THE DAILY BEE SATURDAY OCrOBTCR 11 1884 THF BEE. SatnrPay Mornine ; Ootobor 11 LOOAL BREVITIES , The cold snap was of ahort duration , atv nt midday it lj nRfttn in order to wear llnoi duster * . Grc t chunks of the asphalt paving ol Douglas utrcot have hftJ to bo cut out and n < n pavement laid In iU place. The eastern roads running Into the tranr for Uko turns Rotting In lave nowadays and I CAUB08 the Union Pacific trnln No , 3 to belittle little Into nearly every day. The old ttrectcar track onl'lflecnth atrcc from Capital Avenue to Webster street 1m bcou torn up. Thoc r track oa Thlrtoontl is being extended farther south , Ilev. Willard Scott will lecture on "Sa Tnnaroln , the Heretic of Florcnci1 , " In tha St ' church t" Mnry' < nvonuo Congregational , morrow evening. The Union Pacific engines nro npproprl atcly draped In mourning an a mark of roipec for the memory of the poor fellows who wor Wiled In the wreck at Klkhorn , _ ETho races of the Omaha WhoofClub wll take place nt the Cricket and Athlotlo 1'ftrk Sherman avcnuo and lm\n no connection will any other entertainment of to-day. There will bo i regular mncting of Hull Jlebektth degree , lodge No , 1 , In Odd Pel low's hnll , nt 8 o'clock p. in , Saturday ovonlnj October lltli , 1834. A full attondnoco in re - Lewis Castiday , n lad who lives In tht city , went up to Calhoun a short tlmo ninco 01 n visit While there hqntolo two revolvers am wjfl sent to jail for thirty days. Ho nroko on ofjnll nnd returned 16 tliis city where 01 olliccr from Calhoun captiirod him and tool Mm back. The remains of George Slioldon , tha fire man killed | at Klkliora , will tra taken thl morning to Jefferson City , Iowa , for In termcnt , ThoJTuncrrtl will bo hold in thli city at 7 o'clock n. in. Members of the brotherhood of locomotive firemen will ac company the remains. On Saturday last Dr. HalpVa wlfo pro nentcd him with a boy baby. They have boon married for thirteen years and during all that time they ti&va not boon bloasod with In child until now. Dr. Ralph Is highly elated over the climate of Nebraska nnd says ho wishes ho had n.ovod hero long ngo. The many friends of Mr. John P , Schmlnko , of Hoods' Loan agency will be pleased to learn that ho loft Thursday foi Hamburg , Iowa , to bo married to n mowt o * timablo young Indy , Mlea Kiln linker , of St , Joseph , Mo , Wo wish you a long life John iind hope that you may never rcgrot the step you liava taken. Acting Police Judge Weiss has ovldentl forgotten that It Is customary to hold a morn ] ing fcOBsIon In police court. Ho gets around any tlmo from 10 to 12 o'clock , and not only Uoopa tha prisoners behind the bars a good deal longer than is necessary but it it Is also a great inconvenience to reporters who nro obliged to attend the soRsion , The proprietors of the Union elevator have purchased three watchman clocks nnd placed them in different parts of the elevator building. * The night watchman is now com pelled to pull a spiing upon the clocks every hour and each time the spring is pulled n noodle makes n mark upon a paper dial nnd registers the time. Any attempt to open the clock or inonkoy with It in any way Is easily detected , as tha needle then makes n mark outside of a given circle within which it marks whcu woikcd properly. A party of young people anHombled at the houio of Mr. Kdmundaon on Wodnosdny ev ening to trip the "light fnntantlo" nnd in other amusements to enjoy themselves. Following * are 8omo of the names : Misses K. nnd L. Toozer , O. nnd L. Thrano. Mabel and Minnlo Woodard. Lytton , Logan , Barnum , 3lynn. Kelley , Kreuzcr , Jackson nnd Shannon , and Deasrs. 