Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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fr-MCr I MflftTS
TeaSrSleoord. A. * f i'W"oians ,
* * ny Iho neo of thla
nnMEDT , the Btom-
aoli nnd BowolB
DISEASES tpecdlly rcs ln their
OPran Btroneth , nnd the )
ran blood Is imrincd , }
It is pronounced t > y /
y trvzn < hundreds or the best
BLADDKH doetomtobo the OK *
LY onitE for all
'T kind * ot ICldncy Dl -
eases. I
OBOANB It is purely veire-
Dnorav table , and cures when
OHAVEI , ' other medicines fall.
DIABETra It Is prepared ox *
prcssly for thno d In
\ DISEASE cises , and has never
been known to fall.
Ono trial will oon.
vlneo yon. For sale
on Oend for
BIDD famphlet
of Tontl-
OP rrorldcnce ,
It. I.
IB UKU1L ) 11Y
Koyal Havana Lottery !
Drawn nt Havana , Duba , Every 12
to 14 Days.
Subject to no manipulation , not controlled liy th
parties In Interest. It ll the falrcot thing loth
ntturo of chance In exlttonoo.
For Information and particulars apply toSHISEY ,
. . tyUiUUIJ/tKUllVO. lit * Broadway , it Y. city.
E.KAU1XI CO. , 417.Walnut itroot.Bt. t.oulg , Mo
or Frank Lobrano , L. D. , SO Wyandotte , Kan.
) y 2Mn&a ft w Iv
C. T. PAULSON , 1'roprlotor ,
Gcntlorccns' Cloth'nz ' Cleaned , Djccl and Repaired.
Indies' Dresses Cicantci nnd Djcd , without Kipping ,
Plumes Cl'ancd or Colored any nliailo , to sample.
Silks , VehetuaucJ Lnces Cleaned , Dyed and Kc-lln-
1212 Douglas Street , - OMAHA , NED
Cor. 10th and Capitol Avenue , treats all owes Crip ,
plod or Deformed , alee discuses o ( tt o
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs ,
All eatea of Curvature of the Bpmo , Crooked Foot
Lees and Arms , Dlicasoi of the Illp , Unco , and
Ankle Joints. Also Chronlo atlcctlons oltho Llrur
Ilheunutlsm , Paraljeli , I'llo , Ulcers , Catarrh , Astli
ina and liionchltls are all treated by now and suc
cessful methods. All diseases ol tno Blood and Urin
ary Organs , Including thoao resulting from Inc Itcro-
tlonor exposure , are eottlj and Buctoeatully treated
and a euro guaranteed. Young men , inluulo aged ,
! and old men DUflerlnR from Weakness and Kenous
\ exhaustion , producing indigestion , Palpitation ol the
llcart , Despondency ulzzlnesn , Lees of Memory , laoJ {
of KDurgy and Ambition , can uo restored to health
and tlRor , If oeo Is not too long ncifloctod.
Tlio Bunrion In charge Is a graduate of Jiffor-
Eon Medical College (1885) ( ) and has ttudtod hit
profession In London , Paris andUcrlln. If afflicted ,
caller write full description of your case , and inedl-
dno mar bo tent you. Consultation free. Addrcsi
Omaha Dispensary , Crounso'u lilock , Omaha , Neb ,
OlHoo buura 10-12 a. m.,1-3 unil 7-8 p. m bundayi ,
.10 a m
T3.Bend for treatise efthor on uulo dlaeassg oi
SciunGB of Lite , Only $1.00
Eibaruted Vitality , Norvani and Poyilcal Deblllly
r/inutnro Decline in Uan , Kiroroot Youlh , an the
otold miseries esultlnir from Indiscretions or ex
OMM. A book for ercry tn n , young , middle-aged ,
id old. It contains IS8 prescriptions for all acaU
and chronic dlaeuei eachonn of which Is Invaluabls
Bo found by tba Author , whoso eiperlenoe for ! J
yean Is inch aiprobably never before fell to the cl
ot any physio an 100 pagce , bound In beaatlfa
French tnailln mooModooven , full cilt.KDarantee
to be a finer work D every lenae , mechanical , lit
erary and professional , thio any other work sold In
tbli conntry for tloO , or the money will be refunded
Jo Tory InstantM. Price only tl.bO by mall , poet-
paid. IllruitratlTO simple ( cents. Send DOW. Gold
medal awarded the author by the National Uedlcal
AwodatloD , to the offloen oi which ho refers.
The Sdense of Life should be readbr tba yonn
for InctrnoUou , and by the afflicted lor relief.
It will Unefll ill London Lanoet.
