUKPHY In this city , Oct. 20 , at 8 o'clock
P. M. William Murphy , aged 35 years.
His remains were taken to McCarthy &
Uurko's undertaking rooms , embalmed and
shipped to St. Louis , Mo. , for interment.
Suicide ol'n. Atimlrrcr.
CHICAGO. October 21. The Journal's
special from Vircqua , WIs. , pays that John
lluschka , a German farmer , who murdered
his aged \\ifo on Friday , was found in the
woods yesterday , In his night clothes , nearly
rozen to death and n raving maniac. Ho
was placed in jail , and when nppaiently
rational , was told of hU crime. During the
night ho committed suicide by hanging himj
sou. _ _ _
A Sexton's Pistol.
CHICAGO , October 21. William Jordan , the
watchman at Oakowood cemetery , was found
dead in the cemetery chapel , from a bullet
wound in his head , this morning. The imp ;
position is that hia death was accidental , from
lis revolver dropping out of his pocket and
jeing dischaigod.
A Pootolllco Uiirlari/.ert.
SruiNoriCLD , Mo. , October 21 , The North
Jprinlield postollico was burglaiiied last
night. Otera thousand letters were taken ,
ether with a small amount of money and
Man and "Woman Iiyncliod.
ATLANTA , Go. , Octoqor 21r In Central Al-
vbamaim , lust night Mri. .Tano Ward and J.
I. Dorsey , a wealthy citizen of Chattanooga
county , accused of complicity in the recent
mudcr of Mrs. Mary .11. Dlvifl , were taken
out of jail and lynched.
WATKHTOWN , N , Y. , October 21. The Car
hargo Drowns the most disastrous that ever
occurcd in this part of the tate. It began In
row of manufacturing buildings on the west
side of Black river. Heavy winds blow the
sparks half a mile across the rivtr to Ton lii' '
and , iilled with manufacturing institutions *
Bverythlngon the island burned , ui.d seventy-
live acres of tlio resident part ol the town was
sweptclcan'of buildups , and this the oldest part
town , which contained bountiful residences
3ne hundred and sixty dwelling * were burned
DQcidoa manufacturing institutions , churches ,
the town hall and all school buildings. The
liio spread so rapidly that but few household
oida could bo Bavud , The lira department
Watcrtowu , lioonvillo and Utlc-iroepondod
calls for hnlp , hut the fire would appear In
dozen placed ut once , and the cngiuL'S wcru
little avail. At ono tlma a hunuiod dwell
ing houses were on file. The people worked
several hours to save property , but at lost bo-
canio stricken , and all last night hundreds
were roaming tlio streets or lying in upota
wboro the fire had not touched.
Everv p'aco ' of shelter In the villaga
was filled with womonjand children. Alaigo
number of pcoplo were brought hero , where
there were friends to caio for theai. I tils im-
podbiblo to ilcsciibo the SCCIICH , Strong mo a
wept , women and children cried , nt , they
know that all they possessed had been con
sumed. Many are thrown out of employment
and must suffer unless aid is rendered. Mon-
can bo sent to Allen C , Kellby and C , 1' ,
Hither of Carthage , who can bo safely trusted A
look after the wants of the peoplo. No li
lives were lout. The loss will bo over lin
half a million. The insurance will liC
not reach ono third of that amount , C I
For Rent. Piano , cheap. Inquire of A
Edholm & Erickson . postoflico.
, "rl" * '
s22 tf
Fou RENT. Second floor and part ol 3
first , suitable fur wholesale. Enquire at 2
1207 Furnam street. 17-tf 3
leu AND COAL aljienzon &Ero.m 1
Kailroml Gonatruutlon During the
Washington National Tribune.
