Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Royal Havana Lottery I
Drnwn nt Hnvnnn , Hubs , Every 12
to 14 Dnys.
Bnblotl to no nwntpnUtlon , not controlled hy th
puniest Interest. It l h Wrest thin * In th
nature ol nh nee In eilsUnco. ,
ForlnlormOlonuid particulars jppjr toBHISKY ,
CO . , Ocn. AecnU , 1512 BroiMlvr v , N V. city.
R &UJB & CO. , 7Walnut , rtrctt , SI. lonta , o
or Fr ok Lobrsno. U D. , 10 Wjrandottc , Kin.
jy 21-tnfco A w Iv
Chemical Dyeing
0. T. PAULSON , Proprietor ,
GcnUcmcns' Cloth'ng ' Cleaned , Djtil nnd Rcmlrod.
Indies' DrcMOS Cleaned and lycd , without IlljipliiK.
Plumes Cl < ancd or Colored ny shade , to sample.
Silks , Vehcta and Laces Cleaned , Djcd and Ito-fln-
1212 Douglas Street , - OMAHA , NED
. Will purify HID BLOOp.-rern -
lito tbe LIVERuml KIDNEYS ,
nnil Itr.HTouu TIIK UCAITI1
nnd VIGOR of VOUT1I. Dr-
pi-psla , WantofAppcllto , in-
( llRcMlnn. I.ack of blreiiRtli.
iirc'r (
cured. Hones , muscles mid
inTvesrcoslvoiiuwiorco ,
Enlivens tlio mlml and
' KupDlIca ilraln Tower.
uIlerliiK from complaints
iccjiillurtn tholr aex will
Bnd lnDK.H'3iTER' flRON TOKIO n date nnd
rpeedjr euro. i llvcs a clear , licaltliy complexion.
Frequent attempts at conf"rt * ; UtiB only addle
lo the popularity of tlioorlplrml. lo liot czpcrl *
metitRct tlio OiuoiNAi , AND UKST.
Goner * ! Delicti In
lUvo tot Btls JCO.COO aciei oircfnlly eelcotod landi
D Ewtcrn Hel'iaska , at low price and on oacy terrua.
Improved urma for oile In DooglM , Dodzo , Gollax
Platte , Hurt , Doming , Sorry , Washington , Merlok
Blunders , and Bailer Oounttes.
Taxes paid In all parts ot the EUt , ;
VJonoy loaned on mprovod farms.
Notary Ilibllo aln-ars In office' Correspond
Cor. 10th and Capitol Avenue , treats all oases Crippled -
plod or Deformed , also diseases ot tte
Hervous System ,
Blood , and
TJrinary Organs.
All oases ol Curvature o ! the Spine , Crpokod Feet
Lcfrs and Arms , Diseases o ! the Hip , Knee , and
Ankle Joints. Alee Chronlo affections ottho Liver
Rheumatism , Paralysis , Piles , Ulcers , Catarrh , Atth
ma and Bronchitis are all treated by now and uuo-
oessful methods. AH diseases of tno Blood and Urin
ary Organs , Including those resulting from Inclsoro-
tlonor exposure , are safelj and successfully treated
and a cure gu rantecd. Young men , tnluulo aged ,
and old men suffering from Weakness and Nervous
exhaustion , producing indigestion , Palpitation of the
Heart , Despondency Dizziness , LOBS ol MemoryLack
of Energy and Ambition , can bo restored to health
and \lgor , If case Is not too long neglected.
The Surgeon In charge U a graduate ot JcfTer-
eon Medical College (1885) ( ) and has studied his
profession In London , Paris and Berlin. If alHIctod
call or write lull description of your ease , and modl-
clno may bo sent you. Consultation freo. Addrett
Omaha Dispensary , Crmmso's Block , Omaha , Neb
Office hours 10-12 a. in.,1-8 and 7-8 p. in Sundays
10 a m
O.6end ( or treatise cither on male dlscasss o
del irmltlos.
Science of Lite , Only $1.00
Eihatuted Vitality , Nervous and Physical Debility
Premature Decline In Man. Errors of Youth , an thi
ntold miseries esultlng from Indiscretions or ox
A book for every man , young , middle-aged ,
and old. It contains 116 prescriptions for all acute
and Chronlo diseases each ono of which U Invaluable
Bo found by the Author , whose experience for SB
yean Is such as probably novoc before foil to the ol
ol any physio an BOO p gw , bound In boantlfa
French muslin tnoossod coven , full gllt.gniranjcet1
to bo a finer work o every sense , mechanical , lit
erary and professional , thin any other work sold In
this country for 12.60 , or the money will bo refunded
In every Instance. Price only 11.00 by mall , post-
pild , Illutritlre wmr > I 6 cent ) . Bond now. Gold
medal awarded the author by the National Ilodlcal
Association , to the officers ot which ho refers.
The Bclenae of Life should bo road br the youn
lor Instruction , and by the afflicted foi relief.
It will bono&l all. London Lanoet.
