Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    DAILfBKB TUESDAY , OOTOBBIv 14 i8 > i.
Proprietors. Snporinondcnl
7TH & 18TH &
' . *
I ill and grain Elevator iachinen
Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Olotb
X V e are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract Tor
Ihe erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
flouring Mills , from Stona to the Keller System.
JJSlT'Especial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any pur
jpo'e , and estimates made for some General machinery repairs attended
promptly. Address
, . Hallway Time Table.
The following Bra the tlmoa ol the arrival and de
parture of trains by central standard time , at
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln earlier and arrive ton mlnutea later.
tS6nm Chicago Express 8:00 : & ra
8:10 : m Fast Mall. 7:00 : p n >
3:15 : a OT ( 'Mall and Express , 71'Opm
12:20 : p m Accommodation. 2:30 : p m
At local depot only.
10.05 * m ( Stall and Express , j7:06 : p m
6:05 : pin 4 Pacific Express , 6:61) : ) pm
6:25 : p m Express , 9:05 : a m
B.15 m Express , 0:65 : p m
6:30 : p m AtUntlo Express , 0:05 : a m
9.25 a m Day Express , 0:51 : p m
7:20 : a m "Doa Molnod Accommodation , 0.05 p m
"At local depot only.
1:20 : a m Mall , 4:15 : p m
6:10 pm 9'OQnm
130 pm St. Louis I'.xpro'd 3:45 : p m
V50pin Cnlcago I'.xjiresj 10:65 : a m
At Transfer only
CHICAGO and tORTirw 3T aS.
6JOpm : 6:10 : p ra
9:25 : a m r.-iclDo Kxprees 0.05 a in
7:40 : p m St. Paul Express , 8:50 : ft m
7,20 a m Day Express 0:60 : p m
3:00 : p m Western Express , 8:35 a m
11.00 a m I'aUflo Exproia , 4:40 : p m
7:40 : ft m Local Express , 0:64 : a m
1Z:10 : a m Lincoln Express ,
At Trantfor only.
Leave 7:20-8:30-0:30-10:30-11:40 : : : : a. m. 1:30-2:3 : :
3.30-4:30-5:30-0:30-11:05 : : : : p. m Sunday 9:30-11:10 : :
i m. l:30-.3)0-6:30-e:30-ll:05 : : ) : : p. m. Artlvo 10 mln
to before loavln time
T A.
Practice In State and Federal Courts.
Collection ) promptly attended to.
Room IC.'ShuKturt's Building ,
TTJOB. orricm , U. II. PUSIT ,
. Council Bluffs
Established 1858
Doilcrsln Foreign Mid omeatlo Kictunga tn
ItfjM Rjynrltl
r Ofllca , Mam Street , Hoomi 1 ami 2 Shugart k Ho-
ilihou'n ourts lllooli. Will practlco lu State aud r'tdura |
Practices In 1'edcral and Btato Cauite (01 Broad-
a ) , ovur HnliiKU Bulk
Tnc Honor Conferred on Council
Bin ltd and ita Mayor.
John VnnValkenburg , the supreme
chancellor of the Knights of Pythias for
the world , has appointed Mayor B. W.
Vaughan special deputy supreme chancel
lor for Dakota and for the world. This
appointment is duo largely to the fact
that at the DoaMoincs session cu the grand
ledge a resolution was passed asking the
supreme ledge to confer the title of past
grand chancellor , on W. R. Vaughan , for
services rendered , ho having organized a
number of lodges , and boon instrumental
in adding 500 Knights to the order. The
request of the grand ledge could not bo
granted on account of seine technical con
stitutional objection , but the request was
not lent sight of , and when opportunity
offered , this appointment was made in ia .
stead ,
The Knights of Pythias is a purely
American institution , and the growth of
the order , since It started only twenty
years ngo , has boon marvelous , Justice
11. Ilathburn now in the war department
in Washington was ono of the originatora ,
and was an Iowa man , as was nlso
another of the five originators , so that
Iowa on this basis is entitled to two-
fifths of the honors. The order has now
grown to a membership of about ! (00,000 (
members , and In Iowa there are about
15,000 members , and nearly 200 lodges.
