Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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v ;
Are the "cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest in SIM and Lightest in
With no Hay Presses of any kind can the amount of work produce. ! at inch lUtlo expenseten ( tons of hsy
and ever to load railroad box c rascnbo done Uh the EitcllDprmcil Machines.arrrM.tedorno
sale. For Illustrated now circular address , OLD. KUTtL & CO. , Qulney , HHteK
Mention Omaha Iloo. n "cm UUblliheil In 1S68.
Eailway Time Table ,
The following are the times ol the arrlrM and de-
> r&rturo ol trains by central standard time , at
' .local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln
U.C8 earlier and arrive ton minutes later.
omoioo , BuiUNoroN AND QUIKCT.
iiuvm. ASBIVI.
tS5pra : ChloaRO Express 0:00 : m
8:40 : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 p &
j:45 : tu | 'Mall end Express , Tl'Dpm
1M : p m Accommodation. 2:40 : p m
"At local depot only.
JOttS a m | SIttll and Express , j7:05 : p m
8:05 : p m Pacific Express , 6:50 : p m
6:25 : p m Express , 9:05 : a m
9:16 a m Express , 0S5 : p tn
6:30 : p ra Atlantic Express , 0:05 : a m
9:25 : a in Day Express , 8:61 : p m
7:20 : a m 'Doa Moines Accommodation , 0:05 : p m
At local depot only.
1:20 : a m Mall. 4:15 : p m
6:10pm : Aooommodat.on 9:00 : am
At Transfer only
6:30 : p m Express , OM p m
0:25 : nm PaolfloExpress 9:05am :
7:10 p m St. Paul Express , B:60 : a m
' 7,20 a m Day Express 6:50 : p m
8:00 : p m Western Express , 8:35 : a m
11:00 : a m Pacific Express , d:40 : p m
7:10 : a m Local Express , 8:6 : < a m
12:10 : a m Lincoln Exprosj ,
At Transfer only. "
Leave-7:20- :80-0SO-10:30-ll:40a. : : : ra. 1SO-2S : :
8SO-4SO-5:30-flSO-ll:05 : : : : p. m Sunday-9:30-ll:40 :
.vtn. l:30--SSO-6:30-fl:30-UOS : : : : : p. m. Anlvo 10 mln
te before leavin tlmn
Practice In State and Federal Courts.
Collections promptly nttondcd'to.
Room IC Shugart's Building ,
Council Blade I * .
Established - - 1856
Dealers In Foreign and omestlo Exchange an
rjrnui Rwiirttl
Attorneys -at-taw ,
Office , Main Street , Rooms 1 and 2 Shugart & Me-
itihon'a Block , Will practice In State and Federal
Practices In Federal and State Courts. & 01 Broad ,
way , o\erSa > lngs Bank
Justice of tlie Peace.
Omaha and Council BlnfTr.
Real estate collection agency , Odd Fellows Block
over Strings Bank
E. Eice
n t UnDTjn or other tumors removed without th
UiiiUJilU ) , Unlfo or drawing o blood.
Over Iilrty years proctlon ! experience 0 Ice No ,
Pearl treet , Council BluOg
/arConoultatlon tree
NOTICE. Special a vertlacmenta , sue aa Loet ,
Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board'
lag , olo. , will bo Inserted In this column At the low
rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the first Insertion
> nd FIVE CENTS PEK LINE lor each subsequent n-
K'rtlon. Leave advertisements at our office , No ,
Pearl Street , near IIroadway
\\fAAfTjTh I u teen firBt clA B tal 1 ors on coatti
uants and vests Jos. lioitcr , 810 llroadway
Council Bluffs.
"lAfANTKU Local and district agents ( or tne Mu-
! I tual llc'cno Fund Ufo , New York.
The Icvilng life iwsaclatlon ol Amerlro. Ono liun-
iltcd millions buslnrai , 65.0CO incmlicre , $700,000
paid In losfcs , $100.000 dcpoeltcd with Insurance
conimlKslon of New York Insurance at Icea than
nne-hall the r tta charged by eo-called "old time"
ccimpanles , AUdrcts I ) . I ) , Mann , Department Man
ager , Council Iluff9 , Iowa.