There Is no member of society to whom The Sci
ence of Life will not bo useful , whether youth , par
nt.iroardlan , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the Feabody Medloal Institute , or Dr , W
JI.I'atker.No. i Bulflncb Street , Boston Mass. , wbr
may be consulted on all diseases requlr'ig skill and
experience. Chronlo andobBtloatodlseakjsthat hare
baffled the lUll ot all other phys-IIC * I olani
a pedtlty : Boob treated luooau-IILnL fully
without , an taituoe failure. -
Imported Beer
Erlanger . - , - . . . . . liavorie ,
Culmbacher , . . Bavnrin.
Pilsner . . * Bohemian ,
Kaiser .t.BrnmeD.
, Budweiser .St , Louis.
Auhaiiscr. . . . „ .St. Louif.
Beat's. . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . Milwaukee.
8chlitz > Pileuor _ _ _ Milwaukee ,
Erug'a . .Omaha
Ale , Porter Domestic and Rhine
Wine. PD. MAUHER , ,
1218 I'Drnani 8t
rjax receipts run ftn high ns 0,000 bushels a
day nt Ynnkton.
llitmnrck PrenliytcrlonH liavo commenced
the erection of n § 15,000 church.
A Jamestown mfin has ft potato patch which
ho expects will yield 16,000 Imsholr.
The luico flax crop of the territory has
startled a IrvrRO number of flnx mills ,
A elrong company IIM been organised in
Ynnkton to develop thoconl find near thero.
There are ninety-six lodges of Good Tom
plum in the territory , with n membership ol
1GOO. !
On the night of the Ifith , nt Valley city the
thermometer went fourteen decrees below the
freezing | > ont. !
Thirteen now nchool honne have been Iiuilt
in tlio neighborhood of Bijou Hills \\ithlna
ycnr , nt n coil of $8,000.
Indcdicnttng n Mcthodiat church nt lilutit
the other Sunday , Kov. I N. 1'ftrileo raised
§ 2,221 to clear It of debt.
The nssoPKod valuation of rcnl cstnto of
tlowoodls 821,287 ; 1'MulHno S13.GGO ; Demp
ster S8,400 , nil in llnmlln county.
Tlie c&pacity of the Sioux 1'VOli waterworks
pnnipi Is ,000,000 gnllotis dully. There nru
live miles of innlns nnd forty-twohydrnnU ,
The rnllrond surveyors of the Sioux City &
Pacific Imvorcnchod Kapld City. The lilnck
Hills branch leaves the tnnin line ninety-two
miles southeast of llnptd ,
The now insnno nsylum nt Jamestown Is
now entirely completed nnd will prob-
nbly bo turned over to the board of trustees
by the contractor some time thlft month.
A burglar entered the residences of Mrs ,
Jilshop , nt I'lorro. took her money , nnd its *
( milted her , but xho knocked him down with
a chair and pounded him until ho was glad to
make his escape.
A farmer living near Plnnkinlon fell off a
italk of corn ono day last ucuk nnd had his
eg broken in thirteen phiccs nbovo his right
tnoo. Ho wni climbing up to sea If the corn
was getting rlpo.
The bank of Dakota nt Mithcll Imi paid
.ho creditors foity per cent of thnr claims.
Mr. Kendall , cashier of the bank , thlnka that
within n ehort time they will bo nblo to pay
dollar for dollar ,
The Greenwood placer mining district has
joen organliod in the Hill. This suction cm-
jraces tap region In which the mammoth
quartz mill is now being constructed. It Is
midway between Dcadwoodnnd Kapid.
In 1'oinblna county the past year fifteen
school houses have boon built nnd thirty-flvo
districts organi/ed. There are now eighty
districts In the county nnd seventy-five teach
ers , and the school population number near
ly ' 1,000.
The commissioners of Bnilo county have
ordered that nt the November election the
voters designate their choice for county scat.
The fight is between Kimball nnd Chamber
lain , the latter being now the county Bent.
The Dakota extension of the Burlington ,
Cedar Kapids & Northern Is rapidly noarlng
complotion. Track is now boiug laid at the
rate of two miles a day. It Is 01 pec ted thai
the track layers will icnch Clear Lake by
November 1st , nnd.Wntertown by thotniddlo
of the month ,
1'lnnkinton is to have a system of water
works , bonds to the amount of 5,100 having
boon iesuod for that purpose. The plan IB tc
build a tnnk elevated forty feet to hold 3OOC
barrels , which will ho supplied by the town
well. Pipes will bo Intd and hydrants placed
convenient places for fire purposes.
The national homestead monument schema
Is not dead. Jas. Davies , of Mitchell , the
patron saint of the enterprise , has just ro-
colved from a Chicago architect n draft of n
design for a monument , which is said to ho
very appropriate nnd acceptable. Mr. Dnvici
is very Kuuguina that the next congreea will
give the woik nn appropriation.
A number of jealous married womtm of
Canning , threatened to tar and fcnthorn
young lady named Nellie Knnpp , who IIO
been holding down a claim nt that place , un
less she loft town. Miss Knapp , who was
formerly known as Miss Meeker , recently np-
ulicd for a teachtr'a certificate- the county
superintendent and wna about to undergo an
examination nnd ia highly spoken of , bho is
now mUstng , and n reward of h'fty dollars U
offered for information of her whereabouts.
BLarninlo shipped 700,000 fcot of lumber thia
Tlio democrats have renominated Delegate
Post for congress.
