Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1884, Image 4

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Ontalift OITlco , isu. 01O Karimtn St.
Council UlitlVflOraco , No 7 Vcnrl !
Btreot , Ncnf Bromlwuy.
New York omco , lloom 05 Xrlbnr
CTtry trornlng , except Bnnchy * Tl
enl ) Uoniiy rnornlng dally.
Ons Tcti . lltXOO I Three Monlhi . fj. |
ItMomM . 5.00 J One Month . I.I
Pet Week , 6 Cents.
mil WXIM.T , rnnuiniD IT T WIDSMDIT.
Bo Te r . $5.00 1 Thrto Uonthl . I I
Blxttonlhs. . 1.00 | One Month . !
A i Oonmnnleatloni relating to Newt and Editor !
nkttera ihould to addrcneed to the KBITOR or TT
BlI ,
AH nnstoma Ixttcr ) and Ilemlttanoo ) should 1
kddretscd to Tni Bui rmuimita Coxriirr , QUAH
Prills , Checks and PostofBco order ! to b made pa ;
able to the order of the company.
< mS7\.r3il , or.
A. II. Fitch , MansRer Dally Circulntion , j
O. Box , 488 Omaha , Neb.
ISN'T it about time to sot the politic !
pot boiling in Omaha ?
Ivnni'it before the people that the rai
road commissioner amendment must b
voted down.
IP Bolva Lockwood oipocta to got an ;
votes in Nebraska , it ia about time fo
bor to lot her frionda know who her prct
idontial oloctora aro.
IP Blaine and liogan nro elected
Jlobort T. Lincoln is mentioned as n candidate
didato for Logan's senatorial shoos , bu
the probability Is that Mr. Blaine wll
retain him in the cabinet as secretary o :
war , a position which ho has filled vorj
DEMOUHATIC repeaters are said to b <
pouring into Ohio from every direction
but the republicans are on the alert , am
will use every effort to have the villaini
apottod. If the republicans succeed it
obtaining an honest vote and n fair counj
they will carry the state by over 10,00 (
TIIE Ifow York morning Jbunutl has
reached a circulation ol 1-12,000 daily , the
largest circulation of any newspaper in
America , and it expects to roach 200,000
in the next six months. It certainly has
mot with a success that is phenomenal ,
but it is deserved , for It is the spiciest
journal in the world. Tnlont , original-
ty , wit nnd enterprise combined have
undo it such n remarkable auccoss.
TIIK Western Union telegraph company
has concluded a contract with a Phila
delphia inventor to put its wires under
ground in that city. The authorities
sometime ago ordered the telegraph com *
panics to bury tholr wires before the 1st
of next January , nnd the Western Union
folks evidently begin to think that the
Philadelphians mean business. Mow
YorK city has given the telegraph com
panies until January 1 , 188-1 , to bury
their wlros , There is no longer any
question as to the practicability of un
derground telegraphy. It is only a ques
tion of cost , and wo know of no monopoly
ely better able to stand the expense than
the Western Union.
A iinFEKEHCB to history sometimes
recalls Bomo interesting Information.
For instance , in the testimony of
Edwin S Towlo , speaker of the house In
1876-1877 , regarding the efforts of J.
N. H. Patrick to secure the United
States sonatorship with money , wo find
a nice distinction botwoou "bushel"
and "bar'l" as applied to politics. Mr ,
Towlo , in testifying , stated that it was
supposed that Patrick had about $100-
000 , and "it was said that ho had a
bushel of money. " In answer to the
question if that was not before they
got to using a "bar'l , " Mr. Towlo re
plied that it was , and by way of ox-
plauation addoi , "a buahol will opply
to a state and a barrel to the union. "
Hero then wo have at last found that
a political "bushel" moans about $100-
000 , and consequently a "bar'l" means
as many hundred thousand dollars as It
contains bushels. The size of the
"bar'l , " however , varies according to
MH. PErooN , editor of Judge Weaver's
homo organ , fools aggrieved because the
IBiiE has at various times expressed Its
disapproval of the appointment of his son
to a West Point ctdotehip without sub
mitting to the customary competitive ex
amination. Mr. 1'opoon assigns as a
Toason for the departure from former
usage that Judge Weaver did not have
sufficient time to give reasonable notice
to the young men of the district for such
examination , and ho dwells with p&tornal
pride upon the aplondid showing made
by his son so far at the military academy.
Now the BICE had no objection to Cadet
Popoon aud for all wo know ho may bo the
best boy in the district for the place ,
Our position from the outset has boon
that the cadotshlp was not such patronage
ns i ) given out for personal or political
aorviccs. AU young men in this district ,
irrcpoctivo of party or creed , should
have a fair opportunity to compote for the
place. The fact that Borne of the young
wen who were chosen by competitive ex
amination have failed does not make the
act of Judge Weaver any the less object-
ionablo. Congressmen are not supposed
to bo school masters capable of making a
stleclion. They are not the men to decide -
cido ia this matter. It thould bo loft to
an impartial set of examiners. This WHO
the ooureo pursued by Congressmen
Crouaco and Welch with regard to caiot-
6bips'aud Judge Weaver's now depart
ure certainly does not satisfy his constitu
ency , whatever Mr , Pepoon may think of
t personally ,
At the coming election the people
Nebraska will bo called upon to vote (
A constitutional amendment for the cr
ation of a railway commission. This pro
osltion must bo defeated as it is simply
device originated by thorailroads to pos
pone legislative regulation of the ral
way trallic until 1880 , when the propose
commission , if the amendment is ado ]
ted , will come Into existence. The pn
posed amendment adds to the prosor
state oxocutlvo oflicora a "board of rai !
way commissioners , " and is as follow !
being submitted as a substitute for soi
tlon , 1 , article 5 , of the constitution :
"Section 1 , The executive dcpnrtmoi
shall cnnntst of n eovcrnor , Hcutenant-govc
secretary of stnto , auditor of public account
treasurer , ( superintendent of public tnitrui
tlon , attorney general , commissioner of piibl
lands nnd buildings , nnd board of rnllwn
commissioner ! ! . The olfiecni named In thi
section filmll each hold bin office for the ten
of two years from the first Thursday nttor tri
first Tucftdny In January next fftor Ills olci
lion , nml until liis succottor h elected an
qualified , Provided , howoTcr , that the firs
election of said oulccrti nlmll bo held on th
lint TnojJoy succeeding the first Monday I
NoYcmborof 188(5 ( , nnd each succeeding cloi
tlon elmll bo bold at the snnio relative limn I
each oven year thereafter. All other olliect
that may bo provided for by law , under th
provisions of thin section , rhall bo choncn I
Rtich manner nnd nt Mich Urn on , nnd ihall hoi
their oflicoi for such length of time na may b
provided by law , and shall perform such dutle
and reccivo such comiionnaUoii as may ba prc
vidcd for by law. The governor , secretary estate
state , Milliter of public account * , treasurer
commissioner of public lauds and building ?