1'oozor , Jackson , Lytttm , Walker , Stomm , Kelley , H. nnd W. Kroutzor , Kd- raundsuu. Shannon , Curtln , Brewer , nud Lloyd. Good muslo and mippor. Any stoyo or range bua ing the name of "Garland" ia warranted to bo the best that can bo'mado. . The "Garland Stoves and ranges ' uro too well known to ncod any en dorsement from us , nnd wo only need to call , tho. attention of our readers to their reputa tion nnd advlsi ) them to oxamlno Into their meritiv- _ ; t Hbh. A. J , Weaver was nt the Mlllard yes terday. Mr.-II , K. Burkett , the undertaker , ro- ; "turned from Iowa last evening. * Mr. Will Slnco , ono of C. 8. llaymond's clerks , returned from 01 in toil , Iowa , yesterday. Mr. 0. M. Itnhoir , manager of tha Commer cial hotel at Lincoln , is at the Millard. II. P. Fojter , Lincoln , O. W. Thomas , Grand leland , registered at the Paxton yester day. day.P. P. S. Heacock , .Vails CHy ; U. F. French , AInswartli , nnd II. 8 , Heed , Lincoln , were nt tha Mlllard yesterday. / 'Hon. F. B. Tiffany , district judge of the ' ninth judicial district , came up from Lincoln la t eveningand will Icavo for bin homo In Al bion at noon to-day , Mr. P.K Dunbnr , of PnlnHTllle , Ohio , n I/aid / friend of Mr , Charles Lnnphler , of the I Mlllard hotel , is in the city nud will probably locate iu this country. He is nn oil employe of the Lake Shore nnd Michigan Southern road. road.Mr. Mr. James G. Clark , nmoclato editor of the Minneapolis Saturday Spectator and Midland Monthly , is in Omaha and called nt the BKE fflco yesterday morning. We were out t the time but Mr. Clark left hii card nnd also a note stating that he would slug at Lincoln on Monduy evening. C H again Brother Clark when folks are at home. H. L. Hnll , Teknmahj It. M. Gsihorn , Wayne ; II , Fontenell , Hacatur ; Daniel Dug. gan , Jackson : P. Bock , Lincoln ; F. It. Cro and wife , Froport ; MM , J. U. Brown and Mna F. A. Kidoo , JJmerjon , and T. II. Whit- aker , Delra , are at the Metro | > olitun. Mr , pee , A. Kmery , of Cheyenne , in In the city on his way home after attending the Chicago races. Mr. Kmery owns a number of spaed homesJilranolf nui in good authority on all turf nuttom. During his stay in this city he ha > met m ny warm friends , nnd is n Iftvorltogenerally with the boy . He mikea the Paxton las headquarter * . Pierce L. JnrvU , the avant courle' ot Bart- lei Campbell' * "WJilte Slave" I ) In the city wronging for fhelr pne&r nco hero in n few day * from now. Mr. Jarvii I * one of tlie raost popular advance'agents on the road and one of the mo t genial gentlemen to be in t with. Ho had the honor of relng ono of the members of the Inaac " S. Hnyoa "Aictlo ex- jiloring exrHKlition , " and lays ho will go up ia the cold regions again before he die . He n solid for Cleveland , but in other r pecU hub a firit-clasii , good fellow , He will bs at the 3Iillard until Sunday. A SPECIAL SESSION. The Cjticcil Meets to Pass the Apro liriatiou Ordinance , ThoContrnctl/Yu-nrdcd / toFoxKo-com Bmlttcd to the Borml of Public Worki ) . A special meeting of the council , callec to approve to disapprove the paving con tract awarded to James Fox by the boarc of public works , to pass the regular ap propriatton ordinance for September , other special appropriation ordinances and ono for levying a tax for curbing ant guttering , was hold last evening. Tin roll was called , members Anderson , Bocliol , Bohm , Ford , Lccdor , Rodfiold , Thrano , Woodworth and Murphy proiont , The contract awarded to James Fox b > the board of public works for paving certain tain streets In this city with Colorado sandstone , on a foundation of.'brokon stone , with a covering.of sand , was first consid orcd. Upon investigation it was learnot that abutting property owners on street ) to bo paved under this contract had