ft OMAHA DAI.bi.BEjE SA'LVRDAY OCTOBER II 1884 CAMPAIGN BUGLE NOTES. James Yf. Davis Propounds More Con \ undrums to Congressman Weaker , All Interesting AlHilnvlt. WAHOO , October 10 , 1884. To tho'Editor of TUB Bun. I concluded tint 1 wanted to hoar moro about the record of J udgo Weaver , so I accompanied Mnj. Davis to his placo. llo rend the series of questions , propounded through the colums of TUG BRH , and then road the accompanying af fidavit , lie made some scathing remarks , that a man , clothed with the judicial prmino , would and did cornmH such fraud. Ho also charges him directly , based on evidence furnished members , high in position , in his own party , with attempts to corrupt members of the log * islaturo , of 1875. And also , that ho left Kearney roost unceremoniously , to avoid giving evidence in a suit , founded upon the sbovo charges , and made some tolling remarks about the Judge avoiding a le gally issued process. lie strongly insist * ed on reform , and charged that FOBS , the partner of Dawcs in the Crete Bank , waa speculating in school leases , and wound gr. ' * gj up with a strong apposl for the election of J , Sterling Morton , and . Charles II. Brown. On this 31st day of August , in the year 188-1before mo the undersigned , a notary public in and for said county of Hichard- son , in said state of Nebraska , personal ly came Frank Wells , of lawful ago , who being by mo duly sworn on his oath says , that ho was an elector and legal voter in the Falls City precinct in Richardson - ardson county , state of Nebraska , and voted at the presidential election at said precinct in the year 1880. That when about to vote ho was approached by A. J. Weaver , the present member of con gress from the first district in the atnto of Nebraska , who asked this aftiant to vote for R. A. Whervy who was at that time a candidate for atato senator in said county of Richardson , and agreed with this af fiant that if ho , the aftiant would BO vote for said Whervy , that ho , said NVoavei , would vote for James B. Weaver for president. That pursuant to said agreement this afliant voted for faid R , A. Wherry and said A. J. Weaver scratched the name of James A , Garfiola off of his ticket , and inserted in the place thereof the name of James B. Weaver and voted said ticket. That on approaching the polls thia afliant said to said A. J. Weaver , hour about the electors , and said A. J. Weaver replied that don't make any difference , it ia all the same. ( Signed , ) FIUNK WELLS. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before mo thia 31st day of August , 1884. W. W. WcnELL , Notary Public , AN OPJ3N "QUESTION , Tlio Result of c 8 tor day's Game a Fair Subject for Arbitration. Up to the ninth Inning the Union Pacific's had the best of the situation the eighth closing , 9 to 8 in favor of the homo industries. Darkness waa fast approaching preaching and as the ninth opened with two new runs for the visitors , the U. P.'s determined upon throwing away the game and by a series of Intentional errors and ludicrous mishaps protracted the inning until night so fairly held the A boards that further proceedings were im possible. The U. P.'s claim the best of the question on the alleged rule that , in .such cases , the score at the end of the last finished inning prevails. On the other hand it appears that the homo team frightened at the aspect of affairs toward the last purposely protracted affairs to steal the victory from their op ponents. The following official score presents the result , when time was called in the ninth inning , the Evansvlllo's still at the bat with two men out. UNION PACIFIC'S. J AB H EH PO A 13 McKelvy,2db Visner , I. f 5 1 3 4 1 | 2 Funkhousor , c. f 5 s Bwyer , Ib 4 0 2 11 0 2 "WnlBh B , 8 4 0 1 3 2 2 Whitney , 3b Cavanaugh.c 4 Taylor , r. f 4 1 n 0 0 1 Salisbury , p 4 1 0 2 Jl ' ° as , 38 o u * as u is I "Goldsby out for not running. I EVANHVILLES. ; AB it mi ro A K Sowders , Hi 5 1 Thompson , I. f 5 4 2 S 1 U Marr , 2db. & 3b 5 Heard , s. B 5 0 0 0 C 0 Ooldsby.c. f Hillery.c 4 lialferty , 3b. & 2b 4 Ciowell , r. f. .0 p ; + 4 Saunders , p. & r. f 4 * Totals 41 11 10 21 22 11 nr INNINOS. 12345078 ! ) Union Pacifies. . . 10120032 * 9 .Kvansvilles 2 000402 Ojii-ll Unplayed. tUntiniihod , Three-base hit Hillory. TwO'basa hits Walsh , 1'unkhoiiser , Marr and Saundors. * Struck out Funkhouser (2) ( ) , rtnd Bannuers. fit * Base onbolla Off Salisbury , 1 ; off Saunders , ( * C t . tr Left on bases Union Pacifies , 7 ; Kvans- is villo , 4 , trt Wild pitches-Sounders 1 , Salisbury 2 , ' ' * Crowell 1. ' -w. Time of game 2 hour and 49 minutes. ' f . Umpire Brandt , * A Complaint From Arbor Place. I' ' AKBOU PLACE , Douglas Co. , Oct. 10. To the editor of Tins BKK , Allow mo a small space in your valua- ' # bio paper to inform the public how shamefully the Inhabitants of this place have been treated by certain men in Omaha who delight in placing the names 'Hon. , " "Col. , " etc. , at the beginning of their names. On Monday evening following the nomination of Blaine and V Logan a club was organized at the Quoa < ley school house called the "Arbor Place Blaine nnd Logan Club. " Everything waa done up quite systematically and u committee was appointed to ougago speakers kers to keep the members of the club and surrounding community posted on all the important political uostions dur ing the campaign. Accordingly billn were ordered printed and pouted up railing meotingthedatoof which Ihavo forgotten , Mi'Esrc , Baldwin , Hitchcock and K. ( ro ) lr , all prc mUud faithfully to bo prrs > oat uud furnish financial prescriptions to [ I cure u'l of tha political ills of thu country , ' "When the time came not ono of them