Postal Inspector Cameron Is in Cheyenne
seeking moro commodious quarters for the
It is reported at Cheyenne that another republican
publican paper will bo started there and that
$3,000 has boon lubscrlbod ,
Tbo marriage harvest has begun in nnd
around the Big Horn , Tlio supply of brides
is not equal to the demand.
A fire has been raging on the range of the
Bay State C..ttlo company for three days or
moro , and at night the light of the Illumes can
bo Been from Clioyonno ,
The Crook county people doiiro to have the
organization of their county effected In time
for them to hold their first election for county
officers on the day after general election , November
vombor 4th ,
The Cheyenne- Sun is nt prenont eclipsed by
a petticoat which threntenx to obtcuro ita
gonlnl rays by r/ raid on its oath box. Mrs.
Aunlo M. Crunch has begun suit for for 85,000
to repair the damage which the Sun Inflicted
on her reputation.
It Is thought the stock fhipmonts this year
will fall short of that of lost. The numbnr to
1m shipped thin reason is estimated at 80,000.
The cause is ntsigncd to bo the depletion of
the ranges by the heavy shipments last year ,
and the fact that the Texas drive waa not bo
great last year ns In previous years.
The Plymouth Itock cattle company , with
n capital stock of 31DOOUO , lias boon incor
porated In Choyonnc , The company is to
goierncd by three trustees , coiitistlng of
Alorzo B. Valentino , of liminlngtou , Ver
mont , Azel Ames , jr. , of Wnkoliold , Mania-
chueottti , and Samuel K. Hamilton , of Walte-
field , Massachusetts Tim principal range of
the company at present is nt Beaver Head ,
Montana , but tholr place of hnsinofs wHl bo m
Wyoming nn J their main olllco at Choyenua ,
A now stool boiler , with 201 Huts and a cop-
pur fire box , Is belng built at the U. P. shop )
at Kvamston. This is the first ono of four to
bo manufactured for the passenger engines of
that division. The shell is very largo , in con
sequence of which u 5-foot whsel will bo sub
stituted for the G jj-foot wheel which will ren
der them less top-heavy. Tlio lariro number
of lluofl , which moans an extra amount of lient-
Ing surface , will make them "daisy" eteamora.
Thomas Sturgis , secretary of the Wyoming
Stock Growers' association , received a mauivo
and coHtly testimonial from the members last
woek. It consists of a massive punch bowl
and ladle , weighing 38 ] ounces , Tlio bowl Is
of sterling silver , expressly manufactured by
Tiffany , of Now York , on the order of Colonel
nel A. T. Babbitt- who hwl been deputed by
the stockmen _ to make the selection , Tlio
bowl is gold lined and its exterior la wrought
with the most cunning artistic skill , and cost
81,000. I'lanklng Una superb ploco were two
candelebra , fashioned out In sterling silver
and khuwing the most artlstlo exquisite work
manship , On a large ORBcIimiuodiatolyndjoln-
ing , on a background of plush , stood a work of
art of n character very seldom teen outside of
metropolitan cities. It is the work of a Mu-
iiieh artist named ICowalskl who baa attained
great celebrity OB n painter of animals A
Itussinn winter scene is represented. Under
the heavy overhanging clouds n courier is neon
speeding along , hU iledgo being drawn by
three spirited horses abreast. A solitary wolf
is aeon in the foreground , The silver and the
paiutiug are a gift to Mr , Sturgis by theitock-
men In recognition of hli service * tn thorn In
dividually aa well aa to the association. They
represent in value about 85,000 , and were ac
companied by u parchment votumn bound in
heavy ueal and containing the monogram of
Mr. Sturm's , wrought m ellver. This book
contained an embulllehtd testimonial acknowledging -
edging Mr , Hturgls1 services and signed by the
The Salida Concentration worka have boon
completed , and uro ready to commence opera
An investigation into the accounts < if City
Clerk Lcimer , of Denver , ihowa a deficit of
A small pox scare was started in Denver
a t week by exaggerated storlea of old
women. ]
A Mis , Fillinoro sued her husband for a dlJ J i
vorco nnd alimony in ft Denver court. She
obtained fndgmont for $500 nnd $1500 at
torney foos. The attorney congratulates the
widow on the result of the suit ,
Latent reports from Clftytonia * y that thi
coal is Hill Improving in quality. A car loa <
In being dhlpi cd to the cokorics , and if It wil
coke another stop ban bcou gained towards
the prosperity of the Kerbor Crook Gulch.
HorBforrt's Acid I'liospl'iiite.
