OMAHA DAIf/V BkF - SATURDAY , OC10BBJR JI A FSNE LIHE OF -AT- TIIE ONLY EXCLUSIVE IN OMAHA NEB. Science of Lite , Only $1,00 BY MAIL POSTPAID. EihiMtoi Tlt JUyNorTona and Fhrsliul Debility rrotrutnro Decllno In M n. Errors ol Yon th , en tb enlold mlsorloa esultlnff from Indboretloni or ox CCMOB. A book tor orory nun , yoTinff , mldcllo. ired , and old. It oontilni 115 proscriptions ( or all cnl nd nhronla dUeissn oichone ot which Is Invkltuble So ( onnd by tba Anther , whoio eiperlenoo for II yetri It noh sprob bly never before fell lo the tl of any physio an too P'foj. bound In bomtlfu French matllo maorcodooren , fall gllt.RtuninliMci t3 bo ft Oner work n every acnso , moohanlcal , lit- ornry and professional , thin any other work Bold In Mill country for 12.60 , or the money will bo refunded la omy InsUnoo. Prloaonly 11.00 by mall , pout- paid. Illnstriktlre lample E cent ! . Bond now. Gold modal iwardodthaanthor by the National Uedtcal Amoclatlon , to the officers oi which ho refers. The Solenso of Llfo should ba read by ths younj for Initractlon , and by the ffllotsd for lelltf , It will bonefll all London Lanott. There li DO member of looloty la whom Tba Sol- cnoo of Ule will not ba metal , whether youth , par ent , eaardlan , Instrnctoror clergyman. Argoninl. Aridreo the Ponbody ITodleol Iniiltnte , oi Dr. W , II , Patkcr.No. BalOncb Street , IlMton Mans. , who rn y bo con raited on all dtoexioi roqalr'ngnklllaod experience. Csronlo andobitlnatedliou jsthat hare baffled the lUll of all other phya-Mr" I olani a spccUlty : Booh treated tncocavllCltl. fully without anlnitwso failure , TUV FJ T NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY SOOOKSaOR TO DAVIS ft EKVDEB.J Genera Dtatcn ID U05FAUNAU8T. OMAHA. Dtve for gala 100,000 acre ) carefully teloctod n Kastoni Nebranka , at low price and on caiy tormi Improved r\mn lor Bale In Doaglag , Dodge , Ooltni Flatte , Hurt , Coming , Suriiy , Washington , tltr'.ol Blunders , and Ilutler donation. Taxn pild In alt part ) of tbo fHilo. ' . Honor loaned on mprovod farms. Notary Public alwavi In oOloo Correspond BOTTLES. Erlangor , . JJavaria Oalmbacner , . . . Bnvaria Pilsner . * Bohemian. Kaiser . . . . DOMESTIC. BuAtvoiser . St , Louia. Anhauser. . . . - 4 _ .St. Louis. Beat's . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . Milwaukee. Sclilitz-Pilsnor _ . Milwaukee. Kruefs . Omaha Ale , Porter. Domestic and Rhine Wine. ED. MAJJKER , 1213 Farnnm St iinrfrlio D.Tcpi. lalotnu LIVER Bill KIDNEYS * Ullll Kl'.HTOlIE TIIIC HKAi.TiI and Vjaoil of VOOTIL 1J > - jn- HlreiiRth , curuil. lloncs , licrvtB rccclvo nuwiurco. r.llvoil ) the nilnil unit dupullcs Wralu I'oncr. BnirurlniMrom rol.ipliilntH pocullurtu tholruvv will llnU InDJUri' WTEll'SlKON TOWIO mfo und rni-cily euro. Sllvcs a clear , licnlUiy coiiiploxloii. Kruiiucnt fctf erupts nt of'r'/lf UnK only atlit lotlio popularity tirtliuorlKliiM , IJuuoluxporl- ' , . . . , , . . IlurtnrMed Co. Jlo..lor our "BUEAM UOOK. " uufal.U > formaUonfruo. DOCTOR 017 St. Charles S . , St. lonN , Mo , i ri IiiUr cr an l of w JeJle l Collnei , kn Irel'U lonj > treiinciitDr Cn > u ir , Kmoti , 8m U/HB Diiiiiul in ) otlirr I'lij.lrltn 111 BU tool" , ueJtj - . ow. IJorvous PiostrAllon , Debility , Mental nnd 'Physical ' Wcaknesi , Mercurial and other AH c lions ol Throat , Skin or Uoncs , Ulood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , no imtni iih op > reil < ial MK , OO Ulnl iltollllo pilDclr' , ' ! . K > rlr , l'llt ulj. Diseases Arising trum Indiscretion , Excojs , E > posure or Indulgence , bkii produM Mm or ib l lloiili' ( fdicUl bfr o iuc a , dttlUtj , dltf il of llfbt aDddidttlra lutmorj. i luplci .a tb r M , | > V/ileil doMj , trrilontotb * .oclrij r rfm l i , coorniJii ttridMiei4. rendering Marrlaxa Improper or unuinpy. mn l nBiin ll > euruJ , I'iupblet (8 ( | , frte to my . Coniuluilob at lMiir/lniM. nTe. Wtllo oi. A Positive Written Guarantee rlrci In ' ! curiUncMCi. tlrdlelnn lent ercrjuhm. ramphleti , Enallth or Uerman , 01 pacei. d . xcrlblnc obovo d" a eB , in male or female , t'KEH MARRIAGE CUBDE I XI pit M , floe rl > > < > - lll itr tt < l la lolli n4 jlll tlndlni 60emcuc7 ri' itM I i u , i | > ; r cettit. Il . Ibli Uol ioiiului . ll > eiirfoui , duuliirut or Ucjul.lclte t u w A U * < ! luiu t K > ua If A. BERG , M. Office , 211 South Htli trcet , o\et Schroter k 1'tchfi Apothecary formerly Dr. Oressman'n rc ldfnc , lUONotthlCthBt. OR , HORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT . . . . . . . . t IJIfri HC. Iflllf CIOIIIHI. ivt. v " " ' * uU "bo n clriclt/ < J wnKiitllini thiinmhibi ! ilj. iud CMi ! U rM.I > irg S to Wk ImU&l bU piUonU Winter UoouilDKtti MMonol the ) ear fcr fcchei act ! paint. In Uewtf tlili ftct wowy Imy oo o ! Jr. llrric'n fleclrlo IIolU Ily o doing youvrll rold KhcuuiUlno , Kldiioy Troublcn kiid oil tr Hit tint UwhUhilrVO , llo not d Uy > but call at oui fcUUwandtx&rulue belli , No. 1122 Itouiclm ttiett.f 1 U. r' OwjJic n' , U10f xnan > Bt.Oujal. lKeb. Of 0,0 -TKE BEST TONIC. medicine , combtnlns Iron wltli Mo lonlc < , niilrhly nnd romnlclcly 'nrrs llTiprpntn , initlarntlnnVrfiliiirnn , Iiiipiirnllnnili.lInlurlnClilIlMniiilI''CTcrK iinilNmrnlRln. . _ . Ills mi unfallliiff rcmcilj- Tar Diseases of the Klilncrn nnil I.trrr. It Is liivnHmbla ( or Jlfcn ) ci peculiar to Wonirn , nnil nil who Icml scdcntnry llici. ItilocinotiiijiirathotcctbcmisDlicnilnclicor prnilticft coiullpallon olAf Iran meillcinrulo Itcnrlclicinnd juirlflu thcMood , llmtilMc thonppctltc.ntils the n-nlmllatlon of fee < l , re lieves Hcntthiirn nnd Hclchlng , nnd strength cm the muwlr > nnd nerves. I'or Inlcrmltlcnt Kevcru , iJUjltudc , Ijicko Ilncrcy , Ac. , it IIM no eqiml. Cf Tlic rrnnltin IIM nlmvo trndo Jrmrk ntn' ' d lines on w rapper. T ko no other Ail Disputed la the BROAD CLAIM oi teliuili VERT BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND Jivcr offered to the public. HAMBUEG-AMEEIOAU Ooxxi.3pra.a3.