Governor Sherman , Gen. Baker , and
many other prominent men of the state
are Knights.
Under his now commission , Mayor
Vaughan expects soon to institute a
grand ledge in Dakota. The territorial
deputy now resides at Huron , and the
order throughout the territory is grow
ing rapidly.
Tlio Trim GroatncHH of Man.
The Ilov. T. J. McKay odlliod his
hearers at the St. Paul's Episcopal
church on Sunday evening , taking for
his tozt , part of the 13th vorao in the
10th chapter of the first book of Kings.
'What doos't thou here , Elijah ? "
The rliaptor ot Elijah is ono of the
muai. immiiuunt and striking in the study
of theology. Wo BOO him on Mt. Oarmol
in the greatness of his power , and wo see
him in the wilderness a fugitive trying
to escape the anger of an outraged
woman. Hero ho requests death to free
him from persecution. It is this blemish
In Elijah's character that binds him to
UB with links that cannot bo broken and
causes us to study his career.
How little ho muat have felt in hia own
estimation when the still , small volca
asks , "What docst thou here , Elijah ? "
and when in reply to his answer , "They
seek my life to take it away , " the Lord
commands him to return to tin wilder
ness of Damascus and anoint Ilazaol to
bo king over Syria , ho ceased his wniling
and departed , n bolter nnd n wiser man.
The thought forced upon the mind of
the history of Elijah is , what is the true
greatness of man ? Never shall 1 forgot
my aoimtlons when once 1 was on thereof
roof of n largo building in Now York
city , nnd looked nroiiud upon the pro
ductions of man's porsovernnco nntl la
bor. Looking over the side of the build
ing , 1 could ace upon the street below
myriads of humin crenturcs , that from
the dizzy height nppcnrcd like pygmies
beside the works of their orn montnl
nnd physical powers. Vast structures
nrcso on every hand , and the distant
ocean was crowded with sails.
This immense outcome of the enter
prise , skill nnd ctlbrts of man aroused
within mo n feeling of exultation. "What
wonderful things the hand of innu has
wrought1'1 I oxclaimr.d. "Thou hast
surely nindo him only n little lower than
the angels.1 Thoeo in similar positions
will testify to the same sensations. It
wns nn estimate of man's dignity nnd
grandeur produced by the surrounding
scenery nnd circumstances. Nor would
I dcsirp to lower this estimnto of man's
greatness. 1 would always desire to
think of him as of Elijah on Mt ,
But this mus * bo influenced by actual
oxpericnco nnd n closer observation _ ol
chnractor. It is not nlono to Elijih in
the grcntnoss of his power that wo must
direct our montnl vision , but to Elijah
under the junipnr tree in the wilderness
in nil the lonohnois that can bofnll man's
Alas ! That wo should have to witness
the fall of ono's power , but wo cannot cs
tlmato his greatness , judging from the
bright side nlono. When standing on
the highest plnnclo of fame , surrounded
by glory , moat men would appear groat.
But to judge correctly wo must consider
the whole lifo. Wo must bo with him ,
both in prosperity nnd adversity.
The true greatness of man is shown to
some extent in the hour of victory , but
chieily in the hour of disaster. Ho who
is nblo when defeated in bnttlo to recall
and collect his scattered forces , so that
they can retreat without further serious
loss has shown himself to bo groat. So
in business lifo. The man whom wo ro-
spool nnd honor is not the ono who sits
down in time of failure to bownll his fall ,
but ho who seta to work with n willing
hand to regain his louses.