COAL Anrus , Capital Ceiitcrvlllo and other ttoft
J OH a coal kept t George Hcatonti , 628 Broad
way. Telephone No , 110 ,
T ) KASONABLK I'UICKS Fair Height and mean-
-Llj ure ntUeork'o Ileatou'a coal and wood jarJ
B'S llroadway. Telephone No. 110.
SALB-A One blooded stallion. H. Gold-
b'elnC40 Broadway , Council BluHs.
SALK ItEAHO.VAIII.K. - Coffto ruattlnir ,
FOlt and ( 'rdccri bunlneaii. Only one In town ,
lleawn , 111 health. Addrtd U. L. William * , 18 North
ilaln ht , , Council IllulTa.
room , 6(0 Waahlufton
aveuue ,
"TTlOll 8ALK OK IliNT-Tho : Orvls I'ackluir ho
4 and machinery , I < catvd In thlj city. Capa ]
1M hoys po'day. Udell & Day.
. > Kvory Dwiy lu Council Uluffa tu take
WA.V1KL Delivered by carrier at only twenty
runt3 a week.
JTiOH HAI.K lly residence , corner 7th a > enue and
1 10th street. II taken boon Hill tell tot J..OW
below value. Will alio cell furniture , carpets , 4.O. ,
all vr In part. II act sold at once will rent poml-
kct , with boute turnluhed or unlurnlnhcd , at
moderate rent. Any one thinking ol maklni ;
their home In Council Bluffs wlllilo well to Invest- !
llo this offer. It Is the bwt bargain over offered
intherltv , M A U1TON.
i'\ll > 1'APKItS-Kor sale at BII offloe , at ! 5 cent *
vy a hundred
Several Tlionsanil Dollars Worth of
Lumber Destroyed ,
Mysterious Incendiarism ,
About half past 10 o'clock Saturday
night ilro was discovered in the yards of
the Chicago Lumber Company , and the
alarm soon called out the department ,
The ilamoa when first soon were at the
northeast corner of the dry room , a
building 20 by CO foot filled with dry
plno finishing lumber. The first man to
discover it says that In reaching the place
it looked as If a pan of oil had boon dash
ed against the end of the building , ns
the rapidity with which the ilamos spread ,
together with the odor of burn
ing kerosene , Indicated clearly
that seine one had for some mysterious
purpose sot the firo. The streams from
the waterworks hydrants were soon on
the flames , but before the fire could bo
subdued the damngo had reached several
thousand dollars. The dry room was
speedily consumed , and another building
30 by GO foot , containing throe cars of
sash doors and blinds , was badly burned ,
and the contents damaged somewhat.
Some cars filled frith lumbar were on the
aide-track , and they caucjht fire , but were
moved out of the way and the flames put
out. A barn belonging to J. W. Pore-
goy , and occupied by J , W. Leo , a team
ster , was burned to the ground , with the
contents , which belonged to Mr. Loo.
Mr. Loo's two horses were so badly burned
that they had to bo put out of their
misery by shooting. The loss to the
Chicago Lumber company will probably
roach $4,000 , and was covered by insur
ance. The loss to Mr. Lee is really the
hardest one , for ho is a man G5 years of
ago , and It was his little all. Ho has
been employed hauling sewer pipe , and
by the aid of his team was able to earn a
livelihood , but he has no means to re
place thorn. Mayor Vaughan and J. 0.
Reagan will probably interview some of
the business men to-day and endeavor to
raise enough money to got another team
for Mr. Leo.
To inspect the elegant now stock of J. J.
Auworda&Co. , 1317 Broadway , before
purchasing elsewhere. Bo sura to look
at the most magnificent window display
ever seen in this or any other city and if
you don't see It walk inside and ask
for it.