Bit. P , P. OII.MAIITIN , Detroit , Mich
says : "I have found it very satisfactory
in ita effects , notably in the prostration
attendant upon alcoholism. "
jRopunllcnn llnlly lit Oaklnncl No
A grand republican rally and gratifica
tion mooting , under the auspices of thi
Blaine and Logan club , was successfully
carried out hero in our village on Batnr
day evening. It was undertaken partly
as an expression of our apprication of th
good Bonso of a majority of the vote's o
the ntato of Ohio , nnd partly to hoar from
our local candidates for the legislature
The exorcises began before dark by rals
ing a fine liberty polo 70 foot in length
painted rod , white and blue , and tlppo' '
with n Blaine and Logan streamer
twenty foot long , at the intersection
the two main streets of our village
After which a beautiful 1G foot eta
spangled banner was run up , and throi
hearty cheers given for our national emblem
blom , and three more for Blaine nnc
Logan. As soon as fairly dark the Oak
land band began to play at the place o
mooting , and soon an immense crowc
and ono hundred torches being distrbut
cd did not near accomodato all who fell
in line for the parade. Mr. Henry
Steen was made marshal of the process
ion Mr. Hub Hart in charge of band anc
Mr. R. A. Rook in charge of the "Sons o :
Veterans , " all cf whom , when in line
made a grand and imposing procession.
After parading the principal streets , f
halt waa called at the corner of Oaklanc
avenue and 3rd street , whore a large
stand had boon erected for speakers anc
musio. The mooting was then called to
order by Mr. W.A. Harding chairman ol
the Blaine and Logan club , who introduced
ducod the first speaker Mr. E. W. Pet
erson , of Tokamab , candidate for member
of assembly , who spoke at length in n
plain , candid manner , upon the political
issues of the day , and comparing candid
ates by reference to their public services ,
oto. v
vMr. . Petersen , though a young man ,
did great credit to himself by the splen
did manner in which ho handled the
subjects of his discussion.
Mr. B. W. Evorotttho other candidate
for the assembly from Burt county , also
Mr. Scissou , candidate for county com
missioner , were called for but did nol
innko speeches.
Mr. T. L. Lewis was , the next speaker
of the evening , and when introduced to
his follow townsmen was received with
unbounded enthusiasm. Ho proceeded ,
in a clear kud eloquent manner to discuss
protectlvn tariff and other important matters -
tors in this campaign , entertaining and
holding the vast audience to the last wore
and eliciting frequent cheers and bursts
of applause.
Mr , P. P. llourk , ox-county commis
sioner , who was on the platform , was
called for and made an enthusiastic
speech. The crowd clamored loudly anc
continuously for Mr. Watson Parrlshwho
appeared and excused himself on accoun
of the lateness of the hour , but promis
ing to speak at some other time , before
the close of the campaign. The speeches
were interspersed and the occasion much
enlivened by the band and glee olub , thi
latter a double quartette of ladies anc
gentlemen who sang some very fine cam
paign songs. At a late hour rousing
cheers were given for our presidential
candidates and for our local candidates ,
the speakers of the evening.
The mooting created much enthusiasm
among the people and was in every
respect a success. It sots a ball it
motion which will bo kept rolling until
after the 4th of November next.
To the energy and push of one of our
citizens ( Mr. Watson Parrish ) in procur
ing the torches , the fine polo and the
beautiful Hag , is duo largely the success
of this our first rally.
W. A. HAUDINOCorrespondent.
Oakland , Nob. , Oct. O.
" " " * " " "
Two Grim Monsters.
Entirely too grim. Grim Monster
Disease ! Grim Monster Death ! Fight
thorn both off. Martin Luther throw nn
inkstand at the devil. But wo can do
better. Wo fight the grim monster with
a bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters. Not
by throwing the bottle at him , but by
taking the contents , Blood renewed.
Nerves toned up. Dyspepsia driven out.
Rheumatism vanquished. Malaria scat
tered. Thousands of testimonials on hand
for free inapectlon , showing how Brown's
Iron Bitters can win the victory over the
two grim monsters. \
1'rnctlcnl Stock Urocalnj ; ,
Pennsylvania Enrmor.
A scrub heifer bred to a thoroughbred
bull for her first calf and then repeatedly
bred to the same bull will improve in her
breeding so that each succeeding calf will
bo bettor than the preceding ono , and
tha to a greater extent than if she had
boon bred to different bulls , though all
equally good and of the same blood. This
rule holds good with horses and sheep as
wall as cattle. Stick a pin right hero.
If you are brooding cattle got a good bull
and keep him. If you conclude to breed
Durlmms , do so ; if Holsteins or any
any other breed , do so ; but don't brood
to a Durham bull one year and a Holstein
tlio liuxt. You must stick to the ono
thing if you expect to brood good
grades of either. And moro than this ,
a cow that has once been bred to a
scrub bull , if bred promiscuously to different -
feront bulls , oven of the sarno breed , will
never produce aa good calves as she
would if bred several times in succession
to the same individual bull , The man
who has good heifers , high crades of
thoroughbred , and does not want to raise
tholr first calves , nnd who uses a scrub
bull because it is cheaper , is saving pen
nies to-day at the expense of dollars In
the near future. Use nothing but thor
oughbred males on all kinds of stock ,
nnd , nil things being equal , the longer
you can use the same unitnal the bettor ,
I do not moan by this that it is advisable
to use him on his own progeny , but on
the original animals it may bo continued
TlioVolooof thol'roplo ,
The people , as n whole , seldom make
mistakes , and the unanimous voice of
praise which comes from those who have
used Hood's Saranparilla , fully justifies
the claims of the proprletora of the great
medicine. Indeed , these very claims are
bused entirely on what the people say
Hood's Siraaparilla has dono. Send 0.
