THE DAILV UEE-MONDAY OCTOBER 20 , 1884. NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP OAPITATj . J2SO.OOO auvv i , IBSI . 20,000 tt. W YATK3 , ; A. E.TOUZAUN , Ir ( IJent , Vlf Piejldont. . V. MOOUK , JNO. S. COM.TJfS , LEWIS S. IlKED. nt K , JUydcu , Asslitaut ni. ' Acting Cashier , OFFICII The 8ron B-ank. - OOS.12THANDPAENAMS S , A OENKKAL HANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED , INTRUEST nllowoc\ tlmo ( nvornbld terms nnd upon ncoounla of brinks r.nd bftnkorc. FOREIGN EXOIIANGE Government Honda nud County and Oity sconrltloa bought nnd notdi In ita trontment of cnstomora tbo most liby ernl policy ia irarannl conrlslont with B.ifetd- nnd sonnd bnnkiuf ; , nudvo invite corrosponcs cncn or personal inquiry la connection thcra with FINANCE AND COMMERCE. NnwYonu , Oct. IS , Money Kasy nt ' - ' @ 3. 3.ljrlmo ljrlmo paper 5@0. Storllug Bills Steady nt 4811 ; demand , 1SIJ. Governments Quiot. Kaihvoys Weak. Stosko To-dny weak ou tlio cut in local passenger rates by the West Slioro nml Now York Central and ou reports of n fresh issue of bontla by the Lake Ehoro and Lackawanua , Compared with last night the closing prices are J to 3 per cent lower. COUPONS , 3'a 100 3'aWe Coupons . 11 J U.S. new4's . 1104 Tacific O'a of ' 03 . 126 STOCKS AND UOND3. Central Pacific . 381 Alton . 128 do do pfd . 145 Chicago , Burlington & Quincy . . 11 * | Delaware , Lackawanna & Western. . . . 102 1 Denver & Kio Grande . ! ) i Erie . 13j do pfd . 28 Illinois Central . 120 Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western . 14 i Kansas & Texas . KU Lake Shore & Michigan Southern . C5'/ / Louisville & Nashville . 20 * Michigan Central . 074 Missouri Pacific . 92 | Northern Pacific . 18 do do pfd . 41 1 NortUwwtoin . S5i do do pfd . 1231 Now York Central . 87 | Oregon Trans-Continental . ll Pacific Mall . 62J Pullman Palace Car Company . 11 1 J Hock Island . 112J St , Louis & San 1'rnncisco . 2J do do pfd . 39 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul . 7 IJ do do do pfd . 102 St. Paul & Omaha . 2SJ do do pfd . 87 Texas Pacific . 10 Union Pacific . 515 Wnbash , St. LOUIS& Pacific . JJ do do do pfd . 10J Western Union Telegraph . Gl { O. R. &N . CG * Exdiv.fashed. . GRAIN AND PKOVI8IONS. omoAao ritonucB , CHIOAQO October 18. Flour Quiet and unchanged. Wheat Dull-and easy ; opened shade lower ; i\ fluctuated , declined 3 under yesterday , closed within J of to-d.iy's inside prices , 7'73 > cash ; i2j October ; 74 November ; 75 ® 70i December ; 7i4@703'Tanuary ( ; 83J May ; No. 2 red , 7 : No. 3 red G5. Corn Unsettled and active ; at timol pan icky ; October declined 5c and closed Cc under yesterday. Novomberdeclinod 2jc [ and closed lo under yesterday. Year drcliemd IJc and closed ] c under yetterday. May closed 4o higher ; 47J cash ; I7i@47j October ; 4IJJ @ 47 November ; 10@40J year ; S7.t January ; iVJt May : rejected 4a. Oats ( juiet and weal : ; 23i cash ; 2. > 3 October ; lioj ( S25J November ; 231 20 Decem ber ; 25J year ; 2bi May. Kye Ojriptat 62iO5J. Barley Dull ; DS GO. Timothy Quiet ; prime , 1 28l 30. Max Send Steady ; No , 1 , 1 :53J@13C. : Pork Inactive and weak ; declined 1015e ; 10 (0 ( ca-li and October ; 11 75 year ; 11 95 January ; 12 03 1'obru'iry. Lurd Quiet and weak ; declined 2J@5 ; closed stnndy at 7 10(1,7 ( 15 cash aud Octo ber ; 7 00@7 02J November and Docomb r ; 7 07s@7 lu .Tnnuiry ; 7 lf > © 7 17Jj February. Bulk Meats Shoulders , 0 : i5@i ( 40 ; short clear , 10 25@10 30 ; short ribs 900@'J 75. WhUky Stoidy nt 113. Butter Eaiy and rjuiet ; gooil to choice creamery , 2lo27 } ; dairies 18@10. Cheese Virm ; full cream , cheddars , 10 ® 12 ; skims 7@9. ERKH Firm ; recaudled 19 20. Hides Kirm ; unchanged. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country seed , 0. Receipts , Shlp'ts , Flour , bbls 17iOO 15,000 Wheat , bushels. . . . , 101,000 41,009 Corn , bushels 12,000 179,000 Oats , bushels 230,000 88,000 Hyo , bushels 15,000 4.000 Barley , bushels S9.000 20.0UO PEOKIA. PEOHIA , October 17. Corn easier ; high mix ed , nominal at 53i@51 ; No. 2 mixed , noini ual at 533.J. Oats -Steatly : No. 2 White 27i@273 ; No. 2 Mixed 25i@20. Kvo Firm : No. 2 nt 05J@SO. Wlilsky-l 11. CIHC1KNAT1 CINCINNATI , October IB. Wheat Lower at SO. SO.Corn Corn Lower ; No. 2 mixed 51. Oatt Dull : No. 2 mixed 27J. Kye Steady ; No. 2 , ft7. Barley Firm and unchanged. Pork-Dull ntli50. ( Lard Hold hicher. Bulk Meats Nominal , Whisky -Domaud at 111 KANSAS CITY. KANSAH CITY , Oct. 18. Wheat Lower ; cash 52 ? bid 533 abked ; November Bl@54 { ; December r G50i. } Corn Jjownr ; cash 37@37j } Novcimber 27t bid , 2l ! asked ; year i7 ; January 20'/ / bid , May 2SibII. aSiHBkwl. Oats 22i bid , 29J asked. NKW OHLKAH. NKW OHLTANH , October 18 , Corn Quiet ; eholci ) new white in Backs , ( Jl@5 ! ; new yellow ( 5c. Oati Western , quiet , choice 35 , Corn Meal Biio Pork Steady ; fair demand nt 1050. Lard Firm ; tlerco refined 7 75 ; Keg 8 12 } , Whisky Steady and uncbnnpod ; western rectified 103 125. IIALTIMOlli ; . HAI.TIMOIIK , Octolwr 18. Wheat Western lower active ; No. 2 , winter red snot 81J @ 82.Corn Corn Western , < miet ; mixed year , 474@48. Oats Quiet and fteaily ; Western wlifto , 33 @ 3lc ; mixed , JtOSf.lic , 1 lya Stead v nt Wriltfs. HzKS-St ni'ly ! 