Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1884, Image 1

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    OM EE
JL _ / J a
Unrallv Actiyfl Garaiiaign foriof
tba four Great TicKets ,
Blaiuo Stirring Eopublioan Enor-
giosin Ohio ,
Enthusiastic Greeting of Logan
at Oinoinnatii
Batlor Arguing his Oauso in
Pennsylvania !
Humorous Hendriokc , the funny
Statesman at Cleveland.
Both tlioltcail niulTatl of tlio 1'rolil
Illtlun Ticket nt IMiIla-
Uclphla ,
WBLI.STO.I , O. . October 11. Mr. Blaine
left fronton to go through the Hocking "Valley
The workmen in the nail mills came out am
cheered enthusiastically. They had erected
stand besidotln tf > clc upon which Blainustooi
and spoke as follows : "I stand upon the same
platform on which I stood for twenty years iu
congress : the platform which onibles the iroi
to bo madoln our countryiiiutoad of Ilnglaml , '
Thn remainder of the fcpeoch wag devoted to
the boailng of the tariff on the iron industry ,
ATHENS , O. , October 11 , At Jackson a
large crowd met Blaine and cheered enthusi
ast ! ally. Ho spoke n few words on the work
ing of tno tariff upon the iron ami coal trades
His -remarks were favorably received ani
heartily cheered.
li\XCA < rou. : O. , October 11. At Xelson-
\ille.thocenterofthe milling district In Iho
Hocking valley , Blaine made the following
speech : If I am at homo anywhere it is in a
coal region. I was born and brought up in a
coal region , in the villoy of tha Monoutrahela ,
mid I know something about coal. 1 have.
been on owner of coal lauds nearly all my adull
life , and the greater part of what little prop
erty I have iu this world I * in coal land , ]
have albo been , to some extent , enraged in
tha mining of coal. _ I am now interested as a
stockholder and director In a company iu
Wt at Virginia. I hayn had twenty-nine yeirs
experience in connection with the coal indus
try and I count it a piece of remarkable good
fortune that neither myself nor any of the
company with which I have been connected
baa over had a strike or dispute or quarrel ol
any kind with any man. [ "good , " "good , *
and cheers. " ] IVurthe'r I have to saytliat
during the lust eighteen months the company
I am connected with has bccu nb'o to my nn
average of SCO a month to every one of tha two
hundred men engaged. [ "Good , " "good ! ' ]
You BOO , therefore , that I am uot talking
about a su'ject that I do not understand
But while 1 ucknoivh-dgo that I am the owner
of coal lands in Pennsylvania and Western
Viroiuia , I urn kindly assured by a number of
democrats in Ohio tint I own a largo iruct of
coal land in the Hocking Valloy. [ Laughter"
Now , I think uhnn a man ban property attrib
uted to him , which ho protests ho does not
own , and when the other parlies insist that ho
dooa own it , they ought to be compelled by
law to make It goad to him. [ Luugater and
clieare. ] They.f ajr e that I um a largo
holder n v a Hocking Valley syndi ate. I
say that I do not own a single shura
They fay again that I do. .Let thim como
into court and make the ownership good to mo
[ "Good. " ] Jf I c itlil bnn.f them intu court on
that ijsiia and under the iiilo sugg Bted I
could bankrupt u good many democratic edit-
on * and upaakeis who insist that I own prop
erty tiiat I never did [ Laughter and
\ cheers. ] 1 understand that the miners in this
region have had coma trouble with tho.opern-
tors , end our political opponents say I am one
of the owners. As 1 said u while ago , I hava
never had any trouble with men employee , in
the mines with which I am interested , and
necr expect any bsc.uiso if I cannot continue
the business without didicu'ties ' of that kind
I shall a nndon it. [ Clioera. ] I think that
thoio is no disaprcemsnt that crises between
an employer and the in ° ii ho employs that
ought not t J bo settled by a fair , impartial
arbitrator , and I think a man who is not wil
ling to submit Mich a matter to ai bit ration
oni/lit to explain to the public why he is nu
Trilling to do so. But because you are iu tern
porar.y trouble , why should jou turn your
backs upon the great protective system , which
has for twenty yearsimp ovodand eecuied the
the development of j our valley ? Are > on go >
ing to remedy your troubles la that way , l > e <
came } ou cannot have a high tide of prosper
ity all the time ? lo you therefore s y that
you will Iiav'j the low tiJo of adversitj ?
[ ' 'That'll it. " ) In this world wo bayo to
take a little bit of the loan
witn Ilia fat. [ Laughter and cheers J You
ciunot have a Btrcam flow down it bed with
inic haing un eddy now and then. You can
not have tlio flood tidn of the ocean w i thout n
corresponding ebb , These occixional disturb
ance ? of the en How of propensity sofin to bo
inevitable. You w.rnt to got rid of them , of
course , but the parties concerned Bhocld deal
with each other in a patient and conciliatory
uplrit , and in your anxiUy to remedy thotc
pasting troubles , ) ou th m d not think < > f tear
ing away the very foundation on which thu
prosperity of your stale and of the whole
countiy rests. [ Cheers ] T appeal to you us
workiugmen , un miners , because' if the pro
tectlvo taiilT is not gocd for tha coal and non
IndustiicHit isnot good for any thing If it
does not develop thesn , it does not de
velop anything , and if the protective tariff
went tepeatod to-morrow these hills would ba
acain wrapt in tha ellonco and desertion in
which they rested uuring the twenty-five
yearn that preceded tha enactment of the pro
tects e tariff , But , on the other hand , if the
pro tec the tariff is maintained , I have full
fiiith that your troubles will norm bo adjusted
and that a new era of prosperity will dawn
upon you. [ Itrnewed chcera.l
A inner-"May ! I a k , Air. Blalne , if
you are interested in the Union Furnace ? "
Mr , Blaine 'No , not to tb } extent of a
iingle penny. I will multo It stronger than (
that I never owned an intercut in an >
Iron furnace in Ohio or an > v > liern
i-lso in the civilized world. [ ChtoiK. ] I
nou'iW'SH engaged In the iron budinem ap all ,
but I have bcfn engaged in the coal businens
and a largo portion ot the property I own is
imestrd in coal to day. 1 am interested with
you in this nutter. If the coal lin-iiiein
brcakH down In Ohio , it cannot bu maintained
in IVunmlvanU or Wctt Virginia. Woull
etand or fall together. When they wore
about to feign the d oiaratlou of independence *
nemo ono ealil to old Dr.