p < j' titlonod for a sand foundation. The council therefore doomed it best to recommit < commit the contract to the board witli request to award it to the lowest present bidder on sand foundationaccordingto pe tition of property owners. Mr. Foxwilfbu awarded the contract under the present request , as ho is the lowest bidder on said foundation ; also. Mr. Fox and his sureties presented their written consent to a change to the desired foundation , but the acceptance was doomed by the council to bo an invasion of the province of the board of publio works , and the offer was rejected. Mr. Loader , upon consent of the coun cil , waa allowed to make a few remarks concerning aomo alleged irregularities in the firp department , which , ho said , was becoming hko the police force. Steele , a member of No. 3 , had boon removed without apparent just cause , and Lsodor asked that ho bo allowed to make hie statement to the council , but the request was not granted. As tun committee to which the appro priation ordinancod had boon referred was not present , Mr. Redfiold introduced a resolution that all oums duo officiate and employes , and all sums duo from special funds bo retained in this or dinance. The resolution was adopted nd the ordinance as amended by it was passed. An ordinance appropriating $505.04 out of the paving bond fund , and 88 , 2GO.DO out of the district paving fund bond fund of district No. 14 in favor of the Barber Asphalt Co. was pissed. A communication from the acting mayor vetoing an ordinance levying a special tax for curbing and guttering on certain portions of Toth , Douglas and Dodge itroots for the reason that the title was lot correct. The veto was sustained. The same ordinance with an amended itlo was passed by the council. The council the a adjourned. DISTRICT OOUBT , JorthoUI TB. Guy Still on Trial Uoro Indictments Returned. The attention of Judge Wakoloy in the llstrict court was occupied yesterday in , ho trial of Borthold against Guy with- > ut reaching a conclusion. The case will irobably bo given to the jury this after- loon. In the afternoon the grand jury again : amo into open court , and tnado the FOLLOWING ! rUEHENTMENTS. A jcint indictment against George Mil ler and Robert Smith for grand larceny , the ofFense being the stealing of a shot ; un the property of Nelson E. Cowlos on the Oth day of Juuo last. An Indictment against William Davis sharping him with shooting with intent kill llonry V. Flowers on the 10th day f August last. Ono against Olmrlcs II. Kendall for the laroony of n promissory note for § 55 und wearing apparel from Thomas Hotz on July 10th. Ono againt Fred Eckwall for grand larceny , the stealing of a lot of clothes from John Moody on September 10th. The above named indicted parties are all iu jail nt the present time , having been hold by the examining magistrates. Mrs. Dolly Chick , the woman indicted on Wednesday for criminal libel , gave bail in the sum of $500 on the same day for her appearance the remainder of the torm. On yesterday her bondsman , J. P. Bay , came Into court and surrondoaod her into the custody of the sheriff. On suggestion of the grand jury she was re leased on her own recognizance. A FlKhtlnu llnulcmun , Thursday evening Tom O'Brien , a hack irivor for Mayno & Barker , wont into 3. * Jonason'a jewelry store corner of Thirteenth and Darnoy streets , nd got into Bomo kind of an altercation with the slork , Gustavo Olcson. Words led to iilowa nnd the two men got to fighting. When the fight was at its worst , Jonason mterod and tried to part the two men , hon O'Brien struck him just below the iyo , cutting a bad gash. During the ow O'Brien struck Oloson over the head vlththo but * of a heavily loaded