-3r. DtREOZ LINK FOR ENGLAND , FRANCE AND GERMANY. The steamships of this well-known line are built of ron , In water-tight compartments , and are furnished - ed with every requisite to mike the pnwago both afo and agreeable. Thov carry the United Btatog nd European malla , and leava Now York Tlmrs- ays and Saturdays for 1'lymouth ( LONDON ) Out f. bounr , ( FAIUB ) and IIAUBUIIO. lutes : Steeri fo from Kuropo only (18. Flrit Cabin , | 55 , JOS and 76. Stccrtue , ( W. Henry I'undt , Mark Hanson , Y .E. Moorcs.M. Toft , Kentaln Omaha , OronowcK li Schoontgen , azontaln Council Dluda. 0. U : IUOUARD t CO. , ( Ion. 1'aen .RtB. , 81 Drocdway , 11. Y. Kozmlnnkl & Co- Doncral Western ARinU , 170 Waihlngton'ijt. , Ohloa ( { 0,111. , _ . . . . . . -Mn- . . „ 1 J | Chartered by thcStateof till. Unoli for thecxpres purpots tf of clvlnnlmmcdlato rclfetlB all chronlc.urmnrynnaprl- complicated formii , also all d' a of the fakln nnd pcrm.inentlycured by reme- \dlC'tCat'-dlnn-0r'W1'c ' 'J - - \ ' - ' 15/-'JK r/xf i&V'J&dM * tiicetoll'raetlre * Seminal . . . . . . .ncs . ItiKht Losaett by Dreams , Pimples on the Face.LoitMnnhood1"1" ' " > " ' . . < > i * . ( i , , , ( . . . . .I * . The appropriate ri.T.cdy .sot once used In each case. Consultations , per- or by letter , nacreilly confidential. P.Icd- clnen sent hv Moll nnd Express. No murks on tenure to-lndlcate contents cr sender. Addreia Unrunuo nnhllitw0,01' * t > * m iintrn . nooktiM. raUrVOUS UODIIIiyuiTUUAi uriieoyaiiou btN.T. $ 1,000.00 I [ YTIIiLbopaldtoany one who will find VV ol llcrcury , Potaah , Iodine , Arsenic , or any I'ol- lonoiu aubttaoco In JWIFT'S "I have cured Ulood Taint by the use ol Hwlft's 3poclflo alter I hrul most slirnally failed with tlio Horary ary anil 1'otaoh Treatment. F. A. TOOHEIl , M. D. Perry , Oa , "Swl't's Spoelflo has cured roe of Scrofula of 12 yeara stamllntr. Had eoros aa hive as my hand , and every ono thought I was doomed. Hnitt'it tipocllla rured mo alter iilijelclaim anil all other inedlclna had failed. ' 11. U II1Q1I , Lonuko , Ark. < B -f A nnr\w0"1' ' ' n0' purcha-so from u-o what tJMV/.UUU Swift's Hjioclflo has done for mo. It cudro tuo ol Ilhcumatlsm minted by malaria. " AKUII1K TlIOMAb , HprlOKaold , Tcnn. Our TreatUe on Ulood and Skin Dlieaact mailed free ppllouito to TUB SWIFT HPKCIFIO CO. Drawer B , Atlanta , da. N , V. Offlw , 1(9 W. 22d St. , between Bill anil 7tb Avounea. I'hlladeluliU ofllcxs 100 Chcwtnut t. I nEI'IlEBKNTH Photalt Anonnoo Oo. ( ol on , 0Mb Allot ) C5SSt,60 . eitoh oteiN. Y. , Oapllal .ODO.oof. iaeifercnints , of Newttk , K , I. , Capital 1,275,031. Uadolihla " , pltU l.SM , CCO. O r"t l . . . RED STAB LINE Belgian Boyiil mndU.S , M UHtemon SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWEEN NEW YORK AND ANTWERP rhtlU\intGcrmany , Italy , Holland and .France Steerage Outvard20 ; Prepaid froraAntworpln ; Eiourilon , JJD , Inriu Jluit boddlnfr , cto , Xd Cabin , V'O ' ; Round Trip , (90.00 ; Uicurilon , 9100 ; Saloon from lid lo | 30 ; Exourilon 110 to 1109. ter Wright * Sonl , Oen Atfenta. 61 Broad way N. Y. CililwtlU Ittinllton * Co. , Omaha. [ P. K. Flo nan 4 Co. , 03 N , loth Street , Omaha ; D. K. Klu all , OmUiaA "nti. od-ly Health is Wealth \ l > a. I" 0. Witar'a Nsnrs AND URAIN TiiiisuENT , a iruaruiUed nwcldo for Hysteria , 1) nlncw , Uoavul- lout , Klt , Kervuui NvuralgU , Iloadache , Ncr\ou l'io tr > tloii CAU'ixl by the u o olalcuhul or tobbaooo , Wftkcfulooui , tlentu diironlcin. SolUnlnK of thu btalu , roultluir In Intaully and Icoiiluij' to i l ory , doc * ) Mid death , Premature 01J age , uaroneuj , lom elK | ) trlii tlthcr KOI , IiivoluuUry Lonoj aud Hper * matoihoracauMid by o > erexertlantc ( the brain , twlf. uliuworovor luJuljtnoo. Kach box. ooiitalni one u ( inth's treatment , 8l.oO borer ill bottlcu lur H.IK ) , mnt by mallprtuld | on receipt ot prloa , WE OUAKANTKE BIX BOXKJ To euro iny case. With each order received by m for li bottle * , accomi'lUhod ' with ( i 00 , we will send I ha purchaser our written guarantee to refund thi > tnt ucy If the trvatineuidooi not ctteot a oure. 0u r- auteusliucJ only by JOHN 0 : WB3T & CO. , jTsS-ruJierV MJ atadlsou Ht. , CUIoaxo , ill. JAB. H. PBABOUY M. u , PHYBlOIAli & SUaGKOW UetMcnoo No. 1 tOT Jontu St. Office , No. 1BOJ Fat am tl Oittou h7ur < 1 m. to 1 P , ui. and romJK.U p.m. Tjtoy'iait lor oUcn 7J , mlicaoj , US n Country Scliool , I'rclty niulrno \ nnd lircd , Slio