wai on the ground mid the democrats re publicans , groenbr.ckors , prohibitionists , etc. , all wont homo alike disappointed , About two weeks afterwards nnothot mooting was called and two of the former mentioned politicians again agreed to bo ou hand as also dld"Col"Smytho , and not ono of these men came near nor gavo.any reason for their absence. So ag n It was concluded to make another dl'prt and bills were posted calling a meeting for Thursday evening , Oclobor Dili. Mr. Baldwin egreed with ono of the committee - tee of the club ( the writer being present ) to como out and msko speech and bring "Col. " Smptho 'along. Quito a Jcrowd gathered around the school house nnd waited patiently for the appearance of the political M. Ds but as usual not one of them caino near. Now , Mr. Editor , for my part 1 do not car. ) a cent , for I am satisfied that no power under the sun can defeat that gallant loader of leaders , James G. Blalno. Bnt I do hope you will give this room in yonr good paper so that no ether community will bo gul'od ' by the prom ises of these gentlemen. Assuring you that Ohio will give ua ton thousand majority for Blaine and Logan , 1 remain , yours truly , XiMio , Horsford M Acid I'hosplmtc. AS A UEFlllOEUANT DUIMK IN KEVE11S. Dr. C. H. S. DAVIS , Meriden , Conn. , says : "I have used it as a pleasant and cooling drink in fevers , and have been very much pleased with it. " THE WHEELMAN'S ' WHIRL , Tlio [ Omaha Bloyclo Itaoca to Take Plnco this Afternoon at Ath letic I'ark , Quito a number of prominent wheel men from various parts of the wosfc have arrived in Omaha to enter In tbo Omaha club races which take place this after noon. The following are the entries for the several races , made up to date : Half milo dash , § 25.00 gold modal Tno. Nicholson , Minneapolis ; 0. M. Woodman , Omaha ; P. M. Shaw , Glen- wood ; Roy Iluncio , Omaha ; A. X. Uuddo , Omaha , Ono milo , § 25.00 gold medal F. M. Shaw , Glonwood ; Roy Runcie , Omaha ; W. Patterson , Toronto , Ont. ; C. M Woodman , Omaha. Two-Mile Race § 50 ; silver cup ; Jno. Nicholson , Minneapolis ; F. M. Shaw , jlenwood ; W. Patterson , Toronto ; Roy [ luncio , Omaha ; A X Budrlo , Omaha. Throo-Milo Race § 35 gold medal ; W. Patterson , Toronto ; P. M. Shaw , Glen wood : Jno. Nicholson , Minneapolis ; Roy Huncle , Omaha. Five-Mile Race § 50 gold medal ; Jno. Nicholson , Minneapolis ; Jno. G. Hitchcock , Omaha ; F. M. Shaw , Glen wood. The other contests will bo a slow race and fancy riding. Those taking pirt in the parade will bo at the Millard hotel at 1:30 : p. m. The parade will start at 2 p. in. All Omaha md visiting bicyclists are requested to re port with wheels at the above place at the appointed time. A cordial Invitation is extended to all bicyclists to participate in the parade. The line of march will bo from Millard hotel , Douglas street , to Fifteenth , to Howard , to Tenth , to Homey , to Fif teenth , to Fornham , to Tenth , to Doug las , to Sixteenth , to Athletic park Sherman avenue. Further particulars desired by visiting wheelmen will bo furnished by the presi dent , O. H , Gordon , or captain , John G. Hitchcock , at 1312 Douglas street. Dressing and Undressing the Sick , A medical paper gives detailed direc tions for doing this. Tlio whole may be summed up by saying that such work ought to ba done carefully , kindly , and gently. But there are a great many sick folks who are almost able to dress them selves , and will bo entirely so if you give them Brown's Iron Bitters. The Rev. J. S , Cain , Lowisvillo , Ind. , says , "I used Brown'a Iron Bittera for nervous prostration , and found it entirely satis factory. " Robbed and Shot in OentrnI Park , Now York Commercial Advertiser. Alvin L. Smith , of Falls City , Nebraska ka , was shot and robbed in Central Park Sunday night. Ho Tras strolling along ono of the paths when a man sprang out upon him , and , and presenting a pistol , demanded his money. Mr. Smith knocked the man and pistol down , but not before ho had received a bullet through the hand. In the strug gle which followed ho lost $200 , which the robber made off with The firing of the weapon brought thrpo Park policemen lo the spot , but while Mr. Smith was attempting to convince them that ho had not attempted suicide , but had boon robbed , the thief made his escape. Last night Patrick Curry , of No. 118 Chatham street , waa arrested and charged with the crime. Ho had been seen loitering about the pork for several nights , and ho answered the description of the man who attacked Mr. Smith. TlicroBlinn uu No Alps When Napoleon talked of invading Italy , one of his officers said : "But , sire , remember the Alps , " To an ordinary man those would have seemed simply In surmountable , but Napoleon responded eagerly : "There shall bo no Alps. " So the famous Simplon pass was _ mado. Disease , like a mountain , stands in the way of fame , fortune and honor to many , who , by Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" might bo healed and so the mountain would disappear. It is specific for all blood , chronic lung and liver dis ease , such as consumption ( which Is scrofula of the lungs ) , pimples , blotches , eruptions , tumors , swellings , fever sores and kindred complaints. A. Steady Voting Man , Kvansnillo Argus. "Jane , I hear your beau is a little wild ; not very steady , they say. " "Oh , yes , ho is ; ho is ono of the most steady young men I over saw. " "SteadyObnoho / can't bo. I've ' hoard ho was any thing but steady. " "Wellho is just utoady. llo has always come to the homo every ovenlng , uinco wo were lust engaged , drunk or sober. " SKIN 1 > ISH/VSRS OUIIKI ) ly ! Dr. Krazier' * Maxlc Ointment. Cured as if by magic ; I'lmpleu , Ulack llea'ld or Grubs , Blotches und Jvruptluna on tbo face , luuvln the akin clear and beautiful. Aim ; cures Itch , Salt Hlieuni. Sere Nltmliw , Sere Lips und old , Obtttnnto UlccrJ , Sold by drugKUtn , or mailed on receipt of luico. CO cents. Bold by Kubn li Co. und O , V Goodman. The new ileparturn by 1'rlnceton College , in tbe recent action making pytim wtio excicI CH compulsory up'in the ntulunU of tie ! two lower classes , will bo watched v.itli interest liv tbo aiithoiitlca of otber educational inutitu in thin country You l ct , Softly tlio evening n'nr ' Wai MilnliiK i'i tlio west , Awl I.una from her goldim car ' Slicd Rracioni Jieaco BIH ! rest , A maiden , nUrry-eyoil , Ioi > k < ! il up with IHMH' wet } Her IO\CT whl | iorod "Stewetl or fricil ! ' Slio fullered , "Stowed , you bet ! " [ BmllncUm Trco 1'rojs. Tnkon Tliciu Now call in your summer h.tt , Take your ul'tor uut of pawn , Sunny tfaysj Well , what of that ! Don't you fret ; the suininor.s gone. Tbo lo..f Is In tlio sere and brown , The nights RURgcit n chill ; Motnuotocs ftU Imo left the town Lett of their own free will. Hlio'll Blinro You Lot. Think not the girl you love loves not ; Slit ) loves , depend upon it ; With willing heart she'll share your lot- If there's n lot upon it- Iftll'lKTIKP. llov. Dr. Dcoms tolls his congregation to ROte to sleep if they frcl sleepy In church ; that both ho and the lord will forgive thorn , but that they mint sleep quietly , Stringent laws against swo.xlrng have re cently ueon passed in Spain. The ovll having bccomo n serious ono. Kuntuckliins contem plating n Kuroponn lour should pasta this item b..ck of the bar. A Pennsylvania pcddlor who 1ms carried the nlckuarno of "Honest John" for fifteen yeara baa just owned tip to n dozen robberies and ether crime * . His fa\orito motto was "Tell the truth. " They were expecting the minister to dinner. "Is everything nil ready , my tdearl" asked the head of the luuso. " "Yes , ho can como nowiw isoon as ho likes , "Havo you dusted tlio family bible ! " "Goodness , graciousi I.foigot that , [ Now York Sun. "My labors , BO ft > r. hnvo only boon plrtlally successful , " Haiti a returned missionary. "Ma ny ot the poor heathens scorned disposed to ac cept the doctrinoi of Christianity , but are loth to RIVO up the practice of canibalism , " "llathor tlillicult to reconcile the two , " was n comment made. "Yos , they are soniowhat antagonistic , but ultimately I hope to eradicate cauibalism on- Ltroly. Already I have been able to convert a largo number to the extent of saying grace iofcromea's. " Holding services at place ono time I took up u collection for the oupport of missions , i'horo was a poor old lidy jjresont , who I no- licod dropped a ? ! > gold picca in the hat. i mow she was very poor , and not able to afford so much , and thought aha had intended to lirow In a quarter but made a mistake. The next day I mot her husband on ttto street and said to him , "Look hero ; your wife put n S3 gold piece in the hat yesterday. I think nho mist have made n mistake. " "No , no , " ho re plied ; "my wife didn't make no mistake , She ion't often fling , but lot mo tell yon when she lings she Ilings. " [ Texas Preacher in San An- ; elo Standard. YOUNG MAN. HEAD T11I8. TUB VOLTAIO BKLT COMPACT ? , of Marshall Michigan , olfcr to send their colebratcd KLEO THIO VOLTAIC BELT and other ELKOTKIO AP PLIANCES on trial for thirty days , to .men [ young or old ) afllictod with nervous debility , loss of vitality and manhood , nnd all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk incurred , 03 thirty days' nial is allowed. Write them at ouco for illus trated pamphlet , froo. VAIR EQUESTIUENNES. Tlio Blisses rmrson , of Wisconsin , Gross the Continent ou Horseback , Special Dispatch to the Globs-Democrat. CHEYENNE , W. T. , Oct. 8. Miss Em. ma , Larson and her younger sister , of Wiscon , arrived in Cheyenne last even ing after having crossed and rocojBsod the western portion of the continent on horseback. These two adventuresome young ladies left their homo in Wiscon sin early in the spring of 1883 to ride to San Francieco and return. They passed through Cheyenne in July of last year on the journey west. The peculiar ly interesting feature of this across the continent trip by Miss Larson and her sister exists in the fact that neither of the young ladies has boon in anywise suspected of a desire to attract notority. Miss Emma Larson is plainly spoken , and , while educated and refined , has all of the peculiar freedom of expression that her trip through the western wilds would , have given har language. She perfectly at homo with the hones and the revolver , and yet she has all the reserve- that could bo asked of any young wo man. Her sister is a few years her junior and a very independent young lady. Mies Emma Laraon will have ridden - don about D.OOO miles in all her trip when she arrives at her homo again. She has been gonp nearly eighteen months. She rpdo a faithful horao westward and still ridpo her. The colt that ran by its mother's side when it was in Cheyenne last , has grown to a pretty big animal , and makes a comfortable change from the two horses the ladies generally mount. The trip from the coast to Cheyenne onno was accomplished without partic ular accident. To-morrow the young women will again resume their journey homeward. A Valuable Oliili Tunic Ilcad this Testimony. PINK BLUFK , AUK , 0t. 24 , 1882. Messrs. Jt. A. Itoblmon & Co. fj'iulsvlllc , Ky. Gentlemen Plosso ship via Memphis ono gross lIuyheaTonlo. Allow mo to congratulate you upon the largo sale of your Hughes' Tonic , and the general satisfaction it has given. Your friend , ( Signed ) WM. L. DEWOODY. Prepared by