Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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. . . ltn M m 1 "l' ' l
im , KM. < ' , M " " : ' ' ' ' ' , ' , , rvr
l rt ni . - DI-I- i i - , „ " ; ' " , 'J" . ' ' '
.rilrvtii' | ' T I' ' t " ; " , , , ' , " „ ' . f. - „ " .
Winter lioomlrs , tlienewono tliojcir Jot ache *
and jnlnj. In flew of ttils fAct wo MV l > uy one o
Dr. ftorne'a Flectrlo Belts , lly o dolnft Jmtwll
rolil heumU ! mKldnoy Troubles Mid other 111 :
li ! t flesh Is heir to. no not delay , but call t oui
offlMftad examine belts , No. 1421 DoiwlM Jtreelri
0. F. Ooodm n > , 1110 Farn m St. , Omaha , Nob. Or
denCL'edO O I)1
Will purify > lm BLOOD.Tcim.
Into tlio LIVER nml KIDNEYS.
Bllll lIFHTOIli : TIIK 11I2AI/TU
nnd VIGOR of YOUTH. ljf
poiula , WnntorApjiHIte , in-
' ' - - , I.ack of Htrcncctli ,
I. lloncn , inuiclcinim
iirvis rocolvo nrwforcc ,
Ur.lbTiis tlio mind nna
fninnlluR llrnlii rower. ,
SulTcNtiRitoiii coniiilalntr
* iipctillnrlo tliolrsur jrlll
( pneilrcuro. ( uVcs a clear , hcaltli cnmplcxlon.
lo ( ho iioniihrltyof Ilia orlsllii\1. l > o not expert-
ucnt ( rcttlm OiiioiSAt. ANI > IIKST.
mndronmililrMstoTheDr. llnrtjrMMj Co.
4 St.LonU , Mo.for oar "DKKAM IIOOIC. "
V. Fallot atranaaoiid usoTol Uirormallon.trm. ,
lnnofjmilbnlliniiniilcncocin jhKlorroiiiiDo- ;
Mlltr , J'rcmaturo Jocny. anil f II ( il' lirooKbt nn
* , ! ) / ftddrewlDB J. 1L JtUL Vi.S. < iUbatUa
Protection. No such
protective ngalnit
chills and lover and
other cllie.isoj ot a
malarial tjpo oxttts-
01II Btottor'a Btom-
ach Hitters. It ro
llevcs constitution
liver dlsordcn rhcu-
niatlsm.klilnny and
Mulder all 11 en U.
wltli certainty and
rromjit 11 uilc. A
i chanico -ralllylng |
takc place in tlio ap
pcjranco , DB well ra
thi ) BCDSitlon ol the
wa'nand haggard In
valid , trho uses this
utanilard promoter
ol honlth and
Btrongtli For ealo
liy all ciru bU and dealers cncrallv
7n N a
General Dcilcre In
ntve lor gala 230,003 aora oarornlljr teloctM landl
D Kutorn Nebraska , at low prloe and on euy tormg.
Improvoa isruin lor sale la Douglai , Dodico , Ooltaz
PUttc.Bart , Dnmlng , Barpy , Waahlnelou , tloilck
Btnnderg , and Butler Oounifca.
Tiioa pild In all paits ot the Btttt. *
Uonor loaned oo mprorod farmt.
Notary 1'ubllo ulwavt tn offlco' Correspond
Chemical Dyeing
0. T. PAULSON , Proprietor *
Gentlemen ) ' Cloth'nK ' Cleaned , Dyed and Repaired.
Ladies' Dresses Cleaned and Oyod , without Kipping.
Plumes Cltancd or Colored any shade , to Bamplo.
Silks , Velvets anc Cleaned , Dyed and llo-lln-
tabed ,
1212 Douglas Street , - OMAHA , NEB.
Practice Limited to Diseases o the
Eye and Ear.
COS Fnrnam StrootOMAHA. .
The mcut extensive monufoctureri o !
John IIoclutiMscr General Agent or Nebraska on
Western Iowa.
CO 8. Tenth Street ! . . . . OMAHA , NED ,
trl'riaet ol Billiard and eel Tablet and materials
tbiiroi on Ilorllck'n I'ood , " write hundreds of
frraUful iKOlhen. Motheru' milk cxintalna no
froinnUrcliJnMiulrcjnooooVliiir. Tholicbtfcxx ] In
IiwdtliorulckneMforlKl'ANTH. Tlio tit diet for
WHl'EITICS and JNVAMDB. Highly licuefldt )
tnuundDtftuoUieniafiadrlrjk. I'rico40uiil7t > c. AB
ta. Uook on the trcalmeutof ijillila'ii.frua.
eliefs It 10 t sui * ' ! " > ° ; ll'l ° l ' t > < >
la cblUrcn. " 1 > . Slmnuml , U , / ' . , f > if l" fl.
"UcLnltttllKlr pronoulico ll Its tit rix > 4 la
Us rotiket- . it. Uimlt. jr. U. , jfcultiu
"Oue f 'f > cti ii ubtiliuiv * tor moiber' * milk. * *
- / / . a. 1 Kaon. tl. 1' . . frueUy * , K. 1' ,
Will lie Kent I . mall oil ruceliit of jprloe in etampa
IKMtMO i'H I'OOU CO. , Rurlnu , UU.