PolHicH Running "Wild in a Jjively
hittlo Missouri Town ,
Ernest Smith returned Saturday from
his trip into Missouri , and reports a
happy time. He found Rockport in
what a state of excitement over a
shooting nflair , which happened there
Wednesday. It appears that Mr. Low ,
who Is the editor of a democratic papnr
there , charged Mr. Wyatt , a prominent
politician and wealthy banker , with hav
ing packed a certain convention. Wyalt's
son , a young man who has just reached
his majority , was very angry at the way
his father's ' name had been used , and in
his youthful wrath notified the editor that
if ho used cither his father's name or his
again ho would shoot him. The next
issue of the paper had some paragraphs
referring to the young man's freshness ,
and then ho wont to the editorial
room , with a horsewhip , prepared to got
rovongo. As ho struck at the editor the
latter collared him , and was about eject
ing him from the ollico when young
Wyatt pulled a revolver and fired , the
ball inflicting a wound which it is feared
will prove fatal. The young man gave
heavy bonds and is at liberty , waiting
for the result of the wound.
Mr. Smith was wonderfully pleased
with the little town of Lockport , despite
this sensational foaturo. Ilo says ho has
never soon a moro thriving , busy place ,
nor hotter built place for its uizo It has
about 1,300 inhabitants end is strictly an
inland town , there not being a railway
track within five miles , yet business is
rushing. It is the county scat and has
a fine court house , the business portion
is built of solid brick stores , there is an
excellent skating rink , a fine largo now
school building and other worthy Im
Tlio Odd Fellows.
Extensive and careful preparations arc
being madn for the coming meetings of
the grand encampment and grand lodge
I. 0. 0. F. in this city , October 21. The
committee , consisting of D. C. Bloomer ,
president ; 0. II. Jackson , secretary ; S.
S. Keller , chairman of hotel committee ,
and E. B , Gardiner , chairman of recap
tion committee , has been Bonding for the
circulars giving hotel rates and other in
formation , and assuring all Odd Follows
a hearty welcome to the city , and good
care while hero.
" " " " " "
"AUontlon Koyn In Ulue ,
You are hereby commanded to turn ou
on the evening of Tuesday , October Mth ,
188 J , at the corner of Main and Broad
way , in full uniform for parade , at 7 p.
in. sharp ,
Joiix 1'Oi , Prea ,
V. KEI.LKII , Sec.
1' , , T. ( t.illngher , of Weaton , was In the dly
ypstcrdny ,
Mrs ] ) . M. 15rIfRi < , of Avocaia visitint : her
daughter , Mr ? . 1) . J , Gates.
Mr. Kiel , of l.iiulo k KM , Sioux 1'alls , Is
In the ctty greeting old frloiuls.
Mrs. V. W. Olmitoacl left last evening
for n brief vloit to ftlciulj in Chicago.
Miss Kitty Ingalosby , of the Telephone
central ollico , loft last o\onlng on A short va
cation to Clucixgo ,
Miss \ < \ ! \ 1'ruyn , who Imi been visiting
relatives in Kockport , Mb. , for a mouth ii.iat ,
baa returned homo ,
, T. A. Ho Jo , of Tabor , IOWA , arrived in the
In the city yesterday and will occupy a posi
tion on oiir democratic contemporary. Sioux
Kalis Dally Press , Oct , Dili.
J. Alfred Ferguson , Into private secretary
ofV. . II. Vaughan , was in Omaha Saturday.
Ho ID now on the road for the Hall safe
company , wlthheadtiunrtora In Cincinnati and
Kcema to bo prospering In nil his ways.
Henry Ames , who has boon chief clerk un
der M. Keith , of the 0.1) ) . & Q. , has resigned
that position to accept tno position of assistant
In the ollico of S. S. Slovens , the great agent
of the Hock Island , and wilt hereafter bo lo
cated In Omaha. Will Twynor , who has had
chargoof the city circulation of the Nonpareil ,
is to take tno position loft vacant by Mr.
Attention , Blnlno and IJORAH Clubi.
The members of the bays in blue , the
Blaiuo and Logan club , and the colored
Blaine and Logan club will assemble at
their respective headquarters on the evenIng -
Ing of Thursday , the ICth hist. They
are required to bo in readiness to rocolvo
marching orders to start for Omaha at 7
o'clock sharp , and then take part in the
grand parade and jollification Blaine mid
Logan campaign mooting. By order of
the general manager.
M. G. GUFFIN , General Secretary.
lloal Kstato TrJxiiHfors.
The following are the real estate trans-
fora filed for October 11 and reported to
THE BEE by P. J. McMahon.
