Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1884, Image 1

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Blaiob's ' flampaiEn Tour Throng tlio
Tcwns cf Michigan ,
ibntinued Ovations and Enthusi-
astio Greetings
His Eloquent and Stirring Speech
at Flint ,
Ho Impeaches the Traducers of
His Fame ,
By the Simple Logio of an Ap
peal to Facts ,
Ho Crushes Tliolr TCnylous and Mail
cious Llliols Tlio Gallant Fro-
montAVlth Htm.
KAST SAHIKAW , Mich , October 17. Blaine
loft Saglnaw nt 10 o'clock this morning for
Bay Cityj Ho nnd Gen. Fremont were
corted through the city to n btnnd in the park
utouml which were 10,000 people. Blainowas
introduced , spoke briefly and introduced Gon.
Fremont. Both were enthu iastically ro
DETIIOIT , October 10. The bast arranged
reception given to Blaine so far on his trip
through Michigan wns at Flint , Dispensing
with carriages and the parophenalia of a pro
cession , the local committee had erected a
stand on a flat car to which Blainq stepped
from the train. Around the stand was an
enthusiastic meeting of Eovorul thousand pee
ple. Blaine spoke hero at greater length than
usual , "After calling attention to protective
tatiil the great issue of the campaign , and
expressing his belief that Michigan , a state so
much interested ia protection would follow the
load of Ohio , he untd : "I have received sinca
I have bean ia this state , two or three letters
from persons asking mo to state whether or
I had ever been a member of the "know-noth
ing" party. In connection with these innui
ries from poreous in Miehlgnn , I have re
ceived some telegrams from tha Pacific coast
asking whether I was not a supporter of Fillmore -
moro , when ho ran m ' 5(5 ( as the uatlvo Ameri
can candidate for the presidency. Lut
mo say In full and explicit reply
to these inquiries by letter and telegraph that
I never was a member of the "Know-Noth
ing" order , that I never voted for a man who
was nominated by it , either for n state for
a national office , and that instead of support
iug Fillmoio iu 'oO when I waa n young man
ofti , I hid the honor to bo .1 momb r of the
national republican convention which nomi
nated General Fremont ( cheers ) and as the
general is now on this platform ho will be able
to bear toitinvmy that however inefficiuit my
support may hive been , it wa < < very earnest
and very ardent , [ Renewed cheering. ] I
wai then the junior editor of the Kenuebec
Journal , anil the paper was entirely devoted
to General Fruinout's advocacy , aud aided in
giving bun the largest majority over cast in
Miine for a presidential candidate of any
Karty. [ Cheers. ] The "knownothmg" order
jlds viovys in regard to Immigration aud
naturalization with which I never had any
sympathy and from which I never hesitated
to express dissent ; but in connection with
that subject , lot ma ray that there nro ut proa
ent three wrongs which , in my judgement require -
quire correction. First , I think that the habit
which has grown upon thu part of souia Kuro-
pom couutnoj of semiing their paupers to the
United States ought not to be longer tolerat
ed. ( Good , g..od ! and cheers. ) 1 believe in
tha good old American Byntom which requires
that each town or each county shall take earn
of its own pojr. ( That's it. that's it ! and
cheers. ) If in Kuropaau countries their laws
tend to impoverish tlie working people those
countries ought to take card of them when re-
duued ti want , instead of shipping
them to us. ( Great cheering j
2dnnd still moro objectionable isthupruu-
tica of shipping their criminals to us ns hai
been done in many cases. Criminals beiug released
leased from pumsh'ii nt on condition that they
shall come to tlu United States. I think that
it is u very grave otfjnco this country
which should n t ba permitted. [ Chaors. ]
Third , if n tariff for protection is designed tu
oluvate the laboring man of this country and
hocuro him go d wages and if it is not fur that
it is nut for unything , then I think
thu custom which some men are
trying to iutrodnca of importing- cheap
contract labor from torcign countries to compete -
pete with home labor ought to bo prohibited
[ Renewed cheers. ] It is n swedes of servitude
against the spirit of our laws and injures all
who are iu any way connected with it. There
are tlireo evils that I think ought'to bu
lomedicd but , as to the honest immigrant
seeking to butter his ( audition , whtthor ha
.eamo troin the II-Huh Isles , or from thu great
German empire , from tha sunny climes ut tha
Latin nation * , or from tha bravo Scandinavian
races of thu north , wo tid him God-speed
nud give him n liojity wulcomo
.aud hospitality nnd when ho is
admitted to citenship w nssura him protection
.at home nnd abroad. [ Prolonged uh cr ng ]
Once among us an < l of m , liis rights nro equal
boford til Jaw with tiinsu of tha native burn
citizen. No dis iuciion can bo tolerated
amonsr these who are clothed with the honor of
American citizeiibhip. [ Itenowod cheering ]
At the conclusion of his remark * Blaine Intro
duced General Ficmout ns tha gallant soldier
who had Jed the republican any In Its fiist
preat political conllitt , which , though ending
in n nomlnnl defeat , was really tha ptepratiun
for its splendid triumph four years later.
I til'KECII.
The.appoaronco of tlio general wan the sg. !
nal for enthusiast ! i cheers. Ha rcturuud
thanka in n brief epnech , in the coursa of
which ho said : ' 'Mr. Jilaiuo has referred tu
the foot that ho was a member of the conven
tion that nominated in 185J. The Joval and
cordial sunport which I inn now giving Mr. m
Blnlnn is the heat tuttlmony I can bear to
what lie has ubiut his earnest mpport of me
whfii 1 Lad.tno honor to bo at thu head of the
republican party iu the first great national
.campaign. " [ llvnewod cheers. ]
At Port Hurnn ( hero was a fine reception.
