Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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THE ' " ' \TLY BEE.
Monday Mornintr October 13.
Can It bo tluxt this Is Indian enmmot !
The republican county central committee
has lcn cnllwt to meet In this city next Sfttur-
tUy at 2 ] > . m.
The 15. i M. company Is now running its
construction train ncro Tenth > treot and will
continue to do w unllltlio now line Is com
pleted.Tin weather is again warm enough for
August and still the merchants nro not happy.
They * njr that Ihoy mint hive cold woaiher
before they can do nny bnslntm to upaak of.
The wreck at Klkhorn has boon all cleared
n\\nya ml trains now nm o\erthoold track
and piinenRcre who now the place have
no moans of tollhiR that n fearful acslclcnt
occurred there on Wednesday la l.
Fiiday ovonltiR nboul P o'clock n little girl
o\cn years of ngo , named JMna Vanderlmrg ,
left her home , Xo. 1-113 Dau-nport street , and
ln not as yet returned. Any Riving Informn
tton of her whereabouts will confer n lasting
favor upon the parents.
' In the polleo court four men
wars fined ? 3.0J and costs each for bom ?
drunk. A woman wai nlso fined $5,09 and
costs for having been drunk and fighting , An
old follow charged with carrying concealed
weapons wai discharged.
The regular monthly meeting of the Nebraska
braska Women's Indian association will beheld
hold In tlia lecture room of the Presbyterian
chursh , corner of Seventeenth nml Dodge
street' , on Monday , Ojt. 13th , at 3 p. in , The
topic to bo dltcuued will 1)3 the "Wrongs and
the Need or the Voncan. "
Geo.Bnito , aliasMlllor , who stolen trunk
and contents at the Paxton hotel in May last
has been captured in St. Louis. liruto wan a
porter at the hotel and the trunk and ill cou-
tants ware valued at $503. Sheriff Miller left
to bring him back Saturday. Ho will return
without the usual requisition.
Miss Carrlo Southard wai the fourtunato
winner of a sowing machlno IViday evening
which an agency in this city gave to the per
son gujgjing ncaroit to the number of tacks ,
driven in n ton Inch wooden ball shown In Its
store. It may interest thssa who guosscd and
failed to hit it to know that the exact number
wai 2,735.
Mr . 13. P. Ewing will glvo a frjo lecture
this evening , October 13 , at I'nlconer hall ,
The lecture will bo followed by four demon
stration lessons given at the private school of
Mrs. Edgar and Miss Wyman the following
Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and 1'riday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tickets for the lessons
c.m bo had at the echool building. Terms ,
$ ' .03 for the cou o , $1.00 for single lessons.
The coronsr Friday empanelled a jury
to Inqulro into the came ot thu death of Itich-
ard Norrid , the fireman of the fated engine ,
No. - , which was wrecked at Klkhorn on
Wednesday. Saturday n number of wit
nesses wcro examined and the inquest was
then adjourned until Monday morning to
give an opportunity to procure Bomo Import
ant testimony which could not to had to-day ,
Mr. Thomai Parker removed his quarters
yesterday , and with his usual generous foot
ings thought it would bo an excellent oppor
tunity to entertain hi * frlonds. With that
object in view bo managed to got together the
following gentlemen : M , Harris , M , Ij.
Vhilllpi , John Schroeder , Louis Collm , Hium
Young , Pa't Desmond and J. Wil on. TIio
time was p'oisantly spent In singing songa
and general festivity , Thu boya all agreed in
parting that "Tommy" was a real peed boy.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobrc
A New Oliuroli Building.
The now church building of the South
west Presbyterian church , of which llov.
T. 0. Hall ia p no tor , will bo opened for
service next Sabbath ia the evening at
half past seven. A parting service will
be hold in the old building in the morn
ing , when the Lord's auppor will bo ad
ministered. This will bo the last oorvico
in the little building that has nerved aa a
church BO long. The now church otanda
on the corner of Twentieth street and
Loavonworth. It will seat about four
hundred. The ceiling , ia of handsome
burnished hard wood. This matches ad
mirably the waiiiscotting and pews of
like material. Two rooms , right and loft
of the pulpit , run the whoio length of
the building aud can bo thrown into the
main room by opening largo elidingdoors.
