HE OMAHA DAILY FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , TUESDAY MOUSING , OCTOBER 21 , 1884. NO. 105 SHADES OF GUITEAU1 Gov. Gleyelaiiu Assanllcd liy a Granl A HairBrainod Fool in Persona ! Spite Attacks Cleveland on a Public Thoronchlare ; Kefusod Eveoutive Olemonoy foi His Felon Brother A Deranged Petitioner Seeks Fis- tie Eevongei An IntcrostliiKi Albeit Unimportant Incident of Not the Slightest I'ollttcrtl SlgnincnncD. CIjFVEIjVND ASSAULTED. Al.DANT , October 20. The city was throwr into great excitement this mornoin by the report - port that Governor Cleveland had beennssault od while on his way from the executive man slon to tlio capitol- Some reports said ho hat been assassinated , and others that ho had boot : fatally wounded. The reports spreadi quickh and hundreds gathered at the capitol , nnd sought out the governor's room to inntnro , at to the foundation for tha rumors nud tha con < ditiou of the governor. The following fact ! TUB ASSAULT. HA wan assaulted in front of the medlcnl college this morning , by Samuel Boano ol Chomnng county , who was ejected from the executive chamber last week for creating n disturbance while seeking n pardon. Boone struck nt the governor with bis tight hand , but the blow wns wnrded off. Ho repealed - pealed the striking several times but failed to hit the governor in the face. Ho then darted towards n pile of cobble stones , but wns inter I cepted by Dr. Geo. H. Houghton before ho he'obtaincd n missile. Boone returned to the attack on the governor , when Houghton seized aud hold him and tbo governor deliber ately walked on. Boone was released and wont quickly to his boarding bouse , where ho was arrested shortly afterwards. Ir. Houghton overtook the Governor and conversed briefly with him about the nseault. The governor proceeded to the capitol. Ho nlluded only cnusually about the matter to attaches of hid office. In the police court Boone pleaded not guilty and asked two days to prepare his case , as ho wanted to telegraph to Judge Boardman Smith of the Eiiprcma court to defend him , Tha case was put down for Wednesday. Boone was seek ing pjrdon for his brother-iu-lawwho was sen tenced to two years nt Auburn for shooting into a crowd , assembled near his house on hal- lowecn night , and seriously injuring a boy. Boone aud his wife requested the governor at JClmyrn , to pardon him , and the governor said that he would look over the matter. When ho returned to Albany the governor spoke to Distiict Attorney Stanchfleld , % vho was strong ly cpposcd to granting the application , as he did not think there were any grounds for clemency. THE ANTECEDENTS Or THE CASK. Last evening Boone reappeared with his wife. She went into the executive chamber while her husband remained in the anto-room. She became excited and violent in her language and the governor's attendants say aho struck at him , hut he seized bar arm , asked her to bo seated and be calm. He rose , she sat down , and then fo 1 to the floor In -violent hysterics. Two orderlies hon removed her to a house across the street , where she was treated. She has been hysterical mott of the time since. Boone rays when ho heard hii wife scream he rushed into tbo room and found the governor just letting go of her. Ho was put aside by orderlies who removed the woniin. He claims the treatment was so severe that she is in a dying condition and he , overcome by his feelings , attacked the gov- ornor. A reporter of the Albany Journal , who cilledvlicra Mrs. Boone is , saw her , nnd the brnisos on her arm , where it ia alleged the governor seized her. Attendants said that she -K : n n Cumatoza condition and apparently dying. ANOTHEll ACCOUNT. Boouo , who nssUiltf < J _ the governor unsuc- sossfully , solicited for his brother-in-law , who is confined in Auburn prison for shooting a man : n Chemung county a year ago. Booao met the governor as ho was walking over lEaglo street from the ox cutivo mansion to the caplt 1 , about U this morning , and struck nt him , nt the sumo time uttering an oath. Governor Cleveland throw up hU arm nnd warded off tno blow. Several persons near by , who had seen the ufTair , ran after the man nnd captured him. Governor Cleveland ut once proceeded to the executive chamber. BOOUP oamo horj about two weeks ago to press an application nnd the governor then mid to him that ho would take up his papers at his earliest convenience and would dici o It ns soon as possible. His im pression was that the prosecuting officers of the county were unfavorable to the pardon , and if so lie could not grant it , unless they saw tit from further reflection , to modify their statements as no pardons were granted in op position to local authorities. Boone , at this , demanded immediate answer , yes or nc , and said to Cleveland if the district attorney bad reported ngainst the pardon ho would slap his face , and if nut ho would como bask and slap the governor's fuco. In a few days Boone telegraphed the governor that tha district at torney nud saved him a fuco slapping by ac knowledging that Cleveland's statement was true. Lust week , ono morning , Boone and his wife appeared at tha executive chamber , and the governor granted them an audience. The woman was in