THE DAILY BEE-MOXDAx OCTOBER 20 188 THE DATLY BEE , Mondap Morninc October 20 LOOAL BREVITIES , A swarm of becsmadoit Iholylntho Wlchenof Holly's restaurant , Friday noon The biscuit shooters made tracks. A pollcsman remarked Saturday I ho grand Jury hold n few moro sessions City Clerk Jcwott will have to go to Lincoln to call the roll , Peter Sicck , farmer nt Mlllaril , nnd fo morly ft hostler at the Ooos Hotel , Friday rewired notice that ho had drawn $0,330 in German lottery. Tom. Murray is making n desperate effort to put nil the material lying in the street into his now building before the thirty days allowed by the court are up. Cards nro out for the marrlago of Mr , .7 , McGuirk nnd Mt s Hannah Donaghuo , nt St. Phllomona's cithodral , Wednesday , Octo ber 22nd , nt 9 o'clock n. m. Councilmen Bchm , Kauff man nnd Lcedor , Indlctedfor bribery appeared injcourt Saturday morning nnd gave bail in the Bum of S500 in each indictment for their nppoaranco for trial , The people of the south part of the city nro complaining of the mail delivery. Mail received nt the Omnlm oflko nt 11 n , m. , is not delivered until nearly noon nn the follow ing day. In the dlsl ti : t court 1 > of ere Judge Wakoley Saturday tha jury t\a \ the case of Perry ot- al , vs. Berthold ot nl , announced that they were unable to agree nnd they were dis charged , Marriage licenses woio isiuod in the county court Friday ns follows : Svond P. Thorsen nnd Miss Matilda Bookman , Kmil Thompson nnd Mtss Klga 13 , Olson , Patrick II , Tobln and Miss Klizaboth Smith , In txjltce court Saturday four men wcro fined $5 nnd costs cadi for intoxication. Two vagrants wcro discharged with orders to Jeavo the city Immediately. Frank Jackson was held pcndlnc examination for 'petty laicony. The executive commlttoo of the Blaine nnd Logan club request all persons having torches belonging to the club to return them to the headquarters. A largo percentage of the torches used in Thursday's parade have not boon returned , A pleasant surprise party wao given on Friday evening last nt the residence of Air. Thomas Price , on Sherman avenue , in honor of Frank Iloberti , who was so recently mar- nod to Mlis Lizzlo Edwards. The evening was spent In dancing , after which an elegant supper was served. On Sixteenth etreot , between Webster nnd Burt streets nro two bad holes which have been cut in the pavement for the purpose of putting In sewer pipes and have not been re paired. Several carriage springs have been broken by sudden drop of the vehicles in these holes. It would ho a good schoinp to have them fixed up , The contract for grading down the now court house lots has been let by the county commissioner ) ! to James Duffy for JGJ cents per yard , the dirt to go to the county , Tlio work Is to be completed In twonty.dayg , 0. H. Brown has the contract for grading Fi'.r * nam street , west of the city limits , for 14 ppns per yard , nqd wjjl cornmenco operations i/i'inebaugh & Mcrrlam , of the Union elovntor , Friday received their first carload of now corn. It was shipped by A. L. John. son , of Sti IMwards , Nebraska , and. Is soft and unfit for market. It id A great deal ear lier than last year , the first car In 1883 being received In December. When this year's crop gets started U will make business lively as there Is a big lot of it to market. General W. B. Hnzon , Chief Signal Ofli- cer.arrivnd hero yesterday from Washington on an official inspecting tour , lie registered at the f axton hotel nnd then called nt the M , S. sip- halollloo , remaining there until train titno \vhoi ho continued h1 ; journey to Silt LtVo City. The general was much surprised nt the rapid growth of thia city slnco ho last visited It about a yeir and n half ago , nnd had many n pleasant word for the enterprise , public Hplrit and high Intelligence of Omaha people , On Thursday n man named H. II , Bui gor { .was nrrestcil nt Fremont by Postal In gpoctor John Stein , for sending obscene matter tor through the nulls. It ii said that Bulger had been living