Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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uesday Morniuc October 13 ,
Ono of tlio chambermaids nt the MllUrd
hotel , yesterday cuoil nnothor of the
bedthftVcra of having opined her trunk and
stolen a Bum of monoy. The accused will
have an opportunity to explain before the
police judge.
Yostsrdaya man namnd Jamrs 1'oter-
son slugged n carpenter ( name unknown ) with
a bcor plain In n sftloon on Thirteenth street ,
near tha Union I'AcifiB bridge. Tatcraon wa
arrested by a party of e'.tizeni and taken to
the city jail , where ho was looked up.
-Chief Mail Clerk G tiffin yesterday re
ceived the appointments of M , A. Chile. JJlno
Springs , Nob. , and N. T. Amen , Concordia ,
Kan. , in i > 3 Ul clerks. Thosi appointees wll ,
nbor in the pojtal aorvlcc from Table llock ,
Neb. , to Concordia , Kan. , n recent extension
over which the mail will bo cmiod as soon ta
these men report for duty.
Thoo. llromloy , of the Lawronoa Barrett ,
company , ia at the 1'axton.
Louia James , loading man for Lawrence
Barrett , and wife , nro at the 1'axton ,
! Mrs. 1) , 1\ Burton has returned from Creston -
ton , Iowa , where nils baj boon visiting her
Lawrence Uarrott , the nmoiu tragedian ,
armed In this city yesterday and is quartered
torod nt the Pax ton ,
Mr * . Carriiran nnd MM. Kockwoll , of Blair
nro ia the city , the gucsti of Jtrs. John T
Bell , on Park ATenuo.
Mr. 15. J. llyley , of tha firm of Hunt
Kyloy , left yesterday ornmg for Kansni City
attend the grand encampment and grand lojg
of the I. O. 0.P.
Mr. Thomas Parker , n gentleman wol
known In this city , will soon leave for the east
and it Is rumored that before ho returns wil
have entered the matrimonial state.
J. C. Blackburn , Arlington , J. V. Mornn
Wahoo , Fred Thompson , Tckamah , J. L
Ilazlott , Beatrice , James lllvott , Lincoln , M
D. Maria and wlfo , Ottumwa , J. 0. Kller
Blair , Geo. Wycum , Rising , S , Rosenberg
Hastings , nro nt tbo Metropolitan.
MUsca Mamio 1'oss nnd Annlo Held , win
have been in the city an delegates to the W
C. T. U , atato convention , loft last ] ovcninj
for thole homes In Crete , Nob. They mo
quiton number of old frionda here , nnd expressed
pressed tlionuclros a woil pleased with on :
beautiful city.
Jliko Dopangher , known ns "Danger Mike , '
of tbo Philadelphia Leajnobtuo ball club , am
George Cummins , alini "Speedy George , " o
the Harriilmrg ( Pa. ) Eastern League toairu
arrive in the city to-day , on route to the !
homoa In San Francisco , and will spend a few
Lours with friends.
UEVKN In this city. October 12th nt fi
o'clock a. in. Maggie l'\ ' Daughter of
George O. and Oatherlna 0. Kovon , aged 1
year and 5 months and 12 dayti ,
Funeral took place yoatorday at 2 o'clock
from the reaidenco , lit north Klovonlh street ,
interment at St. Mary'n comotory.
HOLM AN IntuU city October 11 , George
Arthur , son of George and Hannali
Ilolman , ngodl yoarand 4 months.
Funeral took place yostordayat 3 p. in from
the residence on Thirteenth and Loavomvort !
BYNOD 01 <
This ecclesiastical body representing the
Presbyterian interests throughout the
elate hold its annual mooting in the city
of Hastings and has just closed ono ol
the most interesting sessions connor.tod
with this body. The opening aormon
was preached by the retiring Moderator
Rov. John Fleming , from the text "Thy
Kingdom como. " Rov. E. L. Dodder
was chosen moderator and Rovs. J. V.