Maria Mynstorto city of Council Bluffs ,
part of 24-75-14 , § 100.
Henry Piopor to Wilholm Ploon , lot
10 , block 9 , Minden , la. , § 50.00.
Caspar Foster to William Ploon , lot 11 ,
block 9 , Minden , la. , § 150.00.
A. A. Smithson to Samuel Clinton , lot
8 , block 12 , Stutsman's second add. ,
? 100.
A five-foot vein of coal has boon struck
at llippoy at a depth of 120 feot.
A Sioux City man has put up $50 thai
Now York will gtvo Cleveland 75,000
Manchester dealers last month shipped
214,820 pounds of butter and 31,420
dozen eggs.
The enrollment of school children at
Cedar Rapids numbers 2,450 ; the largest
in the history of the city.
Two hundred delegates are expected
to attend the Baptist convention mooting
in Des Moines on the 22d inst.
Forty births and twenty-throe deaths
were reported to the county clerk of
Polk county during Soptombor.
James Kennedy , the thug who brutally
beat Charley Collins in Sioux City , has
boon sot at liberty by the mayor , because
Collins , who is still confined to his house ,
was unable to prefer charges against him.
Circuit court convened in Calhoun
county on the 7th , but owing to the de
struction of papers in the recant burning
of the court house , the most of the cases
were necessarily continued for substitu
tion of papers.
The Franx brewing company , of Sioux
City , has brought suit against certain
Oherokeo parties who , under the prohibi
tory law , seized a quantity of largorino
shipped by the company to that placo.
The complainants claim that the bever
age contains but a fraction over three per
cunt of alcohol , and under the law Is not
intoxicating. The amount of damage !
claimed is $7,000.
James Storey , a cattle dealer , pounced
upon Thos. A. Hughes , a milkman , in
Sioux City , Thursday , and broke him all
up. The bones of the nose were broken ,
the upper jaw fractured , several teeth
knocked out and others loosened , his
upper lip cut tnrough and other wounds
received on the head. The cause of the
assault was the shutting up by Mr.
Hughes of aomo of Storey's cattle that
had como into his ( Hughes ) cornfield.
The Ottumwa Courier is informed that
Dos Moines saloons are run on a now
plan. The bartender wears a cutaway
coat with two largo pockets in the tails
In these ho stows a few quart bottles of
liquor , and when a customer comes in
and gives a wink , out comes a bottle , a
drink is poured out , the customer pays
ton cento , and the bottle goes back into
the bartender's hind pocket. When an
oflicor comoa in to aoarch for liquors the
bartender quietly Walks out with the
liquor stock in his coat tails.
The Dos Moinoa Loader oays : Presi
dent Smith , of the state agricultural so
ciety , now in St. Louis , has written n letter -
tor to parties in this city stating that Dos
Moines , having failed to raise the desired
§ 50,000 , the socipty now solicits bids
from other localities. To those who sup
posed this matter had boon definitely sot-
tied since subscriptions to the necessary
amount had boon raised hero , the latter
of Mr , Smith may sound strange. The
facts are these : Private subscriptions
aggregating $35,000 bavo been secured ,
and the balance , § 15,000 , was to Jiavo
boon donated by parties from whom land
for the fair grounds should bo purchased.
This was eminently satisfactory at the
time , but since that time the society , not
satisfied with n subscription , sought to
have subscribers embody their obliga
tions in the form of notes. This the lat
ter have refused to accede to , a majority
entering the objection that they did not
care to have their notes hawked about the
street ? , Jlonco the present complica
tions. Further developments will bo
looked forward to with absorbing Interest
by the surprised people of the capital
A Hard-Working Author ,
Stopnlak , the author of Underground
Russia , la a great worker. Ho goes to
bed at midnight , rises at 2 , and piles his
pun without surcease save for refresh
ments , which ho toasosaa ho writes , until
noon. Then ho sleeps for about three
hours , when he again sets to work , and ,
until midnight , gives himself only or two
short spoils of rest. This goes on for five
or six days a week , or until the task ho
has set himself is accomplished ; and while
it is in progress ho drinks enormous quan
tities of tea and coU'eo the one as black
as the other. Only u man of iron consti
tution , end of otherwise temperate
habitscould endure such a literary rouimo
OH the late editor of the Noroimaia Volia
has devised for himself.