WUlierepoon : 'U'cll , we must hang
together. ' 'STo * , ' eaid ho , if wo
di < not , Uoorge , tlio Third will sco to it , that
wo hang ssptrately ' [ L.uightsr and chturs. ]
So my friends engaged in the coal IcduUry , it
v , u do not ( ( and toxcthor v. o elmll fall togeth
er. [ riiccrs J I thank jou for thn very kind
reception yon ba\o given mo and I leaie In
the nope and expectation that wo shall noon
ha o better tlmea for the tn.ning Intere t <
thrnntrlunit the wlulo lTutcd ! States , [ Us-
newed cheoriog ]
At 1-ogau , u UJAII alHoin the minlcg dis
trict , there UJH a voiy large ciowd who cheer-
cd Dhluo'H Its uDtliUiIahtlcally. In thu
evening , at Lancuter , he was escorted to the
house of liU cousin , Judge 1 * B , Ruing , and
later , tt u nift-tiiu held in hiii honor , he made
a iK > och deioted largely to roininisccnseJ of
his schoolboy da ) in Lancaster , but conclud
ing with an appeal to the republican ) of Ohio
to do their dutv nn Tuesday next. After
BUine , Hon. A.V. . Teooey , of New York ,
Addressed the meeting.
nt Ciutilnnntl.
October 11. General Logan
JMcbed this city ( hi * afternoon. He wai met
at Iho depot by a b ody ot four hunclrtd \ ctcrai
Roldlers nho , wlli n bxid , cscortod the generate
to a hotel. U' , on arrival thsro , the squnr
tpiickly fdloillthn dcnsa crow' ' , to whim
Koran ap''earcd and inn Jo n brief address
amid lourt npplanio. At night ho WAS cscortei
In MUMC hall , where nn nmUanco rilling h
\\liolohou6owtswaitlng. Tlu to wcro manj
laJisa present. At tlio appearance of Kogat
nt the main cntrauco n tceuo of tha wildest en
thutiastu began. K\ory oun pro nut wa
cbooring nt tha top of their voice , mid \\a\ing
hats , handchcrchiefs and canes In the nir
This continued for fully ten inluntos
and until the escorting club had beoi
coated , when quiet was restored by the glco
club singing General Xoycs called the meet
Ing to order and announced General Uicken
looper ns Tin latter intruduc i
log.ui , rofetrln ? to their scrvico togethrr dur
ing the war , and cspcc'i'dlv ' toTjugau'ti brllllnn
itor\co during the bnttto of Atlanta , when ho
succeeded Mclhcrson in command of tlr
Army of the Tennessee. Anotner BCOUO o
wild npr'W ntul cheering from the " , OCO people
ple in the hill followed J ognnV nppcnrancu tt
speak. When tha tumult ceaicd , Login , wttl _
evidently worn voice , bcggad for quint , faying
thin wou d-bo tint fourth address ho bad mnda
to-day , and could not hope to bo hoard uolces
ipilet maintained. Ho then went Jdirectly
into nn unswcr of cx-o\etnor ( ! llemlrlcka
sporch of the night botoio , by asking if the
hoarotB thought tliero should bo n cbango by
turning out the republican party because
when the life of the nUion was threatened
thn republican j > arty declared the power exist
ed in the goei union t to maintain Its existence
und that iiowcr should bo exercised , [ Ciios u
"Xo."J llo continued id a foiiu uf question
ing , wliothcr Itij bccauso the rervjiblican partj
bail glen the country honest money In deli
nnco of the democrats , or if It had Riven pro
tectlon to American U or , Increasing th
weAlth of the country , since 1801 , thirty mil
lion dollars. Itofcrrlug to Hondrlcks' accua
sation that Ulaino was neglectful of the inter
ots of tha American citizens abroad ho sni <
Governor Hendricks forgot to say th t undo
democratic rule there was no statute defining the
position of tha government on this subject. I
was left to a republican congress to enact n
law which is now recognized by loading for
eign powers by a treaty that tno naturaluei
citizens of this country nro entitled to nroteo
tion abroad. Ho proceeded to name the nets
of the democratic party to show why then
could not ba a change , and then tool up thi
subject of the tariff , making the assertion thai
II end ricks' speech was nn open declaration o
frotttrade. . He was bitter against Ucndrickp
for trying to array the Germans against lilalno
and referring to ISaynrd'd insinuation that thu
republicans were _ about to buy votes i.i Ohio
said it cams with bad grace from n man from
the Bouth to tfilk to the men of Ohio about t
fair ballot , when it was known that if democratic
cratic hands and shot guns could bo koct ol
the ballot box in the south they cauld no *
carry aaven states. Ha closed with tee np
Deal for the support of the republican atat (
and congressional tickets. lie was followci
by IJolliver of lown , and others.
Butler in Pennsylvania.
IlAimisnuitG , 1'n , October 11. Got. Butler
arrived hero this afternoon. Bands and n
number of his supporters met him nt the dope
and escorted him to n hotel , hero a largo
crowd welcomed him with three choors. lit ,
sooko from the lulcony of the hotel , thanking
the people for their welcome. His icmaikr
relating chiefly to the workingmen , their op
pression and the remedy. Ho refoired to the
action of the democrats on their resolutions ii :
the interest of the woikingmeu.
HcndriclcB nt Cleveland.
Cr.KVKLAXii , O. October 11. Hondricka ar
ri\od from Cincinnati this afternoon , and was
received at tlio depot and escorted to a hote
by the young msn'a contial democratic club
and n large recaption comn'itteo. This evening
ing there was ono of tha greatest political
demonst-ntions in Ohio , being a mass meeting
in Monumental park There was Bp ° aking
From two ftatuls by Hendricka , Senator U.iy-
nrd. Go\ernorHubbarfl , of T.ixas , Col. John
! { , Fellows , of Now York ; Hon. H U. 1'nyno ,
Senator Pendleton , nnd others. Gen. Kose-
crinn presided at ouo stand nnd Congressman
foran at the other. IVollowing _ the speeches
: eero was the largest procession of torch-
jearers over eoen in this boction , estimated at
: rom ten to lifteen thoiuaud men.
St. .Inhn and l > ; uiietn at I'tiilndotphia
rillLADEr.MllA.October 11. The demons'ra-
tion at the Acadamy of Muiic to-night in fa
vor of tha national prohibition ticket , was a
Hignal success. The building was packed w'th
an enthusiastic assemblage. A thousand ladies
were present. When St John entered , folio wed
by Dmiels , arm in arm with Gennral Clinton
B 1'isk , thoio was an uproarious and o\cit
ing demonstration , men cheering , ladies wav >
ing handkerchiefs , and the occupintH of the
boxo * ndding to the Inspiring tcene by unfurl
temperanca banners , and Amoricui Hiiro.
After a long anil eloquent Hpeech by St. John
the choir of sevtnty voicaa eang tempnranca
cimpaigiibonfj , and Daniels briefly uddrens
ed the meeting.
