Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1884, Image 5

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A Han Worn the People Can Safely
Trnst ,
ntor VnnWyck Pnye n IllRli Com.
lillincnt to Our Next COIL
Meeting Senator Van Wyck at thoU
U , P. depot Sunday morning on his way
homo from Butler county , n reporter of
.TiiE BKB ventured to pump the senator
about liia relations to Congressman
Weaver and his opponent.
lloporlor What did you aay about
Charles Brown at Falls City , Senator ?
Van. I suppose the papora have al
ready told you.
Hep Yea , but there have boon differ
ent statements.
Van. Well , lot it go at that ; give us
n real.
Hop. Do you know what the Journal
pays ?
Van. I do not , and care loss.
Rep. It saya you go for Weaver bo-
cauao you don't like Brown ,
- - Van. I don't like Brown ? Who nays
HO ?
Hop. The Journal.
Van. What the Journal at , Lincoln ?
Who tuns that concern norr ?
Hop. Goro.
Van. What , Gore the funny follow
always an amoosin' cuss you can never
toll whether ho is joking or in earnest.
I remember some years ago ho pditod
that paper , but its a long time since I
.hoard uf him. Supposed ho was dead
.and and buried. You know ho used to
bo very bilious and dyspeptic. Pshaw ,
what's the uao paying any attention to
what ho says. That paper cant have
much circulation , You seldom see it
any where , bealdea no body pretends to
believe what it aaya. Novorknow when
it is romancing or tolling the truth.
X > on't bother about what ho aaya.
Rop. But ho anys you dislike Brown.
Van. Well , everybody knowa hotter
than that. I have always respected nnd
admired Charlie Brown. There is no
bettor man in the atato in ability and in
tegrity. When I cannot speak truthfully
of such men ns Brown I will go out of
politics. This Idea of abusing a man be
cause ho docs not think ns you do _ is in
famous. It ia usually indulged in by
auch small-aouled follows as Gero. If
Gere over knows the right aide of any
thing and haa moral force enough to toll
. the truth , ho knows I have always had
the highest regard for Brown.
Ho knows when in the Bonato that
Brown and myself generally were aide by
.side on questions allecting the people of
the state particularly on all questions
when the Journal company were endeav
oring to swindle the state. Ho know wo
worked together in the attempt to aavo
the atato from the fraudulent contracts
of that concern. I don't think Gore
wants any bill of particulars of this mat
ter.Rep. . Do you remember when the attempt -
-tempt was made to repeal the usury laws
of the state ?
Van. I should think so ; can never
-forget it.
Rep. Was Brown in the senate with
you ?
Van. Fortunately for the people ol
the state ho was.
Rep. What was his attitude ?
Van. Ho did moro than any man to
prevent the repeal.
Rep. What were the circumstances ?
Van.- Yes , yes ; I suppose so. You
don't know very few of the people did.
There waa a strong lobby of the money
intoreat to repeal the usury lawa. Both
"branches of the ) legislature had been
elected by men who want to loan money
but as usual the money loaners ,
Iho Shylocks , the cent per cent men aoon
\ owned nearly a majority. Wo had a
square fight in the senate on the bill and
l > oat the repealers , then on the last day
of the session came up n bill which had
passed the house , in which waa a section
intended to repeal the usury laws. The
scheme was , however , detected and ox-
.posed , discussion ensued , a vote waa taken
as adjournment was had for supper. The
result waa the bill lacked only ono vote
for a cormtitutional majority , when Mr.
Thomas Konnard , who waa a repealer ,
changed hia vote so ho could move a re
consideration. Only ono vote needed to
repeal the usury law , the crisis waa
alarming and exciting. The legislature
was to adjourn at midnight.
When wo mot after supper muchjto our
nurprlso Mr. Konnard did not move a
reconsideration but ono of our men had
Leon prevailed upon to do that. This
vote would have blotted out the usury
laws. That rendered the eonilict moro
exciting and the only thing loft to protect
the people was to'provent a final vote on
the bill by talking against timo. That
waa soon done and Mr. Brown , Mr. Am
brose and myself concluded wo could do
justice to the subject at least
until the hour of adjournmont. Fortu
nately it was discovered that the appro
priation bill had not passed1 Where was
the Journal and some other patriots without -
out an appropriation bill ? They came
proposing that if wo would diocontinuo
our remarks they would not press the re
peal. Wo did and this saved to the
atato the protection the laws give us. No ,
no , Gore knows boitor. I always admir
ed Charley Brown , on questions afl'ecting
the interests of the people ho was always
Rep. Who was the man the ahylocks
ot away from you ?
Van. No matter ho is not running for
office. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Douglas County TeuclierH Association ,
The first meeting of ( the Douglas county
teachcra association will bo held at Mlllard ,
Saturday , November 1st , at 10 o'clock n. m.
jionm-Q SESSION.
Music ,
Inaufural addreex by the president of the
negotiation , Supt. J. li. limner.
Exercise In primary arithmetic , with a class
of the Millnrd school , by Mies Annn K , hvors.
Discussion opened by Mind Katie A ( Jard *
Iner , followed by Miss JHIza Lomav.
i Paper. Subject "Tho Importance of the
study of U S. history in our public schools , "
by Mr. A. A. Munroo.
Diecusslou opened by Mr. J. IT , Hamilton ,
followed by Mr. llobert J , Stinaon.
Kxercleo in primary reading and language ,
with n class of the Mlllard school , by Miss
Knto M. liuucher.
Discussion opened by Miss Hadm b.
vlllo , followed by Miss Mary 1) . McCoy.
Paper. Subject "Tho relation tfa
thould mistaln to each other , " by Mr J , T.
Parker ,
DiaciuHlon opened by Mr. HarloL. Ertklne ,
followed bvMr.Y. . J. McCaudlees.
Class drill in advanctd muling by Mr , A.
11. Davis ,
I'uDcr.- " of Biitfio
I'uDcr.Subject "Is Ocograohy
lent importance to warrant the titno usually
( pent upon the fctudy of it , " by Mr , A. II.
Voabnrg ,
Discussion npened by Mlsi Hay D , Packer ,
followed by Mr , II. Ifnyou Clairo.