The returns for the first nine months
thu year show'a a great falling off in
railroad construction , us compared with
former yiars. But 2r > fi3 miluo were
built , as against 4 244 in the correspond
ing period of 1883 , and 8,075 miles in
1882 This decrcusu is not an unhealthy
sign , bat rathnr the rovorso. 1'ho coun
try is overbuilt. Millions have boon put
into railroads that will not pay for years
como , and it was folly to build them
until the business they could do would
como nearer earning a nusonablo inter
cat upon their cost , As a result stool
rails have fallen to the unprecedented
low nrico of 27 a ton and innni-y is ab 23
surdly cheap In Now York. Many think
with reason , that this points to a now era
active railroad bnilding. At
Tiie Democrats Nominate Part of Tteir
flctot and Adjonrn ,
MoShnnoinml Slot/ for the .Hcimto I
Itnanmusson unit Olurk for
the House ,
Tlio democratic county convention mot
at 0 p m. yesterday in the headquarters of
the control Cleveland and lloudrlck.s
club on Ilnrnoy between lllthnnd 14th sts
to nut lu nomination candidatesoncounlj
nnd legislative tickets for the coming
November election.
The convention was called to order bj
John A. MoShano , Esq. , chairman of the
democratic county central committee ,
who read the call.
Charlea Ogdcn wno elected temporary
chairman , and responded with a short
speech , remarking thaV'thoro never Van
a time in the history of Douglas county
when the domootatio party looked for
ward with suoh great hopes of success ,
continuing that It behooved the party to
bo judicious in its election of candidates ,
Jerome Pontstsl was chosen secretary
of the convention. On motion a committee -
too on credentials consisting of George
Timmo , Julius Meyer , John Toner. Thos
Casey , and D. P.Augoll wore appointed
by the chair.
A recess of ton minutes was taken to
allow the commltto to make Its report.
The committed on credentials reported
the following delegates entitled to seats
! n the convention :
First ward Wm. Spaulding , Wm.
Neve , Thos. Casey , Chos. Kaufman , P.
Desmond , A. Foil , D. Guild.
Second ward R. O'Koofo , Louis Hcim-
rod , John Mahoney , Jas. JI. Peabody ,
Ohas. RasaiuuBsen , T. J. Fitzmorris ,
Lewis Shroedor by T. F. Morlarity.
Third word Julius Meyer , Patrick
Ford , Aug. Weiss , John Wuothorloh ,
Patrick Gilligan , George Grillin , Joseph
Fourth Word W. A. L. Gibbon , A. E.
Coggoshall , Peter Gees , Jerome 0. Pont-
zel , John A. McShnno by Charles Ogden ,
J. J. Golllgan , 0. S. Goodrich.
Fifth Ward A. Burmoistor , James
Douglas , T. Falconer , Gun. Carey , Dick
Burdish , Robert Crarin , T. Daily.
Sixth Ward J. H. Winupear , 0. F.
Williams , Goo. Kinney , P. O'Malloy , IT.
J. Asinuson , D. P. Angell , F. B. Bray-
Chicago J. H. Quin , J. C. Hooves ,
B. Biorbach.
Douglas John Bagloy , John Toner ,
S. R. Krigbautn.
Waterloo J. R. Watts , J. B. Nichols ,
L. W. Donton.
McArdlo John McArdlo , James Mc-
Garvoy , Frank McArdlo.
Millard S. Cotnor , Julius Schroder ,
Charles Stritznor.
Elkhorn George E. Philips , James
W. Moore , George M. Droxcl.
Sarataga J. D. Rustin , George Mac
kenzie , Lessontoiu.
Vnlloy J. W. Agoo , Sam Vanayoo ,
A. E Agoo.
Jefferson Richard Merrill , Fred
Cronuomoyor and George Timmo.
Florence F. M. King , George Mo
Kenny , V. W. Smith.
Union William Loncgren and George
West Omaha JnmeBjjnBoyd , Cyrus
Morton , D. 0. Sutphon.
The temporary organization was then
unanimously made permanent.
On motion of P. Desmond George
Timmo for county commissioner wan
nominated by acclamation. The nomi
nee then came forward and promised to
faithfully carry out his trust.
P. Desmond and W. H. Spaulding
were then appointed tellers by the chair.
On motion of 0. E. Goodrich J. J.
Points was nominated by acclamation for
county judge. Points being called for
and ] not appearing a committee of ono.
Thomas Falconer , was appointed to wait
upon Mr. Points and loam whether or
not ho wonld accept.
