Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1884, Image 3

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PAID UP CAPITAL , . 52r.0,000
SURPLUS MAY 1 , 1884 . 20,000
n. W 7ATE3" A. F. TOUZAUN ,
President. Vlw President
Kant K. llaydcn , Assistant tm' Acting Cwhlcr.j.
The Iron B nk.
ty 188
* &i
' , flf OOB , 12TH ANDFABffAM STS ,
A : &
INTEREST allowed on tlmo deposit * upon
1i favorable terms nnd npon woonnta ol banlu
nnd bankers.
Bondn anil County nd City necnrllloi bought
sntl olA.
In its treatment of customers tba most Hbv
eral policy Is pursued cowlstont with afota-
and sound banking , and wo invite correaponcfi
once or personal inquiry in connection there
NBW YOBK , Oct. 12 Money Easy at 1@2 ;
dosed offered 1.
I , Prime pnper B@G.
Sterling Bills Quint nt ! Sli ; demand ,
Govornmonta Weaker.
Hail ways Lower.
Stocks. Weak nnd depressed to-day , on an
nouncement of the withdrawal of the Bait
inoro and Ohio railway from the trunk lin
pool , the rumored resignation of Commisaione
Tink , reports of rate cutting In the west an
the confirmation of the sale of the Now Jersey
soy central stock by Vandcrbilt. Granger
were weak. Compared with Friday the clos
ing prices are i to 2 } lower.
3's 100
U'a Coupons 112
U.S. now4's. . : 119
' ' 125
Pacific G's of'95
Central Pacific 39
( JhicaRo & Alton ISO
do do pfd 145
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 121 ,
Delaware , Lackawnnna & Western. . " . . 104 ]
Denver & llio Grande 10"
Erie 13
do pfd 25
Illinois Central 121
Indianapolis , Blooui. & Western 10.
Kansas & Texas 17 :
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 7-1 ;
Louisville & NashvUle 2GJ
Michigan Central GO
Missouri Pacific 95
Northern Pacific 18 ;
do do pfd 42-
do do pfd 124i
Now York Central 94
Oregon Trans-Continental i 12 !
Pacific Mail 6lj
Ptdlman Palace Car Company 113J
llock Island 114
St. Louis & San Francisco 20j
do do pfd 40
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 78 :
do do do pfd 105
St. Paul& Omaha 2 ! ) ,
do do pfd 904
Texas Pacific 11"
Union Pacific B5 ]
Wahaah , St. Louis & Pacific f
do do do pfd 10
Western Union Telegraph 04
O. R. &N CU
Ex-div. talked.
CHICAQO October 11. Flour Quiet and
Wheat Steady ; dull ; fluctuated slightly
within range ; 4 closed J under yesterday ; 70S
@ 7GJ cash ; 7G | October ; 73J73i November ;
7 ! > 1@705 December ; 802 January : No. 2 , red ,
79i ; No. 3 red , 07 ; rejected rod , 69.
Corn Stronger ; good business ; advanced
for October , 2.J ; November 1J ; year i ; closed
2 October , November , J ; year g over yester
day ; 57 cash ; 50 * 857 October ; 53 | November ;
43f@43 year ; 39f January ; 41@ 11J May ; re
jected 48.
Gate Active ; strong ; 27J cash , 272 October
27 @ 28 November ; 28J December , 27i year ;
SUA@304 May.
llyo Steady at Ci@53.
H Barley Quiet ; G2gG2J. (
Timothy Firm ; iirime , 125.
Flax Seed-Steady. No. 1 , 134@135.
Pork Quiet : 15 00@15 20 lower ; 10 5rj cash ;
October ; 12 374 year ; 12 45 January ; 12 55
Lard Easy ; declined 10@12j ; closed tame
at 7 60 cash ; October ; 7 2/J@7 30 November ;
7 2iDecembor ; 7 3U@7 32J January ; 7 374 ®
7 40 February.
Hulk Meats-Short ribs 925@0 40.
Whisky-Steady nt 113.
Butter Dull and unchanged.
Cheese Firm and unchanged ,
E < rgs Firm at 18@18i ,
llidea Unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged.
Receipts. Slilp'tn.
Flour , bbls llf.UK ) 12,000
Wheat , bushels 113.000 OU.OOO
Corn , bushels ' 72,000
Oats , bushels 133,000 207,000
Kyo , bushels 19,000 28,000
Hurley , bushels 31,000 3GOjO
MILWAUKEE , October 11. Wheat Weak ;
No. 2 Milwaukee and October , 75 ; Novem
ber , 77 ; December , 78jf.
Corn Scurco , firm ; rejected 53@51c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , 274@23.
llyo Nominal ; No. 2 62c.
Barley Good demand ; No. 2 spring 55 ®
NEW OKLTANH , October 11. Corn Quiet ;
weak ; in racks , yellow mixed GSc.
Oats Western , fair demand easier ; choice
Others unchanged.
BALTIJIOIIE , October 11. Wheat Western
No. 2 , winter red spot 8383 ? .
Corn Western ! nominal
OaU Steady ; western white , 33@31c ;
mixed , 30@32.
Rye-Quiet ; 0205.
Eggs ( ulet ; uncliinged.
Whisky Steady 5118@119.
LiviiipoOLOctolierll. Breadstuff Quiet.
Wheat iletter tone ,
Cora Strong at 5a 2d. }
TOLEDO , Ohio.Octob rll. Wheat Steady ;
No 2 rod October 7GJ.
Corn Dull and nominal.
Oats Stiong ; No. a 28 bid.