with a woman named Brown and that she had got tire j of him and loft him. Tals nngcrod Bulgor and ho kept send' ing her mall matter filled with the worst obscene - scene stuff. She got tired of this and turned * the matter over to the post ollico n thoritie who ca jBod Bulger'B arrest. Ho was exam incd before United States Commissioner An1 I i dorson Friday and waa held under $200 tu appear before the UnltoJ States grand jury , It Is said that the woman Brown is endeavor ing to reform nnd if such Is the case she Miould bo given tbo hand of charity. Friday evening a number of the older em ployoj in the Union Pacific shops wont to the homo of Mr. 8. II. II. Clark , Into general manager , to wish many roturas of the nnni vornary of his birth , of which yesterday was tbo18th. . Councilman Andernon made n neat little speech wh ! ) > was roapondcd to by Mr. Clark , with n volco full of emotion , An hour or more was spent in social Intercourse am talking over old time ? when Mr. Clark die not occupy so exulted n position nt at the time of his retirement , The visitors thoi sang B ivernl old tongs , the last ouo being "Auld Lang Syne , " Upon taking their do pirture Air. Clark informed them that th doors af his bouso would always bo wid open for thorn. 10,000 bushels Choice Winter Apple for sale in ear lota or loss. You r bu ness Bolicitod , J. G. WILLIASIH & Co. e27-lm Nnhrnskit City , Nob. lion , a. Htorllng Morton , li Dear Sir : -Wo , the members of th "Blalno and Logan club of Louisville Nob. , believing that the public oxproseio by democratic orators , of such sentiment as were uttered by you in your speech o October 2-1 will hav a tendency to avvol iho republican ranks and greatly aid u in pUuiug at tbo huitd of Uiu nation th LrillUnt statesman and gallant soldier do hofphy pxtmid to you an invitation to speak again in this place before Novem bur 4cli Upon your consenting to com wo promise you a torchlight iirocoeBio end will boar the eipenncs of your trij OAIT A. D DjauzKNUK , BUino and Logan Club. B. II. Djujl < iB .uiu aims' Capsicum Cough Drops are manufactured by then eolvea and are tbo result of over fort joari expuriouce ia compounding con ? mixtures , ( I THE TIDHBORNE CLAIMANT , Zs Passes Through Omaha on His Way to Australia , A Uriel History of Ilia Cnuo Prospect of SUCCOR * Still Held Out Ho- fore Him. Ono of yesterday's trains from the oas brought to this city a man whoso nam has boon upon the lips of every lawye living within the last twenty yoara , and whoso wonderful oxporionca in Englisl : ourts has furnished the theme for many an evening's conversation about the tioarthatono. What this mnn'a name ! : s a matter upon which the opinion o ; : ho world is almoat evenly dividedbut h s bettor known among reading people as the Tichborno claimant. This gentle man arrived in Omaha about G p. in rcstorday and remained about the dope : intll the Denver train at 8:2fj : carriot liim out of the city. Ilo was on hia way from London , England , to HIS OM ) HAUNTS IN AU.STHAUA. preferring to go through the Unitcc State to his destination than talto the Indian routo. Ilo is traveling almost alonn , being accompa uiod only by a gentleman who came over on the steamship with him and wh ese destination is n ranch on the Big Horn in Wyoming. The claimant ia apparent ly about CO years of ago , and his whole presence bospoaka that of a man who haa inured himoolf to many of the asperities of life. Ilo is now gray and the furrows in his face indicate much mental sutler- ing and bodily pain. Ilo was not in the least reticent and was willing the ob ject and purpose of his journey should bo made known. An eastern paper com menting on his arrival in thih country gives the following brief summary of his case which for interest , intricate legal points involved , and contrariety of testi mony haa no equal IN TUB iiuiTonv or ENOLIHII juitisi'iur DENCE. "With the release of the claimant to the Tichborno estates from the convict prison at Portsmouth , the most celebrat ed case that has occupied the