a state of great nervous excitement and at tempted to strike the governor , Ho caupht her by the wrist and said to liar , "my dear women , you arn beside yourself , sit down and let us talk the matter over reasonably , " At that she throw herself on the floor and scream ed and shouted until she was retLOve i from the building , Boone and his wife remained hero over since and Boone his followed the governor back and forth from his houeo to the Capitol , He has uttered all manner of threats to shoot Cleveland , OiC , and was regarded asa "crank. " Ills has had several a . wife tits of 8" " " hysteria and her attending physician urged Boone to t iko her home , but ho has refused , * ' Boone Is in jail and will be examined as to his sanity , Wednesday. X AHTKR THK AXIIANT , October 20. This evening the ex citement over the asuault upon Governor Cleveland had largely abated. 'The condition of Mrc. Boone , Buffering from hysteria since her Interflow with the Goternor n neok ngo to-day is m t dnngorons. The statement tluv she was Injured by the Governor during tlu interview is entirely untrue. When ho tel < her that ho could not pirdon her broth er without invcatigftt'on , nnd that Iho cnx mint tnko lU turn , oho flew nl him run n'tompted to scratch his face. Ho eeir.od her by tlio wrists nnd said , "Why , you poor , foolinh woman , why don't you bchpyour self ? " Mr ? . Boone wni then led out into ni ante-room , w hero she loll upon the floor In n fit , She is not injured , further than sustain ing some bruises inflicted on herself by her struggle. THK CIIA/.V CONVICT for whom Bonio soneht a pardon Fairbanks nlso n "crank. " The go\ornor to-dny re colvod n dispatch from thi warden nt tha An burn prison , staling that Fairbanks had boei pronounced Insane Jjy medical experts nm transferred to thu insane department. FUANC13 AND CHINA. A CHINK3K 1'KACK OtTEIUNlI. LONDON" , October 20. The I'nris correspon dent to the Telegraph states that the court nl PekinoiTured through the Washington govern ment to pay SS.OOO.OOO.gto compensate the French for their lousesnot aa owini ; to orroi but in order to smooth the way for settlement. The correspondent says that Ferry considered the offer too small , America is so satisfied at the attitude , which she regard * as worthy of de fending , tbat FreUngliuy cn declared his Ina bility to understand the reluctance of France to an nmicablo settlement of the dlllicultics. CHINA'S MONKY , The Standard's Hong Kong dispatch sayi that n loan of $3,000.001 hns been obt inoi by tha Chinese government from the Honp Kong and Shanghai btnks The appeal lo people for Iho loan was n comuloto failure. The tola' ' tenders nro only 1,000,000 , at par nnd GOO.OOO nro nt1 per cent below. Banks refused the Intter olfers. It in believed thai China will bo in straits for cash to continue war and that her financial difficulties will lead toan , earlier settlement of the struggle. AHMV SU1TLIE3 NEEDED. The Times' Pckin correspondent is informed that the French commanders , if ordered tJ march on I'ekin , wilt ask for a corps do arms of10,100 men of nil brau.bes of service , two pontoon trains , 8,001) horses , twelve field guns , floating and shore hospitals for 8,000 , and n number of light draught gunboats. CA raENCH DEl'KAT. BEHUN. , October 20 A dispatch has boon received nt tbo Chinese emb.is < y confirming the statement that the Chinese , under Lin Mings Chuan defeated eighteen hundred French at Tamsui on the Cth iost. French operations there were frustrated by torpodoea. Count Minister , the Gornun minister to London , has bean entrusted to reply verbally to Foycral of Lord Grauvlllo's questions re garding the Congo conference. It is believed that the German government hns informed Granville that to one important question an swer can only bo given by the conference. A PBENCH VIOTOUV. PARIS , October 20. General Briero Do Lisle telegraphs from Hai Phong that n largo mass of the enemy appeared in the Ked river region on the 13th. and made an attack upon Tuyen Uwang. They were defeated with great loss. No French killed , the wounded are doing well. ANOTHEll CHINESE REPULSE. P.Utjs , October 20. It is reported that the Chinese made an attack on Thai Uguyen in ipper Tonquiu , and had boon repulsed with leavy loss- Van AVyck At Ulysses. Special telegram to THE BEE : TJussES , Neb. , October 20 , Senator Van Wyck addressed the largoat audiences of a pol itical nature over assembled at Ulysses on 3 at urday , the 18th. He spoke for two hours and showed the fallacy of the idea tbat any rail road legislation could over bo expected by ilecting railroad attorneys. Ho also ridiculed 10 idea of a sixteen yaar old boy taking sido- vith the rebel brigadiers by ignoring the wishes of his constituents on the Fitz John . 'ortor question and the slender _ plea .hat he votcdhls honest convictions Che senator was loudly applauded throughout and the opinion seems to prevail that Laird is igono goslin. BIJAINE'd SUIT. TUB "SENTINEL" LIIIEI. , SUIT scr rou HEARING DECEMBER 23. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , October 20. In the Tinted States court this morning the case of Jlaine vs. the Indianapolis Sentinel , libel uit , was set for trial December 2 ! ) . The do- cndant'a attorneys had n subpo-na issued for ilaino , to servo on htm to-morrow. The ar- ; nmouta between the attorneys was that ail vrits and subpo 'nacs bo served on Bluino's ounsol. Tlio Dead JrlHli Statesman , DUIILIN October 20. At n meeting of na- ionaiials nnd others , yesterday's expressions f condolence with A. M , Sullivan's family voro made. Masses were celebrated and irayors olferol for tha r.posa nf his soul , in no > t of the Catholic churches. The mayor and orporation attended the funeral. Many thousands attended Su livtu's funeral o-diiy , among them the mayor of the corpor ation. Bishop Cluga ot Dublin , and the Irish members of parliament. Ticliljorno's Ticket of LONDON , October 20 , The Tichborno iaimant was secretly brought to Pontonvillo > rin9n last night , and wus ditchnrged this riorniug , unexpectedly to himself ills time fan still three dny a to run. At Scotland fnrd the claimant received a ticket of leave , equlring him to report monthly by lot- ar to the authorities , flo appo.iroil to bo n good health. He will remain quiet for the iresent , keeping his residence secret. A MurduriiiK Lmriatlc IJOORO. CHICAGO , October 20 , The Journal's Vir- ouqua\Visipecal ( ) ! says : John Herschka.a Gor man sixty years old , only recently ro'eased- rom the insane assylum , shot nnd killed hiu vifo early jestordoy morning , and then took .o the woods , carrying a gun with him. A > aity of forty armed men nro scouring the country for him. Grace Nominated , NuwYonr , October 20 , At thocitl/ons neotlng In the academy of tnuaio to-night , Vm. It , Grace , the predecessor of Mayor I'd- on was nominated for mayor. The speakers ncludod Hev. Dr. Howard Crussiy , Oswald Htondonfor editor of the Staalzoiling and Win. A. Cole of the Irish American. WHAT IT MEANS. Blaioo's ' Masterly Intemretalion of Ihc Meaning of Democratic SnGGOss,9 A Result Eoploto with Sinister Significance. The Restoration of Ante-Bellum Southern Power. An Utter Check of All Presonl Progress. Road , Soldier , Farmer , Trades man , All Lovers of Lihorty , His Hpcccli nt Ft. Wnyno tlio Strong CHI Political Document Kvor Issued. IlIjAINE IN INDIANA. KtKiiAftT , Ind. , October 23. Blnlno let South IIoLl this morning nt ten , The plat of the dny is to drop onu speaker nt encl plnco to mlchcB3 thocrond after Blalno leaves At Klkhart thcru was n crowd of eight then ennd. Blnino left the train there nnd nscen dod the stnnd , from which ho spoke ontlrol ; of the tnrill Issue. Ho said tlioro , the demo crntic party mr/onderod its nuthorlty. In dlnna was very Important among etatoi , fo itt industrial products last year reached the enormous sum of S 1 0,100,00J. Ho wanted ti ask niiy fair minded person if such"pro pority could have been attained without n proteclivi tariIF. Tlio two parties worn divided on this Icsuo. Bo careful of your judgment as free men , upon the 1th of November , lie said , a ho bid Blkliart farowoll. IIKCKtVEn AT KT. WATNE. Fr. WAYNE , October 20. About 2:40 the train arrived at Fort Wnyno. Tliero was n largo crowd nt the depot , nnd nlong the route to the A veil n homo to which Blalno waa driven. The streets in front of the lioto and court house square , oppoaito nnd ndjac n streets were filled with a dcnso macs ol Immunity. When Blaiuo nppcarod on tlio balcony , ho was loudly cheered , lint from 0110 portion of the crowd , including n number of men wearing tall wliito luta , there came cheers for Cleveland and when Bluiuo attempted to speak ho was interrupted by shouts and yells and cheers for Cleveland coining from the saino quarter. Ho therefore declined to sneak from the balcony , and _ re cnterint ; tlio hotel ho left it again by tlio side door nnd in company with chairman New and Hon. Win McKiuloy of Ohio was driven up Cnlhoun street to a point opposite LI rary hall. A great body of the crow I followed him nnd here. Handing upon the driver's seat ho spoke as follows : IlLAINE'SSrEKCir , Citl/.ens of Indiana , tlio October elections In Ohio nnd West Virginia Imvo put a now phase on the national contest , or rather thy have reproduced the old phnso. [ Good. ] The democratic party , as of old , consider now that they hayo the south solid again. They bdliovo that they will surely get 153 electoral votes from the sixteen southern stntoa ami then they expect , or they hope or they dream Unit they may eccura Now York nnd Indiana [ "Never , never , is ii n dream ! " ] And that with New York nnd Indiana added to the solid south th y will seize the government o the nation , [ They can't do it noverlj I < o not bollovo that tlio farmers , tliobusine 8.men the manufacturers , the merchants , the me chanics , and last of nil , nnd most of nil , I do not believe that the soldiers of Indiana can bo put to that use. [ lireat cheering , nnd cries ol "Never. ne\erl"l I do not believe tint the men who nddod lustro nnd renown to the nnmo of yourstato through four years of bloody war , can bo used to call into the administration of the government , the men who organized the great rebellion , f 'No ' , no , noverl" ! In the senate of the United states , the democratic pirty Imvo thirty-seven members , of which number thirty-two cam , from the south , Ol their strength in the