nnd nttoinoy general , thnll reside nt the * ea
of government during their 'terms of ollicc
nnd Itocp the public records , books nnd paper
there , nnd tnn oflicora herein named nhnl
perform such duties us may bo required b'
law. "
It will bo observed that this amendment
mont docs not tpecify how many mom
bora the "board of railway commission
3rs" shall consist of , nor docs it fix thi
ia ary. Under this loosely constructoc
] ondmont the board may bo composct
} f three , nine or nineteen mombora , am
their salary may bo fixed at any sum , saj
From $1,000 to § 10,000 a year , lion
indeed is a aplondid opportunity for ai
rascally a steal as the most avaricioui
public plunderer could desire , and if the
imondtnont is adopted the people car
rest assured that there Trill bo plenty ol
railroad cappers who will endeavor tc
take advantage of this golden opportunity ,
The attention of the people is also
sailed to the fact that there is a loop-
lolo loft open for creating any number of
low state ofllcors and increasing the pay
if the present officials to any amount
hat the legislature may BCO fit. Suppose
hat a corrupt legislature were olcctod ,
ho result might bo that an outrageous
alary list would bo saddled upon the
ax-payors of this stato. On this account ,
: for no other , the people must vote
own this amendment.
But why are the raliroau managers no
axious to have this amendment adopted ?
hey want to take from the legislature
10 power of railroad regulation and
lace it in the hands of a commission
raply because they expect the commission
i bo composed of their own tools whom
icy can handle to suit their own Ideas ,
ho railway commissioner system Is in
ivor with railroad managers everywhere
ist for that reason. The powers of the
immissionors , as a rule , are so limited
tat they can do nothing , even if hon-
itly inclined , for the redress of the
riovancas of the pooplo. They simply
illoct statistics , such as the railroads do-
ro , and print thorn in pamphlets. They
jar complaints , and in case they render
decision the railroads abide by it or
at , just as they see fit. The trouble is
mt the railway commissioners are not
othod with the power to enforce their
icisions , and it is not intended
iat they shall bo. In England , howov-
ror , it is different. There the railway
immission has proved successful , simply
jcauso it is given exclusive and judicial
Dwor , and its mandates can bo enforced.
- adjudicates cases nndthoro is no appeal
om Its decisions , Such a commission in
'obraska , or any other stale , if compos-
1 of honest and impartial men would bo
jually as successful and satisfactory to
10 pooplo. But the cunning manipula-
ons of railroad managers preclude any
ich possibility , llailroad commissions -
s in the United States have always
ot with such vigorous opposition
: the hands of the railroads
iat all attempts to establish maximum
itcs and to prevent extortion nnd dis-
imination have proved failures. These
o aomo of the reasons why the railroads
refer the commissioner system , and at
10 same time they ought to convince the
aoplo of Nebraska that it is safer to
ust to the legislature than to any such
: homo. Again , wo say to the farmers ,
orkingmon , merchants and tax-payers
morally that they must vote down this
nondmont if they wish to protect their
tm interests , and compel the railroads
> servo In their original capacity of
irvants of the people , and not masters ,
Tun people of Blue Springe , Nob. ,
ave appealed by writ of man-
amus , to the supreme courtto corn
el the B. & Jr. railroad to build
depot and stop its trains at that place ,
'or thrco years the company has boon
unning its trains through thu corporate
raits of Blue Springs without stopping
nlil they reached Wymoro , two miles
Istant. The company has paid no at-
onlion whatever to the numerous poll-
ions that have boon sent to headquarters
sklng for fair treatment , and now the
itlzsns propose to see whether the B. &
I. railroad is run in the interest of the
ublio or for the benefit of the Lincoln
ind company of town lot speculator * ,
rhoso stockholders are ofllcors of
lie railroad company , and at the same
line interested in building up a now town ,
rhich they own , to the damage of Blue
! ( irirts. Buoh ia ti'io serious charge inndo
y tlio indignant citizens of Blue Springs ,
nd in all probability they will orcntually
ompel the railroad by law what it ought
u do voluntarily as a matter of justice.
; ho notion of the B. & M. in this matter
is by no moans an isolated case of sui
contemptible work. Other railroads liai
done the same tiling , bntluvo been con
polled at latt to do justice.
According to the last census there woi
in Nebraska , in 1880 , between 300 an
JOO idiotic persons , over 200 of whoi
were of tchool ago. It is obvious , tha
from the desire of parents to hide the di
focta of their unfortunate children , th
census was not complete ns to such poi
sons. It is estimated that with the ir
crease of population during the past fou
years , there nro now in this state eve
. ' 150 feeble-minded and idiotic children c
school ago. It is indeed unfortunate thu
Nebraska has no institute for the feoblc
minded , such M Iowa has at Glennwood
The Iowa institute , which was establish
in 1870 , now has 225 pupils , nn <
an addiltonal building is being erected
od to accommodate a largo number
bor of applicants that nro unprovidei
for. A number of applicants from Nebraska
braska have boon refused at Qlonwood a
the accommodations are sufficient for tin
state of Iowa. It is hoped that the nox
Nebraska legislature will make an nmpli
appropriation for the establishment of ai
institute for the fooblo-mindod in thi
state. Such an institution was strongly
recommended by Governor Nanco in hii
last annual niQBsago to the legislatuream
it is regretted that some action was no
then taken in the matter.