English criminal and civil courts during the past century enters upon a now phaso. Do- fore proceeding to explain the further developments that have taken place in this sensational case since the day when the gloomy doors of Nowgato closed upon the burly form of the man whom ono-half of England firmly believes to-day to bo Sir Roger Tichborno , while the ether half is equally positive that ho is the erstwhile Wappinp butcher , Arthur Orton , it will bo need ful , in the interest of American readers , to review with all possible brevity the Tichborno case as it was developed in the courts of law hero something over a dn- cade ago. On April 20 , 1854 , young Roger Tichborno , heir to the Tiohborno estates nnd title , then twenty-six yearn of ago , sot nail from Rio , in the Bella , which VESSEL SUBSEQUENTLY I'OUNUEUED AT SEA. Young Tiohborno appears , from the ovlu nco of members of the fnmily and others , td have boon n lad of curious dis position , extremely backward In his education , and somewhat eccentric in his general behavior. Uo was brought up principally in Franco , and in 1815 enter ed Stonyluirat Roman Catholic College. In 1810 a commission WM purchased for him in the tith dragoons , but ho appears to have had no great liking for the profession of arms , and in 1851 ! sold out and loft with the purpoao of making a protracted tour abroad. As has boon said before , there is no doubt that ho took passage in the ill-fatod Bel la on the 20th of April , 1851. It is quite certain that this vessel was lost , as was generally supposed , with all hands. After a year or two had elapsed and no sign cimo from Hogor TVnborno , the family were forced to the conclusion that HE HAD UNDOUBTEDLY I' > ut , strange to say , his mother , Lady llohboruo , continued to insist and believe iiat her son waa still in the land of the ving. From time to time , It is believed , jady Tichborno advertised in various papers for news of her lost son , and it would appear that in 1805 ono of thono oticos came under the observation of a man named Onbitt , who thereupon in the Lugust of that year Inserted a notlco ad Irossod personally to Roger Tichborno , if 10 were still in the land ot the living , oqucatiiiR him to como forward. In response to that letter , ho received a com- nunicatlon a month later from the man , who has now coma to bo known as the claimant , declaring his identity vith the long missing heir to the Plohborno estates and titlo. Some correspondence took place , and finally ai : ntorvlow was arranged , when the claim ant showed such an intimate knowledge of the history of the Tichborno family estates and other cognate matters that Cubltt waa convinced that ho waa the nan ho professed to bo. Subsequently Boqlo , who had boon a personal attend ant of the undoubted Tichborno , mot and instantly recognized the young man aa his old master. This was in July , 1803 , and a month or two later the claim ant , accompanied by hia vrifo and child sailed for England , where ho arrived 01 the 25th of Do comber. Three days later ho was soon and at once recognized by n man named Bailey keeping the Swan hotel at Alrosford , win had known him , Roger Tiohborno , ns young man , and by n number of otho old residents on the Tichborno estate A few days later ho wont to I'arla , wlior the dowager L dy Tichborno was thoi residing , and that lady , with the alight oat hesitation , at once ItECOQNIZliU HIM AH HEIl LONO IOS hOV , and m\do a declaration at the Britis embassy to that oflect. The claimant re turned to Kngland and took up hia res ! donco at Eseox lodge , Oroydon , whor hia mother wont to reside with him , am made him an ample allowance up to th day of her death , which occurred o : the 12th of March following. The doatl of Lady Tichbonio was u genuine nilefor tune for the claimant , as , had that lad lived and gene into the witness box an aworh that ho waa her eon Roger , it mus have produced a powerful ulfuct upon th jury. As it was , the ether members o iho family refused to recognize him a the long lent