The nomination for county coroner
coming next , the names of Dr. McKenna
na , John Droxol.J. I1. Moriarlty , Charles
Riowo were placed before the convon <
The fiast ballot , an informal ono , resulted
sultod Drexel 40 , McKcnna.l , Morlarity
20 ' , Riowo 11.
Mr. Drexel was here nominated by no
clamation , and declared the nominee ol
the convention by the chair when it was
perceived that the informal ballot con
tained two raoro votes than were seats in
that body. After a short wrangle among
the friends of the various candidates , they
all , with the exception of Drexel , won
withdrawn , and ho was again duclarct
the nominee of the convention.
Mr. Points , who had como before the
convention , made a few remarks to thai
body , stating that although ho was not a
lawyer but the ollico for which ho had
boon nominated noedcd most a man o
good Bonso. His nomination , although
unsought by him and quilo a surprise , ho
would accept. IIo had trained Trill ) the
democrats only a short time but wpnk
continue to BO long as their principles remained
mainod what they nro now.
John A. McShano and Fred Mot ?
were then nominated for the a Into senate
by acclamation.
Nominations for members of the lower
tlouso of the legislature being next , on
motion it was ordered that the convon
tlon ballot for the eight candidates , the
two highest on on each vote to bo doclaroi
the nominees and to BO vote until the ful
ticket is nominated.
The names ot John T. Paulson , Alex
McGavock , JohnMulvihull , H. G. Clark
A. E. Coggoshall , Adam Stringlino , Jn
lius Meyer , J. H. Winspcar , Fred Cron
nomoyer , J. E , Riley , Dr. Harvey Link. .
Charles HajsmUBson , William Turtle
Henry Hornborger , Cyrus Morton am
A. D. Jones were presented to the con
The result of the next three was as fol
lows ( : Charles lUninuson ' 18 , H. G. Clark
38 , Pnulaon 26 , Mulvlhill 27 , McGovork
21 , Coggoshall 18 , Stringlino 33 , Meyer
30 , Gillson 20 , Btophunaon 7 , Winspear
22 , Oronemoyer 33 , Riley 23 , Lewis 10
Tuttle 30 , Jones 10.
Charles Rasmusson and II. G. Clark
wore declared elootod.
A vote of the convention to adjourt
was then taken amid some confusion
Forty-oiio voted in favor of tlio inotioi
and the convention was adjourned to
meet at the aamo place at 10 o'clock tin
Antl.Monopoly nicotines In tlia Hou
nI HIM riot.
jF. BurrowH K rj , of tinge comity , for tliret
yearn secretary of the Btata Kurmora1 AIM
unco , will Bj > : on the political Imtea of tin
doy In tlio Hoeoncl o ngromilcnal ( ( strut , u'
tliu following named dates anil | iUces ;
liradeltuw. IJuik county , 'Ihuraday , October
, t 8 V , m.
Hampton , Hamilton county , Thursday. Oo-1
tob r V'J , nt I ) p Jn.
Uiuvaid. Clay county , Friday , October 21 ,
! 2 \ > . m. J
Clay Center , Cl y county , Friday , October
21. nt 7 p , m.
NolfoM , Auckolla county , SatuuUy. Oclo-
t > or W , 'J p. in.
Superior , Auckolls county , SnturJay , October
bor 2Ti 2 ji. in.
Klurtmi , Franklin county , Jfontlay , Octo
[ ycr 27 , ft p m ,
lUootiniiRtnti , ( < rnklin county. Monday.
October i7 ! , 7 P m ,
lloj ubllcin City , Harlaa county , Tucrulay ,
October as , 2 p. m.
Orleans , llorlan county , Tucsilny , October
7 p. in.
City , VutniH county , Wednesday ,
Jctnbcr 2 ! ) , - p. in ,
ArrKihoe | , 1'uniai county , Wednesday , Oc
bur 20. 7 p. in.
Cambridge , Kurnai county , Tliutsdny. Oc
tober 30. 2 p. in.