Telling About n I'lonlo lie lintl When
JUateo City Was Cftllotl
A Novel Way o
Florida Cor. I'hiladelphln Tim. i.
"So you wont to that thnr ball out in
the kontry tether night , did ycrJ" said
the old cracker , ns 1 stopped to chat
with him as ho sat on the shady stops of
the village drug storo. ' llockon you
thought as how you .was a havin'a right
smart porticklor good time outon hit , too ,
Wai , boys will bo boys , an' ole man
Perkins hez got sonio purty hnn'aum enl *
out thar. That Sul Perkins Is about ns
lively n young heifer ns you'll find any.
where In this hero country. 1 knowcd
her mammy nn1 her grnn' mammy nforo
hor. Ef you is iv-thlnkln1 abouv goUIn'
married , you go for Sal , She kin hoe
cotton all day long and 'long towards
dark jump over a six rail fence a-coln' to
the cow-pon. Sho's sound in wind an'
lim * and gentle as a kittin , an' the feller
as gits her will git a hundred head of cattle
tlo with her ; ycH , for ole man Perkins
runs six plows , an * don't never have tor
use no long swcotnin * in hiscolVeo. "
"Wo had a heap of fun , Undo Billy , "
said I , There was plenty of ice cream
and lemonade , plenty of pretty girls ,
good music and wo danced all day. "
"Wall" said the cracker , contemptu
ously , "ico cream and lomouado an' sich
truck , an * a band , too. Well , you mout
of had some fun , to bo shore , but in my
days wo didn't hov no bands a scroochin'
all sorts of onllkoly airs. "
"What did you do for music , then , to
dance by ? " I inquired.
"Musicl Why , every follow in old
uolumby county onatnost could pick or
iddlo. You oiightor seed four or live
whoopin big follurs shuck tlmr coats an'
, uno thar fiddles nn go to work , while
'our or five others was a pattin' an' a
lingin1. Thorn was dancin' days , an' the
Fo th was a big day iu the piney woods
settlements. "
"Wo didn't ' know what Ice cream was ,
but wo had hull beef crittorajroastod , an'
door , nn' bar , an1 them that wanted water
could drink hit , but wo nllus had a bar'l
of whisky with the oond knocked in ,
"Hit wan't this pizon stull you got now-
idays , but good , red licker what wouldn't
liurt nuthin' .
"Wo usotor hov lots o' fun in them
days , and I've soon moro'n a dozen fights
durin' the day thar.
"Thar was my young brother Sam onct
but aho' you don't kour to hoar the old
man talk , 1 know. "
"Yes , I do , " I replied oaporly. "What
did your brother Sam do ? When wan it ,
and where was it ? "
By this time qulto a little crowd had
gathered around the old fellow , and they
joined mo in importuning him for the
story. Finally ho took a lingo bite of
"niggpr twist" and started in.
"Hit war down at the place you call
Lake City now. Hosailed it Alligator.
The Injuns glvo hit that name , kaso there
was sicli a heap on thorn varmints stayin'
in them thar lakes.
"Hit war oenamost onposslblo tor
keep any shoals whar they was. 'Gators
Is got lota of sense. They ustor make
raids on the pens whar the shoata was a
fattening all the timo. Some of the
planters had grot big pens , but hit wan't
no uao ; thorn 'gators would get together
an. ' take nigh about every shoat outon
"I'yo knowod a half dozen on 'em to
crawl outon the water an' go up to one of
these hero pans. Four of the 'gators
would form a sorter lane , an' tether two
would stand on their tails an' lift the logs
off , an' when the shouts run out the
tether four would kill 'om. They'd
ginorally manage for to git a shoal apiece
an' then they'd take tor the water an'
swim ever tor a little clumpy islan' 'an '
hov a sorter picnic.
"Bat I war gwlnotor to toll yon about
the picnic wo had when Lake City war
called Alligator. Hit war about fifty
year ago. There was a right smart crowd
of boys thar from all around the kontry
fer miles and miles nn' 'mongst 'em war
mo 'an my brother Sam , which was ton
year younger nor me , but powerful built
an' not afeard of nothin' .