Kov , A , Hastings Jtom it-ad the address of
welcome tu which /Jlnlno / responded brielly ,
General 1'Veuiout wus then introduced uud
Hiacia a Cow remarks.
It as half p'uit eevec when the train ar
rived ti Detroit. Blaiso iu company with
.Senator .Ua'.e was driven to Mrj. C'tunalers
whcro hs will spend Uio night. To-morrow ho
will RO on through Michigan reaching South
Bond , Indiana , in the ovoniin ; , _ .
MansGold ( O. ) Special to the Chicago Tribune.
A newspaper man had the following inter
view with Senator John Sherman at hlfl rosl-
denco this evening regarding ths result of
Tucsdaj's olpctiunt
"What tiled , if nny , will the Republican
\ictnryin Ohio have on the November elec
tion ? "
"I think tbat the result of Tucsilay U do-
ciflvoon the pr sidonllal election en far as
Ohio ii con-rrncd. 1 have no doubt nhatovor
that Ohio will more than double the majority ,
whether n coot et is made by the dcmocr.vti
or not. The influence ot the Ohio oloctin j
upon other states is n matter of opinion merely -
ly , I think a woll-coutestnd strupglo such as
wo had in Ohio is a fair indication of popular
opinion in other states. A great many p ople
will takn the ro ult hero as indicating thoic-
sultlntho diiubtlnl sites of Indiana , Now
York , Nu\v Jerser , and Connecticut , and will
vote nccordingly. "
"What do you think of the charga that the
republicans used United Statca .uJnrshala to
further the ends of the , inrty ? "
" 1 think the lepubllcan party was entirely
justiflcd in appealing to the act of congress vo
protect the ballot-bov against what it appears
to inn was organized ruffianism in Cin
cinnati. It may bo that the Deputy
Marshals ; suddenly clothed with power , may
have abused it in individual instance , but the
same thing was done y Shcrjtl > , Dep
uties , and the regular police in Cincinnati. All
forms of lawless violence in elections should
to frowned upon without regard to party feel
ing , but when extraordinary steps are taken
on the one side it is apt to invite similar ef
forts on the other nlda. Both parties should
setk to puniah violations of law or abuse of
power , either by marshals or sheriffs , or their
deputies. "
Alarrled a JOWC-SH.
. CINCINNATI , October 1C. Thomas Vickcrs ,
the late llsctor of the Cincinnati Univeroity ,
was married to-night at the Grand hotel to
Misj Leonora Oppcnhcimer. The groom
came to Cincinnati fifteen yeara ago , and
became the pastor of one of the Unitarian
churches. The church running down , it )
pastor resigned and went into politics.
Ho Boon tecurcd nn election aa librarian
of the public library. Hit ) bride of
to-night wns at that time an assistant in the
library. When Mr. Vickers loft the library
and bcpimo rector of tlio univoreity she wont.
with him in the capacity of eecrotay A
movement was subsequently initiated against
Victors in the university board of ouch
strength that ha last Juno resigned the Hoc-
turshtp. Ho then became a candidate for ro-
olectioa B librarian of the public library , but
ho was defeated. Disappearing , it was not
known what had become of him until y ster-
day , when ho returned and explained that he
had been editing n paper in Aurora * county ,
Dakota. Miss Opponheimer ia about 28 Her
parents nro bitterly opposed to thn match , and
say they will never recognize Arickera as one
of the family.
An Army D
WASHIKOTOM , Oct. 1C. The president to
day signed nn order di-mleslnrr from the ser
vice Ciipt. Geo. T. Olmstoad , jr. , who was
tried and convicted by court martial on
charges of embezzlement while on special
duty in charge of military telegraph
Tripartite Harmony.
1'raTil , October 17. I'rincs Tossea , in a
speech yesterday before the Hungarian chain1
berof deputies , said no written treaty was
concluded between the tliree emperors at Skier
nlwice. That conference was a guarantee of
friendly relation.
The African Conference.
LONDON , October 17. The Times says Eiv
gland has signified to Germany her acceptance
of the principle on whiih the African confer
unce is to take place , Hit has not formally so
copted the invitation to be present.
Galling ior Unpaid
PIIILABKU-IIIA , 1'a. , October 17. The
counsel for the Schuylkill Navigation Com
pany petitioned the United States court for
an order on the i'hiladelphia and Reading ] { .
It. to pay § 210,000 representing the unpaid
BOSTON , October 17. The police who went
to Wellesley to rescue Uacy , the c ntractor ,
from the Italians , found him in a barn , a r
rested seventy-five Italians , and released
Dacy. All but nineteen wpro afterwards let go.
to bo tried to-day. They say Uacy has not paid
them for -10 days.
Brands rtilvrrllwal nanhHoluioIy pure
riaco a can top tlon n on a Iiotrtovn until hentcd.tneft
viiiovu tu ! > cuvt'r uiul find I. A flicniM will uot bo re-
ruU tu dclc'cl tliu jirvscaoa of ummunlo.
jitiLTurti.5i.s3 HAS NEVER ii'LX qu.tiiiu.\cp.