The pulpit stands out of ono corner of
the uqunro , nnd bobind this is a
lirgo room. The whole design is 'very
peculiar , but suuma to suit moat admir-
nbly the wants of the congregation. The
whole coat ia eaid to bo about $8,000 for
the building and the lot coat $1,000
inoro , though some reduction was made
nt the time of purchase. On the follow
ing Sunday the church will bo dedicated ,
Dr. John Hall , of Now York will preach
the dedicatory aermon ut 11 o'clock , In
the evening five Presbyterian churches
will unite in an evening service in the
opera house. Dr. Hall will preach the
fiormoti , and invitation will be extended
to all to ba present.
TIio Aiiullo Social Umli.
At n meeting in the parlor * of thoMil.
Ir.rd hotel the above natnod nodal club
was organised and the following oflicors
were elected : Juo. A. Booth , president ;
Goo. J. StonudoriT , VJCB prosidentj W ,
J. Ward , eecrotary , and A. 15. Oook ,
treasurer ,
The motive of this club is to give a eor-
iei of social partiea during the coming
ocanon It ia comprised of many of thu
lending youug gentlemen of the city , cud
it will no doubt act an an incentive to thu
organisation of several other club ] which
aru now in progro s. Their partial will
bo very eelect , only tnnmbora bolng ud
raitted. The club numbers about eirty
and will na doubt surpass any organiza
tion of this nature over gotten up in Oma
ha. Their first parly null bo given in the
near future , and wo predict fur thorn no
thing but success.
10,000 bushels Oaoioa Winter Apple
far s&la in car lota or leu. Your bus
nen solicited.
J. 0. WILUAMH & Co ,
s27-lm Nnbraaka Oily , Neb ,
J , C. Sloan , Wayne , D , P. Murphy and
wife , Ifowlhu , Mo. , M. M. Jllley , Lincoln ,
O. L. StroujHon , Nebraska City , G. B , Doug.
Iw , Waterloo , N Y. , WillU-a Powell , Now
York , V , li. Lawrtmca , llacine , WU. and
J. 0 Lane , St. Lou/ ! , are stopping at the
The Annual Labors of tlio W , G , T , U ,
An Able nml KloijMoiit Address hntt
iivonltiK I y Allsit AVlllnul ,
The closing session of the tenth annun
convention of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union of Nebraska wns hold
in the open house last evening. Long
before the hour appointed for the oxer
ciics to begin the auditorium was crowd
ed from top to bottom nnd many woni
away , being unable to obtain oven stand' '
ing room.
The programme of ( ho evening wns
opened by nn anthem eung by the choir
Mrs. E , M. J. Cooloyof Valparaisothor
read n passage from the scriptures , pro
inning her reading by the statement that
people often eny that when tcmporanci
fnlka nro gathered together they state
many rabid things , but she would read
something to thorn that had never been
said by ineu except es it csino from
lipi inspired of God. She then road n
Scriptural passage showing the evils of
A fervent prayer was then oll'erod by
Rev. Marsh , of tin Eighteenth street
Methodist church.
A song was then sung , after which
came the address of the evening by the
president of th < 3 Woman's National Temperance
peranco Association ,
A human bolng la like an organ full of
stops and koyo , the musiu from which de
pends largely upon the player.
This has been called a great crusade.
In olden time there was a crusade to gain
possession of an empty Bopulchor. They
had come before them with charity for
nil and malice toward none. Richard
Cobden had said that "Tomporanco lies
at the bottom of all reforms. " This wan
a largo generalization , but it might bo
true ,
She then compared the human brain ,
which ia the basis of temperance , to n
watch. The majority of men who com
mit Buicido are drinkers , From the pa-
loons of the world thousands of lunatics
are turned out , and for this reason they
wcro warning against thorn , and to attain
their end they relied upon an educated
puolio sentiment. They now had thirty
lines of work , to describe any ono of
which would require a whole evening.
One of those lines is the Sunday school
and another is the National Educational
association. In striving for prohibition ,
the consummation devoutly to bo wished ,
the stops which load up to it should not
bo forgotten. The children in the
schools should not only bo taught the
maelstrom of the Scandinavian coast , but
also the maelstrom cf intomporanco.