All tha teachers In the county are expected
to bo present. M upon Iho first meeting depends
the success of the a * oci.ition.
Uy order of the executive committee.
GEO. W. Hat ,
ANNA K. Evuns.
Itemized Itovlow of 1'nst KvcutH nud
Future Dates In Uotli Parties.
At Its mooting Saturday afternoon , the
county republican central committo de
cided to hold primaries Friday next , In
the city between 5 nnd 7 o'clock p. m. ,
nnd in the country prccincta from 0 to ! )
m. Mondny next wns uoloctod ns the
date for the convention , which will beheld
hold nt Blnino nnd Logan headquarters.
The democrats hold their primaries
to-day , regulated by the snmo time
Bohodulo adopted by the republicans.
Their convention is hold to-morrow in
the city hall at 2 o'clock p. m ,
Saturday night the colored republicans
of this city hold a mass mooting in their
own hall in Lytlo's block for the purpose
of adopting measures for securing colored
representation on the republican legis
lative ticket.
J. Williams , calling the mooting to order -
dor , wna succeeded by E. S. Clonlnna ns
chairman , A. n. Willis being the np-
pointed secretary. Dr. W. H.
0. Stevenson on the third
ballot wns nominated for representative.
4 committee of seven were appointed to
draft n petition to the republican county
convention , setting forth the advantage
of colored representative and expressing
the unanimous desire of that clement in
Omaha for that end. The mooting wns
of the most orderly character nnd the
doliborntions dignified nnd well balanced.
Several onthusinstie nnd eloquent speech
es were mndoby the colored loaders pres
ent nnd loyal expressions were hoaul on
every hand.
Hon. "Phil" McShano is the operating
grand marshal of the untorrifiod forces
in their demonstration to-morrow night.
.An interesting fcaturo of to-morrow
evening's bourbon display will bo n corps
of 100 mounted -first voto" youths.
The young men hnvo made elaborate
preparations , and with Mr. W. H. Crary ,
of the Merchants' National bank , in
command , promise an excellent showing
of American young manhood.
A grand torchlight parade of raga-
mullina nnd street arabs on Twelfth street
last night betrayed the present location
of many of the missing republican club
torches. The executive committee or
some other body or party vested with
power should secura the assistance of the
police to recover these stolen torches at
the next juvenile demonstration.
The local democrats who participated
in Saturday night's blowout in Council
Bluffa marched with amazingly regular
tread on the way up from the depot when
returning homo. This perhaps indicates
that the staying qualities of some of the
participants aptly befits them for Bourbon
A number of norvous-flangnino demo
crats are ottering rash bets that tomorrow
row night's "pow-wow" will exceed in
point of numbers and pageantry the
republican demonstration of Thursday
night. There will consequently bo some .
orestr fallen n-s d's hen the facts reveal
the t ue situation.
School \vork at Now Orleans ,
Superintendent Jones has issued cir
culars in respect to Nebraska's showing
in public achool work at the world's fair
at Norr Orleans. Ho aays :
The work of the children of the atato is
of highest importance , and should oc
cupy the most prominent placo. The
teachers of the atato are especially requested
quested to make this department most
Examination , daily written work ,
map-drawing , free-hand drawing , com
positions , specimens of penmanship ,
which may bo copies of several lines of
prose or poetry , specimens of handiwork
in or out of school , in fact anything that
shows what our children are doing in an
educational tray.
Ungraded , graded and high school
work will bo included In this department.
The county superintendents , teachers and
principals are earnestly requested to lend
their asoistanco and urged to co-oporato
in making this department all it should
All pupils' work should bo upon ono
paper of uniform size , 8 xll inches ,
with a margin of ono inch , written only
on ono aide and neatly bound for preser
vation ,
This department will bo in the hands
of Superintendent J. J. Points , of
Omaha ,
Grniul Kiiciiinpinont.
The encampment of the I. O. 0. P.
which has boon in session at Nebraska
City this week elected the following offi
cers :
Grandjpatriarch , Isaac Opponhoimor ,
Lincoln ; grand high prioat , J. B , Lull ,
Nebraska City ; grand senior warden , S.
B. Hall , Fairmount ; grand scribe , D. A
Cline , Lincoln , grand treasurer , Sam
McClay , Lincoln ; grand junior Warden ,
D. H. Morris , Hanson ; grand representa
tive , E. G. Ryloy , Omaha.
The grand patriarch appointed the fol
lowing officers :
Grand marshal , P. B. Bryant , Omaha ;
inside sentinel , II. R , Wodohouse , Ne
braska City ; outside ucntlnol , L. M , Lib-
bo , Dawson.
The encampment adjourned to moot
next year where the grand ledge moots.
A. Curd ol' XliunkH ,
The W. 0. U. , of Omaha , wish to return -
turn thanks for favors received from Itov.
0. W. Savidgo and his choir , and from
citizens entertaining delegates to our convention
vontion , also from Baptist church , the
press and the Mlllard , Paxton , Metro
politan , Canliold and Gozzona hotola.
Members of tlio W. 0. T. U. are ro
qacsted to attend attend a meeting Octo
bcr 'JOth when a now constitution and by *
laws will bo voted upon and steps taken
by the union to become nn incorporated
body. MUH. J. T. Biu. : , Sec.
It vvni loaded. Monday evening nt Ulyssea
Jn per Huberts took his revolver to ntfunsiulth
11 ba repaired. AH ho turned to go out with
it hu Inserted nmno cartridge * , but noticed
that the cylinder did not revolvo. Ho handed
It back to the smith , John Law , who , not
knowing that the cartndgf had been inserted ,
discharged It. Thw bullet , a No. 3L' , struck
Itoberts in tha abdomen. There aie small
hopes of his recovery.
Xlio First Society of tlio Alioro Nonictt
Ortlor Poriucd Ycstcrttny In
Oinalm ,
The IVnai Borith orRnnlzntion , which
has boonlnoxistonco in the United States
oror forty years , hna now n momborahlp
of 25,000 , rrith ? 5t lodRoa. It is a
benevolent inatitution , pnrtnklug aomo-
whnt of the nature of nn itmtrnnco In.
atitution. It also aupporta ono of the
largest orphanages in the country , which
is loc&tod in Cleveland , 0. Unwnrds of
100 orphans are maintained in that build.