iti iri lifr ftlff lucked clmir , WIil'o ' tliebl 7ingMimmer un HM cs in < m her toft hrown hitr : And the llltlo Jirnok wllhotit , Tlint f lie licnrn thrnugli tlio open door , Mocks with Itfl mttnncrconl , JInid bench nnd dusty flee : . It > ocmi an endless round , Grntnrnnrand A U 0 , The blnckboird ftnd the gitmi , The ntupld Kergraphy ! When from toncher to litllo .Hm , Not onn of them cnrea n utrnw Wlicthoi' Muhn" h in any "cate , " Or Kani.ia in Omahn , Tor Jimmio's bare brown feet , Are nililng to wade In the stream , Wioro the trout to hh Ittrlng Imit , Shall Icaji with a quick , blight gleam , Ana hit teacher's bltin eyes stray , To the flowers on the ile k hard by Till her thoughts have followed her eye * , With a half unconscioui sigh , Her heart outruns the clock , As she smclU their faint , sweet Bcent , But when have tin c and heart Their moaiuro In tiblson blent , For titno will haito or lug , Like your shadow on the grau , That lingers far behind , Or Hies when you fain would pas . Have patlonco restless Jim , Tlio and fish will wait , And patience , tired bltio eye. ' , Down the winding road by the gate , Under the willow shade , Htands seine nno with fresher flowcrf , So turn to your books ogaln , And keep love for thu after hours. IIONKY FOll TIIK Thu newest Parisian fiincy in earrings art silv or elephants set with precious Rtunci nni tncaatttlbtr from one lo two Inches , An Indiana school loachor arrested n man Trr kissing her without iwrmissloa. Verdict Not guilty on account of Insanity , 3)rots ) _ buttons inado of pearls , both black and whitu ; of blocd stones , rubles and other ireclous atonei , nro nmoi/g / the newest fan cit . The full cmpiro puffed sleeve , reaching Tom the shoulder to below lha flbsw , torml * tiatlng Ihcro in n deep trill , has boon rovlvct In 1'aris. .Toweled gold bands nro worn about the an lo by some wealthy young ladies. The fashion H only proper for the hottso , and many of the anklets nro made of bracelotu , The hali nnd bonnclu of llio coming season ire contradictions of each olhcr. Thti hats are argowllh lall lapo.lng crowns and medium width brims , whllo the bonnets are small. A Duluth man uho was jonlous of bis wifa ltd her buatlo so ns to keep her at homo , nnil the papom Bpoak of it aa "an outrage worthy of the dork ages , " SapphircH are coming into favor for bridal iowclry. One of the prettiest designs for at ) enragement ring Is a hoop of twisted gold , col with two interlinked hearts of sapphires , sur rounded by pearls. Braids of all kinds and widths , silk and woolen ; or covered with raited work In cho- nlllo or velvetin stool , jit , silyor or gold , will Dgaln this season bo a favorlto trimmiug for dresses , wraps , and 03 a garniture for both round hats and bonnets. A novelty in foil bonnets shows the brims overed with embroidered bands , and flowers in the ground ; done in the color of the felt vith a lllt'q tinsel effect. Sumo seal nnd thor fur brims nro also seen , nnd will bo worn i'trlng mid-win lor. 'Oh I do so dale on the sea , " she gurgled. 'If you only had n yacht , Augustus dear ! " "I mvo no yacht , Wilhulmina , " ho sighed , "but cangivoyotia little smack. " And then it omided as if a cork had flown out of a but- Ic. Narrow bracelets and rings , set all around vith rubicn. are among the newest fashions in owelry. Tha bracelets nro largo nod worn vcr the glovo. Owl-honds maOo entirely ol ubies , are among the , .lnH , nnd staru , beotlca xnd frogs uru also worn. Paris Beacon : A Pnrli girl Icitaed a drum- ner no hard thut It blow thu gold filling out of wo of her ( Uoth and thatloicd her gloss eye and stopped the etght-diiy clock across the trcot. yho hadn't had very much experience ither. Some of the tallor-mado costumes of the atcst desciiption bavo the full lint-pleated yatorfall urnpery In the back , handsomely , incd with velvet or satiu of a phado contrast- : ig or harmonizlog with ono of the shades of lie figured woolou fabric terming the coatum ? . Many of the newly Imported fabrics attest o the coining popularity of yellow , and In rons goods various shade * of this color are hewn , deep belgo verging on orange , is mado' ' p In combination with certain ricli shades of jrown , the result being most harmonious , A lovely lambrc < iuln for a long shelf is made of dark crimson folt. It is finished on the ' docs not trtko a great deal of time to do The fashion of Adding removablu paniera to o any dress of suitable material , such as silk r velvet , M convenient ono for transforming moderately plain gown into quito a- drossy no. The paniors nro madu of piece laca , to vhlch t rulllo of wide Inco is added ni a finish o the edge. Some of the silver collet-necklaces worn are ladoin square links. These are engriiTcd vith various quotations and n. jmyrams of ritndi. Quarters and dimes that have seen irvlco on bnnglo hracelets are oho niadu into leao necklaces , which are worn cloao mound 10 neck outsldo the , Astrakhan borders many of the new tailor- lailu jiicketH. These ure made rbort , und ark Neapolitan red cloth is in much xequeit ir them , hut thd choicu of this uotur reudern . iiecesnary to select only inch