There Is DO member of society lo whom The Sol-
io of Llfa will not bo useful , whether youth , par *
cnt.BOJjrdUn , Instntctor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Addreu the Pcabody Uedloal Instltuto , or Dr. VT.
II.I'aiker.Ho. i DalOnch Street , Uoston Uasi.wbo
may be consulted on all dlscasei reqnl og skill and
eziierienoe. CbrooloandobstloaUdlseujsthat bar *
baffled the skill ol all other pbyi-IIFl I dins
tpecblty : Hutu Ireited laooees-llLrlL
withoutuoulnituo * failure. TUvPCJ C
Erlniiger , . . . . . . . . . . Havana.
Gulmbacbor , . , . Bavaria
Piltmer . . . . &Boliomian.
JiuclrveJBer . . .St. Louj *
AutmtiRor. . . _ _ . . _ .St. LOIUF
Best B . . . , , - . . , . Mil waulroo
Bchlitz-Pjlsner - . . . . Milwaukee
Kruu'a . . . . . . . . Omaha 1
Ale. JPo lor. romoBHc and
. MAUltKR ,
t mt ; wjunin YOU AUK.
Consumptlvci ! Ilnrcly llcncilttctl liy
Trips totlio Mouth or the
Hochcstcr Iuinocr ) t nnil Chronicle.
Not many of the plccsant autumn dnya ,
of which ycetordny woa h fntr eamplo ,
will intervene boforn that incloniont portion
tion of the ycsr will nrrivo Trhoti Iho
prophetic physician will nay : "Go lo ,
now , you man of weak lungs , got thno to
the mountains of Colorado or to the
orange groves of Florida , for winter
cornea on apwo. "
To men whoso buaincEB relations nnd
social connections nltach thnm peculiarly
to the city of lloohoatcr or the atato of
Now York , regardless of climate , the do-
crco of the medical man has much of the
flavor of a decree of banishment. Deli
cate lungs do not always indicate poor
memory , and men with both of tlicno
characteristics remember that an alarm
ing proportion of these oxiicn , who go
ortli hopeful , coino back , if they como at
all , under clrcumsUn
joyous and which arc not entirely discon
nected with funeral preparations.
Sometimes , with all duo rcnpoct to the
medical faculty lot it be aald , the com
bination IE not Indicated with absolute
correctness. Tliu dry , thin air of the
mountains does not always bring health
and strength , and the balmy breezes
of the Houthcrn peninsula ener
vate and gently kill. IIow
therefore , to remain among frionda and
in accustomed business relations , and
bravo the northern winter of Now York ,
with a fighting chance of winning the
game , is a practical problem which will
soon present itself to invalids of the pul
monary sort. It is hold by many physi
cians that the mental effect of giving up
the contest in advance , gives aid and
comfort to the enemy ; that the moral
oiToct of a good light prpsagon a fair
chance of victory and regained health ,
How this fight may bo successfully car
ried on without yielding to the decree of
banishment , formed the motive of a
Democrat and Globe reporter's investiga
tion yesterday ,
" 1 have changed my my mind some
what in regard to sending patients to
Colorado and Florida , " nald a physician
who has had a long experience with pa
tients suffering with lung diseases. "In
the dayu when It required several weeks
to roach Colorado n patient had tlmo to
become accustomed to the great change
in atmosphere , and often found much
bon'oQt from the change of climate , Now
a man ia hustled up into the thin , dry
air in a pnln.ce car , and I am of the opin
ion that the sudden change Is as often
injurious as beneficial. "
„ , ' 'Good many of thorn die , I Imagine ? "
suggested the reporter.
"Certainly ; and probably some die
hero who might , by observing proper
precautions , have lived many yearn nt
homo. "
"That's exactly the combination I am
looking after , " said the reporter. "I
want to learn nomothing practical about
the proper precautions to light our terri
ble winters , for the benefit of some of
our readers" .
"In the first place half the battle In
most cases of lung affection consists in
not giving up. When a man packs his
trunk and goes to Colorado or Floridaho
virtually gives up. There are certain pim
ple precautions which are easily taken
which will do much to disarm the changes
of this climate in winter and spring.
Some of my patients have provided them
selves with entire ouits of chamois skin ,
lined with light flannel , to bo worn under
the under clothing. It should bo perfo
rated and made to fit snugly at thu neck ,
wrists and ankpls. It is , if properly made ,
a great protection from cold , and the
wearer rarely fools unpleasant oflbcts ,
oven from our sudden changes of temper
ature. I tegular light exorcise , good wholo-
noino food , and plenty of sloop also aid in
withstanding the rigors of n Rochester
winter. "
"You evidently think the moro fact of
going away has an injurious ofToctin those
cases. "
"How can it bo otherwise ? If n man
take * thcsoprocautions ( and I am not now
talking of confirmed consumptives , you
know ) , ho is very opt to forgot the severity -
ity of the weather , and como to regard
himself as pretty well after all , especially
If able to attend to his business. On the
other hand , if ho gives up and goes away
ho is constantly watching for unfavorable
By-stems. If ho tratchcN closely enough
they'll como , too. "
"What is the objection to going lo
Florida ? "
"Thoro are none , if a man can go there
in good health and spirits , and for the
purpose of enjoying a constant summer.
