THE DAILV BEE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 22 , 1884. NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. " PAID UP CAPITAL 0250,000 SURPLUS MAY 1,1884 20,000 lliKCTORSi ] H..W YATES. : A. K. TOUZALIN , President. Vloo President. . V. MOOR.B , JNO. 8. COtUNB , T.KWI38. UKKD. tct K. lUj-dcn , Assistant ont ! Acting Ctahler. omcil The Bron Bunk , QOB.12THANDFARNAMS S , A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. INTEREST nllovrod on tlma deposits upon favorable terms and upon acoount-i of banks cad bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Government Bon da nnd County and City teourltloi bought nnd Bold. In ita treatment of custom ore the most Ilby eral policy is pursued consistent with untold- end sound banking , and wo invite correspondence once or personal inquiry in connection there with FINANCE AND COMMERCE. N W YOBK , Oct. 21 , Money Easy at 1J © 2. 2.Pilmo Pilmo paper 0@G. Sterling Bills Weak at 4 81ij demand , 484J. Governments Strong. Railways Firm. Stocka After irregular opening becam firm and advanced slightly. Before the firs call the bears forced New York Central dow 2 per cent and other shares J to 1J. A re action of J to 2J followed. All loading stocks were in brisk borrowing demand. After 2 l in. the market weakened on the rumor of tl failure of a great London cotton house. Price fell oft i to 1J. At the close a fresh buyln movement set in , and the market close strong. Compared with last night , the cloi ng prices are J to 1J higher for Canad Southern , St. Paul , Louiavillo and Nashvilli Kaueas and Texas , Jersey Central , Erie , O cgon Trans-Continental , Omaha , Union Pa cifio nud Western Union , nnd J to 1J lowe for the remainder of the active shares , cocroNa. 3's . 100 4J's Coupons . 112 U.S. now 4's . 120 Pacific G's of " 95 . 125 STOCKS AND BONDS. Central PaciBc . 38 Chicago & Alton . 128 do do pfd . 145 Chicago , Burlington & Quincy . 11 > Delaware , Lackawanna & Western. . . . 103. Denver & Rio Grande . 9 , Erie . 13 , do pfd . 28 Illinois Central . 119 Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western . 14 Kansas & Texas . 10. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern . G6 : Louisvilleft Nashville . 26 Michigan Central . 57 : Iis3'iuri Pacific . 91 : Northern Pacific . 17 do do pfd . 41j Northwestern . 85 ; do do pfd . 124 Now York Central . 88 ; Oregon Trans-Continental . 12 ; Pacific Mail . 62 : r P. D. &E . 12 ; Pullman Palace Car Company. . . . . . . . . Ill : Rock Island . . . . . . Ill ; St. Louis & San Francisco . 20 do do pfd . 39 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul . 74 ' do do do pfd . 102 St. Paul& Omaha . 28' do do pfd . 80 ; Texas Pacific . 10J Union Pacific . 53 ; Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific . 5 do do do pfd . ID' ' Western Union Telegraph . CO ; O. R. &N . 08 * Jbx-div. ! tasked. _ GENEHALi PKODUCE. OUIOAQO CHIOAGO October 21. Flour Qciet am unchanged. Wheat - Quiet ; early active , later advancec and closed Ijjc over yesterday ; 74Jc casti and October ; 75i © 5Jc November ; 7GJ@77c December ; 77c January ; 84 (2.81J ( May : No. 2 red 744@75 ; No. 3 red , G5 , rejected red 48. Corn Moderately active and irregular ; opened strong and higher ; later declined ; October 41 } , November 41J , year 404 ; fluctu ated and closed October J , November $ under yoatarday ; year jj higfier ; 4/J cash , re jected 42. Oats Quiet and } fg bolter : 25g casli and October ; V i November ; 20 } a2Gij December ; 23 ? year : 29.2'-M } May. Ryo-Dullat 52'Sf ' ! > 3. Barley-Quiet ; 59@GO. Timothy Quiet ; prime , 120 9127. Flax Seed More active ; ; No 1.1 3G. Pork Quiet and ruled 20@30 higher and losed ute.idy , 1C CO cash , 15 75 October , 119.@ll 974 year , 12 10@12 12i January , 12 20W23 February. Lard Firm and a live ; 4 ,10 higher ; 7 25 cash ; 7 20 October ; 7 74@7 10 November ; 7 10 ( 67 121 Decomb r ; 7 15@7 174 January , 7 25@7 274 February. Bulk Moata-Shoulders , G 35@G 40 ; short clear , 10 2510 30 ; short rlba 8874@9 55. Whisky-Steady all 13. Butter Dull and weaker ; good to choice creamery , 23@2G ; good to choice dairy 1G&23. Cheese Fairly active and firm ; cheddars , 114'a,12 ; skimi 2@8. Kggs Firm and unchanged ; rccandlod 19 @ 20. 