Griswold und A. B , Irwin temporary
clerks. Aoido from the routine business
several features of epocial interest anc
importance occupied the attention o
Synod. Iho dedication services o
the McOormick Hall belonging to the
Hastings college were duly observed in
the college chapel and were witnessed by
a largo aosnmbly. Rev. Jlorriok John
eon D. D. L. L. D. delivered ono of hi
characteristic brilliant addresses. Tin
meeting was presided over by the state
superintendent of missions , Rov. Goo. T
0 1 sinon and Rov. John Fleming. Ilov
J. A. Grilles and Roy. II , M. Giltuor
took part in the devotional services o ;
the occasion.
During mooting of synod Rov. Dr.
F. Johnson , from India , gave un address
giving in rapid detail the progress of th
church work iu that far-oil' land. llast
ings oollcgo received n hearty rocogui
tion from the synod in connection wit !
Bellevue , and it in hoped that this happy
adjustment of diti'droiicoa will contribute
to the increased growth and prnapuriti
of both institutions. Rov. Goo. T
CriBiruan , ntuto superintendent of mis
stems , gave a detailed report of the groa
work accomplished throughout the synoc
during the past year. An encouraginf
advance was shown in every dopartmon
of tha state work under hia supervision
and an enthusiastic and earnest endorse
ment of the superintendent's fidelity
was glvonjby the tynod. Rov. W. W
Haw ho , D. D. , president of IJullovui
college , addressed for the first time tin
studenta and friends of Hastings collogi
in the now chapol. Tlio doctor's uddroes
was full of good points and his well-
known ability was duly _ appreciated by
his deeply interested nudionco.
A glance ivt _ tliu personnel of the synod o
Nebrueka convinces anyone tint tlio synod o
Nebraska will not Buffer In comparison wit !
with any of her uastoin nUtor nyoncJ ns ro
L'ardaabllty nnd enterprising worker * . Th
1'renbyterian church growth hat kept ] > ace
with the large kcrjaso of the features whlcl
Imvu pushed into promluencu this youoj , " aiu
vigorous state of Nebraiku.
Tun years 020 thu aynod wai first or
and had at that time thirty-seven in
Billy-four cliurclieu , and loss than 2,000 mom-
beiB. Tiio 6UerIntcuderit'ri ] it-port ehowud a
list at present of 124 mtiiKterr , 103 church ,
end over 0,00 } mombuia , with u promino of
Jarfi Iccruaio from year to year Tlie annual
repoit of thu ladies missionary eouiety con
nected with tlm synod was rvccivrd with great
Hitifac'.Ion oi.d showg a healthy and prosper
ous u < Jidition of affairs In lliia lirnntli cf
Chrietiau work. Thdcimtrlbultoni fpr foreign
missloni for the y ar being $ ! IOQ and for homo
mtuiiaa SI,100 , Taking it. all in all the meat-
iujtwas ono of exceptional Internal and iinp < jr-
ward republicans will moot at
and oxuti hoadquartora. 1310
tre t. Tuesday ufglit , October
' 0 p rn fur consultation
the campaign.
A Great RCDfllilican Rally Next THJS
flay Evening ,
Tlio DcmocrnlHlo Follow on tlio His
Tlio 1'coplo'H 1'nrty N'oxt
Arrangements are now bning made , b ,
the Omalm Blnino and Logan club , fo
the grandest political demonstration eve
witnessed in Nebraska to take place ncx
Thursday evening in thia city. The ox
ccutivo committee of the county contra
committee is now busily engaged in mak
ing every preparation that will insure th
success of the event. An informal moot
ing was hold last night by this committc
but the arrangements wore not all full ;
completed. The demonstration , nlthougl
under the auspices of the Omaha club
will not bo purely loal , the clubs of th
surrounding cities to bo present.
Invitations have been extended to th
republican clubs in Flattsmouth , Ashland
Schuylor , Columbus , Blair , Fremont aw
Council BlulH , and been accepted.