To an invalid , however , the climate is apt
to prove enervating instead ot llfo-glving , '
It is a country which smooths the path to
the grave , and doubtless , in some cases ,
postpones the inevitable end for a tlmo ,
but where men's ' lungs are not hopelessly
affected , 1 am inclined to think that good
pluck , chamois skin garments , plenty to
eat and good exercise will place him on
good fighting ground. "
"Thero are exceptions ? "
"Necessarily , but as a rule I think the
men and woman who tuko care of thorn-
.plvcs . and fight diaoaso bravoJy , stands
moro lhan an oven chance with these
who give up and emigrate to a now coun
try , with its deprivations and the depress
ing surroundings. Still , after all , every
case must bo judged by itself. I give
you my idea of the general rulo. "
A UAHl ) . To all who are sufferlnir. from errors
.nd . Indiscretions of jouth , nonous weakness , early
Jecay , loss of manhood , eta , I will send a roolpa
that will euro you , FUKK 01' CiIAHdK. This Krcat
remedy was dlioovered by a mlsslouery In Bouth
Kmorlca. Hend iclf-adilrested envelope tokiv. Jo-
xril T. I iuit , Btatlon 1 > Mew York.
Vnndorullt Ponnua $500,000 to the
Now York GolloKo of IMiysi-
elms ml Burf-oonc ,
ow York Tribune October 18 ,
The college of physicians and surgeons
n the city of Now York was the recipi
ent on Friday of a princely gift. AVrn.
II. Yandorbilt gqvo to the college the
sum of § 500,000 , for the purchase of
real estate and the erection of a building
ivhioh shall enable the institution moro
uocceafully to fulfill the purposes for
which it was founded. The gift is not
intended as an endowment or for the es
tablishment of professors' chairs , but as
. building fund , Iho edifice now occupied
iy Iho college being in many rospcois in-
dcquiUo. A m on imedical men
.hero exists the desire and
dope which are fully shared by Mr.
Vandcrbilt that Now York should become -
como the medical center of this country ,
and that the Now York medical school
should rank with the schools of Paris and
Vienna , and It is with this object in
view that Mr , Yandorbilt hao muko this
liberal gift. The collcgo has from lima
to time received gifts , of which a proper
use could not bo made on account of the
buildings. Jumcs I. Swift gave the in-
sUtiition 8100,000 for the purchase of a
philosophical npparatuf , n sum which has
never been expended because there was
no place for the UBO of such delicate in
struments. The Alumni association
gives annually a certain sum for the
maintenance ot a pathological laboratory ,
but so insufficient is the accomodation
that the collcgo has been obliged to estab
lish this laboratory in ono of the stores
on the first floor of the present building.
In view of thcso facts the gift of Mr.
Yandcrbilt In most opportune ) and will
certainly bo received with delight
and gratitude by all the friends
of medical science in Now York. Twon-
ty-nino lota have already boon purchased
from Amos 11 , Kno in Tenth Avenue ,
between Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth streets ,
opposite the llooEovclt hospital , for the
erection of the now building , and work
will begin an soon as the plans are drawn
and approved. Who is to bo employed
as architect has not yet boon decided.
The purchase of real cstato is BO extensive
that the buildings which are to bo erected
will not cover all thu property , and it is
intended to leave thu college enough
space to adapt its building to its future
growth. The erection of the now edifice
will probably require over a year , and
when the Institution shall remove thither
it will bo the fifth time in the course of
its history that its growth has required it
to enlarge its capncitios'and seek n build
ing moro fitted to the demands upon It.
liy Dr. Frarlor'g Mnglc Ointment. Curoa aa
If by magic : Pimples , Itlack 1 leads or Grubs ,
lilotclion nnd Kniptlons nn the face , leaving
the skin cluar nnd boatitiftil. Ainu curcx Itch ,
Salt Hlioiim , Sere NljmlcB , Sere Lips and old ,
Obntltmto Ulctrn , 'f5old by driigRlatB , or
irmllal DP receipt nf price , CO cents. Sold by
ICulm k Co. nnd 0. F. Goodman.
Tlio Distinctive Styles ol'thoIIcadKcar
or I'roinlnont 1'olUicIaiiP ,
Uoaton Traveller.