20.Hlcle.i Unchanged. Tallow Unchanged ; No , 1 country seed , G. Receipts. Bhip'ta. Flour , bbla 21jOO ( 17,000 Wheat , bushels 2 > G,000 42,000 Corn , bushels 178,000 , 80,000 Oata , bushela 281,000 S..OOO Rye , bushela 17,000 2,030 Barley , bushels 79,000 47,0 0 KANSAS CITr , KANSAS CITV , Oct. 21. Wheat Steady ; cash 62J'55'Jj ! November k4@51g ; December , CO bid , 57 asked. Corn Higher ; caah S7&37 } ; October 37 © 378 ; November 29 bid , 2JJ asked. Oats Dull mid nomina' ; 221 bid , 23 asked. HT. LOUIH rilODUCK. Sr. LOUIH , October ; 21 , OAI.L BOARD Wheat Opened strong and liluhor ; closed at inside prices ; 77 October ; 78J@78 ; ( Novom- lier ; SOg December : 78 year ; OOjj flluy. Corn Ijower ; 4GJo October ; 38 o Novem ber ; 3ijjc year ; 33la)3lo ( ) January ; 3Ggc May , Oats Nothing done. Rya Nothing doing. Barley Seeady ; G0@774o "tTTtT Butter Unchanged ; dairy , 18@25c ; cream ery , 2G@30c. J'J ' KS Lower ; 13Jc , Flaxseed Firmer : 1 31. Hay Steady ; prairie , 950Q10 ; Timothy , 1000@1300. Bran Firmer ; 5G@57c. Corn Meal Steady ; 2 55. Pork Firm ; now mess 17. Lard Firm ; western steam spot 793@ 802i. NEW YORK PIIODUOZ. NKW VOIIK , October 21. Wheat Spot l@2o hlghor ; oiosing he ivy : op Ions weak ; re ceipts HO'J 75 ; expirts. 82,0'JO : No. 2 spring , 83Jungraded ; red ( Wa'W do. California 75 ; No. 2 red. 8388 ; December closing SGg. Corn Spot | ( jjo batter ; optioiid closed heavy ; receipts , 550 ; expirts , 33.00J ; ungraded O4GO ; No,258 | @GO } ; December clotting at 5'iJ. ' Oatu \ < s > l better ; lairly active ; receipts , 03,000 ; exports 20,000 ; mixed western 31 J@ S3 ; white 3J@37. Western f rcsli dull and weak at 21 , 1'orkActive and firm. Lard lligber ; western steam si > ot 7 00 , Quiet and firm. CINCINNATI , October 2K Wheat Fair demand - mand ; No , 2 rod 7 * . Corn Dull ! No , 2 limed 53 Oats Fnlr d tnands No. 2 mixed 2" . Hyo Dull No. 2 , nG. 5G5. Barley Steady and unchanged , Pork- Dull ; n initially at 1(525. ( Lard Stronger at 7 00 , Hulk Meats Not enough hero to oitablish quotations Whisky -Steady at 111 1 LIVKnTOOU LiVEnroot , , October 21. Uroadstulls Dull. Wheat Winter C Cd@CJ 8s ; spring , Oi Cd Corn Gs 4 id. TOLKDO. TOLEDO , Ohio , Ootobar 21. Wheat Quiet , steady ; No. 2 rod , c.wh 718 asked. Corn -Dull and nominal ; No , 2 cash and October , 52 bid. | lOats-Dall No. 2 cash and October , 2GJ. NKW OULKANR. NKW OntVANS , October 21 , Corn ITn chtngod ; in sacks , old inl\eJ and yellow mixed OS : now wliko G4 © 5. Data Western , quiet , choice 35T)3fi. ( Corn Meal Higher and scarce at 2 85 , Pork In fair demand at lower rales at Lard Firm ; llerco refined 7 75 ; Keff 8 12J. Whisky Firm ; western roc tilled 7 < 5 © 11 25. 1ULT1SIOHK. lUtTIsiOUii.'JOctobor ' 21. Wheat Western dull and steady ; No. 2 , winter rod spot 811 @ 81g. Corn Western dull and nominal at Gi@G5. ! ICggsQuiet ; 202le. Whisky Steady § 1 18@1 19 MILWADKKK. "MlLWADKKK , October 21. Wlioat Ka'ierj No , 2 Milwaukee and October , 72 1 ; Novoin- jor. 73 | ; December , 76J ; January , 7U. Corn Weaker ; rejected -1-1J@45. Oats Lower ; No. 2 , 20J ; No 2 white , 27 ii7l. Hyo Nominal ; No. 2 , 51. Barley Stronger ; No. 2 spriug , 57c. LIVI3 STOCK , CIIIOAQO. CHICAGO. October 21. Drovers' Journal re ports : Ilogs Receipts 18,000 ; active nnd 5(3)10 ( ) higher ; rough packing 4 50@ 100 ; packing and shipping 5 00 u 5 40 ; skips 3 5U@4 50. Cattle Heccipts G.OOO ; exports firm and scarce at G ( ! Jo.7 ( 31 ; common to choice ship ping 4 25a ( > 0 ; inferior to rood cows 2 00 a4 00 ; stockers nnd feeders 3 00a4 50 ; range steady ; Montana 4 00a5 40 ; Wyoming 4 G5. Sheep lleceipts 2.0UO ; best steady ; 3 75a 4 50 ; inferior to lair dull at 2 80a3 75. HT. LOUIS. ST. Louis. October 70. Cattle Receipts , 700 ; stronger and higher ; natives wholly firm ; oxporta 0,30@G 75 ; common to choice ship ping 4 BOfflG lO. Sheep lleceipts 1,000 ; steady ; common to choice , 2 25@3 75 ; extra , 4 00. .Lambs , 2 60@4 00. Hogs Receipts , 3,000 ; steady : Yorkers , 1 G0@4 SO : packing , -1 76@5 00 ; butchers , 5 00@0 25. KANSAS OITV. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , October 21. Cattle- Receipts , 2,900 ; steady ; exports G 00@iS 30 ; : ommon to choice shipping , 5 005 03 ; cows , ! Gn@3 25. Iloga Receipts , 4,100 ; opened EC higher , dosing reaction lost , 4 52&aG ( ) 85. Sheep Recaipts 705 * : < iuiet and unchanzed OMA.H/V MARKETS , PROVISIONS Ham , 11 B. bacon , 12icjD. i. sides , l.ijc : O S. bacon , 12J ; shoulders , Sic ; ness cork , 0 00 ; lard , 9@10c. Potatoes A. few car-loads of Early Resend , nd mixed were received this week , which mly brought 25c per bushel. Well assorted tock , free from _ small onoa and not mixed , yill probably bring 5@10u more , an l other arieties in qualility above tha average are [ notable nt 4U ( < 945c. However demand is as 'et limited and prices cannot be called firm. Onions Market bare and demand good at :0@50c : per bushel. Sales , however , coidd inly bo made in small lota. Grocers Jjist CANNED GOODS Oysters ( Btandardper ) case , 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 20 ; rasp- icrries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 50 ; Bartlett pears , per use , 5 80 ; whortleberries , per case , 3 00 ; eeg ilums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib , ler cass , 2 90 ; piuo apples , 2 Ib per case , 3 20 | C50. ROPE Sisal i inch nnd larger , 9c , g ] inch , 'Jo ' ; J inch , lOc. CANDLKS Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , 14c ; Ss , 14c ; loxos 40 Ibs , 1G 07 . , Gs , 14c. MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , cases , 55 ; square , casoi , 1 70. SUGARS Powdered , 8Jc ; cut loaf , 8c ; ranulated , Cc ; confectioners' AGo ; Stand- rd extra C , lie ; extra C , 5 c ; medium yol- nv. 5Jc ; dark yellow , c. Cof FEES Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair , 1 , 613Jc ; good , 13Jo ; prune , 14@15Jc ; choice , I@l7c ! ; fancy green nnd yellow , lG(8)lGie ( ) ; old overnmont Java , 20W2Gs ; Arbncklo's roast- tl , 15Jc , McLaughliu'a XXXX roasted , 5Jc ; mltation Java , 10J@181c ; Clark's Svnur Standard Com. 33c. bbls ; Standard o , -H gallon kegs , 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon egs , 1 60. SODA In Ib papers , 0 30 per case ; keg per j , 2ic. PICKELSMedium in barrels , G 00 ; do in alf barrels. 3 50 ; small , in barrels , 7 00 ; do in alf barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins in barrels , 3 OJ ; o in half barrels , 4 50. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice , ) @ 7Gc ; good Imperial , 40@13c ; choice , GOft ) 5c ; Young Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice , G5 jl 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 75c ; Japan clinico , J@75c ; Oolong good , 35@4'io. ' Oolong.choico. ) ® 53c ; Souchong , good , ly@10e ! ; choice , 35 j4Dc , ' RICE Louisiana prime to choice , Gi@7c ; iir , | Gc ; Patina , GJc. FISH No. 1 mackcre half brls. , 7 50 ; amily i bbls 4 25 ; No. 1 kits 1 05 ; fain , kita ) ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , G 50 ; No. 1 ita , 95e. family J bbla , 3 00 ; family kits and ills , C i ; No. 1 , trout , i bbls , 5 25 WOODIMVAUI : : Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; three > op paila , 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 9 00 ; pioneer ashboards. 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; Well- icket i , ii 85. HoAra Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3-15 ; Kirk's tlnet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 375 ; Klrk'a rhito Russian 520 ; Kirk'a eutoca , 215 ; POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 casein case , 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doin case , 1 90 ; An- lor ball , 2 doz in case , 1 50 , CANDY Mixed , Hnl2c ; stick , lOallc ; twiat iek , lOJc. VINKGAU Now York apple , IGc ; Ohio ape - e , 13c. SALT Drav loadn , per bbl , 1 CO ; Ashton , in cks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy , GO. fin , 3 GO , STAIIOH Pearl 44o : Silver Gloss 8c ; Corn arch , 8c ; Kxcelsior Gloaa , 7c , Corn 7iu , Si'icra Pepper 17c ; apice , He ; covui 2D3 iala , 15c. Dry Goods , BHOWN SIIKKTINCS Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Allan- ! P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , 5Jc ; Brunswick , 74o ; > aver Darn LL. Cc ; Lawrtnce LL , fjc ; Puci- H , TT'O ' ; Royal Standard , Tic ; Indian Head , 80 ; Wiiuchuaett A , 7 < ( c. FINK BUOWN SIIKKTINOS Argyle , 71c ; Per- roll R , 7c ; Salisbury R , Gc. BLEACH KJ > COTTONH Ballon 4-4 , Gic ; Bal i , 7 8 , 5'ic ; Oumborland 4-4 , 80 ; Davoll DD , 5 ; Fan-mount , 41o ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , ; Glory of the West , 8ic ; Golden Gate , 8 c ; 111 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Louadale , 84c ; New en ork Mills , ll c ; Wamsutta , lOJo. @ DUCKH ( Colored ) Boston , 8 o * , , 114c ; Bos- Ib n , 10 o . , 14Jc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall Ibwl iver , 8Jc. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West 00 > int , 10 at. , lie ; Point Bear , 8 o& , lie. oa TICKINGS AmoBkoag , l < c , Continental 1 inoy , tVc ; Cordia , JOjc ; Pearl Rher , i3Jo , 1i : rk , 12jc ; Hamleton Awnings If40. to DKNIUS Amoskeag 14c ; Beaver Creek Ib A. , 12oi Beaver Creek BB lie Beaver on eek CO , lOo ; I'aymakers , So ; Jaffrey U & 12 ci Jaffrev XXX , 1 ? c : Pearl River , c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , 1'c ; Warren BB ill own ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. to CASIIUIO-Fifth uvonuo glove ( inihli , Cc 12 Bynloiioglova finibli , 5Jo. t lo. . O iiaKr JEANS Amory , Tic ; Hancock , 80 , teen [ areayor bjo ; Rockport To. PniNfrt Aliens , fljo ; American BJc : Arn en h , Ocj Cochcci ) , Gcj Harmony , fyc ; Indigo , 22 7c ; Indigo 7-8 , lljo : Indigo 4-1 , 12ic ; Sloe Iflvor , 6k : Charter Oak , 4jc. , PRINTS SHIIITINOS - American , fie : Ci > choco , 5c , Oloueostor 5c ; Southbrldgo , 4jo WavorlygIJc ; Rosodalo , 4Jc. GiNOHAMSAmoskeag stiiile' , 840 ! Bate ? staples , SJo Lnncastor staples , 8c : Plunkot iilciils , Do : Hudeon chocks , ujc ; Amoskoag Persians 'Jic. DRKSS IJoons Atlantic Alnacca , 9io : Per- oiane caihinoro , 23Jc ; Hamleton cashmorp , lolo ; Hamilton Fancu , HJc ; HamloUi 'jro- cades , loc ; Arlluglon brocade , ISo. Dnoos AND I HKMicAta Acid , Carbolis 50o ; acid , tartario , 53c ; balsam capable , per Ik G5c ; bark , swafra * , per It ) . 12c ; calomel , JHT Ib. 76c ; clnohonldir , per oz. . . SO 50 ; uhlorofnini , tier Ib. SI 10 ; Dovorn iwwdors. IKT Ib , § 1 25 ; epsom salts , per Ib. 3jc ; glycerine , pure , per Ib. 2oc ; load acetate , per Ib. 22c ; oil oaslor , No. 1 par gal , I GO ; oil castor , No. 3 , per gal. , SI 40) ) oil , olive. | ior gal , SI 40 ; oil origanum , 50c ; opium , ? l 50 ; quinine , P. & Wj and R. & S , per oz. , 81 10 ; potassium , Iodide , per bM S 50 ; sallcin , per oz. , 40cj sulphate morphine , per oz. , $3 GO ; sulphur per Ib. , 4c ; slrychnine , per oz. , SI 35 , I'alntH Oils niul VnruloliOB. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon. 12al4c ; " 150 ° headlight , par gallon , 12 jc ; 175 ° headlight. per gallon , lOic ; 150" water white. 15Jc ; lin seed raw , per gallon , 55c ; linseed boiled , per gallon , 58a Lard , winter str'd , per gullon , 70o ; No. 1 , GOo ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX , per gal. Ion , 1 GOo. No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00 sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. II. , per gallon , G5 ; ncatafoot extra , per gallon , OOc ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30o ; summer , 15c : golden machine , No , 1. per gal lon , 35c ; No. 2 , " 8cj sperm , signal , per gallon SOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 4Sc ; uaptha , 74 ° , per gallon , IGc. PAINTS iN'OiL White lead , Omaha P. P. , Gc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , GJc ; Maraell- los , green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , He ; French zinc , in varnUh asst , 20c ; French zinc , in oil asst , 15c ; raw and burnt utnbnr , 1 11) cans , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; Vandyke brown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; conch black and ivory black. IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , 40c ; ultranmrino blue , 18c ; chrmo green , L. M. & D. , IGc ; blind and shutter green , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paria green , IHc ; Indian rod , IBc ; Venetian red , ! ) c ; Tus can rod. 22c ; American vcrinlllion , I. & P. , ; yellow ochre , 9c : L. M. , O. & D. O. , ISo yellow ochre , 9o ; gildon oc're , IGc ; palent jryor , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , darkjoak , walnut , chestnut and ash , 15c , Toliacco. PLDO TODACCO Climax 45c ; Bullion 45c ; [ lorsoshoo , 44c ; Star , 4Gc ; Rudy , 45c ; Her soy'a , 40c ; Black , 3S'34ilc ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our Rope , 48c : Piper Heldsiock , G4c. FINK Cur Common , SOc : Modium4Cc good 13@BOe HardtoBoat70 c ; favorite , GOc ; .Ola- inondCro\vn , 5Sc ; Sweet Sixteen , 51 > c. SJIOKINO 0. S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOc ; Durham 1G oz , , 51 ; Durham. 