InninllUonliompn for a nimHer of . century It lm <
ttoui the cououmeis' rollaLIu tt > t ,
_ _
iuitit-1 or "
Dr , Price's Special Flavoring Extracts ,
71o troiiKM ( nMt drlletom and natura IRit r twftw aod
Dr. Price's Lupiilin Yeast Gems
I'or Llfht , Healthy IirrnJ , Tlie Ileit Dry Hup
Yout In tli World. a
LA CHOSSK , Wis , October ITT Businoji is
practically suspended hero to-day. L t
night's tragedy was the all absorbing topic.
It appears that Mitcriclt Intended , If possible ,
to kill nt le st two moro citizens , ono of whom
WAS Charlts A. McDonald , It was only n
question whom ho mot first. Ho wa equip-
pad with two nolf-cocklntr Smith and Wc on
rev olvcrs , and pulled thorn ns fast ns tha tick
ing of a watch. lOt-chi f police Hutch Is out
nf thn city , but evidence now points toward
Mitchell at tha man who attempted his
nssasslnntlnn several vvoaks ngu and only loft
him when ho mppoiod htm dond. An iuquo t
has been or erod nnd It is posMblothat n num
ber of witnesses will bo examined. There Is
no disposition to pro ccuto uuyoiiu. The gen
eral verdict being that it was n righteous
LA CIIOSSK , October 17. The coroner's jury
oxnminod twelve witnesses iu the Mitchell in
quest , among whom wcro the sheriff , polico-
mcn , eye witncssoi of the murder nnd lynch
ing. No one recognized any of the multitude
who did the Ivnchlng. Tiio verdict Is sub-
stnutinlty that the dccuucd'tvns the man who
murdered Mr. Burton , and that Iu cnino to
IiU death by hanging nt tholmnds of parties to
tha jury uukuoivu.
titonmor on VIro
QUKKNSTOW.V , October 17. Instead of go
ing to Liverpool , the Nevada entered this
harbor. The cargo has been on fire since
Wednesday at 1 ! p , m. . The Nevada's pats-
cngers are safe. Kvery ctlurt Is being nuilo
to cxtinguitb the llamos.
QUKKNSTOWN , October 10. No pussongcrs
hnvo jet landed.from the Nevada. The cap
tain doniea thaftho fire is at 11 burning. Shu
expected to leave this afternoon for Liverpool.
DOXOOL.V , October 17. A message from
Wady Gert a reports thnt thu Btcamor which
rnu aground had n quantity of money on
board belonging to Green , contul for tbs
Europeans and natives with the booty tiken
from tha rebels and nlso the heads of rebels
killed nt Khartoum. No whites among the
prisoners. _ _ _ _ _
A Ranchman MurdnroiJ.
DuxVEn , Col. , October II ! . Yesterday I
morning Matt. B , Perkinsnn , a sheep-herder ,
rode up to the houio of his former employer ,
Derby P. Payne , n small sheep-owner living
three miles from Doer Trail , n water-station
on the Kansas Pacific road forty miles from
Denver , and after refusing Payneis invitation
to breakfait , called him outside nnd demanded
tlie payment of 830 , a balauco duo for work.
L'ayno replied that ho had no money then ,
but hoped to havn some iu n few days when
he would fettlo. Pcrkinson upon this drew a
revolver and fired tlireo shuts , the first of
which passed through Payne's body killing him
instantly. Parkinson gava himself into tha
custody of an officer at Deer Trail. After
waiving examination hi was taken tu Denver
and lodged in jail. Ho claims that I'oynu
made a motion as if to draw n pistol nnd ho
shot in i-elf-dofenso , Payne was a highly re
spected citizen.
A Ijlncoln Embezzler. ]
LINCOLN , Neb. , October 17. .T. Kobeit
Williams , ot David City , has been missing
since Friday of lust week , when ho took the
train for the cjst. It is just discovered that
ho has absconded taking with him $ 27,00(1 ( in
money borrowed from confidential friends in
chin cli , Sunday-school , temperance and polit
ical circles , in all of which ho was prominent.
Ho was lUperintondont of the Sunday-school ,
caudinato for elector on the St. John ticket
and -ran for district jiidga last fall , -Ho is
supposed to ba in Canada.
Murdered In ft Ijiinoly Giiloli.
JjKAnvn.LK , Col. , October 10. Sam Bald
win a teainutar for thu Daisy mine , was found
inn dered in a lonely gulch near hero Ilia
belt , containing $1,100 , in gone. A rude mt k
was discovered near the body. Ho has iv wife
and several children in Galueburg , 111. James
G Gilleppie nnd a man named Munich were
arrcf ted for tha crime. Lynching is probable.
Chicago Tribune Local ,
There was a howl of anguish yesterday at
the democratic county headquarters over the
preparations making by thu r publicans to get
a frco ballot and an honest count at the com
ing election. Most of "tho boys" who went
to Cincinnati with "Bill1' Gallagher and hia
a-sociateu were back , and their souls weiu
filled with indignation at the insults heaped
upon thfin by United States marshals ,
who not only kept them from
voting , hut promptly arrested
nny of them who wore foolhardy onoiifih to at
tempt it. Th > y brought woid that the boys
at home must see to it that enough of Carter
Harrison's special police were swurnin tokcup
the dtputy mai-tlmls from interfering with the
rights of the repeaters , The su gcution that
the deputy marshalx would bo in mum
of the wards where the demoiratic roughs
have threatened to keep decent voters lioin
the polls caused a wuil of indignation from the
returned Cincinnati pilgrims According to
thtir story , when a special pohcemsii or a
crowd of rcppateru inteiferod with the mar-
Khali ) they made no bones of lining their shout
ing irons.