"Thar was lots of niggers thar , too ,
for folks was mighty social in thorn days ,
an * wo all had niggers for tor wait on
us."Thar was one big , powerful buck
nigger thar which was called 'Black
ickan' ho was a-cussln' , an * a blowin'
an' ho roconod that ho mout lick any
body thar was around k thorn parts.
Brother Sam had boon a-drlnkin' a right
smart , too , nn' ho felt as pert and sissy-
like ns the nigger did. Finally Black
Alick jumped on my brother earn an'
throwud him plum on his back and jump
ed on him , out Sam was an * olc rough an' '
tumbler , an' ho locked both arms 'round
the nigger an' hilt him clus'-liko BO'S ho
couldn't strike. Ho had a pair of these
here big Mexican spurs on an' ho joss
croat his logs ever the nigger an' war a-
jammiu' them spurs into his flanks for all
ho was wuth.
"At ? ho same time ho was a chawin' of
his face , an' ho had a right smart chance
of tooth in thorn days.
"Tho niggor tried his best to turn him
ever , but Sam never slacked his holt and
kop' a-chamn' an'a-spurrin' all ho could.
The niggor was game , of ho was a nlggar ,
an' stood hit as long as ho could , but
artor half his nose was gone ho sorter
weakened like , boin , no hog , nn' hollered
for tor take him olf.
"But I seed that ho was joss a-wailln'
fer a chance to best Sam , so I dravred
my knife an' 'lowed I'd bo dog-gonod if
he should git up yit.
"Thon the boys wanted to pull 'om
apart , an' kinder mode out that Sam
might got hurt un' was willin tor lot go.
I joss shouted , "No ho don'tl Let him
bol Don't you see how Sam is a lovin'
of him } See how ho's a huggin' of him !
Why , he's a-lovin1 of him so that ho's
joss a-oatin' of him up , "
"Tho boys they less did laugh , an'
finorly the niggor seed that wo wasn't
gwintor help him outon the scrape , like
wise ho got Inter hit his ownsolf , an' ho
give a desprit quick wrench an' bruk
loose. I toll you he was a sight.
"Sam had marked him BO'S lio'd ' know
him ag'in an' ho didn't stop tor say
howdy or good-by , but joes put for the
wojds as fast as ho could.
"Sam wasn't hurt at all. Skasoly ;
on'y parh on hia nose was gone an' his
loft eye looked sorter bad like whar the
niggor had tried to gouge it.
"Olo Deacon Miller said hit was joss
Hie most ainuzonoat fight ho hod over
seed , an' ho lied fit many a ono when ho
was a younker ,
"By the way , montlonin * of the deacon
con 'niiiuh mo of the joke ho played on
Jim Simmons the next Fo'th July artor
Sam hod the fight with the niggor , Hit
war down to Gonhor Lope , an' lilt was o
boss time , 1 tell you. Jim was a grot ,
tall , ganglin' cuss , a eort of desput man
like , an' ho kem in the grounds thar
purty full , for ho hod boon a-drinkin *
right smart with the Johnson boys , who
kop' store down by the rivor.
"Well , Jim ho was a-crowln' an' a
cussin' an * a-makin' out jots as ef ho was
a-spilin1 for a fight , firin' off his pistol nn'
skporin' folks , 'aposh'ly the wimming an1
' Deacon Miller was a standin' some
ways oir , with hia back turned , nn' Jim
'lowed tor himself that he'd have a
right amort of fun outon him ; BO ho run
an' jumped upon the deacon's back , right
about on his wethers , nn thnr lie clung , n
screotchin' an' a whoopin' like a Injun.
" The. deacon , lie was blamed takod
mad , but ho didn't say nothin' , but ho
joss reached around quick like nn' grabbed -
bed Jim by the shanka an hilt on 'z of ho
had a morgago on him drawn' 2 per cent
a month. About twenty-five yards from
thar , m nigh as I kin remember was jcas
about the biggest brier bush I ovvor need
in nil my born daya , Jlit was the thorn *
lost an * the brioriust , and the sticknlot
bush that any body ever sood. Dog my
skin , of the doacn didn't trot up tor tlmt
thar bush an * loosen his grip and * dump
Jim Simmons right fa'r nn1 squar * Inter
the middle of hit.