October 11. Wheat Spot
NEW YOKK , . . _ _ . , . .
i „ „ ! * „ < inoir \
red. 874 88 ? ; Oeceiuber closing J3 ' '
Oate-J@l higher. Hoceiptu , 10S.OOO ; ex.
iwrts 147 ; mixoil wortorn 331 ; white ,
ai33. ( , ,
J.anl Dull ; v/otern steam Bpot quoted
S7 45.
But er Qutet nnd unchanged ,
OINOINNATI , October 11. Wheat-Steady ;
No. 2 rod , 82@83c.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed 55J@5Ge.
Oats Firm ;
Uwloy Quiet ) ntcady. r.xtra 3 fall 70c.
1'ork-Dull t 1C 60.
littrd Vuiot ) nt 7 76.
Hulk Meats Dull nnd unchanged.
Whisky- Steady nt 111.
KANSAS Ctir , Oct. ll. Whoftt-Stoadyj
Cfiih OCJc bid , G'Jic ft ked ; November 73c ; De
cember OS } J bid , 5'JJo ' ask l ,
Corn Higher ; c * U 42@l28j October , first
half , 423 ! October. S9o bids 4le asked ; Novem
ber , Slgo ; year 28JC bid ; May 30o bid , SOJo
Oats Dull ; nominal ; 23c bid , 23Jo a kcd.
ST. LOUIS rnonucB.
ST. LODIH , October 11. Wheat Dull ;
l@Jo under yesterday. No. 2 rod. 78iJ@7SSc
for cash ; 78fc for October , SO @S03o for No
vember ; 82c@SiJc for December ; lUjja for
Mnj' .
Corn Higher ; rlow ; RO fgCOjc for cash ; 41 J
@ 4lc for November ; 3CJifi8GJo ( year.
Outs Higher nnd Inactive.
UiBi Western fresh lirm215@22. ;
1'ork I'lrin ; now mess 17.
Lnd Flrnij wottern steam spot 7 05 ®
Butter Qulot nnd firm for choice.
1'KoniA , October 8. Corn easier : high mix
ed. nominal at 53J@5I ; No. 2 mixed , nomi
nal at 63S03J.
OntsSteady : No. 2 White 27l@27J ; No.
live Firm : No. 2 at 551CG.
WhUky-1 11.
ClIIOAOO , October 11. The Drovors'Journal
reports :
Hops Keccipts , 13,530 ; dull , and lOc lower
on nil but best ; rough packing 4 85@5 25 ;
iiackhu nnd shipping 5 35(3)5 ( ) ! ) . > ; light 4 70@
i 45 ; skips and grAssoi 4 00@4 70 ,
Cattle Receipts , 2,800 ; slow and ptoady ;
oxiKrts ) C 50 a7 00 ; good to choice shipping
580ciCO ! inferior to fair 4 25 ® 1 70 ; y 25 ®
325. stockera 3 00 ® 110 ; r.uiga steady ; Wy
oming 1 00.
Sheep - Receipts 1,503 ; steady ; Inferior to
good 2 OOCoM 00.
Lambs 3 00@4 00.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , October 11. Cattle
Receipts , Gli5 ; supply light ; steady and un
changed ; exports GOjxU25 ; common to choice
shipping , 5 00@5 85.
Jllogs Receipts , 4,700 ; opened strong , clos
ing weak and a _ ehadtt lower at 500 5 40.
Sheep Receipts , 410 ; good steady , others
weak ; common to medium 2 252 50 ; fair to
goo 2 753 20.
BT. LOD13.
St. Lenis , Mo. , October 11. Cattle Re
ceipts , 209 head ; dull and unchanged.
Sheep Receipts noun ; nothing done.
Hogs-Receipts 1.400 ; dull ; Yorkers 5 10 ®
5 25 ; packing , o 10@535 ; butchers 5 40 gG 00
Wholesale Prices.
Tuesday Evening , October 10. J . !
The following prices are charged retailers
jy Jobbers , wholesalers and commission mor-
: hants1 with tlio exception of grain , which is
mated at the prices furnished by the elevators
md otherJocaljbuyers :
Whoa1 Cash No. 2 , GOc.
Barley Ca h No. 2 , 4'lc.
llye Cash No. 3 , 40o
Corn No. 2 , 40/SJ404c ; on straet 30c.
Oats No. 2 , 22 §
Light fine 13@lFc.
Heavy fine 12)14c. )
Medium 15aiGu (
Burry 2 to 5o off.Market
Market firm.
Steady ; green butchers' G ; green salted 7J@
! ; dry illnt 12 : dry salt 10@11 ; damaged
lidos , two-thirds price.
Sheep Polls 23@ 00.
Flour and MillstuKs
Winter Wheat-Best quality , patent nt 2 5
g3 00.
Second quality 2 20@2 50.
Spring Wheat Best quality , patent , 300 ®
Second Quality 2 15@2 50.
Bran GOc per cwt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 90c.
Corn Meal 1 00 ® 110 per cwt.
Screening G5@75o per cwt.
General Produce
Apples Dull , nnd receipts contmuo heavy ,
nly choice stock salenblo at $2.25(5)2.50. ( )
Beans I'cceipts light and demand good ,
ead picked navy , per bu. § 2.50 ; medium , 2 00
§ 2 25.
Beeswax In good demand. Choice brighter
or Ib. 2GQ28c ; common to good dark per Ib.