cottturned aud oiinetB as may properly bo worn in conjnnc- ion , unions , of course , ihowardrobu mlinitaof umy cliangus , The newest crinolines to wear beneath the i-aterfidl drapery nro made of gray hair-cloth vith graduated lloimruH up the bock , or of tout gray linen , with honvy Btuola run into lie widohenid nf euch llouncn , aud so arranged hut they can bo slipped out and the akirt voshod. Stout elastic bands keeps the skirt n plaro and help to distoa thu steeled rullles Beneath thu drapery of the druss , Mon have various vlnlotis htiblls tippling , mokinpr , playing billiards , und ftoqnontiiirf ho ] > eel rooms , Tliu chief fominlno vice con- IsU in looking in at thn stora windows and earning for that which she Is nniiblo to pur- huse. It has Ixien eatimatoii that it roqulroj no hundred bourn hard shopping for a woman 0 buy a calico droaa thut la worth 81,12 when t in madu up. A novelty in the shape of a pin-cushion la nailu iu the form of a work-bag. I tin nearly quart ) . It U faced with pink bilk , the coyer- tig being of olive plush. Ou the upper side bu spray of ildueraiu aniseuo embroidery ust a ro e and buds , or some similar simple k'Blgn. Thu bag is shirred , and u pink bow niton over the lOilrriug , ThU m y hang bo > ildo th toilet-table or lie upon the dressing , case. It id u pretty ornament , and it may bo used an advantage over mauy ornamental cushions. A Brooklyn woman , who was lately drenched by the couteuU of u itrvat nwiiiug which the proprietor had neglected to empty ) ( accumulated rainwater , his MUUI ! htm for $250 damages. The bill of particulars was made up ax follows ; Bonnet , iH'J ) dress , § ! > , jlovcs , S2 ; medicine , 87 ; loss of time , S'J5 ' ; Liudiiy imm and BUlforin , $ lThn noticeable - able thing about this bill is the small value of , ho dry goods iis couip.iml with the cstimato set on the owner's tluiu und uen ibllitie. . Manila are to bo very long and elaborately trimmed. The iiewvtt matoilal Is patterned withvehet ill ral\ed de igm , u fuvotilo being tho'Vlg-zug" suggest ho of forked lightning. Them are wlio fuzzy / ' and geometric na mes that impark t goupral idea of crtMikoduosa The < fr , hormonioui lliiwer oullinuj once o ixijiular tfoiit this poaiou to bo quitu over looked , 'IhuninvmuterlaU are of a rather rough woolen suUi'.ance , itenicly black , which xluiHii tip the velvet pattern in liij-.U relief , Chenello frlofo * arc used us tiimiuings for winter mnntliB madoc < f the new faltic. Bomo rtm.irkably natty husiti-kckets are 1 own this seaaon , muuy haiidiomely b aidiHl , other * with bmidi of Astrakhnu fur outljiug the ogf ! Yory chlo und 'jaunty thocu look , and would suem to lit lo perfect on. TUB iine t of them ate marfu in black , uoldou bro u , ( t l , or mvrtlu-gittuu eUUic cli/tlu , tritumed with uiarubout , thu notvust kind bniug beauti fully tlmded nd very pleulng ; m etlcct. Ladles have loaned by pad oxpetlenco , however over , that it' f nlss rcotioniv to buy nny bn real feather trimming ; the best oemg ccr tainly the cheapcft. IJcii' Nip. The Temperance men , as you may gueis , Kcquettod mo their clnn tn ble s ; I lot their nomination flip. Wnll , rather yes , I do confesi I gomotimcg take n little nip. MnrcliHiK Homo. Oh , IJlalno rosy boast and Cleveland brip , And Butler smllo and nU the wag , And parlies fight and foam ; Oh , thyme and talk about your men ; You'll feel a little different whnn St. .Tobtiny comes marching homo ! I > HOP3. Tradpfmen in Mndag-vcar who givn short weight are sent to prison for n yoar. In tin country they go to a watenng-plnco every summer , Hank runners in Philadelphia are mrssen gora whocairy chocks , funds , etc. , from bank to bank. In Now York , the bank runners nro mostly cashiers. A Now Jersey pirl in charged with having two husbands , ono a plumber and the othe : an ice man. She was evidently doterminci to roll In wealth nil the year round. "A California farmer his had to pay r fine of 810 for knocking his hired man down will a bunch of grapes welching ten ) bounds. I was chcui-cr than hunting around lor a rock. ' Dr. Hammond tays a woman's beauty tie ponds on the amount and quality of the bee nnd mutton she eati. Perhaps thla Is why seine boatding house landladies look BO tough. The English syslem of eating five meals a day ii being Introduced Into this ( ountrv. This will give public officers something to do whilothoy ire not breakfasting , dining or suppiug. Gllroy. Cal. , lias a model jmltco of the peace. Ho recently fined a man SO for being drunk , and took In payment thereof n ono- bladed j ck-knlfo , a deck of cards , nclay pipe a day's labor , DO cents In cash nnd a premise to pay the balance the next timu ho came to town , A Galveston darky niOtod breathlessly into a doctor's ofh'ca and oxclalmod : "C.iine on doctor , right off. Dar is toinobody who is it on awful n'x laid up in bed agroanin' and ngroanln1. " 'Whois It ? " "Its mo. Yet see , bois , I didn't hab nobody to send , BO I como myself. " The Digger Indians Imo incurred our everlasting lasting animosity by predicting an "open winter. " When the Jligger Indians promise an open winter , t o wealher h cold lhat irqu