Blalno's 1'rico for the Mulligan \ -
BOSTON , October 11. In reference to
Blaino'a denial of tlio assertion of Warren
1'ither that ho ( Ulainoj had offered n Mini of
money for the Mulligan letters , given in these
dupatchos , 1'ithcr reiterates his claim that
Blaine did make wich offer. Ho declares nt
the rerjuest of Klisha Atkins and at the spec-
al request of Mr. Blaine ho went to Now
York in the epring of 186D , and mot Mr.
Blaine at the Fifth avenue hi > tel. That then
and there Mr. Blalnu made tha request to ob
tain for money or otherwise , from Jim Mulli
gan all thu lettcra and memoranda in which
Mr. Blaine had any Interest. The amount
wns not liniiUd and fie was authorized to pay
310,001) ) If ho could not obtain thorn for lees.
Mr. Blaine Maid John Gmnaings , the partner
jf Khrtlm Atkins , would furnish the money ,
Capital I'roillctlone.
Spoc'al talegrai. . toTiiK BIE.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , October 11. The best judgment here is that the ropubh-
: ans will carry Ohio Tuesday , by seven to ten
liousaiul majority. Tha ropublicins admit
heio id Homo tjiioDxlnoiH over the prospect Dut
ay there It no pootl reason for It. Tlu demo-
ratu are Indulging In n gama of brag and
ilnstnr on whitii there Is not much founda-
lou ,
A Virginia Conlliitratloi ) .
IA.VCHIIUIKI , Viv. , October 12. The town of
fjlberty , twenty-five miles west of this jwlnt ,
inircred a partial destruction by flru to-day ,
rho origin was iocendlary. Twonty-ono
insiiiesa houroi were coimumed. No fire ap-
> nrutus being at hand the flnnea wera not ar-
rustcd until nmistanco arrived by u medal
rain' from Kynchburg. Tha loan la estimated
it o\cr $150,000.
Illiilno'H Quiet Sunday.
LANCAMEII , O. , October 12. Blainn spent
3urday as t.o guest of bin cousin , Hon. ] ' .
i Ktvlng. In tlio forenoon ho attended the
'reubyterian pcnlco and the afternoon ho
luvoled to visHlmr in company with Judge
'niog , old relatives anil frlomli , of whom ha
ias a lurgo nuiu .or in thU vicinity ,
1 , John ,
I'liu.MiKi.riiiA , October 12. K i-U over nor
3t. John , prohibition candidate for prcHldcnt ,
stuea n htter to night , reiterating the reasons
? iven in hi > < rpeech of Kiturdny night , and
ent in tbejii dlnpatches , why ho thould not
-ttire from tha cunvaBS.
A iJcnloiiH Nfuru'd Crfiuo.
CHICAGO , October 12. II J lloborti ( col.
3 rod ) thot hh wlfo in a disreputabln houie to >
night Three bullets took effect. The woman
annot lire. Cauto , jealousy.
Mio. Octobar 11. Telegrams wore re
colxcd in this cjty to-day from the pre'ldoots
of all the roads interested wtlfjlnj the fotmv
tion ol the Coloi ado and Utah | HM > ! < m ouV
lined at the recent meeting in thu city. Thli
maked certain the maintenance of rates , al
least until January 1 , 1833. Tlio telegrams
provided that the percentage * should bo de
termined by Arbitrator .1 K. Tucker , ami
that his decision should bo final.
XKW YonK , Octob > r 11. The weekly bank
ntntnnicnt l < < a follows : Itoscrvo , ,
S2'J15,000. The buiks now hold SS'J.l'.M.OOO
In oxccts of legal lequlrcmontg ,
T1IK It. AND O. IN 11IK COt'llTI.
I'liir.ADrU'itiA , ! * . , October 11. 1881.
In the United Stairs district court thU
morning .Iiulgo Mclvcnna , presiding , on mo
tion for n preliminary injunction timloby
George Shears , Jr. , J. < 1. .Tolnnon and < lohu
McCloyo for the Baltimore and Ohio against
the Philadelphia , Wilmington nnd Hattiniora
company , Friday. October 1" , was got at the
day for arguing thn motion and pending argu
ment a restraining injunction \VM granted ,
The order restrains the defendant * , its otlicers ,
agent and sonant from negotiating am
liolatlng existlnfc contract relations may bo in
force bet\\oon It and ttecoml | inntit ; also
forbids any change In the existing arrange
ments under contract and compel the defend
ant to receho and do allmnunorof business ns
agreed upon in the contract ,
TUB u. &o. nnnr.
BAMIMOIIC , October 11. The order of Iho
I'cnntylvanlft ronel company cutting ol !
trains on the Baltimbro & Ohio lo.t 1 between
this city and Now York , which was ti > ha\o
taken effect on and after the I'Jtb Instant , was
not enforced to-day , and thn Ba titnoro &
Ohio were taken as usual. The linpremloi
hero I ? , tint the Pennsylvania road wil
await the dccison of the courts In tha injunc
tion cases , before taking further action.
tjuofooc's Ifxcitauiont Over tno Itccant
Dyiiniulto Explosion.
QUKIIKC , Oct. 12. The troops placed nroutu
the parliament building last night wore with
drawn this morning , a strong guard of police
established. No persons were allowed to np
preach the building or to pass in close proxim
ity during the night , and to-day the most vig
orous watch is kept Upwards of 40,000 per.
eona visited the scene to-day. All corts of
rumors are in circulation to-day ; ono theory
Ijoing the four strangers who lately have bcn
employed there as workmen , have bccu acting
in n most suspicious manner. , nnd that onoof
them always remained behind iu turn whi o
the other three wont to dinner.
A prominent civil nervica employe bays
that ho overheard part of a conversation
carried ou in the builtiinc between three or
four men , whos tatod that they would HOOH
have their grievances "tot tu right- " There
is no end to minors. The chief of police ,
Colonal Voghl , to-night , * ayn they disco\orod
nothing yostarday , put thought they hid poi
Itivo cluoi to tha perpetrators. Upon inspcc
tion to-day , of tlio datnaga done , tha hole
made by the first explosion was much larger
than reported ycstorkay. Thn damage done
by the second explosion was less unnspicuous
but the cost of Betting torights , involve * much
more money. It is now felt , that the entire
wall will ha\o to ba taken down , on the north
eastern portion of the house , involving a cust
of § 23,000. It is thought that Contractor
Clmilobois will ad another thousand dollaiH
rowarJ , ti > that already offered by the govern.
inent for infoiniation'i > r arrest. f the parties
implicated. The building will not ba completed
ploted in time to peimit the go\c > rumcnt tc
bold their eesjioiH there , this year.