Aa soon as n man springs into public
notice ho nt once seeks some distinctive
article of headgear , It is a little difficult
to toll how this is , but it Is nevertheless
a fact. President Arthur usually wears
a tall silk hat. It looks like a president's
hat. Whoever made it , it is the only
ono of its kind in Washington. In the
first place , it is a very tall hat with just
the shadow of a curve near the crown.
The brim is broad and nearly straight ,
and hangs over his oyes. It is a hat
among hats , and ono would ask the name
of its owner among a thousand. Atty.
Gen. BrOYrstor's white silk hats , are al
most historical. Ho has them made in
Philadelphia , and it Is said ho consumes
sovaral o aah aoason. It is a matter of
curiosity why ho should want a now hat
of this species. Certainly it must bo n
great puzzle for htm to pick oat the
latest purchase among the largo stock
which ho must have on hand. His hats
are made to bo brushed either or both
ways , and they usually aro. They are
built very high , with n bulging crown
and a rolling brim , something like the
hcadqour in the pictures of the allegor
ical "Undo Sam. "
Mr. Bluino sometimes woaru a stylish
silk hat , buthis favorite is a black slouch ,
which ho draws doirn ever his ayes until
in nearly touches his nose. Oon. Butler
and Senators Edmunda and Hoar also
run to slouches , all apparently made on
pretty near the same model. Gen. Logan
wears a cavalry slouch hat about halt the
time and a respectable silk hat the re
mainder , Senator Ingall'a hat is toll and
angular , like himself. It is a kcon and
iucisiva-Iooking hat , and sits on his head
in a prim sort of fashion , as much aa to
say to all the other hats : "Just have
yourselves made ever into this stylo. "
Secretary Chandler generally wears a
Doiby. Ho porches it low down on his
forehead , where it looks thoroughly busi
ness like , like Its owner. Secretary Fro-
linghuyson wears a tall , thin silk hat
Secretary Folgor , on the contrary , won
a rather low-crowned hat , which added
materially to his judicial appearance
Secretary Lincoln's silk hat ia generally
stylish and dressy , while Secretary Tel
Icr's makes him look like an Episcopal
bishop. Postmaster General Grcsham
has developed a gonulno fondness for his
old black slouch hat , which ho throws
down anywhere.
Commissioner Loring was the most
dignified looking silk hat in Washington-
No ono would ever think of such a thing
as rubbing that hat the wrong way , and
as for crushing It , the idea would bo pro
postorous. Oon. llosocrans affects the
military slouch hat , while Gen. Sheridan
wears n light Derby , of a fashionable
make. Before ho was elected speaker ,
Mr. Carlisle always wore a slouch hat ,
now ho wears a tall silk ono with narrow
brim , which looks as though it were
throe sizes too uinall. Senator Mahon
wears a light brown slouch hat on the
loft eldo of his head , which gives him a
dashing appearance. .Judge Lawrence ,
the eccentric first comptroller of the
treasury department , wears a flat crowned
od hat with n wide brim. This is sav
agely pushed down on his head just as
though ho had given an adverse decision
of ton thousand words. It almost
covers his oars , but doesn't , that is , ono
can son the oars , These are a very few
of the immense number of distinguished-
looking hats which may bo seen in Wash
ington. The sul joct of hats suggests an
incident which happened at the White
house during Grant's first term. Gen.
Butler cauio to see the president ono day ,
and deposited his silk hat In a largo and
comfortable arm-chair. As ho stood
talking in walked Iloraco Groeley. Groo-
lay shambled across the room and sit
down on Butler's hat. Of course there
was a crash , and as the great editor
jumped up , Gen. Butler took the remains
of what was his handsome head-gear in
his hands and said ; "Grooloy , I know
that hat wouldn't fit you. "
MEAT SAUCE for all kinds of salads , fish ,
vegetables , and cold moats. Cheaper
and bolter than home-made. No sauce
equal to It was over offered.
Ilow Do Got llnrt.
Koclioatcr 1'oat-Kxprosa.
' Oh , my child , how did your face be
come so bruised ? Como to mamma and
toll her all about it. "
"I-I-I was ever 'cross the road , playin'
with Mlts IIowo's liltlo g-i-r-1 ; boo-hoo-
oo-oo. "
"And did she hurt you like this ? "
"Y-y-yes. "
"Well , that was real naughty in her.
What did she do to little Goorgiol"
"Sh-sh-sho knock mo down , an-an-and
the she hit mo ww-with a b-r-i-c-lc , and
pounded mo w-wi-with a b-r-o-o-m *
s-t-i.c-k. "
'Oh ' , dear , whaU terrible child. Well ,
don't cry any more , Georgio. What were
you doing irhon this happened } "
"Pl-pl-playin1 w-wo was m-a-r-r-i-o-d. '
HOOKVIU.K , Ot. , May 21,1883.