S chools for the feeble-minded are n <
longer experimental as is evidenced bj
their number , the attendance of pupils
ind the result of their work. The firal
school of the kind in this country wai
itartcd in 1818 at Barre , Massachusetts
by the late Dr. Harvey B ,
Wilbur , and now there are throe
itato Institutions and two private
schools in Massachusetts , and one state
nstituto in each of the following states :
Now York , Connecticut , Pennsylvania ,
Dhio , Kentucky , Indiana , Illinois , Min-
icsota , Iowa , Kansas and California , and
\ private school in Michigan. The num-
> or [ of pupils in those institutes varies
rom 50 to 500 according to the accom-
nodutions , only throe or four of those
tavini ! an attendance of less than ICO.
ill of thcso schools are doing excellent
ork. The education of thofooblo-minded ,
onsists of mental and physical training ,
lost of the schools having chops and
irgo farms for the purpose of teaching
hem how to work. Such institutions
rovido a place for children who are so
ioblo in mind that they cannot obtain
n education in the public schools.
Asides bolng given a mental training ,
icy are taught how to become solf-sup-
orting , in after life ,
Nebraska has provided comfortable
lyluma for her deaf-mutes and her blind ,
id oho should add to her state inslltu-
ons a Echool for the fcoblo minded ,
i there is a demand for such an insti-
Piioi'EiiTY owners make a mistake
hon they decide In favor of atone pave-
icnt laid on a Band foundation. This is
lown to bo the case on South Tirtoonth
root , which has boon paved less than
mr months , and already numerous do-
roasions can bo soon , and tha pavement
mscquontly is becoming uneven and
> ugh , and It will keep growing worse ,
fa venture to say that it will have to bo
ntirely rolaid within five or sis years.
portion of St. Mary's avenue has boon
, ld on a sand foundation , and it will in a
jort time bo In the same condition as
hirtoonth street. A sand foundation
ill not do tor our kind of soil. Wo
lust have cither broken stone and sand ,
p concrete , the latter being by all odda
10 best , and consequently the cheapest
i the end. The dlfforonca in cost bo-
voon a sand foundation and broken stone
id sand is very slight , not over 35 or 40
nits per yard , and property owners will
> vo money by choosing the latter. If
ly more business streets are paved with
one wo would advise property owners
i decide In favor of a concrete founda-
on , which will last as long as the stone ,
id give the pavement an even surface.
A Card from Mr. 1'opoon.
FALLS CITY , Nob. , Oct. 11,1881.
a the Kdltor oC THE ] ( KK :
In your issue of Friday , Oct. 10 , you
ipublish the dispatch sent from this
ace giving an account of Senator Van
tyck'a speech hero , with the following
immonto :
'Much to our surprise this dispatch
hich appeared word for word in throe
four dailies the same morning , has
ion ropubllshed in several papers as an
litorial from THE BEK. The flattering
stimonial to Mr. Woavor's services in
ingress was insetted in our columns as a
.attor . of courtesy to Mr. Popoon who edits
favor's Falls City paper , and naturally
ishos to place his friend and benefactor
ndor additional obligations. But when
is attempted to abuse our generosity by
ting the BEK as au endorser of a voucher
ir Mr. Woavor's conduct , purported to
dVO been given by Senator Van Wyck ,
0 protest. The friends of Mr. Weaver
wo no right to depart from the truth
lion they use Senator Van Wyck'a name
1 the canvass.
It is true that Senator Von Wyck , in
is Falls City speech , complimented Mr.
foavor for voting riuht on several occa-
ons , but ho certainly Jld not , and could
ot , endorse Weaver for every vote howe
wo and for the many omissions to go on
10 record lor or against important moas-
res. llj certainly did not stultify him-
ilf by vouching for Judge Weaver us a
uo anti-monopolist whom the people
m safcly trust In every emergency. "
You then devote n half a column try-
ig to provo Weaver to bo a very bad
lan ; to all of which I make no reply ,
intiniug myself to what you aay about
10. The dispatch to which you take ex-
jption and pronounce a fuhohood and
nud was sent by mo , accompiniod by
ly name , end published iu the HUB and
tate Journal only , thu ono to thu Rep
ublican being sent by Homo ona elsa
horn 1 know not. Had 1 intended to
npoio ou you I certainly would not
have sent my name. Tlio dispatch
strictly true in letter and In spirit. Sal
ator Van Wyck aaid < \ nrcat many thiii |
upon which the dispatch is silent , but i
far as it coos , it is true. fr > u nay tl
senator aid not and. could not endon
Weaver for every vote ho gave , nnd di
not stultify himself by vouching f (
Weaver as a true anti-monopolis
Whether Senator Van Wyck did right (
wrong in endorsing Judge Weaver
Icavo for you and him to sottli
but ho certainly Aid 01
dorso him _ fully and emphaticall
as a true anti-monopolist. Your allusio
to mo ns the "editor of Woavor's paper
is beneath the dignity of the editor of
metropolitan paper. I bought the joun
al and paid my own money for it , an
Mr. Weaver had no moro interest in i
than you havo. You speak of him as m
friend and benefactor. I am certain !
his friend , as is nearly every ono i
Fnlls City without regard to politics , bt
his boncfactions consist of in paying m
a dollar and a half a year for the Journa
Ever since the appointment of my son t
West Point , you have missed no oppoi
tunilr to attack Judge Weaver for no
having a competitive examination , an
intimate that the appointmon
was made as a reward for political aoi
That you may not unwittingly d
Judge Weaver an injustice in this matte
I wish to state that ho had tire reason
for not having a compoitivo examination
First there was not sulliciont timo. 1
competition examination to bo worth an ;
thing would have to bo advertised al
aver the district. Mr. Weaver had no
time to do this as ho was obliged to scnc
In the name within , a few days. Thei
igain such examinations had not provot
i succoes heretofore , every boy sent ti
West Point in that way having failed. ]
believe Judge Wakoloy's ' son being amom
the number. Mr. Weaver's ' only doaln
in making the appointment waite
to find some ono who would bo likely t (
; ot through. In considering the porsom
, o whom ho proposed to oil'ar the appoint ,
nont , politics was not taken into consid.
tratipn at all , Had my son declined the
ippointmont ho proposed to offer it to the
ion of a bitter political enemy. The ap-
lointmont was never asked nor sought b ;
ny son or by mo for him. Uo hesitated
omo time before accepting it , as it in-
olvcd hia retirement from uowspapor
vork , to which ho had devoted his life ,
o which ho vraa strongly attached , nnd
ti which ho had been very successful ,
lo only accepted the appointment at the
arnost solicitation of Judge Weaver and
thor friends who thought ho would sue-
eed nnd bo a credit to the district and
bate. And when wo recollect that heft
> ft school at the ago cf 15 to bocumo
printer's devil and nad never been to
: heel ainco , and that ho has hold his
lace oo far in competition with other
oys right from school , the sons of army
fiicors , senators , &c. , it looks as though
: io appointment was a good ono. And
; seems to us that you who have made
our own way from an obscures position
) that of editor in chief of a pttpor of
ational reputation , ought to encourage
imby your commendation instead of
lacing obstacles in his way. Excuse
10 length of this. T. W. PEPOON.