< CUf-U > 2 l
ISrlanger , . * . . , .Unvarin.
Cnlmbacber , \ , . . .Bavaria.
Pilsner. . . , . . .e Bohemian.
Kaiser . . . . .v..Bnunen. :
Bud ( reiser - St , Louis.
Aiibausar. . . f . .St. Louis.
Beat's. . . . _ „ „ _ . . . . . . .Milwaukee.
BelilitPil8ner.Milwaukee. .
Krug'aSSKpft Omaha
AJe. Porter , Domestic and Rhine
Wiue , > D. MAUltBR ,
\ -
L i . rs.
A FINE I-33 ; 0P ,
T1IK OM ' \CLtfbiVK
017 St/ChnrlrH X . , St. f.onls Mo.
t lr ul r rB4 ieoti i I IC s , lixlifin low
ngictdln lh liM. ilf < ' ln. nl " 'Kc"hVkl.nn il"ir l I
M Ml ? r fwr .hwi 4ftleiil j ilJeni fcuow ,
Ncrvoufc Pieitralloti. Ochlilly , Mental and
Physical Weakness , MH c.irlal nnd olher AIJcc.
lions ol Skin or Ocncs. Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , an imuJ iat ii irf
Diseases1 Xrlllni ) [ rum hdiscrnllon , Excess.
TcrPKn 10ino MMI.IJ orrfrilf ODINII.I ni IUI-BDI'
renilcrlnic MarrUxn Improper or umiappy ,
prrmnntollycorMf I'lntMtifln tt u i nib i rM !
l Itilr'l cutrl6p.fn-l'i .n.T 0'lri' > . KonillUtlw at I
APosltivoWHtten'G'tirranteG ' Untlcluei ntctrrjuhcre.
ramphlctg , Enellih or Otrmnn , 04 pncei , d .
crlbliitt Abovedl.cnica miaalecr foinnle.PHEr.
KOliklcl , fln < l { > l > tFi. Illultntdt III doll n'lf III llnfllnr
60rl4iitcj r po.UR.1 .im.iiHr | totr , J c. Tbli l oi
conutln * all Ikf nnons. Aoubirol orJuauUIIIro vaat t )
know. A book l trnl | nur. ( to > u , Ucilli , Uctilx.
- - -
Uinaneil r-
Eoyal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana , Huba , llvory 12
to 14 : ' Days.
TIOKKTS , 2.0d , . ' . - HALVES. 81.00
Hubjoct to no.rnnnlimlfttlon , not controlled by th
ptrtloaln Interest , It la the fairest thing In th
nature ol chanoo In existence. '
For Information and particulars apply toSIIISKY ,
CO.Oon. Agent * , 1212 liroKlwuy , N Y. city.
K.KAUU&CO. , 417.Walnut tUeot.Bl. Louis ? , Mo
or Frank Lobrauo , L. I ) , , SO Wyandotte , Uan.
y 21-mio & w Iv
Aa iwltenl upwlli ] n | lanll Kf xquljt ] eiTcvnowlilKl T rtU
jttgU worl4 , rur * . 11jiw | | > * i > , Dlirrbaft. tf r HArue. . tn.l ftll
HfcjrilFf * of Hit I'lcntl * . Orciol. Alt * dlt > IlinJrlil.lkloolflaT3r
0 | l * l of tlitiDTmrne , ta.1 10 fcl ! umm.r ilrinki 111 II , IM
tiwtr * ft co nU'Ml. . Aik vour ftofrr rdninUtrur U > t ( at S
K < 1 < , luuufuluiij bUK. . J U. II. Hit OCKT 08UM
J. \7DrrS31IA lI ,
si moiinrjv. if. r.
Cor. 10th and Capitol Avenue , troaU all cases Crip ,
plod or Dclormcd , alsodlaoaaog ot tL B
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs ,
All CMCB ol Curvature of the Spine , Crooked Fool
xL'8 and Aruia , Dlreaaos ol the Illp , Knco. and
uiKlo JolntD. Alto Clirunlo ndcctlons oltlio Llvor
tboumatlsm , I'aralyels , 1'llrs , Ulcorn , Oatarrb , Asth
ma and Ilrouohltli are all trcatod by now and euo-
coselul methods. All dlecasca ol tne Blood and Urin
ary Organs , Including tlioaj rcBultln ( ? dom Inclscro-
lou i or exposure , are oaloli and euccccsfully treated
and a euro iruarantood. Younf ; men , mluulo aged ,
and old moil euHorlni ; Irom Wvaknuts , and Nunous
exhaustion , product iiidJKoatlonralpltatIon of the
Heart , Uoupondoncy Ulzzliioaa , I-oea ol Memory .Lack
ol Energy and Ambition , caa ue rcetorod to liuiltli
and \\Kor \ , If cue Is not too lone uoclootod.
The Suruvon In charKO | 4 a gradunta of Jcffor-
eon Medlcnl UollCKO (1S6S ( ) and liai ttudlod lili
iroloeulon In I.nnJun , 1'arli andllorlln. If ainictod ,
call or vi rlto full description ol yum cane , and modl-
clno may bo tout you. Uonnuftatloii free. Addicts
> raaha UleiwiiBary , Crounso'B Ulock , Uumh , Neb ,
Ollloo bourn 10-18 a. m.l-B and 7-H l > . m bundayu.