lionso of representative' , the majority comeij from the south , nnd now the intention is , witli nu absolutely solidified electoral vote from the south , added to the votes of the two states I Imvo iiamod. to seize the government of the union , ( t c.m't bo clono. That seizure can never bo nado. ] THAT JIKANS A QIIKAT DEAL. 11 means that as the south furnishes three- 'ourlhs of the democratic strength , it will bo ; i\cu tbo lead aud control of the nation in the ivent of n democ atic triumph. It means .hat tlio wont linnnci.vl and industrial system of the country Khali ba placed under tlio di- cction of the south ; tbat our currency , our jauKs , our taiiff our iutnrnal revenue mws n short , that our whole system upon which the > uBinots of the country depends shall bo ilaceil under the control of that section. It neans that the constitutional amendments to which they t > ro BO bitterly opposed shall bo inforcod only so far as they nmy believe in horn ; th t the national credit as puar- antccd in the fourteenth amendment ; hat the payment of pensions to soldiers of he union as guaranteed in the same amend- nent , shall be under their control , nnd what hat control might moan can bo measured by ho bitterness with which Uuuo amendments were resisted by the democrats cf the south , [ 'hero is not one measure of banking , of tnrilf , if I'm an co of public credit , of pensions , not Jiio line of administration upon which thn ; ovornmcnt is conducted to-day , to which the lenixcrats of the south are not recorded as lottlle , nnd to crivo thorn o < ntrrl would moan i change , the like of which lias not been cnown in modern timos. It would bo as if ho dead Stuarts were rooilled to thn tlirono if England , as if the bourbons ehould bo in * vlted to administer the government of iho 'Vench ' republic , as though tlio Florentine hikes should ba called back and empowered .0 govern the great kingdom ot Italy , "Good. " ] Such a tiiumph wiAild bo \ KKAHKUr. MIBFORTUNK TO TUB HOUTII IttiKl.V. ThU section , under n wise administration of he government by th republican party hat teen steadily and rapidly gaining for trio last on years , In all the cilpincnts of material pros- > ori y. It has added enormously to its wealth since the close of the war , and has hired fnllv in tlio general advauco of thu count y To call that section now to the rul- irs _ ip of the nation would disturb its own ocial and political economy , would u-klndlu smoldering passion and under the peculiar 'leadership to which It would bo subjected , would organi/o fin administration of resentment , of tcprUnl , of ro\ci > KO , nnd no greater inisfortuno than that cmild como to the imtionor to the with. It would como ns n reaction rtc'.Mmt Iho pin- grosuof liberal principled'In tint ocUon n progress so rapid that the republicans nto wigdig varnoftt conttsln in thofo flatca who u Interests nro most denlomtrably identified with the policy of proto.tiotugMint THK llALKFUt BriCTAOt.R : OP A HOMO SOUTH. I nm sure that ItulNim will protect nnd on the whole will conclmln li stand where die bun stood In the past. I bellcvn that \oil w ill ttntuluh ro you stood in the war , Hint you will stnud for principles nnd policies which base undo your state bloom sml blnooin ni n ro o nndlnch hnvo mndo tlio Ainoricnn ropublioin inamifactuics , nnd in agricultural the trading nation of tlio world. [ Great cheering 1 The lead tig n tlon ( if the world , not niproly In n material sontc , but In n moral philanthropic feme ; n country in which every man hilt n good chnuco an ts\ cry other nmn and which among other great gifts bestows AllSOI.UTKlA' FHKl ! SUKKIUt.K. ( ehccni ) . You cnjny llmt sutrrnga nnd on Uiu fourth day of November next , you nro to sav \\hlchparty , for which pulley , you will cast your votes , ( loud cries , "lor bUlnol for Hlaini' ) ! Not mo personally , ( yen , ym ) . No , I nm not gponldug for mfself. No man over mot \\ith misfortune in being dcfoateil for the Prcwldoncy , whlloi men lla\o met with great misfoitunu in being elected to it I nm pleading no personal cmise , I am ft.KAOlNa T1IK OACMK OV'TllHAMKKK'AN 1'KOl'I.K. [ That's it and cheers. ] I nm pleadlrg the cause of the American tanners , and American mnnufacturois , nud American mechanic- " , and Ainoricnn labor , ngainut the world , [ Uooil , good , good , nnd great cheering 1 I am nn- pronched by some excellent jioojilo for appear ing before those lauHituiics 01 my country men , upon the ground that It is Inconsistent with the dietilty of the oilito for \\Wch I nm mimed. [ No , no ] But I do not fuel it to bo so. Thorn is not n courtier in Kiirone , fo proud , but that ho is glnd to un cover his bend in the presence of the only earthly sovereignty. I acknonloilgo nnd bow withpndo to the free people of America. [ Great and prolonged chooilng. ] After ItlnmoMr. . McKiulov wni called for nud made n brief peoch ; which wns onthusins- tically applauded. Blame was then driven to the residence of Hon. .leiso L. Williams , where ho will spend to-mRht. After ten , thn clergymen of the city called upon him in n body. To-morrow ho will go to Indianapolii , making several stops on the way , IXX1AN IN IOWA. OUKLTKl ) AT DUllUqUlt. DunuqUE , October 2b. General