whip. O'Brien was arrested nnd looked up in ail but was released upon ball. This norning , two complaints were filed igainst him , ono for assault and battery , itid the other for assault with intent to iommit murder. Both cases were con- inuod until Monday , and' O'lJduu is out ipon bail. Tlio The directors of Nebraska homo mis- lonary tocioly hold their monthly meet ig ) In Omaha , Thursday. There were resent Rev. A. IF. Shorrill and Rev. Villnrd Scott , of Omaha , Rov. n. Bross , f Norfolk , Rov. 0. W. Merrill and Mr. Iharlos West , of Lincoln. Applications rom various churches were noted upon. t was announced that the Rov. J. L. failo , late Sunday school superintendent > r the etnto of Missouri had been elected' i succeed the Rov. 0 , W. Merrill PS aperintendont of Missouri for Nebraska. fo will begin wor * in the state on 'ctober ' , 18th. The General Association of Nebraska ill convene in florfolk on Wednesday voning , Oct. 22 , and will continue iu ission through the following Sunday. hero will be present nt this mooting ecroUrles Barrows , of Now York , lumphroy of Chicago , and Dunning of Boston , Rov. S , Gilbert , nnd Rov. 0. II Taintor of Chicago , Rov. 0. Y. Clapp o Ynnkton , nnd Rev. G. E. Albroct o Davenport. The churches of the stnte Will also bo represented by pastor and tw < delegates. Secretary Dunning will lecture In Omaha on Tuesday evening , October 21st in the interest * of the Nebraska Sunday school assembly , of which ho is conductoi for this year. Supt. Merrill loaves his work in th ( stnto on November 1st , to bccorco pastoi of the Pilgrim church of Minneapolis , tc which ho has bcon enthusiastically called. On October 15th n Congregational church will bo organised a * . Ogallala witli the Rov. Mr. Brown as pastor , 147 milci west of the most western congregational church in the state. It is expected thai Omaha pastors will assist in the establish' montof this outpost of Christian ondonv < or , POLIOE'OOTJBT , A Ijlltlo Kxctlcmont Caused Iiy Jteimrt ilmt the Natico County Murderer li d Uocn ArrcBtccJ. In police courtycstorday morninp a nrg crowd of spectators were present to listen to Iho court business. Chas. Johnson and llano Liwaon wore each fined $0 and costs for pounding up each other's faces. II. P. Mack had boon intoxicated nnd waa fined $ o and costs. This morning about quarter past five , John Sandorfund entered the city jail. Ho was drunk and told Ollicor Knight that ho had just killed a man on Tentli street. lie had got into a dispute witli him and hadf struck him with his fiat kill ing him instantly. Knight took him by the shoulder and put him into a cell to keep him from killing any ono else. On Monday a man giving his name ao F. W. Balfpur came over to this city from Council Bluffs , to BOO if the Nance county murderer had been captured. He somewhat answered the description given of Furnoval , the man supposed to nave committed the horrible crime , and he was at once locked up. IIo appeared to bo perfectly familiar irith the country in Nance county. Ho know the murdered people and the man Furnoval. Furno val had weighed 150 pounds , this man weighed the samui ; Furnoval had freck les on his face , this man was also spot ted , Furnoval had an anchor tatoood on his right arm and the officers went to oxamlno Balfour's arm. Just aa they wont so raise his shirt alcove the India ink could bo seen upon * his > rm , and their hearts leaped up into their throats as they thought of that great big Jl,200reward which is offered for the sapturo of the murderer. They tightened ; heir grasp upon Balfour and shoved up ; ho sleeve and found upon his { arm two lags. Balfour was released and last light was arrested again for drunkenness. EIo