Ing alone , whllo there are nlso
other amallor institutions of a similar
nature connected with the society.
Yesterday afternoon the first society in
Nebraska wns formed here with a mem
bership of thirty-fivo. Iho mooting took
place in the hall of the Metropolitan
Club and the installation ceremonies
were performed by the following ofllcors
of the grand ledge from Chicago : Adolph
Loob , grand secretary , Samuel Klein ,
vlco president , nnd Samuel Taussig. The
following gentlemen were elected officers
of the .Nebraska ledge : I. Oborfpldor ,
prooidont. M. Ilollman , vice president ;
S. Schlosingor , Jr. , secretary ; Joseph
Brussol , liuancial secretary ; Adolph
Meyer , treasurer ; Phil Gothoimor , A.
Heller , nnd Merit ? Meyer trustees ; Dims
Brandos , monitor ; II. Sincere , inside
guardian ; S. Kalis ! ) , outside guardian.
Past evening a grand banquet was giv
en in honor of the visiting members of the
; rand ledge and their ladies in Falcon-
ir's hall and plates were laid for over
200 persons. Quito a number of elo
quent speeches were delivered by tno
visitors , in which the innumerable ) bone-
Its accruing from belonging to the organi
zation were enlarged upon and the enter-
: ainmont was n grand nuccosa in every re
Among Iho prominent Omaha citizens
who apoko were I. Oborfieldor , M. Hell-
man , Julius Meyer , Phil. Gothoimor.
Seal of North Carolina Smoking To
bacco is the beat.
A. Successful Entertainment ami a
Crowded House Lmst Night.
The Gorman theater was packed from
pit to dome last evening on the occasion
of the presentation of 1 < riocirich's ' "Tho
widow nnd the late husband. " This is
a genuinely mirth provoking farce nndgit
was thoroughly appreciated last night.
Mr. Fochtol , who personated the role of
Broschouborg , enacted his part excellently -
lontly nnd wns several times recalled.
The charming Miss Spahn appeared as
Amalio and -wan well received , -while
Mr. Molchin , as Ilorr Von Sturmfodor ,
received quite nn ovation. Tlio
character of Madingor fell to the lot
of Mr. Puls , who made the niosfc
of the role and Mr. Lindnmann as Rolch-
enbruockon made the most of the part
possible. Mrs. Pala-Ahl , as Nettie ,
played very prettily and earned a well
deserved encore.
Mrs. Buessor. who is rapidly gaining
the favor of the frequenters of Gorman
theater , made a highly creditable Mrs.
lloichonbruockon , nnd Mr , Meyer , as
Dotter , the lawyer , did fairly well.
Taken as a whole , the performance
was an eminently successful ono , and
was evidently much enjoyed by the
S. 0. Sample , the hatter , went east yester
V. .T. Benthrall nnd wife , of Boston , are at
the Millard.
Mr. A II. Gladstone has returned to Omaha
after n two months' absence.
W. II. Firth , of Kansas City , n C. , 13. & Q.
passenger agent , is at thol'axton.
A. C. Beach , of the Union stockyards , Chicago
cage , is in the city on business and is at the
H. B. Hudson has returned fromj Boston ,
where ho has been on a business trip for the
past two weeks.
C. L. May nnd daughter , of Pleasant Hill ,
Missouri , nro visiting Mrs. M. W. Hhodcs ,
on Twenty-second street.
Mr. Glllis nnd J. Jl. Ilnrshn , of Washington
county , N. Y. , have bfen in Omaha for sever
nl days , visiting with JO. K , Gillie , son of the
nbovo lady.
Mrs. G. II. Taylor and son , J. IF , Tnylor ,
of Now York , arrived in this city Satur-day
and nro at the Pnxton hotel , where they
will bo pleased to bee their friends.
Mrs. John U. Jacobs , who hng been spend
ing the summer in Hanover , Pennsylvania ,
with her parents , returned to this city to
day , and will remain here during the winter.
W. Wallace and Wife , Lincoln ; Ifrod llath-
gebor , South bt , Louis ; 1) , W. .Simpson , No-
braskn City ; W. II , Carr and wife , Lincoln ;
C. C. Denny , Blair ; W. P. Gardner , Milwau
kee ; S. K. Harvey , Lincoln ; Dr. J. J. Smltb ,
of Chicago , are at the Commercial ,
Charley Goodrich and his friends returned
Friday from ' their fishing expedition , bring
ing with them a mco string of iieh. On the
way out the inulo engine got a hot box end
jumped into the ditch , but as all the bottles
had been emptied no dnmago wa done.
Jlon.1 Kstnlo TrniislorH.
The following real estate transfers were
filed at the county clerk's oflico October
17 , and reported for TJIE BKE by Amos'
real estate agency :
A. Ileopon to W. M. Ilohdo , w d ci
lot 2'J , Iledick's second addition , § 1,200.
S. D. Mercer and wife to J. Ohristoan-
aon w d. w 15 foot lot 4 block 1'J Wal
nut Hill , § 25.
J. M. Kddy and wife to Omaha Bolt
railroad.q c d lot 2 block 8 , $2,820 ,
G , P. bemis and wife to Geo. Stan-
wood , w d lots 1 and 2 block F , Pros
poet Placo. § 1,200.
W. J , Kiorstoad and wife to L , Itich *
ardnonlot 0 block 20 West End , 05.
G. W. Ames and wife to P. K.
Sln'ohla w d parcel noction 2 , 10 , 10.
Union S. H. niootliiK Ml H'O Presby
terian OMuruli ,
There will bo a general mam mooting
of the B. S children and H. S. workers
of this city at the Presbyterian church ,
corner 17th and Dodge , next Tuesday
ovoninx , 7:30 : , Oct. 21st. The chief ad-
drosa of the evening is to bo delivered
by Spo. A. M. DanninK , of Boston , who
is prominent in the Chautauqua , and 8
Swork , of the country , llo is well
known as a apcakur of first class ubllit
and hia objot will bo to stimulate inter- in S. 8. assemblies and Ohautauqua
work in this state. Other brief addresses
may I bo expected from S S. workora of
the ( state and pastors of the city.