Why is it that two lives raised by the
same hearthstone ? Look at the inter
mediate schools , the Bible class nnd the
churches , and the great majority of them
are young girls and women. To say it
ia the nature of bo ; a to loaf about sa
loons and grog Hhopa always raised from
her a vigorous protest. Ono source of
this opinion is the wrong standpoint
taken by society. The hearthstone
should bo complemented by n pure priest
in return for n pure priestess. Abstin
ence should bo mot by abstlnonco.
The artisan , the doctor , the lawyer and
woman all performed their ministries in
the compact of society. Ask n oaloon-
keeper what ho does in this compact ,
and if ho is honest ho has nothing to say.
She had once asked this question of a
liquor-vendor : what ho miniatured to so
ciety , and ho replied , "You put a posjr
to mo. "
They looked forward to a time when
the people would declare by their ballot
that their object had boon gained. A
prominent politician in Ohio , when re
quested by liia wife and daughter to cast
his vote in accordance with their opinions
returned from the polls saying , "The
family has voted , the ballot ia cast , nnd it
is for prohibition. " The question is often
nskod , "Doaa prohibition prohibit ? " In
return she would aak , "Does license reg
ulate ? " Prohibition should not bo judged
by this city or state , but by that ono
whore it has ruled for 02 yoara.
When there comes an iasuo which
touches the heart as well as the brain
then prohibition will follow. The poi
soned habits of a nation can bo cured by
an appeal to Its intelligence. She remembered -
momborod well the war to free the slaves
and now they woao waging another ono
to free the intellect. An Ennlishman
had once said that the steamboat could
never bo a BOCCOSS but the first copy of
his book came to America in a steam
boat. When she thought of Washington
at Volley Forgo and many other bravo
nets of Americana she thought God was
loading this nation to an end by ways
they know not of.
At the conclusion of Bliss Willard'a
lecture the temperance doxology was
Bimg , after which the benediction was
pronounced by Rev. Savidge.
In the morning a temperance love feast
largely attended , was hold by the con
vention in the First M , E. church , At
II a m. the regular Sunday services of
the church wore hold , Mies Willatd fill
ing the pulpit in place of Itov. Savidge.
In the nttornoon MM. E M. .1. Oool-
oy of Valparaiso , State organizer hold a
meeting in the A. M. E , church at which
a uni on was formed.
Services KOTO held in the county jail
bein g conducted by Mra , Parker of Lin
coln aud Mra , Collins of Loup City ,
Songs were sung and prayers olFored of.
tcrj which the pledge was pissed around
fifteen of the inmates oignitig it.
Lite Saturday night the business mootIng -
Ing was held , the drat subject taken un
der consideration being that of finance.
Mrs , Pollock , Htuto treasurer , made her
annual report , showing the receipt ] of
the year to have been ? 1 U 03. The ex
penditures were ? 201 53 , leaving n bal-
auco of $100 10. A resolution to render
all pouiblo services to the political party
embodying the beat platform of political
principles uas adopted without dissent.
The ollicora for the ensuing year were
elected , Mrs. Jounio Holmes , of Teoum-
cnh , being chosen president , Mra. Mary
K. Folaom , of Gibbon , corresponding
secretary , Mm. A. M. Davis , Lincoln ,
recording secretary , Mrs. 0. M. Wood
ward , treasurer , aud Mrs. E , M , J.
Cooley , Valparaiso , Utn organizer.
Mrs. Ford , Kearney , Mru. Hitchcock ,
Fremont , Mrs. A. S. Boulo , Omaha , wore
elected delegates to represent Ne
braska , who with the oilicora uf the
ututo association with the excep
tion of thu record ing secretary will
represent Nebraska's W. 0. T. U. at the
national convention at St. Louis. MVe.
0. B P.irkor mid Mrs. 0. M. Leixhlon ,
Lincoln and Mrs. J. I
, . ) . JardLno wore
chosen alternate ? .
MUi Willard , who arrived in the city
Saturday to attend thli convention , will
Icavo this morning for St. Louli , Mo. ,
from which place she will o to Laavon-
worth , Kansai , to bo present at the an-
nml convention of that alato ,
A JJrilllnnt AVudtlliiK nntucnn Mom-
foern of Those Two
Perhaps ono of the moat popular Jewish -
ish wedding * that took place in this city
recently that wai consummated between
Mr.J.LoviandMiss Boasio Speiglo. The
solemn ceremony was performed by Rav.