hitching.posti split open and hero nro six wcolis of down-to-zero weather in January. A man in Montreal linn boon sued for rail ing another a "dudo " The plaintiff's action prove * conclusively that ho wai not what he nnd been called. A thorough "dude" would have struck thu olfet.dcr real hard with a toothpick nnd told him to go away. When n tolcgraph dispatch states ttat dur ing a cyclone lomtistoens were carried out ol a cemetery across the strnet by the wind , wo don't know which astonishes un the most-tho strength of the wind or the lying ability of thoman | , who sent the dispatch. It appears , however , that none of the coffins were blown out of the graves. A pa sengor in i\n Arizona railroad twin was arrested by n sheriff for a minor offence a short tlmo ago , Seeing n judge playing poker In tbosmokiug-car with n brace of oloticls , the shot iff prevailed upon him to stop the game and try the prlsiner 'I ho judge did so , fined the prisoner 10 and before nu hour had passed awuy had cleantd out every colonel nel on the train. Then ho played n little tramo with the late prisoner , who promptly won all tha judge's pile and not up the driuku for the crowd. The Chinese O. bring mo n map cf the neat of war ! I hear the guns on tlio rtvor Mini I want to see where the niisplea toro Through far Poo-chow with a devil's din. Just show mo Ko-lung and Sinon-choo ; And where , O where , can bo Kin-to chlng , Chow-choo , Chang-chow , and where Cha-oot Is Ilinm-wha tar from o'd ' Yen-ping ? ' [ Philadolphl Tress. Sorry lie atnjod. ' 'I will " he "and sing stay , sant ; my lay , While slumber soalu your eyes ; And the deep still ni bt will chaao the c'ay Away from the star-lit .ikies. "I will wako and ring till the mornirg star Snail glow In the Kastoru eky" But ho didn't ; the d.ig woke up just then Aud Rmoto him hip und thigh. [ Louisville Courier Journal. ML'BIOALi AND DIKVMATIO. Janauschek is ploying to good houses n Philadelphia. Edwin Booth begins a series of representa tions in Berlin in February. The coming season will V > e a genuine fare- rell tour of the Boston Ideal Operu company. Agnes Hwnlington , the contralto , has ar- anped for n , concert tour through New Eng land , Fanny Davenport will Appear in Denver on text Monday as the heroine of Sardou'u great Iroma , "Fedora. " Koso Kytingo has purchased i\ new comedy Irnma entitled "Aunt Kmily , " She will play t first in San Francisco , December 13. Mlnnlo Mnddurn has been secured by Clias. frohman , She will stur under his mtmniro- noiit for throe yetrs. Her tour becrimi No * rembcrSO , with "Cnprico. " Sadlo Mattlnot has been pecially engaged o play Fuchsia lU'acli , the American girl , in 'JSloths/'duiiiift the engagement ol the Wul- uck Oiiiiipiiny at the arar.d opera house nnd 'eoplo's theatre , in Now York , and wliuu buy appear in Brooklyn. A Now York writer cruelly says of Lotta : 'Kvery year that i nddodto _ Aties IiitU's ifo appears to make about toia relative change n the ulnvation of her nkirts. If she remains in tlio ttage about four years lonffr ( ; under his f-yttem , her pottiaoats will be worn al- no t uxclunvely nbove her waist. " "Do I know McCullough ? " Bald Manager ftmmermvi yoatorday ovoning. "Of conr u 1 Jo ; poor follow , I remember in San Fian- iibcu when he wax manager of thu California .heater. 'Genial John' everybody called lim. Hn was well ell too hi * rheck was rood for Si.TO.000 nt any time. " Minnia llauk was recently thn object of narked attention on too part of the crown > rincoof Germany. On ho- way to Prague iho rusted i t the Bayrlscho Hof , In Nurem- > org. The Hume day the crown prince visited .lim picturcsqne town and stopped at tin san.e lotelhoro lie honored thopilma donna with \ vinit. Col , Maploaon has ttiumpliod nnd Now Vork will u0Min nnjoy the delialiti of the Itul- un oper.i at tlio Academy. Tha stockhuldars laving wisely , at a meeticfr last Thursday , ro- jolvod as suggested Itv the Mnrcury some weeks ago , to ossu. * * thu itockholders boxes und iw.its on Patti and Ml wm nielits so that in additional < SOCOO may ba secured to the mipioisanofor the season's enterprise. Several of the leading actors aiid manai'ets of London nro organizing a theatrical ex- uhaugu v > ith view of tr niacting builnexj without intormediailos. It is propostd to pro vldo a building which ahull servo ns u reu > dizvoua forall registered member * of the pro fession , and to arrungo engagomoiits and dates in the B mm way as Is uow done by scores of scatteied druuiatlo ugonciou. The enlorprHu Is lo bo on Ufa ro-oporntivu principle , ami Us promoter ) behove that it will bo ivot only self supporting , but remunerative. In Februiry and March n wries ol irrand concoitj will bo given at Monixo , at tvhich a p iftict galaxy of prime dotiuo will at pear. Not only MoidaJUCa Krauns , ( . 