R. A. Robinson & Co , , Wholesale Druggists , Louisville , Ky , , and at retail by Schrotor it Bocht , Druggists , Omaha. Retails at $1.00 per bottle , six bottles for S5.00 AnxloiiH for tlio Fray. Chicago Herald , An old soldier , who had an empty slcovo and a painful limp in of his logs , said last night at republican headquar ters that the vallwr now shown by some of the politicians reminded him of a story. "At Chancollorsvillo , " ho continued , "tho reserve , iri its march to the front , stopped a ininuto where they had pitched the hospital tonta. Tlioro were hun dreds of wounded men lying around unattended and a few were un dergoing oporation. Ono follow who had como to the rear scared half to death with a patch of blood on his coat was put on a ntretchor and oxutnincd , Tlio sur a geon tort ) his coat i ff and finally got don n to the hide. After looking him nil over they said , 'Git out of this , ' You ain't hurtl' You see hu'd been spattered with a little blood and ho probably thought ho was hurt , but ho wasn't. Being in good shape ho was ordered Iwuk to thn front , but ho hung around telling tlio reserves how hot it wus in tlioro and how anxiouu he was to git back. Just then orders camn to move und ho began to udgo off Ono of Burgcantii nabbed him and rnado him tall in , despite his protests that he didn't belong there and that ho must join his own command , which wns notly engaged. As the reserve got tinder dor tire some nno caid to him that ho would find it hot enough right there if ho waited awhilo. " 'Tho fighting is protly good here , ' ho chattered with his knees knocking to gether , 'but it is a lootlo mite bolter over there , ' pointing in the direction of his own regiment. You eoo ho wanted to slide elF the roar ngain , but wo kept him right there until wo all retired. " "Somo of these politicians are like that follow. They are dying to got at the rebels and slice them up , but the fightluc was 'a lectio mite bolter' twenty years ago than it is now , and they wbro not so ferocious thon. What army corps wore you in , boss t " Scrofula diseases manifest themselves In the warm weather , lloods Sarsapar * Ha cleanses the blood an romorca every tniut of scrofula. EDUCATION AU NO IKS , 'Tolocnt college"U the name of a echool situated near Spurtn , On. The now high school building at Hartford , Conn , , is said to bo the only absolutely fire proof building In the world. The offer o 100.000 marks , m do noino tltno nijo to the university of Holdclborg on condi tion that women should bo allowed to study llioro , has been declined by the faculty. Miss Lydtn Becker , of the Manchester , England , fchool board , who has been attend- ng the recent scientllic meetings In Montreal , anil Philadelphia , is A somewhat uotablo woman. She has regularly \oted at the Manchester municipal elections elnco 18G1I. Since 1870 she has been a inombor of the school board of that city. She is au honor able secretary of the National Woman's Snf- rage committco nnd editor of an KnglUh Woman Sufif.kRO journal. 7 The people of ( Washington City have a grievance in the ehago of frequent changoi In , ho text-books of tlio public schools. The Star does not liesitato to intimate that there s dishonesty at the bottom of _ tlio matter for , hobcnolitof the book publishers. ASUS- > ! cion of this kind has long prevailed else- vhoro in reference to frequent book changes. 5au Kr.iucisco has moio than unco sullered 'rom changes ; nor does the outlook ' promise relief , The rush of aspirants'for nomination o seats in the board of education , to which no sulaties are attached , can hardly bo construed , o bo nindo in a spirit of Bclf-sacrilico. The now year at Ambornt has stirtod out very auspiciously. The Frenchman class is the largest that has entorcd for n good many roars. It Booms to bo made up ot ovcollcnt uaterial. It numbers 101. The three upper clasiei all have about the usual number , as several new men lin\q taken the ilaces of those who loft. Very ow changes have boon made In the acuity. Owing to the illness of Professor 3iowoll , Mr. Cowles , who thai been studying n Knropo during the past \ oar , instructs the sophomores in latin , and Mr. Ayies has the reshmcn. B. Clark , of Northampton , ban jccii appointed instructor in political ucono- ny. Ptofessor Kmerson and Nell are still in Europe. The trouble between Hebrew citizens of STow York nnd the school authorities is HUI- ; ilomentod by n color line dispute in the Hnli- 'ax schools , which is engaging the attention of dominion journals. An amendment to the ( chool net , which has just como In force , per mits colored children to attend certain ml- vnnccd schools where win to children are taught. Having passed the qualifying examination , a colored girl was lately admitted to ono of these advanced schools , and nearly nil the white scholars in the higher department forthwith loft it. Their parents petitioned to have tlio colosod children excluded , but the appeal has not roo\od the tchool commission- era , who are bent on enforcing tlio law. Taxes are laid in Halifax for school purposes on col ored und white citizens alike , and yet there is this grossly unfair movement to keep out the children of parents paying their share of Bchool duos. Women are to be admitted to lectures in University college , tin Toronto , nnd the con cussion is regarded as iv great victory for the friends in Canada of the higher education o women. STARVING ON THE PJjAlNS. An Incident ol ISUit How a Party of Emigrants were Relieved. Lakoport ( Cal. ) lice. Many of the readers of the Boo were doubtless among the number of those who "crossed the plains" and still retain a vivid recollection of the perils of the overland