Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Vllnl Questions 11 !
Atl the wo. { eminent physician.
Of wiy school , what is the best thin
In the world for quieting and allaying n ]
irritation of Iho norvcs , nnd curing a
forms of nervous complaint * , giving nat
ural , childlike refreshing sleep always ?
And they will toll you unhesitatingly
"Some/orm of JtofiW
cHArrrn i.
Asknny or all of the most eminent phy
eicians :
41 What Is the best and only remedy
that can bo relied on to euro nil disease
of the kidneys and urinary organs ; such
ns Brieht'a disease , diabetes , rolcntion.p
Inability to roUin urine , nnd nil the dis
o sos nnd nilmonta peculiar to Women
"And they will toll you explicitly and
emphatically " /HO/IU ? / / / "
Ask the same physicians
'What is the most reliable and euros
euro for nil liver diseases or dyspepsia
constipation , indigestion , billiousnesi
malaria , fever , ague , &o. " and they wil
toll j'ou :
MawlralcI or Dandelion 111 ! "
llcncowhcn t c90 uniodles to combined with
others equally > luablo
AnJ comiwunded Into Hop Hitler * nidi won
dcilul nd mi lcilous cur&thu powder Ii dovclojitil
w Hch l < BO varied In Its operation ! that no disease or
111 health can possible l t or resist IU power , '
Harmtcis for the most liall woman , weakest ln\
Id or Boiallctt child to use.
"Almost dead or ncnrly djInR"
For years , and given up by physicians ,
of Bright'B and other kidney diseases ,
liver complaints , Bovoro coughs , called
consumption , have boon cured.
Women gant nearly crai lllll
From agony of neuralgia , nervousness
wakefulness , nnd vnrious disoason pocu'
liar to women.
Pcoplodrawn outot shape from nxcruclallnep ng
of rheumatism , Inflamatorj- and chronic , ot suflcnng
fromdcrofiil * .
'saltrhcum.ljlood polsonlnB.ilyspcpsU , Indlgcttlorj
And , In ( act , almost all diseases frail
Nature is heir to
Have been cured by Hop Hitters , proot of which
can bo found in c\ cry neighborhood in the known
jtsrNono Rcnulno without a bunch ol frrcon IIopn
on tno nhlto label Shun all the vile , poisonousetud
with "Hop" or "Hops" la their name.
Protection. No uch
protcctho against
chills and fo\cr and
other illtcasos oln
malarial typo exists-
fti H Blotter's Stomach
ach Dlttera. It ro
lle > CB conntlcntlon
liver dlsordem rlicu-
inatlsmkldDey and
lUdilor nlljicntc.
ltli certainty anil
rrompt 11 nilo. A
change a > gratifying
taken place In thoap
pcaranco , an well aa
the Bcnnation of tha
wan and haggard In
\nlld , who uses this
standard promoter
of health and
strength For sale
by all dm ists and dealers cncrallv
tt nqulilt * fltortho Uf dtTtrtb *
yjoU vorll. eur § ljttp * * , pltrrba . > tt r ia.4 Arim. kttd all
l\Kt4 rt t lt Iltf ti | OrikDi A f drop * Itnful m dtlDluu fl Tjf
Co fluicf hmp nt , toJ U fcll lutnro.r Jrloki Try It , fcn4
* f count1 ftlu. .Aik jour crmwr cr dniut'tfot UtfiaaM
frrial , i ufiUfuturt < /lJlLJ.U b BltOlUTCltONa.
; . w. vrurrEmtuT ,
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Hnvann , Cuba , Every 12
to 14 Days.
Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by th
parties IB Interest. It Is the fairest thing In th
nature of chance In existence.
For Information and particulars apply toBIIISEY. '
CO..aen.Agont9,1212 Uroaduay , N Y. city.
E.KAUI1& CO. , 417.Walnut street , St. Louis' , Mo
or Frank Lobrouo , L. u , , 20 Wyandotte , Kan. 30
Iy21-m&e & w Iv
Victims of jouthfulliupnidonco.cAuslnRNcrvoiiBDo *
, I'rematuro Decay , and all illnirdcrD tiruuirlit nn :
lit Indlfcretlon or e ci-t will I earn of .1 olrJlilo rcmed/ .
irulj nJdreulug J. 1L ltiiVKU.A > UhathaiUbUN.r
AVarrontud ttbtolutcly jnif
Co eon , from which the except o * it
Ollhubcinrcmofcd. Mivtthrtl
t line I tht itrcngth ot Cocoa mixed
vllli Btarcj , AlTowrootor Bugar ,
and la Ihcreforu fur moro ecouomt
t-nl. It Is delicious , nourlihliig ,
itrcngthvulngta lly dlgentrd , uul
admirably adapted fur Imalldi ai
well 01 fur Ismail" In health.
Sold uj ( irofcrs eierywhere.
W. BAKER ft PQ , , DoSsk Ite
Qeaers , Ddlen Ic
H T4 lot eJ XC9.030 oioi ctiefaDy Klected Unl
EtnUrn N l > r ako. t low pri" ua oa " * ? toI.n"
tSivaa or silt In DouglM , Ptxlzo , OjJJ"
1 urt , tumlnr , Rum. WoWngton. tfsilck
modrn. UMti Jo" ' * - .
fnxf tAlil In .U j-art ot the Bt U. .
japroveu Una/ .