What a I'rctty Plctaro.
lyBHeb Dispatch.
The Hastings G 37.3tto-Journal ia bo-
icching the democrats , for God's sake
ate for Laird , as ho ia a bettor domo-
: at than S tickleand the Lincoln Journal
shouting the same cry. What n pret-
r picture ? Rod-hot republican papers
sknowlcdging that Stickle ia a better ro-
ubllcan than Laird , and then abandon-
ig the republican camp and begging the
jmocrats to vote for Laird. They
to the handwriting already on the
all. and unless they can make a split in
10 democratic ranks Mr. Laird ia a gone
lalin. Old soldiers , nearly to a man ,
ill Tote for Captain Stickel in prefer-
ice to Fitz John Portor. Laird , know-
ig that when that bill again comes up
L , Captain Stickel will vote on
10 siao of Abraham Lincoln and John
. Logan. Thia action of the loading
alrd papers shows more plainly than
onls , that the situation in the second
istrict has narrowed down to those few
orda , Laird must have democratic
) tos to ba elostod. That's the sieo
! it.
ropnho Mirror.
Our republican frionda who make so
uch ado about the anti-monopolists and
iinocrats "fusing , " as they term it , on
ipt. Stickles , as against Jamoa Laird ,
em to have forgottuu that it lias been
ily two short years since their ' 'Jim-
y" fused with both anti-monopolists
id democrats in Adams county , and by
i doing "sold out" men in his own par.
whom ho had previously pledged his
ord and honor as a loyal republican to
ipport , and "sink or swim" politically
gothor. This is the kind of a hair-pin
m Laird is , and still men who claim to
fair-minded and consistent in their
> - ro-
; ion and politics will advocate his claims
id denounce the fusion against him as an
itrago "bad in principle and practice "
tit with such nonsensical argument ! It
thomorctt [ ] boah , and thu most incon-
tent of all inconsistencies.
Capt. J. II. Stickle is running for con *
cts on his own morrlts. Ho is not sup.
irtod by any railroad company. When
n say as much for Jim Laird ? Arapa-
> Public Mirror.
Capt. Stlckol will content against James
lira for the congressional prize in the
cond district. Mr , Stickel is a farmer ,
id a man of acknowledged ability ; but
o man wbu boats Jim Laird will have
gut up in the morning. Aiinct * Co.
All that is necessary to boat Jim Laird
to watch that a fruo ballot and n fair
unt is had , and nb gravel train rotors
lowed to vote contrary to law. And it
ay bo proper to state that it would bo
iiinontly the right thing to do to keep
i eye on thoto ground and lofty politi-
1 tumblers who watch for chances to
nako $500" by going coniwy to their
ilitical belief , and inducii g oUiors do so
' a blind. All oyca are open. Ihunil-
n Co. ffcuw.
In niul Oin n ( I'olliiup.
ppubllslicd , by request , from TllK UKK. ]
Are the railroads really out of politics ?
n they imagine that they could hood-
ink the people into the belief that they
o out of politics , when in reality they
o iit deeper than ovei ? Jamca Inircl
19 runomiiiatcd for congress in the sec-
id district iu splto of the determined
petition of the masses of Out republic
is of the district. How did hn manoqo
overoomo such opposition ? The ollico
> ldiu faction ftlonp could iiovor have
Tiied the ( by for liim had it not been
r thu tiforts i > f Capuin Phillip ] , the
li'icil bom of the Hurling-
in road , Wbilu the managera of
Burlington roadJaro i
the people time nndcgain thatthi
trpro out of politic ? , the chief politic
btillclcxer was very buuily ongsged n
nlong the line in pushing the vauruia f (
Laird. All the ieculinr methods thi
are so cfiectlvo in rallying the company
employes and dependents nttho primarit
wore used without rcaorvo. Section bcsasi
station agents , grnvol trains , nnd pai
books wcro nt Laird's disposal to coerc
the republican voters to his suppori
The ro ult is just what might have bee
expected. The voice of the party h
boon overridden and republicans who rt
fuse to abide by the dictates of the cor
poration boss will now ba denounced i
bolters , communists and crankd.
On the day which witnessed the nomi
nation of Laird nt Ilnatings , Mr. A. .1
Weaver was rcnominatod at Beatrice
John M. Thurston was not a delegate t
the congreajionnl convention. Th
Union Pacific had no case in court a
Beatrice last Wednesday which John ft ]
Thurston was required to attend. Bu
the political attorney in chief of the groa
corporation was there to give Weaver th
nomination , nnd plnco him under oblign
tiona. Mr. ThursCon draws a lucrntiv
salary from the Union Pacifi
railroad , but the greater part c
his time ia given to the packing of prl
marics , running of conventions and cor
rupting Jof legislatures. JS'ow , then , th
question naturally arises , has the republican
lican party become n more prostitute fo
the baao use of political libertines lik <
John M. Thuraton ? Are the railroad
nut of politics ns long as Thurijton am
Captain Philipj pacK conventions am
nominate our congressmen by aaliamclcs
nso of railroad patronage ?
Tlio Dlnaiipcaranuo o ( Ohoicrn ,
WASHIKRTON , October 13. Owing to th
Jicappearniice of cholera In Kurope the secre
; ary of the treasury requested the dcpartinen
if state to discontinue the services of the snnl
; ary inspectors at London nnd Liverpool
rhosoin 1-Vanco and Italy will bo retained fo
the present.
Drnnds mlvrrllcud as abnoluirly pur
riiconoantopdownon n hot store until heated. tnn
ciiiovn tlipco rund smell. A chcmlx will not Co r
uircu to detect the presence ot ammonia.
In a million homos for n quarter of n century It haj
ouil the consumers' reliable tout ,
_ _
MiitcM or
Dr , Price's ' Special Fiayoriii Extracts ,
Thoirongt ( tfHCitfJtlIcoui ) find Datura I ( later fcaewn&ni (
Ir. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
For Light , ItciUthy nreiul , Th Host Dry Ilop
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'raotico ' Limited to Diseases of the
Eye and Ear.