was sent up to the county jail and prill bo hold a few days as it is said that 10 has a valise In Council Bluffs which iontains some letters and other things vhich looks somewhat suspicious. THE LiST AOT. rho Sad Drama Ends AVItli tlio Death of Iltcbaril NorriH. The last sad act of the Elkhoru acci- lent war onactodyoatorday morning in"tho loath of Richard Norris , aho Croman of engine No. 2 , and who was brought from Elkhorn to this city immediately after , ho collision. It had beou hoped that this young nan's life might no saved nnd , although 10 would have to suffer the amputation if a limb , which would cripple him for ifo , yet ho could have made happy the /oung bride of throe weeks , who is now 10 suddenly and in such a Bad manner Doroft of her all. From the first , however , the doctors ihook their heads ominously whenever iskcd about Norris , and it was evident that thy had but little hope of his recov ery. 11 o did licit rally sullioiontly to ad mit of the amputation of his limb , and nt 10:30 : o'clock this morning ho died. 'Ilia remains were taken to the resi dence of Mrs. Thomas Flyun , on Dodge jtroot , between Tenth and Eleventh itroota , from which place the funeral will jcour to-morrow at 10 o'clock n , m. , to 3t. Philomona's cathedral ; interment in St. Mary's comotory. SUSPENDSBTJSINESS , riioCuimiilHBlonlloiiHoot G , I ) . Tlinyor Yesterday afternoon the well known house of G. D. Thayer , of this city , made * voluntary nnslgnmont to Sheriff Miller. Mr. Thayer for about ono year has boon engaged in the commission and storage business nt 713 and 715 south Ninth street , near thu U. P. depot , nnd was supposed to bo doing n fair trade. His liabilities are supposed to bo about $20- 300 , whllo hia assets will not exceed f 10,000. .IIo was rated at from $10,000 ; o $ 2,000 , with moderate credit , Tlio cause of his financial downfall is luo principally , It is said , to his failure o make his country collections , aim nee oo largo business for the capital in- estod. SlHHonlo ( Postponement , Capitol Ledge , No. 3 , will mnot at freemasons' hall , at 1 o'clock to- lay , to conduct the funeral of Bro. Ihamborlain , of Excelsior Lodge , Iowa. lia interment will bo iu Prospect Hill omotory. The members of Covert and Saint ohns lodges and allsojourningmasonsarn nvitod to attend. By order of the Instor , JOHN BAiirouu , Secretary. Notice to K There will bo a special mooting of Imaha Division , 183 , B. of L. E , , nt no o'clock , Qahnrp , to-day , October 1th. All brotherhood engineers are ox < uctcd to bo prompt to prepare for the moral of our Into brother , George L. hamborlain , which -will take place from is late residence , corner of Ninth and iorco streets , at 2 o'clock p. in. COMUITTKK. Grain ItuceliUH mid Following are the receipts and ship- onts of grain nt the Union ulovator for 10 past twouty-four hours ending at > on yesterday. HecelpU Oat , two earn ; wheat , ten earn ; m , nix cars , Total number of cuts ruschixj , Khtvon can , Hhliunentu Oats , two cars ; corn , tw c r . > tal number cora ( hipped , ( our. WOMAN'S WORK , An EntcrtainiDg Session of tin \7 \ , C TU. Convention Last Evofc Good Speakers In Attcmlnnco nnO More to Coma John B , Finch mid Minn Wlllnril to 1)O rrcscntTo-NlRlit , Last evening's acasion of the W , C. T , U. opened by n beautiful selection rendered od by a quartette composed of momborso : the First M , E. church choir. The reading of the forty-oighlli Psalm by Ilov. Sir , Dotwilor , of the English Lutohrar church was followed by a most crimes ! nnd appropriate prayer by the aamo , The congregation then joined with fine effect in dinging "Brightly Beams oiti Father's Mercy. " The president of the state union an nounced