I. Hood & 0o. . Lowell. Mais. , for book
containing statomctita of many euros , i
Bruin's Sunday upon ft Hotel Dining
1 loom A Btnfittlnr Olmsot
COLORADO CITV , Tex. , Oct. 10. .
party of huntora returning from n trip on
the plains captured , eleven mlles from
town , n huge black boar , weighing it
his half famished condition about 300
pounds. Sir Bruin showed little relish
for his captors , and made determined resistance
sistanco to the chains by which ho was
confined to a tough mosquito tree ot
reaching town. For days ho would
neither oat nor sleep , and kept the curi
ous at a respectful distance , as ho Ipncci
unceasingly to nnd fro the length of hii
chain , rolling his blood shot oyca and
giving vent to his rngo and tear in snarl
ing. menacing growls.
On Sunday morning , as the churcl
bolls were calling the children from nl
direction to Sabbath school , Sir Bruit
waxed desperate , nnd with n poworfu
tug snapped the chain that hold him anc
was oft"on a clumsy gallop through town
A great hue nnd cry was raised nnd pur
suit made , nnd , as if by the irrosistnblr
magic of the famed "rat-catcher's" musii
the throngs of children were drawn
along in the chase , forgetful alike o
homo nnd catechism. People , rousoc
from their late Sunday snooze , stroatnoi
in the streets in all stages of uniform
Butchers , in tholr white aprons , with up
raised clovers , flourished their shining
weapons in the safe background ; dogi
bayed , cats retreated bristling to thereof
roof tops. "Rich man , poor man , beggar
gar man , thief , lawyer , doctor , mcrchan
chief , " all helped to swell the motley
throng and add to the din of the uproar.
Bruin , thus hard besot , and having lonf
fasted made n break for a largo-paneci
window in the dining room of the Ron-
drobrook Hotel , landing with a crash in
the midst of the astonished guests , who
"stood not upon the order of their
going , but wont at once" through all the
available aporturoa in the opppalto direc
tion. Their rate of speed was exceeded
only by that of the wooly-hoadod waiters
who fled , grey with terror , dragging
table linen , silver and glass , in a glitter
ing train after them. Amid the clang
ana clatter , Bruin placed himself nt bay
in a corner , unconsciously , but undeni
ably "monarch of all ho surveyed , " ttaigS
Brief , however , was his reign. Soon
a cow-boy entering the the long hall ,
throw a lasoo over his shoulders ; a
second and a third followed , and the
great angry brute was dragged Into the
street.Then a lively skirmish followed ,
causing a ganoral stampede of the crowd ,
and throe cowboya endeavoring to mount
their plunging , bucking , frightened
ponies , who evidently did not hko his
The feat waa accomplished , however ,
and then came the "tug of war" the
harrassod brute , fairly at bay , lunged to
the right and loft , while the ponies with
foot spread , bracing sturdily against the
tremendous strains of the lariats wound
about the saddlo'horns , were with their
riders dragged hither and thither over
the hard , smooth ground. A girth snap
ped , and n saddle went spinning over the
horse's head , leaving the nimble rider
astride the neck of tlio snorting equine
But the war was an unequal ono , and
Bruin at length , utterly spent , sur
rendered , and sullenly allowed hlrasoll
to bo led off toward the Zoo in { the park.
Crossing the Lonely Wall Creek , "Ursa
Major's" spirit utterly failed him , anc
ho laid him down in the shallow water
and gave up the ghost Disgusted with
lifo in general , disappointed In particular
of his meal of a bluo-oycd baby loft to
his tender mercy injhe hurried exodui
from the dining-hali , Bruin felt that lifi
was a delusion and a snaro. Thing
were not what they Boomed. So slipping
the leash ho wont in search of the happ ;
hunting grounds to take hla chances a
"hide and go seek1' with his moro familiar
fee , the rod man.
A sure cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching am
Ulcerated Piles baa been discovered by Dr
Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr.
William's Indian I'ilo Ointment , A single
box baa cured the worst chronic coses of 25 or
30 years standing. No ono need suffer five
minutes after apply-in ? this wonderful sooth'
ing medicine. Lotions , instruments and eloc
tuarios do moro harm than good. William's
Indian I'llo Ointment absorbs the turners , al
lays the Intense itching , ( particularly at nighl
after getting warm In bed , ) acts as a poultice ,
gives instant relief , and is prepared only foi
1'ilos , itching of tbo private parts , and for
not kino else.
lload what the lion. J. M. Opffinberry , ol
Cleveland , nays about Dr , William's Indian
I'llo Oolntmcnt : "I have used scores of Pile
Cures , and it affords mo pleasure to say that I
have never found anything which gave such
Immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wil
liam's Indian Ointment. For solo by all drug
gists and mailed on receipt of price. f > 0o nnd
SI. Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co.
Wholesale Agent.
JL'lio Sensations anil Experiences of
tlio Sportsmen In tlilH Grciu
Hunting Ground now tlio
Birds Arc Bagged.