The true greatness of man consists in
doing his whole duty in that station of
lifo in which God has placed him. Thn
true man is always greatest in his ndvur-
aly. Ono characteristic of the British
soldier is that ho never knows when ho
is bpnton. The true characteristic of the
Christian soldier would bo to meet nil
the trials of lifo with the strength nnd
resolution becoming a Christian. Pros
perity nnd ndvorsity nro working to
gether for his eternal , if not for his
temporal wolfnro. Prosperity nnd nd
vorsity nliko should have the effect of
bringing him closer day by day , nnd dis
pelling nil his fear nnd selfishness , oven
though nil should bo in ruins about him ,
doing ns Morrison aaya so beautifully ,
"hia own workjwhoro God has put him.'i
The prayer of Elijah is often the cry
of n gallant heart when assailed by ad
versity , but not the prayer of the Christ
ian. In the midst of it nil is that still
small voice , "Whnt doost thou hoar ? "
At the beginning I spoke of the omo-
; ion excited in my soul by gazing upon
the work of man's hands. Let mo trans
port * you to ono of the summits of the
[ locky mountains , from whence can bo
seen range after range stretching away
into the distance until the earth nnd sky
Bcom to kiss each othor. The works of ,
iran nro insignificant in comparison.
Man ia no-whoro. God is everywhere.
So in forming an estimate of man's
greatness I would take you nway from
human judgments of success and failure
to beheld the works of God. I would
liavo you measure your life nnd estimate
yonr greatness , not by the character of
Elijah's. David or Peter , but by that of
ono greater than those , whoso prayer in
the hour of most bitter anguish was , "If
it bo possible , lot this cup pass trom mo.
Nevertheless , lot not my will , but thino
bo done. "
This is true success. The victory that
ovorcomoth the world is to feel that wo
are in God's hands.
Stock Shipments.
Rittnor & Randall , four cars cattle , 80
lead , to Wood Bros. , Chicago , by C. &
Pnrcoll Bros , ono car hoga , 01 head ,
; o Patterson , Byora fc Co. , Chicago , by
0. & N. W.
Carr , ITouton & Co. , ono car hoga , 5G
load , to Wood Bros. , Chicago , by 0. &
N. W.
C. C. Plimpton , ono car hogs , 01 ! hond ,
to J. Wai work , Chicago , by 0. , B. & Q.
W. R Smith , two cara hoga , 122 head ,
to Martin Broa. , Chicago , by C , it II. I.g ,
Maaa & Soulo , five cars cattle , 105
load , to Gregory , Cooley it Co. , Chicago ,
via 0. & R. I.
E. n. Driscoll , 11 carscattlo. 210 head ,
o Gregory , Cooley & Co. , Chicago , by
0. it II. I.
Ell Elliott , four cars cattle , 121 head ,
.0 same , Laramie , by U. P.
Illinoia Live Stock Co. , four cara cattle ,
H head , to Patterson A ; Byora , Chicago ,
by 0. , B. & Q.
Same , four cars cattle , 83 head , to
Wood Bros , Chicago , by 0. , B. & Q.
Gale Bros , 10 cara cattle , 200 hond , to
George , Adams it Burke , Chicago , by 0. ,
B. & Q.
Same , 22 cara cattle , 420 head , to
Wood Bros. , Chicago , by 0. , B. it Q ;
J. W. Riddle , two cars hogs , 122 head ,
to A. Pratt it Co. , Chicugo. by C. it
N. W.
T. Ilurbart , four cars sheep , 528 head ,
; o Wood Bros. , Chicago , by 0. , M. it
3t. i .
J. W. Mikoscll , ono car sheep , 82 hoad.
to aamo , for Council Bluffr.
A IScnoily Orlino.
TJIO report reaches hero of a rape coin-
milted on a young girl in Wnvoland
townahip , but know few particulars , The
description of the man was sent here
with instructions to look out for him , and
Ootootivo Beswick arrested a man who
answers the description quite closely.
Ho gives his name as Peter Peterson ,
and tolls rather mixed stories about him
self. Ho is being hold under a charge of
vagnncy until the girl ia ablotocomo
hero nnd identify him , she buing at pres
ent too ill to leave her bed.
Selling the BonclH.