In oas Conc.pc.nd
Emery A , Slorrs Relieves a Chicagi
Yoncg Man from an Erato-
passing Prefllcamcnl :
Doing \Vnrncil , Ho llccovors JIl
Chock Ilio Young Man Proves
to bo Hungry Joe ,
Chicago Tribune's Clotoland Special.
"llow nro you , Mr. Storrs ? I'm pow
orftil glad to sco you. " It was n smooth
tuneful-voiced young gentleman with i
scar on his chin who spoke , nnd the per
son addressed was the Hon. Kmory Storrs
the noted lawyer nnd famous republican
orator of Chicago. The conversation tool
place shortly before noon in the ofllco o'
the Konnard Douse.
"I'm pleased to moot you , " roturnoi
Mr. Storrs , adopting the proffered hand
"but you have somewhat the bettor o
mo , I cannot call your namo. "
"Why , I'm J. U. Nickoraon of Chica.
go , " was the response in accents of mln
glod anrprlso and grief ; "tho son of Air
Nickoraon , the bank president. "
' 0 , yes ; I know your father well
Glad to BOO you , Anything now in Ohi
cage ? "
Inatoad of replying , the son of i
banker gently led Mr. Storrs to a quid
corner. "You see , Mr. Storrs"ho said ,
in deprecating accents , "I was marriot
the other night , nnd wo started cast on
the wedding trip. I loft my pocketbook -
book in the sleeping-car this morning
very carelessly and when Mrs. Nickorson
and 1 reached the hotel I discovered the
loss and also that I was flat broko.
had not so much na n dollar in change in
my pockets. I want to ask a favor ol
you , " continued the unfortunate youth ,
his cheek crimsoning with shame at the
idea of tackling a stranger , although a
friend of the family , for a loan. "I
would like to borrow § 50 to tide mo over
until I hoar from the sleeping-car con
duotor or from my father , i'vo tele
graphed both. "
"Why , certainly , " said Mr. Storrs , go
ing down into his pockets.
"I would not nsk , you know , but I am
totally unacquainted in Cleveland ,
and "
"Iloro , stop to the desk with mo , " in
terposed Mr. Storrs , taking the unlucky
bridegroom by the arm "Thia mual
bo very annoying in a honeymoon
trip. "
"It ia , I assure you , " replied the young
man.At tn < > desk Mr. Storrs drew a chock
for $50 payable to himself , nnd indorsed
it. The paper wna cashed by the clerk
nnd the money was handed to the grate
ful Nickeraon of Chicago ,
At this juncluro Mr. D. McOIaskoy ,
proprietor of the house , stopped up to
the desk. Mr. Nickorson was explaining
to Mr. S terra that ho could call on the
elder Niokoraon upon hia return to
Chicago and bo reimbursed , but was in
terrupted by Mr. McGloskoy , who in
quired : "Do you know this man , Mr.
"No , I don't know him. His father ia
n personal friend of minp , however , nnd
ono of the soundoat mon in Chicago. "
"Just take my advice nnd got your
money back. Ho ia n confidence man ,
nnd haa been hanging around here for
two or three days , " said McCloaky.
"If you question my honesty , Mr.
Storra , take your money , " indignantly
exclaimed the the sharp , offering back the
roll. '
"I believe I will it '
keep , just for luck ,
said the lawyer , ahoving it into his
The disappointed and doubly unfortunate
nato bridegroom disapporod. Everyone
enjoyed the joke , including Mr. Storrs
himself , whoso gratification was not lea
soned by the fact that the point of the
joke waa discovered before ho had forever
lost his § 50.
Tlio young man Nickoraon la hotter
known to the police of the couktry aa Joseph
soph Lewis , alias Hungry Joo. Ho is
said to bo ono of the shrewdest "sure
thing workers" and btinko-stcorcra in the
country , and has boon in the city for the
last week on the lookout for victims.
Lewis Is of medium hoighth nnd wears
line raymont. Ho in about 28 years of
ngo , haa a smooth countenance , rendered
striking by n deep scar on the chin , and n
largo noso.Vhon Oscar Wilde was in
Now York Hungry Joe allowed him the
town and taught him the myaterie * of
bunko. It cost Oscar $5,000 for the ox-
MEAT SAUCE for all Itinds of salada , full , o
rcgotabloa , and cold meats. Cheaper
uid bettor than homo-madu. No sauce
iqual to It wna over ofl'orod.
Flu i Culture lu tlio Northwest.
. I'nul I'lancor-lVoss.
There ia not. much use in tolling the
'armor continually that ho should study a
Hvcraificatloii of products unlcsa ho can
given from time to time some praotia-
lcal hints as to the manner of divorelfi-
atiou. In some sections ho haa already
Uncovered , in others ho is rapidly lencu-
ing , that exclusive devotion , to a single
rep la not a winning policy. In bad
yoara It leaves him short aa to amount of )0
product ; in good seasons it makes him n
competitor in n market of ruinously low
prices. This has boon the experience of s
the great majority of those who yMdod >
the prevailing idea that the northwest-
ara farmer could raise wheat and nothing
but wheat. But is there is to bo a change
is of no uio to preach diversification in
Konor l terms. What the farmer wants to
know is specifically to what ho should
devote n portion of his attention and
labors. A great donl haa boon said about Lt
iho advantages and profits of stock rais :
ing nnd dairying , and n great deal moro
remains to bo said. But if wo are to
hare diversified agriculture and on no
other foundation can a solid , enduring ,
prospsrous agricultural interest bo built t
up wo want more items than this , Wo
want a good long list of'occupations and
of products among which the labor of the
fanner may bo distributed with safety
and profit , To point out some of those
and the opportunities they have to oiler
is to form n service for the
farmer of the northwest ,
In this connection it will bo well for
our ugriculturista to give n little thought
to thu progreea and the profits of llax
culture ; an industry which has ( jrown
with extraordinary rapidity in Una sec.