that Airs. Soulo would give the add row of welcome. This lady in bohall of the W. 0. T. U. , of Omaha , spoke ol the uratlQcation of the union , when one year ago , at Falls City , Omaha wna eo loctod aa the place of the next annual mooting , their only misgiving being .that they might not bo competent to suitably entertain the state union , Mrs. Soulo referred to the fact that the W.O. T. U. , as the lineal descendant of _ the cruaado obliterated denominational lines and sec tional prejudice. The insurance of hearty welcome was again warmly given. Mrs. Soulo was followed by MIIS. FOLSOM , OF ciimtoy , corresponding secretary of the state union. Mrs. Folapm referred to the In terest of the ladica of the utato now and being entertained so royally in Oma ha , of the growth and expansion of the metropolis of this fair state. Mra. Folsom - som apoko very effectively of the grand opportunity of the women of this city to' form correct public sentiment and cor rect the ovila 'incident to the rapid growth of a great city. She spoke of the work of the W. 0. T. U. as that of an aroused womanhood. A ThoW 0 T. U. was asked to.'glvo thought to the sorrows of woman caused by drink , nnd then all will bo moved by Christ's love to aid in all and every good work. The temperance * question is the ques tion of the hour , if not there is no isauo. Iho tariff is of necessary though vastly minor importance. The laauo of the hour is to protect the boys and girls. Reference just and true was made to kho great crime of passing revenue and ixciso laws. In referring to the attitude ) f women upon the temperance issue the ipoaker illustrated by the story of the nroman , who having long begged for a onrn to shelter the stock from winter's itorm , finally ordered a load of lumber , ind wont to work with a great effort at latnmoring , when asked if she could juild the barn said , "No , but I intend -o keep up such a racket that lomobody will build it. " The question was then asked what hao party policy to 3o with this question ? Nothing. But itand firmly by principle and leave ro- lults to God. Women are not usually 3xpcctcd to have largo capabilities for finance , " or national economy , still know that ono thousand wrongs do not make ono right. The speaker commended the local option laws of Arkansas as being far more olFectivo than the famed high license law of Nebraska , It la to bo regretted that space forbids aught but the merest ab- itractof this beautiful and forcible ad- Prof. J. 6. Olarko. of Minnesota , tnen javo a beautiful solo , aa only ho can , ffhich waa highly appreciated by those irosont. Mrn. L. 0. Dod o nnxt spoke upon "Woman's Work at the New Orleans Ex- nosition. " Reference was tnado to the ipaco given to articles of woman's imndiwork. The ladles were assured hat articles , whether of skilled hands or leads , largo or small , old or young , would bo given a place at the exposition. It waa also decided that the convention bo photographed , and the picture bo placed in the exposition. A beautiful recitation was next given by Mra. Luco. of Fullerton , entitled "Tho Drunkard's Dream , " which was Qnoly rendered. A beautiful solo was sung by Miss Edith Davis , and after announcements for Saturday's session , the mooting ad journed. Miss Frances E. Willard will bo present this afternoon. John B. Finch will speak at the First M. K. church this evening. The following delegates were present at last night's session : Mrs. J. A. Fulton , Mrs. J. L. Duer and Mr . Kfimilo DAVIS , 1'owneo City ; Mrs , N. A. MuKoe , Mrs. J , F , HolmcH nnd Mrs. J. A. Dil'nn , Tecmnseli ; Mrs , Dr. Oarricnden , Vork ; Mra. Lightfoot , ISontrico ; Mrs. Alice Crocker , Miss Clnra Budwoll and Mrs. Lilliu : ? . Wilson. Sterling ; Mra. Morrow , Mr * . S. ,1. Woodwoitn and Mi * . 