Dr. Ilarfiold at Falconers' Hall. Messrs.
A. Lovris , J. Harris , Jacob Levi and
Charles Grunobaum were the boot mon
and Misses Nellie Speiglo and Annie
Abrahams were the brides-maids.
After the connubial knot had boon
tied nn enjoyable time wan hold by the
invited guostn. The musical Union or-
chcalra had been engaged and discoursed
aoino of its sweetest music. Mr. Jtiliui
Meyer , the manager of the orchestra ,
wau present and rendered material aid in
making the affair n complete succosa ,
Without doubt this is one of the most
brilliant social affairs that has occurred
for Bomo time in this city.
The presents wcro very numerous nnd
were both costly nnd uaoful. The wed
ding pirly was served with an elegant
lunch m the hall , nnd it remained
until early morn tripping to the music of
the orchestra. , The guests , after wishing
the happy couple long life and prosperity ,
repaired to their homes.
Tlmt body arrive In Oinalia Saturday
morning and Itmpoct tbo
ri\or work.
Saturday morning the members of the
Missouri River Commission arrived in
this city. It is composed of Major
Charlea R. Sutor , Major 0. II. Ernest ,
and Lloutonaut Flake , of St. Louis ;
Major A. MoKonzlo , of Rock Island ;
Professor G. C. Broadhoad , of Pleasant
Hill , nnd Mr. W. J. Broatch , of Omaha.
These gentlemen loft St. Louis Wed
nesday night. They spout Thursday in
Kansas City. Friday they were at
St. Joe and nt both of these points they
rroro mot by committees of citizens , and
conducted to the riverfront , where they in
spected the banks , looked over the work
which had boon done nnd gained an idea
of what is now needed.
Upon the arrival of the commission in
this city Saturday thoyworp taken in
carriages by n committee of citizona and
driven to the river bank , where they
looked over the work which had been
done from the bridge to the water works.
They were then driven around the city ,
after which they went to the Millard ho
tel , where they took dinner
After dinner a BUK reporter called
upon Mr. Fiakotho secretary of the commission -
mission , and gained from him some infer
mation. lie Raid that the commlaalon
found the work which had been done
hero in good condition , and there were
only a few small breaks. Ho eaid the
commission had not decided what would
bo done for any of the
points which they had visited
yet and would not make any decision
until the uoxt mooting in St. Louis.
do Enid that they are pimply looking
over the ground aud getting a good
idea of what is * needed. It is now so
late in the season that it is not prob
able that any work will bo done this
season. Under the old system , where
the river wai divided up In districts
and ono commissioner had charge of
each district , it was possible to
have work done n little soon
er , but Mr. Fiako thought the
present system , of having the whole
river under ono commission the hotter
plan and would work more satisfactorily.
The commission hold n short BOS-
nion in this city Friday afternoon , after
which they adjourned.
lion ! ICsluto TriuiBlbrn.
The following transfers wore filed in
the county clerk's office yesterday and re
ported for TJIK BKK by the Amos' real
estate agency OotoborlO , 1881 :
R. W. Day and wife to 0. D. Hutohin-
son w. d. part sec. 18 , 1C , 13 , $2,000.
L. A. Bergen to P. Nelson , w. d. lot 3
block 14 , Parkor'a addition , § 900.
0. H. Foster to 0. B. Gray , q. c. d.
lot 7 , block 20-IA , $50.
0. 0. IIousol uud wife to S. N. Swot-
nam , w. d. part lot 7 , block 117 , gli.BOO.
R. J. Fisher nnd wife to J. Brutso ,
deed parcel sec. 29 , 15 , 11 , $4,000.
II. Adamn to ,1. E. Vandorcaok , w. d.
lot H , sec. 17 , 10 , 13 , § 550.
S. P. Bemis to G. P. Bamis , q. c. d.
lot 2 , block 1 , Credit Foncior , $1.
Stcolo Lmid Our.