"Hit took him nigh about ton minntos
to git outon hit , an' ho wai the wust
scratched up cuss thar was in them parts.
The hull crowd jiss laughed and laughed
at him. "
"Well , didn't ho ollor to fight ? " I said.
"I should think ho would have boon mnd
ouotigh to shoot the deacon. "
"So ho was , " was the reply , "but you
BOO the doncon had lila'n already out , and
Jim knowod the crowd waa agin him , for
10 had nortor commenced the fuss like , BO
10 jiss wiped the blood oil on his face ,
mounted his crootor , and rid oil" .
The President of the Cambridge
Mass. , Kiro Ins. Co. , recommends Hood's
Sarsaparilla as n building up and strength *
oning remedy.
Didn't Want It Then.
Sim tfmncilco Cronlclr.
"Oh , my ownost own , alnco wo mot in
the conservatory that evening of the
ball , the merest trille , the perfume of a
violet , recalls yon to mo. "
"Do not como BO cloao. Do not kiss
mo to-night. "
"Why not ? Oh , beloved ! lifo is short
and your kisses nro BO much. "
"If love do kiia to
you mo , not mo *
night. "
"Why this obduracy. Do you not
love mo ? "
"Dovotodly. But , oh I I would for
ever bo associated with the perfume of
bho violet , and ono can never furgot an
onion. "
A Biiro euro for Blind , itlcedlng , Itching and
Ulcerated 1'Ilos hns boon dlicovoroil liy Dr.
Williams ( an Indian Komcdy , ) called Dr.
William's Indian Tile Ointment. A Rluglo
box has cured the worst chronic coses of 25 or
30 yearn ntandlng. No ono need miller iivo
minutes after applying ; this wonderful Booth-
ing medicine. LutloiiB , Instruments and eloc-
tnarioH do mure harm than good. William's
Indian I'llo Ointment absorbs the tinners , nl *
laya the Intense itching , ( particularly at night
after Rotting warm In boil , ) acts us a poultice ,
elves instant relief , and IH prepared only fur
i'iloa , itching of the piivato parts , and for
notliluo olso.
Head what the Hon. J. M. Colfinberry. of
Cleveland , Bays about Dr. Williain's Indian
I'ilo Oolutmcnt : "I have used scores of 1'ilo
Cures , and it affords mo ploannru to Bay that I
have never found anything which gave such
immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wil
liam's Indian Ointment. 1'or sale by all drug
gists and mailed un receipt of price. COc and
Si. Sold at retail by Knlm & Co.
Wholesale Agent.
His Money I'utrillod ,
Cincinnati Knqulrer ,
Alexander Machrio is a foreman for the
Spencer & Craig Printing company , Ho
lives on Wright street , Covingtpn , where
ho owns a little homo. Ho is known
among his associates as an industrious
worker , who spends very little of his time
or money in saloons or places of amuse
inont. Every pay day ho managed to pnl
away a few dollars for safe keeping , until
finally ho had accumulated $400. The
young man guarded his little treasure
with jealous care. Frequently ho road
in the daily papers about the
failure of savings banks , which
had boon trusted by poor people
with their fowlhnrd-oarned dollars , and
this made him loose faith in institutions
of this kind. Ho resolved to become
his own banker , and concluded to bury
his money in the collar of his house. At
midnight , about four months ago , ho took
up his lamp and spade and began digging
out a few ieot of the dirt in a corner of
the collar. The § 400 consisted of Treas
ury notes of all donominations. They
wcro placed in a strong box and deposit
ed in the hole ho had dug. The box re
mained undisturbed in its hiding-place
until recently , when Machrio opened it
to BOO If it was all there yot.
On taking elF the lid ho staggered back
pule and frightened. Instead of the
crisp , now bank notes ho had placed
there a short while ago , ho found a hard
lump of paper , which appeared to bo Us
solid as stone. His greenbacks had be
come a petrified mars. The heavy rains
had filled the collar with water , and
loosened the dirt , so that the damp air
penetrated the opening of the tin box
and converted the paper into pulp. At
first Machrio grieved ever his great loas.