Butter Shows n remarkable improvement ,
tecoipts hnvo been \erylight and prices ad-
anciog rapidly. Choice table butter was
: > ld ns high as20 a 22c ; fair to good 12 a 15c ;
iferior grades 8 a IOc ; fresh creamery selling
Cider "Ohio" per bbl. 87.00 ; "York
tato" per bbl. S3.00 ; per J bbl. SI.75 ; con
onsed per la. 85c ; crab apple , per gal. S5c.
Cheese Full cream , western , 12c ; WiscOn-
n now 12ic ; young American , 12 a 13c.
Kggs Unvo been siarco for a few days and
ricea higher ; to-day's sales , 17c.
Game Prairie chickens slow at $2 00 a 2 50 ;
ilpe , Sl.OO a 1.20.
Hay Baled S7.00@3.00 loose , 85.00 a
Jelly In 20 and 30 pound pails , G n 7 ; in 2
i. jars , per doz , $ .50 ; assorted tumbler * pe r
[ ) z. SI 20 ; schooners , per doz. $2.00.
Mspln Sugar Pure , in bricks , par Ib. IGcJ
llio , 13c ; small cakpn 1'JJc.
SMALT , Fnuiia Michigan peaches per crate
OAUFOHNIA FIIUITS Pears , 50-lb. boxes ,
00 ; 20-1 b boxes , 2 25 , Orantrcs per crate (4 (
axes ) 2 50.
ONIONS Choice per Carrel 2 00.
POPCOIIN In good demand at 2Q2\c. \ per
i.POUJ.TUV In liberal supply and prices weak'
> rlng chickens , 2 25@2 7& ; old chickens , 3 00
)3 ) 50.
PHOVISIONS Ham , Ho ; B. bacon , 12icj D.
. sides , l.i/c / : C. fi. bacon , 12J ; shoulders , 8ic ;
icsa nork , 20 00 ; lard , ! ) © 10c.
POTATOEH In liberal supply at 3D@Src or
Grocer * Ijlat
CANNED G oops Oysters ( Standard ) per case ,
90 ; strawoarrio' ) , 2 Ib , per ewe , 2 20 ; rasp-
jrries. 2 Ib , per case , 2 70 ; Bartlett peari , per
ise , 5 SO ; whortlflberrins , per case , 3 10 ; ivg
luins , 2 Hi , per case , 2 90 ; green gagas , 2 II ) ,
r cans , 2 00 ; pine apples , 2 Ib , per case , 4 80
fi BO.
UorE Sisal J inch and larger , 9c , § inch ,
ic ; J inch , IOc.
CANW.HS Boxoa , 40 Ibs , ] Gs , lie ; 8s , lie ;
ixon 40 HIM , K ! nz. , Oi , lie.
MATCHKH I'or caddie , 33c ; round , cases ,
55 ; Kfjuare. casoi , 1 70.
SuoAiw-Piiwdorud , 8Jc ; cut loaf , RJc ;
aiiulated. 7ic ; confuetioncra' A , 7o ; Stand-
d.extra O , GJc ; extra 0 , G c ; medium yol.
w. 5/c ; dark yellow , c.
Cot-KKKH-Ordinary grades , 1212lc ; fair.l
135c ; [ 'ood , I 4c ; prime , 15@151o ; cholcci
! @ 17c ; fancy greau and yellow , KilGJc ; old
ivenuuent .fava 20rc2Gj ' ' "
? Lovurirw'
iT\ it i > Ltiw n it , * u * + ? tit ; 4JUVU11UKPI\Jtn\\yi *
'as Aibucklo'a roasted , 16Jc , MoLaughlinV
: XXX roasted , 15jfc ; mitution Java , , lGf@
! | o ; Clark1 * Aurora , 15fc.
KIUE houisiaua prime to choice , 7@7Jc ;
ir , GJc ; I'.itma , ( ijc.
I'l.sll No. 1 mackerel half brK. 7 00 ; No.
5 ; lamlly mackerel , kits , GOc ; No. 1 whita
ih , half brio , 7 00 ; No. 1 blU , 05e.
Hrnui'Standard Corn. 32f , bbls ; Standard
> , 4J gallon kegs , 1 85 ; Standar 1 do , 4 gallon
I ? , ) , 1 60.
boiu In Ib jiapers , 3 30 per case ; keg per
, V4- .
PIUKI.IH Medium , in barrels , 8 00 ; do in
tlf barrel * , 4 50. small , In barrels , 'J 00 ; do
> half barrel * , D 00 ; gherkin * lu barrels 10 00 ;
) in half barrels , 5 50.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45a15o ; choice , GO
rCc ; good Unporlal. 40a43o ; choice , GOaGSc ;
'oiing Hyson , Rood , 30a50c ; choice , G5al 00 ;
jpan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , t)0a75c ;
olonfr , good , 35 IOc ; Oolonir , choice , 40a55c ;
ouchoug , good , SSalOc ; cbolco , 35a45c.
B-Twohoop pftils , 1 85 ; threa ri
hoop pftild , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; ploneoi
washboard * , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; Well
bucket * , 3 M.
SOAPS Klrk'c Ssvon Imperial , 3 43 ; KlrkV
Kttlnct , 3 GO ; Kirk'a standard , 3 7 ) KlrkV
White Itnuiaii 529 ; Kirk' * cutocn , 215 ;
Kirk's PrMrio Qucon , (100 ( cakes ) 40c ; Kiik's
mngnoli.1 , dor ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 cixioln c.v o ,
3 Swj Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; An-
clmr ball , 2 doz in c.i o , 1 M ) .
CANDY-Mixed , 12al3c ; stick , lie ; twist
stick , lOjc.
ViSEiiAU Now York apple , IGo ; Ohio np-
plo , 13c.