peer , and treated him as rank impostor. Several wealthy people however , who had heard of the caao bocaino Interested in the man , and f uiu were aoon forthcoming to enable him I ! nrncoodiiiKB for the recovery of th Tichborno estates , WOltTll BOMB $125,000 A YJUU which bad boon tor some years hold i trmt for the next heir to the title , the an infant of but a foir yean old , An ao tion itm commonocd with this object ii vlow in the court of common pious , an the C&BO cnmo on for trial in the Inito end of 1871. After the case had laste 10U days , Sorgt. Ballantino , Icadin counsel for the plaintiff , elected to b non-sultod , and the plaintiff was ordoro into custody for perjury. In this case dozens of people who had known Hope Tichborno ftfl a younger man , swore tha the claimant was none other than he while , on the other hand , a powerful nr ray of wltnossoa declared their ccn viction that the claimant waa certain ! ) not Hogor Tichborno , uomo of thorn nvorrinn that they were positlv of his identity with Arthur Orton , Hi son of \Vapping butcher , who wa known to luvo emigrated to Auatrali flomowhoro about the time that the claim ant stated ho first wont to that country After upending a short tlmo in Nowgat prison , the claimant waa roloaacd _ on very heavy bill , and in the foliowin ] fear ho was put on trial before Lore 3hicf Justice Oockburn , Mr. Justice MollorandMr. Justice Luah , on a dua ohargo of forgery and perjury. Thi trial lasted no less than 100 day * , and ended in the claimant's conviction , whicl was followed by a sentence if fotircoor roars penal servitude , seven years being nfllctod on the forgery count , and a llk < orm for the offence of perjury. It wll ) o remembered that subsobuontly Judal : Jonnjmln moved the courts to have the lontonco reduced to seven ( years , plead ng that , the o/Toncoo / charged being iden- ical , the sentences should bo CO.VCOHUKNT INSTEAD OK CUMULATIVE. 'ho judges denied Mr. Bonjamin's mo ion , and the claimant , who waa recent ! ; released , has served hia full term , losi ho romiaalou of three mouths in oacl , wolvo , which is granted to nil convicta whoso conduct ia good while in confine mont. In the short space it Mould bo mpracticablo for mo to enter into the uostion as to whether this long tria roved that the claimant was an impostor ir whether it waa demonstrated clearly line ho was the man ho laimod to bo. The whole ox lenses of the prosecution were paid by ho government , and It is understood tha ho affair cost the country no leas than il.000,000. The machinery of the homo flico and the detective department al Scotland Yard was pushed to its fullosl xtont to convict the accuaod. The the ory of the prosecution was that the clai mant waa not Hir llogor Tichborno , but hat ho waa Arthur Orton. „ The above is a moat brief summary oi lie caao which at the present time is as rosh in the memories of men aa trhon il waa before the court of England. THE WOIIUI WIDE TOPIC OF THE I'KESS 10 thpmo of lawyora and subject of con orsation. The claimant ia known by the name oi 'ichbomo and assumes it to himself. lo ia now keeping a splendid saloon in jondon near Trafalgar gquaro known as 10 "Tichborno Arms , " This place waa itted up by friends and ho ia now boconv nfc rich. Ilo related sovejal curious circutnatan- os which wont to provo that ho was the tial misasng heir ? Among thorn was the nding of Arthur Orton in the aaylum at 'aramatta , whoso identity with that of 10 alleged Tichborno waa the great ) olnt upon which the crown 'cstod its prosecution Ho waa lot only recognized in the aty > nn by hia brothers , but waa able to vo , in his tliun mental ubborration. the ate , tlmo and circumstances under hio'i the claimant , they having boon ese neighbors in Australia. Many ther inoidonta of hia trial were mention- d by litin but space forbids. Ilo oaid ho waa going to his old homo n Australia nftor evidence which at iroaont it would not bo prudent to di- ulgo. Ho , however , has lost all hope rom the courts , the rights from which 10 has