lion , nnd promises to occupy permanent
ly mi important place in our agriculture. us
The growing of flax , if not itself carried
to extremes , oilers to the farmer ono
avenue of escape from the dangers which p
gather about the reliance upon anv one
product. 1'lax culturu in the United
States i a very recent innovation. Up to
about 18U5 , such mills tor the manu'.not.
uro of lineeod oil na existed lu this '
country were largely supplied with thol
raw material by imporlations from Eng
land and the Ktst. The flax industry
began wilh the efforts of the mill mon tc
obtain a domcslio supply , and for Ihi
purpoto quantities of need wcr
distributed among the farmers and th
cultivation of the plant urged by
every argument that rnight bo able t
overcome their constitutional consorva
tism. As western mills came Into existence
tonco the same policy was followed , an
loans or oven gifts of seed were in ado tc
farmers to induce shorn to assist in th
ontorprlso. It took but a few years t
convince them by money returns tha
they had found a profitable occupation
and the cultivation of flax has annually
covered a wider area and been moro as
siduously followed. The plant has boot
found to flourish remarkably in the rid
now soil of the northwestern states , one
the product ot seed has now reached pro
portions which astonish these who hav
not made a study of the subject. Esti
mates of the entire crop of the Unitot
Stales vary widely. It is assumed
however , that last year's yield ag
grogatcd from 0,500,000 to 7,250 ,
000 bushels , and that thi
crop now being marketed will , by roasot
of an Increased acreage of 25 per con
and a botlor average yield , roach from
8,000,000 to 9,000,000 bushols. Bat ti
most remarkable feature of this produc
lion is thai the crop of Minnesota am
Dakota comprises probably one-half the
entire yield of the United States. Ii
Minnesota the crop ia put at 2,000,001
bushels while that of Southern Dakota
alone will roach from 2,000,000 to 3,000 ,
000 bushels. The reasons for this sudden
springing into prominence Ho very near
the surface. In casting about for aomo
product by which to supply the need o : "
diversifying agriculture , farmers were induced
ducod to make a trial of flax. The ro
suits were such as to encourage thorn to
the utmost. A feature of peculiar adap
tation to a now country in its culture is
the fact that it can bo grown 1m
mediately after breaking. Usually the
work of breaking ground is unproduc
tive except as a preparation for the future
turo , but it is foundthat , flax can bo sown
as a breaking crop with excellent results
the first year's yield frequently paying
all expenses , and sometimes leaving
: omfpatablo magin toward paying for the
land itself. The plant yields hero moro
abundantly than in the cast , producing
on the average an equal or greater num
bar of bushels to the aero than wheat
An the prlco this season has remained
sloady at f rom § 1 to $115 per bushel
with a crop of from ilftoon to oightebi
bushels per aero , It is not to bo wondorot
at that farmers who have tried thn 02
iicrimont of flax culture are remarkably
wull satisfied with the pecuniary ro
There Is no reason why the culture ol
this plant should not bo much moro uni
versal than it ia. Our soil is excellent ! '
ulaptod to it , it thrives well in northern
atltudos , producing abundantly across
our northern boundary , and it is ever
CBS aubjoct than grain products to
climatic clangors. About the only thinj
io bo feared is an excessively wet harvea
season , which ruins the aood by soften
ing and decay. But this is lots threat
ening than the dangers which menace
other products , while Iho prospect that
shore will bo a constant demand for flax
seed at good prices is excellent. Wo
still import largo quantities of oil and
seed which it is possible for our farmers
to produce , while it is probable thai
other portions of the plant wll. "
30 more } { carefully utilized In the
'uturo than at present. The fiber , else
where considered the most valuable portion
tion , ia hero allowed , to a great extent ,
to go to waste. A few mills for manu
facturing it into tow to bo used for up
holstering purposes exist in the North
Treat , and the fiber for this purpose is
worth faom § 20 to $25 per ton. But
there seems to bo no reasons why , with
careful cultivation nnd harvesting , the
same plant should not furnish the average
luantity of seed and abe supply the lon _
libers that are used in the manufacture of
cordago. The residuum of the grain
after the oil ha ? boon expressed was for-
morlyloithor discarded or exported for
what it would bring. Its value for mis-
ng Is norr beginning to bo appreciated by tl
American feeders , and dairymen are glade tlE
o purchase it for their stock. The whole E
iroduct of the linseed oil mill at St. Paul
a thus disposed of in the dairying dia-
ricta juost of Chicago. The
acto which experimental il'aa
tilt u re hayo disclosed are such as to
nako it a moat important adjunct to the In
{ versification of agriculture. Farmers
f the ITorthwost who are not altogether
atisfiocl with tlio result * of exclusive do-
ption to wheat raising will dnwell to
ivo llaa a trial. There is no Immediate
anger that supply will exceed demand ,
vhilo wo are importing seed at the por- ;
ontogo of over 00,000' bogs between ?
lie 1st o ? January and the 1st of August >
f the prcaont your. It ia not advisable
follow the oxrmplo of sections where
ax Bood is now the bulk of the whole
rop. It in no moro safe to put entire
cpondonco upon this than upon wheat
r any other product. But as a moans o
f introducing that diversity of products
pen which oocurity and prosperity do-
end , the oulluro of llax is most Impoi-
jint and most particularly to be rocom-
niMidod to the farmers of the Northwest. i
, h
Exactly o&proasoa the condition ol thou- )
amis of people at this season. The do- I
iroaaivo oiilcts of warm weather , and liioi
ho weak condition of the body , can only oi
corrected by the use of n roll&blo tonic loIn
iiid blood1 purifier like Hood's iSarsapn- ;
ilia. suffer when InExactly
Why longer a romodjx InV
so cloao at hand ? Take DooiFa Sarsn- V
arilla now. It will give you untoU
voalth iu > health , strength and energy.