routo. If the stories of all oi them were to bo collected and publiab.ee they would make a very interesting chap ter in history , and furnish another prooi of the trite saying , "Truth is stranger than fiction. " While talking not long since with an old California ! ] , ho related the manner in which a party of Missouriam were saved from starvation in the fall o : 1802 or 1803. At that time the war was in progress and the Indians were partic ularly troublesome. This party , number ing in all men , women and children some thirty-five souls , were surprised near Gravelly Ford , on their way to Uumboldt , and lost all their stock. Noi a horsonor a mule was loft , and the par ty were compelled to make their way or foot to Iho nearest Battlement. Many o : the party were women some with babies in their arms and the terror of thai journey across the arid alkaline eauda ol the forty-mile desert may bo moro easily imagined than described. Four of the young men of the parly were sent off ii advance for relief nnd reached Virginia City more dead than olive , and made their report to Provost- Marshal Van Bokolon. Ho at once started out to obtain subscriptions to send aid to the sull'tirurs. but as ho was personally tin popular , did not gather in the ducats very rapidly. An old miner who was himself a 4Uor , impatient at the delay wont at once to a livery stable , hired i couple of mules and a wagon nnd drove to the principal stores and asked for pro visions. They were readily given Ho then went to u dry goods store and ob tained a box of shoos of assorted sizes and called upon the only females , who at that time were found in any considerable numbers in that city , for contributions o , fominlnp wearing apparel. With the proverbial warm heartodncss of tholr clais , they generously responded , and it less than an hour from the time the news reached the city and long before tlio Provost Marshal Uad got around his Hub scrlption list , the team was on tbo road. A driver having volunteered to take charge of the mule team , tha minor who had organized the relief corps , procuring a horse , went on ahead of the team with a lantern , for it was dark before the lean started. All night the team was urged forward , and at daybreak thonoxt morn ing a carnp-firu was soon , which proved to bo a govonnment wagon containing rations which had boon uent out from Fort Churchill the proceeding overling , but which had stopped for tlio night al that camp. Without accepting thoinvl- tatli n of the oflloor in o > mmand to stop id take briiikfant , thaVirgliiia city imply triin pass id on and met the sufferers al the uiKMidoned overland station called Uagtotrn , It was fully four hours before - fore the government wagon appeared on the icenu , and when it eamti it had boon entirely aupurcoded by the Virginia City The miner who organised led thin relief party was ono of the locitqrs ot thu Siwago mine in tlio Com- ntock lode , and was subsequently n Duputy United States Marshal in Wyo miug and sergoant-at-aruu of tlio Ari/.nm housu of roproaontaliveB. IIu now lies in our jiil accused of inurJor , Hi niino is Klislm P. McOurdy. CHIMES AND CASUALTIES. An Imllnnn TnoInil , Oct. 10.- The arrest of Iho hmbami nml two som of Mrs. Homlcrsnol , hose btxly WIM fouinl -(1npsUy ( In n ci < - loin , ilocnpiUtitl , tlio held ! ! ( ) ( In tlio lm h"t eroitetl KretocUonif > ! > nt hero to-dny. Mrs. HrnuVrghot rofimnl to PI'RH nwny n fntin to which she lm < l n deed in fee ohnplo , which tlio father mill oldest son wanted to ilt | xm > of. Several hundred itooplo were present nt Iho trial nnd about noon tnndo im niiaticcosi- ful olfort to lynch Iho three innonor * . TIIK KlllST IIAN-OtN'O. At ( town o'clock thia nvonlnp the mol ) took .ho oldest con out of jail nnd hung him to a beam In tlio barn \\horo the crime wni com- mittod. Ho made ix ronftmlon tlmt his fnlhf r hot the mother , nnd that ho cut her head elf with nn nxo. AVTKll TIIK r'ATHKll ASM ) OtHKn HON. At ten o'clocki the IvnchiT * , two hnndrcd utronpr , pawed through I'oll City on the way , o Cnunollton , thrco rolled above , to hang the 'nthor nml the ether son , who nro in jull thoro. A Crlmc-SonUetl Iluln. NKW HAVKN , Conn. , October 10. In tenr- ng down nn old homo here the workmen ound general underground luvsanROS lending to tubtorrancnn vnnltii , where Rovoral counterfeit silver rlc-ceo ami lirokdu'dica were found. The aH occupant WM entirely ignorant of this. The plnco hiul n bad reputation. Murder nnd nrioiw ether crime * had boon committed horo. 8nm1loE la DnUota. UnooKtxiis , Dakota , October 10. John ) coth h very low with smallpox. Ho returned rom Chicago October ( ith. Some bimnesa non of Amora interviewed him whllo the rain paused thoro. Some pnrtiei have died n the north part of the comity , nnd others nro ick. The city has ordnrud vaccination on- orcod , | Foil co OntttitK In Texan , COLOIIADO CITY , Texan , October 10. Intel. ( renco has just been received that 8 miles of viro fence in Uorder county is cut ti pieces. "hia IB the first norlous tone ) cutting fornovcr. 