22 23o. Whlslty Steady 8118@110 sr. IOPW riionucK. Sr Locm , October 17. Wheat-Lower ; nnd firm ; No 2 ml t > 2a Oats-Lower ; 2 i@ O o for cash ; futures , no Bale , bids 3Wio under Saturday , Hye Nothlnpr doing , parley SoeadOj oO@77io Butter UncliinRttlj dairy , 182.'c ; crenn cry. 20@30c. Ifctcs Iiowtr ; ISjc. Klaxsood I'irmerj 1 31. linySteady ; prairie , 'JCO@10 ; Timothy 10 00@13 DO. ItrauVirnior ; iiG@ . " > 7c. Corn Meal -Steady ; 1 ! 33. Pork Klnn : new mess 17. l.irdFlriuj wditorn steam cpot 7 O.i@ S02J. OAM. 15o.nnVlicat' Dull ; shade lower 77io Xo\ amber ; 80o Uecptnbor ; S ! > | o Maj born Murkct 'owcr ' ; 34jc years ! * 3Jo bi Jnuuary ; ! OJc May. Oats I'itmj ' 'Oo year ; S'-Uo May. MILWAUKKK. MttAVAVKKE , October 18.-Wheat Wcakc. N"o. 'J Milwaukee nml October , 71J ; ovom ber , " . ; Uccomber , 7l3'Tnuuary ! , 75s. Coru-Uull : rcjpctctl ll'alSc. Oats-Ste.-uly : No. \vhlto. . 2Sa. llyo Scarce , firm ! No. 2 , 62. Uarley 1'rmerj No. ! ! spring , fnirdenmu nt CUc. NKW YOB.K rnonvoE. NKW YOHK , October IS. Wheat Spo higher , closlnp Rtratly ; optioua 't@l' ' ' 83f < t8 i.jTDecembi-r closing Sli Corn Spot l@)3nnd ) optioui J@H lotrer closing stoad'.er ; recniptu , 7 000 ; export * . 40J ungraded 5J@o8 ! ; No. 2 COjDecombor closiiii , nt 503. Oats { @g lower ; receipts , 43,000 ; exports none ; mixed wotoru 30(0)33 ( ) ; white 32583i ) . Egga Western froah dumaiid lair ami Urn at21.n32U. ( Pork Easier ; now moss 1 ( > 87.J. Lard Lower ; western steam spot 7 GOJ ( 7 03. Butler Qniet and firm. LlVKIirOOL. LlVElirooi. , October 18. Broadstulfs Dull ; uuchtnged. Wlipat Winter Os Gd@0d Os ; spring , Ga Gd @Gd Os. Corn 5 ? 3Jd. TOUiDO. TOLKDO , Ohio , Octob-r 18. Wheat Dull No. 2 rod. cash and October 71J. Corn Dull ; No. 2 cash nud October , 5C nsktd. Oats Qmot ; No. 2 cash and October , 2G1 LIVE STOCK. ST. LOUIS. ST. Louis , October 18. Cattle Ko-oipts 230 : dull ; exports. 0 30@0 76 ; common to choice shipping. 4 EOftfG 25. SIIUKP lleceipts 100 ; nothing done ; com mou to choice , 2 25@3 | 5 ; extra 4 00. L.\Mlis-250@100. * Hens Koceipts , none ; Yorkers , 4 00 ® f 10 ; packing , 485@520 ; butchers , CIO ® J 35. KANSAS OITt KANSAS Cur , Mo. , October 18. Cattle Receipts , 1,200 ; exports G < 0@G30 ; com mou to choice shipping , 6 00@5 00 ; cows , 2 5 ( @ 3 25. Hogs Receipts , 2,409 ; weaker nnd n shade lower at 4 50 © I 03. Sheep KecoipU 210 ; nominally unchanged ; fair to good , 2 75@3 25 ; common to medium , 2008260. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , Octobsr 18. Drover's Journal re1 ports ; Hogs Kecoipt ? , 0,000 ; shade weaker ; pack ing : hogs 440@100 ; packing nnu shipping 4 00@5 33 ; light 4 40@5 05 ; skips nnd grassers 3 75 ® 130. Cattle -IJoceipts 1,800 ; brisk nt lOj higher exports G G0fe7 00 ; common to choice 4 76 @G 55 ; inferior to good 2 23@4 00 ; atockera and feeders 2 03 ® 1 40 ; Moctnnas 4 G0@l 75. Sheep. Receipts 1,100 ; firm ; inferior to choice 3 25@4 50. Lambs. 1 00@5 00. OMAHA MAUKEXS. Wholesale Prices. Omcu OF THE OMAHA BKB , I Sunday Evening , October 18. f The following prices are charged retailers by Jobbers , wholesalers aud commission mer chants' with the exception ol grain , which is quoted nt the prices furnished bythoolevatora and other local buyers : Grain Wheat-Cash No. 2 , 5GJc. Barley Ca li No. 2 , 48c. Kye Casli No. 3 , 40c Corn No. 2 , 33 } c. Oats No. 2 , 20Jc. Wool. Light fine 13@lEc. r Heavy fmo 12)14c. ) Medium 15@l < iu Burry 2 to Cc off. Market improving. Hldea , Steady ; green butchers G Pgreen'saltod 7J © 7 ; dry flint _ 12 : dry _ salt 10@11 ; damaged hide * , two-thirdi price , TaUow-G@G'/ ' / . Sheep Pelts 23 ® 00. Live Stock. Hogs 4 234 GO. Sheep 3 OO'o 3 25 , Steers 300 ® 1 50. Cows-27Cto3 25. Calvea-500G50. VIoiirJand AlllUtuCs Winter Wheat Best quality , patent at 280 @ 2 00. Second nuality 2 202 50. Spring Wheat Best quality , patent , 2 80 ® 2 Ol > . Second Quality 2 15@2 CO. J5ran GOo per cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , OOc. Corn Meal 1 00 1 10 per cwt. Screening G5@75o per cwt. Gcnornl Froduco Apples Dull , nnd recoipti continue heavy , only choice Block naleablo at S2.252.75. BeanH In fair request. Choice clean Na- vioj Helling at 2 00fe2 2 5 per bushel. Modi- urns , 1 50 ( > 1 75. Crops nra reportol largo and piospfcts favor lower prices , Comb Honey In good demand. Receipts very einall and meet with ready sale at 18202 lu 1 and 2 Ib frames , Beeswax lu good demand. Cholco bright per Ib. 20@28c ; common to good dark per Ib. 15@20e. Butter Unchanged. Light receipts and strong prices on nil except inferior grades. Creamery , fresh , 27@28 ; creamery , Icehouse , 2125 ; choice dairy , 20 aJ23 ; fair to good , ll@ 17 ; inferior grades , ( i0 * CIdor-"Ohio" per bbl $7.00) ) "York State" per bhl. 88.0U ; nor i bbl. SI 75 ; con densed per la. 85c ; crab npplo , per gal. H5c. Cheese Full cream , western , 12c ; Wiscon- em new \2\c \ \ ; young American , 12 a 13c. Eggs Komain firm nt 20a nnd will proba bly advance with coulor weather. Jfay Baled ? 