The boys who got back wf > ro also intensely
diegustea witli the colored voteru of Cincin
nati , who , in spilt ) df everything , intiiited on
voting tke republican ticket Their scull-
incnbi v ore shared by the danger * on at county
headquarters , who vowed that not u coloiod
vota should bo cant In Chicago outside the
Second Wnrd , several declaring that they
wcieaching for a chuiico "to kill a coon. "
Van Pelt comforted the crowd by assutiiu to
them that none of tli "d d Cincinnati
rnnnkoy business" would bn tolerated in Chicago
cage , and that Car'er Harrioun would sea
whether the United .States was bigger than c
the city of Chicago elcc.ion-day.
Nevertheless the reports from Cincinnati
cast a gloom over tha blackleg element , which
has been relied nn to dw a great pa it In keep
ing respectable people away from the polls.
This WUH particularly the casu in the Vinerty
district , wlieru it was intended to mass all the
tough olementu , The 1'inerty people wore reported -
ported lit bo getting ready tu defend tlair
rights in a way election toughs despise , and
Joe Mackin wax mdlted with the leirmrk
that the maciiino would have to depend on
"fino work" intido the polling places for Hi
miccesd , Hero , too , tliero IB tumble , Sumo
of the judges have got a tared and cannot bo
depended upon to carry out the behests of tlio 277.
machine at a rink of n term iu the penitentiary
Otliern u > o e < > Ignorant that they cannot bo the
trusted with "ttin wink1 ' and it IK likely that
number of tha juducH of tlio Mjunnd congics- ov
eionui district will ho chaiiuud to make for men
whom tiio machine can rely , ' It
. . ,
| i Ohio's . ' Rcpntilican Majority in
sional Yolc Reaches 18,418 , ,
The Democracy's ' Suicidal Blind-
iiona to Defeat ,
Arrogantly Claiming tlio State.-
for November !
Oliioago Domooraoy'B ' Impu
dent Howl of Fraud ,
Iowa Groonbaokora Opposed tbo
Deinooratio Fusion ,
Gov. Clovolnml KoturiiH Homo Huril
ThrcntotiH Contest LoKnn to
Tour lowri Canvass Notctt.
Special dispatch to The Bet ? .
SltWKV , Nob. , October 17. A mouplor rati
fication was hold bora last night under the
auspices ot tha Blaine nnd Logan club. Tlie
principal speaker * were J. W. IHxler , I. I.
Nesbit nud Dr. Duckworth , of North Plntto ,
Tiicy were well received , their main subject
being the tarilT question :
BLOOMiNrttoN , Nob. . October 17. llepubll-
cans celebrated tbo Onto victory last night.
Ono hundred guna have boon fired and every
body la fooling happy.
A NUT IlEl'Utll.lOAN MA.I01UTT 01 18,418.
CotUMiiDH , 0. , October 17. The ollicial vote
was counted by the county clerks to-day.
Returns from sixty , nnd'somi-ollicial ' from tlio
other twonty-olght give Itobiuson for secro-
of state 11)21 : ) , and Flicking * for board of
public works 17,470 majority. Semi-official
returns do not report on other candidate ? , but
with sixty counties the plurality of Johnson
for supreme judge is o tlraatod bntweon fif
teen and sixteen thousand , Tiio total vote or
majorities by congressional districts cannot ba
given , but the vote by counties on congress
men shows 5iDU republican majorities and
40,123 democratic. The not republican ma
jority on the congressional vote is 13,118 ,
Special Telegram to THE BBS.
CHICAGO , October 17--Elliot K. 1'endleton ,
f Cincinnati , wh > Ia a brother of Senator
Pcndloton , said at the Palmer house this
morning in conversation with a reporter , that
tliero wcro causes qpr.ratinir in the recent elec
tion in Cincinnati which had not yet been re
ferred to. ' I ece , " said ho , "tine everybody
is damningtho Germans for voting the ropub.