George W. Steele , pipe-nun of Engine
company No. 3 , has boon aiiaponded by
Chief Butler. Stcelo had formed a co-
paitnorship with another.young man and
had opened n temperance billiard hall on
Farimm ntroot , between Fifteenth and
Sixteenth streets. In accordance with a
city ordinance , which expressly ( stipulates
that nn policeman , fireman or other per
son in the employ of th > ) city shall on-
cage in any business ether than that of
the city , Chief Butler suspended him ,
subject to the approval of the council.
lllalno And Lu rm llnlly.
There will bo a grand rally of the Irish
American Blaine and Logan club nn
Wednesday evening , nt the city hall.
The A. 0. U band will diacourao their
swoetcflt muaie , and lion , John Rush ,
Prof. E. A. O'Brien aud Little Mao , the
poet laureate of the west , will bo the era
tors. Arrangements will bo made for
the club to tuko pirt in the grand torchlight -
light procession Thursday evening. All
Irish Americans who wish to bn present
will bo heartily welcomed by the com.
Corner Siono
The corner stone of the new M. E.
church , on Twenty-second und Howard
streets , will bo laid on Tuesday , October
14th. The following ia the programme
of the oxeroiaca :
Introductory Ber\ico . Uev , Dr. Maxfleld
Heading of Scripture Lesion .
1'rnyi'r. . , , . . . . . , Jov ! , FowK > r
Keupon ivo lonlco. I'autor mill CougifKutloii
Addrei. . Uav. 0. W , Bmlilgu
AihlruHa . Key. Juo. I * . Uou
Address . Dr. Maxfkld
Exorcises begin nt 2 o'clock p. in ,
Elegant now Upright Pianos from $105.
upwards on' 8 10 monthly payments. Max
5Ieyer & Brb. call your noocial attention
to this oiler.1 0it
Atkyour Q'rqccr/orUAMiiuuoEit ' soap. I
Like A Me , He Bites tin M that
Fccils Him ,
Ilovr liyrnn Clark WAS Ilcatcn t > y n
15oat TIio Tlilol Captured
In aidnoy.
Sometime since n man giving hia name
as Hill came to this city nnd renewed ac
quaintance with Byron Olark , n saloon
keeper on Douglas strcot. Acquaintance
ship ripened into friendship and finally
Clark and Hill loft together for Sidney
where the former intended making
visit. A few days nfter their departure
Clark'a bar-tender received n telegram
purporting to como from hia employer ,
requesting that n hundred nnd fifty dollars
lars bo sent to him nt Sidney , care of
DorAti & Tobiu. The bir-tcndor nhipped
the money by cxpreai , and notified Clark
of the fact by telegraph , addressing an
directed. Throe daya nftorwarda Bald
win nnd Kennedy , Clark's partners , re
ceived a telegram from him asking for
$150. They were on the point of aonil-
ing it when Clark himself walked into
the establishment and was n much noton-
ishod man when ho hoard what had been
It appears that Olark left Sidney short
ly after his arrival there , going to Grand
Island , and hnd written neither of the re
quests for money , and they are supposed
to have como from Hill , whom , it is
thought , "laid" nt Doran & Tobin's ,
whoever they may bo , and caught on to
the cash. Ttio aggravating part of the
affair to Mr. Clark is that in Sidney Hill
wont broke and borrowed money from
him , nnd then , just about the time the
first $100 must have arrived , paid it
back with n great ilourish and the remark
that ho had "received a remittance. "
Mr. Olark at once related the circum
stances to Deputy Sheriff Ororroll nnd ho
Immediately telegraphed to the sheriff at
Sidney to arrest Ilill. Friday morning ho
received the gratifying intelligence tLjt
Ilill had boon arrested and was hold sue
joct to orders from this city.
Deputy Sheriff Grebe took the noon
train Saturday for Sidnoynnd will brine
Hill to this city. The grand jury is now
in session and Hill will nt once have a
hearing. Ho will probably bo indicted
and tried at the present term of court
and will doubtless take a trip to Lincoln
an soon as court adjourna.
An Old Lady Caned.
On yesterday n number of gentlemen
headed by Jerome 0. Pentzol , the genial
clerk of the police court , and followed by
James O'Brien , the favorably known
veteran driver of the Hook and Ladder
grays , entered the dwelling of Mr. Jonea
without warning , for no alarm had boon
sounded. What their intention could bo
was not easily determinable from this
sudden nnd surprising ingress , but gentle
men of their occupation do not usually
stop for ceremonies , as it is their busi
ness to obey orders , and therefore their
unexpected appearance.