'aroliuu rfalla and I'lifei-UuvricH , but Kmma Nuvuda. the lining slur , and Christina Nili-non , the abiding planet , will ilaiilu the beLoldeid and charm the earn of nil , 1'auro , the incomparable batitone , U to have $12,000 fur the twelve cono3tta , CONNUUlAltlTlKS , Ml s Oanlo A tor will return to Now York im October 20th to propirt ) for her vddm ; , A young man by tha name of Bwect waQ re- ceiitly murrii-d ton Mind ICnox. She get's the s\\eoU and ha will et the knocbi. Th mknUgu f Civu. Alex. MoD. Co.k.U. S. Army , and Mls Annie Colt.of Mtl atikLe , was pnlcbrated nt Naih tnh Tit sday. Itev , Dr. Ktinp r and B'uhc p Welles officlatinv. A level heidcd young American girl , who was recently n-nriled ton lawyer In Kngiali'l , previous to the weddirR iilneed'hcr forttmo in tliolmnds of trustees for lici inillvldual bene fit. Her fathfr was r Nnw Yorker who be came wealthy in thodiitidery business. The latc t style in innrrlapro ceremonies Is for thobrido to comn up tlio aisle of the church nlono , while the bridegroom Mioiks In at the clmncol door nnd m et her at the altir. Wo 1'rotest ogalnclthis fashion It croatcs nmas- cullno pri'dispo itlon'to bo henpecked. fllur- llncton Free Press. A young man nnd woman in Udlnburg wcro lined a shilling nplcco for falsely stating In the presence of witnesses that they wcro husband and wife. According to the Scotch law , when persons nro thus convicted of pretending tending to bo married they are thereby Har ried in tpito of thcmsolvc * . A wedding in high Ufa occurod in New York last week. Grace Church was well filled by a Fashionable gathering to witness the marriage of Miss Leonie Jerome , daughter of Mr Loon * ird Jerome , to Mr. John Leslie. The groom Is a son of S r John Lcsho , of ( ilivsloiigh , Ire land , and a lieutenant in the Grenadier Guards. A Boston youog Jady was proposed to by the aid of a typo-vvr.ter. Ho said ho conMd- orcd she miRht want the thing framed. This ics of tlio certificates of birth of the now mem ber * of the family ns they arrive , the walls ef my lady's baudoirc'uild supply very oetcrlain- jug rcfulinp. Only if n follow wanted to deny it n printed proposal would bo an document. E ? A well-known Urtro't clergyman who hn ono of the la'gcst rongregntiouH in town , n nn well M tlio largest c\pncity to npnrociato a joke , relates Hint ono day last week ho wa called on to marry a couple. His cnteclifci of the prospective bridegroom was ontlsfactory nnd lie thou turned his attention lo Iho Indy ' Have you ever been innrricd ? " was asked "Yes. tir. " "Husband doud } " "No , dr. " ' .Aio you divorced ? " 'N-no-not exactly , but I'm just ns treed divorced ! My husband left mo , nnd beside ; MU never paid the minister for marrjin' us. ' IJelvu. Belvci on n trlcyclo , Blnino on n boom immonic , G. Cleveland squirming un a rail , And Duller on Iho funce. [ Burlington 1'reo Press , Ho Can't Hwfm. ] 3ob Inscrfoll would like the placa Of President , I ween ; Oh , how hla chubby , chornb fao Would glen * , could ho but win the race IJut "Jordan rolls between. " A Now York fish dealer displaynd a Inrgi ilatter of ralnion eggs from the llestigoiichi iver that lo ked oxnctlv like ripe currauts , md they were labeled"JCng.ish icd currants. ' Many n purchaser picked up one , tailed it nnd walked silently away. Kate Smuhoy , n young lady of Fort Plain , N. Y , who claims to have fasted for 201 days , vill probably pay the penalty of her foolish mattrdmu with her life. She Is said to bo in a very weak condition , hardly able lo BCD or , a'k , and there is little chance of her ro covory. Clmnliors county , Alabami , has n ten-year old negro girl who lus been gradually do veloplnp into a white girl for Ilia past Ihreo : ears. The doctors May eho h a lucopathia , an acquired nonhoredltary infection of the flkin caused by omo derangement of tlio nervous ystein. A curious neoillo , says the Toronto Glebe is n pofssssinn of Queen Vlct.ria. It was made nt the celebrated needle manufactory at Ked- litch , and represents the Trojan column in niniature. Scenes of tbe Queen'a life are do- ncled on the neeiilo so finely > ut and so email hat thov are only discernable through the nicroHcopo. The largest photographs In the world will 3 on eshibitlui nt the New Oileans Kxposl- ; ion. They are views of tbo public buildings n Washinpttn taken by ordrr of the govein- Bient. They are five feet wide by even feet eng and have been framed in finely finished ash frames with a gold lining. Some nf the customs of the Thibetan * are ery curious. At patting a junior person takes K his cap , bows , and puts his tongue out. .hey pull their cheeks in order to show stir- criso. Turning the big finger means approval nd turning up the little finger means the eon- rnry. The real of the fiugers signify an in- d iforont quality of thing or person. All the non and wotnon smoke. The nomadic Thl- iclans do not bury Iheir dead , but throw hem to wild beasts ahd birds of prev. In the apital of Thibet the clergy men decide SB to lie disposal of o dead body , whether It shall le burned , or thrown into the river , or buried r left as a prey for beasts and birds. LooicroiiT , N. Y. , October 2. Mrs. Seoley , ving in the town of Surdinia , between the orks of the Catt rgin and the ftot of Lord till , Hometimo since complained of pain In or arm. Dr. Go. N. Kingman , of Sardinia , ificovored tlmtthero were nee ) les in the mus es. He applied a poulrico and a few days fterwards took out several needles. This wa epeatcd. The other arm wan