Hean ticket. This cousnraia' entirely unmer
ited. The German vo&nst Ioiti to the
democrats , by nhy msani. Tu 'Novu'mbor they
will vote lor Cleveland. , They did not vote
the republican ticket this time because they
were diesiiti-fied with the democrats for their
failure to repeal thu Scott law , bccnueo they
did not ftol , as a great many others did. that
the election of Blaine would bo assured
by the October election going republican ,
and lantly because they am not , nn n claw , op
posed to republican state rulu. Thpir opposi
tion is directed toward Ulnine. Tlio rctm't '
will show that this is BO. In November the
Germans will vote the democratic ticket. Ono
other important reason ia tlio fact tlut the
independent republicans voted the republican
ticket Tuesday. Their objection to the re
publicans did not find in the October election
n form of expression it will in November. In
Hamilton county the republican majority , if
I remember , was something lika 2UOO : per
haps over. Well , tliero are nt lanst 2,000 in
dependents in Cincinnati. I should bo sur
prised if tliero were less. These independents
will vote ngninst BInino and will ninko the
dilforouca nt oucu > ,0i)0 , ) vqt s. "It is my opin
ion , " said Mr I'endioton , in conclusion , ' 'that
with fusion with tiio Butleritrs , the democrats
can car/y Ohio by a Email majority. "
A , BOUIIUOrl 11
Special to egram to TUB
C/IIOAOO , October 17. CommiHsioner Vnn
Pelt and bin committee oil town and ward or
ganization have disco vei od that on Tuesday
the republicans took advantage of tlio regis
tration to record the names of hundiodaof
fraudulent voters. Van 1'olt represents the
extent of this fraud uU nt registry as Incompre
hensible in tha view of tlio two democratic
judges who had charge of the hookn. In HOMIO
lower wards whcio the negroes rotido in abun
dance tliero wera twlca as many colored votera
registered OH tlio stlioul censin recently ta ten
reporto I to exist. In the 6th product of tlio
fiiHt ward u deputy Uniti'fl Htatai nrarslml is
alleged to have taken the ruxlitratlun book
before half tlio drinocratH had r gistercd ,
Twenty colored voterH are ri'giutered for ono
house which Van Pelt found on examination
Iinva 'only four bodx in it. " The cummin-
sionor and hit cnmmltteu are receiving similar
roporlH dady , and propoio they say to Invcuti-
guto the mutter. A number of thu republican
unty commiitco raid that commissioner Van
PII'H ) | statements ni o bare-faced lies nnd wro
intended t attract attention from the frauds
that democrat tliennelvea had cjiiirnittcd at
rcglHtration , They hod two judgon and they
certainly had a better opji jitunlty ,
WHKKMKO , W. Va , , October 17. As far an
heard fiom , twenty-eight countius in this ntato
glvo ( lemociatiouuijoritlof of l'J,183. Twouly-
two counties give i epiiblican majoritlrs of ! ) ,
. The democratic majority is U.BflO , with
lour ccuntira f i hear fiom winch may Iticreasa
domocratio n.ojority 1,12(10. ( Thu dnmo
cratio plurality In IKSU WHH 10 130 an 1 3100
r the republicans juid grucnhackerM , Thin
veer the repnbll aim imd i/rcenbdckem fused , /
appear * , however , that thu democratic
greonbackrrs in mo < t counties wont back to
their party ami thn republican prennlmckcrs
did thn fame. The campaign wan virtually n
( cjaro l * un bntwcpn ropul liran and domo-
crntn , The total \otn will surpa any In the
_ _ _ _
UMOVKIji\Nt > lt < ) MK\VAUI > HOUND
I.KAVIS'd SKW011K. .
NK\V YOHK , Octnkrr 17. Oovtrnor Cloxo-
land left tlio I'iflh nvonui hotel to take tin
3:30 : p. in. train for Albany. Ho wis accom
panied by Mayor Hank * , of Albany , Adju-
tnnt-liencral l-anwvorth nnd '
- 1'iivato Secre
tary l.tmnnt. The governor anxious to
ki < pi the titiu ) of hln departure private , at lui
. diwfred to leave without any do.iioimtration.
Ho had not got half a block from the entrancn ,
howoMT , when ho wa rrcfgnlxnl , and from
that point ID the depot ho was repeatedly
AUIANV , October 17. Governor Clnvcland ,
accoiupanlml by private con-alary Iiauumt
Atnyor HanUsand some ulato oIllci'M arrhod
frnin Now York at 7:15. : Thn governor drove
to the \Gcutlvo mansion. Tha croud at the
ill-pot clieorod heartily a < the governor
walked to the carriage. The govnrnor up-
poitrod in uncoil nt health nud spirits. Ho
oxpitn od liimnolf very much imprujsod with
the magnitude of 'ho douuuutrations In Now
York and llrnoklyn , and the c.irtie.itnets ami
oonlidciut ) which pervaded the ranks of the
dcmuciacy ,
( . LRVELANn CASK ! ) .
Kev. Thomai Dovany and 1'rank T. Kcan
the commlttcu of the ( illman Catluilia liurch
called upaii Cleveland and presented him
with tha c.ino vol l at the church fatr. Thu
govcriior said It gavu him gn-at { iltiMuro to receive -
coivo BO lUttering an nsiurinca of the entcoui
of hii woitorn Ciithiilio friends and ho appre
ciated , especially the honor done him by
Father Dovaitv and Mr , Kvnn wnitlnp Hourly
two days at Albany to present in poison thu
gift voted ,
"runiKD KKiaiiT" AT CMIUAOO.
CHICAGO , Oct. 17. Arraiifjoments for the
visitation of Mr. Blaine In Uhicago October
S.'ith nro nt pretont taking up the attention of
the locnl republicans to n prent extent. Llttlo
else wnn talked about nt tlio meeting of the re
publican ' oKecullvu commlttao yesterday after-
noon. Ouo of tha members suggested that It
would not bo n bad idea for the commlttoo to
o to BlonmliiKton in a body aud meet Mr.
? llainn , ai he is going to stop th rj long enough
to mnko n speech probably from the platform
of liis car. Thu cither members thought thu
idon was n good out' , nnd ft v as Buttled thnt
the cummittuo shou d incut tha next president
at Bloomington nnd escort him to Chicngo.
Arrangements with thnt end in view will at
onca bn entered upon. Uesldos this specinl
escort , Mr. Blnino will bo accompanied to
Chicago by the marching club * wi.ich aru to
meet him nt Springfield October 21. All of
the republican organizations in this vicinity
are to turn out to receive Mr. Blaine , and
there is no doubt but that thn parade and
demonstration goncrnlly will bo the largest
over seen iu Chicago or the Northwest.