33 Farnam StreetOMAHA. .
hriv.'n on Horllcl'H Food , " wrlto liuinlraw of
ratcful rf-otlien' Jlothon. ' mill : rontuliiB 110
taroh lIOItl.ICSS'rOODrOUl.NrANTSIflco
roni dtarxtu rcUlroHiiocxiltlui7 7 ho l it food in
ioalth or li-iiiO'B ! for INFAN'IS. TbelK > * tilltt for
IVSl'Kl'TICS-iinl IN\A1.IDH Highly traefids'
oinirelngniolhirnnoarulnk. PrIic-IOiiiidr/c. .U5
Irui-vltta Uockonilic trcalmfi'toichildri'n.frwx
"I Mle\c U to Ixi urrlfir | tu cnrtMliff Bf th
llnil for cliiHrrn " / ) Att incwt . .VrwTor \
UlltCkI-ttlDltlr prKHMIICt.U it-
( prKHMII-Ct. %
tlie market -II' U llnrrfl It 11 , , r.
'One of * ! t > * > l tutiKilluti-ii fcr Kolhrr t
/ / a. 1 . .Zn. '
fill 1)0 pent 1 ' lE'Jl oa : e--oi | t cf vrlco in f tamps. 'i'fc. ' 3nK ) CO. . Rsrlius WH. !
LU-IJBE Hn. 4Wo J i'j rxxj'crt ov lULT tt
To C'oiKraciors anil Dulldors.
iVanteil. rropoja's for thobtiildln ) ; c ( Countv : hoe
ni.f , district 37 , Doughs preo net l'1/.nu audnpoc-
: atloi , ( or vhichuity In noun on npj llcatlon tulho
ulcrslfncil , to vr.cin.ill * rnuet bo niljreia
on cr bf fnro the S2d Instint , the ocinmlttqo re-
nhiL- the right to rekct tliul west or any tender
Chairman nf Coumlttcc ,
net 10 , 11 , 13rao : 1C17 Hauslai St.
orSpcclnls vlll Positively not bo
isortod unless pain In advanco.
TONKY loaned on ch\ttcl < , 1) ill road Tickets
JL bought aad Bold. A. Koremin , 213 8. 18th
7 < 0-tl
yfONEY TO LOAN In unn ol 83od. njwiir
( I U. F DiTla nnJ Co. , Uril Kit tlo nud to
cntu 1515 ? rD in ft. ! ( (
) staull loam made on approved eccurlty , 1517
direct. 812-lia
I no good coat linkers W , D. Ilir-
dln , Council Uhiffj.
r.D A K" l todrho diluuTj HU OII.
. 1' . Martini Iiibtu'lmciit ' store. 0 0 13
l/AM'KD-A luilidcT at 1611 DougUi , up-itiu
A croodgirlllor Reiural hou norl , at
ANTKD-lJcrinn eli ) to duieiural hoiuswoik
at KliiUtUr's. U 00 I'aclllo St. 011.11
MNTEU-A elilat-put Wnr 18 join lot light
\ h ui > work. AddniutM. il.caru i.'o oltlfe.
\/ANTKl ) I.iJIisortcntlcnioii In city ur country
i tolaVorncp , ll ht ud ileuiui work at Uiur
n hou'ej , | 2 UicV. udiy u iiy end iU'etly | mavlv ;
rk i nt by u all ; nacamu itntio ; ; iutii ) > ( ur rtily
Co. , rlnuidelpnla , > 'a.
lXJ-lm )
- , a girl fur
tioU' oik , I. iiulro tt Ceutrtt HOUM ) , rw.
ill and Cati. < < > 9.15
) - t In IL cam ol chl'drcn
\ limit bo cumiietect 8. l < , coruur S5th Aid Dr
port. Mil-ll
V7AJrl-InllM anil cblldrf 11 to Ulo Icuuni In
T ell Klndol Uucy or .4 lieuwcabloti'ru uiU ;
\ rANTKD C ipttcnt ulrl ( or houjo work ,
> $1. pcrnetk. Mr < .ll T , Ix > ivitt , txjruu Sauii
H acil In Jl n Ht , Shtun'i ad . Itjon. (70-10
7AKTKO-nlil , mu tb aU
i U'nlly I'l t dm wi/04 lor u couj ilrl , In.
YTrAy7T.D A cornptt nt irlrl ho iinil
V ? hoim > teplnKtoorciiir.h& ntftu. t" ' ! "
n 3 , fnoh. JJlhurcct. Will :
T y AVTIiD A p d glil tat prf ncr l houic war *
VI 1PI4 Webster tt , Mint cook < 1 > . & 41-ti
\\TANTKD \ f Orst cun t.Mo boardrra kt
> t W. e r 14th anil JMICT _ B4I 16f
U ANiED T op ntc ntiivtn OooJ * ozc < i ft John Jfor
fen , Lincoln , cb. _ pu 55
\\7ANTKD Oltl foi general homework. Apr
\ \ at2H4Uouglaa. 487.11
WANTi:0-01rlforpciicral : houso-nork In smi
( amllv , MIS noith Ifcth St. 425-t
" 1X7 ANTKn-TravillDK salesmen to c.trry fampl
T ol s'anlo cocjn In connection i h their re ul
line to till on commi Ion throuitn tlie wett M
north\ t. Aildregj "K. B. P. " this olllcc , 4.10 10
WANTED-Agcnts to sell Oatelj'a Unhcrtal ttl
catoronmoiithly pajintntt C U on or a
U. 1' . Lowrj , loom 6 , 111) north Jflih H
or country , to Ulio nlto. light and plcajai
work atlhelr ohiihonicii ; $1 tofB per day omlly ar
quietly tnadoj work > entby mail , no caniawlnit ; i
! VW ' .or to ) lr > 1'loaso addrow Hcllablo JIaul'ir Cc
riill ilolprila , I'.v. _ E03-1
\ \ ? ANTED Uygladv n cl rk hlp In toro , 8
IT HowirdSt. Ilclerinc4Hghon. SiS-KIp
\ VANTKISituatlon > In grocery or hardna
t store hy young nun eipcrlcnosd In hiulnca
AcldreiH " 0. K. " Bee offlc . OlS-lSp
D A Scotchman , ( jraHuilo wAiili n pi
> I Ion ol reipocttbl Hy na eccrcury or copjlr
cleik. Cm comn and ? 200 city or country , lua bee
In 2 i ears In U. If. lifst city rclcrtncce. Adtfrc
tl 1 Friday , "II A. " 813 north 10th St. 013-lBi |
TY/ANTED Situation hv young girl to do laundi
TT wotk. Apply at 1003 Jackson St. 6i8.1f
WANTKn Between young m ns5 yeaisof ag
who can Freak Uanl-h Qermtn ind fugllnh ,
iiuUtlon in abtcr ailonn or any ether kind of bit
ness. Address "II. " Ucoofllce. fll-14p )
WANTKD By a machinist , a filiation tlthcr I
manufactory or to UXo charge ot cniclno <
licatlng nnparatui. References gUcn. Addrci
"Knglncor,11 llco ollico.