.10a m ,
lor treatUa either on mala dlicassa or
Science of Lite , Only $1,00
Exhausted TlUIIIy , NonronB and Phyiloa ] Deblllly
'rematuro Decline In Man , the
tuilold mlsurlos esultlnK from Indtsoictloni or ox-
eo . A book for every man , young , mlddlo-agod ,
ndoldIt contains 155 proscriptions foi all aculo
nd chronlo dlioaaeg eaohone of wbloh Is Invaluable
0 found by the Author , whose experience for J8
tari li mob at probably never before tell to the ot
1 any physio * n BOO page * , bound la boantltn
"tenchraDuIn maouodooTen , ( all KlUguara&tee < i
o be a Oner work D every tense , uitchantcal , lit-
raiy and protowlonal , than any other work sold In
hit country for ltf > 0 , or the money will bo refunded
D every Instance. 1'rloo only 11.00 by mall , pott-
laid , illustratltc sararlc 6 cents. Bend now. Gold
nedal awarded the author by the National Uedlcal
Lieaolatlou , to tbs oflloeri of which ho retort.
Thtflolensoot Life should be read by the yonn
or Instruction , and by the arUloted ( or icltet.
t will bonefll all London Lanoot.
There Is no member of society to whom The Sci
ence of Llfo will cot bo tueful , whether youth , pat-
out , iruardlan , Instructor or oloriryinan. Argonaut
Addreua the Peabody Hcdloal Institute , or Dr. W ,
II.Paiker.No. i Dulflnch Btroet , lloeton Uats.whe
may bo coninlted on all dlscaora roqulr'iK skill and
esperlenno , Obrcnloandobdtlnatodueujathat hari
milled the iiUI ot all other phyi-IICAl cjanl
a speeliltji Baoh ( routed lacueas-ntrAL tall ]
without mloitasco lallur * .
Notice nidi Wartl Voter .
The urdert'irnod ' wllUlt at the Trem-nt house on
Monday , October 12tli.betHoru 11 A. in. and T p. m
ml as many dat iLcr aitcra tuay bo required by
Uw to rreltter the legal \oters ol Heeoml dntrict
nitb ward , Juux ( { nxK ,
oct 11-lw llvu'iitrar ,
Notluu of Jlogltttrnilnn ,
To the legal totcrsof 1st ward lu tbo city of Oma
ha :
Von ara hereby notified tliat the underlined will
kit as rciilfru for the flrtt ward at CIS and AMI touth
Kth ttroitcommencluBTiiuniday October J3d , IBS ) .
at 11 o'clock- , m , for the iiurpono of rei tcr In all
nuallfed voter ! wlthlo ald > ard and for such i > ur-
P'm | tlio tindwlirui . ) I Mill sit aud kcop lili book of
rr filtration opun pcl iltv thercallcr Concept Bun-
datOatthoplacohfoi 'd from tlc\cu o'rlf ok rv. in ,
until rovcn o'ck < k p. in , until Mondavi NorouiWr
3J , Ibol.Bt Iliobour or 12 o'tlock in. , when a | , |
book of rrgiitratlon will bo clo'ed , All iiiullllcd i o
ter * are nctlUed test tin J md .o that their names
no prcpcrly icg'ttcrcd ' , ISAAC ) UUUIN ,
wt J6-uS HruMrar IbtVftrd. \ .
.1O11N 31'OUIjtiOUOH ,
Ills 1'crsonnl Aplonr nco anil StnR
Presence An IiiBtanco of
Oclloro lly.
A correspondent of the Memphis Af
po l writes as follows of John AlcOul
lough : It is the habit of newspapers t
spcnk of MoCullough as a man of "glgat
tie" or "horculeau" frame , lie was enl ,
BO is alago effect. People who rcgardo
him thus never mot him on the street
IJis height ia only five foot ton
Apollo Dolvldoro model , nnd his uaun
\vcightl52pounds. This would ahov
him to bo not nbovo the medium in size
But on the etago , vrith his bull nock , hi
swelling cheat and his lofty stride , In
ntruck the eye of the beholder like i
vision of S&mnon. The upper por-
tinn of McCullough'fl phyoiquo ia nlmos
perfect , but there la a lack of symmotr ]
bout his logo. Ilia nether limbs wore
hvftya nrtiaticnUv padded while on tin
tago. McOullough studioualy sought to
conceal this part of his make-up , ovoi
from his company , and fancied that m
ono know it , but his employes frequently
pointed to the bulging calves and winkcc
at each other. McCullough did not
wear a wig except in a few of his plays ,
Ho prided himself greatly on his curls ,
These were prepared every night will :
hot irons by his droaaor , a Celtic dwarf ,
vho stood in holy terror of the
tragedian. If a single hair got burn t or.