SAT.T Dray lo.vl" , per bbl , 1 70 ; Athlon , In
sacks , 3 fiOi bbls dnlrjr , GO. fis , 3 30 ,
STAIICH Pearl 4c : Silver GUm 8cs Corn
Starch , 8c ; Kxcelsior Glox , 7c , Corn 74c ,
CKH Pepper 17c ; spieo , 15c | clovoi 23c ;
, , 15c.
L\K American , 310 ; Groonwieh 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 : North Star , 200 ; Lewis'lyo ,
4.G5 , Jewell lye.
Dry Oondfl.
Bnowx SilKKTiNoa Atlnntio A , 7c ; Atlan
tic P , Ocj Atlantic LL , 5ic ; Brtinswjck , 74c ;
Boavcr Dam lil. Gc ; Lnwrtnco li\i \ , fi'c ; ; Pact-
lie II , " ? c ; Hoyal Standard , 74c ; Indian Head
A , 8c ; Wauchusett A , 7Jo.
FINK Hitow.N SiiKKTiNoa Argyle , " | c ; Por-
pcroll H , 7c ; Salisbury H , Gi'c.
BI.KAOIIKD COTTONS Uailon 4-1 , GJc ; 1U1
Ion , 7-8 , 6c ; Uumborlaud 4-1 , Sc ; Davoll DD ,
SJa ; FairmountIJc ; Fndt of the Loom 4 ,
' .to ; Glory of the West , 8jc ; Golden Gate , 8Jc ;
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , Tic ; honsdnle , 8e ; Now
York Mills , lllc ; Wnmtutta , lOJo.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos
ton , 10 oz. , 1'IJc ; Boston , 9 oz. , Itc ; Fall
Ilivcr , SJc.
DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West
Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , lie.
TICKINOS Aiuoakeng , Hcj Continental
Fancy , lie ; Cordia , lO o ; Pearl lliver , 131c ;
York , 12jc ; llnmloton Awnings , 12Jc.
JENIKS Amoskeag , 14c : Beaver Crcok
AA , 12o- Beaver Creek 11IJ , llci Beaver
Creek CO , IOc ; fnvmakers , 8cs Jalfroy IJ &
T , UUcj Jaffrov XXX , IVJc ; Pearl Jfivor.
13c ; Warren AXA ( browii ) , li'c ; Warren B1J
brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , IOc. .
CAMliBlCd Fifth avouuo glove finish , Go
Keystone glove finish , 64c ,
0 nsEr JEANS Amory , 74 < > ! Hancock , Scj
Kearsayor 8lc ; llockport , 7c.
PHINTS Aliens , fjjc ; American SJc : Arn
olds , fie ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 44c ; Indigo
7io ; Indigo 7-8 , H4c ; Indigo 4-1. 121c ; Stool
Ifivor , 5ic ; Charter Oak , 440.
PHINTS BHIUTINOS - American , 5c ; Co-
checo , 5o > Gloucester 5o ; Southbridgolie :
Waverlys , 4Jc ; Kosodalo , 4Jc.
GINOHASIB Amoskeag staples , 8c ; Bates
stitples , 8 C' Lancaster staples , 8c : Plunket
plrids , 9c ; Hudson checks , Bjc ; Amoskoag
Persians , Die ,
DRESS GOODS Atlantic Alpacca , 9Jc ; Per-
siano cashmere , 231c ; Uamfeton cashmere ,
15 c ; Hamilton Faucm , 11 Jc ; Hamloto 'jro-
cades , 15c ; Arlington biocado , 18o.
PLUO TOBACCO Climax 45c ; Bullion 45c ;
Horscshoo , 44c ; Star , 4Gc ; lludy. 45c : Her-
13gtJOcHardtoBeat70 ) ; c : favorite , GOc ;
mondCrown , 5Bc ; Sweet Sixteen , 50c.
SMOKINQ O. 8. , 22c ; Meerschaum , 30c ;
Durham , 8 oz. , f > 5c : Durham 4 or. , 5c ; Dur-
liam ' oz. , GOc ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. ,
I3e ; Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 48c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 2 oz. , 69c ; 0. 1C , Durham , 14
jz. , 28c : O. K. Durham , 2 oz. ; 30c ; Uncle
Nod , i's 25cj Tom and Jerry , 23c.
Pnlnts Oils And VnrnlnhOB.
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 12al4c ; 150 °
loadlight , tier gallon , 12Jc ; 175a headlight ,
xr ; gallon , IGJc ; 150s water white. 15Jc ; lin-
ioed raw , per gallon , 55c ; linseed boiled , per
rallon , 58o Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c ;
STo. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 00 ; o ittor XXX , per galen -
on , 1 GOc. No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00
ipermW. B. , pi-r gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. ] $ ,
) er gallon , G5 ; neatnfont extra , per gallon , ! )0c ) ;
X'o , 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , psr gallon , 30c ;
inmmcr , 15c : golden machine , No. 1. per galen -
on , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon
iOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 4 c ; naptha , 74 ° ,
> er gallon , IGc.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P ,
ic ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , Gc ; Marscil-
03 , green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc ,
: reen seal. 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ;
French zinc , in varnish nsRt , 20c ; French zinc ,
n oil asat , 15c ; raw and burnt umb r , 1 ll
sans , IOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , IOc ; Vandyke
> rown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach
ihvck and ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ;
. 'ruBsIan blue , 40 : ; ultramarine blue , ISc ;
: hr inu green , L. 1. & D. , IGc ; blind and
hutter green , L. M. & D. , llic ; Paris green ,
8c ; Indian rod , 16c ; Venetian red , DC ; TUB-
an rod , 22c ; American vermillion , I. fc P. ,
8c ; yellow ochre , Oc ; L. M. , O. & D. O. , ISc ;
ellow ochre , 9c ; gjldon , IGc ; patent
ryor , 8c ; rainug ! colors , light oak , darkoak ] ,
t , chestnut und aeh , IOc.