Tlio 1'onuns ,
The boxes of clothing which are to bo
sent to the Poucas by the "Woman's In
dian National association" will bo packed
at the Dodge Street Presbyterian church
on Monday , October 20th , at 2 o'clock.
All who wish to contribute will plonso
send to the church early in the day.
Flannels , cotton cloth , needles , throac
and thimbles are desired , as the mission
aries tench thb women to make their own
KI.MIUU. . Iii tliU city , October luth , at 7
n. m. , Mrs. Mary Kimbnll , nged H2 yo rv.
Mrs. Kimbnll is ono of our oldest settlers nnd
is the widow of Mr. Kussoll KlmbMI , deceas
ed. The funeral will Uko place this morning
at 8 n , in. from her late residence , Xo. Kill.
California street. The romnlns will bo taken
to La 1'lntto , Nob. , to bo laid by the side of
lior husband ,
The Oak Park dummy In charge of n young
boy , running between Chicago ami the vlllngo
of Oak Park , rnu into n fast moving trnln on
the belt line railroad near the city limits Sat-
unlay night. A passenger named Dickey wns
killed , mid others hud narrow escapes.
The democratic congrctiiional commltton of
the First Illinois district have named William
M. Tilden ns the nominee of Iho party , tha
congressional convention having placed the
matter in their hands ,
General Butler wns warmly greeted nt Syra
cuse , K. Y. Saturday. Hi' ncldross nt the op-
crn housa was well attended ,
u > further work can bo done upon the Gnr-
Hold monument nt Cleveland until next year.
Later particulars of the accident on the Bos
ton nnd Albany road , near Klndorhook , stnto
that it wns cnuscd by train wreckers , who
placed ' n pllo of rails nnd Bloepcra on the track ,
carefully wedged into position , The engine
turned completely over , the express car on the
engine nnd the baggage car and niiiokcr on top
of thu whole thing. The engineer wns killed
and the fireman will probably die. The con
ductor nnd baKgngomnn were slightly injured.
The oiUciala of the road hnvo ottered $1,000
for the discovery of the misctoants who
wrecked the train ,
Adjutant Gen. Drum and Col. F. V. Barr
loft Washington Saturday evening for Fort
Le.ivonwortn , Kas. , to innke n series of in
spections of the military prison nc that post.
Mnj. Cion. Schofield will accompany them
from Chicago ,
The Presbyterian board of foreign missions
shipped two Chinese women from Canton to
Instill thorn ns tenchorj In San Frnnclsco. On
nrrlvlng they found they found that they hnd
not the proper certificates required by law.
They were therefore not permitted to laud nnd
must bo returned to China.
The president has designated Lumt. Gen.
Sheridan to act as secretary of war daring the
absence of Secretary Lincoln.
The Chicago express on the Lonlsvlllo , Now
lbiny > t Chicago was derailed nt 1:1'J ! : Satur
day morning near Green Castle , Iiul , , nnd the
entire train , with the exception of the Blo per ,
wai ditched , The engineer , iiromau and bag-
gagoman were seriously injured. All the cart )
burned , Including the sleeper. The damage
amounts to § 30,000.
Col. Bennett II. Young , a well-known law
yer nnd proeident of the southern exposition ,
while arguing nn Injunction cnio before Judge
llargis , at Lausvlllo , Ky. , Saturday , called
the judge nn Infnmoui liar. The judge imme
diately hurled two law books at Young , The
two then clinched , bu were Bnnarntcd by
Fifty now cases of scarlet fever are reported
among the girls In the industrial school , a
state Institution , nt Milwaukee , making n
total of eixty cases of the disease. It is ol
n J mild typo and no fhtalitiw hnvo occurred
Willie Webster , a bootblack , fifteen years
arrested nt St Louis says ho wns ono of the six
boys who lighted the fire which resulted in the
great lumber yard fire at Cleveland on September
tembor C ,
Solemu requiem mans wn > celebrated in the
Catholic cathedral nt Lincoln S.iturday mor
ning for the repose of the soul of Hon. A. M.
Sullivan , of Dublin , Irela nd , who died on the
A thunder storm passed over Lafayette ,
Indiana , Friday , the lightning striking the
house of Henry S. Curtis , and paralyzing the
inmates for some minutes. An aged gontla-
man , the father of Mrs. Curtis , who ha boon
very deaf for n long time , wan , by n loud peal
of thunder , almost completely restored andean
now hoar ns well as ever ,
The Motile and Ohio passenger trnln was
thrown from the track n few miles north of
Tupelo , Miss. , Saturday night and badly
damaged. The rails had been maliciously
removed by unknown persona. The Ijftpen
passengers aboard were nil moro or lejs injur
ed but none killed ,
A spark from n passing angina sot ( ire to
two hundred nnd fifty bales of cotton on the
depot platform at Barnesvlllo , Ga. , Sat
in-day. The conflngrntion rapidly spread and
in two hours destroyed fuuHifthft of thu busi
ness portion of the town. Loss , S1GO.OUO ;
lusurnnca , mnall.
rowriBN ,
The council of the regency at Brunswick
has decided to carry on tha government pro
visionally for the present. Tha diet will tia-
femble In a short cline ,
There is u rumor here that the French have
gained another viutory over _ the Chinoeoin
Tonquin and ICO Chinese fell in thu light ,
An Arab from Mahdi'i ) camp Hay there is
much ftickness ninong the Mnhdl followers
nnd the ptfection of the triben at Mnlull'H
roar still continues.
Six officers of the nrmy , sentenced to death
early hist week , were executed Saturday at
the St. 1'uttraliiirg citadel. Two women also
suffered tha death penalty ,
Prayers and _ masses wera celebrated for the
repose of Snllivan'H Haul in all the Catholic
churches of Dublin Hatmday ,
The distress nt the ship building centers In
the north of Hnghiml In increasing. Trade on
the Tyno and adjacent districts Is paraly/.ed ,
Forty ocean steamers nro lying idle at the
docks at Sundurlund , and most of the ship-
ynrds nro closed. I'nblic subscriptions are
making for the laborers out of employment.