was curled the wrong Way , the droaaoi
prepared for n lecture in vigorous Anglo-
There is an actroaa who traveled ono
season with McCullough's company who
Bays : "Ho was the hardest working
nctor I over saw. I have played with
Boeth and Barrett , but neither of them
compare with him in industry. His con-
Bclontiousnoss know no bounds. Ills
moat fatiguing labor was nt rehearsals. I
Imvo known him to trork hard for six
continuous hours nt a rehearsal doing
his own part and showing others how to
do thciiB. ITo was his own etago mana
ger. IIo dictated * everything , and saw
that everything was donohia way. I believe -
liovo Uieno rehearsals did moro to break
him down than anything else. "
"I never mot n moro generous man , "
continued the little actress , with n tear
in her eye ; "to deserving poojilo ho al
ways gave moro than ho promised. For
instance , in the play of 'Julius Cu3ar' :
McCullough had to sing a sort of dirge-
like oong. IIo cannot sing a note , nnd
has no conception of music. At his re
quest Mr. Showoll , a young actor sup
porting him , stood behind n wing , nour
McCullougb , and sang the song. McCul
lough , of courao , moved his lipa with each
note , nnd the audience applauded him
fo ; his fine singing. At the end
of the wcok Showoll was much eur-
prisod to rpcoivo an envelope con
taining $100 in addition to his regular
salary. This wna the reward for the
alight service so cleverly dono. At the
end of the season Showoll was further
gratified by the receipt of a richly jeweled
ring inscribed "From John McCullough
to J. Showcll. "
Horsl'ord'H Acid Phosphate.
Du. P. P. GII.MAHTIN , Detroit , Mich. ,
aaya _ : "I have found it very satisfactory
in its oU'ects , notably in the prostration
attendant upon alcoholism. "
Vary Itlch MBH ! Bt. Vlcrro.
Chattanooga ( Term. ) Democrat.
Miss Maud St. Pierre the lady who
has become somewhat prominent in this
vicinity from the fact that she is dealing
extensively in mining and mineral lands
in this city. Yesterday morning the re
porter called on her for the purpose of
finding out her plans of operations in the
various industrial pursuits upon which
she has embarked. Miss St. Piprro is a
rather tall , fine-looking lady , with erect
carriage , a keen eye , and a perceptible
something about her which unmistakably
means business. She advanced without
hesitation , shook hands with the re
porter and sat down.
"Toll mo of your mineral land in
Franklin county. "
"Well , I have purchased about 22,000
acres of land in Franklin county. I have
in that property endless quantities of
iron ere , coal , marble , sandstone , and
timber. There are all through the south
numberless white families who , through
Force of circumstances and ignorance , are
unable to make a decent livlihood. In in
tend to term colonies and giyo them
liomos and employment , 1 will give
Bach family the timber to build a house
ind then give them a lease on twenty
icrcs for ton years. These families are
to bo from the south. I have an utter nb-
lioronco of convict labor. "
"What will bo the estimated coat of
your various enterprises thoro. '
"It will bo about ono tenth what it
would cost in any other place. In other
words , it Trill coat about $1,300,000.
"Ilavo you any other mineral land be
sides this'r
"Woll , 1 have under my control 100- ,
UOO acres in eastern Kentucky and 08-
000 acres in Cumberland county , this
state. "
"Woro you originally from England ,
MissSU Piorrol"
" 0 noj I was born in Louisiana , but
having spent most of my lifo abroad a
root many people are of the opinion
that I am Kngllsh. My father died when
[ was about 17 years old , and , having
aeon in his confidence , 1 was thoroughly
acquainted with his business and con-
icquontly naturally took charge of mat-
tors. My mother died later ou and then
[ wont to Europe.
Miss St. Pierre spends most of her
winters in Washington and Now York ,
she comes South during the summer to
ittoud to her business in the mountains.
Scrofula diseases manifest themselves
in the warm weather. Hoods Sarsapar-
i a cleanses the blood and removes every
taint of scroftila.
lllnta for IllioiuimtlcB.
A Family Doctor in CniBol'a 1'Vunlly Mugiuliio
for November.
Keep the skin in constant good tone
and working order. The matutina
sponge bath will strengthen the nerves ,
and keep open the pores ; the Turkish
bath , portable or otherwise , ought to betaken
taken once a wcok or whenever an attack
is threatened ; If oven once a day for a
time should bo necessary , it will not hurt.
It ia a wonderful prophylactic. I could
adduce hundreds of cases in proof of
These subject to rheumatism very
often fool tired , dejected , with or with
out loss of appetite. Thu body may not
ache , but it does not feel fresh. Prob
ably there is n little headache , but more
often a fulnoes in brow or eyeballs , anil
the patient hns but little heart for his
ordinary employment , nnd things that
interested him only the day before , now
appear devoid of any valuo. If ho thinks
back , perhaps ho will remember that for
a day or two previously ho has not been
living quito BO abstemiously as ho ought.
Well , ho may call this little illness a
mere fit of indigestion , if he ploascn , but
it is inculcation of a kind that hna doti
mentally increased tbo uric ncid in h
blood. Lot him take n Turkish b th j
once , if his doctor Kill permit it , nnd li\
by rule ngoln.
The living by rule includes a cortai
amount of exorcise in the open nit
Without this , no rhotumtio pcraon ca
oxpcct to bo long ( too from aches am
pains and wearisome ennui almost a
bad to boar ns pnln itself. As to dlot , I
will greatly depend on the ago. Th
young require moro nourishment thn
the middle ncd , but old people inue
have their little often , and it must b
well cooked nnd easy of assimilation.