From their actions it was soon discov
ered that Steele was in their eye , nnd as
a result under ouch circumstances Graves
must follow. The time proved Short to
Windam , for a Hcrold soon brought the
news that they had 'discovered ' n Sailer ,
when , DS a foreigner would say , the
whole thing became too Blake for com
fort , when Grebe by hia management had
them oatrammeled by a Webb. It wag
then plainly announced by Mr. Pontzol
that they , as Strong , athletic men had
lima suddenly presented themselves to
cnno the old lady of the house , Mrs.
Elizabeth Reeves , and than ] began a
demonstrative exhibition of positive exe
cution. This brought Mr Jones to his
foot in the defense of the infirm and
helpless veteran of oiqhty-fivo years ,
which had the desired effect to terminate
the execution in n pleasant and amicable
spirit , the result of which is that Mra.
Reovoa now perambulate } the streets
loaning upon a beautiful , appropriate
and subtantial gold headed cane inscribed
"Mrs. E. ROOVCB , ago 85 years , present
ed by the firemen of No. 3. Ungino
houeo , " nnd na a conscquonao the whole
thing ended in a amoko. *
UonoIH Concert at Marato * .
A good audiencogathored Friday evening
to listen to the very excellent concert
under the auspices , and for the benefit of
the Union Sunday school , and were re
paid by a musical treat such as our burg
has not had for month1 ] . The male quar
tette , composed of Messrs. Northrup ,
Wilkins , Douol and Smith , aung very ac
ceptably , notwithstanding that the ar
rangements were a little hurried. The
gem of the evening was Miss Lizzlo
Pennell'd ' "Summer Shower , "nt the close
of which oho received a rapturous encore ,
when she sang "Dirfcy nnd Joan" very
sweetly. Mr. W. B. Wilkins was at his
beat in "Only I Know , " and was well
received. Mr. Ponnoll In "Tli
Boatswain's Story" was doaorvingly en-
coroi aa waaalso the duet "Messenger of
Spring , " by Mr. nnd Miss Ponnell. Mr.
Northrup was unfortunately in poor voice
but was recalled after his "Good N'ght"
but declined. A report of the above
would not bo complete without
the mention of the uo
companist , Miss Clara M. Pierce , whose
part , although a client ono , wni none the
lees creditable.
After the nmsicale , lunch wns served
when the young people indulged in n
promenade to thu delightful music of the
Kourth infantry orchestra. The beauti
ful lloral anchor waa voted to Miss Belle
* chosen , of your city , over a number of
contestants in nn aggregate of over live
hundred votes. The Harrishen was
presented to Miss Porroll aa a token of
appreciation for her services. The de
signs were the handiwork of Mr. D , H.
Ohriatio , who has become quito celebrated
for hia taste and talent in this direction
In tlio Street.
John Ercku , Sixteenth street hardware
merchant , has had his old frame building
moved out nnd placed upon Webster
itieot , nt the intersection of Sixteenth
street. The building stands directly In
the street and leaves onlya narrow drive
way on one side of it , next to the ( tide-
walk. Ho will erect upon the ground
where the old building stood a now frame
structure , uud the old building will re
main in the street until his now ono la. ,
ready for occupancy , Parties owning | i
brick blocks upon either aide of th
ground which Mr. Erck proposes buildln
upon , object decidedly to hia building
frame building , and have called upon th
city council to restrain him from so do
At Prtlcoiicr'H Hall ,
A social patty waa given by n privnt
social club at Falconor's.hall Friday nigh
A largo number of person's wcro present
Messrs. T. H. Cotter , E T. Shelby nnd
C. J. Smyth nctod ai n committee of nr
rangomontfl , and the excellent manner in
which the different parts wore carried on
rcllcctod great credit on the work of thosi
gentlemen , The party waa given in re
turn for the leap year reception which th
Indies tendered the gentlemen near th
close of laat noaaon.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel ol partly ,
strength uiil wliolcsomoneis. Moid economical than
the ordinary kludfland cannot ho sold In competition
with the multitude of low test , short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold nnlv in cann , HDYAL
HAKINO 1'DWTiKlt DO. . 100 W t1 Btri-ot. N Y.