Diirdotte on tlio Monroe * ZDoctrlce , „
Why , , yes , my son , the Munroo doc-
riuo ia-a good tiling to keep en. the chim- od
ioy-pUT8. ) It is n 7ory almplo doctrine.
merely doclaroa that wo located ihis
laim ouraolvcs , and the nian.uho trioi to
umpit , or any of its lends , angles , spars ,
lips or outcropping , will bo in dangsr of
lying poor nnd comparntivo/y friendless.
declares that no lorolga nation * can
ome over hero and slide on our sollar
oorj that England and Germany cannot
wing on our fiout gatu to do their aourt-
ng ; that they canuot bring ovea their
wn syrup troughs and older spouts and
lake augur in our maple grove ; tlvut Aus-
ria and Franco rau't spot no bco tree ia
ur Mexican timber land ; that they oniVt It
litch our Isthmus unless wo locate the
itch and put in the drift cntusj that
tussia can't trap mink in our creek bet
OIIIB ; that no foruign nation can spank
chiVlrcn with our butter paddloi _ Lt
neans that the man who joins farn\jvilh
can't inovo the division Jenco imtil he
oiks to us about it ; that io cau'i crowd
our ncU'.libors ; that ho can't sublet a
patch of his farm to anybody until wo '
TO Batisfiod tha now tenant will
nako a good uoighlwr for in. That' *
about the oiisa of it , and it's a voty gorx ]
dootrino for a well disposed , '
'ainily , if it's lived up to ,
Tlio Story How AVIUIniii M , Soot
AVoit . ? ! 50.OOO Kronllcd
ly HlH Dcntli.
Now York Sun.
TonoNTO. Sept. 25. The name o
Wra. M. Scott , who died here the otho
day , was heralded from ono end of th
continent to the other about two year
ngo , when ho won the sum of $150,00' '
in a single game of pokor. Scott was
native of Newburg , N. Y. , where h
lived when ho played his famous game
The players in the game were three well
Known citizens of that town , ono o
whom , the victim , had just become hoi
to half a million. This waa n man name
Wood. Scott also had money , arm wn
surrounded by wealthy friends. Th
third member of the parly was n forme
sunday-school teacher , a dentist name
Dr. M. M Hedges. It was shown after
ward that the poker pot was adroilly rui
up to $150,000 on bets of at least $5,00
each. The dealer was Dr. Hedges , th
shrewdest player of the three. A
ho deftly dropped the last cnn
on the little round tabl
ho called out to know -what th
other players -wanted. Scott said ho
wanted only ono card. Of courao th
question nroao , Was ho drnwing to fill o
straight or a flush ? Wood applied to th
dealer _ f or two cards , and the question to
bo decided in his case by the others was
whether ho was drawing to got four of a
kind or to fill a full hand , a straight or n
flush. Hedges rested on his oars. Ho
had enough , which was of course interpreted
protod to moan that it waa anything
from n straight or a full hand up to r
straight flush. The drawing over , tin
faces of the three brightened up , and i
ia safe to say that never before had three
lonely mon in a little game hold three
such hands of cards. When the betting
had got up to § 0,000 or $8,000 Woct
wanted to stop , "because"aa ho said"
"thoro ia not ono of ua that will pay i
wojoao such an amount. " It wns not
stopped , however. After a little
Hodges , who had stood pat with his
hand and engaged in the hotting na i
went nroud until the pot wns pushed up
to $150,000 , ealledScott. Then came tholay
down , and afterwards Hedges' memorable -
blo worda to Wood , "Thia la dreadful
ain't it ? " Of course the simple mindec
Wood was taken in. As ho had received n
fine hand that would have nerved ovei
the moat timid gambler to the highest
betting point. It was four of n kind anc
acea at that. In any ordinary game i
bold hotter would have done aa Weuc
did , go to the bitter end. Scott's ono
drawn card waa the corn-breaker. Did
it fill n full hand or a straight'waa / the
question that ran through Wood's mind
continuously , while the chips , represent
ing thousands of dollars , were being
thrown into the pot. "Of courao , If it's
either my four acea will boat him , " ho
argued , "while It isn't possible that
Hedges drew better than four acooln the
deal. "
When the end came Weed waa struck
almost dumb. His four ncoa were worth
less , for while Hodpos stood pat on
king full , Scott had drawn in the one
card ho took the right color and the a
proper number of spots to raako his
hand a straight flush , the only thing that
would down four aces. Weed attempted
to compromise by paying $2,000. Ho
then thought the game had boon honcat-
ly conducted. But Scott wns obdurate
and would not settle. Ho not only
wanted the whole amount , but ho want
ed then and there. , or at least something
thai would bind Wood nnd his fortune
to the paymontof the debt. If ho didn't
got it , ho said , ho would pablish Wood
nil over town , .Qhero his family stooo
high in socio his wn more than
Wood could BtSiTV , iftid at theanino time ,
it ia said , there wore other thinga thai
were pulled to bring him to terms.