For breakfast lot tea nnd coffee botl
bo avoided , substatuting cocoa or cocoa
Una , with milk nnd sugar. Lot toast bi
caton , or If broad bo preferred , it shouh
bo brown broad and butter nnd the broac
should bo stole. Avoid moat , except i
little nicol-cookod bacon , not to fat
Kgg poached , or mushed , or lightlj
loilod , not fried , and any kind of flsl
except salmon , herring or maokorol.
Dinner should bo early say 1:30 : or
o'clock. Soup the old may take ; middle
aged or young people do not need it ant
it in apt to got acid with some. Meal
may now bo taken sparingly , say twice i
woolr. Game , fish , poultry nnd vegeta
bles , except the stronger kinds , may be
oaten every day with dinner. No bcoi
with dinner. Lemon juice Is ft good sub'
stituto , but ginger boor and ginger nlc
should bo avoided. Light puddings such
as broad , tapioca or ground rico , may be
taken , nnd a little good , wholesome fruit ;
but this latter is bettor before breakfast.
No pastry ; and cheese is poison.
Ono cup of not over strong tea at five
'clock , nnd a tiny biscuit.
Suppoi at 7 or 7:30 : , with n cup of co
coa. tiauccs and hot poppers disagree ;
10 do stows , for this reason ; no cook lives
who can keep grcaso out of n stow ; and
morovor , stows nnd food of that consis
tency nro generally swallowed too quick
ly and do not got mixed with the salivary
Salads are also to bo avoided.
PILES ! I'lijKS ! I'lLKS !
A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching nnd
Ulcorntod Piles has been di-covorod by Dr.
Williams ( tin Indian Kcmcdy , ) called Dr.
William's Indian 1'ilo Ointment. A single
box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or
30 years Htnndliig. No ono need sulTer flvo
minutes after applying * this wonderful sooth
ing medicine. hutlons , instruments nnd elec
tuaries do moro harm than good , AVilllom's
Indian I'llo Ointment nbiorbs the turners , al
lays the intense itching , ( particularly at night
after getting warm In bad , ) acts us n poultice ,
gives instant relief , nnd is prepared only for
i'ilos , itching of thu private parts , and for
nothlno olso.
lload what the Hon. J. M , Cotlinborry , of
Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indian
I'llo Oolntment : "I have used scoroa of Tile
Cures , and it affords mo pleasure to say that I
have never found anything which gave such
immediate nnd permanent relief as Dr. Wil
liam's Indian Ointment. i"or sale by all drug
gists and mailed on receipt of price , GOc and
yi. Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co.
Wholesale Agent.
Camels ,
The British military authorities , hay
ing decided to employ n camel corps in
Egypt , has issued an order instructing
the soldiers to treat the camels "witn
kindness and consideration,1' and strictly
forbidding the use of "foul language" in
the hearing of thosp interesting animals.
The camel is said by those who are
well acquainted with him to bo about
one-third more exasperating than the
army mulo. Like the latter boast , ho
kicks , but , his logs being strengthened
by natural anglo irons nnd being twice
as long as the rnulo'a logo , ho can do cor
respondingly greater execution with
them. No intelligent Arab will approach
within eight foot of n camel's
hind logs , and oven with
this precaution nearly one-half
of an average Arab caravan
Is kept in the air by accidents from cam-
ol's logs. As for biting , the army mule
is a more beginner in comparisonwith the
camel , who will bite entirely through a
mountain howitzer without an effort.
The mule has his intervals of good tem
per , but the camel is always misanthro
pic. Moreover , the camel is rendered
so conceited by the possession of half a
dozen spare stomachs with watertight
bulkheads , that ho will never sacrifice his
opinion to that of his driver. And this
is the animal that is to bp treated with
"kindness and consideration , " and who
is never to bo whipped or sworn at.
If thisordor is obeyed the fata of the
camel corps can bo foreseen. Heedless
of the coaxing of the driver the camels
will carry the British soldiers who nro
compelled to mount thorn straight into
the heart of the Sahara , whorp the sol
diers will cither perish of thirst or of
camel's heels. In vain will they bo ad-
drosaod " camels" and oll'orod
as "good su
gar nnd other aolicacics. The beasts
will bo filled with contempt for the weak
ness of their drivers , and will lose no
time in demonstrating that a healthy
camel is the master of the man who treats
him with kindness nnd consideration.
What Lord Wolsoloy ought to do is to
send to America for a corps of votonvn
army teamsters , selecting only thoao who
can pass a good examination in competi
tive swearing. These inon will bo able
to manage llio camels as IT o'l as the Cana
dian voyageurs nro able to manage the
ripida of the Nilo. At any rate thu order
requiring camels to bo treated with kind
ness ami consideration should bo prompt-
ly'rcscindcd , for.kindnoss is as completely
thrown away upon the camel as reasoning
Is thrown away upon the Blalno man.
* * * # The worst pile tumors
cured in ten days , rupture in ono month.
Pamplot two ( Sotitamps. ) World's Dis
pensary Medical Association , Bull'tilo , N.
Not Half no Side.
OhicnpoHerail. ; !
"Did you over notice that when a bank
breaks in the east the oilicors of the in
stitution got sick immediately ? " inquired
a traveling man at the Grand Pacific last
The crowd said that they had observed
that that was the proper caper.