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham 4 oz. , 5.c ; Durham 2 I ? . t GOc ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , I3c ; Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 4Sc ; Seal of North Carolinia , 51 ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 ) z. , 50c : O. K. Durham , 4 oz. , 28c : O. K , Durham , 2 oz.30c ; ; Uncle Nod , i's25c ; Tom iad Jerry , 23c. Iiuiuors AftOOHOIr 188 proof alcohol , 2 26 par wine [ allen extra California spirits , 188 proof , L 18 per proof gallon ) triple refined spirits L87 proof , 1 17 par proof gallon ; re-distilled irhlskles 1 00@1 50 ; fmo bfendod , 1 502 50 ; lontucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kontnoky md Pennsylvania ryo3 , 2 00@7 00. BBANDIKS Importod. 6 00(916 ( 00 | domostlo GINS Imported , 4 50@0 00) domontlo , 1 40 § 300. RUMB Imported , 4 CO ® 8 00 ; Now England , . 99@1 00 ; domestic , 1 503 50. PBAon AND Arpus BnANDT 1 76@4 00. CH&UPAQNKS Imported per case , 28 00@ II 00 ; American , per caao , 12 00@1G 00. Xioatbor. Oak 8ol , S8o@42o ; hemlock solo28o33oi lomlock Up , SOc ; runner 65o to 75o ; bom- ctk colt , 85o to 1 00 ; hemlock nppor , 22o o 24o oak nppor. 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; ialf kid , 32@35 ; Groisaa mh , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak dp , 80o to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French dp , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- ets , 5 50 to 750 ; nings , 600 to 8 50 top. > inga 9 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , SOd to 35c. D bole O. D. Morocco 35c ; slnion , 2 50@3 00 HABNESS. No. 1 star oak , 3Gc ; No. 2 3 Ic ; :5ct : No. 1 Ohio oak , 63o ; iNo. ao , Die ; No. Milwaukee 34c : No 2 do BSc. No. 1 Pitts oak bar , SGc ; No , Bj Pitta nnV lar , S4o. Ziumnor , WUOLE3AU. Wo quota lumber , lath and ohlngloi on can t Omahn at the following prices : JOIST AND BOAKTLINQ 16 and under 200. TIHBEBS 16 foot and under , 20 00 , TIIIBEB AND JOIBT 20 ft , 2300) 24ft , 500. FINDING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In , , 24 OOj'No. 2 , 000. SHEirma No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ] to. 2 , 18 00. BTOOK BOABDS A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; O , 85 00. FLOORING No , 1 , 40 00 ; No , 2 , 35 00 ; No. , 2500 BIDING , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 ] 25 00 ; No , 3 , )00. CWLINO ? , 87 00 ; J , 25 ISmNQLKa , best 1 50 ; standard , 3 50 , LATH 3 25 per M. LIME Par barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , S5c ; itnont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair 3r bn. 50o ; Tarred f flit , 100 few , 3 CO ; straw > aid SCO , ITeavy Ilardwaro List. Iron , rates , 2 30 ; plow slecl special cast , Gc ; uciblo , 7c ; special or Gorman , 5c ; caat too ; > , 15a20 ; wagon spoken , sot , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs > r sot , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , icli , TO.iScc ; axles , each , 75o ; square nuts per , 7allc ; waahere , per Ib , 8al8c : riveta , porlb , c : coil chain' per ib. Gal2c : malleable , Sc : jn wedges , Gc : crowbars , Gc : harrow teeth , ; spring stool , 7a8c : Burden's horsoahoos , 40 : Burden's muloshoes 5 70. BAUIIKD WIIIK In car lots , 4 CO per 100 , NAiLB-Rates , 10 to GO , 2 30. SHOT -Shot , 1 85 : buck shot , 2 10 : oriental iwder , kegs , G 40 : do , half kegs , 3 48 : do , tarter kegs , 1 88 : blasting , kegu , 3 35 : tune , r 100 feet , 50o. LKAD Bar 1 G5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor. run Blossburg , 10 00 : Whltebroast lump , DO : Whltabroast nut , C 00 : Iowa lump , 5 00 : wa nut , 5 00 : Roclc Spring , 7 00 : Anthra- o , 11 25all 50 : Canon City , 7 00 per Ion. Dry 1'c.inta. Whlio load , 8c ; French r.luc , lOej Paris iltlng , 2'joj ' whiting gilderv , IVc ; whiting m'l lie ; lampblack , Gormautown , 1-1 c ; npblaclc , onlinnry.tOcj PruasUtf bine , 65c ; tramarino,18c ; Vandyke , bruwi , 8c ; umber , rnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; rlenn * bur at , 4o ; inno , rk r , 4o ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ; iris grooncommon.20cciromo ; } preen N.Y , , Q ; chiorae green. K , , 12o , vernullion , Kng , , a { verrclllionVinerlcau. . 