7.00@8.00 loose , 35.00 a G.OO. G.OO.Jelly In 20 and 30 pound pails , G a 7 ; in 2 Ib. jars , per doz , S.iJf ) ; assorted tumblers pe r doz 81 20 : schooner ; > er d z. 82.00. Mnplii Sugar -Pure , in bricks , per Ib. ICe , Ohio , 13c ; small cakin 1'Jjc. SMALI , FIIUITHMichigan peaches per crate OAUFOIINIA FIIUITH IVnrs , buxos 4 ( fl ; " 0-lb boxes , 2 23 , Orancoa per cruto ( i ONIONHCholco per Barrel 2 00. Poi-coilN In gooJ demand at 2@2ic. per Ib. Poultry Old chickens are very dull , cape- ciolly loU with many roosters In , which are only going at n discount. Spring chickens in fair demand , largo el/.m preferred , Duckn in utrjtig request. Wo < ju te : Old chickens , pur dn/on , 3X3 ) 25 ; Bering chickua pur doz , 22Bdiri76j ducksperdo300. . Oama - Unchanged. 1'raitio chickonH per doz , 2 rHiiipu ) ; | MT doz , . 1 0 > 4l 21) ) ; quail per iloz , 2 00 ; ducks , Mallard , 1 75 2 00 : ducka , Teal and mixed , 1 60 ; .goeso per doz , , 4 OO.'ig 5 01. 01.PlOVBIO'H -Ham , 1 1 B. bacrm , 1201 D. 8. eldw , lljc : O S. bacon , 12J ; ihouldera , ic ; me4Hi > ork , 0 10 ; lord , 010c. Potatoes A few car-loads of Early ROHO and mixed were received thix wook. which only brought 2So pur bushel , Well assorted stock , free from Hinall ones and not miied , will probably brim ; C10o more , an'l other variutitm In ( jualility above thu average are qtiotablu nt 40tf ( 15c. However demand fa oa yet limited and prices cannot bo called firm. Onlona Market bare nud demand good at 4050c per Inishcl. Saloj , however , couli only ba made in small lot ) . CSrnccrH tilot CAN'NKnOooin ( ) v ler ( St < > ndarilporcfi ) io 3 00 ; atrawiierriej , 2 lt > , per caio , 2 2i ) ; r i berries. 2 ll > , per cn o , 2 51 ! ; llartlott pear , pe c s9 , 5 SO ; whi'rtlnbi'rripi ' , per case , 300tw ; plunn , 2 tti , per caie , 2 00 ; green g.igoJ , 2 II per TOM , 2 00 ; pine npples , 2 11 > , i > er case , 3 i' ( # fi fiO. Uoi'K-Sisnl i inch nud larger , Oc , 8 ; Inch OJc ; J inch , lOc. CANIUKS Boxes , 40 lb , ICu , lie ; S , lie boxes 40 Ibs , 111 at , G * , 14c. MATCIIKS Per caddie , 35e ; round , cases 2 f > . " ) ; pqiiare , case' , 1 70. StiOAiw IWdori'd , SJe ; cut loaf , 85 granulated , tijc ; coufectioiu-ra' A.OJo : Stanil ard extra C , lie ; extra C , 6Jdj mi'dlnm yal low , 5Jc ; datk yellow , c. COKFEKH Orillnnry gradoo , 12(3)12ic ( ) ; fair.l government eel , 15Jc. 15Jc ; mltation Aurora , IDjfe. SHUP Standard Com. 3'tc. libl ; Stntulari do1J Riillou keg * , 1 85 ; Standard do , I gulloi kcRf , 1 BO. foiu Inlb paper * , 0 30 per case ; keg poi PUKKUSMedium in barrels 0 00 ; do in half barrels. ! 1 50 ; small. In IwrioH , 7 00 ; do it half barrels , B CO ; gherkins in barrels , 3 0 , do In half barrel , 4 CO TBAS Gunpowder , gnoil , lBihfc ; choice1 tiO7 ( > c ; good ImH | < rinl , 10 © He clioico , ( > 'fa ' 05c ; Young Hyson , good , JWWMcs chnleo , 15 , " @ fDc. KICK Louisiana prime to choice , Gj@7c fair. ) Gc ; Pntma , GJc. FISH No. 1 mackero half bila. , 7 CO Family 4 bbl < t 4 25 ; No. 1 liits 1 0.1 ; fam. kitn CO ; No. 1 white flsh , half brls , G 00 : No. 1 kits , 03o. family J bbls , 8 00 ; family kits nud pails , G" ; No. 1 , trout , i bbls , 5 23 WOODKNWAHKTwo hoop pails , 1 S3 ; three hoop paih , 2 10. Tub * , No. 1 , ! ) 00 ; pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 OU ; Well bucket' , 3 85. SOAPS KIrk'fl Savon Imperhl , 3 45 ; ICirk'i suliuct , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 375 ; Kirk's White Russian 520 ; Kirk's eutocn , 2 1C POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case incase , ' 3 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. in ease , 1 00 ; An' clior ball , 2 doz in case , 1 CO. CANDY Mixed , Hnl2cstick ; , lOallc ; twist icU | lOjc. ViNKiiAU Now York npplo , IGc ; Ohio np. pic , 13c. SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton , h : sacks , 3 CO ; bbls dairy , GO. CH , 3 GO , STAIICH Pearl 4\c : Silver Gloss 8c ; Corn Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c , Corn 74c , SPICKS Pepper 17c ; spice , 14o ; covoi 20j nssla , ICc. Dry Goods. BROWN SHKKTINGS Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Atlan tic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , CJc ; Brunswick , 7Jc ; Beaver Dam LL. Gc ; Lawrence LL , fijc ; Paci fic H , 7jfc ; Royni Standard , 7ic ; Indian Head A , 8c ; WaucluiBott A , 7Jc. FINK BIIOWN SHKETINGS Argyle , 7jc ; Pop' peroll R , 7c ; Snlisbury R , GVc. Bi.EACHKi ) COTTONS Ballon 4-1 , GJc ; Bal Ion , 7-8 , CJc ; Oumborland 4-4 , 8c ; Dnvoll DD , 3ic ; Fairmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , Oc ; Glory of the West , 8\c : Golden Gale , 8Jc ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Lonsdnlo , 8ic ; New York Mills , 11 jc ; Wani utta , lOic. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lllc ; Bos- ion , 10 oz. , 14Jc ; Boston , 0 oz. , 14c ; Fall River , 8Jc. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , He ; West Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Point Bear , 8 oz. . lie. TICKINGS Amoskeag , t < c ; Continental Fancy , Me ; Cordis , lOjc ; Pearl River , 13ic ; York , 12jc ; Hamloton Awninga IZjc. DENIMS -Amoskeag , 14c : Beaver Creek AA , 12c : Beaver Creek BB Ho Beaver- Creek CC , lOc ; Pavmakors , 8c : Jaffrey U & T , 12tfo : Jaffrov XXX , 12c ; Pearl River , I3c ; Wnrron AXA ( brown ) , IV Wnrreu BB jrown ) , lie ; Wnrron CC ( brown ) , lOc. CAMI1BIC3 Fifth nvoimo glove finish , Cc Keystone glove finish , CJc. O itsKr . ( HANS Amory , 7Jc ; Hancock , 8c , tCearsayor 8 c ; Rockport 7c. PniNm Aliens , 5Jc ; American CJc : Arn olds , ( 'c ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 4Jc ; Indtgo 74 ; Indigo 7-8 , 11 i < ; Indigo 4-1. 121c ; Steel River , Cic ; Charter Oak , 440. PUINTH SHIHTINGS American , Cc : Co checo , Cc , Gloucester -Southbridgo ; , 4ic ; Waverlya , 4Jc ; Rosoilale , 4Jc. GlNfl HAMS Amoskeag stiplea , 8.c : Bates taples , 8c Lauc.vator staples , Sc : Plunkot ilaids , Oc ; Hudson chocks , fijo ; Amoakoag 'ersiatis Oic , DllKSS U JOIJSAtlantic Alpacca , OJc ; Per- iano cashmure , 23Jc ; tlamtcton cashmere , 0c ; Hamilton F.mcus , 11J6 ; Hamleto 'jro- ades , ICc ; Arlington brocade , ISc. DRUGS AND I HK5IICALS Acid. Carbolic iOc ; acid , tartar ! * , Oic ; balsam capabi.i , per Ik 5c ; bark , Bassafraa , nor lo. 12c ; calomel per D. 75c ; clnohoniclir , per oz. , SO 50 ; chloroform , ) or Ib. SI 10 ; Uovers powders , jier ib , 81 25 ; ipsoin Halts , per Ib. 34c ; glycerine , pure , per b. 25c ; load acetate , per Ib. 'J.'c ; oil castor , \To. 1 per gal , I GO ; oil castor , No. 3 , per gul , , t 40 ; oil , olivp , per gal , 81 40 ; oil origanum , Oc ; opium , ? l CO ; qumlno , P & W ; and R. & i , per oz. , SI 10 ; potassium , Iodide , per ) . , S i CO ; salicin. per oz , , 40c ; sulphate norphiiif ) , per oz. , § 3 GO ; sulphur per Ib. , 4c ; trjchnine , per oz. , 81 35. Fnlnts Oiln and VnrnlsliCB. OILS 110 carbon , per gillon , 12allc ; 100 ° icadlight , ] > or gallon , 12/c / ; 175a headlight , > er gallon , lG4c ; 150a water white , ICJc ; lin- oed raw , per gallon , C5c ; Hnsoeil boiled , per nllon , C8c Lard , winter Btr'd , per K illon , 70c ; STo. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 00 ; oistor XXX , per galen - on , 1 Gflc. No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , pur gallon. 1 00 perm W. By per gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. U , ) fir gallon , G.I ; neattfoot extra , per gallon , OOc ; o. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , p r gallon , 3'lc ' ; ummer , 15c : pjoldou machine , No , 1. per galen - on , ; t5c ; No. 2 , 28c ; spnrin , signal , per gallon Oc ; turpuntiuo , per gallon , 4c ; naptlia , 71 ° , > er gallon , IGc. PAINTS IN On- White lead , Omaha P. P , a ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , Glc ; Marsuil- os , green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; 1'ronch zinc , roon seal. 12c ; French zinc , roil Henl , He ; ' 'ruiich zinc , in varuUh anat , "Oc ; French /.inc , l oil nsat , ICc ; ruw and burnt umb r , 1 lu anR , IOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , IOc ; Vandyke rown , l3c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach lack and ivory block , IGc ; drop black , Ilk : ; 'rusttlan blue , 40 : ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; lir mo green , L. M. ft D , , IGc : blind nnd mtter green , L. M. & I ) . , IGc ; Paris green , Be ; Indian rod , 15c ; Venetian rod , Oc ; Tns- m rod , 22c ; American vermilhon , I , & P. , ; yellow ochre , Oc ; L. M. , O. & D. O , , 18e ellow ochre , Oc ; g Idon oo re , IGc ; patent ryor , 8c ; Draining colors , light oak , darkjoak , vnluut , chestnut and usli , 16c. Tobacco. Pi.uo TODACCO Climax 45c ; Bullion 45c ; [ onteslioolie ; Star , 4Gc ; Rudy , 45c ; Her oy's. 40c ; Black , 3slii0 ; Spsarhead , 4Cc ; iiir llopo , 48o PJporHc'IdsIock , ( ! lo. FINK Cur Common , 3Jo ModiimUCo good 5@/lo Hard to Bat70 c ; favorlto , GOe ; Din- nondCrown , C"c ; Sweet Sixteen , C 'c. SMOKING -O. 8 , , 22c ; Meerschaum , 30c ; ) urham 1G o'/ , , Cl ; Durhnin , 8 oz. , xDuiham \ 4 o' . , C c ; Durham 2 / , , life ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. 