COLUMUUH , O. , October 12. A State Jour
nal special from Ncleoii\illo , Ohio , says that
all tli'j(8ymlicnto ( mines are ou firj hero to-day ,
with tlio e\cpption of numbers 3 and 7.
Special efforts are being ma lo to extinguish
the fire. W. A. Shoemaker & Co. 'it hoppers
burned lost night. The two mines of the Co
lnmbnnnd _ Hocking Coal and Iron company ,
Tratlsullc , were sot on fire last night anil
lia\o been burning all day. It is imposlihlo
t' > got to wheio the iucs are to put them out.
No disturbance of any character 1ms been re-
period up to this hour.
A South Ireland
Coim , October 12. A number of labor dele
gates to-day inaugmatod a South Ireland
labor league to bj devoted exclusively to tlie
interests of laborers. It is altogether indepen
dent of the Irish national league. Henry
Villieu Stuart , a member of parliament for
Waterford county , wns el ctcd president. The
members nro plegodto mippartonlycnndidates
favoring the franchise bill , which they believe
will tend to remove the grievances of laborers
und also abstain fiom outrages. Hostility is
manifested toward thu I'arnell paityaud the
IjOBt on Liilco Blluhliinti.
CHICAGO , October 1 ? . The schooner re
ported capsi/ed In the lake off Milwaukee , a
couple of days ago , is believed hcra to bo the
"Lt/zto Grant , " whiJi left Pcntvvater Tues-
lay , shortly before the heavy gale and bus not
ilnco been heard of , though duo bore Wodnes-
Jay. Her tuptain wan Daniel Davis , and thu
: row , .TiuncH and Henry Conk , and u man
named Wood. It is bulievrd that all cliowned
A italhvuy
Octobar 12. A colllaion oc-
tirrcd this e\eulug near Hunker'H Htation on
h < ) Bouthwcst branch of tha 1'ennnjlvanlu
ailroad between a long train of coke card anil
nd an empty freight train. Both trains wire
ladly wrecked , and one man killed und three
eriously injured. The coke train caught on
re from tha engine and wax ojiwumed ,
Hull Yestorilny'
At Milwaukos Jlilwaukoq fi , Baltlmoru 2.
At Cincinnati ( UnloiiH ) Cincinnati 11 , Boson -
on n ,
At St. Louis-UnloiH ( ) St. Louis IP , Na-
lonali 8.
Hood's Sarsapariila
Combines , In a manner peculiar to Itself , thu
best blood-purlfj Ing ; iml Atreiigtliciiliigreine-
die.s of Die vegetable Miigdom. You will Iliul
this wonderful remedy cHectlvo vvhcro other
ineiiu lues lia\o failed. Try U now. H will
purify jour blood , regulate the digestion ,
and give new life nnd > Igor to thoentlru body.
"Hood's H.irsap.irlll.i did mo great good.
I was tired out from overwork , and It toned
niouji. " MICH. (1. ( H. HIMMONH , Cohocs , N. Y.
"I suffered three vearn from blood polKon.
I took Hood's H.irN.ipnrllla iiiul think I am
cured. " Mua. Jl. J. DAVID , Urockport , N. / .
'J'url 'flea the Jilood
Hood's Harsaparllla h chararlcrli'cil H
thrco peculiarities : 1st , ( ho comlilntilttm ot
remeillal agcnta ; 1A\\\Q \ \ proportion ; 3d , the
process ol securing thu active medicine
( jualltles. 1 he result Is a medicine of unusuj
strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown
Send for book containing additional evidence ,
"Hooil's H-irfl.iiiarilla ( ones up my .
my Mooil , fharjieni my uniictlfu , and
Keeins to nnlto mo over. " .1. r. TJIOMVHON ,
Jtcglstur of Deceit , Lowell , Mass.
"Hnoil'u .Sirsaparllla beat * nil ntliern , nnd
In wortliltHwelclitliipiilcl. " I. IIAIIU.SUTUW ,
IW Jlauk btrcut , Nuw York City.
Mood's Sarsapariila
Sold by all druggists. (1 ; nix for $5. Mada
cnlybyO. I.HOOI ) It CO , , Lowell , MSM.
lOO'Dosos .Ono Dollar ,
Driven to the madEilrcmilyof IDC-
The Damooratio Manacoiuont
Stoop to BasoFraud ,
Appalling Extent of Unprincipled
Intrigues in Ohio ,
Importing Herds of Eepsatsrs
Into the State ,
Scandalous Sobering of Chicago's '
Thug Democracy ,
BimemlcrlitK t'l ° KUijtlon to tlio
Iitini9 and Ward Strticors
Amanda ut Unst
IlOBpcmto Demoarntlo Frauds.
S | > ecial Telegram to Tun W. :
COI.UMIICS , O , , Oct. Hi Tlio Ohio dome-
crntio plot thickens with the desperation of
the democratic sitiutlori. Chemical ballots
have been ditcovoicd at Uibana , Alliance
Clovclanil , Toledo , Columbia , Daj ton , San
dusky nnil other cities. Tlio notion of Uiu
ballot is certain to fnde out Hobin.
son's naino ntul those of other rapubltcin
dldates on the ticket nnd lt whrno place in a
short time ; when oxpotcd to the air , appear
tlio names of the democratic candidates in <
Btoad. It is a dangerous fraud , and every re
publican piecinct lntho tatolias boon wnrncd
twice against this echomo of the democrats by
tha distinguished vsi.t'ng HUtcBinon Prank 13.
Morgan and Dr. Bradford , of Baltimore.
Tlio-so political method * and circles are domi
ciled in Cincinnati. The following telegram *
speak for themselves to ropub leans of Ohio.
Sr. Lotus , October 11. Fifty democratio
repeatota have loft here for Ohio. Mattlii
O'Malloy and Steed arc in charge.
PHILADELPHIA , October 11. A pang of a
dozen go to Ohio to-night. Ha\o wired our
BAr.TlvtoiiK , October ll.-'l'iftv or morn
leave to-night per Baltimore and Ohio for Cin
cinnati and Columbus.
WASHINGTON , October 11. Between 00
and ! )00 ) voters ha\o been sent from Washing
ton to Ohio over the Baltimore & Ohio and
Chesapeake & Ohio roads td Cincinnati and
Columbus There nro not morn than 115 dem
ocrats in Washington entitled to vote in Ohio.
The nbovo named 'JOO , leas 11G , are repeaters.
You can depend upon this ivi unquestionably
correct as to the dcmocraticrcpaatcrfi going on.
Special Telegram to Tun BEE.