Hedges told Scott to latira a minute , and
ho wont oat. Then Hedges approached
Wood with smiles and offered hia assist
ance. Of courao , Hodgea wna nlao a
loaor of Sl'30,000 ' to Scott , which made
the Inttor's winnings on the game 3300-
000 , bur , ns 'A could not l > o paid , , probab
ly no notice waa taken of such a trifling
"This ia- dreadful , ain't it'1 said
Hedges , nnd added : "There is only ono
way wo can got the money back. " Then >
ho proposed to Weed to inr.rlc the cards
and go at it again nnd clean Scott out.
Ho took his linifo nnd marked n card
with it. "Now , " said ho , "wo can tell l
thia wny which nro the acea-und which
wo the kings , and wo'll f ot zqunro wltit
liitn that way. "
"No , " saidWaod , who still innocently
Dolioved ho had boon treated fairly nnd1
loncatly ; "no if I can't pla.7 a aquara
amo 1 won't ploy nt nil. " The doctor
aa now nt his wits end , nnd the victim
f the plot walked out. At the bottom
if'tho stops which led to tho- street ho
not Scott , who was still stubborn. His
iloading with Seott was Jnavailirig.
iVood said to him that ho'd always been
tin friend and he didn't tiling-it square '
oxast all of ihe $150,000 Jrom him.
Fhoy parted tha knight with no under ,
landing nbout the payment of the
nonoy ,
The next morning Wood met HoJgea-
md : Scott in tho-Hodges laboratorywllern
ho garao link loon played , Scott still
lomandod payment of the full amount
wod. Weed did not know what to-do.
EIo daircd not t k ndvico for-foar of pub- ,
icily , and the only wny ho-could see out
f the matter na to foot tho-bill , ond'to
lot it bo the last , Hodges stood rondy to >
lvo hia note in payment for hla 81GG.0001 , ;
loss. "And why shouldn't I ? ' mused ;
VVooiti "P bably Hodges will1 never
pay hiii note.but that is no-reasonwhy T
ihould't net the part of an .honest plavor. .
You. , that is ftost , and 111 do it. " So WooJ > f
iml Hodgcciboth paid thoif debt of 'honor .
witb > notoa. 1
I/i'a ' few days a wmproau'ao was effect- '
, and Siott lot up 0:1 each to the
nmonnt of 50,000 , agreeing lo accept
8120,000 from eajh in payment * of the [ .
ilobt ; This Weod'nasonled ' to-as , did' ' Dr.
Hedges , who gat o Scotl his note for the :
full amount , cnn now bn
found in the de d man/a ofieota. Wood
paid $20(000 ( in caah and garo nptoa for
the balance , wliioh haa boon jiakt with
the oxooptlon of $15 000 , which ho refused
fused to pay by the advic * of n friend vi
namoo'MooM. Tlio caao finally got into IV
the courts asJ Wed got > son * of the
money ,
But the poker patno wns n small ono in
nornpat ison with iho gnmo that followed.
; was n came of fnro.VeeA wns nualn
loser to the enormous amount of $4W- B
OuO. The qaxio win played between >
Siott nnd Weod.for the purpose of giring
thrt latUv a chance to win hick his # 150 , .
000. If Weed won it ivaa to oll'apt the
game against him , and the two ivero to \
call ii square , Weed jumped nt such an
opportunity. The game wns played in lit
thu dental laboratoryand the betting ran
'ip very f.t t until It stood nt150,000 ii
favor of Scott Of rourao , the money
was never paid , and it was after this that I J.1
the trouble over the poker debt got into 1 ,
the courts. In
Scott died here nt the house cf his eie 10
tor , nnd his remains WPIO taken lo Nou
burg for interment. Ho was only 1)2 ) o
. ' 13 years old.
If your complaint wnnt of nppcllto , try
halfn wino-glft 3 o ( AnKontnrn JllUpr
half ( in hour before dinner , ] 5owaro of oo n
torfcit-i. A k your Rrocor or dnifRist for th
ccnnlno article , inftnufnctureil by lir , J. G. ] ]
alettert & Sons.
Norxr l
Boston Journal.
The First regiment of Califoinia
been camping out during the watermelon
season , and the consequence was that ba
twcon the bar rooms of Santa Iloaa , anc
the watermelon farms there were a largo
number of unauthorized absences. Ono
evening the guard observed a private ap
preaching , who was staggering along under <
dor the combined load of much convivial
ity and an onormovia watermelon under
each arm. "Who goes Ihorol" "Er hl <
cr fron. " rozponded the truant. "Ad
vance , friend , and give the countersign. '
"Hain't got no hie countersign , '
amiably replied the private ; but I'll or
hie give you or warmillon. " Pretty
soon the olllcor of the day came around ,
and . said to the eonlinpl , who was absorber
in munching a hugo piece of watermelon
stuck on the end of his bayouot , "Die
Perkins pass you just now ? " "Yes , air. '
"Did ho give the countersign ? " inquired
the lieutenant , taking n bite himself , as
Iho man presonlod arms. "Well , no ,
sir , " said the sentinel , confidentially :
"tho password was 'cholera , ' but ho said
'watormolon , ' ao 1 passed him and put
the other half in your tent. " "Did , oh ? "
muted thocfllcor. "Hum ! watermelon ,
eh ? Well , I guess that was near
enough ? "
' Isn't that MM. Holmes ? " I thought
the doctors gave her up. She looks well
now. "
"Sho ia well. Aflor the doctors gave
up her case she tried Dr. Piorco'a 'Favor-
Ito I'cracriplion' mid began to got better
eight away. I heard her say not long ago
that oho hadn't felt BO well in twenty
years. She does her own work and says
that life seems worth Hying , at last.