TO ONE AND Alit- . Are > ou fuHorlni : from a
Rongh , Cold , Asthma , U'onchltli , or any of the \ar-
loin pulironaiy uoub'ct ' that to often enJ In Con
sumption ? If so , uro "Wllbar'a 1'uro Cod Liter 0 ,
nod Lime , " asafoanJ euro remedy. This Is no quack
preparation , but IB regularly pro'crlbcd by the mod
leal faculty. Manufactured only liy A , 13. WII.IIOR
Chemist , Boston. t-old hv all rrnml ) tB the changes Inal , Inn tow years , havi
taken place in the manufacture of
Improvement after Improvement liar
boon made , until to-day the clothing
offered by Schlank & Prince , 1210
Fnrnam ctreet , is nqual in every
respect to the boat
Custom Wor.b !
While at the tsamo time the lowncss of
price of the fine grade of clothing
they handle is no less astonish-
in ? than the
Perfection of Fit !
1210 Farnam Street. 1210
Toe scnolaetlo yc r commences on tno
First Wednesday in September ,
The count ) ol Instruction embraces all the Klcmen
taryand higher lirnnihos ol a finished education
Ultlorenoo ol Kcllplon Is no objtadu to the admla
elon of jounz ladles. luplla ro received at any
time of the year ,
Including Hoard , Wishing , Tuition In Kngllah aud
Frcnoll , urn ol hooka. 1'hno , per session of
Five Months , - - 5150.00
EXTRA CIIAUnKH-DnwItiK , Palnllc ; , derma
Harp , Violin , Guitar and Voual Music.
Kclerunoos tra required from all persons nnknow
to thu Institution. For furtncr Information apply
the ; LAIY bUl'KKlOIt
Ivll mS
lioildcn the tdrinta of a m'ld Kncl.rfli ami CUsal-
cil ulncAtlou , tiMiU euro will U > iletotud to the
Practical Surveying
BncMeofc BaiiKinK anil Gomercial
live ncir prof MICH lit vu Loen added to tbo faculty
Icr thli purpotv.
tf Vocal Uuilc , Ck'rman and French , optional , Jj J
HiW : HTUOKNTrl mutt prtxunt th m elvM duilntf
thu week cndliu Auituit VI , botviooii 0 aud 12 a m. ,
pud limy iru.t U > itvlf to ntuid unumluatlou to do-
clao tlitlr rank In the rour u
I'rul. tambcit will h'lvu dni notice fur the ruump
tluu uf tbo wenliiK ooiuw In fh cm 1st ry , Tuition
io Ha ilMliictloii uri account uf trued.
rtiv. Utu tlmr it t
At the old t ud UI7 Farnam Btrwt. Ordcn by noUoUod am promptly attended to. Tule
phone Mo. Vti ,
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Scud for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask
Counter , Hay , Stock aud Eailroad Track ,
Orders for Hie Indian Department
given for Buffalo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
1405 Douglas Street , - OMAHA. NEBRASKA
Visitors to the Stale and others in need ol : Men's , Boys' nnd Children's
Clothing , will do well to call on
The Strictly One Price House in the City
And examine their goods aud prices. They carry the largest stock , and
sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailorn
don't fail to call at
1216. 1216
The Largest Stock in OmahaantiPskes the I owes * Prto
Jaat received ou assortment far earpfwulny ; anything in thli mnrkol , caiuprinia
tbo latest and moat tasty designs manufactured for this spring's trade and
> * < mge of prices from the Cheapest to the saoaf
Now ready for the inspection of cuS' , Complete Htcck of all the L cot
tomers , the newest noveltiro in sly If a ml in coin en , M oja < } > < '
Suits nnd Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc , .
Passenger Mevatos ? to all SPloors.
lS06,12 8Bnd Farnam Street OMAHA
. .
BWT-t/t > t. nw. w Vw/rtn / i tA ii l Pai \
BSC& = E3 & * ga
" "JPa TJ TB"tT7
mi ? i IB/in /
C Ulcroefrrn' ' > M ( ! Irff mcn Pr < flntl <
Doimer Wlndo , Flahli , Window Caps.Irou Croetlniti , SUUllIo Bky.Ilghta , &c. Tin. Iron nd BI t Koo
r 810 South lt > - Ettctt Om h Nebruk *