CALin\KLr , 0. , October 12. A. gang of
democratic ; colonists were uneiit hod in Sharon
township , Noble county. Their whole plan of
oparations has been discovered , which was as
follows : TheBO fellows 1m vo been making
proclamation of their repuV'canlsm and euc
cpcded in fooling the republican fctxto execu
tive Committee , Trom which they have ? been
receiving mall. On election day , they weio to
offer their votes , after shoeing ostentatiously
the republican ticket. Iiuirlo of this ticket
was to bo closely folded , ono of two
democratio tickets. When iho votu was of
fered the \otor WHS to ho challenged , and dur
ing the diversion thin caused the judge of
election wan to hold tlckts over tlu oreiilng In
the ballot box and by a manipulation. , drop
out tlio republican tickets. K.ich "couudrel
olfering to vote would then decline 10 bo
SA-oru. Ilia ticket would be handed back to
him and ho would muvn elf The count waste
to bo fixed by leaving the republican tickets
in the box till the last , nnd when the list of
names was exhausted to throw out the remain1
Ing icpubllcan tickets. Tina echomo is doubt
less ono of man y such on foot in this state.
Monstrous FrnuilH in Chicago.
Special telegram to THE Bur.
CJIIUAOO , October B12. The republican ! , '
ndepondcntj , Butler men and nil good clll-
eons of this city , have awakened to the f.ict
.hat the democratic manager1) ) in Chicago nro
lorfeeting plans for fie most gigantic and
upon outrages upon the ballot and that unices
.ho most systematic ami summary means are
taken tha city will ba cawed by polling and
sotmtlng 10,009 or more illegal votes. To
jegiu with , the democratic county board ap-
jointed a full list of judircb of cloctlon from
ho democratic party , allowing the republi
cans mi rtprescntatiuii In the polling bootlu.
rhon they re-urrangoJ Iho districts , giving the
lemocratic vvaidn a largo number , In order to
nsnro tha opportunity for ull the democrats
.o vote. In the republican wards , few polling
ilaccM woio given , and these located in ox-
iieino corners , tendering it certain that a lurgo
lumber * of Itepublicans wid bo dlsfranchlncd ,
Jf thij 705 polling pliccs in the city , 01 are lo-
: atod in xalouiiH , 'Clio reiuib icaii county com-
nitteo began un investigation in regard to the
udges of iileclion choon Ly the county board ,
mil ax far as it Inn gouo four fifths of tliom are
'ound to belong to the most dinropiitablu
: laeso3 Hucli as ward hmimiora , uovcrnl of
whom nro already under indictment for bullul
> ( ) \ Btulling , naloon-keeporH , barkeepers , pn/a-
ighlers , gamble and men unknown to the
: ity directjry. luveallgatioii by the nuwtpa-
ier < < shows tliero Is a largo colonisation of dom-
iciatiu iojoaterri. Tlioru was a largo mooting
jf the lending business men last night at whlcii
i beginning was inailo towards oigatil/ation to
lircumvent thoi > o plans. The fait wui rccog-
nVod that it was not merely u locjl isiuo.
L'lmt a heavy majority secured by unfair
noans hern might turn tli9 Btato over to the
Icmocrats uud thereby assurj the election of
Later , It Is now given out by the demo
crats that their Hat of iixelusiveily democratic
udgca was nutdo becaiuo the democrats wcro
jxcludod from the list of mip < rvinord of dec-
.ion , lint that the federul court Iiavlug do-
Ided them cntltlnd to htlf of tha mijiervlsorii
) f the county buird will , at 1U meeting tomor
row , rovl o the list of election judges and
'ivti tliu rcHiblluaim | u roprtuuntathu in each
) rucincl.
Tlio Verdict of
Specisl Telegram to TUB llhie ,
Cf.Kvn.AMi. October Vi , The Ileruld con-
-uiim cBtiniiled nmjoiiluu from every county
ntlioetatu except Hamilton , showing a net
republican mtjority of about 1'J.CCO , This
Uluws for tint prohlbltionwt vote , not iiintli
; ioattr than la t > eur. It Is iiottllilo thutthu
role may rcdutii the republican majority , und
heru may ho n Increase In Iho ( Jemotrutio
iruto through the uxtunuivo fraudn that luvo
> oen plannid , At thu pruucnt momint the
jutlook is fur a republican muj rity of not
ens than 10,000 and possibly 'J.r.,0,0. Thu
) to will Ixnerj' large.
Tim Olilo Oiuloolc.
COI.UIIIIUH , Ohln , October 12. liuth parties
, labn the statit ; the republicans by 10.0CO , the
lemocratH by S.OfiO majority , liotli expect to
lect a majority of twenty-one congreount n.
Die organisation * of both partlen are CO
nt better in completcnoba and elliciency
ban uver before. Morn work hai been done
.ban In any other campaign und the claims of
> ach party tro baked toiueubut on the knowl1 1
edge of perfection of their ro | > ectlvi > organisa
tion * and favnrtblo report * from their co-
laborcr . Kach party claltui they
will have the ntnto unleM the other
ehoaU llipiu out of It by fraud ur
p irchan1. The republican flite committee
liavu offered a reward of a hundred dollars for
the detection of illegal voter * . Indication *
point to troi-blo Tue'dav In the leading cttioi.
A full v oto will bo pulled , and with such a
ohwo roMilt that Iho majority will INlusi thin
a thousand either way nud that nppnrently
the Inlanco of the scale may ha turned either
way by the Independent * , labor , prohibition ,
Htior | cr Komo ntlicr clement Thn vopub
UcivtiH have made nn I MIO ou tarilT , wlulo the
democrats have undo it on local nt\to IfMICH ,
v\hloh are favrruble to tin Interest * , nud Iu
opposition to tlio national republican ticket ,
AVeHt Virginia tor lllnlno.
Special Tclrprnm to Tnv HKK.
WiiKr.i.Ko , W. A a. , October 12.-Col.
Harper , ol Illinois , ha.smailo a lour of this
sUto and says Uitt fusion 'jotwcnn the ropub-
lIcatiHAtid groonbackcw ii complete nnd that
everybody Is entirely Hatislio' with the ticket.
BlainoV recent tariff cpoochec liavndonon
doi.1 of good , especially among the miners and
workiugmen whu are enthualnntle. llo my *
tint fusion will bocurlod by1,000. . In Hunt-
iiiRton la't ulght thu people einin In fioni the
HUiroundlng counties to tha number of 1,500
nndlltero were over 3,0JO won In the torch
light procession. At thin place , lust night , n
club uf 200 Independent * w ho had resolved lo
vota for Clov eland hired a baud and marched
tit a body up the street j elllnff tor Blalno ,
Thu news spread fatit and the etroots were
Hjoti filled and tin all nisht jollification result
ed. The democrats to-day claim the H nlo by
6,000 a falling off nf 1,000 ninco yostorduy.
Illaluo mill IjdKitn In llltnntH.
