rr DAILV BE El MONDAY , OCTOBER 20 1854. Special Bargains In Wai ! Paper In order to make room for nn Immense stock of Spring Goods , \ hnvo dacldi offer all goods now in aleck , nt prices never before quoted in this city. GKO. 11. HEARD , Next door to P. ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. Are tlio Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest ill Size and Lightest Weight. RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Superinond . Proprietors. 7TH & 18TH S5TREE U. P. RAILWAY , MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN ' jf WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , MILL FURNISHINGS On ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting CJlc STEAM PUMPS STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. o are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract i the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changi 'Flouring Mills , from Stona to the Roller System. BSZT'Especial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any p attend for General machinery repairs po e , and estimates made some promptly. Address RICHARD & CLARKE. Omalia.l'Teb , n. TATE. WAKB WHITKN1 TE&3 Fractloo In State and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Room 10'ShuRart'fl 13uildinK , COUNCIL BLU1T3 IOW nios. ornc , u. M. rom. OFFICER & PUSE1 Council Dludll u. Established 185 Doilcrala Forelgu and omoatlo Exclunce n nruA F.ecurltl JACOB SIMB. K. P. OADWEU SIMS&GADWELL , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Otncn.Mim Street , Hooma 1 and 2 Slmxirt & M SUhon's Dlook. Will jitictlco In State and Rdor ourtB i . J. STEWAET , 1'ractlooj In TeUcril and State Court * . C01 Broa way , otvr Bivluft ilmk. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. Lai BIG DRIVE. AT HOMER'S. 2J Main Street - . Council ] Dr , W. H. Sherradoi DENTIST , Masonic Tempi Council Blufh . O. O. ii 100 MAIN STREET , COUNC1I. BLUFFS - - ; eOUHCHJLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEW BOURBON BRILLIANCY , The Democratic Display of Light , and Outcry. Nearly Three Thousand Toi and the Streets Full oi Visitors , Tlio Noted Sponkors. The democrats hnd oven mon iomouatratloii Saturday night thnii really planned for. Although the iromiscd In the papers to have orchca in the parade , they really di aspect half that number , neither Qxpoctod that there would bo so looplo gathered hero to BOO the d < stnUion. As special train after s rain came in over the various raih t began to bo evident that thor really to bo n "crush,1 and inmorous companies * of cam } ors were for n time in usion. Colonel Koatloy , i experience and ability would onabli o handle three timoa the number o diors , found it to bo no little task to shal in any sort of order so many irodo of undisciplined men , with so noxporicncod eubordiuato ollicors 10 did nobly and after many trials ribulatlons the line was formed an march begun , The procession was formed on ! troot and Broadway , and marched i Eighth street to Sixth avenue , the Main atrcot , up Main street to 13roat up Broadway to the Methodist ch uid than countermarched to the spoi tand at the corner of 13roadway Bancroft stroot. It waa a grand signt , and the grt lolitical demonstration over see Council Bluffs. Many who had p jood judgment in estimating nut ilacod the procession at from 3,00 ,000 , but THE Bin : man , by an a ount , as the procession morod < Eighth otrcot , found thcro wore 2,0 ! ho line , including twenty bands. Ai ho places represented \rcro Logan , ap , Dow City , Dennison , Missouri oy , Shelby , Minden , Oakland , 3ity , Banian , Hamburg , Glpnwood , Dak , Nopla , Avoca , Atlantic , Crci 3ity , Sidney , Shenandoah , Parr lirorton and Malvorn. Omaha vor two bauds and 720 men , and sh ip strong and enthusiastic. The Harrison county delegation u ommand of Sheriff Garrison , prcai i line appearance , the uniform o jogan club being very handsome hoLogau cornet baud , the Northtro Irum corps furnishing oxcollout n Dunlap showed up strong and vas a largo number of the "high : lub , but strangely enough for a d -ratio procession , they wore the D ind Logan white hats. Inquiry Ic .ho revelation that a huge practical lad boon perpetrated upon them , iquipping themselves they were 1 ) uliovo by a dealers who was overate 3n Blalne hats that they were jusl hinga to wear , and as they had not > uying plug hats since the Qrooly ) aign , they were easily perai o do so. There were picture ilaino and Logan In the hats , but 10 dealers pulled out , but happen niss a few. On the afternoon t tarting the rnmor began spreading hose were not Cleveland hats , am the of tl ) r two described pictures jublican standard-bearers. It vrai ate to change , and there were man ; nsistod that the hats were all r ibout one-third of the club coucl hat they would not risk it and si heir tall hats at homo , but the o voro thorn. On reaching hero they f tiat they really were wearing Blaine nd their confusion and attemp mother any allusion to it in the pi vas amusing. It is rumored tha 31aino club at Dunlap did not fool liey could pay ยง 2 apiece for white Iso put up the job , knowing that > lie democrats discovered tlicir mil lioy would gladly got rid of them a : rico. The Dunlap boys , notwithst ng their hats , were given n hearty omohoro , and had a jolly timo. Omaha did itself proud , and ita ir niforms , marching order and nutn von much applauso. Dan Farrell , the gallant sheriff , nandcd Mills county delegation , v ran a atrong one. Crescent City sent a big band wi rhich was a noticeable feature , and cut about forty mounted torchmon. Council BlulI'd itself showed up we nd poorer than any of the clubs. 1 roro inoro "kids , " leas uniforms , aero howling and whooping than ai ny of the others. The Clove uarda , however , redeemed this city no body of young men , full fift umber , with the Union Pacific I " 'hoy showed oil' to good advantage , loir whlto shirts with blue fronts , 1 ants , and torches in their hats. ' . ing Bomo lively campaign chorusc : ioy marched along , and was the fii ppoarlng body in the procession , jTJiero were ajjlarge number of t aroncios and emblems , besides the aimers. Among the letterings wi 'No sunstroke to-night. " "Confi ial , you'll smile when I toll3 'Elaine , Joy Gould's man Friday. " njunction Judges on his own 01 'Burn this letter. " "Pusoy vet ako back -10,000,000 acres of h 'The Hocking Valley. " "Blaino pie o Mulligan. " "Toll the truth an horo. " "Tho Plumed Fraud. " ' ny love to Mrs. Fisher. " The dccorationa were not ccnfin lie business part of the city , alon no of inarch , thcro were numerous oncos finely decorated and illumin 'ho most notlcablo ones were the udgo James , C . D. Brorrn , and . lart. The last named place was i blaze of light , and lanterns were si cross the street , and around the ci n profusion. Along Main street and Broadway /as a bewilderment of lings , etnbl antcrns , etc. , and Main street lorgen'u corner to the Kiel hotel /core / line upon line of those bri Ightod lanterns , and from there i iroadway there numerous decora ! Dn Broadway it would bo almost U iblo to enumerate all the places. ' . fund's probably was the most attra here being several beautiful llage omo pleasing drnpings Ilardin's OWH were probably the moat protti uminatcd. Perogoy it Mooro'u win Iso looked very nicely. The Globu ad its front covered with ihga and nu. Lscy'a saloon had n tranepa opresonting the republican barn empty , a very npproprloto iqn , t it nu excellent plao to cot a b : any sort emptied. ' The main speakers' stand was ( at the corner of Broadway and Br street. It was put tip by ) . A. M the contractor , and was IKhlO fei was decorated very chboratoly , front appeared a lareto eagle , carve of wood , above which appeared in ; letters , "Mayor and cilizot j' wolc nnd boloir , "Cleveland and 11 cm Welcome Carlisle. " There was r Inrgo star of evergreens , a I brought from the the Chicago dotm convention. At this stand Lion. John 0. C was the principal speaker. Ho wi trodueed by the mayor , and was re ivith the wildest enthusiasm. The Ion of his speech was that the re am party had boon long enough in \ xtid that it was best for the count liavo more frequent speeches. Ills ; roat theme was the tariff question lonouncod the protective policy lirod at length his views of a tai revenue only. Ilia speech was c istonod to , and ho was oucourngi Sequent applauso. Itov. Gilbert Do La Matyr , noantimo was speaking from the bi ) t the 1'ftcifio house to another crow tot able to got near onotiph to C : o hoar him. Ho spoke strongly in ) f the selection of Congressman . m the ground that ho would bo vblo to do for this district than t lis first term , and would bo inoro > ntial than a now member. II lovotod much time to the tariff ion , lion. M. V , Gannon , the dome mndidato for attorney general o itato , gave a brief address to an srowd at the corner of Broadway : ) ryant stroot. Mr. Lilly the demo ! andidato for district attorney also tshort speech. It was not so good n _ night , how 'or ' oratory as for coal oil , hearse th mrrah , boys , and a jolly time , an itroots were kept in nn enthusiast , oar till a late hour. Most of the ; ations got off on special traini hero were numbers of individual arriod ever the Sunday , viaitiug fi ir taking in the town , bound while vero at it to Jmvo the good time out Chinese Latorun at Seaman's. SC1IO01 , OIHIj FANOIKS. Jrimocm Hklrto , Jjow-IIcclcrt I. felioeH nml Silver * ow York Journal , The alligator-skin and velvet bo ushioiiablo just now nro made addit y pretty by the Normal school girls iavo their monograms in silver put t iiicklos or embroidered in silk o civet. Crimson akirts are very fashionab chool wear. On rainy days they d ireaont the draggled appearance rhito ones do , Txnd , besides , the rarmer. Dainty whlto Swiss aprons mai ho Italian style , with a butterfly p n the right and narrow velvet rll bout the sides and the top of the ire i ladies at fas ro worn by young our bio schools. They fasten by the > y wide sattin ribbons of flowers si ; ontian blossoms or poppies. The newest handkerchiefs for sc iavo borders inscribed with Greek .ctora or examples in algobra. One i or is turned down and ornam rith a tiny ribbon bow. The girls In a fashionable u ] chool are all wearing low-hoolod ihoos. They say they can take valks in the park in these