But hia hopes brightened when ho was
told that the Government would probably
redeem the money. Ilo called at the
Sub-Treasury , and was told to
present the matter in writing to
the treasury department at Washington.
Ilo confided his secret to Mr. Craig , ono
of hia employers , and the latter wrote a
letter to Secretary Folgor. The reply
that before the ruined br.nk notes would
bo redeemed their owner would have to
prove good character and make nlliclavit
ns to the truth of his statement. Mr.
Craig , in another letter vouched for
Machrio'a honesty and integrity , and at
the same time inclosed an affidavit con
taining the facti as related , which was
dm IT a up by Mr , W. II , M < : Coy , a law
yer , and Bworn to before a notary. An
answer from Washington is now expected
daily ,
A Curt Uapiy.
Han Krantlico Call ,
Ex-United States Senator Nosmith of
Oregon , It is said , has become insane.
Mr , Nuasmlth was a self-made man , un
polished in manner but with a vigorous
intnlloct. Ho never saw a railroad until
ho made his journey to Washington City.
Ho was u favorite with Charles Sumner ,
who on ono occasion asked him , in the
presence of Hovoral other senators , to
( ivo his impression of members of con-
grcBJ. Mr. Koaunulh replied that "when
ho came into the Bunato chamber and itu
old associations and the great debates in
the senate crowded on hia memory ho
wondered how ho ever got into such nn
historic and august body. " That delight
ed all the senators. "But , " added No-
smith , "after 1 had sat in the senate a
few weeks and listened to iU debates , I
wonder how any of you ovof uot horo. "
1 Klo.viow.N , Ky. , October . The bonded
warehouse of J , 0 , lUiacho A Co , burned to
day with 2COQ barrvU of wliliUy , three yearn
old and valued at 8160,000. The building was
a two-Btory brick. Tbo toUl Ion will p '
ably 8170,000 , , uiurance unknown
One of the Boat and largest Stocks intho United Stato0
to select from.
Importer , Jobber nml Manufacturer's A ( tent of
13th Street , Dot. Fnrimm and Ilnrnoy.
Tliu KK'ctrlcCnmllo
M i'aiullo Vow i r
Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Water I
And nil o the good unil vlcasiuit things tlmtjgo to mate up a * com
plete and Imppy existence. . , .
The town of South Omnhii it niuntcd south of tho"city7p . Omaha
on the line of the U. P. Rnilwny , mid it ia less hau. i miles from tha
Omaha post office to Iho north line c i the town site.
South Omaha is nearly H miles north and south by 2\ east and.
west-iind covers an area of nearly four square miles ,
The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit
Nearly 150 lots have been sold and the demand is on the increase
The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion ,
The 560,000 beef packing house is progressing finely.t
The ? 80,000 Water Works are finished and furnish an abundant
supply of
The B. & M. and Bolt Line Railways have a largo force of men at
work and will , in connection with the U. P. Railway , have a union depofr
near the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be
furnished for Church and School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lots in this growiugcity. | ] They will never
bojjheaper than they are to-day.
Apply at the Company's office , at the Union Stocks Yard ? .
Assistant Secretary.
Without A Rival.
Have been Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Priz
Medals at all the prominent expositions of the
World for the Last Fifty Years.a And
I LMni Pianists
An examination of these nmgnificeut Pianos is politely requested
before purchasing any other instrument.
General Western Representatives.
P. S , Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , D. B. A. ILitablUhed 1878-CatarrB ,
Doafnosx , Lung and Norvona DlnoaoeB Speedily and Vcrxnanently Cured. Patlonti
or od at Homo.Vrlto for "TiiB MKHiOAL-fiHasioiauv , " for the Pooplo.
noniullaUon and Correspondence Gratia , P. 0. Box 5292. Telephone No. 20.
RON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , saya : ' Phyticlan o !
Uou Ability wid Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN KURPHY , Davenport.
-ltca ! "Ati-taioiiornblfl Man. Flno Rnr.rt i . Tyondorful Oiiroa. " Tlonm ft to 6.