Dnoas AND I HKMICALH Acid , Carbolic
Oc ; acid , tartaric , 55c ; b.ilsam cnpabia , per HQ
5c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib. 12c ; calomel , per
} . 75c ; clnohonidir , per oz. , SO 65 ; chloroform ,
er Ib. § 1 10 ; Covers powders , per Jb , SI 25 ;
psom saltH , per Ib. 3Jc ; glycerine , pure , per
j. 2oc ; lead acetate , per Ib. 22c ; oil castor ,
'o , 1 par gal. , 1 GO ; oil castor , No. 3 , ,
1 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , SI 40 ; oil origanum ,
3c ; opium , SI 50 ; qmuine , P , & W ; and R. &
, , peroz. , SI 20 ; potassium , ; iodine , per
> . , $1 50 ; salicin , per oz. , 40c ; sulthf , pour ,
lorphino , per oz. , S3 GO ; sulphur ntoold , per
> . , 4c ; strjclminc , per oz , SI 35.
Atoouot IBS proot alcohol , 2 2G per Trliio
illon oitra California spirits , IRS proof ,
18 par proof gallon ; tripln refined uplrlta
! 7 proof , 1 17 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstiUod
hlokleo 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 502 5C ;
outnoky bourbono , 2 007 00 ; Kentucky
1 1 Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00.
BEANDIKEI Irnportod. 0018 03i drjineetlo
GIN8 ImporWJ , 4 ft'Jti UU | domoatlo , 1 40
ROMS Imported , 4 BO@C 00 ( NowJEnglhnd ,
D9@4 00 ; domestic , 1 503 EO.
PKIOH Atm APPLH BnANDr 1 7B@4 00.
CIUUPAUNES Imported par cwo. 28 00 ®
. 00 ; Vmorioau , par oono. 12 i > 3ai6 00.
Oak ol
) i Jock kid , 80c ; nuiuor ( I5o to 75 : ; hem (
tk call. BSa to 1 03 ; hsmlook upper , 22o
1 24 : oak upper , 2 lo ; alligator , 4 00 to R TX ) ;
ikid \ ( , 32@35 ; Grolaeu UU , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak
Ip , 80o to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French
Ip , 1 10 to 1 55 : French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; nu-
its , 5 50 to 750 ; Inxu , G CO to 8 50 top.
nga 9 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , 3flj to 35a
tirilo O. D. Morocco H5o ; elmnti. 2 50@3 00
HABNKSH. No. I star oak , 38c ; No. 2 31c ;
ic : No. 1 Ohio oalf , d3o ; INo. / do , Ulci No.
Mllwankoe 34a ; No 2 do i3r. !
No. 1 Pitts oak liar , Mil ; No. B Pitta naV
a , E4s.
Wa qnoto lumbar , < nth and shln lea oa cait
; Omaha at the following prlcoai
JOIST AND SOANILINO 16 ( t and ucder
Tmmrna 16 fact and tmdor , 20 00 ,
TIUDZB AND JOIOT 20 It , tti OJ ) 24 ft ,
FBNOINO No , 1 , 4 nnd 0 Iu , , 2i 00 ; No. 2
BllEJtnWQ No. l(2d ( common bauds ) , 20 00) )
'o. 2 , 18 CO.
STOCK BOAIIUS A , 45 00 ; 11,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00 ,
FLOOBINQ-NO , 1,4000 ; No. 2 , 3500 ; No.
BIDING , clear 27 OOj No. 2 25 00 ; No. t ,
)00. )
OEILIKO J , 37 00 ; 3 , 25
| 3niNOLim , best 4 50 ; standard , 3 50.
LATII 3 25 per M.
LIMB Per barrel , 1 26 ; bulk per bushel , E5c ;
iraont. bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plwtor , bbl , 2 50 ; halt-
> r bo. rVIr ; Tirred f lt , 100 Oil , 3 C0 | itrnvy
> d 310,0
Heavy Hardware Ijlur.
Iron , rates , 2 30 ; plow eteci Bj > fciul cast. Cc ; T
ucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , Co ; cast too ; tl
i , Ifi.iW ; wagon gpokox , not , 2 2. 13 00 ; hubu
ir net , 1 25 ; fellow , eawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
ich , 70o8Ic ; axles , each , 75e ; square nuts pr > r
, tallc ; wttuhci ? , i > or Ib , 8al8c : rlveti , ] > er II ) ,
c : coil chain * per Ib , ( ! a2u : malleable , 8c ;
m wedges , Gc : crowbars , Gc : harrow tooth ,
; spring steel , 7a8c ; Jiurden'j lioraoehous ,
40 ; Burden's muleHhoes 5 70.
In cir lots , 4 (0 per 100.
NAILH-RaUa , 10 to GO , 2 40.
SiiOT-Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 : oriental
wder , kegs , 010 ; do , half ki-ga , 3 48 ; do ,
larter ktgs , 1 88 : blasting , kugs , 3 35 : fun ; ,
r 100 fuel , 50o.
LKAD Bar 1 G5.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor.
run ISloBsburg , 10 00 ; Whltobteast lump ,
f > 00 : Whltobroost nut , 6 OOi Iowa lump , fi OC
IOWA n it , fi CO : Rock Spring , 7 oo > Aiilhru
cite , 11 23all 6J : Canon City , 7 00 per ton.