"When troubled with kiduoy com-
plainti , ITrj.vr'H [ Kidney and Liver ] HKM
EUV roliovoa every timo. I always keep
it in the hoiuo. " J. II. Ryan , Superin
tendent of the American Mills.
FHr. John Portor'n Perilous Balloon
IScn Pcrlev Poor.
President Lincoln was much interested
in iho Account of n perilous balloon as
cension by General Fitz John Porter , on
April 11 , 1802 , near Yorktown , Vn.
About D o'clock in the morning ho stop *
ped Into the car ot Prof. Lowo's balloon ,
to go up nnd make o rcconnoieanco ; then
bo pulled buck to terra firma. IIo sup
posed the uaunl number of ropoa were at-
Inched to it , whereas there was only ono ,
nnd d plnco in this , as was afterward as
certained had boon burned by vitriol
used in generating gas. Tnking his seat
in the car , unaccompanied by anyone , the
rope was let out to nearly its full length
the length was about ono hundred
yards when suddenly snap went the
balloon. This was nn unexpected i.nrt
Df the programme. The men looked up
with astonishment , and the general look
ed down with equal bewilderment.
"Open the valve , " shouted ono of the
men below.
"I'll monngo it , " responded the gen
eral.Up wont the baleen higher , higher.
It rose with great rapidity , Its hugh
form lessened as it mounted into the
regions of the upper air. It became n
speck in the cky. The wind was taking
it in the direction of the enemy's ' terri
tory. By thia time every stall oflicor nnd
hundreds of others were looking at the
moving speck. It is impossible to do-
scrlbo the anxiety felt nnd expressed for
the fate of him , the central object of
thought , In that far awny moving speck ,
every moment becoming loss visible. It
scorned to move toward the Union army ,
and countenances there brightened with
hopo. It passed ever the heads of the
Union mon. 'Soon it began to descend ,
but with a rapidity that aroused renewed
apprehension. Quickly n squad of caval
ry plunged spurs into their horses , and
away in the direction of tno descending
baloon. The rest of the story is as re
ceived from the general's own lips.
Whllo the rope was being played out ho
adjusted his glass in readiness for his
proposed view of the enom'a territory. A
sudden bound of the baleen told him in a
moment that the rope had given way.
Ho dropped the glass , hoard the call ,
"open the valve , " mndo the
response given above , nnd sot about
looking for the valvo. Ho was sensible
of bolng flighty ( the general loves n pun
as well as the next ono ) , but was not at
all nervous. Ho saw the wind had taken
him ever the line of the rebel entrench
ments. Having uo wish to drop in among
them , ho lot the valve take care of itself ,
and proceeded to take advantage of his
position to note the aspect of the rebel
objects below. Crowds of soldiers rushed
from the woodsand ho hoard their shouts
distinctly. Luckily , ho was above the
reach of their bullets , so ho was not
afraid on this score. The map of the
country was distinctly discernible. Ho
saw Yorktown and its works , York river
and its windings , nnd Norfolk with its
smoking chimneys. A counter current
of air struck the balloon , and its course
was reversed. Its retreat from ever
roboldom was rapid. Ho opened the
valve , the gaa escaped , nnd down ho
camo. Ho could not say how fast ho came
downbut it was with a rapidity ho would
not care to have repeated. The car struck
the top of a shelter tent , under which ,
luckily , no ono happened to bo at the
time , knocked the tent into pi , and loft
him enveloped in a macs of collapsed oil
silk. Ho crawled out , and found himself
in the middle of a camp , not ono hundred
yards from General McGIollan's head
quarters. -tj n'w _ - "
Michigan , offer to send their celebrated ELEO
rLiANCKa on trial for thirty days , to mon
( young or old ) nfllicted with nervoua debility ,
loss of vitality and manhood , and all kindred
troubles. Also for rheumatism , neuralgia ,
paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete
restoration to health , vigor and manhood
guaranteed. No risk incurred , as thirty days'
trinl is allowed. Write thorn nt once for illus
trated pamphlet , free.
Hcmainmg in the poatoflico at Omaha , Neb ,
October 18,1881.