Visit BELLMAN'S [ great clearing
nlo. 01G.1t
Iho Greatestffiedlcal Triumph of th Agel
I.oHHornppulllc , Hu\vclnco tlvo , I'liliilii
Ilin head , with n dull ncanutlon In I In )
buck pnrt , i'liln under Ilio nUouldrr-
lilnilo , J'ullnoH nfler voting , wlluudln-
incllimtlnntn uxortlonof liody ormlnil ,
Irrlliilillllyortfiiiiicr/.o\vnplrlli | , jrllli
u rocIlnKoflmvlngnuuIrclcil KIIIIIO duty ,
Wearlucfi * , Jlzy.lncn , J'lultcrluaf HI Iho
Heart. IlotH liefurotliu eye , Jluuducuo
over tli < > right oyc , UotleNNncn * , with
fitful drcnino , lilt-lily colored Urine , anil
'fVTT'H I'lhT.H are especially adapted
to such cases , ono iloo oilccta mioli u
They Incrriiuo I tin A pictlt , an < i CUUBO tlio
body to TaUo on I'Jmh , tlun tlio nvntfiu lu
iiiiiirUlieil.MKl liytliL-lr'roiilo Ariluu on
Iho JMwe UveOr imi , -iiiliirMool nro
liroiliic.'d. rrl-n'-irtc. ' 11 nlurrity N1..N.Y.
a n * ut unirj uM * *
UUA. lUiit or WIIISKKIIH oliaiiuoil to u
OUOHHV JILACIC by u olnglo iipplluutlon at
Ibis Dri : . Jt ImpurtB u imturnf color , nets
limtnntuucously. Sold by Uruifh'lsts , or
went by ozprcHHOn receipt of 9 > >
Jfflco , 44 Murray at , , Now York.
TO T1IK MtftSOrnr nlVKII.
CmoAiio , October 18.--A telegram from
Toledo Announcing nn open tircnk in p s > on
gor rales city to Mi.Moml river
point * nnil declaring it lind boon pro
voked by the sale uf thous.iud'iuila tickets of
the Chlcngo , lliirliugton V Qnlnoy ijsuo. Mr.
Lowell , general pnsoeiiger agent uf tlin Itnr-
liiiRton , announces tlmt no tlo'tots ' of their Is
sue of nny de. < cription have boon placed on the
market. Kcgarding the ritto of $11 from
Kama * City to Chicago. Mr. Lowell Hairs
Hint the Burlington openly declared this fig\tro
to incut tlmt announced by the brokers Immll.
ilR the tickets of other roads.
MOXTHKAI. , October 18. The Cnnntllnn
Pneiflornilwny has just concluded n contract
with the Lncknwnnim Iron nnil Coal coinpnny
of Scrauton , Pa. , for ton thousand tons of
tool rails nt § 25/0 per ton nt the mills , or
delivered to nny Canadian port , or in Now
York , for S2C..BO. . It is believed tlmt thin is
the lint time nn American company 1ms boon
successful in competition with Knglish manu
facturers of steel mils delivered in Canada
The reason given by the assistant gvnornl
manager of the Canadian Pacific railway is
tlmt the American price is nbont two dollars
per ton choai > cr , owing to present competition
among thu manufacturers there.
NKW YoilK , October 18. The weekly lank
statement In ns follows : Uosorvo decrease ,
? 44r,000 ; the banks how hold $317,000 In
excess of legal requirement * .
N VUAVCISCO , Octotcr 1 ! ) . The fnlluro
if A. W. Ilowumn , capitalist nnd real uUnto
jrokcr , which wns nnnonncod last Thursday
will provo to bo much more serluus than first
supposed. It is now pretty well established
.hat the misappropriation of motile * plncod In
lis bunds for investment will reach $ M > 0,000.
Jim of the heaviest losers , It is sold ,
will bo Mrs. Harry Howie , nt present In Ku-
ropo. 8ho was immensely wealthy in her own
mme , nnd Uowmnn hnti nbsolntu clmrgn of
icr nlfntrs. Hownin heavy borrower from
.ho Dank of California , but it is believed that
.ho bank is fully secured. It wns dilllciilt to
; et nt the facts ns tin ) interested parties lefuno
; o any nnythitig until the assignee makes his
icttlemont , llowman , who in ill in bed , haa
jeen placed under nrrust.
CHICAOO , October 18. The boars on 'clmngo
io-dny Imvo hnd uverything tholr own wny ,
ivith corn still the fnvorlto dent , Margins
, voro called thin morning down tolOc , nnd ol
, lie nrmy of llttlo follows who were nvcok
ngo tailing onto the supposed deal , probably
not ono ronmins.
The clique is busted nnd getting out with
nil speed , " anld Charlie Singer ns hu climbed
out f the pit with Ida card well tilled with
sales. "Tho fact is , " ho continued , ' they
can't got money to continue the deal in the
face of o.xpected big receipts. They hnvo
mortgaged their cash property , but can't inako
it work. November will sell ntlie. . " This
was the general tulle on the lloor , nud under
enormous pressure of aolllng by the crowd
and IhoBo men who were known to
have been cllqno broke in Soplumbor ,
prices fell nearly ! cents for October
nnd 1 cent for November. The moro
distant fntnroa hold steady , yet after nil , It
wns noticed that Weare nnd Jialding looked
iappy [ nud unconcerned , nnd sumo ahrowd
men shook tholr heads nnd looked Huspictona.
Jlcavy lines of wheat wore bought this morn-
inc by 1'oalo , Couiiselmun nnd Wheeler ,
wlnl Lester , who has been n boar ; changed
to-dhy nnd wont to buying. Advices from
outside points indicate u falling oil In receipts
nnd the Kontimonc noemn growiui ; that whllo
the market may ultimately go lower the atull
is now n purchase for n scalp. Prices however
over , foil otf i@ c on prodictiona that the now
visible supply Htutcmont will show a 3,000,000
increase , i'ork tumbled ! ! 0c nnd lard nud
ribs lOc.