lone ° K ° sl ° pt upon. During hie confinement his friends , irominont among whom were the late jord Rivers , Gurilford Unalow , member [ parliament for Gurilford and Mr. luatiormium East , since than high inrlir of London. Thoao men have boon ircctpd in their efforts to catubliuh him u the hV YtWlflK * " * * " " iv v nit tl All WU u Their only hope now ia nil appeal to larliamont. In conclusion , said ho : "My rionda are not a little hopeful that aomo lombora of parliament will bo found to oopon the matter 'in the houao of com- nona. but in this direction I am afraid lipy may bo disappointed. Still 1 do liink that the weight of public opinion will put such pressure upon the authori- ios that the Arthur Orton now in Pira- notta lunatic aaylum will eventually be brought to England , and , if this bo the aso , I do not aoo how in common fair- ices the government can rofuao to fur- her investigate a caao in which ic ia loarly shown that the claimant is not the nan they , at least to their own satiafac- ion at the trial at the bar , proved him to > o. If a man's own mother's recognition if him ia not oulliciont to provo hia idcnti- y , I must confess I do not know what ia. A LADY'S ' MISTAKE , Pcnioornt tnkon Tor n small Iloy at tlia Council ISlutrn Dem. .oiiHtratlon , While over the rlvor Saturday night lartioipating in the domocratio demonstration - stration , a well-known Omaha gentleman - man mot witli an amusing adventure that reminded him of Ills umallnoas of ataturo , ( ho being lets than five foot ) and which occasioned oonaidorablo fun for hia [ rionda who witnessed the opiaodo. In company with two others , lie waa walk ing up street , when ho suddenly foil hand laid upon hia shoulder , ant at the aniuo tlmo ho waa pushed hurriedly to ono side , to nmko room , evidently , for aomo ono who re garded the Omitha visitor aa a amull bay who waa occupying more sidewalk than ho really noodod. The HUlo visitor hur riedly turned around with n view o demonstrating with whoever had thus ruthlessly pushed him aaido to give aomo aolMmpcirtant uudo perhaps , the right oi way. But ho was taken back to uomo extent to find Iho pusher to bo none other than a well dreuscd good looking lady , who Boomed in an unusual hurry. AVhoi slm caught a ( limpso of the boarded face of the little follott- from Omaha the lady seemed to bo taken back , also , but after blushing a rosy hue , aho auddonly in creased her ratu of spued , and with nlao rity dodged into the first dry goods store baforo the reduced man from over the river had time to bog her par. don of being BO email , and for being In ho way. Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobao oo. FOR BALK A good family horao buggy and harness , L , A. lUxu , Tojt Oilico Box SO , M T1IK THIt'ljB OHOWN , Oil , TUD OIjOUIOUS M1TIIK. Sorrnon of Dr. Hnrlold At the Jcwinu Synajjoguo Saturday Dr. Unrfold delivered hia inaugural aor- inon aa follows : JIv DEAII FntENDs : The aubjoet cho- aon for to-day's aormonja TUB TIUPLK CIIOWN ; on , THE OLOUIOUS Mil HE , from the following toil : "Thon all the elders of Israel Rathorcd thorn- Bolves together , mid cnmo to Jlnmuol , unto ICnm.ili , nnd Raid untolilm , behold , them nrt old nnd thy Roiia wnlk not In tliy wixyaj now mnko us n kin ? to jinlga ua like nil the nn. tiooB. " 1 Sam. , VIII , I. Ilimah waa an insignificant villaco , sit uated in the woatern part of Benjamin , midway between Jerusalem and Bethel , noted only aa the homo of Samuel. It was hero where a delegation waited on the prophet to ask hia consent and co operation in the selection of a king ; from which time the name Ilamah might have boon seen on the pages of Jewish history side by side with Schcchom , Ilobron , Giboon , Jericho and Jerusalem. Thus it is over , an event , oven an occurrence , will ralao the most insignificant to the pinnacle of renown. It ia none the less ao with mou than with places and things. Abel would not have been known to sacred history were it not for hia gocd qualities in contradistinction to the aolfiahncsa