Logan ar rived hero thlii evening by soociat car from Chicago. Ho wns nccompanlod y unor.il Wolf , of the state committee , Col. Patrick Donan , nnd others. The reception committee mot him nt Galena nnd escorted him hero. His arrival wns grot ted with the roar of can non , bands of music , marching Hclubs , nnd a largo concourse of people. Tno city w s pro fusely d.corated , democrats nnd icpublicaus alike uniting in these testimonials in his honor. The Herald ollico ( democratic } , which is di rectly opposite the park where the speaking occurred , was decked out in gorgeous array , .Logan was escorted from the train to the Lor- imuo house , where ho wns followed by n largo crow d to whom ho bowed his acknowledgments from the portico. Kvery one wns anxious to shako bunds with the distinguished visitor nud ho good humorcdly accommodated na many ax possible. The ciowd in the city wns large , variously estimated from 0,000 to 10,000 people. Special trains wore run from all di re .tions nud poured in largo numbers. At II Log-ii was escorted to Wellington I'nrk , whuro n great crowd had nlready assembled. J. 1C. Graves presided , and there was n long list of vice presidents nud other oliiceru. Graves made a short A etch and then pro- seated Cul , D. B , Htmdcreon , who spoke briefly , Loznu'a appearance was the signal for tremendous cheering ; which lasted fully live minutes. Of''s > fy ) g restored , ho said : Ho confined h JSliia almost exclusively to tariff. After tiaukiog the citizens of Iowa for the reception tendered him , lie briefly sketched the records of the two parties. Lo gan gave several illustrations , Hbowing the practical effect of tariff. He claimed that under a free trade policy before tlio Ainoricnn manufactories were established to compote with J' > gland , the American people were compelled to pay sucn prices us England phoso to put upon her goods , and it was only when a tariff was imposed thttt prices were lowered by lioino consumption. Log n dwelt upon what lie called the magnificent record of James G. lilalnu and claimed that this country should Boloct him , as tr- - " 'ujne ty , and patriot ism , _ nnd of stateiflaiKVllVirTv thoconclusion of hit speech ho was t\\'tn \ triiV jeers. At 4 o'clock the general was driven to ho ; hotel , nnd at G o'clook n dolegn- < i jn of five hundred veterans c.illod upon him. Tlio general addressed them briully from the lortico , nftor which they filed through the mil way and shook his hand. In the evening t torchlight procession , which numbered about COi ) , with several bands of music , paraded he prlnclpil streets uf the city. The general eaves at 0 a in. over the Illinois Central for * 3edar llupids. From there ho goes to Mar- halltown , thence to Oskaloosa and thtn to Ottumwa. FIRES. THE DOOM OP CAUTlIAflK. WKRT CAUTIIAQF , N. Y. , October 20. Tlio ire which began tliU morning Is expected to onsumo the cntiro village. The mauufactur- ng buildings ore destroyed with thirty dwell- ng houica. The fire is now on botli sides of Main street and water Is powerless to slop the ames. UlfUA , N. Y. , October 20. The most do- tructivo fire that ever visittd northern No AT York broke out In Carthage this morning and lurnod nil the afternoon , The fire bogou from ashes thi own from Uuiaell't ) tannery whlcli et fire to Katon'H plaining mills. The flames pread rajiidly to tlio liana furniture manufac- ory nnd Fnrr's tub factory , crossed the river o Kast Carthage , catching upon Gnlot'Hplain- ng mill , totally dcstroving the fuctoiloi and buildings on Hythor and 1'rlnglo'u sland , then spread to nil the houses in Spring street , Mechanics atroot , Church troot , the new opera hoim * , Peck's hotel , the ) ifldples church and ucadoiny on JIain street. Clio Kpiacopal and I'resbyliirian churches wore burned and many residences , School street , upper James street , Clinton struct , nnd .ho oust Bide of Main street are nil In ruins. The flames spread so rapidly tbat the firemen could not keep up with them. At 0:30 : they scorned to bo nearly under control , ind it was hoped to save the business blocki of the village. It is estimated that 2(10 ( lou.ea were destroyed , und tbat the loss will reach 31OUu,000 , There nro not tullicient dwellings loft in the town to shelter the in- mbitauU , Cartliagu wan extensively engaged n manufacturing , and all ita Induslrks are In ruins. WAR ON WALL STREET , The Railway Tronbles CnlmiualiDg in Active Hostilities , Th First Battle Yesterday on Wall Street , Vaiiderbilt and Gould the Point oi Attnok. The Bitter Railway Freight and Passenger Strife , And Its Tremendous Depression of All Stocks , ill Spcclnl Koliort of Yentordnj'fl Iitvu Hloulc mill I'roduco HUH ! . ness nt Chicago , AVAIjti 8TUU13V. ON 'CllANOK. Special Telegram to THK BKE. NK\T Youic , October 'JO. The oncitomont in Wall street wns intense nt the start to-day , witti Vnuderbilt nnd Gould stock boarinitlio br.iut ot the nttnclr. The opening was weak but tbo mnrkot gi-ncrnlly rocoveri'd. During tbo Hist hour there \yero largo buying by shorts , who were taking in prohU. Now York Central opened § elf nnd sold down another i ; Northwestern went off 1 per cents St. Paul wont to TA nnd then regained j ; Union 1'ncific nnd