Pearson V M Peck P
Pollock G Pinner II
Pfleglmnlt H Philips W
Kadford .T Hiding .T C
Itohwcr T V Itmmusson C II
Kobinpon S llobcrtson A
Itosenbnrp J II Iloiber II
Stibolt V Stevenson II
Smith II 0 Hlnanmker II T
Schleip K Shay 1'
fchoui F Smith 0
Smith A T Summer V .T
Stoke berry C C Shulberffcr C
StoxoA Snrcnion 11L
Smith J W Shoo J K & , Co
Southard U .T Sclitmitch T
Sttcoter V H Schnersr P 13
Scimlty 13 S Mith G K
Shcnrer W S Swisher W
Thompson V M Thompson 0 W
Thomson S Tlmling A
Thornton U J Turner II W
Twlsh.l Taylor II J
Turneo W
Wnmba J Wheeler F
Werner 0 Wren 0 V
Wcntherhogg H Whltlon II
Wohlers H U Williamson IJ F
Whits W T Walker J
Wnples UK Webb W
Wilson G Water T
Wnrntr G A Younr ; 0 12
Armstrong Mil M Adftmi Irs M
Aldtich Mi * .T M Atkinson Mrs M M
Avery Mlis II
Benedict Mrs W N Blnko K
Bcuner Kiss S Buckaman A
Bent A Byrne Miss M
Banister Mrs J liottieon Mrs S
Brlinon Mrs Mi Bnuo Mia S 13
Boykur Miss B
Clirietlan en Airs T Giver Mra T
Cyphers Miss A Cunningham Mrs S
Cunningham Mra A Cathrinn K
Ulmpman Mrs I < M ! Cassy Mrs IIA
CrosittMrs H li Cronin Miss H
Utiscoll Mies B Dalstaom Miss C
Darrngh Miss J Dolnnoy Mrs M
Drain Miss S 2 IhvltonG
Da\ics Mrs L Daly Misa II
I3vers Mrs J P Khrhardt A
Flynn Miss C A
Gilbert Miss M Gorman Mrs P
Grnbnm MH ! C Ghelo Mrs H
Gruff Mrs 0 Graves Miss A
Grcon Mra M E Grucll Mrs A
Hemming Miss A Hnnbert 13 Mlai
Hnrtatack Miss L Hnnlon Miss T 2
Hull Mrs G Henderson Mrs N
Heunion Airs 13
Jmnes A P Mrs Joyce M1" " F
Jones Mrs F L Johnaon Mrs C S
Jacobs Mrs F Jordan Mhs K
Jausscn Mrs K
Koyser Miss TA Kochch AII
KarlsonMisaT V
Levy Mrs K L L.indstrom Miss I
Morris Mrs I ! Mncauloy Miss 1C
Mcllanthlin Mrs L McIIall Mrs II
Megan Mra B Mnrkert Miss M
Mnrtfn Mrs M Monro Miss 13
Martin Mrs J B Miller Miss I
Nichols Miss A A Kiolaon O
Niles Miss S
Owing A OstcrMissLK
O'Brien Misa J
Palmer Mrs G- Pierey M
Portorfield Mrs J Pettia Mrs L
Perry Mra ] 3 Park Mrs C
Qunglo Miss B
llushmtn Misa M Kiloy M
HOBS Miss L L lloborts S
Knnkles 13
Swift Mrs F A Sweet Mrs W
Shindloy Mra C Slntten Miss S
Stuart Mrs B Span MrsM
Stevenson Mrs 11
Tompson Miss O B Thomas Mrs E L
Tucker Misa It Tischback Mra N
Thorn Mra M K
Worth Mrs N F Williams Miss A
Wait Mrs L M Whlttock Mrs E J
AVilliams Miss M Wehdon Miss M
White M13 Wright M 1C
II Thomas Mrs S A Vintou
F Weber
' AiiROStura Bitters do not only distitr
pnish themselves by their flavor and nromaic.
odor nbovo nil others generally used , but the ;
nro also n euro preventive for nil diseases orip
mating from the digestive organs. Beware oi
counterfeits. Ask your grocer or druggist foi
the pcnuine article , manufactured by Dr. J ,
J. B. Seigcrt & Sons
Notice Filth Ward Voter .
The undcrB'gncd will tit at the Trcm-nt house or
Monday , October 12tlictwcen | 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
and as many clays ttireal terns may bo required by
Uw to register the legal > otcrs of Second district
Filth u&rd. Jens QCI.NN ,
oct 11-lw
Notice of Registration.
To the legal \otersof 1st uard ID the city ol Oma
ha :
You are hereby notified that the undersigned will
eit aa rcglsrarfor the first uard at GISand b20 touth
10th street commencing Thursday October 3d , 1884 ,
at 11 o'clock n , m. . ( or the purpose of registering all
qualified \otcrs within eala uard and for such pur
pose the undersigned will sit ana keep his book of
reglatratton open each day thereafter ( oiccpt Sun
days ) at the place aforesaid from eloon o'clock a. m.
until Boicn o'clock p. m , until Monday , November
3d , 18S4nt the hour of 12 o'clock m. , when said
book of registration will ho closed. All qualified \ o
tera are notified to attind and sco that their names
rro properly registered. ISAAC KUUIN ,
oct 15 n2 IlfEletrar 1st Ward.