1) . 11. Moore , Wnhoo : Mrs. N. l-'airchllds , Mrs. It. Waddle mil Mrs. N , A. Woods , Aurora ; Mm , L'armelo. Mrs. U. L. Duke and Mrs. W. 1. Wise , Plnttamcwtli ; Mrs. 0. 1' . Porker , Mrs. O. M. Leichton nnd Mrs. G. 1) . IChift Lincoln ; MM. U Brown , MM. S. Smile , nnil Mrs. IS. McC. Jioll , Omalm ; Mrs. Ilibbon , Mrs , llockwell and Mra. liuolow , > f Hlftir. Mra. Collins. Mru. K. . ] J. Wilson , uul Ml R.I Ilelleu Abernethy , FuirnumntjMrtf , 5 H. Duvlf , Mrs. Fr W. Cole , Nebraska 2ityj Mm. Burroughs and Mm. J , 11. irown. Springfield ; Mrs , Fanntu KlcUl nnd Vim. diaries Ford limenou , und Mrs. W , I. Brown , Fremont ; Mrs. L , Burrnugh , Hiss Dr. Boclelson , Mrs. Jordlnu , MM. WiiU- Kin , Mrs. Cooluv , Mm. L O. Dodge , MM. iVIiitlow , Yico-l'rt'sidciit Cooler. Mra. M. A. ' 'olsom , Mlea FOBS and Mis * JJeod , Crutu In gathering wild ilowors , autumn eaves , or picnicing in the woods , wo are uoro or less exposed to danger from loisoning by ivy or other vrild vines and hrubj. The poison li under certain cir ninslnncos readily absorbed by the ilood , and painful swellings or eruptions ro caused. Such affections Hood's S r- aparilla readily cures , as it expels all inpuritica from the blood. Even in ases of poisoning by Paris green , Ilood'a iimparilla has been remarkably succost- ul. It should bo kept constantly in the ouao for all blood disorders. Hood1 * arsaimrilla is mndo by 0 , 1 , Hood & Co. , ropnetors of Hood's Sarsaparilla , Low- II , Mats. Attention , HcinbcrH 10. M , A. Von are instructed to report at your all , Thirteenth and Douglas , to-morrow , aturday morning , at ! ) a. in. , with jdges , to attend the funeral of our do- juned follow member , lliohard Norris. Uormont at Holy Sepulchre. A full at- mdauco desired , By order of the ofll- > rs. 10,000 bushels Choica Winter Ap plo > r sale In oar lota or leu. Your b ui ; BS Bollolted , J. 0. WILLIAMS & Co. i27 > lm Nebraska City , Nob. HSOL.D WITHTHEs 3 BEING THE BESTE THATCAN BE MADEr THE-MICHIGAN'STOVE'COMPANYs ; SOLCJ BV & POITIOB ItcsolutlotiH ol Kcapcot , HAU , or DIVISION No. 180 , B. OP\ L. E. , OMAHA , October ! ) , 1885. J At n special meeting of Division No 18U , Brotherhood of Locomotive En gincors , the following rcnolutiona wet adopted : BitOTHERH Again wo are summoned to poi form tlio H.iddost duly tliAt falls to otir lot a an organization. In tliu death of Grotlic Gcorgo L. Clinmborlaln wo arc , for the lire time in the history of division 183 , callirlupo to record the death of ono of pur most worth nnd respected brothers nt his pout of duty When wo Bay h died , an ho lived , Hko man , wo feel that wo have exhausted onr vo calmlnry of eloquence , therefore bo it KKSOLVKD , That wo , ns well BB the commun ity at large , tender our eincero hies b the bereaved widow nnd fatherless children thin suddouly robbed of n kind and nlfuction ate bunband nndt parent. We can but pro ; that a kind Providence will' mercifully schoo you ton ] resignation , in thin , your saddest hou of need , UKSOLVKD , That we drape our hall ii inourningfor tlio epacu of tlxty days. Tha wo furnish n copy of tliceo resolutions to th criof stricken family under thu seal of our or der , nnd to the city press and our monthl ] journal for pubc ntioc.E. E. R. JlATHIH , T. J. MACKKDOK , , T , 0. LtVIXOSTOK , Committo. Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobrc CO. Coughs , Colds and Sore-Throat yiolc readily to B. H. Douglass it Sons' Cap sicum Cough Drops. 3 Chamberlain's Iruuorn7. Capital ledge No. 3 will meet at Free' mason's hall at I o'clock to-day ti conduct the funeral of Bro. Chamberlain , of Excelsior ledge , Iowa. The intormonl will ba Prospect Hill cemetery. The mombera of Covert and Sainl John's lodges and all sojourning Mason ! are Invited to attend By order of the Master , J.