of hia brother. No ether especial feature have marked Enoch's career than that of walking in God's path , and were it not for hia goodly propensities , the name of Noah would bo unknown to ua. Abraham was but the son of a manu facturer of idols , and if ho had not proved himself an iconoclast , his lineal descendants would never bo distinguisha ble among the many cosmopolitan racoa. Truthful Jacob fought with false Esau's angelic representative and overcame him fit midnight hour and the name of Israel bath outlived very time itaolf , and now basks in the noonday sun of enlighten ment ; and , though hia children claim no auporiorlty , they will not brook epithets } f inferiority. In modern time , profane listory points to a Cromwell , a D'laraoli , \ Montofioro , a Napoleon and a Wash ington. Because the latter dared to conquer - ; quor himself by tolling the truth , ho dared to moot an Irrepressible armament md vanquished it. Thus it waa , also , at . ; ho time to which the words of this text ofor. Because Saul , being cognizant of ho reality of . hia ataturo , had absented ilmaolf lost it bo insinuatingly construed , 10 waa hailed the first king by acclama- .ion. Palestine had hitherto shown obei sance to ono crown Kothor Torah to .ho majesty of the law , and her inhabl- ants , tooling its cystlineaa by tbo strin gency of its demands compared with thoao of surrounding monarchies , would have a ; second KotherMalchus akingly crown , fen Che theocratic crown waa deposed , the mrthonaomo heavenly yoke shaken off and the delegation at Hamah the result , 3ut the thing vraa displeasing to Samuel naamuch as it served to discover their rebellious propensity ; yet notwithstand- ng , what waa the nature of jod'o reply to the prophet's enquires ? Did hia just ire kindle toward annihila- ion ? No , my friends , ho simply said : 'II oarkon unto their voice ; hosvboit , yet irotcat solemnly unto them , and show horn the manner of the king that shall oign over them. " Thoirmoat promising ions were to bpoomo the guardsmen , heir loveliest daughters his palatial sorv- nts and a tenth part of their own prop- rty waa to fill hia private coder. His roivn would bo composed of the most ricoloau gems prlnciply power , faith , md they from whom they were plucked ffould bo compelled to fawn hia every tnovo. Sucu would bfj the demands of their king , That ia to say , the dethroning of the law of right and justice would boat the coat of personal liberty , and contention and anarchy would reign supremo. For two thousand years our race has had no king , but his demands might still bo , discovered in the abjoctodncsa of our llcgianco to King Mammon. Woo unto uch who still claim him as solo king ; TOO unto such who put their whole trust n his prowess , for , verily , when the cry f "vi loun do maaun" cometh , that is , vhon the time shall como that they cry 'woo unto us that wo must die , " ho will > o powerless to aid ! King Mammon haa boon good to all mankind , nevertheless , but hia regal om- > loin being derived from the theocratic rown.lio must necessarily bo considered s a tributary , and , hence , aa ono of Ciod'a noasongors. Ilo haa boon hviah toward our raca since its dispersion and hia gifts often time proved n life talisman in ho fanatical middle nges. Ho found nany followers in thia country and bopi them. l ! stowed special favors upon lie did not alight our brethren in Now York , Philadelphia , Chicago , Cin cinnati and Noiv Orleans and ho did not brgot thoBo at Omaha. In order to demonstrate their gratitude they devoted some of their tlmo and money toward the erection of houaoa for woralnpiug , ador- ug and extolling the Great Giver of Liifo. Our brethren in thoao and kindred - rod cities nourished since then , spirit ually aa well aa phyaically , nnd their palatial homos wcro all the moro ao since like Solomon's ' cariiago , they were carpeted potod with love , and peace , the Aaronia tic crown the Kothor Kohuno the crown of Priesthood , swayed in those apaciouB halls , nnd the father bloaaod hia