Dry r lnt ,
White IcAd , 8c | Kronoh line , 10o | P rl
ifhltlni ? . 2jo ! whtir ! glldots , ijci whltlni
wm'l lie ; lampblnck , Gflrmantown , Kc
lampblack , ordinorylOci Pruuiia UUP , T5c
unlratnnrinO18o ; vandyfco , brjwx , Sc ; timber
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4oj florin * bur at , 4o
rlenna , rk , 4oj Paris green , Ronuiuo , 2 , " > o
I'arls gteoa , common , 20ochromo ; putn N. Y ,
JCo ) cntomfl green , K , , 12cipruullion ,
7Cc ; vericlllfon. American. ISc ; Indian , red
I0c > rose pink , 14ci Venotinn rod , OooknonV
2jc ? > Venetian rod , American , Ijc : rod load
7joj chrome yellow , gonulno , 20c ; chrome yellow
low , K. , 12c ; ochre rochelle , So ; ochro. French
2jc ? ; ochre , Amorleau , 2cj Winter's minors !
2 u ; lohtgh brown , 2c | Spiknlth brown , 2o
rrlnco'a mineral , So.
VARNISUES Barrels , pw nallom Ifuml
lure , orlrn , PI 10 } furniture , fo. 1 , 51 } conch ,
extra , $1 10 : couch , No. 1 , $1 20 | Dnmar
extra , 1 7GJnpan | , 70onspliAltum : , oitin , 85c ]
thnllftc , $ a fiOt hftrd oil fintpli At rX > ,
LIVK STOCK Beef Oattle , grft s , 100 Ib. 3 OC
3 7ft ; sheep , sheard , live , 2 00@2 DO ; drcmtod
5 000 00 ; calves 0 507 75 ; hogs , live , 0 6C
@G 75 ; dromod 8 f > 0@9 00.
Hides. Dry Flint , 10@12o.l green 4@5o.
green calf 8@10 : ! hoot)8kln , dry , 8@10o.
Tallow. 6@Go.
Wool. Colorado 14@15a.j Colorado heavy ,
12(3)lSc ( ) ; Now Mexican 7@10c.
FLOUR Colormlo , 100 llw , ; i 75@2 CO ; i > nt-
out , 100 Ibs. , 27f > @ 300 ; Graham , 100 Ibn ,
1 75 ; rye , 100 Ibs. , 2 25 ; buckwheat , bbl.
1000@1050 ; bran , ton , 120001300 ; corn
meal , 100 Ibn. 1 45(31 ( 05.
GRAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 90c ; corn , In sack ?
100 Ibj , 1 1C@1 20 ; o t , Neb. mixed , 100
Ibs. 1 20 , 1 23 ; bnrloy 100 Ibn , 1 80@1 35.
HAT Baled , upland , 14 00(310 ( 00 ; bottom
tom 11 00 ( 13 00 ; Rtraw. 9 00@11 00.
BUTTKn Fluoet. 32@3 ; Nebraska dairy 14
® 15o ; common , G8o.
Kaaa Frooh. 2i@23 ; ranch , do reeh25
@ 2G.
OIIGEBS Full oroam , 145415o ; Llmbnrger ,
18o ; Swiss , Imported , S2o.
PoDLTnr Live , chlckona old , doz,5 60@G 00 ;
turkey , per Ib. , 14@lGc ; spring chickens ,
8 50ft ) t 50 ; dressed Ib , 19ft)20c.
POTATOES 100 Ibs , now , 1 23 ® ! 80 ; sweet ,
ror Ib. , 4c.
VEQETAULIB Onions , now , 100 Ibs ,
1 G5 ; cabbage , now , 100 Ibs , 90 ; now
beets , 1 00.
FBDITB Lemons , ohoioo Messina , 000 ©
8 50 ; apples , bbl , 3 754 00 ; ponchcH per
box , 2 00 ; watermelons , per dor. , 5075
pears , per box , 300@350 ; plums , per box ,
200 ; California Rrapos , 1 "C@2 50 per
MEATS Hams , Ib , 141@14J ; bnoon , break
fast. 14J(314ic ( : lord , in three , j Ib , 10 J }
smoked sides , 12&13. &
FISH Mackerel , No.l , 1 40. kit , mess ,
1 75@2 25 ; California anlmon , half bbl , 10 50 ;
Holland barring , koc , 1 GOB1 ( 75 ; trout , per
Ib. 17018Q' _
The Sad Ending of the Ijlfo of a
Itrilllatit SOUK AVrltcr.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Oct. 7. At the oily
hospital last nifht ; , in the proounco of bu
two or three friends , Matt O'Roardon
DUO of the most popular song writers OL
recent years , died , Young in years , but
broken down by disease , with shattered
aorvoa and a wrecked mind , for a year
Dr moro ho might have boon soon lying
ibout the barrooms , stupid from strong
ilrink , his fine features bloated , and his
3yos , that once kindled witl :
the inspiration of song , glnzod
nd heavy. Now and then n lever of
inusio would stop in front of some fainll
liar haunt of O'lloardon's to liaton to a
waltz or a reverie , played with the sldl
] f a maator. Sometimes , when fired by
irink , ho would sib by a barroom piann
xnd play some composition of hia owi
ivith fervor and a pathon that dronr tears
from thoao about him. Years ago , when
fi young man , ho fell in love with AHc <
Dates. Whether the actress ovoa re
turned his afFection. h not known. Oni
day lie found out his mistake. Ho was
told that his loyo was not reciprocated
Eo immediately began to drink heavily ,
md from that time to the day of his
knth ho was seldom free from the in-
luonce of drink. Ho obtained a number
) f engagements ou the stage , but broke
-horn all. Ho could never bo trusted to
coop sober any length of timo. Some
Tooks ago ho was tiikon sick , and Muniv
; or Whalon , of the Grand Theatre tuc
seeded In raising a littlu money for him ,
ind getting him to the hospital. The
rery day ho died Mr. Whallon received
? ( J from the Actors' Fund. It came too
atu , however.