Yesterday the mayor received a tele
gram from George W , Ballou it Co. , of
Wall street , Now York , offering to buy
$25,000 of the remaining $55,000 paving
bonds. After conference with the finance
committco it vaa decided to accept the
tiler , which is a little bettor than the previous
vious aaloa. This will leave but f liO.OOO
of the naring bonds unsold ,
How the French Sntyeon Was Ealen
Mire in the Arclic.
A Tnto of Uorror Tel l With Intrtil
ICfTculs by a HonsrUloniU Writer
( or the 1'resH lm ima
Thrilled nil 1'nrig.
A Btnrtlinc atory , written in peculiarly
Parisian style , 1ms boon published by the
Figaro and has thrilled Paris with her
ror. It donla with the death of the
French doctor , Ootavo Pftvy , turgoon cl
the Orooly expedition. The writer ,
Cmnillo Dobnns , lota his imnglimtion run
not in the following style :
Octavo Pavy was the on of nn ndvon >
turoous Frenchman who loft his nrUivo
land to aeok a fortune in the land of the
dollar. The fortune waa won. mid then
M. Pavy , pore , reappeared in Paris , and
soon became a atar of the first magnitude
among the elan of rich Americans who
appear and disappear suddenly. This was
in 1803 or 1804 , and his tire sons ,
but more especially Octavo , at once
throw themselves , body and soul , into the
Parisian furnnco , loading at ono and the
seine time the social life of the world of
fashion , and the somewhat lax ono of the
demi-monde. Not nil evening passed but
what Octavo Prtvy. faultlessly nttirod in
evening dross , might have been seen pass
ing through the green-room of this or
that theatre on his way to thn salons of
the highest and noblest social queens of
those days. Ilo waa a handsome follow ,
tall , slender , noble looking , and with the
bearing of n youthful Don Quixote. His
circle of acquaintances was a wide and
delightful ononnd outside of the world of
fashion ho secured a firm footing among
the younger sot of nrliats and authors
whom ho attractod'byliia originality end
his wit. llobnault and Clairin wore
those with whom ho waa most intinmto , .
and when , unable to satisfy himself with
the omptinossof a purely idle existence.
Pavy devoted himself to the study of
medicine ; ho was frequently found in the
studio of ono or the other , tcalpel In
hand , over seine anatomical subject. .
While Rognault or Olairtn would bo seek
ing for some now cll'ect of color , light or .
shade , Pavy would seek for a nerve , d
muscle or an artery , and as they workoa
each in the sphere lie had selected , art , ;
science and literature formed the bur-
dona of their conversation.
Who could have over dreamed that .
such a man waa to end his days on an
iceberg , devoured by sailors whom him-
* or had driven to the verge of madness ?
Must wo believe that after all there is
such a thing as fate ? Why should this
Cpung man. for whom everything com
bined to render life happy , whoso shirt
would have cured the Persian monarch
who in the eastern tnlo was the victim
of a subtle disease which naught but the
shirt of a happy man would drive away
From him ho found the happy man , but
lie waa n beggar and shirtless why
should such a man devote himself to such
an adventure ? What was It that seized
upon him and dragged him toward the
abyss of his doom ? How could ho aban
don the wise ho had chosen for a com-
pinion through life ? What inexplicable
ambition dragged him j from the loving
caresses of his daughter ?
Ono day two or thtco years before
the war with Prussia Octavo Pavy was
present , by the merest accident , at ono
of Gustavo Lambert's lectures on the
North Polo. 'From this day the young
man of fashion thought of nothing but
the Polar Sea and Arctic explorations.
Wherever Lambert lectured , in Havre ,
in Rouen , in Bordeaux or in Paris , there ,
too , was Pavy , always in the front of the
audience , the loudest in his applause and
more earnest , more zealous , moro credulous -
lous than the lecturer himself. The
North Polo attracted him in the same
mysterious and irrealstablo way that it
attracts the magnetic noodle.