Protection. No such
protcctUo ogalmt
chills and fever and
other diseases of a
malarial 15 pa exists-
n ? HoBtcttcr'd Stomach
ach Hitters. It re
Il3\cs constipation
li\or disorders rhcu-
nmtisni.kidnoy and
; _ bUdder ailuontc ,
_ with certainty and
' rrompt 11 mle. A
- clango M pratllylng
as it Is complete soon
takes place In the up
pcaranco , as well as
the ecnaatlon of thou
u an and haggard In
\alhl , who uses tills
standard promoter
of li o a 11 li and
strength for Bale
by all dru Ists and dealers cnorally
tivtr * .f MutirViu > , k J9ur noe.r rdrunl.tro
JTU > , uu > ututun < l bIL < / U. . tllU HUT ft bO.XS.
Qoaenl Dc leia In
'H05 FARM All ST. 01IAIIA.
Dare ( or ul 103,001) ) aerot carefclly ubatod Undi
n Kutern Nobrut * , fct low prloa and on ouy term *
ImproTca i rms tor ilo In DougUi , Bodge , ColUx
PUtto , liurt , turning , tUruv , Wuhlntton , kloilck
Biumiirn , tad llutlor Jountfeg.
Tn j paid In kll parts cf tb SUIs , ;
Money loaned on mproved ( umf.
Notary llibllo alw T In office' CorretpouJ
Pruotico Limited to Diseases of the
Kyo auil Ear.
503 Farnara Street , - 'OMAHA.
Tins medicine , combining Iron with pure
tonics , uickly nnd compl
nnil NriirnlRln.
His nn unfailing remedy for Diseases oftho
Kldticj * nnd l > Urr.
U Is Invaluable for Disced peculiar to
Women , nml nil who leadeodcntary HMS.
It docs not Injure the teeth , enure licmlnchc.or
prndiiro constipation other Iron mcilidntg do.
It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates
the npwtlle , aids the n lmllatlon of food , ro-
llcves Heartburn nnd llclchlng , nnd strength
DIII the muscle ? nml nerves.
Tor Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lnckol
Kncrgy , > lc. , It lias no equal. ' v
J52Tlio ccnulno has nlxivo trndo mark nnd
crowed red lines on wrapper. Tnkc no other.
flxI.ouljl.T HIION.MnEHIUI. 10. , I1.U.T1J10IIE , JID.
AilDnJIspntei in tie BROAD GLAIN * > ; eirzti ;
liver offered to the uubllc.
S ? , c3bcot ; 00333.33fa/aoLy.
The etoamehlpa of this wcll-kuown line are built ot
Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are furnish
ed with every requisite to make the passage both
iafe and agreeable. They carry the United States
and European mails , nnd leivo Now York Thurs
days and Saturdays for Ph mouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bourg ( PARIS ) and HAMBURG.
Rates : Stccrsgo from Europe only S18. First
Cabin , ? 65 , $05 and 876. Steerage , $ 'JO ,
HenryPundt , Mark Hanson , F .E. JloorcsIf. Toft ,
aeontsln Omaha , Gronewcg & Schoentzen , agents in
Council Bluffa. 0. B : RICHARD & CO. , Oon. Pass
Agts. , Cl Broadway , N. Y. Cbas. Kozminskl & Co-
General Western Agsnte , 170 Washington St. , Cblaa
James Hal Institute
Chartered by tlicStatcof 111' .
Inoia for the express purpose
ot clvingmmcdiate relletlc
, chronicunaarj'anapri-
-/.vote discsce ? : . Corantx&t ,
VGect ! andSy pliilis in all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Dlood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by rcme-
„ „ „ _ _ bj > cclall'ractlcc. Seminal
Weakness. Night Lossciby Dreams , Pimples on
the Face , Lost Manticod.fiwMtcf'ycHrcda There
iat'.oejci > erinictili > ni. The appropriate rc.r.cdy
12 at once used in each c&se. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med-
.cinrs sent by Mail and Express. No marks on
pacicace to Indicate contents or sender. Address
UK.JAMESNo.204Wa3hinglonSI.ChicagollJ ]
ramieia i > un ture noov rr *
CKUIe Ajcncj , leoFultoa Bl K. > T'
An Interesting treatise on Wood nnd Skin Dlfoasa
nlll bu mailed free to any ono uho will ecnd their ad
Jrt'83 to thoh > 1ftSuctlflcCo.Drau.T.'i. AtlantaG ?