3cj Seal of North C.trollim , 4 oz. . 48c ; Seal of Vurth Carolinla , 51 ; Seal of North Carolina 2 z. , GOc : 0. K Durham. 4 tit. , 28c : O. K Jurhwii , 3 oz.30c ; ; Undo Nod , 4'a 25c ; Tom ad Jerry , 23c. AtOOHOL 183 proof alcohol , 2 20 per Trine allou extra California eplrlU , 1H8 proof , 18 per proof gallou ; triple refined spirit * 87 proof , 1 17 per proof gallon ; re-distilled nhltklM 1 00@1 50 ; boo blended , 1 U@Z CC ; Kentucky bourbona , 200o)700j ( ) Kentucky nd Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. linANDlKH Imported , (5 00 ( 11 ! fW ) | damontlo GlNit Imported , 4 0008 OU | doraoutlo. 1 40 @SOO. Roaa Importud. 4 M06 00 ; New England , 00 4 00 ; domoNtlc , 1 C03 CO. PKion AND APPLS BBAJ ir 1 7G@4 00. OIUMPAOMS3 Imported per civao , 28 00 ® 31 \merlcao ; , jwr cue , 12 ( )016 ) 00. Leather. Oak olo. 83o@42o | riomociCBolo23cC'583oi ) leuilock kip , 80o ; nmner ( Sits to 75a ; hem * otk c&lf , tifa to 1 00 ; homlook upper , 22o o 24o oak upper , 24o ; Alligator , 4 00 to 6 60 ; alf kid , 82S5 ; GrcUea kill. 2 CO lo 2 76) ) oak dp , BOo to 1 00 ; oak cult , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French Up , 1 10 to 1 CS ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run- eta , 6 GO to 750 ; jAlnga , 600 to 8 CO top. pimp 0 00 to 10 GO ) B L. Morocco , 803 to 35c. o bble O. D , Morocco 85c ; slnion , 2 C0@3 00 HAENESH , No. 1 alar oak , 36c ; No , 2 Sic ; .VC No. 1 Ohio oak , < Jo : Mo. u no , Mcs No , I Milwaukee 8lo { No 2 do RSc. No. 1 Pitts oak bar , I0j > No. U Pitts n V rm.SI : . Immnor. W nt.raAI.T. Ws nnoto lumber , inth nud shlnglo * on cnr at Onifthn nt the following pricwii Jots ? AND SOANTLIHO 1C ft Ana nmter TixrKna Ifi foot und nndor , 20 M. TiMBtn AND JOIOT 20 It , 23 OJ ( 21 It , 25 00. KsNOlIia-No , 1 , 4 &nd6 In. , 24 00 } No , 2 , 20 00 , SiissriNO No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 OOj No , 2,18 00. STOCK UoAnna A , 45 00 ; H.10 00 ; 0 , S.S 00. l-tooitlNQ-No. 1,4000 } INO. 2 , 8500 } No. Jt , 23 00 SiniNO , coar-27 ( CO ) No. 21 25 00 } No. , 2000. OeiUNO-I , 37 00 } 3 , 2fl iSiUNotK ) , best I 60 ; standard , 3 CO. LATH 3 25 per M. 1,1MB Per barrel , 125 } bulk par bnthel , 3Bfi ( eomont , bhl , 2 23 } lowft plnator , bbl , 2 COj hair nnr hn. GOcj Tortad felt , 100 ID , 8 SO } straw baud SCO , levy ! Hnrilwnro Ijlst. Iron , rates , 2 30 : plow steel special cast. Oc ; crucible , 7c ; upoclnl or Uorimn , 5c ; cast too ; do , IRa'iO ; wagon spoknc , sot , 2 'J.'iaS 001 Inilw per set , 1 2.1 j feltoea , saw l dry , 1 40 ; tongiies , each , 'OaSCcj ntles , each , "Boi nmnro nulu per Hi , 7nllc ; waOii'rc , per 11 > , SalSc : thfit , per Id , lie : coil chain'por It > . Gal2c : tunlloiblo , 8c : iron wotlge , Gc : crowliain. Go : harrow troth , Ic ; spring stool , 7ii8c : Burden's horseshoes , 4 40 : Bnrdi'ii'H muloahoes 5 70 UAltiiKit WlllK In car lot ? , 4 COct \ 100. XAlus-UatoH , 10 to GO , 2 30. SHOT -Shot , I 85 : buckshot , 2 10 : oriental powder , kegs , G 40 : do , half keg" , 3 48 : do , quarter kegs , 1 88 : blasting , keRs , 3 35 : : fuse , per 100 foot , BOa. LKAD Unr 1 68. COAt , Cumberlaud blackRtultli , 10 OOi o ris run Hlossburg , 10 00 : Wliltobroast lump , fi 00 : Whitobronit nut , 5 00 : Iowa lump , 5 Ol ) : Town nut , 0 CO : Rook Spring , 7 00 : Anthra cite , 11 25.111 00 : Cation City , 7 00 per ton. Drr i'nlnui. Whllo load , 8o > ITronch tine , Wai Pftrls whiting , 2io } vrliltlnfc gl'dors ' , IJcs whiting com'l IJo } lampblack , Gormautown , 14c } lampblack , ordinarylOat Prusslad blue , fiOo ; uutramariuo,18o ; Vandyke , brjwi , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4cj umber , raw , 40 } slouns burat , 4o { alonnn , rkv , 4o > Paris grooa , geiiuiuo , 2fio } Paris graon , common , 20c ; chrome preen N.Y. , 2Cc ; ohiomggroon. 1C. , 12ct vonnilliou , Eng. , 7Co ; Toriallllon. American. 18c ; Italian , rod , lUc ) roao pink , 14o } Vonouan red , Oooknon's , 2c } Yonotlan rod , Ainorlcan , lc : rod lend , 7jo ; chroma yellow , gonulno , 20c : cliromo yol- ovr , K. , 12cochro ; rocholloSoocliro. French , 2c } ochre , , 2oj Winter's mluornl , 2lo ; lahlgh brown , 2Jo ( Bpnnlah brown , 2&o ; Prlnco'n mineral , Sc. VABN18HE3 Uarrols. po * Rallon : Fnrnl tnro , extra , $110 } furniture , No. 1 , 81j coach , extra , 91 40 ; ooaoh , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar oztra , Cl 75 ; Japan , 70onspb.Altum ; , extra , SEe ; ehnllao. S3 COt hard olluabh SI CO , I DENVElt MARKET. B Colorado , 100 Ibi , ' 155 1 CC ; pat out , 100 Iba. , 1 OD@ < ! 