After relating his services in the
Franco-Prunslan war , his first visit to
America and his prolonged sojourn with
the Esquimaux , the writer tolls of the
enthusiasm with which ho embarked
with the Grooly expedition , and goes on
to the horrible delay of the starving men
at Capo Sabine waiting for relief. Ho
says :
_ At last a day came when the laat ra
tion waa consumed. Then famine began
ita dread work. With the first pongs of
hunger those twenty-three men looked at
each other and a shudder ran over each
} no of them. All illusion was impossible ,
[ f a week passed away without a miracle
iaving been performed in their behalf
.hero wore spmo umong them who would
Docomo cannibals.
Ah , that indeed was Jar from the
Irishes and oven the intentions of any of
ho paity , and oven when after three
lays of fasting , their stomachs began to
clamor imperiously for food , no matter of
what quality or how small in quantity ,
each one repelled inlgnantly the thought
of sustaining life by oatlng a comrade ,
oven should his death be u natural one.
Jut who is there that can command his
lungor ? On the fourth. day half of the
wrty were only waiting for a pretext to
all ono of the number. I say half , but
Ban oven the most resolute under such
circumstances avoid reflecting that some
abominable act of barbarism has become
lecessary and that it is bettor to be the
irst victim than to participate in ( ho
crime ? What a aoono ? Day after day
the same , night -without a dawn , the
aamo pitiless cold and no shelter but the
hm walls of a tent. Overhead , the im-
ilicublo stare , sparkling and cold as they
watch the long martyrdom. Naught that
has life la near thorn , Ah' ' if only a bearer
or some other boast , no matter how fierce
would only appear , how all would 11 ing
themselves on him , and though they had
to strangle him with their own hands ,
liow glorious a banquet they would havo.
But , no. Nothing , nothing , nothing but
the endless night , the eternal cold , the
hard snow and ice.
Suddenly a sailor is soon to bo eating
something. All rush upon him to exact
their sliare and they discover that ho IB
eating some preserved moat , evidently
stolen before the Htock of food waa ex
hausted , The doom of Henry the inan'u
name was Henry was scnlod. Tried
and condemned on the spot , the aontonco
is executed immediately. As soon as ho
drops doau under their musket balls the
others rush upon his still throbbing
corpse and tear it limb from limb. That
WUH the way it began. Five or six days
later another pretext la found , there is
another corpse and then another horrible
But Octavo Pavy , the former Parisian ,
the ox-habltuo of the Boulevard , had not ,
in spite of all his ell'orts to acquire it , the
temperament needed to ntnnd auch
sufferings and such liorroni. Worn out ,
disgusted , hla brain more exhausted
than his body , ho , who was not yet for
gotten in morn than ono of the fashion
able salons of Paris , lay on a pile of rags
alone in one corner of the tent , Per
haps ha had not been able to bring him
self to share with the others thulr ro
pasts on n nameless food. Hunger gnaw
ing nt Ins intestines and foror WAS rnsjlnj
in his brain. The others croticlioi
around him , their wolf-like eyes glcAiu
ing with a hideous hope. Thc >
whisper to each other ntul Pnvy knowi
only too well what they are saying aw
what their murderous glnncrs mean.
What nro they wailing for ? What is it
tlmt deters them from rushing upon him ,
to tcnr him to pieces , to quench their
thirst with his blood , to devour him ? Ho
knows that they are now nothing bill
boasts of prey. Uoubllosa they fear that
P.xvy is not yet feeble enough : they think
ho inny slill bo able to defend himself ,
that ho may In his desperation kill ono ol
them , and the thought of the fate which
awaits the first who falls In the struggle
deters each ono from venturing to begin
it. Poor doctor ! Neither his nerves ,
his muscles nor even his will have any
force of resistance loft in them.
yorn out , hopeless and pas
sive ho lay waiting , longing
for death. But ho WAS unnblo to master
his horror when ho begun to think of how
presently , before even his sulForinga were
at nn and , his companions in misery
would throw themselves upon him , That
llosh , of which ho sttll felt the throbbingn
rovoltcd at the thought of being torn by
the fangs of ferocious beasts that were
gathered around him. Ho said to himaolf
that ho would not submit to such a fate.