BLOOUINCTOK , October 12. It in dcGnltol
Bottled that Blatno and 1/ogau are loifilt thto
cityou the 25th on route from Sprliigf-eldtoClu -
cngo. ) The most cnorgotlc r.nd complete nrrngo-
niouts are already being made for n pi eat , recep
tion. A committee of reception conslntlng of
IHtyjeadlng republicans Invoboon appointed to
rocoiva thodintlnguUhed vlellom. It Is almost
definitely settled nlreadytlmt Senator Dnv Id
Davln , ot this citv. will preside nt the Blaine
and Lopan rccoptlott on the 24th nt Hprhif
field , and occompiny the party hero and pro-
Hide here ou the 23th , The rttlos of Lincoln ,
Atlanta and I'ontiao have each made Btrouuoua
eliort.s to secure the much dcsirnd visit
About two bourn In to bo given to Blooming-
Ion. It In believed that 1,000 jKioplo will go
Sprlugtiold from hero.
Mormon Democracy.
SALT LAKH Cm , October 11. Presidents
John Taylor and Gcorgo > 0. , Cannon , leaders
of the Mormon church , who were intorvlowed
emphatically repudiate statements which were
telegraphed from Now York , that the Mor
mon church had anpropiialcd money to aid In
the election of the democratic presidential
ticket , for which certain considerations were
to bo given in return. They asset C that notbv
ing of the kind , In any foun lum any existence
or foundation whatever , In fact , and that the
dispatch referred to , ban been manufactured
for olelionocring and prejudicial purposes.
at YomifjHtown.
VOUNHSTOWS , O. , October 12. Logau RV
1 1od here this oem ng from Cincinnati. 1 lo
will bo the ( Tiie.jt of C. M , Andrews till
Wednesday afternoon , when ho will go to
Chicago. Logim npeaks at the opara homo
Monday night for the lepublicans anil Gen
eral Uonecrana for the democrats the naino
night on the public Rn.uaro , There will bo
two opposition torchlight panuten Monday
night ,
Sr. Louis , Mo. , October 12. The prohibi
tion Btato central comrcittco of Kansas have
put H L. 1'hllllpn at the head of their state
ticket , in plnco of A. B. Jotttuoru , who de
clined the nominal ! u for goxcrnor ,
Hog cholera prevails extensively in I&uiluiu
Secretary Lincoln will Ltiimp Ilh'nols for
Blaine and Logan.
President Arthur at the Fiftli nvcuuo hotel
Saturday received u largo number of visltaru.
DIplheria bin become opldomlc at Astoria
L.I. There were over fifty cases and five
deaths hero this wool. .
Governor Cleveland had u largo number of
yisitorH Saturday morning at Albany , includ
ing excursion partiue. )
The president is expected to return lln
Washington on Monday to reecho the justices
of the United States Supreme court.
The withdrawal of the Baltimore and Ohio
from the eastern pool has precipitated tre
mendous ( liuauitions. arbitration will be
non flit.
llev. .1. AL ItobiiiPon , of Indianapolis , was
found Saturday dead in the IxTtli of a Hleep-
ciir near I'ooiia , Illc. Tlio causa of death is
Bob Haley a provoibinlly hnid character
ktVcbo'l mid iiistaiitly killed Joseph Whitney
in a naloon ut Clucugu .Saturday night. Ha-
oy escaped.
Thu lynching pr-rty commonood in Indiana
1' ' iiduy nlxht in tha hanging of a boy has col-
lapHfd. Thu mob loit courage when ou Itn
way to string up thu old nun und thu ether
The executive committee of the National
Association of amateur Oanmien hold a imi't-
mg in Now York Siturduyand oxi.lle ! < l "evrr-
alofiti lucmberBhlfi convlcfod of racing for
Ono chamber of thu Henry Clay nhaft , oper
ated by Langnoii L Co. at Sliamokm , 1'it. , Ih
ono fhu. It Is supposed to have been ignited
by a There is no liopo of extinguishing
it without flooding the niinu.
liono Mingo wan ithot and kllhd by TnuKlll
In a naloon ac BrlJgctiin , Mo. , .Satuiday night.
Tiiimil nerved a pii.ica-warrunt ou Mlngo , who
HWore lOM'dgii. The murderer escaped , but Is
being hunUd down by thu cuunty pjlicu.
The Now York i.tato clothing comp my at
I'latteburgi > V. , ban made an iiHclKiinient ,
with ] irflltroi.ccn amounting lo $101,000. The
parties Interested were \V. H. Cano , G. W.
Cano. Abraham Cuuo and W , J. McCalfray.
State Veterinarian Stalker invcjtigateil thu
diaoa u among thu horno.s at Vinceniiea. Iowa ,
and found four caaeH of glanileiH. Thu dis
ojkcil horicif were ull ordered killed , and the
Btabk'H dltinfcc ed. All exposed unlniaU
were ordorud quarantined. Dr. Stalker nuyn
glandtTJ havu been iuvt > ntigatca In littoen < r
twenty countlcoof the Btato und forty or fifty
animals killed.
The Span ! Ii Official Ga/etlo unnoniico ; AH
the cholera udiHupiieaiing in Spain tint hullo-
tinf giving the number of cases und deaths
c ube to bo IdMiud.
Saturday nfli rnoon a myslerioim
occiiri'd near the parliament building Iu Quo
bee. No ( huiiijfd wan dono. It IH aile/ed to
buclyuiviiiito work ,
The te liner Niuiifkhlar , forming part of tha
Nlla expedition , 1m anived at Duinyal. No
Britibh anv.inco will bo iiudu to relieve Khar-
touin until Xovombnr ,
It iii Ktatml that tha 1'rcnch government IH
negotiating with the ownoru of mivurul large
ICngliih tU-annililpH with the object of charter *
Ing the vuoeeli to convey troops to China ,
A Halifax , N. S , do p.itch uuym James
Ilorno mid Jamiid Cluiry and wived , icturning
home Saturday afternoon In a woru
tipiot off Georitei'd Itlandu and all drowned.
A ineflBengcr vent by Col , Kituhenor hui ri
turned to Wuday Hiilfn mid toulirina thu report -
port of Stewart's murder , Ho HUJH tlio uiily
uurvlvora uro fanr bluck ulaves. All tt.u
ICuropoans , including M. Nlccolui , Greek c u-
nul , wore killed ,
Thu murder of Douglas , the agent at Am-
juckel and governor of Morawn confirm tint
report of the murder of Col. Stewart by Arabs.
General oltey bun ordered the Mudfr to pro
ceed U ; Muriwo with a strong force lo ro cue
the prisoner * . \ld to bo lit the hands of tliB
Ar ib .