Situation by a lady a book-keeper c
uashlcr. City relcicnucii.Ml. . M. " Boo otllci
: noau anv oi3 Bttuation aa boo !
kccpir , Iu wholcsalo tatablkhtnorjt to Omahl
"C. " cara Bco. SBfl-tl
llAn'IKUtotonsstrawdcllvcrertof thoL'arracki
T T Inquiru ot Joseph t ] , 10th aud Iznd U !
o 10-wlt
\77ANrKI [ > A pair second lund 4 ton wage
T T MsUe8IIowe or Fal.bauks ruaie , 712 South lit
D A married couple dcslro room au
TT beard In irhoto fatnllj ; dtblrablo lora'lor
Jdrets "A. " 1' . 0. drawer 22. 02 ISp
V17AN KO Boarders good hcari tnd coifoitah !
V roonHat$4.6j per week , 1212 tapltol a
12th and 13th St. tOMSp
WANTED To sublit part of ( tjro for wnclcsal
bustootn , 14J7 Farnain rt. 007-tl
WAM'KD To rent Btablu for 2 lumcs , with roor
forwatfon , within Miort dlstnnco from 1'os
Dtlliu. Addiess " 11. A. JI. " llSsouth Ibth St.
TX/ANTKU-A furnished house In a dciirab'o Ic
T call y forthowlntcrby arespoiislblc i > art } . "II
3. " this olllcu. COU-13p
WANTED Partner with S03 ! to take half Intoree
Ilia well established and \cry prolltablo bin
ness In Omaha. Address "C. II. " cato Bee olllcc
Jouncil lllulli lowx 578-15
WANTKD To buy n. 3 or 4 room hotiso In gooi
locality on monthly payments. Address 1m
ncdlatcly "if. T. " care Beo. 57J-13
WANTED A Dlccly furnl'hcd room In ntlvitti
family. Addiejs W P. ti , this onicc.
VST ANTED J2.000 on flret-class city cccurity.for I
T r yearn , at 9 per cent. Address Box 8CO Post-
'ir.ra ' TOO-tt
tna tots.
Oll KENT A bric't cottage of 6 roomscity watti
H and modern impro cmeijta tf. E. corner o ! Otl
ml Hickory St.
KENT House of nine rooms eight block
from 1 est ooicc. McCaguo. opiioilto P. o.
[ 71011 UENT Three new Mfk stores on Cumlnf
I ? atreet , one a come ; . McCajue , opposite P. O.
rjlOU 11K\T Furnished front room with board ,
I ? lily window , smalt family 033 noith 17th St.
710U KENT Front room for two gentlemen. 1023
J Dodge street Ci3 10"
7\OK 1IENT Suit oJ pleasant front chamber roomi
? furnlsbcil , togentlcrraiand wife , 2113 Cififornla
reel. 6SD6
011 IICNT hmall house with htabliNW corner
? PafincaiuITIitrteenth. 021-lSp
POH KENT To nnturlshfd front rooms with
txiird iu pr ale family In good location. Inquire
r.EOO 22dand Buit bt. C03-14p
70U JiK'JT One ilic and one fits rjcm callage.
? Inijuiivat 2413 Cap tolavc. COQ-llp
TlOfl IIFJ/I' < fficoor part of ttoio lultable for
. whulcsalebnj noAk-Apply ! to 1S07 Fainam'St
_ _ _
7011 HEKT-Twelvooood f rm > to German ton-
1 ant forlliojeais. Hogg's & Hill , 14US Farnnin
r t 03-14
poll KENT Thrio room liouso with cellar , on
Harney etrcet near 22d. fninilro at ollico New
: rk Dry Uood * fetoro. fiS8-l tp
DX will buy ophaeloauj 13191'ainamSt.
'O ; ) _ tss-tt
roll i KNT-Slxroam house. Ap'r | ' to J * . II.
Gladstone , ii : Dcu las. rS4 tf
rOFl IlKNT-Nlcili FtirnUhcd front room" 811
eouth 17tl > St.
rOIl HUNT-PluaKintrnomj for gontleuun. t COS
north 17th street , north of Cillf JinU. (03-l6p
roil ll"NT 2 rooms unfurnished $3. anl 1 room
furnUhtU. Cheap , 7nl 8. 17th bt. , Ncarl < ? a > fn-
rth. CUS-13p
rOIl IIHNT Su.toof rooim and boanl 1812 Uodcc.
flOll llENT-llooraa In prl\at family with
1 ornltliouthoaul , AdJrcss "tl. " Bee olll-p.
foil UiXT Nlcily funiNhul rooms with or with.
' inithouril , Northe.ut corner IMi and Ca 3.
POlt KENT Ilouiol2rooinii , 2Manil Hurt Btrccts.
* IS ix r month. Boggs i : 11111. 60M4p
rOIl 11ENT furnuihod llooinu , bri.k bloik , inmi-
vriilrupri eiiKntK , one block from ] iuMtnllc ) < ,
ih aiul Cupltol A\cnue. , .Ul-l'lp
POll RKNT FurLls'jtd room 14l7Ho a > d S > .