Grand Island Lincoln have also b un in
vited , but no reply as yet has boon ro
coivod. They will bo expected to bo
present , however.
Besides these visiting clubi the six
clubs from the various wards in the city
will bo present in full forco. The Scan
dinavian club , six hundred strong , anc
that of the colored republican voters ,
is enthusiastic over the demonstration
and is expected to bo out to a man , In
addition to these , also , thcro will bo the
marching club under command of young
Howard , who has been drilling its mom
bora for some time pnst. About ono
hundred young men belong to this or
ganization. Finally there will bo n
squad of cavalty numbering about ono
hundred , under the command of Joe
Rodman. To fully complete the stroo
parade there will bo a company of republican
publican young men , forty-four strong ,
and old enough to vote in 1888 ,
under the leadership of Master Broatch ,
son of W J Uroatch of this city. Al
the participants in the parade will carry
torches , and the drilled company will bo
in line in full uniform. The Blaine and
Logan club has just recoivcd l,500torchoa |
and with the 400 more that are now
available , will equip the procession by
itself with 1,000 flambeaux. The whole
procession will bo commanded by W. J.
Broatch , grand marshal ot the day. Ho
will bo aided by assistants , all of whom
have not yet boon chosen.
The various clubs of the city will form
into companies at their various head
quarters and will march to thosa ot the
Central club in Woodworth's ) hall near
the corner of Tenth and Douglas whore
the several parts of the procession will
The proccasion will march through the
principal streets of the city returning to
headquarters , in front of which will bo
erected a platfort 10 by ID foot and U foot
ibovo the sidewalk. From this tlio
; rowd will bo addressed by Gov. Dawoo ,
United States Senators Van Wyck and
Mandorson , and Congressman Weaver.
The line of march and the order of
procession wiil bo given in this evening's
The Central Cleveland and Hondricks
slub of this city are now contemplating a
; roat demonstration , to take place on the
Qvoning of the 21st. The nfl.iir . , as now
Intended , will bo a purely loral event ,
only the various clubs in the city partici
pating. It is expected by these having
charge of it that it will eclipse the ono of
throe weeks ago , when 1000 torch-boar-
ere were In procession. A strenuous ef
fort ia now being made to procure John
G. Carlisle , the present speaker of the
house of representatives , to deliver the
address on that evening.
The various local organizations of thn
Butler or People's party in the city are
looking forward to a time when they
shall receive a little political pabulum.
An invitation has boon extended to 'Col.
Harper , the great Butler stump orator
from Indiana , to bo present and address
them. The date for holding the meeting
has not yet been determined , but will bo
some day next week.
The Central Cleveland and Hondricks'
club of this city has completed arrange
ments with the Western Union Tele
graph company to receive the nowa from
Ohio at their hoadquartora , on Ilarnoy
and Fourteenth streets , this evening. A
single wire will bo stretched from the
main oflico to the hoadquartora , where a
battery will bo located. The cost for
this luxury will bo $30 , and 40 cents per
hour for the time an operator is em
The oamo proposition was laid before
the executive committee of the republicni
county central committee last ovuning a <
its mooting , but the matter was doferroi
until to-day.
Do not purchase a piano or an organ
clsowhcro until you hnva examined the
magnificent stock at Max Meyer & 13ro. '
warcrooms , and soon the bona fide bar
gains oll'orod by them. 9-11
Gcor o Rllonry ItcoelvoH n AVounc
Over tlio Eye , tlioOn'undor
evening about 9 o'clock nwol
digger who llvoa in thia city imbibed
to freely in the ardent nt Dana Young'
oaloon on the corner of Thirteenth nnd
Farnam. Uomlng out of this drinking
place ho wont across the utrootvhun ho
waa mot nour llollnian's saloon by a mm
named George Ilonry who made eonio
unnocoasnry romarka uustit the well dig
gor's condition Hot words followed , re
sulting in Henry'a bolng kuockod dotrti
and falling upon the pavement received r
lovoro contusion over the right oye.