Abfoll , Kearney county , Friilny , October
" '
2 p. m ,
Mintlcn , Kearney county , Friday , October
31 , 7 p. in.
H listing ? , Admin county , Satutdny , Xotcni1
qor 1 , 2 p , in.
Jjocal committees nro requested to see tlmt
nrotingg are \\o\l \ mlvortuod , umluliero _ con-
irctlun cannot bo miula by mil to provide
coin oj unco for tponkor to hia no\t Appoint-
Ily order coiiRroasionixl commiltco Second
First niutrlut.
Hon. Charles 11. Brown was appointed
o address meetings in the First oougroto *
onal district , nt the places named below
ns follows :
Lincoln , Thursday , October 23rd , 71 > in.
Nubraskn City , Saturday , October 2Ctli , 7
i. in.
Dittos for Oinnlm nud other places in the
[ Utrict will bo duly nnnonncoil ,
Unptnln J. II. Htlcklo's , \
Unpt. J 11. Stickle , of Tlmyor comity , null'
nouopoly caiulUUto fur coiirrc84 ) in thn LM tils *
rlct , ulll ili'cuBatho polltlcnl issnofl of the dny
at tlio following points in toiitlnvcatorn No
'irnnkn on the il.itcs here nninod :
Indlaiuila Snturdixy , October 18th.
Cnlbcrtson Monday. October SJOth.
McCook Tncidny , ( Jctobor alat.
Altnr Wodnestlny , October 2'.M.
llloomlngton Thursday , October 23d , nt
' .30 p. in.
lied Cloud-Frldny , October 21th , nt 7EO ,
in. _ _ _ . _ _
Hon. .Tnmos W. Davis will nddrodi the
noaplo on the political Uoma of the day at the
allowing places people wlthonr ruforonco
wrty esspccmlly Invitod.
At Tnblo llock , October 23 , 7 P in.
At 1'nwno * City , October 21 , 7 p. in-
At Durclmrd , October 25 , 7 p. ru.
At Humboldt , October 27. 7 p. in.
At Falls City , October 28 , 7 p. in.
At Stolln , October , 20 , 7 p. in.
At Auburn , October SO. 7 p. m.
At Nomnkn City , October 31 , 7 p. m.
At Nebraska City , November 1 , 7 1 > . m.
At riattsmouth. November S , 7 p. m.
Hon. Win. Neville , anti-monopoly cnndl
Into for congress In tlio Third district , will
ixddrcfB thn people as follows :
1'onca , Thurnilny avcniiiff , October 23.
Jnckson , Fridnv evening , October LM.
Hnrtltigtnn , Snturdny ovoniiifr , October 25.
Wnyno , Monday ovouinp , Ool bor 27.
Norfolk , Tuesday ovpulnff , October 28.
Stnnton , Wodneeday evening , October 29.
Wisner , Thunday U p. in , , October BO.
West 1'olut , Thursday ovonlng , October 30.
Oakland , 1'rldtty uvonlng , October 31.
Blair Saturday evening , Ntncmborl ,
Appointments lor Gon. Clmrlcu P.
Mnntlrrson ,
Senator Mmulorson nnJ other speakers will
nddross the pco ] > lo nt the following places on
, ho dates u.imcd :
Ktrf Cloud , October 23d.
Arnpnlioo , October 21th.
York , October 27th.
Coutrnl City , October 2Sth.
Grand Islanc1 , October 2'Jtb.
K > arnoy , October 30th.
Holdrci'o , November let
AppoiutmontH loc OoorRO "W. Dorsoy
mill J. O. 1ato.
I'lum Creek Thursday evening , October
Kearney Friday ovonlnp , October 21.
Sclmylcr Saturday oyoning , October 25.
Albion Monday evening , October 27.
Blair Tuesday ovenlng , October 28.
Dakota City Wednesday evening , Octo
ber 29.
TokamahThursday evening. October 30 ,
West Point Krldav evening , October 31.
Mr. Dorsoy will bo nccomp inlod by candi
dates for Btnto officea. 0. E. YOST ,
J. W. LOVB , Ch'n State Con. Com.
Ch'n Cong. Com.