' \Vhy , ' said she , 'I feel as if I had boon
raised trom the dead , almost. ' Thus do
thousands attest the marvelous efficacy
of this God-given remedy for female
weakness , prolapsus , ulceration , loucor-
rhtui , morning sickness , weakness ot the
stomach , tendency to cancerous disease ,
iprvous prostration , general debility and
dndrcd affections.
'Indians Ueoomliifj Oivlli/.cd ,
The death of the lamented Gon. Canby
s recalled by a recent report concerning
, ho Modoc Indians , which says : "Thoy
now number 102 , and ono can BOO quito a
contrast in a picture of them an they are
io-day , with 480 acres of land under
ligh cultivation , with a beautiful harvest
n promise , dressed in civilized garb , with
an eager desire to oducatp their children ,
and oven the men learning to read and
write , and that of the Modocs of ton
roara ago , of Hying settlers , devastated
lomca , herds and ( locks ruthlessly
slaughtered , with pursuing troops follow-
ng tant over mountain and plain. They
are much moro contented than they were
faw yoaro agof still they greatly doairo
.hat uomo member of the tribe bo al-
owed to visit their old homo in Oregon
and report from their relations and
rienda. "
In a recent lotlor to Mr. Welsh con
cerning the Chiricahuj and other Apachea
jon. Crook cays : " 1 will add my firm
> olief that there is not in our own state
of Pennsylvania a village of the same
) opvclation moro peaceable and law-
ibiding than the five thousand Apaches
on the Sin Carlos reservation.
Honest Old
Now York Sun
A fcoblo old darky struggled painfully
"Bo33"ho said , "Iso on ole , elo man.
' . woo bo'n in old Vahginny an' libbed
dar mos' on to ninety-eight year , an' I
want yo' tor aasis" mo or little dia maw-
nin" boss , of yo" ploaV Bah' "
"You knew George Washinjton , of
ourse ? "
"No Bah , I nebbor seed himi"
"What ! You lived in Virginia-ninoty-
ight ' years and never saw GeorgO'V/aah-
ngton ? "
"Dat am orfact , bc-KJi. Ise an-hones'
lo man , and om too far gone in dis
frorl' for to toll or lio. I nobber rood
oung George- , but Lor' sab , hm po' ole
ran'faddor an' gran'muddor yu o tor
nk or pow'ful sight obnio , boas. "
> Dr. Fra/ier * ! ) Magio Ointment. Otiro as :
by magic : I'l-r les , Black Heads or Giabs ,
'otchos and JCniptioim an the face , leaving
la-sldn clear a-id lieautif-sl. Alsqotu-eH Itch ,
ait I'.houin , Sere Nipple ? , Sere J/it > 3 nnd old ,
batinatu UlevrJ , iSol'i by dmutate , or
d on rccoij-fc'of ' prico. 50 cents. SoliJ by
& Co. anl C , 1' . Gtuxlimm.
Tlio Now YorK I'ross on Ohio. ofha
J-chaiif0 [ New Vork Special. ha
Ntv , YOHK , October 11. The V/orld soys : wlII
'Vvt three yoaa the pocple of Ohio
lificd by tnclr 7ctrs theif disnppro ; al of iepab-
Icah rule. Vca three ysnri they hate shown
hey condemn republican intolerr nco nzul op
iraeBlon In t-toir atnt > affair * nail the have
uityet yiven-yiy indlcnUons of upoil aensa
nut iiidepondonca in Uo presidential ehuir.
Jilt for tlio tiJco of their own local intercuts
jut fur proteoton of thflfr utato Jrom tatolcr-
uica and fnti.iticisina they ought aot to lot tlio
IDSM ] uork gobncUwartL If 01j > keopg down
hu republic m mnjorltry next TutBday tin Gar- *
iold'a liguro , wcehall ha\o strong hopes of
losing her oltotonil vatta rocorcted with tliit
fNewYo-k for ( .rover Cleveland , for the
rohibition rota In Nuveinbcr will ar iirodly
viH ) ! out any L' ' ,000 majority that may ba
lttn ! next week , "
The Siicinays : Suppose tiat Jojilnd do.
tied thu e-Uumoni tit Jlluino , instrid of the
.taltiMOiit-ot liotcl.ur'i" , would thoaa af'ourea-
ruined ccatemporftcjoa who rt-Rard tha issue
tha puiaent taui UBH M moral r < Uher thnn
.uilitlcal and wka.iro doing ihoir bi > t to faint
lUaino I.ln k all over accufkJny'a teatimony \ \
Tbo 'J moK cftys in nn editorial on ' Tie ef '
forts o Hlalao in Ohio : " "If , In. upltj ofi nil
Lht o ofTorta andidevlcu-i , 'titurns out tiint tha .