shoes a tot fool tirod. Plaid dresses with plaid-plaited , ro popular. Most of them have be undo of plaid , but others are worn orsey waists. Very long undressed kid gloves ir hades are the moat fashionable 1 ovoringa among school-girls. The high-crown hats with small 1 nd the round-roll brim turbans are red for school wear. The bang la ti flnfly little rings under them. Silver daggers , swords , bows anders ors are the designs of the laco-pli oguo. Linen end's are again in fashion , ro hold by link studs. LNTI-MONOl'OIjlSIS , AXTEN'l First District. Hon. Charles H. Brown was appo a address meetings in the First con jnal district , at the places named s follows : Beatrice , Monday , October 20th. 7 p. Lincoln , Thursday , October 23rd , 7 p Nebraska City , Saturday , October 21 . m , Dales for Oinnlm and other places Istrict will bo duly announced. Inptuln J. II , BtloUIo'H Appointn Onpt. .T , H. BlicUlo , of Thayer county lonopoly candidate for congress in tho' -let , will dibcusHthu political issues of tl t the following points in Bouthwcutoi rxHlca on tha dates licro nnmod : I ndlanola Saturday , October 18th. Ciilbertson Monday , October 20th. MtCoolc Tuesday , October 21st. Ahnr Wednesday , October 22d. lilooinlngton Thursday , October Z' ,30 , p. in. Kul Cloud -1'rlday , October 21th , t in , lion , .Tamoa W , Davis will nddre ooplo on thu political itomg of tha day illowing placeH people wlthour roforo atty ( specially invited. At Storllug , October 18 , 7 p. in. At 'IVcumsuh , October 20 , 7 p. m , At Tublu llock , October 2. < , 7 p in. At 1'awno * City , October 21 , 7 p , m. At liurcliard , October 25 , 7 p , m. At Hmnboldt , October 27. 7 p. in. Atl'alla City , October 28 , 7 p. in. At Stella , October , 2U , 7 i > . in. At Auburn , October SO. 7 p. m. At Nomaka City , October 111 , 7 p. in. At Nebraska City , November 1 , 7 p. At 1'lattamouth. November S , 7 p , m. Hon. Win. Neville , nntl-tnonopoly late for congress In the Third dmtril ddropH the puopla as follows : Valentino , SatDrday ovonln , Octobc Ci-elghton , Monday uvonlnff , October Niobrara , Tnofday evoriinf ( , October Kt , Helena , AYedneiday evening , 0 I'onca , Thursday o\cninff , October 21 iTaelcHon , Kridav ovouinK , October 2 1 , Ifurtlogton , BatunUy uvoning , Octol Wayne , Monday o\eniiir , October 27 Norfolk , Tuesday owning , October 21 Htantou , Wodnrinlay evomnK. Octobe Winner , Thursday 2 p. in , , October SI West Point , Thursday overling. Octo Oakland , 1'riduy evening , October 31 , Blair Saturday o\oning , November 1 ( Anti-Monopoly Alcctlii H In Hi rmd DUtrlui. J. liurrowH , J'BIJ , of ( Jagocoiinty , fo Stiita l unncra' ' 'earn HPcrotary of the nco , will Hpiuk on tliu political Unuos loy In the HLCOIK ! o ngrCBalonul dial , hu following named dates nnd pUccs ; Utlca , fjowunl wjunty , Wednesday , C ! 2 , at 7 P. > n. ISiudsImw , Jiurk county , Thursday , ( W , nt2pm. llainntoii , Hamilton county , Thuiud .oliT 23 , ut il p. in , Iliuvurd. Clay county , 1'riday , Octc at 2 p , in , C'ay Center , Cl y county , 1'rlday , ( 21 , at ? j > . in. Nohoii , Auckolli county , Satin day. b r 2f > , i | p. in. Supciior , Aiickollg county , Snlunlay ; bor 25 2 p. m. ItUortnn , 1'rAIIWin county , Jtonday IKT 27 , ft p in. Itlooiningtnn , ( ! mnltliii county. M October 27 , 7 p. m , Hoimblicnn City , Hnrlixn county , T > i Octolior 2 M , 2 p. 111. Orlovn , Hotlixii county , Tuesday , C 28. 