Shares In ProportlonTRt
Louisiana Stale Lottery Craany ,
etrtify nuf u > tv\ieraiie t\t ni >
tingtmentt for all the UcntM/ and
Oiaunnyt v/ //ouiiiana Slate Lottery Cotnpn'i ;
mil inrenonninaii and control the Uratmnf
'tamr-ikca , and that the ttunt are edndatttA wit *
Unsij//urn s. 07Ki , , i good/alth totcard .11 par
till , and ut authorize the company to tut Mi en
tif.ta'a , \nthfae-iimilei tf our elgnaturti atlaflcr
in iit advtrttictntnti , "
fnoorporited In 1653 for 15 yo n by liio lugbl/.ir.n
Isr odtiaatloaal and cheiltabla pnrposce with a c v
lti.l of 81,000,000 to whlcli a rewrve land of era
{ 55Q.OW haa Bluca been addod.
Ily en ovorwholmlnif poptilei yoto ll fr ncnM !
* a made A part of tlio present ttite oonttllotlot December Zd , A. l > . 1U7B.
The only Lottery over voted on nnd en
domed by the people of any Stato.
Il never BOO 1 93 ot pogtponer.
Ita grand alnglo nambov drawing !
place monthly.
A Bplondid opportunity to win n Fortune
llth Grand Drnwlng Olws ] j , In the Acarl
einy' oil Mudo , New Orloana , Tuesday , No
veinber lltli , 1884 174th Monthly drawlnK
CAPITAL PIII2E , 575,000.
100,000 Tlckota at Vivo Dollars Koch. Frao
tlona , In Fifths In proportion ,
CAPITAL PUIZB . _ _ . . . . rt,0 :
1 do do . IS.OCl
1 do do . 10,00
S PUIZE3 OF (9000. . . . . . 15,00'
I do 900 . , . 10.CO.
10 do 1000 . 1 . 10M ,
SO do 00 . lO.Oa
100 do SOO . 0,001
tOO do 100 . 80,00
COO da 10 . 50li (
loco Jo
9 Approdmltlon prltca of $760 , , . , . 0,7(1
B do do 00 . < , KI
B do do 150 . > , ! '
IJ87 I'riMl kmoantlnK lo
Applloatloa for raterj t'j claba ehoaJd be citde enl <
o tlio OIHco of the Company lu Now Orloani ) .
Knr futllmr Inlomiitlon wrllo rjeirly iflvlny fo'
addrce" . ) 'OSTli NulK1 * , Knpreiw H"nuy Orders , or
Niw York f xcliaiio | In oidluiiy letter. Currency
by Fxir.tnall | ( lutnuof gland upwaruu at our ex
* . ) . * lrt , .l .
ortl. A. OAOFJ1IN. How Orient U
007 Hevonth fit. WiBhlniton U. C.
MaLe I' . 0 , Monoi' Orikri payab'i tnJ ndlrciia
iol Tetteis to
New Orleans , la.
llorllet i ru > 4 for lof.nti I > i
i ur Hiri , wrliu
/ . A.lwitir , J/J' ,
1 1 drutilili. l'rl >
< 11accolf. Hrbl
li lor bioutit lu
UB > IM , > | | I.
(517 ( SI. Clinrlp ; } S . , SI , loulq , Mo.
'tf it r ( Jff Itlhtrtndwo ' < ll'tlC 1 i. - < tllA l < ii lotlfM
mcrkeptl In lhopcetttntu | nlr r ( n uMr NttTAisfiKH
iri 1 fii "o Ii miik > t itin tti t > i * I'hjtir inn la SU I * li ,
tltr ri " * w m i itfif i < fit * ln irt
Nervous PiOSlMllon , Oohhlty. Mcntnl and
Physical WonVnf st Me c < irlat nnd other Alice.
Horn of Throat. Skin or Oonca , Dloccl Poisoning
Old SorCS And UlCCrS * tv irntM vlth
WCCP * , pn inti if'triittiio frhic r * , H r 'T Prhnttlj.