similarly ifccted and likewlso treated , vith like result. it last accounts ho had taken from the wo- lan'n aim forty-six needles , or points , others vero broken nt both ends , reseinbleng pieces i wire. The case is niystorloua. The woman alma to bo unaware ot how or when the need- ei wore Introduced into h system. Dan Karons , Whnn lovely woman takes a notion With n brir-k to hit ticat _ , A 1'uiniiif ' ; houav , n racing ocenn Were u fuc tbfer vput than that ! Sei/.o hcrii | | k , eecurn nnd bind her , I'.ro ' the inUilo ditu f < ho throivs ; Or' 'lit like , some one behind her Gets it full upon thn nine. [ Detroit IfreoProsft. A midnight lai'.sion has ! > : < : n utarfced in hlcago. Jl ) , L. JIowlji , the ovangohiit , will be in > wa during thuinter , Tha annual conference rf tlio Unltutl rethera of Cirint ! iu being held in Sacnt- nento. The savunty-fiftl annivorxary of the Ainori- 111 hoard uf commiuiunurs fur foreign inln- oiis Is now i i Beaiion nt Columbus , O. Kentucky has 1,2H7 , Bipt'st ' clmrcnes. In man the baptism ! ) durlng ho pasta year num. ured li.Oliii , amltho not guin in mouibera was 053. The brick work on the cathedral at Van- on ver , W , T , , will be completed In a. few ayx Work un the interior hrws been com- Bishop. Varro nf Montreal duaouneus thn D.Ulioliu union of the Xnighta of St. John as a ort of If'rfouioaon society , and therefore coiu- ig uud r the ban of the church. Tha society of Frlouds reports a total moin- lernlii in this tountry of about 75,000 , aud n Gruut Britain and Iieluud abotit 17,0.0 , 'bey carry nn coiibideruble misilon work. Atlanta , G . , U to have n grand tabernacle o uo'uiiimoJ.iUi people who ure not regular lunch goers. It n u.\pictod tn cost * l 0,0(10 ( , uul Konittpr ll'Josvn bus subscribed isj.OOj ov/anlt ths amount. The diocese rU Floilda Is the ouly oniv In the \a\eric.m Protestant Kpiscupal cliuich in which there IB. not a tinglu church or chapel v hern pews IUB ranted or sold. Tim otfortory its ruvcnuv , H At its recent Benson the IKitroIt Methodist ihiiiQipal eonfo'ome ordered u beries of ills- rtut ceiitom ial conventluas lo bo held thU all. Tim first ut these u ill bo held Nov IS und ' "Jin tha Garlaud Street church nt Flint The eldest church ol Kng'lsh culgin in this countty is in the Ulo of Wight county , Va. , and it was Luilt , it U tin ugnt , in lloi , and c f imported brick * , The thick walls and to'er ' am ttill tirm , but the windows , doors , and in terlor woodwuik are gone. j iThU year being tha centenary of the organ ! ration U the MeilioJUt church in thU country independently nf thu Kuglii-h Wotleyan body , tlio bout hi rn Methodist church is commoinor- litiuv it by cvntemtry contributions , The amount ralnd up to thu parent time Is S 181. 181.Tho union camp meeting at Union clinch on Blue Jtidgc , Fall county. Texas , which lifted nine days , c' 3 d with Rood result * . The napllsto , Methodists , Prejbyterlans and Cumberland Prosbjtfrians look p it In il and U was cmritd on by Ihe pridMs ii chat go of Iho ro'p'-ctlvo churches. The untisuil soectaclf was wllnpspod nt Lo- pan pnrt rccr > nlly of thitlv-fivo Immersions in Lei rlvtr 1 he persona bnptized wore con verts to the Sovcntli-day A uv enlist faith , and were gathered into the fold ut the camp meet ing now being held in that city , and which in attended by nliont tovcn hundred people from all over Indiana , A I'Yiolnuui's AVlBli. The coachman mnnies Iho l''y. ' Her father would rather a duke , But if I wore that elegant coachman I'd rather nave married the cook. JIM Bnoxsos' , 3 Vltnl Questions II ! Atk the moil tmincnt physician. Of wiy acliool , what is the beat thine in the world for quieting nnd nllnying nil irritation of the nerves , nnd curing nil forma of nervous complaints , giving nat ural. childlike refreshing nlcup nlwnynt And they will tell you unhesitatingly "Some/mm oflToptW CIIAI'TFn I. Ask nny or nil of the moat ominontphy aiciana : "What is the boat nnd only remedy that can bo relied oil to euro nil diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs ; such as Briht'a ; disease , diabotoa , retention , or inability to retain urine , nnd nil the dis eases and ailments peculiar to Women" "And they will toll you explicitly nnd emphatically "JJuchuJt/ " Ask the snmo physicians "What is the most reliable and unrest euro for nil liver diseases or dyspepsia ; constipation , indigestion , billiousncss , malaria , fever , ague , it c , , "mid they will toll you : MandraM or DaruMion\\\\ \ \ \ \ " Hence , when thcso remedies arc combined with others equal ly valuable And compounded into Hop Dlt'cr * fucli a non- dtrlul &nd mynterloUR curatho ponder is dovolopatl , nMch Iisovaricdln Ui operations that no disease or 111 hcilth can possible cxUt or rcalat Its iiowcr , and yet It Is Harmless fcrtlio most frail woman , Id or smallest child to uso. CHAPTER II. "Patients "Almost ileid or nearly d For years , nnd given up by physicians of Bright'a and other kidney diseases liver complaints , Bovcro coughs , callec consumption , have been cured. Women yone nearly crarj/HH ! From ngony of neuralgia , nervousness vrakefulness , nnd various diseases peculiar liar to women. People drawn on tot ehapo from axcruclatlngpang ot rheumatism , lnllnuir.tory nnd chronic , of auuoriL Irom scrofali. " altrlicum hlood lioI. and , In fact , almost all diseasui Iran N.Uuro la heir to Have been cured by Hop Hitters , proof of whtcl can bo found In evoij ne'gluurhood la the knonn wotM. firNonogemitncwlthouta hunch of treon Hop : an too white label. Shun nil Iho vllo , poisonous stiu" with "Hop" or "UopB" li their name. For the Cure of all diseases of Horses , Catt.e , Sheep DOGS , HOGS , POULTllY. Used successfully for 20 years l > y Far mers , Stockbreeders , Jlorso IMl. , Ac. lliulnrscil t iisrdby the U.S.Governm'l. iiliI | ( > Ls .tCImrs ( Kent frep.