7 p. m. llomprCily , rnrnis county , Vfwlr October 2" " I , 2 p. in. Atrapnhoo , Vurnna county , Winlnesdi WHT 2 ! ) . 7 p. in , CninlirldRO , Kurnm county , Thutsd : Uiber 'M , 2 j > . in. Ab'cll , konrncy county , Vridny , ( . ' 11 2 p. m. Minden , Koimey county , Ktlday , C ti. 7 p. in. lIiifttliiRt , Adams county , Salutday , f JIM1 , 2 p , in , I/OCA ! conunlttooH nro rtfiuostoil to si ncoUngn nroull ad\ortucd. and \Uicr icctleii cAimot bo tuado liy rail to | couvojanco ( or uponkor to hia next n ) lUMlt , lly ortlor conero .iionn1 committee ' illsttlct. ItKl'UntilOAN Al'l'OINTMBN ilpitotntmcntH for Onn. Olmrli MnmlcrHon. Senator Mnmlcrnou anil other Rpcakc mlilross tlio pouplo nt the follow hip pin ho dates named : llrowmllto , October 18th. l-'nlls City , October 10th. I'nwucoCity , October 21sf Vnlrbiiry , ( Jctobcr 2d. Kcd Cloud , October 23d. Araimhw , October 2 llh. York , October 2"th. Continl City , October 2Sth. Rrand lnlunJ , October 2 th. Kearney , October ItOth. Holdroi'o , Nooniborlst. . for GOOI-KO AV. Pi niul < 1. G , TMC. FOU OKO W. R. DOHSKV AN1 > OKN. A. It , Of Grand Islnml Vridny moiling , Octol Central City Saturday o\enlng , 0 18. 18.Kullorton Jtondny ovi-nhiR , October Columlma Tuomlny e\onn ! , Octoboi North Watto Wtdncadny evening , 0 iiI'liim Creole Thursday OAenhij ? , 0 23. Koarnny Vridny o\cnbi ( ? , October 2 Schuyler Saturday availing , October GKO. W , K. D0118KV AND OT1IKU Hl'KAK Albion Monday ovoninR , October 27 Ulair Tuesday oMMihiB , October 23. Dakota City Wodnesdny ovonlng , jer 29. 'JVlittinah Thursday ovoiilng. Octob West Point Kilduv evening , Octoboi Mr. Doreoy will bo ncconipinlod by lutes for Btato offices. 0. 13. "Voi J. W. LOVK , Ch'n Stnto Con. C Ch'n Cone , Com. COMMKUOIAIj. OODKOIL ; Diuri-a UAttitrr. Wheat No. 1 milling , G0@05 ; No. J > 0 : rejected 15. Corn Ijocnl purpoaos , 35@40. Oats Vor local purposes , S5@ 10 , Hay 810 001200 per ton ; baled , C Kyo 10@J5o. Com Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds , Wood Good supply ; priced nt ynrda , ' ( X ) . OonI Delivered , hard , 1150 per ton > ! 00 per ton Lard Valrhniik's , wholesaling at OJc. Vlour City Hour , 1 C0@3 SO. Brooms 2 J5@3 00 per dez. LIVE BTOOIC. Cnttlo Butcher co\va 3 00@3 25. B toora , 4 OOCrtU 25. Sheep 3.50. Uogs-423@105. ruoncoB ANO pnniTS. Poultry H\o old hens , 7c ; spring chli 25@2 60 per doz. I'eachoH Jj bus. box , 100. Ijomons 1 50@5 00 per box. Butter Creamery , 18@20c ; choice c < .60. Kegs 10 pot dozen. Vegetables PotntoeB , 30@10o per I nilons , 40@00c per bu ; apples , choice o > r onting , 2 GO ; beans , 1 702 DO juahol ; Sweet uotntoos , 4 00 vor bbl. Railway Time Tal COUNCIL BLUFFS. The tallowing ro tha times ot the arrival t Atturo at trains by central standard time , } cal depots. Trains leave transfer depot tot LOB earlier and artlvo ton minutes Inter , ClllCiOO , BDRUNOrON AHD QU1MOT. . t L1WC. Clilcnk'oKxprcsa D. 6:85 pra 0:10 : m Font Mall. 7 : ' and , 7 ! :45 a m I'Mall ExproM Acoommod&tloii. 2 : 2:20 : { > m & "At local depot only. EAKSia CITT , HT.OH AND COUNCIL BLUFFS 0 05 in | SIall and Kxprcsn , ,7 : 8:05 : pin 1'aoinc Kiproos , C : OUIOAQOi UILVAOHIIR AND BT. PAUL. 0. Exprosn , t:2B : p m 0 , Exprow , 9U ; m OUICAOOi HOOK INLAND AND FAomO. AtUntlo ICijirosa , 0 , 6:30 : p m 0.20 a m Day Kxproaa , 0. 7:20 : a lu "Dos Molnoa Aocommodatlon , B. At local depot only. WABA1U , ST. I/JUIS AND I'iCinO. Mall , 4 : 1:20 a in Acoouiinodat on 0 6:10 : | i in < Ht. Louis KxprtiH & ' . : ! 