1 mouths. A Withered \Vcetl Still. I'lHEnsnuuti , Vn. , October 10. The tobacco actory of Wilson t McGIll shut uown on no- : ount of scarcity of tobacco. It employed 300 miuln. Tlio W"G. T. I/ . I'KOUIA , 111. , October 10. The closing sea- ion of the state convention of tlio Woman's Christian Tempcrnnco Union was devoted to ending of papers and reports. Thn following dicers were olcctpd : 1'rosldont , Mary Allen Vo t , of GaleiMirRj vlco president , Mrs. K. . Ilibbon. of 1'eoria ; corrospondiujf secretary , lolen TJ. Vood , of Chicago : rccoctllng socro- ary , Iluby .T. Ciilbort , ol Chicago ; treasurer , Mrs Ii. U. WilkliiH , of Kockford. Buttcrwnrtli'H HitccoiHor. CIIIOAOO , October 10. Dally News , Vice- iort , III. : The democratic ( ommitteo of the Ixth congressional district has named K. W. HaiadoU of Rockfortl , ns candidate ) for Con- ; ross , vice Thomas liuttorworth , declined , unll. At ChicnRO Cbicntso ! , I'liiladolphiix a. At Milwaukee Milwaukee G , Baltimore 1. At Cleveland Cleveland a , I'rovMcnco 11. At Detroit Detroit 2 , Now York 2 ; Ue. At St. Louis ( Union * , ) Nationals I ! , St. Louis 1. At Buffalo -Buffalo 7 , Boston 25. Bold lloliliory. JOHNSTOWN , 1'a , , October 10. Five masked men battered down the door of the house ot n farmer named .Joseph Gates nnd compelled him to RIVO up over 81,100 which he had BO- cretod in the house. No clue ft the lo bors. Prohibition In Cmimln. Toito.STO , October 10. The liquor party hero is completely crushed by signal defeat yesterday In Stanstoad nnd Sirneoo counties , Tlio feeling It * growing hero that if the Scott act is submitted it would ba carried by a largo majority , Iilino in Itnklnu i'owdore. i'rof. B. A. Williams , M. D. , Medical University , Buffalo , N. Y. , who is the highest authority , says that , "Calcium Tartrato ( improperly called Tnrtrato ol Lime ) , advertised as the limo found in Baking Ponders is derived from the wines that produce Croaru of Tartar. It is a constituent of the grape and ether fruits , and is absolutely harmless. A MEU1TUIJ KKBUICE. An Incident During Goti , IOJIIU'B Trip Xlirough Went Virginia , Washington Special to Chicago Tribune. A most rrmaikab u incident which occnrrci in West Virginia during the recent trip ol Gen. Logan through tint state U related by native who happened to to present. Thu train on which the vlco-protldcntlal parly wa traveling had stopped at a mnall station nu the Chcsapoako & Ohio railroad la giva the citizens of the place nn opportunity to see ant hoar the Boldior candidate of the ropubllcni p trty , as bus been douo nil along the route \vhero the circumstances or the program wi.nantcd , At this polut tlioro were gtthorod about the rear plutforn of the car on tlio steps of whlcl Gen , Logan , xlood a crowd ot rough looliiuf , imtivetf , pressing eagerly forwaid to ehukti hands with him. The general WAS reaching down , holding on to the car with hin left hand and disposing rapidly of UIOHU who tippronch cd with n hand ulmko and n plonmmt word , when u lank , rud-faced mountaineer , withoul cent or vest un and having his * hiit ojipn , exposing < posing his chest , roachodo ut his bony fi t Bin exclaimed : "J iurunu nhako huncirt with the man that raised the first rclml regiment in Illinois. " Logan straightened up like n Hash , and In n voluo Indicating the utmost nutonUh. ment and pa Hlon , eai ; "NVhatV that ! " The Went Virginian repeated his remark , the sur rounding crowd in the maantiniu having pauiiod biouthlessly in expectation tlmt sotno thing was about to happen. Making n quick reacli outward , but falling short nti tlio Hurprisod follow drew back , ( Jon , Lugun shouted in n raga and hoarsely : "Any man who nays that 1 over did ii an infernal liar , " The man tnado t > omo taunting reply , whlcl ect Logan perfectly wild , for ho Instantly pa into the fellow's face , awl then felt rajildl ; around in Ids pocketu , evidently for Homo tlilnir to hit him with , llo could llnd nothiuj but a c'gar ' , which ho drew forth , and , lirn breaking it , threw the IMKCIM nt the now thor oughly Btirpiisod object of his wrath. " ( Jot out of thin , cried Gem , Logan , "or I you don't I'll ' pay this colored man [ pointing to the car portorj n quarter to whip the life out of you , By this tima the train began to move , nn < nn It pushed nwny from thu uatonluhod WUH Viri/lnluim they iccovercd theinnehus In time to uxprtiBD tlu-ir admiration of their Hury Htatouinun In ringing cheon ) , which wax repeat ud until the train WUH out of tight , HOOK.I.NO VAI < LKV. Tlio Alleged I iu-t-liinlo IjnllurH I'ro N , Y , Special to Chicago Trib\ui \ : Ni ) special attention wni paid nt lupubllcai lutionul huadqimrtera to-duy tu thu publlca tlou by uovurul New York papui'd this mori eiig of ullaged facsimile lottstu of Mr , liluln on thu Hocking , Vulloy trnntactioiw , Co Murrltt Bounded thu key lints , liowover , who ' I regard thnao letters ui foigerles. Mr Blulni hat Biid tlut ho deed not mid 1ms no owned any Hocking Vnlloy Block , and 1 bohev him , This whole affair , as any ODU can ueo , uprmix upon the pwplu tu nilluenoa the Ohl ilectlon. Bcforn he could ptcpnro nn nniwrr ha people would bo no lnny ( is to hnvo no Imo to read it , < u oh * Iho clrctton would bo wer nnd the result known , "You can nay that vo tin not Mpcct nny illsnitroiw clloct , " ho continued , ' M the pir-d sen < n of the jicoplo vlll prevent that. The nuoitlon i wiiothcr ilr , Hlnino lied or not. I ray tint , nnd that holiroof ngamit him ( > not eoticlmlia rti nr HI thl.i now lot of loiters is cunccnntd , it utterly worthier , " llx-scretjiry l''osimdrn ' ami IhonAtlonnl cfflu nltteo , togctlur with Bnvoral out lder , noln- ily SecH-tnry Clmmllcronl into oxecutlvo e sion this morning , nnd Iho Hocklnir Valley latter wns thoroughly discussed. It WIM fin. Ily coiiclmlcd that the national committed ould take no action nt nil. Said Mr , Vossen * on : " \Voeoncluded \ that Itvn < t n prlvnlo bnsl- ess trnns.nclion of Mr. Ittaino's , nnd some- dug wo could take no ollicinl action upon , Vo don't Tt g rd It ns worth nny nnswer nny- tow , nnd lmll look with contempt niton nny ITort to m < ko out of it patty capital. The Hon. Stephen ! dkin , when nskednljont . , laughed nnd answered : "It is of no importance whatever , nnd not orthy of n reply. Them Is nothing In it. Were ro solid ns n rock , nnd