3t. Paul Plonoer Press ,
A cold _ gray morning when the north
ivliid whistles right merrily , and the air
s raw , in Dakota is considered a prime
lay for duck hunting. All through
September the ducks were coming south
ward from their extreme northern haunts
o the rice lakes and smaller pools , rich
with all their succulent vegetation , of
forth Dakota lingering there till the
Irst flurry of snow hurtios them out of
ho "runs" and "alloya" and narrow
'passes" of those resorts to the sunny
South. It ia a noticeable fact that , in
ho last of August , this species
) f game first turn from
; elder climates to warmer , and
hat this first flight rarely carries thorn
my further than to Northern and Con-
mi Dakota , in the valleys of the Rod
md the Goose , in the marshy waters of
ho Wild Rico and the Cheyenne , and
ho lakes from Mlnnowaukan to Skunk ,
'hero they feed and fatten till the sever-
ty of the weather drives thorn out. Ho
vlio is to the manor born finds duck
tuntlng in Dakota the rarest sport of all
ho year. There is a skill and practice
equlred in it that calls for nerve , on-
iuranco and a fund of good humor that
fashes oil' the chill of wet clothes , the
coonness of the wind , the perils of a
nusk-rat house or n leaky boat. The
on of the soil prepares for his hunting
rip something in this fash-
on. Ilia shells are loaded bother
or duck and gooao , and ' his
; uu well cleaned the day before the ex-
lodlcion. Early on the morning of the
ivontful day , with ammunition , dog ,
uuch , Husk of whisky , high waist boots ,
> ld clothes , and shocking hat , ho wend
is ! way by team or on foot , to some
Qinous "pasa , " often oven before the un
isoB , to catch the very first oirclca of the
lirda at dawn. Arrived at the battle-
lold , ho boards the old scow , generally
Hat-bottomed boat of rude construe- :
ion , broad , and safe against tip-overs
cry unwieldy , indeed , but just the
thing to shoot from in thia sport. B ;
wading , pulling and tugging , througl
mud and mire , ho hauls the boat into
deep waters , moors it to some muskrat'a
don , then with gun by hia aide , sita in
silence till the sun cornea up.
The very first flash of light in the
east wakes the myriads of ducks thn
have slept in every little "alloy" of thii
lake of rico and woods and rank grasses
Tholr "quack" is the first signal of the
coming light. TliO roods and graasoa
form the liuntor'a blind behind it now
wide-awake and alert he lies , watching
the long open cut in the lako'a vegotatiot
that opens before him , "Whirr , whirr , "
two or three birds rise and sink again ,
They're trying their wings. No use to
fire yet. But suddenly way from the
upper end of the waste o ! water anc
land , ringing down on the wind , cornea
the wiord cry of the first flock of the
day. How slowly they circle and fly , in
angles , in fanciful lotttor "s'cs" tine
"z a" . They eomo within range ; their
leader , an old bird of wary instincts
seems to scant the concealed hunters
and goes ( twinging to the right , but too
latol "bang , bang , " go two barrola ,
and another oholl sent quickly homo
catches the rear bird of the train. How
they fall ! the dead with a solid "plump,1
the dying with a fluttering of wings am
a boating of the air that ia futile. So
the sport goes on till the sun ia sot , with
moro or loss good luck. Somotimoa the
birds fly low and the shooting ia easy
at other times the range ia long , the birds
wild , and nkill only fills the hunter's bag
with a bird or two. Occasionally tho.
"tronk" of wild geese is hoard , and then
great is the joy thereat if ono is added to
the other trophies of the day. Muskrat
houses , built up of all the refuse of the
lake by the muskrat , servo sometimes aa
very good posts from which to shoot , bul
ono is apt to slip off and got a very cold ,
dirty bath and they are too often so ex
posed that the bird spies his would-be
slayer before within rango. All in all ,
the flat-boat , moored behind high rushes ,
gives the boat vantage ground from
v hich to bag the game. To paddle them
is hard , to pull them over bad places is
oxcroablo , but to fill them with ducks in
Dakota marsh or rico lake ia the sport ol
A. Valuable Chill Tonic Road this
UNIONTOWN , ARK. , September 2,1882.
Mess. Jt. A. Robinson & Co.
Louisville , Ky.
Gents Yours In relation to Hughes' '
Tonic I will attend to with pleasure. I
have sold nearly all I bought of you , and
warranted every bottle , and not ono has
over cpmo back for his monoy. I am sat
isfied it is the best Ague Cure that over
was presented to the public. I have
been in the drug business in thia place
over twenty-five (25) ( ) years and never
have sold anything that gave such sat
Yours , respectfully ,
( Signed ) Jos. ATKINS.
Prepared by R. A. Robinson & Co. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Louisville , Ky. ,
and at retail by Schroter &
Becht , Druggists , Omaha. Retails
at $1.00 per bottle , six bottles
for $5.00.
Early Lamb for Mnrlcot ,
In order to realize the beat prices for
early lambs the owes should come in no
later than February. As they go nbou
four months before lambing the owoa
should bo placed in the paaturo with the
rania as soon as possible , and should bo
fed with a ration of oata daily from then
until the time the lamb ? are weaned , The
trouble with the matter of securing
early lambs is that the brooder has n <
control over thorn in regard to the time
when they ahould bo mated , but by so-
looting certain breeds for crossing and re
taining the early ewe lambs for brooding
purposes the next season , ho may suc
ceed in securing the lambs somowhal
parlior each year , until they are dropped
in January , instead of February. The
difference of ono month in th ago of a
market lamb is quito an item , as very
early lamba are sold when smaller bettor
than thcso that came into market later ;
while the sooner they get into market the
higher the prices obtained.