The wcok closed with n moderate domniul
for money , which la in nmplo suuply for busl
eesa requirements , current rntoa being Go)7 ( ) per
cent , the inside for call loans on gilt udgud no
cur i ties , and the latter for time fnvors of agon
oral business character. Now York exchange
contiuuoB nt 25 cents premium , with foreign
uxchnngi.I.TOjf for sixty day documentary
sterling. The associated bank clearings for
the dny were § 7,0'JJ.OOO ; for the woolc , § 4
London Wheat Inactive ; coin ptrong nt Ha
'Id. Cargoes elf const ; Wheat mid earn inthcr
easier ; fair average quality spring wheat for
pr jmpt shipment by nail 31s lid ; lair nvorago
wheat oir coast rod winter 3'J3@33 ! ! ( id ; spring
31u@31a Gd. The weather in Kuglnud is warm
for the soaaon ,
NKW YOIIK , OctoVer IS.SpocIal.J It haa
been nnotber day of liquidation in Wall utroot.
There was rush to soil at the start nnd nl
though the bulls for a time jfudonvorod to hold
up the market long stock cnmo out
In Biich volume ns to causa prices
to break badly , the loss amounting to
3 per cent for Union Pnciliu nnd Lake bhoro ,
11@18 per cent for Northwestern , St. i'nnl
nnd Control l'acilicnnd i@l per cunt for other
propnrties. About noon there wan iv rally of i
® J per cent , but it did not hold , and the second
end decline WHH more uuvoro than the first.
Then cnmo ivHOComl rally , caused principally
by the Hhorta filling and tailing their profits ,
but this resulted like the lint. Delnwaro &
Luckiuvanna and Union 1'ucifio appeared to
bo Hiip ] > ortcd , nnd stood their ground remark
ably well for the time , but the prossnro be
came too great and they joined the balance
in their downward course. The boar * had It
nil their own wny. The opposition hnyo been
M > badly worsted that it looks ns ttinu h liqui
dation may continue for some time to come.
The bank statement to-day showed a slight
dociuaao in the reserve hut it had no inlliienud
on thu market. Mr , Vandcrbilt says his roads
uronll right , but ho thinks pricoj will go HOIIIO
lower before the market touches bottom. The
onoi mona loBKtH nro tolling on rich men heavily ,
Ho thlnksMr. King , the now prosldentcannot
HOVO the Krfo , Jjuko Hliuni dooa not need any
money , nnd if HIO ! does she h s HOIIIO nnanlil
bomln nn hand , 8. V. Whllo thinks thostorm
will soon sweep by nnd pricm go back , Whun
the market getH low enough ( lutaiderd will
coma in and buy , The freight nnd passonuer
war will bo long nnd bitter. The Weal
tihoio party , It Is claimed , brought on the
tronght ou thu troubles purposely to niaku a
big pile on tha short side and Uouul is croditeii
with helping the mutter along. Thu lake
Hliuro roa.l oxtondcd Its cut In prices to-day
to Vermont , Now Hampshire nnd nil parts o ;
Now Yotk Httto which it could roach.
Corroupondenco of tlio liKK ,
tkJ''lli'.Jio.NT , Oetobsr 18. The Hcandlnnvinni
of V oinont organized n Hlnluo und Logai
c'nl > and linva over ono hundred nctlvo mom
IH-JH list , nil d murouro expcutcdto join
J-lj'J nKi'Hio er weie olectud ;
1'rCHidont , ' 1'lios. Oalergnrd ,
Vice I'roildeiits , 0 12 , 1'otornon , V. K , Nys
Irani , Fred Nelson , .rolrn Iiirnon.
KecretnrleK , Kloi Nilnaon , Win. 1' * . Hnnxm ,
Treasurer , P. A. I'otorBan.
JCxfctitivo committed , , lnhn Miller , 0 ,
CliritteoBon , .Sr , John Madunen , Ijawm Jinn-
Hen , | -etcr I'utnrHiin , Win , Kriod ,
Thu following renolutioiiB were adopted :
JlcHolved , Tlmt wo honor thu republican
party in itu work and it record uf thu pan !
and Imvo cnnlldmicu In ioiubllcun | prlnuipltm ,
in the limns of the republican people , nail in
thu Ki'ent republican loadum nnil tlmt thu in-
t ru U of tlio country will bo bout nerved by
Htill coutiuiiiuK under repnbliu < tii louder-
llotolved , Thnt wu will imo nil honombU
inuaim to further thu election of J ! iiinu urn
TJO/UII nnd the rcpulillo'ii ticket , nud the ud
vuiicfiiifnt of true rupnblicnti prlnciploi.
Tha club will filvii n griuiil ( lumonutnitloi
next Wudneiiday
jiou : Hi.v : AiioNAr , HTOHIKS oi1 VANIIKIIIIII.T'H
Spojial tult ram to TllK IJKK ,
NKW YOIIK , Ottober 1U. W. H. Vander ' '
; .
bllt vluited Wall utruet yesterday fur tlie firut
tlin ? in three yeiun. TliU K VO the to many
rumor * , none of which could bo verified , Ho
consulted his brokers and 1
" Vnndorbllt rnnnot tflko car a of Lnko Shore
any longer , " atd n well known broker , "Ho
s up to hl eyes in trouble with the frightful
ihrinkago of his Now York Central , arid soon-
T or later ho must let go his hold on Lake
Micro , There nro ton mnny iisuos against him ,
oven if the Lake Shore concluded to lssvo$15 , .
XX ) OOJ in debenture bondc , that would not
ave It. It would perhaps tide the road over
Tor n short time , hut its downfall would only
10 prolonged. Why , ho IIM lost 310,000,100
n the stock In the last wcok , and n dozen
Vandorbilts could not itandjUhat very long" , "
Many report * nro In circulation n * to Van *
lorbilt s real financial condition. Some do not
lealtato to Bay , after careful computation , that
10 hiis lost silica Jnnuiry through shrinkage
if his stocks and speculations of his sans ,
iVilliam K , nnd young Cornelius , fully $00-
OOO.O'.O. Ono thoroughly acquainted with his
ilTalrs said : "It was only n few weeks agj
, hat Vnndt-rhilt onlorod F. 1' . 1'rcemantosell
'or him $10,000,000 of his government bonds.