"Well , ho continued , " 1 saw that triad
out in Colorado last weak , A man who
had boon running a little bank out in
Gunnison closed up and when the depos
itors went to his house they saw a note
on the front door tolling people not to
ring because the man was sick. They
rang the boll just the same , nnd when
the girl came to the door she said indig
nantly :
' "Did't you BOO that notice an the
door ? "
' "Oh , yes , marm1 , wo BOO the notice , ' "
thoy'aaid , ' "but the fact is ho ain't half no
eiok ns wo is , and wo know he's got suthin
that'll make us well. If ho hasn't , we've
got something that'll ' make him fool bet
ter. We'll pass right up to the siuk
" '
"They wont , too , you bt your lifo ,
and when they got up stairs they effected
a eottlomnnt right away. The next day
the patient was well enough to move ,
and ho never will return to that town. " '
The Grand Army post at Oakdala held a
camp-lira aim barbccuo ou the Kith , uud a
largo crowd of citiiciis participated ,
A Stnllfltlolnn Gives SOIMO
the Subject.
Philadelphia IJrcord.
Ho was n seedy-looking man , ccci
from the toes of his unpolished boots
the top of his shabby old beaver , at
oven his hair , which came down on li
coat collar behind , looked as if it hi
run to seed also. Ho was in the now
paper room of the Mercantile library ar
was reading a file of The Denver Tri
nno. When ho had finished ho pullt
out a notebook and jolted somothit
down. "Do you take any interest in st
tistics ? " ho asked , turning to a man i
'ho next chair.
"Not much. Why ? "
"Well , 1'mldovotod to 'em , especial !
to female statistics ; that is , of course , I
statistics concerning the gentler sex , nn
I've boon a week looking up some figure
on this elopement epidemic that seems t
'mvo taken the country by storm , Woul
foil lifeo xo eoo some of "cm ? "
"Yos. "
" 1 started with the first of September
, nd since thou the papers have had ac
lounts of . ' 111 runaway couples , 201 o
ho women being under 20 years of age
nd of that lot 238 wore blondes , so yoi
oo that light-haired girls nro most ro
nantic ; my figures Bay so and figure
lover lie. Of the other 60 who skippo (
} ff Ull wore under 25 years of ngo , four
con between 25 and 30 , and the remain
: ig 7 ranged from 31 to 40 , the last boinj
an old hen who eloped with a young mat
who turned out to bo feeble minded
One old girl started and changed hoi
mind and wont homo again for fear thi
papers would print her ngo. Only nine
teen did the thing in real out nnd ou
style , ladder , midnight , moonlight anc
carriage waiting at the garden cato busi
ness , and the rest just wont off to th <
parson's ns if they'd boon going to thi
butcher's or the grocer's , or skipped olTbj
train after tolling aomo lib or other aboul
going to pay a viait to their aunt or thai )
cousins or n friend ; 121 of the lot came
back with their husbands , and were for
given ; sixty-two stern parents have
played the hard hearted Morosini racket ,
and there nro no returns so far from the
rest of the list. Boston acorns to have
had the foyer wor < o than anywhere else ,
uud there have boo seventy odd lot's BO (
hero it is , seventy-three cases from thai
place ; but girl's do almost anything to gel
away from there ; then comes Chicago ,
' 1
then .
"How many of the women ran off will :
coachmen ? "
"Uhl I'm not sure ; about 275 or 280 ,
I think ; but that's not in my line ; female
statistics exclusively is my hobby , ant
the coachmen don't come in under the
rules. "
And , pocketing hie precious noto-booli
the Bocdy statistician went away.
Tbo I'ronuhcr Cuii't Preach
Unless ho has good digestion and hit
blood is in prime condition. Sleepy ser
mons , weary congregations , and broker
down churches result from the best efforts
forts of dyspoptio and debilitated clergy <
men. There is no better tonic nnd healtl
restorer for the minister or anyone else
who Is broken down , than Brown's Iror
Bitters. It is within the reach of the
50,000 clergymen of this country. The
Rev. T. Marshall West , Endicott'a Mills
Md , , speaks with pleasure of how thii
valuable medicine cured his debility anc
Mrs , Carey's llovongo ,
"Miss Wonder , " said a familiar voice
She looked up quickly and saw him
standing before her.
"Goorgy , " ho almost whispered , "is li
true that you intend to marry ? "
"Yes , Gabriel , " she replied , "if "
"If what1' ho asked eagerly.
"If you will have mo , " she answered ,
coyly , and the evening bolls , which hac
just then pealed a merry chime , seemed
to have a sort of engagement ring.
A twelve-month later , as they were
sitting by their fireside in Coupon cot'
tago , Goorgy suddenly said to her hus
band :
"Do you remember Mrs. Caroy'e
throat to bo revenged upon you ,
"Yes" ho said expectantly.
"She has done it. " Mrs. Coupon re
plied. "This morning in town she mar
ried mv father. She is now your mother
in-law. "
Michigan , offer to send their celebrated ELKO
PLIANCKS on trial fur thirty days , to mon
( young or old ) nfllictod with norvoua debilily.
loss of vitality nnd manhood , and ull kindred
troubles. Also for rheumatism , nburaigin ,
paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete
restoration to health , vigor mid manhood
guaranteed. No risk incurred , as thirty days'
i rial is allowed. Write thorn at once for illus
trated pamphlet , free.