18c ; Indian , rod , cj rose piulc , 14o | Venetian rod , Cooknon's , cj Venetian rod , American , IJc ; rod load , o ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel- nr , K , , 12cocliro ; rochello,3oochre.French ; , a ; ocliro , American , 2c : Wlutcr'H mineral , D ; lohlgh brown , 2ic | Upuil h brov/n , 2Jo ; ince'o mineral , Sc , VABNIHHBH liarrols. pa < gallon t Fnrid J < re , ortra , 9110 ; fnrulturo , No , 1 , 81 ; coach , tra , ( l 40 : coach , No. 1 , 91 20 ; Dainar tza , 01 75 ; Japan , VOcjasrhnltum , oxtrfi , 85o ) Bll&c , 83 COt hard oil finish 8160.1 DHNVI4U MAIHCEX. Ptonn Colorado , 100 Iba , ' 1 5501 50 ; pat- t , 100 Ibs. , 1 90@225 ; Kansas , 100 llw , 2 75 i 75 ; Minnesota , 100 Ibs , 3 90 ; graham , 100 C i , 1 85C 2 00 ; rye , 10 < J llw. , 2 35fe2 DO ; buck- Loot , 100 Ibs ( i 00@G 50. 'JBAIM , FEKi ) , KTCI Wheat , 100 Iba , SOfigOOc ; ru , In oitofcp on track , 1110 Iba , 1 25@1 30) ) la , in sacks on track , > 0 Ibc , eastern white , I2r a1 1 1 , Colorado white , 1 1G@1 18 ; mixed , 2@1 15 ; hiirley 100 Iba , 1 S0@l 40 ; brau , i , on track , 10 51 12 00 ; chop , corn , 100 , on track , 1 . .Orol35 ) ; chop , mixed , 100 Iba , track , 1 3Q@1 35 ; corn meal , 100 Iba. 1 GJ I 76. HAY Baled , upland , ton , 13 00(0)15 ( ) 00) ) land , looao , ton 1 J 00@17 00 ; necond hot. ii. baled , 11 ' 0312 00 ; alfalfa , loouo , ton , OOM13 W ) ; clover , baled , ton , 1 1 00 ; clover , 'so ' , ton , Ut OUol& ( ) 00 ; straw , baled , on track. Hi i , 8 00@ 00. n Cruatnery , fancy , Ib. lamery , fine , Ib , 2829 ; cronmcry , fair , ! , ij'J3 ; dairy , cluico , Ib , 22@2I ) dairy , good , U ) , 17@18 ; dftlry , Inir , IK 13@lfi ; cooking Ib , Kens State , candlml and warranted , dor , Sli)23 ( ) ; tnnnn , dor , 21@2. , OKCKSK Full cream , I2jlt < v half c-eam , Ib , OJOillc ; Mm , Ib , 810c ; SWIM , domestic , Ib , 20@22c : Swiss , Imported , 3l@S2c ; Llni- bursor , lt29e. ! POOI.TB7 Llvo old chickens , doz , I 75@5 25 ; live tprlnfj ? . doz , 3 25 I 00 ; live ducks doz , 5 0031550 ; live ) turkey * , Ib. , U@lGc POTATOES Colorado , 100 Ibs , 1 101 2ij sweet , per Ib. , 2j@3ic. VKOETADLM Onions , yellow , 100 Iba , 125(31 ( ( ) : cabbfwm. 100 1U WfrH 2-i : booS 10J Us , 1 J5fril ) 60 ; turnip * . 100 llu , 1 00 © 1 25 ; carrots , 100 Ibs , 3 COW I 00. GIIKK.V VKOKTAIII.K * Tomatoes , per Ib , 4 ® Ic ; encumber * , doCrtlO ; green toro. doz , 10@20 ; string bcan . gal , 2022 ; rolery , doz Mrf)7fi ) ) ; onions dor. bunches , lSrt2' > ; porsloy , 10@)12 ) | carrots. 12@15 ; lettuce 16@20 ; rgg 'ant , doz , t < 0&03. \ . FBDITS Lemons. ixr raso , Messina , 7 00 ® S 50 ; oranges , Rodi , cane , 8 O0' < { 8 50 ; oranrcs , Loui.iUnn , bbl , 1,3 < 0 , 2 li-fif'J 75 ; ntiploa , fan cy , bbl , 3 754 2G ; applas , medium , bbl , 25@3 f 0 ; nnplea. Belletlower , box.l 00l 50 ; l > oars , box , 2 G.r > ® 2 75 ; ixjaclion , box , 'J 25 ® J 50s California grapeo. box , Molvolso , Porn , JIuscat , 1 752 00 ; ICastom grajios , basket , ! 0G5 ; b.inanaj , bvioch , 300S5UO ( ; quinces , , iox , 2 50@2 76 ; cranbornoa , bbl , B > t B , 1000 , B& 0,1500. GuiiKD MnATa HamB. sugar cured , Ib , 15 ; lanw , swtot pickled , Hi , HJ ; bacon , break- fait , Ib , 14 } ; dry salt ships. Ib. 11 ? ; dried beef , Ib , 1G ; lard in lulls , lOtgiO } ; lard in tierces PIS 9 . FIIKSH MKATrt Dressed beef Colorado , per Ib , fiitgGJc ; cboico veal , Ib , 11(3)13 ( ) : hogs. Ib , 8@8J ; mutton , Ib , C@G : lamb. Hi , 10@124. IJIVB MTOOK Coloradi ) steers , psr 100 Ibi , 3 40@3 75 ; cows , 100 Ib. 00 ( 3 0 : choice veal calves , Ib , 7@8 ; nhoop , 2 00@ ? CO , Hldoa. Dry Flint No. 1 per Ib , 1012o ; No. 2 , Ib , 8(310 ( ; green fleers and branded calf. Hi. 44Cnl ; 8r60n cs'ft ' Ib , 0 } green kip. H ) , G ; shnoti sklui , dry , 7&8 : doer skins , sum * IUT , Ib , lG@18j door skins , whiter , ib , 12@1G ; ontolopo skins' Ib , 12(319 ( ; lallow , Ib , 4@5. Wool , Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , HUi ; buck , Ib , 8 : Mexican , 8. FISH Mackerel , No.l , 140 , kit , moss , 1 75@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; UoHond horrinK , ko < r , 1 G0@l 75 ; trout , per Ib. PRINCIPAL LINE FROM CHICAGO , PEOEIA &ST.LOUIS , nv WAV op OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENV2R , OK VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATCHISON to DENVER "onnoottng in Union Depots nt KnimsClly , Ouiuliii uud Denver with tlnouglitmlns lor And nil points in the. Gicat West. . Conncotlntrln Granit Union Depot nt Chicago with through trains lor NKW YORK , 11OSTON , And all Eetn C'ltta. At I'oorln with tlmoft Uiiiins lor Vndlaimp- oils , Olncinnati , Colunfi.ig , nnd all points in thoSoutli.Kast. At Si'K , ) ul3 with tluouuh trains for nil points Snwti. Klcgant Day Coaches , I'nrlor Cars , with Ito. clinliiK Chairs ( seatw ireo ) , Hinnklnt , ' Cnrs with Huvolvliif , ' Chairs , J'lillnian I'alaco Sluoplnu Onts nnd tlio ruinous V. It. AQ. Dining Cm ? run dully to and Troin Chlciigo amlKiinsns Olty , Cliicagonnd CounclUflnfis : Chicago and les Molnus , Chlciigo , St. Josopli , Atuliison nut ) rouka ] without clLingo. Only thioiiKh line lunni iff tholr own trains uptwuon Chleago Lincoln ami Denver , nnd Chicago , Kalian. City and lleiucr. Thiough cars liotwoun Indlniuipolls nnd Council llluiri ) , via I'corla. OOING JNOI'.TII AND 8OUTU. Solid Trsilns of iiojrunt Day Conches nnd I'lillinan rulncoSleephig Cars aio run dally to rind ftoin St. I.ouls ; via Hannibal ; Quincy , ICeoknk , Hurllngton , Cedar Itapiils and Alheit I.cutoSt. I'aul nnd .Minneapolis ; PnrlorOurs with Itecliiilng chairs to and iioni St. Louis jnd I'eorla. Onlyono clmngoof curs between st. Louis nnd DCS Jloines , Iowa , Lincoln , No. bnisltn , nnd Denver , Colorado. It Is also the only Through Line UGVwcen BT. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. It Is known us the great THKOUGH OAK f.INK of America , und is universally udnilt 'i ' > d to ho the Finest Equippoi Uailroad In the World for all classss of Travel. Through Tickets via thla line for enlo ntai- It. It. coupon ticket ollice&i.i the UnitodStateu ud Canada , P. J. POTTKIl ' , I'KUOEVAL I.OWKLL , MUST BSUSED Dr. Toungs Electric Eelts. J'OJl TIIK CUKK OK NRRVOl'HNXHH | | ) CI | ] ! I TV , WS1 OP WAV HOOD , WKAKNCHH 0 II 0 I ) Y AN J > H I K It YOUTHfUI , 1 Kit OK " . A MKIIICAI , WOI1K TO UK (1IVKN' ( AU'AV , ehowllIK ITorcrj hoiv they may lie cured , and rrooi.r eath , Strength and Ma'ily Vlfcor , Mirnour TIIK i ) OK MKUICIVK , will bo BO lit free by pojt on receipt stunned i-rivclopo. AdJrfss , bit. K. YOUNU , 415 Caua Street , Now York. t-Mmlin 'HE ' , HE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COfylPANY , TO THE J , M , D , tt It. 00. ) The most extensive manufacturers o ! IN TIIK WOULD , hn llocUstrtuisor Ooiierol Aitont or Ncbraaka au Weutern luwa. B. Tenth Btreotl . . . . OUAIIA , NEU CVI'rlcou of llllllaril anil eel Tables and materials appllcatlou 0 ( JO vc TIIK fci St. Paul and ul ilcago , . , Minneapolis i 1 OMAHA fZAILWAY. OS an ( lie nuw eitonilon ol tut * line doui VkoflrM up Tri an EADTIFDL VALLEY of the GAN 10 through Concord nd Colorlclgo 4 in. iifhca ; thu bout portion ol the Htate , Hpoclal ex ralon raton for land tuokeri over tliia line t > yno , Norfolk and Uirtlugton , ail vU Dl lf to ToOt luolpal poli.U on th3 IOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD rr&lna over tht 0. , Ht. I' . M , 4 0 , to Oar ; ton , Hlous City. I > enc , IUrtltiftoii | tad OtNJ irfolk , NJ c + t 3 = NJHi to i cntinu. inda otll da indbraiitlou ou > .ro the cfinngos Hint , In n f ow ycnrs , have taken ( ilnco Ju the uiauufaoturo of Improvement after Improvement has boon made , until to-tiny the clothing offered by Sohlnnk it Prince , 1210 Farnain street , is nqtml in every rospoot to the bout Oustoin Work ! Whllo at the same tlmo the lownoaa o ( price of the fine grndo of clothing they handle is no loss astonish- Ini ? than the Perfection of.Fit . - . Fit ! AND TIIK QUALITY Ot MATERIAL AND MAKE Ifcjj 2 10 Farnam Street. 1210 Bee Hive Photograph STTTIDIO , 813 North 10th Street. Remember llmt rar Photographs ru Iti8 | > octod before being dcm oral from tlio lll'.K HIVK PHOTO- allAPH STUDIO ( insuring every body pertcot twtiulactlon. PlIOTOOirAPKn. NEW SrOIlEl NEW GOODS A. KAL1SH , Merchan" Tailor 0228. lOthstieot , but Veen Farnam and Uanicj" Low prices ami good Uoods n specialty All clothes matlo un In iood st > la anil on short notice. Call nnd bo comlncoil. llomembcr tliojilnoo. 3228.10th 81. 