DKcnscs Arising frum Indiscretion Excess ,
exposure or lndul'onco ; f tu
lt'-M H 'i ti r tn ilitllitr die
ntUrfpflltn t mfT" , ( intri I | lrt f-t * | . ,
< ter1tintol'u e * r'j ol It r r * , cotfu lei n ,
ririrterlnit Mrtrrncro hnprntfir or uniianpv * tro
ptrtnxntativfuit i i M I [ h c ( in | ftfttiMi ih Wvc , r > 4
IntriUJ tut 1 1 r .fu Mi tTft < 1U * . Cof ) nlUtlontt f
ie or 1 7 tttall frpo tmltmlt i Urn * for | ucnt tout *
A Positive VVriuen Gu irantc0
Rtrrft tn nit forntlef Mti. ) tr llclnrtfint ctfrrnhfra.
fatnrlilcti , rncllnh or Herman , < M picc . rle-
icrtblueobovodUcaiCB Inmaloor female , I'JtEU
MOj lire. , line fUtr. . lllrtiir tft In ftoihunlstlt binding
W , rnn ry r t ( * * uf t nun * ! & ) r roicrs "V. Tbli t i l
toiit ltn 1t lh rurloni , dooMful or tQiul.ltlta unfit 14
> no . A I' " " * er | rr l In ci"t l ! ' . Ilti.iL , lluTj ,
fo I'tor3 nj Ir It. njilg"
IU1 KU nlKOMSTiMM ! < po a r ncrii
nn eminent Plir9lel > n. Simple. Snfb ami .Sun- .
nriiUHCiru.iHii. . 'unu * . imrJ
Kovor * . I'oiiKirllnn , ' immMlotn. . . ' - :
Wornn , Wj'im 1 i-Tcr. \ \ u. . . . ' - S'V
ClryliittCollo.rrTcetlilticntltilAnH . 'JT
IHun Uon otl'hllJren or Artiill' . -ij
llliotilnrv. Clrlplnn , IlillonaUollo
( | iolpraMntliHB , > Vor-iltlns
I'niiuliti. CulA. llranchUh . . . . . . . .
IVoiiriilulit. Tonllnelin. 1 nccnchn. . .
' '
H lltVl ll.n lllU 114 t III ! I'll W , . [ Ill u V lib. ' .
AVIlO4)ltt K C-"onull.Violent Oounlis .till
JonnalDi'lillKyrliis'nVosVnosa .nil
ICIiliipy impn . . . . . . no
pcpoiuill ; > lllty..l. " "
UrlunrvVraImpai , Wetting It oil .no
Illtriii'i' oftlin llpiirt.l'Jlpltntlonl. .0(1 (
Vff bold lij limeBlstn , or nont postpaid on
1WIPI nt iirlco. Bern ) for Or. Jlilinplivl'V * '
Ilook W'- ? . ° "A'dilroM , fl&lili > IIUia\W
AlvortlHlii Clients.
"I has become BO common to begin an
irticlo , in nn elegant , interesting ntylo.
"Tlion run it into so mo advortlsomont
, hnt wo avoid all such ,
"And simply call attention to the mor-
Jts of IIop Bittcra in aa plain , honest
.ornia as possible ,
"To induce people
"To give them OHO Mnl , which so
irovoa their vnluo that they will never
iso anything else.
"Tins ItKUEiir so favorably noticed In all
Koliglons nnd secular , is
"J laving a largo unle , and is muiplnntlng all
other modiclnos.
"Thcro is no use tlonylnt ; thn virtues of the
tlnp plrtiit , anil the proprietors of Hull Ulttoro
tnv shown groiit shrcwdneoa nnd nbihtj ; *
"In compounding n medicine whoso virtues
nro so palpable to every ono's observation , '
DltlJSlio Ulu ?
"No !
"Sho lingered nnd _ Buffered along , plu-
ing awny all the time for years , "
"Tho doctors doing her no good ; "
"And at last rrns cured by this IIop
Bitters the papora enyso much about. "
"Indeed ! Indcedl"
"IJow thankful wo should bo for that
medicine. "
A PniiBlitiir's Mlficry.