Early maturity and good quality of
carcass cannot bo obtained in a Hock in a
single season. As small broods of animals
mature earlier than do those of the larger
kinds , owing to tholr not requiring so
long a period auring which to grow , so
do the femalea of the smaller breccia begin -
gin to brood sooner. The smallest of the
bieoda of sheep la the merino , which ,
when crossed on the common flock , adds
early maturity and increases the weight
of the of the floeco. Such a cross , how
ever , la not the most desirable for pro
ducing the best lambsaa they lack in size
and quality that which is gained by being
dropped early. It should bo the object
of the farmer the next season to select
iia owes from among the earliest lambs
D the previous spring , dis
carding all owes that were late
ambs. These early owoa will begin to
areod early , both on account of their ago
md from being of small breed , and they
hould bo placed In a field together , in
sompany with a ram of thn largo breeds ,
ho Shropshire Down being excellent ,
'ho first season , when the common owes
ro mated with the merino ram the pro-
iuco will combine the hardiness and ac-
ivity of both parents while the next
oason the Shropshire ram will give the
> reduce greater size. During the two
oasona the mule lambs may bo sold , and
ilso the late ewe lambs and old sheep.
With a flock of owes consisting in
> lood of one-fourth native , one-fourth
nerino and one-fourth Shropshire there
rill hnvo been obtained , by such acourso
> f breeding , the hardiness of the native ,
vhlch ia always desirable where the pas-
ures are not the best , as well as the fin-
> r wool and early maturity of the raor-
nos , combined with the good market
jualitios and size of the Shropshire.
Vnothnr reason for recommending the
Shropshire is that the owes of that brood
iroduco a greater proportion of twins.
iVitli owea so bred they will always pro-
iuco early lamba , if careful selection is
nado of the earliest for brooding pur-
DOSOS ; and all that is required
'or procuring lamba that will
jring the best prices is to use rams
Df the Oxford-Down , Cotawold or any
) thor largo brood. Ewes from this third
; roB3 should not bo kept for breeding
mrposos. If the females of twins bo
copt every year the number of twins will
ao gradually increased. During thjs ex-
lorlmont the size , quality end appear-
inco of the carcass will bo improved , the
ffoight of fleeso increased and the lambs
: oino in earlier. In order to insure such
osults , however , grain must bo allowed
As young lambs range In price from
55 to 810 , according to the period at
which they reach the market , it needs no
nducomont to those who are aware of
ho fact to endeavor to bring them in
; arly , If good judgment is exorcised in
ho management of the flock the lamba
rill produce a larger profit than wool or
uutton ,
-THE g
TMs medicine , combining Iron wltli pure
V3RCtnlilo tonic * , qtilrkly nnd completely
Cures lr i > riiln | , ImllKCMlonVrnunritH ,
Impure Itliio < tMnlurIniiillliimid ; Frvrrn ,
mill NiMii-nlcln.
Ills an unfailing ; remedy for Diseases of tlio
Klclncyn nnil 1.1 vet- .
It Is Invtthmblo for Dlscnw peculiar to
Womoii , nnil nil who lendEcdcntary lives.
It docs not Injure the teeth , cnti'oliendnclic.or
produce constipation of/iT Iron medicine * ill ) .
It enriches and jmrlfici the blood , Simulates
tlionppctlte.ntds the nwlmllntlon of food , re
lieves Heartburn nnd Ilclclitng , nnd strength-
em tlio muscles nnd nerves.
Tor Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of
Kncrprj' , > tc. , It lias no equal. '
# 3- The genuine 1ms nbovo trndo mnrk nnd
crossed red lines on v rnpper. Tnko no other ,
r o.c.ijir Witm.MiiEJiiaLco. , IIAI.TIJIOIII ; . no.
And Undisputed la tie BROAD CLAIK > < elngtne
Ever offered to the nubile.
The oteamehlpa of this well-known line are built ol
Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are lurnlah-
ed with every requisite to maka the passage both
safe and agreeable. They carry the United States
and European malls , and leave New York Thurs
days and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bourg , ( PARIS ) and HAMBURG.
Ratca : Stcerafo from Europe only $13. First
Cabin , ? 6B , ? 6B and $75. Steerage , SW ,
Ilenry Pundt , Mark Hanson , F .K. Moorca.M. Toft ,
tgcntsln Omaha , Qroneweg & Schoentgon , agents In
Council Bluffs. C. BiRICIIARD &CO. , Gen. Pass
Agts. , 61 Broadnay , N. Y. Cbos. Kozmlnakl * Co-
General Western Agsnto , 170 Washington St. , Chlca
ta Mod Institute
chartered by theStateof 1111.