i.trty hai Inatt Ita hold upon Plato. Ha ooso
tvill to InnoUias , Indeed ; 1ml If it eucueods in
nrr'jng tlm election itsrlll bo enl < j the ro-
tonnon -t.rupuMlcau riuto aficr n UUBJ oratu
itrxgglo , in u ttute , uintosa , in which
tho. nalionr.l issue will bo but in-
ditrctly confornod. llla'iio will still til
Htnit tlvi judgment of the poipla on Ids own
cine , nnd Itvill not be eoUlJtl , oren in Ohio
luid it Is.not liUely ti ba nmtorlally n3octo < l
ntl'or ntatt'3. Thcru ulil xmrviu Uiroe
wouka for tlio dignsilou oi nn aw&J aiaas of
otldrincu , which i-lunvH the imworUdnoan of
Mr. Blaliia'i ) cIuraLlfi , and for tlio convictions
tlio posjilo to BL'itla iU vn tj tlu ) Uuul vur-
IIw. Ttu > great tiilu will not to turned
buck. "
The Tribune , Kponklot ; of thu OUb o'octton ,
y8 ; ° The KffftVst illituiiiltlvB. will bo to pro- ol
eiit tha infiuuoiH frauds nnd bribtrirt )
vbiclitho dei-iDcruli upenly ) < > ast they wo
oin < < to pcrpotrnto , patUculnily lu
OiiKinnatl and UJelaud. . If that cm bo
Inuo thorepublicaiw ought loproTatl , aoOuot-
\-Uh3tniulirvf thu dUpoiitlon of voters in the
ninlog iiniiui-anufacturius rtxioua nnd the un
certainty ol thu teuiiurance | veto , ehoulil ha\o
leatt a1 ! lurga n plurality n they gaiiM'd in Uio
October eliHjtion of 1370. To oxpecA na favor
nbla ri'iults in a fund of ( 'riut dojiroaeloii n
were attameil In the fall of 1JSO ivhon e\cry
luilnsjry aicrandl > 'proll < ul' > U3i voiild not be
reivs iimblo. If eucli rutiilta s'joulil now bo ao-
prim.hoi it wouhl hu u u'.gnal proof o ! tlio
trcngtU nf republican iviudilo | and caiitli
-THE §
medicine , Combining Iron with pure
twtablo tonlp < , ntilrkly nnd completely
C urcN IKirpilnt | liiiIlKi'"tl " , Wrnutico-s
' '
unit Nrurnleln
It Is mi uninllintr remedy for Dlscnscs of the
Kldnrj * nnil I.lvrr.
It In Invnlunblo for Wscn ei pociillar to
Women , ( iml nil who Icmlcedcntnry Ihcs.
1 1 docs not Injn ro the teeth , cnti e licndnchc.or
produce ronstlpixtlon tilhrr Iron mcillclnrttlo.
U enriches nnd ptirlflcs thoblrKxl.stlmulntej
the ntipetlto , nlds the n lmllntlon of food , re
lieves llcntthurn nnd Jlclclilng , mid strcnytli-
i in the muiele * ntul ncr\cs.
Tor Intcrmltlcnt rovers. Lnssltude ,
niicrjn' , A.C. , It haa no cqtml.
KIT The Rcnulno 1ms n\im o trndo mnrk nnd
crowed red lines on w rnppcr. Tnkc no other.
rdgoi,1hl URonMllKnlHL CO , tULTIXOnr , DO.
Aal DnJIspneJ ia the BRQAD CLAIM ol telngtiie
liver offered to tlio Dubllc.
The Bteamahlps of thl ] well-known line * ro built ol
ron , In water-tight compartments , and are furnish-
d uith every requialto to make the pansago both
ate and acrrcvablo. Uliov carry the United States
nd European mnllj , and leave Now York Thura-
days and M-iturdajs for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bourg , ( PAUISmid lIAUUUna.
Hates : Stier go from liiaope only J1S. Firet
Cabin , $55 , C05oiid S76. Btuci < uni.
Henry I'undt , Mark Ilanncn , F . ) : . Toft ,
gentsln Omaha , Oronewes & Schoentgen , agontaln
Council Bluffs. C. B : RICHARD &CO. , Ocn. Pass (
Agta , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Cbco. Kozmiuskl It Co-
GcncrtJ V/eatem Aganta , 170 Washington St. , Chloa
CharteredbythcStateoflh ; .
" fl , W )
ili" ' - ' 'i \ i
> , ' < ' ' , ' ' \f ffi chronic \ , urinary ana prl-
' ! Svate d'scc ' : : " fnoTThrm ,
OleetaniiSyp iils in all their
complicated larms , else all
lisekses of the Skin nnd it
Eloodpromptly rtlicvednnd
r.ently sr.ired by reme-
- . . . . , 'tictice Seminal
- s// fc.v - - *
tf ipnt Loss * . by Drome , Pimples on n
thcl'uccLost Manhood , ) , onltlvelifcnircd , fliert
O norriwim1'i.s / appropriate tc.r.cav
G..toncc usrd Ii eachc < . Consultations , pcr- nc
uinal or by letter , sacredly conHdentlal. Med- ncd
" 'nto sent bv Mall and Express. No marks on
; ci.iiaee to indicate contents or sender. Address d
, ! . JAMES.No. 2U4Waohington Si.Chicagoll ! ,
ci :
3' IS invited to tend theit
atldrcto Tnc SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer 3 ,
Atlanta/ , for a cony of ttulr trcatlne on Wood
ca SUlaDIscaBes. whicbwill be mailed free.