IToiiry'B coinpaiiion called for the police ,
, ho wull-dlggur with hia pal walking
lown Thirteunth a tree t to the alley nnd
! 3capiu # . Tno Jpallco soon appeared
ind picked up Ilonry in
i geini-unooiiBcIoiia condition nud
tartod with him for the jail. The
luggor , who had run up the alloy to
fourteenth street , came down i'uruam ,
nd uncoiiQornndly inqulroil of the police
/ho had hit Ilonry. The olllclali , who
roro taking the wounded man to jail ,
ad not the Blixhtext BUiplclou that ho
JM the offender. The trell-diggor wont
own to Ed. MaurorV ealoou with lib
hftiids covered with blood nnd remained <
there until 11 o'clock.
Henry was t kcn to the city Dnstile ,
and wftj afterwards released. Ifo ft second
end time wont down to Young'u saloon ,
and In his maudlin drunkenness provoked
a quarrel with n stronger and was again
run in , charged with "drunk and disor
derly. "
A 1nr o Number of Wicked Ones
lloforo thn H r tliln
In police court yesterday there wore
n largo of number evil-docs moslljy plain
drunKs. ,
Gust Franklyn and Jaj. Lindsay were
fined $5 each nnd coats for fighting.
Aug. Shullz was arrested for carrying
concealed weapons , IIo had in his poo-
DoMion n potatoo wrapped in ono end of
a big rod knndkorchiof , sling shot style ,
and is now n question whether or not n
potntoo is n deadly weapon. IIo pleaded
not guilty nnd his case was continued.
Bella Smith , MM. Coonoy , Jane
Daily , Mrs. Owen Connolly nnd I' t
Coney , all got into n general row on
Sunday. Jane Daily was pretty badly
done up but she said oho wasn't hurt
much nnd on the recommendation of the
city mnrahol , the whole outfit was dis
Larry Casey nnd Ilugh Burroughs , for
being drunk and disorderly , wcro fined
$5 nnd coats.
P. F. Burna woa nrrcstod in Iliggin'a
oaloon and when asroatcd had in hia
hand n revolver aa long na a man's arm.
Eio pleaded not guilty to carrying on-
coaled weapons ai ho nnid ho had it in
his hand , but pleaded guilty to djslur-
banco of the peace and was lined $5 and
Ohns. Peterson was charged with being
drunk. IJo plodded not guilty and was
hold for trial. Louia Silliansom was
fined $5 nnd costa for having his tank to
full of tha ardent.
Mike Shea , the man who knocked out
Sadie McBride and thus accomplished n
feat never before accomplished by mor
tal man , was hold until Sadie is able to
Will Kennedy , Wm. Mack and H.
Dawaon were arrested for killing n hone ,
but as civil notion had boon commenced
against them they were discharged.
J. U. Baldwin Sues for His Commis
sions on Sioux Falls Granite ,
Tlioro has boon filed in the district
court of Douglas county , the papora in a
suit by J. H. Baldwin against William
McBain & Co. , the Sioux Falls granite
contractors. Mr. Baldwin in his petition
states that on or about January Oth ,
1881 , William McBain & Co. employed
lim to solicit signature ? of the property
owners along several streets and alloys in
! ) maha proposed to bo paved during the
roar 1881 In favor of Sioux Falls gran-
to , and that as hi ) pay for such services
10 was to rccolvo ton cents for all granite
aid in the streets and alloys dining the
roar 1881 , that might bo furnished l > x Me
3nln & 0o. , oxoopt that supplied to the
street railway company. Mr. Baldwin
, hon states that ho secured signatures ,
and as a result certain streets and alloys
were paved with Sioux Falls granite , the
, otal number of yards amounting to 31-
351) ) , making his claim § . ' 5,135 30. Ho
acknowledges the receipt of $300 , and
sues for the balance , $2,835 , with interest
'rom October 1st.
Mr. Baldwin has also garnishocd cor-
, ain contractors among them boinc ;
ilogan Bros. & McGorom , and John 0.