Frank Hurt ! Tlirontona Contest ,
TOLKDO , 0 , , October 17. Frank _ Html
makes tha following statement concerning the
congressional content in the Tenth district :
"L hnvo takun , stops to ascertain whether
the majority ngainst mo has been unfairly or
corruptly obtriiicil. If , as I have baon in-
forniod , it is thu cn'u , I shall learn that I have
boon defeated by the clmiiKiug of ballots , per
version of rctmns , pur hasa of votes niul iO'
poating , I slull immediately institilto pro
coodingn for n contest. _ If , however , the ma
jority proves to bo a fair expression nf the will
of tlio people , I would not take tha seat , if
proffered by the next congress. I do not ex
pact for Homo days to have the ncccssnry In
formation to determine my action. "
Iowa Grcon'.molcVrH bppmo Fiiblon
CBDAII IlAI'lPH , October 10. At a confer-
onca of tliu nntt-fiiiion greonbackois this after
noon nn a-iilros to thn graenbicki'ra of lotvn
was issued urging the erasure of the names of
all democrats from thu electoral , state , con-
gronaloiml nud county fusion ticket now in the
holdThu question of n full straight green
back tickut wns discussed , but owing to the
nearness of election was voted down. Fusion-
ibts tried to capture the conference but wcro
Callcln'H IIIM04D ,
J ( October 17. William Calk.
ins , the republican candidate for Governor , of
Indiana , has boon lying quito ill at Lafnyotto
for foven.1 days , but ro far has recovered that ,
accompanied by his wife , loft this iifternoon
for Chicago. They ppund to-nlglit thcru and
go to Lnporlo , thuir place of lesidcnce , to
morrow. _
Inian'H WcntornTonr.
CHICAGO , October 17. General L-gan will
leave this city Sunday night for Diibiiquo ,
whoru ho will begin his western siiunkinc cam
paign , covuiing tlio ntntos of Iowa. Illinois
aud Indiana , Ho will bo accompanied throiwh-
out tlio tour by Colonel 1'nt Ijonriu , of Da
kota , aud ono or two other speakers.
JTnndrlul. u Vlwli lo GlilrnRO ,
Gnu no , October JO. Hon. Tliomas A.
Hoi.dricltH . will spuak in this tity the lL'd ! Innt.
by in' itation nf the labor organizations and
locil iliiniocrntiiiuliilw. Ho will return to In.
dianaiolix | nnd l KpriiiKlield on thu 'J'Jlli.
t > T5gMCTg.7Wjupm.A'jgiRicBtttt itg&mimimaiuugca
Cnuics 1(3 ( victim ! ) to bo miserable , hopeless ,
confused , nnd depressed In mind , very irrita
ble , languid , and drowsy. It Is ; i dlseasu
which docs not get well of Hsolf. It rcmilruA
earcful , jiernlbtent attention , and a remedy to
throw oil the eansos nnd tone up the dlgCK-
tlvo organs till they perform their dutle.i
willingly. Ilooil'H H.-irsaparllla II.IH proven
just the rcrjulrcd remedy In liunUreds of c.isus.
" I have taken Hood's Barsaparllla for dys-
pepsin , from which 1 havu sulTcied two years ,
I tried many other medicines , hut none proved
MI satisfactory an Hood's tiars.ipurllln. "
TIIOMAH COOK , Jlrush Dlcctrlo Light Co. ,
New Yoik City.
Sick Headache
"I'or the past two years I have been
nnilcted with novcro Jieadachos and dygpcji-
blii. 1 was Induced to try llood'H Harsapa-
rlllii , nml have found grunt relief. I cheerfully -
fully reooiiiuienil It to nil. " MILS. K. 1' .
AWAIIU ; , New llavcn , Conn ,
Mrs. Mary C. Smith , Camlirldgcnort , Jtasn. ,
waa u hiilfercr from dyHjiepslanml sick liead-
achu. Hlio took llood'a H.'irsip.-irllla : and
found It the heat remedy bho over used.
Mood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all drunglstH. $1 ; six for $5. Mailo
/mlybyO. I. IJOOI ) & CO. , I.owrl ] , Mass.
IOO ° Dosos4Ono Dollar.
Special TolfgMin U ) TIIK HKB.
NKW YOHK , October 17. The open an
nouncement of war on paisongur rates bo-
twcrn hero and the wt , and the prompt ami
loterinlntd action of the \ Shore road In
breaking from the pool hai canted a bear cyclone -
clone nnd alinoot a pAiiio in the stock exchange
o-day , It was Announced yesterday that the
\Vnst Shorn had cut rates openly In 1 cent fcr
nile tin all point- ! , and dlspatshos for a montli
nut have stated that tliero would bu the
fiercest wnr of rates over inaligmntoit in this
country. The West Shore is only a flRtiro-
head In thu fight , and i put fortva-d to bear
tbo brunt bpcamo of Hi upocial In.portanco .
nn n nldo and direct livnl line to tlio New
York Coiitiul. .lay Gould , Frank Worth , S.