Western Union nro con. spicuously weak. Tlio former scored 11 drop of 2 per cent nnd the latter \ per cunt , nnd the subsequent recovering is on y 1 per cent from tlieso figures. Coalers nnd miscollnnoouB stocks sympathized with the woaknosi in the Gould nnd Yandorbllt specialties , but not tu so larao nn extent nnd shorts have caused the rally by taking profits in stocks which sulforcd tlio most during the past few days , nnd will begin to put out further lines when the bull o iipio call nny turn. In the loan crowd to < day , Now York Central nnd Union Pacific were scarcer and in good demand nt advanced rates. The former loaned as high as i per cent per day for use , nnd it wns the snap game that caused the rally. The demand shows how largely the short extent has been increased in the pait few days. TUB IIAH.WAY BTlllCK. Up to this hour there hai boon no change from Saturday's situation in the trunk line passenger rate war , nnd tickets nro soiling to Chicago nt the out liguros previously tele- graphed. Lower rntcs nro expected , and thcro is no longer nny doubt that the trnlght pools will bo completely broken up also. West Shore starts the boom nud it is announced that a largo contract for grain wan made to day for 7o per buahol over tbat route between Chicago nud Now York. The lowest cut rates have been away above this figure , nnd the re cently ngtced fchedulb was over 50 per cent greater. There is n complete domorulizitiou , and within n short tin.o , grain shippers say , Chicago ngonts will bo taking stuff for what ever they can get. It was reported this after noon that nn elfqrt will bo made to oust the West Shore receivers , because of their smash ing of tlio pools. The tchomo is for n party of bonuhoidors to demand of the trustees the re moval of the receivers through the courts , up on the gr mnd that they nro Injuring the property by their war tnctics. Of course the cutting of rntes will necessitate the IBSUO of additional receiver certificates nnd these tnko precedence of bonds as claims ngainst the company. Ilonco the bondholders nru called npon to Interfere , CHICAGO M/UIKEXH. Special Telegram to THK BKK. OATTI.K. CHICAGO , October 20. Among the fresh re ceipts wore 271 earn of Texans nnd range stock ' 15 cars cf which weronhippod from Kan sas City to dressed beef operators and out of the 7,000 fresh on sale there was scarcely 2,000 natlvci. Under very light receipts , prices ruled strong at 10@15o higher than on Saturday on all fat cattle , cither natives or rangers. Native butchers sto k wns scarce nnd so'ling ' higher than last week. Stackers nnd feeders were in light supply aud steady , with chances of ( tolling higher than at the close last week. Them were no really first- class nativoa on snlo. There were but a few loads of good second class natlvet ) and they may bo quoted at G 75gli 25 for medium and common.natlvcB , such as have to compote with wtsturns , are set at no fixed values nnd are Belling all the way from 4 511 ® 25 , There were n largo number of good through Tex ns that would mitt the cinnlug trade. 'I hero were also a largo niimbar of line north western nnd western rnngera that were 10- [ > orted nt 10@15 higher. Importers , averngo 111 ! ) pound' , sold at $710 ; poor to fancy chippers , 1000 to 1COJ nounds , 81 l)0@l ) > 80. The sales r * ore the following. 228 Montana , 1201 , S5-10 ; 200 Montana , 1302 , ? 5 10 ; 22'J Montana , 1175 , 31 HO ; 2 > if Wyoming , 10'JS , 31I ! ) ; f > 7 Montana cows , 113 < i , $115 ; 20 Men- tan bulls , 1155 , S2 60 ; 223 Wyoming-Toxaus , JDD , 33 1 , : HOCH. Thn hog market opened somewhat irrognli r , yet the average ebowod little or no change , riiero wns n steady demand for an hour or , wo , or until after it was known , hat the down town and board of , rado markets wrre'rathor lower , when tha demand full elf and the general market elated other weak. A largo number of common to 'air packers sold round about 75St-IBOl ( and ho best packers atuboutOO@5 10 , while best icavy nude fi20@f > ] 25 , nnd fancy heavy and Philadelphia 5 305 35. Light were neglected ind dull boat making only about ! ! )05 10 , nnd from these figures down to 1 fiO J 1 80. Mixed IpackinKgrndes , 2 80 < S)3 ) 00,11.3 , ! CO ® 100 , lonvy. MGO@3GU ) ! > a500@5 ' 251 light , 1CO@210 bs-ir > 0@605. WI1KAT , MarketH run along mrtro staadily to-day. Wheat ruled a shade easier oirly in the HOH- slon nnd toward the eloso of Iho regular board mt rallied a shade on thu afternoon board , closing fuirlysteady at a fraction under Sat- inlay. KtcolpU continuu liberal No new features worn duvelopod. Cloning bgiiroi were 72f for October , 71 for November , 75j | for December , 70t for January. The market wus again active , prices ruling irregular , but showed \ery litllo changu from Huturday. jtecoipts show an iticroiue. At tbo opening tbo market was weak , November Belling oil i@l whllo vcar took a sharp upturn , ndvanclng 'I , November soon fnllowcd with nn advance of 1 , then receded H , fluctuating \ jry rapidly nnil clowl J under S. tnrdfty. \ or unchanged , May J lovvrr. The market , \l tlionflcrnoon notion wni flrmor , closini ? t.t In1 for Oclobpr , 40J for Kovembcr , 10 , for the year , 3'JJ for M y. y.OATS. . Killed very steady nnd n oliadp Iiigher , cloi- ing nt J Jc for October. 