\o. BAMFOHD , Secretary. Absolutely Pure. Ihlg powder novel virlce. A marvel 01 partly strength anil wholcsomcocus. More economical tlmi the ordinary kludsand cannot bo auld In oomiwtltlot with the multitude ol low teat , short weight alum 01 phosphate powlors. Sold nnlv ID cans. ItOYAI BAKING POWDER CO. , JOfl Wall street. N. Y. WILBOB'S COMPOUND OF PURE COD LIVERI OIL AND LIME. TO ONK AND ALT , . Are you Buffering frcma Conch , Cold , Asthma , Hronchltl ) , or any ot the var ious tmlxonary iroublct that EO often cnJ In Con- kumptlon ! K so , u e "Wllbor's I'ute Cod liver 0 , ncclLline"a8ao ( nd eurorcincdy. Thills no < [ uack preparation , hut U regularly | nc'crlbcd by the ined Icnl faculty Haniifaotursd only by A. 1) . WILBOR C'bomlst , Ujston. bold hi alldroeul'ts. OMAHA NEBRASICA. The scholutlo year couuncncci on tne First in Thn oour < o ol Instruction embrace * all the Elcmco taryand higher liranrhe * ot a Dulilied edumtlon Dlllfrcnoo of Ucllclou U no obttarle to the admit' lion of yuunc ladWj. ruplla are itcthod at any time of the yoar. TERMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Including Hoard , \Vashlntf , Tuition In Kngllth aud ute of book * . 1'laao , per lusalon of Five Months , ? 150.00 KXTRA , I'atntlng , Ocrua Harp , Violin , Oaitar und Voukl Mujlc. Hefercnoea are roaulred from all penoni unknow to tha Institution , t'or furtnor Infornutian apply the 1LAUV HUrEltlOIl Iv 11. mill LIQUID GLUE llUitDOYTHE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS ( MMQ 4 llMBllt OlfU tftj PiU Co-t > * MUuMI f ! I'M ( V ) , A I > . . . FINE woRKin ronii.i.iiM. < ioy /i. wy IfvMMMrr. . L4Ort ffrj4 , M PIANOS. ORQAN8 , R. (1. ( CARS , tC. UNEQUALLED CLA88 , CHINA , < to.f Ac. AWARDED GOL.DMEDAU ml ( JU Vvtft tlUMOn. InJM. I ta7 WiMriC-ICUtU ONLY lit TIJ RUSSIA CIHEhT CO. , CbBtderJisi MMPLE TIM CAN SENT BY MAIL , 26 CT6 > Himebaugh & Taylor , -LARGEST STOCK OF- 15 Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for Hio Inclinn Department given for Buffalo Scales ex clusively. Scale IRIQIP. SIBCOZP , 1405 Douglas Street. OMAFIA. . NEBRASKA. 1 FALL AND WINTER , GREAT BARGAINS IS AND GENTS' mm Visitors to the State and others in need ol : Men's , Boys' aud Children's Clothing , will do well to call on B , NEWMAN & 00 The Strictly One Price House in the City And examine their goods and prices. They carry the largest stock , and sell lower th&n any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors don't fail to call at 1216. 1216 The largest Stock in Omaha : andSfflakes the J owes * Prices < * A & * " > 1 DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , Jnst received an assortment ( ar onrpaBalng anything in this taarkot , . tb.3 latest and most tasty designs manufactured for lhs ! spring's trodo and co * ? ' . ! „ ' B funge of prices from the Cheapest to the most Kxpennive. Parlor Goods Now ready for the inspection of cns > , Complete stock oi all the l < - cst tomers , the newest noveltirs in styles in Turcoman , M da-j < na Suits and Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc. Passenger 'JESlQvatci' to all Hoars. 1806 , 1208 and lIOFarnam Street , - - - - OMAHA NEB & BOLTS , MANUFACTURERS OF Dormer Windows , Flulalt , Window C palion Creating , Metallic Bky.llphts , , &c. Tin , Ircn nd mats Roe ill 810 South 12th Gtioei Omabft NobruLa . ov nasr.onASB : fe S W B W TWO T/JHEEL / OAKTB. 11,19 aafl 1JSO Hirnar Btic l unOS I , llh8llllt | , CaUJojc * farn < ibid litt orcn i > iiltc tli GERMAN D. WYATr , . O ta H I g 1 I 1 3 B 'ft s w n w wo J MINGS AND 20TH STS , , OMAHA , WEB