will show oloction-dnv hat is in it , along with the other scandals. " BIO ! ' inA'ji COUGH 5y Ing Dr. Frniier's Throat nnd Lung Bnl. am the only > uro euro for Coughs , Colds , fonrsoncsH nnd Sere Throat , and nil dtaensos f the throat nnd lungn. Do not neglect n u > nf > h. It inny provo fatal. Scores and mndrodsof Rnttoful ptraplo ewe their lives to ) r. Fnuier't Throat nnd T.uiu * Balsam , nnd o _ family wll ever bo without It after nnco isiug it , nndtdisco orllllr Its mannlon * power. ' t is put up in largo family bottles nnd milder or the small prlco of 75 cents per bottle. Sold Knhn k Co. nnd C. K. Goodman. X , Now Buckwheat flour nt Nelson's Elegant Y Underwear nud lloaicry nt BUSIBtAN'S VNTl-MONOl'OIjISlH , I'Mrttt UiHtrlot. lion. Charles II. Brown was appointed o address meetings in the First congress * onal district , nt the places named below s follows : Brownvlllo , Saturday , October lllli , - pm , Tecumseh , Monday , October 13th , 7. D , in. Hmnboldt , Wednesday. October loth. 1'awneo City , Friday , October 17th , 7 p. in. Beatrice , Monday , October 20th. 7 p. in. Lincoln , Thursday , October 23rd , 7 i > in. Nebraska City , Saturday , October HBtli , 7 > , in , Dates for Oinalm nnd ether places In the ( strict will ba duly nnnouncoJ , 0 , S. Montgomery , 3Csq. , nntl-monopoly cnndulato for nttornoy general , will sponk pur innt to appointment , at thu following times ml places : * Wahoo "l-rldny o\onlntr , October 10 , Columbus Saturday entng , October 11 , tlio MecoiuV District , Captain J. II. Stickol's nppointmonts : Suttee , Friday , October 10 , 1 ! p. in. Hastings Saturday' October 11 , Up. in. ' 1'riondavlll plooao nrrango for hall nt each Ince. Ladioa especially luvitod to gruco ccasion by tholr prraenco. By order of Committee. Unptaln ! . U , SllclcIo'H AiipnlntincntB , t tlio following points in Bouthwcstorn No. irnska on the dntcH hero named ; Minden Monday , October 13th , in the veiling. Holdrodgo Tuesday , Octobcrllth , evening , Oxfotd Wednesday , October lOtli , nt 7.30 ) . m. m.Homorvillo Thursday , October Kith nt 2 m. Arapahoe Friday , ( October 17th , nt 7.3' ' ; > . in. Indlanola Saturday , October 18th. Culbertson Monday , October 20th. McCook Tuesday , October 21st. Ahnr Wednesday , October 22d. Blooinlngton Thursday , October 23d , at 7.30 p , in. lied Cloud-Friday , October 21th , nt 7 , 0 ) . m , Friends will plonto nrraneo for hall nnd name hour when not heroin etntcd , as well ns ndvortiso nppointmont thoroughly nt each ilnco. Ladies especially invitiyi to graca onch > ccaalon by their presouco. By order of Con- jiOHtional Committee. 8. S. KKVNOI.DH , Chairman. Hon. Jamoj W. Davis will address thee o on thu political items of the day at the 'ollowing placeH pqo | > lo withour ruforonco tarty esspccially invited. At Clonn Creek , October 10 , 7 p. m. At Firth October 13 , 7 p. m. At Blua Springs October Ifi , 7 p. m. At Beatrice , October li ( , 2 p. m. At Cortland , October 17 , 7 p. m. At Sterling , October 18 , 7 p. m. At Ttcimi'fh , October L'O , 7 p. m. At Table Hock , October 2 ? , 7 P m. - At I'nwnoa City , October 21 , 7 p. in. At Burchard , October 25 , 7 p. m. At Humboldt , Ootober 27. 7 p. m. At Falls City , October 28 , 7 p. m. At Stella , October , 27 ! ) p. m. At Auburn , October 80. 7 p. in. At Nemakn City , October 31 , 7 p. in. At Nebraska City , November 1 , 7 p. m. At 1'latUtmouth. November 3 , 7 P. in. Hon. Win. Neville , mill-monopoly candl late for congruss In the Third district , will ddri'PH the people as follows : ' Albion , Saturday evening , October 11. Humphrey , Monday afternoon , October 13 , Oakdnlo , Monday ovenlng , October 13. O'XNeill , Tuesday evening , October M. Long 1'Ino , Wi'dnctday ovenlng , October Ifi. AInsMor h , Tlmrsday ovenlng , October 10 , Yuleiitlne , Sutnrday evening , October 18. Crutghton , Monday ovoidng , October 20 , Niobrara , Tuofday evening , OctohoT 21. St. Helena , Wcdueaday evening , October 22. 1'onca , Thnisilay ovnning , October 23. Jackson , Friday evening , October 21. Hurtlugton , Saturday evening , October 25 , Wuyno , Monday evening , October 27. Norfolk , Tuesday ovenlng , October 28. Stantou , Wodncfday evening , October 21) . Wisner , Thurnlay 2 p. in. , October 80. Went Point , Thursday ovenlng , October 30 , Oakland , Friday livening , October 31. Blair Saturday om'ng , November 1 , UEPUI1LIOAN Al'I'OlNTMKNTS , AiipolntnienlH ( or Gun. Clmrloa F. Senator Mnmlorson nnd other Hpoakera will address thu puoplu at the following plauon on the dates named ; Weoplnc Water , October llth. David City , October 13th. Lincoln. Ottrber llth. Ai-hland , October Iftth. Omaha. OctolxT Kith , Nebraska City , October 17th , Biownvlllo , October 18th. Falls City , Octobnr 50th. I'awneo City , October L'lht' Fuirbury , October 22d. Itcd OlouJ , October 23d. Arapahoe , Oc'ober ' 21th. York , October 27th. Con ti ill Oty ; , October 28th. Giand InlariJ , ( Jctober 20th. ICrnrney , October 80th. Holdrego , November 1st. BpciiIiorH mid Apnointmcnfti in Third Oonuri'HHlonnl DUtrlol. North Bond -M. A. Hoitigan and T. S. Clarlison , tjatuiday ovunlng , Outobur llth. Ailington , W , Tucker und H. G. Ma- goon , Saturday evening , October llth , Oakdalo-J W. Tucker nnd H. O , Brome , Monduy evening , Oclobor Kith. AtkliiMon-.I , W Tucker mid H. 0. Brome , Tuesday evening , October llth , Kwlng .1 , W. Tucker und II , 0. Brome , Wednesday cvcnln ? , October 15th , Scilbnor J , W , Tucker nnd 11. 