An imperious impulse to Book to escape
from BUch n horribln doom seized upon
him. "It is not true , " ho said to himself ,
"that it Is n matter of indilToronco how
ono dies. " In his terror ho succeeds in
staggering to his foot nnd in finding his
way out of his tent ; ho creeps over the
ice nnd approaches n crovnsso whore the
tide of the Polar Sea rites nnd
falls. At the edge Pavy stoops down ,
smiles nnd lots himself sltdo down into
the water. Death in this form is not so
horrible , but the starving men have not
lost sight of him nnd n terrible cry breaks
the stillness of the Arctic night. Ho , too ,
is seeking to rob them I nnd they rush
forth from the tent ready to plunge into
the waves to drag him back to shpro. As
.ho unfortunate Doctor rises again to the
uirfaco ton arms nro stretched forth to
ioir.o him. Ho is drawn up to the top of
the crovass , two or three axes fall on his
jrcnat , the bones crack , ho is divided up
n as many parts as there are mouths and
.ho still palbitnting , still living tlosh is
iwnllowod down without repugnance ,
.vithout horror , without romorso.
Thus it was that Octavo Pavy , the sur-
eon of the Proteus , died without having
reached the North Polo.
A CARD. To all who are suffering from orrori
.ml Indiscretions ol joutli , uenoua uoakness , early
lccy , Inmi ot manhood , eta , I will * oml n roclpa
hat will euro lou , FKKfi 01' CIIAUOK. This great
cmodyoa uttcorcrod by n missionary In South
Vmerlcx Bend iclt-addreBScd envelope tohsv. Jo-
M-il T. IMUAN , Station D Now York.
John Mulqueon hns returned fiom Lc
itictolus. Ho has boon nway sineo the lint
{ May , harjiiiR tnkcn tlio trip for hia health ,
vhich is Bomowlmt improved ,
Miss Annlo Allison has returned from her
iait to friends In Missouri Valley.
John II. Whcoler , who wnu formerly on-
inecr of the Koscuo steamer , ia buck from
Cincinnati , where ho linn boon employed since
unUnj here. Ilia faintly haa been residing
ore during hla absence ,
II , L. Miller and family have retutnoil from
t. Louis.
SI 1'nikor , the letter carrier , returned yes-
arday < rom his trip , nnd now ROCS to llarrl-
on county toisit hm biotho * .
George W. Tun nor , head west bound freight
clerk at the transfer , has ni'.urnod from Clii
Fred Ticknor started ycotorday into No-
> rnski for n few dayn" trip , looking after
took to ship to Chicago.
Kov , Joseph Knotta la at homo ngiin.
Itobort Graham , eon of A , C. Graham , has
rmod .it homo from Montana , having boon
bsont six yeara. lie is heartily welcomed by
Mna , A , A , Sterling nnd MBH ! Anna Pntton ,
ifter spending Sunday with frlomls here , re-
urnod to their homo in Avoca yoatorday.
; Coii9tablo Glatterbuck was in Sioux City
resterJny after witnoEwnj in some civil caso.
Kdward Miller goes on the road to day for
lid brother and will soil roller skates.
Wheat No. 1 milling , GO@G5 ; No. 3 , tO@
iO ; rejected 15 ,
Corn Local purpoBm , H3@40.
Data For local purpoiOB , 85@10.
liny 810 00@1'2 00 per ton ; baled , 00@GO
Kyo 10@10o.
Corn Moid 1 SO per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prlcoo at ynrd , 0 00@
Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft
' 00 per ton
Lard Falrbnnk'a , wholesaling at 9Jc.
Flour City flour , 1 G0@3 30.
Uroouis 2 95@3 00 per doz.
Cattle Butcher cows 3 00@3 25. Butcbor
toors,400ffi 2j.