The Bnlidi commodore on Iho Ati'trallan
slatlon hit Ix-cn in truct d t3 pr.i-oed t ) Now
Culnra and proclaim British protection over
the Bouthcru coisti of tint inland to the ci\t-
ward of thn 1 ll t nierlilian. cant longitiidn.
This w ill include the Islands adjacent to South
ern New Guinea ,
Atno'Rcngsr fr > m Atubukal reports that
alter Gordon roturnoil to Khartoum a boat
with forty Kuropeans and KgyliaiH , accom-
p-vuicd by five negioes and thrcnrorvant" ,
groundrd . t S.damot. Sheikh * ollered their
ho pitallty nud enticed thorn to tholr hou CK ,
where they uiassncre-d all but fourteen , where
ro now prisoners. It Is unknown whether
any Kuropoaiis nro nmoiu the survivor' .
An ultimatum li < ts boon npiit to tlio Trait-
val l government by groit BritainH allege *
repDateilloUUonsot the treaty , and act * of
\ lolou o conunitte I bv Uio lK or < boyoud the
boundary line * of the Traiisvail cnttutiy. It
demand * of the Tratmaal government duo
mtlsfaotion for the HO nets , roiir ssion oftlm
Boor lilibustor * nnd a thorough observance of
the nrtiolrn of the lait convention entered into
by both co .nitric * . It is repotted that tlio
llntlfh war olllco i * alrvady preparing an i\-
pixlltion of clpht thousand men to proceed lo
Smith Africa , a portion of which will bo drawn
front the Kant India army. The withdrawal
of the prodauntion aiinaxiug Montcias teril-
lory i * not ttxpcctcd to alter the p.nitlon of
alfalri ) , as thn Boers continuo to bold a grip
upon the lands.
Dcsrtnotive Flro *
FAlltliUUY , Ilia. , Cctobor H. Walton's mill
and the business block adjoining , burned early
thin morning. The IOSH will apruximato S200-
000 ; IiHurance not known. At : i o'clock the
llro vvat still raging and threatening to destroy
the O'Dell check rower factory.
At2lfithls ! morning Walter Bros. ' grlat
mill caught firp. The wind horn the east was
vry i.trong nnd In a few moment * the damns
leaped acrons the road to the largo morclmnttlo
block owned by Walton Bros. , but while the
iito raged htio It was nlno sweeping castuard
ou the opponito tilde of tno street
destroying Iho stock jards and
buildings of CoinKi nnd McDonald , warchouao
of Walton Bros , containing a largo quantity
of grain nnd the blacksmith nbop of Goo.
Weatervelt. From hero the lire crept ngaltmt
the wind to the southward , first burning a box
car standing on thu track nnar tha mill , from
Jtheni to several com cribs nouth of the rail
way , thence west to O'Dell's check powdei
works and planing mill. Tlio lumber otllco ol
John Decker anil commission stern of J , H ,
Smith , across the street from the mill won
burned also. Following nro the losses : Wai
ton Bro * . , on stock and building , $7r , < 100 , on
mill and contents , $35,000 , thu whole insured
for $ ifiOODj other losses aggregate ) about § 11 ! ,
000 , insurance 81,509.
.TOLIUT , III. , October 11. Blast furnnco No ,
1 nt the rolling milln north of this city biin > l
about 11 o'clock hist night , netting lire to the
ttock home , consuming it with EOV oral cnn
nud other property. Lots heavy.
Cu\iMiiOV , Ky , Octobttr 11. The tracl
was good. Thre-u-quattora ot a mile : Fet (
Kyle won , Ultimatum cccond , Thintlo one
Sn'intorcr ran it dead heat for third placo.
Falsetto stakes , two miles , throe i ; oar-olds
Blast won , Itosciusko Eccuud Hlnhlllghl
third. Time , ! .S74.
Five furlongs : Itogers won , Thompson sec
Ond , Tunisso.m third. Time , 1,01
Two inilo heats : April Fool wou. Time ,
: W.I. This cuds the tuoutlug ,
PAIII ; , October 11. Th.3 track wa ;
good. One mil ? , handicap Jill nges , I'amrci
won , Doliah second , Little Mniciiw'third ;
Time , 1:15.
Thrse-quirtcrs of n mile , 1 ! 'voar-oldii ,
Jnliotta colt won. Mils Daly Rocond , Frauk
Mullens third. Timu , 1:20 : $
Mile and a quarter , Lidiv Stanhopa won ,
Burgomaster Rcuiind , Halanon third. Tltno ,
2:15. : 1'conomy fell with his neck broken.
Mile and tiiieo-quatterg , Clonmul vynn ,
General Monioo secoud. Slooum thiid. Titiio ,
3:101. :
Three quartoiH of a mllo. all ago * , Wander
ing won , Uberlosacond , I'.illcd ' Forgo third ,
Tim2:194. .
Haidlcap Htocplu clmso , full course , CharlO'
mngiie won , Kcho second , Capt. Curry third ,
Time , -l:0i. : :
Thu LmiiKtry-Gohhnrt So.nulnl
Nl'.vv Yoiih , Oclobar 11. Goisliis are laljc.
ing again about Mru. Langtry and Frodillt
Gebhart and the jirospocla of thnlr marriagu ,
It IH now Hiiid thatBiiico Mrs. Lingtry'a return
to I'Jnglanil , stiong pressure his boon brought
to boar on her husband to allow her tirpiocurc
a dlvurco , i > od ho hat finally consented not to
oppose iniy nation him inaybiin looking to
this end. It i * thought that Lilliei will bring
suit under KtigllRh laws , and If nho wins her
CMSII before another year Is over vvill bo MM.
_ _ _
A itlodorn iVntliiilty. |
Special Telegram to Till ! llEi : .
LooiU'oiiT , N. Y. , OcUiber 12 , The 100th
birthday of MrH. Jiuleo Hoag Mohhor of this
city look Saturdiiy. Mrn. Moshor was
born iu DutcheH'j county ; Now York , October
10 , 1781. Shu well remembers thu death of
Washington. Slio win a pvnengor ou Itobert
Kulton'H first teamvoat. Of the 115 present ,
all but two vvern relatives , null haltirdny.
At Chicago. Chicago 12 , Philadelphia tt.
At Cleveland. Cleveland 1 , 1'rovidenco 8.
At I'ktsbnrrf , Tolmlo 2 , Allegheny 0.
At Milwaukee. Milwaukee D , Baltimore ) 8 ,
At Detroit , Nuw York 2.
At St. Louis. rft. Louis Unions ! ) , Nation
al * 0.
At Buffalo. Bulfalo. Buffalo 0 , Bjxton D ,
AVrcilhi-rT ( . ny.