25 ; Kansas , 10J Ibs , 2 75 ® 3 75 ; Minnesota , 100 Ibs , 3 00 ; graham , 100 bs , 1 83@2 00 ; rye , 100 Ibs. , 2 32 50 ; buck , wheat , 100 Iba , 6 00@0 CO. GBAIN , KKKD , KTO Wheat , 100 Ibs , 80@00c ; corn , In nock * on track , 100 lb , 1 231 30 ; oats , in sacks on track , UK ) Ihs , eastern white , 1 12 114 ; Colorado white , 11G@118 ; mixed , 112@115 ; barley 100 Iba , 1 S0@l 40 ; bran. , on , on track , in G1fai2 00 ; chop , corn , 100 bs , on track , 1 SOS)135 ( ) ; chop , mixed , 100 Ibs , n track , 1 30135 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 165 < ol ) 75. HAY Baled , upland , ton , 13 0015 00 ; ipland , loose , ton , 14 00@17 00 ; second bot- om , baled , 111 0812 00 ; nlfalfa , loose , ton , 2 00i1300 ( ; clover , baled , ton , 1100 ; clover , onso , ton , 13 001G 00 ; straw , baled , on track , on , S 00@0 00. bDTrisit Creamery , fancy , Ib. 32 ( 1 ; roamory , fine , Ib , 23@20 ; croiinery. fair , I1 , 2 23 : ilalrv. choice , Ib , 22421 dairy , good , b , 17I8 ; dairy , lair , Ib , 13jgl5 ; cookiiw , Ib , © 10. Eaos State , candlnd and warranted , doz , 1@23 ; ranch , doz , 24@25. OHEK3B Full cream. I2if2)14i' ) half O'cam , l > , Oi'o'llo : sliim , Ib , K@10j ; Swi'a , domoatlc , b , 20@22c : Swiss , Imported , 31@32c ; Llm- , Our or lk@20e. PODLTBT Live old chickous. doi,4 ; 75@5 25 ; vu sprinzp , doz , 3 25ft t ( XI ; live duck * , doz , 00 550 ; live turkeys , Ib. , 14lGc. POTATOES Color.vlo , 100 Ibs , 1 1G)1 ) 25 ; woet , rerlb. , 21@3ic. VEOBTABLES Unions , yol'ow ' , 100 lb , 25@15'J : cabbneo , inn Iba , 0 < > ® 1 25 ; booU , 00 lbn , 1 2C150 ; turnips. 100 Ibi , 1 00 ® 25 ; carrots , 100 Ib ? , 3 CO1 ® ! 00. GiiKi'.tf VKGETAIII.KS Tomatoes , per Ib , @ c ; ru umbers , do/ , CaW ; green cori. doz , 020 ; string bean . gal , 20@22 ; calory , do/ OfoJ75 ; onions , doz bunches , 18@22 ; parsley , 0@12 ; carrots. 12@1C ; lettuce , 15@20 ; tgg lant , doC0@l 00. FnniTS LomonH. per case , Monstnn , 7 00 © CO ; oranges , Rodi , casn , ! OOJ8 GO ; oraiifOH , Louisiana , bbl , 1,8'0. 2G > ® 2 75 ; apploj , fan- y , bbl , 3 75@4 2G ; apples , medium , bbl , 23@3 f 0 ; anples Bellellower , bo\l 001 51 ; > ears , box , 2 G5@2 7C ; poaches , box , 'J 25@ 50 : California crapes , box , Melvolso , Porn , iluscnt , I 75 2 00 ; Kastorn grnpns , basket , 0@G1 ; bananas , bjncli , 3 00 ( 5 iO ; quinces , ox , 2 50@2 75 ; craiiberuoj , blil , B & B , 1C 00 , J&C , 1500. CuiiKDIBATS Hnmn. sugar cured , Ib , 15 ; inuiB , HWcot plcklod , Ib , llj1 ; bacon , hrnak- iMt. Ib , 111 ; dry tnlt Hldoa , Ib , 11 } ; dried eef , Ib , 1G ; lard in piili , 10310 } ; lard In ortes , 010 ; . FIIKHII MIATH Dresied beef Colorado , pet \ 01 a Ct'lc ; cnoico veal , Ib , 11 ® 18 ; hugs , Ib , g8i ; mutton , Ib , G@ < ! ; Iamb. Ib , 10@12J. LlV STOCK Coloradi ) HteorH , per 100 Ibs , 40 , 23 75 ; cows , 100 Ib. 003 BO ; choice oal calves , Hi , 7 ( < 8e ; ulieop , 2 00@2 00. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib. 10@12c ; ( Co. 2 , Ib , 8 ( < alO ; green cteorn and branded alf. Ib , 4i@5J ; graon calf , Ib , G ; grdon kip > , ( i ; Biinon KUIna. dry. 7 < W : door nkin , 1 r , Ib , 1G@18 ; deer skins , winter , b , 121G ; ntnlno ] ) Bkms' Ib , 12 10 ; tallow , Ib , 4@C. WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , H14 nick , Ib , 8 ; Mexican , 8 , FISH Mackerel , No.l , 140 , kit. moss , 7C@2 25 ; California pahnon , half bbl , 10 CO ; lolland herring , ko ? , 1 001 7C ) trout , per b. 1718o - . . . . Lino" In connexion with tb corporate name ot greatroitd com eya an IJo of U3t whit required by tlia traveling nub lie ft Hhoit Line , Quick Tlmi tnd the boit o > ccoramoi ! ' tloni ll of wtilch are luio- lied by the ( cioattbt rnllwtv In America. And St. Paul. It nwcs nd opor tce over 1,600 mlloa of ortboru Illinois , WI'JCcuntD , MlnnoeoU , Iowa Akoti ; anil M lu rnnln Iliice , bronclioi and oonnM- oni reach all the L'rcat butilneet contris ol llil Vorthwest and Kur Woet , It naturally auiwora lb > Mcrlptlon of Short Line , and Ilout Ilouto l-otwctn o , Mllwaukuo , fit. I'aul and lllnnoapollc. o , Milwaukee , La t'rusao aud V/lnona. O , Milwaukee , Abtiidcen and Kllondal * O , Milwaukee , Kau Clalro and Stlllwutei1 Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Jlcrrlll. Chicago , Mllwaukoe , Ileavcr I'iin and Oahkoih , Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukimha and Ooonomowor. O , Milwaukee , MadUon and 1'ralrledn Chlcn O , Mlluaukto , Owatonna and Falrlbaull. o , llclolt Jiinisvl > lo and Mineral 1'olot. Chicago , ii : ln , Uockford and Uubuquo. Oiloago , Clinton , Hock Iilarid aud CotJar lUplJl. Chicago , Council lilutla and Omaha. OilcaKO , Hlouz City , hlous Kollunnd Ytnklon Onlcaio , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Ohainbctlaui , Rock lUnd , Uubuque , fit. I'aul and Mlnnoapblll. Dtvonpoit "almar , St. I'aul and Minneapolis 1'ulluian H oepern and the Uncut Dlnlnc Cars In 10 rid are