children with the benediction , nnd the child kiaaed ita mother in happy contentment - mont , for no JIAHHKLIKHI VKVACHUIAII > n relieving amendment wni ' introduced' between two conflicting laws , ' and the standard of tlm priestly crowr was planted on the hearth of _ every Jewish homo again , through which the medium majesty of the loyal crown once moro assumed the purple , and , it may safely bo said , no country on the face o : the glebe now enjoys moro personal and roliuious liberty than this. A delegation waited on Samuel at Ilamah and there vraa a delegation oj elders waiting on Religion at Omaha , Religious zeal assumed supremacy over fascinating gain ; you would in the words of the text have a king to judge you like ether nations. There ia where the wrong lay I They would have a king because the surrounding nation : had ono. But you , my friends , you dk not deairo a house of worship simply because cause the surrounding denominations were daily transplanting you. You longed for the priestly crown be cause "Jowish religion was getting old and too feeble at Omaha and his son walked not in hia ways. You have nobly succeeded in this , your praiswortby enterprise , andyou hav < spared neither money nor energy. Man' strong arm planted the supporting pil lars , woman's taste decorated its _ intorio > nud the child's prayers paved its aisle with lovo. You have engaged a minister too , for a king must have his cmbassador to toll you the will of the Buprem King , lib Master , as declared iu Ilia law But lot mo toll you , thia King , Priestly Religion , is very exorbitant to his subjects jocts , lie domandoth constant attendance up on Ilia parson and will permit no retro gresaion , in the event of which , Ilo be comes a jealous power , visiting the iniq ty of the father upon the children , li will take your children into Ilia rcaidonc to minister to His incessant wants , am your moat promising maidens and youth to sing hia praise ; but in requital wil weave for them a garland , through fli ambassador , which shall vie in roaplond ency with the triple crown , for they shal have quenched their thirst wit ) knowlcdgo and appeased their hungo with wiadom to understand the will o their Father who is in heaven. Then , thoono _ who shall , reversely b the most abject in serving Him shall b coed naymon , "ft faithful servant , " and ho shall have n koliltiforoa , "a glorious mitre , " which shall vie in brilliancy witl the triple crown , for ho will carry with him through hia earthly pilgrimage the respect of hia associates , the world's oa loom , and aboyo all , the knowledge ol having done hia duty , hia whole duty , ho will have a kothor sham-tob , "tho crown of a gooa name ! ' ToeHoot _ thia lies with you alone ; you mv friends , the paronta. You are to sacrifice aomo of the precious time em ployed in waiting on King Mammon and employ it in serving the holy ring hero. Ho ia not too exacting , twice a week wll suffice. If you will call on Him Ilo will return it ; will accept no card * nnd no re grets Ho must have posonal calls , if it bo only for fifteen minutes of time , and rest assured , Ho will not proas upon you to upend the evening. I need not remind you of the houao- hold adage "Liko parent like child" if you will not attond'divino service , your children will have the beat oxcuao in the world for absenting themselves. They will say , ' 'My parents do not think it worth their while to attend , and why ahonldl ? " It doponda upon you alone , you who built thia holy edifice , whether Omaha Is to bo read on the page of American Jew ish History aa waa Ilamah. Like Ilamah It is situated midway between the Met ropolis and Bethel's Golden Gate it de pends * upon you whether , in the city , the nroary Jewish traveler shall find an over- jpon Abrahamio door to spiritual refresh ment. Many of those who breathlessly entered hose portals during holy Idaro not say Docauso they were holidays I do not see icro to-day ; but perhaps it is bocauao .hoy are hiding from their own goodness5 iko Saul of