Llcgan who ho claims are indebted to
VIcBnin & Co.
These are the bare facts in the case ,
3ut there is considerable talk on the outside -
side among various contractors and other
parties concerning the matter.
Tlio Boorotary to Advertise for Pro
posals for Ijocixtliiit tlio Fair
Olalina Allowed ,
A mooting of the board of managers of
the State Board of Agleulturo wnsholdlast
evening in the PAxton hotel , at which
members S. M. Barker , chairman , L. A.
Kent , E. Mclntyro , J. Jensen , E. N.
Grinnoll , and Chris Hnrtman , treasurer ,
and R. W. Furnas secretary Troro pres
All bills outstanding agiinst the board
were presented nnd allowed.
Tlio aacrotnry was instructed to adver
tise in Omaha nnd Lincoln daily papers
for proposals for locating the state fnir
for the in-xt five years , proposals to ba
filed with the secretary on or before the
annual January mooting in 1885.
To-day Secretary Furnas will draw
warrants for the claims allowed and not
paid , after which ho and Treasurer Ilnrt-
man will determine the financial results
of the sUto fair.
Vnto Ol'TliiinUi' .
At a mooting of the Nebraska confoi-
once of the 8. D. Adrcntists hold in
Omahn , the following resolution trua
pasted unanimously :
lleaolvod , that wo tenddr our sincere
thanks for special favors granted to in by
the railroads of Nebraska nnd Ion a , and
by the owners of the .Nebraska Stnto
Fair grounds and of thu buildings thereon.
Conference Secretary.
Xho Coronor'H Jury.
The coroner's jury yesterday finished the
inquest upon the late Hiohnrd Norris ,
killed in the wreck at Klknorn. The
verdict was as follows :
"Tlmt Iticlirml Norris came to his death
through nolIUioii botwooit thu second eao-
tion of train N'n. 0 nnd n light engine bound
east on tha Union I'uclflu r/llriad near
horn station , October 8th , )8dl. ) "
Thn grand jury is now engaged in in-
vcstigating thu matter.
Illulito nnd
AH republicans who desire to turn
out Thursday ovuning , Oot , IGth , with
the mounted itlaino and Logan Club are
rci ] lies ted to meet at the end of the pavo-
nicnt on North Sixteenth atrout , at 7
o'clock , p. in , fully prepared for the
inuroh aa to horses and equipments , and
report to 11. F. RKDMAN ,
LODIH Lm-i.iirir.Li ) ,
Organization committee.
To the IjailiuD ol oimilm.
You nro cordially invited to visit Mr * .
Kennedy it OJ'B. Fancy Goods and
Notion Btoro. 210 N. 10 8t.
An Kxoltlnc Hunt by Ncnriy D f met-
oil t'nrcnla for a Iiost Ij .n tl
One ,
Sundry afternoon about thrco o'clock ,
llttlo flrncio Jones , aged about 2 yenr < t ,
wandered away from her home , corner o !
Twentieth atd Cass streets , Her absence
sonco was soon discovered by her parents
end of course they were nearly frantic
whan a visit to the houses of the neigh
bors failed to discover her whereabouts.
A thorough search was at once instituted
and the anxious mother wont ia ono di
rection , while the fathoratartod Uiooppo
site way. Notice wai given at poltco
headquarters and signs ffero posted up on
the principal street corners. The father
hired a carriage and put largo signs of a
lost child upon the sides of the vehicle
and drove through the streets in hopes
of attracting the attention of some ono
who had scon the little ono.
With all the dilligont aoarchlng and in
quiring the little ono could not bo found
and the shades of night began to wrap
the earth in n mantel of darkness.S ho
can know the feelings of that fond moth
or'a heart or the distress of mind of that
father as they ea\v the darkness of night
oloso around the earth and their poor ,
little helpless darling out alone upon the
In the meantime , a gentleman nnd his
wife , who wcro out for a drivesaw a llttlo
girl near the opera housepdrnor , nnd
know from ita appearance tiui ( ihdbphlld
was lost. They took her fi
with them and continue ,
They wont out to the for6nn"dUt6pj9ruYO
to their homo , corner of Bovontfjelitli'nnd
Cass streets , taking the child. Vith thorn.