"Eleven yonra our daughter Buffered on
a bed of misery ,
"From a complication of kidney , liver ,
rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility ,
"Under the care of the best physicians
"Who gavohcr disease various names ,
"But no relief ,
"And now she is restored to us in good
health by aa simple n remedy an Hop
Bitters , that wo had shunned for years
before using it. " TJIE PAUKNTH.
Fmher IH Getting \VoII.
"My daughters nay :
"IIow much bettor father is since ho
used IIop Bitters. "
"Ilo is getting well after hia long suf
fering from A disease declared incurable. "
"And wo are so glad that ho mod your
Bittors. A LADY of Utica , N. Y.
XJTJ-'ono genuine without ft bunch of grcrn Hops
on tlio v III to h.bil. Shun all the vllo , poisonous
etull ulth "Hop" or "llop " In tliclr name.
Protection. No such
I iiroUctlvo ngalntt
clillldamlfmcr uml
) ottivr dlncaeoi of a
malarial' \ oxMs-
a < H Biotlei'dMtom-
noli illttcrn. Itro
llo\ofl conetltiatlnn
liter ilisordtrs rhcu-
iiutlsiu.kldnuy and
tliilclir ull.icnU.
\\itli certainty and
I remit | 11 U d 0. A
ol iviK" a < t'rotll > 'lii ( , '
UB It U ronijiltto soon
tala'phco In tlianp
IKHrntica , aa well an
tlitf icnuatlon ol ilia
van and hairifard In
valid , who this
ntamlanl ) irnnotor
of liual th nnd
Htroiigth For uiilo
by n'l ' ilnt lulu and dealers cnntallr
, , , . . ul
UxitJ.i. lit I llr. Ollinl All * > ' t < ' "I" " * " " " ' " '
ID > ilM r | iiii. . % ! 19 nil iinuni.r Jnni , In II.
l. Ak jour atvcfr r drurft'l f Uf
J |
. y.
Notlco Fifth Ward Voter .
The underfilled will n't ' t the Trem-nt bouio on
Monday , October 12 tl ? , bet wo-n HA m. nml 7 p. in
did many clam " 1 ci" let M may lu ri'iulicu by
Uw to ruUtcr tlio loga ! > oteru ol fccwtul d strict
Klltb w ril Jcil'N ' QUINH ,
oct IMw Itciflitrar.
Nolloo ( > rilel8lrAtloii. (
To the legal vctcru of 1st ward la tlio city of Com.
You are hereby not'fiod that tlio underlined will
nt ) rtKltr rforth fl'it ward atBBandfi O outli
icthttto tconnniiulnirTnurBday uct-berVSJ , IBS4 ,
at 11 n'tloi k a , m . for the piiriiono of rojUtedui' all
quail ud > otir ulthlu falu ward and f > r tuch imr-
] Kinilha undfrilxuol will hit uu kcop bit book of
pgMrttl'iiioiiviieacli diy thcriafior ( o > ocit | Bun.
d > Hutllic | itaco a.icmd ( ! from oltyen o'clock a. m ,
until revcn i 'cl ck p. m , until Mouday , Kovombf r
31 , 1881 , t tlio hour o' ' 12 o'tlocK in. , when utl'l '
book of rtK'ttratlon ' will bo olo'ed. All ( | ualltliil vo
ten are riutlflrd to utti nd an4 BVO that Ihrlr nainoa
rroirOi.r.y | | riK'stcrud ' 1HAA ( ] KUIIIN.
oct 16 i.2 llrililiar Ut Ward.
CTTMiier , Setop ,
Meanuc , Weigher ,
1) ledger , HI co
Wailicr , ' 1 oinnin ,
1'umpkm , Starch ,
Wine and Kruil
Strainer. 'J'welv *
article ! In one.
Tb > Oretot
LJtica Zztn ,
Morn lolJ than til
other blivcs ftnd bintrs
touttliicJ I UveryboJy
IlkciilKiul We Wi
liil > gBUleiinilMlieil
for tunj tnj iiuvrcr ,
Willo for itlilocuc.