A ItPoaiiitoltorlnx Hxpctlltlon.
Georgia Cracker ,
A young nccro man looked in at the
window of the Atlanta police station and
anxiously inquired :
"Captin1 , w you alls got Bill Davis in
do callybooso yii'i'
"Yes , do you want to see him ? "
"No , Hah ! I doss wanted tor kno1
whuddor I coed go down tor his house
tor-night. "
"Woll , you can ask him "
"I don't wantor us 'imj I doss wanted
tor kno' of ho TTUhyar , an * gwintorstay
in ! "
"What do you mean ? "
"Well , boss ; I'so co'tin Bill's gal , an'
an' ycr see , I'so do berry same nigger
what ho busted down or panel ob fouco
wid las' Chusdny night 1"
Bo was assured that Bill was aafo for
the night.
Titles in tlio South ,
"What colonel is that ? " asked a atrang-
or of a southern barkeeper.
"You mean that chap who just wont
out ? "
"Yes , the tall , handsome man. I sup
pose of courao ho is n colonel ? "
"That ahows how little you know about
the glorious south , " returned the bar-
keeper. Anybody might sen ho is not a
colonel. IIo is only a major. Didn't
you BOO him drink ? '
"Yes. "
"Well ho only took three fingers. A
colonel takes four. "
A , AVay to Oct Out.
Chicago Nuwu ,
"So you want to bo my coachman ? "
"Yos , sir. "
"Aro you a married man ? "
"Well , y-y-ycs , Bir. But , then , that's
all right. I can got a divorce. "
A Hurt county farmer in writing to his lo
cal paper retrardiuF ho ? cholera , cays that aa
the illieogu U bruught about mostly by reason
of dirty pens and a corn diet , a change in the
light direction will , by removing thu came ,
produce the cure. First , change the hogs to
liiKU , fresh grotiudu , and then feed wholly on
out * . An BOOH ua thu hogs Hop djlnc gh o a
little corn , but continuo the outs. G to ashes
and salt. Tea hogs will not only get well , but
fatten much faster thau uu a coin diet ,
TrM medicine , combining Iron with pure
Vocctahlo tonlo , nutrkly nnd completely
I nrrq I.T i > i'i"l"i IiidlRritliinYiilnir s ,
IiiipiirnillnndHlnliirlaClilllNitnil ] < 'c\crfi ,
nnil Noiirnlclu.
Hlsnn unlnlllnc remedy for Difcftjcsoftho
lUilnrjH mill l.lvri4.
It Is Invnlunblo for Iltcn ) ei peculiar to
U'oinon , nnd nil who lead tcilcnttiry lives ,
It does not Injure the teeth , cnu < o hcntlnchc.or
pioduco constlpntlon otlirr Iron mcdtcinr tto.
ItenrlchcsniKl ] > urlflus thoMnodgCtltnulatc.t
thonppetltc.nlds the ns linllntlonof
llcrcs Heartburn nnil llclchlng , nud strengthens -
ens the muscles nnd nerves.
For Intermittent Kcvcrs , Ijissltudc , IJICK ol
Energy. Ac. , it no cqnnl. v
Sir The pcnulno hns nbovo trndo rnnrk nrld
crostcil red lines on w rnppcr. Tnko no other.
tUJemilrhr lni\l.VlIIEalClMO ( ) IIAl.TIJinllF , KS.
id Undisputed lame BROAD CIM . < elDgtHs
Ever offered to tlic i > ulllc.
32 ? .o2lE.o-t C7o3aa.3pn.a3Ly.
The eteamahlpa of this well-known line are built o !
on , In water-tight compartments , and are furnish-
d with every requisite to make tbo iiamgo both
afo and agreeable. They carry the United States
nd European mails , and Icivo Now York Thurs-
lays und Saturdays for 1'lymouth ( LONDON ) Cher-
urg , ( PARIS ) and HAMI1U11O.
Kates : Stocrsgo from Kuropo only { 13. First
! abln , $ S , $65 and ? 76. StocrttKU , ! Til' .
HenryPundt , Mark Hanson , F .B. Toft ,
> gont3ln Omaha , Qronowc & Schocntgcn , agents In
Jouucll Bluds. 0. li : 1U01IAHD & CO. , Goo. Paaa
. , 61 Uroodway , N. Y. Cbas. Kozmlnakl & Co-
icncral Western Aganta , 170 Waahlngtou St. , Chloa
Chartered by theStatcoflli ; .
ft , te''VVno's ' ' forthecxpresspurposc
fi wire ? ° f Eivingimmcdlatc rehelin
" ' -
' " ontrrticr > ,
complicated forms , also all
discuses of the Skin nnd
Ulood promptly relieved and
pcrrnnncntlycured by rerne-
dicn.tcstcdin ai'orJyrcnra
. . _ . , „ _ bpccitilJ'racticc. Seminal
Vcnkness. NiRJU LOSSL. by Dreams , Pimples on
he Face. Lost Manhood , | josirfi'cfiimi Ter6
nocjcprriiitcsiiliui. Th : appropriate ru.r.cdy
ot once used In each Consultations , per'
onal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines aent bv Mall and Express. No marks on
acnaEe to indicate contents or sender. Address
ftJAMESMo.204WashnglonSl.Chcagoll ! ? ! .