old. Perhaps they are ministering to the rants of some poverty-stricken soul. If 10 , may heaven speed thera , and when icxt those doors will bo opened for the reception of the holy Sabbath may their iraiaoa and prayers bo heard from their iccnatomod places and the calm of the Sabbath rest around them. In conclusion , permit mo ladies and ontlomon , to offer my acknowledgements or the honor you have done mo in a election ; and Thou , 0 thrice crowned ving of the king of kings , direct mo howe o minister to this congregation to Thy atisfaction , and how to weave for thorn ho Glorious Mitro of a Good Name Bnso Ball , 8ATUIir > AY. KANSAS CITY. Kansas City 1 , National Jnions 5. ST. Louis. St. Louis Unions 11 , Uoston 7. Absolutely Pure. this powder no\er v tlea. A marvel oi purely , trenxth nJ wholcHomoncsa. Moro economical than ho ordinary Uml9anil cannot be fluid In competition with the multltuJo ol low tcst.uhorl weight oluin or pbonilmto powilora. Bold onlv In cans. UOYAL JAK1NO 1'OWDEK CO. , 108 Wall street. , N.Y. OF THE OMAHA NEBRASKA. The scholnetloyctr commences on tne First Wednesday in Sentemtier , rbo course ol Instruction embraces all the Elomon larynml higher branches of a tliitshod education LMBerencc ot KolMon la no ohttaclo to the Jm9- ! ston ol younz ladles. l > upUs ro received ftt ny tlinooftho > car , TEEMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Including Board , Washing , Tuition In English ud French , uao ol booka. 1'Uno , per session ol Five Months , 9150.00 EXTIU OHAHOK3 Drawing. Painting , Qcrmk ITarp , Violin , Guitar and Vooal llunlc. llotori'iioen arc rouulrod frota all persons unknow to the Institution. For lurtnor Information apply tha . .lADYBUl'ElUOU Ivll.mto COLLEGE , CU83E3 HE OPEN ON MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 1 Ic tdc * the uh&uUjr ol a rolld Kngljh * nd cal education , iiwcl eire Kill ba devoted to tbo AND TO Practical Surveying AND ALSO TO , Banking and Commercial Flve nei i > rolci oralmo been added to the faculty for this purpose. tf Vocal lluslo , Oornun and French , optional. JH NBW 8TUI1ENT3 mutt preieut themselves dating the wtck endlnz August 31 , between 0 ami IS . m. , nd they limit Do ready to stind examination to d > cl Jo their rank In the oourne 1'rof. latubdjt will s\\t \ > due notice lor the resump tlon of thoe\eiini ! ; course In Clmnlitry. Tuition ee. No distinction on account of creed. r u . 19 tu thuri lut 8t NEW STORE I NEW GOODS [ Himebaygh St. Taylor , LARGEST STOCK OF Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Neuraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track. ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for * ho Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex clusively. Scale IHIOIP , [ 405 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA FALL AND WINTER. GREAT BARGAINS IN AND GENTS' mm Visitors to the State and others in need of Men's , Boys' audildren'a Clothing , will do well to call on The Strictly One Price House in the City And examine their goods and prices. They carry the largest stock , anfl sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors don't fail to call at 1216. FARNAU ST. 1216 UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , I'ASSKNQKR KLEVATOUS TO ALL FLOORS. | 1208,12C8 Rail 1210 I'arnam St. , Omaha , Neb. t GERMAN D. WYATT , CO W" S W g" a B e w § s 31 W ra rJQw g O OrjMINGS AND 20TH STS , , OMAHA , NEB B o ? oy ar ! cnr.T nmapi AKD TWO WHEEL OAETB. ! sasS.A1 "lklslltil ! . Omaha. Meh _ _ J03 BRADY ST. , DAVENPOHT , IOWA , U. 8. A. EatabllBhed 1878 Catarrh , Deafuosa , Lang and Norvonn Dieeases Speedily and Permanently Oared. Patlenti ur td at Homo. Wrlto for "Tjis MEDIOAL-MISSIONAIIV , " for the People. j nonaaltatlon and Correspondence Gratii. P , O. Box 292. Telephone No. 26. i HON , EDWARD HDSSELL , Poatmanter , Davenport , wys : " Physician of ttet. AblUty wid Marked Snccees. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , writes : "An ixonorahlo Man. Flno Saccesa. Wondorfnl Cures.1 Hours 8 to 6. |