V. WliUi1 , O. L * . Jlnigaii and Nowcombo are
rocognlcd at thu big live of thn
bull patty , lint in the fncu of the railroad
\var tlipy Imvo boon perfectly impotent. Thorn
won a tu h to sill stocks from the > lma the
necoiul gong pounded thin niornlnp in the ox-
clmtpo , especially thu leadlrg Vaiulo biltB ,
Nuw \ ork Central waa knocked down 81 per
cent. Inko Sliorti wont elf IJ. Mlchlean Cen
tral ! 'J _ , ilcrscy Central i ! , Ijackawona If ,
Texas and Western Union 1 per cent The
r-ctlvityU a certain oa ! s of brokcis in the
bjard gnvoilsu to the belief that thu princi
pal sol ing was coming from Vunderbilt and
Ills following and their traders , mid even coir
nervallvp bnikois throw tholr stocks upon the
market in wholesale form , This has been ono
of the most exciting aud buiy days of the
present yoar. Thuro are plenty of rumors
that to-momnv will ecu moro tolling aud con
siderably moro excitement.
ST. LOUH , October 17. This nflcinoon nn
application wns made for the nppoinluicnl of
n receiver for the llnrrlson witu works. Tha
liabilities nro said to exceed ; assets , $100,000.
NKW Yurk , October 17. The war In pat-
socgcr rates shows no change. The ollicern
B , k M. nnd West Shore cell first class tickelc
to Chicago nt § 15 ; for Buirnlo , § 0.60 } for
Albany , SI , in. Scalpers nulls sanio tickets nt
ll SU. nml § 1 respectively The Krio road
to-day beganmillinir tickets nt the cut rates.
The I'aimsylvnnia niountains the name rated.
NKW YoltK , October 17. Failures the Inst
puvon days two hundred nnd eighteen , ngnlnst
two hundred nml twenty last week.
GUKNAIIA , Miss. , October 17. The commu
nity was lliioun Into intense oxcltumont by
iho fnlluru of the banking homo of N. K. Snyder -
der & Sons Kvoryonu had implicit conlidonco
In its nulvuiicy. It turns out that thu bank
has been Insolvent moro than a year , thnt Cul.
Snyder , on his do > th ho 1 insisted that his
Bonn should attempt to maku up thu deficit.
They agreed to do so. Tlio creditors meeting
is called. Kllurts will bo made to secure ex
tension , No ntaloincnl.
NKW YOHK , October 17. Tlio directorH of
thoi Alntropolitaii Nationnl Bank hnvo issued
n circular to thu bank's stockholders asking
for purniixnton to put thoi Institution into liqui
dation , The bank is losing money according
to rep rt nnd while perfectly sound , rould not
recover from the bud cirects of thu Soncy
niluro ,
nsaela at S ! , liiiS ( ) ; ; labilities ,
S 15,021,800 nf capital ntooi ) , i18i.Wo70 ( ; sur-
pin * , invented in assets of cumpmy , 87C&I- ,
71o ; rningH. profits nnd rentals ( luiing thu
year , SI , I0li-lti7 ; oerntiiiK ] oxpunecs of inuin
tcnance , rentals , ( lividondi > , ntc. , § : ) . -1. ( ; . " ' " ' '
surplus fin- the year. Sl.lDl'.fi'JI. Directors
and nllicers wcro clectej , nnd u quarterly
dividend of 12 per cent , payable November
10th , declared.
LCNDON , Octobir 17. Pr idont Joy of the
WnliaHh railway sailed from Uverpool to-day
for Now York. The confercnco which ho had
with the Wubaih committee before leavlnf
Ijoncbn showed the committco divided on the
reconstruction schema.
BIornlH In
] ltio\v.NHVllLl \ ! , Mo , October 17. Uenjamln
Proo , a wealthy fanner , afterbeingoit a spree ,
calkd nt the hoiieo of lien Dorman nnd mudo
improper piojmiials to Dnrmau'a wife , who
ccreamcd. This In ought her husband , win ;
throw I'oo out of doors. Pee then fired a pistol
tel nt Dormnn , whcioiipon thu latter xliot him
with a miiskut , killing him. The cornnur's
jury returned u verdict of justillablu homl-
Pirrsiiuitu , October 17. In the 1'emisyl
vanin bank investigation to-day , n colorci
umjiloyu of the Diiquosno club , uiiid on UK
day tin ) rank closed the mcond time , Piuai
dent Hiildlo guvo him two p.ickugds to burn.
Ono wns too largo to put in thu stove , nnd
when ho opened it ho noticed a book marked
"Prim. Hank. " Hiildlo gave him $5 for do-
Htroying the packages.
"I'llO lltlo of iIobHI ) .JaillCH. "
HT. hOUlH , Oct. 17. Mr , Xerelda Samuols ,
the mother , and Mrs. .fesdo Jiunos , thn widow
of thu noted outlaw , wcro nWnided damages
to-day of $ ! ) CO In the suit nfrniniit the Chambers -
bors 1'uljlisliiiig company for violulion nf tha
contract under which a royalty was to bo paid
them for tlio publication of the Ufa of Joueu
James ,
Tlio llrokon Oaliln.
UKACII , October 17. Tlio call
which fell elf thu rnft when capsl/.od wns
grappled for novornl tiniOK , but not recovered
Thu rafts wcro towed back to Faraday , A
landing may bu madu to-dny , but not prob
ably until early to-morrow.
Noble Drcny ,
DirnioiT , Mich. , October 17. Tlio man
ancstod hciu HOMIO days ngn for iwiudllng
Ituv. Dr , Hoxfoid , nnd who gnvo the namu nf
Tliomns MaVi U ex-Governor MOBCH , of Umitl :
Cnrolinn Ho w\a Iduutilind by ollicorB frou
Ojinbndgo , Mam , , when hu is wanted.
tlio Oiiorntlon-
TOIIO.NTO , Oct. 17. G , Smith I.ambtoti
woolen mills , has funvarded u lingo consign
merit of Canadian mmlu tvvoftdu nnd wnolons
to I''ngluuil. Should thu shipment result sue
cctHfully others will bo made ,
riflay at the Ciiicazo Stock Yards
and on 'Change ' ,
Oattlo Suddenly aud Unaccount
ably Weak !