2.1 Jo for November , 20Jc for the year , 23o for May. roitK. Hilled very weak onrly. declining 20@25c , but now \VM tlronger and dccl no vtn * recov ered , thomnrki't clo.iiig nt $10 00 for October , fcfl.70 for the yu.xr , SU ! )2J ) for .Tnmiary. i.Ann. llasy early ; clowd stronger nt 87.15 for Oc tober , $ , .00 for Non-tuber and December. PANICKY IMWUOMSUM , A DAY OK 111(111 ( VI1IPK8 AND T11KMK.NDOUM KX- C1TKMENT AT 1'ITTSllUUO. 1'irrsiiiini October 20 A more surprising turn of ntlairs thtn that in the oil mnrkot to- ilny has not boon soon for month * . Trnda looked for n further decline in prices and fully expected that the opening would bo below 00. Instead of breaking , however , prices advanced cloven cents nmul the urntintonno excitement. The sudden n'lvnnco ctught the nhotU badly , nnd two failiiroi occurred on the p trolonm oxchnnifo. The nnmt impoitnnt of these wni 10. B. Thompson , for whoso Account two hun dred nnd fifty thotunnd bnrrolioto bought in under rule. D. K. Foster fulled for twenty- five thousand barrels. The mnrkot opened nt OOJc , nnd on ho.ivy buying enured by the report that the Standard had c.illod In nil oil which It bad been bringing for two week" , went im mediately to ( > 3 | , from this there wca n decline of 1 cent but pncei ndlied ngnin under n bull rlil nnd jumped to 71 \ . The scene following has seldom boon wltno.ised on the Kxchnngo 111 this city. Brokers shunted thoniAohos honrno nnd trampled on i-nch other In tliotr frantic endeavor olthor to buy or cover , 0 oxuis fltickod to the Kxehango nnd tha lob bies wns packed. After reaching 71itho market fell oil to G8J nnd closed nt O'Jl. ' The transactions nru uatlmnted nt' ton niillllon barrels , BAILWAYS ANDlOMJIERCE. CUUIIKNT riNANOEH. NKW YOIIK , October 20. The Test financial article Hays : The news of the morning was all in favor of depression of prices. It it be' liovod the West Shore contracted to tnkt grain from Chicago nt seven cents per biuhol. There teems no prospect of immediate im mediate improvement In the wnr on rates. It seems coupled with n purpose to brcnk down nit prices , in order to got possession of cortnin stocks. The Jersey Central Is ono that being - ing the key to the coal trade From n Now York standpoint it is oxident that thu Head ing cannot hold control of the Jersey Central owing to its own financial embarrassment. 8HOUT OK MKAT. PiTTHiiunn , October 20. Another failure Is announced. G. B , Thompson is short 200,000 jtirroh on meat contracts. Great excitement in the oil market to-day. Gil advanced to71 , TKXT1IOUHAN 1I1DI.C JIKN. FAi.r , Ilivieii , Mnss. , October 20. The shutdown of mills olfect to-day. Ton thous nnd persons nro idlo. UKTIIIIIUTIVK HATJ ! OUTTINH. NnwYoilK , October 20. General Pasnou- jer Apont ; Abbott , of the Krlc , snid to-day , .bat his road would meet the Now York Cen tral and West Shore roads on rates this side of Bulfnlo and that all lines would shortly make reductions on emigrant rales as fur IIH Buff.tlo. It is expected that West Shore will make it further reduction in n few days. Pennsylvania retains the rchodiile rate * . LABT WKKK'S CI.KAIIANOES. Bo.sio.v , October 20. Loading clearing houses of the United States-report their gross nxclmngos for the woelc ondln ? October 18 , at S707.00J.097 , n decrease of 53COOGOO , com- pnred with the corresponding week last yoar. TIII : coLoiuno-uiAii roon. CmoAflO , October 20. At a meeting of the roads in thu intercut , what will hereuftnr bo known as the Colorado-Utah association , pro vided for , nt thu mooting n few days ago , wni formed to embrace nil Colorado aud Utah .rallic to nud from , nnd through all Missis sippi river points between and including Min neapolis aud Cairo. Thu linns embraced in , bo now pool nro as follows : Burlington , Hock [ -land , Alton , Northwestern , St. 1'uul , Wabush and Missouri I'aclflc. CUTTINU 10 CANADA. The Grand Trunk nnd Michigan Central cut ti passenger rate to Toronto to d.iy from ? I4 to $11 f.ir first-clam and from § 11 to $8 for second-class. DAIIU rnonucTa. ClilCAno , Octocer 20. Interocoan , Klgin , [ II : tiheoao slightly more active nnd regular. Sales , 800 boxes , light skims at 7V < tSfull \ ; crunms II bid. Butter weaker and lower. Itcgnlar sales , 31,000 pounds nt 30 31. I'nvatu sales , 3,000 boxes of oheeso nnd 4'JOO pounds of but'or. ANOTHER WKSIlillN I'AHHlCNdliK ( JUT. It Is nsjortod that nil roads running to Kan sas City have boon selling tickets from lieio to Irnt point nt S5 GO for savural days nnd It is stnUd to-night that the Wubaih nud Chicago % Alton are selling still lower. This : is a cut if three dollars. Turl , IIHIUIlrON 1IKAUIMUUIM. BUACH , Octolorl20. Three quar. .or inilo , Bennie Lea won , Coutovsn. nocond Miss Daly third. Time IIOJ. Sown eiglita : nile , Tolling Wandering won , TsletleHooind , Harriett third. TimoI30i ] . Mile handicaps til agus , Little 1'Ved won , li'oyal Arch second , Logan third. Timu 1 45 , Seven eiirhts inilo , [ irtonlund won , Stmthsproy souond , Kcuador third , Time 1 32A , Steeple cbnso , chert course , Cnador Odott won , Uotart second , KruppGun third , Time 2 : 45. Pofltnl Treaty Wltli Dfo.vlao , WAHHINHTON , October 20-Postniastor Wen- oral Hatton and the Mexican minister to-day concluded iv postal convention providimj for the exchange of mail between the U ill ted Stales and Mexico nt domustiu rates ot post- Wlro WorUorV AVnui'H Cut. 1'mHiiumi , October 20 , W. B. Scott A : Co , barbed wire inanufacturorx , lmo notified 18lX ) employos Uiat wages will be seduced ten per cent. Cleveland and iho N. Y. N , G.'p. Al.DA.vr , October 20. In irt-sponso to or invitation Governor Cluvoland. and etull wll review the National ftardn in. Now York oi Tuesday GRIMES iND CASUALTIES. ONLY TOO TUUfC. IAN "IHIKAMS" THAT UK * HOT A ) IAM AND MO UK till ) , Co.VN'Ft.UWiM.K , PA. , Oct < ber 20. ThN morning when Itico Orbin cnmo clown to breakfast nt his parents' homo in Bradford , ho exclaimed In ( tightened tone ? , "I had terrible dream lost ntrfht. I dreamed I eliob n man while out hunting Inat Thursday. " Ills relatives Uuqhcd nt the matter , but young Orbin insisted npon Roing lo thnsconoof the shooting , nnd finally persuaded his brother Indnw to accompany him. At a spot fl o miles from hit homn in n dsnjo thicket wai found the body of j \ ' Klint with a tullct liolo through bin bri 3 Orbin nnd his com panion were horri ! / ] Tlioy tpturnod to town and notified , J | C Campbell , who will luld nn Inquest to-i | UH w , Orbln'fl story In recolod with some ( jb J of incredulity , the general opinion htinl 5 vt ho shot IClInk nc- cidf ntnlly nnd wn pi * il to cunfuss. Both men bore good rcpntl < i- -t rr Trotililnun 18 ST. I.OUIH , Mo. , 0 | 20. The Test Be- spntch special Irom * \ , . l , Texa ? eayi , Adjn tnnl General KinglcyiPw mnnder of the eta to 'orccR , lolt this nooni Fort Worth , to on- Fnrca the onlf r of Governor Ireland , to hnvo lim Coiirlright , dcniiorado , turned over to the Now Morican Government. Itntntdtho people of Voit Worth will resist , nnd-blood- thed is almost certain. A Child1 * Ffttnl Prank. ( JUKlKO ) , October 'JO. A farmur nt SU Ja- cobln lelt four ulnldren in the lionxo while ho wont to the field this morning. The older , iged 11. placed n II nlcof powder on the steve nnd n quantity insldo. The steve was blown , o fragments nnd the house sot on fire. Throa children were fatally injured , The fourth may recover. lUiUllod With Hiiok-shor. SliKLiiTViUB. Ky. , October 20.Robert Clark , residing near hero had been accused by Klijnh Kirk of circulating evil reports about the letter's daughter. Kirk to-day got a shot gun , rode out to Clnrk'n house nnd wai tiding up nnd down the road watching for the enemy's nppoarnnco. When Clark opened the front door nnd fired twice , riddling the would-bn dnyor with buck-ehot nnd shooting bis bend almost off. A Brolceu Diuii , NKW HAVKN , Conn. , October 20. By the breaking of n dam to-nlirbt , the strooU of Ansonln were Hooded nnd nil movable nrtioles swept into the Nuugtuckot riven At onetime time the water was four feet deep on the strcots. No life lost. The milla Vlill luvo to shut down. CfilCAdO , October 10 ! Charles J. Downie. nembor of the board of trade who murdered lit ) brother , William II. , September Ctliy oom- nlttcd Milcido by hanging in his cell in the * nil to-night. j I'roHouted far Stind y Work. ToitONTO , October 20. Several employes of , ho Canadian Pncifia llailwny wnre summoned. , o appear in police court on the charge of violating the statute against Sunday work which they dill yesterday. The company strto that urgently needed repairs to rolling- stock forced thorn to nnk the men to spend i\ mrtiou of yesterday fitting the cars for active service. 1 Uo Duttil Duke. Bun I.IK , October 'JO. The body ofi the > dulco of Jbrnnswlck lies in state in tha cathe dral. Many Gorman and English notables will attend _ the funeml. CJuut Ilosenoy throiiitli 1'rinco Bismarck , has written , tha oinporor asking htm to assums the temporary government of the Duchy. Thn IMijIuu JCicctlone. FRUSJIKLH , October 20. TJio Liberals , tu view of their success in municipal olectitmn- ycsterday , demand that the cliamber bo dls- lolvud , and the government rocign. T"io dor- call , however , claim tint but little change nts boon made m thu relative position of tha. lartios. " \Vcathor To-day. WAHIIINQTON , October 21. Upi > or Missis } sipm' : Threatening weather and rain ; pro' . ibly snow In northern portion ; winds gener ally northerly , with severe local storms ; de- : iifed fall temperatuio IMiesMirh ThrcatcitT- ng weather nnd rain ; brisk northerly winds ; , oner temperature , except nearly stationary n northern part. AlfalrH In Ttirkcr. CONHTANTIKOPLA , October 20. IJnrthe ? ' re- nforcements nro giiug to Yemen , West Arai- iia , where a revolt still contlniu fl. The su tan'u Gi'rmnu iirncHvitien are stronger than. , ever , lie made all German pachas imperla. aides do tamp. 9 , ' RTINOTOIIClDCOVdi EAR1DAKINO r WOE ITAXBOUNDT3R1SC/ PURE CREAM TARTAR. , S1QOO. Civen Ualumorniif lnnrloi ] , 8ubstiuiccscun bo fouiua 9i'Androwf > > 'PoarlBakInRl'owdor. la l > os- . hVclypUR . liolmrcmJortcil , ami tettlmonlnUs .l-celvcdircni rsncli j-Jiuiilstitt ti. JJuna HnjsItos ton ; M. IHiIaContulu- CUcuco ; and GusUvvui : Code , JIIlwuiiKee. Never koJililu.built. C. E. ANDREWS & CO. . , - OHIC&GO. ---MT.1IT cwftere reeognizeei ant >