Iloga 1 25'sH G5 ,
Poultry Live old lions , 7c ; spring chickens ,
2"@U IX ) per doz ,
I'oachoa h bus. box , 1 00.
Lomona 1 50 @ 5 00 per box.
Butter Creamery , 18@20o ; choicu country
PC.Kgga 1G per dozen.
Vegetables. Potatoes , 30@40c per Imihol ;
nlona10@50o per bu ; applon , clirico cooking
r eating , 2 60 ; bosun. 1 75@2 60 per
ushol ; Sweet uoUtoon , 4 00 Tjer bbl.
Uio Hiipriinio Court ,
WASHINGTON , October 13 , Th Huprnino
ourt of Uio United Staten nnscmbled at noon
to-day , with full bonch. There W H largo
ttendanca of tlio bar. A fnw attorneys were
idmitlrd to practico. No other business won
rausactod ,
A 1'rlvalo Bank Kalln.
CINCINNATI , October 12. S , S. Davis , pri
vate banker , aligned. Liabilities , 5(10,000 ( ;
nsHotH , $ ,10,000 , Among tlio nseets urn a mini
> or of tiust fuiida of benevolent and uocrut no
de ty organ i/utloin.
iirin ? i * > IMI' " " *
JHTVCS 1-.II. , , . rcrstvu . . " ' - ni-wlorco. jiilnil uiid
tin 1'owrr *
li A EH ) ' ! y B ? CS Rnirer/iiKfroiU / louipUInu
KrsPitU' BtiCS pucnllnrto tliclr sex will
llnd laDlUlt' TlTItlt'HI'WW UON/O urnfe iioj
' fe ikJi ii IC'L' ' U te
* it.iiont | fctcnipum o-"T"-ii > K uu
lu tlio popularity ofllio orlnliml. Do nut vxptrl-
rfH uijouriiUdriHtoTliBlr. | HiirUrModOo.V ,
'ouU. Mo. , for our"DBMAM } iO01 .nB I
ut ttrwufB bad tucIuUalonaaUeo.tiuo. ' J
One of the Boat and largoot Slocka in the United States
to select from.
Doiraci Wlntlont , rtnUli , Window Cup * , hon CrMtln ? > , irctixllto Bky-llshtli , &e. Tlo. Ircn nd BUte Hoe
tt , 810 South 12th Btrcct Om h Nebrwk. .
ihuniiEinnin H n MI ai H mat nun
Where They Can Enjoy Pure. Ai ? & Watel 1
5 !
And nil of the good ouU pleasant things tlmttgo to make up a com-
iloto aud happy oxistoiico.
The town of South Omaha it fciinntcd south of the city * of Omolin
on the liuo of the U. P. Railway , and it is less thau 2 milon from the
Oniahn post oDico to the north line c i the town site.
South Omaha ia nearly H miles north and south by 2i east and
west-aud covers an area of nearly four square miles ,
The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit
Nearly 150 lots have been sold And the demand is on the iucreuso
The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion.
The 300,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. .
The $30,000 ! Water Works are finished aud furnish an nliundauk
supply of PURE SPRING WATER. ll
The B. & M. and Bolt Line Railways have a largo force of men at
work and will , in connection with the "U. P. Railwayyhrwo a union-depoJ1
icar the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will bo
luriiished for Church aud School purposes.
Now is the lime to buy lots in this growing'cifry. They will never
ba'cheapor than they are to-day.
* i
BSTApply at the Company's oflico , nt the Union Stocks Yards.
Assistant Secretary ,
find UM Doilep St. ,
They Are Without A Rival ,
Eave been Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Priz
Medals at all the prominent expositions of the
World for the Last Fifty Years.a And
LMm Pianists
An examination of thesa mn-jnificeut Pianos is politely ruquested
bcforo purchasing any other jnslrumeut.
O" *
Qenernl Western Representatives ! " *
P. S.-Also Gen'l ' Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SOUS