- >
' .OH HENT-A lioius etc rooma 0110 Mock eouth ot
1 the U. P , Dcr.ot. M. Leo , grocer 2Id Ira > eu-
> rth. ISS-ia
rOIl 11KNT A lurnlsheil room rultablo for 5 gin.
ttimcn , Urrns mojf rate , flu J'leico ht. 502-lCp
POIl fK.S'T A houtool4 roomawlth 21otj , cheap
! ! thloi , ' * second rcMit on. Apply at Mri Uyan's
DIUK rail. coJiitr of Ifltb and Dodtfo ft. Mi 10p
rOIt KENT Th choice corner itoro KUi a-d
Ilonard B'rt'jH ' ml.atJu for a ilrug kturc. Apply
Oeo. Illeglr , corner Utdgear.d lath ct < , f.lD-ll )
riOH KENT -1I UB flva rootnj unJ litclini In-
( fjiro7SJeo.tli Iflthitrett.
1011 HUNT-With board , two nlcrfy furnlfhel
roouiDxvitn bath room andnatcr cXuit , t.t 3 W ,
r. lllh and Jonej. M5-Up
011 KENT Two ileslratla rooiroUt Isrro
trnut parlor , euluMB Jtr ono or tnn cmtUaJtB.
cite I one ( piarUr block ( ram bt , llaiyacnue ,
> I'lcjsiiit btrcct. 6217 tl
On HEtfT Uouie and barn. Win. L. Monroe ,
dlh aud DougUi , tulepnono 391 , &SM5p
[ MK Kb . 1 A kiuill rooiiiiViEii or HKHQII luvr
1 1721 Done UK t. (31 13p
tOll HENT-FuuilihedPMloraiidUxl bed room
1 In the northern ) > * of theclci , board f roviJel.
iiulie r-f. K rn-ntr 16th Divenpoit bts , botwoo'i
< > IH KKS11 I'ariilinC'l room and Imard $5.00 tp
week , Vur ) WMtlotatlon.lSltDaveiipait. 4S4-13 (
> OR IlK.NT-furuLl.oi loom 1017 Chlcazo ktrctt
VOK KNT-Good Lutlu < .n t' > ro ruoiu. cornerSth
uuil Jjckyrinnrfit * A' o will lurulihed rrciu
u. 7 ON. W curmr IMli an < ) l avtuwoitb St > .
ply ou l > lJll < t ( , J. J\YtU.SJA.Nl 4W-11
. " ' H KrST runnsRinJ M-gatis from two ioll ! r
1 tip A. Hifpo , 1JI9 Io-l < e. 439.1m [ |
Tjl iltllKNTTworfOT fuiiii h l for Hall hOTno-
.1. KecpiLg , Ucomcr's blook , 3lh AM ) Howard street ,
431 tf i
F OU flBST A liniuu | th oWitrcwHi \Vni7en
Sultrier , ZlSSonth 14th rtreit , 413-tf , '
TTIOU IllSS'T-IIaloI tioiiclo hoii-e , foir rooms , f
I1 : shlnn' J.I addition , til. a month. Ai ply room *
2f , dinar n Nut local ItA'ik 3B-t
POH UKNT llan.lsimo furnished toonH ) feS
HfASt MM. iriyypfiipo- . %
poll R7UTT A larnl hnl loom IcXW
FOU ItF.S't Olio ( f' 0(5 ( B-juaro puna.
ctEdholta and E/ckson. 4tO-tf
TIOll SAI.K-2 very oM hooVa dates 1.VP nd 1502
TTIP In perfect con Utlon , h5 about 19) other h'oks.
' 'JI. A , " 513 iiurthMllth Mt. fll7-15p
FnnSALB-AIlUeroiid Sililth , New Vnrk and
Chlcigo patent ( .enter , nf ] r K" < 'ator. ' Ca 1 at
John Power , Cooper thop , 7th and Lcaiotnvmtli.
_ _ _
FOU SAM ! -lloiwfirnltura reri cheap. It. K.
FergliSMi , 1018 Wtbsleretrctt. 018-ir.p3
IpOH MALK Potlapp of f > roonn. barn , rornerlnt In
I * Shlnn'saddltlHiionl. 81.ri ojsmall ca h pajiiicnt
and balance monthly. Bargain. llcCagnc , opp.
postoltloc. C19tf
IJ OIl 8M.E Puny , tro Jslzod , H\c jears rld.chcaii
1 1C.m th.Uirald olllca , fl)6-ISp
FOIl SAtK Oil I'A'CHANOK A water | > i cr ( J la
mill , lemons forrelllng ghcnon nptllcatlon to
Oco. E. PragjrVacrly , lb. COMm
FOR 8A'.n A fewiuatterjcnions | | of cholco Und
w ithin 10 to 1 miles ol Omaha $20 to $22 and & 0
per acre. Bogita& 1)11' ) ' . M-M4
FOIl SALE The cheapest little rraldcnco property
in Omaha , now hou o of 8 roouis , corner lot , In
north partof city , only $2,400 ; owner Icailng. A Imr-
Rain fur tome one who keeps a team ; only $500
Oow n. Boggs&llll. 605.14
FOIl SALE Now phaoton. Inquire of Ooo. Hlg-
gins at nortn- east corner lOtliand Dcilco.
FOR SAIif At a bargain , the leading rcitaurant
in AtUntic Io\\tt. Oocd business and good rea
sons for rclllng. Address Lock box 1C3 , Atlantlola.
FOU SALE stock dry goods , notions , line us , tin-
dcrn ear , Hoalnry , Lices Ac. , about tCtOO. Nice
clo < n stock , will exchange for propcity and seine
cash , Oarrahrant & Cole , 1203 Douglas St.
Ii7t.17p )
1011 SALE en Icct on Farram street between 58
andiO. M. Lcc , Grocer , SIM and Leavonworth.
SALK Fine business rlmnco at Cr nd lehnd
' > "eb. $5.COOmijs Ibolmnk building 22x44 ; an
ofllcobullJliiftlilcBicnt8fd8IB a month ; n Unco
Rio and burner proof s.ifo with Yclo time lock cot
(1,600 , \trylarfjolmnkbookflro proof tale ,
bsnk counter , deskf , lurtl coal stove , In I ct , a com.
ple ; bank ouint , together v.l-h lot 41x60 on Locust
8trct. Title perfect. l < rms j cash , la'anco ou one
nivl two j oars time If desired. Call en or oddro'8 Jay
K. White , Grand Island , Neb. 62.-tt
: Oder far tutu .1 bunch of JOthoIcoheavy feed.
Wi Ing ntocrs ( jradcj ) In good flceh woUhlng 1160
and upw.rda. fctra go Uroj. , Sioux City , Iowa.