They then reported at polibft J
that a child had boon found. . -
About 0 o'clock , the mother ? 'w
haggard and anxious look , called fcr
fourth or fifth time at the police station
inquired if any thing had boon hoard
from her darling. The answer "no" fell
like load upon her poor heart and again
she wandered forth in the darkness to
continue her weary search. Just after
she had loft the station the gentleman
who had found the child entered and told
his story. An officer flow post haste
after the mother to toll to her the joyful
iiows. The mother ran with nil her
might to the corner of Soventoeutn and
Cfths streets and thcro with dnop
emotion clasped her darling in her arms
and never has there boon n moro joyful
hour in the Jonca household than was
The parties who picked up the child
and took it with them , whoa they must
have known that it was lost , are deserv
ing of consuro. Everybody ought to
know that the police station is the first
place to take a lost child , for thcro It is
that these in search of lost children first
go. Do not take a lost child to your
house or detain it in any wny , but take it
immediately to the station house that it
may bo returned nt once to its parents or
loved ones.
Buporlntouilonts of Fcoblo-inlniloil
Institutions In tlio City.
Last week the annual meeting of Su
perintendents of Feeble Minded institu
tions was held in Glenwood , Iowa. The
object of these meetings is to talk over
the irork and compare notes and en
deavor to trace the causa for idiocy. A
very interesting mooting was held.
On Saturday the professors and a num
ber of toactiors came up to Omaha to BOO
the queen city of the west. Among these
upon the excursion wore : Dr. leaac N.
Korlin , superintendent of Pennsylvania
and ono of the oldoat mou In the work in
this country ; Dr. J. Q. Stewart , Ken
tucky ; Dr. J. W.White , Indiana ; Dr. W.
B. Fish , Illinois ; Dr. F. M. Povroll ,
Iowa ; Dr. George II. Knight , Minnesota ;
General Grocno , Kansas. Besides
thcao were the following tpachera
iu the Glonwood institution :
Mrs. A. 0. Rogers , Misses EllaFrazoe ,
Laura Baker , Annie Towusond , Mary
Powell , Annie ti untoon and Mattie Mc
Lean. They were all dressed in uniform
and attracted considerable attention ,
many people taking the parly for wed
ding party.
The excursion was under the direction
of Dr. A. C. Rogers , assistant physician
of the Glonwood institution , J. S. Fra
zoo , editor of the Glenwood Opinion , aluo
accompanied the excursion party and add
ed greatly to their onjoymont. While in
the city the party took carriages and
drove out to the fort nnd also to tlio Deaf
and Damb institution , and one and nil of
the physicians spoke in the highest terms
of this institution and of the manner iu
which it is conducted by Prof. Gilliapin.
Thu national association is very doeit-
ous of having a Fceblo-mimlcd institu
tion started in this stato. Many appli
cations are made from this slate to the
Glonwood institution nud the physicians
stated that a numbur of Nebraska people -
plo had moved to Iowa to gain a roai-
diiiico so that their foablo minded child
ren might enjoy Iho benefits of the in
stitution at Glonwood , which now has
ovur 250 inmates.
The iatitutions are generally started
by private purties and fter they are wall
under way the state authorities take hold
of the mutter and make thum sUto insti
tutions and open to all. The visiting
doctois thought there was a great need of
such an Institution and nro very much in
hopes that some ono will take hold ot
the matter.