Could not buy from mo what Kulft'a Spcciflo has
donoformo It cured mo of Scrofula in Its orst
form , alter Iliad suit od with It fifteen long ; years ,
and had tiled all tbo remedies , only to br > al ; dowi
iny liealtliliiiJ make mo almost hol | > lcss.
Acnorth , Qa. , July 15,1531.
Some eight team ago I kecimo the \lctlm of afcar
'ui ' Blood I'olaon , communicated by n nurse to my
Infant , nnil thcnco throueh the breast , and suffered
'or ' tlx loiigj cnra The Mercury and Potash treat !
ment seemed to drho the polaon further Into my
ijstcm only to break out In norse form on other
portions of my body. Ilireo months ago I began
akliit' Sniffs Specific , nnd it ras cured mo sound
nd well. It Is the greatest bieeslnp ; wlncli has como
: o mankind In years MHS. T , W L F ,
Greenville , Ala , Sept. 4,1831.
Fbantz Ataannao Co. , ol en
Ocetctieetor.N. Y. , Capital ' . . . . .003.CW.
flo XlerobBDti , ol Hemik , N , J. , Cupltil 1,778,000.
liard fire , Phlladelrblk , apHU 1,580 , COO.
' - -
Belgian Boyftl and U.S. MH Btoamon
fhtlUiinc , Germany , Italy , Holland ami France
StMrnge Outw rJJ20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , llg ;
Kicurelon , 939 , Inoludlng bedding , etc , 2d Cabin , (60 ;
Round Trip , (90.00 ; Eicurslon , 0100 ; Balooa from 650
la ISO ; Excursion 110 to 8100.
VPetor Wright ft Sons , Gen Atrenta. (0 Broad
way N , Y.
Oaldwcll. Hamilton k Co. , Omaha. P. E. Flo
van k Co , , 208 N , 16th Street , Cinaha ] D. E. Elm
all. OmabaA enti. od-ljr
Health is Wealth !
guaranteed ipcciflo for lIjBterta , Dzilnega , Consul-
iloni , Fits , Nenous Neuralgia , Headache , Ncrvoui
I'roitratlou caused by the uia of alcohol or tobbacco ,
Wakefulniws. Mental depression. Softening of the
brain , resulting In insanity and leaping to misery ,
decay and death , Premature Old ago , Baroness , loss
of power In cither sex , Involuntary Lfetes and Spor-
matoihora caused by over oxcrtloutof tbo brain , sell-
abuse or over Indulgence. Kadi box , contains one
month't ticatment , (1,00 n boxer ilx bonicu for
ti.00 , lent by mall pi sjald oo receipt of prlca.
To euro tar cose. With each order received by ui
for six bottles , ocoomDlUhtd with (5.00 , wo will send
the purchis r our written guarantoa to rotund tbo
mcuejr II thatrcatmeutdoeanot cffecto onro. Guar
antee * Iwuod only by JOHN C : WEST It CO. .
jy 2S-niAo-ry B33 Uaillion St. , Chicago , 111.
Retldenoo N" . 1(07 Jones St , See , No. UCJ Tar
m.a OiBoa hour * H m. to m ind torn 2 to
i ! ) ' ? l > 4 > tit J 3u II , UtUt
The rcmarkablo growth of Omaha ,
during the loat few years ia a matter o
grcat atonishmcnt to these who pay an
occasional visit to this growing city. The
development of the Stock Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line Road the
finely paved streets the hundreds of now
residences and costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city moro than
doubled in the last five yoara. All thle
is a great surprise to visitors and ia thp
admiration of our citizens. This rapid ,
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial improvements made a
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every investor has made a handsome
Slnco the Wall Street panic last Hay ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there 1ms boon less demand from specula
tors , but a fair demand from investors
Booking homos. This latter class are
taking advantage of low prices In buildIng -
Ing material and are securing their homes
at much loss cost than will bo possible a
year hence. Speculators , too can buy
real estate cheaper now and ought ta take
advantage of present prices for future
The next few years promises groatoc
developments in Omaha than the past
five years , which have boon as good as
wo could reasonably deairo. Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo j ebbing
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many in Omaha and through
out the State , who have their money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of n-
torost , which , if judiciously invested in ,
Omaha real estate , would bring them
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits in the.
near future.
"We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north find
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue,17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnam , Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
lity , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
tvill increase in value.
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards propor-
; y in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
he railroads will certainly double
, he price in a short time.
We also have some fine business
lots and some elegant inside resi
dence ? for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
some good bargains by calling on ti
218 South 14th
Between Farnham and Douglas.
P. S. Wo ask those who have-
property for sale at a bargain to give
us a callWe want only bargains.
We will positively not handle prop
erty at more than its real value.