O'Roardon wrote "My Dream of Love
s O'or" shortly after hia unfortunate love
If.iir. Ho also wioto , "Gathering Shells
iy the Soishoro , " "Only an Ivy Loaf , "
'Marriago Bolls , " and many other songs
hat have been & \U\K \ all over the world.
An attempt was muuo to blow up tlio
Qsidonco of A. D. Middleton in Dos
loinos the other night , powder being
sod. The explosion did not seriously
amago tbo property. Air. Mlddloton is
Dnlidont that the attack was made on ac
junt of the liquor prosocutions.
In Invited to tend tln-li
ddrcss to TUB SvnrT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer a
itlanta , ( la. , for a copy ot Ihclr treatise on Wood
nil tjklu Diseases , Mhlcu will bu mulled free.
Jancor for Many Years.
A family servant Imi been a'tllcto 1 for many years
Ith a cancer nn her IIOH < , and wag treatml by mnru
ttliu beat physicians , und the oM remuillcx ugul
Ithout Ucneflt finally uu n\e her Kwift/d Hj > e
floand ebo hui ( icon coaipletuly ciirail.
Jnux HIM. , JruigU ) > ,
Tliotnuon , Oa , , August IU , 1SHI.
Jolm Navcx , a youfg linn nrar huro , rivl a oancur
n ) iU face wh'on hud lutcn away tils IIOJD anil put
t lilscbeok , anil wtuxtdiidlnK up to hla ovoa , AH
Ia t rojott liu wan | iut on Mvvllt' Hjteclllc , and It
IH entlroly mrocl him. lllil col all liealod oxor
Itli now ffujh , nnd lili t'mtril liealth U excellent ,
lltfucoury waa wonderful
wonderfulM. . K. Cia-HLur , M. I ) . ,
u. < ! . , AiiKiutlU , WM ,
rnilKflruat UalHjinlo DlntllUtlon
I of Wltcli-IUzel , Aiucrluan
I'lno , Canada Kir , Maruolil. ( ,1-nor ,
Ill08 < oiii , etc. ralloU HANFOUD'ri
ItADR'Al , ( I itilor : tlm ImmodUtu
relief and pviniunint cure of e\ury
( arm f Cktarrli , t < om a nlmj > li
( XiM In tlio to l.o u ol Mmell.
Time and llo ilntf. Coiiili ) aoii
Catarrliil Contuinptlon , Uompletu
treat i out , cunalitln ) ; of onu liottlu
Itaulcnl C'u 10 , onu hex ( UUrfliK
Kohcntand 0110 Improved Inhaler ,
In onouckau ] , may now bu htil of
ll Du/uUU for 81.10. Ank tor
'omplotoTreatiuunt ' with fnhnler ? !
"Tho only auBohitu Botlflc | o know 01"MM ) .
inttii. "The bifct H lime luiind la a | lf tlniu ( if
ilferlnu" Hev. Jr Wlinclu , llomon. "After a IOIIK
nuulii with fatirrh tlio UAUIUAI. C'lim hancon-
if r d" lluv. H. W , Jlonrou , LuHUbumh , J'a. "i
.vu not lounil acruo It ( Mil not relle\o at once. "
udrow U , Mtiitao tcr , JIu i.
I'ottcr Urufj and Choinicul Co. , Huston.
lor the idlif tnii prevuutluii
the Inntaiit It I * applied , nt Hheu
1 imttlim , Noumea , Sciatica ,
' , Cold , Weak Hack , btoiu-
> d ilowcli , Uhootlni ;
Nuinlmew , llytttrla , t'v
' rualol'ilnf , l'il.lutloii | , Uy | > ep.
la , Liter Ooiuiilalnt , Jillcu *
fever , iUUrU , und Epl einloj ,
USD tcllln' * l'Uit r > ( Ji tSlvctrlo
liitttry ooinllniKl wllhuj'oruun
1'luttr ) and Ui > ih ; at pala , Us.
Railway Time Tablo.
In Klfoct Oct. 1st , 1831.
The attention ol the IrMclllnst jMilillc h rolled to lhl < I ) tlio duly comic tit m.l nlufihitclj
correct tlmo tAlilotiulill hmt In llio city ,
All train * krilio at ami depart ( com Omaha by
Central Stamltnl Time.
Tr lni ot the 0 St. 1' . M. Jb 0. itrrlro at nnl , de
| vxrt from thtlr dri < ot , ( xirncr ot 14th iulVrlisUr
tro U ; trains n , the II. & M. , O. II k U. , ami K , O ,
SU J. \ O , II. from the 11. & M. ( to | < ot ; all others from
the Union r clk ( Of pol.
a , liallvh ; , except SalnriUj ; c , except Suml j ; tl ,
c\rr | > t.\loiida ) .
nv WAV or
CJomicctinR in Union Depots lit KIUIUIIM City ,
Omiihu , mill Denver with tluuiiKlilmlnu lor
And nil points In tlio Great Wost.