Cancer for Many Years , y
A fairllvservantubein ! aTllcto ) fcrmany jcars
vith a cancer nn her noai.nnd was treated by some dt
ftho lo t physicians , t < l the old rcmedlca used
vltnout benefit Finally ve gate h r Smft'u bpc- dtU3
llc ) unil aha-hai been conpletely cureJ. U3
JOHN Uiiu , nn'ggiit ,
Thomson , Ga. , AuguU 1U , 1SS4. tli
John .r efl , a > ou"gjan nrnr h end a rancor
mhls lace wh'cn hadcitui away his n we and part
Ms eheult , anil was citendlng up to hla e > oj. Aa
lat rojoit ha wax yut on Hullt's ' .S .cclflc , and It lode
las cui ely cured him III ? f co la all healed crer
iith newlltjh , aid bi ! Keneral .nalth is excellent.
Hhfcoo iy nas uondjflul do
jr. r QIUV JH , if. i > . ,
( ) 'kthori e , Ga . August 10 , 1884.
m R. RISO © I
i : nco Xio. , ol on , C eh
, .
8 Mwto , N. 7. , OOO.OSP.
t , ofowu / . 17. i , , S7SOJD.
l.IOU , r0.
IVaSglan BoyAl nwI.U.B , M all Stoaanom
I'kt Khint Oerma-tVi Italy , Holland anJ-franei
StoamRO Outwar ( " 5iOj l > / p ld from Antwerp , Jlo ;
Sxcuralon.&O , IncJUilluc beading , etc , 2U ablu , (54 ;
.lound TI I , JM.Ofl KxCJttiftn , 8100 ; BalcuQ from JJO
30 ; Iticurnlca 110 to 9103.
eS"Po jr WiU'jtfcSonJ , Gen AjrontJ. 66 IlrctJ-
y N. 'A
0\ldw < ll. IH-alltcn IX Co. , Ontiid. 1 > , P , Flo
Rn4Oo. , SjSH. | iWiO raot , CmahiL ; D. E. Itliv
, OcuxhaA aU
DB. K. C. V ; fti' NK Tii AMD I-BAIX Ta ASM ji , a
jTUAtanterJ snctiilo for Iljstorlr , 1) rzlnoaj , Convul- IIS
tlnus , Kii , Ncrvoua Neuralgia , Headidio , Nervoui
Irontratlou OMVCX ! by the use i/t alcohol or tobtiacco , AY
Wakefulncev , iXjuUI clcprcspXin , Saftciilnx o < tha er
btaln , rvaultui IA Insanity end loajjn.t to miuty ,
decay and ikath , Premature Old agt , liaronoas , lom
power lu ctOrtr BOX , lavcOuiitaryLotBnatnd flpcr-
matorborucaused by o > cr bxcrtlontcf th brain , eolf *
abuse or o > Indulgence. UAch box , contains one
iDwith'tt Iroatmont. ? 1.W a bocror elx bottles for
tJ.OO , loub by mall prepaid on receipt of pjloo.
cure my ciso , With each order received by us
lot blx bottles , ocoompllihsd with { 3.00 , we will send
tbo purchaser our vrtt .n guarantee to refund the
incnoy If the treatrxonidooa not eOect a cure. Gusr-
fcntocD Issued only by JOItN 0 : W ST & CO. ,
) y M-mio-ry n : C2 Uadlson St. , Chicago , 111.
JAS.H.PEAB01)X ) M. 11 ,
. 1107 Jones St. Office , Na 1508 Far.
am S i Offloo hours IS in. to 1 p , m. and rom | 3tq
p.m. Telephouo lox offlce 87 , leatdeaoo , IU
The romarknblo growth of Omaha
during the jnat few yoara ia n matter of
grcat aatoniahmout to thoao who pay nu
occasional visit to this growing city. The
development of thu Stock Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line lload the
finely paved utrcots the hundreds of now
residences nnd costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city moro than
doubled in the last five yoara. All thin
ia a great surprise to visitors and Is thp
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial improvements made a
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every Investor haa made n handaomo
Slnao the Wall Street panic laat May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard tirnus ,
there has boon less demand from specula
tors , but a fair demand from investors
necking homoi. This latter class are
takinc ; advantage of low prices in build
ing material and are securing their homoa
at much less coat than will bo possible rv
year hence. Speculators , too , can buy
real estate cheaper now and ought tj take
advantage of present prices for future
The ncxb few yeara promises greater
developments in Omaha than the past
five years , which have been as good its
wo could reasonably desire. .Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo job
bing houaoa are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There nro many in Omaha and through
out the State , who have their money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of n-
terost , which , if judiciously Invested in
Omaha real estate , would bring them
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains which wo nro confident will !
bring the purchaser largo profits in the
near future.
"We have for Bale the finest resi
dence property in the north and1
vestern parts of the city.
North we have fine lots-atreason-
ihle prices on Sherman avenue , 17th ,
18th , 19th-and 20th streets. .
West on Farnam. Davenport ,
Sinning , and all the leading streets
n that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor-
aia and Davenport streets has made
iccessible some of the finest1 and !
zheapest residence property in the
ity , and with the building of the
itreet car line out Farnam , the pro
perty < in the -western part of the city
vill increase in value.
Wo also have the agency for the
syndicate and Stock Yards proper-
in the south part of the city. The
levelopments made in this section
y the Stock Yards Company anrt
he railroads will certainly double
he price in a short time.
We also have some fine business
ots and some elegant inside resi-
ence ? for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
ome goodibaraiushycalling / ? on u
313 : South 14th St ,
Between Fnmlmm ancl Douglas.
gP. S. Wo nslc those wlio have
iroierly for sale ut a bargoin to give
a call- AVe want only bargains.
Ye will positively not h ndl prop
rty at u. ore than its real value.