Phis sum was swullowod up in his olfortn to
sustain New York Central , Now Lake Shore
ms struck him , and I tell you ho can't stand
ho pri'ssuru. " A shoit time ago
Vandorbllt nald ho believed himself
vorth in Iho neighborhood of S10.,000,000.
rf this $00,000,000 were in government bonds ,
$ ' 5,000,00j of which ho was ! compelled to part
. 1th March 1st. There were standing in
Vnndorbilt's iinmo I ! 10,000 shares of Michlgnu
( intrnl , DOO.OOO shnres of common Flock In
.ho Chic.iRO .t Nurth\vestorn , tiO.OOQ nliaros of
iroferrod itock , SOO.OUO shares of Lakn Shore ,
li-.OOO . shares of New York Central , 21I.OCO
hares of Chicago k Hock-Island , 20OtO
hnros of Dolawnro & Western nnd many
ither securities including Oroirou Trnns.Cou-
inontnl nnil Wnbnsh. llo hnd In all U.T\810
hares of stock. Some of thesa shares hnvo
Inco then declined M per cent.
TIII : HTATR'H ruisoN.
pcclal telegram to THK BKK :
LINCOLN , Neb , , October 18 , ThomnaCooper
olored. sent to the penitentiary from Omaha
n August Inst for six ycnrs for burglary , com-
ultteil sulcido by hanging to-day. Ho tied n
75 iiouml reck to his feet nnd jumped from n
ilntlorm behind thu cupola In the foundry.
STo cnuso wns given ,
The following nro the particulars : At the
liming of the noon bell , thu keeper of the
S'tibranlta Manufacturing coiiumny'ii shops ,
ordered the men under his chnrgu to fall in
iiiior to marching toward the cell house.
Noticing the absence uf Cooper , In thu line ,
liu Rtt'ppud In tbo foundry where Cooper was
working , and called ou him to fnll in. Cooper
waa then on the platform of the cupola. "All
right , boss , here 1 go , " were the words spoken ,
and the keeper hcnring nothing further , step
ped in to hunt up bla man. lie found him
imugiug by the neck , nnd observing Unit thu
fnll hnd broken bin neck , nnd tlmt nny elFort
to save the man would provu useless , ho turn
ed around , nnd lend elf hia line of men to the
ceU house , nnd reported to the warden's
The coroner wnn summoned nnd thu nbovo
'nets substantiated.
Coupor'n body was found hnnging by tbo
neck to nn inch rope which was secured to the
oof of tin foundry , nnd the purpose of which
"s to facilitate thu norrtco of the cupola when
n blast. His hnndkorchlof wtu tied nronnd
ils chlu vertically , probably In oraer to nvoid
ho disfiguration the shrinkage of thu muscles
n'oduco. JIo had unwound thu rope nl the
mil which wns knotted nnd this served ns n
loose. His feet hu bad tied together , nud at-
.tched thereto wan n block of iron which must
weigh nearly ono hundred nnd twenty-fivo
Thmnaa Cooper was n light colored mulatto ,
claiming to bu 72 yearn of ngo , but much
younger by hia nppenrnnco , nnd six feet ono
nch high , born in Missouri. In shivery , hu
joro thu namu of Thomas McOruw , Mark *
eft by the knot , nru plainly diecorunblooii his
The prison olllclnls nro nt loss to explain Iho
reasons which prompted Cooper to commit
Riiicido. Ho appeared nlwayH cheerful , reply ,
ing to anything Biiid him ic tbo most rospcct
fut wny , nnd otherwise deporting himself
most properly. JIo linn no known relatives
of bis color , nnd hnd bleu in thu fltitto only
one dny when ho wns nrrosted for the burglary
for winch ho wna sentenced to Iho penlton
MS noMioiim
I'llIINI ) AND Tlira HU10IDKH ,
LKAVKNWOHTH , K. . , October ID. Richard
; Waddy , an Iron moulder about fifty yearn
old , shot his wife and Miss Loguo at their
boarding house , then shot himself through the
hood , dying instantly. Doth tbo women will
probably dlo , Mrs. Wnddy being shot through
the lungs and Mios _ Lognn
receiving two wounds , ono in the
liroast and the other In the back. Mrs ,
Wuddy was from Troy , Now York. She has
Waddy was from T. oy , New York. She hud
lioen married since last March , but loft lioi
Imsbaml on the discovery that ho hid another
wife at Albany , N. Y. Miss Loguo had also
boon marrind , but had aoparuted from her
IniHband. The nlfair grow out of domestic
infelicity. Waddy had two pistola and a long
and very sharp knlfo , nnd left u letter to tbo
coroner showing that the crime was premodi
.atoil and carufulla carried out.
ADoHtriicllvo Fire In Dronlclyn.
Nuw YoilK , October 10. Tldi morning n
lestrnctlvo fire broke out in tbo four Bory
bilck building. 212 and Z41 Plymouth Btreet
Brooklyn , oceupyod byllicoamlCox toy com
linny and raj. idly oxtendd through the build-
.ng to the Hocond floor oceupyod by Win. N ,
1'ock , nnd to the third lloor by John Uundy.
DID lire spread to .M the first lloor which is
occnpyed by K , ( Jrolondo , the second by Jim.
Walton , then Into the four story brick buildIng -
Ing , 213 and 218 whom the first lloor is occu
pied by S. Itauich , the second and third by
Win. N. Pock and the fourth by Iho Tulton
electric company , thence to numbers .COt
252 adjoining , occupycd by K. ll.Lovy&
company. 1'rom here the llameH spread
through to Water street completely destroy
ing 257 nnd 2.VJ where the lirnt Hour IH occu
pyod by Win. G. J5rown , the uocond Hour by
Win. N. I'eck and the fourth iloor by llugglo
button company nnd the Uradley electric
Thooauso of thu lire Is tuknown. LOHJ 01
building $10.000. 1'nitlally Insured , Lessen
on Btotk , § 100,000.
Special to Till ! HICK.
NKW YoilK , October 1'J , Murat Halstoad , i
who has jiut returned from Cincinnati , in nn
interview in tbo Tribune saya that the Oor-
muni ) voted solidly with the republicans ! that
they recognized the national Issues in the
campaign : that they roiented the assumption
by the democrats that they wora under the
influence of Iho brewers. It wan only whan
driven by prohibition fanatics that tbo Ger
main ) votad the dfinocrutin ticket. In this
election they saved the state to the republican
party and iiR'ctod two congrotmnen. The re
sult in Ohio was a sever. ) blow to the democ
racy , who had confidently counted on cnrry.
ing the ktalo hocaiuo they had prepared for
perpetrating gipantlo frauds. Whoruver they
could they carried thin purpose out.