; GlcetandSyphilis in all their
' complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanently cured by reme
diestestr.dlna.Kor < yl''earJ
t i > i > cctail'racttce. Seminal
Wcnknrss. Night Lossc'Liy Dreams , Pimples on
th : FaceLost Manhcod.f.osKd'c/j/ciirftfoTAerc.
lo no experimenting. The appropriate ru.r.edj.
isatonca used in each case. Consultations , per-
Jonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med >
'oir.ic sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
pasicane to indicate contenta or sender. Address
! JU. JAMES.No. 204Washlngton St.Chicagolll ,
permtnent core. Book free.
An interesting treatise on Blood nnd Skin Disease
tvill be mulled free tonnyonu vho will send their ad
Ircsa to thohulftSpcclucCo.Uniu'r3. AtlantaGj
Could not buy from mohat Swift's Specific has
done for mo. It cured mo of Scrofula in its worst
form , after ( had suHaredwith it fifteen long years
and had tried all the remedies , only to brtak down
my health and makoroo almost helpless ,
Acworth , Ga. , July 15 , ISSi.
Some eleht Tears ago I became the victim of a fear-
[ ill Blood Poison , communicated by a mir-io to my
Infant , anil thence throuzh the breast , and puttered
For six long years. The Mercurf and Potash treat
ment seemed to drive the poison further Into my
system only to break out Inotno form on other
portions of my body. Three months ago I began
: aklnt : Swift's Specific , and It fcas cured me sound
and well. It Is the greatest blessing winch has come
to mankind In years. MRS. T. W LFK ,
Grccmlllo , Ala , Sept. 4,18S4.
iTionli Ateniance Co. , ol on , Cub
Argot 15,881BOt.
Bo tchestoiN. Y. , Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . , iJM.MJ.
flohfercnants. of Newik , N , J. , OlpIIU 1,476,000.
lrardyiroPUil deJrBfa " , p al "X , ' ! * ? '
lerooa'ii-ouc ! C p"t l l.SJJ.SH
Belgian Boyal andU.B , Mall Btonmew
VieRMne , Germany , Italy , Holland and franet
Steerage Outward , 120 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , Jig ;
Excursion , 839 , Including bedding , eto,2d Cabin , $40 ;
; ound Trip , 180.00 ; Excursion , 8100 ; Saloon from (50
o ISO ; Excursion 110 to (100.
CTPeter Wright ft Sons , Gen Agents. 65 Broad <
iray N. Y.
Otldwcll. Hamilton ft Co. , Omaha. P. B. Flo
Din fc Co. , 208 N. 18th Street , Omaha ) D. B. Kim
ill , OmahaA cuts. od-ly
Health is Wealth !
guaranteed tpeclHo ( or Ilynterla , D nluosa , Convul.
ion ) , Flta , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervoua
* roatratlon caused by the UBO ol alcohol or tobbacoo ,
VakelulneM , Mental dcprcselon , Soltenlng ol tbo
izaln , reaultiug In Insanity and leaping to mliery ,
lecay and death , Premature Old age , Uaronesn , lost
olpower In cither BOX , Involuntary I.oeios and Sper.
matorhora CAiitod by over oxertlentol the brain , uclf.
tbU8eoro\cr Indulgence , Kach box , contains ono
month's Ueatraont , tl.DO a boxer > ix bottles tor
5.00 , Beet by mall prepaid oa receipt ot price.
"o cure iny case. With each order received by na
or ilx bottles , accompllihad with 85.00 , we will eend
he purchiMr our written guarantee to refund the
money II the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar-
wtees Issued only by JOHN 0 ! WEST & CO. .
jy 23-mio-ry K 2 Uadiaon St. , Chicago , ill.
Reeldenoa No. It07 Jones St , tfioo , No. 1M9 Far
D. B Office hours IS m , to D and ram S to
.lll ll ( I Kf J .ll , 41 Mt 1
Tfio remarkable growth of Omaha-
during the last few years la n matter of-
grent astonishment to those who pay nn
occasional visit to this growing city. The
development of the Stock Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line Road the
finely paved streets the hundreds of now
residences and costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city moro than
doubled in the lost five years. All this *
is n great surprise to visitors and is thp
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial improvements niadn a
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every investor has made n handsome
Slnco the Wall Street panic last May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times , ,
there has been loss demand from specula
tors , but n fair demand from investors
socking homoa. This latter class are
taking advantage of low pricoo in build
ing material and nro securing their homes
nt much loss cost thjm will bo possible a
year honco. Speculators , too can buy
roalcsta' ; cheaper now and ought to take
ndvan cf present prices for futur
pro ft
t' cxt few years promises greater
< s pmentu in Omaha than the past
' > ears , which have been as good as-
* could reasonably desire. Now man
ufacturing establishments nnd largo job
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many in Omaha and through
out the State , who have their money in.
the banks drawing a nominal rate of n-
terest , which , if judiciously Invested in
Omaha real estate , would bring them
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits in the-
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue,17thy
18th , 19th and 20fch streets.
West on Farnam. Davenport , X
Cuming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in value.
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
bhe railroads will certainly double
the price in a short time.
We also have some fine business
lots and some elegant inside resi-
lence ? for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
ome good bargains by calling on u
rEAL -
South 14th Si
Between Farnham and Douglas.
P. S. Wo ask those vrlio have-
iroperty for sale at a bargain to giver
is a callWe wane only bargains.
rVe will positively not handle prop-
rty at more than its real value. v