The Hog Trade Dull and Prices
Wheat Makes ] eolino Amid
Sharp 'menti
Corn Breaks an < § " 'andomonium ,
O.xtH Syinpathl/.o I
ness l'ork | 1 IVculc
, Imrct „ . . .r.
Special Telegram to the URK.
CAIOAOO , October 17. Tliu wostorni nnd
Toxann among tha fresh receipts numhorod
about " 50 c.tri the bulk of which were north-
ivestcm and woatern rangars , Tha feature of
, hu market Is the largo incrovo in receipts of
latlvoa and tha sudden and unlooked for
wiakucns in prices. Lntu yostortlay afternoon
v few bunches of cholco natives sold nt G 70 ©
ll 8' , Low graded of native stock , including
bulls nnd cows are Belling nt very low prices.
Common etockors nnd feeders nro considerably
lower and moro plentiful , some salesmen oti-
matln ? the number now In the hands of specu
lators as high as lCuO , and there in butn limit
ed demand for this class. There wcro no Block
calves on xala to-day , and tnly a few really
good yearlings. Most of the range cattle
sold nt lower prices than on yesterday ,
but yet were n nhnilo stronger than on
Wednesday nnd to-dny were quoted firmer.
Westorn-Toxans sold at very low figures.
A big drove of Nebraskans , averaging 920. on
ly initda about : Ui7iMontaiiv ; : , Col > rado , Wy
oming and other northwoatern-Toxans sold at
n rniiRo nf II50 to 3 1)0 ) , with nn average nf
about II 70. Good range cnttlo wcro firmer.
Good to choicu , li00 ! , iiiO : Ibj , n.000.40.
Common to modluni 1000'a)120 ) Hu.1 d GOO.
Snle85Cn ; nortliwostsrn-Texans , 885 S3.07i ; Jll
Toxnns , 995,3.85. "
Adding these loft over to the fresh receipts
there were f mm 28000 to JlOOOOon sale. Trade
was slow and dull from opening to close ,
nnd ) rices were strong nt f © 10 lower on al
sorts. C < innion packers sold all tha wny from
I 50 toI 80 , while good packers Hold nrnund
about -1 90 , nnd heavy nt from C 10 to C " 5 ,
highest for iifsortod heavy wns D10. .
Light Korts wcro neglected. Skipe nnd grass-
oin selling nt 4 ! )74 ) to 4 7i > ; fair to peed light
430alU ( } , nnd best nssortcd nt o 03(35 ( 10.
PacVlog nnd nblpplng1U5 nt : ) . * > ) pounds , 4 90
@ 5 40 , light , ICO to 210 p'ounds 4G@5 00. .
Another severe break in prices o'currod in.
thu ceral trading on change to-day , wheat do-
cbnlnu to en extremoyjlow ! point amid nharn
bxcitoroont. Foreignindvlces quoted riduu
nnd rmy foelluff.miit iliol eccipJ.B hoiflj wrroV,1
cflntldc/nblrlargci-.TKeso. ca6 zpkupplc'mc5tcd' "
by the break in stocks , canted timid nolders to
nmload , nnd the market sank steadily under
its own weight. Tno market was at Its weak-
CHton thu aftnrno"ii board , closinir ntTOf ) for
October , 74 for November , 704f7)8 ( f"r December -
comber , 77i@77J for January nud 81 for May.
The nruliet was nlrnoit domonli/.cd under
heavy stilling , nnd the break in prices caused
nn iirmy of small holders to Int go nnd , for
November , prices dropped , l@Jt between quo-
tatioiiH. After Helling elf i)1 ! , the market
steadied and closed n chatlo better on the
regular board , but broke again on the afternoon -
noon board 1 $ , closing at 1SJ. October clo'ed
at 51g , thu year at 403 , aud M oy nt 39JJ. The
iinprefklon wns very Htroog that the parties
who hnvo been holding thu market up had
unloaded. The excitement during thu early
doclinu was very great end bocainn n . painle-
monium as the olL.rlugs bccamu heavy.
Killed weak nlonr/ with thu other mnrketa ,
closing at 23i for October , 21J for November ,
25J for the year , 29 fur May.
Weak at 10 00 for October , 11 9.7i for too
year , and 12 074 fur January.
l.Altl ) .
Lower at 7 27J for October , 7 19 for No
vember and 15 1)0 ) for January. '
Dontli of ( Vloxitiulur Sulllvnn.
LONDON , October 17. Alexander Sullivan ,
thu Irish leader , died in Dublin tills morning ;
S1OOO. Civen
Ifaliim or uiiy Injurious substances can bo found
In Andrews' Ponrl Baking Powder. Is pos-
tlvely PURE. Jiving endorsed , nnd tesllinonlali
received Iroiiinilcli chcmlstsaHH , Uiina Huy , Dof-
ton ; M. Deliironliilne. of Chicago ; nml Gusuivud
Uode , Milwaukee. Novcri-oldlnbulk.
2'J 1 Jiko bt. 2S72W & 19 ! J. K. Water . St , ,
fo 5eaPer ) aljb