Da not bo deceived ; ask for and take
only B. n. Doublets & Sons' Capsicum
Cough Drops for Coughs , Colds and Sore
Throats. D. S. nnd Trade Mark on every
drop 4
An Appropriate Finnic ,
The last game of base b < tU of the sea
son will ba played on the Union Pacific
grounds , corner of Eighteenth street nnd
St. Mary's Avenue , this afternoon
at 3 o'clock ' , p , nu , batflreou the
bankers of this city and thu
boarders at MM. Gootsohins , corner of
Sovontuonth und Jackson streets , The
game will ba played iu full uniform , the
baukors wearing tha gray , and the Hotel
do Goolschins boys the white uniform of
the U. P , club. The admission to this
jimo will be5 cents , nnd the proceeds
will bo devoted TO the completion of the
third etory of the Child's Hospital , a need
long felt by the management , as its pres
ent capacity is inaufUcfent to accommodate
the applicants. This is a charity which
should command itself to the patronage
of all , rogardlots of persuasion or boliuf ,
for though its management is under the
auspices of the Kpiacopil church , it in
non-acctarian iu ita operation , and its
doors are open to all alike. The man-
agora cf the gamo. Messrs. Ad. U. Frey
and Charles I ) , Keller , are sparing no
effort to rnako it a success , and a largo
and select crowd are confidently expected
to bo present. By reference to a list of
players it will bo seen thata _ number of
I' . P. playnra will take part in the game ,
and the Junkers having an equally strong
team , a spirited and exciting contest maybe
bo expected. The bankora will present
Kroy and ( .Crcighton , and Hotel Da Coot-
echins Oarneau , nnd Funkhoiixer , as
their respective batteries.
vom. a. IUNKKKH.
Ix > o Fnnkhousor. . . . . .c . .Chat Creighton
Tames Hamcan . .p Y. H. Krov
W. K Itockwcll. . . . , l t b P. Sharp
J , L. Sncod .2(1 b Chut Morgan
A. H. Newell .3db Uob'tFroy
M. F. Funkhousor. . .8 e .Frank Mtitr
C. B. Keller . .1 f Frank Hamilton
11. S , F.go . .c f..Thomas McCagno
William Cortan . .r f Nola Nelson
Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobac
Funornl or lllulinrd Nnrrlu.
The funeral of Richard Norrls , the
fireman who died ftom the injuries ho
received at the wreck at Elkhorn , oc
curred on Saturday forenoon nt 10:30. :
The obsequies were attended by a largo
circle of friends who sympithizo deeply
with the bereaved friends nnd especially
with the young widow who was so soon
called upon to part with her host friond.
The Emmett Monument Association , of
which the deceased was n member , at
tended in n body and assumed in the last
sad rites. The floral ollo'nugs were very
fine. Mr , Wm. Jobaon , the engineer
with whom Mr. Karris hod run for some
iimo , Bent in n ° boautifnl floral design , as
didolsotho conductor and brnkomon of
the train ho had boon in the habit of run-
"Uinp on. Tlio remain' ) were buried in
St. Mary's sepulchre.
10,000 bushels Ohoico Winter Apol o
for sale in cnr lots or loss. Your bu B
ness solicited.
627-lm Nebraska City , Nob.
GorncrStnuo liaytug.
The choir of the First M. E. church
will furnish the mualc at the laying of
; ho corner stone of the now M. E. church
on Seward and Twenty-second streets
; his afternoon. The following is
; ho programme :
Antham Choir.
L'rayer Ilov 13. G. Fowler ,
Iteapnneive Servico. .P.iator and Congregation
Heading of Scripture LGBJOU
Hymn from Hymnal.Choir and Congregation.
Addresses by Key. C. W. Savidgo and John
P. Iloo.
Address Hev. J. B. MaxfiDld.DD.
Singing. . "Praise God from whom all blessings
flow. "
Luiyiupf Corner Stone
Methodists will please bring n copy of the
discipline or ritual , that they may join ia the
responsive service.
Seal o ? North Carolina Smoking To
bacco is the best.
Omaha O. Ij. M. O ,
The Omaha 0. L. S. 0. moot this
evening in the Y. M. C. A. rooms.
The following programme has been pre
pared :
Class Drill , "Geography of Greeco15rnin-
utea , Mrs. E , H. Lamon.