Special Telegram to the ] ! ce.
CINCINNATI October 1The ! ) democratic
executive committee yesterday appointed a
committee of thirty 1'ond'utoii ' deinocratl and
nud Independent republican * ! to haudlo the
Olovelaud cJinpaU-n money sent Into thu etato.
Thla commltteo i In ulrrtctuntngonUm to Ma-
Loan , of thu ( Jincinnuti Kmiulrer. 'Inolutler
ia likely to kick up big row over it.
A ISuiiiiiiit Hioumor , : , October 111. The iron steamer
Atatahle , of tbo Atatchlu stoAiiiBhip line of
Hmiduilund , Hiiglun 1 , plying between Galvoj.
tun nun Liverpool , w.ia diacovcwl on fire
this afternoon whllu lying In the harbor. 'Jho
I Atiitacliie IIM been loading cotton for several
lays pat nnd has thrco hundred bales o-x.
boArd. I''onr ' tugi nro now Hooding the hold
where the cotton I burning fiercely. The cot-
, on U Insured. Whllo working on tha von $1
.o-nlghta fiiHinan felt fr in n b.ugo nnd wai
drowned ,
Koimlillonn Itnlly nt Central City.
Special Telegram to THE UKK.
CENTHAT , CITY , Nob. , Oct. 18. The lnrw t
nnd most enthusiastic rally over held in Mor-
ick county WM hold hero to-night. Three
iiindrod torchon , binda from Clarks , Silver
Jrook nnd Central City , nnd prominent r.y
lulillcnni from nil over the county were pras-
Jit. OoncrM Connor nnd IJnr. < ey spoke three
tours ton picked huuso , Everybody is for
llaino nnd
IllUlUHHtOr 1 :
Special Telegram to TUB HKK.
jiNCOLX , Nob. , October 18. Two horses
ami set of harness were stolen from r farmer
six miles e t of Lincoln last night. A reward -
ward of SCO Is offered for the capture of tlio
hioves who are supposed to bo part of n regu-
Ji ar organized band who have lately boon work-
ng i in S.ilino , Oago nnd Jackson counties.
Tho"Star LightQ'uartollo"gavo ono of their
inlquo entertainments lint evening in Mr.
T. Parker's room on Douglas street. Tha
evening wan pleasantly whiled away with
ongs nnd rccltntations interspersed with flomo
'jccollent ' refrosluncnts. Among these present
were the following : M , L , Phillips , J. Har
ris , D. 0. Drown , M. Harris , John Schroe-
.ler , L , Kilts , Hans Young and W. J. 1'oloy.
The party dispersed nt nn early hour.
Complete Treatment , with Inhaler
for every form of Catarrh $1.
Sanford's itadical Cure ,
Itund Col. ! , Watery Dtachariros from tha Nose itnii
yp , Hinging Nolxos In the Head , Nervous Hcad-
nclio nnd 1'ovcr Instantly relieved ,
Choking HIUCU3 tlUlmlgoiI , mcmbnuio clctinscil anil
icaleil , bronth evveotcncd , smell , tosto nnd hearing
restored , mid ravrvRcscIicckcd.
Oo\ijli9 | , Bronchitis , Droppings Into the Throat ,
klni In the Client , Dyspepsia , Wnstliig of Strength
and Flesh , Loss of Sloop , eta , cured.
OH" bottle Uftdlcal Cure , ana box CatnrrhM Sol *
vent nnd ono Dr. Sanlord'a Inhaler , In ono package ,
of nil driigRlfta , for $1 , Ask for SANTOKD' RADICAL
Conn , n pure illitlllatlon of Witch Hazel , Am. 1'lno ,
C.\ . Fir , Marigold , Clover lilossonu , etc. FOTTBR
DniTd l AND CiiUMiCAi , Co. . Boston.
, Now Llfo for Slmttorcil
* NcrvoJ , I'llnlul JIu-cics nnil
Wotkrncil Organs. ( Jollln's
VclUla Klccttlo I'liutcr In
stantly directs the nervous
nyitcin anil binlihcs piin ,
ncruiii'nnd liability. A per
fect Klcctro-Oalvanlo Hat-
tory coinblnoil with n lilglily
uirdlclnariattcrforSnc. All
i'rURf'I ' tj.
S , W Cor , Farnam and 12th Sts ,
Capital , - - $100,000.00
O. W. HAMILTON. Pron't.
Q. t ? . CALDWELL , V. Pros't.
M. T. BARLOW. Caehlon
Accounts oolfcltoH and Kept subJect
Joct to sight chock.
Oortlflcatoo of Dopoolt loouod t > &v
ablolnS Oand I2montho bearing
Interest , or on demand without In-
Advances made to customers on
approved securities at market rat
of Intoroat.
The Intoroots of Ouotomorc nru >
c'oooly guarcfod and every facllltn
oompatlblo with prlnclploo of
oound bnViklng freely oxtondod.
Draw olpht drafts on EnglandIro-
land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu-
Qoil European Paocn oTIcUoto ;
Cor. 13th nnd Douglas Sts.
Capital Stoolc , - - - 8150,000
Lability of Stockholders , 300,000
Five Per Ccntlnterc Paiil OK Deposits
M1IKHK. UOVD i're Dl
L. U. nEHNIITT Vlco 1'roaldonl
\f. A. PAXTON JTunOKlng Dlroolof
JOHN E. WlLUUIl Cagblei
rriisldcnt. Cashltr-
fo nnd Burglar Proof Safes ,
For rent at from $5 to 850 per annum.
Oflico lIHh atroot , urot door north t f
Farnam In lioyd'a opera houao. Lcavo
ordoro t oflico or Saxo'a drug atoro.
Telephone 1DO.
E , S , LTTCKE , M , D , ,
Physician & Surgeon
OKr'ICE Cor. Kth auil Pacific Streets.
tfarSpcclaUttoiitlungUon to Obstetrics , Ulm
ol Wouivu > nd UblUlrou , and Venereal plaeaso * .
Country Val'i ' ITCUII tly aniwered ,