run on the miln llnoj ol tboOlIIOAUO , MIMVAUKKK ANO HT. I'AUI. KAILWAV , and ovorf ttcDtlonln paid to jiawen crtby courteous eiuployen I the Oomjiany , . B. UEIiniLIi , Oenl Manaicer. A. V II. CAHl'KNTKIt , Oen' 1'aM. At | T. CI.AIlKaon'IHcipt. HKO HKK.KKOIU ) , Al/t nnn'l l' Airt J'OK The No. 4 alze ul tliltfo'ii Kood lujxjclul. dtHlKiiud ttt ( amllj 111. It m a ken the ihotro.t article lot uaMaiue i to. ; and iotblni { for Ublu u a limoroiitrciut Kiln ? , rassaio In Iti action upon thu ti t ni. ! ) > | ioutlc tnd othfrsiKit lak enouKli to bo In lied , but junt la Ihit onilitlun when i billing tan 1 9 fully tnjajed khould adopt llldKfi'i rood ai a dally < llet Hold by < lruic liti. Incau8,8Ii ! iidup. WOOJ.IUl'H i CO. , on la'.tl. Rail-way Time Tablo. In KlloctOct. 1st , 18 < t I. Thenltmitlon ol Ilio triiclllnt jmlillo 1 rllo < l to ie-ftttthitthM * tlionnl ) romiildmmlMnolutoly eotroft time UMo iiiiMMioil In the citr. All tritlnn unlit ) ( it nml ilrixirt from Omnnik by Central Slfiiiilaril 'Hino. Train * of Iho ' M. P. SI .t O. nrtlve t Mid ilo tl from th > Ir limit , corner ol Mih nml Wcbstit rtfrlr trains o the II & . , 0 , 11 . < jQ.Mid K , 0 , St ,1. t 0 , 11 from the II. & f , ilepotj Ml others ftom llm Union 1'idflailrpil. a , nvlyb ; , rvccjit Sntunl.ij ; c , except Sunday , il , occ | > t Mundi ) . WKSTWAIin DEPAHT. ARIUVI : A. M. r. M. Union Pnoinc. . Uu'tlnml Ipn < 750-v It 4A . Olonilo KxpirM 4 Ot' O. & Rop. vnllov. .Mull nini I'.xprm . . It ( . 0. A IVI. In NslJ. 7 Kft . . . Mill mill I'Aprn-s . 7 00 . . . Nlifht EMUINM. . . . 10 00.1 ( SOUTUWAHI ) . Missouri Pnclflc 10 Sfc , liny r.r | > * s. . . . S35ft . . . Xl/bt V.xprcn. . 0 20 C. D. St. J.&K.C. S 4.-.A 7 461 . \U riattmn in. . 0 7 30k BOJ.1 0 l-oli . .Vlv Couurl Illunv . 7 Mil 7 35. . Wnfoash Route. lb.-tKli'xprc . . . . 1 1 2f.1 1 OO.t . . . .St. LouH Kspicm . . . . 3 50.1 C. M. A , St. Paul. S I5c " , . . , iij i\puws. : . . . 7 So 4"25b . , Nit ! ' t F\pris < . . . U I .VI c. n.-i. A. Pnoinc. 8 Itx- ' . . . .Uaj i\prccn : 'Hit , . . . . 0 ( .VI ' 4 , .NU'ht K\l > rr9 < ' ' 8' ! 03 , . , Arconiinnhllou . . . . 'fl'tCi c , & N-W. 8 I6c liny i\puf4 . . . . .Nlitfit K prt s 0 4W C B & Q. . 8 45 forl IncA oxla rUtunifb 8 40 * 7 rpit 8 ICa 25i 'ur Cblcn ol lU. . llml ! # 7 SCn NOIITI1WAK1) . C St. P. IVI A. O. Oo r. . . , .siou\ city t\iitcK. : . . 5 300 GOo ) nVl.ind VrcomuiiHltlloii ,0 TOo lovvn Dlv. S C &P 0 49n at I'.i'il U v K\iro | . . 7 S5a 0 Ma ct. 1'AUl MRI ! " ( MDn The I ) a m ami 6 p til iluinmy train * nlio nriltu nt nt tlie transfer In tlino to iniUo uaiti'rn connections , jut not to check baiiiru ! | * OMAHA BRIDGE TRAINS Dummy Trains Umo ntimha at U 40,8 09 , * 0 03 , 10 00 , 1 15 in , 1 OJ , 2 00 , 3 00 , 4 0,1 , f. 00 , 0 00 , 035pm. OnrluniUjallio SOJamllOOOu m anil ' PO anil 4 00 p in trains ilo not run. Arrive nt tran9 > cr ilflpot 13 mlmitca liter : Uro.iaway ilcpot 'A ) lulu lies later. I.omo Council IllulN ( Utoailnav ilcpot ) at 710 , R30 0 30 , 10 30,11 40 iv in ; 1 BO , 2 SO , 3 30. 4 30 , R30 , 0 86 lid 11 06 p in. On Miimlaya Iho 8 30 nml 10 30 a m ml 3 SO anil ( i 30 p m trains will not runArrho nt Transfer 7 mtmitcH lat > r , Omaha 10 minute * later. TrnnsforTrnlnB I-cavo Omahant S 16,863 0 U5 ft in , i 26 , 0 10 nml 0 66 p in , dally. Arrhout 8 45 ami 1116ft tt , 12 25 , 7 35 and 8 ID p in. SUNDAY TRAINS To anil from Chicago \ K the Trlpartlto Alllanco LInca. U.MI\Y MOItMMI. | M\T KI1AY KVK. Mil I lt-1. I N-W I N W | U-l | Mil September. 21 I 7-23 141 'M 13 0-27 October . . . 12 10 n-'Jfl I 11 4-20 1C NoMjmbor , , 1-23 I 0-3J in a i-2s in 8-29 December. . H | tl 7-23 g 13 0-27 20 Sunday evening and Monday niornlnif jalnsarrlv In corresponding order. C. II. > l < J. tralnii run or day. GS-OXJSTC31- PRINCIPAL LINE rnoM CHICAGO , FE01MA & ST. LOUIS , nr WAV or OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DEHVSB , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOIIISOH to DENVER In ITnlon Dopotu at ICiinsiiH City , OiiiuliaaiHl liiVL'iMvilh ) ! tliiouhlliilMH ; lor And all polutHlii lu ( irnnd I'nlnii Depot at \vltli tliron li tiHlim lor NJS ir Y o it K , jtoti'i'ov , And all lp"iv rn oillBH. Atl'rorla with throis vlnilns lor I'nillniia ; ) . olln , Cincinnati , Coliiift. . , mid nil points In tliobontli.nast. At Hi' juula with tlirouuli trains lor all polnly .S .v Vi. I Day Cu.icliiM , I'urlor ( 'urnvlllilto. . cnimi i.