P r Men. Quick , tore , uf . Book frw.
CI--JaAncrliVFLHouSLN wYork.
An Interesting trcati o on Wood nndSkln Dlpcasa
ill bainiillcd free to miyono ho nlll tend tlielr nd
rcsa to tliohuift Sncciilc Cc. . JJriU"r3. : Atlanta , Gt
Could not buv from mo what SHIft'd SpociHo has
done for mo. It cured mo ol Scrofula In Its worst
'orra ' , attor I had suit od with It fifteen 'ona ; yearj ,
and ha'l tried all tbo remedies , only to br'ak down
my health and makn mo almost helpless.
JIitH Ei.i/uifrrn DAKKII ,
Acworth , Ua. , July 15 , JSS4.
Some dent > cara ago I Lccamo the \lctlm of a fear
ful Blood 1'olnon , communicated liy a niirto to iny
Infant , and tbcn'o throueh the broajt acd suflercd
for blx long years The Morcurr and Potash treat
ment eccnicd to drlto the rol on further into my
system only to break out In woreo firm on other
portions of my bodv. Ilireo months nifo I begun
taklne ijwlft'a Specific , and It has cured me sound
and well. It Is the greatest Mc sinpr winch has conic
tomanUcdlnjcau Jinx. T. W Lift ,
drcornlllo , Ala , Sept. 4,18SJ.
Phcznlx AuantncaOv.ol ta , O wu
Aoeets : , eKMt.
WeKchs torN. T. , Capital ,030,090.
i < nkferlianti.of ) Kowtik. K.J. , Oupllil l.srs.OOO.
liardFlio.Phlladelrhla , clttl. . . . . . 1,200 , CW
femen'llund OiC'Vl 1.389.31 *
Bojial nltJ.8 Mall Stoamon
, Germany , Italy , Holland and Frantt
Btoerage Outwardt20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , tig ;
Excursion , 839 , Including bedding , oto,2d Cabin , ? 50 ;
Hound Trip , 990.00 ; Excursion , K1CO ; Salooa from tec
to (90 ; Excursion 110 to 0100 ,
( JTPotor Wright fe Sons , Qon Agents. CS Broad.
ay N. Y.
Caldwoll. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. E , KIo
oui k Co. , 203 N. 10th Btroet , Cinaba ; D. K. Klic
11 , Omaha A xutd. od-ly
Health is Wealth !
guaranteed epcclQo for Hysteria , I ) tzinoss , Convul-
iloni , r'lta , Iicnous Neuralgia. Headache , Ncrvoui
Proatratlon cau > cd by the use of alcohol or tobbacco ,
Wakefulnws , Ucutal dcprcvslnu. Soltenlne of the
brain , resulting In Insanity and loaplng to misery ,
decay nnd death , Premature Old age , Haronosj , lo
ofpOMcrlti either sex , Involuntary LOBSOB and Bpor-
aiatoihoracaused by over oxertlontcf the brain , self-
abusaoro > er Indulgence , r ch box. contains one
month's treatment. Jl.Waboi.or eit bottles for
J5.00.ecnt by mall prepaid on roovlpt ol prlco.
To cure snv case. With each order received by ns
for Blx bottles , accompliihtd with ? 5.00 , no will send
the purchi er our written guarantee to refund tbo
nicnuy It the trcatmeuidots not effect a cure. Ouai.
anteosIssued only by JOHN C : WEST & CO. ,
Jy SS-mio-ry M2 MadUon St. , Chicago , HI.
Residence No. 1107 Jonet St. Ofllco , No. 1B03 Fat
m , 8 Offloa hour * U m. to 1 p. m. and rom 2 to
ralopiouofor jrico'JJ , rojltleaa ) , 125
The roraarkablo growth of Omaha
during the last few yoara is a matter of
great aatonishmont to these who pay an
occasional viait to this growing city. The
development of the Stock Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line lload the
finely paved streets the hundreds of now
residences and costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city moro than
doubled in the last five years. All thin
is a great surprise to visitors and is the
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial improvements made a ,
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every Investor has made a handsome
Slnoo the Wall Street panio last May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there has boon loss demand from specula
tors , but n fair demand from investors
Booking homos. This latter class are
taking advantage of low prices hi building -
ing material and nra securing their homos
at much ICES cost than will bo possible n
year honco. Speculators , too , can buy
real estate cheaper now and ought ta take
advantage of present prices for future
The next few years promises greater
developments in Omaha than the past
five years , which have been us good as
wo could reasonably desire. Wow man
ufacturing establishments and largo j ebbing
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many in Omaha and through
out the State , who have their money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of n-
terest , which , if judiciously Invested in
Omaha real estate , would bring thorn
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits in the
near future.
"We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North -we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue , 17th ,
18th , lth ! ) and 20th streets.
West on Farnam. Davenport ,
Cumin ; ? , and all the leading streets
in that direction. r- * . , - -
The grading of Fnrnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in value.
Wo also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price in a short time.
Wo also have some fine business
lots and some elegant inside resi
dence ? for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
ionic good bariums by calling on u
313 South 14th St
Farnlmm and Douglas.
l'"S. iA We ask those \vlio liavo
iroirerty for sale at a bargain to give
IH a callWp want only bargains.
Ve will positively not handle prop-
irty at more than its real value .