Pronouncing Mutch on Greek Name * , 15
inicutcs , Miss Maggie II , lie.aa.
Music , by Misses Mellioand Cnrrio Stevens.
Essay , 'Tho Aryan Migration10minutes ,
llev. C. W. Havidgo.
Questions nnd answers , Mr. G. W. Eyan.
Question Drawer , Mr. G. A. Joplin.
Quotations from Gcoel ; authors.
All members of the circle are expected to bo
prepared for recitation.
Absolutely Pure , ,
This pawdor never v rte . A marvel ol pm tv ,
stiiJDgth and wholceomonim lloro eooooralcM tlmn
the ordinary klnils.tndciinnotbo Hold III competition
with the multitude ! cl low tuit , short weight alum or
| > lie ) ) tmte ponder * . Bold nnlv in can * . UOVAL
HAKJ.VO I'OWDKR CO. . 103 Will street . N. Y.
Thu Bcbolastla you commcncca on tee
First Wednesday in Sofltente
The course ol Instruction embraces Rll the Hlomen
lary and higher braiuhot ol a finished education
DKIcrcnco of Hcllulcn U no obstacle to the admh > .
lion ol youns laulca. l > uplla are reccltcd fct any
time of the
Including Hoard , Washing , Tuition In KnglUh bud
( > cooU , uaa ol book * . 1'lauo , | rseMlouof
Five Mouths , $1 50.00
EXTIU GUARdES-Drawlng , PalDtlcg , Ooirn *
Harp , Violin , OulUr and Vocal Hiislo.
Keferoni > : < uro rcciulrod from sll perions unknow
to the In UtuUoo. Fur fuitner Inforiuatinn npplr
tbe ; LAUV sui'fiiuou
( Ituoi t DiBlla Ortu 4 fliu Co ,
fuUtfia * fkltM Ltr Ca , i I
° ' ' ' " '
piAt528 onoAN8 , r n''cARs' . * .
" ' % " * M " '
"cLAslT , CHINA"4c.r4c
ti i 4 ir.rirjiuii.n , i u < * . ita.
{ [ SSIACMiTCO.Coticcsttrin } ! !
Nlimebaygh < & Taylor. .
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask
Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , J
Orders for the Indian Department given for Buflulo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
"FTO"F > „ A ft , T1R . . . , < _ RTTO . _ , - . R ,
1405 Douglas Street. . . . . OMiLJIA. NEBRASKA.
Visitors to the State and others in need ol : Hen's , Boys' nud Children's
Clothing , will do well to call on
The Strictly One Price House in the City
And examine their goods and prices. They carry the largest stock , and
sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors
don't fajl to call ab
1216. 1216
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The Largest Steak in Omaha" andOMss the I w 2sPnss. < ? N
Just received an assortment far surpassing anyth'ng In thin niarkat , coraprlxln
the latest nnd moat tasty designs manufactured for this spring's trndo and covering
of prices from the Cheapest to the moat Espemive.
Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete ntoek ol ! all tbe latest
tomers , the newest noveltifB in styles in Turcoman. M < liaii
Suits and Odd Pieces. LP.CO Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
ISieeant Passsngor Elevator to all Hoora.
1200.120R r.nrl 1510Fnrnnm - OMAHA NV.B
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Omaha. Neb
Catalorn * torn'rhcd ' fret urcn .
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103 BKADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Ratabllrhed 1878 Catarrh I
Deaf not B , Lung and NervouaDiBoaaes Speedily and I'ermanmitly Cured. Putlontt f
or od at Homo. Write for "T K MEDiOAt-MisaioNAEY , " for tlio People.
Consultation and Correnpondonce Gratia. P. O , Box 292. Telephone No 26
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , sbya : " Phyniclon of I
iteu Ability wad Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN lOTlPHY , Davtnpott
rlttM ! "AnnonorablnSIan. Flno Sncce .Wondprfnl Curee. " Uonra 8 to 6. '