171G DODGE STREET. l > rlrnto rooms for ndulte nt tcasonnUo rntos , Inolu * ilue nurnliip. I'romjit attention itlvon to omorgoncj Bases. Patients can bo attended by tholr own jihy- ilclan. jWlJlsponsary lor the poor oiwn Tuoedkye , Ihursilava and Baturdava train 10 to 11 ni. WESTMINSTER A BURNER , -AND HCORI mm AND ( EVERY STOVE WARRANTED. ) SOLD ONLY AT JOHN HUSSIE'S Hardware Store 2407 OUMING STREET tl-tu tli & sat DE , SWETNAM. Oflico 15th street , farst door north c rnrnam In Boyd'a opera house. Lcav irdors at ofllco or Sazo's drug store. Telephone 1BO. Time TaTalo. In Effect Oct. 1st , 1881. Tlio attention of tlio trmclllni ; juilillo It called tc 10 fact that this Is the only conijiloto and absolutol , Direct tlmo tahlo publltiliou In the city , All trains nrrlio at and depart from Omaha tiy cntral Standard Tlino. 'J'ralns ol the U St. I * . II , & O. arrive at and deut ut from tin Ir depot , corner of 14th and Wolietci roets ; trains o. the II. & a. , C. 11 &Q.and K , 0 , , . J. & C. II. from the I ) . & U , depot ; all otliera fiom ID Union I'uHla depot. a , Dally ; l > , except Saturday ; o , except Sunday ; d icept Monday. OMAHA BRIDGE TRAINS Jummy Trnlns-l-ea > o Omaha at 040,8 00 , J , 1U 00,1. 16 VIM , 1 03J W. 3 00 , 4 O ) , G 00 , 0 00 , 0 pm Oil Hundiyatlio 81)3 ) nnd 10 00 a m anil ) and 4 01 p in tralriu dn not run. Arrive at trans , dtpot 13 minutes latin UrcuJway depot 'M Inlu- later , , ea\u Council Jllofla ( Broadway depot ) at 7 20 , 880 i , 10 30 , 11 Iff a in ; 1 39 , 'i 30 , 8 3D. 4 30 , 630 , 0 35 I 11 OS p 111. On hundayu the 8 SO ncl 10 'M a in I 3 BO and D 30 p m tralni will not runArrlvu at .nafer 7 minute * Int. r , Unmha SO in nutc * later , rrnn8forTrnlna i * o Omaha t 810,868 j5 a in , i U. 0 10 and U US p ID , dally. inluiatj | nd 11 IS a m , 1'25 , 7 33 and 8 15 p SUNDAY TRAINS mdfrom Clili.ii | . l li TfIliarlltBAIIUncoLlnoi. | HUSI ) Y MOUXIMI. ' | HAfUKPAY KVa. TMII l H-I. l N-W i N w i .i l un iteinUer. I VII M n io J I U-27 olier . . . I It ! < 0 6-sn I 11 4-id IS iumbor.,1 2-23 I 0-3J lot 1-28 If. 8-29 ember. . | H I 7-2a I Kl 0-27 I 20 lund y flunlii | { anil Monday ni 0. U. & ( , tra'nt ' run uv 1 EOENTLY PROM PREMONT , NED. nr. . S ADD LEE Y HARDWARE , HIDES , FELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL , "WE PAY THE For Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , nnd consignments made to ua will receive [ prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made. 13ih Street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave , made.OMAHA , NEB. SPECIAL. NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. "WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It ia I ho beat nnd ohonpoat food for stock of any kind. Ono pound is equal io three pou do of corn. Stock fed witli Ground Oil Gako In the Fall nnd Winter i instead of running down , will increase in weight nnd bo in good marketable condl I lion in the spring Dairymen , na well s others , who uao it , can testify to its mor its. Try it nnd judge for yoursolvoa. Price § 25.00 per ton. No chnnjo for sacks Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL COMPANY , Onrnhn , Nob. DEALERS IN FIRE AM ) BURGLAR PROOF it XJ.O22O STEELE , < & , CO , n. B. LOCKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Chicago , Manager of the Tea , Cigar nnd Tobacco Dopnrtmonta. A full line of all grades of the nboxo ; also Pipoa nnd Smokers' carried in stock. Pricoa nnd samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful _ _ 'attention. Satinfaction Gunrantood. ' AGEWS'FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER co EVEilwaukee , Wis. GUM'EER ' & CO , , Sole Bottlers , 0.'F. OMAHA , NEB. 1301 AND 130IJ FAKNAM STREET , COB. 13TH , JOBBER OF EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED HSgFARLAMjSTREIiT , OMAHA , NEB. A. L. STJRANGCO. . , Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand j , "JSrigfiio Triimnlnga , Mining Machlnory. Bolting , Hose , ] 3r.ipa and Iron Jflitinfis , nt wholesale nnd retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILIS , OIlUROn iND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnara St. , Omaha ! i \m \ I" aniam Mrcet , ( Farnain street1 LEADIXO ONE PRICE- r i O LL ? IE3L JI . , HJ l 13 Farnnm Sfcrea . NEBRASKA. ( SUCOEbSUR TO POSTER & GRAY ) . i S H tLIME AKD ceanY or 11. t . i ? ' SB tireeU tMABA , KEB