0. Brome. Thursday evening , October lOtli , O. K. YOBT , Chairman State Central Committee. ' , W , LOVK , Cluiiman Congressioaal Ccu. tral Committee , Third Dlstiict. Hon , 0. M , Lnmbfrtion nnd Htm , J. Ii . Webster will speak at N < rlh Bond , on Satur day ovoninp , October llth. Thn Fremont ; Land will accompany thorn and n big rally will bo lintl , I ton , G , M. Lsmbortfon will npo.ik at 1/mip City. Sherman county , next Monday enonlncf , OctoW lath. .T. W. LOVK. Chairman rop. song , com. fnr Ocorjo AV. Dorsny nnd J , O , Tnto , VOn ( IKO W. E. DOIWKT AND flKX. A. If , CONNOR. Ord Monday nvonlng , October 13. Broken Bow Tuesday uvonintr , Octobir U. Loup City Wednesday evening , October 1C , Central City Saturday evening , October 18. Fullerton Monday ovenlng , October 20. Columbus Tuesday evening , October 21 , North I'latto Wednesday evening , October 1'lmn Greek Thursday evening , October 23. ICoarnoy Friday ovcnlntr , October 21. Schuyler Saturday oycning , October 25 , am. W. K. DOUHKY AND OTIIKtl fil'RAKKruj. Albion Monday evening , October 27 , Blair Tuesday evening , October 28. Dakota City Wednesday evening , Octo tier 29. Tokamnh Thursday evening. October 30. West 1'oint Friday evening , October 31. Mr. Dorsoy will bo accompanied by cnndl- dates for state olSces. C. K. YO.ST , J. W. LOVK , Ch'n Stnto Con. Com. Ch'n Cong. Com. TUTT PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Oreatcit Medical Triumph SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. JlowcUcoitlVD , 1'nln In tlio hcml , with n dull , ncnnatlon In the bnck pnrt , JL'nln umlcr tlio nhoiilu > r-v Lltulo , 1'iillncis niter ciitlngrlth nilln- Incllnntlnn to exertion of body or mind , Irrltnlillllrof temper , I.ow plrlt , with nfccllngof hnvlniineElnctcil Homo duty , Wcnrlurnn , DlzzlncR * , IMnttcrlng nt tlio Heart , UntH boforatlio cycm llcndttcho over thn right ryr , Kcnllcmncifi , with fltful drcnnm , Highly colored Urine , anil CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S V 11,1,8 are especially ailaptoil to such cases , ono tloao oITocts such a chanBooffoollnrjas to astonish thoBUfforor. They Iiicrrnie thn \ i > i > etttcnm ! cnuio the body 10 Tnko on Klciilithui tbo fy tcm li. iioitrUheil.nnd liy their Tojilo Action on thu IHueitlve OrgnliB.ltrmilnr Mtooln nro liroiluri-d. 1TI"Q aBo.1 1 niurrnv Nt..lV.Y. GHAY HAITI or Winsicnns ohanRctl to a Gr-ossv IH.ACic by n sliiRlo npnllcntion of tlili Dm. It linnnrts n niiturnl color , nets instantaneously. Sold by Druggists , or emit by express on receipt of 81. Office , 44 Murray St. , Now York. CAPITAL PRIZE' $75,000 ta/TlcVota only 85. Shares in ProportlonTtt * Louisiana Stale Lojtejy Co "IKadoAerefy certify not ue mpcrrttt tk - tennetnenti for all tht JfonfMy and Semi-Annual Diauingri o/ thtouisuma State Lottery Company , and in venon manage and control tht Drawing * thcwselva , and that the tame are conducted uicA \ci\eet//almen.andin ] good faith toward ow par. tlto.anA wt authorlit the company to we tkuetf" iineate , vithfae-ilmilti o/ cur tiynntura attaehea- In ill tvlvcrttsemintt. " tatorponled In 1883 tot 15 years by the IcgliUtiut for educational and charitable purpotci vritb cx } 1U1 of 81.000,000 to which a reserve land ol OT I 9553,000 has oluoo been added. By an overwhelming popular Tola III ( ranohln mi made a part of the present itaU OQDlillntloa adopted December Sd. A. I ) . 1870. The only Lottery over voted on and tn dorsod by the people of any Stato. t never ao es oi po > ponsi. Ita grand single numbei drawings tain place monthly. : A splendid opportunity to win a Fortune Tenth Grand Drawing Olaaa K , in the Aoad" omy of Munlo , Now Orleans , Tuesday , Octo ber lltb , 1831 173d Monthly drawing CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Vivo Dollars Each. Krac tlona , in Fifths In proportion , WST OP PHIZES. OAPITAI. I'HIZU . . . . . . BTJ.MI 1 Uo do . HJ.OCS- 1 do do . 10,003 3 H1I2KO OF tflOCO . 13,000 I ilo 000 . 10,000 11 da 1000 . 10,009 t/ ) da 100 . 10,000 IOJ do SCO . MCC3 EO ) da 100 . BO.OCQ 60) do 60 . 26000 100' } An'BOlIlUTlOM PB1IKS. I 0 Aprr ° * lnj tlon prlio * ol 0760 . . . . 8.TEO 9 do do 600 . 4,103 B da do 163 . - . . J.SiC 1937 PrlKi amounting to . 8 ffCI oaly lo the office of the Company la New Orleans , u For further Information write clearly giving rail iddrou. Uako P. O. llouey Otdoit payable and iddrow Itczlatored Letter ! to 1(1CW OULEANH NATIONAL BANK , Now Orleans , l > n. Postal Notes and ordinary letters by Mall or Ei- pretl ( all tutus of 16 and upwards by ICipreaa At out sipenoo ) to u A. nAOTmn , or LI. A. DAOFIIIH , New OrloaLj La. B07 Soventb Bt. Wublnxton D. 0. . , To Contractors anil Builders. Wanted , prnpoaaM ( or the building of QuuntvHchoo home , dlttrlct 37 , Dou lm precinct , 1'Juna aml pee > IflcatloriH for which may be neon on ups Mention tot ho undorHlKncd , to whom all riropreala must tin addreis- cdon cr bfforo the VIM Instant , tha oi nunltto& ro- wrrlng the right to reject thal.ucut or any teudor. 1,1' , KVANS , Clitlrman of Cotnmltteo , oct 10,11 , 13mu : 1617 Douulas Ht. Nursing molh'rj re Juccil by overtaxing of tbo iietvnui ( orceor by be Oraln ipon thoivs- tom Induced by pro- oufoJ nutting , shculil at once coiunicuco ue lr ( U'dKb'd Food as a , tally aim. Itwlllnlve .tu'iulh to tlio rootbor md luinrovo the sum If hrtlio little rue. lie. ncinber , ItlJue'a 1'ocil ng bii.il In ma tor JO . \ti4rii In KutlttiU i uu . 4 inc , thertfore In not an uiitrlcil prrpiratlon. In caim , four tlzrd-SSo. 05o tl S5 ami * l.76. bold by ordgKl'ti , WOOLIIICII In CO , on laid. 9 ' . Sctop , Meaiurc , Weigher , lrcdier , Uica Wailier , Tomato , I'umpkln , Starch. Wine and Fruit Strainer. Twelve article ! in cue. Tbo Qrtiist Mara loU thw all other Sieves an4 blfttrt Ilkcitheuil W * m li _ . Uii ; hlllc [ n4MUcf > * * lai hlad tud IKJWU. Wiltt ( r ciulojuc , TbolluntciSlftecMf ; Co. . Cinclnnttl , O. . 4jt AeenU wanted for ciiir itchen S [ cUltie < ami Witt Conk. Daolt