0 p in 10. Cnlcago Kxjircsj : W p in * At Transtot only unioAao and KOHTIIWBBTIUS. 6:30 p m Kxpro8 , B : 1'aclflo Kxprosa D. . B:25 : a in lioui CITT AND rAcmo. :40 : p m Bt. 1'aul Kxpruea , 8:1 : ,20 a la Day Kxpre a B , DMOI i-Acino. 8:00 pra Wuatern KnproBDi B I'atlfla ICxprusg , I : 1:00 : a m 7:10 a m IIOCA ! Kxprooii , B 2:10am : Lincoln KxpruHU , - At Tranttor only. " DUUMT TRAINS TO OUAI1A. . . in. 1 ; LeaTo-7:20-a:80-n:30-10.30-ll:10a. SO-4.SO-G:30-fl.80-11:05 : : p. m Sunday O.Si m. 1:30"3:30-6.3 < M1.SO-11:06 p , nu Aitlvo o beluro loavln ttmn Mrs , HJ , Hilton , MJM PHYSICIAN & STJKGE 322 Mlddlo Brntd-way. Oounoll Bit a.ro the changes that , In a tow years taken place In the raanufaoturo Olothin [ mprovomont after Improvement boon made , until to-day the olotl od'orod by Sohlank & Prince , IS Farnain utroot , ia nqual in ovoi roopuct to the boat Wlillo at the eamo time the lown price of the fine grade of olotl they handle is no losa astonia ] inor than tlio Perfection AND Till ! QUALITY Ot MATERIAL AND 2 10 Farnam Sired , THE CHEAPEST PLAOE 1W UMAHA TO BUY A Ono of the Boat and largoafc Stocks iu the United States to select from. NO STAIRS 'TO OLIMB , ELEGrMT PASSEN&ER ELEVATOS , THAT IS THE NAME OF THE TOWN WHERE FOR ALL ARE FOUND ! Where- They Can Enjoy Pure Air S And all o the good oiiu pleaamii things tlmt.go to make up n complete - ploto and happy oxistouco. The town of ! South Omaha it titunled south o the city 'of Omnhn on the line o the U. P. Railway , nnd it is lesa than 2i uulos from the Ouiuha post oQico to the north line c i the town site. South Omnhn ia nearly H miles north and south by 2\ east nni west.nud covers nu area o nearly foursquare miles , The stock yards nro nt the extreme southern limit Nearly 150 lots have been sold and the demand ia on the increase yards are being rapidly pushed to completion. The $00,000 beef paclcing house is progressing finely. Works finished nud furnish nn abundant The $80,000 Wntor nro supply of PURE SPRING WATER. The B. & M. mid Bolt Line Railways hnvo a largo force of men at work and will , in connection -with the U. P. Railway , have n union depo > icnr the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds TV ill be uuruished for Church nnd School purposes. Now is the time to buy lots in this growiug'city. They will nevei jo cheaper than they are to-day. B2F"Apply at the Company's office , nt the Union Stocks Yards. Assistant Secretary. CHICKERING PIANOS They Are Without A Rival. AND- Bavo been Awarded One Hundred and eighteen I'riz Medals at all the prominent expositions of the World for the Last Fifty Years.a And lest Mg Pianists IN- An examination of these magnificent Pianos is politely requested before purchasing any other instrument. ML B-A luHfl < JL " Hjld " oS SJ&y.p General Western RepresoDtahves. ' ' for KNABB VOSE & SONS P. S.-Also Gen'l Agt's , B13HR BROS. , 'and ' ARION PIANOS , and SHONINGBR CYMBELLA and CLOUGH & WARREN ORGANS. HND GO'S PIANOS IENDOUSED.BY LISZT. ] 19 BOSTONn Mch lit , 1881 , . QnndBqaaro und'Unrlght , ro totlly cobbj InitmnJent * IruraeuU KUKUBOH wid PIANO onrlroDcd OO lot OiMliuis Iwiutjr oJ.toae 7oor And fliiUh. 4llow nw to.congutulate jrou on y ur Bteillni . Vfosrca * BECOMMENDS ITSELF.BOLE BOLE AGENT , J J6W Dod o Street , OmiOia , ITob. &J ' BOLl'E ' , WANUIfACtTDUEIl3 OF- Oormoi WlnJowl. Flalilt , Window V108outulth CBIK , Iron Creotlnza Street , Metallic Ouaah * Bky.llgbU NtLrulca , , So , Ita , lien Mil Bl t ; nee