-lmliHHunts ( lienhmokliiK ) t'ara with Itevolvlni , ' Olmli'H , riilliiiiiu i'lilni-o Sleeping CniH anil tbo fuimiiiH u. II. & ( j. Itlnlni ; Cm. run iliilly toiuiil ironi riilrno ( ; unit Kiinaas ( Mly , ( MilcaKoaiiil ( Joiuiell llluita' C'lilciiKd mill DCS Mnlni'M , ( 'Illci ; , ht. JoHujih , Ati'blsoii iniil L'iiolia | wltboiit c'liiiiK'i. : ' Only tluoiu'li Hue1 riiiiul i tbelr own tmlim lictween Olilcii'-o. Lincoln unit Denver , nml Clik-iiKo , KIIIIBIIH ( " .ty and DoiiU'r. Tliiouuli cars liutwi-oii 1 llliiilH , via I'vorlu CJOINU AOKTII AND SOUTH. Solid Trains of lilu iiiit Day UonubcH mill I'nllinan I'alacoHlceplui , ' Cainaio inn diillv lo imd fioin Ht. J.otil , vJil llitniilbal ; ijiilnry , KfoUuk , lliiilliiKton , rcdarlliMildsnnd Albeit Icuto.St. raid mid Jlliiiiuapolla ; I'niloi 'ara with UccilnliiK t'liuliH to nnd lioni Ht. I.tiuh and J'corlu , Oiilyniiuchungoof rum between st. IonlHiind DeH .Molnen , luwu , Lincoln , Ne- brnslia , nnd Denver , Colorado. It IH iilno the only Tlnoiilt | JJno bdlwocn ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL , It Is known us tliu reai TIIItOin.ll CIAIt , f.INK of Ana-lieu , und is unlvcruitlly uilinlt ' d lo bo tliu Finest Equipped Railroad In the V/erld fei oil chsc3 of Travel. Through TIclielB via tlilH linn lor calo ntit } ( { . It.coiinoa ticket , olllcub.a tliu United Stutcb Cnniulii. V. J. I'OTTKIl , I'KKOKVAL J.OWEI.I , , 'l THEY MUST BE USED Dr. Youngs Electric Holts. i on mi : tuiu : UK M IIIKIIIM- TV , W4 "I' UAN. HOOh , UTAKNfHll ff II II I ) Y A N II II I h | | \OUIIIH'I. IHKORji A ymillAI , tt'lKK 10 IIK \ht AWAY , BllOVlllllf bow they limy bo ciiriil , anil rtoour llciatb , KlrciiKth anil Ma'ilv Vlicor , wiilloi T inn MKIIILLSK , will lit ) xuiii Iruoby jioit on . )11 , H. YOUNU , 41D C'anil Ktrcit , New York. oct-20 in 1m ALONO III K LINK OF TIIK Chicago , Si , Paul , Minneapolis ! and OMAHA RAILWAY. The new oituiulon ol tbla lluo ( rein WftkeBiM uf lhBEAUTIFDL VALLEY of the GAl * through IJonooiJ And Oolcrld(0 ( lloarhou the best portion of the BUto , Hpocltl ex curelon tea ( or land tixilttra over thin line t Wnjiis , Noilolk ami JIortluKton , and via Ulalr to a prludiaj | | ioliU un tbo SIOUX CITY & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Train ) orer tbt 0. , Ht. I' . M. & O. Hallway to Cov nicton. Uloui City , 1'onta , Ilaitlngtou , VYayo * and Horlollc , CJoaa.xi.oot .t 331 .lr or Vicmont , OaktU.ti , NoIlKb , and tbiou b to Y l- uotue , tffoiti\Qt \ all In audlorinatlon c Jl oo > k9 KCENTLY FUOUt FKKBI ) NT , NKD. SADDLERY HAKDWAKE , HIDES , PELTS , FUES , TALLOW , WOOL , \VE PAY TIIK For llidog , Wool , rolls , Kto , nud connignmonla inndo to us will receive [ prompt nttontion , for which immodinto rotnrna will bo rondo. 13th Street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave , - OMAHA , NEB. Sl'EOIAlj NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WK GALL YOUR ATTENTION TO 11 ia < ho boat nnd chcnpcab food for stock of any kind. Ono pound is equal to three nou da of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gnko In the Fall nnd Winter iiiBtoiul of running down , will incromjo in weight nnd bo in good marketable condl lion in the oprlnjj , Dairyman , na well no others , who uao it , can testify to ita mor Its. Try it nnd judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton. No charge for Backs AddroBa WOODMAN LINSEED OIL COMPANY , Ornnhn , Nob. DEALERS IN FIEE AUD BUEGLAB PROOF 3.QS30 STEO.E , & CO , U. B. LOCKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Chicago , Manager of the Ton , Cigar nnd Tobncco Departments. A fall Hue of all grades of the aboxo ; alao Fipoa nnd Smokora1 carried in stock. Prices and Eumplcn furnished on application. Open orders intruatod to ua olmll receive our careful ! nttontion. Satisfaction Guaranteed. BEHWOQD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO Milwaukee. Wis. G-TTNTHEE & 00 , , Sole Bottlers , C'BT OMAHA , NEB. 1U01 AND l.03 ! FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TE , JOBBER OF ri EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED HlfigFARLAMJiSTIlEET , OMAHA , NEB. A. L. STliANGr & CO. , Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand Trlmmlnga , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Iloeo , Braaa and Iron Flttlcn ( , at wholesale and retail , HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUEOH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. . Omaba Neb , ( SUCOEdSuR TO FOSTER & GRAY ) . 9 ( LIME AND CEIuENT , co anYnrda (1th ( nnd ] ) ciplcn ) tlrccla OMAHA , NEB AND ML 111 ! Donglis bi. Omaha , Nib , Galvanized Iron Cornicas tirUoricor Windows , Tlntali , Tin , Iron and Slate , looUiiif , Hpvont'ii I'.itont Metal , b Hkyllght , latent JJuattJ lUchott liar and Hraokut HholvluK. 1 ain lie Konrral aiuat lor tbo above line ol L-ooda. Irou : rntlng , feuclui.-.Ual BtriJcs , VtmuJaj , Irou llftr Waiher , Tomato , I'limjikln , Starch. Win and Fruit . . . , . Strainer. Twelv * AMED ankles in one. Iha Qrtiteit Cinll- lor lolj thin til othcrSlevel ml " " coiublncUl I * llkcl hem I . . _ Urge blftcil and HUcii { ol tl4Bli klld 1MWCI Willeut ctuloeuc. TbelluutuSlfleiHr Co. . ClnclnnfcU. O. . lj Oa lSl..N wV ik. _ AceaU wtnitil for out { 6p cUIU iut