-Ss " HUMPHREYS' ' MEDICINE CO , , 109 Pulton St , Wow York. HuVnphreysJ Homeopathic use 30 ypnrs. The only miccewiful remedy for . . . -mtruinJ on receipt of . . , , , - - . . " , II iMIil r ) yH'riom MixllclnoCOM 10'J KiillouSt. . . Lvora & MEALY & Zttonroo StB. , \Vlllieol > oa their DAND CATALOGUE , br Ib-l.HOingei. StW engnu Ings' ' of lailrumenti , SuiLi , Cap * , Hells,1 ' - ritui filajor1 ! StKtli a IUU , Sundry llan i OntliU 'MmterUli. * liO lacluJM loitructloa F.sircUen for Amataur HinJi.aod & Cat- , * ljac cf choice ti&M niutd paailedfrter ffrn > fil ipiwllilnc toulo if yjuiiltt ) Cror ( TJOW uirtaC ) " * ufll , M ri Iif fp i , l > Utib < r * , lt r M < 4 Aiuv , w.t i Mi of i MII ) * r tut to ftll mninitr . ( rink * Irj tl. i f iatiLU Vlu tilt jour KT'wr .r tlttiKi > it for tWoni'1 K.krajriuHitvi"t / u 11 fcitoir.Ticu\t ; . j. v ; . 7l7 ? : Iu.ulTi : COLS ACSIII * Protection. No such protcctlvo aaliikt | chllliiaril fe > cr and othur ( Uiiasot ola malarial tjj ) exUt- a > II stottor'd Stoin. ach Hitters. It ray liter iliionlcrs rhoti- nutismkliliicy and bltdder nlluentf. with certainty and irompt i tuilc. A claoi ; a * gratifying aoltu complcto noon takeiplacoiu thoap l < caranco , as well us thueeniatlon ol the wan and hazard In \alM , wlio lines thlu standard protootcf of health and atrenth | { tor eaVe y a'l ilril morally CHE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER f , tSUOOKSTOItS TO TJIJI J. M. 1J. & ft CO.M'it ) The uicMt rxtenGlve mtnulncturvn ol IN TIIK WOULD , Johu HockttrMsor General Agent or Neljr&ska an vV'wUru Iowa. X ) S. Tenth Strottl . . . . OMAHA , NBB arPilcei ot UUliartl and Pool TMtt aad mct ul3 umUhd on Tlio remarkable growth of Omahn during the hst fovr years ia n matter of great astonishment to these who pay nn occasional visit to this growing city. The development of the Stock Yards the necessity of the Bolt Line llond the finely paved streets the hundreds of now residences nnd costly business blocks , with the population of our city moro than doubled in the last five years. All this is n great surprise to visitors nnd is thp admiration of our citizens. This rapid growth , the business activity , nnd the ruany substantial improvements made a lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every Investor has made n handsome profit. Since the Wall Street panic last May , with the subsequent cry of hard times , there has boon less domaud from specula- torn , but n fair demand from investors seeking homos. This latter class nro taking advantage of low prices in building - ing material nnd nro securing their homos at much loan cost than will bo possible n year hence. Speculators , too , can buy real ontato cheaper now and ought tj tnko advantage of present prices for future profits. The next foyr years promises greater developments in Omaha than the past five years , which have been as good ns wo could reasonably desire. .Now man ufacturing establishments and largo job bing houses are added almost weekly , and all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many in Omaha and through out the State , who have their money in the banks drawing a nominal rate of n- terest , which , if judiciously invested in Omahn real estate , would bring them much greater returns. Wo have many bargains vrhich wo are confident will bring the purchaser largo profits in the near futuro. We have for sa'e the finest resi dence property iu the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots utieason- ablc prices on Sherman avenue , 17th , 18th , lith ) and 20th streets. West on Farnam. Davenport , Cumins , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Fnrnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the linest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of th street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in the western part of the city rt'ill increase in value. Wo also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part ot the city. The levelopments made in this section jy the Stoclc Yards Company and ; ho railroads will certainly double ; he price in a short time. Wo also have some fine business ots and some elegant inside resi- leuce for sale , Parties wishing toiavestwill find omo good bargains by calling on u ESTATE 213 South 14th St. Between Fnrnlium unel Douglas. P. S. Wo nak those who have iroperty i'or sulo at : i bargoin to give is u callWe want ouly bargains. kVo > vi 1 positively not handle prop- rty at u ore than its real value.