CVnncctlng In fimnd Union Dopotut Chicago
with through tmlna for
And nil KPMTH .
Atl'oorla with lluo vtnilim tor Vnillaiia ; ) .
oils , Ctiiclnnnll , CdluiJ ; , ' ' V. nnd nil points in
thuSoutli.iiist. : At .sf'AiOuis with tlirotiKh
tniliiH tor nil points fc'yt
IIlCBiint Day CoanliuH , 1'utlor Cars , with Ilo.
clluliiK Uliiili-s ( HcntH lieu ) , .SinoUlng Curs wllh
Ili-volvlnir Cliiili'H , 1'nlliinin I'uluco SlucpliiK
UHIH and tlio IIIIIIOUH U. It. AQ. Dining Curs
tuiiiil iff tliulr own twins between Clilcnjo ,
Lincoln and Denver , mill Ohlcnijo , KIUIMUM
City and Dunifr. Tlitoiiirli cara liotwoun
Iniilniiiiolls ] nnd Council lllnil's , via 1'coriu.
Solid Tnilim ol I.'le iint Duy Conchci Mini
riilliiuin ruluc.SIceliiL' ( ] CIIIH 1110 run dally to
nnd fintii St. Louis ; via Hannibal ; ( Jiilncy ,
Keokuk , IturlliiKtoii , Coilur Ilinilds mid Albeit
Icnto8t. 1'niil uiHl JllnnL-iiolls | ; 1'nrlor Cam
with IteclliiliiK ClialiH to mid limn Bt. I.onU
nnd 1'curia. onlynnocliiingoorrura bc'twi'un
St. Louis iimlDusJIolnus , Iowa , Lincoln. No.
bniska , nnd Denver , Colorado.
H Is also tlio only Tluougii Line bfclwcen
, , k ow" fts tlm Kr'llt TIIHOUOJI OAll
MNI ! ol America , und la uulveinully admit
'ril to bo tlio
Finest Equipped Hailroad In the World for
all classes of Travel.
TliroiiRh Tlckcin via this linn for palo'
( I. It. coiiiiou ticket olllccb..i tlio United Status
and Cunudu.
Vltc-l > rf i. It Oen. Mautetr. Oeu.Vm. A >
Jot. 18th &ml Ciplt'il Avtriuo , trolU oil CIBCS Crip.
plod or iK'Iormcd , aluodlacascu ol the
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs ,
All caeoa of Cuivtturo ol the Rplno , Crooked Knot
> k' ' anil Arniu , Alto Chronlo affoctloua ol the Liver ,
( huumatluin , 1'iraljuU , I'ilcs , Ulcera , Catarrh , Aath-
na and lironohltli arv all treaUd by new and DUO-
wsitful methods. All dlBcancs of tne Jllood and Uiln-
> ry Ordain , IncJudlnx thont > ruBiiltliic from ln < lucre-
Ionor exioiure | , ro tafoli Rud miccvtufiilly treated
, nd a euro | ( u rariUci | . IIJIUIK men , uilcmlo aged ,
ind all men uUerlnf mm U'oaknma and Nervoui
xhauttlotiproduct , , tiidlKUtlon , 1'alpltatlonot the
I cart , Iu pondenoy PlrzlnoM. Ixitm ol Mi > inoryLaob
f Kuvrxy anl Ambition , can Ic renlored to liealth
nd tlgor , 11 cue la not too louir nculoctcd ,
lie Burgeon In clmrk-o | i a ( > , raduat of J tiler ,
oil Medical College (1M5) ( ) aid hai itudlod till
rofeuclon In I.ojuton , 1'atla and Ilerlln. II allllHed ,
nil or write full deacrljitlou ol yout CUM , and rnedl-
lue may be tent you. Uonmiltatlou free. Addrem
niaba fjleponury , Crounuo'ii lllock , Omaha , Neb ,
IHoo tivorii 10-U lu ui.l-K and 7-8 p , in .Bundayi.
.10 a u. <
Til.Stnd for trcatlao cither ou male dtccasaa or
il rmltln.
f II I
If I
1 ?
For Illdos , Wool , Polta , Etc. , mid consignment ! ! mndo to us will receive [ prompt
nttontion , for which immodinto returns will bo made.
J3th Street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave , OMAHA , NEB.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Oround Oil Cake.
It ia \ ho beat nnd cheapest food for Block of nny kind. Ono pound ia equal to
three pou ids of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall and Winter
instead of running down , will incrowo in weight nnd bo in good marketable condl
lion in the spring. Dairymen , ns well va others , who use it , cnn testify to ita mor
Ita. Try it nnd judge for yourselves. Price § 25.00 per ton. No charge for ancka
Addrcaa _ f WOODMAN LINSEED OIL COMPANY , Omaha , Neb.
Hall's''Safe and
! , VAULTS , 1
IT. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Chicago , Mnnngor of the
Tea , Oignr and Tobacco DepartmontB. A fnll line of all gradea of
the nboxo ; also Pipes nnd Smokers' carried in stock. Prices
nnd samples furniahcd on application. Open orders
intrusted to us shall receive our careful
attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Milwaukee , Wis.
GTOM'HER ' & 00 , , Sole Bottlers ,
C. F ,
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH ,
A. .L. { 3T11ANG & CO. ,
Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand
ISnglno Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , HOBO , Braes and Iron Fittings ,
at wholesale and retail , UALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHOROH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
; arnam 1313 .JOaiin Brothers , }
131 ! J Farnorn Streo OMAHA. NEBRASKA.
flico and Yards Oth and DouglaB streets , . . OMAHA , NEB