Co. , Clnclnntll , O. , 4 a
Uii lbl. , New York.
AKCDU wftntcd for our
Kitchen SpccllltUl ut
1TH TTniTfll1
-x % }
Will t\ir JfcrTmuno" , I.nmhneo. Rtionm tl m . .
NourAlfltn , BeliUlcn , Kklnpy , Kruno nml liver invon t" ,
( Imit , Asthma , llottill cii i' , ntpr > | > M > .t nntll ) 1I in. I r >
slpp | * . Ciilnrrh , ril < " . Knll p r , imnntcnrr Inin ti AKIIH ,
I'rolnp tn Ulrrl. ftr. Onlr rrlonlino t Ircttlo Pi U m Awr
Icn tli > tnriitlith KltTltlHtrnml mnitliKlhm Ihrnuchll.o
\rn\j \ \ , and c u bo rcctorsoil In rin Insunt by tlio | mlent.
Winter Is oomlnff , tlioBeaaono thoyour ( or aches
umlpMns. In vlsnrJ this fictwosiy litiy ono ol
Dr. llcrnc's Kloctrlo Delta. Dy no Ao\ng \ you will
rtxotd Ultotinutlsni , KldnoyTrotiUos nml other Illn
thai floth hliclrto. Do not iloliy , hut nil at our
offiooMiJcxAmltiabolta , No. 1122 Dou lM Btroct.rr
0. f Oootlinnn's , 1110 Furnarn 8t.Om : . ; . _ , ob. Or-
dorsflllodO , 0 U
S , W Cor , Farnam and 12ih Sis ,
Capital , - - $100,000.00
O. W. HAMILTON , Pros't.
8. R. OALDWEUL , V. Pros't.
M. T. BARLOW , Canhlcrj
8. 8. OALDWELL , B. F. SMITH ,
0. VT. HAMIWOK , ' M. T. BABMW !
0. WILI , HAinLiow.
Aocounto oollcltcrt nna kept aub
Joctto olght ohook.
CortIflcntoo of Deposit loouod H&V
ablolnS Onncl I2montho bonrlnQ
Interest , or on dornand without In-
Advnncoo made to cuotomoroon
approved eocurltlooat market catsi
of Iritoroot.
The Intorooto of Customers are
o'onoly guarded nnd every facility
compatible with prlnclploe ®
cound banking freely extended.
Draw sight drafto on nglandrc-
land , Scotland , and all parto of Eu
B' tl
Uuited States Depository
Oor. 18th and j arnam Sts ,
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omaha ,
Oraanlsea la 1803.
Organised as a National Bank Jn
omoiiu )
lltBUAn Eounrzv , ProoWsnl.
Jonn A. CinonTON , Vlco Frenldant.
A. onarra Kooirrtn , Sd Vice FrotUeil.
A. J , 1'crriinon.
r. n. DAW , CMM .
T7 H. UIOQUUE , AmlBtxnl Oitshler.
Trinoiota a , tronoral biuklng biiBlneM. Iraoea tlino
rcrtinoitoo bcarlnir Intercct. Driwo drsfU on San
Francisco tnd principal clllea In the Unite dHU tea
Also London , Dublin , Edlnbarich tnd tna prlnolpa
citlce of the continent and Kuropo.
Cor. ISfch nnd Douglas Sts.
Capital Stock , - - - 8150,00(5. (
Lability of Stockholders , 300,000
F.YC For CBBtlnterdPald onDciiosits
/A1IKS E. I10YD i fro nl
L. M. BKNNKTT Vloo Froaldont
W. A. PAXTON Managing Dlieetot
JOHN E. WIMJUll Cathie *
Frctldtut Cashier
* o and Burglar Proof Snfos ,
Far rent at from ts to f CO jwr annum.
Holalio Cases , Cofilns , Cartels , Shronte.
pro. , ETC. ,
1OOO Fnrnnm Br. , OMAHA , NEB
Feletrrkplita oidora promptly attended to. Telephou
C. ttl
E , K , BDEKET A '
mum m mm
III Nortt 18th 3l et Umuu