FOU SALE A now typo-writer at n discount. Also
all Kinds of Tj pow r.tor and Ca'liireph mppllcs.
Stripe ill/avis , Kooui 10 , Union Blocs , opposite
Opera House. 61MI
F I Oil PALE Cheap , a restaurant in good loca tto
at 220 north ICth bt , 607-23 pn
Y0'l ' SAWS Furniture nnd fixtures nt n bargain ,
1 ? Cimiicrclal IloUlpgood houro , three Ftorles lngli ,
crjtlilni ; i evr. On occountof healthof proprietor ,
rt'ill tell but dlni ; it desired Call at hotel cr address
Frank Klllott , Maunder , Falls City , Neb. 45G-21p
FOU SALE Good oow. alenopcn bujtcyhorBO and
harnsi s. Inquire J. Jlichal , llail Carrier. 452 tf
FOIl SALE Second hand leither seat top phaeton
also four sprinjrdelh cry u agon , cheap. W. J
iVclshans * Co. , City Mills. 274-tf
FOU SALS ICO pianos and organs , boxissulUtlo
far coal or feud boxes. A. Hospo. 383-lm
I710K HALK A RooJ frame house , fi rootis , all In
I ? peed order iliut bo moved nt once Apply to
he Woitern Newspaper Utlon , cor. 12th ami Uow.
.rJ street ) . 31441
ET < OK SALE A ( , oed eldo bar buggy 217 rt ISth
1 street. 233-tf
B OK SALE ( Jhcip a second rundhlicli
Inquire at Simpson's Carriage factory , Dodge ,
lotnccnlith and 16th. 230 tf
FOU SALE B20 acres land on Middle Eca\cr , In
Smith county Kansas , 250 acre under fence ,
ilenty of lit Ing water for stock. Good frame hcusu
0x20 , with kitchen 12x20. 203 acres In culti\ation ,
i rice 91,000. Terms & cish , balance on time to suit
lurchasers. Will also Fell CO head cattle if purchaser
lesires. Address Thoinia Mitchell , Smith Centre ,
Cansas , or Fulton & Grove , lUterton , Neb. 257-lui
L\OR , SALE 150,000 brick oa cars at Bellevuc. U.
C T. Clarke. 21S-U
FOIl SALE Loose hay delivered In large or smal
quantities. A now line aide bar ton buggy andn
rholca&Ie notion or peddlers wagon. U. J , Canan &
'o. ' _ _ _ 17S.lm
GilM SALE NenWjtlpmH ! , brick , three stonciC
1 } only hotel in tovf > , jprootre , to leare lor 3 or 6
eirs. 1 ho proprietor * ! UieNHigh House w ishes to
; 11 the furniture atiiTjEtvlurcs of thh hotel on cany
mo and terms , ana k6u the hotel for tliio etited
bovo Also wonlil sell hotel outright , U agreeable.
or parflculurs Inquire of John J. King , Agent , Wcbt
'oliit ' , Nebraska. 24fl-lfi
[ 7011 SALE Two second hand plinoa , it KJho'av
P & KrloVunn'a Miif In Store on liith Bt
WOK SALE A wholettock of clothing , boots and
C1 nhocs , buildings at cost , retiring from business. .
. II. 1'ctereon , S04 south Tenth street lia-3ra
7 OK SALE Boiler and englno. I have nearly
J new holler and englno and Knowlo's pump , 49
erse power , for sale cluap. T.S. Clarkson , Selmy.
r , Neb. 922-lm
j 8ALK Utitheast corner 20th and Cumin-
J ftroot. O. I" . Davis & Co. , 1505 1'arnam sireot.
876 tl
7 > OIl SALK Cheap , a nice cottage , fall lot ,
J water 6 blocks from the court homo. M. Lto
ocer , ! RM and Ectvimwoitn. S67-liuo
SALK ipilrtlttgofllco oultablo lor a pnaal
1 uowupiper or job ollloo. Wil eell for cash 01 ii.
lanpnfor CuuLa City property. Address ' -X. Z. W
co oHeu. flS-t !
3ALK t\\o open Hcroca-aanrt tiDi'jlei and
J cse dallvoiy wtton , chukp , dt 3S1H DtiDuy 81
OST About Oolobir .U , utilantul r moVytopai
J fohptndaut. Hctiirn to J. M. Thurbton. il o
orn y btwtt , tut reward. 6a2-l5
OST Alight lirown fall ovorosat. The flndtr
J will roitrlm icward by rttiirnlnir the
metoMaxilijtr A. llro. tia-Hp
UntlKU STA.M I'HOiJy m jiiU tur i taOumha.
X lUw frlntlng Co , # , > t |
- ' ' ' " " " ' " " 'll. al c.dfaler In
. ,
11 arllflf In noKen
in i tiiurilur lot n v purtioio.
uncr oi ICIh an J I'aclllo Urcct , No. Oil. tsa-lBp
"UKm.TFU AND HUIIIMH-IIoiiry Uaddelmir
J No. C34 south 17H , ! , > | HU.a , &cUor fj
ia > n\iorth , iltmlrun tu liilrom Ilia pul.Uo tiat | ho 1.
) wprcpari.d todo ill klid , UCarm-ntir uurk. tucb.
, liou' .a . , barns , tlduwalkx La. , on t.h < > tt notice aiidt
asoniblepmu. Oi.lun.Uj innlUIUnKivo prompt
tuuuon. ll > ] 4
.luunO Ajdlcwhone hail
Icon lillclmd to a
gruco.y . , JiiHuiraol FIX KOIILI , brick.
, rd , south ICth blrcot near citj lin.iu.
mlt citj
U. II. I' . Jonaen imru > niM ( > bli ollloo and rual.
J denco toll. * N. E. oormr Ihth wid Ixscm oth
_ _ _ _ IM-l W
JKIVYaUts , tluU aud iv < puoN with
iMiitiry clmr.ur. lw.tic | u > n tuavautocJ Ly Y
Abelsucc ( borto J. JI. Builtli. ) box 31B. D7'/lirV
iiiue , rlatQ correamnd
h inu by Ijt ut M CIICB. | .f RO iliilbolUiid , 'floil ' '
tal Mia H
IKWVIlAJ , f. 14tb ami J,101 ( n
/ culvw | it lanti from ny diualu not
ntwoiu. Alia m In u ncUUou
t35 2 1 u