WANIII.VIIION. Octolwr 12. Upper Missis-
MippI did Missouri Arulleya fair weather ,
vaiiablo winds generally n rthwtst < > rly ,
stationary toinporatnru In tonthurn portion ;
slight fall In noitliorii pjitlon , higher
S1QQO. . .Given
bu round
. . . . . .
ton : M. Dclafontulnu , of Olilraco ; auJ
lloue , Mllwunkce. Neverwild In bulk.
, ,
287 , 1W ! & ! ! ! K. Wutcr Et.
Affairs of the World AWfortlie
past flay ,
Pho Threatening Growth of Gor
man Socialism ,
The Boiling of English
loightonino3peot of Anglo
Fron § . 'issgntions. '
The Ohinoaa irstod in tlio War
S it Poaoo ,
A No\v South Ireland Popular I'arty
lUdioulouo Siilllo of Ameri
can ntul English
KnglAtiil's 1'olltloal Turmoil.
Special Tolcprnm to TIIK DKE.
LONDO.V , Ootobor 12. The redistribution
ichomo continue * to bo the engrossing topic cf
lisctusion among politicians. Tliero are end-
ess quibbles over the details proposed in thin
> lnu , but the general belief IB that the echomn
s practicable. Coliuus of comments and
iplulons upon the ncliemo are being daily pub-
Ishtd in nearly every nowepapor In London.
The uUitudo _ of the.Times. . . Ohronlclo , 1'ost
vnd News which la being much commented on ,
Is the result of n compact to ignore the whole-
uibjoct which grow out nf their chagrin at
being beaten by the Standard , The govern
ment are still making strenuous efforts to
ascertain who purloined tha copy of the
sbhoiua from the Quean's printers nnd furnished -
od It to tha Standard. A heavy reward i
Gorman Antl-Cnmmlniian Mcnetire.
Special telegram to Tun BKC
LONDON , October 11. Orders have boon is
sued by the Herman war ofTico , to tlio com *
missarlat of tho.German army In all purclu ej
of grain and horse provender the purchato
must bo made direct from the producer.
Middle men are to bo Htriutly oichowed and
not permitted to file toudorx lor contracts , or. ,
In any manner Interfere between the Und , . - ,
und Tar- " *
owners commisaary department -
morn throughout Germany are highly elated
at the prospect of being rid of brokers , who
formerly protind them to starvation figures ,
and the probability of ( jetting fair prices for
their produce. The chief sufferers by the in
auguration of the now method will be a large
number of Jewish usurer * , who will lose many
millions of marks , which yearly como iuto
their poscssion as handlers of government con
tracts. . ,
An International AVnr of "NVtscncrcH.
Special telegram to Tin : BEK.
LONDON , October 12 Several members of
thu British association who hao returned from
a visit to Canada mid the United States cox-
plain of the wlWablu conduct of 1'hiladcl-
jihlana into whoso hand ) } t'lioy fell \vhilo visit
ing the Amoricau scientists. They say that
ratfeous advantage of 1tthuIr"'innDc iice , | andjp
nwindlcd them umr.prcifully , in ho t l nnd other ,
chtrRCH. On the ollifitfjandj rh > frflaorGold- '
win amUhSvtHes IndignanQy to Iho Toronto
newspaper regarding the 'personnel of the
British scientific excursion party. Ho allcgex
It was composed largely of Manchester bagmen -
men who came to America to sell goods for
firms they reproHont , and were really conduct
ing trade under tha cover of philosophy.
Tlio AiiKlo-t'Vencli Dlgnitcc.
I'AIIIH , October 12. Kerry , in 'the course of
a frank e.inersatlon with fiiends In his own
political circle , Haul ho expectsd the coming
Hosnlous of the chambers to bo a brisk ono , anj
that thoio uoul t bo much dcfenilve work for
the ministers , who were needing B0\oro party
discipline , lie denied that Prance wan on bad
terniH witli ] ' 'nnlaiul , but ho said that Franca
wius prepared to make iirrowa of every Bert of
wood to lire nt England unloea eho gave
Franco satisfaction in Kgypt. Hu declared
that he had no oxict undoistanJing with Bit-
marclc , but aaid that if he could turn an enemy
into nn ally , oven at the coat of a heavy acn-
fiu ) of "amour propro"ho would most coitainly
do BO. '
, Gorin&n Anuroliy.
BlillMN , October 12. The election agitation.
in Increasing. The mealing to hava been nd-
drcjsed by Prof. Virchow was dissolved by
the authorities on account of a error in the
formal notice of the meeting , ; nt to tha
[ loiicu by Inlluentlal conaorvatlvo groups ,
igit-iting against Slorekcr and Wagner , the
anti-JuwIab leado H There are socialist notu
at Brandenburg. The mob tore up pavement *
and attacked the police. The military wan
: allud out. Several persons wera wounded ou
both sides. Many arrests were made.
Humored 1'oncjo Overtures.
LONUON , October 12. The Paris corroi-
liondenco of the Daily Telegiauh believes that
China a week ago made the following proposi
tion to I'rouiier Ferry through the American
government. The China forces will withdraw
fiom Toniiin | , and K ( 'lung will bo temporarily
occupied by the Freuch until the conclusion of
a six inontlm armistice dispute being mean
while Hottled by arbitration. The American
correspondent udda : Ferry obj acted to the
last suggestion , asking why China could not
make the proposition directly to him.
The Cholera In Italy.
NAI-I.KB , October 11. Ono hundred antlnino
fresh cholera eases , and forty-two deaths In
thin city the past twenty.four bourn.
HOMK , October 11. Two hundred and fifty
froah caxcH of cholera ono hundred and tieren-
tceu deaths , during the past twenty-four
hours , against one hundred and twenty-Quo
casou and seventy deaths the piucodiog twen
ty-four liourn.
Knlulde ut Grand Itland.
Special Tdegrain to TUB UKI.
GHAND IHI.ANII , Kob. , October 11. laaae
Jewell , unmarried , suicided here laat night
by taking morphine. Ho lived hero twoycara
and was enterprising , was superintendent of
the creamery when ho killed himself. No
good cauho known ,
Thu Gut In Kates.
CHICAGO , October 11. Tickets to Council
Bluffs , Omaha , Kansas City and nil Missouri
river points , are being Bold o > or all railway
connteid to-day for 81,10. There U no great
rush to purchase owing to tha fact that frll
rates are bdng charged eastward from those
Kansas 1'rotlucts Ahroa ;
JiouK , OctoVor 11 , Advices from Catania
show thu recent cyclone far mora dustruotivu
tlnvu first announced. The entire country
about Oatanlii is davattuted. Viueyarils aad
oll\u gardens liavu vanished , Fully 3,000
dwellings were dentroyed.
OlSU will , IIUY
14 Us oj Gnimtlafttl Sumtr ' for Sl.OO
at J. B. French & OO'B.